HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Services Commission - 01/02/2002 • CITY OF KENT - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION January 2, 2002 (Rescheduled December 26. 2001 meeting) MEETING MINUTES Members Present: Callius Zaratkiewicz Ron Banister Others Present: Asst. City Attorney Tom Brubaker, Asst. City Attorney Brett Vinson, Sue Viseth, A/C Hamilton, Cpt. Rufener, others present Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. I. COMMISSION BUSINESS: II. HEARING: III. OLD BUSINESS: • A. Accept Into Record 1. Chair Zaratkiewicz moved to accept the minutes from the November 28, 2001 Civil Service Meeting. Motion moved and seconded, motion passed. IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. Accept into Record Chair Zaratkiewicz asked those present to review items one through nine. 1. Eligibility List dated December 14, 2001 for Police Lieutenant. 2. Letter dated December 17, 2001 to Chief Crawford from Mica Harasek informing the Chief that she is resigning effective January 1, 2002 and will not be seeking an extension of her time off. - I • Civil Service Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 2 3. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Randy Anderson has been appointed as Provisional Battalion Chief effective January 2, 2002. 4. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Dale Robertson has been appointed Provisional Assistant Chief effective January 2, 2002. 5. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Steven Parson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal will end January 2, 2002 and that he will return to shift as Fire Fighter 1'' Class. 6. Memo from Chief Hamilton dated December 26, 2001 stating that • Mike Richardson's appointment as Deputy Fire Marshal will end on January 2, 2002 and he will report to the Training Dept. to prepare to return to shift as Fire Fighter 1'' Class. 7. Memo from Chief Hamilton dated December 26, 2001 informing the Commission that effective January 2, 2002 Daniel Conroy's appointment as Fire Inspector will end and he will return to shift as Fire Fighter I" Class. 8. Memo dated December 26,2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that Brian Kruml's Provisional Battalion Chief appointment will end January 2, 2002 and he will resume his position of Lieutenant on A Shift. 9. Memo dated December 26, 2001 from Chief Hamilton notifying the Commission that effective January 1, 2002 Mike Scott's Provisional appointment of Assistant Chief will end. He will resume his position of Battalion Chief as Safety Officer and Volunteer Coordinator. Chair asked if there were any of the nine items that anybody would like to discuss. • • Civil Service Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 3 Cpt. Rufener wanted to point out for the record that item #2 should read "she/her" for former detective Mica Harasek (the original agenda had incorrect gender pronouns) Chair made a motion to accept into record items one through nine. Motion moved and seconded. Motion passed. B. Action Items for Discussion 1. Letter from Lt. Steve Ohlde asking the Commission permission to test for Police Records Specialist. The list for this position expired December 14, 2001. • Cpt. Rufener explained that there was a meeting within the Police Dept. on December 18, 2001. During the course of that meeting it was decided that there would be a delay for several months in regard to hiring for the Police Records Specialist position. She asked that this item be removed from the agenda for this meeting at that it will be added at a later date. Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to remove this item from the agenda for this meeting. Motion moved and seconded, motion passed. Chair Zaratkiewicz took a moment to discuss the issue of verbatim vs. non-verbatim minutes. He explained that minutes are intended to be a synopsis of what has taken place at a meeting. Certain items, such as motions, or changes to a title or rule should be recorded in the minutes word for word. He also discussed that hearings will continue to be verbatim. If an individual has an issue that they would like to have the Commission address, they need to provide a written document to the Commission before the meeting and explain that that is an issue that they would like entered into the record word for word. Other than those instances, the minutes will be a synopsis. Asst. C/A Vinson discussed the need for items being presented as Action Items to • / include a motion with that request. This will make it clear as to how the motions are to read. • Civil Service Minutes January 2, 2002 Page 4 A/C Steve Hamilton provided an information item to the Commission regarding the Leave of Absence that had been previously granted to Lt. Craig Peiguss. Lt. Peiguss left the dept. on vacation and had become a paramedic. He later decided he would rather return to the Fire Department. He returned to the fire dept. and did not use his leave of absence. He has since been reinstated. Chair thanked A/C Hamilton for the information. He asked if there was any further business to come before the Commission. Seeing none, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion moved and seconded, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. • Respectfully submitted, Natalie D. Winecka Civil Service Secretary & Chief Examiner Approved: /-�S-OZ Ch�Callis Zaratkiewicz • PAEmnlOvment\Civil 5ervice\AoendasZMinutesCSMwtins\MinutesAuW,t200ldoc Winecka, Natalie •From: Winecka, Natalie Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:24 AM To: _Fire All Personnel; _Police All Personnel; Anh Hoang; banisters@uswest.net; Becky Fowler; Brett Vinson; Cheryl Viseth; Dea Drake; Debra Leroy; Jan Banister;jczak@iam751.org; Jed Aldridge; Jim White; Joe Bartlemay; Karen Ford; Kathleen Senecaut; Marvin Bartlemay; Mike Martin; Natalie Winecka; RobS@council2.com; Roger Lubovich; Rose Jacob; Steve Chide; Sue Viseth; Tammy McQueeney; TGimenez@msn.com Subject: Minutes from Jan. 2nd Commission Meeting Please click on the icon below fora copy of the minutes from the Civil Service Commission meeting that was held on January 2,2002. MinutesDec2001 -lan2002.doc Thank you, Natalie Winecka Civil Service C1uef Examiner • • t Winecka, Natalie From: Hamilton, Steve Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 9:23 AM To: Winecka, Natalie Subject: FW: Notification to the City of Kent Civil Service Commission #2 12-26-01 Prov 12-26-01 Prov T Appointment.d. BC Apt.doc Natalie, Please disregard the provisional Lt. appointment of John Lytle. Our situation has changed, and Lt. Kraig Peiguss will be filling that slot for the time being. Thank you, Steve Hamilton -----Original Message----- From: Ryan,Tammie Sent: Wednesday, December 26,2001 4:24 PM To: Winecka,Natalie Cc: Hamilton, Steve; Mock,Linda Subject: Notification to the City of Kent Civil Service Commission#2 Please contact me if you have any questions about the attached documents. I will send the original documents to you via inter-office mail. I apologize for missing your 4:00 PM deadline. Thank you, Tammie Ryan Kent Fire & Life Safety Fire Administration (253) 856-4307 1