HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Independent Salary Commission - 03/24/2025 Independent Salary • Commission KENT SPECIAL MEETING WASHINGTON Monday, March 24, 2025 5:00 PM City of Kent Centennial Rooms North/South 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032 Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID:234 901 300 260 Passcode:Z3xN3J5H Or call in (audio only) +1 872-239-8456, 815243487# Chair Julie Miller Commissioner Pat Hanis Commissioner William Cogswell ************************************************************** Item Description Action Speaker Time I. CALL TO ORDER Chair II. ROLL CALL Chair III. BUSINESS Chair A. Approvel of Minutes Chair 01 MIN. i. Approval of March 6, 2025 YES Chair 01 MIN. Minutes B. Public Comment Regarding NO Chair Proposed Salary Schedule C. Deliberation and Adoption of YES Chair Final Salary Schedule IV. ADJOURNMENT Chair The public may submit written public comments that relate to the commission agenda item by emailing: cityclerk@kentwa.gov by noon on the day of this commission meeting. After noon, written public comments may only be submitted in person by presenting them to the commission secretary at the public meeting. Written public comments that do not relate to a commission agenda item are not permitted. Written public comments are not read into the record. Independent Salary Commission Independent Salary March 24, 2025 Commission - Special Meeting The Independent Salary Commission shall meet at least once each year, before April 30th, to consider whether or not to review and/or adjust existing salaries for the city council and mayor. Meeting are held at the City of Kent, Centennial Center, 400 West Gowe Street, Kent, WA 98032 For additional information please contact Kim Komoto at 253-856-5728, or email Kkomoto@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856- 5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 3.A.1 Pending Approval Independent Salary KENT Commission w,s , ° • Independent Salary Commission - Regular Meeting Minutes March 6, 2025 Date: March 6, 2025 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Centennial North and South Members: Julie Miller, Chair Pat Hanis, Commissioner William Cogswell, Commissioner Agenda: o 7@ I. Call to Order 5:00 p.m. a Chair Miller called the meeting to order. a II. ROLL CALL a 0 0 Attendee Name Title Status Arrived LO Julie Miller Chair Present o Pat Hanis Commissioner Remote N William Cogswell Commissioner Present III. BUSINESS o W A. Approval of Minutes i. Approval of Minutes dated March 14, 2024 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated March 14, 2024 _ RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Pat Hanis, Commissioner SECONDER: William Cogswell, Commissioner Q AYES: Miller, Hanis, Cogswell °' _ B. Nomination and Election of Chair and Vice Chair MOTION: I move to elect Julie Miller to the position of Chair of the Independent Salary Commission for a one-year term. I move to elect William Cogswell to the position of Vice-Chair of the Independent Salary Commission for a one-year term. Page 1 of 3 9 Packet Pg. 3 3.A.1 Independent Salary Commission Independent March 6, 2025 Salary Commission - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Pat Hanis, Commissioner SECONDER: William Cogswell, Commissioner AYES: Miller, Hanis, Cogswell C. Introduction of Salary Review Process City Attorney, Tammy White provided an overview of the duties and responsibilities of the Independent Salary Commission, Roberts Rules of Order, the Open Public Meeting Act, Public Records Act, and records retention requirements. White provided an overview of Chapter 2.65 of the Kent City Code relating to 0 the Independent Salary Commission. 0 D. Comparable Salaries for Mayor, Council President and Council a Members a Finance Director, Paula Painter provided an overview of the monthly 2 a. compensation for Mayors, Council Presidents, and Councilmembers of Kent, o Everett, Renton, Federal Way, Auburn, Redmond, and Marysville. LO LO N CD Painter advised City of Kent staff received a 3.6% COLA for 2025. N t E. Deliberation and Adoption of Proposed Salary Schedule — Adopt and Submit for Public Comment 0 The Commissioners discussed applying a 3.6% COLA for the Mayor and a Councilmembers. The Commissioners discussed the history of increases that brought the Mayor and Councilmembers in line with other jurisdictions and applying the standard COLA received by other City staff seemed reasonable. The monthly salary for the Council President will equal the monthly salary for members of the City Council, plus an additional 15% of that amount. a a� U The salaries will be effective as of January 1, 2025. Q a� Once adopted, the City Clerk will publish the final schedule two times, each publication at least one week apart. The second publication will then be the official filing date, and the salary schedule will become effective 30 days after the filing date, unless a referendum is timely filed. MOTION: I move to adopt the proposed salary schedule for the positions of Mayor, Council President, and City Council, and to submit the proposed schedule for public comment at the Commission's next meeting. F. Next Commission Meeting Date - Set Date and Publish Notice MOTION: I move to set the Commission's next meeting for March 24, 2025, at 5 p.m., and direct the City Clerk to give public notice of that Page 9 Packet Pg. 4 3.A.1 Independent Salary Commission Independent March 6, 2025 Salary Commission - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes special meeting date. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Pat Hanis, Commissioner SECONDER: William Cogswell, Commissioner AYES: Miller, Hanis, Cogswell IV. ADJOURNMENT 5:47 p.m. Chair Miller adjourned the meeting. K&mb,eXley Kawwta Committee Secretary 0 a� 0 L Q Q CQ C a. 0 R LO uO N O N L C� C 4- 0 d G d V Q d U V a Page 9 Packet Pg. 5 3.B INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION KENT DATE: March 24, 2025 TO: Independent Salary Commission SUBJECT: Public Comment Regarding Proposed Salary Schedule SUMMARY: The public comment period is your opportunity to speak to the Commission regarding its proposed salary schedule, a copy of which is attached. Comments that do not relate to the proposed salary schedule are not permitted. Additionally, the state of Washington prohibits people from using this public comment period to support or oppose a ballot measure or candidate for office. Public comment may be provided orally at the meeting, or submitted in writing either by emailing the City Clerk by noon on the day of the meeting at CityClerk@kentwa.gov or delivering the writing to the City Clerk at the meeting. Emails will not be read into the record. If you will have difficulty attending the meeting by reason of disability, limited mobility, or any other reason that makes physical attendance difficult, and need accommodation in order to provide oral comment remotely, please contact the City Clerk by noon on the day of the meeting at 253-856-5725 or CityClerk@kentwa.gov. Those interested in speaking at the meeting during the public comment portion of the agenda should sign up with the City Clerk upon arriving. When called to speak during the meeting, please state your name and city of residence for the record. You will have up to three minutes to provide comment. Please address all comments to the Commission as a whole. This is an opportunity for the public to provide public comments or information they would like the Commission to consider before adopting a final salary schedule. The Commission will not engage individual speakers in an exchange or answer questions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Salary Schedule 2025 (PROPOSED) (PDF) 2. Signed Proposed Schedule (PDF) Packet Pg. 6 3.B.a City of Kent Independent Salary Commission FINAL 2025 FINAL SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE POSITIONS OF: MAYOR, COUNCIL PRESIDENT, & MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL s In accordance with Chapter 2.65 of the Kent City Code, the Independent Salary Commission for the City of in Kent sets the following salary schedule for the positions of Mayor, Council President, and members of the c City Council. U) d MAYOR a Monthly salary of $18,310, effective January 1, 2025, which represents a 3.6% cost of living a adjustment. L COUNCIL PRESIDENT d • Monthly salary equal to the monthly salary for members of City Council, plus an additional 15% of r that amount, effective as of January 1, 2025. _ a� E MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL E • Monthly salary of $3,108, effective as of January 1, 2025, which represents a 3.6% cost of living L) adjustment. 2 s Once adopted, the City Clerk will publish this final schedule two times, each publication at least one week a apart. The second publication will then be the official filing date, and the salary schedule will become o N effective 30 days after the filing date, unless a referendum is timely filed. 0 w This final salary schedule is adopted this 24t" day of March, 2025. N O a O INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION a LO N O Cq Julie Miller, Chair as s U) William Cogswell, Vice Chair M U) Pat Hanis, Commissioner LL a� ATTEST: s a Kim Komoto, City Clerk City of Kent Independent Salary Commission 2025 FINAL SALARY SCHEDULE FOR POSITIONS OF MAYOR, COUNCIL PRESIDENT, MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL Packet Pg. 7 City of Kent Inde�p,,,indent Sakm-V Coo-nnu,,iission. SALARY V,-:0R 'THE. POSI I}TO,NS OF!,, HOMOR, (',0UNCIR. PRESmEwliv, (IwoqvjwcIl�; ov (1-yxy univiceri In accordance with Chapter 2.65 of the Kent City Code, the Independent Salary Commission for the city of 0 M Kent sets the following salary schedule for the positions of Mayor, Council President, and members of the =0 City Council. ca 14 A V R' co • Monthly salary of effective 0 CL 0 Monthly salary S effective as of M 6.4 E34 FRI,�-7.R S 0 TH.V CITY C 0 k N) • Monthly salary of effective as of E E Once adopted, the City Clerk will publish this final schedule two times, each publication at least one week 0 0 apart. The second publication will then be the official filing date, and the salary schedule will become .2 B effective 30 days after the filing date, unless a referendum is timely filed. co This salary schedule is adopted this day of March, 2025. C4 co S INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION Julie er, Chair 0 CL 0 /v (L Milia C94-s 11, VikCy air in Pat Hanis, Commissioner E ca ATTEST: Kim Komoto, City Clerk City of Kent Independent Salary Commission SAIARYSCIIEDUU.'FOR POSITIONS 0)- MAYOR, COUN'.11.PRESHAFNTI MEMBERS 01 CITY CoUNCII Packet Pg. 8 3.0 INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION KENT DATE: March 24, 2025 TO: Independent Salary Commission SUBJECT: Deliberation and Adoption of Final Salary Schedule MOTION: I move to adopt the 2025 Salary Schedule, for the positions of Mayor, Council President, and members of the City Council that will become effective 30 days after the filing date of April 11, 2025. SUMMARY: The Commission will consider any public comment submitted concerning its proposed salary schedule, and discuss whether it wishes to make any changes to that proposed schedule. The Commission will then consider adopting a final salary schedule. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Salary Schedule 2025 (PDF) Packet Pg. 9 3.C.a City of Kent Independent Salary Commission FINAL 2025 FINAL SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE POSITIONS OF: MAYOR, COUNCIL PRESIDENT, & MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL In accordance with Chapter 2.65 of the Kent City Code, the Independent Salary Commission for the City of Kent sets the following salary schedule for the positions of Mayor, Council President, and members of the s City Council. Cn MAYOR `° M • Monthly salary of $18,310, effective January 1, 2025, which represents a 3.6% cost of living c) FU adjustment. S ii 4- 0 COUNCIL PRESIDENT a 0 • Monthly salary equal to the monthly salary for members of City Council, plus an additional 15% of a that amount, effective as of January 1, 2025. 0 Q MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL • Monthly salary of $3,108, effective as of January 1, 2025, which represents a 3.6% cost of living adjustment. o 0 Once adopted, the City Clerk will publish this final schedule two times, each publication at least one week apart. The second publication will then be the official filing date, and the salary schedule will become o effective 30 days after the filing date, unless a referendum is timely filed. co N This final salary schedule is adopted this 24t" day of March, 2025. LO N O INDEPENDENT SALARY COMMISSION a� Julie Miller, Chair in M Cn William Cogswell, Vice Chair LL a� E s Pat Hanis, Commissioner Q ATTEST: Kim Komoto, City Clerk City of Kent Independent Salary Commission 2025 FINAL SALARY SCHEDULE FOR POSITIONS OF MAYOR, COUNCIL PRESIDENT, MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL Packet Pg. 10