HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK1997-0029 - Amendment - State of Washington Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation - East Hill Park Extension - 7/29/97 +, Interrzgestcyf + Cosnsnattee or OUTDOOR Amendment to IAC Project Agreement RECREATION Project Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Number: 96-1224 D Project Title: East Hill Park Expansion Development Amendment Number: 4 Amendment Type: Time Extension Amendment Description: Pursuant to a request from Kent Parks & Rec Dept the Project Agreement identified above is amended to extend the end date of this agreement. The project period of 07/29/1997 to 01/31/2000 is extended to allow the contracting party until 09/30/2000 to complete the project. Agreement Terms In all other respects the Agreement, to which this is an amendment, and the plans and specificiations relevant thereto, shall remain in full force and effect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this amendment. State of Washington Interagency Committee for Outdoor Re atio BY: Eric Johnson TITLE: Manager, Project Services DATE: September 7, 1999 Pre-approved as to form: By: Assistant Attorney General WWRP Project Time Extension Amendment Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 43.98A RCW TIMEXTEN.RPT eq otu gen efa r OUTDOOR Milestone Report By Project RECREATION Project Number: 96-1224 D Project Name: East Hill Park Expansion Development Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept IAC Project Manager: Darrell Jennings X Milestone Target Date Comments/Descript ion X Project Start 07/29/1997 X Consultant Hired 08/01/1997 X Design and Engineering Complet 08/01/1997 X RFP Complete 08/01/1997 X j Permits Complete 12/01/1997 X Plans Review by IAC Project St 01/01/1998 Bid Awarded 10/05/1999 Construction Started 11/01/1999 100% Construction Complete 07/31/2000 Project Complete 09/30/2000 Final Billing to IAC 12/31/2000 X= Milestone Complete ! =Critical Milestone 1MILESTO.RPT September 07, 1999 Page: 1 Iuteragenry Comm�ttae for OUTDOOR Amendment to IAC Project Agreement RECRERTION Project Sponsor Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Number: 96-1224D Project Title: East Hill Park Expansion Development Amendment Number: 3.00 Amendment Type: Scope Increase or Decrease Amendment Description: The Project Agreement is amended to combine two smaller playgrounds into one larger playground and to remove benches from the scope of this project. Agreement Terms In all other respects the Agreement, to which this is an amendment, and the plans and specifications relevant thereto, shall remain in full force and effect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this amendment. State Of Washington Project Sponsor Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreati _�) AGENCY: i� BY: BY: Eric Johnson - TITLE: Manager, Project Services TITLE: DATE: September 2, 1999 DATE: S Pre-approved as to form: BY: /S/ Assistant Attorney General WWRP Project Scope Increase or Decrease Amendment Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 43.98A RCW AMENAGR2.RPT �L Interagen Committeecy for OUTDOOR �� �EC�E�TION Amendment to IAC Project Agreement Project Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Number: 96-1224 D Proiect Title: East Hill Park Expansion Development Amendment Number: 1 Amendment Type: Time Extension Amendment Description: Pursuant to a request from Kent Parks & Rec Dept the Project Agreement identified above is amended to extend the end date of this agreement. The project period of 07/29/1997 to 12/01/1998 is extended to allow the contracting party until 01/31/2000 to complete the project. Agreement Terms In all other respects the Agreement, to which this is an amendment, and the plans and specificiations relevant thereto, shall remain in full force and effect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this amendment. State of Washington Interagency Committee-for . Outdoor Recreation BY: �\ Eric Johnson TITLE: Manager, Project Services DATE: November 19, 1998 Pre-approved as to form: By: /S/ Assistant Attorney General WWRP Project Time Extension Amendment Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 43.98A RCW TIMEXTEN.RPT �. C wag tt�for OUTUOOH Milestone Report by Protect RECHERTION Project Number: 96-1224 D Project Name: East Hill Park Expansion Development Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Manager: Darrell Milestone Tarqet Date % Completed Date Reported Consultant Hired 08/01/97 Design and Engineering Complet 08/01/97 RFP Complete 08/01/97 Permits Complete 12/01/97 Plans Review by IAC Proiect St 01/01/98 Bid Awarded 02/01/98 Construction Started 03/01/98 50% Construction Complete 06/01/98 100% Construction Complete 09/01/98 Final Billing to IAC 01/31/00 1 MILESTO.RPT November 19, 1998 Paqe: 1 f j�11e�ase1ry WWRP Project Agreement Cordmitiee for OUTDOOR Z RECHERTION Outdoor Recreation Account Project Sponsor Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Number 96-1224D Project Title East Hill Park Expansion Development IAC Approval Date 7/18/1997 Purpose of Agreement The purpose of this Project Agreement is to set out the terms and conditions under which a grant is being made from the Outdoor Recreation Account of the General Fund of the State of Washington by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC) to the Project Sponsor, for the project identified above. Description of Project The Project which is the subject of this Agreement is summarized on the attached Project Summary. Terms of Agreement The project reimbursement period shall be effective upon July 29, 1997 and terminate on December 1, 1998. Unless otherwise provided for, no expenditure made prior to the effective date or after the termination date will be eligible for reimbursement unless incorporated by written amendment into this Agreement. The Sponsor's ongoing obligation for the above project shall be perpetual unless otherwise identified in this Agreement. Project Funding Percentage Dollar Amount IAC - WWRP - LP 41 300,000.00 Project Sponsor 59 434,289.00 Total Project Cost 100 734,289.00 Additional Provisions or Modifications of the General Provisions (Special Conditions) I WWRP Project Agreement Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 43.98A RCW PROJAGR1.RPT Page 1 of 2 Compliance with Applicable Statutes, Rules, and IAC Policies This Project Agreement shall be governed by, and the Project Sponsor shall comply with, all the applicable provisions of Chapter 43.98A RCW, chapter 286 WAC and published IAC policies and guidelines, which are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth. Entire Agreement This Agreement, and all Attachments [Project Summary, Eligible Reimbursement Activities Report, and the General Provisions] comprise the entire agreement between the parties. Commitments, warranties, representations and understandings or agreements not contained, or referred to, in this Agreement or written amendment hereto shall not be binding on either party. Except as may be expressly provided herein, no alteration of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement will be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. Notices All written communications sent to the Project Sponsor under this Agreement will be addressed and delivered to: Name: Lori Flemm Title: Superintendent Address: 220 4th Ave S Kent, WA 98032-5895 All written communications sent to.the IAC under this Agreement will be addressed and delivered to: Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Natural Resources Building P.O. Box 40917 Olympia, Washington 98504-0917 These addresses shall be effective until receipt by one party from the other of a written notice of any change. State of Washington Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation BY: DATE: July 28, 1997 Laura Eckert Johnson, Director Project Sponsor BY: DATE: Title: Pre-approved as to form by Assistant Attorney General WWRP Project greement Outdoor Recreation Account Chapter 43.98A RCW Page 2 of 2 PROJAGR2.RPT b ,,,, ru It R ef Washingt�,.l Wildlife and Recreation Proyj-am m»„�,� o; -% NE HERTION Local Parks Category Post-Evaluation Project Summary TITLE: East Hill Park Expansion Development NUMBER: 96-1224D (Development) STATUS: Committee Funded SPONSOR: Kent Parks& Rec Dept EVALUATION SCORE: 67.2222 COMMITTEE RANKING: 8 of 61 COSTS: SPONSOR MATCH: IAC-WWRP - LP $300,000.00 40% Appropriation\Cash Local $434,289.00 59% Total $734,289.00 100% DESCRIPTION: Development of 13.11 acres to expand the 5 acre East Hill Park neighborhood park which was acquired and developed with the assistance of IAC. Development will create a community park to serve the rapidly growing east hill area which has a deficit of community parks facilities. The project will help meet the need on east hill for nature trails, group picnic shelters, restrooms, multi-use space, play equipment and parking for large group activities. The intended use preserves the forest and small wetland areas by while allowing ADA accessible trails through the sensitive areas to control access and provide interpretive opportunities. LOCATION INFORMATION: Take Kent Des Moines exit off of Interstate 5 and proceed to S. Central. Turn left on S. Central, right on Smith Street. Go to the top of the hill and turn left on 104th Avenue SE. Turn right on S 248th Street for approximately one block. The park site will be on your left. Site address is 10434 SE 248th, Kent, Wa. COUNTY: King SCOPE (ELEMENTS): Architectural & Engineering Playfield Site Preparation Landscaping Restrooms Trails Lighting Roads Utilities Park Furniture Shelters Parking Signing ANTICIPATED ACREAGE: Acres To Acres To Acres To ACREAGE TYPE Be Acquired Be Developed Be Renovated Uplands 12.61 Wetlands .50 --t- FISCAL YEAR: 1998 DATE PRINTED: July 28, 1997 1PAPSUM1.RPT East Hill Park Expansion Development � Cammin�for OUTDOOR Eligible Reimbursement Activities Report %--� RECRERTION Project Sponsor Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Number 96-1224D Project Title East Hill Park Expansion Development IAC Approval Date 7/18/1997 Development Project: Element Item Unit Quantity Description Architectural&Engineering A&E development Lump sum 1.00 Landscaping Grass-hydro seed Acres 3.10 Landscaping Ground cover Sq Ft 7,500.00 4"& 1 gal. pots Landscaping Habitat enhancement Lump sum 1.00 trail buffer Landscaping Irrigation-automatic for shrubs/planters Sq Ft 15,000.00 Landscaping Irrigation-automatic for turf/playfield Acres 3.10 Landscaping Trees/shrubs Lump sum 1.00 Lighting General security Lump sum 1.00 Entry&Walkways Park Furniture Benches Each 12.00 Wood Park Furniture Bike racks Each 2.00 Metal Park Furniture Drinking fountain Each 1.00 Accessible Park Furniture Tables Each 12.00 Metal Park Furniture Trash receptacles Each 6.00 Metal Parking Parking-asphaltic concrete Spaces 75.00 Four(4) Parking Parking-other Lump sum 1.00 Curbs and Striping Playfield Playground(include equipment&surface materia Each 2.00 Fibar Restrooms Flush Each 1.00 832 Sq. Ft. Roads Roads-asphaltic concrete Linear Ft 500.00 25'wide/2"deep Roads Roads-other Lump sum 1.00 Curbs&Striping Shelters Picnic Each 1.00 2496 Sq. Ft. Signing General park signs Lump sum 1.00 Signing Permanent entrance sign Each 1.00 Standard Site Preparation Clearing Acres 7.00 Site Preparation Fill Cubic Yds 200.00 Site Preparation Grading Acres 7.00 Site Preparation Mobilization Lump sum 1.00 Site Preparation Site preparation-other Lump sum 1.00 Erosion control Trails Sidewalks Linear Ft 750.00 6'wide Trails Trails-asphaltic concrete Miles 0.50 6'wide/2"deep Trails Trails-other Lump sum 1.00 Accessible crushed rock Utilities Power Linear Ft 600.00 Utilities Sewer Linear Ft 800.00 Sewer tap&line Utilities Storm sewer Linear Ft 1,600.00 Utilities Water system(s)/wells Lump sum 1.00 System connection ELIGREIM.RPT July 28, 1997 Page: 1 Cotmmittu for OUTDOOR Milestone Report by Project 1 RECRERTION Project Number: 96-1224 D Project Name: East Hill Park Expansion Development Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Manager: Phil Milestone Target Date % Completed Date Reported Consultant Hired 08/01/97 Design and Engineering Complet 08/01/97 RFP Complete 08/01/97 Permits Complete 12/01/97 Plans Review by IAC Project St 01/01/98 Bid Awarded 02/01/98 Construction Started 03/01/98 50% Construction Complete 06/01/98 100% Construction Complete 09/01/98 Final Billing to IAC 12/01/98 1MILESTO.RPT July 28, 1997 Page: 1 5TATg O� O �'L I889 a STATE OF WASHINGTON INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION P.O. Box 40917 • Olympia, Washington 98504-0917 • (360) 902-3000 • FAX (360) 902-3026 July 28, 1997 Lori Flemm Kent Parks &Rec Dept 220 4th Ave S Kent,WA 98032-5895 RE: East Hill Park Expansion Development, IAC #96-1224D c Dear Flemm: Congratulations on your successful application for grant funds for the East Hill Park Expansion Development project. Original sets of the Project Agreement are enclosed. Each set contains the contract,milestones, a customized invoice voucher, and appropriate IAC participation manuals. After review,please _ have the appropriate person sign each Agreement, and return one signed original to the IAC. After the Agreement is signed and returned,the East Hill Park Expansion Development project can commence. Prompt implementation and completion of this project will be most appreciated. Doing so will enable our office to provide reimbursement more rapidly. It will also help ensure the continuing success and credibility of the WWRP -Local Parks program by demonstrating on-the-ground results to citizens and policy makers. IAC also encourages you to offer appropriate media opportunities to help build public awareness of the project's purposes and benefits. If there is a future event such as a ceremonial opening or ribbon cutting, our office would appreciate being notified of the occasion. As always, IAC staff members are available to answer questions that may arise during project implementation. If you have questions,please call Phil Trask at(360) 902-3019, or send an e-mail to Phi1T@iac.wa.gov. Thank you again for helping make this valuable investment in Washington's outdoors possible. Sincerely, Laura Eckert Johnson Director Enclosures I AGRECVR.RPT 10 INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR, 2EATION FOR \-19 State of Washington INVOICE VOUCHER Agency Name sponsors Certificate. I hereby certify under penalty of periury that the items and totals listed Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation herein are proper changes for materials,merchandise or services furnished and/or services P.O. Box 40917 furnished to the State of Washington,and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered Olympia, WA 98504-0917 have been provided without discrimination because of age,sex,marital status,race,creed, color,national origin,handicap,religion or Vietnam or disabled veterans status. Sponsor BY Kent Parks&Rec Dept 220 4th Ave S Kent WA 98032 (TITLE) (DATE) To Be Completed By Sponsor Project Number 96-1224 D Invoice# Billing Period This is a Final Belling Project Name East Hill Park Expansion Development From: To: Total Previous IAC Approved Amount Yes[ ] No[ ] Project Expenditures This Billing Total Expenditures To Date CATEGORIES: Agreement Expenditures Donations I Total Expenditures Donations Total IAC Adjusted ACQUISITION: Land&Existing Structure Incidental Costs DEVELOPMENT: Construction&Project $660,860.10 Improvement Cost A&E Fees $73,428.9 NOVA NON-CAPITAL: NOVA CAP EQUIP: OTHER: TOTAL $734,289.0 — orUs_eONLY Donation Bank This invoice approved for payment FUNDING FORMULA Agreement Expenditures This Billing Sponsor: 59 oe 434,289.00 ponsor: IAG Federal: e era: WWRP-LP 40 0 3 0,000.00 o greemen o a: 99 a 734,289.00 nvolce o a e ocVendorumber 0756 est,®off essa 96-1224 D Tran Code Fund Appn Index Prog Index Sub Obj/SubSub Obj Project# Amount Invoice Number 7 A 7 2 NL U1010 Utbb NIL Certification For Payment Project Manager/Date Release Final Pmt[ ] Accounting/Date INVOICE1.RPT Current Funding