HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - City Council Workshop - 02/18/2025 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting KENT Minutes February 18, 2025 Date: February 18, 2025 Time: 5:15 p.m. Place: Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Council President Kaur called the meeting to order. Attendee Name Title _ Status Arrived Satwinder Kaur Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present John Boyd Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present II. PRESENTATIONS 1 ReCode Kent: Creating Housing Option Kristen 45 MIN. - Project Introductions Holdsworth Long Range Planning Manager, Kristen Holdsworth introduced Framework staff Tyler Quinn-Smith Project Manager and Planner/Designer Bobo Cai. The project timeline was reviewed: • City Council Meetings for project updates • Final Kent City Code Audit and Update Framework • Open House (March/April) • Code Updates Final Draft (Late May) • Deadline for Adoption that is mandated by the State (June) Project Framing and Background - Kent Housing Options Plan Strategic Policy Objectives (2021) 1. Preserve affordable housing, minimize and mitigate displacement 2. Increasing housing variety and choice 3. Leverage and expand partnerships to further housing-related goals 4. Share Kent's housing story, in close collaboration with the South King County subregion Framing and Background - Housing Element Goals: 1. Preserve & improve existing housing, particularly naturally occurring affordable housing City Council Workshop Workshop Regular February 18, 2025 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes 2. Promote a diverse range of housing types to serve residents of all income levels, housing needs, & demographic backgrounds 3. Promote equitable housing access for all members of the Kent community through inclusive policies and proactive measures 4. Implement strategies to overcome barriers to housing production & affordability 5. Develop and implement strategies to address historical housing disparities, while implementing proactive measures to minimize and mitigate future housing displacement and exclusion 6. Collaborate with diverse partners to meet regional and City housing needs Quinn-Smith detailed Kent's housing needs allocations. Project Goals - Compliance with State Legislation: • Implementation of Comprehensive Plan priorities • HB 1110 - Middle housing - Cities of Kent's size (Tier 1) requires a minimum of 4 dwelling units per lot with the opportunity to go to 6 units per lot • HB 1923 - Design Review. Changes the way cities conduct design review programs • HB 1220 - STEP Housing • SB 5258 Unit Lot Division • SB 5290 Permit Streamlining • SB 6015 Parking Flexibility • HB 1042 Additional Units Existing Buildings • HB 1998 Co-Living Project Goals - Comprehensive Plan Implementation: Future Land Use Map - Alignment Policy vs. Development Regulations - Consistency with Land Use and policies in Comp Plan with policies and development code Relevant Goals (Land Use & Housing): • Diverse housing types and affordability • Equitable access, anti-displacement • Reasonable Parking Requirements • Design Quality, streetscapes, site planning • Natural Environment Protection Middle Housing Strategy Reviewed SR-1, SR-3, and the possible consolidation of MR-T12 NMR-H, and SR 4.5 thru MR-D Consolidation Intensity & Housing Types: Middle Housing Zone • Baseline density: 4 dwelling units/lot • Consider scalable approach: 4 dwelling units/lot or XX dwelling units/acre (depends on min. lot sizes), whichever results in greater density Page 2 of 3 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular February 18, 2025 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes • A -unit per lot density bonus may be permitted when conditions are met • At least 6 of 9 housing types: Duplex - Triplex - 4plex - 5plex - 6plex - Stacked flats - Townhomes - Cottage housing - Courtyard building Other Regulatory Priorities: Middle Housing Zone: • Incentives to mitigate displacement, retain existing homes • Open space/amenity space requirements • Tree retention • Reasonable parking requirements • Edge treatment/transitions to less intense zones Elements to regulate: Middle Housing Zone Lot: size, frontage width, density, coverage, placement/setbacks, and parking location Form: height, massing, ground story height, entrances, transparency, fences & walls Alignment with initial developer feedback: Which of Kent's code, development regulations, standards, and/or other requirements are most challenging to satisfy? • Design Standards • Development Standards • Use Permissions Are there specific project components you expect to be in higher demand from future owners or tenants? • Smaller units • Larger units • Co-Living or Co-housing Meeting ended at 6:10 p.m. K�vwll Leery A. Y, wo-ta- City Clerk Page 3 of 3 M._ R�. ..`SI, f � '1�^ r�I FYI/, • �P�.l r `; �!�. t' ��! 7r ff _ l ��. - `c�u� �svC� ! w _ .< .r'.r�r• ..�' it F�• L.; VIM OWT Ile t bo All ` - -.�- .1'k '�`�:.E�'', sr �.. 'fit a,a r�• .:�� r' .y �- �" ..i.y `b� `v,•'$�t "�:-'� t - ..,�rqq;�� � Lr bra ' :•'�- .. ... � ,�i+r�y��.��•�?� �.'�^�,f �`` _ a� r c '�J � �`i� K E N T Creating Housing Options Today's Team Introductions J Agenda Project Framing & Goals 2 g 3 Middle Housing Strategy 4 Discussion 5 Wrap-Up Framework < <w q s I L JEFF ARANGO TYLER QUINN-SMITH BOBO CAI,AICP EMILY PRESSPRICH STEVE CECIL PROJECT PROJECT MANAGER PLANNER/DESIGNER PLANNER/DESIGNER STRATEGIC ADVISOR DIRECTOR FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK Code Neighb�jrhuoc Studio Workshop KRISTEN HOLDSWORTH,AICP LONG-RANGE PLANNING MANAGER F CITY OF KENT ` DEJAI MITCHELL LONG-RANGE PLANNER CITY OF KENT LEE EINSWEILER NEIL HELLER STRATEGIC ADVISOR STRATEGIC ADVISOR CODE STUDIO NW City of Kent Project Timeline deadline for adoption (mandated by State) final code audit open house code updates & update framework (date TBD) final draft (February 271") (late May) Feb. -118-1 Mar. 18« Apr. 1511 May. 6"- Jun. 3'° Jun. 17th Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun city council meetings (only project-related meetings are noted) \��\ 0 R WRI 0 K E N T Creating Housing Options '0 Project Framing & Goals Framing & Background KHOP Strategic Policy Objectives (2021): 1. Preserve affordable housing, minimize and mitigate displacement. 2. Increasing housing variety and choice. 3. Leverage and expand partnerships to further housing-related goals. a 4. Share Kent's housing story, in close collaboration with the South King County subregion. Framing & Background Housing Element Goals: n y�cr 1. Preserve & improve existing housing, particularly naturally BUILD_ I occurring affordable housing TOGETHER 2044 KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN D ECEM O ER '011 2. Promote a diverse range of housing types to serve residents of all income levels, housing needs, & demographic backgrounds. 3. Promote equitable housing access for all members of the Kent community through inclusive policies and proactive measures. 4. Implement strategies to overcome barriers to housing production & affordability S. Develop and implement strategies to address historical housing disparities, while implementing proactive measures to minimize and mitigate future housing displacement and exclusion 6. Collaborate with diverse partners to meet regional and City housing needs. Framing & Background Figure H-4:Kent Housing Needs Allocations by%AMI(King County Department of Community and Human Services) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I 4,499 I ` .o 4000 3 I I 3 1 I 3000 1 � I I 3 1 1 1,949 z 2000 1,872 1 z I 1 1000 788 1 920 929 I N L ■ 318 I ■ ■ 1 _ 1 1 o I 0-30%AMI 31-50%AMI 51-80%AMI 1 81-100%AMI 101-120%AMI 121+%AMI 1 Emergency Housing I _ — — — — — — ■PSH New New Units Allocation Non-PSH Net New Units Allocation Table H-3:Housing Capacity by Income Ranges(reported as%of Area Median Income or AMI) MIHOUSING AGGREGATE PREFERRED TYPICAL FLU1 I E' �]' I I NATIVE(FUTURE USE MAP) 120%+AMI Detached Single Family,Some Middle Housing,and Multifamily R1-R4,MU,UC,TOC,US 4,489 4,767 80-120%AMI Some Middle Housing and Multifamily R1-R4,MU,UC,TOC 1,749 3,513 <80%AMI Multifamily,Mixed Use,and Manufactured Homes R4,MHP,MU,UC,TOC 3,962 4,409 TOTAL 10,200 12,688 mp iance witti state Legislation SB 5290 2025 Bill Tracking Middle H Permit Streamlining HB 1096 Lot Splitting H B 1923 SB 6015 H B 1491 TO D Design Review Parking Flexibility SB 5184 Parking HB 1160 Design Review H B 1220 H B 1042 STEP Housing dd'I Units Existing Bldgs SB 5258 1998 Unit Lot Divisio Co-Living Discussion Questions ❖ Do City Council members have questions about any state mandates? ❖ Are there concerns about Kent's compliance with certain laws? M _ - K E N T Creating Housing Options m pre ensive an m p ementation Future Land Use Map Alignment BUILDINGOUR Policy vs. Development Regulations FUTUPF TOGETHER 2044 KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NJ Consistency Relevant Goals (Land Use & Housing) f T Diverse Housing Types and Affordability (H-2, H-4) '' k uitable Access, Anti-Displacement (H-3) e Parking Requirements (LU-7) lity, Streetscapes, Site Planning (LU-11) tural Environment Protection (LU-13) Discussion Questions ❖ Do City Council members see alignment between local planning goals and state mandates? ❖ Are there other comprehensive plan implementation priorities the City Council would like this project to consider addressing? 10011 \ M- - T Creating Housing Options Middle Housing Strategy PRELIMINARY APPROACH HIGHLIGHTS SR-1 SR-3 SR-4.5 SR-6 SR-8 MR D Duplex A-10 Single-Fa Single-Fa Single-Fa Single-Fa A cultural Residential mil mil. Multifamily � agricultural Y Y � y Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential SF Duplex ',Uximum 1 du 1 du ac 3.63 dus'ac 4.53 dus ac 6.05 dus'ac 8.71 dur.ac 8.71 10.89 densite: dus'ac dus'ac duelling 10 ac units per acre Nlmtmum 10 ac 34,700 11 d6007,600 5,700 4.000 4,000 8,000 lot area: sq ft Isq ft(37) sq ft(37) sq ft(37) sq ft sq ft square feet d Consider scalable approach: 4du/lot or XX du/acre (depends on min. lot sizes), d whichever results in greater density. '��•if `" o A 6-unit per lot density bonus maybe permitted when conditions are met. �..�.'�• ,\,, o At least 6 of 9 housing types: : ;-.� _ ♦ Duplex ♦ Stacked Flats i ♦ Triplex ♦ Townhomes ♦ 4plex ♦ Cottage Housing ♦ Splex ♦ Courtyard Building ♦ 6plex nce PRELIMINARY APPROACH HIGHLIGHTS Retain Existi n Open Space / Ame Requirements H o Tree Retention J- easonable Parking Requirementra dge Treatment /Transitions to L R DU Coverage _ _� E)� Placement / Setbac r � �``' Parking Location - - j� - ' �• � � Height Massing Ground Story Height ' y p Entrances r LL Transparency Fences & Walls = - 2044 Kent Co ensive P PRELIMINARY APPROACH HIGHLIGHTS Which of Kent's code, development regulations, standards, and/or other requirements are most challenging to satisfy? Answered:13 Skipped:0 Use Permissions Parking Requirements Development Standards � Amenity Space • • Requirements • • Design Standards •• Landscaping Other(please SPECIfy) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 9r PRELIMINARY APPROACH HIGHLIGHTS AIMAHWE MeWMIFIRMW M., 0DIMM • • - 1 0I Are there specific project components you expect to be in higher demand from future owners or tenants? Answered:11 SKipped: Amenity Space Larger Units Smaller Units Less Parking Multi-generational Living CO-Living or •A• Us Cohousing Lower Points On-Site Services Other kptease specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 6005 70% 30% 90% 100% Discussion Questions ❖ Do City Council members have questions or concerns about middle housing and H B 1110 (middle housing) compliance in Kent? ❖ Are there areas of the city that make more sense to encourage or i ncentivize middle housing? ❖ Do City Council members have input on how middle housing can be successfully integrated in Kent's neighborhoods? ❖ Are there certain types of middle housing that should be emphasized in the middle housing code? � W EIII, o �� K E N T Creating Housing Options Discussion Wrap Up Developer & Staff Survey Responses Feb 25 Cross-Departmental Workshop Mar 18 City Council Workshop �.:�_: - r?'y+, r��a 1, r♦y'r iw a-. ._ _ R�. v +�5f f •1�^ r�l FYI/ • {�) l� QT'• p1d tt �,� 7r fl` - l ��. 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