HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2025-093 - Other - Certified City of Auburn Ordinance 6962 MAYOR NANCY CITY OF E�J 25 WEST MAIN STREET,AUBURN,WA 98001 tAa AUBURN 7 AUBUPNWA.GOV STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTIES OF KING AND PIERCE ) I, Shawn Campbell, the duly appointed, qualified City Clerk of the City of Auburn, a Municipal Corporation and Code City, situate in the counties of King and Pierce, State of Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 6962 of the Ordinance of the City of Auburn, entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, GRANTING TO CITY OF KENT, A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE FOR WATER FACILITIES ° I certify that said Ordinance No. 6962 was duly passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of the said City of Auburn, on the 3rd day of February, 2025. 1 further certify that said Ordinance No. 6962 was published as provided by law in the Seattle Times, a daily newspaper published in the City of Auburn, and of general circulation therein, on the 6th day of February 2025. Witness my hand and the official seal of the City of Auburn, this 3rd day of March 2025. Shawn Campbell, City Clerk City of Auburn Moc$eAteTtme"s AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF AUBURN ORDINANCE NO. 6962 AN NANCE OFHannah Scholl CIL OFDTIHE CITY OFTA BURN WASH- INGTON, GRANTING TO CITY OF City of Auburn, Finance Dept KENT, A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE FOR 25 W Main St WATER FACILITIES Auburn WA 98001 INTRODUCED, PASSED, APPROVED: February 3,2025. The full text of the above Ordinance, which is summarized in this publica- tion, will be mailed without charge to any person who requests the text thereof from the Auburn City Clerk. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTIES OF KING AND SNOHOMISH Published in the Seattle Times Febru- ary 6, 2025. This Ordinance is effective five days after publication. The undersigned, on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company,publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties,State of Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. The notice,in the exact form annexed,was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. 02/06/2025 Agent Fror)Kie FliGhf Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on )`� (Notary Signature)Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,residing at Seattle Publication Cost: $60.50 Order No: 92380 DEBBIE COL LAHTES Customer No: 184 rsot�ry Public State Oi`Washing-ton PO#: Co Mfrlksion My Comm. Expires Feb i"6 Ey Page 1 "h e Ate dimes AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Hannah Scholl City of Auburn, Finance Dept 25 W Main St Auburn WA 98001 STATE OF`NASHINGTON, COUNTIES OF KING AND SNOHOMISH The undersigned,on oath states that he/she is an authorized representative of The Seattle Times Company, publisher of The Seattle Times of general circulation published daily in King and Snohomish Counties,State of Washington. The Seattle Times has been approved as a legal newspaper by orders of the Superior Court of King and Snohomish Counties. The notice, in the exact form annexed,was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper or papers and distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period. 12/19/2024 Agent � � f 'i I"s9 Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on Fraiikie Flight (Notary Signature)Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,re iding at ea le Publication Cost: $215.00 Order No: 90061 FRJ\P!KIE f1_iClHT P7 t:iYtl i'y Public Customer No: 184 State,of Washington PO#: Comm>si on 11 191,10383 I My Corn n Expire °! ,1 4, 2027 Page 1 CITY OF AUBURN Publication Cost: $215.00 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Order No: 90061 BY DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN,WASH- Customer No: 184 INGTON, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held in PO#: person and virtually before the Auburn City Council at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, Janu- ary 21, 2025, in City Hall Council Cham- bers, located at 25 West Main Street, Auburn, Washington, on the following: Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 for City of K nt for a Water Franchise City of Kent has applied for a new fran- chise agreement to continue to operate their existing water facilities in the public ways within the city limits. Kent currently provides potable water ser- vice for human consumption or other domestic use, including residential, commercial and wholesale use and fire suppression purposes within the portion of Kent's water service boundary area that is within the Auburn city limits. The proposed agreement is consistent with the City's standard franchise agreement language. Any interested person is invited to appear in-person and express com- ments or opinions on the proposed Franchise Agreement. Written com- ments and/or opinions may be submit- ted to the City of Auburn at publiccom- ment®aburnwa.gov or mailed to the City of Auburn, 25 West Main Street, Auburn, WA 98001-4988. All written comments must be received prior to 5:00 pm on January 21,2025. If you have questions, please contact Amber Olds, Right-of-Way Specialist at aoldsCauburnwo.gov or 253-804-3120. If an individual requires an accommo- dation to allow for remote oral com- ment because of a difficulty attending the public hearing in person, the City requests notice of the need for accom- modation by 5:00 p.m. on January 21, 2025. Participants can request an accommodation to be able to provide remote oral comment by contacting the City Clerk's Office in person, by phone (253) 931-3039, or email to publiccom- ment@auburnwa.gov. To join the meeting virtually from a PC, Mac, !Pad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this U R L to join. https://us06web.zoom.us/i/84912848917 Or join by phone: 253 215 8782 877 475 4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 849 1284 8917 Citizens with speech, sight, or hearing disabilities, or who are requesting translators or adaptive equipment for communication purposes should contact the City of Auburn at (253) 931-3039 within 10 calendar days prior to the meeting, as to the type of service or equipment needed. Each request will be considered individually according to the type of request, the availability of resources and the financial ability of the City to provide the requested ser- vices or equipment. Page 2 ORDINANCE NO. 6962 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, GRANTING TO CITY OF KENT, A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE FOR WATER FACILITIES WHEREAS, The City of Kent ("Franchisee") has applied for a non-exclusive Franchise for the right of entry, use, and occupation of certain public ways within the City of Auburn ("City"), expressly to install, construct, operate, maintain, repair, relocate, and remove its facilities in, on, over, under along, and/or across those public ways; and WHEREAS, following proper notice, the City Council held a public hearing on Franchisee's request for a Franchise; and WHEREAS, based on the information presented at such public hearing, and from facts and circumstances developed or discovered through independent study and investigation, the City Council now deems it appropriate and in the best interest of the City to grant the Franchise to Franchisee. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Definitions For the purpose of this Franchise and the interpretation and enforcement thereof, definitions of words and phrases shall be in accordance with the definitions set forth in this Franchise and in Auburn City Code 20.02.020. If there is a conflict between any of the definitions set forth in this Franchise and the definitions set forth in Auburn City Code 20.02.020, the definitions in this Franchise shall govern to the extent of such conflict. A. "ACC" means the Auburn City Code. B. "Fire Flow" means the measure of sustained flow of available water required for firefighting of a specific building or structure within a specific area at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure and shall be corrected to the lowest gallonage available based on peak-period demands and seasonal demands. C. "Fire Hydrant" means a public fire hydrant situated and maintained to provide water for firefighting purposes. Public fire hydrants are without restriction ------------ ----------------- Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 1 of 23 as to use for that purpose. The location of a fire hydrant is such that it is accessible for immediate use of the fire authority at all times. D. "Force Majeure Event" means and shall include without limitation, war, civil disturbance; flood, earthquake or other Act of God; storm or other condition which necessitates the mobilization of the personnel of a Party or its contractors to restore utility service; laws, regulations, rules or orders of any governmental agency; a public health emergency as declared by the State of Washington or local County governing the Franchise Area; sabotage; strikes or similar labor disputes involving personnel of a party, its contractors or a third party; or any failure or delay in the performance by the other party, or third party who is not an employee, agent or contractor of the party claiming a Force Majeure Event, in connection with this Franchise. E. "Franchise" means this agreement approved by Ordinance No. 6962 of the City which authorizes Franchisee Facilities to provide Franchisee Services in the Franchise Area. F. "Franchise Area" means the public ways specified in Exhibit "A". G. "Franchisee Facilities" means water supply transmission and distribution mains, interties, pipes, Fire Hydrants, valves, water services and meters, water system communication and monitoring equipment, and all other appurtenances necessary or convenient for the purpose of providing water service, including any part thereof used or usable for the delivery of water for Fire Flow and fire suppression purposes, that are constructed, operated, owned, and maintained within the public ways that are located in the Franchise Area. H. "Franchisee Services" means providing potable water service for human consumption or other domestic use, including residential, commercial, and wholesale use, and Fire Flow and fire suppression purposes. A water service extends from the public water main to and including the water meter and is owned and maintained by the Franchisee. I. "Public Improvement" means any capital improvement, maintenance, or repair that is undertaken by or on behalf of the City and is funded by the City(either directly or indirectly with its own funds or with other public monies obtained by the City), including any capital improvement within the City's adopted Transportation Improvement Plan or Capital Facilities Plan. Section 2. Grant of Right to Use Franchise Area A. Subject to the terms and conditions stated in this Franchise, the City grants to the Franchisee general permission to enter, use, and occupy the public ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 2 of 23 ways within the Franchise Area, located within the incorporated area of the City. Franchisee may locate the Franchisee's Facilities within the Franchise Area subject to all applicable laws, regulations, and permit conditions. B. The Franchisee is authorized to install, remove, construct, operate, maintain, relocate, upgrade, replace, restore, and repair Franchisee's Facilities to provide Franchisee Services in the Franchise Area. C. This Franchise does not authorize the use of the Franchise Area for any facilities or services other than Franchisee Facilities and Franchisee Services, and it extends no rights or privilege relative to any facilities or services of any type, including Franchisee Facilities and Franchisee Services, on public or private property elsewhere within the City. D. This Franchise is non-exclusive and does not prohibit the City from entering into other agreements, including other franchise agreements, impacting the Franchise Area, for any purpose that does not interfere with Franchisee's rights under this Franchise. E. Except as explicitly set forth in this Franchise, this Franchise does not waive any rights the City has or may acquire with respect to the Franchise Area or any other City roads, public ways, or property. This Franchise will be subject to the power of eminent domain, and in any proceeding under eminent domain, the Franchisee acknowledges its use of the Franchise Area shall have no value. F. The City reserves the right to change, regrade, relocate, abandon, or vacate any public way within the Franchise Area. If, at any time during the term of this Franchise, the City vacates any portion of the Franchise Area containing Franchisee Facilities, the City may reserve an easement for public utilities within that vacated portion, pursuant to Chapter 35.79.030 RCW, within which the Franchisee may continue to operate any existing Franchisee Facilities under the terms of this Franchise for the remaining period set forth under Section 4. G. The Franchisee agrees that its use of Franchise Area shall at all times be subordinated to and subject to the City and the public's need for municipal infrastructure, travel, and access to the Franchise Area, except as may be otherwise required by law. Section 3. Notice A. Written notices to the parties shall be sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier or by certified mail to the following addresses unless a different address is designated in writing and delivered to the other party. Any such written notice shall become effective upon receipt by certified mail, confirmed delivery by ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 3 of 23 overnight courier, or the date stamped received by the City. Any communication made by telephone, e-mail, or similar method will not constitute notice pursuant to this Franchise, except where expressly permitted in this Franchise. City: Right-of-Way Specialist Public Works Department - Transportation City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Telephone: (253) 931-3010 Rowusepermit@auburnwa.gov with a copy to: City Clerk City of Auburn 25 West Main Street Auburn, WA 98001-4998 Franchisee: City of Kent Attn: City of Kent Water Manager- Public Works Operations 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Telephone: 253-856-5600 Email Address: PWOps@KentWA.gov with a copy to: City of Kent Attn: City Clerk 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Telephone: 253-856-5725 Email Address: CityClerk@KentWA.gov B. Any changes to the above-stated Franchisee information shall be sent to the City's Right-of-Way Specialist, Public Works Department — Transportation Division, with copies to the City Clerk, referencing the title of this Franchise. C. The above-stated Franchisee voice telephone numbers shall be staffed at least during normal business hours, Pacific time zone. The City may contact Franchisee at the following number for emergency or other needs outside of normal business hours of the Franchisee: (253-856-5600). ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 4 of 23 Section 4. Term of Franchise A. This Franchise shall run for a period of twenty (20) years, from the date of Franchise Acceptance as described in Section 5 of this Franchise. B. Automatic Extension. If the Franchisee fails to formally apply for a new franchise agreement prior to the expiration of this Franchise's term or any extension thereof, this Franchise automatically continues month to month until a new franchise agreement is applied for and approved under the then current process or until either party gives written notice at least one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days in advance of intent to cancel this Franchise. Franchisee shall be responsible for paying applicable fees for month-to-month Franchise status per the City of Auburn fee schedule in effect at the time the Agreement goes into month-to-month status. Section 5. Acceptance of Franchise A. This Franchise will not become effective until Franchisee files with the City Clerk (1) the Statement of Acceptance (Exhibit "B"), (2) all verifications of insurance coverage specified under Section 15, and (3) payment of any outstanding application fees required in the City Fee Schedule. These three items will collectively be the "Franchise Acceptance". The date that such Franchise Acceptance is filed with the City Clerk will be the effective date of this Franchise. B. If the Franchisee fails to file the Franchise Acceptance with the City Clerk within thirty (30) calendar days after the effective date of the ordinance approving the Franchise as described in Section 26 of this Franchise, the City's grant of the Franchise will be null and void. Section 6. Construction and Maintenance A. The Franchisee shall apply for, obtain, and comply with the terms of all permits required under applicable law for any work done within the City. Franchisee will comply with all applicable City, State, and Federal codes, rules, regulations, and orders in undertaking such work. B. Franchisee agrees to coordinate its activities with the City and all other utilities located within the public way within which Franchisee is undertaking its activity. C. The Cityexpressly reserves the right to prescribe how and where p Y 9 Franchisee's Facilities will be installed within the public way and may require the removal, relocation and/or replacement thereof in the public interest and safety at the expense of the Franchisee. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 5 of 23 D. Franchisee's Facilities shall be constructed, installed, maintained, and repaired within the Franchise Area so as to provide safety of persons and property, and not interfere with the free passage of traffic, all in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, and the ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations of the City. E. If work performed under this Franchise by the Franchisee makes it necessary to turn off or diminish water pressure or potential Fire Flow to any Fire Hydrant, the Franchisee shall notify Valley Regional Fire Authority (VRFA) by telephone at 253-288-5870, email at fire.marshal@vrfa.org, or written notice, that water pressure or Fire Flow conditions may be affected. Except in the case of an emergency, the notice shall be provided at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the water pressure or potential Fire Flow being suspended or diminished. If more than one Fire Hydrant will be affected, the Franchisee shall provide a map of the affected area to VRFA. Out-of-service Fire Hydrants must be identified as not operational by covering with a properly secured burlap or plastic bag. Fire Hydrants should be returned to full service as soon as reasonably possible or no longer than two (2) calendar days from the date service was suspended or diminished. The Franchisee shall notify VRFA when the Fire Hydrant(s) is/are returned to full service. F. Before beginning any work within the public way, the Franchisee will comply with the One Number Locator provisions of Chapter 19.122 RCW to identify existing utility infrastructure. G. Tree Trimming. Upon prior written approval of the City the Franchisee shall have the authority to trim trees upon and overhanging streets, public ways and places in the Franchise Area so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in physical contact with the Franchisee's Facilities. Franchisee shall be responsible for debris removal from such activities. If such debris is not removed within twenty-four (24) hours, the City may, at its sole discretion, remove such debris and charge the Franchisee for the cost thereof. This Section does not, in any instance, grant automatic authority to clear vegetation for purposes of providing a clear path for radio signals. Any such general vegetation clearing will require other permits as necessary from the City. H. Franchisee shall notify the City by email or written notice, a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days in advance of discharge of Franchisee water supply from a reservoir into the City's storm water system in the Franchise Area. The City will review to ensure the ability of the City storm system to handle the additional water. The City may deny any request based on the needs of the City but will work with the Franchisee to coordinate a mutually agreed upon time to discharge water An approval b the City for the Franchisee to discharge to the City storm system y pp y y g water into the City storm system must be in writing. Any Franchisee water ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 6 of 23 discharged to the City's storm water system must comply with all applicable federal and state water quality standards and the City's NPDES permit relating to the City's storm water system. The Franchisee will employ appropriate BMPs to ensure City's storm water system capacity is not exceeded or damaged. I. Flushing of water system and other Franchisee activities not identified in paragraph H above shall not require advance notification. Any Franchisee water discharged to the City's storm water system must comply with all applicable federal and state water quality standards and the City's NPDES permit relating to the City's storm water system. The Franchisee will employ appropriate BMPs to ensure City's storm water system capacity is not exceeded or damaged. Section 7. Repair and Restorations A. If the City Engineer determines that Franchisee's Facilities or Franchisee's construction, maintenance, repair, relocation, or replacement of facilities within the Franchise Area is the cause of damage, degradation, failure, or substandard condition of a Street, during the term of this Franchise, the City will notify Franchisee by email or written notice and Franchisee will repair or replace the subject Street in accordance with City Engineering Design Standards and subject to applicable permits, within ninety (90) calendar days of the City's notification unless granted additional time by the City Engineer. If the City determines the subject Street condition poses an immediate threat to health, safety, vital traffic operations, property, or critical areas, Section 8 shall apply. B. For purposes of this Section, "street" shall mean all City owned improvements within a public way, including, but not limited to, the following: pavement, sidewalks, curbing, above and below-ground utility facilities, traffic control devices, landscape areas, and vegetation in unopened rights-of-way. Section 8. Emergency Repair Work A. In the event of an emergency, the Franchisee may commence repair and emergency response work as required under the circumstances. The Franchisee will notify the City telephonically during normal business hours (at 253- 931-3010) and during non-business hours (at 253-876-1985) as promptly as possible, before such repair or emergency work commences, and in writing as soon thereafter as possible. Such notification shall include the Franchisee's emergency contact phone number for corresponding response activity. B. The City may commence emergency response work, at any time, without prior written notice to the Franchisee, but will notify the Franchisee, by email or in writing, as promptly as possible under the circumstances. Franchisee ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 7 of 23 will reimburse the City for the City's actual cost of performing emergency response work. Section 9. Damages to City and Third-Party Property Franchisee agrees that if any of its actions, or the actions of any person, agent, or contractor acting on behalf of the Franchisee under this Franchise impairs or damages any City property, survey monument, or property owned by a third-party, Franchisee will restore, at its own cost and expense, the property to a safe condition. Upon returning the property to a safe condition, the property shall then be returned to the condition it was in immediately prior to being damaged (if the safe condition of the property is not the same as that which existed prior to damage). All repair work shall be performed and completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Section 10. Location Preference A. Any structure, equipment, appurtenance, or tangible property of a utility or other franchisee, other than the Franchisee's, which was installed, constructed, completed or in place prior in time to Franchisee's application for a permit to construct or repair Franchisee's Facilities under this Franchise shall have preference as to positioning and location with respect to the Franchisee's Facilities. However, to the extent that the Franchisee's Facilities are completed and installed before another utility or other franchisee's submittal of a permit for new or additional structures, equipment, appurtenances, or tangible property, then the Franchisee's Facilities will have priority. These rules governing preference shall continue when relocating or changing the grade of any City road or public way. A relocating utility or franchisee will not cause the relocation of another utility or franchisee that otherwise would not require relocation. This Section will not apply to any City facilities or utilities that may in the future require the relocation of Franchisee's Facilities. Such relocations will be governed by Section 11. B. When constructing new Franchisee Facilities, or replacing or reconstructing Franchisee Facilities, Franchisee shall maintain minimum underground separation requirements from all City water, sanitary sewer, and storm water facilities in accordance with the City Engineering Design and Construction Standards; provided, that for development of new areas, the City, in consultation with Franchisee and other utility purveyors or authorized users of the Franchise Area, will develop and follow the City's determination of guidelines and procedures for determining specific utility locations, subject additionally to this agreement. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 8 of 23 Section 11. Relocation of Franchisee Facilities A. Whenever the City causes a Public Improvement to be constructed within the Franchise Area, and such Public Improvement requires the relocation of Franchisee Facilities within the Franchise Area (for purposes other than those described in Section 11.13 below): 1. The City shall provide Franchisee with written notice requesting such relocation, along with review plans and/or other detailed document(s) for the Public Improvement that are sufficiently complete as determined by the City Engineer to allow for Franchisee's initial evaluation and coordination of the relocation. The City shall provide the Franchisee with the City's anticipated construction schedule and the date, either before or during the construction of the Public Improvement, the City requires the Franchisee to complete the relocation. If the Franchisee desires clarification, alternatives to relocation, or a relocation schedule that varies from that provided by the City, the Franchisee will provide written request to the City within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the relocation notice from the City and then Section 11.A.2 shall apply to the relocation, otherwise, the Franchisee agrees to conduct the relocation as required by the City and Section 11.A.2 shall not apply to the relocation. 2. Subject to the notice requirement of Section 11.A.1 , the City and Franchisee shall discuss relocation requirements and schedule, and jointly identify and define the project requirements, schedule, and timeframe of relocation that the Parties agree shall govern the relocation. The Parties will document the mutual agreement of these terms in writing. Except as approved otherwise in writing by the City, in no case shall the Franchisee's relocation be completed more than 180 calendar days after initial notification by the City. 3. Franchisee shall relocate such Franchisee Facilities within the Franchise Area, at no charge to the City and in accordance with the relocation schedule required by the City or otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Parties per Section 11.A.2. B. Whenever(i) any public or private development within the Franchise Area, other than a Public Improvement, requires the relocation of Franchisee Facilities within the Franchise Area to accommodate such development: or (ii) the City requires the relocation of Franchisee Facilities within the Franchise Area for the benefit of any person or entity other than the City (including, without limitation, any conditions or requirement imposed by the City on such person or entity pursuant to any contract or in conjunction with approvals or permits for zoning, land use, construction or development), then in such event, Franchisee shall have ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 9 of 23 the right as a condition of such relocation, to (i) require such developer, person or entity to cause such relocation to occur at their own expense, subject to Franchisee's review and approval of design plans prepared by such developer, person or entity; or(ii)to require such developer, person or entity to make payment to Franchisee, at a time and upon terms acceptable to Franchisee, for any and all costs and expenses incurred by Franchisee in connection with such relocation of Franchisee Facilities. C. Subject to the terms of this Section 11 and consistent with Section 14 and to the maximum extent provided by applicable law, Franchisee shall reimburse the City for any costs, expenses, and/or damages incurred as a result of: 1) The Franchisee not providing the City accurate or sufficient location or other information regarding Franchise Facilities during design or construction of the Public Improvement, or 2) Franchisee's delay in meeting the mutually-established schedule for the relocation work required to accommodate a Public Improvement to the extent the delay is directly caused by Franchisee's breach of its obligations under this Section 11 with respect to the relocation of Franchisee Facilities in accordance with the mutually established schedule for the relocation work. D. Nothing in this Section 11 shall require Franchisee to bear any cost or expense in connection with the location or relocation of any Franchisee Facilities then existing pursuant to easement or such other rights not derived from this Franchise. E. In the event that a conflict with Franchise Facilities is discovered during construction of a capital improvement, within seven (7) calendar days of this determination, the City and Franchisee shall discuss relocation requirements and schedule, and jointly identify and define the relocation requirements, schedule, and timeframe of relocation that the Parties agree shall govern the relocation. The Parties may agree to include relocation as part of the City's capital improvement with Franchisee reimbursing the costs of design, City inspection time, and relocation of Franchise Facilities. The Parties will document the mutual agreement of these terms in writing. Additionally, any and all damages or costs associated with the conflict shall be subject to Section 11.C. Section 12. Abandonment and or Removal of Franchisee Facilities A. Within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of Franchisee's permanent cessation of use of any portion of the Franchisee Facilities, the Franchisee will, at the City's discretion, either abandon in place or remove the affected facilities. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 10 of 23 B. Franchisee may ask the City in writing to abandon, in whole or in part, all or any part of the Franchisee Facilities. Any plan for abandonment of Franchisee Facilities must be approved in writing by the City. C. The parties expressly agree that this Section will survive the expiration, revocation or termination of this Franchise. Section 13. Franchisee Information A. Franchisee agrees to supply, at no cost to the City, any information requested by the City that the City determines is necessary to coordinate municipal functions with Franchisee's activities and fulfill any municipal obligations under state law. Said information will include, at a minimum, as-built drawings of Franchisee's Facilities, installation inventory, and maps and plans showing the location of existing or planned facilities within the City. Said information may be requested either in hard copy or electronic format, compatible with the City's data base system, including the City's Geographic Information System (GIS) data base. Franchisee will keep the City informed of its long-range plans for coordination with the City's long-range plans. B. The parties understand that Chapter 42.56 RCW and other applicable law may require public disclosure of information given to the City. In the event the City receives a request under Chapter 42.56 RCW involving Franchisee's information described in Section 13.A., the City shall provide email notice to Franchisee at least ten (10)days prior to release of any records that either 1) Could be excluded from public records release to protect public safety and security, including pump station and reservoir as-built records, system operating plans, vulnerability assessments, and other records the City determines the Franchisee may seek to exclude from public records release for this reason; or 2) Records the Franchisee has labelled with the statement "DO NOT RELEASE BEFORE NOTIFYING THE CITY OF KENT" or similar statement. The warning statement shall also reference this agreement by number, be in red lettering, in 16 font or greater, and on the front of the electronic or paper document. Section 14. Indemnification and Hold Harmless A. Franchisee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, or liabilities for injury or death of any person, or for loss or damage to property, which arises out of Franchisee's acts, errors or omissions, or from the conduct of Franchisee's business, or from any activity, work or thing done, permitted, or suffered by Franchisee arising from or in connection with this Franchise, except only such injury or damage as shall have been occasioned by the sole negligence of the City. Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 11 of 23 However, should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Franchise is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Franchisee and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Franchisee's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Franchisee's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Franchisee's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Franchise. B. The Franchisee will hold the City harmless from any liability arising out of or in connection with any damage or loss to the Franchisee's Facilities caused by maintenance and/or construction work performed by, or on behalf of, the City within the Franchise Area or any other City road, public way, or other property, except to the extent any such damage or loss is directly caused by the negligence of the City, or its agent performing such work. C. The Franchisee acknowledges that neither the City nor any other public agency with responsibility for firefighting, emergency rescue, public safety or similar duties within the City has the capability to provide trench, close trench or confined space rescue. The Franchisee, and its agents, assigns, successors, or contractors,will make such arrangements as Franchisee deems fit for the provision of such services. The Franchisee will hold the City harmless from any liability arising out of or in connection with any damage or loss to the Franchisee for the City's failure or inability to provide such services, and, pursuant to the terms of Section 14.A., the Franchisee will indemnify the City against any and all third-party costs, claims, injuries, damages, losses, suits, or liabilities based on the City's failure or inability to provide such services. D. The Franchisee shall be solely and completely responsible to perform all work related to this Franchise in compliance with all applicable law. The Franchisee's attention is directed to the requirements of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act, Chapter 49.17 RCW. The Franchisee shall be solely and completely responsible for safety and safety conditions on its job sites and for its work within the Franchise Area, including the safety of all persons and property during performance of any works therein. The services of the City or City's consultant personnel in conducting construction review of the Franchisee's work relating to the Franchise is not intended to include review of the adequacy of the Franchisee's work methods, equipment, scaffolding, or trenching, or safety measures in, on or near such job site within the public way. The Franchisee shall provide safe access for the City and its inspectors to adequately inspect the work and its conformance with applicable law and the Franchise. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 12 of 23 E. Indemnification for Relocation. Franchisee will defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless for any damages, claims, additional costs or reasonable expenses and attorneys' fees, including contractor construction delay damages, assessed against or payable by the City and arising out of or resulting from Franchisee's negligence or willful misconduct contributing to Franchisee's failure to remove, adjust, or relocate any of its facilities in the public way in accordance with any relocation required by the City, provided that Franchisee will not be liable under this Section if Franchisee's failure to remove, adjust, or relocate any of its facilities is the result of a Force Majeure Event. Section 15. Insurance A. The Franchisee shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Franchise and as long as Franchisee has Facilities in the public way, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with this Franchise and use of the public way. B. No Limitation. The Franchisee's maintenance of insurance as required by this Franchise shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Franchisee to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. C. Minimum Scope of Insurance. The Franchisee shall obtain insurance of the types and coverage described below: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be at least as broad as Insurance Services Office (ISO) occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, stop gap liability, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, pollution liability, and liability assumed under an insured contract. There shall be no exclusion for liability arising from explosion, collapse, or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an additional insured under the Franchisee's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect this Franchise. 2. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non- owned, hired, and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be at least as broad as ISO form CA 00 01. 3. Contractor's Pollution Liability insurance shall be in effect throughout the entire Franchise covering losses caused by pollution conditions that arise from the operations of the Franchisee. Contractor's Pollution Liability shall cover bodily injury, property damage, cleanup costs, ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 13 of 23 and defense, including costs and expenses incurred in the investigation, defense, or settlement of claims. 4. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. 5. Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance shall be excess over and at least as broad in coverage as the Franchisee's Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the Franchisee's Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance policy. D. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. The Franchisee shall maintain insurance that meets or exceeds the following limits: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $5,000,000 each occurrence, $5,000,000 general aggregate. 2. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $5,000,000 per accident. 3. Contractors Pollution Liability insurance shall be written in an amount of at least $2,000,000 per loss, with an annual aggregate of at least $2,000,000. 4. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington and employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000. 5. Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance shall be written with limits of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and annual aggregate. The Excess or Umbrella Liability requirement and limits may be satisfied instead through Franchisee's Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance, or any combination thereof that achieves the overall required limits. E. Other Insurance Provisions. Franchisee's Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability, Excess or Umbrella Liability, Contractor's Pollution Liability insurance policy or policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, that they shall be primary insurance as respect to the City. Any insurance, self- insurance, or self-insured pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Franchisee's insurance and shall not contribute with it. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 14 of 23 F. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: VII. G. Contractors and Subcontractors. The Franchisee shall cause each and every contractor and subcontractor to provide insurance coverage that complies with all applicable requirements of the Franchisee-provided insurance as set forth herein, except that the Franchisee shall have sole responsibility for determining the limits of coverage required to be obtained by contractors and subcontractors. The Franchisee shall ensure that the City is an additional insured on each and every contractor's and subcontractor's Commercial General liability insurance policy using an endorsement as least as broad as ISO CG 20 26. H. Verification of Coverage. The Franchisee shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of this Franchise. Upon request by the City, the Franchisee shall furnish certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required in this Franchise and evidence of all subcontractors' coverage. 1. Notice of Cancellation. Franchisee shall provide the City with email or written notice of any policy cancellation within five (5) calendar days of their receipt of such notice. J. Failure to Maintain Insurance. Failure on the part of the Franchisee to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of this Franchise, upon which the City may, after giving five (5) calendar days' written notice to the Franchisee to correct the breach, terminate the Franchise. K. City Full Availability of Franchisee Limits. If the Franchisee maintains higher insurance limits than the minimums shown above, the City shall be insured for the full available limits of Commercial General and Excess or Umbrella liability maintained by the Franchisee, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by the Franchisee are greater than those required by this Franchise or whether any certificate of insurance furnished to the City evidences limits of liability lower than those maintained by the Franchisee. L. Franchisee — Self-Insurance. Franchisee will have the right to self- insure any or all of the above-required insurance. Any such self-insurance is subject to approval by the City. If the Franchisee is self-insured or becomes self- insured during the term of the Franchise, Franchisee or its affiliated parent entity shall comply with the following: (1) Franchisee shall submit a letter to the City stating which of the above required insurance provisions in this Section 15 ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 15 of 23 Franchisee proposes to self-insure; (2) provide the City, upon request, a copy of Franchisee's or its parent company's most recent audited financial statements, if such financial statements are not otherwise publicly available; (3) Franchisee or its parent company is responsible for all payments within the self-insured retention; and (4) Franchisee assumes all defense and indemnity obligations as outlined in Section 14. Section 16. Financial Security Pursuant to the authority in ACC 20.02.280.A, the City's Public Works Director has determined that the Franchisee shall not be required to provide the City with financial security for this Franchise. Section 17. Successors and Assignees A. All the provisions, conditions, regulations, and requirements contained in this Franchise are binding upon the successors, assigns of, and independent contractors of the Franchisee, and all rights and privileges, as well as all obligations and liabilities of the Franchisee will inure to its successors, assignees and contractors equally as if they were specifically mentioned herein wherever the Franchisee is mentioned. B. This Franchise will not be leased, assigned or otherwise alienated without the express prior consent of the City by ordinance. C. Franchisee and any proposed assignee or transferee will provide and certify the following to the City not less than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the proposed date of transfer: (1) Complete information setting forth the nature, term and conditions of the proposed assignment or transfer; (2) All information required by the City of an applicant for a Franchise with respect to the proposed assignee or transferee; and, (3) An application fee in the amount established by the City's fee schedule, plus any other costs actually and reasonably incurred by the City in processing, and investigating the proposed assignment or transfer. D. Before the City's consideration of a request by Franchisee to consent to a Franchise assignment or transfer, the proposed Assignee or Transferee will file with the City a written promise to unconditionally accept all terms of the Franchise, effective upon such transfer or assignment of the Franchise. The City is under no obligation to undertake any investigation of the transferor's state of compliance and failure of the City to insist on full compliance before transfer does not waive any right to insist on full compliance thereafter. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 16 of 23 Section 18. Dispute Resolution A. In the event of a dispute between the City and the Franchisee arising by reason of this Franchise, the dispute will first be referred to the operational officers or representatives designated by City and Franchisee to have oversight over the administration of this Franchise. The officers or representatives will meet within thirty (30) calendar days of either party's request for a meeting, whichever request is first, and the parties will make a good faith effort to achieve a resolution of the dispute. B. If the parties fail to achieve a resolution of the dispute in this manner, either party may then pursue any available judicial remedies. This Franchise will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If any suit, arbitration, or other proceeding is instituted to enforce any term of this Franchise, the parties specifically understand and agree that venue will be exclusively in King County, Washington. The prevailing party in any such action will be entitled to its attorneys' fees and costs. Section 19. Enforcement and Remedies A. If the Franchisee willfully violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise through willful or unreasonable negligence or fails to comply with any notice given to Franchisee under the provisions of this Franchise, the City may, at its discretion, provide Franchisee with written notice to cure the breach within thirty (30) calendar days of notification. If the City determines the breach cannot be cured within thirty (30) calendar days, the City may specify a longer cure period, and condition the extension of time on Franchisee's submittal of a plan to cure the breach within the specified period, commencement of work within the original thirty (30) calendar day cure period, and diligent prosecution of the work to completion. If the breach is not cured within the specified time, or the Franchisee does not comply with the specified conditions, the City may, at its discretion, either(1) revoke the Franchise with no further notification, or(2) impose liquidated damages of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per day for every day after the expiration of the cure period that the breach is not cured. The parties agree that the actual damages to the City from Franchisee failing to cure are not easily calculated and agree that the liquidated damages amount are a reasonable forecast of just compensation. B. If the City determines that Franchisee is acting beyond the scope of permission granted in this Franchise for Franchisee Facilities and Franchisee Services, the City reserves the right to cancel this Franchise and require the Franchisee to apply for, obtain, and comply with all applicable City permits, franchises, or other City permissions for such actions, and if the Franchisee's ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 17 of 23 actions are not allowed under applicable federal and state or City laws, to compel Franchisee to cease those actions. C. If Franchisee fails to substantially comply with any one or more of the provisions of this Franchise, Franchisee agrees to be responsible for any damages the City suffers as a result of Franchisee's failure (including, but not limited to: City staff time, material and equipment costs; compensation or indemnification of third parties; and the cost of removal or abandonment of facilities). Franchisee also specifically agrees that its failure to comply with the terms of this Section 19 will constitute damage to the City in the monetary amount set forth in subsection A of this Section. Section 20. Compliance with Laves and Regulations A. This Franchise is subject to, and the Franchisee will comply with all applicable federal, state, and City laws, regulations, and policies (including all applicable elements of the City's comprehensive plan), in conformance with federal laws and regulations, affecting performance under this Franchise. The Franchisee will be subject to the police power of the City to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary to protect the safety and welfare of the general public in relation to the rights granted in the Franchise Area. B. The City reserves the right at any time to amend this Franchise to conform to any federal or state statute or regulation relating to the public health, safety, and welfare, or relating to roadway regulation, or a City Ordinance enacted pursuant to such federal or state statute or regulation enacted, amended, or adopted after the effective date of this Franchise if it provides Franchisee with thirty (30) calendar days written notice of its action setting forth the full text of the amendment and identifying the statute, regulation, or ordinance requiring the amendment. The amendment will become automatically effective on expiration of the notice period unless, before expiration of that period, the Franchisee makes a written call for negotiations over the terms of the amendment. If the parties do not reach agreement as to the terms of the amendment within thirty(30)calendar days of the call for negotiations, the City may enact the proposed amendment, by incorporating the Franchisee's concerns to the maximum extent the City deems possible. on thin 30 calendar days C. The Citymay terminate this Franchise up y( ) Y Y written notice to the Franchisee if the Franchisee fails to comply with such amendment or modification. ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 18 of 23 Section 21. License, Tax and Other Charges A. The City reserves the right to impose, to the extent authorized by law, a utility tax on the Franchisee and/or to charge the Franchisee a reasonable fee for services provided or rights granted under this Franchise. B. The Franchisee agrees that it shall be subject to all authority now or later possessed by the City or any other governing body having competent jurisdiction to fix just, reasonable, and compensatory rates for services under this Franchise. C. This Franchise will not exempt the Franchisee from any future license, tax, or charge which the City may adopt if authority is granted to it under state or federal law for revenue or as reimbursement for use and occupancy of the Franchise Area. Section 22. Consequential Damages Limitation Notwithstanding any other provision of this Franchise, in no event will either party be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, punitive, reliance, consequential or similar damages. Section 23. Severability If any portion of this Franchise is deemed invalid, the remainder portions will remain in effect, unless doing so will deny a party valuable consideration. Section 24. Titles The Section titles are for reference only and should not be used for the purpose of interpreting this Franchise. Section 25. Implementation The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directions of this legislation. Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 19 of 23 Section 26. Effective Date This Ordinance will take effect and be in force five (5) calendar days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. INTRODUCED: FEB 0 3 2025 PASSED: FEB 0 3 2025 APPROVED: FEB 0 3 2025 NANCY K , MAYOR ATTEST: APPROV -TO O , M: 4 N GAj Shawn Camp ell, MMC4 , City Clerk Ja on, Whalen, City Attorney Published: Y 2-0 2-5 ' �1�u ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 20 of 23 EXHIBIT "A" Franchise Area AREA A {KING COUNTY FRANCHISE 13083 AREA IN AUBURN INCLUDING 124T" AVENUE S NORTH OF BRIDGES} THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE GREEN RIVER; ALSO, THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF THE GREEN RIVER; EXCEPT THAT PORTION WITHIN THE CITY OF KENT ACCORDING TO CITY OF KENT ORDINANCE NUMBER 3171 RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9407281510; ALSO, THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ALSO, THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION WITHIN THE CITY OF KENT LIMITS ACCORDING TO CITY OF KENT ORDINANCE NUMBER 3171 RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 9407281510; ALSO, THE WEST 30 FEET OF THE SOUTH 700 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AREA B (BRIDGES AND ADJACENT 124T" AVENUE S RIGHT OF WAY AND SE 288TH STREET) ALSO, BRIDGES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 245 OF PLATS, PAGES 001 THROUGH 038, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ALSO, GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ALSO, THE NORTH 26 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; ------------------------------ Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 21 of 23 ALSO, ALL OF 124T" AVE SE RIGHT OF WAY LYING NORTH OF THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE 68 FOOT WIDE RIGHT OF WAY OF SE 292nd St LYING WITHIN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT GOVERNMENT LOT 3; AREA C (S 277T" STREET CORRIDOR) ALSO, ALL OF SOUTH 277T" STREET RIGHT OF WAY BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE WEST MARGIN OF CITY OF AUBURN CITY LIMITS AS DESCRIBED IN CITY OF AUBURN ORDINANCE NUMBER 3420. AND BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY THE EAST MARGIN OF THE CITY OF AUBURN CITY LIMITS ACCORDING TO CITY OF AUBURN RESOLUTION NUMBER 5101 AS DESCRIBED IN KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20150623000988, LYING WITHIN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., AND THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 22 of 23 EXHIBIT "B" STATEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE City of Kent, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby accepts and agrees to be bound by all lawful terms, conditions and provisions of the Franchise attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Franchisee Name 1�eqt Address 210 - City, State, Zip By �:. ®ate: ' Name: DuAa- Title: MA.yw STATE OF jss. COUNTY OF �— On this o7 'day of F-�&V�-"q 20'L5, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for thethe S eat teat t of i duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared, _ o the company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal on t e date hereinabove set f h. Signature +m� Ar NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the tate of � i residing at yijy"'A,�''��a����`` MY COMMISSION EXPIRES------------------------------ : I Ordinance No. 6962 November 19, 2024 Franchise Agreement No. FRN24-0003 Page 23 of 23