HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 08/16/2011 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 16, 2011 Committee Members Present: Jamie Perry and Les Thomas. Debbie Raplee was absent. The meeting was called to order by L Thomas at 4:02 p.m. Debbie Raplee gave concurrence on motions. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JULY 19, 2011 J Perry moved to approve the Operations Committee minutes dated July 19, 2011. L Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0 with concurrence. 2. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS DATED JULY 15, 2011 AND JULY 31, 2011. J Perry moved to approve the vouchers dated July 15, 2011 and July 31, 2011. L Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0 with concurrence. 3. MOVE TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE TIBURON SYSTEMS ENHANCEMENT PROPOSAL AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONAL INCIDENT BASED REPORTING SYSTEM. The Tiburon system was implemented in September of 2004. The conversion from UCR (Universal Crime Reporting) to NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System) in the City’s Tiburon system is mandatory to comply with Washington State Reporting Requirements per WASPC (Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs). Funding for this project was budgeted in the Information Technology Plan as adopted by City Council and will not impact the general fund. It is not to exceed the $82,220 goods and services agreement. The Statement of Work is included for review. J Perry moved to recommend the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Tiburon Systems Enhancement Proposal and all associated documents for the implementation of the National Incident Based Reporting System. L Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0 with concurrence. 4. MOVE TO RECOMMEND THE KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT ACCEPT THE ADDITIONAL FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,500 FROM THE WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION AND ADJUST THE BUDGET. Deputy Chief Painter provided a brief summary of the motion. The additional funds will provide officer overtime funding to conduct speeding enforcement. J Perry moved to recommend the Kent Police Department accept the additional funds in the amount of $1,500 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission and adjust the budget. L Thomas, seconded the motion, which passed 3-0 with concurrence. Operations Committee Minutes August 16, 2011 Page: 2 5. MOVE TO RECOMMEND THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE POLICE SERVICES AGREEMENT AND ESTABLISH THE BUDGET. Deputy Chief Painter gave an overview of the agreement. He started by noting that the service agreement is a renewal from last year. The Police Services Agreement between the Kent Police Department and the Kent School District for 2011-2012 will provide a Kent Police Lieutenant or higher (Director), to the District for the purpose of assisting with communication and logistics between the two organizations that relates to school safety. The District agrees to reimburse the Department $20,000 per agreement, spread across twelve (12) monthly payments of $1,666.00 each, applicable toward the Director’s salary and benefits, which at all times shall be paid by the Department. The District will reimburse the Department upon submission of a monthly invoice to the District’s Business Officer. The Agreement shall be effective on September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012, subject to any prior termination as provided herein and unless extended by written agreement of parties. J Perry moved to recommend that Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Police Services Agreement and establish the budget. L Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3 -0 with concurrence. 6. MOVE TO RECOMMEND THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT THE WASHINGTON AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,600,000 AND AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF THE FUNDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GRANT TERMS. The biennium WATPA grant was awarded to the Preventing Auto Theft through Regional Operational Links (PATROL) Task Force. The grant was submitted by the Federal Way Police Department and the Kent Police Department is the fiscal manager for the funds. The PATROL Task Force is comprised of South King County law enforcement agencies, King County Prosecutor’s Office and two North Pierce County police agencies. The grant will fund personnel and equipment for the PATROL Task Force. The award will be divided evenly for each of the two grant year s, at $800,000 each year. The award is for a two year period and is funded by $10 of every traffic citation across the state which has been directed to WATPA. The award period is 7/01/11 through 6/30/13. The funds are awarded on a reimbursement basis. J Perry moved to recommend that Council authorize the Kent Police Department to accept the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority grant award in the amount of $1,600,000 and authorize expenditure of the funds in accordance with the grant terms. L Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0 with concurrence. 7. SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT AS OF JUNE 30, 2011 (INFORMATION ONLY) General Fund Summary Based on information available through June, revenues are estimated to end about $1,938,522 or 3.2% under budget, while expenditures are projected to end the year about $2,438,055 or 4.0% below the budget. This results in a projected ending fund balance of $2,083,820 or 4.0% of the Operations Committee Minutes August 16, 2011 Page: 3 expenditure budget. L Thomas commented that is far from council’s desired safety net and would be worse if the $4.94 million from the RFA being formed wasn’t in there. Revenues While sales tax revenues are showing a slight improvement over past years, overall revenues are estimated to end about $1,938,522 or 3.2% under budget. Revenue highlights in clude: Sales Tax revenues are expected to exceed projections by $308,065 or 1.8% over budget, continuing the slight upward trend observed over the past few months. J Perry noted this is on track. Utility Tax revenues are trending to come in approximately 7.1% below budget. This continues to be a concern for J Perry and she would like to see an adjustment next year so revenue is closer to actual. Telephone utility tax revenues are coming in about 9% below budget due to an increase in the amount allocated to the annexation area. J Perry noted that this revenue will continue to drop as people increase their cell phone use. Electric and gas are higher than this time last year due to a colder spring, but are still trending to end the year 2-5% below budget. Bob noted that PSE is proposing an 8% increase which, if adopted, will cause our utility tax to increase considerably. Garbage is trending nearly 20% below budget, due to the lagging construction industry and the impact of the new garbage contract that went into effect on April 1st. Building Permits and Plan Check Fees continue to be negatively impacted by the deterioration in the building industry. Both are trending to end the year near the 2010 actual, or about 6% below budget. We continue to work with Economic and Community Development to strategize long term solutions. Recreation Fees have shown an improvement, but are still trending to end the year $80,000 under budget. Miscellaneous revenues are running approximate $910,000 under budget, largely due t o continuing low interest rates and the available cash to invest. Expenditures Current projections, based on individual like item expenditure trends, end the year about $2,438,055 or 4.0% below the budget. B Nachlinger noted that expenses year to date through June are 11.4% below the level of last year, compared to budget. Expenditure Highlights include: A lag in hiring is expected to result in Salaries & Benefits savings of at approximately 3% below budget. We continue to work with department staff to identify potential areas of saving in Supplies and Services & Charges. Currently, these areas are trending approximately 3-4% below budget. L Thomas questioned who would be paying for the removal of the sand bags, which J Hodgson replied the city is still negotiating with King County. The estimated cost for removal is $3 million. The meeting was adjourned at 4:18 p.m. by L Thomas. _________________________ Pamela Clark Operations Committee Secretary