HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD17-465 - Original - Public Safety Testing - Promotional Testing - 10/10/17 I �
Public Safety
October 10, 2017
Assistant Chief Eric Hemmen
Natalie Winecka
Kent Police Department
1230 South Central Ave
Kent, WA 98032
VIA Email
Dear Assistant Chief Hemmen and Ms. Winecka:
It is our pleasure to offer promotional testing services to the City of Kent. Please find
attached our proposal to conduct a promotional testing selection process for the
position of Sergeant.
The professional services to be performed, the related costs, and the City's
responsibilities are outlined in the following pages.
Public Safety Testing is committed to ensuring that the promotional and assessment
center processes are valid, defensible and current to today's professional standards.
Though our promotional system is a product of years of experience and uses
contemporary professional standards, it is uniquely customized for City of Kent through
close collaboration and partnership.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to the City of Kent. Please contact me at
425.422,3958 (or email: Colleen nPL1b1icSa etvTestiny.cgmj if you have any questions or
need any additional information.
Best regards,
Colleen Wilson
Promotional Testing & Executive Services
Public Safety.
A proposal to the
for the development and management of promotional testing for
Scope of Services Provided by Public Safety Testing, Inc.:
Public Safety Testing offers to develop and administer assessment center promotional
processes for the City of Kent(hereinafter "City'). Public Safety Testing (hereinafter "PST")will
apply the guidelines as adopted by the International Congress on Assessment Centers and the
recommendations provided by the International Association of Chiefs of Police related to the
development and management of assessment centers.
Methodology for Service
The project shall consist of three basic phases:
1. Test Preparation & Development
2. Test Administration
3. Post-Test Activities
Phase One:Test Preparation & Development
Two on-site meetings with the appropriate personnel from the Kent Police Department are held
• Determine the City's specific needs and components of the assessment center;
• Create a calendar of tasks, benchmarks and a schedule to deliver the promotional test;
• identify the behavioral dimensions to be measured in the assessment centers;
• Provide written summaries of decisions as the process develops;
• Survey department members currently serving in the positions being tested to identify
the critical tasks being performed (Job Task Analysis);
• Survey the management/leadership team to identify essential supervisory and
administrative skills and abilities of a newly promoted supervisor/manager. These
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survey results create the unique weighting of the behavioral dimensions that are
specifically relevant to {Cent Police Department;
® Provide a description of typical categories and examples of exercises that can be used in
the promotional process. Working with the City, exercises are tailored with information
provided by the Department and customized to fit the specific environment and needs
of the agency;
® Create a scoring map that identifies weighted behavioral dimensions which will be
measured for each exercise;
® Build exercises using information specific to your community and department and
integrating the results of the surveys used above,
® PST will become familiar with, and will follow the City's Personnel/Civil Service Rules
when developing and administering the test. The City shall be responsible for notifying
PST of any unusual or special process or limitation of its rules, contractual agreements
or policies that are related to the development and delivery of the test, and
® Finalize the assessment center's exercises and schedule with the Department's subject
matter expert(s)for Phase Two.
CfYLir ter Exercise Ther,,,i- flow
Communication Skills
Coach& Mentor
Train Employees Oral Communications
Evaluate Employees Interpersonal Insight Administrative
Progressive Discipline Problem Analysis Interpersonal
Manage a Critical Event "Judgment Field Supervision
Manage Schedules Decisiveness Writing
Manage Logistics Written Communications Critical Thinking
Make&Manage Documentation Planning&Organization
Delegation &Control
Phase Two: Test Administration
PST will facilitate and manage the assessment center process, including:
• Conduct one 3-hour long "Candidate Orientation Workshop" that provides candidates
an overview of the assessment center testing process, highlights tips for success, and
pitfalls to avoid. This candidate orientation de-mystifies the assessment
center/promotional testing process.
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• Conduct a training workshop for the assessors and role players whom the City has
selected prior to the test date. The training shall include guidelines in scoring, pitfalls to
avoid in assessing and a practice session of scoring an exercise. Only trained assessors
will participate in the testing process;
• Provide all the typical equipment, supplies and materials for the training, orientation
and testing process. The City of Kent may be asked to provide specific equipment
related to exercises;
• Create the grading process that conforms to the City's Personnel/Civil Service
Commission's rules;
• Through an empirical process that incorporates the candidate's performance, the
weighted dimensions,and the City's Personnel/Civil Service Commission's rules, create a
final rank order listing of the candidates tested;
• Survey each candidate about his/her observations of the promotional process and
assessment center's relevance to the position being tested for; and
Phase Three: Post Test Activities
• Each candidate receives written commendations and recommendations that are created
by the assessors. These comments are separated from the objective score sheets,
collated for each candidate and sent to the City, and are intended to assist the
candidates in their professional development; and
• Provide the City with electronic copies of all the documents related to testing, training
and scoring of candidates. This typically includes: the instructions for each exercise,
original copies of the score sheets for each candidate created by the assessors, a matrix
of the weighted dimensions as they were applied to each exercise, a copy of the raw
scores for each candidate in each exercise and for each dimension, the assignment
sheet of candidates to letter designators with corresponding photographs, a copy of the
training outline provided to the assessors, a copy of the training outline provided to the
candidates, a copy of the test schedule, a copy of the written comments made by the
assessors to each candidate, the signed test security agreements, and copies of the
assessor and candidate critiques.
• PST shall appear in any City administrative or civil service proceeding to testify to and
provide all necessary information to document the validity of the testing process, to
participate in the defense of the testing process conducted by PST pursuant to this
Agreement and to otherwise provide any information necessary to the City to evaluate
challenges to or appeals from the testing process. PST shall appear without additional
charge to the City.
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Indemnity and Hold Harmless
The parties agree and hold harmless each other, their officers, agents and employees in
accordance with the following provisions:
1. PST shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees and agents from any and
all costs, claims or liability arising from:
a. Violation of any copyright agreement or statute relating to the use and
administration of the tests or other written materials herein provided for;
b. Any cost, claim or liability arising from or out of the claims of an employee, agent
or sub-contractor to the end that PST shall be an independent Contractor and the
City shall be relieved of any and all claims arising from or relating to such
employment relationships or contracts between PST and third parties;
c. The alleged negligent or tortious act of PST in the provision of services under this
d. Solely for the purposes of this indemnification provision, PST expressly waives its
immunity under Title 51 (Industrial Insurance) of the Revised Code of Washington
and acknowledges that this waiver was mutually negotiated by the parties.
2. The City shall indemnify and hold harmless PST, its officers, agents and employees from
any and all cost, claim or liability arising from or out of the alleged negligent or tortious
act of the City in the provision of services hereunder.
3. These indemnification provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this
Resources to be provided by the CITY OF KENT:
The City of Kent shall agree to:
® Provide to PST a copy of those sections of your Civil Service Rules and, if applicable, your
collective bargaining agreement, that relate to the promotional testing process.
® Provide a Subject Matter Expert(s) to assist in the development of the exercises,
distribute and collect surveys that provide an analysis of the position being tested for,
and distribute and collect a survey that provides the relative importance of the
supervisory dimensions to be measured in the assessment center. The work of the
Subject Matter Expert will happen on or before the agreed upon deadlines. The City's
Subject Matter Expert will be available on the day of testing as a resource to answer
questions. The role of the SIVIE is very important and critical to the success of this
• Obtain a minimum of two (2) qualified assessors per exercise (8 assessors for a 4 event
AC) and role players, if necessary. PST will work with the City to assist in the
identification of appropriate assessors;
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• Have the appropriate supervisory and management personnel participate in the surveys
of the job task analysis and the behavioral dimensions;
• Provide the physical facilities appropriate for the Candidate Orientation Workshop, the
Assessor Training and the assessment center(including the selected exercises). Provide
meals, refreshments and beverages for the assessors, candidates, and PST staff;
• At the end of the final day of testing, agencies find it very beneficial to have the
department head and management team present during the discussion with the
assessors to hear comments and insights about the candidates;
• If necessary, cover the expenses of the assessors; and
• Pay any travel-related and per diem expenses for the PST staff.
The Promotional Assessment Center is our most requested service and testing fees are based
on a formula that uses the current base monthly salary for the position ($8178), the number of
exercises and number of candidates.
A 5%discount has been applied for PST subscribing agency.
1-8 Candidates 9-12 Candidates 10-16 Candidates
(1.0 day) (1.5 day) (2.0 days)
4 Exercises $7,770 $8,770 $9,770
Additional Costs: PST staff's travel, lodging and per diem expenses are additional, using the
federal mileage and per diem rates for your agency's location. Currently these rates are $0.535
per mile and $74 per day for meals/per diem. Also, a 4%surcharge is added to actual expenses
to cover state and local B&O taxes and fees. Washington State sales tax is NOT charged.
PST and the City of Kent acknowledge that either party may terminate this project at any time
with or without cause. Upon termination, the City shall be liable for the amortized remainder
of the professional fees, if any, from the effective date of the termination notice based on the
percentage of completion of duties listed above. In the event of a termination, both parties will
agree upon the fees, if any.
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Assessment centers developed by PST are not "off the shelf" products and are highly
customized for the client agency. Our testing model also includes options the City may wish to
A. Additional Candidate Orientation Workshops: One three-hour long orientation
workshop is included for each assessment center. Additional workshop(s) are available
if needed to accommodate the schedules of candidates. Sometimes, clients want the
Candidate Workshop open to all employees who are interested in preparing for a
promotional opportunity. Fee: $500 each session plus travel expenses
B. Work Performance Rating: A PST-exclusive product that is a unique method to
objectively incorporate the candidate's prior work performance into the promotional
testing process. Clients who add this testing element give very high feedback. This is
separate from our assessment center exercises and clients determine the weight of this
testing component in the testing process. This one-day long process uses evidence
provided by documentation, and a facilitated discussion with all of the candidate's
supervisors to place objective scores on five performance dimensions:
a. Demonstrates Ethical Behavior
b. Demonstrates Agency's Mission &Values
c. Quality of Work
d. Quantity of Work
e. Demonstrates Leadership
A weighting process determines the importance of the individual performance
dimensions. Clients often find that this process has collateral benefits for the involved
supervisors and is a positive experience for the leadership team.
WPR Professional Fees
0 2-8 Candidates @ $1,800 (one-day event)
0 9-16 Candidates @ $3,300 (two-day event)
1 Additional Costs:PST staffs travel;lodging and per diem expenses are additional,using the federal mileage and per diem
rates for your agency's location. Currently these rates are$0.535 per mile and$74 per day for meals/per diem. Also,a 4%
surcharge is added to actual expenses to cover state and local B&O taxes and fees. Washington State sales tax is NOT charged.
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C. Semi-Customized Written Examination for Washington State Law Enforcement or
Supervisor/Manager: A 100-item, multiple choice, semi-customized written
examination. Source materials include the textbook, Management and Supervision of
Law Enforcement Personnel, 5th edition, 6 to 18 months of WSCJTC Law Enforcement
Digests (LED's) and 25 questions from the agency's critical policies. This test is
specifically valid for Washington State, for a law enforcement or supervisor/manager
and to your agency. PST needs at least 3-4 weeks to develop this product. A minimum
of four(4+) weeks study time is highly recommended.
What PST does:
• Provides 75 multiple choice questions from the textbook, and legal updates
or LED's
• Develops 30 questions from the agency's critical policies;
• Creates a draft test booklet for pilot testing by the agency;
• Creates the final test booklet and the scoresheet, makes copies for all the
candidates, and ships them to the agency before the administration date
• If desired, scores the answer sheets, conducts an item analysis, and sends
the results to the agency
What the agency does:
• Announces the test to the candidates, provides the source material to the
candidates, and arranges for the site;
• Specifically identifies the critical policies that will be tested and sends those
to PST:
• Determines the span of time for the material from the Legal Updates/LED's.
(most clients choose 6-12 months);
• Reviews the policy questions, selects 25 for the test and verifies the answers:
• Pilot tests the examination, if desired;
• Administers the test. PST can proctor the test at an additional cost;
• Sends the answer sheets to PST for scoring
• Receives the scores and the analysis of the answers. Agency makes
determination and decides if questions should be eliminated; and
• Notifies the candidates of their scores.
Fee: Semi-Customized Written Exam: $149 each candidate (minimum 10)
D, Customized Promotional Written Examination: A 100-item, multiple choice, uniquely
customized written examination that is developed from source material provided by the
agency. The agency's Subject Matter Expert(s) (SME's) are used to validate the test.
PST needs 8 weeks to develop this product. Fee: $3,950
E. Supervisory Skills &Abilities Promotional Test(SSAPT) The SSAPT is a 3-part
event where each candidate spends 60 minutes before a panel of assessors and
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experiences mini-exercises. This product is appropriate for 4 candidates or less
and is intended only to rank order the candidates. Clients typically choose this
type of test because it can be scheduled and delivered in less time, is simpler,
more affordable and they do not desire the full spectrum of features that an
assessment center provides. The typical SSAPT events include a (a) structured
interview; (b) an in-basket exercise where the candidate reviews and prioritizes
a simulated in-box following their days-off and prioritizes and explains to the
assessors the decisions they made and why they made them; and, (c) a critical
thinking exercise where the candidate is provided a series of events that a
Sergeant would face and asked how they would respond to those
What is different from an assessment center? Three mini-exercises, fewer
assessors, no role player or written exercises, no job task analysis or weighting
the dimensions, fewer dimensions are scored, no candidate feedback and no
candidate orientation workshop are included for the price.
Fee: $999 plus$999 per candidate
F. Command Skills&Abilities Promotional Test (CSAPT)
The CSAPT is a four-exercise testing process where each event is intended to assess
different skills and abilities of the candidate. Maximum 3 candidates. The four
parts are: (1) Presentation of Expectations where the candidate describes their
expectations of their subordinates as if they are the Commander and the assessors
are the Sergeants; (2) In-Basket with On-Demand Writing of an email where the
items in the In-Basket are command level issues of budget, labor, personnel, and
community topics; (3)Three Practical Scenarios that are field events or
organizational scenarios that a Commander would typically be expected to handle
and (4)Two Case Studies where the candidate researches and writes a two-page
memo about each topic before the test and makes an presentation at the event.
The candidates have 90 minutes to prepare and then spend 90 minutes with the
assessors who have specific expectations for each part that identifies what a strong
candidate looks like.
Five Command Level Behavioral Dimensions are Assessed:
A. Oral and Written Communication
B. Interpersonal Insight and Emotional Intelligence
C. Command Judgment
D. Decisiveness
E. Planning& Organizing
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Assessors and Scoring: Four assessors are needed and they are trained in the
morning and will use PST supplied laptops. They use a precision scoring model for
each behavioral dimension that uses a 70-100 point range. The assessor's scores
are averaged for each behavioral dimension. The results are a ranked list and
provided to the client at end of the test.
What is different from an assessment center? Fewer assessors, no job task analysis
or weighting the dimensions,fewer dimensions are scored, no candidate feedback
and no candidate orientation workshop are included for the price.
Fee*: $1,950 plus $1,000 per candidate
G. Onsite Written Examination Proctoring: Onsite written examination proctoring is
available at$100 per hour for each PST staff person required
H. Performance Profiles Indicator(PPI). The PPI is a DISC-type of assessment reveals a
candidate's job performance and aspects of their personality that could impact their
manager, coworkers and team. It measures a candidate's motivational intensity and
behaviors related to productivity. Two reports are generated; one for the employer and
one for the candidate. Clients often use this tool to help identify who is the best "fit" for
the position and when it is coupled with the post-test comments from the assessors,
these provide the foundation for a great career development conversation. Fee: $199
per candidate
I. Profiles XT Job Match. The ProfileXT is a state of the art occupational assessment tool
used to measure how well an individual fits a specific job in your organization. The job-
matching feature enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the qualities required
to successfully perform in a specific job. Through job analysis and other features, a
model is created. When your candidates complete this assessment, their individual
results are compared to the model and you are provided a detailed report on how the
candidate compares to your model (%). Fee: $225 per candidate
J. Additional On-Site Meetings.Two on-site meetings are included in the package of
services once the proposal is accepted and signed. Additional on-site meetings can be
held at the client's request. Fee: $125 per hour (including travel time) plus travel
Promotional Testing Proposal Page 10 of 12 Public Safety Testing, Inc.
Agreement& Acceptance
Please send your formal acceptance of this proposal by email, fax or mail to:
Public Safety Testing, Inc.
Attn: Colleen Wilson
20818-44th Ave W., Suite 160
Kent, WA 98036
Email: (:;_�I< s) a`r�lirSafe�Testicom
FAX: 425.77&0165
This proposal is valid for 90 days and should be accepted and returned to PST at least eight
weeks before mutually agreed-to promotional testing dates.
By: l `'
Print: \�1�(S,r.��.S''sS` Jon F. Walters Jr.
Its: President
Address: LP" ov,�C ' 20818—44th Ave W, Suite 160
Kent WA 98036
Phone: 02 �rS�' 3� 425,776.9615
Date: %tom October 10, 2017
Prornotionol Testing Proposal Page 11 of 12 Public Safety Testing, Inc.
City of Kent
4 Exercise Assessment Center:
❑ One Day, 2 to 8 Candidates - $7,770
One and one-half Days, 9-12 Candidates--$8,770
❑ Two Days, 10 to 16 Candidates—$9,770
❑ Work Performance Rating
❑ Generally, 2-8 Candidates: One Day- $1,800
❑ Generally, 9-16 Candidates:Two Days- $3,300
Additional Candidate Orientation Workshop -$500
❑ Semi-Customized Written Examination for Washington Law Enforcement/
Supervisor/Manager-$149 per candidate (minimum 10 candidates)
Modified Custom Written Examination for Washington Law Enforcement/
❑ Fully Customized Written Examination for Washington Law Enforcement/
❑ Supervisory Skills &Abilities Promotional Test. $999 plus$999 per candidate
(Maximum 4 candidates. #of Candidates? )
❑ Command Skills & Abilities Promotional Test. $1,950 plus$1,000 per
(Maximum 3 candidates. #of Candidates?
❑ Other (please describe).
Promotional Testing Proposal Page 12 of 12 Public.Safety Testing, Inc.