HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK08-218 - Original - South King County Homeless Planner Records Ma' na' '' 'g" em' e` n'­ t KENODocument WASH INGTON CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: C/l Contract Number: � � This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: J S q ! -7 Project Name: C. fJI�I'l�IDSll(i� � Contract Effective Date: F-e; J Z 00 Contract Termination Date: at' l Z Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager:Mana a�! g - - 'JO Dep artment: par Abstract: 40 f7 ADCL7832 07/02 r7y- %9-1-1United Way of King County Grantee Agency Funding United Way of King County Contract For fiscal year July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT and UNITED WAY OF KING COUNTY This Agreement is made between United Way of King County and the City of Kent (referred to as "the Agency"). SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT Amount of Funding: A total of$17,500 will be awarded to the Agency by United Way of King County toward the achievement of results listed below. This award is contingent upon the results of the 2007-2008 United Way of King County annual fundraising campaign, and could be reduced depending on agency performance and United Way of King County's financial condition. Subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in this agreement,United Way of King County will provide funds in accordance with the schedule provided under Section IV. Results to be achieved: SKC Homelessness Coordinator: • Identify and coordinate"teams" with focus on homelessness outreach and service delivery. This would include FACT,PACT,PATH,IV Drug user outreach, medical outreach and possibly others. County staff would participate as well. Identify gaps and identify solutions with current outreach and service delivery providers. • Assist with the development of relationships with non profit housing providers and service providers,as needed. • Identify and promote legislative opportunities to local governments. • Coordinate workgroups to address gaps in shelter and transitional housing, day use facility and hygiene center(s). • Establish workgroup to develop steps to maintain current housing stock,to expand housing resources to prevent homelessness and create additional supportive housing. • Increase local involvement in developing community solutions to prevent homelessness. Agency Requirements: The Agency agrees to comply with all federal and state laws and agrees to not engage in discrimination based on age, gender, race,sexual orientation, national origin, religion or presence of a disability in delivery of services, and agrees to comply with all United Way of King County contract requirements as stipulated in this contract and Exhibit A (Safe Harbors Homeless Management Information System) and Exhibit B (Agency Expectations and Reporting Requirements). 1 Any changes in agency requirements adopted during the contract year will be communicated to the Agency in writing. Termination of the Agreement: Either the Agency or United Way of King County shall have the right to terminate this agreement with cause on thirty days written notice. In addition,United Way of King County may withhold payments and/or terminate all of its contractual obligations there under immediately if, in the opinion of United Way of King County,the Agency mismanages or makes improper use of any funds provided there under, or fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this contract. United Way of King County will require repayment of any funds determined to be mismanaged by the Agency. If the Agency is out of compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement at any time during this contract period, upon request the Agency shall work with United Way of King County to develop a Correction Plan. The plan should determine the cause of the noncompliance and develop remedies and develop a timeline for full compliance. United Way of King County will provide technical assistance as appropriate and reasonable to assist in achieving this goal. If full compliance is not achieved by the mutually agreed-upon time,United Way of King County may immediately terminate the contract at its discretion. SECTION II: UNITED WAY OF AMERICA (ANTI-TERRORISM COMPLIANCE MEASURES) In compliance with the spirit and intent of the USA Patriot Act and other counterterrorism laws,the Agency represents that it takes reasonable steps to: 1. Verify that individuals or entities to which it provided, or from which it receives, fund or other material support or resources are not on the U. S. Government Terrorist Related Lists*; 2. Protect against fraud with respect to the provision of financial,technical, in-kind or other material support or resources to person or organizations on such lists; and 3. Ensure that it does not knowingly provide financial, technical, in-kind or other material support or resources to any individual or entity that it knows beforehand is supporting or funding terrorism (whether through direct allocation by the United Way of King County Board of Directors or through the distribution of donor designated funds which it processes for donors participating in a United Way of King County campaign). *In this form, "U. S. Government Terrorist Related Lists" refers to (a) the list of persons and entities in Executive Order 13244, (b) the master list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Person maintained by the Treasury Department, and (c) the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations maintained by the Department of State, as may be updated from time-to-time. 2 SECTION III: FUNDING FOR OUTCOMES WITHIN IMPACT AREAS The Agency is funded for the amounts indicated for the achievement of results in the impact areas listed below, by Impact Council. Impact Assignment: Homelessness Non Service Delivery Outcome exempt from client demographic data collection Agency Total: $17,500 SECTION IV: PAYMENT SCHEDULE Should the payment date fall on a weekend, payment will be made on the last working day of the month. MONTH PAYMENT MADE February 2008 $3,500 March 2008 $3,500 April 2008 $3,500 May 2008 $3,500 June 2008 $3,500 SECTION V: AGENCY EXPECTATIONS South King County Homelessness Planner: The Agency will supervise evaluation of this project. The Agency will be available for occasional presentations, upon request,to be given to United Way of King County board of directors, staff and others. Reporting Requirements: 3 The agency will submit a one to two page report outlining achievements related to the results identified in Section 1. In addition,the Agency will comply with the following expectation: ■ The Agency shall avoid solicitation of individual donors that encourages them to make designated agency gifts through the United Way of King County annual campaign instead of making gifts to United Way of King County. Throughout the contract period, United Way of King County may provide opportunities for representatives of the Agency to be involved in the annual fundraising campaign. United Way of King County also expects the Agency to include the current United Way of King County logo in materials and on the Agency web site. Expectations and Reporting Requirements Related to the Safe Harbors Homeless Management Information System (Safe Harbors HMIS) Programs funded for outcomes related to homelessness (identified in the contract) will be reporting through the Safe Harbors HMIS (as they receive training and are signed onto the system) as described below. 1. The Safe Harbors Homeless Management Information System (FIMIS) is a computerized data collection tool designed to capture client level system-wide information over time on the characteristics and service needs of men, women, and children experiencing homelessness and to provide an accurate,unduplicated count of all those experiencing homelessness. The aggregate information provided by the database includes an unduplicated count of homeless people receiving services, the extent and scope of homelessness and service gaps. 2. Safe Harbors will become a critical tool for the Committee to End Homelessness in King County as it implements its Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, will allow for better coordination among agencies and programs as clients move to greater independence, and will help Seattle/King County successfully compete for national resources,such as the Federal McKinney funds. 3. It is the goal of the King County Continuum of Care, of which UWKC is a partner,that 80% of the records for individual clients entered into Safe Harbors HMIS are uniquely identified. 4. It is the goal that a minimum of 75% of beds in our Continuum of Care be covered in the Safe Harbors HMIS. Section VI: Agency Requirements for Sub-Contractor 1. The Agency shall ensure that its sub-contractor will actively participate in the Safe Harbors Homeless Management Information System WS) by either using the Safe Harbors application or by downloading data based on a signed agreement with the Safe Harbors program. 4 2. The Agency shall ensure that its sub-contractor asks all program clients to provide information identified by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as universal data elements. These are name,date of birth, race,ethnicity, gender, social security number, veteran status, disabling condition,residence prior to program entry, and zip code of last permanent address. 3. If the individual client declines to provide some of these elements,the Agency shall ensure that its sub-contractor makes its best effort to obtain and enter into the HMIS at least initials, date of birth, and gender. This is the minimum needed to create a uniquely identified record. It is strongly preferred that social security number,or at least a portion of the social security number,be entered. 4. Personal identifying information will be entered on all clients who have signed a consent form indicating agreement to have the information entered into the Safe Harbors HMIS. (The consent form is currently under development and will shortly be provided to the Agency.) The Agency shall ensure that its sub-contractor keeps on file completed and signed consent forms, and that these are made available for review upon request. 5. Clients may not be refused services based solely on their refusal to provide information for the I-MS. This is not meant to prevent agencies from collecting information required for eligibility screening or other internal agency requirements. 6. The Agency shall ensure that its sub-contractor enters into the HMIS at a minimum those program data elements necessary to complete United Way of King County's outcomes report, and any other reports above. SECTION VII: SIGNATURES Your signature on this document indicates that you are in agreement with all stipulations made herein. UNITED WAY OF KING COUNTY City Of Kent (;�— —)L. - Jon Fine CEO Signature President/CEO ftemim-BfiTesor/CA0 Nam (Printed) 5