HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2025-082 - Other - Design Phase Approval Letter - State of Washington Transportation Improvement Board - 83rd Ave Sidewalk - 2/24/25 __.to.
Washington State
4 ' m Transportation Improvement Board
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TIB Members February 24, 2025
Councilmember Sam Low
Snohomish County
Vice Chair Mr. Chad Bieren, P.E.
Mayor Hilda Gonzalez
City of Granger Public Works Director
Susan Carter City of Kent
Hopelink 220 4th Avenue South
Kent Cash Kent, WA 98032-5838
Port of Vancouver
Barbara Chamberlain WSDOT Dear Mr. Bieren:
Dongho Chang
Your co of the signed Fuel Tax Agreement for the 83rd Avenue S Sidewalk project,
wsDor copy g g p 1
Scott Chesney TIB #P-P-106(P08)-1, is enclosed. You have $64,000 in TIB funds to spend on design.
Spokane County Reimbursable work on the design phase may now begin.
Vicky Clarke
Cascade Bicycle Club&Washington Is a Cultural Resource Assessment (CRA) required?
Bikes DAHP determined that a cultural resources assessment is required for this project. You
Nick Covey must obtain DAHP concurrence prior to TIB bid authorization approval. Please
Link Transit reference the DAHP tracking number 2024-11-08111 when communicating with DAHP.
Andrew Denham Please contact both Dennis.wardlaw@dahp.wa.gov and Maureen.elenga@dahp.wa.gov
Town ofTwisp for DAHP assistance.
Stephanie Forman
Forman Consulting
What do I need to do before I can solicit construction bids?
1. Obtain approval from WSDOT if this project is on or intersecting a state highway.
City of Walla Walla
Commissioner Al French 2. Request an electronic copy of the Bid Authorization Form from your project
Spokane County engineer.
Commissioner Scott Hutsell 3. Fill out and return the completed Bid Authorization Form to TIB for review and
Lincoln County approval.
Councilmember Jon Pascal 4. Send plans, specs, and engineer's estimate to TIB for review and approval.
City of Kirkland
Les Reardanz We are happy to assist you with any questions regarding this process. You can contact
Whatcom Transportation Authority Greg Armstrong, TIB Region Engineer, at (360) 586-1142 or via e-mail at
Mayor Kim Roscoe GregA@TIB.wa.gov.
City of Fife
Maria Thomas Sincerely'Office of Financial Management
John Vicente � VA
City of Kenmore
Jennifer Walker
Thurston County
Jane Wall Ashley Probart
County Road Administration Board Executive Director
Ashley Probart
Executive Director
P.O.Box 40901
Olympia,WA 98504-0901
Investing in your local community