HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 09/17/2012 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
Committee Chair Elizabeth Albertson and committee member Dennis Higgins were
present. Councilmember Dana Ralph was absent. The meeting was called to order at
4:09 p.m.
Albertson noted that she had Ralph's concurrence on all action items.
Item 1 — Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated August 20, 2012:
Higgins MOVED to approve the minutes of August 20, 2012. The motion was
SECONDED by Albertson and PASSED 3-0, with Ralph's concurrence.
Item 2 — Information Only/SE 223Id Drive/SE 224th Street Neighborhood
Traffic Concerns:
Councilmember Albertson noted that she had letters from Kathy Michelson and Robin
Clark who live in the neighborhood, but were unable to attend the meeting, but
wanted their concerns to be heard. Residents in the neighborhood along SE 223rd
Drive/SE 224th Street corridor, between 116th Avenue SE and 132"d Avenue SE have
expressed concerns about vehicle speeds and cut-through traffic. These concerns
were heightened by a fatality collision on August 22, 2012.
The following citizens voiced their specific concerns regarding traffic in their
• Mathew Richner
- One of the first people on the scene of the fatality accident
- Has talked about the speeding issues with Councilmember Higgins in the past
- Collected 73 community signatures to slow people down with speed bumps or traffic
- Need to put in something to impede the traffic
- Would like to see speed bumps put in
Barb Bennum
- Can hardly get out of her driveway because of speeding cars
- Noted there have been two fatalities in the past 12 years. One of which was a child
- Need more Police Officers that watch the area
- Asked if the neighborhood needed to pool their money together to get something
- Asked that if there is going to be something done, do it in a timely manner
- Feels one lawsuit would cost much more than a traffic device
- Has noticed Metro buses and School buses speeding in the area
- Feels that even 5 miles per hour over the limit is too much in a residential
• Wade Schwartz -
- Encouraged his neighbors to join the neighborhood council. He is happy to get his
information out to everyone. He would like to see this get going as quickly as
Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
- Too many people blowing through the stop signs and speeding. Something needs
to be done.
• Jenny Smith
- People speed on the entire street
- Asked if the placement of the speed counter could be moved to where she feels
people speed more.
- Has witnessed accidents numerous times.
- Someone totaled her husband's vehicle while parked in their driveway
- Need to figure out how to slow people down
• Ken Kauffman
- Mailman in the area for 28 years
- People blow through Stop signs on a regular basis
- Would like to see speed bumps put in near the Stop signs
- It would be a good idea to put a speed camera in high speed areas similar to the
cameras they have in School Zones
• Barbara & William Lindow (spoke separately)
- Have lived in the area for 25 years
- Road is twisty and used as a cut through
- Noted that there are four schools within a 6-8 blocks area
- Has witnessed numerous accidents involving property damage
- Doesn't feel a roundabout is going to help slow people down
- Worst time 5pm to 11pm at night with Friday and Saturday's being the worst time
- Some speeding motorcyclists
- Nothing could have stopped the drunk driver
- Offered to let Officers park near their driveway to catch speeders
- Young girl that was killed pulled out and didn't stop at the stop sign, motorist was
not speeding
- If you are stupid enough to speed you are stupid enough to pay the ticket
Chad Bieren, City Engineer noted that he and Rob Knutsen had met with residents on
site Wednesday, September 12, 2012. From that meeting it was decided that an
additional speed and volume study would be conducted in the area.
There is a neighborhood meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 3, at Sunrise
Elementary School, in the library, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Higgins noted that the area was annexed in July 2010 and that shortly thereafter, Mr.
Richner contacted the City about the speeding and traffic in the area. The
neighborhood had tried for several years to get King County to help with no results.
Knutsen provided a map of the area with the following statistics:
Westbound on SE 223rd Drive in 2010, 1,175 vehicles per day traveled the roadway at
33.5 miles per hour
Westbound on SE 223rd Drive in 2012, 1,213 vehicles per day traveled the roadway at
33.3 miles per hour
Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
Eastbound on SE 223rd Drive in 2010, 1,155 vehicles per day traveled the roadway at
32.7 miles per hour
Eastbound on SE 223rd Drive in 2012, 1,169 vehicles per day traveled the roadway at
30.6 miles per hour
Knutsen reminded everyone that if they see speeding in the area to call 911 and state
that it is a non emergency related to speeding in the area.
Information Only/No Motion Required
Item 3 — Information Only/General Traffic Calming - Update:
Rob Knutsen, Transportation Engineering Specialist, noted that three neighborhoods
are working through Phase 2 of the Residential Traffic Calming Program (RTCP).
Those three areas have met the criteria to be considered for a physical change to their
roadway, either traffic circles or speed humps. Knutsen provided a shortened version
of his PowerPoint presentation.
Information Only/No Motion Required
Item 4 — Public Works Trust Fund Loan Approval:
Sean Bauer, Interim Water Superintendent stated that he was there to request
authorization for council to sign the Public Works Trust Fund Loan in the amount of $2
million to help finance the Tacoma Regional Water Supply System filtration plant.
Higgins stated that he had been there on a tour and that this has been planned for
quite a long time and that this is the last contribution to the project.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign an
agreement with the Washington State Public Works Board for a $2-million
Public Works Trust Fund Loan to help finance the Tacoma Regional Water
Supply System filtration plant, upon approval of the language therein by the
City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED
by Albertson and PASSED 3-0, with Ralph's concurrence.
Item 5 — Consultant Services Agreement/Gray & Osborne, Inc. - Guiberson
Reservoir Replacement:
Ken Langholz, Design Engineering Supervisor, noted that Gray & Osborne, Inc. was
selected to perform the design for the new reservoir. Under a previous contract, Gray
& Osborne, Inc. provided the City with the conceptual design and recommendations
for the new reservoir. This contract is for design of the new 7 million gallon reservoir.
Gray & Osborne, Inc. was selected because of their experience in designing reservoirs
of this size and scope. The recently completed 640 Zone reservoir was designed by
Gray & Osborne, Inc. Kent Engineering staff will complete the site design around the
reservoir, along with the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate. Langholz
provided a rendering of what the new reservoir could look like. Langholz also noted
Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
that there is money in the budget for the design of the reservoir only and that if the
project was to be delayed the design would still be usable, we would most likely just
have to renew the permit.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Consultant Services Agreement with Gray & Osborne, Inc. in an amount not
to exceed $259,642 to provide Engineering services for the Guiberson
Reservoir Replacement, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to
the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED
by Albertson and PASSED 3-0, with Ralph's concurrence.
Item 6 —Consultant Services Agreement/Tierra Right of Way Services LTD —
Negotiations for Property Acquisition along SE 256th Street:
Mark Madfai noted that items 6 and 7 are related.
In order to construct the improvements along SE 256th Street and widen the roadway,
some strips of property will be required from adjacent properties. The consultants
would be used to negotiate the final terms of any agreement with the property owner.
The contracts were split up in order to expedite the negotiations as they take some
time due to mitigation issues. Staff is moving forward with acquisition and design.
Staff is working closely with the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB); right of
way acquisition is one of the items we need to have done. LaPorte noted that if you
don't own the right of way you don't own the project schedule. We do have enough
funding to purchase the right of way; however, the project construction is not funded
at this time.
The City was successful in obtaining a $2 million grant from the Washington State
Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) for the repair, widening and upgrading of SE
256th Street between Kent-Kangley Road and 116th Avenue SE.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Consultant Services Agreement with Tierra Right of Way Services LTD in an
amount not to exceed $24,460 to provide negotiation services to acquire
property along SE 256th Street, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Albertson and PASSED 3-0, with Ralph's concurrence.
Item 7 - Consultant Services Agreement/Certified Land Services Corporation
— Property Acquisition along SE 256th Street:
Mark Madfai noted that items 6 and 7 are related.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Consultant Services Agreement with Certified Land Services Corporation in
an amount not to exceed $18,315 to provide negotiation services to acquire
Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
property along SE 256th Street, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Albertson and PASSED 3-0, with Ralph's concurrence.
Item 8 —Consultant Services Agreement/AMEC — Lower Russell Road Levee:
Mark Madfai, noted that this request is for a Consultant Services Agreement with
AMEC to analyze the risk and provide recommendations for repair of an embankment
failure in the Lower Russell Road levee segment. This contract will be for AMEC to
prepare a report on the embankment failure and to update the Conditional Letter of
Map Revision (CLOMR) and address any additional comments from FEMA once their
review continues.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a
Consultant Services Agreement with AMEC Environmental & Infrastructure,
Inc. in an amount not to exceed $24,570 to provide Geotechnical and Levee
Certification Services for the Lower Russell Road Levee, subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works
Director. The motion was SECONDED by Albertson and PASSED 3-0, with
Ralph's concurrence.
Item 9 — Information Only/Alvord T Bridge Closure - Update:
Public Works Director, Tim LaPorte provided an update on the Alvord T Bridge Closure.
King County intends to close the bridge and remove it during the summer of 2013.
No replacement bridge would be constructed.
No Motion Required/Information Only
Item 10 — Information Only/Levee Update:
Public Works Director, Tim LaPorte stated he wanted to brief the committee in
advance of the Workshop scheduled for Tuesday about events that have transpired in
the past three weeks. We have received correspondence from the Lakes
neighborhood, 6 state legislators and four valley Mayors. The King County Flood
Control District's Executive Committee voted to go ahead with the acquisition of the
Rivers Edge Business Park along the Briscoe Desimone levee. This item was not
brought before the District's Advisory Committee. They directed staff to proceed with
the acquisition. Emiko Atherton, Julia Patterson's Chief of Staff, will attend the
Council Workshop on Councilmember Patterson's behalf.
The other valley cities have joined the City of Kent in voicing their concerns about
these purchases and that; they won't have money left to fix the eminent needs.
Councilmembers feel that we need to start informing our constituents about this
No Motion Required/Information Only
Minutes of Monday, September 17, 2012
ADDED ITEM - SR 167 Hot Lanes:
Tim LaPorte showed visuals of the SR 167 High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes and the
extension of SR 167 from Puyallup to Tacoma. The City of Kent Public Works
committee supports the proposed legislation before the state legislature to authorize
the continued use of the SR 167 HOT Lanes and to extend the limits of the SR 167
Hot Lanes from S 277th Street in King County to 8th Street E in Pierce County.
Based on a request from the Washington State Department of Transportation, the
Public Works Committee will send a letter supporting completion of the SR167 HOT
Lanes, SR167/I405 interchange and the South end of SR167 to the Port of Tacoma.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth
Council Committee Recorder