HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/07/1968 Kent , Washington
October 7, 1968
Regular meeting of ,the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, Lee,
Masters and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street
and City Engineer Sherwood
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion .
Budget report submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion .
Armstrong moved to continue the 1969 budget hearing and recommendations
of Price-Waterhouse to October 8th at 7 : 30 P•m• , Lee seconded , motion
WATER LID 256. The continued public hearing was opened on LID 256.
Harlan Bull and Robert Carroll reiterated their protests ,
which are on file with the City Clerk. It was noted that the
Clerk had received no additional protests, and there were no
further comments from the floor. Armstrong moved to close the
. hearing, Lee seconded , motion carried. Ordinance 1535 , esta-
blishing LID 256 , ordering the improvement of a portion of
East Valley Highway by the installation of water mains , was
read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for adoption of the
ordinance , Woodworth seconded. Ramsey explained the two
alternate plans prepared by Hill, Ingman & Chase , one of which
would cost approximately $170 less per acre and one $130 less
per acre than the original plan . Barnier noted that the council
had met to consider these changes and had agreed that the pro-
ject be installed on the original design . Motion carried
Call for Bids . Lee moved that a call for bids for the in-
stallation of pumping facilities at Clark Springs be autho-
rized, with the bid opening November 20, 1968 , Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
Lee moved that a call for bids be authorized for the installa-
tion of a roof over Scenic Hill Reservoir, with the bid open-
ing. November 13, 1968 , Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
STREETS Off-Street Parking LID. It was noted that the notice of in-
tent to form an LID for the purpose of off-street parking being
prepared by our Bond Attorney, has been delayed, since more
data is required regarding the traffic program.. A report
will be given at the next meeting.
LID 258. The public hearing was opened on LID 258 for the
purpose of improving 4th Ave. from S. 228th St.. to Harrison
St . There were no comments or objections from the floor,
nor has the Clerk received any protests. Lee moved to close
the• hearing, Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Woodworth
moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary
ordinance , Armstrong seconded, motion carried .
LID 253 , S. 212th. Masters moved that a change order• allow-
ing the installation of a pipe arch at a reduction cost of
$400 be authorized , Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
It was noted that a letter was received from George Billings
of Valley Gypsum Supply, Inc. , concerning the number of acci-
dents at the corner of Railroad & Titus. Woodworth moved that
stop signs be erected on Titus at 1st Ave. , 2nd Ave. , and
Railroad Ave. , thereby making Titus a through street from
Central to 4th Ave. , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
It was noted that an agreement similar to that signed at the
last council meeting for participation in Forward Thrust
Arterial Street Funds is necessary. Woodworth moved that the
Mayor be authorized to sign such agreement , . Masters seconded.
Under discussion , Mr. Street opined that the money should be
advanced during the course of construction so we would not
have to issue interest bearing warrants. Woodworth amended
the motion to include that Mr. Street send a letter to accompany
the exhibit , outlining these suggestions . Amended motion
HEALTH & Barnier noted that the Health & Sanitation committee
SANITATION discussed the policy pertaining to sewer hook-ups out-
side the city limits and that the committee desires to
have a meeting with the City Attorney and council as a
whole to discuss the policy. Vic Myers stated that he
and property owners on 132nd are very interested in this
subject and would like to attend this meeting. Woodworth
noted that it would be impossible to notify all those who
might be interested and preferred a private , policy-making
_ meeting, then a public presentation of the city' s policy.
Mr. Myers concurred and stated that he would submit a pro-
posal to Mr. Street .
North Sewage Treatment Facilities . Woodworth moved that
the firm of Worth & Chatham be authorized to make a final
audit of the accounts of the North Sewage Treatment facilities ,
EDA Project No. 07-1-00102 , at an estimated cost of $1300,
Armstrong seconded , motion carried .
FINANCE Armstrong moved that receipt of prepayment notices of LID 252
and LID 253 from the City Treasurer be duly noted and the Clerk
directed to file same , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
Armstrong moved and Baffaro seconded that the sum of $1000
in Engineers Salaries be transferred to Car & Radio Expense ,
Capital Outlay, motion carried unanimously.
CITY Baffaro noted that the building committee will meet tomorrow
HALL at 4 : 15 p-m. with the architect to discuss the building site
for the new city hall and the cost of each site .
ZONING Kreger. The public hearing was opened on the application
submitted by Mr. Kreger for a rezone from R-1 to R-3 . There
were no comments or objections from the floor. It was noted
that the Planning Commission had approved the proposed rezone.
Masters moved to close the hearing, Barnier seconded , motion
carried. Woodworth moved to instruct the City Attorney to
draft an ordinance approving the rezone , Masters seconded ,
motion carried .
Blevins . The continued public hearing was opened on the applica-
tion submitted by Mr. Blevins for a rezone from M-A to M-1 . Mr.
Blevins stated that , in accordance with the Planning Commission ' s
recommendation , he had submitted a plot plan to the City
Engineer. Mr. Sherwood stated that the plot plan complied
with the zoning ordinance set-back requirements . He noted
that the Planning Commission was not specific as to what plans
Blevins should submit , and that plans are not required for a
rezone application . There were no objections or comments from
the floor and the public hearing was closed . Woodworth moved
to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance
approving the rezone from M-A to M-1, Masters seconded , • motion
carried .
Keck Annexation . The public hearing was opened on the initial
zoning of the Keck Annexation . It was noted that the Manning
Commission recommended to zone the Keck property, Monarch
Investments property and Ketchum Apartments R-3 and the re-
maining area of the Keck Annexation R-1 . Mr. Unsderfer noted
that he owns property at the corner of 116th and the Kent
Kangley Road , in the Keck Annexation , which was zoned RM 1806
with the county, and he objected to R-1 for this property.
Chet Wheeler of the King County Planning Commission , opined
that the above three properties should be zoned R-3 , but that
the remaining property should go back to the Planning Commission
for reconsideration . The Mayor declared the hearing closed.
Armstrong moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare
an ordinance , making original zoning on those properties known
j as Keck, Monarch Investments , and Ketchum R-3 and that the
remainder of the property not be zoned at this time , but re-
ferred back to the Planning Commission for further study and
for consideration of at least county zoning. Woodworth seconded .
Unsderfer stated that he was interested in commercial zoning
as he considered the corner too noisy for apartments . He ex-
plained that the Ketchum property contained two duplexes and
one triplex. Barnier moved to amend the motion to have the
Ketchum property included in that portion to be returned to the
Planning Commission . The amendment died for lack of a second .
Armstrong ' s motion carried over Baffaro ' s nay. Woodworth ' s
motion for the City Attorney to draft the ordinance zoning the
Keck, Monarch & Ketchum properties R-3 , carded unanimously.
ZONING Goodnews Bay Annexation. It was noted that the Planning
Commission failed to complete their hearing on the initial
zoning of the Goodnews Bay annexation . Woodworth moved
that the public hearing be continued to November 4th,
Barnier seconded , motion carried .
Skagen portion - Ortiz Annexation . Ordinance 1537, zoning
the Skagen portion of the Ortiz Annexation R- 4 was read by the
City Attorney. Masters moved for passage of the ordinance ,
Lee seconded , motion carried .
Irons . Ordinance 1538, approving the Irons rezone from R-3
to R-T-t was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for passage
of the ordinance , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
KENTWOOD The public hearing was opened on the Kentwood Hills #4 final
HILLS PLAT plat. The City Engineer noted that the plat provides for
dedication of park property to the city. There were no
comments or objections from the floor. Woodworth moved to
close the hearing, Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Wood-
worth moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary
ordinance approving the plat , Masters seconded , motion carried .
ANNEXATION Sunray. The public hearing was opened on the Sunray Annexation .
It was noted that the Boundary Review Board had invoked their
jurisdiction and had enlarged the area to be annexed. The -
City Engineer pointed out the proposed change on the map. There
were no comments or objections from the floor. Baffaro moved
to close the hearing, Woodworth seconded , motion carried.
Ordinance 1536 , approving the annexation was read by the City
Attorney. Armstrong moved to pass the ordinance, Masters
seconded , motion carried.
UNION Resolution 606 was read, authorizing the Clerk to use revenue
in excess of that which was anticipated to pay C. C. Donworth
and Associates $250, or more per month for representing the City
in negotiations with the union , Armstrong moved to adopt the
resolution , Masters seconded , motion carried .
LEASE It was noted that the City Attorney has prepared a lease on the
building, owned by Clarence Shoff, known as the "Engineering
Annex" , increasing the rent from $200 to $225 per month,
including a 90 day option in favor of the city. Masters moved
that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the lease ,
Woodworth seconded, motion carried.
COUNCIL Armstrong moved that Carl Pozzi be elected Mayor pro-tem,
Baffaro seconded , motion carried.
PARKS & It was noted that the Park Board has requested that a decision
RECREATION be made as to the amount of and conditions under which the
sewage treatment property might be used for park purposes.
�Q Barnier opined that there should be no action on this matter
until a decision has been made as to the site for the new city
hall. Barnier moved to refer the matter to the Health & Sani-
tation committee , Armstrong seconded. Under discussion , Wood-
worth stated that a time limit should be. set so the Park De-
partment would have an idea as to when the site might become
available. Barnier stated that an answer could be given as soon
as the city hall site is selected. Barney Wilson. stated that
plans have been drafted for recreation facilities which would
leave 34 acres for the City Hall , Armstrong asked Mr. Wilson
what happened to the 300' X 800' piece of property in the same
Z area for which the Recreation Department was given permissive
..� use sometime ago for a ball field. Wilson stated that the
forward thrust had not been passed at that time, and it would
be more advantageous to do the whole project as a package now,
for use next spring. The City Attorney stated that he did not kno
that the park department planned to develop the sewer site with
forward thrust money and stated that he would check with the bond
counsel to see if this was possible or whether it might be re-
quired to either continue it ' s use for sewer purposes , or sold to
redeem sewer bonds. Wilson then presented sketches of the pro-
posed facility. Motion carried.
CONFERENCE It was noted that there will be a legislative district meeting
& at the Hyatt House at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22nd.
CONVENTION Those planning t-o attend are requested to notify the City Clerk.
CONFERENCES Baffaro moved and Barnier seconded that Bob Kristof.ferson
& be authorized to attend the Pacific Northwest Pollution
CONVENTIONS Control meeting in Penticton , Canada, October 9
motion carried.
Masters moved and Barnier seconded that the City Clerk
be authorized to attend the Washington Finance Officers
Association meeting in Olympia, October 16 - 18, motion
Mr. Street suggested that the recommendations 'of Price
Waterhouse regarding the new accounting procedure be carried
over to October 8th. Woodworth so moved, Barnier seconded ,
motion carried.
The Mayor noted that the meeting will reconvene tomorrow
evening at 7 : 30 p.m.
Armstrong- moved and Lee seconded that the vouchers be
approved as submitted and warrants drawn for the same.
Motion carried.
Current Expense 7,102.01
New Shop Account 918. 54
Labor Relations 524.24
Water 8,785.82
Street 10,176.08
Sewer 40,448.86
Garbage 10, 566.73
Library 186.55
Park 2, 910. 51
LID 255 2 , 629.83
. LID 258 (Ar.St ) 16 ,222.62
LID 252 8 ,o96 .49
S. 212th - LID 253 3, 260.09
ULID #1 31 ,500.00
Interest Bearing Warrants.
LID 252
Austin Construction Co. 77 ,069.96
Hill, Ingman & Chase .4,041.80
Hill, Ingman & Chase 19.67
N. Kent Water
Hill , Ingman & Chase 6 , 582.05
Salem Sand & Gravel 9, 464.76
1967 Water Constr.
Hill , Ingman & Chase 1,875 .00
LID 256
Hill, Ingman & Chase 7, 387.54
LID 2.5
Hill; Ingman & Chase 632.06
Red-Samm Mining Co. 40,810.45
LID 257 UAB 8-1106(2)
Hill, Ingman & Chase 1,682.91
Hill, Ingman & Chase 2, 003 . 50
1967 Sewer Constr. ULID #1
Hill , Ingman & Chase 7 ,229.85
Tri-State Constr.. Co. 14 ,707.77
Hill , Ingman & Chase 945.56
Hill , Ingman & Chase 446.97
Murphy Bros. Inc. 134 ,397.34
National Constr. Co. 114 ,077. 39
The Bank of Calif. 206 ,722.31
Constructors PAMCO 294,053.25
x Respectfully submitted,
Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jen , Ci }j Clerk