HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW1997-0223 - Original - Michael, Daniel and Carol Carpinito - 277th Corridor Right of Entry - 03/28/1997 277th CORRIDOR RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into the day and year last below written, between Michael Carpinito, Daniel Carpinito and Carol Carpinito (the "Owners") and the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (the "City"). RECITALS The City is in the process of negotiating for, and acquiring, right of way for the improvement of South 277th Street, King County, Washington, between the cities of Auburn and Kent. The Owners own property adjacent to the proposed improvements in the area of the extension of South 277th Street and west of the Green River (the "Carpinito Property"), designated as Parcel 47 - #T273950, which is more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated by this reference. The City intends to acquire a portion of the Carpinito Property for the above-stated purpose. The City has negotiated for the acquisition, in lieu of immediate condemnation, of the property owned by the Owners, described on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Taking Property"). The City and the Owners have negotiated for, and agreed upon, acquisition of the Taking Property in the form of land, mitigation and alternate methods for determining compensation, and desire to reduce that agreement to writing. AGREEMENT Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual agreements, covenants and conditions herein, the parties agree as follows: I. As to the Taking Property, the Owners agree that said property is being acquired by the City for a public use, agree that the City has requested immediate possession and use, agree to immediate possession and use of said property by the City and, should the City commence eminent domain proceedings for the Taking Property, agree to stipulate to an Order of Public Use and Necessity in that action. II. Compensation for the Taking Property shall be paid as follows: ORIGINAL A. As part consideration for the City's use of the Taking Property, and upon receipt of all invoices (with appropriate backup) the City will reimburse Owners for legal and expert opinion fees incurred by Owners to date arising from Owners' assessment of the City's potential condemnation and negotiation of this Agreement. B. The City shall use its best efforts to obtain title to adjacent real property for "Replacement Property" purposes and deed title to the Replacement Property to the Owners. Title to the Taking Property and title to Replacement Property shall be "fee simple", except that said properties do not include development rights which are currently held in trust by Metropolitan King County under the Farmlands Preservation Program. The Replacement Property shall be acquired according to the following order of preference: I. First, from the landowners immediately to the west of the Carpinito Property, which property (the "Monk Property") shall be of even width and contiguous with the Carpinito Property's west boundary. Due to the difference in quality of the property to be acquired, the Monk Property shall be 455,221 Square feet in area(a ratio of 1.2446:1, as compared to the Taking Property area of 365,757 square feet). 2. Second, in the event that the City is unable to obtain title to the property identified in Section II.A.1, above, the City shall use its best efforts to obtain the Replacement Property from King County, which real property abuts, and lies to the north-northwest of, the Carpinito Property. The configuration of such property shall generally be that which is currently being farmed by Owners. Replacement Property from King County shall be in a 1:1 ratio to the Taking Property. 3. The square footage of Replacement Property (Monk Property or King County Property) shall be adjusted(in accordance with the applicable ratio) in the event that the Taking Property is adjusted according to the terms of this Agreement. C. In the event that the City, after using its reasonable best efforts, is unable to obtain Replacement Property, located at II.B, above the 2 parties shall negotiate a dollar compensation with the Owners and, in the event that an acceptable dollar compensation cannot be agreed upon, the issue of compensation shall be heard and determined by a jury in an eminent domain proceeding as provided by Title 8, Rev. Code of Washington. In the event that the issue of compensation is tried under said statutes, the provisions therein for payment of reasonable attorney fees and reasonable expert witness fees shall apply, because the Owners, pursuant to Section I, agree to immediate possession and use of the Taking Property. The City shall serve a written statement of total just compensation prior to trial, as provided in RCW 8.25.010, or as otherwise provided by statute. In considering the issue of compensation for damage to the remainder of the Carpinito Property, any improvements made pursuant to this Agreement, or compensation paid by the City toward such improvements, may be considered to the extent that they mitigate, or compensate for, such damages. III. As part of this Agreement and as part consideration for immediate possession and use, and other covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties additionally agree as follows: A. City shall, at its cost, provide a recorded survey for any property conveyed, including new boundary lines. B. City shall seek a temporary permit from King County Parks Department along the Green River for farming access to and from the Carpinito Property to property lying immediately south of proposed South 277th Street, which shall be for a term until development occurs on the property to the south and it is no longer available for farming purposes. The access route, which shall be twenty-four (24) feet in width, shall be via the King County Parks property lying under the future 277th Street Bridge,which access route shall be available for use by the Owners during construction of South 277th Street. C. Even though Owners have granted immediate possession and use to the City, Owners will be permitted to continue to occupy, for farming purposes, the Taking Property until construction work begins on South 277th Street;provided that at that time, without prior institution of suit, Owners shall peaceably remove from and vacate the Taking Property. 3 During construction of South 277th Street, Owners shall be permitted access across South 277th Street from the Carpinito Property to the farmed property on the south of South 277th Street, with farm equipment and vehicles in conjunction with farming operations, so long as that equipment and vehicle movement does not interfere with the construction of South 277th Street. During construction only, the City shall provide one temporary gravel crossing for such access at the existing location of"I" Street to the south. D. The City shall contribute to Owners a portion of the costs to construct a piped culvert drainage system on the Carpinito Property to the north of, and running west to east along, the Taking Property, which will connect to the piped outlet to the Green River across King County Parks Department property. The City's contribution shall be $20,000. The drainage system shall be connected to the drainage ditch constructed in So. 277th St. right-of-way that connects through King County Parks property to outfall into the Green River. E. Further, Owners shall obtain a wetland delineation for that portion of the Taking Property along the southern border of the Carpinito Property, which would be used to construct the drainage system described in Subsections III.E.I and 4, below. The City shall take the following steps in the event the Owners' final delineation shows no wetlands or partial wetlands. 1. Install a drainage ditch along the entire northerly portion of the southerly parcel of the Taking Property. The west approximately 1,100 feet will be a minimum of three feet (3') deep. The ditch will have a pipe connection at the east end and outfall into the Green River. See attached Exhibit C for detail. 2. Install the underground piped drain outlet to the Green River (invert elevation of the outlet pipe on end, at river, to be elevation 34.0 or lower). The west end will have an elevation of 35.2. The basin outfall at the river will have a back-flow preventer (flapgate valve). See attached Exhibit C for detail. 4 3. Exercise its reasonable best efforts to keep the open ditch system clean of obstructions to the extent of its authority. 4. In the event that the wetlands delineation shows the existence of some wetlands, redesign the improvements in III.E.1 and 2, above, to accommodate the existence of such wetlands. The ditch design is intended to be as delineated on the attached Exhibit C. The controlling design parameters shall be (a) the three (3) foot depth at the west end; (b) the plug spacing to separate the wetlands westerly, and (c) the minimum slope gradient easterly as shown on Exhibit C. In the event that the existence of wetlands does not permit the construction of the entire ditch as shown on Exhibit C, to the extent possible the easterly extent of the ditch shall be constructed to the profiles and depths applicable to that portion (which may mean that the beginning westerly depth exceeds three (3) feet). The construction of the ditch is subject to the approval of King County and possibly the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City shall use its best efforts to obtain approval in accordance with the attached Exhibit C. Should the City be unable to obtain such approval substantially in compliance with Exhibit C, the Owners shall have the right to apply and/or present evidence to such reviewing agencies for reconsideration of the decision and the design approval. F. However, the improvements in III.E.I and 2, above, shall not be constructed upon the occurrence of any one of the following conditions: I. the wetland delineation shows the entire property inventoried to be wetlands, or 2. the wetland delineation shows so much thereof to be wetlands as to make the improvements contemplated negligible, or 3. Owners have not had such wetland delineation completed and delivered to the City by May 15, 1997. G. In the event that the property allotted for the improvements in Section IILE, above, is not utilized, either in whole or in part, the excess shall 5 also be re-conveyed to Owners, and shall be reduced from the Taking Property for purposes of compensation in the form of Replacement Property or dollar consideration (under Section III.D, above), as the case may be. H. The City shall install the following ingress/egress improvements to Carpinito Property as part of the final 277th Roadway Project: l. A driveway entrance with a culvert from the Carpinito Property through the Taking Property to the roadway. The driveway shall have a sixty (60) foot wide throat over the culvert, with a forty- five (45) foot turning radius. It shall be installed near the location of the existing driveway, where it meets the boundary between the Carpinito Property and the Taking Property. The existing driveway shall be realigned at more of a ninety (90) degree angle than the existing driveway configuration. 2. The City shall install a second driveway with culvert across from the current (Auburn) I Street right-of-way, with a gravel approach, a sixty (60) foot wide throat over the culvert and a forty-five (45) foot turning radius. I. Where boundaries are relocated as a result of the acquisition, the City shall install new five foot(5')high, six wire, heavy gauge barbed-wire fence, with six inch (6") treated cedar peeler pole supports. The City shall reset two gates on the Carpinito/King County Parks Department boundary at their current locations (generally as relocated by the boundary change). In the event that the City obtains and exchanges to Owners, the property identified in Section ILA.1, above, the City shall relocate the two existing gates on the Owners' new west boundary generally consistent with existing gate locations before the boundary change. If the gates are damaged by the City's contractor, the replacement gates will be 16-foot heavy metal Powder River--heaviest gauge available. J. City shall construct, for the use of the Owners, two 12-inch PVC conduits beneath South 277th Street at existing grades and locations of Owners' irrigation lines on the Carpinito Property (approximately 800 feet from west line and 400 feet from east line of Carpinito Property) 6 for the exclusive purpose of temporarily constructing and maintaining private irrigation lines across South 277th Street. The conduits shall span the City right-of-way from the northerly to the southerly boundaries. At the time farming activity on the property south of South 277th Street ceases, the permission granted herein shall cease and the City shall be permitted to plug the conduits. The City shall compensate Owners $1,000 for disassembly and reassembly of the irrigation lines within the conduits. K. If any material, including topsoil or other soil material, is surplused during the construction of South 277th Street or the Green River bank stabilization project, such material shall be made available free of charge to Owners on the Owners adjacent property before other disposition is made of it. Owners shall be responsible for acquiring any necessary permits from King County for storage of the same. L. The City shall request that Metropolitan King County provide a 30-feet wide access and maintenance easement to Owners for irrigation pump, suction line and electrical service over the existing 6-inch irrigation line from the Carpinito Property to Green River, and shall exercise best efforts in assisting Owners to obtain such easement. If agreeable to Owners and Metropolitan King County, the location of the easement may change to accommodate both parties. IV. IF, upon the occurrence of all the following events: A. The Replacement Property is not obtained and Owners either agree to and are paid compensation for the Taking Property, or receive compensation through eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Section II.B, above; and B. The property to the north of the Carpinito Property, identified in Section II.A.2, above, is annexed into the City of Kent within ten (10) years from the date of this Agreement; and C. Metropolitan King County transfers ownership of said property to the City; 7 THEN, the City agrees to sell to Owners an amount of property which would have been Replacement Property under this Agreement, for the dollar compensation received by Owners, as identified in Section II.B, above; SUBJECT TO such restrictions as may exist on the transferability of such property and the approval of the Governing Body of the City of Kent, Washington. V. All work to be performed under this agreement shall be performed in a timely and workmanlike manner, with due regard for scheduling and other considerations attendant with the project involved. All work to be performed shall be performed at the expense of the party required to perform the work, unless otherwise specified herein. VI. All provisions for contributions, compensation and mitigation have been fully negotiated between the parties. VII. The parties agree to execute all documents reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date set forth below. OWNERS IT KENT By. By: Michael A. Carvini.o Its: ,� Wit NV4yt Dated: Date ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: By ZBy: L Dani:-,jl T arpinit =cxt Roger A. Lubovich, City Attorney Dated: S"•2$ By: JL , Carol A. Carpinit Dated: 7' U:\DOC\F I LE S\96 P L0050\AG REEMN T.3 8 A. L.T.A. COMMITMENT Order No . 273950��AILC�L 4-7SCHEDULE Page 2 The land referred to in this commitment is situated in the county of King, state of Washington, and described as follows : That portion of Sections 30 and 31 , Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as follows : Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 30 , Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M. , in King County, Washington; thence along the East-West centerline of said Section 30 , south 39001 , 26" east 1, 224 . 49 feet distant to a point on the line of ordinary highwater of the Green Riser; thence continuing along said centerline of Section 30 , south 89001126" east 773 . 52 feet distant to a point on a line concentric with and 150 feet westerly of the too of the left bank of the Green River, said point 'tying west 89001 ' 26" west 488 . 61 feet from the existing King County Survey Monument at the center of said Section 30 ; thence Southerly along said line the following courses : Isouth 20043119" west 101 . 57 feet , south 38039110" west 478 . 32 feet , south 08032 ' 59" west 301 . 13 feet , south 26018126 east 426 . 94 feet, south 47015 ' 03 " east 241 . 75 feet, south 43024122 " east 386 . 06 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence south 43024122" east 126 . 51 feet , south 28005 ' 37" east 264 . 54 feet, south 11005128" east 349 . 22 feet, south 24036153 " east f 137 . 00 feet, south 48051 ' 53 " east 163 . 00!I fee: , south 58026 ' 53" east 323 . 00 feet, south 69°30 ' 30" east 382 . 73 fees, south 51031153 " east 157 . 00 feet , south 03031153 " east 247 . 00 feet, south 14001153 " east 211 . 00 feet , south 30001153 " east 292 . 00 feet, south 42027 ' 34" east I 172 . 51 feet, south 46°26133 " east 789 . 44 feet, to a point on the easterly extension of the south line of the R. H. Beatty D . L. C. Numbers 37 and 44 ; thence north 89100 ' 01" Nest along said line a distance of 2 , 255 . 93 feet to the northeast corner of the Cox D . L. C . , which point is also the southeast corner of said R.H . Beatty D. L. C. Numbers 37 and 44 and northwest corner of the G. E . King D . L. C. Number 40 ; thence along the east line of said Beatty D . L. C . north 00035106" east 2 , 638 . 59 feet to the northeast corner of the Beatty D . L. C. ; thence south 88056 ' 30" east 112 . 35 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. END OF SCHEDULE A I EX H I H IT.,,L I I I PCL 47 CARPINITO RIGHT-OF-WAY That portion of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the W.A. Cox D.L.C. Number 38, which point is also the southeast corner of the R.H. Beatty D.L.C. Numbers 37 and 44 and the northwest corner of the G.E. King D.L.C. Number 40; thence along the east line of said Beatty D.L.C. North 00034'56" East 98.00 feet; thence South 89040'09" East 848.81 feet; thence North 83055'53" East 1,145.32 feet more or less to a point on the southwesterly property line of that portion conveyed to King County and recorded under King County Auditor's File Number 8003079002; thence South 46°2633" East along said southwesterly line 367.99 feet to the north line of said G.E. King D.L.C.; thence North 88°59'57" West along said north line 2,255.72 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA = 323,860 S.F. EXHIBIT r5 (ZPAAFs� LEGALS/CARPRO W 277 PCL 47 PROPERTY FOR KING COUNTY PARKS FROM CARPINITO That portion of Section 31, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington described as follows: Commencing at northeast corner of the W.A. Cox D.L.C. Number 38, which point is also the southeast corner of the R.H. Beatty D.L.C. Numbers 37 and 44 and the northwest corner of the G.E. King D.L.C. Number 40; thence along the north line of said Cox D.L.C. South 88°59'57" East 2,255.72 feet more or less to a point on the southwesterly property line of that portion conveyed to King County and recorded under King County Auditor's File Number 8003079002 thence North 46°26'33" West along said southwesterly line 489.44 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 46026'33" West along said southwesterly line 300.00 feet; thence North 42027'34" West 172.51 feet; thence North 30001'53" West 292.00 feet; thence North 14°01'53" West 211.00 feet; thence North 03031'53" West 247.00 feet; thence North 51"31'53" West 157.00 feet; thence South 31°52'38" East 224.37 feet; thence South 00038'01" East 337.47 feet; thence South 31°52'01" East 421.53 feet; thence South 52°25'19" East; 409.49 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AREA = 41,902 S.F. EXHIBIT.! (PaF- z ) LEGALS/CARMCM.277 i E kb Li M M 1 Z 7 NN t4 C4 C4 < 'Q VI � G M (� to ,.► 3 F . OL 04 06 a � a E i- a a � m ? pt .h o ? " 3 : IL \ka r e r � -�-7Z ri ° 1, I �-E I4r"d �CZ EXHIBlT a J � w