HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 04/04/2008Public Works Committee Agenda
Councilmembers: Ron HarmonDebbie RapleeDeborah Ranniger, Chair
Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 5:00 p.m.
on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month
Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895.
For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500.
Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office
at (253) 856-5725 in advance.
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U:PWCommittee\Agendas\2008\04 07 08.doc
April 7, 2008
5:00 p.m.
Item Description Action Speaker Time Page
1. Approval of Minutes Dated March 31, 2008 YES None 03 01
2. Easement Agreement between the
City of Kent and the King County LaPorte/
Flood Control Zone District YES Mactutis 10 03
3. S. 228th Street Grade Separation
Public Works Trust Fund Loan YES LaPorte 05 05
4. Information Only/Drainage Master Plan NO Tan 15 25
5. Information Only/2007 Annual Report NO Blanchard 20 --
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FOR MARCH 31, 2008
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Committee Members Present: Committee Chair Deborah Ranniger and
Committee Members Harmon and Raplee were present. The meeting was called
to order at 5:04 p.m.
ITEM 1 – Approval of the Minutes Dated March 17, 2008:
Committee Member Raplee moved to approve the minutes of March 17,
2008. The motion was seconded by Harmon and passed 3-0.
ITEM 2 –Consultant Contract/Re-Solve Gibbons & Riely, PLLC:
Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director asked that committee members approve
hiring an appraiser to proceed with an appraisal for municipal purposes.
Harmon moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Re-
Solve Gibbons & Riely, PLLC consultant contract, in the amount not to
exceed $25,000.00 for preparation of an appraisal for municipal purposes
by Anthony Gibbons, MIA, upon concurrence of the language therein by
the City Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was
seconded by Raplee and passed 3-0.
ITEM 3 – Consultant Contract/Strickland, Heischman & Hoss, Inc:
Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director asked that committee members approve
hiring an appraiser to proceed with an appraisal for municipal purposes in the
downtown area.
Raplee moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the
Strickland, Heischman & Hoss, Inc. consultant contract, in the amount
not to exceed $25,000.00 for preparation of an appraisal for municipal
purposes, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney
and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Harmon and
passed 3-0.
ITEM 4 – Consultant Contract/W & H Pacific/S. 228th Street BNSF Grade
Tim LaPorte, Deputy Public Works Director explained that bridge construction
requires specialized (structural) construction inspection that is outside of the
current expertise of the Kent Construction Management work force. Staff feels
that it is in the best interest of the public to engage experts in the field of
federally funded bridge projects in order to avoid any discrepancies that would
jeopardize prompt reimbursement to the City. Also, Public Works Engineering
does not have existing staff that have expertise in the bridge construction
inspection since this is classified as a specialty field of engineering.
FOR MARCH 31, 2008
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Harmon moved to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the
South 228th Street/BNSF Grade Separation Construction Management
Consultant Agreement with W & H Pacific, Inc., in the amount of
$1,082,807.00, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City
Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by
Raplee and passed 3-0.
ADDED ITEM 5 – Transit Now-Service Partnership Agreement with King
County Metro Transit for Route 153 Enhancement:
Cathy Mooney, Sr. Transportation Planner gave an informative PowerPoint
presentation. She further explained that on November 7, 2006 the voters of King
County passed the Transit Now Initiative to increase the sales tax for metro bus
service and expand bus service in the County by 15 – 20% over the next 10
years. Cathy noted there is no effect to the City budget, the amount has already
been approved in the 2008 budget. This is project #43 in the adopted 2008-2013
Six Year Transportation Improvement Program.
Raplee move to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the
Transit Service Direct Financial Partnership Agreement with King County
Metro Transit and the City of Renton, in the amount of $72,310.89 per
year for five years, upon concurrence of the language therein by the City
Attorney and the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by
Harmon and passed 3-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m.
Cheryl Viseth
Public Works Committee Secretary
U:\PWCommittee\ActionPage\2008\04 07 08\Easement Agrmnt Green River Levee.doc
Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
Fax: 253-856-6500
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: April 3, 2008
To: Chair Debbie Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: April 7, 2008
From: Michael Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager
Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director
Subject: Easement Agreement between the City of Kent and the King County
Flood Control Zone District
The City of Kent is located along the Green River, which has serious flood hazard risks,
unmet flood hazard reduction projects, and existing facility maintenance needs. The
overtopping or breaching of the Green River levees would have catastrophic results in terms
of flooding, threatening lives and damaging valuable property within the City of Kent and
King County.
The US Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to provide funding to repair a reach of the
Green River Levee along the Riverbend Golf Course. This repair will entail reconstruction of
the levee at a more stable slope. Consequently, the new levee will require additional space
and will encroach onto several golf course tees, bunkers and other structures. The King
County Flood Control Zone District is the local sponsor, and is required to provide all right-
of-way needed to complete the project.
The City recognizes the value of the levees and this repair project, and, through this
Easement Agreement, will provide the temporary and permanent easements necessary for
the US Army Corps of Engineers to construct the project. As the local sponsor, the King
County Flood Control Zone District will financially mitigate for the impacts to the golf course
through payments to the City to rebuild tees, fairways, bunkers and other structures outside
the new easement as well as pay the City for lost revenue to the golf course operations
while it is forced to operate in a limited capacity due to repair of the levees and
reconstruction of portions of the golf course.
The project is currently scheduled to begin construction in July, 2008.
RCW 86.15 regarding mutual agreements between municipalities and flood control zone
districts for the acquisition of property interests.
Recommend to City Council authorization for the Mayor to sign the Easement
Agreement between the City of Kent and the King County Flood Control Zone
District with mitigation amounts substantially similar to those within and
pending concurrence of the language within by the Parks Director, the Public
Works Director and the City Attorney.
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U:\PWCommittee\ActionPage\2008\04 07 08\S 228 Corridor PWTrustFundAgrmnt.doc
Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
Fax: 253-856-6500
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: April 3, 2008
To: Chair Debbie Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: April 7, 2008
From: Mark Madfai, Project Engineer
Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director
Subject: S. 228th Street Grade Separation Public Works Trust Fund Loan
The City of Kent applied for a loan for construction of the S. 228th St. Grade
Separations through the Washington State Public Works Board in the amount of
$10,000,000 for construction beginning in FY2008. The City’s loan request was
successful in being recommended to the legislature and was contingent upon
approval by the legislature and execution by the Governor which have now been
completed. The City may now execute the agreement with the Public Works Board
and begin drawing funds.
Move to recommend authorization for the Mayor to sign the Public Works
Trust Fund Loan Agreement, in a sum not to exceed $10,000.000.00 between
City of Kent and the Public Works Board, for the South 228th Street Grade
Separation project subject to Certification by the City Attorney.
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Larry R. Blanchard, Public Works Director
Phone: 253-856-5500
Fax: 253-856-6500
Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.
Kent, WA 98032-5895
Date: March 21, 2008
To: Chair Debbie Ranniger and Public Works Committee Members
PW Committee Meeting Date: April 7, 2008
From: Beth Tan, Environmental Engineer, P.E.
Through: Larry Blanchard, Public Works Director
Subject: Drainage Master Plan Update
The Drainage Master Plan is a comprehensive review of all watersheds within the
City limits. The plan includes hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of all streams and
major stormwater conveyance pipes, determination of areas of infrastructure
replacement and/or improvement, alternative options and projected costs of
projects, and also includes aspects of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System Phase II requirements. The plan will also include stream, wetland and other
critical areas protection and improvement projects to benefit wildlife, water quality
and aesthetic value of the City.
The City of Kent staff and their consultants are working toward completing the
Drainage Master Plan for Council Approval in May 2008. At this time, a substantial
portion of identifying the project workload, mandated program needs, and current
Level of Service has been established.
Information Only