HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services - 05/03/1994A- • Parks Committee Minutes May 3, 1994 Councilmembers Present: Christi Houser, Chair; Jim Bennett; Paul Mann Staff Present: John Hodgson, Pete Petersen, Patrice Thorell, Karen Ford, Lori Hogan, Tom Brubaker, Pam Rumer Others Present: Jennifer Stoner, Saturday Market; Harold Perantie, Golf Advisory Board; Doug Schwab, Golf Advisory Board GOLF ADVISORY REPORT: Harold Perantie, Chair of the Golf Advisory Board presented the minutes of the April 27 Advisory Board meeting minutes (attached). He also distributed the Riverbend Golf Complex Superintendent's Report, prepared by Pete Petersen (attached) and copy of a letter from Ronald Coleman, Executive Director of the Pacific Northwest Section, PGA of America, regarding apprenticeship requirements at the Golf Course (attached). Also attached is a copy of the Valley Daily News article on the possible greens fees increase and a fact sheet on the #14 hole, lateral water hazard issue. The Council stressed the need to hire a new Director of Golf in a timely manner. John Hodgson responded that he is currently reviewing the resume and references of Thomas Sovay. Jim Stone is sending SSMD'S Director of Golf job description and revised organization chart. John plans to compare their requirements to our contract. The interview process will be conducted thereafter and recommendation will be made at the next Parks Committee meeting. Harold Perantie stated that he hopes the advisory board is looked upon as a tool and not an adversary to any of the departments in administration. Christi Houser commended the Golf Advisory Board on all the work they do. She added that it is nice to know where "we are going" and for them to please continue keeping the committee posted on what is happening. KENT SATURDAY MARKET REPORT Jennifer Stoner reported that only 8 vendor spaces are the additional 40 that were opened. The 1994 revenue appear lower than 1993 because this year season vendor to make partial payments; these numbers are actually last year. available of comparisons s are allowed higher than ,0 Renovation is complete on the floor of the market house which was destroyed by carpenter ants. Bruce Benson laid new carpeting donated by Valley Floors and AAA pest control sprayed for carpenter ants. Two doors are needed to replace the ones damaged from rain. An agreement has been secured with ASCAP for $7.00 per day per performance. Market staff is researching the legality of entertainers performing for free in exchange for "putting out their hats". A new Saturday Market banner is up on Canyon Drive. Pole constraints are hindering placement of a banner on the west side. Christi Houser suggested the bridge; Jennifer to check with the city. Flyers have been delivered throughout the downtown area. Opening day ceremony is 10:00 AM on Saturday. 40 spaces have been secured for additional vendor parking. Authorization was given from two banks and Attorney Pete Currin, to use their lots for parking. Councilmember Bennett commented that the banner looks great. He warned Jennifer to be careful of the type of entertainer who plays for "hat money". Attorney Tom Brubaker, commented that a pre- arranged contract will keep control of the entertainment. Page Two CITY OF KENT GOLF ADVISORY BOARD Meeting Minutes April 27, 1994 Attendees: Harold Perantie, Dan Farmer, Steve Dowell, Rosemary Mastro, Doug Schwab. John Hodgson, Pete Petersen, John Hillman, Jim Stone The meeting was called to order at 5:40p. by Chair Harold Perantie. The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as presented. Harold Perantie introduced those at the meeting and reported he had not had any further contact with the Mayor or Parks Committee Chair, Christi Houser regarding specific issues they might want the Advisory Board to consider. He also stated he saw the Board's role as being a positive advocate for the Golf Complex and hoped in fulfilling that function it did not "step on any toes" even though at times it might be unavoidable. He stressed the Golf Advisory Board in fulfilling it's mandate as advisor to the City Council should be able to act as a positive force for all concerned and should not be viewed as a negative influence. John Hillman presented a complete financial report which showed 1994 revenues are up + $25,253 while expenses are down (-$17,071) when compared against 1993. However, when compared to the budget revenues are currently down (-2.4%) with expenses also down (--5.5%). He stated the overall picture was very good with revenues and expenses well within seasonal and statistical expectations. Jim Stone gave the Board an operational and users activity report. He summarized for the Board the changes recently made to improve customer service, direct line supervision and the bottom line for SSMD. The changes included the firing of Director of Golf, Keith Sanden and the hiring of two PGA apprentices. He also stated a complete review of their merchandise sales strategies and practices was under way and new balls and mats have been brought in for the driving range. He said they were going to work hard toimprove the overall professionalism of the entire staff. He also reported a new Director of Golf had been identified and his name put forward to the City for consideration and approval. He is Mr. Tom Savoy who is currently working at Jefferson Park Golf Course in the City of Seattle as the head teaching professional. Prior to that Mr. Savoy attempted to play on the professional golf tour and before that worked at Jackson Park Golf Course, also in Seattle. Mr. Stone was asked by the Board to explain the current structure of his corporation, SSMD, and their management structure at the Golf Complex. He explained what was originally a 7 person corporation is now 6 with the buy-out of Mr. Bill Fitchett's shares by the other members. He also stated that Keith Sanden has been removed as President of the corporation and it was expected his shares would also be sold. Mr. Del Durden is now the President of SSMD and Mr. Stone is the Secretary. Mr. Stone also explained he held the position of Director of Operations for the Golf Complex and was putting in long hours at Riverbend in that capacity. As Director of Operations he explained he was responsible for all administrative, personnel, financial and tournament operations for the Golf Complex. The Director of Golf's responsibilities he stated were to work on special projects like improving the turf at the driving range, and improving the mini -putt. The Director of Golf was also responsible for over seeing the motorized carts, the Junior Golf Camp and public relations. He later stated when asked, the tournament management function would probably be turned over to the Director of Golf. The Board questioned Mr. Stone regarding a letter from Mr. Ron Coleman, Executive Director of the Professional Golfer's Association in which Mr. Coleman stated "any apprentices currently working at Riverbend will no longer receive credit in the (PGA) apprentice program." It was explained Mr. Coleman's actions were taken in response to the management operational structure being used at Riverbend which does not have the Director of Golf directly responsible for the PGA Assistants at the facility. Mr. Stone responded by stating that he did not consider this an important issue. The Board stated they did feel this was an important issue which needed to be resolved. The Board also expressed to Mr. Stone concern regarding the Director of Golf s responsibility and authority in the current and proposed management structure being utilized by SSMD. The Board pointed out when the City awarded the contract to SSMD it was with the intention and understanding the Director of Golf as stated in the contract "shall be responsible for all management activities that occur during working hours." And further as stated the Director of Golf shall be "classified as an active PGA member." The concern the Board expressed was that as Director of Operations, Mr. Stone was making all the management decisions and not the Director of Golf as explicitly stated in the contract SSMD ha&with the City. The Board expressed concern this violated both the spirit, intent and specific language found in the contract and was an issue of significant concern. Mr. John Hodson, City of Kent Park's Director, told the Board he was looking into the contractual obligations of SSMD, their management structure and their Director of Golf nominee and would share with the Chair as soon as possible the process the City would be using to look into and resolve this matter. Pete Petersen gave a very thorough maintenance report which is included in the attachment to these minutes. He covered a wide range of topics in the following subject areas: General Maintenance, Current Projects, Future Projects, Equipment, Safety, Staffing, Fee Increase, Restroom Installation, and Five Year Plan. Under Old Business the only item not already covered in other reports was the proposal to change from out of bounds to lateral water hazard the area along the left of the #14 hole. Doug Schwab reviewed the impact the change would have on the Rules of Golf. It was decided this was not a decision to be made, by the Golf Advisory Board but by the Director of Golf in consultation with Superintendent. Under New Business the making of Committee assignments was postponed until more members are added to the Board. It was also agreed the Chair or his designate would monthly make a report to the City Council's Parks Committee at their regular meeting. As an informational item Doug Schwab reported the PNGA would be at Riverbend on Monday, May 2 to review the golf course for rating and slope. This service is provided free to the course and is done by volunteers. A team of eight first play and measure thegolf course, then after lunch (provided by the course) they go back out and rate the golf course. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p. T H E P R O F E S S I O Y-, L G O L F E R S' A S s O C I I O N O F A M E R I C*A �ptlifl• *� PACIFIC NORTHWEST r SECTION March 23, 1994 Keith Sanden 4011 Yelm Hwy. S.E. Head Professional Olympia Riverbend Golf Complex Washington 98501-5170 2019 West Meeker (206) 456-6496 Kent, Washington 98032-4216 1-800-688-4653 Dear Keith, .,Fax: (206) 456-6745 It was recently brought to my attention that Riverbend Golf Complex has re -organized its management operational structure, and you are no longer employed as supervisor to John Chalmers and Liz Cathcart, assistants in the apprentice program of the Professional Golfers' Association. It is mandatory that an apprentice in the program be supervised by a.Class A Head Professional at a recognized golf facility. An apprentice employed at a facility who is not supervised by a Class A member is not eligible to receive credit in the apprentice program. Therefore, any apprentices currently working at Riverbend will no longer receive credit in the apprentice program, effective today's date. This will also pertain to any future apprentices hired. at Riverbend Golf Complex. I understand you recently hired John Chalmers on February 14, 1994. My concern is that he and Liz have been told that they must re -apply for their current job positions at Riverbend. This situation is unethical and needs to be discussed at greater length. Please notify me as soon as possible as to the status of these assistants so the proper paperwork can be completed and filed. If I can be of further assistance, please call me Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (cry (800) 688-4663. Sincerely, Ronald L. Coleman Executive Director Club Relations Officer Pacific Northwest Section PGA of America your golf game better Making golf a better game .y L_J Golf 0pe1dtOYSM must offer value Golfers are never happy about paying more for greens fees, but the increases are some- what easier to accept when they're tied to planned improvements in the golf course. With that in mind, the Kent City Council's parks committee appears on the right track in proposing greens fee increases that will help finance long-term improvements in the River - bend Golf Complex on West Meeker Street. Another positive sign of the committee's sensi- tivity toward the golfing public is its recommen- dations to give city residents an unspecified price break and to continue discounts for juniors and seniors. There's no doubt that golf has become an expensive sport. It wasn't too many years ago that greens fees of $9 to $11 were common. Now, most courses charge at least $20 for a weekend round of 18 holes. Some courses charge consid- erably more. Golf course operators must keep in mind the impact higher greens fees have on golfers, partic- ularly junior golfers and senior citizens. • Kent may OK 41,1114 greens fee boost for Riverbend By JEAN PARIETTI Valley Daily News KENT - Greens fees at River - bend Golf Complex may increase May 1, but city residents could get a small break on the price of a round. The City Council's parks commit- tee last week recommended approv- al of the increases, which are pro- jected to raise an additional $138,000 annually. The extra mon- ey would help finance a long-term improvement program at the five- year-old municipal golf course. "We have about $1.5 million worth of potential master plan pro- jects for the golf course, so this increase, over a number of years, would help to fund those," Acting Parks Director Patrice Thorell told the committee. Doug Schwab, a member of the city's Golf Advisory Board, said board members "endorsed a rate increase as long as that rate increase was specifically tied to a facilities improvement plan" and there was a price break for city residents. Although Riverbend doesn't have a capital improvement plan, the council committee last week also approved spending $15,000 to draft a five-year master plan for the com- plex. As for the lower fees for Kent golfers. Thorell said such a two- tiered system could create complica- tions. "The issue is going to be checking identification" to verify whether a golfer is a Kent resident, she said. "They already have customer back- up" at the cashier's desk, Thorell said. "This is going to back up the customer a little bit more." "That can be overcome," said Councilman Jim Bennett, noting other cities have successfully used discount systems. Thorell said the city of Seattle has had problems with its resident dis- count system. "There are pros and cons both ways," she noted. "I see nothing wrong with the gesture of giving something back to the taxpayers," Bennett added. The City Council's parks committee last week recommended approval of the Increases, which are projected to raise an additional $138,000 annually. Council members Christi Houser and Paul Mann agreed a resident discount should be implemented, but Houser said the city should first check with its golf course contractor to make sure he has no objections. Under the proposal, weekday rates from Nov. 1 to March 31 would increase from $11 to $12 for nine holes and from $16.50 to $17 for 18 -hole play. During the prime months, April 1 to Oct. 31, the fees would be $13 and $19, respectively. Rates on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, would rise from $13 to $15 for nine holes and from $19.50 to $23 for 18 holes between Nov. I and March 31. During the prime months, the rates are proposed to be $14 for nine holes and $20 for an 18 -hole round. Discounts for senior citizen and young golfers would continue Mon- day through Thursday. Those rates are also proposed to increase, from $9 to $10 for nine holes and from $13 to $15 for I8 -hole play. These rates would be the same year-round. The discount for city residents wasn't specified, but Bennett sug- gested knocking 50 cents off the fees. Even with the increases, River - bend's regular rates would be some- what lower than the average at eight other courses in the area, according to a comparison Thorell presented. Kent's junior -senior discount rate would be the same as the eight - course average. The rate proposal will go to the full City Council for approval. Should the out Rounds on the left side &ole #14 be eliminated and changed to a lateral water hazard? The options available to a golfer who hits a ball out of bounds are very different from those available to a golfer who hits a ball into a lateral water hazard. In the case of a ball hit out of bounds the "Rules of Golf' (Rule 27-1) require the player to replay the shot "under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played." If a player is unsure whether or not the ball is lost or out of bounds they may elect to play a provisional ball from the spot where the original ball was just played. If the original ball is subsequently determined to be lost or out of bounds then the provisional becomes the ball in play. These are the only options available if a ball is hit out of bounds or is thought to be out of bounds. In actual application this means if you hit a ball out of bounds or think it might be out of bounds you immediately get another ball out of your bag, play another shot and then move down the fairway. The "Rules of Golf' do not allow you extra time to search for a ball that is out of bounds. In the case of a ball hit into a lateral water hazard the "Rules of Golf' (Rule 26-1) allow the golfer several options. The most significant in the case of hole #14 is the player may go into the hazard, look for up to 5 minutes for their ball and then if found play the ball from the hazard. The other options under penalty of one stroke are the player may drop a ball: 1) behind the hazard (not probably possible) 2) within two club lengths of the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard (probably used in most cases but not all) 3) at the spot from which the original ball was last played (player will have to walk back to that point because you may not hit a provisional ball if the original is hit in to a hazard). In actual application this means that any ball hit into the hazard will be followed by a search party looking for up to 5 minutes for the ball. If the ball is found the golfer will then have to decide if it can be played from there and if not from where it can be play. This may mean going back to the spot where the original ball was first played. CITY OF KENT RIVERBEND GOLF COMPLEX SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT APRIL 1994 PREPARED FOR: RIVERBEND GOLF COMPLEX GOLF ADVISORY BOARD PREPARED BY: <. R. D. "PETE" PETERSEN JR. GOLF COMPLEX SUPERINTENDENT DATE: APRIL 26,1994 i � 4 SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT - APRIL 1994 GENERAL MAINTENANCE A GREENS -LOWERED CUTTING HEIGHT TO 5/32" AND INITIATED VERTICUTTING ONCE A WEEK TO STIMULATE THE GROWTH OF POA ANNUA. DEVELOPED A FERTILIZATION PROGRAM TO PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF POA, BY INCREASING THE FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION AND DECREASING THE AMOUNT OF PRODUCT TO EVEN OUT THE GROWTH CURVE OF THE TURF. OVER TIME THIS PROGRAM WILL RESULT IN A HEATHIER STAND OF TURF AND BETTER QUALITY PUTTING SURFACES. B TEES, COLLARS, AND APRONS - INCREASED MAINTENANCE PRACTICES TO INCLUDE MOWING THREE TIMES A WEEK AND THE USE OF BASKETS TO REMOVE GRASS CLIPPINGS. DEVELOPED A SPECIFIC FERTILIZATION PROGRAM FOR THESE AREAS TO STIMULATE GROWTH AND PROMOTE A DENSER QUALITY TURF TO IMPROVE WEAR TOLERANCES IN THESE CRITICAL AREAS. C FAIRWAYS - INCREASED MAINTENANCE PRACTICES BY MOWING THREE TIMES A WEEK AND IMPLEMENTED CROSS -CUTTING TO PROMOTE AN UP -RIGHT GROWTH CHARACTERISTIC OF THE TURF. ANALYZED SOIL SAMPLE TO FORMULATE A FERTILIZATION PROGRAM TO FULFILL DEFICIENCIES AND PROMOTE A BETTER QUALITY STAND OF TURF. D ROUGH - LOWERED CUTTING HEIGHT TO 1-1/8" TO PROMOTE FASTER PLAY. THE ROUGH IS CURRENTLY BEING MAINTAINED SEVEN DAYS A WEEK AND HAS PRESENTED A MAJOR CHALLENGE DUE TO ITS RAPID GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS. AS GROWTH SLOWS THIS SITUATION WILL BECOME MORE MANAGEABLE. E AERIFICATION -DUE TO THE NUMBER OF TOURNAMENTS IN RECENT WEEKS AND THE LACK OF POA SEEDHEADS ON THE GREENS, AERIFICATION HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL THE WEEK OF MAY 2. BY TIMING AERIFICATION WITH THE ON SET OF THE SEEDHEADS WE t:. WILL BE ABLE TO PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF POA DURING THE TRANSITION PERIOD. F NEW MAINTENANCE PRACTICES: 1 OVER SEEDING OF DIVOTS ON TEES ON A DAILY BASIS, WITH A SAND, ORGANIC, AND SEED MIX - TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF TEEING AREAS. 2 OVERSEEDING WITH POA TRIVIALIS FOLLOWING AERIFICATION - TO PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF POA AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE PUTTING SURFACES DURING THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM BENTGRASS TO POA. 3 TOPDRESSING - TO IMPROVE TO SMOOTHNESS AND ROLL OF PUTTING SURFACES. FREQUENT LIGHT TOPDRESSINGS BETWEEN AERIFICATIONS WILL ALSO AID IN THE REDUCTION OF THATCH. G GOLF CARTS - STARTING MAY 01 THF,90 DEGREE RULE WILL BE IN EFFECT. THIS SHOULD ALSO HELP TO SPEED-UP PLAY. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT APRIL 1994 - PAGE 2 SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT - APRIL 1994 2 CURRENT PROJECTS A INSTALLATION OF NEW DIVIDER BOARDS AND RE -INSTALLATION OF NETS BETWEEN STALLS AT THE DRIVING RANGE. TO RESOLVE THE CURRENT SAFETY ISSUE WITH ERRANT BALLS AND COLONY PARK APARTMENTS. B IRRIGATION SYSTEM - GENERAL REPAIRS AND SERVICE TO THE PUMP'STATION AND CHECKING OF SYSTEM AND CONTROLLERS. 3 FUTURE PROJECTS A INSTALLATION OF I IRBY YARDAGE MARKERS. "b B INSTALLATION OF YARDAGE INDICATORS ON TEES. C DRIVING RANGE NETTING AND GATE REPAIRS. D INSTALLATION OF THE GATE OFF OF FRAGER ROAD AT No. 15 TEE. E REPAIR AND PAINT MINI -PUTT FENCE. F LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT DRIVING RANGE. G INSTALLATION OF RESTROOMS ON COURSE. (SEE REPORT "RESTROOMS-) 4 'EQUIPMENT S=am A EQUIPMENT RENTALS IS CURRENTLY REPAIRING THE ENGINE IN ONE OF THE FAIRWAY UNITS. WESTERN EQUIPMENT (TORO DEALER) HAS LOAN US A FAIRWAY MOWER UNTIL THE REPAIRS ARE COMPLETED. B CURRENTLY WORKING WITH EQUIPMENT RENTALS ON REPLACING TWO GREENS MOWERS, TWO UTILITY VEHICLES, AND A ROTARY DECK MOWER. C PURCHASED A NEW JOHN DEER TRI -CYCLING MOWER AND A GRASS GRAFT FLY MOW. D CURRENTLY RESEARCHING THE REPLACEMENT OF ONE WEED-EATERAND ONE BACK -PACK BLOWER. E SCHEDULED TO DEMO A JOHN DEER TIM / SURROUNDS MOWER (BUY-OUT FUNDS). 5 SAFETY A BATCHED THE HOLE NEXT TO STORM GRATE IN 18 HOLE PARKING LOT. B GAS TANK WAS CLEANED AND SERVICED BY CLEAN FUEL SYSTEMS. SPOKE WITH CITY'S RISK MANAGER TO DETERMINE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - STATE REQUIRES MONTHLY MONITORING BY STICKING TANKS AND DOCUMENTATION OF RESULTS. >: SIlPEA01MOEMSREPORXAPRIL1994-PAGE 3 6� i SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT - APRIL 1994 SAFETY CONTINUED... C CONTACTED CITY FIRE MARSHAL REGARDING PROPANE TANK BEHIND CLUBHOUSE. AFTER REVIEWING CODES, WE WILL BE CONSTRUCTING A SAFETY BARRIER TO PROTECT THE TANK. D CHEMICAL STORAGE - WE ARE CURRENTLY IN COMPLIANCE WITH STATE GUIDELINES WITH OUR PRESENT STORAGE SITUATION, BASED ON THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF PESTICIDE PRODUCTS STORED. ALTHOUGH WE ARE CURRENTLY IN COMPLIANCE THIS'ISSUE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED, OPTIONS INCLUDE PURCHASING A SELF-CONTAINED STORAGE FACILITY OR CONSTRUCTION OF A FACILITY WHICH MEETS STATE REGULATIONS. 6 MAINTENANCE STAFF A INTERVIEWS WILL BE TAKING PLACE TO FILL THE VACANT MAINTENANCE WORKER II POSITION - TO BE FILL BY MAY 15. B RECLASSIFYING ONE OF OUR EIGHT MONTH EMPLOYEES TO A FOUR MONTH POSITION, WILL OPEN ONE ADDITIONAL EIGHT MONTH POSITION. C PLANNING TO HIRING TWO ADDITIONAL FOUR MONTH EMPLOYEES - A.S.A.P. D HIRING TWO PART-TIME EMPLOYEES TO PERFORM NIGHT WATERING OF THE DRIVING RANGE AND PAR 3 COURSE. 7 PROPOSED GREENS FEE INCREASE THE PARKS DEPARTMENT IS CURRENTLY WORKING WITH CITY ADMINISTRATION AND WILL BE PRESENTING THE PROPOSED RATES TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. 8 RESTROOMS THE RESTROOMS ARE SCHEDULED FOR INSTALLATION THE SECOND WEEK OF MAY. .DELAYS DUE TO CITY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONTRACTOR TO FILE A STATEMENT OF INTENT (BID BASED ON PREVAILING WAGE SCALE), PREPARATION OF SPECIFICATIONS, AND APPROVAL OF THE CONTRACT, HAVE BEEN TIME CONSUMING. 9 FIVE YEAR PLAN THE FIVE YEAR PLAN IS PENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE BUY-OUT FUNDS TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY FUNDING TO CONTINUE WITH THE INITIAL PLANNING AND FACILITY ANALYSIS STAGES. HARRIS MINIATURE GOLF IS CURRENTLY DESIGNING A NEW MINI -PUTT FACILITY. REDDEN NET WILL BE VISITING THE RANGE ON FRIDAY APRIL 29, TO GIVE RECOMMENDATIONS AND A COST ESTIMATE TO INSTALL NEW NETTING. WE HAVE ALSO CONTACTED MR. DON HOGAN TO CONSULT WITH US REGARDING THE POSSIBILITIES OF INSTALLING SOME KIND OF SYNTHETIC TURF PRODUCT AND OTHER OPTIONS. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT APRIL 1994• PAGE 4 It Z7