HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 07/16/2012 (3) PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE
Minutes of Monday, July 16, 2012
Committee Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Committee members Dana Ralph and Dennis
Higgins were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m.
Item 1 — Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated June 18, 2012:
Higgins MOVED to approve the minutes of June 18, 2012. The motion was
SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Item 2 — 2011 Water System Plan:
Brad Lake, Operations Manager presented a PowerPoint presentation of the 2011
Water System Plan, he touched on the following:
• Water System Plan Overview
- Demand
- Supply
- Resources
- Operations and Maintenance
- Capital Projects
- Source Protection
• Water System Plan
- History
- Updates
Ralph MOVED to recommend Council approve the 2011 Water System Plan.
The motion was SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0.
Item 3 — Acceptance of Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant — Traffic
Signal Control System:
Transportation Engineering Manager, Steve Mullen noted that he will be presenting
items three and four together with separate motions. Mullen stated that 40 Cities
submitted for grants from the Washington State Department of Transportation. City
staff submitted two grants and was successful in receiving $400,000 to replace the
Master Traffic Signal Control system and replace approximately 29 traffic signal
controllers at individual intersections. Mullen stated that the current system was
purchased in 1993 and is outdated. This project is the first phase of the phased
replacement of the traffic signal control system and intersection controllers.
Design of the system will be done this year, once the State approves the plan, work
could start in 2013.
Higgins MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to execute an
agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to accept
a grant in the amount of $400,000 for the Citywide Traffic Control Signal
System Upgrade. The motion was SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Minutes of Monday, July 16, 2012
Item 4 — Acceptance of Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant for SR
515 (108th Avenue Southeast) and Southeast 208th Street Intersection
Steve Mullen noted that this grant funded project will add a second left turn lane for
southbound to eastbound traffic at the intersection of 108th Avenue SE and SE 208th
Street. Mullen stated that this project is expected to improve safety at this congested
intersection by reducing overall vehicles delay, reducing vehicle queues, and improving
accessibility from driveways near the intersection.
Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to execute an
agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation to
accept a grant in the amount of $700,000 for Intersection Improvements at
SR 515 (108th Avenue SE) and SE 208th Street. The motion was SECONDED by
Higgins and PASSED 3-0.
Item 5 — Contract Amendment/GEI Consultants, Inc. for Analysis &
Certification of the Desimone and Briscoe Levees:
Design Engineering Supervisor, Ken Langholz noted that this project is known as the
Briscoe/Desimone Levee. Staff is requesting authorization to amend the current
contract. Langholz stated that back in February 2012, Council authorized GEI's
contract for $284,883 to complete a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for the levee section on the right bank
(easterly side) of the Green River between S. 200th Street and S. 180th Street. .
Higgins MOVED to recommend authorizing the Mayor to sign a Consultant
Services Contract Amendment with GEI Consultants, Inc. to perform
additional analysis and consultation for the Desimone and Briscoe Levees in
an amount not to exceed $59,628 subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was
SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0.
Item 6 — Information Only/Survey:
Tim LaPorte introduced Steve Merryman, City Surveyor and Eric Knowles, Land Survey
Supervisor. In turn they introduced the rest of the work group; Stephen Shafer, Toby
Mollett, Terry Johnson, Jason Robertson, Danil Iov and Toby Mollett. Merryman,
Knowles, Robertson, Shafer and Mollett presented a brief PowerPoint presentation
outlining what services the Survey Section provides to internal clients and the general
Information Only/No Motion Required
The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth
Council Committee Recorder