HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 03/24/1990 CITY OF KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES Thursday, March 24, 1994 Members Present: Ron Forest Callius Zaratkiewicz Others Present: Sgt. Weissich, Rose Nelson- Human Resource Senior Analyst, Lt. Cline, Chief Crawford, Dave Santos,. Lt. Shepard, Mr. Easter, Chief Angelo, others present. Chair Forest called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: None. II. REPORTS City Attorney, Roger Lubovich- No report. Fire Chief Angelo- Both recruits at the Academy are at the top of their class. Police Chief, Ed Crawford- Thanked the Civil Service Examiner for her help with the Entry Level Police Officer Examination of over 507 applicants. • Have two candidates who are about to graduate from the Police Academy. Human Resource Senior Analyst, Rose Nelson- no report. III. HEARINGS IV. OLD BUSINESS Chair Forest motioned to approve the Minutes from the February 24, 1994 Civil Service Commission Meeting. Seconded and carried. Chairman Forest asked for the legal update regarding Dave Santos's Reclassification. The Civil Service Examiner stated that her understanding was that there had been a meeting between the Union and Human Resource and that the issue had been settled. She asked Sgt Weissich if that was correct? City Attorney asked if that was the issue on going back on the reclassification for that period of time between when the reclassification was approved and when Mr. Santos signed his Union card? The Examiner stated yes. Sgt Weissich stated that the Guild is not involved prior to Mr. Santos becoming a member of the Guild. • Page 2 March 24, 1994 Civil Service Minutes Chief Crawford stated that he would bring the matter up with Mr. McFall so that there would be a time line and handle the matter to everyones satisfaction. Chair Forest asked for the update on the Joint Testing for Police Records Specialist and Police Data Entry Specialist. The Civil Service Examiner stated that she had received an E-mail from Captain Jim Miller with copies to Sgt Weissich and Debra Leroy stating that it was his understanding that the issue had been settled. Sgt Weissich stated that based upon representation to the Guild by the Police Administration, that there was no attempt nor plan to merge the two positions of Data Entry Specialist and Records Specialist, the Guild has no objection at this point of merging the testing. V. NEW BUSINESS Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the memo dated February 18, 1994 from Fire Chief Angelo notifying the Commission of the hiring of Mr. Kelley and Mr. Ziegler as Probationary Firefighters effective February 22, 1994. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the memo dated March 1, 1994 from Fire Chief • Angelo notifying the Commission that Lieutenant Kevin Garling has successfully passed his probationary period effective February 26, 1994. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the two requests dated March 4, 1994 from Lt. Cline requesting permission for the Police Department to run promotional examinations for 1) Police Captain and 2) Police Lieutenant. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the memo dated March 8, 1994 from Police Chief Crawford to Officer Tracey Church notifying her of her one-day suspension. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest OPENED FOR DISCUSSION the memo dated March 9, 1994 from Lt. Cline requesting that Lt. Sweeneys Provisional Appointment of Acting Captain be extended under Rule XII, Section 4.3 Disability Leave. Chief Crawford stated that the extension was needed due to the fact that Captain Byerly is not yet back from Disability Leave. To put another Lieutenant in as Acting Captain would be somewhat disruptive. C/A Lubovich stated that under the Rules it is permissible to grant the extension when a position is vacant as a result of a disability leave or retirement or such other reasons the Commission finds to preclude a timely and regular appointment. • C/A Lubovich asked what length of time it needed to be extended? Page 3 March 24, 1994 Civil Service Minutes Chief Crawford stated that he would like to extend it to the period of time that Captain Byerly is able to return or that a Promotional Examination can be held. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz motioned that the extension be granted up to six months. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest OPENED FOR DISCUSSION the letter dated March 14, 1994 from Mr. Todd L. Warren requesting the Commission review the Veterans Preference Rule and its application thereby allowing him to continue on in the testing process. C/A Lubovich stated that it was his understanding that theres been a request to apply the Veterans Preference 10% to the written portion of the exam which comprises 30% of the total score. This would in effect elevate this person to a status where he could proceed onto the rest of the exam. In the past we have applied the 10% after final completion of both the written and Oral Exams. In other words the Veterans Preference would not be applied until after the total score of both the Written and Oral. That is how it has been applied with the Police Department. It is specifically set forward in the Rules for the Fire Department. "The ten (10) percent credit afforded will be given to candidates for firefighter positions after they have successfully completed the oral examination and prior to being placed on the list." • This has been recently applied to the Police Examination although it does not spell it out in the Rules and thats how its being applied now, ten percent after both exams are completed. The question is, "What are the Commissions'feelings on it?" The Statute basically says that it applies to the final score. The question is, "Do we break out the final scores into segments, the Oral and Written before we apply it? We think its appropriate that it be applied after the final score. The Rules say now that it is specifically applied with Fire. The argument would be that you should apply it the same to Police rather than make it a difference in application." Chair Forest asked if there was any additional discussion? The Commissioners discussed the issue and Chair Forest moved that the Police Veterans Preference coincide with Fire. Seconded and carried. C/A Lubovich asked if the Rule should be amended to make it clear so that there is no doubt what the Rule application is? Chair Forest stated yes. C/A Lubovich stated that he would submit a Rules Change. C/A Lubovich asked the Examiner if Mr. Warren had requested an Appeal? Page 4 March 24, 1994 Civil Service Minutes Examiner Guiguet stated that Mr. Warren would like the Rule reviewed. She then read from Mr. Warren's letter: "I have read the RCW 41.04.010, and with that understanding, feel that the practice you applied is a violation of this rule. Had the VA Preference been applied correctly I would have been allowed to advance to the next level of testing... This letter is a formal request for you and the Commission to review the rule and its application thereby allowing me to continue on in the testing for the Entry Level Police Officer position." C/A Lubovich: "Just for the record, I have reviewed the Statute and I don't find it a violation as applied as we apply it. I think the Commission could change the Rules if they want to but to my understanding most jurisdictions have only one exam,the written and apply it obviously after the written. We have a written which is a part (30%), plus the Oral (70%) and so we apply it to the whole and we have already acted on that. For the Record in my opinion it is not a violation to the Rule or the Statute. The question is should we entertain his request?" The Commissioners stated no. C/A Lubovich: " Nothing further needs to be acted on. We'll inform him that the Commission has made a decision on it." Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the letter dated March 15, 1994 from Chief • Crawford to Officer Donovan R. Dexheimer notify him of his successful completion of his probationary period effective March 15, 1994. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the E-Mail dated March 16, 1994 from Captain Jim Miller stating that he had met with Sergeant Weissich and Debra Leroy regarding the issue of joint testing for Police Records Specialist and Police Data Entry Specialist and would be addressing the Commission at the next meeting. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the E-Mail dated March 17, 1994 from Debra Leroy regarding Joint Testing for Police Records Specialist and Police Data Entry Specialist. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the letter dated March 18, 1994 to Mr. Todd L. Warren from the Civil Service Examiner regarding his request for the Commission to review the application of Veterans Preference on the Entry Level Police Officer Testing process. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the Certification letter dated March 18, 1994 from the Civil Service Chief Examiner establishing the Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer. Seconded and carried. • Page 5 March 24, 1994 Civil Service Minutes Chair Forest motioned to ACCEPT INTO RECORD the memo dated March 18, 1994 from Chief Crawford requesting that the Police Sergeants Eligibility List be extended to December 16, 1994. Seconded and carried. Chair Forest: "Thank you. As there is no other business to come before the Commission, we will adjourn." Adjourned at 8:20 a.m. The next Civil Service Meeting will be a Special Meeting to hold our Regular Meeting due to the fact that we won't have a quorum on our Regular meeting date. It will be held on Thursday,April 28, 1994 at 8:00 a.m. in Council Chambers West. Respectfully submitted, Catherine M. Guiguet Secretary & Chief Examiner Approve Ron Forest, Chair •