HomeMy WebLinkAbout04271994 - Original - King County Department of Metropolitan Services - Project Grant Regional Shoreline Improvement Fund - 04/27/1994 AGREEMENT BETWEEN
Project Number: A71908.
THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this , day of
1994, between King County Department of Metropolitan Services andthe y of Kent,
a governmental entity eligible to receive funding as described below ("Public Agency"),
collectively referred to as the "parties."
1.1 The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle ("Metro") was a municipal
metropolitan corporation of the State of Washington duly created pursuant to RCW
35.58, and was authorized by public vote to perform the function of metropolitan water
pollution abatement pursuant to RCW 35.58.050(1); and
1.2 Effective January 1, 1994, by operation of law Metro was consolidated into
King County, a home rule charter county of the State of Washington. Thereafter, the
functions formerly performed by the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle shall be
performed by King County, through the Department of Metropolitan Services ("KCDMS");
1.3 The Public Agency is a municipal corporation of the state of Washington;
1.4 By Resolution No. 4780, adopted July 17, 1986, the Metro Council
established a Shoreline Improvement Fund to provide alternative recreational resources
as mitigation for impacts resulting from the upgrade of its Puget Sound facilities to
secondary treatment; and
1.5 By Resolution No. 5449, adopted July 21, 1988, the Metro Council
determined that the provision of $30 million of Shoreline Improvement Funds was
reasonable to provide replacement recreation resources for sewerage facilities located
within shorelines of the City of Seattle and the region that would otherwise be used for
recreation and that such level of funding constitutes proportional mitigation; and
1.6 The Shoreline Improvement Fund Agreement, dated January 28, 1991
between the City of Seattle and Metro specifies that $5 million will be available for
regional projects in the Metropolitan service area and that expenditures of money for the
regional projects subprogram shall be made at such time and in such manner for such
purposes as the Municipality shall determine; and
1.7 The Shoreline Improvement Fund Agreement incorporates the conditions
set forth in items 10.A and 10.13, respectively, in the document entitled Mitigation
Conditions: West Point and Alki, with respect to the plan level permits for the West Point
and Alki projects, as adopted by the Seattle City Council on July 11, 1988. Item 10.A
provides in part that the Shoreline Improvement Fund shall be used for projects that
compensate for the impact of the West Point Plant by replacing, enhancing, or providing
substitute resources or environments; and
1.8 The Metro Water Quality Committee by motion on January 28, 1993,
approved a process and criteria, based on recommendations of the Technical Evaluation
Committee ("TEC"), for deciding shoreline improvement project funding. Of primary
importance to the TEC, projects should provide controlled public access and/or dedicated
undisturbed habitat for wildlife; and
1.9 The Metro Water Quality Committee, by motion on April 8, 1993, approved
a list of projects eligible to apply for regional shoreline improvement funds, based on
recommendations of the TEC; and
1.10 By Resolution No. 6624, adopted on October 7, 1993 the Metro Council
adopted a list of projects with specified funding levels and thereby authorized the
Executive Director or his designee to negotiate contracts with project sponsors, including
the Public Agency identified herein, setting out the terms and conditions under which
monetary grants will be made from the Regional Shoreline Improvement Fund in aid of
the identified projects.
2.1 Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to set out the
terms and conditions under which the monetary grant described below is made from the
Regional Shoreline Improvement Fund in aid of the project of the Public Agency.
2.2 Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by
both parties and shall terminate only upon mutual agreement of the parties,except as
may be otherwise provided elsewhere in this Agreement.
2.3 Performance by Public Agency
2.3.1 The Public Agency shall develop and complete the project as it is
described in section 3 below, in the Public Agency's application, and in accordance with
the Public Agency's proposed goals and objectives described in documents submitted
pursuant to the solicitation for project proposals process and required deliverables
(collectively referred to as "Project Documents"), all as finally approved by KCDMS. The
Project Documents are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth for the
purposes of determining the project description and project goals and objectives.
2.3.2 No expenditure made, or obligation incurred, by the Public Agency
prior to the effective date of this Agreement shall be eligible for grant funds, in whole or
in part, unless specifically approved by KCDMS. The amounts set out in section 4 below
shall be reduced as necessary to exclude any such expenditure from participation.
2.3.3 KCDMS shall determine eligible costs, consistent with guidelines
established by the TEC. KCDMS shall not be responsible for project cost increases.
2.3.4 The project, if it consists of acquisition only, shall be completed no
later than December 1995. If the project includes development and/or construction in
addition to acquisition, the project shall be completed no later than December 1996.
KCDMS may, in its sole discretion, extend these completion dates if the acquisition
and/or completion is delayed by circumstances beyond the control of the public agency
and said circumstances could not, in KCDMS's judgement, have reasonably been
foreseen at the time this Agreement was executed.
2.3.5 No expenditure made, or obligation incurred, following the applicable
completion date shall be eligible, in whole or in part, for grant funds hereunder unless
specifically approved by KCDMS. In addition to any remedy KCDMS may have under
this Agreement, the amounts set out in section 4 below shall be reduced to exclude any
such expenditure from participation.
2.3.6 Time of project performance by the Public Agency is of the essence
of this Agreement. Failure to timely complete the project as set out in subsection 2.3.4
above is a material breach of the Agreement. The Public Agency shall submit proper
billing documentation to KCDMS within ninety (90) days of the applicable date stated in
subsection 2.3.4, or any extension thereof approved by KCDMS.
2.4 Performance Necessary to Receiving Payment. The Public Agency shall
accomplish the following in order to receive payment, which will be made on a
reimbursable basis. The Public Agency proceeds with incurring project costs at its own
risk. KCDMS will reimburse for no expenditures until:
2.4.1 The Agency has complied with all information required, including
those in the "Project Documents." These include, but are not limited to: title reports,
hazardous substances certification, and documentation of type of ownership interest.
(See Exhibit A).
2.4.2 This Agreement is signed by both parties; and
2.4.3 A written notice to proceed has been given by KCDMS; and
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2.4.4 With respect to acquisition projects, KCDMS has received an
executed Purchase and Sale Agreement and has approved the title policy, boundary
map, and appraisals.
2.5 With respect to restoration and improvement projects, the Agency has
demonstrated that plans, specification and construction are completed in a manner that
meets the project's goals and objectives.
2.6 Final payment may be retained until all contract requirements are met.
KCDMS may conduct inspections of the project site to confirm compliance.
2.7 Installment Payments. Financial assistance provided by this Agreement for
development may be remitted to the Public Agency in installments, after receipt of
billings, and upon satisfactory evidence of completion of each stage of construction,
development, or acquisition. Installment payments shall in no event be made more
frequently than monthly.
The project of the Public Agency which is the subject of this Agreement is
described in summary as follows:
Acquisition of 11.62 acres, located in Kent, as described in Exhibits B and
C attached hereto. The project provides riparian habitat along the Green
River, buffers from development and passive public uses, including viewing
wildlife, the Green River and Mount Rainier.
4.1 The total cost of the project for the purposes of this Agreement is Four
Hundred Forty-Six Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($446,000.000); PROVIDED, that if the
total cost of the project when completed, or when this Agreement is terminated, is
actually different, that actual cost shall be substituted herein. The Public Agency shall
provide written documentation of such actual total cost within ninety (90) days of project
completion or Agreement termination.
4.2 The Public Agency shall provide matching funds in the amount of Two
Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($236,000.00). The total amount of
the KCDMS grant shall in no event exceed Two Hundred Ten Thousand and no/100
project when completed,jro
Dollars ($210,000.00), PROVIDED that if the total cost of the p
or when this Agreement is terminated, is actually different, that actual cost shall be
substituted herein. The Public Agency shall provide written documentation of such
actual total cost within ninety (90) days of project completion or Agreement termination.
4.3 KCDMS shall not be obligated to pay any amount beyond the grant amount
set out in subsection 4.2.
4.4 Disbursement of grant monies by KCDMS to the Public Agency under this
Agreement shall be made in accordance with all conditions upon proof of compliance
with the terms of this Agreement by the Public Agency. KCDMS reserves the right to
withhold the disbursement of the final ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the grant
to the Public Agency until the project has been timely completed and approved by the
Executive Director.
4.5 The obligation of KCDMS to pay any amount(s) under this Agreement is
expressly conditioned upon strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement by the
Public Agency.
5.1 KCDMS may require strict compliance by the Public Agency with the terms
of this Agreement including, but not limited to, the requirements of applicable statutes,
regulations, rules, KCDMS policies, or .other applicable governing documents,
incorporated in this Agreement, and with the representations of the Public Agency in its
application for a grant as finally approved by KCDMS.
5.2 KCDMS may suspend, or may terminate, its obligation to provide funding
to the Public Agency under this Agreement:
5.2.1 In the event of any breach by the Public Agency of any of the Public
Agency's obligations under this Agreement; or
5.2.2 If the Public Agency fails to make progress satisfactory to KCDMS
toward completion of the project by the completion date set out in subsection 2.3.4
5.3 In the event this Agreement is terminated by KCDMS, under this section
or any other section after any portion of the grant amount has been paid to the Public
Agency under this Agreement, KCDMS may require that any amount paid be repaid to
KCDMS for redeposit into the Regional Shoreline Improvement Account.
5.4 The Public Agency understands and agrees that KCDMS may enforce this
Agreement by the remedy of specific performance, which usually will mean completion
of the project as described in section 3 above. However, the remedy of specific
performance shall not be the sole or exclusive remedy available to KCDMS. No remedy
available to KCDMS shall be deemed exclusive. KCDMS may elect to exercise any
combination, or all of the remedies available to it under this Agreement, or under any
provision of law, common law, or equity.
Waiver by KCDMS of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver
of any other or subsequent default or breach and should not be construed to be a
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modification of the terms of the Agreement unless stated to be such in writing by the
Executive Director of KCDMS, or his or her designee. KCDMS does not waive any of its
rights or remedies under this Agreement should it: (a) fail to insist on strict performance
of any of the terms of this Agreement, or (b) fail to exercise any right based upon a
breach of this Agreement.
KCDMS relies upon the Public Agency's Project Documents in making its
determinations as to eligibility for, selection for, and scope of, funding grants. Any
misrepresentation, error or inaccuracy in any part of the Project Documents shall be
deemed a breach of this Agreement.
8.1 The subject grant shall be governed by, and the Public Agency shall comply
with, KCDMS policies and guidelines, which are incorporated herein by this reference as
if fully set forth.
It is the responsibility of the Public Agency to comply with, and KCDMS is
not responsible for determining compliance with, all applicable laws, regulations, and
policies, including, but not limited to: SEPA (under which the Public Agency shall serve
as lead agency); Americans with Disabilities Act; Architectural Barriers Act (Restoration
and Improvement projects only); Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition Policies Act (PL91-646, RCW 8.26.010); Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practices; permits (shoreline, HPA, demolition); land use regulations
(comprehensive plans, zoning, sensitive areas ordinances); and federal and state safety
and health regulations (OSHA/WISHA).
The Public Agency shall operate and maintain, or cause to be operated and
maintained, the property or facilities which are the subject matter of this Agreement as
9.1 The property or facilities shall be maintained so as to appear attractive and
inviting to the public.
9.2 All facilities shall be built and maintained in accordance with applicable
state and local public health standards and building codes.
9.3 The property or facilities shall be kept reasonably safe for public use.
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9.4 Buildings, roads, trails, and other structures and improvements shall be
kept in reasonable repair throughout their estimated lifetime, so as to prevent undue
deterioration that would discourage or prevent public use.
9.5 The facility shall be kept open for public use at reasonable hours and times
of the year, according to the type of area or facility.
9.6 The property or facility shall be open to everyone without restriction
because of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, handicap or residence of the
9.7 The Public Agency agrees to operate and maintain the facility in
accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
9.8 The Public Agency agrees to take all reasonable measures to maintain the
natural character of the project site for passive public use and habitat protection,
consistent with criteria established by-the TEC, and project use and stewardship plans
as described in the Project Documents.
Any project acquired, developed, constructed, or improved by the Public Agency
in whole or in part from disbursements made pursuant to this Agreement shall not be
transferred or conveyed except by agreement providing that such lands and facilities
shall continue to be used for the purposes contemplated by this Agreement. Said project
shall not be converted to a different use unless other lands and facilities, of as nearly as
feasible equivalent usefulness and location, shall be received in exchange therefor. The
proceeds of any award in condemnation applicable to such project shall be used for the
acquisition or provision of other equivalent lands and facilities. However, nothing in this
Agreement shall prevent the grant of easements or franchises or the making of joint use
agreements not incompatible with the use of the project for the purposes of this
Agreement. The Public Agency agrees to execute and record prior to receipt of
reimbursement from KCDMS pursuant to section 4 above, a restrictive covenant on the
property acquired under this Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit.D and
incorporated herein restricting the conversion of use of the lands and facilities in the
manner provided above. The restrictive covenant must be executed and recorded prior
to reimbursement and a copy of the recorded document shall be forwarded to KCDMS
by the Public Agency 'prior to receipt of reimbursement from KCDMS pursuant to
section 4 above.
As a condition of receipt of funds from KCDMS, the Public Agency shall award
and administer any contracts for work on the project under this Agreement consistent
with the provisions of King County Ordinance No. 11032, Section 19, or with the Public
Agency's Minority/Women Business Enterprise programs, if such programs will achieve
substantially the same participation as would have been achieved under Section 19 of
Ordinance No. 11032.
If this project includes construction, the Public Agency shall insert the following
nondiscrimination clause in each contract for construction:
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
(1) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or
applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion,
sexual orientation, sex, nationality or the presence of any sensory,
mental, or physical disability (provided that such disability does not
hinder the performance of the job). The contractor will take
affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that
employees are treated fairly during employment, without regard to
their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include,
but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading,
demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff
or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and
selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor
agrees to put in a conspicuous place, available to employees and
applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting
officer, setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
(2) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, sex,
nationality or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical
disability (provided that such disability does not hinder the
performance of the job).
(3) The contractor will send to each labor union or representative or
workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or
other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the
agency contracting officer, advising the said labor union or workers'
representative of the contractor's commitments under this section
and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available
to employees and applicants for employment.
(4) The contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing
paragraphs in every subcontract exceeding $10,000, so that such
provisions will be binding upon each such subcontractor or vendor.
The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract
or purchase order as KCDMS may direct as a means of enforcing
such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance; PROVIDED,
however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is
threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result
of such direction by the contracting agency, the contractor may
request the State of Washington to enter into such litigation to
protect its interests.
12.1 While KCDMS undertakes to assist the Public Agency with the project by
providing a grant pursuant to this Agreement, the project itself remains the sole
responsibility of the Public Agency. KCDMS undertakes no responsibilities to the Public
Agency, or to any third party, other than as is expressly set out in this Agreement. The
responsibility for the design, development, construction, implementation, operation and
maintenance of the project, as those phases are applicable to this project, is solely that
of the Public Agency, as is responsibility for any claim or suit of any nature by any third
party related in any way to the project..
12.2 The Public Agency shall defend at its own cost any and all claims or suits
at law or in equity which may be brought against the Public Agency in connection with
the project. The Public Agency shall not look to KCDMS, or to any of KCDMS's
employees or agents, for any performance, assistance, or any payment or indemnity,
including but not limited to cost of defense and/or attorneys' fees, in connection with any
claim or lawsuit brought by any third party related in any way to the project, including but
not limited to, its design, development, construction, implementation, operation and/or
13.1 The Public Agency shall conduct, or retain an environmental consulting firm
to conduct, a thorough environmental assessment of the property to be acquired prior
to its acquisition and provide to KCDMS a copy of the resulting environmental
assessment report(s). The environmental assessment shall involve the systematic
review of the environmental conditions at the property, including the presence on-site of
any hazardous substances, and shall be conducted in accordance with prevailing
industry standards for such assessments.
13.2 No disbursements made pursuant to this Agreement may be used for the
remediation or cleanup of any hazardous substances that may be present on the
property acquired under this Agreement. The Public Agency agrees that by signing this
Agreement it certifes that: (1) it has fully disclosed to KCDMS the results of its
environmental assessment and all other knowledge the Public Agency has to the
presence of any hazardous substances on the property being acquired; (2) it will use no
disbursement made pursuant to this Agreement for the remediation or cleanup of any
hazardous substances that may be present on the property being acquired; and.(3) it will
defend, protect and hold harmless KCDMS and any and all of its employees and/or
agents, from and against any and all liability, cost (including but not limited to all costs
of defense and attorneys' fees) and any and all loss of any nature from any and all
claims or suits resulting from the presence of, or the release or threatened release of,
hazardous substances on the property being acquired.
13.3 "Hazardous Substances" shall be interpreted broadly to include, but not be
limited to, any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance, material, pollutant or
contaminant, as defined in or regulated now or in the future by the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA"), 42 U.S.C. §§
9601 et seg., the Resource Conservation Recovery Act ("RCR"), 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et
seq., the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1252 et sec.,., the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42
U.S.C. §§ 300(f) et seg., the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 2601 et sec .,
the Washington State Model Toxics Control Act, RCW Ch. 70.105D, the Washington
State Hazardous Waste Management Act, RCW Ch. 70.105, any so-called "superfund"
or "superlien" law, and any other federal, state, or local law, regulation, ordinance, or
order or common law decision, including without limitation, asbestos, polycholorinated
biphenyls (PCB's), petroleum and petroleum-based derivatives, and urea formaldehyde.
The Public Agency agrees to, and shall defend, protect and hold harmless
KCDMS and any and all of its employees and/or agents, from and against any and all
liability, cost (including but not limited to all cost of defense and attorneys' fees) and any
and all loss of any nature from any and all claims or demands or suits at law or equity,
arising from the project, including but not limited to, those arising from the Public
Agency's acts, or failures to act, which result in any loss of any kind to any third party.
Such claims or suits include, but are not limited to:
14.1 Claims or suits by any person or firm furnishing services in connection with
the Public Agency's performance under this Agreement; or
14.2 Claims or suits by any person or firm who or which may allege injury by the
Public Agency or its agents arising from the Public Agency's performance of this
Agreement or arising from or related to the project to which a grant is furnished
hereunder; or
14.3 Any claim or suit resulting from the failure of the Public Agency to comply
with any applicable law, regulation, or policy; or
14.4 Any claim or suit resulting from the use of any facilities and/or programs
assisted by a grant under this Agreement; or
14.5 Any claim or suit resulting from the presence of, or the release or
threatened release of Hazardous Substances brought by any federal, state or local
agency or any individual.
15.1 The Public Agency agrees to maintain all books, records, documents,
receipts, invoices and all other electronic or written records necessary to sufficiently and
properly reflect the Public Agency's contracts, contract administration, and payments,
including all direct and indirect charges, and expenditures in the development and
implementation of the project.
15.2 The Public Agency's records related to this Agreement and the project
receiving grant funds hereunder may be inspected by KCDMS or by designees of the
State Auditor or by federal officials authorized by law, for the purposes of determining
compliance by the Public Agency with the terms of this Agreement, and to determine the
appropriate level of funding to be paid under the subject gant.
15.3 The records shall be made available by the Public Agency together with
suitable space for such inspection at any and all times during the Public Agency's normal
working day.
15.4 The Public Agency shall retain all records related to this Agreement and
the project funded hereunder for a period of at least six (6) years following completion
of payment of the grant-in-aid under this Agreement.
15.5 The Public Agency shall promptly submit to the Executive Director any
report or reports required by the Executive Director, including, but not limited to progress
reports where required by KCDMS.
15.6 The Public Agency shall submit progress reports and a final report when
the project is completed, prematurely terminated, or project assistance is terminated.
The report shall include a final accounting of all expenditures and a description of the
work accomplished. If the project is not completed, the report shall contain an estimate
of the percentage of completion, and shall indicate the degree of usefulness of the
completed project. The report shall account for all expenditures not previously reported
and shall include a summary for the entire project.
The Public Agency shall include language which acknowledges the funding
contribution of KCDMS to this project in any release or other publication developed or
modified for, or referring to, the project. The Public Agency also shall post signs or other
appropriate media at project entrances and other locations on the project which
acknowledge KCDMS's funding contribution. The Public Agency shall consult with
KCDMS as to the form, content, and location of such signs or other appropriate media.
The Public Agency and the Public Agency's officers, employees and agents shall
perform all obligations under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not in
any manner as officers or employees or agents of KCDMS. Herein all references to the
Public Agency shall include its officers, employees and agents. KCDMS shall not
withhold or pay taxes or insurance deductions of any kind.
The Public Agency shall not assign this Agreement, or the performance of any
obligations to KCDMS under this Agreement, or any claim against KCDMS it may have
under this Agreement, without the express written consent of the Executive Director of
19.1 The Public Agency shall not participate in the performance of any duty in
whole or in part pursuant to this Agreement to the extent participation is prohibited by
chapter 42.18 RCW, the Executive Conflict of Interest Act, or any other federal, state or
local similar conflict act which may apply to the Public Agency. KCDMS may, by written
notice to the Public Agency, terminate this Agreement if it is found after due notice and
examination by KCDMS that there is a violation of the Executive Conflict of Interest Act,
chapter 42.18 RCW; Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, chapter 42.22
RCW; or any similar statute or ordinance involving the Public Agency in the procurement
of, or performance under, this Agreement.
19.2 The existence of facts upon which KCDMS or the Executive Director of
KCDMS, makes any determination under this section may be an issue under, and may
be reviewed as is provided in, the disputes section of this Agreement, section 20 below,
upon agreement of the parties.
20.1 When a bona fide dispute arises between KCDMS and the Public Agency
which cannot be resolved between those parties, the parties may agree that the disputes
process set out in this section shall be used prior to any action being brought in court.
Either party may request a disputes hearing hereunder. The request for a disputes
hearing must be in writing and clearly state: (a) the disputed issues; (b) the relative
positions of the parties regarding those issues as then understood by the requesting
party; (c) the Public Agency's name, address, project title, and KCDMS's project number.
In order for this section to apply to the resolution of any specific dispute or disputes, the
other party must agree in writing that the procedure under this section shall be used to
resolve those specific issues.
20.2 The dispute shall. be heard by a panel of three persons consisting of one
person chosen by the Public Agency, one person chosen by the Executive Director of
KCDMS (WPCD) and a third person chosen by the two persons initially appointed.
20.3 Any hearing under this section shall be informal, with the specific processes
to be determined by the disputes panel according to the nature and complexity of the
issues involved: The process may be solely based upon written material if the parties
so agree. The disputes panel shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement in
deciding the disputes.
20.4 The parties shall be bound by the decision of the disputes panel, unless
the remedy directed by the panel shall be without the authority of either or both parties
to perform, as necessary, or is otherwise unlawful.
20.5 Request for a disputes hearing under this section by either party shall be
delivered or mailed to the other party at the address set out in section 24 below. The
request shall be delivered or mailed within thirty (30) days of the date the requesting
party has received notice of the action or position of the other party which it wishes to
dispute. The written agreement to use the process under this section for resolution of
those issues shall be delivered or mailed by the receiving party to the requesting party
within thirty (30) days of receipt by the receiving party of the request.
20.6 All costs associated with the implementation of this process shall be shared
equally by the parties.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Washington. In the
event of a lawsuit involving this Agreement, venue shall be proper only in the Superior
Court in and for King County.
If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any law, rule or document
incorporated by reference into this Agreement, shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall
not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which legally can be given effect without
the invalid provision. To this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be
Headings used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not
be considered a substantive part of this Agreement.
--- -13-
24.1 All written communications which are to be given to the Public Agency
under this Agreement will be addressed and delivered to:
Name: Helen Wickstrom
Title: Superintendent of Parks Administration
Mailing Address: 220 4th Ave. S.
Kent, WA 98032
24.2 All written communications which are to be given to KCDMS under this
Agreement will be address and delivered to Judy Bevington, or her designated
successor, King County Department of Metropolitan Services, 821 Second Avenue, MS
81, Seattle, Washington 98104-1598.
24.3 The above shall be effective until receipt by one party from the other of a
written notice of any change.
24.4 The date of notice shall be the date notice is delivered in person or by
facsimile copy or three days after notice is mailed, whichever is earlier.
This Agreement may not be amended except by written agreement signed by the
Nothing in this agreement is intended to create a partnership or constitute a joint
venture between the Public Agency or KCDMS.
This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective
successors, permitted assignees, administrators, and trustees of KCDMS and the Public
This Agreement shall be executed in any number of duplicate originals, any of
which shall be regarded for all purposes as an original and all of which shall constitute
but one and the same instrument.
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In promising performance to one another under this Agreement the parties intend
to create binding legal obligations to and rights of enforcement in (a) one another; and
(b) one another's permitted assignees or successors in interest. The parties expressly
do not intend to create any obligation or liability, or promise any performance to, any
third party. The parties have not created for any third party any right to enforce this
This Agreement sets forth the. entire agreement between the parties with respect
to the subject matter hereof. Commitments, warranties, representations and
understandings or agreements not contained, or referred to, in this Agreement or written
amendment hereto shall not be binding on either party. Except as may be expressly
provided herein, no alteration of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement will be
effective without the written consent of both parties.
By: / ,
J17� Date:
Date: g�9�
NORM MALENG, -�VneMTMq Attorney
By: Date: 2 S
Date: a
City Attorney
(Due Before Reimbursement)
All Projects
• Invoice Voucher
• Progress reports
• Final report, including
Documentation of signage
Amount of matching funds used to complete the project
Total Project Cost
• Phase I Hazardous Substance Information
Hazardous Substance Certification (See Section 13.2)
• Documentation that special conditions are met
• Recorded Restrictive Covenant for Public Recreation and Habitat
Acquisition Projects .
• Appraisal with appraiser certification (review appraisal desirable) or substitite
report with market data and comparable sale documentation
• Boundary map that accurately shows boundary, acreage,
easements, exclusion, structures, adjoining ownership
(boundary survey desirable)
• Title policy/legal description
• Escrow closing statement
• Purchase and Sales Agreement
• Statement of Difference
(if appraisal is substantially different than sale price)
• Relocation eligibility information (if relocation is required)
• Recorded Statutory Warranty Deed
Riverview Park project is for the acquisition of 11.62acres of open space lving between the Green
River and State Route 167. It .will save 1,700 feet of river shoreline from the threat of private
development and will enhance existing habitat area. The park, when developed, will provide
controlled public access to the river, and serve as a rest area for the 25 mile regional Green River
Trail system and the 11 mile Interurban Trail.
The project will add to an existing waterfront park by connecting the 2.63 acre River-walk Park and
the 4 acre Foster Park for a total riverfront park of 18.25acres with 4,420 lineal feet of continuous
public owned shoreline.
Future development will include picnic shelter, playground equipment, handicap public access and
tra'Is,. fishing, parking, small hand carried boat launch ramp, river and mountain views, education
signage and habitat preservation and enhancement.
The site contains several distinct habitat types which in turn serve a variety of wildlife. Three distinct
habitats occur on this parcel: grassy field, deciduous forest, and riparian riverbank and shoreline.
Grassv Fields. This habitat was partially cleared by the owner and now has a variety of grasses and
weedy species invading the area. Patches of blackberry bushes are evident and beginning to
recolonize the site. Herbaceous plant species, in addition to a variety of grasses, include brass
buttons, common thistle, purple pea, vetch, clover; dandelion, and foxglove. Several trees such an
pin cherry, honev locust, redosier dogwood, and willow are sparsely scattered over the field.
Although primariiy an upland habitat. because of microtopographv, small patches of wetland could
exist in this area.
The dense vegetation provides habitat for primarily small rodents. Raptors and coyotes, in turn,
utilize this habitat for feeding on rodents.
Deciduous Forest. Deciduous forest occupies approximately three acres of the site, primarily along
the upper bank of the Green River. This strip is heavily forested with mature trees. Large black
cottonwoods and alders dominate the upper story, providing shade for red elderberry, willow,
snowberry and salmonberry.
Although technically probably not a forested wetland, this habitat type provides many of the same
benefits to wildlife. The tall trees provide perches for raptors such as merlins and ospreys and red-
tailed Coopers, and sharp-shinned hawks, all of which probably frequent the area. The trees also _
provide shade, refuge, and/or feeding areas for fox. coyote, raccoon. mountain beaver, squirrels, and
a variety of small mammals. In addition. the cottonwoods provide valuable shading of the Green
River,which serves as spawning and rearing habitat for steeihead and cutthroat trout, and fang, coho
and chum salmon in addition to other fish.
Rivarian Riverbank and Shoreline. . The Green River flows along 1,700 feet of this parcel. The
banks are thickly covered with blackberry bushes; willow trees are scattered along the shoreline.
Although inhibiting shoreline access and relatively unsightly,the bushes do provide refuge and nesting
habitat for the mallards,widgeons, and other ducks which frequent the river. The river and shoreline
are frequently used by migratory waterfowl. There are several riffle areas which could serve as
spawning ground for salmon and trout and feeding sites for great blue herons which inhabit the area.
The shaded banks also provide habitat for mountain beaver who burrow into the banks.
The riparian areas along the Green River serve.as movement corridors for birds and mammals in an
ever increasing urban environment in a similar manner as the river serves fish. This type of riverfront
property in King County is commonly being developed for office parks and other commercial
facilities, which fragments corridors and valuable riparian habitat. Forested riparian areas are
especially becoming a scarce habitat type. In addition, this site is adjacent to the Green River
regional bike trail, which provides recreation for residents of Kent and King County.
The long-term viability of habitat on this site will be maintained by the following measures:
- Retain the riparian forest along the river.
- Plant trees along the western boundary to buffer site from highway and also along
river to extend riparian forest to south.
- Locate picnic tables outside this forested area to cause less disturbance to wildlife-.
- Remove blackberry bushes along the riverbank and plant native riparian vegetation.
- Access the river from defined trails to lessen the potential of trampling banks and
causing erosion.
- Remove blackberry bushes and rubbish from grassy Field and establish habitat islands
with native vegetation plantings.
Green River. The project will.provide public access to the shoreline of the Green River which is
the eighth largest river entering Puget Sound. These waters support a lucrative fishery: catches of
salmon and steelhead from the Green River are valued at over S19.000,000 a year. In addition, the
Green River provides rearing,spawning,nesting and transportation for a multitude offish and wildlife
species. The river is a feeding ground for heron, osprey and endangered bald eagles: river otter,
weasel and muskrat can also be found. Birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway rely on the seasonal
and permanent wetlands of the lower Green River for shelter and sustenance.
The Green River is an excellent recreation resource inclose proximity to the largest metropolitan
region in the state and it has been nominated for inclusion in the State Scenic River System.
Site Liabilities. To our knowledge, the site has not had a prior use which would indicate any legal
or environmental liabilities. We do not foresee any permit, land use or regulation liabilities. Permits
are not required for land purchase. Known permits for development include: SEPA (Kent as lead
agency) Shoreline Permit, variance for improvements within the shoreline area, building permit for
the restroomishelter, and possible Corps of Engineers and Fisheries permit for development of the
boat launch. We do not foresee any problem in obtaining these permits. The project meets the
public access element and the recreation element of the Shoreline Master Program. These elements
assess the need for providing public access to the shoreline areas and for maximizing public recreation
opportunities. Several similar park projects have been developed along the Green River, with all
receiving the necessary permits.
Project Goals
The 1980 Green River Corridor Plan and the 1988 Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan both
identify acquisition of this property as a top priority. The project also meets the goals of the City of
Kent's Shoreline Master Program and the Valley Floor Comprehensive Plan to provide public access
and recreational opportunities along the entire length of the Green River as it runs through Kent.
Kent's residents rated preservation of a greenbelt/natural area along the Green River and water
related activities as their highest priority. Resolution No. 1357, authorizing application for Shoreline
Improvement Funds, further commits the City of Kent to acquiring the property and providing long
term stewardship of the site.
The project goal is to acquire the site now so as to preserve it from development by the owner and
to develop a passive park on the site as soon as possible.
The goal is to provide improved public access to the river edge, maximize recreational opportunities
along the shoreline, provide a regional riverfront park system, provide a trailhead along a regional
bicycle trail. and protect and enhance an existing wildlife habitat area.
The Riverview Park site is located between two other City owned park sites. The subject site.
together with the other two sites, will provide 4,420 lineal feet of public shoreline ownership and
habitat area.
The City of Kent Wetlands Preservation Program states that "preservation of our wetlands, streams
and area habitats is essential for ours and following generations to live in a healthy and ecologically
productive environment. At present rates of growth and change, the next few years will see our final
chance to preserve undeveloped areas that provide natural. habitat. Should these ecosystems
disappear or be reduced to even more minute amounts. their isolated functions would cease to affect
our larger surroundings, and our living environment would be irreversibly altered." This site is one
of the few remaining undeveloped parcels along the Green River in the city limits of Kent. It is
zoned for light industrial with an application on file with the Kent Planning Department requesting
a conditional use to develop this property as an office complex.
Operation and Maintenance Tasks. Staff. BudiZet. Schedule
The City of Kent Parks and Recreation Maintenance Division will provide the long term stewardship
of Riverview Park. That Division has a maintenance staff totaling 17 full time employees, one regular
part time employee, and 12 seasonal employees. Their 1993 budget is S1,285,391. All park and
recreation facilities are placed on a regular maintenance schedule. The frequency of maintenance
visits depends upon the type of facility and amount of development, e.g. restroom facilities receive
daily maintenance. Kent Parks and Recreation Department has received the National Gold Medal
fill* * Order No. l!J. r/�'�—r
1201 Third Avenue, Suite I410 J
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does roperty, described in this order. It is furnished
's sketch P ev of the P for
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variations in dimensions and locnuon, and is not based upon remises. The Company assumes no liaoi .
without charge, solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the described p
inaccuracies therein.
e Jy
That portion of Government Lot 3 in Section 25. Township 22 North, Ranae 4 East. W.M., in King County,
Washington, and of Government Lot 2 in Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East. W.M., in King County,
Washington, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of the S. W. RUSSEL L. DONATION CLAIM NO. 41 in Section 25, Township 22
North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington,
THENCE North 0045'00"West along the West line of said Donation Claim No. 41, a distance of 525.5 feet to an iron
pipe set on the West line of said Donation Claim;
t corner of a certain tract of land quit claimed to James A.
THENCE North 89'15'00" West 525 feet to the Northwes
Cavanaugh on April 17, 1894, by Margaret J. Hayes and P. C. Hayes, her husband;
THENCE South 8100'00" East 376 feet to a point of the North bank of Green River (formerly White River), which
point is the True Point of Beginning for this description;
THENCE North 8000'00"West 1,030 feet, more or less, to the South line of the lands of Florence E. and Frances
THENCE North 89°15'00"West to the East bank of Green River (formerly White River);
THENCE Southwesterly, Southerly, and Southeasterly along and following the meanders of the said Green River
1,800 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning;
LESS that portion conveyed to the State of Washington for Primary State Highway No. 5 by Deed recorded under
Auditor's File No. 5958419,
EXCEPT Russell Road;
AND EXCEPT that portion thereof lying within Section 25. said Township and Range.
SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington.
City of Kent
Parks and Recreation Department
220 Fourth Avenue South
Kent, Washington 98032
Attn: Helen Wickstrom
Notice is hereby given that the property legally described in Exhibit A hereto (the
Property) is subject to use restrictions and other obligations. These use restrictions and other
obligations are described in the Project Contract entered into between the King County
Department of Metropolitan Services (KCDMS) and the City of Kent - Parks and
Recreation Department (the Public Agency) entitled
Riverview Project Number A71908 signed by the Public
Agency on the 27th day of April 1994 and by KCDMS on the 18th day
of April 1994 and the application and supporting materials which are on
file with the Public Agency and KCDMS in connection with the Project Contract.
Pursuant to the Project Contract, the owner of the Property shall not make or permit
to be made any use of the Property, or any part of it, which is inconsistent with the
shoreline public use and recreation purposes and habitat conservation as described in the
Project Contract, unless KCDMS, or its successor, consents to the inconsistent use, which
consent shall be granted only upon conditions which will ensure that other lands and
facilities of at least equal fair market value at the time of change of use and of as nearly as
feasible equivalent usefulness and location for the shoreline public use and recreation
purposes for which KCDMS assistance from the Shoreline Improvement Fund was originally
granted will be substituted in the manner provided for in the Project Contract.
The restrictions and obligations described above shall run with the land and shall be
binding on any and all persons who acquire an interest in the Property.
DATED this 27th day of April 1994
The City of Kent , Public Agency
Its: Mayor ,/�
On this _)-Z` day of 199 before me, the
undersigned, a Notary Public;in'and fbr the State of Washington, duly commissioned and
sworn, perso ally appeared " �� , to me known to be the
of he 0 the public agency that
exec ted the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be
the free and voluntary act and deed of said Public Agency, for the uses and purposes therein
mentioned, and on oath stated that is authorized to execute the said instrument
and that the seal affixed (if any) is the seal of said Public Agency.
WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate
above written
NOVARY PUBLIC in and for the State-
of Washington, residing any=� z--
My commission expires