HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 04/10/1990 d- (?4k 6-�I/ OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES R EC E I V E D April 10, 1990 APR 2 b 1990 " COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser CITY AMa'r "TRATIDN Paul Mann Jon Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Ed Chow Jim Hansen ,( Tony McCarthy 1 Sandra Driscoll Don Wickstrom Ron Spang Gary Gill Yvonne Knox May Miller Becky Fowler Teri Mertes GUESTS PRESENT: Lyle Price, Kent News Journal APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending March 30, 1990 in the amount of $1, 239, 266. 69 were approved for payment. WATER QUALITY ENGINEER POSITION Public Works Director Wickstrom requested that the water quality position approved in the 1990 budget be established as an engineering rather than a technical position. After evaluation by Public Works and Personnel it was determined that the position is required to perform engineering type duties. The funds are available in the 1990 budget to cover adjustment since the position has been vacant all year. This issue was recommended by the IPC. The Committee recommended to Council the position change to engineer by a vote of 3-0. FIRE CHIEF' S SALARY LEVEL Personnel Analyst Fowler informed the Committee that Personnel Director Olsen was out of town at a conference. Fowler said that the fire chief' s salary level issue hasn't changed since it was discussed at the Council meeting on 11/21/89 . The position is unique in its responsibilities due to service of District 37 and Valley Communications and it is difficult to find a comparable salary. Fowler requested Personnel Director Olsen bring the issue back to Council in the form of a presentation. The Committee recommended the presentation by a vote of 3-0 be addressed at the 4/17/90 meeting, in open session under Other Business. USE OF TERMINALS AND/OR PC'S FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Information Services Director Spang informed the Committee that Councilmember Johnson received a PC and modum to access City information from his home, as a test pilot project. This raised questions and interest by other Councilmembers and City staff. This pilot project is currently being funded from Information Services budget for an undecided time frame to see if there is a need for PC' s or Terminals for all Councilmembers. If this need exists than the expense can be included in the 1991 budget. It was mentioned that the City of Bellevue provides terminals for their Councilmembers. Spang disclosed the price difference between a terminal, $1300 and a PC, $4400 as being quite significant. Spang was also concerned about the support issues arising after hours and away from the place of business. The Committee decided that Councilmember Mann would be provided a terminal and training for at home access for a two month period. Councilmembers Mann and Johnson will than report back to the Operations Committee on July 10, 1990 their evaluation of this pilot project.