HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 09/11/1990 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 11, 1990 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Lauri Anderson Norm Angelo Dennis Byerly Ed Chow Ron Frederiksen Jim Hansen Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Don Olson Fred Satterstrom Don Wickstrom The meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm by Chairperson Christi Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending August 15, 1990 in the amount of $1,970,724.17 were approved for payment. All claims for the period ending August 31, 1990 in the amount of$979,562.01 were approved for payment. 228TH STREET ACQUISITION Public Works Director Wickstrom requested an addition $20,000 to complete the right of way acquisition at 228th and 64th Avenue to facilitate construction of a full street improvement by Union Pacific Realty for Van Doren's landing. $100,000 has already been approved but this amount is not enough to cover increased costs of acquisition. Public Works believes the funds should come out of the non-LID portion of the West Valley Highway improvement budget. The IBC and the Planning Committee have both supported this request. It was moved and seconded to transfer the $20,000 from the West Valley Highway improvement budget for the 228th acquisition. The 228th street acquisition was moved to the City Council Consent Calendar by a vote of 2-0. CONTRACT FOR HOUSING BOND ISSUE Planning Manager Satterstrom requested$14,730 in funds to hire a consultant to provide technical support in applying for grant money to further the Senior Housing Bond and to develop a request for proposal for securing a development team to acquire property and design and build the Kent senior housing. The funds would be made available in advance of the sale of Housing Bonds to be issued in late 1990. Finance Director McCarthy informed the Committee that the funds will be budgeted for in the upcoming bond issue budget at the time the bonds are sold. The bond sale has been delayed pending the establishment of a detailed project schedule to meet federal arbitrage expenditure of funds criteria. The IBC approves the advance use of these funds in developing the RFP and in applying for grant funding. In addition to the amount requested, the IBC would like to backcharge the bond issue budget for previous consultant expenditures since the voter approval, since these would be legitimate expenses had the bond issue sold earlier. The IBC recommends a total pre- bond issue budget of$40,000. It was moved and seconded to approve the deficit spending of$40,000 in advance of the bond sale. The item was moved to the next City Council meeting Consent Calendar. CENTENNIAL BUILDING TENANT IMPROVEMENTS Assistant City Administrator Hansen updated the Operations Committee on the Centennial Building progress. A space plan by Gail Martin, a consultant to the City, is near completion for Planning, Code Enforcement and Public Works. A move in plan is currently being worked out looking at electrical, data communication, etc. to facilitate a smooth transition between buildings. The goal is to have the departments fully operational on the day they are moved in. The year to date tenant improvements is approximately 66,000 which includes: surge protection, specialized electrical needs by the City, handrailing around main stairwell to ensure safety as well as a well designed focal point, cabinets and casework, employee lunchroom and an extension of conduit. He anticipates the final improvements will run between 5 and 10 thousand dollars. A move in date has not been set but will be in October. The move will most likely be set for a Friday-Saturday so the departments can be operational in the new location Monday. Sound Ventures, the building owner is planning to have a grand opening of the building. The City will also have separate opening ceremonies for our offices. Assistant City Administrator will update the Committee on dates as they are determined. DEPARTMENT HEAD SALARY SURVEY Personnel Director Olson presented the results of the department head salary survey to the Operations Committee. The survey was prepared by the Kenny Consulting Group who had also compiled the last report in June of 1986. The results of the survey were presented to the department heads at their meeting of September loth. Personnel Director Olson explained the methodology of the survey which included: an external salary survey,review of current job descriptions, and a personal interview with the employees. The external survey was sent to 11 local cities and three outside agencies using the department heads as benchmarks. The comparison included consideration of budget size, number of subordinants, job functions and content. After reviewing the terminology used in the comparison Personnel Director Olson noted the results of the survey showed the average salary of the City was 3% below that of other cities. Three of the positions surveyed were paid above that of other cities. The salary survey average was compared with the midpoint of the City pay range to reach these conclusions. The individual positions range from 12% below the average of other cities to 8% above. The consultant also reviewed the positions on the following factors: technical knowledge, complexity and diversity of functions managed, dimensions such as budget and levels of subordinates. The positions were than divided into three levels with one being the top level. The consultant recommended that the Assistant City Administrator be raised from level three to level two and the Parks director be lowered from a number two to a three. The consultant recommends the midpoint of the salary range be set at the average of the salary survey and the range be increased by 4% to maintain their competiveness through the year 1991. Personnel Director Olson recommended to Administration, the Operations Committee and City Council that they invite the consultant to address either the Operations Committee or City Council in order to give the consultant an opportunity to answer the department heads questions. He also recommended that the Parks Director position be maintained at the present level. A discussion followed on what would be the best way to proceed. It was agreed that the department heads should have an opportunity to meet with the consultant before the Council considers further action. Assistant City Administrator Hansen and Fire Chief Angelo recounted the need to address the compression issue. After further discussion it was determined the department heads would meet with the consultant at their department head meeting. City Administrator Chow will poll the Council members to determine if they would prefer a workshop on this issue or for it to proceed through the.Operations Committee. Committeechair Houser will determine if the Council agrees that the compression issue should be addressed as a parallel to the salary survey. If it is determined that Operations should handle the issue, it will be on the agenda of October 9, 1990 to allow time for analysis by the department heads, administration and the financial impact. This will also allow Fire and Police to fully analyze the salary survey and compression issues. GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ADVISORY BALLOT BUDGET Senior Planner Anderson presented a request from the Mayor's Growth Management Committee for an advisory ballot on the November 6 general election. The Planning Committee had forwarded the request to Operations without recommendation. The cost for placing it on the November 6 general election will be between $6,500 and $13,000. The IBC does not have a position but has stated that the funds are available if the Council decides to proceed. The Growth Management Committee had voted to proceed with the ballot by a vote of 4-2 in favor. The time limitations require a Council resolution to place the question on the November 6 general election at their September 18th meeting. Chairperson Houser expressed her concern that an advisory ballot would be confusing to the public as it would not determine the actions of the Growth Management Committee. If it failed, it would tie the hands of the Growth Management Committee. Committeemember Johnson concurred and noted that a process has been established through Planning to change codes. Chairperson Houser recommended other ways of soliciting public input such as utility bill stuffers to survey the public. After further discussion, Committeemember Mann moved that no funds be allocated. The motion was seconded and moved to the Council Agenda under Other Business with a denial by the Operations Committee by a vote of 3-0. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CITY ATTORNEY STAFFING City Administrator Chow put forth the request by City Attorney Lubovich to hire an additional prosecutor as soon as possible. City Attorney Lubovich informed the Committee that he had received the resignation for two of the civil attorneys in the City Attorney's office. He noted that the question of an additional attorney had been put before the Committee at an earlier meeting and had been tabled until the City Attorney position was filled. City Attorney Lubovich explained that he would request Council approval to hire an additional prosecutor. This position has been rated highly by the Council in the 1991 budget priorities. In addition, filling this position now would help to stabilize the City Attorneys office in this transitional period. During further discussion, Finance Director McCarthy noted that the high turnover has not allowed a full accounting of funds available but tentatively there should be enough excess in the City Attorneys budget to cover hiring this position during the remainder of 1990. It was also decided that consideration of hiring other support staff should wait until January. A motion was made and seconded to authorize the hiring of an additional prosecutor. The motion was moved to Other Business by a vote of 3-0. The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Houser at 5:40 p.m.