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K�'EN T Kent City Council Meeting
W A S H I N O T O N February 1,2005
The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor White.
Councilmembers present: Clark,Harmon, Ranniger, Raplee, Thomas and White. (CFN-198)
A From Council,Administration,or Staff. (CFN-198) Mayor White added Consent Calendar
Item 6M an excused absence for Council President Peterson. CAO Martin removed pending
litigation from the Executive Session.
B. From the Public. (CFN-198) Continued Communications Item A was added to the agenda.
A. Employee of the Month. (CFN-147) Mayor White announced that Tracee Parker, Safe
Havens Project Coordinator,has been selected as Employee of the Month for February.
B. State of the City Address, (CFN-198) Mayor White presented his annual State of the City
Brubaker recommended that a document submitted by Don Shaffer on Monday, January 31, 2005,
be made a part of the record so it can be considered with Consent Calendar Item L, Downtown
Strategic Action Plan and Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendments. CLARK
MOVED to accept Mr. Shaffer's comments as part of the public record. White seconded and the
motion carried.
CLARK MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through M. White seconded and the
motion carried. Councilmember Ranniger recused herself from consideration on Item L,the
Downtown Strategic Action Plan and Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Amendments.
A. Aooroval of Minutes. (CFN-198) The minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 18,
2005 were approved.
B. Approval of Bills. (CFN-104) Approval of payment of the bills received through January 15
and paid on January 15 after auditing by the Operations Committee on January 18, 2005.
Approval of checks issued for vouchers:
Date Check Numbers Amount
1115105 Wire Transfers 1931-1943 $ 938,938.44
1115105 Prepays& 572691 1,546,507.87
1115105 Regular 573251 1,242,610.76
Kent City Council Minutes February 1, 2005
Approval of checks issued for payroll for December 16 through December 31, 2004 and paid on
January 5,2005:
Date Check Numbers Amount
115105 Advices 173975-174629 $1,179,974.30
115105 Checks 281233-281474 204,336.91
C. East Hill Skate Park Land Donation. (CFN-118) The land donation from Olympus
Assisted Living, LLC was accepted,the expenditure of funds in the East Hill Skate Park budget
for closing and lot line adjustment costs was approved, and the Mayor was authorized to execute
the land donation agreement, upon approval by the City Attorney. -
D. Fourth Ouarter Parks Fee-In-Lieu of Funds. (CFN-118) The fee-in-lieu of funds from
contractors in the amount of$31,200 was accepted and the expenditure of funds for the Basketball
Court Development and Clark Lake budgets was authorized.
E. King County Youth Snorts Grant. (CFN-118) The Mayor was authorized to accept the
$17,000 Youth Sports Facility Grant from King County and authorize the expenditure of funds in
the East Hill Skate Park budget.
F. Service Club Park Donations. (CFN-118) The $8,500 donation from Kent Sunrise Rotary
Club and the $1,824.72 donation from Kiwanis Club of Kent was accepted and the expenditure of
funds in the Service Club Park budget was authorized.
G. Kent Pool Funding. (CFN-118) The allocation of up to $25,000 to the Kent Pool General
Operating Budget from the Youtb/Teen Utility Tax Account and up to $25,000 from the Facility
Division Emergency Capital Repairs Account for repairs to the Kent Pool only if needed,
r following financial concurrence from the Finance and Parks Directors, was approved.
H. Kingsley Glen Injostructure Improvements Bill of Sale. (CFN-484) The Bill of Sale for
Kingsley Glen Infrastructure Improvements submitted by Gary Allen for continuous operation and
maintenance of 1,389 feet of street improvements and 1,854 feet of storm sewer was accepted.
The bonds will be released after the maintenance period. This project is located at 144 h Avenue
SE at SE 278 h Street.
I. 2004 Second Half Budget Amendment Ordinance. (CFN-186) Ordinance No. 3733 for
budget adjustments made between August 1,2004 and December 31, 2004 and extension of a line
of credit to the Community Block Grant Development Fund and the Golf Course Fund to cover
year-end expenditures was adopted.
J. Goods and Services Agreement.Ergonomics for Police Records Department. (CFN-122)
The Mayor was authorized to sign the Goods and Services Agreement with Watson Furniture.
Kent City Council Minutes February 1, 2005
K. Wildwood Ridge I Final Plat. (CFN-1272) The Final Plat Mylar for Wildwood Ridge One
was approved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the Mylar. Don Leabo proposes to subdivide
approximately 2.17 acres into 13 single-family residential lots. The property is located at 26706
106'Avenue SE.
L. Part One—Downtown Strategic Action Plan Update, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Amendments, and Part Two—2004 Annual Comprehensive Plan and Zoning May
Amendments. (CFN-462,377&131) The Downtown Strategic Action Plan Update and
implementing regulations along with the 2004 Annual Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map
amendments as recommended by the Planning& Economic Development Committee was
approved,and the City Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary ordinances.
Councilmember Ranniger rxcused herself from consideration of this item.
M. Excused Absence. An excused absence from tonight's meeting for Council Member Peterson
was approved.
A. Public Works Tenant Improvement Proiect—Centennial Center. (CFN-318) The bid
opening was held on January 14, 2005,with six bids received. The apparent low bid was
submitted by Mike Werlech Construction. CLARK MOVED to authorize the Mayor to execute an
agreement with Werlech Construction in the amount of$212,965, excluding Washington State
Sales Tax,to complete the Centennial Center Second Floor Tenant Improvements project. White
seconded and the motion carried.
B. Kent Reservoirs Seismic Strengthening Project. (CFN-1038) The bid opening for this
project was held on January 25, 2005 with nine bids received. The low bid was submitted by
Advanced Construction,Inc. in the amount of$301,376.00. The Engineer's estimate was
$473,280.00. The Public Works Director recommends awarding this contract to Advanced
Construction, Inc. WHITE SO MOVED. Thomas seconded and the motion carried.
Planning and Economic Development Committee. (CFN-198) Clark mentioned a tentative
meeting for the 28th.
A. Utility Fees. (CFN-198) Bob O'Brien. 1131 Seattle Street,voiced concem about the increase
in water and sewer rates. The Mayor, CAO and Councihnember Clark each responded to his
At 7:40 p.m., WHITE MOVED to adjourn. Harmon seconded and the motion carried. (CFN-198)
M Simmons
Deputy City Clerk