HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 01/18/2011 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 18, 2011 Committee Members Present: Ron Harmon for Debbie Raplee, Jamie Perry, Les Thomas (Chair). The meeting was called to order by L Thomas at 4:03 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JANUARY 4, 2011 R Harmon moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated January 4, 2011. J Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED DECEMBER 31, 2010 J Perry moved to approve the vouchers dated December 31, 2010. R Harmon seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 3. RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT THE CITY OF KENT 2011 STATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA – TOP PRIORITIES AND MOVE DIRECTLY TO TONIGHT’S CITY COUNCIL MEETING UNDER OTHER BUSINESS. The 2011 Regular Session of the Washington State Legislature convened on January 10, 2011. The State Legislative Agenda provides an overview of the items of top concern for the City of Kent. A formally adopted State Legislative Agenda by the council would provide strong direction and guidance to staff, representatives, and advocates of our community in the legislative process. A detailed overview of the top priorities was presented and discussed at a workshop earlier in the year. Michelle will summarize again later in the Council meeting tonight. Michelle clarified for R Harmon the proposed tolling on SR 509 is part of the Transportation Partnership group advocating financing to research the tolling, not necessarily advocating a toll road. L Thomas noted toll roads are a hot topic in Olympia as state, city and federal try and find ways to raise money for roads. R Harmon moved to recommend that the City Council adopt the City of Kent 2011 State Legislative Agenda – Top Priorities and move directly to tonight’s City Council meeting under Other Business. J Perry seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 4. SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF NOVEMBER 2010 (INFORMATION ONLY) Bob Nachlinger, Finance Director, opened with a report on the Utility Tax. The Utility tax as was discussed at the December Operations Committee meeting has been coming in lower than budget. An upside is the electricity tax is up, which shows an increase in business production and beginning of a recovery of the economy. As a result of recent changes in the billing structure of phone providers, there is a decline in the telephone utility tax revenue. Federal policy states because the internet is free, there is no tax. This makes it hard to distinguish between the internet and telephone as providers bundle their services. As Tom Brubaker, City Attorney described it, “The models traditionally used no longer fit the reality.” The utility providers are essentially supplying to us what is phone and what is internet. Staff will have a recommendation to resolve the million dollar shortfall in the Utility Tax for Council at the next Operations Committee meeting and revise the 2011 budget. Operations Committee Minutes January 18, 2011 Page: 2 In other areas, Revenue is $3 million under budget. As a result we will not make our forecasted reserve. Retirement payouts and overtime costs continue to affect the budget. John Hodgson, Chief Administrative Officer, noted staff will know by the first part of March what the year-end revenue will be and what the dollar amount difference of the 4.6% projected and 8.1% forecasted fund balance will be. The meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m. by L Thomas. _________________________ Pam Clark Operations Committee Secretary