HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 06/07/1951 June 7 , 1951
The re6ular meetinf of the Civil service COmTission was
hell it the, C:its. TT�I.). , 9tCC P.`
Commissioners pre.ent wore : Jim KeMoher , Gertru?e Novel].
aqQ Nermsn Anderson.
DiscuFnion of tie results of the "nAt Mire Peprrrtreant
;. romotional Examination enau_ed. Patrolman John Voiris was
decln ed eligible for promotion with a gra. e of 881. -atrol-
ran Ral. h Evans receivec a non.-,;. ,. sin-; of 52 . .
A discussion of the .oalification& of ntiol- r_ Cl ;.rd.e Yoper
ns pro„ ' sinnal po,trelmin decided it fixor of continuing
him at tie Ares: nt K tns fnr the p] e. _it .
COWIC°._ .'1Q NT i{& W er teRi e & "it . .;i 7n—ti Oil fro-
,p Me
] <" li nco to tee'' We . 'no Co--i --.on t,no"
arnf Er GO11WerR lon b t Old not ' .r 'i n it .
i. �E _--.r :10 `, :-tj,r tnsile: s t;-.e n,aetir- -.. .. :d.
It :: a.n .,r.�'^(; „i .t -TC'=1f1C'01:`TL 10 Ei?%Lt t0 •ri_ Ji y O^;10,r pj
t' e Iva"t" of ! At] clr . -t TOM ° orri^ to Yol'_re Lerro nt .
Eessoctful7y Subm t,
1 ni'c o 0 .
Feryr tor,
..i pr: ved---------------
C .S .C .
June 7, 1951
The re �:lar meeting of the Civil Service Commission was
held at the City= Hall., QIx" P.m.
J .
Commissioners preEent ?:erk Jim Kelleher, Gertr,7�.e Lovell
a4&,Norn-.n Anderson.
Discv.eeion of the .reEults of the 'er_t Pot.-ice Department
_rro:motional Examination ensiled. Patrolman John Yoiris was
declared eligible for promotion with a gra0e of 88 . xatrol-
man Ral;.h Evans receivee a nol_"p=.ssir_j of 520.
. A discussion of .the onali f ications of Patrolonn Claude ? oger
as proviaional patrolman decided in favor of continuing
hi^ at tY.e preeant st .tun for the Previnto
Co"MFUner eT.?0 W ATer - ter,c'.. M his lF'=�7.e31'..t .,(:;1. fIi�T"• .'Che
resieence to Ceattle. TO Comrisf.'.on tent tyis r:;:.qi Rticn
tnd.er consideration but did not "rt on it .
y'-:.'.ls 4 . ng _10 fi rther jllsilg s the :'r'.eetins
won ad j oy
o e t` 'ot_ f t `n le ant to ` s; ci E. of
It d t is r , ,
tie promotion of : :trClnn, join "Orric to Police Lerpeant.
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Count,e ::nn e.