HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 01/02/2002 (3) • CITY OF KENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA The City of Kent Civil Service Commission is scheduled to meet Wednesday, January 2, 2002 at 5:15 p.m. in Centennial South. The following information will be discussed: I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: II. HEARING: III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Accept Into Record 1. Approval of Minutes from the November 28, 2001 Civil Service Meeting. IV. NEW BUSINESS: • A. Accept into Record 1. Eligibility List dated December 14, 2001 for Police Lieutenant. 2. Letter dated December 17, 2001 to Chief Crawford from Mica Harasek informing the Chief that he is resigning effective January 1, 2002 and will not be seeking an extension of his time off. 3. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Randy Anderson has been appointed as Provisional Battalion Chief effective January 2, 2002. 4. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Dole Robertson has been appointed Provisional Assistant Chief effective January 2, 2002. 5. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Steven Parson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal • will end January 2, 2002 and that he will return to shift as Fire Fighter 1'' Class. • Civil Service Agenda January 2, 2002 Page 2 6. Memo from Chief Hamilton dated December 26, 2001 stating that Mike Richardson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal will end on January 2, 2002 and he will report to the Training Dept. to prepare to return to shift as Fire Fighter I" Class. 7. Memo from Chief Hamilton dated December 26, 2001 informing the Commission that effective January 2, 2002 Daniel Conroy's appointment as Fire Inspector will end and he will return to shift as Fire Fighter 1" Class. 8. Memo dated December 26,2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Brian Kruml's Provisional Battalion Chief appointment will end January 2, 2002 and he will resume his position of Lieutenant on A Shift. • 9. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that effective January 1, 2002 Mike Scott's Provisional appointment of Assistant Chief will end. He will resume his position of Battalion Chief as Safety Officer and Volunteer Coordinator. B. Action Items for Discussion 1. Letter from Lt. Steve Ohlde asking the Commission permission to test for Police Records Specialist. The list for this position expired December 14, 2001. P:\Emp\\NY\U5R\E5\PUBLIC\Employment\Civi(Service\Agendas&Mi nutesCSMeetings\AgendaDec.Rescheduled Fo rJan2002.docloyment • Winecka, Natalie Wrom: Winecka, Natalie ent: Friday, December 28, 2001 10:40 AM To: Winecka, Natalie Subject: Big apology! I need to make a correction to the gender of Mica Harasek in the December/January 2nd agenda. I apologize for the error! A revised agenda is attached. AgendaDec.Resc edulefforJan200, Thank you, Natalie • • 1 • CITY OF KENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA The City of Kent Civil Service Commission is scheduled to meet Wednesday, January 2, 2002 at 5:15 p.m. in Centennial South. The following information will be discussed: I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: II. HEARING: III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Accept Into Record 1. Approval of Minutes from the November 28, 2001 Civil Service Meeting. IV. NEW BUSINESS: • A. Accept into Record 1. Eligibility List dated December 14, 2001 for Police Lieutenant. 2. Letter dated December 17, 2001 to Chief Crawford from Mica Harasek informing the Chief that she is resigning effective January 1, 2002 and will not be seeking an extension of her time off. 3. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Randy Anderson has been appointed as Provisional Battalion Chief effective January 2, 2002. 4. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Dole Robertson has been appointed Provisional Assistant Chief effective January 2, 2002. 5. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Steven Parson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal • will end January 2, 2002 and that he will return to shift as Fire Fighter 1'' Class. • Civil Service Agenda January 2, 2002 Page 2 6. Memo from Chief Hamilton dated December 26, 2001 stating that Mike Richardson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal will end on January 2, 2002 and he will report to the Training Dept. to prepare to return to shift as Fire Fighter 1" Class. 7. Memo from Chief Hamilton dated December 26, 2001 informing the Commission that effective January 2, 2002 Daniel Conroy's appointment as Fire Inspector will end and he will return to shift as Fire Fighter 1't Class. 8. Memo dated December 26,2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Brian Kruml's Provisional Battalion Chief appointment will end January 2, 2002 and he will resume his position of Lieutenant on A Shift. • 9. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that effective January 1, 2002 Mike Scott's Provisional appointment of Assistant Chief will end. He will resume his position of Battalion Chief as Safety Officer and Volunteer Coordinator. B. Action Items for Discussion 1. Letter from Lt. Steve Ohlde asking the Commission permission to test for Police Records Specialist. The list for this position expired December 14, 2001. P:\Emp\\NY\USR\ES\PUBLIC\Employment\Civi]5ervice\Agendas4Mi nutesCSMeetings\Agendal)ec.Rescheduled ForJan2002.docloyment • • December 17,2001 } Dear Chief Crawford, This letter is to inform you that as of January 1, 2002 I will be resigning and not seeking an extension on my time off. I want to thank you for allowing me so much time to make this decision. I truly enjoyed my time at Kent Police and feel there is no other law enforcement agency that can match up. I hope in the future if I should choose to return you would consider me for rehire. In the mean time take care and thank you. Mica Harasek I )')Lh II0-,2oK • rf' Police AWI,ery.,vreared POkft apercy 1 ocation:232 Fourth Ave.S. N T `Mail to:220 Fourth Ave.S. w�e��•o.o• � Kent,WA 98032-5895 Desk: 253.856.5925 M.L.Harasek Fax: 253.856-6900 Detective ,, , Email: mharasek I Qci.kentma.us MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire Chief) RE: Notification of Provisional Battalion Chief Appointment In accordance with Civil Service Rule XII, Section 4, this is to notify you that I have appointed Randy Anderson as Provisional Battalion Chief to fill the vacancy created by Dale Robertson's appointment as Provisional Assistant Chief. Randy's provisional appointment will be effective January 2, 2002. • twr cc: Personnel File Loca11747 • 10 MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire Chief / !1 RE: Notification of End of Provisional Assistant Chief Appointment This is to notify you of the end of Provisional Assistant Chief appointment of Mike Scott, per Civil Service Rule XII, Section 4, effective January 1, 2002. Mike will resume his position of Battalion Chief as Safety Officer and Volunteer Coordinator. • twr cc: Personnel File Loca11747 • MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire ChiefA. RE: Notification of Appointment of Provisional Assistant Chief This is to notify you of the appointment of Dale Robertson to Provisional Assistant Chief, per Civil Service Rule XI I, Section 4, effective January 2, 2002. This fills the vacancy created by Mike Scott returning to Battalion Chief. • twr cc: Personnel File Local1747 • MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire Chief #. RE: Notification of End of Provisional Battalion Chief Appointment Per Civil Service Rule XI I, Section 4, this is to notify you that Brian Kruml's Provisional appointment to the rank of Battalion Chief ends effective January 1, 2002. Brian will resume his position of Lieutenant on A Shift. • twr cc: Personnel File Loca11747 • MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire Chief '4111. RE: Notification of End of Fire Inspector Appointment This is to notify you that Daniel Conroy's appointment as Fire Inspector ends on January 2, 2002. Dan will report to the Training Department in January to prepare to return to shift as Fire Fighter 1 st Class. • twr cc: Personnel File Loca11747 • MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire Chief--4 RE: Notification of End of Deputy Fire Marshal Appointment This is to notify you that Mike Richardson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal ends on January 2, 2002. Mike will report to the Training Department in January to prepare to return to shift as Fire Fighter Vt Class. • twr cc: Personnel File Loca11747 • MEMORANDUM December 26, 2001 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner FROM: Steve Hamilton, Interim Fire Chief JXI RE: Notification of End of Deputy Fire Marshal Appointment This is to notify you that Steven Parson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal ends on January 2, 2002. Steve will report to the Training Department in January to prepare to return to shift as Fire Fighter 1s` Class. • twr cc: Personnel File Local 1747 • Winecka, Natalie •From: Ohlde, Steve Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 5:07 PM To: Winecka, Natalie Subject: FW: Civil Service Issues Importance: High Natalie, OOPS, save this for the December meeting, NOT the November meeting. Steve W. Ohlde Lieutenant, Support Division Kent Police Department 234 4th Ave. S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 253-856-5824 E-Mail: sohlde@ci.kent.wa.us -----Original Message----- From: Ohlde,Steve Sent: Monday,November 19, 2001 5:05 PM To: Winecka,Natalie Subject: FW:Civil Service Issues Importance: High •Natalie, We need to add this to the meeting for the 28th. We need to ask permission to test for Records Specialists when the list expires. Thank you, Steve W. Ohlde Lieutenant, Support Division Kent Police Department 234 4th Ave. S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 253-856-5824 E-Mail: sohlde@ci.kent.wa.us -----Original Message----- From: Rufener, Lorna Sent: Tuesday,November 06,2001 1:16 PM To: Ohlde, Steve Cc: Miller,Chuck: Santos, Dave Subject: FW: Civil Service Issues Steve, please plan to have this on the civil service agenda for Dec. so we can get moving with a new test. For more details please contact D. Santos. Thanks Lorna -----Original Message---- From: Winecka,Natalie Sent: Tuesday,November 06,2001 12:54 PM To: Rufener, Lorna loubject: RE:Civil Service Issues I just checked the list on my wall and the current list expires on December 14, 2001. If there's anything else you need, please just give me a call! 1 Natalie ----Original Message----- • From: Rufener, Lorna Sent: Monday,November 05,2001 4:52 PM To: Winecka, Natalie Cc: Chide,Steve Subject: Civil Service Issues Natalie, I need to know when the records specialist list expires. I believe that we want to get it on the agenda for Dec to have another testing process. This will help me with planning issues. Also Annette Spicuzza from U of W has indicated she can be available for Dec 10-12 for the assessment center for It. She'd like me to call and confirm the dates, does she need to be available all those dates, and what time and where? Please let me know. Thanks Lorna • • 2 Winecka, Natalie • From: Winecka, Natalie Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 10:16 AM To: _Fire All Personnel; _Police All Personnel; Anh Hoang; banisters@uswest.net; Becky Fowler; Brett Vinson; Cheryl Viseth; Dea Drake; Debra Leroy; Jan Banister;jczak@iam751.org; Jed Aldridge; Jim White; Joe Bartlemay; Karen Ford; Kathleen Senecaut; Marvin Bartlemay; Mike Martin; Natalie Winecka; RobS@council2.com; Roger Lubovich; Rose Jacob; Steve Ohlde; Sue Viseth; Tammy McQueeney; TGimenez@msn.com Subject: Agenda for the Dec./January 2nd Meeting Please click on the icon for the agenda for the rescheduled December meeting. We will still be having the regularly scheduled January meeting on January 23rd at 5:15 p.m. If you have any questions, please give me a call. �� AgendaDec.Resc edulefforJan200. Thank you, Natalie ext. 5282 1 Winecka, Natalie • From: Winecka, Natalie Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 10:36 AM To: _Fire All Personnel;_Police All Personnel;Anh Hoang; banisters@uswest.net; Becky Fowler; Brett Vinson; Cheryl Viseth; Dee Drake; Debra Leroy; Jan Banister;jczak@iam751.org; Jed Aldridge; Jim White; Joe Bartlemay; Karen Ford; Kathleen Senecaut; Marvin Bartlemay; Mike Martin; Natalie Winecka; RobS@council2.com; Roger Lubovich; Rose Jacob; Steve Ohlde; Sue Viseth; Tammy McQueeney; TGimenez@msn.com Subject: Agenda Items and Date Change The regularly scheduled Civil Service Commission meeting,which would have taken place on December 26th,has been moved to January 2,2002 at 5:15 p.m.due to a lack of a quorum for the December date. Agenda items are due by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday,December 26th. Also,the meeting on January 2,2002 will take place at 5:15 in Centennial North and South. We will still have the regularly scheduled meeting on January23rd. If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to give me a call. Happyholidays to everybody! Natalie Ext. 5282 • • 1 Winecka, Natalie From: Winecka, Natalie Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 9:31 AM To: banisters@uswest.net;jczak@iam751.org; Natalie Winecka; TGimenez@msn.com Subject: December Meeting FYI- the date for the December meeting would fall on December 26th...How do all of you feel about moving the meeting back to January 2, 2002. That would be the next Wednesday. We would have our regularly scheduled meeting on January23rd as well. Please let me know as soon as possible if this date change would work for you so that I can let everybody know. Thanks for your help and I hope you all have a fabulous holiday season!! Natalie (253) 856-5282 • • t