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City Council Committees - Committee of the Whole - 02/18/2025 (2)
Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole KENT Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes February 18, 2025 Date: February 18, 2025 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Kaur called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Satwinder Kaur Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present John Boyd Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Late 4:03 PM Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL A. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Michaud, Troutner 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Approval of Minutes YES i. Committee of the Whole - Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - Feb 4, 2025 4:00 PM Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 18, 2025 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Michaud, Troutner B. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 1/31/25 and paid on 1/31/25, and approve the checks issued for payroll 1/16/25 - 1/31/25 and paid on 2/5/25, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 2/18/25. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/4/2025 7:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Michaud, Troutner C. Amendment with Carl Warren & Co. for Third Party Claims Administration - Authorize Risk Manager, Ellaine Wi provided an overview of the contract amendment with Carl Warren & Company. In January 2014, the City of Kent entered into an agreement with Carl Warren & Company for claims management services for its general liability claims. The agreement was approved by Council and authorized an initial term from January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2016, with an option to extend the agreement for an additional three years (2017-2019). The total cost for all six years of this contract totaled $266,628.00. In January 2020, an amendment was executed to extend the term of the agreement for an additional three years (2020-2022), with an additional three-year option through December 31, 2025, for a total sum of $291,474. The January 2020 amendment did not include the pricing and cost breakdown for the year 2025. Throughout the term of this agreement, the cost has increased by 2% each year. Risk Management requests that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute a contract amendment with Carl Warren & Company for 2025 in the amount of $62,069.04. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract amendment with Carl Warren & Company, and ratify all prior agreements and amendments, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Human Resources Director. Page 2 of 4 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 18, 2025 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 3/4/2025 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner D. INFO ONLY: South Link Connections Mobility Project Briefing Transportation Planner, David Paine introduced Metro speakers Nicole Aguirre-Transportation Planner, Christina Gonzalez-Senior Community Engagement Specialist, Genevieve Jones - Government Relations (Local Jurisdictions Support), and Maha Jahshan - Director of Partnerships and Engagement. Metro staff provided details on the South Link Connections Mobility Project. Three new stations added to the 1 Line as early as 2026: • Kent Des Moines • Star Lake • Federal Way Downtown Integrate with light rail extension. The Project scope includes: • Ten all-day routes • Twelve peak-only routes The Project area covers communities in eleven cities and unincorporated King County. The Engagement timeline will be through the Fall of 2026 and will have three phases of engagement. The team is currently in Phase 2 - Service Concepts. There are three decision making factors: Community Input, Equity, and Service Design Best Practices. The team talked about how the network responds to mobility needs and detailed what is in the concepts. Network Tradeoffs include: • Removing nine suspended routes and one in-service peak-only route to invest in prioritized mobility needs. • Reducing unproductive and low-ridership service to invest in prioritized mobility needs. Impacts to Kent: • No change to Kent Metro Flex Page 3 of 4 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 18, 2025 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes • Improved Route 183 - New Sunday Service • Revised Route 162 - Revised to remove the last morning and last evening trips to reinvest in mobility priorities • New Frequent Route 164 - Partially replaces Route 165 • Removed Route 157 - Removed to reinvest in mobility priorities The team provided details on the Phase 2 engagement, including partnering with community-based organizations. Cities can get involved by taking and sharing the survey and open houses. 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Kaur adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 4:30 p.m. Ki4 Leery A. Kot oto- City Clerk Page 4 of 4 MOBILITY �L F�Ii South Link Connections , King County Mobility Project METRO Presentation to Kent City Council February 18, 2025 L9King County . . frward together South . SLI • LinkLink QLink light rail Angle Lake Angle Lake—Federal Way 52°°thSt©Angle Lake Surface Des Maims Creek Park Bac round I111 Elevated �5 Other service /i COmlmeunFl.r ark Link 1 Line:Angle Lake—Seattle = (in service) Federal Way—Tacoma Green River • Three new stations added t o (future service) z Natural Rewurrnz Area the 1 Line as early as 2026 O New station Existing station Vetcran5�' • Kent Des Moines P New parking Kent Existing parking P • Star Lake 524°thy` _ Des Moines A _ � ra "• Federal Way Downtown Pr G° co- m Qjoa, Sairwarer �O'oes 516 State Pd'A 90. J take Fenwick Park Puget Sound gg z Star Lake © S 272nd St Star Lake i S Steel Lake a' a �316th St� s 3zoth:, Federal Way C}P Downtown ❑Project Study Area 6 6 k South link Connections Metro Transit Routes' L �■ Frequent routes Project Scope l �AlakOroutes l iUK ILA —IS- Peak Only routes(active) yAeiit —� Peak Only routes(suspended) BURIEN cm xr Int.T k..I Flexible Service Areas(DART) s,.n ■ Ivd'station • Project routes Twenty-two routes a endP&R •�South Link and Station(planned) J I SEA]A( Link Line t and Station kiAw la 'iORMANDY S.T ,Saayaoxn ` Sounder Station Ten all—day routes : A Line, 156, 165, 181, PARK . Current Sound Transit Express routes • �'• Other Metro Transit routes(unchanged) 1821 183, 187, 631, 901, 903 _ s tx■n Flexible Sen'ice Areas(Metro Flex) Anne Lyyke �_'� Q■ Tranitcerder 0Permanent Park&Ride s a.ndP� � 'fAPtro mutes romidornl Iry rhvrge during this projeri • Twelve peak-only routes: 121 , 122, 123, 154, 157, 162, 177, 178, 179, 190, 193, �_-- KENT to , • x. 197 °nr N • • DaJI � 9,�„,t X-tI W IS Daa Molnas t , t 91.ti.n • Project area - Communities in eleven cities DES MOINES and unincorporated King County 99 L,tl s,xms ti • Algona, Auburn, Burien, Des Moines, Federal Way, Kent, Normandy Park, Pacific, � - - _ = AUBURN i F."vl Wey _ wm yap Station tm DaR p(h,. SeaTac, Tukwila, and unincorporated areas _ • 5`4Oe a„t.r , FEDERAL 3Ytn FD wbnn WAY sn .mod »w e�ilm • The project area will be the focus of K ,rtadr v = of V; twin }y.r 9M�t panme &R Rd DBR community engagement and - - ALGONA M']Sbq v Y N equity analyses �. + ig MILTON PAL:IFIC Engagement Timeline - Fall 2026 Implementation Mobility Board Mobility Board Reviews Mobility Board Reviews Prioritizes Needs Recommendations Final Proposal • I U I- Spring Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 King County Council & Needs Service Service Sound Transit Assessment Concepts Proposal Board 400 We are here • Interview community stakeholders on • Develop and present service concepts • Present proposed changes to public • King County Executive transmits final mobility needs and barriers based on prioritized needs • Explain how the design matured and service network to King County • Review recent engagement in the • Solicit public feedback what influenced the concepts Council for adoption project area • Learn more about community priorities • Seek feedback on ways to refine and • Final service network to Sound • Conduct baseline equity analysis and • Review of concepts using optimize Transit Board for adoption analysis of existing service needs and • Service Design Best Practices • Final equity analysis • Plan for implementation and barriers • Public Input community education • Recruit Mobility Board and Partner • Equity Review Review Board South Link What has informed the Phase 2 Network Data & Analysis . Capital Y Considerations Where Equity Current • ' Review _ - Layovers, new people are PriorityRidership, Board traveling to rowding & (outreach� • Board pathways and turns, and from Areas roductivityMeetin new stops Community Input informed: MobilityPriority . . connections destinations Three Decision Making Factors: Community Input, Equity, Service Design Best Practices df LQ King County 5�t METRO Moving forward together south Link South Link Connections Phase 2: Proposed Transit How does the network LEGEND A°5F RapldRlde route respond to Mobility Needs ? .Frequent route To— Tukwil BURIEN L"^�^ Irrternationel RTM Local route SIR Blvd^ration \eGsirng) -(D-• Peak-only route m zw - Current Sound Transit Express route fi31 `� 166 SEATAC (S Other Metro transit routes tsfi Txkwda _ Link Line I and station(existing) Slab.. and P&R � NORMANDY _ _iwtie TUKWILA Vr— Link Lone I and station(future) PARK station Mobility , Needs , s in the • • 11, a (exrrtn'B) © 90fi ' - sounder South and station Puget Q Transit Center Q Permanent Park&Ride A gle Lake Sound 5'�bn e P&R DART area Metro Flex Zone smams it" of Q�1C Two new Metro Flex pilot zones in Federal Way Greater transit and Auburn \� KENT coverage IRNT; 6fi DES MDINFs ts& S7A710N IFlI I1rHf xew>ames Aen4De3& PSA Provide earlier and/or later trips throughout the �;� 3 B3 S !:,asWtl. ,itP&R DES v week on seven routes (156, 181, 182, 183, 186, STATST IDAn LAKE NtNT ECD UREI MOINES 83 CRAL Improve early-morning DOWNTOWN STAT 1^ ^O� DOWNTUTURE)STATION ®ytr"o 99 CSJ[ LJJ (FUTURE) and night-time service , ~ R Q 0167ou .,3 a- V s93 k\ e� mn u Routes reoriented to serve future Link stations • ba 30a Aa3 „aa �T =( AUBURNi t Added new frequent services ®r®`moo �`�, R3 j v • Trips come more often on five routes '=. tafi ° E� Q SN� � 18] 18] Faster transit travel • Improved travel time and directness between T r�ml times FEDERAL � '0pNaakm West Federal Way and Downtown Federal Way °`� AY Bd ;aaa 903 ra PS+. ra redNal _ P&R Way PoA w°wQ ALGONA tat 'w a3°rA Sr Pvc © V v INrNamnln Yeamq Yvr4ac[rrn. a4[�Itlwa Ipma.I.+mx°MquxmrYaw' annsln m rm[auw imp[.Yary rxe++.ma ur xn ancno Mann �ux r[c mim mp OS nsu9CPrWnrre'urpcwmyrMeni.Wm0rs,a..rmcwr. df I Q swrF IIN(anrwrbnF.r]1 aelaw:su_omairmpr.a«sm.ra]w' MILTON PACIFIC LQ King County South Link Connections Phase 2: Proposed Transit How does the network LEGEND F°5F � RapldRlde route respond to Mobility Needs ? .Frequent route 7- Tukwil BUMEN "^�^ irrternationel RiM Local route SIR Blvd^ration \eGsirng) -(D-• Peak-only route m zw Current Sound Transit Express route Mobility Needs What's in the • • 631 166 SEATAC 11'S Other Metro transit routes 156 Tukwda _ Link Line I and station lexisting) slmion and P&R New frequent service Orl main east-west '!°RMANDY a'pp1U --®-- Link Gnel and station(future) • �^6 PARK SmTernc - TUKWILA u 11, (.Wig) 90fi yR',}- sounder South and station 1 connections Puget Q Transit Center Q Permanent Park&Ride Angle LaFe sound e d PAIN DART area Metro Flex Zone © New Route 164: Kent Des Moines Station to "�zi LewfU Improved east-west Green River College via Kent Station \� connections • Improved Route 181: Twin Lakes to Green K[Nr KENT ' 66 River College via Auburn Station DESN(11 6 iAI f 156 lI0N(F II11F` IIH k KeWHmes ____O rSa 1'enVDeS& PSA ® PP&eRl F 183 S Kent Sta,lon ,it P&R • Route 183: new Sunday service DES stgRLAKE MOINES e. Route 631: new Saturday and Sunday service ATION IFDTUPE) 83 - • FEDERAL WAY DOWNTOWN SigT10N r 99 x^ (FUTURE) • Trips come more often on five routes on weekends o®Re182 ,] , 16,1 m so] e& 1 SAT • Later and/or earlier trips on six routes on �T weekends Increased weekend AUBURN �I ,,`� 183 � service • 35 percent more trips on Saturday and 75 percent 86 11115 186 O°. �H.1 swl]pM1 St more trips on Sunday. FEDERAL B,� i°pom° AaFm • For most routes, Saturday and Sunday schedules &6 WAY 903�,iBZeP °aaa S are more consistent with each other, making = �; �" ' R&R UNA ALGONA service easier to understand. 182 w r561651 Pvc INrrNnan In YY.mq Y.u4ac[rrn. a4[�Itlwa bona.I.+wx°MquxmrYaw' annsln m rm.auw Grp[.Yary rxe++.ma ur xn ancno Mann �ux r[c mim mp OS nsugCPrWm.'up[wxyrM.y.l.Wm OI5',v..rmcwr. d f I O sw1F IIN(anrwrbnF.r]1 a.law:su_omalrmpr.a«sm.ra]w' MILTON PACIFIC LQ King County South Link Connections Phase 2: Proposed Transit Network Tradeoffs _ LEGEND RapldRlde route — Frequent route Burien Tukwila Came° Inmrnatlonal Ris Weal mute BURIENz Rlvdrd PSIR sIe aka PaR „zw �e'ling) —(D—• Peak-only route • Removed nine suspended routes and SEATAC Current Sound Transit Express route p 63, `� Ie r$ -- Other Metro transit routes ,ITul,".. Ise slmmn d't '� Link Line 1 and station(existing) arPmd and PGB _ —Unk Line 1 and station(future) one in-service peak-only route to invest NORMANOY ,honq) _ TUKWILA PARK sIa]ion lezisung) voe -F#+. Sounder South and station a�a� v Puget J Q Transit Center Q Permanent Park&Ride Angle Lion in prioritized mobility needs. Sound P&R DART area Metro flex Zone soon,sl le.ismlgl • Routes 121 , 122, 123, 154, 157, ]�i11 177, 178, 179, 190, 197 KENT KENT! 1666 DE MOINES 1_ 156 KP•V>ames • Reduced unproductive and low-ridership nNn ",�wE, , - --- - � - 1nK o„a ren��fe P,k ® � Mrnlul t 183 V S rent Stati^n and P6R �t service to invest in prioritized mobility ST LAKE MOINES DE$ wIa_fmr. STAR T. IFUTUPE) 183 FEDERAL WAY DOWNTOWN STATION nn �' 99 .. 0 needs. (FUTURE) O�RO lea ` • Ntdonao a.rna ll` ma Iar 003 \�� PR • Replacement of DART Route 901 nett,.°N1°a01 fde f01 • Trip reductions on Route 162 �`� ®s®®© a AUBURN 63 166 ^. 166 i aR • Stop reductions on Route 193 181 18i i! = Q h `� 5 sw]]pn st v FMerz11MaJR C P&R FEDERAL 320mR ivb 166 WAY 9o3 182 3R and MR $ take �4 Pat. 33 redNal - P&R Wry PoR arn„Q ALGONA 182 w asalo s v m wm IMmNmnw YY.m4�W4arn�me •.,a gala»Immaa..m.x�o.•marem BI�Pp✓mmmcl.w..q...�u�.,~m� menrycawyip wNs lum GlSMnvunn - . 4me�➢MW1 smmm.ms.a aaaewa.ao3' MILTON fxW; PACIFIC ',f King County Impacts to Kent LQ King County 5�t METRO Moving forward together south Link Impacts to Kent No Change: 150, 153, 160, 161, 168, 914, Kent Metro Flex • Not part of the South Link Connections project scope Improved Route 183 KENT • New Sunday service Revised Route 162 p, Kent/James Street Kent/Dest P&R SE 240th St • Revised to remove the last morning and last evening Moines 183 PH 5 Kent Station and P&R trips to reinvest in mobility priorities _ - ♦ .60 0W Meeker St , New Frequent Route 164 183 • Partially replaces Route 165 I N La ke Meridian > p , PH Removed Route 157* ♦%G • Removed to reinvest in mobility priorities 5277thSt *route is currently suspended and not operating LQ King County 5�t METRO Moving forward together south Link Improved Route 183: Federal Way Downtown Station to Kent Station via Star Lake Station SLinkh ��'znect�o��, How often might this bus run? Kent/James Frequency (minutes) s` N ", W James 5t StreetP&R IP KENT o Peak Midday Evening Night Hours of Service \ = WS.0 St s� Kent 6-9 am 9 am- 7-10 pm 10 pm- Rounded to the nearest DES MOINES t M••� a Station 3-7 pm 3 pm 5 am 15 minutes t r Weekday 30 30 30-60 z Pirnr e - r I Saturday 30 30 30 : s zbah st _ r r r i Star r Sunday m� r Lake r Station (future) s zn.d st Key: Service Decrease No Change t s zntn st � � t � s How might my bus be changing? , 5 286th St '• 1 167 'OL � AUBURN Faster travel times Increased Improved early morning weekend service and nighttime service FEDERAL WAY t a • Improved Route 183 would provide new Sunday service 2 and earlier and later service every day of the week. h5c • The improved route would serve the new Star Lake 316ths< Station and new Federal Way Downtown Station. There 5 szoth St 0 Federal Way o 025 os would be no other changes to the path that the bus Downtown takes. Station(future) awes Proposed Route 183 Other routes Link Line 1and O Sounder South Q Permanent station(future) and station Park&Ride Revised Route 162: Lake Meridian Park and Ride to Downtown Seattle via Kent Station SLinkh ect���S How often might this bus run? Route 162 continues to/from downtown Seattle Peak-only service (only operates yy during times listed) AM Peak PM Peak TUKWILA 4:45 am - 7:00 am 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Weekday 7 northbound trips 6 southbound trips Saturday n/a n/a 1 Sunday n/a n/a SEATAC I- Key: Service Decrease No Change - u.ra• S 200th st r S How might my bus be changing. I �:,:thst S 7I6th St t 99 i KENT ;, `. Kent/Des i ,• ` ' Moines SAT O Kent/Des PH SUN Moines Kentllames Station Street P&R Kent Increased Improved early morning (future) Station SE240thSt Faster travel times weekend service and nighttime service j DES i � I �(� I • Route 162 would be revised to remove the last morning MOINES Lake iP Meridian and last evening trips with low ridership. Resources Star Lake s' Ad P&R saved from this change would be reinvested in (future) S"'"`'s' improvements to the mobility needs mentioned above. 1 Proposed Route 162 Other routes 0 Permanent Park&Ride Link line 1 and Link line 1 and O Sounder South station(future) station(existing) and station New Route 164: Kent Des Moines Station to Green River College via Kent Station SLinkh C—�nect;o�5 How often might this bus run? Frequency (minutes) Burien TC PH 7 _ I S 7 dsih St Peak Midday Evening Night Hours of Service „5 mt TUK I 6-9 am 9 am- 7-10 pm 10 pm- Rounded to the nearest 15 BURIEN o.s 1 3-7 pm 3 pm 5 am minutes 99 Mites SEATAC Weekday ®® 30 4:30 00 pm � i \ 9 !• Saturday 30 30 30 m ANDY PARK stBetnst 01 , ®®®® Sunday s zoom si Key: Service Decrease No Change �N SE 20M st sztrtnu 1 KENT How might my bus be changing? KenVDes Kentlames- I•_ &oRnes Street P&R _ sE--_h_St___ (\/`���/�/�• v SAT DES KenVDes r L= Kent Station O SUN 1 Moines I— MOINES Station n 1 Faster travel times Improved east- Improved early Increased (future) d H west connections morning and weekend service Lake nighttime service szzzdst J Meridian n n • Route 165 would be split into two new routes: frequent Route 164 S277 St and local Route 166. gag f '� • New Route 164 would replace the portion of Route 165 that i travels between Kent Des Moines Station and Kent/Green River AUBURN College. For travel between Kent Des Moines Station and Burien Transit Center, see new Route 166. • This route would provide more frequent trips earlier in the FEDERAL WAY Gr i. p morning and later at night on weekdays and weekends for the sE3zah . majority of riders currently using Route 165. • Riders traveling between Burien/Normandy Park to Kent or Green Proposed Route 164 Proposed Route 166 River College may need to transfer at Kent Des Moines Station to ------- Replaced Route 165 Other routes complete their trip. Linkline 1 and station(future) Linkline 1 and station(existing) 0 Sounder South and station Transit Center Q Permanent Park&Ride Phase 2 Engagement LQ King County 5�t METRO Moving forward together south Link Engagement Overview A. • Survey . • Flyers } • www.SouthLinkConnections.com = • Materials available in 15 Languages: Amharic, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified Fl and Traditional), Dari, English, French, Korean, Russian Somali Spanish, Tagalog, - p F Tigrinya, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese • Public outreach at community meetings, events, bus stops and transit centers • Mobility Board • Flyers at bus stops, transit centers, & on buses • Partner Review Board • Social media campaign & toolkit • City Council presentations • Community Based Organization (CBO) partner • Direct engagement with key stakeholders led, culturally-specific outreach • Metro-led open houses King County oving forward together METRO M ; ° LEGENDCommunit - Based Organization A&A RapidRide route Kra Local route BURI cemel Partners akwlla imernational -(D-• Peak-only mute(operating) 51B amaslanan Peak-only route(suspended) N+'� lexisnngl I Current Sound Transit Express route 631 ' I fS Other Metro transit routes 165 SEATAC CBO Partnerships: ® rp ord11 • Ise i' Link Line 1 and station(existing) NORMANDY sution — 1—— Link Line t and station(future) PARK le;nog) TUKWILA ,♦t Sounder South and station • Iraqi Community Center of WA Puget 509 .Q 9oe Transit Center Permanent Park&Ride ogle lake Sound = °1e"aa o d P°K DART area Metro Flex Zone • International Rescue Committee ,exi331ng) 136 v� _�33Mti • United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance KENT Washington (UTOPIA WA) xenaem., r • Federal Way Black Collective Sta.. 136 KenllDes Moines ton 165 I (future) ylMM.i fr ,♦ DES e3 ` • Alimentando al Pueblo MOINES — 0Star talm 4do,idn station • Burien Collaborative, and more 3=77d„ 99 +7mFu • Goals 6, s lb3 ° AUBURN E Sol { fede�al Way £>°,` au v • Inform and amplify ways to gather feedback D. awn l e3 (finnan A t9t W,3N 3r (fatare) a lei,lel � L 187 1e1 FEDERAL 31f°`o�hsi'P' . Maury �ueam • Emphasis on creating and implementing culturally WAY 903 al A •n�., .WPC �r "nsr 18 907 t3! • responsive engagement .1,i vax S �>•�` ALGONA • Gather feedback from priority populations Swt3,nn • Report findings back to community "���'° "°`� �"�'� "•'a' " uw,rnlc<,m.mrF,a,,.n oroe.r r+.:ou MILTON PACIFIC µk' King County How Cities Can Get Involved • Take the survey by February 28th • Share the survey, open houses and �. A. i L information on your social media, in z your newsletters, and with constituents. Social media toolkit provided by Metro . • Support continued participation of fi city staff in the Partner Review Board • Reach out to Government Relations '.'with any questions or concerns : - apleasant-brown@kingcounty.gov 1 and gejones@kingcounty. gov { .a LQ King County 5�t METRO Moving forward together south Link Thank you ! Questions? LQ King County 5�t METRO Moving forward together south Link