HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 10/18/1990 (3) • CITY OF KENT CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES October 18, 1990 Members present: Robert Jarvis Callius Zaratkiewicz Scheduling conflict: Ron Forest Others present: Tom Shepard, Chief Fronsdahl, Rose Nelson, Kathy Holt, Chief Frederiksen, Chief Angelo, Roger Lubovich, Captain Byerly, Chief Angelo and others. The meeting was called to order at 8 : 10 a.m. by Chairman Jarvis. REPORTS City Attorney, Roger Lubovich- no report Fire Chief, Norm Angelo- We have two candidates at the Academy and they are both top of the Academy. We're very • proud of that. Police Chief, Rod Frederiksen- We have also graduated three people from the Academy and have sent them back to the Department where they are in Training Mode right now. We have another one graduating in a week and a half from the Academy. Personnel Analyst, Rose Nelson- no report unless City Attorney wishes to address the item on the Agenda regarding the Guidelines. City Attorney stated that it would be discussed under new business. OLD BUSINESS Chairman Jarvis coupled the approval of the Minutes from August 16, 1990 Civil Service Commission meeting; correction to Minutes of Special Meeting August 31, 1990 on Page 5, paragraph 10 to should read . . .to December 20, 1990; approval of Minutes from August 31, 1990 ; approval of Minutes from September 13th, 1990. Chairman Jarvis then entertained a motion to approve those minutes. Seconded and carried. Chairman Jarvis stated that the Update on the Rough Draft proposal for Civil Service Rules Revision would be continued until the next Civil Service Commission meeting unless there was an objection to that. There were no objections. • Page 2 civil Service Minutes October 18, 1990 NEW BUSINESS Chairman Jarvis added to the end of the Agenda the possible time change of the Civil Service Commission Meeting to make it more accessible for the Commissioners and stated that the Commission would appreciate any input from those others who regularly attend the meetings. Chairman Jarvis stated that he was unsure as to what the Commission wanted with regard to the Guidelines for hiring of temporary and part-time people not covered under Civil Service Commission. He asked City Attorney to address that. City Attorney, Roger Lubovich stated that there was a meeting scheduled todays date to address that issue and he felt it would be appropriate to bring back the proposal at the next Commission Meeting. • Chairman Jarvas asked if there was any need for anyone from the Commission to attend the meeting. He asked the Secretary & Chief Examiner if she was going to be there. She stated yes but felt that he also needed to be there. Chairman Jarvis had a previous engagement therefore Alana Mclalwain from Administration would attend the meeting. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated July 17, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen confirming Captain James Millers attendance of the 163rd Session of the F. B. I. National Academy. Seconded and carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated July 18, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen requesting the removal of Tracy Wilkinson from the Entry Level Police Officer Eligibility List due to information found during the background investigation. Seconded and carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated July 24, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen to Kevin R. Larkin confirming his employment with the Kent Police Department as a Probationary Patrolman effective August 1, 1990. Seconded and carried. • • Page 3 Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1990 Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo from Chief Angelo dated July 30, 1990 requesting the removal of the following names from the Firefighters Eligibility List which expired June 20, 1990: Mike Viergutz- accepted position with the City of Bonney Lake Fire Department. Jeff Pielek- unsatisfactory background investigation. Tom Curtis- accepted position with the City of Renton Fire Department. Tom Post- unsatisfactory psychological testing and background investigation. Chief Angelo mentioned that they had extended their list and needed to hire from it, therefore they needed to have the names removed. • Seconded and carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated July 31, 1990 from Chief Angelo to Chairman Jarvis recommending that the Civil Service Office remain in City Hall. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record letter dated August 1, 1990 from Mayor Kelleher to Mr. Alec Thornton, on the expiration of his term as Commissioner with the Civil Service Commission, thanking him for the splendid job he performed as Commissioner with the Commission. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated August 1, 1990 to Chief Frederiksen from Jan-Marie Body resigning her position of Police Records Specialist effective August 9, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated August 6, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen to Dalyce E Taylor confirming her appointment as a Records Specialist for the Kent Police Department effective September 10, 1990. Seconded and Carried. • • Page 4 Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1990 Chairman Jarvis Opened for Discussion the memo dated August 6, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen requesting that the Police Data Entry Specialist Eligibility List which expired, on August 14, 1990 be extended for an additional six (6) months to February 14, 1991. Chairman Jarvis asked if that was the first time the Commission extended the list. Chief Frederiksen stated yes. Chairman Jarvis moved that the Commission Accept into Record the extension. Seconded and carried. Chairman Jarvis Opened for Discussion the memo dated August 7, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen notifying the Commission of the transfer of Detective Sergeant Cline to the Valley Drug Task Force and recommending Officer Les Wong for Provisional Appointment to the rank of sergeant for the Patrol Division effective September 16, 1990. Chairman Jarvis stated that Officer Wong seemed qualified and • that he had heard a lot of good things about Officer Wong. Chief Frederiksen stated that further on in the Agenda that Officer Wong was promoted to the regular appointment of Sergeant. Chairman Jarvis moved to Accept into the Record the Provisional Appointment. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis moved to Accept into Record the memo dated August 14, 1990 from Dan Kelleher to the City Council appointing Mr. Callius Zaratkiewic2 as the new member of the Civil Service Commission. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated August 13 , 1990 to Commissioner Jarvis from Ed Chow, City Administrator informing him of the forwarding of the request for relocation of the Civil Service Examiner to Mr. Jim Hansen, Assistant City Administrator. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated August 20, 1990 from Chief Angelo to Firefighter Kraig Peiguss advising him of his sucessfull completion of his First Class promotional Exam, effective August 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried) . Page 5 Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1990 Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo from Chief Frederiksen dated September 5, 1990 announcing the promotion of Sergeant Rufener to the position of Police Lieutenant, effective immediately. Also announced in the same memo is the promotion of Officer Mike Painter to the rank of Police Sergeant effective immediately. Seconded and Carried. Chief Frederiksen stated that Lt. Rufener had given birth to a baby boy and would be on maternity leave until the latter part of December or the first part of January. Chairman Jarvis asked if Sergeant Painter would remain as a Sergeant? Chief Frederiksen stated that was so. Chairman Jarvis Opened for Discussion the memo from Chief Frederiksen dated September 6, 1990 informing the Commission of the disability leave of Patrol Sergeant Hammer and recommending that officer Kathy Holt be appointed as Temporary Sergeant. He then stated that she was well qualified and that he had no questions with regard to that and that she is • currently on the Sergeants Eligibility List. Chairman Jarvis moved to Accept that into the Record. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated September 6, 1990 to Lieutenant Jeff Barsness from Chief Angelo informing him of his sucessful completion of his probationary period and his status change to permanent Lieutenant effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated September 6, 1990 to Lieutenant Brian Kruml from Chief Angelo informing him of his sucessful completion of his probationary period and his status change to permanent Lieutenant effective August 18 , 1990. Seconed and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated September 10, 1990 to Firefighter Beth Gallup from Chief Angelo advising her of her promotion to Third Class Firefighter effective September 1, 1990. Seconed and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated September 10, 1990 to Firefighter Robert W. Johnson from Chief Angelo advising him of his promotion to First Class Firefighter effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Page 6 Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1990 Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated September 10, 1990 to Firefighter Greg Johnson from Chief Angelo advising him of his promotion to Third Class Firefighter effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated September 11, 1990 to Lieutenant Tom Shepard from Chief Angelo informing him of his sucessful completion of his probationary period and his status change to permanent Lieutenant effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the letter dated September 11, 1990 to Lieutenant Dan Hertlein from Chief Angelo informing him of his sucessful completion of his probationary period and his status change to permanent Lieutenant effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated • September 12 , 1990 to Firefighter Steve Martineau from Chief Angelo advising him of his promotion to Third Class Firefighter, effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated September 12 , 1990 to Firefighter David White from Chief Angelo advising him of his promotion to Third Class Firefighter effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memos dated September 18, 1990 from Norm Angelo advising that the following firefighters have successfully passed their promotional examination to Third Class Firefighter: Bob Loveless, Eric Tomlinson, Dan Thompson, Fritz Wininger, Mike Findley, Ron Lowe, Bob Schmidt, and Brian Dodge. Also, that Conrad Matsuoka and Chris Lindahl had successfully passed their promotional examination to First Class Firefighter. All promotions effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Page 7 Civil Service Minutes October 18, 1990 Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated September 21, 1990 from Chief Angelo advising that Firefighter Paul Wright had sucessfully passed his promotional examination to Second Class Firefighter effective September 1, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the Certification letter dated September 24, 1990 from the Secretary & Chief Examiner establishing the Captains Eligibility List. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated September 25, 1990 from Chief Frederiksen recommending the removal of David G. Lewis from the Corrections Officer Eligibility List due to information obtained during the polygraph and background investigation. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo from • Chief Frederiksen dated September 25, 1990 with the following items: Promotion of Lieutenant Charles Miller to the rank of Captain. Promotion of Sergeant Bob Cline to the rank of Lieutenant. Promotion of Officer Les Wong to the rank of Sergeant. Seconded and Carried. Also in the same memo, Chairman Jarvis Opened for Discussion the request for the temporary appointment of Lieutenant Bill Mitchell to serve as Acting Captain in charge of the Patrol Division. Chief Frederiksen stated for discussion purposes that Acting Captain Mitchell who they are requesting be appointed to that rank will be filling in for Captain Jim Miller who is at the F.B. I. Academy and will be serving as Division Commander for the Patrol Division. Lt. Mitchell is on the Captains Eligibility List and is qualified to fill that position and has done so previously and sucessfully. Chairman Jarvis moved to Accept into Record. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the memo dated October 10, 1990 from Chief Rod Federiksen to Corrections • Officer Carol Selvidge granting her request for Leave Without Pay from November 1 through December 31, 1990. Seconded and Carried. Page 8 Civil service Minutes October 18, 1990 Chairman Jarvis motioned to Accept into Record the Certification Letter dated October 10, 1990 from the Secretary & Chief Examiner establishing the Corrections Officer Eligibility List. Seconded and Carried. Chairman Jarvis opened for discussion the change in time of the Regular Civil Service Meeting. It was decided to change the time to 4: 00 p.m. in the afternoon. Seconded and Carried Chief Frederiksen had one additional Item for the Agenda. Would like to fill Lt. Rufener's position with a Temporary Appointment of Officer Glen Woods while Lt. Rufener is on Maternity Leave. Officer Woods is on the current Lieutenants ' Eligibility List and has been trained in the area of Internal Affairs Investigation where he is now serving. . Chairman Jarvis asked if Officer Woods is currently a. Detective. Chief Frederiksen stated that that was so. Chairman Jarvis moved that the Temporary Appointment be Accepted into Record. Seconded and Carried Captain Byerly asked for clarification with regard to the two memos on the Relocation of the Civil Service Examiner. Chairman Jarvis stated that the .Commission is exploring the possibility of the Civil Service Examiner having her own office or a location more feasible for her needs and the needs of those who access her office.