HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 03/13/1990 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES f� t��� i Wl��r rc�i Q E VU E � U �5 �t�y 13, 1990 LD MAR 2 2 1990 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Mann CITY OF KENT Jon Johnson CITY CLFRV STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen Tony McCarthy Don Olson Don Wickstrom Bill Williamson Charlie Lindsey May Miller Alana McIalwain Becky Fowler Teri Mertes GUESTS PRESENT: Lyle Price, Kent News Journal APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending February 28, 1990 in the amount of $599, 649.77 were approved for payment. CITY POLICY ON MILITARY LEAVE Personnel Director Olson presented to the Committee, as an information only item, the city's current Military Leave of Absence policy and the proposed new policy. The changes include compensation for work days (5 per week) instead of calendar days (7 per week) . EMPLOYEE REQUESTS FOR RECLASSIFICATION Personnel Director Olson informed the Committee that 50-60 job reclassifications are currently on hold. Olson stated it would take approximately 1 month, with current work load, to evaluate and field audit each position to see if a reclass is appropriate. He stated that with the current size of the Personnel staff this task would be time consuming. Some alternatives to address this issue are 1- hire an outside consultant, 2- hire additional personnel, 3- perform a city wide pay and reclassification. The last city wide reclassification survey was done in 1987. The reasons that this must be addressed include: 1- key employees are considering leaving to other municipalities for higher wages, 2- lawsuits could be possible. Olson stated that there are 12 union/teamster reclassifications that take priority. Public Works Director Wickstrom was concerned about keeping his current employees from considering other municipalities because his department has already contracted a lot of projects. -•ram 4� Personnel Director Olson suggested the city get advice for Ewing and Associates, who performed the last city wide reclass, when they visit on March 29 and then decide on a solution. PERSONNEL ANALYST/MATERNITY LEAVE Personnel Director Olson stated, as information only, that Personnel Analyst Viseth will be on maternity leave beginning in July. The cost to replace her position for approximately 19 weeks will be $11, 000. BANKING SERVICES DRAFT RFP Finance Assistant Mertes informed the Committee that the city will be submitting proposals for banking services to local banks. A draft proposal was presented which includes the city specifications of banking services, monthly banking volumes and the proposal to evaluate the cost of services. Financial Services Manager Miller stated that with the city's continued growth and technical advancement that banking services have become more complex to include on-line bank information, lockbox, credit cards and courier services, etc. COUNCIL CHAMBERS/COURTROOM CARPETING Customer Service Manager Lindsey informed the Committee of plans to replace the chamber and courtroom carpeting. He noted that in so doing the dias in the courtroom will be removed and the torn benches will be mended. Currently the carpet in the courtroom and chambers is known as being hazardous and must be upgraded. It was recommended that the new carpet match the new artwork. The funds to replace the carpet can be made available within the building renovation account budget established in the 1990 budget. The Committee recommended that Lindsey get quotes of firm prices per square foot and bring them back to the Operations Committee. Councilmember Mann presented the sound problem in the Council Chambers and the inability to hear citizens on Television. Lindsey and Assistant City Administrator Hansen recommended they evaluate alternative solutions and present options to the Committee. KING COUNTY LIBRARY SERVICE ANALYSIS Assistant City Administrator Hansen explained to the Committee that King County is examining the possibility of increasing the city's library service fee. The fee is currently 26 cents on $1 assessed value and Kin my wants to increase the fee to 50 cents. Currently al city' pay at different levels and they want the fee to be standar Hansen received a request that local cit jointly participate in an analysis of library service financing ssues, at a cost of $4200 per city, to be performed by the Georgette Group. The analysis would consist of mechanics, rates, service and evaluation of how fair and valid the proposed rates are. New col£ r' , such as Federal Way and Sea Tac are paying at the rate of 50 cents. The City of Kent is currently paying $807, 000 per year for services and the new rate would be $1,354,000 with the increase to be paid at 25% over a 4 year period. The Committee recommended to Council that the city pay $4200 and participate in the library analysis by a vote of 2-0. LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION BUDGET Assistant City Administrator Hansen informed the Committee that the Library Construction project will go out to bid in March. The pumping of perma frost and oil contaminated soil is nearly complete and cost $145,000. The budget for this project was established in 1987 and due to inflation, at approximately 5% per year, the city's share of the final budget increased by $275,000 to $1,876,374. There is sufficient interest income from investing the proceeds to cover this increase.