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PW18-306 - Extension - Washington State Department of Health - Extension of Water System - 7/19/18
KENT Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Blue/Motion Sheet Attached Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: Washington State Department of Health Vendor Number (JDE): Contract Number (City Clerk): ON I$ - �?a n Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Extension Project Name: Kent Water System Plan Contract Execution Date: 7/19/2010 Termination Date: 2/28/2019 Contract Manager: Evan Swanson Department: PW: Engineering Contract Amount: N/A Extension Only Approval Authority: ❑ Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Other Details: The Water System Plan is required by the Washington State Department of Health. Because of the extensive data collection and modeling required as part of preparing the plan, the City of Kent is requesting a 2-Year Extension. 40 • KENT WASHINGTON Agenda Item: CONSENT - 70 TO: City Council DATE: November 21, 2017 SUBJECT: City of Kent Water System Plan Extension Request to Washington State Department of Health- Authorize MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to approve a 2-year Extension Request for the Kent Water System Plan, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. SUMMARY: The Water System Plan (Plan) is required to be developed by all municipal water purveyors pursuant to guidelines and standards promulgated by the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). The Plan will provide a detailed overview of the Kent Water System including current storage needs, demand, and conveyance capacity. It will describe future water system demand based on growth predictions and will identify system improvements that may be necessary. Public Works staff is currently working with a consultant to complete the 2018 Kent Water System Plan. Due to the extensive data collection and modeling required as part of preparing the plan, we anticipate that the final plan will not be completed until late 2018. At the request of the Washington State Department of Health, we are submitting an official extension request. EXHIBITS: Extension Request Letter from RH2 Engineering, Inc. Letter from Mayor endorsing the WSP extension request RECOMMENDED BY: Public Works Committee YEA: Fincher, Ralph, Higgins NAY: N/A BUDGET IMPACTS: No budget impact. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Suzette Cooke, Mayor 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 7�IKC N T Fax: 253-856-6700 WA9HINGTUN PHONE: 253-856-5700 Mr. Richard Rodriguez Regional Planner Washington State Department of Health Northwest Regional Office 20425 72nd Avenue South, Suite 310, K17-12 Kent, WA 98032-2358 Sent via: Email and US Mail Subject: City of Kent Water System Plan — Approval Extension Request Water System ID No. 381501 Dear Mr. Rodriguez: Please accept the attached Kent Water System Plan Extension Request letter authored by RH2 Engineering, Inc. on behalf of the City of Kent. The proposed extension was presented at the City of Kent Public Works Committee meeting on November 6, 2017 and at the Kent City Council meeting on November 21, 2017. If you have questions regarding this approval, please contact Mike Mactutis of the Public Works Environmental Engineering division at (253)856-5520. Thank you, uz tte Cooke M or LO ra 3 cu V 3 r MAYOR SUZETTE COOKE 0 ow [ N GIN E E R S P L A N N C R 6 S C I E N T I S T S RH2 ENGINEERING,INC. October 26, 2017 a ww rh2 com mailbox@rh2 com 1 800 120 8052 Mr. Richard Rodriguez Regional Planner Washington State Department of Health WASHINGTON LOCATIONS Northwest Regional Office BOTHELL 20425 72nd Avenue South, Suite 310, K17-12 MAIN OFFICE Kent, WA 98032-2358 22722 29LI Drive SF,Suite 210 8alhell 'A'A 98021 Sent via: Email and US Mail BELLINGHAM Subject: City of Kent Water System Plan —Approval Extension Request EAST WENATCHEE Water System Ill No. 381501 ISSAQUAH Dear Mr. Rodriguez: RICHLAND On behalf of the City of Kent(City), RH2 Engineering, Inc., (RH2) is requesting a 2-year TACOMA extension for the City's 2011 Water System Plan (WSP) approval. In 2011, the City's WSP was approved for a 6-year term. Since then, there have not been any significant changes that were not already documented in the 2011 WSP, and the projects and growth presented in the current WSP are still accurate projections of the City's current planning OREGON LOCATIONS efforts. PORTLAND SYSTEM CAPACITY MAIN OFFICE Demand 65CC SW Macadam Ave Suite 125 Portland,OR97239 The City's annual water demand between 2011 and 2016 has been less than the projected demand in the City's WSP for each corresponding year, both with and without savings MEDFORD projected from the City's Water Use Efficiency program. Table 1 shows the difference between the annual demand projections in the 2011 WSP, both with and without water use efficiency(WUE), and the actual system demand for the years 2011 through 2016. The projected demand volumes are taken from Table 3-9 and Table 3-10 of the 2011 WSP and include an additional 6 percent to account for non-revenue water. Because the actual 2016 system demand is similar to the 2011 baseline demand projection used for analyses in the 2011 WSP, many of the conclusions of the analyses perfonned for the year 2011 are applicable to the year 2016. 10/26/17 11:17 AM LIBOTHELLIDATAIKEN\i 17-100\WSP EXTENSION LETTERILTR TO R RODRIGUEZ RE WSP EXTENSION REQUEST DOCX Mr, Richard Rodriguez October 26, 2017 Page 2 Table 1 Projected vs.Actual Water Demand Projected Annual Projected Annual Demand without Demand with Water Actual Annual Water Use Efficiency' Use Efficiency2 Demand Year (MG) (MG) (MG) _2011 2,995 _ 2,897 2,498 2012 3,033 2,933 2,567 2013 3,054 2,953 2,593 _ 2014 3,084 2,982 2,659 2015 3,114 3,011 2,812 2016 3,145 3,041 281 1 =2011 WSP, Table 3-9. 2=2011 WSP, Table 3-10. Storage Table 7-7 of the 2011 WSP presented the 529 West Service Area as the only area with a storage deficiency in the 2008 planning period. The 2011 WSP also projected a storage deficiency in each of the 529 West and 590 East Service Areas in the 2014 and 2028 planning periods. Because system demands are significantly less than those projected in the 2011 WSP,the actual storage requirements are lower than those calculated during the 2011 WSP. Specifically,the actual annual demand for 2016, as shown in Table 1, is less than the projected demand for 2011, indicating that storage projects related to growth could potentially be shifted as much as 5 years into the future. The 2011 WSP recommended that a new 2.5 million gallon (MG) storage facility be constructed in the 529 West Service Area, and a new 3.5 MG storage facility be constructed in the 590 East Service Area. A new 4.0 MG 640 Tank was constructed in 2011 to resolve the storage deficiency in the 590 East Service Area.This tank is currently operated in the existing 590 Pressure Zone, but will be operated in the 640 Pressure Zone when all facilities necessary for the pressure zone conversion are completed. Property is being evaluated for construction of a new tank in the 529 West Service Area,but this tank has not been constructed yet. The project was scheduled for 2014-2015 in the 2011 WSP but has been delayed. This project will be re-scheduled as part of the City's WSP update. Water Use Efficiency Two WUE goals were established in the 2011 WSP. 1. Reduce water use by public agencies during June through August by 0.5 percent annually from 2008 through 2014. 2. Maintain water loss for the Kent Water System at less than 6 percent per year. The City is continuing to work towards its first goal. Various conservation programs have been implemented, including education and outreach, providing outdoor/indoor hardware and technical 10/26/17 11:11 AM Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\WSP EXTENSION LETTER\LTR TOR RODRIGUEZ RE WSP EXTENSION REQUEST DOCX Mr, Richard Rodriguez October 26, 2017 Page 3 assistance to customers, adding/maintaining meters, and performing unaccounted water/leak detection in the system. The second goal has been continuously achieved since 2009 per the City's Water Use Efficiency Annual Performance Reports, with the exception of 2016, when the calculated distribution system leakage was equal to 6.0 percent. The annual distribution system leakage reported in the City's WUE reports is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Distribution System Leakage Distribution System Year Leakage _2009 2.0% 2010 —�a- 1.7% 2011 3.4% 2012 5.8% 2013 5.9% 2014_ 3.3% 2015 4.2% 2016 6.0% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The City has worked to complete capital improvement projects per the schedule outlined in Chapter 10 of the 2011 WSP,although this has not always been feasible due to the economic uncertainty of the recession. Since 2011, the following CIP projects have been completed. • 2011 o Guiberson Reservoir: Corrosion facility constructed and placed in service. o Clark Springs: Security improvements to clearwell and hood installed; habitat conservation plan. o Pump Station No. 6: Emergency generator transfer switch installed. 0 640 Tank: Constructed and placed in service. o Blue Boy Tank: Overflow and drain line improvements and seismic upgrades. • 2012 o Clark Springs: Levee improvements to protect infiltration gallery and surge tank electrical upgrade. o Pump Station No. 5: Control valve Auma replacements. o Pump Station No. 7: New supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) generator backup power installed; new mag meter installed. 0 125K Tank: Drain check valve installed. 0 3.5 MG Tank: New SCADA back-up power generator installed. o Blue Boy Tank: 640 piping and control vault improvements. 10/26/17 11 17 AM Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\WSP EXTENSION LETTER\LTR TO R RODRIGUEZ RE WSP EXTENSION REQUEST DOCX Mr. Richard Rodriguez October 26, 2017 Page 4 o Cambridge Tank: Overflow and drain improvements. o Guiberson Reservoir: 10-inch flow control valve installed. • 2013 o Armstrong Springs: Chlorination equipment upgrade. o East Hill Well: Back-up power generator installed. • 2015 o Clark Springs: Well No. 1 motor control center(MCC)replacement. o Kent Springs: Gallery level sensor installed and new chlorination equipment installed. o Pump Station No. 5:New MCC upgrade/soft starts for Pumps 3 and 4. 0 212th Treatment Plant: Well No. 3 motor replacement. o Tacoma Green River filtration facility completed. • 2016 o Armstrong Springs: Back-up power generator with MCC upgrades; property purchase for source protection. o Pump Station No. 5: 125K Tank control vault upgrade. 0 3.5 MG Tank: Drain vault flapper installed; new control vault installed and flow meter added;tank fence security improvements. 0 6 MG No.2 Reservoir: Hatch security improvements. o Guiberson Reservoir: Reservoir lining installed; inlet manifold and security door improvements. 0 212th Treatment Plant: Mag meter upgrade; new Auma valve control actuator installed. The City is currently working to install the facilities required to complete the 640 Pressure Zone conversion over the next 3 years and replace a small amount of water main each year. The City is committed to ensuring a safe and reliable water service, as such, it is not anticipated that major improvements beyond those identified in the 2011 WSP will be required to ensure adequate water service throughout the City's system. LAND USE AND GROWTH The City's land use plan and growth projections have changed since the 2011 WSP was prepared. The revised land use plan and growth projections are attached and will be utilized for the WSP update that is currently underway. As stated in the Demand section,the actual 2016 system demand was similar to the 2011 baseline demand projection,despite population growth that has occurred over this time. It is anticipated that the actual growth in demand over the requested 2-year extension period will not likely exceed the 6-year demand projections stated in the 2011 WSP.Therefore, the City's revised population growth projections are not expected to adversely impact the system capacity within the 2-year extension period. POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA The City's policies and design criteria, as presented in Chapter 6 of the 2011 WSP, have been updated as necessary since the completion of the WSP. Ordinance 4019 is attached. The City is committed to operating its system and constructing new projects according to these policies and criteria. 10/26/17 11:17 AM Z1BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\WSP EXTENSION LETTERILTR TOR RODRIGUEZ RE WSP EXTENSION REQUEST DOCX Mr. Richard Rodriguez October 26, 2017 Page 5 FINANCIAL PROGRAM The financial analysis in Chapter I I of the 2011 WSP includes the capital improvements the City is currently pursuing. The City is continuing to fund and construct capital improvement projects as economically feasible. SEPA COMPLIANCE Since the 2011 WSP, no changes have occurred that would require a new Determination of Non-significance to be issued. The City will begin an internal adoption process for this Extension Request Letter at its November 6, 2017, Public Works Committee meeting. Once approved by committee, the request will be placed on the public agenda for the November 21, 2017, City Council meeting, where the required meeting of consumers and final approval and adoption will take place. The City requests, and RI 2 recommends, that the 2011 WSP's existing approval be extended by 2 years as the analyses and recommendations contained in the WSP are still valid, and the WSP currently meets the Department of Health's water system planning requirements. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me directly at(425) 951-5394. Sincerely, RH2 ENGINEERING, INC. a1 P � WASq��A � C�WAS O tic w o Mc f� h 0 ��r ��y� 0� �� Michele Campbell, PE Project Manager M414 4 31196 t"illard, /� IS_" caNni.LN 557UNAl- PE Signed: Signed: Director 10/26/17 10/26/17 GGD/MRC/RW/ZS/sp Attachments: Local Government Consistency Determination Form Zoning Districts Map Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Chapter One—Kent Profile and Vision excerpt Ordinance No. 4019 cc: Mr. Evan Swanson, City of Kent 10/26/17 11:17 AM Z:\BOTHELL\DATA\KEN\117-100\WSP EXTENSION LETTER\LTR TO R RODRIGUEZ RE WSP EXTENSION REQUEST DOCX ATTACHMENTS . Imealth Local Government Consistency Determination Form Water System Name: Kent Water Department PWS ID: 381 S01 i Planning/Engineering Document Title: Water System Plan (Extension) Plan Date: 2011 I Local Government with Jurisdiction Conducting Review: City of Kent Before the Department of Health (DOH) approves a planning or engineering submittal under Section 100 or Section 110, the local government must review the documentation the municipal water supplier provides to prove the submittal is consistent with local comprehensive plans, land use plans and development regulations (WAC 246-290-108). Submittals under Section 105 require a local consistency determination if the municipal water supplier requests a water right place-of-use expansion. The review 1 must address the elements identified below as they relate to water service. By signing this form, the local government reviewer confirms the document under review is consistent with applicable local plans and regulations. If the local government reviewer identifies an inconsistency, he or she should include the citation from the applicable comprehensive plan or development regulation and explain how to resolve the inconsistency, or confirm that the inconsistency is not applicable by marking N/A. See more instructions on reverse. For use by water For use by local stem government Identify the Yes or Local Government Consistent Statement page(s)in y Not Applicable submittal I to q-1 anJ us<zmplan L.«„ a) The water system service area is consistent with the adopted land use WSP:Ch.3, �pd-d,i, e the l wsp Fi as prcpard in Iona and zoning within the service area. g 3-1 map'^°'f.<'''°r°R WSPexlcnsiun unioJ is elle[lu•,I b) The growth projection used to forecast water demand is consistent WSP:Ch.3,Table with the adopted city or county's population growth projections. If a 3-9 and 3-10 PI„• different growth projection is used, provide an explanation of the alternative growth projection and methodology. Letter:Page 1,2 c) For cities and towns that provide water service:All water service area WSP:Ch.2,Ch.6 emn.inn w,rm p,inie,, policies of the city or town described in the plan conform to all O n,inen«IPI',auaJ,nd relevant utility service extension ordinances. Letter:Page a pnh.ia in ihr d°I I tV51',rerc d) Service area policies for new service connections conform to the pioih nf--inK-1,2°P adopted local plans and adopted development regulations of all WSP:Ch 2,Ch.s an cr J`nh nls/n u1'her uaec r ju,Is�i,limf develupmenl cities and counties with jurisdiction over the service area. orpnraicd it;the WSP update e) Other relevant elements related to water supply are addressed in the I11Cciplm,iaclitk,lil°'° of Kcnl.fuinprrhtnairc flan water system plan, if applicable. This may include Coordinated Water hapF d9 ufchv IDl;City 1 WSP:Ch.1 Ken(O-P, -,iva flan System Plans, Regional Wastewater Plans, Reclaimed Water Plans, (Section 1.6), 1'up,U ,n,wenl,"asn Groundwater Management Area Plans, and the Capital Facilities Ch 2 0a,.dntumcn1!id-6IUJ Element of local comprehensive plans. I certify that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and that these specific elements consistent ith adopted local plans and development regulations. o Signature Date Printed Name, Title, &Jurisdiction �, h�. Consistency Review Guidance For Use by Local Governments and Municipal Water Suppliers This checklist may be used to meet the requirements of WAC 246-290-108. When using an alternative format, it must describe all of the elements; 1a), b), c), d), and e), when they apply. For water system plans (WSP), a consistency review is required for the service area and any additional areas where a municipal water supplier wants to expand its water right's place of use. For small water system management programs, a consistency review is only required for areas where a municipal water supplier wants to expand its water right's place-of-use. If no water right place-of-use expansion is requested, a consistency review is not required. For engineering documents, a consistency review is required for areas where a municipal water supplier wants to expand its water right's place-of-use (water system plan amendment is required). For noncommunity water systems, a consistency review is required when requesting a place-of-use expansion. All engineering documents must be submitted with a service area map (WAC 246-290- 110(4)(b)(ii)). A) Documenting Consistency: The planning or engineering document must include the following when applicable. a) A copy of the adopted land use/zoning map corresponding to the service area. The uses provided in the WSP should be consistent with the adopted land use/zoning map. Include any other portions of comprehensive plans or development regulations that relate to water supply planning. b) A copy of the growth projections that correspond to the service area. If the local population growth projections are not used, explain in detail why the chosen projections more accurately describe the expected growth rate. Explain how it is consistent with the adopted land use. c) Include water service area policies and show that they are consistent with the utility service extension ordinances within the city or town boundaries. This applies to cities and towns only. d) All service area policies for how new water service will be provided to new customers. e) Other relevant elements the Department of Health determines are related to water supply planning. See Local Government Consistency—Other Relevant Elements, Policy B.07, September 2009. B) Documenting an Inconsistency: Please document the inconsistency, include the citation from the comprehensive plan or development regulation, and explain how to resolve the inconsistency, C) Documenting a Lack of Local Review for Consistency: Where the local government with jurisdiction did not provide a consistency review, document efforts made and the amount of time provided to the local government for review. Please include: name of contact, date, and efforts made (letters, phone calls, and emails). To self-certify, please contact the DOH Planner. The Department of Health is an equal opportunity agency. For persons with disabilities,this document is available on request in other formats. To submit a request,please call 1-800-525-0127(TTY 1-800-833-6388). February 2016 Page 2 of 2 -1Al ; Zoning Districts , AWAnNK.d roKont ! ;i .I •I I .. I,'�non,tu ucti,wsipo� 1 1 - .. ••fl +2 / /. MIO 1- I fR• �.. I I 1' tl(1 ., 1 �1'r+grrC.varuw ly ®MNn.n whMutlarHMH MI A,10�f e 1 rr�'lfJ' ooM•v..nean,r lal fl {,•I ..I_ •')_ — o •1 � ®om,ae,tumnvae,+mw n.rtmuew�wa.vr a.=.n � MI{IlL7 / P +�to 1N�_•J_ ( �rm.,Mnro,.,.,®uM.muvlccMu� AIC r'fr..•..� 'MtC i .. / :. , y ! �_ Mvw�tw.�ru•ro4 C��UMIW pGM,\ •. , 31 �� SS�� I _.-. M`w..l,..(C.n+wrlNlc 11 �li`- I tt_ .-_ I - I .ufm. (v+•w..9 tMG.l Ii.y f w•s �J �? ,H.1•'I, SAS I r�: I. I _��Zf_ / •; ; I 1 I- i �` _ 1'• I � sAs .meµ, � �, t nytal F_ ` �'•—I/ `I r5 y '1 f ' _ A - i .tl I It i 1 Mi Ah • Mop Rociscd JYlta L Hg i{wr Ord.Q44 .. I .. ✓Kq�iT I 1Al City Of Kent Inset' r Comprehensive Plan ( °le.nt"', .•. .�. I I, - Land Use Plan• r J �" ���N�ur , 1 i � I - I I ` ��1 Iy I f � �Nnr CaeMUGn Re�.rnrart UnNAne �' !r f �• ' 'xr - ej •'�Ilrr,Cw•Ir1AKnReden e111,UnnyAm w, { w...^f I rph ) — I' I, 1 lr.. I '� a I It � �y bow Ins 1' w e i I � • i it ��_ L_ .. �_,_.� f _,._I r .g• I _ f. C x a,l �..� Baal*1:14,000 3 ,. Oro Mep Infer I 1� ,� Mnp Re Iced ludo l.2al 7 per(Jrd 4244 _- i i i CHAPTER ONE KENT PROFILE AND VISION A culturally rich destination, Kent features captivating neighborhoods,award-winning parks,exceptional school districts and i nationally accredited police and fire departments.In recent years, Kent has experienced impressive economic growth,and is nationally known as a prime location for manufacturing.By the year 2035,Kent is planning for growth to approximately 54,000 households and 82,000jobs(see Table 1.2). The data in this Community Profile highlight population and growth targets,ethnicity,household character and employment. The data will be used in drafting each of the individual elements of the Plan,and additional finer-grained detail also may be incorporated within the individual elements. TABLE 1.1 POPULATION RANKING Seattle 640,500 Spokane 212,300 Tacoma 200,900 Vancouver 167,400 Bellevue 134,400 Kent 121,400 Source:April 1,20140FM official estimate TABLE 1.2 GROWTH FORECASTS HOUSEHOLDS JOBS PSRC Forecasts 2035 53,549 81,854 2010 Baseline 42,793 61,654 (2010 Census For HH;Jobs are Calculated from PSRC data) Growth Targets 2035 10,858 15,648 (Countywide Planning Policies, (housing units) as extended for 2006-2035) 6 \ CHAPTER ONL KENT PROFILE AND VISION l ORDINANCE NO. D,� AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to fees, specifically including fees for hearings and appeals before the hearing examiner, business license fees, various public infrastructure plan review and inspection fees, planning and land use and development application, permit and inspection fees, and inspection and permit fees required under the provisions of the International Building, Residential, Mechanical, and Fire Codes and the Uniform Plumbing code by making the following code revisions: adding a new section to Chapter 1.01 generally authorizing fees by resolution; adding a new section 2.32.155 relating to public hearings and appeals before the hearing examiner; adding a new chapter to Title 3 of the Kent City Code entitled, "Technology Infrastructure" and adding a new section relating to technology fees; amending Section 5.01.090 relating to business licenses; amending Sections 6.06,040 and -050 relating to plan review and inspection fees for public infrastructure improvements; amending Section 6.07.040 and-.170 relating to street use permits; amending Section 7.02.105 and 7.03.160—.170 relating to water system cross- connection control, installation and connection permits; amending Sections 7.04,080 and 7.04.100—.110 relating to sanitary sewer permits and inspections; adding a new section 11.06.045 relating to critical areas and environmental review; and adding a new section 12.01.055 relating to land use and planning applications and permits; and further adding other related minor revisions and clarifications to the city code. 1 Ordinance Amending Code Fees RECITALS A. The Kent City Council has established fees by both resolution and ordinance. Resolutions allow for adjusting fees without requiring council to amend the text of the Kent City Code. Currently, there are multiple provisions contained in the Kent City Code referencing fees. Any adjustments to those fees require amendments to the text of the Kent City Code by ordinance, B. Many of these fees in the city code have not been reviewed or updated since 2006. C. Adjustments to the current fees contained in the Kent City Code would be served best by amending the code to reference fee schedules contained in a resolution, thereby allowing for adjustments without amending the text of the Kent City Code. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE gfCrZON 1 - NevY Sperm. The following new section 1.01,105 is added to chapter 1.01: Sec. 1.01.105. Fee Resolutions. Any fees, rates or charges established by city council resolution shall be deemed lawfully established by authority of the city council regardless of whether the fee, rate or charge is established by a separate ordinance. Z Ordinance Amending Code Fees SECTION 2. - New Section. The following new section 2.32.155 is added to chapter 2.32: Sec. 2.32.155. Hearing Examiner Code - Fees. The city council, shall, by resolution, establish the fees to be charged to conduct open or closed record public hearings as well as all appeals. in-the pyent of atsy co lift or ambiguity regarding any fees established by council r so ution, the planning director Is authorized tp interpmet the fee schedule) to resolve that confl cL Qr ambiguity. SECTION 3. - New Chapter. The following new chapter 3.11 is added to Title 3 of the Kent City Code: Chapter 3.11. TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Sec. 3.11.010. Technology Fee Established. In order to accommodate the high cost and need to continually replace telecommunications, data, network, hardware and software systems caused by a continuous and rapidly changing technology environment, the technology fees shall be applied to the following transactions: A. Ut'I"t illiag. A fee of one dollar ($1.00) per bill for every utility bill issued, whether the bill includes any combination of water, sewer, or storm drainage charges. B. Parks and Recreation Fees. A fee of one dollar ($1.00) per transaction for each registration for any parks and recreation program. For the purposes of this subsection, "transaction" shall mean the process of collecting and recelpting fees and charges in the form of cash, check, or credit card payment for programs, services, or miscellaneous resale items 3 Ordinance Amending Code Fees offered by the parks and recreation department. The fee shall not apply to the following: 1. The fee shall not apply to any transactions or registrations at the Riverbend Golf Course; 2. The fee shall not apply to registrations or transactions with a total cost less than ten and 00/100 dollars ($10.00); 3. The fee shall not apply to drop-in transactions (such as, for example and without limitation, lunch at the Senior Center or one-time payment for use of the weight room at Kent Commons). C. For all other applications, permits, Inspections, registrations, transactions and approvals established under the Kent City Code, the fee shall be established by council resolution. SECTION 4. - Amendment. Section 5.01.090 of the Kent City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 5.01.090. Application procedure, license fee. A. The dir- r-�uther-ized te-prepare-e sehed-ule-.of-fees-for th isstta ree-ofa iiee e-end-when-approved--by-t-he-eity-eeanell,-that sehedule shall metrrtt—ef--tlie_}}eeflse--feeThe city council shall, by re IQL lon,�.t.�g_I.Lsh fees to be assessed to Impl- gnt and oAerate the OPAesreaulati In the event of any conflict or ambiguity_regarding any fees est biihy council resolution, the finance �l recto.r is authorized to interpret the fee schedule(s.) to resolve Chit conflict or a1L bJgui-tv.. 4 Ordinance Amending Code Pees B. All businesses operated not for profit shall be required to be licensed but shall be exempt from paying a business license fee upon satisfactory proof to the director of their not-For-profit status. C. The licensee shall make application for any business license required under this chapter to the director on a form prepared by the department, which application shall be accompanied by a receipt from the department showing payment of the required fee. A new business license shall be required annually. If the application for a new license is made within six (6) months of the date fixed for expiration, the fee shall be one-half the annual fee; provided, there shall be no reduction in the fee for a license renewal. SECTION SS. - Amend neent. Section 6.03.010 of the Kent City Code is amended as follows: Sec. 6.03,010. Fees designated. A. The city's public works department is responsible for the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of a complex network of rights-of-way and public easements, including the placement of private utility facilities such as gas, electrical, telephone, fiber optic, and other lines and conduits. As a result-e -4Eerrt- Lt d -30 the public works and e�onom__a.r_td communi_ _Ae logmen departments tgare responsible for the-plan review, plan approval, inspection, and acceptance of all construction within any public easement or right-of-way and all public works improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, and walkways, street lighting systems, storm drainage systems (public and private), and public and private utilities. Accordingly, the clay incurs substantial costs in both tirnP and mat�flals to p�4i rc- and it I necessary and appropriate to rha_rge fees for those services fAs a result, the city .o_C_u_ncil 5 Ordinance Amending Code Fees sball�by res4lutio st lish�he fees to be aSaessed to impleCrtent .and o e to the codes adoptEd__bT this c a lei The resolutlon_m-ay rewire that certain fees be._pre--paid anti/or:. des�nated to be. non-refundable because sUff_time--and _rrtatt rie45 will be expended whethec_or not the pr►rljfi applied for is ap r�o�ed by the city or pulled the ap �licant. In the event of any confl.LG>;�or..ambig_Uity-tegatsii j any-fees established bar eouncti resolution, the p�btic works directo is uthorized to_L to erased -he fee sc edule(s).to resole-e that conflict Qc__ombigUity. �Fhe-pttk�}}�aao�l�s-departmer-rfi-erys-Fwee•ty-three-{�3-}---fu}!-li��e ecla+valent--employees to-aceompltsh-pka--review-plan-eervstf}tatiOn`7-plan +rtspeetion7--apd-afsite--'trrspectlon of- > se-._thi-rd-party+-publie--works Frrtprovem i s� eorciirrgiy;-ea�Feper/appfieanHmust gay-a- pion t-eview-7iffd-4ns-pectio-n-fee-ln-� rount-of -eight-($3�ee-Rt--o"he esti-mated -c�truction--cost of-the--preposed-pttblic-woks-l-r ovements-. This-fee--+�tlleally-cover--appr=e»�+r��-one-l�al�¢-1/�}-tie-tot-most fQr- t�tis�Fty-stag#-tirt�e-to-review-ar-�d--lr�peeC each-lndlvidual-applle<'�i-orF: $ -in-lieu-af-pay!ng-th!s--eRj-ht✓(8)_pertent-�fee,the e:,;eleper/applieat�t wilt-have-a--ene--(1}-t-late-orrly-opti-ea-te�y-the--city`�-aetuall-ec�sts--fer-these s-efviees-based--on-tl:te--c-u-rrent-aveftige-hortr-Iy state-of eimghtq We--doN-at:s { 5} per-hour—This-optiot3- t3FtFy-be-exercised-at-the-time t4e-fee-is ffst4Fnposed.-Ifi this--option-is-selected;t-he--devPlopet f-appiic�t r--tast pixy f$r-aN-Etme-lric'rxr-red by ciiry-s#irff-f©r-p}art-review;-plan-e$nsttlttiort---Plan iFtspeetlon,-and-onsite--inspectian--of-the-pttbHe-work-sr4Ffrrfarevefnents-to-de coftst-ruc-ted-at-the---hourly- ate--established-above;evew f--the-firtai-total amour-tt s--the-,eight-(-8)-percent4ee-. GB. In consideration of the mutual benefits received when another agency of the state (including, without limitation, counties, other cities, or special purpose districts) seeks to construct public improvements not intended for conveyance to the city but that will provide a regional benefit, 6 ordinance Amending code Fees the +Ie-works-de#a4ff�entcity will limit this fee to that portion of the work which affects the city`s interests, concerns, and improvements within and abutting the city`s rights-of-way. eases--the-minirwdfn-fee-sftal+-be-no--less-ghat-ftve-hundred doNars-($500).-T-he developerhrpplieant-will-be-rec[Li+red-t-a- ubmit--separ-ate cost estimates--far--each -ptrbtie-work�--i+'npr-over 4te n---T+iese-wif!-be eheek-ed-by-the-public--woi°ks--depart-ment fotaeet-Tracy:-A-nonrefr NIE-tble teKi!nV- s-estab ese�ltrtior�depostt-of--iffy-{5 pereen o�the t$ta�fee-is-dEre arrd-pzr le-prier-to-startinf--the-review-with- n-insaecrlor► ee�- s-established^ + resolt�ti balancedHe and .payzible-prier t the -a l-of-the--eortst�'trc�fe+rpla ns: E------Where-t,R-de'�pertapplicant-hes-epted---to-pay--the-c4 met-ual eosts--based--e-n-the--above-stated-houHy-rimer-a-nertrefitnd-ableElepesit---cif fiifity-(-5f}}-pereent_-o -tlie-estimated-tatal--cest-as--prepared-by-the-ftublic wot°ks-depef4ffret t-is-due-and-payable--befere beginning review;-fie-balance o"his e4ingate-is-due--and-paya'vile-I.efeF---the--dty-approves-eertstr=tic-tiorr }plan-S-I-f-the-actual-costs-rne. �-ar, d-afe-less-than-the-m-en es-c+epositeclr he eity -shall reirr+burse-the- diffei°enee-upon--tl3e--developer/ alteant's eompletion of the--censtruc-tion—e�---the---approved pubile----works improvetftents.-Any-itteidental-enter est earned-or-monies-deposited-with the-ctt-y---steal I-b eenme-the--eity's-sflle-pra Perky-ftthe--cc;tt�'s--aeEua l-eost exceeds--the--afnio+jrtt-deposited-by-the-developer-/applicar�hti- eit shah bHl--the—developer/applicant--€ot✓ the----amotrnr---#ue ----and—t-he devel�per�ppNic-emt-shall-pa�z�oa rtt:-witl�rir-t�titirty-(3f?-�-days-of-tie dates--billed�kn-p�-amounts-unpaid--aft-er�;-he-tH�y-{-30}-day-due-dat-e--sf�#�e charged-4nefe-st at--a--rate-of-twelve-(1-2-)-percent per-annttm 7-and--the-dty. -may--use-a y-f4#•tt-s-oi-r-erredies-available-under--the--law-to-eel+eet--er-seek reimburses &,ft-of the--amounts-due-maw+-event;t-he-developer-a*ioant gust-pay-:aN-amounts-due-befe staff Will-pfesent--the-pine--works tr tpt otte ants-tome- city-eottt�eH-€er--acceptance---or-befefe-s-9t ing---a 7 Ordinance Amending Code Fees i I I ' j eett4tfeatre-ef-eeeupency-fef- -develepment-assec-fated-++ #-these-pu#k wof=ks-Wftpreve tsr F9C. Two (2) re-reviews of the construction plans are included with at plan review fee. �r ;;~ QevelQpr+ �e+g "t�-peret fee ►eseFibed-abeam _eAdditional re-reviews, whether attributed to the developer's action or inaction, shall be charged at a--rate-of-ekjhtp--five daifa+s- 8�}-pet-ho ar hQurjy .rate established by-resolution, A certaln number Qf in ection hours remay be des ONAed for each in �.' n fee }nelu +�F}-ti:e-irVaQtien-fee descr+k►P+� z.nQ.s�and inspection time over and Ic esionated number of hours whether attributed to the deve is � tion or Inaction.�hall be charged at an haurly rate established_bY resolution. SfCTZON 6. - Amendment. Sections 6.06.040--.060 of the Kent City Code are amended as follows: Sec. 6.06.040. Permit requirements. A. Prior to issuance of any right-of-way permit for cutting any portion of city right-of-way, whether improved or not, the location first shall be inspected and approved by a depart.m.ent-ef-pttbllcrwerksm official. B. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for or approval of any violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance or appropriate rule or regulation of the city. C. Every permit issued by the departmer&-("ubIIe-wffFkSM under the provisions of this chapter shall expire ninety (90) days after issuance of g Ordinance Amending Code Fees the permit unless work has commenced or unless the permit has been extended. D. The director of public works, or designate, may in writing suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter whenever the permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied or in violation of any other ordinance or regulation of the city. Sec. 6.06.050. Permit and inspection fees and permit renewal. A. ThP city council shall,�bx resolution, pstablish the fees to b� assessed to ImDemerit and operate the regulationsee i adopted p this ch,Uter_The "rile �" ^-permit-to--cu 8StPeet, eurb, gidewal r any tve ---oe- pPeYed�shall-be-t hfee -huindfed--d and-beg+nnin Je nua ry :7; 1 ris-l3,asfe-fee smell inerease t-e-€etrF-a��trrdred- if is-1 fe j! f exarnpie, and withoutll! ►i sltlon. these fees shall apply to street cuts, curb s sidewalk c-� 4r .[Ly-portion of city_ ric�ht_of�w whether or not Improved and all utility work within the public right-of-way that involves cutting the public right-of-way. Utility work shall include, but not be limited to, work performed in association with gas, telephone, electric power, cable TV, water, stormwater, and sewer, and underground facilities._ The resolution may requ'r_re that �eCtain fees be pre-paid end/or designated to be non-refundable because staff time and materials will be expended nit applied EQr Is app.royeLy the city or piled by the applicant In t e event of anv confl tc or ambiguity regardin4 any fees es Ilshed by-rnumcil resolution, the public works director Is authorized to interpret the fee schedulels� to resol that conflict or smb(guity 9 Ordinance Amending Code Fees B. Review and inspection fees may bg llmirP het num er of hours Qf staff time work Any staff time incurred P pp those hours of work rn e s bier ct to _Aan additional hourly time charge-*14-be-made-mere total-feview_and- �-tir e-e�ce {-�j-hotitr-s. + his extra charge will be Invoiced to the applicant separately at the hourly rate g:i est jai- d by resole oq effi€tq OHeF9-f$19)-pee-hour,which•-4s-- �t t-he-�berac�e-ac-ta-a�ear ly-eos�f-er�tt�--s�af€-eieyed-t-o-pr�eess-�i�ese omits-6egit i -7a+�ue - $9 fiis-extra-charge-shaEHfrc__ to-a rz-tte-�€-sretterrty-five-deHars-(�5-}-per--itmtr: C. Whe►eyer-- v i n work for which a permit 19_Wo&d be required by this chapter is commenced or performed prior--tewithowt first obtaining sttefttw permit, the basic permit fee shall be doubled, but the payment for stfel=�that double fee shall not relieve effyftat person or gnt(W from full compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter in the execution of the work, nor from any other penalties which may be provided for �.y loc I state a fetal ]aw is-ehe ef-, including criminal penalties. Sec. 6.06.060. Specifications and special requirements. A. Specifications. All curb and street cuts shall be repaired to conform to the requirements of the latest version of the Clty of Kent Desictrj and Co truction Stapdards as adopted by_Ke CiSy Code 6.a2.010'S trd Spee+f-ieatiens-i''er-Read-,-gridge-and-Mtmicipal-Eemstraetien, l test-edWeff, prepared e-{3epaftnient of-T-ransportatien-and-tire Arnefii- -}�-bhe--W,orlfs . Copies of sttei,� his publication Brand any additions or amendments tiefete are on file with the city clerk and available to the general public. B. Permittee's performance responsibility. In addition to all other requirements specified by this chapter or the t9est verslan of the City of 10, Ordinance Amending Code Fees lit.,le s.t,�...., Kent pe_�ign and Gonsrru tlon Sta g ards6tandard spee* ��foFR$adr Brldg {e�p$I--Eertstrt�ction, adopted in subsection (A) of this section, the permlttee shall be responsible for restoration of the street, or curb, and all disturbed public right-of-way area to its original or better condition.. including any required overlays as approved by the director of public works. The permlttee shall fw4sh-pat-elicomplete the street or curb cut in accordance with the peer_n3ik requirements immediately upon completion of the project. The permittee shall be responsible for defects or failure of the street or curb cut area for a period of anetwo (�2) years fallowing f Dlf # inspection. C. Curb cut locations. The location of each curb cut must be approved by the ri depart-m -P -bHe--works. The city reserves the right to deny any request to cut any curb. D. Special conditions. At the discretion of the director of public works or designate, one (1) or more of the following requirements may be specified when conditions require their use. Wherever such special conditions are required, they shall be set forth on the permit at the time of issuance or as an amendment to the permit In those instances where conditions requiring their use become known after the permit has been Issued: 1, Curb cuts within the right-of-way shall be made only in areas and by methods approved by the public works director, or his or her designee. All improved or unimproved areas within the right-of-way shall be restored to an equal or better condition; 2. Excavated material shall be completely removed from the street surface; i ordinance Amending Code Fees 3. Signs, cones, barricades, and all other traffic control devices to protect and control pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the construction area shall be used as prescribed by the traffic engineer, and in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways as amended, and shall be at the expense of the permittee; 4. One (1) or more traffic lanes shall be kept open at all times. Moving traffic shall be properly controlled by uniformed flagmen, if specified. Hours of operation during construction and restoration shall be as specified on the permit; 5. Ingress and egress for vehicles and personnel to abutting property shall be maintained at all times; 6. Backfill and replacement of pavement or oiling of surface shall be done to the satisfaction of the public works director. Unless otherwise specified by the k—weH<s-d#eeW. , backfill material shall conform to thP latest version of the City of Kent Design and Construction Stand_ St-andefd—Speeffi idge—a„d•—;++trn!6W Ganstrud4en, adopted in subsection (A) of this section; 7. The permittee must fHgF ling--of a surety indemnity bond approved by the �cLtjdepaftment ef publie-works to protect the city to cover completion of the permit vyQrk during construction and throughout the two ?� year warranty period, and the Permjtt�e must provide approved Elie liability insurance naming the city as an additional insured in the amount specified on the face of the permit; sh-d posit Itt--t ed-erg---th Eaee „F�� peFffA-net- -e-eeed-en Fs-f g6-}-ta-be--miade-tio-� 12 Ordinance Amending Code Fees Open cuts within the paved area will not be permitted; 1-09. The construction inspector shall require that a temporary patch be made for thirty (30) days, and thereafter, a permanent patch will be placed by the permittee within five (5) days. SECT,ION7. - Amendment. Sections 6.07.040 and 6,07.170 of the Kent City Code are amended as follows: Sec. 6.07.040. Construction and property development, A. Generally. No person shall be issued a project, building, grading, or fill permit without first obtaining a separate street use permit from the gU department of-pubk-works except as follows: 1, An application is made for a permit to make an addition, alteration, or repairs to a single-family residence; or 2 -._A"pplieat-ien is Fnade-fee---a-perm,lt-tQ-make-are--alt-er-at-ien, mpair-, t-her 4went-y-thousar►d-de+krr value-)-to--any-str��ther tF�an-a-singEe-family-resielenee -32. The director determines, in his or her discretion, that the issuance of a separate street use permit for each project, building, grading, or fill permit is not necessary to regulate the Use on the public place. B, Moving of structures. Prior to application and issuance of a street use permit for any building or structure to be moved across, along, or upon any public place within the city and sited within the city, the 13 Ordinance Amending Code Fees applicant shall first obtain a building permit for the siting of such building or structure. Sec. 6.011'011. Permit and inspection fees. A. The cit�cc�unc11 shall,_.by re li.rtion, establish the fees to bQ assessed to impement and.-o.per�t� the re ulationseetje ado teed in this cha.pt�_ This reso(ution.-rrr_�..y_t-ecluire_that cer:kai.n_fevs_E�e pre- aid_an�ll4r_ .r1on-re fundable because st fine and mated-&- wid-b M ended W- her gr rjot the per i aapliecl far is aaproved bit tF�� ci.t or pgLL by_ the P I cant_ In the event of a conflict or a�tlbic,Luitx regarding any fees established by coua.cil resolution, the public v� r2_ks di�e__ctor is authofiz�d tq inter t the fie sc edule(s) tv resvlve_J W confli�t_or ambiguity. e basic-fee--for a StFeet usel ermtt-sttall-be-as-� : -1-. KC-G-6,@7-94G.-C-orrstr�ueLlon--arr"t-ope"--developnierit-,-4neit>A4ig I utility-war-eg�riring-etrts:-twv-ht�d�ed�ollor�{$�0(3-): KCC-f�:8 86@-Street-tteridors - ne trndued-deN6Fs,--WG4)-per yeer,-begiriRing-7arivar-y-4,-2-007;two-4rtiftdfed-dollot �@0)-per-yeas Per-rr-riis-ar-e4ssued-annually- 2— -KC-G-6:87 -G70-SidewaFlf cafes:one I�ttr�dred doNars{�lElt3} pe�year beginning--January l; OF} twv hundred dflllars { 00}-per-year-Per� ttts are-Issued-a nntft-4y 07.090.St<-eet.__cleair-es-A-y-dollars--(--$ G-},,- beglrtning 3anuary-1 {@7,two han d.dollars-($20@J S. i<CC-6:A7 '^-too-?4aster--use-perrniti-one-hand beginning-�enttar -1007;two-ftundred� �, @@j- 14 Ordinance Amending Cade Fees B, Where total inspection time exceeds two (2) hours, an extra charge shall be invoiced to the applicant at an hourly rate to-4-reps established-by counciLLes91ution-af&we44y-by4he-difeeter. Begin n+ng-3�- Ot} his ejt-eha to-an.-hourly rate-of-seventy €i�te-fotlafs-e$45-) per houf. Whe±vff hen work for which a permit is�w2Wdbe required byr his chapter is commenced or p�,rformed pfkgf-ziewithOut first pbjgiah9 suehthat permit, the basjc_pe_mn-t fee shall¢e d ubLed, but the pn n for ette bLeA_that fee shall not relieve afi vthat person c-rr entity from f tull camplisance with all of the requirements of this chapter in the execufLon of the work. nor from any _other penalties which to y be provided for by-jocal,. ,Mate or d ral lain thjsgIaptf�,f ind ding c i�min penalties, SECTION 8- - Amendment, Sections 7.02.105, 7.02.160 and 7.02.170 of the Kent City Code are amended as follows: Sec. 7.02.105. Cross-connection - Annual inspection of system with backflow prevention device. The city's cross-connection control program provides that any cross-connection utilizing a backflow prevention device is to be inspected by the city annually. The purp.Q5t_fQr ,ftis i ection..mgq_Wm ent is to protect Ahe citv's_publlc water supply from ,possible contaminati.gn The annual administrative and inspection fee assessed, per backflow prevention device, is-eighty-doMfs-($8-)steal be as. gAa. lashed by council resolution_,. This fee 49wiLbje based on the aetual cost Incurred by the,;clty to cc-rnduct those inspections-(fl-order- ".reteet t4e-e+ty`9-pt6111 'Mer supply from-posslbie ors. _The inspection fee shall be collected at the time of the annual testing of saidthe backflow prevention device(s) as described In the city's cross-connection program document on file either in the city clerk's office or wi 4-the public works 15 Ordinance Amending Code Fees I department._ r thy. event of anv�t�I1f1ta_QrAm� uLty_ -eg_4rdina any fees authorized under this Chap council resolution, tie public works director 1s aut�t prized Inter rp et the fee s_chedu19.( t4 resolve that&snfllct or amb g1ftY-- Sec. 7.02.160. Installation and connection charges inside city limits permits and inspection fees. A. Tap charge - Connection by water utility,_ Any property owner within the city limits applying for water service shall pay in full a tap charge: and a f - err[[11t review and inspection fee plus a system development charge prior to Issuance of the water service permit. The tap charge will include the cost of connection and laying the pipe from the city water main to the property line of the property to which service is desired, or at a distance of sixty (60) feet from the main toward such property line, whichever is shorter. _The minimum tap charge so established for service installed by the water utility Is as follows: 1. Two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275) for each five-eighth (5/8) inch by three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 2. Three hundred twenty-five dollars ($325) for each three- quarter (3/4) inch connection. 3. Three hundred fifty dollars ($350) for each one (1) inch connection. 4. Six hundred dollars ($600) for each one and one-half (1-1/2) inch connection. 5. Fight hundred dollars ($800) for each two (2) inch connection 16 Ordinance Amending Code Fees On any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum tap charge shall be the actual cost of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five (25) percent. B. Tap charge - Connection by licensed contractor. If the workload of the water utility as determined by the director of public works is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the director of public works may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necessary line and materlals except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the director of public works. The minimum tap charge is as follows: 1. One hundred dollars ($100) for each five-eighth (5/8) inch by three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 2. One hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for each three- quarter (3/4) inch connection. 3. One hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) for each one (1) inch connection. 4. Three hundred sixty dollars ($360) for each one and one-half (1-1/2) inch connection. S. Five hundred dollars ($500) for each two (2) inch connection All such contractor-installed connections shall be guaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. 17 ordinance Amending Code Fees i C, System development charge. The system development charge is as follows: Charge Charge Meter Effective Effective Size Through April1, (inches) March 31, 2009 2009 Less than $2,600 $5,949 1 $4,627 $14,872 1-1/2 $10,400 $29,743 2 $18,486 $47,589 3 $41,594 $95,179 4 $73,933 $148,717 5 $115,528 $222,932 6 $166,376 $297,434 8 $295,786 $475,894 10 $462,162 $5 ,354 After April:.1 2gg9., thissystemdevelopment charge will increase annually, on e' Nrst• day of:: each' calendar ;year, by an amount equal to:: the percentage mcrease';in the ;Construction R.rice;:Index for ;Seattle Tacoma- Bremerton •for;the twelve (12) months; October 31st through September 30th, of the previous•calendar year. However, if (1) the city's fire marshal has required that, in conjunction with the city's Issuance of a single-family residential building permit, the applicant must install a Fire sprinkler system, and (2) the need for a meter size greater than three-quarters (3/4) of an inch is based solely on the fire marshal's requirement that the sprinkler system be Installed, the single- t g ordinance Amending Code Fees family residential permit applicant shall pay only the system development charge listed above for a meter less than one (1) inch in diameter. It is not the city's intent to require an applicant to pay a higher system development charge when the larger meter size is needed only in the unusual event of a fire demand rather than for normal daily user demand. R_ Perini d Inspe�tron ee. ��.Ity council haIl, by re5Ql�at�4n� stablis permit, i n d reel,ted fPpS be assessed to im Ip_err�ent and operate the regulationsdes adopted in this chapter_, In the event of any conflict or ambiguity regardin - fees established by council resoludon.,_the puutRC wpijks._direc �r is authorize to inter et he fee schedule(} to resolve that co I ct or ambiaulty -BE. Installation of undersized meter. If an undersized meter Is installed, a deduction will be allowed from the above charges, including system development charges, which will reflect the difference in cost between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the city. -EF. Tap change. _If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such charge must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. FG. Paving replacement -- Charge. _If it becomes necessary during the installation of such connection on a time and material basis to break and ,replace, either concrete or .,blacktop,,paving., then. in .each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair. xg Ordinance Amending Code Fees GH. Fee deferral. _Until December 31, 2013, at the time of issuance of any single-family residential building permit for a dwelling unit that is being constructed for initial sale, the owner of the subject real property may defer payment of the water system development charge in subsection (A) of this section, executing a first position lien in favor of the city in the amount of the water system development charge. Thexity shall record.the lien against the real property and the lien amount shall be paid by the seller to the city at the time of closing of the sale of the real property and single--family residence. An owner who chooses to defer the water system development charge must combine the lien with a lien deferring the transportation improvement fee in KCC 12 11.090 or Chapter 43.21C RCW, and drainage system development charge in KCC 7,05 1 5. Sec. 7.02.170. Installation and connection charges outside city. Any property owner outside the city limits applying for water service shall pay in full the tap chargeLar a permit review aod Inspection fee, plus a system development charge prior to the issuance of a water service permit. The minimum charge established shall be the cost as established for inside the city limits plus fifty (50) percent, except the system development charge. The system development charge shall be the same as for inside city limits. SECTION 9. - Amendment. Sections 7,04.080, 7.04.100, and 7.04.110 of the Kent City Code are amended as follows: Sec. 7.04.080. Permit to owner, agent, or occupant to construct, extend, or repair sewer on private property. A. It shall be unlawful for any person- to construct, extend, relay, repair, or make connections to private or lateral sewer on private property 20 Ordinance Amending Code Fees without obtaining a permit therefor as provided in this section and filing a scale drawing showing the location thereof, B. The department-e€-pubk-worlescit may issue a permit to the owner of any property to construct, extend, relay, repair, or' make connections to a lateral or private sewer inside of the owner's property line and outside of the owner's property line lying within the city's right-of-way. Such owner shall comply with the applicable provisions of this chapter. Rve-peffnit--sha4 ftet-be�.eme effe ve-ant-il--the-instal�ier�-is eet�rpieted-;o�;e satisfaetierz o the-difeeter: The director shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction and, in any event, the applicant for the permit shall notify the director when the work is ready for final inspection, and before any underground portions are covered. Tire-inspeetie n s e-Made wit #rt seveftty-two-¢7-1-2-)--hears-after-the F-Leipt-of-w-ritte ogee `IIF d_te--the dyer. Work shall be done by the owner or a licensed contractor. Sec. 7.04.100. Permit and inspection fees. A. The city council shaft, by resoiu ion, establish the fees tp_ be fies_sgd to implement a !g_ulations adopted in this ci�pter.The--basic^-fee-fer-eaeh-pe�i�to-eor�eet-with-ar�y-pa�ii =o� t-o--conetFLwt;extend',-r-e6y;r�r�eP-ma(,e eenneet-i s-wit e r Div-at-e-sewer--inside of a-pmpeFt-y-il^Te-4s4iereby--fixed-at twe hundred twenty-five--dellars ($225)7 An additional charge will be made if review and inspection time exceeds three and one-half (3.5) hours, The hourly rate for this additional staff time shall be paid at the rate as estaWj§b_ derby council resolution,of4ifty-dellars -a -t#e avefage--aettvcl—beAy- ee nip4eyed top`eee e pefffits: The-fee ;shall .be+paid to: the _r t ftar�e -depaftt te��i ^'lati-Such- eeeipt. ffiles filed--with-the-depart +c works before the permit is Issued._ In the event of amy conflict. or 21 Ordinance Amending Code Fees rt7�-a' Y regarding_ any fetes authorized under this cha r and established bvS2qncil_resQlution, the publtworks director is authorized to In-terpret th fe ee schedule( } to resoly� that conflick or ambiguity B. The fees for permits to construct, install, or repair septic tanks shall be those established by the Seattle-King County department of public health. These fees shall be paid directly to that department. C. WhereverWhen work for which a permit iswould be required by this chapter is corMmen�ed or p...C.r_f_ormed pHer--tewithout first obtaining u'lathat ems, the basic permit fee shall be doubled. but the paavmg►1t for st�eithat double fee shall not relieve a tythat person or entity from full compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter In the execution of the work, npr_fCQm any other.pq0altes which may be provided Eor by local. stare, or federal lawn `H19 ..".,..WJ including criminal penalties. Sec. 7.04.110. Permit renewal fees. In case work shall not be done or completed within the time specified in any permit and no extension thereof has been granted, a renewal of the permit shall be required for which a fee equal to effive-dollar-s--($�)-s- H-be-eliarged alf of the review fee. A maximum of t-wo r!�newals are allowed. SECFION 10. - New Section. Section 11.06.045 is added to chapter 11.06, to read as follows: Sec. 11.06.045. Review and Inspection fees. The city council shall, by resolution, establish the fees to be assessed to implement and operate the regulations adopted in this chapter. The resolution may require that certain fees be pre-paid and/or designated to be non- refundable because staff time and materials will be expended whether or 22 ordinance Amending Code Fees not the permit applied for is approved by the city or pulled by the applicant. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity regarding any fees authorized under this chapter and established by council resolution, the public works director Is authorized to interpret the fee schedule(s) to resolve that conflict or ambiguity. ,,SECTION _11. - N@W Sgct.on. Section 12.01..055 Is added to chapter 12.01, to read as follows: . Sec. 12.01.055. Pees. The city council, shall, by resolution, establish the fees to be assessed to implement and operate the regulations adopted in this chapter. The resolution may require that certain fees be prepaid and/or designated to be non-refundable because staff time and materials will be expended whether or not the permit applied for Is approved by the city or pulled by the applicant. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity regarding any fees authorized under this chapter and established by council resolution, the planning director is authorized to Interpret the fee schedule(s) to resolve that conflict or ambiguity. SECTION 12. - ,Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 13. - Corrections by C y�'lerk ar Cade Reviser. U pon approval of'the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, Including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. 23 Ordinance Amending Code Fees SECTION 14. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on January 1, 2012, which is more than five (5) days from and after its passage and publication, 7UZE E OKE, MAYOR ATTEST: r �t l.- •� BRENDA JACOBER, C CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: Auv\- r2 �� — TO I BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: _ _ day of D -�� , 2011. APPROVED: day of �` , 2011. PUBLISHED: day of Tcn-,M-�i-�--'' 2011. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 0�9 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) �8RENDA JACOB , CITY CLERK P:�Gvll\ordlnanca\Code Fee Amendments 1:20511.docx 24 Ordinance Amending Code Fees REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE KENT Print on Cherry-Colored Paper Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved by Director Originator: Cheryl Viseth for Evan Swanson Phone (Originator): 5504 or 5527 Date Sent: 11/28/2017 Date Required: 12/01/2017 Return Signed Document to: Cheryl VlSeth Contract Termination Date: March 31, 2019 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: ton State Department of Health (only required on contracts n/ Washington p 20 000 and over or on an Grant) t ' DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: 11/21/2017 Date Risk Manager Notified:n/a (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: Authorized in the Budget? * YES 8NO Brief Explanation of Document: City of Kent Water System Plan - Approval Extension Request Water System ID No. 381501 A Water System Plan is required for all municipal water purveyors. Due to the extensive data collection and modeling required as part of preparing the Water System Plan. We are requesting a 2 year extension to complete our Water System Plan. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (This area to be completed by the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: Date Returned: iCivifforms\Oocument rocessmg\ equest orMayor's Signature. —