HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 08/17/1951 2_„F711st . 17 , 2 °51 TLe reeting of tie Civil Cervice Corr'ission cats Iald st t;e Cit, Fall. of Font , •1.t 5 : 00 . Co^'1^issio 'iF,3 s preeent -'ere Gert]:"Ide );ovell. nd letter from r.:.ve ' oone; , :': }%or of Y.ent s read , notifyinr the ' Civil Service Co�—issio', rf the sppoir.t e ^+ e` ^._, I,011 as a. ^-er'oer of ti r, Civil Service C=Iis sion of t'r e City of ent to fill iJ-e i^C+; rn ' r"+ ^_e _ I— tie -re: irn i ion of Ji-^ 'relleher . TY:e resic ,il tion of Ji— KP'lci er rr:_s aceepted ZnO ti e mcticn to �ccert Al John. on -.s _ r•erber f i,he Civil Servic = _ p e Cow^ i. .ion W?,s c .rried . iiBEp eCtf,'l - P"T "i tted ecret ' :l Cl ,:i2 n Civi7 erNire Co i: s en Counterei"mecl e� 0 ,.t : 17 1951 The MUM i"E'Ct ir: of :j c civil ;.cTV. Ce Cor issicii vrae. Y31d. _'t .z_ t;e cit; TTall of not , it 8: Co. C'o;r in i S S i G!Ir_' 3 prer'ent were GertTvee Lovell an& 0r ;nn -inOerc..0i1. '• litter f2o:n Dn7e voone , r vor of Kent VA S i'e';;.G., not•ifC].:lf' 1 n, Prvi.ce Co .:'I M.1 C!C _C.� of the appointment of 7 Ammon as .=u Civil „ TMemY,er of the Civil Service Commission of the City of AnIt to fill the portion left oven by the vresignotim of d 7^ 7,e33eher. Tr-e resign-stiOn of Jim Kelleher j^s accepted .and tie meticn to accent Al. Almon w a renber pf the Civil Service ro7miss on WAS carried . iiespectfr! ' Mmitted a Q�- becret r„ gip:Dro„ap Chair—:. Civil te"co C077AS r_! Counterviened