HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 10/21/2003 PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING PACKET Planning Committee Agenda 40!50WV0*S Councilmembers: Tim Clark.Bruce White•Leona Orr, Chair 00 KENT --AAA-- October 21, 2003 3:00 p.m. Item Description Action Svc Time Page 1. Approval of Minutes dated September 16, 2003 YES 1 2. Growth Management Act Update Grant YES Charlene Anderson 30 min 3 3. Proposed Downtown Zoning Study NO Fred Satterstrom 30 min 9 DCE Area East of Burlington Northern Tracks Unless otherwise noted,the Planning Committee meets at 3:00 p.m.on the 3`d Tuesday of each month. Council Chambers East,Kent City Hall,220 4th Avenue South,Kent,98032-5895. For information please contact Planning Services at(253)856-5454. • Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253)856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1400-833-6388. PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 16,2003 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair Leona Orr,Tim Clark,Bruce White The meeting was called to order by Chair Leona Orr at 3:00 P.M with Judy Woods temporarily filling in for Tim Clark. Approval of Minutes of August 19,2003 Committee Member Bruce White moved and Committee Member Judy Woods seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the August 19,2003 meeting. The motion carried 3-0. #ZCA-2003-2 Cluster Housine Amendment Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that the proposed ordinance separates cluster housing and urban separator area provisions as discussed before the Committee on August 19. Bruce White moved and Judy Woods seconded a motion to recommend approval of ZCA-2003-2 Cluster Housing Amendment as forwarded by the Land Use and Planning Board, staff and as amended by the Committee, forwarding this item to the Consent Calendar at the October 7 City Council Meeting. Motion carried with a vote of 3 to 0. #SCA-2003-1 Bindine Site Plan Subdivision Code Amendment Principal Planner Kim Marousek discussed the Binding Site Plan process and presented the provisions of the amendment as recommended by the Land Use and Planning Board at their August 250'hearing. Tim Clark moved and Bruce White seconded a motion to recommend approval of SCA-2003-1 Binding Site Plan Subdivision Code Amendment as forwarded by the Land Use and Planning Board and staff, forwarding this item to the Consent Calendar at the October 7"h City Council meeting. Motion carried with a vote of 3 to 0. Proposed Zonine Study DCE Area East of Burlineton Northern Tracks Community Development Director Fred Satterstrom introduced a letter received from Mr. Tel Nixon describing an area that lies on the east side of the Burlington Northern Railroad Tracks generally along Central Avenue and Smith Street requesting that specific sites be considered for rezone to (GC) General Commercial or (0) Office. Mr. Satterstrom stated that in 1992 the (DCE) Downtown Commercial Enterprise zoning district was created and applied to the subject area and the downtown core area west of the railroad tracks to SR-167. Mr. Satterstrom stated that Mr. Nixon asserts that the DCE zoning has not benefited redevelopment in that area and that Mr. Nixon's assessment indicates that over 80 percent of the uses and structures are nonconforming. Mr. Satterstrom discussed the administering of Downtown Design Guidelines in recognition of existing development. Mr. Satterstrom stated a majority of the businesses were of a general commercial nature at the time the subject site was rezoned from (GC) General Commercial to (DCE) Downtown Commercial Enterprise. He added that progress toward a pedestrian orientation has been slow. Mr. Satterstrom stated that this proposal requires further analysis and that staff could pursue a study if the Committee so desired. Harvey Aulgur,4223 Aikins SW,Seattle,WA 98116 stated that he owns property at Meeker and Gowe which would benefit by a rezone back to GC. He would then consider improvements for his property that could draw business and increase revenue for the area. Bill Pugerude,54 Cabezon Lane, Lopez Island,WA 98261 stated that he has owned a building with a drapery business on Railroad Avenue for 45 years. He stated that the City should encourage business by converting zoning for the subject area back to(GC)General Commercial Gary Stewart,404 N.Railroad, Kent, WA 98032 stated that he has had a business on Railroad Avenue for 25 years. Be encouraged staff to look at creative methods for generating business and generating a' pedestrian oriented environment by evaluating our street systems,particularly along Central Avenue. a 2 t Jack Kay, Tork Lift Welding, 315 N. Central St., Kent, WA 98032 stated that in redeveloping property at 522 N. Railroad Avenue, the City's zoning required an elaborate fencing system to surround their paved parking area at a cost of $36,000. He stated that this fencing did not correlate with the surrounding chain-link fencing systems used by other businesses as well as the Sound Transit rail lots. Mr.Kay stated that he would support a change in zoning for the subject area. Mr. Satterstrom discussed the process involved to evaluate the subject site and estimated a completion timeline of approximately six months. Chair Orr requested an update on this matter at the October 21st Committee meeting with notification going to those parties of interest attending this session. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 P.M. Pamela Mottram, Admin Secretary,Planning Services s:IPerinmPlanTlanning Commitfee12003Winutesl9l603pc-min.doc Planning Committee Meeting 9/16/03 Page 2 of 2 ,• 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom, AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES KEN T Charlene Anderson,AICP,Manager w A S H I M G r o 1 Phone:253-856-5464 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 DATE: OCTOBER 14,2003 TO: CHAIR LEONA ORR AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: CHARLENE ANDERSON,AICP,PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT UPDATE GRANT MOTION: 1 move to recommend/not recommend acceptance of a $45,000 Growth Management Act Update Grant and authorization for the Mayor to sign the corresponding contract, according to the draft scope of work outlined in the application. SUMMARY: The City received notification in mid-August 2003 that the State Legislature appropriated funds for Growth Management Grants. Forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) has been reserved for the City of Kent as a grant to assist in revising our comprehensive plan and development regulations. The Transportation Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan is the final element remaining for review by the Land Use & Planning Board. The City is working with a consultant, TModel Corporation, to update the City's transportation model, providing critical data for the update of the Transportation Element. The application for Growth Management Grant funds focuses on this element and staff expects to use the entire $45,000 toward that effort. Because it is likely the turnaround for approval of the contract will be short, staff is requesting Planning Committee approval of the scope of work outlined in the application and authorization for the Mayor's signature on the contract, in anticipation of receiving the$45,000 grant. BUDGET IMPACT: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: The City of Kent is required to review and, if necessary,revise its comprehensive plan and development regulations on or before December 1, 2004 (per RCW 36.70A.130). The State Legislature appropriated partial financial assistance toward that effort. The City received$57,000 for our initial work with the Critical Areas Ordinance last year, and we are applying this year for additional funding to assist in the update of the Transportation Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. If the City receives additional materials from the State regarding this grant, staff will provide it to the Committee at the October 17 meeting. CA\pm:S:\Permit\Plan\CompPlanAmdments\2003\FY_04_Update Grantyc.doc Enc: 9/8/03 letter from Washington DCTED,Scope of work and budget from application for gram 5 ' R�'8 BTATa D D dd i IIBV STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 128-le Avenue SE • PO Box 42525 • Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 • (360)725.40W August 8,2003 RECEIVED Ms.Charlene Anderson &UG 11 2003 Planning Manager City of Kent g pLptNING OF 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,Washington 98032 Subject: 2003 -2005 Growth Management Act Update Grants Dear Ms. Anderson: • The State Legislature appropriated approximately$5.4 million for Growth Management Grants. A portion of this grant funding will be targeted toward jurisdictions that are required to review and, if necessary, revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations on or before December 1,2004(per RCW 36.70A.130). Forty-five thousand dollars($45,000)has been reserved for the City of Kent as a grant to assist in completing this work. Of this, $30,000 will be available from July 1,2003,to June 30,2004, and$15,000 will be available from July 1, 2004, to December 31, 2004. In order to receive this funding,please complete the enclosed grant application. Attached are the following Growth Management Act(GMA)Grants Application materials: • Grant Application Overview • Grant Application Instructions • GMA Grant Application for jurisdictions with December 1, 2004,deadline • GMA Planner Assignment If your jurisdiction is required to complete its GMA update work by December 1,2004,and is eli0ble for_this grant, (see grant application overview for eligibility requirements),please complete the enclosed application form and return it as soon as possible to the address provided in the Application Overview. Alternatively, grant applications can be downloaded,completed and returned electronically(see details in the Grant Application Overview enclosed). Applications are processed as soon as they are received in our office. Funding will be available upon execution of a grant contract. The deadline for submitting applications for this update i 7 Statewide Vendor N/A (SWV) Number Short Description of Update Transportation Element of Comprehensive Plan Grant Statement of Work Goals/ Description Start End Actions/ Date Date Deliverables Goal Update Transportation Element of the comprehensive plan Action Develop,analyze,update and revise 7/1/03 8/30/03 existing model attributes and base year data on network files,traffic counts,land use, trip generation Action Calibrate Model 9/l/03 10/1103 Action Incorporate jobs&housing forecasts into 10/1/03 11/10/03 model, analyze and revise Deliverable Report su arizing the model 6/30/04 Action Review&update existing text for 7/l/03 11/10/03 compliance with GMA Action Present recommended amendments to Land 11/24/03 12/8/03 Use&Planning Board in workshop and public hearing Deliverable Draft Transportation Element 6/30/04 You are not limited to the number of lines that are included in the application. To insert an additional line,highlight the last row,hold the ALT key down,and type AIA. Budget Page 3 of 4 8 July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004 to Total June 30, 2004 November 30, 2004 EXPENSES* Salaries and $15,000 Benefits Goods and Supplies Professional $28 000 Services Other Goods and Services Total $45,000 *Does not include all expenses for this ro'ect REVENUE CTED Grant $45,000 Funds Other Funds Total $45,000 Page 4 of 4 9 • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Fred N. Satterstrom,AICP, Director PLANNING SERVICES K E N T Charlene Anderson,AICP, Manager w.S H I N o T o u - Phone:253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 DATE: OCTOBER 14,2003 TO: CHAIR LEONA ORR AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM: FRED N. SATTERSTROM,AICP,CD DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DOWNTOWN ZONING STUDY MOTION: None at this time. For information only. SUMMARY: At their September 16`h meeting, the Planning Committee requested staff to provide an October update on a downtown zoning study. The study was initially considered by the Committee subsequent to a letter submitted by Mr. Ted Nixon regarding the zoning of certain properties currently zoned DCE (Downtown Commercial Enterprise)lying on the east side of the BN Railroad tracks. Earlier this year,during their review of the Stewart code amendment application on July 28,2003,the Land Use &Planning Board had asked staff to forward to the Planning Committee a request to consider areas zoned Downtown Commercial, specifically regarding the purpose of that zoning district and the impacts of the district's regulations. In light of these two requests, staff drafted a list of action items that could be included in a downtown zoning study. A more specific timeline can be created as the scope of the study is defined and the 2004 work program is developed. Although staff perhaps can develop a more formal work program for the study early in 2004, it is.conceivable the scope of the project will be broad enough that work will be extended throughout 2004,as staff also completes other mandated planning efforts. BUDGET IMPACT: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: In his August 10 letter,Mr.Nixon offered an analysis of the existing uses in the DCE area east of the BN Railroad tracks. His map illustrated uses which either conform or do not conform to existing DCE requirements. Mr. Nixon asserts that "81% of the developed properties in the study area are nonconforming to the City zoning code" and that DCE zoning generally discourages business expansion and new development. Staff has not had an opportunity to corroborate the analysis. The area that is included in Mr. Nixon's letter was rezoned in 1992 from GC (General Commercial) to DCE. GC zoning is associated with a more vehicular oriented area while DCE zoning promotes a more pedestrian orientation. In 1992, and again in 2001 with the rezoning of properties zoned DLM (Downtown Limited Manufacturing), DCE zoning was applied to most of the downtown area in order to advance a more walkable,pedestrian-friendly environment. The DCE rezoning and other amendments to land use and zoning maps and regulations for downtown have occurred over several years as the City continues to implement the goals and policies of its downtown planning documents and visioning surveys. FNS1pm:S:\Permitll'lan\ZONECODEAMEND\2003\downtownzoningpc.doc Enc: Downtown Zoning Study—Draft Action Agenda Planning Committee Meeting 10121103 Downtown Zoning Study i Downtown Zoning Study Action Agenda - Draft • Scope: • Expand study to include entire Urban Center?All DSAP areas? • Establish timeline for project • Research: • Review existing land use studies/plans,goals&policies: Comp Plan, DSAP, Commuter Rail Station Area Study, Urban Center designation/requirements • Review purpose statements&uses for DC,DCE,GC,MU • Verify existing land uses&code conformances • Review International Zoning Code; Performance-based zoning; Urban Center designation/benefits/requirements; other cities downtown zoning requirements and patterns • Review process for changing Urban Center designation for Kent. • Analysis: • Evaluate code amendment options • Consider downtown design guidelines,commercial design guidelines • Consider road designs in downtown—existing,proposed,other cities • Environmental Review: • EIS,Addendum?Traffic impacts of scenarios? • Public Participation: • Visioning Exercise? • Public Notices: Newspaper articles; notice to property owners, previous participants in downtown plans,radius? • Open Houses—more than one? 1) Outline issues/define project;brainstorm ideas • Expand existing uses; performance-based zoning; change comp plan/zoning designations; require design review; require mixed uses; how address nonconforming uses/sites; sign code? 2) Discuss scenarios • Public Process: • City Council: 1) Declare emergency or make part of annual comp plan amendments? 2) Discuss possible project parameters/action items at workshop? 3) Review results of open houses? 4) Update during Board discussions, to include scenarios being brought forward? 5) After Board recommendation • Workshop&hearing before Land Use&Planning Board—more than one? • Planning Committee? • 60-day state notification S:%PermitlPlanIZONECODEAMEND120031downtownZoningStudy.dm 09/23/03 Manning ut14 Kent, 220 4`" ee Ave. South,Kent,98032 PLEASE SIGN IN DATE: i n Name Address jL C 11j 4iog-e­Number MqrnneL ,Ouk LZ �z r f Mottram, Pamela Aftrn: Mottram, Pamela t: Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:17 AM Ted Nixon (ten@cn-architects.com); Jeff Barker Qeffreybarker@seattlepi.com); Kelly Snyder (ksnyder@rothhill.com); M. Simmer(msimmer@projectdimens ions.com); Mary Ausburn (mausbu@puget.com); Mary Simmons (MSimmons@ci.kent.wa.us); Pam Cobley (pcobley@rothhill.com); Puget Sound Energy(gnomen@puget.com); Shaunta Hyde (shaunta.r.hyde@boeing.com); Wickstrom, Don; Bob Hutchinson; Bonnie Coleman; Cameron, Renee; Crawford, Ed; Garrett Huffman; Gill, Gary; Givens, Rosalie; Hodgson, John; Kim Adams-Pratt; Laurent, Dena; Lopez, Barbara; Mayor Jim White; Mike Martin; Nathan Torgelson; Schneider, Jim; Senecaut, Kathleen; Sprotbery, Kevin; Tammy White; Vinson, Brett Subject: 10/21/03 Planning Committee Agenda Attached please find the October 21, 2003, Planning Committee Agenda. Q-. 102103Agenda-PC. doc(39 KB) Please note that all committee packets are available electronically on the City's Kentnet, which must be opened in Adobe Acrobat. Thank you. Pnw.eLn A. Mottvavv_ Aolvvu,w(st0ti.ve SecYetav� ew Ovww"P servCces r., e: 253-256-5454 e-vua%L:pw�ottraw�@c%.Izewt.wa.us Kewtwet: kttp://www.c�.l ,ewt.woms 1 Fax Transmission Cover Sheet Date: • To: Fax: 4F7- W;Zto Re: fG"n) m&ju" Sender: lWa, MW7A yl,— YOU SHOULD RECEIVE PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 253-886-6454. P*"MtNW0RMS1fAXC0VER.doe 9T09 L£b £SZ £b7)0IN03 NNO Z00 ..£4 .00 .0 NOI.LVNIIS30 31V 3001V y�t1S321 'Sod NOI.LVIM0 paxal dwoo (s) uoi7oesueay uOlss [wsueay .LZfOd321 NOf.LOV SNVTJy ONINNV'ld yN3N bb ii [IIil) £0 .91- '100 IDO 'd bSb9 9S8 £SZ�'73.L Fax Transmission Cover Sheet Date: 10 1(�10 To: KiA Fax: Q= �-72 -- W l l Sende YOU SHOULD RECEIVE ,a_PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 253.856-5464. 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