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CAG2024-139 - Change Order - #10 - Bayley Construction, LP - FAC23-092 KEHOC Walrehouse & Office Building - Mat Revisions - 2/24/25
FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: TK Agreement Routing Form Dir. Assist: PfF • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover WASHINGTON Sheet forms. Dir/Dep Dir. BL Originator: Department: Leah Bryant for Nate Harper Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: 0 02/13/2025 2/20/2025 I- 0. Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q FZ]Director or Designee 3/5/2024 Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes ZNo F20098.64110.9476 Budget?[Z]YesEl No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Bayley Construction LP Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = 2548901 Change Order 0 Project Name: FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and & Office Building E L Project Details:Refer to the attached Exhibit A for details on the following change events:CCD-004-Mat Footing Revisions,CCD-005-Matt Footing Revisions,CCD-005-Matt Footing 0 Revisions(SCI Costs),CCD-039-RFI-145-New Location for Boot Wash,CCD-019-Remediation of Seeping Spring at West Berm,CCD-031-RFI-178-Storefront Doors 4- Changed to Hollow Metal Doors,RFI-176-Pipe Protection,RFI-181-Door Hardware Modifications,RFI-155-Door Hardware Clarifications,CCD-040-Fume Hood Services Revisions,Consolidated Set-Rev 8.1,RFI-203-Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances,RFI-199-Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Rm#125,RFI-215-Framing Openings at Showers,RFI-220-Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A,RFI-223-Framing Width South Wall WC 149,RFI-232-Wall Thickness in Rooms 129,131,&133, and CCD-036-Lower Overhead Door Head Clearance. E Agreement Amount: $270,695.00 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: March 2024 Termination Date: 7/31/2026 Q Local Business?E]Yes Fl/�No* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.700,please completeVendor Purchose-Local Exceptions"formonCityspoce. Business License Verification:YesElln-ProcessElExempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: E]YesF7No CAG2024-139 Comments: Change Order 10 3 0 GJ H •� i GJ C N Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 • KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction LP ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: FAC2309-C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: 3/18/2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Refer to the attached Exhibit A for details on the following change events: CCD-004 - Mat Footing Revisions, CCD-005 - Matt Footing Revisions, CCD-005 - Matt Footing Revisions (SCI Costs), CCD-039 - RFI-145 - New Location for Boot Wash, CCD-019 - Remediation of Seeping Spring at West Berm, CCD-031 - RFI-178 - Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors, RFI-176 - Pipe Protection, RFI-181 - Door Hardware Modifications, RFI-155 - Door Hardware Clarifications, CCD-040 - Fume Hood Services Revisions, Consolidated Set - Rev 8.1, RFI-203 - Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances, RFI-199 - Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Rm #125, RFI-215 - Framing Openings at Showers, RFI-220 - Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A, RFI- 223 - Framing Width South Wall WC 149, RFI-232 - Wall Thickness in Rooms 129, 131, & 133, and CCD-036 - Lower Overhead Door Head Clearance. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $29,900,294.10 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $1,188,553.42 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $31,088,847.52 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $245,639.75 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $25,055.25 Order Revised Contract Sum $31,359,542.52 CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under NA prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By: Stepheh Grasso(Fe6 14,2025 15:25 PST) By; ie Parascon ola(Feb 20,2025 15:11 PST) Print Name: Stephen Grasso Print Name: Julie Parascondola Its CEO Its: Parks Director DATE: Feb 14, 2025 DATE: Feb 20, 2025 CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) eu� k�4 Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department [In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] Signature: Tong khau Signature: Phana f-fa h Tona Khau(Feb 14,2025 15:21 PST) Phung Huyn Feb 18,1025 07:04 PST) Email: tkhau@kentwa.gov Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov Signature: Brian Levenhagen(Feb 20,202 15:09 PST) Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov CHANGE ORDER - 4 OF 3 Exhibit A AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #52 - CCD-004 - Mat Footing Revisions Origin: Date Created: 11/6/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories, Is 1.0 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 1.0 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material Inc. Supply.Commitments- 24057-3001 Subcontracts Description: Revised submittals per CCD-004 dated 4/30/24. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories, Is 1.0 $6,025.00 $6,025.00 $6,025.00 1.0 $6,025.00 $6,025.00 $6,025.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material Inc. Supply.Commitments- 24057-3001 Subcontracts Description: Standees 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories, Is 1.0 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 1.0 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material Inc. Supply.Commitments- 24057-3001 Subcontracts Description: Revised Trench Drain Bar 03-205-0003 Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning, Is 1.0 $4,922.00 $4,922.00 $4,922.00 1.0 $4,922.00 $4,922.00 $4,922.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Inc. Install.Commitments- 24057-4008 Subcontracts Description: Additional labor for revised/added reinforcing Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 11/6/2024 at 10:26PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-100-005.PO cy 16.0 $170.00 $2,720.00 $2,720.00 16.0 $170.00 $2,720.00 $2,720.00 $0.00 Concrete.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Additional Concrete Materials 01-545-100.PO Is 1.0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1.0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 BERCO Tool Rental.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Pickup Anchor Bolts and Rebar to maintain 6/3 pour date(Portland,OR&Vancouver,WA) 01-450-120.S hours 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 8.0 $50.00 $400.00 $400.00 8.0 $50.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 1 $110.00' 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs i Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $3,005.00 $3,005.00 $3,005.00 1.0 $3,005.00 $3,005.00 $3,005.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $23,032.00 $0.00 $23,032.00 $23,032.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,032.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 11/6/2024 at 10:26PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 052 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-004 Work Description:CCD-004 Date: 5/1/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Precision Rebar-Revised submittals per CCD-004 dated 4/30/24.(1)Isolated footing types were revised from A to B along grid 14/D,(2)Widths of mat footings 1 LS $ $ $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 were revised along grid 3,13,15.3-hrs re-detailing. (1,160 Lbs Precision Rebar-Standees(7,584 Lbs) 1 LS $ $ $ 6,025.00 $ 6,025 $ 6,025 Precision Rebar-Revised trench drain bar.(276 Lbs) 1 LS $ $ $ 230.00 $ 230 $ 230 Grizzly Bar-Additional labor for revised/added 4.51 Tons $ $ $ 1,091.35 $ 4,922 $ 4,922 reinforcing Additional Concrete Materials 16 CY $ $ $ 170.00 $ 2,720 $ 2,720 Pickup Anchor Bolts and Rebar to maintain 6/3 pour 2 Trips 16 50.00 $ 800 $ 350.00 $ 700 $ - $ 1,500 date Portland,OR&Vancouver,WA Layout 8 HR $ - $ $ - 200.00 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Foreman 16 95.00 $ 1,520 $ $ $ - $ 1,520 Cleanup 8 50.00 $ 400 $ $ $ $ 400 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ - $ $ - $ $ - 40 $ 2,720 $ $ 810 $ 16,497 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 20,027 Excludes WSST. General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 3,005 GRAND TOTAL $ 23,032 Time Reauest: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 11/6/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: OWNER CHANGE X ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-004 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 4/30/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Change size of matt footings per attached drawings. Changes based on reactions from PEMB sent on 4.29.2024 Attachments: S2.1 a, S2.1 b ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&0126 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s) described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Sea 981 Kent, WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 B BY 7/�'G �e BY DATE . Z' DATE 5/6/2024 DATE 5/3/2024 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7/3.1 > WAGNER typ. ARC H I T E C T S - - -' — — — — — — — — — — — — —' — — — — — — — — — — — — —' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLANNERS I 1916 PIKE PLACE A — I SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 34'-0" x 13'-6" 18"w. x 8"dp. Cont. Concrete Slab On Grade 6" Pre-cast conc. 62'-0" x 13'-6" wag In era r c h i t e c t s. corn x 4'-0"dp. concrete concrete ftg. w/ (2) per plan note 4. panels. Typical x 5'-0"dp. concrete ' ftg. w/ #7 0 12"oc #5 Cont. bot. (typ. t/slab elev. per Arch. at exterior u.n.o. ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc E.W. top & bot. at perimeter u.n.o.) E.W. top & bot. consultants: .1 8/S3.1 > 12/ — 1 I► ' typ. t M0311OO7/S3 �l typ , 7/S3.2 > r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12/S3.1 > 11/S3.1 > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I typ. 1 1 typ. typ. 1 1 I =� Y _ _ 1 1 1 1 _ 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - 7� - - - - _ - - - - - - - ® ' 10 - - - - _ - _ - - - - _ r - - - ,- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' - - - - - - - - - - ' _ - , _dol ■ 37 1 1 1 r--------` � 1 --------i 1 '1� 1 i--- -------- -- -------� 1 1 1 1 1 ' -- l' ' -- - 1 1 ---------------� ' "'` 43-22-20Z4 , q �� � q 1 1 p O B 0 - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — r — — — — — — — - - - — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - r T r'� 11 1 _ _ i i 1 1 i i 1 1 , " , n 1 1 1 1 1 FRANf(-CO- r , � � � I I , �� 8-0 w. x 5-0 dp. 1 1 I r I 1 1 concrete ftg. w , 10 S3.1 ;� ; structural engineering Trench Drains by ; I " / / 1 1 I I I I � I � 1 1 1 1 typ. 1 � n , 1 B,5 I 1 1 #8 @ 12 oc E.W. 4742 42nd ave sw, #297 others. Slope to , I � I 1 1 I I 1 1 P r -LJ - , r -LJ - , r - LJ - , drain per Arch. ' I 1 1 top & bot. I I seattle, wa 98116 L _ J 206.579.8160 7 ; ; r -�LJ - , r -� � - , (typ. u.n.o.) r -� - , i i , — 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1r 1 16 1 M F. — J 16 M OI , , A , I A 1 30'-0" X 14'-6" L — 7 - J L —r 1 - J L - r - J I I 1 1 O 1 1 O ' r x 5'-0"d concrete r 1 1 21'-0" x 11'-0■ 1 p' " 1 + ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc 11 1 � u L , I I 1 1 x 4-0 dp. concrete ' E.W. top & bot. I I 1 ■ ' i ; i ; 1 ; ; ftg. w/ #7 ® 12 oc ,. " I I 1, 1 1 1 Floor Drains 1 , , 18 w. x 8 dp. cont. ; ; ; 11 „ " per Plumbing ' , 1 1 E.W. top & bot. � - - _ � � concrete ftg. w/ (2) I , ;� ; 18 w. x 8 dp. (typ. u.n.o.) #5 cont. bot. (typ. I _ �, tie beam w/ (3) , I I , , 4-0 dp. concrete 1 at perimeter u.n.o.) , ; �' #5 cont. top & 1 1 , ' ' ftg. w/ #7 ® 12"oc bot. t u.n.o. - - 1 - - + - - - - - - - - - L 1 (typ. ) ; ; � � ; ; E.W. top & bot. ; � , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I r - - , � - - - - �'J - - - - 8/S3.1 r C.9 I � - - - - 11 - - - - � 10/S3.1 >� B � - - - - � - - - 1 - � �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' sim./typ. •r I - - I ' I 1 sim./typ. , '® ' , r ; - ; , ' E l�l T r —LJ- , 1 1 1 1 1 Lb D - - - - - AIL — ' KEHOC X ' X ' X O , r 7 1 1 1 1 O O 1 111 1 1 - 1 Warehouse & Office 1 iH 1 1 1 X ' ' O 12" thickened conc. ' - ' _ Building L 1 - - J 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 ' 4_j A , , I slab w/ #5 @ 12 oc , ' , 39-0" L E.W. top & bot. Recess - ' ' 12607 SE 248TH ST 1 I per Arch/Manuf. " I 12" t 1 1 - I I I I I 4-1 KE N T WA 6 Pre-cast conc. 1 ' ' �• � ' ' � ; � ; � ; � ; ' � ; ' � Ppanels. Typical I ; ' ' (3) sides , 1 1 ' ' ' 98030 yP 1 1 1 � 1 I � i � I � I � 1 I � 1 at exterior u.n.o. 1 1 1 L _ _ _ r Indicates braced , - , I I I I , ' 1 ' , frame b others 1 U 1 ' ' HSS per 3/S3.2 � � t u.n.o. ' ' < � ; Concrete Slab On Grade 1 , , 1 1 (typ. ) 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 per plan note 4. �► , , locate per manuf. 1 ' 1 t slab elev. per Arch. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12/S3.2 I ; ; 13-6 1 1 / P 1 `� CONSOLIDATED t 1 1 42'-0" _ - , typ. I I I I I S E T , " I , , x 4-0 dp. concrete I 1 1 " ftg. w/ #7 ® 12 oc N r - - , r -`'J — , E.W. to & bot. 1 I I I I I 1 �^ P JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions . 12/S3.1 1 , ' ' 1 MARCH f9l,.2024-NOTICE TQ P:ROCE.ED L 7 - - J typ. ' I ' L -r1 - , ' ' ' r - - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 , 1 1 1 O 1 1 I I I I 1 I , , ' L i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34'-0 n X 13'-6n ; I � v � I � L _ - , I I I I I O � e " I 1 it i 11/S3.2 1 1 x 4-0 dp. concrete ' I I I I I J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . typ. 1 1 ftg. w/ #7 ® 12"oc ; I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I 1 I ' Trench Drains 1 � � � � � � � � � 1 � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.W. top & bot. _ by others 1 � 1 ; (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 ' I I I 1 U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - � r - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ , r - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - Sheet Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r J - - 7 _______ r -L J , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilk 1 1 r----------- 1 I ---- ----------� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---------- -----------------� 1 NMI= 1 1 1 1 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 1 1 1 ' - - `— -------- 1 i — — 1 F.1 -- - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - . undation:P[an. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — . . . . . . . S.C?lith . . . . . . -6 - - J L4 _ _ J 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . • • . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 IL 1 1 1 1 . � 12/S3.2 � 12/S3.1 � 7/S3.2 1 ' - - - - - - - - - � D - - - - - - - - - - � D � - - - - - - - - - - J D L- - - - - - - - - - - J D D � - 12 12 7/typ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - . . . . . . Scale:i/s"=1'-0" . . . . GI All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ISheet No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4C 7/S3.1 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. , Typical Plan Notes and typ. ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. Footing Schedule per 8 S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) Foundation Plan - South g P / S2.1 a I S2. 1 b : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6" Pre-cast conc. 7 6 5 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conic. 4 Concrete-filled pipe 3 2 1 panels. Typical ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. bollards by others 7/S3.1 at exterior u.n.o. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) (typ. u.n.o.) WAGNER � 12/S3.1 � �12/S3.2 typ. typ. F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , typ. A RC H I T E C T S O O ® O O O 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 7/S3.1 P L E R S r--------------------- r--------------------, r-------- --------------- ----I r------ ------------, r- ---------� r- ---- --- --- IF --- -, - M-M - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -------- -- -- -- - - ,I t 1916 PIKE P L A C E yp. - -� -r - - � - -r= =� - - - _ -�� _ - - - - _ - A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 d. J J J J L J 1 1 + _ Or r r r 1 1 + ,i I wagnerarchitects. com C 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 C C 1 1 T + ' Concrete Slab On Grade I► ; ; 24'-0""x 17'-6" ; ; ; ; ; ; 1 ; 1++++ per plan note 4. 11/S3 x 5 0 dp. concrete 1 1 Floor Drains t slab elev. per Arch. typ. ; ftg. w 8 (� 12"oc ' ' 1 1 Trench Drains , L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i r Consultants: / p , 9 / # , , , , per Plumbing 1, E.W. top & bot. 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 1 , by others 1 1, I A. tu.n.o. � ' n YP• " , , , , , , , 27-0 x 15-4 I , ; Recessed r - - - - - - ' / '' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' n 7 S3.2 _ _ _ _ IN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 5-0 dp. concrete 1 1 walk-off mat r - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �� 1 1 1 I 1 w typ. ' ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc 1 1 Arch. 1 1 c r - - - - , ' I J E.W. top & bot. L 11 MAI1 I 1 _ 1 1 1_ _ _ 1 1_ 1 1_ - 1 1 1 1_ � ----� r-------- ------------ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T I � � 1 ' •----- -----------p 1 L J J L J J L J ' 1 ' *J 03-22-202:4 ll 62'-0" x 15'-0" 1 1 1 1 1 I I 34'-0" x 15'-0" ' Recessed _ ; ; ; ; x 5'-0"dp. concrete " P 11 1 1 I x 5-0 d . concrete walk-off mat ; ^ ' ' ' ' ftg. w/ #8 ® 12"oc ' '� 18"w. x 8"dp. 1 1 1 1 I ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc per Arch. /� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' E.W. to & bot. ' 11/S3.2 _ 1 1 , , E.W. top & bot. , , tie beam w/ (3) , , , , I , P ' -T ; typ. , 1 1 1 1 1 #5 cont. top & 1 1 1 ' 1 I ' - FRA N 1 -CO- ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �I 1 - bot. (typ. structural engineering ' 111, ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 I 1 No _ �- 7 1 j _ _ _ _ _ , I I 1 4742 42nd ave98 sw,16 #297 _ _ - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 206.57seattle, wa 98116 1 , 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - _ , _ _ _ ' _ ' _ B.7 206.579.8150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L _ _ J 1 1 1 L J 1 L - 1 + 1 - 1 MINIM I-111111-tion" U_ � � I 1 L - - - - - ' 1 _ _ J 11 1 r _ J 1 1 - r1- J L - r1- J - ' 11 1 1 1 1 I L - J 1 1 O 10/S3.1 01/ n , n typ. 1 1 3 O x 14-6 „ n , " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I P I x 5-0 d . concrete , 1 18 w. x 8 d cont. P , , ® , , , , Recessed , , ® ® 1 1 1 1 I 1, 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc 1 1 1 1 1 shower per concrete ftg. w/ (2) E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' Arch. P #5 cont. bot. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) - - - _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1' 1 per plan note 4. 1 1 ; 1 Lower footing 1 Concrete Slab On Grade ® - �� I I 12/S3.1 / P ' to atch bottom ' ' C 9 - - 'I ' t slab elev. per Arch. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Of el vator pit. 1 1 1 ,I typ. I E l T � _ �' I -- - r - - - - - - - -i 1 16 _ _ ` _ � 11 Recessed L - - - - - - - -4 1 1; 1 _ 1 1 - - ' ' - shower per 1 1 rJ L - , A r -4J- , r -LJ- , r -LJ- , Arch. r -LJ- , No �-J-_ , ,I 1 1 1 ' -I _ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' I KEHOC 62'-0" x 15'-0" 1 'I Warehouse & Office L -1- r - J L - f ,- J L - r ,- J , „ L - r , - J _ J ; � _ ,_ J 11 D.2 Building -0 dp. concrete , , , L - I 10/S3.1 ,1 1 O w/ #8 @ 12"oc typ. ' ' E.W. to & bot. P 1 1 1 1 � , ,, I 9/S3.2 12/s3.2 12607 SE 248TH ST ' 1' v 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 typ. � 1 I I ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' , typ. - KENT, WA n 1 ; ; , , , n , " - - - -� i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i -2- - - - - - - - - , '1 6 Pre cast conc. O 24!0 x 17-6 � - - , I l i r 1 ;i P Typical 98030 U ' 1 1 x 5 0 dp. concrete Recessed , I exterior T ical at LL ftg. w 8 ® 12"oc 1 , 1 1 � exterior u.n.o. r �� - ' E.W. t� & bot. ' shower per r _ _ HSS per S3.2 - _ _ _ - - - - - , , P , , Arch. 1 , 1 locate p manuf. , 1 , 1 I r I T ee -�� - - - - - � ; J ; - - 1 I - (:ECONSOLIDATED 1 1 I I rL - - - ;- J 1 I ' SET L -i r - J 1 1 L _r7_ J L _ _ 1 1 J N - - - - - - i �- - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 O 1 I I 1 rr^^ 11 � 1 1 A 1 E.3 JOB NO. 20223 i1 L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r �- _ _ _ _ � 1 , I , n , n Date Revisions 34�0 ��x 15-0 30'-0" x '- " 1 1 ' ' ' x 5-0 dp. concrete MARCH 1.9,.2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED /� ::. U) x 5-0 dp. concre e 1 1 , , ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r - , i � � 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 , „ 1 1 I 1 " " 1 1 1 I 1 E.W. t0 & bot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 11 11 ftg. w/ #8 ® 12oc 11 11/S3.2 1 ' 1 P 1 1 1 1 E.W. top & bot. 1 1 1 1 /S 1 I I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W 1 1 I 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z ' L _ _ J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 1 � 1 1 Indicates braced A 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 �I I 1 Recessed , , , , 1 1 , 1 , I 1 frame by others . . . . . . . . 1 _ - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 I - - _ r_ _ _ _ _ walk-off mat 1 � � � � � � � � 1 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) _ ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 O 1 1 1 O 1 I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per Arch. + 1 1 1 r J , r J , 1 1 r J 11 _+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T.. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ':>.;' 1 1 1 I I 1 ' ® 1 Recessed ' 1- + I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - �-- I L I r J L r J ; ; walk-off ma - - - - - - - - 7 ---+�=+ r - - - - - - - � 1 1 ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 per Arch. 1 1 , n , n 1 I , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -6 � 13-0 I sheet Contents + + 1 1 � � 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' , n 1 I 1 , 1 1 x 5-0 d . concrete A I B . . . . . 1 1 1 Trench Drains by ' Trench Drains ' ' , , P n OA 1 others. Slope to ' 1 b others ' ' 1 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc L - - - - - - - 1 _ _ � 1 1 1 , , 1 1 P 1 1 y 1 S2.1 a I S2.1 b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - _ r - , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 71, 1 1 E.W. top & bot. 11 , , , , drain per Arch. (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 ,I . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ' (typ. u.n.o.) ; ; ; ; 1 1 1; I . : : O.undat�On. . an. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � 1 30'-0" x 14'-6" - ` 1 ; i 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 1 1, P I r - - - , . �OC�h . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + ' ' . x 5'-0"d concrete - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 R - ftg. W/ #8 ® 12 OC 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 + + I 1 ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - J O " 1 , , , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pre-cast conc. 1 E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' O ' ' O ' ' +++ I , - panels. Typical at ;'- - ------------ 1, 1 r r--------- ----------- r --------- 1 --, ; , , O L J� 1 , P 1 1 ' ' ' ' ---J 1 1 ' Scale:1/8"=1'-0" exterior u.n.o. C 1 _ t------------------- J ' _ a --------- ----------- ----------------- , _ - �_ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 I V All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. 1 ' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ ' ■ 1 12" x36" conc. ' I base per Arch. w/ sneer No. 4 7/S3.1 n „ 7/S3.2 12/S3.2 12/S3.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 Ivo Yk No I (5) #5 vert. E.F. & : . . . : : : . . . . . . . . . . . 18 w. x 8 dp. cont. conc. t t t - - - - - IN IN - - - - i III III - - - J #3 hoops @ 3 oc. �'• Typical Plan Notes and ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. �• �• �• L _ � _ J L _ �_ J P. _ Q _ J Typ. of (4). S2' ' 1 ' b Foundation Plan - North Footinq Schedule per 8/S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) typ/S3.2 OC OC OC : : : . : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ i i recision Rebar® 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD2 Change Order Date: 5/6/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $0.00 Total Before this Change Order: $143,414.00 Amount of this Change Order: $1,000.00 Revised Contract Amount: $144,414.00 Change description: CCD-004 REVISED SUBMITTALS PER CCD-004 DATED 04/30/2024 1) ISOLATED FOOTING TYPES WERE REVISED FROM A TO B ALONG GRID 14/D 2) WIDTHS OF MAT FOOTINGS WERE REVISED ALONG GRID 3, 13 & 15 3 HOURS RE-DETAILING Change pricing: 1,160 Lbs. $1,000.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. recision Rebar® 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: C04 Change Order Date: 5/14/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $0.00 Total Before this Change Order: $143,414.00 Amount of this Change Order: $6,025.00 Revised Contract Amount: $149,439.00 Change description: STANDEES Needed for Mat Footing rebar. Not shown in design drawings. ADDED REBAR SUPPORTS PER CONTRACTOR'S REQUEST - STANDEES 510 X #5 @ 14" FEET X 50" LEGS X 6" TOP 172 X #5 @ 14" FEET X 38" LEGS X 6" TOP Change pricing: F7,58"4" Lbs. $6,025.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. recision Rebaro 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: C07 Change Order Date: 7/8/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $6,025.00 Total Before this Change Order: $149,439.00 Amount of this Change Order: $230.00 Revised Contract Amount: $149,669.00 Change description: REVISED TRENCH BARS PER JON & BRYCE PHONE CALL REVISED TRENCH BARS FOR 5 TRENCH LOCATIONS 9.5" DEEP X 12" WIDE WILL CALL Change pricing: F276 Lbs. $230.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: 2'1" N O Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #058 - CCD-005 - Matt Footing Revisions Origin: Date Created: 11/11/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc. Is 1.0 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 1.0 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 Reinforcing Steel Material 24057-3001 Supply.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: CCD-005 03-100-005.PO Is 1.0 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 1.0 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 Concrete.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Additional Concrete and forming material per RFI-006,RFI-036,RFI-037,RFI-038,RFI-039,RFI-040,RFI-041 01-450-120.S hours 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/5/2025 at 08:31 PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-0991 hours 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $916.00 $916.00 $916.00 $916.00 1.0 $916.00 $916.00 $916.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $7,021.00 $7,021.00 $7,021.00 $7,021.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $7,021.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/5/2025 at 08:31 PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 058 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-005 Work Description:CCD-005-Matt Footing Revisions Date: 5/7/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Precision Rebar-CCD-005 1 LS $ $ $ $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 SCI-Additional Excavation for CCD-004&CCD-005 (See CE-058.1) $ $ $ $ _ $ _ Additional Concrete and forming material per RFI-006, RFI-036,RFI-037,RFI-038,RFI-039,RFI-040,RFI-041 3 CY $ $ 275.00 $ 825.00 $ $ - $ 825.00 Layout 8 HR $ $ - $ $ 200.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 Foreman 16 $ 95.00 $ 1,520.00 $ $ $ - $ 1,520.00 Cleanup 16 $ 50.00 $ 800.00 $ $ $ $ 800.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 32 $ 53,000 $2,320.00 $ 825.00 $ 110.00 $ 2,850.00 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 6,105.00 Exludes WSST. General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 916.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 7,021.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response F-1 We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/5/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: OWNED CHANGE X ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-005 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 5/7/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-006 2 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-036 3 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-037 4 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-038 5 Change of malt footing elevation per approved RFI-039 6 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-040 7 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-041 Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street _ Seat 9-&LV Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 B BY BY DATE ��/� DATE '51 019094 DATE 5/7/24 recision Rebaro 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD6 Change Order Date: 5/31/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $6,025.00 Total Before this Change Order: $149,439.00 Amount of this Change Order: $1,250.00 Revised Contract Amount: $150,689.00 Change description: RFI #S: 32, 39, 40, 6, 36, 38 AS PER RFI #32 ADDED 40 FORM SAVERS TO CONNECT REBAR FROM CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS TO MAT FOOTINGS. AS PER RFI #39 AT GRIDS F.1/3 LOWERED MAT FOOTING DOWN 14" AS PER RFI #40 AT GRIDS C.9/13.2 LOWERED MAT FOOTING DOWN 8" AS PER RFI #6 AT GRIDS A/2 LOWERED MAT FOOTING DOWN 14" AS PER RFI #36 AT GRIDS C/6.1 LOWERED MAT FOOTING DOWN 8" AS PER RFI #38 AT GRIDS D.6/4 LOWERED MAT FOOTING DOWN 12" 6 HOURS RE-DETAILING. Change pricing: $1,250.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7/S3.1 > WAGNER typ. � ARCHITECTS - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLANNERS I 1916 PIKE PLACE A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 34'-0" x 13'-6" 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. Concrete Slab On Grade 6" Pre-cast conc. 62'-0" x 13'-6" w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s . c o m x 4'-0"dp. concrete concrete ftg. w/ (2) per plan note 4. panels. Typical x 5'-0"dp. concrete ' ftg. w/ #7 0 12'oc #5 cont. bot. (typ. t/slab elev. per Arch. at exterior u.n.o. ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc E.W. top & bot. at perimeter u.n.o.) E.W. top & bot. Consultants: 8/S3.1 � 12/ -- I► ' 7/S3.1 � � � � � typ. t�' typ I I O 7/S3.2 � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12/S3.1 11/S3.1 r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - typ. ' o I 1 I typ' typ. ; ---- ; r - _ _ 7 ra - _ _ 7 p 1� 1 r -I- _ 1 1 1 r - - - - 1 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 g - I _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ o _ o _ _ �------ y-rti _ _ ■ I I 1 r-------- ------------ , 1 t: 1 1 1-71�. : 1 I 1 11 C 1 1 1 1 :� 1 r-- -----------------, , , --- ---------- 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I � �- �-- -----------------� ' C 06-08-2024 16 q 1I 1 A I q I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111 II . FRANi(-Co- f „ " I r J - - 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 11 8-0 w. x 5-0 dp. a structural engineering 1 I , 1 I concrete ftg. w , , 10 S3.1 , + „ , Trench Drains by I I / / 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I ■ n others. Slope t0 I I I #8 0 12 oc E.W. �' 4742 42nd ave sw, #297 P i i i i , I t0 & bot. r - L J - 9 r - L J - 9 r - L,' J - seattle, wa 98116 drain per Arch. ' P L _ _ J 206.579.8160 r -4J - 7 r - -P - 7 (typ. u.n.o.) r - -i I I I I I I I __ ,_ � I I I I I , , 16 -r1 - M 16 -r M 4. - M I I I „ " , ' 16 _ J 16 � ti - _ � 1 I 1 A 1 I A ; 30�0 "x14-6 A r , - r I I I I x 5-0 dp. concrete ' ` J , , „ „ 1 21 -0 X 11 -0 , „ 1 + ftg. w/ #8 012"oc q 1 x 4-0 dp. concrete ' ■ E.W. top & bot. I I I I I I " I ■ ftg. w/ #7 ® 12 oC " " I I y I 1 1 Floor Drains 18 w. x 8 dp. Cont. ; ; ; ,� , " „ , , , , I RFI-040 � � � � � ' ' I concrete ftg. w/ (2) I , 18 w. x 8 dp. per Plumbing I I E.W. top & bot. I I 1I 1 1 1 1I 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 0 I I I I I , 1 1 „ #5 cont. bot. (typ. I ' _ ,, , tie beam w/ (3) , , , I I I I 4-0 dp. concrete at perimeter u.n.o.) to cont.#I , 5 I I I I ' P & I I I I , ; ; ftg. w/ #7 @ 12"oc ;E.W. top & bot. _ i _ ; ; l bot. (typ. u.n.o.) I I ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - I ' ' , , 1 1 I � I 1 1 r J _ - , r - - - - � J - - - - 10/S3.1 1 1 I I 8/S3.1 , v} `t 1 1 - - - - -� � - - - - - � Sim./typ. ' r - - - - - � - - - - � ' 1 r _ LJKENT - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' ' Sim./typ. 1 1 1 ' - 1 � ' - 1 1 X x Illy- I I I 1 1 ; ; KEHOC - - - - - - r J - - � ; ; - - -1: - 1- J - - O - - A I' I I I ' Warehouse & Office - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 " p Building L ,� _ _ a 12 thickened conc. a--+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - slab w 5 0 12 oc ' O ; ; r - - - - - L E.W. top & bot. Rece I I I 1 I I I I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST per Arch/Manuf. , , , „ I 12" typ. I I I I I I I I I I I }+ KENT WA I ' 6 Pre-cast conc. I _ _ � � � � ; panels. Typical I ; (3) sides 1 ' Indicates 'aced ' 0 98030 P yP I I ; ; ; ; ; ; ; � at exterior u.n.o. 1 ' ' L - - - - r frame b others ' ' U HSS per 3 S3.2 I I y � 1 � ; ; Concrete Slab On Grade P / (typ. u.n.o.) I 1 I I I I I I I I per plan note 4. ' �► , , locate per manuf. ' ' , , o � � t slab elev. per Arch. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12/S3.2 I I , , I A 1 I I / P I I I I I I - CONSOLIDATED t 1 1 " 1 r I I I I I I I I typ. I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 42-0 x 13-s 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I SET 1 I ' I I T I O 1 1 X 4- I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I • ftg. w/ #7 @ 12 oc r 7 ' ' r E.W. top & bot. JOB N0. 20223 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I _ I 1 1 , _ _ , � ■j■ � 1 I I I I I I I I I I E.5 I I Date Revisions I I I I 1 I I I I I I 12/S3.1 , x ' ' , MARCH 1.9,.202.4-NOTICE TO PROCEED � - - .1 1 1 � .1 , , I I I I I I I I I I I 7 typ. I I - r 1 - I I I I 1 I I I I I I r - - 7 . _ - - _ _ - - 06.0$.2024;-KVISIO:N:6: . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I 1 L - -r - � I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II , I I I I I I � _ _ J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34'-0" x 13'-6" I I I I I I I I I I ' z I I I I I I I I I I O III " I I I I I I I I I I A I 1 II I 11/S3.2 , , x 4-0 dp. concrete I J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,I , typ. 1 I ftg. w/ #7 0 12 ac , I I I I , I I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trench Drains I I I I I I I I I I ' by others I I E.W. top & bot. I I I I 1 I I I I I I = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I ' I I I I I I (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 ' I - I I _ I 1 I - I I - I I - I `U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 1 LJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sheet Contents ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _____-- r - I J 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r----------- , ------- ----------, 1 1 , 1 1 ______________ L________ 1 1 1 1 - _� - - 1 1 1 - _� - - - - - - - - - _ _ - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . ..Uth . . . . . . L _ _ -6� 16 J o 1 1� I I 9 I I 1 a1 I I I . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I _ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412/S3.2 412/S3.1 47/S3.2 � ' � - - - - - - - - - � O � - - - - - - - - - - J O � - - - - - - - - - - J O � - - - - - - - - - - J O O � - - - - - - - - - typ. typ. typ. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � Scale:i/8"=1'-0" 8/S3.1 typ' U GAll material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ISheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/S3.1 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. I , Typical Plan Notes and typ. ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. A I B Footing Schedule per 8 S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) Foundation flan - South g P / S2.1 a I S2. 1 b . . . S2.dl .a . . 8 6" Pre-cast cons. 7 6 5 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. 4 Concrete-filled pipe 3 2 RFI-006 1 panels. Typical ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. bollards by others at exterior u.n.o. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) (typ. u.n.o.) 7/S3.1 12/S3.1 12/S3.2 WAGNER typ. typ. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ typ. A R C H I T E C T S O ® O O 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � 7 S3.1 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- r ' - - ' - ' - - ________ _ - - - ,I V 1 9 1 6 PIKE P L A C E - r - ___� - _ _ � - -r= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - _ typ. A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 J L J J 1 1 L - r r r I I o wagnerarchitects. com 1 1 ' 24' 0""X 17'-6" Concrete Slab On Grade I► per plan note 4. 11/S3.1 1 x 5-0 dp. concrete 1 1 Floor Drains ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �, I consultants: t/slab elev. per Arch. typ. ftg. w/ #8 0 12 oc ' ' ' ' per Plumbing ' ' Trench Drains ; ; 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 P 9 1 1 1 1 , I' E.W. top & bot. 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) , , by others �� I A. p (typ. u.n.o. I $ w , 27'-0""x 15'-4" ; ; Recessed r - - - - - - 1 / ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 53.2 - _ _ _ _ _ I= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � x 5-0 dp. concrete walk-off mat I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 tp ftg. w/ #8 1� 12 oC Arch. 1 , ' a a E.W. top & bot. . _ r - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r , r , r , r , r , I B • _ - - J - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ' 1 L-------- -----------J � � _ _ , ' � r � � 1 r � � � r � � � r � � � r � , .JI. ' DG-05-20Z4 u t ++++++++ ; ' ' ' ' 62'-0" x 15'-0" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I 34-0 x 15-0 Recessed + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' " + ' , , , , x 5,-0"dp. concrete , , I , , , , , I I x 5-0 dp. concrete walk-off mat ++++++++ ; ^ ' ' ' ' ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc ' ' 18"w. x 8"dp. 1 ' 1 1 1 ; I 1 ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc , + + � � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 per Arch. ; 11/S3.2� _ , " , , E.W. top & bot. , , tie beam w/ (3) , I I E.W. top & bot. typ , ', ' RFI-036/RFI-037 ' ' ' ' #5 cont. top & 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 +fZANK-00- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ bot. (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I 1 structural engineering 1 I -LJ I r. - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - La- - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 474242ndavesw, #297 i I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ' I ; seatte, wa 98116 i IN B•7 206.579.8160 r .� L _ 7 I r , I r , r - L J - 1 r - L J - 11 1 I I 1 16 - - J 1 1 1 L J 1 L J 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I - 1 r - a rn - rn - 1, II 1 1 1 O 1 1 r _j 1 1 O 1 1 A 11 L J 1 1 10/S3.1 ,, 1' 1 , " , " 1 , 1 1 typ. 1 1 1' 1 30-0 x 14-6 , 1 1_ - - - - -r � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r -i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r �- - - - - -P 1 1 1 1 '� " " 1' 1 , " 1 , 1 1 1 1 ', 18 w. x 8 dp. cont. x 5-0 d concrete 1 1, 1 p' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ® 1 1 1 1 I� concrete ftg. w/ (2) 1, 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc 1 1 ® t t 1 1 shower er t ' ' ' ' ,' I P #5 cont. bot. (typ. 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E.W. top & bot. Arch. '� 1 1 1 1 1 1 I at perimeter u.n.o.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 , Concrete Slab On Grade , , ® 1 1 Lower footing t. _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 , 1' 1 per plan note 4. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r - I 12 S3.1 to match bottom r r - - - t/slab elev. per Arch. ' ' ' ' ' ' �; of elevator pit. 1 1 I t C.9 • 1 , 1 r - - - - - - - - ; 16 _ _ ` _ J V i 1 Recessed 1 i ' ; O '' I ASiIIM1IGTOH 1 ' L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _U 1 _ _ I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I, 1 ' - - - ' ' shower per 1 t r -' L - 11 A ; r - 4J - , r -LJ- .1 r - LJ - , Arch. r -LJ - , r -Li- , ,, 1 1 1 _ J I I I I I I 1 I 6 1 1' I KEHOC r " J' - D•� Warehouse & Office 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , " , " 1 1 1 I " 1 ; D.2 _ _ 62-0 x 15-0 _ RFI-038 _ 1 L _ , r - r7 - r1- , " rl7 - r1- 1 1 A ' A 1 1 A x 5-0 dp. concrete A ® A r A I Building - O /S3.1 ,t 1 O ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oC 1 1 O O , 11 ~ 11 I typ, 1 1 E.W. t0 & bot. ' ' ' 1 ' ' O 11 I -- / 12607 SE 248TH ST 9 S3.2 ` 1 , 12 53.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � ,1 1 V � 1 +� I t� - - I typ. KE NT, WA 1 , , I I , " , " - - - -� i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � � - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - � �- - - - -,- - - - - , '� 6 Pre-cast conc.0 1 1 24-0 x 17-6 r ' - r -I r 1, 1 1 1 " , , ,; I panels. Typical at x 5-0 dp. conc„et Recessed - 11 exterior u.n.o. ' O ` - ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 o 1 ' shower per HSS er 6 S3.2 _ J_ '; I 1 i i r , 1 0 r EX top & bot. r " - -1 P / r ' - - - - - - ` " - CONSOLIDATED Arch. 1 4 - - - - - - - - - � ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 locate per manuf. , 1 , 1 _ I L - - - J 1 1 ; , I ; SET 1 1 1 16 -I r - J 1 1 -6 -r1- J -6 _r ,_ J , 1 1 1 A E.3 JOB NO. 20223 /�\ 1 1 1 I I ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r7- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r �- - - - - J ' 1 t l I , a ' "a) VJ ' ' 1 1 34-0 x 15-0 Date Revisions , , , , 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 30'-0 x 16'-0" ; ; ' ' 1 '' I 1 x 5'-0"dp. concrete MARCH 1.9,.2t4-NOTICE TO P.ROCEE) RFI-039 I 1 I �I I ftg. w/ #8 1� 12 oc 06.0$.2024:-REVIS101V:6: : : : . . ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc t ; I 1 E.W. top & bot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/S3.2 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 E.W. top & bot. 1 1 , , typ I16 - -1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 , ; I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z Indicates braced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O ' ' 1 1 1 1 _ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , �, I , J � 1 Recessed � I �_ 1 I 1 1 _ _ _ _` +_ - - _ , , I , I 1 frame by others : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . walk-off mat 1 1 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; 1 1 1 1 r _ _ _ 1 1 , , , (typ. u.n.o.) er Arch. ++ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 P 1 1 1 rJ_� � O rJ_L• � O 1 rJ-L , O ; ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U + I F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 + 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' L j L ' ' walk-off mat 6 r j L _ _ _ _ 1 1 , , , I per Arch. 34-6 x 13-0 ' ; I ' n I sheet contents 1 1 ' Trench Drains by ' ' Trench Drains 1 JJ ; ; ; x 5'-0"dp. conc fete ; ; I ; I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft . W 8 ® 12 ac L _ _ _ _ - - 1 ' ++ ' A I I others. Sloe to b others 1 1 g / # e - - S2.1 a I S2.1 b . P 1 1 y 1 1 ' 1 1 E.W. top & bot. u I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ I drain per Arch. (typ. u.n.o.) + 1 1 1 1 + . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 1 , " , " 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 1 j 1 ' I - - - I FO•Undation.P[aCl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 30-0 x 14-6 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 I r 1 o . . . . . . NOC'th . . . . . . x 5-Odp. concrete ' t _ 1 1 1 1 1 ' - - - � 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- --�- - - J ®� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 R - - ftg. w/ #8 0 12 oc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - J D " ', 1 1 - - - J 6 Pre-cast conc. ,1 E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' O ' ' O ' ' , I OC I . . . . . . panels. Typical at '~ - ------------------- �, , r r--------- ----------, r r----- ----- - ----, ; 1 1 I Scale:l/s 1-0 . . . . . exterior u.n.o. 1 _ 1 - - - I 1 1 ' ' ' ------ -- --- 1 I 1 1 i; - J L. - - - - - - - _ _ _ � �_ _ _ IC1 � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 �I 1 - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r 1 ' 1 I V All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, L - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 I ' I used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; M ; I 12" x36" conc. 0 0 - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - base per Arch. w/ sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/S3.1 " " 4 7/S3.2 4 12/S3.2 C 12/S3.1 1 L - - - - - - r � r - " " � � - -� � - - �I " (5) #5 vert. E.F. & 18 w. x 8 d . cont. conc. , ,_ _ _ _ _ _, tYP• P tYP• typ. typ. 7 t - -®-+ - - - - 4 ® F-• - - - -1 -O #3 h ofP(4) 3 oc. . . . . . .2. . b . .Typical Plan Notes and ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - , - - - - - - ,Foundation �lan - North Footing Schedule per 8/S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) C � 12/3.4 , OC OC L OC OC : : : . . . . . . . . . a w > ANCHOR ROD TABLE m. � y SIZE QTY MATERIAL Z 3/4" 172 F 1554-G R.36 1" 96 F 1554-G R.36 Q 1 114" 398 F1554-GR.105 n O zU d3 z ( '' a � d o U o O rn = w cn Q Y z a0 tmc a "T m o 04 U w 0 uuwN O m - y (go W Z- Q 0 Y aO Uo¢ 36T-11 Q - n 222'-0 145'-11 m �p z c6 g N z 'q 2inw(n¢cA m� cu a w zm O NIC cZ�w Z wELU - 24'- z °24'-111/2 YL�UL W� ! o rn w N N N N N N O O O O O O 16.1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7.1 6 5 4 3 2.6 2 0.9 �NNNNNN 11'-0 13'-0 Q ca'.i o N o 2 o RFI-006 0 0 0 0 0 BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP18-A BP17-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP22-A 5"B.F.F. 1-4 5" B.F.F. O q 4 q 4 1'4 �aa 5„ B.F.F. w}} 000 ---------- ------- ----- -- ---- -- --------- -A.9 N _ ____ N O C o 0 m m I � o Comm BP16-B Z> »» 5" B.F.F. mama p aa o OFFICE EAST o z 1_4 BP49-A N N O Lu a r BP49-A 5" B.F.F. in a N 5" B.F.F. BP21-A BP01-B w>m a o BP48-A BP15-A - BP22-A BP16-A BP05-A BP15-A o o�„_ BP19-A � BP01-A �BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A 5" B.F.F. ,� 5' B.F.F. r a 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. z a a a W.Z 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5 B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 0==a a o A.9 ---------- ------- BRACED BAY FIF. ------ BRACED BAY BRACED BAY ----- --- -------------- ------- --MMON ----------- --------------------- -------- ------- ---- -------- -- A.9 a a m LL w O Nq o COMMON WALL LINE q q q O 2�'�'0 Q0-oozo� ? wu,wwaww J a(_n CO J(/J J wa»¢>a Lu N L N } N N N m w CD N N N N Q m m m N N U o N N N RFI-036 a N LO BP35-A N N N N I U _ B 3 _ --_-_ N N m BP22-B 5" B.F.F. m BP27-E BP27-F BP27-F :: B.5 11 1/2 BP26-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 1'-1 1/2 BP16-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F. / BP54-A BP25-B B.7 5" B.F.F. BP27-D N I B.8 :. .: B.8 .: � 5" B.F.F. BP28-A BP29-A BP25-B � � 1'-1 1/2 O B.9 5" B.F.F.VCCU1'� 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. ------------- Q BP43-A BRACED BAY BRACED BAY m 5" B.F.F. � BP25-C N w BP26-B n 5" B.F.F. O 5" B.F.F. w N N N Z m 00 m m m ao BP43-B ao LO � to � N 5" B.F.F. N N N N N O O J O O BP35-A C.5 N 6.5 N N BP18-B p 1'-6 Z 5" B.F.F. w} o O 1s'-51/2 5"B.F.F. C.9 U Q 8.9 C.9 11 1/2 BP06-A m I o BP44-A 11 1/2 BP23-A BP25-B - BP25-B � � 5" B.F.F. C.95 �5"B.F.F. BP34-B 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP23-A 5" B.F.F. m O m 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. - BRACED BAY - - U BP34-B 5" B.F. 5" B.F. 5" B.F. - o .: '* ��� r-a BP34-C " 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 11 1/2 BP24-A 5" B.F.F. 8B 0 o D.2 SHOP 5" B.F.F. BP50-A 5" B.F.F. D 1 1 OFFICE MAIN D 1 D.2 5" B.F.F. U_j 0 0 5" B.F.F. O>I q BP34-A N 111/2 O �m 5" B.F.F. BP35-A m 5" B.F.F. Q III } } o m N N RFI-038 N Q _ D.5 m LU co M w M O Q Q U N N w m BP42-B m 5" B.F.F. 1'4 BP25-A RFI-040 E ( 5" B.F.F. --- --------- ------------- E BRACED BAY O BRACED BAY O BP16-E N BP16-C BP57-A 5" B.F.F. V-11/2 �5' B.F.F. BP54-A BP28-A -BP29-A 5" B.F.F. BP25-B E.3 11 1/2 ao 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. V-1 1/2 E.5 E.5 E.6 BP35-A BP42-A BP27-B BP42-A � RFI-039 0 Q 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. � E.7 � o N N co o BP27-A Q m U N 5" B.F.F. V-4 Q N N N 60 CD N N O O O NN N N F.05 - ---------------- **' -------------------- ------------------- ------------- ------� *** ----------- ------- -------------------- ... F.05 In O - - - N � COMMON WALL LINE � 1s'-1 1/z BP01-C BP41 A BP21-B BP21 B BP41-A BP21-B BP01-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. N 1'-2 1/2 21'-111/4 101/4 101/4 22'-31/2 101/4 101/4 22'-31/4 101/2 4 BP36-A q PORTAL BRACED PORTAL BRACED B P38-A co Q 42"A.F.F PORTAL BRACED 5" B.F.F. o m N F.2 N - ------------- O - - - - N - - O o - - - N - - O O - - - N - - (F U OFFICE WE LU 1'S2 6 0 12'2 1/2 BRACED BAY PBP30-A PBP32-A PBP32-B PBP32-A 11 1/2 Q BP16-G N BP33-A BP58-A BP16-F 5" B.F.F. BP05-B 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. m BP16-F 5" B.F.F. F.9 BP07-A BP07-A BP07-A PBP52-A �-9BP20-A 5' B.F.F. r-a 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5 B.F.F. b m 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. O °' BP40-A 5" B.F.F. 16.1 BP51-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. ] CANOPY G.1 --------------- ` --------------- - ---- -- -- ------------- ------- --------- q BRACED BAY 1 BP15-C BP58-A BP40-A BP15-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. q o a0 FOYER m m O 4 BP56-A 4 BP56-B 8 1/21 j 18 1/2 BP56-D $ 9 BP56-C 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F BP36-B 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F 42"A.F.F 18'-1 18'-1 13'-2 13'-7 2'-6 15 14 13 12 11 10 CD CD7.1 CD O ® 0 2.2 O2 0.9 0.6 24'-111/2 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 29'-01/2 1 24'-111/2 1 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-111/2 1 16'-11/2 1 1 T T T 222'-0 T T T 1 T 146-11 1 16'-11/2 1 1 384'-0 1/2 1 T 0.5 ANCHOR ROD PLAN NOTE: FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ASSUMED TO BE 100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. G TJ. RN ANCHOR ROD PLAN GENERAL NOTES AN1:THE SPECIFIED ANCHOR ROD DIAMETER ASSUMES AN2: METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AN5:THE ANCHOR ROD LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY THE AN6:THE ANCHOR ROD PLAN INDICATES WHERE AN7:"SINGLE"CEE COLUMNS SHALL BE ORIENTED WITH THE ,P 1 58e F1554 GRADE 36 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ANCHOR PROJECT FOUNDATION DESIGN. THE FOUNDATION DESIGN IS THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER SATISFY PERTINENT THE ANCHOR RODS ARE TO BE PLACED AS WELL AS "TOES"TOWARD THE LOW EAVE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Off, GCp1, EN��� ROD MATERIAL OF EQUAL DIAMETER MEETING OR RESPONSIBILITY OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER,FAMILIAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE MATERIALS THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. IT IS AN8:ALL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT OF STEEL. IF A CONCRETE �'s ��. ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE UEXCEEDING THE STRENGTH QTI/LIZED AT THE IREMENTS ET FORTH WITH ANCHOR LOCAL ITE RODS CONDITIONS. NUTS FLAT WASHERS FOR ANCHOR RODS IT IS HE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OUNDATION LIED BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. ESSENTIAL FOLLOWED. FAT THESE T ESE SETTINGS R ROD PATTERNS DIFF ER FROM THE ADDED O OBTAIOTCH IS REQUIRED THE OUT TO OUT OF CONCRETE THEN THE REQUIRED ON SHOULD BE DIMENSIONS. SI�VAL DISCRETION OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. EXPANSION BOLTS,AND CONCRETE/MASONRY EMBEDMENT PLATES ARE ENGINEER TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SUFFICIENT ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLANS,THE METAL AN9: FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=100'-0"AND BOTTOM ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT LENGTH SHALL BE NOT BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. EDGE DISTANCE IS PROVIDED FOR ALL ANCHOR BUILDING MANUFACTURER MUST BE CONTACTED OF BASE PLATES=100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 0 DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. AN4: DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.SEE DETAILS FOR COLUMN ORIENTATION. RODS IN THE DETAILS OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE CONCRETE IS PLACED. BP01-A[5"B.F.F.] BP01-13[5"B.F.F.] BP01-C[5"B.F.F.] BP01-D[5"B.F.F.] BP05-A[5"B.F.F.] BP05-B[5"B.F.F.] BP06-A[5"B.F.F.] a 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"READ.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 114 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE-1"AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 318 PLATE-1"AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION m 1'-4 _ U� N COMMON WALL m aka N COMMON WALL 7,1 1'-8 1'-8 0.9 ; N -- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------- lI 1- A.9 A.9 2 1/2 5 12 1/2l2 1/21 5 1 12 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 l/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 z ® O -4 co co �' STEEL LINE t 8 z A.9 12 2 2 ca } � } 10 Z U O I I � 1 1/2 1 1/2 z p I I Q 3 _N O N fu�O W W 1 O N I r J Lo N N y 1t L['1 N d Q W Z cV W 1 T T T y M F � I " J T N 0 � — — �— — M " N W O w N N Lo V � \ N \ (V o o n Cl U 1 Cl o Lo W n n� Y 1 - 2 2 12 oo °0 c c p v._ m 'o I 1 co 'o �8� F.2 STEEL LINE 12 u)t-uj U c0 d 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 22 1/2��5�2 9/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 co c N Z 3 Lu w co ---------------------------- ❑ N N Q 7.1 �1-8� 0.9 F------------------- ------------ F.05 COMMON WALL 1'4 a c �o 1'-8j _ F.05 - o—Y a m �1'-44 COMMON WALL BP07-A[5"B.F.F.] BP15-A[5"B.F.F.] �BP15-B[5"B.F.F.] BP15-C[5"B.F.F.] BP15-D[5"B.F.F.] BP16-A[5"B.F.F.] BP16-B[5"B.F.F.] 2 y W 3/8 PLATE- 1"AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION m o a a m O m � z c ZU Z M LCw �3�w N a m o rn 7.1 1'-o A.9 �Maa�aa STEEL LINE W o 0 0 0 0 0 STEEL LINE } } STEEL LINE a STEEL LINE ' o 0 0 0 0 I1=Imo—I} 2 2co U' I 1 co W}>- I GO I do I co izz q q v M =m Como co T z>� ��» n yy min ���Z6 >o '� >d cl,d a d a Q Q Q¢Q uj T T II T V I Z to M N o Lu N cL M J M D N w W J 11 of 0 of O w M O M 1 U) I O O mz m m W a Z co 1 oo �2QQCI LLu 1'-4 °° Qwommow W W W W Q W w 2 2 2 2 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 w w w w w w STEEL LINE l 8 1 l 8 l G.12'-3J �N J�J T T T T STEEL LINE G.1 Wo w w Z w Z 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 STEEL LINE 1 �L- -"M v- O �2'-3 I� 5 13 �x x x 1XI -XI X -XI x X x x x -X-� 2 -K lk IX, 'k- -k BP16-C[5"B.F.F.] BP16-D[5"B.F.F.] BP16-E[5"B.F.F.] BP16-F[5"B.F.F.] BP16-G[5"B.F.F.] BP17-A[5"B.F.F.] BP18-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1'-1 1/2 2'-3 1'-3 1/2 N 1'-3 1/2 1-4 I I 5 5 51/2 8 2'-3 N 2 1/2 5 5 5 9 1/2 0.9 STEEL LINE " 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 -A•9 STEEL LINE 7.1 21/2 21/2 -A.9 I I LL7 " N W N N I J N co 1'-4 z co 1n J N W " N - - - - - - - - - E.3 M � w J M t 1T >J M J w M T T M w > " " N " W J N P7 w z " (V w F M M 1 Z " � W _ � N o Lo " o oo 0 rn 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 STEEL LINE 7 1 T� 8 s 5 v2 5 5 0•9 G.1 TT STEEL LINE �1'-4� �8�5 1/2�5�5� 1'-1 1/2 " 1'-3-3 1/2� �1'-1 1/2j-1 1/22 I BP18-B[5"B.F.F.] BP19-A[5"B.F.F.] BP20-A[5"B.F.F.] BP21-A[5"B.F.F.] BP21-B[5"B.F.F.] BP22-A[5"B.F.F.] BP22-B[5"B.F.F.] 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE 0 9 A.9 � 1'-1 1/2 w y, 8 y, � STEEL LINE 5 5 5 0.9 I 2 6 I 11 21/2 21/2 2 2 - ----COMMON WALL-- A.09 1 2 1 2 1 co Ln 1112 co I n I N 81/4 3 3112 8 '�' � N N M _ W Z W 0 N 1n M co D.3 C.8 ----------- ------ N J LU N J y y W LU �1'-2 3/4�-2 3/44 T T 9 N U)i I ----------------------- — n I I � � I LI I 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 9 1/2 F2 2 z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �5�5�5�55 STEEL LINE ----------------- -- F.05 �2'-3� 8 COMMON WALL �1 3 1/2� 11 N BP23-A[5"B.F.F.] BP24-A[5"B.F.F.] BP25-A[5"B.F.F.] BP25-B[5"B.F.F.] BP25-C[5"B.F.F.] BP26-A[5"B.F.F.] BP26-B[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 5 2 1/2,2 1/2 5 7.1 I 2.3 7 1 9 9 8.9 v 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 0 8.9 1'-e N V-4 J 1 1/21 1 11 1/2 N 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 9 1/2cD J 1 ��� DD _ _—_—_—_ _—_—_—_—_ N O I N 2 N co 1 0 i co N 1 W " o l c * U I t l � � —_M _—M —_—_ _1—_—_ —_— ©O O ' ,�' ,1 � � � N N * 1 N OII _ _ M —T_ _T—_ MIT " �JI _ _ _—M —- -T-- co v ---------------------- N N N -- ------- M O -------- M -- --- N -C.5 1tT _ Oo M N 1tT +tT + + cq Lo Lo LjL I * N 1 1/2 1 1/2 M j 8 O �1� BP50-A 11/2 11/2 11/2 8 11/2 10 03 �1'_5� 0 ® TJ. R 13 11 G F W S 15 1 58 � G ssIONAL 0� BP26-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-A[5"B.F.F.] BP27-B[5"B.F.F.] BP27-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-D[5"B.F.F.] BP27-E 15"B.F.F.] BP27-F[5"B.F.F.] Q W s " a 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"READ. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"READ.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 114 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION m y M m a o Z' F*11 15 z o t 8 dam 2 2 2 2 } 2�2 } 22 22 Iz u O }�� t z + z t Q i NN In N N + + + + W N -- N - - -O N , In + ! + N - -- - E.7 - N - --I-- - E.5 -�-- B.9 -- - - --�-- B.9 - - - - " - - - CMD I I + ! + N + ! + I �Lo � M U 11/2 11/2 + + N + + N N + + rn O co 2 HSS6X6 N �;Q Y a HSS6X6 O HSS6X6 CUDHSS6X6 HSS6X6 10 v m o 13 HSS6X6 9 w Y y j JE ~ m�U o �a bloCD c zw aNY O 0R U BP28-A[5"B.F.F.] BP29-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP30-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP31-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-B[5"B.F.F.] BP33-A[5"B.F.F.] m y w 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION m o Z w¢ m O D m O_zczU z M , Cw23Ow 13 �9 N m Z O O} O O wM 12 0 �Y�U�L=L� � a m o rn M 7 a�a a Q 1'-z 1/z 11 10 w N N N N N N O O O O O O 91/2 5 5 5 91/2 21/2 5 3 4 5 5 ¢`00000 ' 101/4 ' 101/4 16.1 NNN_N_NN_ 91/2 5 5 5 21/2 � 04 OM4) j 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 01/4 1 NONOO �� $ Q(���1n IA W 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/4 1'-9 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/4 1 1/ W>-co >- I w r r 6 1/4 4 5 5 1'-9 1/2 N I N N N N + + + + + + " U cL =0 0000 N + + + + N + + ! + + " N Cl " + + + ♦ + + + + + + N O N N w M i + Q d M d d d F< ©�- _-_ _-_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _-_- M ©O-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_ co _ N + + + + + O + + + # ♦ J d d d d d Q Q Q¢Q + + + - w M N w + + _ o N + + + + + + + + N N 2'-11 1/2 N + + + " (n fn a w " 1 1 + + + N M j 2'-111/2 1 N N w>m�o�= 2'-111/2 j N ��Kof0W 00 j j STEEL LINE j 2'-11 1/2 j 1'4 o z z o 0 2.-3 T 2'-10 j T� F.2 ! Qmoozow STEEL LINE �� F.2 www¢ww STEEL LINE J a U)c/)J(/J J r.c STEEL LINE F.2 o LL w�LL STEEL LINE O N M V BP34-A[5"B.F.F.] BP34-B[5"B.F.F.] BP34-C[5"B.F.F.] BP35-A[5"B.F.F.] BP36-A[42"A.F.F.] BP36-B[42"A.F.F.] BP38-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 7.1 �s 2 7.1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1.-4 N 0.5 + + 1'-5 2'-6 s TI 2 2 HSS6X6 z 2 o -N -- - 1'-0 1/2 1/4 HSS6X6 STEEL LINE z Z N N " F.9 CLIP-20 J O 1'-2 3/4 N 7 V w V M! + I + + I + B.5 w ♦ * 28 F CC * U - O L -1 5 1/2 1'-5 5 1/2 N U � + + " O J - - - + + ♦ ♦ � STEEL LINE o D.1 o D.2 + + N j 51/2 j 1'-5 j 51/2 j Z + + I D.1 N HSS6X6 E.5 `n T v o - --- - ----- ao F.3 '9 8 31/2 3 1 2 8 j CLIP-20 w ♦ ♦ �' + + 15'5 1/2 � " O Z 11 1/2 STEEL LINE w N HSS6X6 w N HSS6X6 w �8�31/2233�j 31/2 j 3 j } HSS6X6 HSS6X6 16.1 111/2T 1'-5�2'-6� 114 I , I II ----- - - --,---- - - - D.1 I 6.5 BP40-A[5"B.F.F.] BP41-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-B[5"B.F.F.] BP43-A[5"B.F.F.] BP43-B[5"B.F.F.] BP44-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 13 21/2 21/2 1'8 1-8 15 1'-8 1-8 1 8 1 2 1/2 t 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 T T 2 1/z 2 1/2 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 1-8 2 1/2 5 12 1/2'2 1/2 5 t 2 1/2 5 12 1/212 1/2 5 t 5 12 1/212 1/2 5 2 1/2 f 5 j2 1/2'2 1/2 5 t 2 1/2It I In I IN I I N O ! N M C C _ _ _-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_� _ N _-_-_-_-_ N -� _ + + ! + + M 04 * zt M 04 co N (V ON -O'- ------- --------- -- B.9 N O 1tT +tT +tT +tT fV " N V N N 1 5 J21/221/2 5 - ! Lo � 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 - -- ----------- - - --COMMON WALL N F.05 �1�8� I I G.1 STEEL LINE 0 O cb © © 11 BP48-A[5"B.F.F.] BP49-A[5"B.F.F.] BP50-A[5"B.F.F.] BP51-A[5"B.F.F.] BP52-A[5"B.F.F.] BP53-A[5"B.F.F.] BP54-A[5"B.F.F.] 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE Oi 2'-3 11 13 1'-4 i ro 1'-2 1/2 21/2 21/2 71/2 10 1/2 'TI 21/2 5 i 5 9112 STEEL LINE 2'-10 A.9 91/2 t 5 2 1/2 21/21 5 1 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 I 1'-9 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/2 v N � ! � 2 5 5 2 N I Lo Lo N + + I + + N N I V I Z M + + M � w M M In o cli cn D.1 cli 04 12 HSS6X6 ic;Tll�j �41/2�5�5�21/2�2112�5�5 41/241/2 11/2 11/2 N �2'-111/2� I ' 10 N ? 00 2'-3333 8 O I I �� �F.2 8 STEEL LINE 16.1 �91/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 STEEL LINE F.2 GT J. ROT,' F �' S� 1 58 � G cTIJRAL ENG��1 ssIWAL 0� AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #058.1 - CCD-005 - Matt Footing Revisions (SCI Costs) Origin: Date Created: 2/5/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC Is 1.0 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 1.0 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 $22,500.00 Earthwork 24057-4005 Sub.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Additional Excavation for CCD-004&CCD-005 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $3,375.00 $3,375.00 $3,375.00 1.0 $3,375.00 $3,375.00 $3,375.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $25,875.00 $0.00 $25,875.00 $25,875.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,875.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 1 Printed on:2/6/2025 at 02:52PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 058.1 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-005 Work Description:CCD-005-Matt Footing Revisions(SCI Costs Only) Date: 5/7/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs SCI-Additional Excavation for CCD-004&CCD-005 300 CY $ $ $ $ 75.00 $22,500.00 $ 22,500.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $22,500.00 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 22,500.00 Exludes WSST. General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 3,375.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 25,875.00 Time Reauest: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/6/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: OWNED CHANGE X ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-005 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 5/7/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-006 2 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-036 3 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-037 4 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-038 5 Change of malt footing elevation per approved RFI-039 6 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-040 7 Change of matt footing elevation per approved RFI-041 Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street _ Seat 9-&LV Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 B BY BY DATE ��/� DATE '51 019094 DATE 5/7/24 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7/S3.1 > WAGNER typ. � ARCHITECTS - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLANNERS I 1916 PIKE PLACE A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 34'-0" x 13'-6" 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. Concrete Slab On Grade 6" Pre-cast conc. 62'-0" x 13'-6" w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s . c o m x 4'-0"dp. concrete concrete ftg. w/ (2) per plan note 4. panels. Typical x 5'-0"dp. concrete ' ftg. w/ #7 0 12'oc #5 cont. bot. (typ. t/slab elev. per Arch. at exterior u.n.o. ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc E.W. top & bot. at perimeter u.n.o.) E.W. top & bot. Consultants: 8/S3.1 � 12/ -- I► ' 7/S3.1 � � � � � typ. t�' typ I I O 7/S3.2 � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12/S3.1 11/S3.1 r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - typ. ' o I 1 I typ' typ. ; ---- ; r - _ _ 7 ra - _ _ 7 p 1� 1 r -I- _ 1 1 1 r - - - - 1 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 g - I _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ o _ o _ _ �------ y-rti _ _ ■ I I 1 r-------- ------------ , 1 t: 1 1 1-71�. : 1 I 1 11 C 1 1 1 1 :� 1 r-- -----------------, , , --- ---------- 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I � �- �-- -----------------� ' C 06-08-2024 16 q 1I 1 A I q I -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111 II . FRANi(-Co- f „ " I r J - - 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 11 8-0 w. x 5-0 dp. a structural engineering 1 I , 1 I concrete ftg. w , , 10 S3.1 , + „ , Trench Drains by I I / / 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I ■ n others. Slope t0 I I I #8 0 12 oc E.W. �' 4742 42nd ave sw, #297 P i i i i , I t0 & bot. r - L J - 9 r - L J - 9 r - L,' J - seattle, wa 98116 drain per Arch. ' P L _ _ J 206.579.8160 r -4J - 7 r - -P - 7 (typ. u.n.o.) r - -i I I I I I I I __ ,_ � I I I I I , , 16 -r1 - M 16 -r M 4. - M I I I „ " , ' 16 _ J 16 � ti - _ � 1 I 1 A 1 I A ; 30�0 "x14-6 A r , - r I I I I x 5-0 dp. concrete ' ` J , , „ „ 1 21 -0 X 11 -0 , „ 1 + ftg. w/ #8 012"oc q 1 x 4-0 dp. concrete ' ■ E.W. top & bot. I I I I I I " I ■ ftg. w/ #7 ® 12 oC " " I I y I 1 1 Floor Drains 18 w. x 8 dp. Cont. ; ; ; ,� , " „ , , , , I RFI-040 � � � � � ' ' I concrete ftg. w/ (2) I , 18 w. x 8 dp. per Plumbing I I E.W. top & bot. I I 1I 1 1 1 1I 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 0 I I I I I , 1 1 „ #5 cont. bot. (typ. I ' _ ,, , tie beam w/ (3) , , , I I I I 4-0 dp. concrete at perimeter u.n.o.) to cont.#I , 5 I I I I ' P & I I I I , ; ; ftg. w/ #7 @ 12"oc ;E.W. top & bot. _ i _ ; ; l bot. (typ. u.n.o.) I I ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - I ' ' , , 1 1 I � I 1 1 r J _ - , r - - - - � J - - - - 10/S3.1 1 1 I I 8/S3.1 , v} `t 1 1 - - - - -� � - - - - - � Sim./typ. ' r - - - - - � - - - - � ' 1 r _ LJKENT - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' ' Sim./typ. 1 1 1 ' - 1 � ' - 1 1 X x Illy- I I I 1 1 ; ; KEHOC - - - - - - r J - - � ; ; - - -1: - 1- J - - O - - A I' I I I ' Warehouse & Office - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 " p Building L ,� _ _ a 12 thickened conc. a--+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - slab w 5 0 12 oc ' O ; ; r - - - - - L E.W. top & bot. Rece I I I 1 I I I I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST per Arch/Manuf. , , , „ I 12" typ. I I I I I I I I I I I }+ KENT WA I ' 6 Pre-cast conc. I _ _ � � � � ; panels. Typical I ; (3) sides 1 ' Indicates 'aced ' 0 98030 P yP I I ; ; ; ; ; ; ; � at exterior u.n.o. 1 ' ' L - - - - r frame b others ' ' U HSS per 3 S3.2 I I y � 1 � ; ; Concrete Slab On Grade P / (typ. u.n.o.) I 1 I I I I I I I I per plan note 4. ' �► , , locate per manuf. ' ' , , o � � t slab elev. per Arch. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12/S3.2 I I , , I A 1 I I / P I I I I I I - CONSOLIDATED t 1 1 " 1 r I I I I I I I I typ. I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 42-0 x 13-s 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I SET 1 I ' I I T I O 1 1 X 4- I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I I I I I I I • ftg. w/ #7 @ 12 oc r 7 ' ' r E.W. top & bot. JOB N0. 20223 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I _ I 1 1 , _ _ , � ■j■ � 1 I I I I I I I I I I E.5 I I Date Revisions I I I I 1 I I I I I I 12/S3.1 , x ' ' , MARCH 1.9,.202.4-NOTICE TO PROCEED � - - .1 1 1 � .1 , , I I I I I I I I I I I 7 typ. I I - r 1 - I I I I 1 I I I I I I r - - 7 . _ - - _ _ - - 06.0$.2024;-KVISIO:N:6: . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I 1 L - -r - � I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II , I I I I I I � _ _ J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34'-0" x 13'-6" I I I I I I I I I I ' z I I I I I I I I I I O III " I I I I I I I I I I A I 1 II I 11/S3.2 , , x 4-0 dp. concrete I J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,I , typ. 1 I ftg. w/ #7 0 12 ac , I I I I , I I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trench Drains I I I I I I I I I I ' by others I I E.W. top & bot. I I I I 1 I I I I I I = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I ' I I I I I I (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 ' I - I I _ I 1 I - I I - I I - I `U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 1 LJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sheet Contents ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _____-- r - I J 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r----------- , ------- ----------, 1 1 , 1 1 ______________ L________ 1 1 1 1 - _� - - 1 1 1 - _� - - - - - - - - - _ _ - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . ..Uth . . . . . . L _ _ -6� 16 J o 1 1� I I 9 I I 1 a1 I I I . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I _ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412/S3.2 412/S3.1 47/S3.2 � ' � - - - - - - - - - � O � - - - - - - - - - - J O � - - - - - - - - - - J O � - - - - - - - - - - J O O � - - - - - - - - - typ. typ. typ. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � Scale:i/8"=1'-0" 8/S3.1 typ' U GAll material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ISheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/S3.1 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. I , Typical Plan Notes and typ. ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. A I B Footing Schedule per 8 S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) Foundation flan - South g P / S2.1 a I S2. 1 b . . . S2.dl .a . . 8 6" Pre-cast cons. 7 6 5 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. 4 Concrete-filled pipe 3 2 RFI-006 1 panels. Typical ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. bollards by others at exterior u.n.o. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) (typ. u.n.o.) 7/S3.1 12/S3.1 12/S3.2 WAGNER typ. typ. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ typ. A R C H I T E C T S O ® O O 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � 7 S3.1 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- r ' - - ' - ' - - ________ _ - - - ,I V 1 9 1 6 PIKE P L A C E - r - ___� - _ _ � - -r= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - _ typ. A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 J L J J 1 1 L - r r r I I o wagnerarchitects. com 1 1 ' 24' 0""X 17'-6" Concrete Slab On Grade I► per plan note 4. 11/S3.1 1 x 5-0 dp. concrete 1 1 Floor Drains ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �, I consultants: t/slab elev. per Arch. typ. ftg. w/ #8 0 12 oc ' ' ' ' per Plumbing ' ' Trench Drains ; ; 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 P 9 1 1 1 1 , I' E.W. top & bot. 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) , , by others �� I A. p (typ. u.n.o. I $ w , 27'-0""x 15'-4" ; ; Recessed r - - - - - - 1 / ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 53.2 - _ _ _ _ _ I= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � x 5-0 dp. concrete walk-off mat I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 tp ftg. w/ #8 1� 12 oC Arch. 1 , ' a a E.W. top & bot. . _ r - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r , r , r , r , r , I B • _ - - J - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ' 1 L-------- -----------J � � _ _ , ' � r � � 1 r � � � r � � � r � � � r � , .JI. ' DG-05-20Z4 u t ++++++++ ; ' ' ' ' 62'-0" x 15'-0" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I 34-0 x 15-0 Recessed + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' " + ' , , , , x 5,-0"dp. concrete , , I , , , , , I I x 5-0 dp. concrete walk-off mat ++++++++ ; ^ ' ' ' ' ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc ' ' 18"w. x 8"dp. 1 ' 1 1 1 ; I 1 ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc , + + � � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 per Arch. ; 11/S3.2� _ , " , , E.W. top & bot. , , tie beam w/ (3) , I I E.W. top & bot. typ , ', ' RFI-036/RFI-037 ' ' ' ' #5 cont. top & 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 +fZANK-00- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ bot. (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I 1 structural engineering 1 I -LJ I r. - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - La- - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 474242ndavesw, #297 i I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ' I ; seatte, wa 98116 i IN B•7 206.579.8160 r .� L _ 7 I r , I r , r - L J - 1 r - L J - 11 1 I I 1 16 - - J 1 1 1 L J 1 L J 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 I - 1 r - a rn - rn - 1, II 1 1 1 O 1 1 r _j 1 1 O 1 1 A 11 L J 1 1 10/S3.1 ,, 1' 1 , " , " 1 , 1 1 typ. 1 1 1' 1 30-0 x 14-6 , 1 1_ - - - - -r � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r -i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r �- - - - - -P 1 1 1 1 '� " " 1' 1 , " 1 , 1 1 1 1 ', 18 w. x 8 dp. cont. x 5-0 d concrete 1 1, 1 p' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ® 1 1 1 1 I� concrete ftg. w/ (2) 1, 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc 1 1 ® t t 1 1 shower er t ' ' ' ' ,' I P #5 cont. bot. (typ. 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E.W. top & bot. Arch. '� 1 1 1 1 1 1 I at perimeter u.n.o.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 , Concrete Slab On Grade , , ® 1 1 Lower footing t. _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 , 1' 1 per plan note 4. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r - I 12 S3.1 to match bottom r r - - - t/slab elev. per Arch. ' ' ' ' ' ' �; of elevator pit. 1 1 I t C.9 • 1 , 1 r - - - - - - - - ; 16 _ _ ` _ J V i 1 Recessed 1 i ' ; O '' I ASiIIM1IGTOH 1 ' L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _U 1 _ _ I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I, 1 ' - - - ' ' shower per 1 t r -' L - 11 A ; r - 4J - , r -LJ- .1 r - LJ - , Arch. r -LJ - , r -Li- , ,, 1 1 1 _ J I I I I I I 1 I 6 1 1' I KEHOC r " J' - D•� Warehouse & Office 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , " , " 1 1 1 I " 1 ; D.2 _ _ 62-0 x 15-0 _ RFI-038 _ 1 L _ , r - r7 - r1- , " rl7 - r1- 1 1 A ' A 1 1 A x 5-0 dp. concrete A ® A r A I Building - O /S3.1 ,t 1 O ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oC 1 1 O O , 11 ~ 11 I typ, 1 1 E.W. t0 & bot. ' ' ' 1 ' ' O 11 I -- / 12607 SE 248TH ST 9 S3.2 ` 1 , 12 53.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � ,1 1 V � 1 +� I t� - - I typ. KE NT, WA 1 , , I I , " , " - - - -� i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � � - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - � �- - - - -,- - - - - , '� 6 Pre-cast conc.0 1 1 24-0 x 17-6 r ' - r -I r 1, 1 1 1 " , , ,; I panels. Typical at x 5-0 dp. conc„et Recessed - 11 exterior u.n.o. ' O ` - ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 o 1 ' shower per HSS er 6 S3.2 _ J_ '; I 1 i i r , 1 0 r EX top & bot. r " - -1 P / r ' - - - - - - ` " - CONSOLIDATED Arch. 1 4 - - - - - - - - - � ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 locate per manuf. , 1 , 1 _ I L - - - J 1 1 ; , I ; SET 1 1 1 16 -I r - J 1 1 -6 -r1- J -6 _r ,_ J , 1 1 1 A E.3 JOB NO. 20223 /�\ 1 1 1 I I ` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r7- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r �- - - - - J ' 1 t l I , a ' "a) VJ ' ' 1 1 34-0 x 15-0 Date Revisions , , , , 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 30'-0 x 16'-0" ; ; ' ' 1 '' I 1 x 5'-0"dp. concrete MARCH 1.9,.2t4-NOTICE TO P.ROCEE) RFI-039 I 1 I �I I ftg. w/ #8 1� 12 oc 06.0$.2024:-REVIS101V:6: : : : . . ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc t ; I 1 E.W. top & bot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/S3.2 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 E.W. top & bot. 1 1 , , typ I16 - -1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 , ; I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z Indicates braced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O ' ' 1 1 1 1 _ i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , �, I , J � 1 Recessed � I �_ 1 I 1 1 _ _ _ _` +_ - - _ , , I , I 1 frame by others : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . . . walk-off mat 1 1 r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; 1 1 1 1 r _ _ _ 1 1 , , , (typ. u.n.o.) er Arch. ++ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 P 1 1 1 rJ_� � O rJ_L• � O 1 rJ-L , O ; ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U + I F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 + 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' L j L ' ' walk-off mat 6 r j L _ _ _ _ 1 1 , , , I per Arch. 34-6 x 13-0 ' ; I ' n I sheet contents 1 1 ' Trench Drains by ' ' Trench Drains 1 JJ ; ; ; x 5'-0"dp. conc fete ; ; I ; I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft . W 8 ® 12 ac L _ _ _ _ - - 1 ' ++ ' A I I others. Sloe to b others 1 1 g / # e - - S2.1 a I S2.1 b . P 1 1 y 1 1 ' 1 1 E.W. top & bot. u I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ I drain per Arch. (typ. u.n.o.) + 1 1 1 1 + . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - 1 , " , " 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 1 j 1 ' I - - - I FO•Undation.P[aCl. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 30-0 x 14-6 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 I r 1 o . . . . . . NOC'th . . . . . . x 5-Odp. concrete ' t _ 1 1 1 1 1 ' - - - � 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- --�- - - J ®� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 R - - ftg. w/ #8 0 12 oc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - J D " ', 1 1 - - - J 6 Pre-cast conc. ,1 E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' O ' ' O ' ' , I OC I . . . . . . panels. Typical at '~ - ------------------- �, , r r--------- ----------, r r----- ----- - ----, ; 1 1 I Scale:l/s 1-0 . . . . . exterior u.n.o. 1 _ 1 - - - I 1 1 ' ' ' ------ -- --- 1 I 1 1 i; - J L. - - - - - - - _ _ _ � �_ _ _ IC1 � 1 � 1 � 1 � 1 �I 1 - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r 1 ' 1 I V All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, L - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 I ' I used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; M ; I 12" x36" conc. 0 0 - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - base per Arch. w/ sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/S3.1 " " 4 7/S3.2 4 12/S3.2 C 12/S3.1 1 L - - - - - - r � r - " " � � - -� � - - �I " (5) #5 vert. E.F. & 18 w. x 8 d . cont. conc. , ,_ _ _ _ _ _, tYP• P tYP• typ. typ. 7 t - -®-+ - - - - 4 ® F-• - - - -1 -O #3 h ofP(4) 3 oc. . . . . . .2. . b . .Typical Plan Notes and ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - , - - - - - - ,Foundation �lan - North Footing Schedule per 8/S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) C � 12/3.4 , OC OC L OC OC : : : . . . . . . . . . a w > ANCHOR ROD TABLE m. � y SIZE QTY MATERIAL Z 3/4" 172 F 1554-G R.36 1" 96 F 1554-G R.36 Q 1 114" 398 F1554-GR.105 n O zU d3 z ( '' a � d o U o O rn = w cn Q Y z a0 tmc a "T m o 04 U w 0 uuwN O m - y (go W Z- Q 0 Y aO Uo¢ 36T-11 Q - n 222'-0 145'-11 m �p z c6 g N z 'q 2inw(n¢cA m� cu a w zm O NIC cZ�w Z wELU - 24'- z °24'-111/2 YL�UL W� ! o rn w N N N N N N O O O O O O 16.1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7.1 6 5 4 3 2.6 2 0.9 �NNNNNN 11'-0 13'-0 Q ca'.i o N o 2 o RFI-006 0 0 0 0 0 BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP18-A BP17-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP22-A 5"B.F.F. 1-4 5" B.F.F. O q 4 q 4 1'4 �aa 5„ B.F.F. w}} 000 ---------- ------- ----- -- ---- -- --------- -A.9 N _ ____ N O C o 0 m m I � o Comm BP16-B Z> »» 5" B.F.F. mama p aa o OFFICE EAST o z 1_4 BP49-A N N O Lu a r BP49-A 5" B.F.F. in a N 5" B.F.F. BP21-A BP01-B w>m a o BP48-A BP15-A - BP22-A BP16-A BP05-A BP15-A o o�„_ BP19-A � BP01-A �BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A 5" B.F.F. ,� 5' B.F.F. r a 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. z a a a W.Z 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5 B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 0==a a o A.9 ---------- ------- BRACED BAY FIF. ------ BRACED BAY BRACED BAY ----- --- -------------- ------- --MMON ----------- --------------------- -------- ------- ---- -------- -- A.9 a a m LL w O Nq o COMMON WALL LINE q q q O 2�'�'0 Q0-oozo� ? wu,wwaww J a(_n CO J(/J J wa»¢>a Lu N L N } N N N m w CD N N N N Q m m m N N U o N N N RFI-036 a N LO BP35-A N N N N I U _ B 3 _ --_-_ N N m BP22-B 5" B.F.F. m BP27-E BP27-F BP27-F :: B.5 11 1/2 BP26-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 1'-1 1/2 BP16-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F. / BP54-A BP25-B B.7 5" B.F.F. BP27-D N I B.8 :. .: B.8 .: � 5" B.F.F. BP28-A BP29-A BP25-B � � 1'-1 1/2 O B.9 5" B.F.F.VCCU1'� 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. ------------- Q BP43-A BRACED BAY BRACED BAY m 5" B.F.F. � BP25-C N w BP26-B n 5" B.F.F. O 5" B.F.F. w N N N Z m 00 m m m ao BP43-B ao LO � to � N 5" B.F.F. N N N N N O O J O O BP35-A C.5 N 6.5 N N BP18-B p 1'-6 Z 5" B.F.F. w} o O 1s'-51/2 5"B.F.F. C.9 U Q 8.9 C.9 11 1/2 BP06-A m I o BP44-A 11 1/2 BP23-A BP25-B - BP25-B � � 5" B.F.F. C.95 �5"B.F.F. BP34-B 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP23-A 5" B.F.F. m O m 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. - BRACED BAY - - U BP34-B 5" B.F. 5" B.F. 5" B.F. - o .: '* ��� r-a BP34-C " 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 11 1/2 BP24-A 5" B.F.F. 8B 0 o D.2 SHOP 5" B.F.F. BP50-A 5" B.F.F. D 1 1 OFFICE MAIN D 1 D.2 5" B.F.F. U_j 0 0 5" B.F.F. O>I q BP34-A N 111/2 O �m 5" B.F.F. BP35-A m 5" B.F.F. Q III } } o m N N RFI-038 N Q _ D.5 m LU co M w M O Q Q U N N w m BP42-B m 5" B.F.F. 1'4 BP25-A RFI-040 E ( 5" B.F.F. --- --------- ------------- E BRACED BAY O BRACED BAY O BP16-E N BP16-C BP57-A 5" B.F.F. V-11/2 �5' B.F.F. BP54-A BP28-A -BP29-A 5" B.F.F. BP25-B E.3 11 1/2 ao 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. V-1 1/2 E.5 E.5 E.6 BP35-A BP42-A BP27-B BP42-A � RFI-039 0 Q 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. � E.7 � o N N co o BP27-A Q m U N 5" B.F.F. V-4 Q N N N 60 CD N N O O O NN N N F.05 - ---------------- **' -------------------- ------------------- ------------- ------� *** ----------- ------- -------------------- ... F.05 In O - - - N � COMMON WALL LINE � 1s'-1 1/z BP01-C BP41 A BP21-B BP21 B BP41-A BP21-B BP01-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. N 1'-2 1/2 21'-111/4 101/4 101/4 22'-31/2 101/4 101/4 22'-31/4 101/2 4 BP36-A q PORTAL BRACED PORTAL BRACED B P38-A co Q 42"A.F.F PORTAL BRACED 5" B.F.F. o m N F.2 N - ------------- O - - - - N - - O o - - - N - - O O - - - N - - (F U OFFICE WE LU 1'S2 6 0 12'2 1/2 BRACED BAY PBP30-A PBP32-A PBP32-B PBP32-A 11 1/2 Q BP16-G N BP33-A BP58-A BP16-F 5" B.F.F. BP05-B 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. m BP16-F 5" B.F.F. F.9 BP07-A BP07-A BP07-A PBP52-A �-9BP20-A 5' B.F.F. r-a 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5 B.F.F. b m 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. O °' BP40-A 5" B.F.F. 16.1 BP51-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. ] CANOPY G.1 --------------- ` --------------- - ---- -- -- ------------- ------- --------- q BRACED BAY 1 BP15-C BP58-A BP40-A BP15-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. q o a0 FOYER m m O 4 BP56-A 4 BP56-B 8 1/21 j 18 1/2 BP56-D $ 9 BP56-C 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F BP36-B 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F 42"A.F.F 18'-1 18'-1 13'-2 13'-7 2'-6 15 14 13 12 11 10 CD CD7.1 CD O ® 0 2.2 O2 0.9 0.6 24'-111/2 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 29'-01/2 1 24'-111/2 1 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-111/2 1 16'-11/2 1 1 T T T 222'-0 T T T 1 T 146-11 1 16'-11/2 1 1 384'-0 1/2 1 T 0.5 ANCHOR ROD PLAN NOTE: FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ASSUMED TO BE 100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. G TJ. RN ANCHOR ROD PLAN GENERAL NOTES AN1:THE SPECIFIED ANCHOR ROD DIAMETER ASSUMES AN2: METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AN5:THE ANCHOR ROD LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY THE AN6:THE ANCHOR ROD PLAN INDICATES WHERE AN7:"SINGLE"CEE COLUMNS SHALL BE ORIENTED WITH THE ,P 1 58e F1554 GRADE 36 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ANCHOR PROJECT FOUNDATION DESIGN. THE FOUNDATION DESIGN IS THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER SATISFY PERTINENT THE ANCHOR RODS ARE TO BE PLACED AS WELL AS "TOES"TOWARD THE LOW EAVE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Off, GCp1, EN��� ROD MATERIAL OF EQUAL DIAMETER MEETING OR RESPONSIBILITY OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER,FAMILIAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE MATERIALS THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. IT IS AN8:ALL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT OF STEEL. IF A CONCRETE �'s ��. ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE UEXCEEDING THE STRENGTH QTI/LIZED AT THE IREMENTS ET FORTH WITH ANCHOR LOCAL ITE RODS CONDITIONS. NUTS FLAT WASHERS FOR ANCHOR RODS IT IS HE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OUNDATION LIED BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. ESSENTIAL FOLLOWED. FAT THESE T ESE SETTINGS R ROD PATTERNS DIFF ER FROM THE ADDED O OBTAIOTCH IS REQUIRED THE OUT TO OUT OF CONCRETE THEN THE REQUIRED ON SHOULD BE DIMENSIONS. SI�VAL DISCRETION OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. EXPANSION BOLTS,AND CONCRETE/MASONRY EMBEDMENT PLATES ARE ENGINEER TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SUFFICIENT ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLANS,THE METAL AN9: FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=100'-0"AND BOTTOM ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT LENGTH SHALL BE NOT BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. EDGE DISTANCE IS PROVIDED FOR ALL ANCHOR BUILDING MANUFACTURER MUST BE CONTACTED OF BASE PLATES=100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 0 DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. AN4: DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.SEE DETAILS FOR COLUMN ORIENTATION. RODS IN THE DETAILS OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE CONCRETE IS PLACED. SOInfrastructure , LLC $6ir �11hf Bayley Construction December 13, 2024 8005 SE 28t" Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 Attention: Brian Nilsson Reference: KEHOC CCD-005 Footing Excavation and Backfill Narrative Brian, This letter is to provide a narrative response to your email dated 11/20/2024 passing along comments from the City of Kent on our pricing for this work. Pricing for this work was done by the contract requirements using the dimensions provided for in the plans and RFI directives utilizing an averaging methodology. While the pictures provided by the City of Kent depict areas where excavation was able to be modified to fit field conditions—a means and methods approach which all contractors rely on—the pictures shared do not depict the areas where it was necessary for personnel safety and to meet regulatory requirements for excavations to remove additional material due to how footings were situated next to each other or impacts from plumbing and/or electrical trenching. With regards to utilization of pictures to determine the volume excavated and backfilled,there are many factors which would come into play such as angle &declination which are open for interpretation.As such, without definitive field measurements we disagree with the City of Kent conclusion that there was 198 cubic yards of additional excavation and backfill. A significant factor which drove the use of the averaging methodology was the number of changes being issued by the design team, in several cases while excavation of the footings being modified was occurring. Excavation,forming, setting reinforcement, setting anchor bolts for columns, pouring, stripping forms, and backfilling footings were all critical path items where any delay in any of the steps had multiple consequences. There simply was not time to perform a detailed analysis of each change without impacting on the project schedule. Evidence of the fluid nature of the workflows at that time is reflected in the table of the changes where SCI noted there were duplicate footing changes received from the architect/engineer team to address different trade impacts. For the footings which had their elevation lowered it does not appear the City of Kent review considered the additional import borrow that was required to fill above the footing to bring not only the footing area back to subgrade for the capillary break, but also the increased layback area. SCI Infrastructure, LLC 2821 South 154"Street;Seattle,WA 98188 Office (206) 242-0633 / Toll Free (800)255-0633/Fax(206)242-0792 www.sciinfrastructure.com Contractor License#SCIINL*993JA 2 1 P a g e Other factors which do not appear to be addressed in the City of Kent email are the impacts of changes to electrical, communication, water, sewer, and fire line systems installed below the building slab had on footing excavation and backfill quantities.These systems were subject to several changes, many of which occurred while work was being performed, which required SCI and other trades to make changes without the opportunity to perform a detailed analysis of the impacts which increased footing excavation and backfill quantities in multiple instances. Following receipt of the City of Kent email, SCI performed a detailed review of the averaging takeoff performed at the time of the requested changes and found several calculation/formula errors.These formula errors were corrected which resulted in a revised excavation & backfill volume of 784.86 cubic yards vs our original 560.78 for a revised value of$59,252.15 vs our original $42,058.50. CCD RFI Footing Change Added CY Unit Price Extension Notes CCD-005 RFI-006 FootingA-2 Lower Footing2' 225.43 $ 75.00 $ 16,907.00 CCD-005 RFI-036 Footing C-4/5/6 Lower Footing 8" 113.27 $ 75.00 $ 8,494.92 CCD-005 RFI-037 FootingC-41516 LowerFooting8" Duplication CCD-005 RFI-038 Footing E-4/5/6 Lower Footing 12" 102.95 $ 75.00 $ 7,720.88 CCD-005 RFI-039 Footing 3-F/G Lower Footing 14" 187.49 $ 75.00 $ 14,061.46 CCD-005 RFI-040 Footing 13-D/E Lower Footing 8" 64.56 $ 75.00 $ 4,841.89 CCD-005 RFI-041 FootingA-2 Lower Footing14" Duplication CCD-004 Footing 13-D/E Widen Footingto 13'6" 75.83 $ 75.00 $ 5,686.96 CCD-004 Footing3-F/G I Widen Footingto 16' 19.43 1 $ 75.00 $ 1 7 CCD-004 Footing D-14 Change from"A"to"B" 1.0 75.00 8 .94 Added Excavation/Backfill —M-43— $ Included is a PDF of how our volume averaging takeoff w performed along with cc pes of the updated spreadsheets. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any que ions or items you wish to discuss Sincerely, Chris Hansen Revised to $22,500 Revised to 300 CY per onsite meeting with COK 2/6/25 SCI Infrastructure, LLC 2821 South 154"Street;Seattle,WA 98188 Office (206) 242-0633 / Toll Free (800)255-0633/Fax(206)242-0792 www.sciinfrastructure.com Contractor License#SCIINL*993JA ■■■ ■■■■■Nisi■■ - ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ Original ■■■■■■!■®®®®®®®®®®®■� ■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■ ■■■ Footing : ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ �1■■■■�i�•i�ili■■■■■■ �1■■ ■IMI■■■■■■ ■■■ . , . . ■■■■■■■■■■■■A■11■■■■i ■dININE �iil ENEE■■■■ MEW■■■ ■MEMOMM■NSEi■ iONSEO■■■■■■ ■■■ : : : • : ■■■■■iEMM■M ilk■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■MIM111- Change ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ Footing : .MEW ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ Layback ■■■■■ �i■■■■■■■■■■■® i■■■■■i■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■ ■■ Total Excavation = 535. 16 CY ■■■■■ ■1�■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■i■��■iiiiiiiiiiil■I■■■■■■■ No ■■■■■ MINE■■ ■■■■■■■■■■,■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■NONE NINE I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■NONE ■NINE■ I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■OM■11■■■ I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■--+ Footing Displacement ■■■■■■■11■■■ I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■ 76.65 ■■■■Ei■11■■■ I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■11■■■ I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ No ■■■■■ ■NINE■ I■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■■ 310.88 . . 5 = 234.23 CY GravelBorrow ■■■■M 01100E �����������J■i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■■ . . - Borrow ■■■■■ MINE■■ ��������������i■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■■ 458.51 - - 23 = 224.28 CY Added : . ■■■■■■11■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■11■I■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■IEEE■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ RFI-006-GRIDLINES A-2- LOWER FOOTING 2' Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 27.00 15.33 5.00 2,069.55 CF Footing Displacement 76.65 CY Orientation ILayback Iclearance Isize Iclearance JLayback At Time of Bid L at Top 8.63 3.00 27.00 3.00 8.63 50.25 L at Bottom 3.00 27.00 3.00 33.00 W at Top 8.63 3.00 15.33 3.00 8.63 38.58 W at Bottom 3.00 15.33 3.00 21.33 Depth 5.00 0.75 5.75 Footing Box 33.00 21.33 5.75 149.90 CY Layback 88.83 8.63 5.75 163.16 CY 313.07 CY Revised L at Top 11.63 3.00 27.00 3.00 11.63 56.25 L at Bottom 3.00 27.00 3.00 33.00 W at Top 11.63 3.00 15.33 3.00 11.63 44.58 W at Bottom 3.00 15.33 3.00 21.33 Depth 7.00 0.75 7.75 Footing Box 33.00 21.33 7.75 202.04 CY Layback 100.83 11.63 7.75 336AS CY 538.49 CY Revised Excavation 538.49 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 313.07 CY Added Excavation 225.43 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 538.49 76.65 461.84 At Time of Bid 313.07 76.65 236.42 Added Borrow 225.43 CY RFI-036-GRIDLINES C-4/5/6- LOWER FOOTING 8" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 62.00 15.00 5.00 4,650.00 CF Footing Displacement 172.22 CY Orientation ILayback lClearance Isize Iclearance JLayback At Time of Bid L at Top 8.63 3.00 62.00 3.00 8.63 85.25 L at Bottom 3.00 62.00 3.00 68.00 W at Top 8.63 3.00 15.00 3.00 8.63 38.25 W at Bottom 3.00 15.00 3.00 21.00 Depth 5.00 0.75 5.75 Footing Box 68.00 21.00 5.75 304.11 CY Layback 123.50 8.63 5.75 226.85 CY 530.96 CY Revised L at Top 9.75 3.00 62.00 3.00 9.75 87.50 L at Bottom 3.00 62.00 3.00 68.00 W at Top 9.75 3.00 15.00 3.00 9.75 40.50 W at Bottom 3.00 15.00 3.00 21.00 Depth 5.75 0.75 6.50 Footing Box 68.00 21.00 6.50 343.78 CY Layback 128.00 9.75 6.50 300.44 CY 644.22 CY Revised Excavation 644.22 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 530.96 CY Added Excavation 113.27 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 644.22 172.22 472.00 At Time of Bid 530.96 172.22 358.73 Added Borrow 113.27 CY RFI-038-GRIDLINES E-4/5/6- LOWER FOOTING 12" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 27.00 15.33 5.00 2,069.55 CF Footing Displacement 76.65 CY Orientation ILayback Iclearance Isize Iclearance JLayback At Time of Bid L at Top 8.63 3.00 27.00 3.00 8.63 50.25 L at Bottom 3.00 27.00 3.00 33.00 W at Top 8.63 3.00 15.33 3.00 8.63 38.58 W at Bottom 3.00 15.33 3.00 21.33 Depth 5.00 0.75 5.75 Footing Box 33.00 21.33 5.75 149.90 CY Layback 88.83 8.63 5.75 163.16 CY 313.07 CY Revised L at Top 10.13 3.00 27.00 3.00 10.13 53.25 L at Bottom 3.00 27.00 3.00 33.00 W at Top 10.13 3.00 15.33 3.00 10.13 41.58 W at Bottom 3.00 15.33 3.00 21.33 Depth 6.00 0.75 6.75 Footing Box 33.00 21.33 6.75 175.97 CY Layback 94.83 10.13 6.75 240.04 CY 416.01 CY Revised Excavation 416.01 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 313.07 CY Added Excavation 102.95 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 416.01 76.65 339.36 At Time of Bid 313.07 76.65 236.42 Added Borrow 102.95 CY RFI-039-GRIDLINES 3-F/G - LOWER FOOTING 14" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 30.00 14.50 5.00 2,175.00 CF Footing Displacement 80.56 CY Orientation ILayback lClearance Isize Iclearance JLayback At Time of Bid L at Top 8.63 3.00 30.00 3.00 8.63 53.25 L at Bottom 3.00 30.00 3.00 36.00 W at Top 8.63 3.00 14.50 3.00 8.63 37.75 W at Bottom 3.00 14.50 3.00 20.50 Depth 5.00 0.75 5.75 Footing Box 36.00 20.50 5.75 157.17 CY Layback 91.00 8.63 5.75 167.15 CY 324.32 CY Revised L at Top 11.13 3.00 30.00 3.00 11.13 58.26 L at Bottom 3.00 30.00 3.00 36.00 W at Top 11.13 3.00 14.50 3.00 11.13 42.76 W at Bottom 3.00 14.50 3.00 20.50 Depth 6.67 0.75 7.42 Footing Box 36.00 20.50 7.42 202.81 CY Layback 101.02 11.13 7.42 308.99 CY 511.80 CY Revised Excavation 511.80 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 324.32 CY Added Excavation 187.49 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 511.80 80.56 431.25 At Time of Bid 324.32 80.56 243.76 Added Borrow 187.49 CY RFI-040-GRIDLINES 13-D/E- LOWER FOOTING 8" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 42.00 12.50 4.00 2,100.00 CF Footing Displacement 77.78 CY Orientation ILayback Iclearance Isize Iclearance JLayback At Time of Bid L at Top 7.13 3.00 42.00 3.00 7.13 62.25 L at Bottom 3.00 42.00 3.00 48.00 W at Top 7.13 3.00 12.50 3.00 7.13 32.75 W at Bottom 3.00 12.50 3.00 18.50 Depth 4.00 0.75 4.75 Footing Box 48.00 18.50 4.75 156.22 CY Layback 95.00 7.13 4.75 119.08 CY 275.30 CY Revised L at Top 8.13 3.00 42.00 3.00 8.13 64.26 L at Bottom 3.00 42.00 3.00 48.00 W at Top 8.13 3.00 12.50 3.00 8.13 34.76 W at Bottom 3.00 12.50 3.00 18.50 Depth 4.67 0.75 5.42 Footing Box 48.00 18.50 5.42 178.26 CY Layback 99.02 8.13 5.42 161.60 CY 339.86 CY Revised Excavation 339.86 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 275.30 CY Added Excavation 64.56 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 339.86 77.78 262.08 At Time of Bid 275.30 77.78 197.52 Added Borrow 64.56 CY CCD-004-GRIDLINES 13-D/E -WIDEN TO 13' 6" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 42.00 12.50 4.00 2,100.00 CF Footing Displacement 77.78 CY Orientation ILayback IClearance Isize Iclearance ILayback At Time of Bid L at Top 7.13 3.00 42.00 3.00 7.13 62.25 L at Bottom 3.00 42.00 3.00 48.00 W at Top 7.13 3.00 12.50 3.00 7.13 32.75 W at Bottom 3.00 12.50 3.00 18.50 Depth 4.00 0.75 4.75 Footing Box 48.00 18.50 4.75 156.22 CY Layback 95.00 7.13 4.75 119.08 CY 275.30 CY Revised L at Top 8.13 3.00 42.00 3.00 8.13 64.26 L at Bottom 3.00 42.00 3.00 48.00 W at Top 8.13 3.00 13.50 3.00 8.13 35.76 W at Bottom 3.00 13.50 3.00 19.50 Depth 4.67 0.75 5.42 Footing Box 48.00 19.50 5.42 187.89 CY Layback 100.02 8.13 5.42 163.23 CY 351.13 CY Revised Excavation 351.13 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 275.30 CY Added Excavation 75.83 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 351.13 77.78 273.35 At Time of Bid 275.30 77.78 197.52 Added Borrow 75.83 CY CCD-004-GRIDLINES 3-F/G -WIDEN FOOTING TO 16' 0" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 30.00 14.50 5.00 2,175.00 CF Footing Displacement 80.56 CY Orientation ILayback lClearance Isize Iclearance JLayback At Time of Bid L at Top 11.13 3.00 30.00 3.00 11.13 58.26 L at Bottom 3.00 30.00 3.00 36.00 W at Top 11.13 3.00 14.50 3.00 11.13 42.76 W at Bottom 3.00 14.50 3.00 20.50 Depth 6.67 0.75 7.42 Footing Box 36.00 20.50 7.42 202.81 CY Layback 101.02 11.13 7.42 308.99 CY 511.80 CY Revised L at Top 11.13 3.00 30.00 3.00 11.13 58.26 L at Bottom 3.00 30.00 3.00 36.00 W at Top 11.13 3.00 16.00 3.00 11.13 44.26 W at Bottom 3.00 16.00 3.00 22.00 Depth 6.67 0.75 7.42 Footing Box 36.00 22.00 7.42 217.65 CY Layback 102.52 11.13 7.42 313.58 CY 531.23 CY Revised Excavation 531.23 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 511.80 CY Added Excavation 19.43 CY FX Footing Borrow Revised 531.23 80.56 450.67 At Time of Bid 511.80 80.56 431.25 Added Borrow 19.43 CY CCD-004-GRIDLINES D-14-CHANGE FROM "A'TO "B" Footing Size/Displacement Length Width Depth 5.50 5.50 1.25 37.81 CF Footing Displacement 1.40 CY Orientation ILayback Iclearance Isize Iclearance ILayback At Time of Bid L at Top 3.00 3.00 5.50 3.00 3.00 17.50 L at Bottom 3.00 5.50 3.00 11.50 W at Top 3.00 3.00 5.50 3.00 3.00 17.50 W at Bottom 3.00 5.50 3.00 11.50 Depth 1.25 0.75 2.00 Footing Box 11.50 11.50 2.00 9.80 CY Layback 35.00 3.00 2.00 7.78 CY 17.57 CY Revised L at Top 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 L at Bottom 3.00 6.00 3.00 12.00 W at Top 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 W at Bottom 3.00 6.00 3.00 12.00 Depth 1.25 0.75 2.00 Footing Box 12.00 12.00 2.00 10.67 CY Layback 36.00 3.00 2.00 8.00 CY 18.67 CY Revised Excavation 18.67 CY Excavation at Time of Bid 17.57 CY Added Excavation 1.09 CY EX Footing Borrow Revised 18.67 1.40 17.27 At Time of Bid 17.57 1.40 16.17 Added Borrow 1.09 CY AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #166 - CCD-039 - RFI-145 - New Location for Boot Wash Origin: RFI#145: New Location for Boot Wash Date Created: 2/4/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 22-100-000.S Pipe Construction,Inc. Is 1.0 $5,798.00 $5,798.00 $5,798.00 1.0 $5,798.00 $5,798.00 $5,798.00 Plumbing.Commitments- 24057-4002 Subcontracts Description: Change NFWH to H&C NFWH at Boot washes.Additional labor to enlarge the openings,new hydrant is larger in size. 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/4/2025 at 12:48PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $990.00 $990.00 $990.00 1.0 $990.00 $990.00 $990.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $7,588.00 $0.00 $7,588.00 $7,588.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,588.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/4/2025 at 12:48PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 166 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-039 Work Description:CCD-039-RFI-145-New Location for Boot Wash Date: 1/7/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Pipe-Change NFWH to H&C NFWH at Boot washes. Additional labor to enlarge the openings,new hydrant is larger in size. 1 LS $ $ $ $ 5,798.00 $ 5,798.00 $ 5,798.00 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Foreman 2 $ 95.00 $ 190.00 $ $ $ - $ 190.00 Cleanup 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ $ $ $ 100.00 Dumpster 1 1 LS $ $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ 290.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 6,198.00 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 6,598.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 990.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 7,588.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/4/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-039R1 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 1/7/2025 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 At new location of boot wash on the east side of the building, located in the RFI#145 response as the intersection of gridlines 5&G, and the boot wash on the west side of the building located at gridlines 6&A, provide hot&cold water at the exterior in a freeze-proof wall hydrant(total of 2). See attached cutsheet for wall hydrant type. Attachments: Jay R. Smith 'Twin-Temp' non-freeze wall hydrant cutsheet ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s) described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 P' Plac 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street _ Se e 191 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040?�a4 BY , w/ BY DATE DATE 1 79 25 DATE SMITH° JAY R. LOCATION SMITH MFG. CO.° �,Itlq MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE BOX 3237 / MONTGOMERY,ALABAMA 36109-0237(USA) \ / TEL:334-277-8520 FAX 888-377-7818 wv✓w.jrsmith.Co p MEMBER OF: CUSTOMER DRIVEN ^^^•'^'" SINCE 1936 Ui 1/4 TURN QUARTERHORSE NON-FREEZE WALL HYDRANT w o� In Z `� BRONZE BOX TYPE "TWIN-TEMP" FOR HOT AND COLD WATER U z o o Wall Thickness - ^-' Q a 4 (100) Hinged 1/8 (3)� —3 1/4 1 1/2 Z) Locking (83)� (38) o Cover r(2)3/8"(10) U) Tappings-TAP UJ Zo S M H (when specified) } lT Lu ** 10 CO Z (265)2 3/4" (19) wo SQ Hose Connection Inlet Keyes 1/2"(13) to z NAdjustable jL O o Wall Clamp Female 0 (Specify) 3/4"(19) Male w a NPT 0 < FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW (5560QT LU ONLY) r 2 1/4(57)--1 �* 0 o e Fig. 5560QT. . . . . 1/2"(13) FEMALE&3/4"(19) MALE INLET o ~ * Fig. 5561QT. . . . . 1"(25) MALE NPT INLET IL 0_ a W *When specifying a a 5561QT add 3/4"(19)to F V(25)MALE NPT a length of inlet connection as shown. (5561 QT ONLY) F 0 m 0 � REGULARLY FURNISHED: VARIATIONS: OPTIONAL MATERIALS: o U Bronze Quarter Turn Non-Freeze Adjustable Wall Clam WC Nickel Bronze Box-NB Y ; 1 P- W Q "Twin-Temp" Hydrant with Hose Cylinder Lock-CL Polished Bronze Hydrant-PB 0 o Connection, 'IT" Handle Key and 1"(25) Hose Connection-HC1 Rough Bronze Box-RB Q Bronze Box with Chrome Plated 3/4"(19)Vacuum Breaker LU Face. Inlet Size Furnished as (Self Draining Type)-H Installer is responsible for providing a 100%watertight Q Indicated by Figure Number Selected. "Water"Cast On Cover-W Positive seal at the hydrant to box interface and hydrant r N w to wall interface.Seal all interior joints,seams,gasket Handle Wheel Hdle-WH Z 0 seams/closures including around the hydrant box flange (2)3/8"(10)Tappings with an appropriate sealant recommended by a sealant LU -TAP manufacturer.NOTE:Jay R.Smith does not warrant the F performance or life expectancy of the sealant material. NOTES: 1. Recommended Wall Opening 9 3/4"(250)x 9 3/4"(250).** a 2.When ordering,specify wall thickness in 2"(51)increments as follows:6(150),8(205), 10(255), 12(305), 14(355), 16(405), 18(455), 2 20(510),22(560)or 24(610). When wall clamp-WC is desired,increase wall thickness dimension by 2"(51). 3. For 6"(150)wall use 5560QT-SAP or 5561QT-SAP. �p 0 4.All Jay R.Smith hydrants are manufactured with"NO-LEAD"brazing rings and USDA approved lubricants. 11� 5.When optional vacuum breaker is supplied hose must be removed to allow draining to prevent freezing. LO (n 6. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters. U 7.The AB100,AB1953,California Lead Law,and NSF/ANSI Standard 61 -Drinking Water System Components are not applicable Q to Jay R.Smith hydrants as they do not convey/dispense water for human consumption through drinking or cooking. C o 8. FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ONLY. z I o U 8-1-23 Removed Function HS CL WEIGHT VOLUME FIGURE NUMBER Of T 3-22-23 Added Note 7 KK JT POUNDS CUBIC FEET Lu Lu S 3-8-23 Added-TPS to Variations KK CL 5560QT 5561 QT R 10-16-18 Revised Re ularl Furnished TBW CL LL Z REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY CKD.BY QWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Warnings.ca.gov SMITH° JAY R. LOCATION LL SMITH MFG. CO.° MEMBER OF MORRIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE BOX 3237 � MONTGOMERY,ALABAMA 36109-0237(USA) -277-6520 FAX 334-272-7396 www.jrsmith.c ® MEMB CUSTOMER TEL:334 om ER OF: DRIVEN "°^M SINCE 1926 I, N PARTS LIST WITH MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS �- a � Ln $ z ( 9 10 1C w 5 13h w I" 13h N Q CID d CID LU CID W � 0 0 Um CID a- LU w to Z b p O0 CID3 0 Ihlll la 13 w 1 F z z LU 2 6 ib } m Lu w � O n FffTr—�)r—T-1 rl o F7M� gr—i F� F� n n 1_ w Q U F- O z D 0 O m F- o j 3 w w Y U z w a Q 7 11 9 8 13h 10 13h 13a 13b 13c 13d 13e 13f 13g w U z m a Cc W HYDRANT PARTS LIST o NO. DESCRIPTION NO. DESCRIPTION NO. DESCRIPTION A These Replacement Parts Available Ir LU in HPRK 7(2)Repair Kits 1 Head/Casing Assembly 6 Box 13b Valve Body o 1a Head 7 Face Nut 13c Valve Actuator 1 b Casing 8 Actuator Shaft 13d Nylon Thrust Washer a 1 c Valve Housing 9 Actuator"O"Ring y C 2 Locking Device 10 Operator Rod 13e Rotating Ceramic Disc m z 3 Key 11 Face Nut Washer 13f Fixed Ceramic Disc These Parts Accessible from Face of 4 Cover 13 Valve Body Assembly 13g Silicon Rubber Seal Hydrant by Removing Face Nut. 5 Hinge Pins(2) 13a Retaining Ring 13h I Retainer Guide(2) T O m Installer is responsible for providing a 100%watertight Lf)Lf) � positive seal at the hydrant to box interface and hydrant Qto wall interface.Seal all interior joints,seams,gasket z seams/closures including around the hydrant box flange (� o with an appropriate sealant recommended by a sealant p z manufacturer.NOTE:Jay R.Smith does not warrant the (pLUperformance or life expectancy of the sealant material. F 8-9-16 Added Note TBW BW WEIGHT VOLUME FIGURE NUMBER E 9-22-93 Chg'd Note EMB BS POUNDS CUBIC FEET w w D 9-17-92 Chg'd to OT Style EMB C 12-8-86 Revised WAS TD 5560QT, 5561 QTBS w z REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY CKD.BY QWARNING:Cancer and Reproductive Harm-www.P65Warnings.ca.gov RCW 39.04.360 Requires change orders to be issued within 30 days of their MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS completion. Failure to issue will result in interest accruing at 1% per month. • Change Order Summary Sheet • Project Name: KEHOC Pipe COP No. PC24-360.017R1 Project No. 24-360 Source Documents: CCD-039R1 Date: 2/4/2025 Contractor: Bayley Construction Contractor Ref.No. Description: Change NFWH to H&C NFWH at Boot washes.Additional labor to enlarge the openings, new hydrant is larger in size. 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ 1,205.00 b. foreman $ - c. lead foreman $ - DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ 1,205.00 Supervision: d. direct supervison(NTE 15%of 1a) $ 180.75 e. safety(NTE 2%of lines la,b,&c) $ 24.10 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 1,410.00 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. material costs $ 3,425.46 b. freight costs(itemize) $ 2. MATERIAL COSTS $ 3,425.00 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment(per spec approved source) $ b. rental equipment(per invoices attached) $ 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ - 4. Consumables a. Consumables(NTE 5%of 2a) $ 60.25 4.CONSUMABLES $ 60.00 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 4 $ 4,895.00 5. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. NTE 15%portion of 1,2,3,&4 $ 734.25 5.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ 734.00 6. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. $ b. $ C. $ - d. $ - 6.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ - 7. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. NTE 5%of Line 6 for each sub $ - 7.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ - & INSURANCE a. liability insurance 3.00 %of 1-7 $ 168.87 8.INSURANCE $ 169.00 9. BOND a. bond 0.00 IN,of 1-8 $ - 9.BON $ - Form Revised 1/28/2019 This change adds 0 calender day extension TOTAL CO T $ 5,798.00 COP Cost Breakdown ,Pi • - Construction Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Quantity Type Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost JR Smith 5560 QT-08 2 $ - $2,669.65 $ 5,339.30 $ - $ 5,339.30 Credit P-7 -2 $ - $956.92 $ (1,913.84) $ - $ (1,913.84) hr 60.25 Labor Subtotal $ Superintendent hr 139.82 - Lead Foreman hr 128.34 - Journeyman Plumber 10 hr 120.50 $ 1,205.00 $ $ - $ 1,205.00 BIM Modeling hr 116.16 $ - - Total Cost of Work Form Revised 2/27/2020 $ 1,205.00 $ 3,425,46 1$ - $ 4,630.46 Page of Issued 2/4/2025 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #175 - CCD-019 - Remediation of Seeping Spring at West Berm Origin: Date Created: 2/5/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC Is 1.0 $10,630.00 $10,630.00 $10,630.00 1.0 $10,630.00 $10,630.00 $10,630.00 Earthwork 24057-4005 Sub.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Additional Hydroseed 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/5/2025 at 09:12PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,818.00 $1,818.00 $1,818.00 1.0 $1,818.00 $1,818.00 $1,818.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $13,938.00 $0.00 $13,938.00 $13,938.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,938.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/5/2025 at 09:12PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 175 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-019 Work Description:CCD-019-RFI-153-Remediation of Seeping Spring at West Berm Date: 9/24/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs SCI-Additional Hydroseed 1 LS $ $ $ $10,630.00 $10,630.00 $ 10,630.00 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 $ 95.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ 1$ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 14,000 $ 580.00 1$ I I$ 110.001 1$11,430.00 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 12,120.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,818.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 13,938.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response F-1 We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/5/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER X OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-019 (name, address) 12607 SE 2481h Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 9/24/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Remediation of seeping spring at west berm, per RFI#153. Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seattle V 98191 Kent, WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 B BY G�G'`�y=�e BY DATE DATE 9/25/g994 DATE 9/25/24 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #193 - CCD-031 - RFI-178 - Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Origin: RFI#178:Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Date Created: 1/22/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Open Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 08-800-000.S Sound Glass Sales,Inc. Is 1.0 ($3,714.00) ($3,714.00) ($3,714.00) 1.0 ($3,714.00) ($3,714.00) ($3,714.00) $0.00 Glazing.Commitments- 24057-4006 Subcontracts Description: Credit back for removing 3 doors(X142,D140,D103)from scope. 08-110-130.S Washington Architectural Is 1.0 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 1.0 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 $7,542.00 $0.00 Hollow Metal Doors and Hardware Frames.Commitments- 24057-3012 Subcontracts Description: Add X.142,D1.03 to Aluminum Storefront scope 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 1/22/2025 at 09:56PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $798.00 $798.00 $798.00 1.0 $798.00 $798.00 $798.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $6,116.00 $0.00 $6,116.00 $6,116.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,116.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 1/22/2025 at 09:56PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 193 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-031 Work Description:CCD-031-RFI-178-Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Date: 10/22/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Sound Glass-Credit back for removing 3 doors X142,D140,D103 from scope. 1 LS $ $ $ -3,714.00 $ (3,714) $ (3,714) WAH-Add X.142,D1.03 to Aluminum Storefront 1 LS $ $ $ 7,542.00 $ 7,542 $ 7,542 scope. Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 580 $ $ 110 $ 4,628 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 5,318 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 798 GRAND TOTAL $ 6,116 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 1/22/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: LOWNER CHANGE X ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-031 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 1 0/2 812 0 24 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 9 Storefront door changes per RFI#178 Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s) described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seattle.AW&98lq Kent, WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 BY BY40i'�4FI BY DATE �Q.� DATE _ 10.31.2024 DATE 10/31/24 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #178: Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Status Closed on 10/29/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 22,2024 Due Date Nov 5,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Bryon Halsey's Email to Bryce Nelson @4:OOPM on 9/30/24 Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra (Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Jan 22,2025 09:27 PM PST RFI#178-Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024 at 03:05 PM PDT Please confirm doors D.140&X.142 at Vestibule 119 and D.103 at Lobby 101 are to be changed to hollow metal and no longer be aluminum storefront doors.Please also confirm doors D.140 and D.103 shall receive a half lite(Type 62)and X.142 shall be a solid Type A door with no lite. Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 29,2024 at 04:14 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 at 03:05 PM PDT See attached document Attachments RESP KEHOC-178-Storefront_Doors_C hang ed_to_Hollow_M eta l_Doors-2024-10-22.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Jan 22,2025 09:27 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #178: Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 22,2024 Due Date Nov 5,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Bryon Halsey's Email to Bryce Nelson @4:OOPM on 9/30/24 Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 22,2024 03:09 PM PDT RFI#178-Storefront Doors Changed to Hollow Metal Doors Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024 at 03:05 PM PDT Please confirm doors D.140&X.142 at Vestibule 119 and D.103 at Lobby 101 are to be changed to hollow metal and no longer be aluminum storefront doors.Please also confirm doors D.140 and D.103 shall receive a half lite(Type 62)and X.142 shall be a solid Type A door with no lite. Awaiting an Official Response WAGNER CONFIRMS ALL. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 22,2024 03:09 PM PDT Sound Glass COP# Summary Project Name: KEHOC Cost Event: Deleting Doors Project No. Source Documents: Date: 10/22/2024 Contractor: Sound Glass Contractor Ref.No. Description: Credit back on removing three doors from the storefronts scope of work.Doors X142,D140,&D103 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. Crew(apprentices,journeymen,Foreman,&laborers) $ (661.44) DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ (661.44) 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ (661.00) 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. Material total from cost breakdown form $ (2,524.98) 2.MATERIAL COSTS $ (2,525.00) 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. Equipment total from cost breakdown form $ 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ SUBTOTAL 1 thru 3 $ (3,186.00) 4. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. 15% $ (477.90) 4.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ (478.00) 5. LOWER-TIER SUBCONTRACTORS Total Cost Direct Cost a. $ $ b. $ $ C. $ $ d. $ $ e. $ $ f. $ $ 5.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 6. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. Total Lower-Tier Subcontractor Direct Costs $ b. 7% of Sub-Subcontractor DIRECT costs $ 6.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 7. INSURANCE a. Payroll driven liability insurance 2% of 1 $ (13.22) b. Volume driven liability insurance 1% of 1-6 $ (36.64) 7.INSURANCE $ (50.00) 8. BOND a. Bond =of 1-7 $ 8.BOND $ TOTAL CO==E] Credit removing 3 doors Page of Issued 10/22/2024 Sound Glass COP# Breakdown Project Name: KEHOC Cost Event: Project No. Date: 10/22/2024 Contractor: Sound Glass Contractor Ref.No. Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Type Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost Removing doors for a credit 3 EA $ -$841.66 $ (2,524.98) $ $ (2,524.98) Labor 6 MH -$110.24 $ (661.44) $ $ $ (661.44) Subtotal $ (661.44) $ (2,524.98) $ $ (3,186.42) $ $ $ $ Total Cost of Work $ (661.44) 1 $ (2,524.98) 1 $ $ (3,186.42) Credit removing 3 doors Page _of Issued 10/22/2024 W A S H I N G T O N Washington Architectural Hardware PROPOSAL PO Box 31001-4202 ARCHITECTURAL Pasadena,CA 91110 Page: 1 HARDWARE Phone:253-471-9150 Proposal No.: 221242 Fax:253-471-9171 Proposal Change No.: 002 AKENDELL COMPANY Customer P.O.No. 24057-3012 Proposal Date: 10/31/2024 Customer ID: BAYLE Project Manager: Elizabeth Curtis Project Manager Ph.: Project Manager Email: ecurtis@kendelldrs.com Submitted To: Bayley Construction ap@bayley.net 8005 SE 28th St Mercer Island,WA 98040 Job Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Bldg - RFI 178 Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price X.142 Alum Changed to HIM Door 1 1,379.00 1,379.00 X.142 Alum Changed to HIM Frame 1 529.00 529.00 D.103 Alum Changed to HIM Door 2 1,805.00 3,610.00 D.103 Alum Changed to HIM Frame 1 893.00 893.00 15%OH &P 1 1,131.00 1,131.00 Freight 0 0.00 0.00 Respectfully Submitted: Elizabeth Curtis Accepted By: Date: Subtotal: 7,542.00 Sales Tax: Total: 7,542.00 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #195 - RFI-176 - Pipe Protection Origin: RFI#176: Pipe Protection Date Created: 1/23/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 22-100-000.S Pipe Construction,Inc. Is 1.0 $10,961.00 $10,961.00 $10,961.00 1.0 $10,961.00 $10,961.00 $10,961.00 $0.00 Plumbing.Commitments- 24057-4002 Subcontracts Description: Pipe Construction-Pipe shrouds added per Delta 7 drawing revisions.16ga.Sheet metal,no paint.Quote is for 14 locations.Additional locations determined by dividing this cost by 14 fora per each cost. 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 1/23/2025 at 08:29AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.130 Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,868.00 $1,868.00 $1,868.00 1.0 $1,868.00 $1,868.00 $1,868.001 $0.001 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $14,319.00 $0.00 $14,319.00 $14,319.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,319.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 1/23/2025 at 08:29AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 195 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-176 Work Description:RFI-176-Pipe Protection Date: 10/9/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Pipe Construction-Pipe shrouds added per Delta 7 drawing revisions.16ga.Sheet metal,no paint.Quote is for 14 locations.Additional locations determined by dividing this cost by 14 for a per each cost. 1 LS $ $ $ 10,961.00 $ 10,961 $ 10,961 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 580 $ $ 110 $ 11,761 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 12,451 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,868 GRAND TOTAL Is 14,319 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 1/23/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #176: Pipe Protection Status Closed on 12/30/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 9,2024 Due Date Dec 25,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1A Reference Linked Drawings Received From Steve Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra (Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Jan 23,2025 08:19 AM PST RFI#176-Pipe Protection Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Nils Brian Nilsson Bayley Construction, LP on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:35 PM PDT Sheet P2.1A, Rev 7,added notes 11 and 12 stating that pipe protection is needed at the marked locations. Please define protection and provide details. Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Dec 30, 2024 at 02:40 PM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Friday, Dec 20,2024 at 01:51 PM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#176-pipe_protection-202412112155-Response.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Dec 11, 2024 at 01:34 PM PST Detail 3/1A7.4 shows a sheet metal cover, but it doesn't indicate what type of sheet metal or the finish. Please provide the necessary details for the plumbers to provide the correct material. Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 at 03:33 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-176-Pipe_Protection-2024-10-09.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Jan 23,2025 08:19 AM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #176: Pipe Protection Status Open To Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and From Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP) Planners) 8005 SE 28th St. Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) Mercer Island,Washington 98040 (Response Required) Date Initiated Oct 9,2024 Due Date Oct 23,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1A Reference Linked Drawings Received From Steve Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra (Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 3 Printed On: Dec 11,2024 01:54 PM PST RFI#176-Pipe Protection Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Nils Brian Nilsson Bayley Construction, LP on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:35 PM PDT Sheet P2.1A, Rev 7,added notes 11 and 12 stating that pipe protection is needed at the marked locations. Please define protection and provide details. Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 at 04:14 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 at 03:33 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-176-Pipe_Protection-2024-10-09.pdf All Replies Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Dec 11, 2024 at 01:34 PM PST Detail 3/1A7.4 shows a sheet metal cover, but it doesn't indicate what type of sheet metal or the finish. Please provide the necessary details for the plumbers to provide the correct material. Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 at 04:14 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 3 Printed On: Dec 11,2024 01:54 PM PST RFI#176-Pipe Protection Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 at 03:33 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-176-Pipe_Protection-2024-10-09.pdf Flashing should be 16 gauge steel, painted to match the color of the wall it is located on. -Sam scarmardo, architect 12.16.2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 3 of 3 Printed On: Dec 11,2024 01:54 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #176: Pipe Protection Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 9,2024 Due Date Oct 23,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1A Reference Linked Drawings Received From Steve Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 01:31 PM PDT RFI#176-Pipe Protection Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Nils Brian Nilsson Bayley Construction, LP on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:35 PM PDT Sheet P2.1A, Rev 7,added notes 11 and 12 stating that pipe protection is needed at the marked locations. Please define protection and provide details. Awaiting an Official Response Reference detail 3/WA of the architectural drawings and provide a similar cover up to 10' AFF, min, or top of plywood wall covering whichever is greater. - DMM - TWE 10-15-24 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 01:31 PM PDT BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #176: Pipe Protection Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 9,2024 Due Date Oct 23,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1A Reference Linked Drawings Received From Steve Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 01:31 PM PDT RFI#176-Pipe Protection Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Nils Brian Nilsson Bayley Construction, LP on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:35 PM PDT Sheet P2.1A, Rev 7,added notes 11 and 12 stating that pipe protection is needed at the marked locations. Please define protection and provide details. Awaiting an Official Response Reference detail 3/WA of the architectural drawings and provide a similar cover up to 10' AFF, min, or top of plywood wall covering whichever is greater. - DMM - TWE 10-15-24 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 01:31 PM PDT RCW 39.04.360 Requires change orders to be issued within 30 days of their completion. Failure to issue will result in interest accruing at 1% per month. Change Order Summary Sheet • Project Name: KEHOC Pipe COP No. PC24-360.018 Project No. 24-360 Source Documents:NoDelta 7 drawing Rev Date: 1/23/2025 Contractor: Bayley Construction Contractor Ref.No.r Description: Pipe shrouds per Delta 7 drawing revisions. 16ga. Sheet metal, no paint. Quote is for 14 locations.Additional locations determined by dividing this cost by 14 for a per each cost. 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. crew(apprentices,journeymen, &laborers) $ 5,061.00 b. foreman $ - c. lead foreman $ - DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ 5,061.00 Supervision: d. direct supervison(NTE 15%of 1a) $ 759.15 e. safety(NTE 2%of lines 1a, b, &c) $ 101.22 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 5,921.00 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. material costs $ 3,080.00 b. freight costs(itemize) $ - 2. MATERIAL COSTS $ 3,080.00 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment(per spec approved source) $ - b. rental equipment(per invoices attached) $ 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS $ - 4. Consumables a. Consumables(NTE 5%of 2a) $ 253.05 4.CONSUMABLES $ 253.00 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 4 $ 9,254.00 5. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. NTE 15%portion of 1,2,3,&4 $ 1,388.10 5.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ 1,388.00 6. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. $ - b. $C. $ - d. $ 6.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 7. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. NTE 5%of Line 6 for each sub $ 7.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ - 8. INSURANCE a. liability insurance 3.00 %of 1-7 $ 319.26 8. INSURANCE $ 319.00 9. BOND a. bond 0.00 %of 1-8 $ - 9. BOND $ - Form Revised 1/28/2019 This change adds 0 calender day extension TOTAL COST $ 10,961.00 Pipe Construction Subtotal .- - .- ® Lead Foreman ® AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #198 - RFI-181 - Door Hardware Modifications Origin: RFI#181: Door Hardware Modifications Date Created: 2/6/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 08-110-130.S Washington Architectural Hardware Is 1.0 $3,195.00 $3,195.00 $3,195.00 1.0 $3,195.00 $3,195.00 $3,195.00 Hollow Metal Doors and 24057-3012 Frames.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Revise/add electrified hardware to X.143 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $480.00 $480.00 $480.00 1.0 $480.00 $480.00 $480.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $3,675.00 $0.00 $3,675.00 $3,675.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,675.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 1 Printed on:2/6/2025 at 03:29PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 198 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-181 Work Description: RFI-181-Door Hardware Modifications Date: 11/6/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs WAH-Revise/add electrified hardware to X.143 1 LS $ $ $ $ 3,195.00 $ 3,195.00 $ 3,195.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 $ 3,700 $ $ $ $ 3,195.00 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 3,195.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 480.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 3,675.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/6/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date W A S H I N G T O N Washington Architectural Hardware PROPOSAL PO Box 31001-4202 ARCHITECTURAL Pasadena,CA 91110 Page: 1 HARDWARE Phone:253-471-9150 Proposal No.: 221242 Fax:253-471-9171 Proposal Change No.: 003 AKENDELL COMPANY Customer P.O.No. 24057-3012 Proposal Date: 12/11/2024 Customer ID: BAYLE Project Manager: Elizabeth Curtis Project Manager Ph.: Project Manager Email: ecurtis@kendelldrs.com Submitted To: Bayley Construction ap@bayley.net 8005 SE 28th St Mercer Island,WA 98040 Job Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Bldg - RFI 181 Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price X.143 - revise to electrified panic hardware 1 1,589.00 1,589.00 X.143 -add electrified hardware preps to HIM frame 1 211.00 211.00 X.143 -add electrified hardware preps to HIM doors 1 916.00 916.00 15%Overhead and Profit 1 479.00 479.00 RF1181 0 0.00 0.00 Respectfully Submitted: Elizabeth Curtis Accepted By: Date: Subtotal: 3,195.00 Sales Tax: Total: U ,195.00 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #181 : Door Hardware Modifications Status Closed on 11/04/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 29,2024 Due Date Nov 12,2024 Location Cost Impact No Schedule Impact No Spec Section 08 71 00-Door Hardware Cost Code Drawing Number Reference VECA RFI#63&Access Control Submittal Review Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner (Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Feb 6,2025 09:55 AM PST RFI#181 -Door Hardware Modifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 at 05:02 PM PDT The access control submittal review notes for ES.AC.03 Access Control Device Layout Ground Level B,states"-Door X.143 (Riser Room):Provide(2) Panic Hardware with Rex,one for each door.-Door D.101 (Conference Room 104):Coordinate us of Electric Door Latch with Rex instead of Panic Hardware with Architect." Please confirm if these changes need to be made to door hardware sets 6.0 and 7.0. Attachments RFI 181 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Nov 4, 2024 at 01:57 PM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Friday, Nov 1, 2024 at 10:44 AM PDT See attached document Attachments RESP KEHOC-rfi#181-door_hardware_modifications-202410302114.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Feb 6,2025 09:55 AM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #181 : Door Hardware Modifications Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 29,2024 Due Date Nov 12,2024 Location Cost Impact No Schedule Impact No Spec Section 08 71 00-Door Hardware Cost Code Drawing Number Reference VECA RFI#63&Access Control Submittal Review Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner,Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra (Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 30,2024 02:13 PM PDT RFI#181 -Door Hardware Modifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 at 05:02 PM PDT The access control submittal review notes for ES.AC.03 Access Control Device Layout Ground Level B,states"-Door X.143 (Riser Room):Provide(2) Panic Hardware with Rex,one for each door.-Door D.101 (Conference Room 104):Coordinate us of Electric Door Latch with Rex instead of Panic Hardware with Architect." Please confirm if these changes need to be made to door hardware sets 6.0 and 7.0. Attachments RFI 181 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response SPECIFY AS SUPPLIED. NO CHANGE TO HARDWARE GROUPS 6 & 7 - ASSA ABLOY Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 30,2024 02:13 PM PDT SUBMITTAL REVIEW 28 13 00-2.0 —Access Control Tres West Engineers, Inc. Project: KEHOC 2702 South 42"d St.Suite 301 Project Number: 230311 Tacoma,WA 98409 WA - Reviewer(s): JJC,CRW Phone: (253)472-3300 Date: 10/15/2024 Fax:(253)363-9402 Spec Tag Number or Section paragraph Item Code NOTES Number General NN - All contractor related notes below shall be verified prior to releasing equipment. - This submittal review is only in response to items listed below. This review does not include items as part of another package or items not submitted. 28 13 00 General NN - Update Door X.149 references to D.149. 28 23 00 ES.VS.01 NE Camera Device Layout Site 28 23 00 ES.VS.02 NE Camera Device Layout Ground Level B 28 13 00 ES.AC.01 NE Access Control Device Layout Site 28 13 00 ES.AC.02 NE Access Control Device Layout Ground Level A 28 13 00 ES.AC.03 NN - Door X.143 (Riser Room): Provide (2) Access Control Panic Hardware with Rex, one for each Device Layout door. Ground Level B - Door D.101 (Conference Room 104): Coordinate use of Electric Door Latch with Rex instead of Panic Hardware with Architect. 28 13 00 ES.AC.04 NE Access Control Device Layout Second Level B 28 13 00 ES.AC.05 NE Access Control Device Layout This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Corrections or comments made on the submittals during this review do not relieve the CONTRACTOR from compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. An opinion of equivalence of a specific item shall not be interpreted as an opinion of equivalence of an assembly of which the item is a component. Submittal review comments have been made within this format and not on the submittal sheets according to the following: SUBMITTAL RESPONSE CODES: NE—NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED NN—NO EXCEPTIONS, REFER TO NOTES, NO RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED RA-REJECTED AS NOTED, RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED RN—REJECTED, REFER TO NOTES, NO RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED CA—CONTRACTOR COMMENT ACKNOWLEDGED, RESUBMITTAL FOR ITEMS NOTED REQUIRED Page 1 of 3 KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER-KEHOC DOOR HARDWARE KEHOC WAREHOUSE&OFFICE BUILDING SECTION 08 71 00 Set: 5.0 Doors: X.109, X.134 3 Hinge (heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 4 1 ERXctrified Rim Exit, Fail Secure 7100 B CR691 F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing by door mfg. 1 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 4 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 6.0 Doors: X.143 6 Hinge (heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Self-Latching Flush Bolt Set 2845 US32D RO 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1 E-74 626 BE 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1/30/2024 Page 20 of 28 KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER-KEHOC DOOR HARDWARE E O W R H U E OFFI E UI DING S CT ON 08 Z1 00 Set: 7.0 Doors: D.101 3 Hinge (heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 4 1 ERXctrified Rim Exit, Fail Secure 7100 B CR691 F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Set: 8.0 Doors: D.144, D.210 3 Hinge, Full Mortise TA2714 US26D MK 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1 E-74 626 BE 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1/30/2024 Page 21 of 28 SUBMITTAL REVIEW 28 13 00-2.0 —Access Control Tres West Engineers, Inc. Project: KEHOC 2702 South 42"d St.Suite 301 Project Number: 230311 Tacoma,WA 98409 WA - Reviewer(s): JJC,CRW Phone: (253)472-3300 Date: 10/15/2024 Fax:(253)363-9402 Spec Tag Number or Section paragraph Item Code NOTES Number General NN - All contractor related notes below shall be verified prior to releasing equipment. - This submittal review is only in response to items listed below. This review does not include items as part of another package or items not submitted. 28 13 00 General NN - Update Door X.149 references to D.149. 28 23 00 ES.VS.01 NE Camera Device Layout Site 28 23 00 ES.VS.02 NE Camera Device Layout Ground Level B 28 13 00 ES.AC.01 NE Access Control Device Layout Site 28 13 00 ES.AC.02 NE Access Control Device Layout Ground Level A 28 13 00 ES.AC.03 NN - Door X.143 (Riser Room): Provide (2) Access Control Panic Hardware with Rex, one for each Device Layout door. Ground Level B - Door D.101 (Conference Room 104): Coordinate use of Electric Door Latch with Rex instead of Panic Hardware with Architect. 28 13 00 ES.AC.04 NE Access Control Device Layout Second Level B 28 13 00 ES.AC.05 NE Access Control Device Layout This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Corrections or comments made on the submittals during this review do not relieve the CONTRACTOR from compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. An opinion of equivalence of a specific item shall not be interpreted as an opinion of equivalence of an assembly of which the item is a component. Submittal review comments have been made within this format and not on the submittal sheets according to the following: SUBMITTAL RESPONSE CODES: NE—NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED NN—NO EXCEPTIONS, REFER TO NOTES, NO RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED RA-REJECTED AS NOTED, RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED RN—REJECTED, REFER TO NOTES, NO RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED CA—CONTRACTOR COMMENT ACKNOWLEDGED, RESUBMITTAL FOR ITEMS NOTED REQUIRED Page 1 of 3 KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER-KEHOC DOOR HARDWARE KEHOC WAREHOUSE&OFFICE BUILDING SECTION 08 71 00 Set: 5.0 Doors: X.109, X.134 3 Hinge (heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 4 1 ERXctrified Rim Exit, Fail Secure 7100 B CR691 F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing by door mfg. 1 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 4 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 6.0 Doors: X.143 6 Hinge (heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Self-Latching Flush Bolt Set 2845 US32D RO 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1 E-74 626 BE 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1/30/2024 Page 20 of 28 KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER-KEHOC DOOR HARDWARE E O W R H U E OFFI E UI DING S CT ON 08 Z1 00 Set: 7.0 Doors: D.101 3 Hinge (heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 4 1 ERXctrified Rim Exit, Fail Secure 7100 B CR691 F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Set: 8.0 Doors: D.144, D.210 3 Hinge, Full Mortise TA2714 US26D MK 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1 E-74 626 BE 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1/30/2024 Page 21 of 28 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #207 - RFI-155 - Door Hardware Clarifications Origin: RFI#155: Door Hardware Clarifications Date Created: 2/6/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 08-110-130.S Washington Architectural Hardware Is 1.0 $2,307.00 $2,307.00 $2,307.00 1.0 $2,307.00 $2,307.00 $2,307.00 Hollow Metal Doors and 24057-3012 Frames.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: X.102-Update Set 1.0 to include auto operator and actuators 01-020-010.PO hours 4.0 $120.00 $480.00 $480.00 4.0 $120.00 $480.00 $480.00 Contingency.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Install Additional Hardware Compnents 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/6/2025 at 04:12PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $522.00 $522.00 $522.00 1.0 $522.00 $522.00 $522.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $3,999.00 $0.00 $3,999.00 $3,999.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,999.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/6/2025 at 04:12PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 207 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-155 Work Description: RFI-155-Door Hardware Clarifications Date: 12/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs WAH-X.102-Update Set 1.0 to include auto operator and actuators 1 LS $ - $ $ $ 2,307.00 $ 2,307.00 $ 2,307.00 Install additional hardware components 4 F120. $ 480.00 $ $ $ - $ 480.00 Foreman 4 $ 380.00 $ $ $ $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12 $ 5,000 $ 1,060.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 2,307.00 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 3,477.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 522.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 3,999.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/6/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date W A S H I N G T O N Washington Architectural Hardware PROPOSAL PO Box 31001-4202 ARCHITECTURAL Pasadena,CA 91110 Page: 1 HARDWARE Phone:253-471-9150 Proposal No.: 221242 Fax:253-471-9171 Proposal Change No.: 004 AKENDELL COMPANY Customer P.O.No. 24057-3012 Proposal Date: 12/11/2024 Customer ID: BAYLE Project Manager: Elizabeth Curtis Project Manager Ph.: Project Manager Email: ecurtis@kendelldrs.com Submitted To: Bayley Construction ap@bayley.net 8005 SE 28th St Mercer Island,WA 98040 Job Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Bldg - RFI 155 Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price X.102 - Update Set 1.0 to include auto operator and actuators 1 1,961.00 1,961.00 15%OH&P 1 346.00 346.00 Freight 0 0.00 0.00 Respectfully Submitted: Elizabeth Curtis Accepted By: Date: Subtotal: 2,307.00 Sales Tax: p. Total: L2,30,700 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #155: Door Hardware Clarifications Status Closed on 10/30/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 10,2024 Due Date Sep 24,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A8.0A, 1A8.0B, 1A8.1A, 1A8.1 B, 1A8.2, 1A8.5, Reference VECA RFI#51 1A8.6,E3.1A, E3.1B, E3.3A, E3.3B, E3.3C, E5.1A, E5.1 B, E5.3A,E5.313,E6.9,E8.0,CP-005 Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 3 Printed On: Feb 6,2025 03:59 PM PST RFI#155-Door Hardware Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 at 09:00 AM PDT 1.The door schedules on sheets 1A8.5 and 1A8.6 depict(31)doors as"ADA". The door hardware submittal and the drawings do not reflect that these doors are ADA,please confirm if these doors are ADA. 2.The door schedule on sheet 1A8.5 depicts door X.143 as having a card reader.The door is included in non-electrified HW group 6.0.Sheet E3.1 B depicts a power supply for this door.Confirm if a card reader or power supply is required for this door. 3.The door schedule on sheet 1A8.6 depicts door D.251 as non-electrified.This door is included in electrified HW Group 20.0. HW Group 20.0 does not include a power supply.The electrical drawings do not show electrified hardware for this door. Confirm if this door requires electrified hardware,and if it does,confirm a power supply is required. 4. Door DA45 is also included in HW group 20.0.Sheet E5.1A does not show electrified hardware for this door,but a power supply is shown for this door on sheet E3.1A.Confirm if this door requires electrified hardware. 5. Door X.141 is included in electrified HW group 3.0, has a power supply shown on sheet E3.1 B, but sheet E8.0 does not depict the CR, DPS,or an electric lock.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 6. Door D.141 is included in electrified HW group 27.0,has a power supply shown on sheet E3.1 B,but sheet E8.0 does not depict the CR, DPS,or an electric lock.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 7. Door D.149 is included in electrified HW group 11.0,has a power supply shown on sheet E3.1 B, but sheet E8.0 does not depict the DPS or an electric lock.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 8. Door D.258 is included in electrified HW group 24.0,but the electrical drawings do not depict electrified door hardware for this door.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 9. Door M.101 is included in electrified HW group 11.0.There is not a"Systems"drawing for the second level mezzanine level B.A power supply is shown for this door on sheet E3.3C.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 10.CP-005 revised HW Group 1.0,adding an auto operator and two touchless actuators.CP-005 has been approved,but the current specifications and the Washington Architectural Hardware submittal do not reflect these changes.Confirm door X.102 requires the auto operator and touchless actuators. 11. In addendum 3,the card readers for doors DA 01 and DA 05 were moved from inside Conference Room 104,to outside of the room on sheet E5.1 B.The card reader for D.106 was not relocated and remains inside the conference room.Confirm the card reader for door D.105 is currently shown on the correct side of the door. Attachments RFI 155 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024 at 09:43 AM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 3 Printed On: Feb 6,2025 03:59 PM PST RFI#155-Door Hardware Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 at 04:58 PM PDT See attached document Attachments RESP KEHOC-RFI#155.2-DOOR_HARDWARE_CLARIFICATIONS-202409251607.pdf Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 at 11:31 AM PDT See attached document Attachments RESP KEHOC-rfi#155.1 -door_hardware_clarifications-202409251607.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 at 08:58 AM PDT Please mark the desired locations of the card readers for doors X.103,X.143,D.141, D.145,and M.101. Please also confirm that door X.103 is the only roll-up door that will require a card reader. Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Monday, Sep 16, 2024 at 01:23 PM PDT See attached document Attachments RESP KEHOC-rfi#155-door_hardware_clarifications-202409101603(004).pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 3 of 3 Printed On: Feb 6,2025 03:59 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #155: Door Hardware Clarifications Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 10,2024 Due Date Sep 24,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A8.0A, 1A8.0B, 1A8.1A, 1A8.1 B, 1A8.2, 1A8.5, Reference VECA RFI#51 1A8.6,E3.1A, E3.1B, E3.3A, E3.3B, E3.3C, E5.1A, E5.1 B, E5.3A,E5.313,E6.9,E8.0,CP-005 Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction,LP), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Sep 10,2024 09:03 AM PDT RFI#155-Door Hardware Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 at 09:00 AM PDT 1.The door schedules on sheets 1A8.5 and 1A8.6 depict(31)doors as"ADA". The door hardware submittal and the drawings do not reflect that these doors are ADA,please confirm if these doors are ADA. 2.The door schedule on sheet 1A8.5 depicts door X.143 as having a card reader.The door is included in non-electrified HW group 6.0.Sheet E3.1 B depicts a power supply for this door.Confirm if a card reader or power supply is required for this door. 3.The door schedule on sheet 1A8.6 depicts door D.251 as non-electrified.This door is included in electrified HW Group 20.0. HW Group 20.0 does not include a power supply.The electrical drawings do not show electrified hardware for this door. Confirm if this door requires electrified hardware,and if it does,confirm a power supply is required. 4. Door DA45 is also included in HW group 20.0.Sheet E5.1A does not show electrified hardware for this door,but a power supply is shown for this door on sheet E3.1A.Confirm if this door requires electrified hardware. 5. Door X.141 is included in electrified HW group 3.0, has a power supply shown on sheet E3.1 B, but sheet E8.0 does not depict the CR, DPS,or an electric lock.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 6. Door D.141 is included in electrified HW group 27.0,has a power supply shown on sheet E3.1 B,but sheet E8.0 does not depict the CR, DPS,or an electric lock.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 7. Door D.149 is included in electrified HW group 11.0,has a power supply shown on sheet E3.1 B, but sheet E8.0 does not depict the DPS or an electric lock.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 8. Door D.258 is included in electrified HW group 24.0,but the electrical drawings do not depict electrified door hardware for this door.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 9. Door M.101 is included in electrified HW group 11.0.There is not a"Systems"drawing for the second level mezzanine level B.A power supply is shown for this door on sheet E3.3C.Confirm this door requires electrified hardware. 10.CP-005 revised HW Group 1.0,adding an auto operator and two touchless actuators.CP-005 has been approved,but the current specifications and the Washington Architectural Hardware submittal do not reflect these changes.Confirm door X.102 requires the auto operator and touchless actuators. 11. In addendum 3,the card readers for doors DA 01 and DA 05 were moved from inside Conference Room 104,to outside of the room on sheet E5.1 B.The card reader for D.106 was not relocated and remains inside the conference room.Confirm the card reader for door D.105 is currently shown on the correct side of the door. Attachments RFI 155 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response 1.THE"ADA"IN REMARKS FIELD OF SCHEDULE REFERS TO SIGNAGE ONLY. 2. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION AND CARD READER REQUIRED-SEE REVISED H/W SCHEDULE. 3. D.251 DOES NOT REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL CONNECTION-SEE REVISED H/W SCHEDULE. 4. D.145 REQUIRES ELECTRICAL CONNECTION&CARD READER. 5.X.141 REQUIRES ELECTRICAL CONNECTION PER REVISON 7-SEE REVISED E8.0. 6. D.141 REQUIRES ELECTRICAL CONNECTION PER REVISON 7-SEE REVISED E8.0. 7. D.149 REQUIRES ELECTRICAL CONNECTION PER REVISON 7-SEE REVISED E8.0. 8. D.258 DOES NOT REQUIRE AN ELECTRICAL CONNECTION-SEE REVISED H/W SCHEDULE. 9. M.101 REQUIRES ELECTRICAL CONNECTION&CARD READER. PLEASE CLARIFY"SYSTEMS"DWG. 10.AOR CONFIRMS THAT OPERATOR AND ACTUATORS ARE APPROVED AND REQUIRED AT X.102. 11.CARE READERS TO BE LOCATED AT LOBBY SIDE OF D.101 &D.103 AND THE CONFERENCE ROOM SIDE OF D.105&D.106. NOTE: DOOR HARDWARE WAS AFFECTED BY THIS RFI AS WELL AS CP-005 AND REVISION 6.ALL HARDWARE CHANGES TO DATE ARE INCLUDED IN THIS RESPONSE. THIS RESPONSE SUPERCEDES ALL OTHER RFI 155 RESPONSES. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Sep 10,2024 09:03 AM PDT XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R SEE1A8.12 ARCHITECTS I XXX ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S ROOM NAME &#TAG r I 1916 PIKE PLACE OX WINDOW TAG SEATTLE WA 98101 1 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 x.xx DOORTAG wagnerarchitects c o m I I WAINSCOT 1 — — — TYPE 1, SEE 0004003 REGISTERED 12/1A8.2 ARCHITECT WAINSCOT �,(n� I 2 - 2 — TYPE 2, SEE E T E WA NER l M 12/1A8.2 STATE OF WASHINGT N 00 O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 X.1 X17 X.128 X 1 Consultants: - = - = - - - - - - - - WAINSCOT I _L �, — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3, SEE Cy I 1 1 I 12/1 A8.2 14 I � �,,� `'' I I WAINSCOT II M w I 4 — 4 — TYPE 4, SEE 12/1A8.2 CO w 13 151CeW 1 ill _ 5 — 5 _ WAINSCOT O OPEN OFFICE A6 �, I A6 I TYPE 5, SEE I I 12/1 A8.2 M SEE SHEET 1A8.12 le,tv LEGEND FOR WALL TYPES °' `"' ❑ ° ❑ 3 SCALE: NTS WAREHOUSE Al PW STREET w Al 1 1 1 1 a I FLOORING TYPES RE I I I ��- RUBBER 11 l M w I SHEET 0 ' I jv Cy Al A15 PAINTED JANITOR UP I D.142 I 1 1 I / / WOOD DECK 1 ch w ' I � � I I I P 10 I EPDXY w r Lo A6 � Al < + a WALK-OFF 149 I I A5 A5 + + MAT F 1 WC r_ 1 w ON�� E I T l� � - - - /_(/ - - 3 - 3 _J � - - - 3 - --3-- 3 - 3 - 3 - - - - - 3 - 3 - 3 3 - 3 - 3 - - 3 WASH IN T ri LID D - - - - - u - - - - - - - - - 3 - 3 - - - - - � � — — — — — X — X X � �,� � � �,� <,� KEHOC I UP +� I o GENERAL NOTE: I d 7153 Al I — F1 x Al M w 1 it Q THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office I I I 24 ELECTRICAL 1 I I I T II I o THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building EJLEC. I — — — — ONNECTION & 148 w M w I I AND PEMB. L ' — Al 8 CR REQUIRED I I T 1 IUj 3 3 � A2.3 SECONDARY I 11 146 II w EVIDENCE w M wT z 12607 SE 248TH ST _71DRIVE-THRU III A2.3 I STOR. I I I I J KENT WA L 1 BAY I I II I I I I T c I 98030 40 7 1 1 I� I III A2 3 Al 1 1 II I I 1 1 I w I II II M w M I I II SEE SHEET 1A&12 � 1 1 1 1 I w CONSOLIDATED I FOR WALL TYPES A6 A4 w A4 I I SET 0 ; I F1 I I I w I 145 144 w 143 I 1 I PW STORM � I PW SEWER co I PW WATER JOB NO. 20223 DRAINAGE I w I Date Revisions x 1 1 I w I I I MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 5 147 oo EVIDENCE M x STORAGE w I Cn I O x M M 1 1 4 I z II CO ck a 0 z x r �l L-] I o O j ry X L — Sheet Contents L - - - - - - - JI I I I DOOR & FINISH a = _ _ _ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - PLAN, GROUND 0 °O O O O 0 ° O 0 ° O 0 O 0 ° O 0 O 0 I LEVEL 'A' N Ix CD X X X z z w Y / I H U W — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. H R c o AN / ✓ Sheet No. ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH GROUND LEVEL w r w 1 0 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" ' 1A800A w w w p fy �a-w I O w x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 XX WALL TAG, W A N N E R - - 0 - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -o- - - - -0 - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o- - -0 — - SEE 1A8.12 � I - - - - - - �— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[� 120 0 ARCHITECT S XXX ROOM NAME F 7t 6' L_ — � — ___J — �" I RISER ROOM ROOM NAME &#TAG P L A N N E R S I ° o ° ° - — — — — — — — — — — 1 91 6 PIKE P L A C E I OX WINDOW TAG SEATTLE WA 98101 X. 1 1Q1 ILA — JLAI I 119 � _ - - � 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 I kJ �qt7 � r -41-1 1 1 ESTIBUL g n X.XX DOORTAG wag n era rchitects c o m �,.� w I I 1 .141 � U WAINSCOT I I I EL�ITRIC — J Al Al — CON EC — 2 154 _ _ — TYPE 1, SEE 0004003 � � � 1 MECH. ROOM 12/1A8.2 REGISTERED I [A4 Al CR RPQUI { _ } ` � ARCHITECT A� I — 139 I� 2 1 All All A9 WAINSCOT �,(� 15 I I I� I 2 1 16 — — TYPE 2 SEE E T E WA NER I AC;'4 I PW SIGNS& PW DRAINAGE I r l I _ J Al O 2 2 12/1 A8.2 srnTE of W SIiINcr N 0 0 I SOLID WASTE VEG. — — L- Consultants: OFFICE WAINSCOT I — J I I o l l 118 A7 — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3, SEE I — Al I I I I 2 All PARKS OPEN D.139 12/1 A8.2 A2 L WAINSCOT 136B 1 A4 1 1 1 I I 122 I I 1 OFFICE I I 17 _ — I I VEST. MDF I 2 A9 2 1 III 4 4 TYPE 4, SEE SEE SHEET 1A8.12 12/1 A8.2 ROOM I— PCST7 — — FOR WALL TYPESF_ I — — _N WAINSCO T RAc {LACK — 5 — 5 — �4 I JFA,STj 2 1 El OFFICE A7 TYPE 5, SEE 40cs- Y2F2 CKD.125D.126 I I I — 4 41 ST I - D.138 1812/1 A8.2 IAl �a ar LEGEND o �, I I 132 A6 I D.137 3SCALE: NTS WAREHOUSE I 136 — —N — - - DESK_ _ _ _ SIN HOWER _ _ II CORR. 1 OFFICE FLOORING TYPES 95 r w N I 1 0 o Z I I �o Z I I I RECUMBENT 19 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 I [A2 Al —BIKE A9 2 A7D.129 L _J L __J ' `U'J ELLIPTICAL SHEET I D.128 Al I I I 134 I Al L J L J I LAUNDRY 1 19� PAINTED D.124 135 ROOM I Al ql F_ — — -1 / / WOOD DECK I a> 0 N H L- — J 5 o WORKOUT TREADMILL Al WAREHOUSE i — — — DRYING Al 131 1 II 1 1 ROOM F A9 2 114 20 I OFFICE N - ROOM 0 I z TREADMILL OFFICE EPDXY I I IT I-f A3 A2 I A15 �I 2 Al WOMENS Al Al I n n 1 Y1 L _ _ -1 A9 I I I 7 7 U m D.123 A2 UP 4\1 I I 1 12 LOCKER A13 ?m ?m I I TREADMILL D.136 I I I� 1 R 0 U U L_ - - + a WALK-OFF I w 001. o 0 0 0 2 + + MAT . _. —�2 — — — — — — — — 2 — — — 2 —',,2 — — — — I A - - - - J I I 133 124 130 2 2 1 A13 111 21 �.sr, INGTOri A3 1 I A3 A3 UNISEX CORR. A3 A3 SHOWER B3 1 I C _ _ �_— — — —_J _ _SHOWER&WC _ D.110 PARKS OPEN Q A5 1 _ _ M _ _ — 2 2 2 2 _— — — — — LO — — — 2 2 — 2 — _ OFFICE A9 GENERAL NOTE: KEHOC Q III L J o N 2 THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office I 111 I I Al I Al 126 Al 1�0 Bl I UP A3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building LliI III I MENS AND PEMB. — LOCKER 128 r I 105 I A2 0 z ROOM 109 12607 SE 248TH ST 143 A2 SHOWER Al r CORR. — — �,\ KENT, WA QI PW WATER D.132 Al = _ STOR. < I I 127 I D.109 N _ 98030 ISHOWER D.133 Bl 1__H - _ _ PARKS I Al 1 Og _ 2 A2 KITCHENETTE & 23 I I — 3 — — — — _ = 5 I I —Lv TEAM ROOM CONSOLIDATED I1 1 —I — 3 — — — — — — — — — — 3 - 3 — — — — — — 3 — — — — — 2 — — 2 � I I I I A2 A6 D.104 102 Al 2 A13 SET � J � Al 1 D.1 2 D.120 I — — 9 � 2 2 — JOB NO. 20223 24 Date Revisions coA2 I 107 11 — 106 I�'i Al MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED ICy N A14 ELEC. A2 111 Al D.108 I I A16 11 1 i� FIRSTAID �I� 6 3.26.2024 REVISION 5 N 111 ICy L — J D.146 1 11 "'I Al I �I��, WC 3 AT SIDES, EXPOSED I m III N I I A2 STEEL AT ENDS, (TYP.) I I 103 I II I III III I 1 I J WATER D.107 113 Al 25 A3 cy Q I — ',o 142 141 I lSI TEST ELE D.10 0 1 1 "'N LAB L o I I I WATER/ I I PARKS I I Q= A2 `o D — — — I I F2 N STREET VEG. I J� 4 — 4 —I _ _ 64 Z W I I I A2 I I D.105 26 Z I A A13 Al2 sheet contents N I I I Al I IUTO CS _IN ` I z J MN VEST. I A6 III 111� — DOOR & FINISH � I I I III o � q 104 � PLAN, GROUND ° O O I A6 O M M I A2 CONFERENCE _ _ LEVEL 'B' I N x X I I I w ROOM CD Cy cl I 0 CO M 101 1 z I II OBBY/WAITING A 2 W O '11 I W o O o Ouj All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of 77WI ,102 161 I ,' original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, X used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z Z �E — — rN 4 - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - �- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - 0 OPERATOR AND ACTUATORS 1 Sheet No. CIJ j ENLARGED FINISH PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL APPROVED PERCP-005 1 10 - - - - - - - - - - � "0 o° O O 0 0 O ° O W ry W SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" 60 Z0o� 1A800B W bj 0W fy J 0-� WOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 i XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R SEE1A8.12 ARCHITECTS XXX ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ROOM NAME &#TAG 1916 PIKE PLACE SEATTLE WA 98101 OX WINDOW TAG 206 . 448 . 2528 wagnerarchitects c o m X.XX DOOR TAG I WAINSCOT 0004003 REGISTERED 1 — — TYPE 1, SEE 12/1 A8.2 ARCHITECT WAINSCOT TYPE 2 SEE E T E WA NER I 169 59 61 170 171 63 65 172 2 2 12/1 A8.2 srnrE of wnsHiNcr N alConsultants: I WAINSCOT Cr , / — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3, SEE I `\ // I 12/1A8.2 WAINSCOT 4 — 4 — 1 / — TYPE 4, SEE 12/1 A8.2 5_ _ 5 _ WAINSCOT 1 / SEE SHEET 1A8.12 OPEN TO TYPE 5, SEE 1 / x I BELOW I 12/1A8.2 1 / FOR WALL TYPES 1 I I I LEGEND 3 _! 0 56 i 1 x A4 A4 237 SCALE: NTS � 1 OPEN TO \ I 1 I WAREHOUSE \ 11 262 BELOW I a // \ I FLOORING TYPES 1 EVIDENCE 55 i 1 STORAGE I I `\ RUBBER O � � 1 r SHEET 1 x I I \\ 1 I 1 \ \ PAINTED DN 1 x I \\ \ I / / WOOD DECK O54 i 1 Z I 1 F1 I \ EPDXY A5 — T3 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - A5 - - - + + WALK-OFF . 1 / /' � � �� I + + MAT KE T O53 1 1 � k s 71 I N G T 0 7 x i - - - - - - - -/- - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - -I - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — ----- — — — — 3 — 3 — — 3 — — — \\ / \\ // KEHOC — — — — — OPEN TO — — — _ — — — 1— — \ _ — — — /_ GENERAL NOTE: Warehouse & Office BELOW - - - - - - - - - - - - DN \ / —7 I THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building °� / 1 x A5 A4 / `\ // I o AND PEMB. 11 Al // `\ 41 I w 12607 SE 248TH ST / X A2 I ,/ \ / cn / , I \ / I w KENT, WA 51 / 1 ;CD2 \\ // 44 I z 98030 / 1 51 I \ / < CONSOLIDATED I LECTRICAL \ / ' / x CONNECTION ` SET / I ` / OPEN TO REQUIRED I OPEN TO \ / OPEN TO BELOW / BELOW BELOW X x / \ JOB N0. 20223 Date Revisions c / MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 0 / 1 x / w LLJ / 1 N / 1 x ry Ld x z I47 / 1 x \ / / \ sheet Contents z / 1 r \\ / 1 DOOR & FINISH / \ / \ // \\ I rK ------- ---------------------- PLAN, SECOND ---------------------- 0 0 0 0 N I 173 45 43 168 167 166 165 164 LEVEL 'A' N I I z O N Z IW I Y cn H I LW O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and ae original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Ld R r A / ✓ Sheet No. o ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH, SECOND LEVEL '1'� 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" z�o� 1A801A � W W W O W �a-� I a�0 x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R 1 XXX SEE1A8.12 ARCHITECTS 0 ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ROOM NAME &#TAG - 1916 PIKE PLACE r 1 I I I OX WINDOW TAG SEATTLE WA 98101 — 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4 — 4 — — — — — � 4 — — — — — — — — — 4 — r- — — P I I I I I I 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 A7 A7 i+_ H A7 A7 O70 I I I I � 217 I X.XX DOOR TAG w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s cam I A7 I I I 83 222 221 I 219 I I OFFICE O WAINSCOT 232 230 I 223 I I I I I �oc-�*04 I 1 1SEE SHEET 1A8.12 - - SEE o004003 REGISTERED I I I OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE I _ _ _ 1 1 - TYPE 1, CIJ PW DRAINAGE I I PW STORM I OFFICE 1 I I 'L LO 1 L _ 4- - 12/1A8.2 ARCHITECT I I &VEG DRAINAGE I I I N _ _ 4 - N I I N - 4 - _ _ I FOR WALL TYPES 0 D.256 + 2 - - - 2 -226 - - - - - i I WAINSCOT 69 I I ;D.249. A7 84 - 2 _ 2 _ TYPE 2, SEE E T E WA NER 67 68 A7 I A9 A9 2 CORR 2 A9 215 12/1 A8.2 STATE of WASHiNCT N � 2 2 - 2 — — — � 2 - 2NCORRI Al 1 I I 2 _ j I — 4 — —4 —4 4 - 4 OPEN OFFICE — — — — — — — — — I I 1�4 4 2 11 1 0 1 I I - WAINSCOT Consultants III I I A9 2 1 I A9 3 - 3 - TYPE 3, SEE _ - N 4 12/1 A8.2 - 4 4 2 A3 I 1 216 I 218 I LO 2 I 1 A9 I 85 A7 I 1 3 N I A3 H O WAINSCOT 14 I I CONF. � CONF. I - 224 1225 I I I 212 I A7 I - 4 - 4 - TYPE 4, SEE I COPY/MAIL CORR I A9 I � A7 qg 1 2 I ELEC. 1 12/1 A8.2 1 _ I I ❑ N _ _ _ _ _ _ � N 1 I 1 N 1[rm N 1 1 � 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WAINSCOT — 4 4 — — — 4 — 4 — ILIo — 4 — 4 4 — 4 — 4 — 4 I 5 5 TYPE5, SEE — — 2 22 — — — — — 2 — 2 — — — — 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 22 — 2 — 2 — 2 2 2 — 234 D. A9 A9 228 A3 A3.1 A3.1 D.209 gg 12/1 A8.2 2 I 1 STREET 2 2 CORR A3 I LEGEND A10 MAINT. - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - - r, - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - A3.1 N 1 �! — 4 4 — N — — — — cy �! = 1 — 211 I SCALE: NTS 1 Al I o - - - `� � 0 - I I - — 2 — — 2 - 2� � 227 A .1 2 � 1 4 D.210 ELEC. 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 0 3 A15 - N 2 1 I FLOORING TYPES CN Al i I A9 1 2 JAN. 2 1 7 I A9 I 1 2 A9 I I A7 1 1 — 1 201A RUBBER � I 231 � � 229 I � I N I .-�.-�. 1 - - STORAGE SHEET I I 1 _I I I SCADA Jill_01SOURCE, I D.243; 207ALO 4 - 4 A9 I A7 SUPPLY& I I N A3.1 D.242 87 3 - 3 - - - 3 - - 3 - 3 1 2 1 I STOR. � > A3.1 / / PAINTED 2 N I A9 1 I PUMPSTATIONS I I I / / WOOD DECK W A4 A9 I I I I 1 . 10 _ 5 I I EPDXY W 236 I - - 4 4 - 4 - A7 208 5 A3 ..... 2 2 2 I I UNISEX I �',, � J I WAREHOUSE I I 2 11 1 SMALL PARTS D'218 I N WC 12 > �, 1 A9 15. 11 I I I I I I + a WALK-OFF D.258\ I - 2 - 2 _2 � A10 A7 o �, I + + MAT000.00 0 A9 - 3 - 3 - 233 2 - 2 2 i I I - - - - - - - 201 �. j T DIN A2I w _ _ � _ 1 � cI CORR 235 - - - - 1 205 I I 202 88 3 3 — 4 — 4 4 4 4 cn 0 LUNCH I O ������ �� �T{?�, / 14 - 4 - 4 - 4 - - - 4 -�- I D.219 '' STAIR 1 4 - 4 - 4 - - 4 - 4 - 4 - I D.204 A3.1 A9 CORR A3.1 B3 2 I KITCHEN ROOM / NO ELECTRICAL I I 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 I 1 = = 2 2 _ 2= m _ _ I L' I GENERAL NOTE: KEHOC 'I CONNECTION I A3 2 I1 4 - 4 N' N THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office REQUIRED 239 Q I I I I A9 I i I \ A3.1 2� �1 A9 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building 00 238 1 2 IDF 1 207 I \ / I N I g \ B2b N `� I I AND PEMB. o r 4? HYDRANTS I A9 D.220 A7 CONF./ A7 I 1 \\ 5 5 & METERS V, 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 1 TRAINING I B1.2 I 12607 SE 248TH ST Uj I I I 243 I I ROOM I 206 I N N A3 I SEWER/TV I I DOC \ I KENT, WA z I 44 241 A7 I I ROOM A5b 46 I 89 IO D.221 KITCHENETTE `� I u It 11 1 I O 98030 2 1 1 1 . 1 I I I B1.2 N 203 1 Q A10 I� 'N �' I A7 1 I I CORR DIN ,�� I � I I I �' 214 " � I - - - - - - - - CONSOLIDATED � 4 4 4 � N cn I � � 4 _ 4 _ 4 _ 4 _ � I � I �I 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 — — 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 A3 1 1 N\' 2 - 2 - 2 — 2 - N N I STOR D.202 N I SET A7 N _5 _ _ — — — — o — — o N L4 - 4_ = 4_� `V I I A7 I. I — 2 2 2 — — — — 2 245 2 - 2 2 - 2 2 ��— — 2 � I qg A3 � A3 2 A3 I I JOB No. 20223 A3 A9 CORR qg A9 A3 A9 A7 A7 D•222 D.201 I 90 Date Revisions 2 2 - co - 2 - - - LO 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - - 2 - 2 - 2 - - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 2 - MARCH 19 2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED m 1 — N — 4 - 4 - — N — 41 4 - 4 - 4 N 4 - 4 - 4 4 4 - 4 - 4 4 N 4 4 4 —�-- d - 4 4 4 4 240 o I o I I- A3 I o 1 I 1 I I I 7 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 Q I 246 I I A7 A3 2 I1 2 1 A10 STREETS I I IWORK L _ I 2 1 A9 A7 w &VEG I 242 1 244 A9 ROOM 247 A9 263 I I I I � 253 255 N 257 I 259 I 261 N I � PW WATER I PW SIGNS& 1� 1 I 2 I 1 CONF. CORR OFFICE 1 SOLID WASTE � - CORR I CONFERENCE 15 I I 1 STOR..14 1 OFFICE I I OFFICE I 91 01 I _ , 4 I I A9 1 2 D.228 A9 A9 A9 � 1 j I � I N 1 I1 1 co 1 M � 1 c4 � 4 — 4 — 4 — w I I I _ N 1 I I t4 — 4 — 4 - � 2 1 — 4 1 4 — 4 — 4 — 4 — 2 — o I N — - 2 - -2CY 0 — z 1 A7 I A7 1 A9 - 1 2 - - 249 - - - A9 A9 I 92 A9 A9 2 O sheet contents 1 I I I D.241 2 A9 CORR _ Ag 2 N - 2 - 2 - 2 M Z II I I I 248 I CIA N N 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 — M LO — 22-2 2 M o � 4 — r4 - 4 — p DOOR & FINISH 1 I QUIET& I 1 0 1 4 4I I4 4 0 oC14 I o 4I I4 1 o I I PLAN, SECOND 4 I I I WELLNESS N 163 42 I• I I 250 I I 251 I I 252 I I 254 I I 256 I 258 11 260 1 p LEVEL B 40 I I OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE II OFFICE OFFICE 93 p N O I I I I I I II I I II I � I A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 , I I I I I wI = — — — — — — — — — — — — — I L — 4 — — I — 4 — — — 4 — — 4I I4 — 4 — — 4 4 — 4 — — I I4 — 4 — — 4 � 4 — — 4I � 4 — 4 — O ° All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, z 1 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z ry r Sheet No. N — U O ENLARGED FINISH PLAN NORTH SECOND LEVEL CID w fy Li 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" Z�oL ■ 1B W bj 0w fy J 0-� EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 CAP TYPE 2 ON ALL UNFINISHED SCREWS, SPACED 2" FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF TILE INSTALLED PER HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, AND PANEL AND A THIRD SCREW CENTERED BETWEEN MANUFACTURERS W A G N E R PREFINISHED 3/8"xl" RD THE TWO, TYP. SCREWS, SPACED 2" FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF INSTRUCTIONS TO T-0" A.F.F. CAP TYPE 3 BUTTED FRP EDGES - SEE SS FASTENERS WITH FIR BATTENS @ PANEL AND A THIRD SCREW CENTERED BETWEEN A R C H I T E C T S 3/1A8.2 FOR CAP TYPE FINISH WASHERS, 2" APPROXIMATELY 24" O.C. AC PLYWOOD, THE TWO, TYP. P L A N N E R S FROM ALL EDGES AND CONTINUOUS EQUIDISTANT FROM 3/8" PLYWOOD, A/C DOUGLAS % 3/8" PLYWOOD, A/C DOUGLAS FIR, 1 E 1 6 PIKE PLACE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS FIR, ADHERED WITH - 3/8" RADIUS, ADHERED WITH CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE S E AT T L E W A 98101 FRP , CONTINUOUS EACH OTHER CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE FLUSH WITH N = 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 = AND CONCEALED EDGE OF � w CAP TYPE 2 OR PLUG MOLD, SEE w a g n e r a r c h t e c t s c o m w Uj CAP TYPE 1 - CAP BEYOND w = Uw = MECHANICAL FASTENERS LU � ELECTRICAL SEE 3/1A8.2 Cl) o w 1 ILL VJ 0004003 cwn U o REGISTERED Uj 3/4" MAPLE o Q ti ARCHITECT TRIM AT o co o 06 o Cl? RETURNS, o Q o o Q a, TYPICAL srnrE of wnsHiNcr N C0 O o 0 O <h c� J cn Z W =) (n Consultants: U) ? = LU LLU w 0 O = J J w U Z Z Z U) ZD �U EO o CS BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 2 1/2' BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 z BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 g�_p„ SCHEDULED BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 81-011 BASE TYPE 3 oor BASE WAINSCOT TYPE 1 WAINSCOT TYPE 2 NOTE: TYPE AND PATTERN OF WAINSCOT TYPE 3 WAINSCOT TYPE 4 WAINSCOT TYPE 5 MECHANICAL FASTENERS TO BE APPROVED BY ARCHITECTS. 12 WAINSCOT TYPES SCALE: 1/2"- 1'-0" ELECTRICAL A9 CONNECTION & WAINSCOT TYPE 1, FLOORING TYPES CR RE4U1 D —WALL TAG — 1 — — SEE 12/1A8.2 SCHEDULED FINISH / RUBBER + — --t— WALK-OFF 4"x 1/8" RUBBER METAL EDGE PER EPDXY - / SHEET + MAT BASE, CONT. MANUFACTURER /411 PTD. GYP. BOARD PTD. GYP. BOARD PTD. GYP. BOARD 3/8" RADIUS WAINSCOT TYPE 2, ALUMINUM ALUMINUM .10 / XXX ROOM NUMBER & _ 2 — 2 — BACKER BOARD NAME SEE 12/1A8.2 - EXTRUSION, SEE EXTRUSION, SEE ROOM NAME / i PAINTED METAL BAR _ ELASTOMERIC AND PRIMER �., MAPLE WOOD CAP WOOD DECK GRATE � SEALANT, CONT. � SPEC. SPEC. WAINSCOT TYPE 3, 3/8 RABBET / / �1 / X.XX DOOR TAG FINISH FLOOR EPDXY FLOOR AND COVE, LAMINATE AS - THINSET TILE OVER s — 3 — SEE 12/1A8.2 APPLY AS INSTRUCTED 3/8" PLYWOOD, SCHEDULED AN APPROVED A/C DOUGLAS FIR — — /A 4 _ 4 _ WAINSCOT TYPE 4, EPDXY PER MANUFACTURER SUBSTRATE A9 2 OX WINDOW TAG — SEE 12/1A8.2 BASE TYPE 2 BASE TYPE AP TYPE 1 AP TYPE 2 AP TYPE S 3 C C C 340 WAINSCOT TYPE 5, SEE 12/1A8.2 E T 11 FIN. PLAN MEZZ. 7 LEGEND BASE & CAP TYPES ASH IN GTON SCALE:NTS SCALE:NTS SCALE.3"-1'-0" KEHOC Warehouse & Office I Building 147 148 149 150 151 153 154 155 157 159 160 12607 SE 248TH ST CD A4 A4 rE 2 A7 = = A8 A8 A10 2 1 KENT, WA w - ' 98030 W \/ i i z � � 88 � i � w �\ i i 0 — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED I 114 113 111 112 109 108 10 105 103 102 101 SET I JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED N 00 1 ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH MONITOR LEVEL 7/7/Q Q i SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" , ` W w x N N ck Z a z 131 132 133 134 135 136 13 138 139 140 141 142 143 145 146 N LLJ CY U — — — — — — — — — — — - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q Sheet Contents LU Z — _ c � Iw DOOR & FINISH - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ z PLAN, MONITOR A3 A4 - - - - A3 - - - - - A4 _ � � � A4 = LEVEL N _ — — — — — — — — — — — Z 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 w Y H U W O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. LLJ Z � o A B Sheet No. C) N ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH MONITOR LEVEL '1fy 9 ------------ SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" z�o� 1A802 �0w w w U fy O w x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 DOOR SCHEDULE SIZE (INCHES) AREA THERMAL GLAZING FRAME HDWR RATING EXIT DETAILSREMARKS: CARD READER REQUIRED W A G N E R TAG# NAME/ LOCATION TYPE (SCE_ MAT. FIN. GLAZ. MIN. ELEC. SIGN Verify All R.O. AT LOBBY SIDE WIDTH HEIGHT THICK FT) MIN. U PF SHGC MIN. VT MAT. FIN. GROUP (MIN) DEVICE HEAD JAMB HRESH izes, typ. ARCHITECT S X.101 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P L A N N E R S X.102 LOBBY/WAITING #101 H 72 96 1-3/4" 112 ALUM ANO Y 0.60 1.04 0.61 0.67 ALUM ANO 1.0 - Y 3, 6/lA8.10 1, 4/1A8.102, 5/1A8.10 Y Y R,TEMP 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE X.103 PARKS #141 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/lA8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - CR MP S E AT T L E WA 98101 X.104 PARKS#141 F1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.61 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y , R, TEMP 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wag n era rchitects c o m AS SCHED. AS SCHED. X.105 PARKS#141 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 7" 7" 6"7„ X.106 PARKS#141 11 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP AS SCHED. X.107 WATER/STREET VEG. #142 F1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.61 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP o004003 REGISTERED X.108 WATER/STREET VEG. #142 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP ARCHITECT X.109 VESTIBULE #136A E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y 0.037 0.48 0.61 0.67 ALUM ANO. 5.0 - Y 3, 6/1A8.10 1, 4/1A8.102, 5/1A8.10 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMPff \ \ o o X.110 PW WATER#143 F 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP E T E WA NER N N X.111 PW WATER#143 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP srnrE of wnsHiNcr N N N X.112 PW WATER#143 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP Consultants: ti ti N X.113 PW SEWER#144 F 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 = Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.114 PW SEWER#144 J 168 168 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 2.0 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y TEMP X.115 PW SEWER#144 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.116 PW STORM DRAINAGE#145 F 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP O © © X.117 PW STORM DRAINAGE#145 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP MAN DOOR MAN DOOR MAN DOOR X.118 PW STORM DRAINAGE#145 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP ADA HERE DENOTES WITH GLAZING WITH SEC. GLAZING SIGNAGE REQUIRED X.119 EVIDENCE STOR. BAY#147 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.120 EVIDENCE STOR. BAY#147 J2 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. - 0.031 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - - 6'-4" X.121 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 6'-4" 7" 1'-10" 7"7" 1'-10" 7" 6'-4" X.122 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP Le X.123 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.124 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP ti X.125 OPEN OFFICE#151 11 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.126 OPEN OFFICE#151 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.127 PW STREET#152 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP `V X.128 PW STREET#152 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP CV GV N X.129 PW STREET#152 F3 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.130 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `' X.131 WAREHOUSE#138 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.132 WAREHOUSE#138 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP A2 g2 C2 X.133 WAREHOUSE#138 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.134 VESTIBULE#136B E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y 0.037 0.95 0.61 0.67 ALUM ANO. 5.0 - Y 3, 6/1A8.10 2, 5/1A8.101, 4/1A8.10 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP } DOUBLE MAN DOOR DOUBLE MAN DOOR DOUBLE MAN DOOR W/ WITH GLAZING SEC. GLAZING X.135 PW SGNS & SLID WSTE #139 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y 0.037 12.48 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 4.0 - - 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP EN T 3'-10" X.136 PW SGNS & SLD WSTE#139 J1 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 3'- 0 X.137 PW SGNS & SLD WSTE#139 J1 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP01 KEHOC 5'-10" VARIES X.138 PW DRAINAGE VEG. #140 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 3'-6" 1'-2" AS SCHED. X.139 PW DRAINAGE VEG. #140 F1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.61 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP Warehouse & Office 5" 5" 5" 5" X.140 PW DRAINAGE VEG. #140 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP Building `V X.141 ELECTRICAL/I.T. #121 A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - 0.037 - - - HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.142 VESTIBULE#119 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 ALUM ANO - 0.037 - - - ALUM ANO 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y rr SER 12607 SE 248TH ST \\ \ ED \\ o!I X.143 RISER ROOM #120 A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - 0.037 - - - HM PTD. 6.0 - - 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y -CR REQUIRED KENT WA D.101 CONFERENCE ROOM #104 B 36 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 7.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y Y ' _ _ _ _ _ EY 98030 N N o D.102 ELECTRICAL RM. #113 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 8.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 ~ ~ '` 7" DA: ACCESSIBLE / C? / , / D.103 LOBBY#101 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y = _ _ ALUM ANO 9.0 = Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 = Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP LUM: ALUMINUM `" N D.104 CORRIDOR# 102 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y HM PTD. 10.0 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 TEMP R: CARD READER CONSOLIDATED 0 o D.105 CONFERENCE ROOM# 104 B 42 84 1-3/4' 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP M: HOLLOW METAL D.106 PARKS KIT. &TMS RM#112 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP D: WOOD SET D.107 WATER TEST LAB#103 B 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP P-LAM:PLASTIC LAMINATE ENTRY DOOR MAN DOOR WITH ENTRY DOOR _ - - - - - - PTD: PAINTED D.108 ELECTRIC#107 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - HM PTD. 26.0 - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 ANO: ANODIZED JOB No. 20223 SIDELITE D.109 JANITOR#108 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - STN: STAINED Date Revisions D.110 CORRIDOR# 124 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 13.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP EMP: TEMPERED MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 3'-10" 3'-10" D.111 WORKOUT ROOM #123 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 13.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP INYL: BLACK VINYL °° 3'-6" COATED STEEL 3'-6" D.112 MEN'S WC#125 A 42 84 1-3/4 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA "SIGN TEXT" w D.113 WOMEN'S WC#129 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - Y ADA N ao _ o D.114 WOMEN'S LOCKER RM #131 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA z N N D.115 MEN'SWC#125 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA EN. NOTE < `- D.116 UNISEX SHOWER &WC#133 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - Y ADA c PENING DIMENSIONS D.117 LAUNDRY ROOM #134 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 16.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP OR WINDOWS ARE TO CD \ �" \ D.118 DRYING ROOM #135 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 16.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - HE OUTSIDE FACE OF CY N 0 o HE FRAMES. ALLOW ' D.119 MEN'S LOCKER ROOM #126 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 16.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - Y ADA rr rr ti rr rr ti 7 7 D.120 WATER/STREET VEG. #142 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - _ pSIDE WHEN /4" SPACE ON EACH sneer contents CD D.121 VESTIBULE#136A E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y - - - - ALUM ANO. 14.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y MP -CALCULATING RO DOOR SCHDULE & D.122 PW WATER#143 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - DIMENSIONS OPENING TYPES F� F3 D.123 WAREHOUSE OFFICE#137 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y = _ _ - HM PTD. 17.0 = - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP N D.124 DRYING ROOM #135 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - HM PTD. 16.0 - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - ADA PENING SIONS ENTRY DOOR SINGLE MAN DOOR D.125 WAREHOUSE#138 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 10.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP OR DOORS ARE N WITH GLAZING HE INSIDE FACE ADA SIGNAGE w D.126 PW SGNS & SLID WSTE#139 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 10.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - P REQUIRED. D.127 VESTIBULE#136B E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y - - - - ALUM ANO. 14.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y MP FRAME. U W 0 D.128 WAREHOUSE OFFICE#137 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 10.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - P LL DOOR LOCKSETS All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, z D.129 SHOWER#132 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - ADA ND LATCH SETS WILL used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. CN D.130 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ AVE LEVER, PUSH Sheet No. DOOR TYPES D. SHOWER A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - ADA EVICES OPERABLE ?R10 SCALE: 1/4" -0" D.132 SHOWER#128 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1A8.10 - - - ADA Y WRIST OR ARM Q fy 0 D.133 SHOWER#127 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - ADA PRESSURE. 1A805 w w o fy D.134 STORAGE #109 A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 18.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - - __j d_j I E O a-x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 7'-0" DOOR SCHEDULE (CONT.) ol 3'-6" EQ EQ WAG N E R SIZE (INCHES) AREA THERMAL GLAZING FRAME DETAILS EMARKS: TAG# NAME/ LOCATION TYPE (SQ. MAT. FIN. GLAZ. MIN. HDWR RATING EXIT ELEC. SIGN erify All R.O. WIDTH HEIGHT THICK FT) MIN. U PF SHGC MIN. VT MAT. FIN. GROUP (MIN) DEVICE HEAD JAMB �HRESH. izes, typ. A R C H I T E C T S D.135 PARKS OPEN OFFICE #111 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/lA8.10 - - - TEMP PLANNER S 0 C? D.136 OFFICE #114 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - - - 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/lA8.10 - - - TEMP 1 9 1 6 PIKE P L A C E ti SEATTLE WA 98101 D.137 OFFICE #115 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - - - 19.0 8/1A8.10 7AMA8.10 TEMP 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m D.138 OFFICE#116 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP D.139 OFFICE#117 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - OO D.140 VESTIBULE#119 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 ALUM ANO Y = = = = HM PTD. 14.0 = Y 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 = - Y ADA, TEMP ADA SIGNAGE o004003 REGISTERED G G2 D.141 ELECTRICAL/I.T. #121 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. Y ALUM ANO 27.0 Y 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 Y REQUIRED ARCHITECT CHAINLINK MAN GATE CHAINLINK MAN GATE D.142 JANITOR#150 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - D.143 WC#149 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - E T E WA NER D.144 SECONDARY EVIDENCE A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 8.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 STATE OF WASHINGT N STORAGE#148 - - - - 6'-0" D.145 EVIDENCE STORAGE #147 G 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 VINYL VINYL - - - - - HM PTD. 20.0 - - SEE SHEET 1A9.7 - Y - CR Consultants: / 5" 5115" r D.146 FIRST AID #106 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - '� D.147 K KITCHENETTETEAM ROOM #112 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP 21_2" 21_2" _ D.148 MECH. ROOM #154 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. - - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y "FACP" M D.149 MDF ROOM #122 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - Y - CR q D.150 ELECTRICAL ROOM #153 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 26.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - - BID _ D.201 LUNCH ROOM #201 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" C? D.202 STORAGE#214 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 21.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - N D.203 DOC ROOM #206 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP D.204 CONF./TRAINING ROOM #207 C2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 22.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP OD.205 UNISEX WC #208 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - Y - D.206 MEN'S WC#209 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y - MAIN ENTRANCE D.207 WOMEN'S WC#210 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y - D.208 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14'-0" D.209 LUNCH ROOM #201 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" D.210 STORAGE #211 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - D.211 JANITOR#227 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - D.212 CONF./TRAINING ROOM #207 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 23.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" D.213 SOURCE, SUPPLYå E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP PUMPSTATIOND.214 PW STORM DRAINAGE #230 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP D.215 SCADA#231 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP C? D.216 PW DRAINAGE &VEG. #232 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP D.217 STREET MAINT. #234 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP KENT D.218 W/HOUSE SM PARTS #236 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 24.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP WE;H '" `T" D.219 STAIR#235 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. - - - - - HM PTD. 25.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP D.220 OF#239 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR KEHOC D.221 HYDRANTS & METERS#238 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP Warehouse & Office D.222 STREETS &VEG. #240 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP Building D.223 PW WATER OFFICE #242 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP O D.224 SEWER/TV#243 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 = - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP D.225 PW SIGNS &SLD WSTE#244 E1 60 84 1-3/4' 35 STL ANO. Y HM PTD. 17.0 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 TEMP 12607 SE 248TH ST HIGH OVERHEAD DOOR D.226 CONF./TRAINING ROOM#207 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 23.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" KENT, WA D.227 DOC ROOM #206 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP 98030 14'-0" D.228 STORAGE#257 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - KEY D.229 OFFICE #259 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP KEY D.230 OFFICE#261 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP ADA: ACCESSIBLE ALUM: ALUMINUM CONSOLIDATED D.231 OFFICE#260 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP CR: CARD READER� SET D.232 OFFICE E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1B8.10 - - - TEMP HM: HOLLOW METAL D.233 OFFICE#256 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP WD: WOOD D.234 CONFERENCE #253 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP P-LAM:PLASTIC LAMINATE JOB NO. 20223 D.235 OFFICE #254 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP PTD: PAINTED Date Revisions D.236 OFFICE#252 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1 B8.10 - - - TEMP ANO: ANODIZED MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED STN: STAINED co D.237 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEMP: TEMPERED 7 06.05.2 24 REV SION 6 Li D.238 CONFERENCE#263 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP VINYL: BLACK VINYL COATED w D.239 OFFICE#251 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP STEEL N D.240 OFFICE #250 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP "SIGN TEXT" � LOW OVERHEAD DOOR z D.241 QUIET&WELLNESS#248 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y = = = = HM PTD. 17.0 = = 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 = = = TEMP GEN . NOTE: 14'-0" D.242 STORAGE#201A A2 72 84 1 3/4" 42 STL PTD. HM PTD. 18.0 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 TEMP Z D.243 STORAGE#207A A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 18.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - OPENING DIMENSIONS CY D.244 ELECTRICAL ROOM #212 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - _ FOR WINDOWS ARE TO D.245 NOT USED - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OUTSIDE FACE OF ND.246 NOT USED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - THE FRAMES. ALLOW sheet contents 1/4" SPACE ON EACH DOOR SCHEDULE D.247 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIDE WHEN C? D.248 OFFICE#217 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP CALCULATING RO a' D.249 OPEN OFFICE#215 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP DIMENSIONS C N D.250 OFFICE#219 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMPCD OPENING DIMENSIONS D.251 EVIDENCE STORAGE#262 G2 84 84 1-3/4" 49 VINYL VINYL - - - - - - - 20.0 - - SEE SHEET 1A9.7 - - - - FOR DOORS ARE TO D.252 CONFERENCE #218 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP THE INSIDE FACE OF w D.253 OFFICE#221 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP THE FRAME. O ^ n All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and OfL D.254 CONFERENCE#216 E1 60 84 1-3/4 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z LOW OVERHEAD DOOR D.255 OFFICE#222 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP ALL DOOR LOCKSETS C D.256 OFFICE#223 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP AND LATCH SETS WILL Sheet No. N DOOR TYPES D.257 OFFICE#223 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP HAVE LEVER, PUSH 0 - - - - - - - - OPERATED, OR OTHER ry LiCO SCALE: 1/4"= V-0° D.258 WAREHOUSE/SM PART#236 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y HM PTD. 24.0 Y 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 TEMP DEVICES OPERABLE 1A806 Z o� M.101 L2 MEZZANINE A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y - CR BY WRIST OR ARM J�o ry PRESSURE. E O a-x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 4 16 , 15 , '1 � , ' 13 , ' 12 , ' 11 , ' 10, 8 , GENERAL NOTES 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H ( ( E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INDICATESACONTROLLEDRECEPTACLEA DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g Ine r a r c h t e c t s . c o m I 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. 000 OO o O o SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY -FORKLIFT CHARGER ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT QFIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. ISTE A,6 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® v 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALLL7S-2 P17 2 g P12 1 $ WP�LP14S-9 FORKLIFT CHARGER �o ��3813�.�'9 / - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. LLL / g L_PTT g 0 • RV LP12S-15 • _ • LP14S-7 12S-2,4 9P 9 • WR • 1"C, 3#6,#10G OLL-UP OR OLL-UP DOOR LP17S-13 OLL-UP OR LP12S-9 OLL-UP OOR LP1 -1 ROLL-UP DOOR LP17S-27 S LP14S-2,4 6 Consultants; I LP12S-1 LP12S-9 LP17S-13 �P WP I 151 S I I NI I I I OPEN OFFICE LP17S-15 S WP LP14S-1 Tw�� /� 5/ _ LP17S-15 S mN� B . I I WP LP17S-3 5 E8 1 152 TRES WEST 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE ENGINEERS, INC. 301 IU LP12S-1 PW STREET LP12S-9 138 TACOMA, WA Phone: 53.4720 15 3300 III II I WP WP LP14S-1 WAREHOUSE www.treswest.com REF III 17S-23 T FT T II WP IIIIIIIIIII II LP17S-23 I I I I I II 150 I WP LIL L LIL I I PLAN NOTES LP17S-2� JANITt- LP12S-13 LP14S-1 O BLOCK HEATER._ � I 'I WP LLP1 75-37S-1 A2 OWP OPROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE P 2 WLe12S-11 SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS I I / LP17S-37 P14S WITH MANUFACTURER. 149 ® 2VLPPS-1 LP12S-1 LP12S-1 LP12S-9 LP14S-3 LP14S-3 LP14S-3 ® LP14S-3 KENT W WP % WP WP WP WP A,WP O PROVIDE MILBANK 125A, 120/240V MILLENNIUM W A 5 H I N G TO N '�- 6 - - - WC 12S ERIEUTETERED OWETLET WITH (1) / 0 1013S WP15SWP WP RECEPTACLE CONFIGURATIONS AND (1)50A, A'WP (��' LP13S-7 LP15S-5 % LP15S-9 LP1 S-15 LP16S-15 (% LP 1 -13 2P, 120/240V, (1) 30A, 1 P, 120V, AND (1)20A, 1 P, /�� 153 Ii ll P17S-28 LP13S-3 LP13S-3 LP15S-5 120V CIRCUIT BREAKER CONFIGURATIONS. KEHOC ELEC. - P17�I I I I I I I 7I I I � I I $� ( IIIII i i 0 NOT USED. Warehouse & Office 1-L ELECTRICAL 148 J 1"C, 2#4, #4G CONNECTION LP13S-11 O LP16S-7 I I O NOT USED. Building WP - LU11N-10 CR REQUIRED SECONDARY WP W� WP O LP17S-1 146 EVIDENCE O LP15S-13 O6 COORDINATE OUTLET TYPE, WIRE SIZE AND T QUANTITY WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO II III LF�111 i I I I I 12607 E 248TH T DRIVE-THRU ROUGH-IN. II BAY II II j i I I O COORDINATE LOCATION WITH OWNER PRIOR KENTI WA O TO ROUGH-IN. 98030 II II II WPLP13S-9 O O PROVIDE CHATSWORTH CUBE-iT WALL I WP I I MOUNTED 19U CABINET WITH TEMPERED LP15S-11 GLASS DOOR#11900-X36. PROVIDE CABINET CONSOLIDATED WP WITH LOW-DECIBEL DUAL-FAN AND FILTER KIT LP1 -39 LP17S-11 #40975-001, TWO VERTICAL CABLING SECTION WP 144 1 ® 145 W SEW[ LP15S-9 LP16S-15 143 #40970-711, CABLE PORT BRUSH KIT#25190-000, SET twp PW STORM � PW WATER LED LIGHT KIT#12803-701, POWER STRIP _ - LP13S-7 WP WP #12820-705, AND EATON RACKMOUNT UPS / I DRAINAGE I I I #SMART2200RMXL2U. JOB NO. 20223 WP Data Revisions WP 9PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED I11/2"C, 3#4, #8G 8 WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN.EVIDENCE 05.01.2024-REVISION 6 LP17S-2,4 STORAGE 10 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE 8 05,06.2024 RFI#34 LP15S-5 I I CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL I WP SYSTEM. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR I HARDWARE SET REQUIREMENTS. I LP 13S-3 WP LP17S-11 WP WID r I LP13S-11 7 I LP15S-9 LP16S-15 LP17S-1 I I WP WP WP I � I I O _ P DOOR LP17S-6,8 I I Sheet Contents g ROLL-UP DOOR ORKLIF C1�Af�tGER I LP13S-13 LP15S-15 ROLL-UP DOOR -ROLL UP R 1"C 3#6, #10G L J ROLL-UP DOOR W 13S-7 ,-ROLL-Up 00 ROLL-UP DOOR W LF11 ROLL-UP DOOR LP16S- /�� . LP17S-7 • 9 - _ _ = - _ �P�3- 9 • - 9 . - �P�'rs= -9 • 42fH • ERGED UND ® ® ® ® ® 20V BLOCK ® ® ® J 10 12®V BLOCK ® 12®V BLOCK 128V BLOCK 120V BLOCL 7S- P17 2 WP HEATER LP1 -17 P HEATER WP HEATER HEATER HEATER P gLP13S-1 LP15S-3 LP15S-1 LP16S-3 LP16S-5 $ 8 I /� II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - A dA 4pea4 bff*mrIuhee the 1101 died ad art¢id cork aT to omlimt and mq nd be aced,a dbcbeed rthouk Ike rrllten ooreent al to Sheet No. ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL A POWER A B 1 SCALE: 1/8" -O" E 3. 1 A z 5 , ' 4 , ' 3 , ' 2 , RISER ROOM GENERAL NOTES 4 — - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H / / E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS o P DOOR 15N 9 ROL o REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE PLANNER S - — - - - - -_- - - - - - - - - -_— I _ / _ INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. 4 WO c LP -2 9 - F LP15N-   ++++ ++ DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 16 P I K E P L A C E OLL-UP DOOR O� WP OLL-UP DOOR WP I I I +++++ L 6N-4 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE SEATTLE WA 98101 LP N-1 3ifL 14N-3,b + + + DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 LP14N-3,c WP L J LP +LP+f6W-3.7 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED 1 + + + wagnerarchitects . com LP15N-2 ® 10. + �++++ DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX.LP14N-7� � P LP15N-9 — 121 V + 6N-4+ MECH. ROOM 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE 208V WELDER WP WP ELECTRICAL/ = r ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. 1"C, 3#6, #10G Wp 139 140 I.T. F US SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. WP P14N-1 PW SIGNS& LP15N-2 PW DRAINAGE — S LP16N-37 S OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT LP14N-6, SOLID WASTE LP14N-7 VEG. — LP1 S FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON.FORKLIFT CHARGER Wp � WP — � LP16N-39 � .P 53813 � P�ipo S-191"C, 3#6, #10G 14N-1rP1 WP ® ® WP ® �® N-1 1 — J LP15N-31 I S LP16N-12 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �SSIONAL �ti _ LP14N-2 �p — _ �P15N LP15N- LP15N-9 — J 10 LP46N ''--ram - — ' �- EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. on 1111111,M - 7 LP14N-14,16+� �4+�illilliTillillillilliillillillillilI WPeLP14N-2 WP WP E8.0 I / ROLL-UP DOOR ++++++++ LP14N-1 WP LP15N-5 S + + + + 3 LP15N-3 � LP16N-26 + + + + w p $ ;i ) OWP LP16N-39 S Consultants: LP14S-11 + + + + LP1 N-12,e LP14N-12,er�/ WPO6 +++++�+ LP14N-7 122 S (DNP ++++ III 6 WP I MDF 118 LP16N-10 138 ++ ��C I O I I I ROOM — s I � 116 s WAREHOUSE ++ ORR* LP14N-1 1 P16 PARKS S LP16f�-� _ + + + + LP14N-5 1 F — — ��EN OFFICE LP16N-1010E V+ + + + 6pwpo L_ —1 LP14N-7 — WP WP WP 132 — — TREE WEST LP1 N-1 e LP14N-12,e LP15N-9 L — J ENti111lEERS P14N LP15N-2 SHOWER � s _ / LP17N-2 3 14N-1 WP4N-1 LP14N-7 LP14N-4 3 WP LP15N-7 LP15N-9 n n L1— ./// T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 4N-3,a S WP WP WP WP d WP P �WP P WP WP r 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 S L J / Phone: 253.472.3300 LP14S-5 - - - - - - — - - - - - L 5 LP1 N-23 P17N-37 LP16N-37 S / www.treswest.com 6 134 LP - ® LP LP17�J-31 S LP1 N'M5 1611 S E81 LAUNDRY 131 1 17 LP17 -15 p e�6N-8 LP LP14 -13 AKHER WOMENS s 137 LP17N LOCKER �g 123 �LP17N- TV LP16N-6 LP14S-3W �LP14 1 ® 135 I ® ® LP17N_5__ 1.1 N 1 11 LP17N-37 WORKOUT LP17 -21 s114 IVA�REHOUP14S-1 DRYING ® DRYER 1 ROOM OFFICEL 1 I LP17N-1 P17N-5 LP1 S s ROOM I #10 601 130 OFFI( LP16N-6 -3 LP14S-15 I LP1 7N-11,13 LP17N-3® 133 SHOWER11 LP17 -19 S LP 7 LP 7N- 17 - LP17N-37 17N-2 L 17N 9 LP16N-37 / � F. - 11 17 - P1 -5 LP1 -5 L 171 - 7 LP17 �-l7 11 17Ill �,r SH R s �,�/ S LP14S-1 P LP1 N-10 ® W i T LP17N-4 WASNINGTON LP1 N-10 LP16N33 L�17N-2 — — J — — I I 124 PARKS _ _ CORR. — — — � — — - — — OPEN � / L 6S 13 WP ICE LP17N-2 .j LP17N-4 OFFICE °� P16S MACHINE — — — — — — — [LP — i P16N_35 _Lp - - '�V, KEHOC LP17N-6 AP16 -L 13N- N- 125 11 LP17N-Lx P17 3 / Warehouse & Office I ® 126 ® � � � 16N-31 s SLP16N-31 LP16S-11 0 MEN S WC P 105 LP16N-29 . 2/ Building @Np=�� MENS V. LOCKERE LP17N-34 LP17N-34 LP17AN-3 CORR. 16N-31 LP16N-31 ROOM jh P - LP16N-2 6N-32 12607 SE 248TH ST ® 128 11 11 11 11 11 11 N-18 LP17N-32�YP OF SINK — RKS KENT, WA SH ER GI T Jg86N-27 98030 127 10 09 &TEAM ROOM LP13 — IT L�� _4 LP17Nt TOR. — LP16N-27 — / PLAN NOTES WP WP WP WP WPE LP16N-27 / O NOT USED. CONSOLIDATED LP13N-3 LP13N-5 LP13N-5 WP WP W2 MACHINE LP13N-5 LP13N-5 LP12N-13 LP12N-13 LP12N-13 5 102 LP17N-8 S 2 NOT USED. SET 143 A,W LP16N-31 / LP13N-7 E8.0 7 COIAP17N-4 O PW WATER1w1v';N-9 3 CEILING MOUNTED SWITCHED RECEPTACLE ® LP12N-11 FOR SHOP LIGHTING. COORDINATE LOCATION 106 OF RECEPTACLE AND SWITCH WITH OWNER JOB NO. 20223 =fdWp PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN Date Revisions LP13N-7 LWP _UEC. E8.1 NOT USED. WP LLP1 N-9 ® I 077 & FIRST° or) I I 7 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED AI ���� 4 WID 208V WELD L 6N-R 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 LP13N-3 WATER/ 7 3 F - 11 III RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX 5 PROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH ONE DUPLEX g 08,09.2024 O REVISIN 7 LP17N-2 STREET VEG. P12N-21,23 ® L J 16Ni9 III RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. I�Z J - HEV1 + + + + ��P112N E8.1 [ ] O BLOCK HEATER. ++ ++++ LP1 N-5 LP 2N-9 141 LP12N-7 J 10 + + + LP12N-9 LP12N-11 LP12N-11 ® LP12N-4 1�16N / O7 COORDINATE OUTLET TYPE, WIRE SIZE AND + — — — PARKS— WP WP — — — _ — QUANTITY WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO LP16S- + + + ... I W P + + + + J 10 ROUGH-IN. P 6 W � +++++++++ WP 103 Q LP17N-4 12 4 S"LP16N-3 8 NOT USED. + + + + + O + + + LP13N-1 LP13N-7 208V WELDER WATER Z� J 10 P16N-3 LP16S-17 �L �lw� +++ Wp TEST LAB � � ❑ El 2N-4 LP16N- O PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION R&L-UP DOOR O + + + + O LP16N-5 WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. • + + + + + LP16N- P16N-5 ENLARGED GROUND + + + + LP12N-25,27 + • III III + + F F 120V BLOCK J 10 10 J ® + + + + LP16N-3 CONFE ® 10 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE LEVEL B POWER ® ® III + + + + LP16N-5 LP16N-5 5 LP16N-5 CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE WP HEATER LP 2N-9 LP12N-11 + 5 0 — LP1 -31 LP1 S-31 101 + +LPD 4 � AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL 09 LP16S-1 WP WP WP nRRYIWAITING ++++++++ LP12N-4 SYSTEM. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LP13N-3 ,-ROLL-UP DOOR LP16N-40 ++++++++ J 10 HARDWARE SET REQUIREMENTS. + + + + OL U DOOR ,ROLL-UP D OR ,ROLL-UP DOOR 13 - 9 • _ • • 9 • TamimmimmwKiiiiiii ++++++++ - — — - - 11 PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE LP12N-3 . . LP12N-15 LP16N-40 + + + + — SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS J 10 ++++ +++ WITH MANUFACTURER. 120V BLOCK 120V BLOCK 120V BLOCK p— HEATER LP 2N-2 WP HEATER LP N-2 p— HEATER LP16N-40 ++++ +++ AllmaA h oarIhie�ft�W ad - 1 LP - + +- + + ++ 10 ADA push buttons + + + + Sheet No. ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL B POWER 0 0A B E3. 1 B 1 SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" ot -� 4 16 , 15 , '1 � , ' 13 , ' 12 , ' 11 , ' 10, ' 9 g , GENERAL NOTES 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I T E C I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S — _- - - - - _ — — _ _ _ _ - - - -_- - - - _- - — _ _- - - - - -_ — _ - -_- - - - _ - - - - -_- - — _ _ _ INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. A / I DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. I 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. vd d'� 53813��� o 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL ��S IIST IIRIIEXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. \ / / \ / LP24N- Consultants: LP24N-1TRMWEff \ / P� 11 / \\\ /// \\// I ENGINEERS TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 1 / j WAREHOUSE / `\ Phone: 253.472.3300 1 / www.treswest.com \ I 1 / EVIDENCE 1 / STORAGE 'C®9, _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - 1 / V� LP24N-29 �/� \\\ I LP 4N-1 WA ENS N T CD _ I LP24N-29 LP24N-29 1 / 11/ \\ // \\ 0 // \ // KEHOC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'D.2, - - - �7 - - - - - - - - - - - �- Warehouse & Office Buildin 11 x \\ /' I \\ // I \\ // 12607 SE 248TH ST KENT, WA /II I 1 No power supply 98030\\ // \\ // \ / / 1 shown for door I 1 D.251. / 1 NO ELECTRICAL \\ // \\ // \ / I CONSOLIDATED / 1 CONNECTION & CR REQUIRED \ / \ / \ / I SET •5/ / I / I \ I / I \ I / \ JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED \ sheet contents / 1 LP24N-2 / \ / \ / -------_-----_-------- \ ENLARGED SECOND F. 1� LEVEL A POWER 0 I I I I � � II _ I I I I I I G -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - -- - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - N mahstd a➢pealg hash mnbw the wrAMW ad a�deabedaTiAtl� tla�i�Mn�rad af�tlr ra�r>bed. Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL A POWER A B SCALE: 1/8"= E 3.3A z GENERAL NOTES 4 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER WAG N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I I E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / REQUIRED, "S" NEAR ARECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S _ _ _ _ _ __ � INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. P24N-25S A,S LP24N-25 S P24N-2 S A,SO S LP24N-39 �aLP22N-15 2 S 221 s / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E LP24N-39 LP24N-39 L - L - S1 S LP22N-33 LP22N-3 17 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 LP22N-27 LP22 - LP22N-27 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE N OFFICE OFFICE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 OFFI�_ )FFICE CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED s LP24N-33 S LP22N-13 S S DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g n e r a r c h t e c t s . c o m LP24N-19 S s LP24N-35 LP22N-15 LP22N-17 LP22N-19 LP22N-37 LP24N-21 1 1 1 1 223 S S S 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE LP22N-19 LP22N-33 LP22N-37 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE s OFFICE S LP22N-17 S S LP22N-33 L 24N-19 S LP24N-3 SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. �F � _ LP24N 21 P24N-33 OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY s4N-19 2, LP24N-27 4 B2 N-41 e LP22N-13 226 215 S ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT S LP22N-33 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. r,W DR k.,_ LP24N-21 P24N-33 P ORM LP24N-35 CORR PLOTTER LP22N-33 OPEN ��o��GiST3 P 4N-17 U N-27 D -41 — - LP22N-15 s — — - — — — 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �ssr s LP26W1 — OFFICE ONAL / Sx A,9r SOLP24N-9 S P24N-31 216 118 I / EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. / LP24N-7 LP24N-7 LP24N-7 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-13 LP22N- s LP26N-3 S P24N-17 LP24N-7 4O LP24N-27 P24N-31 O LP24N-41 g 2 S LP22N-21 LP22 21 LP �5 LP24N-9 F S F - NTER � F ConsulFar� 1 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-11 F cn 3 212 P24N-17 LP24N-27 P24N-31 P24N-41 S � LP22N-21 LP22N-21 4 TV _ LP �� LP22N-21 �cn LP22N-25 � E8.0 tLEC. LP24N-5 LP24N-2 TV LP24N-3 4 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP24N-S s COPY/MAIL TV LP22N-25 LP22N-2 S S S LP�4N- 2 P24N-25 LP2 -3 LP22N-11 LP 2N-1 213 7 -1 _ LP24N-5 LP24N-15 1 S S LP24 - 5 L 4N-24 S LP24N-3 S 0 I I Aj 225 �S LP22N-21 S LP22N-2 CORR I— - eA A F _ CORR , s A,s A, LP2 5 O LP26N-1 228 LP26N-3 LP23N-4 SP -6 TM vW LP24N-5 8 ICE (TYP OF 2) LP23N-6 Q��N MACHINE TV (TYP OF 2) STREW. CL -22 LP26N-5 TV ' T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. MAINT. �r- — - — — — — — — — — — — — - LP23N-26 — — �7 LP24N-3 10 J W4N-t6 - _ -9 7 LP26N-3 S (TYP OF 2) ' 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 1 S 3300 S LP24N-1U P26N-9 L 22N 7 L -1 2 1 LP23N-4 ('c TPhone: WA 98209-7315 7 www.treswest.com 24 14 LP24N-3 LP24N-15 L�24id- LAS LP24N 18 �2 - LP22N-1 XN 22N-3 E8.0 — —1 TV S S (TY ELEC. / LP24N-15 4 S 1 LcP22N-1 LP22N-1 — OILETS) LP24N-13 LP24 - L 24N-1� LP24N-14 P24N-8 4 LP24N-12 P22N-39 2O1A LP24N-3 TV 231 LP24N-2 LP22N-5 LP22N-5 P22N- LP24N-13 aLP24N-13 8 F 233 s >CADA P24N-8 24N-12 S F 207 F 207A 9 LP22N 9 s - STORAGE LP22N-39 210 203 LP23N-4 L 24N 16 SOURCE, LP24N-2 4 4 LP22N-39 O L OMEN CORR LP23N 6s rnR� P2 N-1 TV LP24 -14 �CONF.i STOR. SUPPLY& LP22N- TRAININ LP22N- LP22-1 9 LP22N-39 gO 2p1 L LP26N-1 s ic PUMPSTATIONS LP24N-2 ?22N-9 n TV _ -4 LP24N-1 LP24N-1 - P24N-6 LNo power supplyLP22N-5 ROOM LP22N-5 9 O - LUNCH shown for door / LP22N-1 LP2 N-40 P22N-41 — D.258. LP2 N-2 // LP24N-4s � F F 08 I®22N- S LP23N-4 ROOM N� LCTI�AL / _LP_24N-6 —� NISL22�1 22N-40 LP22N-39 LP 22 -41 E8.1 ��r� 202 C. CONNECTION & 8 S LP22N-5-0 LP22NI� L 22N- - 1 I U KITCHEN / KENT CR REQUIRED 2 1\ S LP24N-4 LP24N-4 LP24N-4 TV ® WASHINGTON LP24N-6 S� A,S,H, S LP24N-4 LP25N-3i El LP25N-12 cn s S \\ S P25N-125N-12 L' 25N� 2 N-15 LP26N-3 U / LP25N-3 LP25N-3 1 LP25N-1 — — — s 22N-9 LP22S-3 LP26N-3 RO EVATOR - I LP25N-14 P22N— — D, 1, KEHOC 6 2 LP22N-7 — — —LP22N- LP16N-38 — — — — - — — — — — �p , Warehouse & Office — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — LP25N- E8.0 P2 _ 6N-36 P25N-9 T�25N-9 S J n — _j P25N-12 LP25N-1S F LP22N-7 F - — 23 LP25N-11 ]<D �- LP22N-7 4 4 ELEVATOR---"'- LEVATOR \ — - ® �' PLAN NOTES Building Li S TV O O CAB \ LP23N-2 HYDR [ ] P25N-10 243 LP25N-141150 LP22N-3 DP -1 1�6, 8 S S S cn4�/ LP22N-7 LP22N-7 S ' I 2O6 / F O AROMIDNUM RACEWAY OR EQU VALENES DTI PROVIDE LP25N-9 VIDED &MET P25N-11 LP25N-9 L — JL — JL — J F_ -R/TN) LP25N-1 r \ 12607 SE 248TH ST O 241 4O LP22N-3 F F I 13 DOC P25N-10 LP25N-18 'll CENTER RACEWAY DIVIDER WITH 2-3/4" CHANNEL LP22N-7 LP22N-7 ROOM FOR DATA AND 2-1/4" CHANNEL FOR POWER. KENT, WA —S KITCHENETTE F LP22N-9 PROVIDE COVER, END CAPS, AL5214 WALL BOX LP25N-9 1 8 ED LP25N-1 S ,4 4 4 214 CONNECTOR AND ALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED 98030 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-7 LP25N-7 L } 1 I I LP25N-18 '� pp�9 Or) � P25N-10 I STOR LP23N-8s FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. I I- TV LP22N-S LP22N-3 E8.1 Or) I P25N-16 8 — — LP26N 3 / O2 NOT USED. O CONSOLIDATED LP25N-23s - LP25N-18 LP26N-11 LP23N-2 3 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ELEVATOR LP25N-19 LP25N-23 LP25 -3� i ® S - � LP23N-26 5N-18 7P726N-1 LP26N-11 S CONTRACTOR IN MACHINE ROOM LESS SET 1 TV S ICE J 10 (TTV OF 2) — '�. / ELEVATOR. LP25N-23 LP25N-21 245 LP26N-15 LP23N-2 LP23N-8 �� F PAN-1 CORR MACHINE TV 4 8 (TYP OF 2) (TYP OF 2) 4O PROVIDE 6" POKE-THRU WITH ONE DUPLEX JOB NO. 20223 LP25N-23 O - E8.1 LP26N-3 A, A, AR A RECEPTACLE,S RECEPTACLE, AONE ND DAONTROLLED TA PORTS DUPLEX Dahe Re�ons P25N-19 PRINTER MARCH 19 2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 25 -37 L 25N 38 P - O P25N-19 LP 5N-29 S LP25N-2 g P25N-8 S LP25N- LP23N-� LP23N- S LP23N-29 S 255 257 O NOT USED. 246 �P23N-27 LP23N-27 S S 05.01.2024-REVISION 6 LP25N-13 LP25N-3 S LP25N- s 23N-1 LP23 - LP23N-23 LP23N-25 1 L LP23N- 1 LP23N-27 CORR STOR. LP23N-23 LP23N-25 6 ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL BY ELEVATOR 24O I 1 I 942_1 TV 244 TV S L 23N-3 O LP23N-31 SI S S CONTRACTOR. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS PRIOR 8 05.06.2024-RFI#34 P25N-17 LP2 L 5N-35 LP25N- ROOM S IntLP2 -27 LP23N-23 STRE F LP25N-13 P25N-25 F ER S " "� F NS& S 247 3 TV TO ROUGH-IN. ° LP25N-33 P25N 39 STE LP25N-4 CORR LP23N-29 EP23N-2 259 261 P25N-17 LP25N-23 O O LP25N-8 � 'ON Q�-31 O NOT USED. 4 LP25N-13 4 LP25N-35 4 ., LP23N-1 LP23N- LP26N-3 Lp Jff LP23 MICE 1 P25N-25 LP25N- 3 LP25N-4 LP23N-29 LP23N-27 S S / O REFRIGERATOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION P25N-17 — — 25N 39 — — — — — - — WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. LP25N-15 S LP25N-35 LP25N-8 1 S S .0 LP25N-27 S F LP23N-7 LP23N-7 F O PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE S LP25N- 3 LP25N-8 249 LP26N-1 WITH SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS LP25N-21 LP25N-35 � P25N-41 LP25N-2 LP25N-15 S P25N-27 O LP25N-31 O 248 db LP26N-1 CORR Conterde S S S S P25N-21 LP25N-21 10 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE LP25N-15 Sd A, S LP25N-21 P25N-41 LP25N-2 s QUIET& 0 251 s 2 254 S P1 LP2 N�gb ENLARGED SECOND 1 L - 11 LP23 -15 P2 - CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE AS g WELLNESS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL LEVEL B POWER P25N-27 LP25N-3 LP23N-7SYSTEM. SEE ACHITECTURAL P251\1-41 LP25N-2 S S S S S S S HARDWARE SET REQUIREMENTSRAWINGS FOR LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N-15 LP23N-17 S S LP25N-31 LP25N-6 � I LP23N-19 LP23N-21 S LP25N-29 LP25N-29 SO S LP25N 6 LP25N 6 S LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N 15 LP23N-17 LP23N-19 LP23N-21 P25N-29 So A, s LP25N-29 LP25N-6 S A, S LP25N-6 S S S S S S S S N addW 4M AaWn=01ki a to MpMdod and 2 a dd�how l d m tl%Mn�a nab I m b1t Shsat No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL B POWER A B 1 E 3.3 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' z GENERAL NOTES 4 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I I E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS o REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE PLANNER S L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ �n INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. Ln / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. Io 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ` ' ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. � I 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL ��ssIONAL���t I n / EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. Coneultantx I I I I I I I o I eA WEST '� ENGINEERS \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — �T TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 / I I \ / TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 ILL — / — — — — — — � � — � Phone: 253.472.3300 1z IF \ www.treswest.com QUIPMENT PLATFORM / / \ ELECTO AL ,/ \\ CONNECTION & CR REQUIRED WPO \ - - QUIPM/E fPLA�O\RM \ \ \ / / LP24N-28 tF" 8 IIIiIIIIi W P25N-22 LP24N-28 -28 x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / / � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 00 7 7! - - - - - - - - � / KENTN / / LP24N-28 \ / IPMENT PLAT A — — D / -(D. I, KEHOC CFUTPNfENTRCATFOR10f � — — \ , \ � ,I \ Warehouse & Office Building 12607 SE 248TH ST ,X\ // \\ KENT, WA 98030 P24N-28 CONSOLIDATED / \ PLAN NOTES SET \ / PROVIDE RECEPTACLE WITHIN 25' OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL A8 AS REQUIRED. JOB NO. 20223 O2 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE Dahe Revisions CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE AS MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL 05.01.2024-REVISION 6 SYSTEM. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR HARDWARE SET REQUIREMENTS. 8 05.06.2024-RF1434 I I I I I I I I T 0 Sheet contents ENLARGED SECOND — _ — - - _— - - - _ — — LEVEL MEZZANINE LEVEL B POWER I Io N EdW 4M MiWn=01ki a to mp Mdwd and i a dd�ahow la 111%m�a nab of rm4mblt Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL MEZZANINE LEVEL B POWER A B 1 SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" E 3 '3 C z -� 4 16 , 15 , 1 � , 13 , / 12 , / 11 , / 1 O, / g , / 8 , FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — ALARM DESIGN PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED A / I APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com FOLLOWING: I 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED 000 OO - 0 o ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT o® ® ® ® 0 ® ® ® SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, �(SGISTE �1 DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, °,po d'� 53813��� — — — — _ _ _ _ _ — — — sI�NAL / F D F D � _ — — — _ — VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, WP P BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER i CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. 151 I I 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED OPEN OFFICE RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE _ Ow ® RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. i II / III 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE sZ PROVIDED WITH WATER TIGHT CONDUIT, mmll RS J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS 5 REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST E N G I N E E R S, I N C. E8 1 152 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 II I U PW STREET 138 ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. TACOMA Phone: 53.472.330015 II I a www.treswest.com WP WAREHOUSE 5 REFER A R ELEVATOR RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM i 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC i n T Ii TI T ri EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. IIIIIIIIIII GENERAL NOTES II IIIIIIIIIII II 150 LI 1 L1 L11 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE i Ow ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE II JANITOR Z SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. ® o OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT P FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. 40 149 ® I I Ll� 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES K��1E l�T 6 0A S N N G T O M L EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE / I WEATHERPROOF. D � � E8.0 — 2 /�� 153 IIIIII I I I KEHOC D. /I I ELEC. — IIIIII Warehouse & Office - -1 SECONDARY I I Building I 146 EVIDENCE II II III STOR. III I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST DRIVE-THRU j III BAY II II KENT, WA II I I 98030 ' II II II I I I PLAN NOTES I I I I I I TPOE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED CONSOLIDATED I BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER W SEWER ® 145 144 143 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. SET �E. _ _ WP PW STORM PW WATER O2 PROVIDE CHATSWORTH CUBE-iT WALL 5/ 1 I DRAINAGE I I I MOUNTED 19U CABINET WITH TEMPERED JOB NO. 20223 GLASS DOOR#11900-X36. PROVIDE CABINET Date Revisions i I 147 WITH LOW-DECIBEL DUAL-FAN AND FILTER KIT MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED i #40975-001, TWO VERTICAL CABLING SECTION EVIDENCE #40970-711, CABLE PORT BRUSH KIT#25190-000, 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 STORAGE LED LIGHT KIT#12803-701, POWER STRIP g 08,09.2024 REVISION 7 I #12820-705, AND EATON RACKMOUNT UPS #SMART2200RMXL2U. i i i i I I � - I I I I i 1 IL P / F - - _ -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WP - - - - - ENLARGED GROUND - - - LEVEL A SYSTEMS °® p ® ® D ® ® ® D ® ® ® D I I I I CG II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N hash mnbw the wrAMW ad ��aT to r�idMn�rad af�tr ra�rtecF. Sheet No. ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL A SYSTEMS A B 1 E 5. 1 A SCALE: 1/8"= 1' z 8 , ' ] , ' 6 , ' 5 , ' 4 3 , ' 2 , RISER ROOM FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 4 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - �T- - - - - - - 0 A E R - - -� - - - - - - - - -® — � Cr � —� - - - - - - - - �— - - -� - - - - - - - - -®— 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W G N DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S D D REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM I o — FW1111111111111 11 F w CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE PLANNER S - —_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —_— _ __ A� ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED D +++ F / APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE I F a MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E W A 98101 — + + + LP16N-2 z LL COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM L J + + + + ° 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 E +++++++ SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL — � ® 119 ++++ + INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com 121 — V IBU + ++ 4 FOLLOWING: — r MECH. ROOM 139 140 ELECTRICAL/ _ 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED J. _ I.T. — ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, � VF PW SIGNS& PW DRAINAGE — —{ 4 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND SOLID WASTE VEG. I ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. — 117 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT 7K DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, ,p �'�53813 ® L — I OFFICE SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, °��ss ONAL IST 1 — J � ZONAL � VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, D ++ +++ M IFE8.0 I �� / VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, ++++++++ o 4 PRINTER BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER + + + + Wp ow Wp Wp CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, ++++++++ ® AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: + + + + III 122 Q ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM 138 + SYSTEM. ++++� � III MDF Q 118 I I + ROOM — PARKS 116 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED WAREHOUSE ++ � �+ P 1. ++++++++ �1 — — OPEN OFFICE OFFICE III RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. ILI8 132 — — 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE TMWEff _ a PROVIDED WITH WATER TIGHT CONDUIT, MN� L — J J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS — — — — SHOWER — — — — — �� REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST E N G I N E E R S, I N C. q n n 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 q F 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE L J TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 — — — — — — / ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 134 ] 8 115 D / 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR www.treswest.com RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. 6 LAUNDRY ® 131F�= FFICE E8.1 E6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC ROOM vLOCKER 8 129 EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. ,C 137 135 —1 ® P ® Tv WAREHOUSE ® ® C WOR our pE GENERAL NOTES J ® ROOM 114 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE OFF DRYING w P ROOM o 130 ® OFFICE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. ® 133 SHOWE ® 400 - C, Rr ® OCCUPANCY SENSOR HALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT ° SH Rry� O3IqFy w Em L ��, _ g, FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. � 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES KENTr— - - C-19 FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR N PARKS — — EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE I r OPEN D WEATHERPROOF. C-18 ORR. 1 sD TV O — — — — — — — — — — _ _OFFICE _ _ _ 1 I ° �I, KEHOC Warehouse & Office I ® 126 ® MEN'S WC ® 110 D ® 2/ Building II MENS 105 LOCKER 4 8 D D D O O CORR ROOM P - 12607 SE 248TH ST ® JHWER , 12 KENT, WA ® _ 2 F WEIR 127 109 5 ITCHENETTE 98030 0 ® 10� &TEAM ROOM p� 0 0 0 0 �AhE Lj TOR. ® � PLAN NOTES ZI iLLif 1O RECALL. DE SMOKE DETECTOR FOR ELEVATOR CONSOLIDATED q 5 102 ��� O2 PROVIDE FIRE ALARM CONNECTION TO SET 143 jA E8.0 CORR. �� / SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT. VERIFY QUANTITY OF PW WATER 8 ® CONNECTIONS WITH SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR. 8 — 106 JOB NO. 20223 F O PROVIDE LADDER RACK AT+8'-0"AFF WITH Date Revisions ® I 07 FIRSTO T)T) MINIMUM 18"WORKING CLEARANCE ABOVE. MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED ZLEC. AID r)r) III E8.1 III 142 III 4O PROVIDE DUAL CONTACTOR HEAT DETECTOR 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 WATER/ I FOR ELEVATOR SHUNT TRIP WITHIN 18" FROM g 08,09.2024 REVISION 7 (TYP) ® ® 3 � � I I ® Ili SPRINKLER HEAD. O STREET VEG. WP WP E8.1 �Z J L J 5 PROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH ONE DUPLEX +)++ + RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX 141 E D STOR. RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. + +++++ — — — — — PARKS— — — ® — — — O NOT USED. ++ + + ++ I u +++++++++ FBI7 NOT USED. +++++++++ WATER z� I REX J Es Og POE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED +++++++++ TEST LAB L J ❑ ❑ D D ® BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. Sh"t Contents +++++++++ ELE+ + COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER + 5 104 0 5 ENLARGED GROUND + + + + + � � _ + + PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 1 D + F 2 C0� ® 2 F 2 LEVEL B SYSTEMS 1 ++++++++ ) o ® O PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION 1 WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. + Relocate CR to OBBYIWAITING + ++++++++4 E conference room side 8 10 COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF PHONE + + + + WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. WP + + + + t + + + + + - - — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — o D + + + I _ _ +++++ + Al malartd n.e�aarIul the s+ipAMW and ++++ p at¢id rak aT iht adiat ad may not b. — — — — -- — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — —� — — — — — — — — — — + + + D used a deabaed Mtliout to r�lten oaes�t of the ud3r>becr + + F P Sheet No. + + — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL B SYSTEMS A B 1 E 5. 1 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" z -� 4 16 , 15 , 1 � , 13 , 12 , 11 , 1 O, g , 8 , FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM — — — — — — CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S ALARM DESIGN PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED A / I APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com FOLLOWING: I 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, °,po d'� 53813��� o SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, ��S IST -tONAL VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, DEVICES, BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE eA At GHT CONDUIT, RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. 1 I WP PW/� ® 5/ 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BEI I \ / / IJ BOXES, AND WATH RPROVIDED WITH WATER I ROOF GASKETS AS REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. \ / 23� 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 1 WP P W \ I 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE / TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 WAREHOUSE / \ ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 \ 1 / / 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR www.treswest.com RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC EVIDENCE EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. 1 I /' vv � � �� GENERAL NOTES 11 � STORAGE // \\ WP WP \ I 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE / \ ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY / \ ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT C®�/ _- - - - \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. 4000- WP 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES K E N T / WASH I N GTON FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR i EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF. '� -- - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - — � - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -Z — — -1 - - - - - - - -Z_ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l KEHOC - - - - - - - - - - — — • / I 1 WP ` / ` / Warehouse & Office Building 11 x \\ /' I \\ ,/ I \\ // 12607 SE 248TH ST KENT, WA No electrified `\ \ / 98030 II I 1 hardware shown for \ / \ / \ / p I 1 door D.251. I 1 NO ELECTRICAL I 1 CONNECTION & \ / \ / \ / CONSOLIDATED I 1 CR REQUIRED SET r/E. / I / I \ I / I \ I / \ JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions Nil MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED I I WP WP sheet Contents / / 1 ENLARGED SECOND/ ---------------------- \ / ---------------------- \ / ---------------------- \ • 1; LEVEL A SYSTEMS o I I I � � II _ I I I I I I G -- - - - - - - - -_ - - - -_ - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N hash mnbw the wrAMW ad r��aT to r�idMn�rad af�tr ra�rtecF. Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL A SYSTEMS A B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' E 5.3A z 4 , ' 3 , ' 2 , FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 4 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. WAG N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / �� CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S _ _ _ _ _ __ n ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED 2 Q Q L i APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE 219 217 MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 4 4 OFFICE OFFICE COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 OFFICE OFFICE SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com ® FOLLOWING: 223 8 8 8 g a OFF'r'r- 17 I f@V�= A A J. 17 ,1 I 17 A 1 1 ON�TH AVAI ABPLETE FIRELE ARCHITECTURAL,ED �F p D STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND 4 2 &27307 8 IF ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. _ 226 � 4 � 215 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT PW 53813 & G � 2$INAGE I PL TTER �ENSPRENKLORS, MANUAL PULL ER RSER MODULES HORNSS ��s�- - - - d - - - A — OFFICE — VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, SroNAL VOICE N ALARM ® ® L - J 6 �21 BELLS, DOOR REILOEASE AND HOLDER 4 4 4 O CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, O O D 2 G�F �2 2 G�F 2 - RINTER a 2I1J�/.12 ® 2©F�2 212 AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS ConsulEar 8 �/' Lys ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM 224 O ELEC. SYSTEM. TV TV J� — 7 7 COPY/MAIL TV- % �13 0 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE 8 22517 ORR L- -1 RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. 2 F 2 CORP 7 234 4 ,�i� 228 3 3 PROVIDED WIALL RTH IWATERRE T TIGHT CONDUIT,EVICES ALL BE 7'RES � STRF- -0 rnRR � � � TV � � � E8.0 1 / ��( J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS QI�i1N�S MAIN ® — � — — _7/ REQUIRED BY AHJ. T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. Es 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 7 7 2 2 1 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 8 TV TV T . ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 2 F 2 (,C www.treswest.com 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR 4 g 8 — 9 RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. O TV--,_ I 231 2 2 4 WC O o 201A ® 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC O233 SCADA 2 F 2 2 F 2 STORAGE EQUIPMENT SHUT DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. C SO CE, >W 21 >M � 207A a o 0 210 203 GENERAL NOTES CORR V� SUY& 4 F.iO STOR. OMEI ;ORR 4 n� O IN C 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE UP TIONS �TV TRAIN G o 201 E8 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE 236 FM LUNCH SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. WAREH E ELI 8 08 0 2 ���� ROOM OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY SMALL PATS EL D �O 2�^ 2 2 F SEX ® E8 1 (�r� 2O2 / �� ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — - - � )- - -� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. 400 E� D Electrified hardware v �� A A I U KITCHEN I ��T 2 for Mezzanine Door ® 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES W A 5 N N G T O N \ M.101 abovekkku FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR ZI \ �� EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE �E9� LUG SD O U i WEATHERPROOF. E EVATOR - . 1, KEHOC — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ER: 239 — 2>^�2 2 ^^2 �6N-36 - _ CD . arehouse & Office TV 2Es DIDF — J CBuilding ELEVATOR LJ 8 8 TV ® O CAB 2V�'�2 E 206 � � =R/TV DOC r ` ® 12607 SE 248TH ST 7 241 L O 2✓ EK2 2✓ �2 ROOM KENT, WA 8 KITCHENETTEa. 2 c�F �2 O O I 214 98030 — 1 � ����� � r PLAN NOTES _ E8.1 �)�) TV 7 STOR / 7 rLIL O RECALL.PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTOR FOR ELEVATOR CONSOLIDATED Es 3 SET 8 4QTV (TYP) TV — '��� O FOR EILDEVATOR SHUNT TRIPWITHIN DETECTOR 4 �� 2>M2 C TV 0i E8.1 7 SPRINKLER HEAD. JOB NO. 20223 OO PROVIDE LADDER RACK AT+8'-0"AFF WITH Dote Revisions J 7 I 246 7 257 O MINIMUM 18"WORKING CLEARANCE ABOVE. MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED ® PRINTED —1 255 ORR STOR. O PROVIDE 6" POKE-THRU WITH ONE DUPLEX 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 8 411�40 242 �TV 8 24 �TV L 8 RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX 08.09.2024-REVISION 7 RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. ST2rr F 2 I 241 ,F SAT 2 P � ROOM 247 I 2 ® I 22 I DATA OUTLET AND POTS LINE. COORDINATE E CORR Nr . 259 261 5 4 ERENCE O ROUTING OF CABLING IN SHAFT AND EXACT O TV OFFICE OFFICE LOCATION OF OUTLETS WITH ELEVATOR 8 — i i i o A A � �� CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO WORK. 8 °° FF1 6 ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL BY ELEVATOR /� �/� E O CONTRACTOR. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS PRIOR 22 2I/1=y�2 249 "` TO ROUGH-IN. CORR O 7 POE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED Sheet conI BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. COORDINATE Q Ql & 250 �� 2 2 25 258 260 ENLARGED SECOND — 8 EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER PRIOR TO WELLNESS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE ROUGH-IN. LEVEL B SYSTEMS ® O PROVIDE WIREMOLD AL5200 SERIES DIVIDED ALUMINUM RACEWAY OR EQUIVALENT. PROVIDE CENTER RACEWAY DIVIDER WITH 2-3/4" CHANNEL FOR DATA AND 2-1/4" CHANNEL FOR POWER. PROVIDE COVER, END CAPS, AL5214 WALL BOX CONNECTOR AND ALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. N EI�pealg tsWn oom t to mpMdod and a dd�aloOW mikaT dd m 110 lMn�a ns�of t1mbIt Sheet No. 1 01 1 1 1 ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL B SYSTEMS A B 1 SCALE: 1/8"= 1' z E 5.3 B W A G N E R REX MOUNT REX ABOVE DOORS A R C H I T E C T S ADA DOOR P L A N N E R S OPERATOR 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE REMOTE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 RELAY • I 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 120V, 20A ADA PUSH wagnerarchitects . com J PLATE J. ELECTRIC STRIKE R J Es (FURNISHED AND POWERED BY DOOR REMOTE HARDWARE CONTRACTOR) 53813 RELAY PROVIDE HOMERUN TO ACCESS CONTROL ° GISTE�� PROVIDE HOMERUN TO ACCESS PANEL LOCATED IN IT ROOM. REFER TO �SSZONAL ROOM. REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S CONTROL PANEL LOCATED IN IT MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION FOR CAT 6 CABLE SPECIFICATION FOR LOW VOLTAGE LOW-VOLTAGE WIRING. (TYPICAL) F-1 WIRING. (TYPICAL) DOOR SWITCH Consultants: TO MAIN IDF ROOM HAREWARE POWER OR J-BOXES C CARD READER PROVIDE CONNECTION TO eA A ADJACENT UNSWITCHED TYPICAL FOR EACH ACCESS CONTROL DOOR RECEPTACLE FOR POWER ACCESS CONNECTION. TREE vVEST TO CONTROL ENGINEERS 120V PANEL POWER TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. CIRCUIT 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 NOTES: Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com 1. PROVIDE ALL J-BOXES, CONDUIT, WIRING AND CONNECTIONS TO ALL DEVICES FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. 2. PROVIDE COMPLETE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS PER ELECTRICAL PLANS, MECHANICAL PLANS, ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS. 3. PROVIDE REQUIRED REMOTE RELAYS INTERFACE TO OPERATE ALL AUXILIARY DEVICES. 4. DOOR HARDWARE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND POWER ELECTRIC DOOR LOCKS. 5. PROVIDE J-BOX ABOVE THE DOOR TO CONNECT DOOR POSITION SWITCH WIRING. 7 6. PROVIDE J-BOX ABOVE THE DOOR TO CONNECT ELECTRIC DOOR LOCK WIRING. 40 2 PROVIDE CONDUIT AND WIRING 7. PROVIDE CARD READER PEDESTAL(S)AS REQUIRED. KENT W A 5 H 1 N G T O M PROVIDE CONDUIT ACCESS CONTROL SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM 1 AND WIRING SCALE: NTS KEHOC Warehouse & Office REX REx PROVIDE CABLING TO ACCESS Building CONTROL PANEL IN IT ROOM. DOOR OPENER DOOR OPENER 12607 SE 248TH ST PROVIDE CONDUIT AND WIRING KENT WA 98030 FIELD VERIFY AND COORDINATE 3 INTERIOR DOOR EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION WITH SUPPLIER. i 3 CONSOLIDATED i SET i i 1/2"C wP wP 6REx o 1/2 C JOB NO. 20223 ODOOR DOOR O O Date Revisions STRIKE STRIKE MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED 3 2 4 \ E / 1/2"C DETAIL NOTES OPROVIDE POWER TO DOOR CONTROLLER. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR CIRCUIT INFORMATION. ODOOR OPENER POWER SUPPLY/CONTROL PANEL (FURNISHED BY DOOR HARDWARE SINGLE DOOR FINISHED FLOOR CONTRACTOR). PROVIDE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM INTERFACE J-BOX. Sheet Contents O3 PROVIDE WIRING TO DOOR CONTACT& DOOR ELECTRIC STRIKE/ ELECTRIC LOCK. DETAIL NOTES 4O EQUIPMENT DETAIL DOOR OPENER INTERIOR ADA PUSH PLATE. - O ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM J-BOX. ACCESS CONTROL O DOOR OPENER EXTERIOR ADA PUSH PLATE. 2O PROVIDE CARD READER. OACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CARD READER. O3 PROVIDE CONNECTION TO ELECTRIC STRIKE/ELECTRIC LOCK COORDINATE WITH DOOR O7 PROVIDE CONTROL WIRING TO ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL. HARDWARE CONSULTANT. 4O PROVIDE DOOR CONTACT. NOTES NOTES _ N mahNtd a➢pealg W*m the n�w wpAMW ad 1. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR DOOR LOCATIONS. 1. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR DOOR LOCATIONS. deabeed rdMnaaradaftlrrar>bed 2. REFER TO DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET, ACCESS CONTROL SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL 2. REFER TO DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET, ACCESS CONTROL SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. REQUIREMENTS. Sheet No. WIRING DIAGRAM FOR ADA DOOR CONTROLS DOOR ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY DETAIL E6 .9 3 SCALE:NTS SCALE: NTS FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R PROVIDE DOOR DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT A R C H I T E C T S WITH LISTED REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM PANIC HARDWARE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE PLANNER S ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE LP17S-21 MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 U COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL qp INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com (TYP) O3 LU21 N-1 $ LU21N-3 FOLLOWING: I�T�I O ROVIDE DOOR WITH U21NL2N 9 2 O LP11 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED 5 J C W11 F 5 ISTED PANIC HARDWARE O ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL,' ® U21N-1 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND EL EL 3 M11S � ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. I ��y 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT J F D D + + F*L LU21 N-3 16 A7 + 7 8 IDF DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, o�GISTSPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, `SSIONALLU21 N- 8 21 N-3 ATS01 MDP1 T- Ills VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, HL11 N �CP1 EMBLILE+ 1Z VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, MSB1 + + COM BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER + + GROUND BAR CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, H + + I AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: + + ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM ES + + SYSTEM. LP16 -14 + + 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED 121 + LEVEL 2 IDF ROOM LEVEL 1 ELECTRICAL ROOM 153 RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE ELECTRICAL/ UPS MBP eA A + + 2 RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" 13. S MBP LOAD (TYP) 3 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE Twvfiw UPS ISTRIBUTION PROVIDED WITH WATER TIGHT CONDUIT, N LU11 N-4 J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS 8'- UPS PROVIDE DOOR WIT REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. BATT LISTED PANIC HARDWARE HL21 LCP 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TTERY T-LM21 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE CAB S TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 N-2 ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 11 T-LU11 N LP23 50kVA 211 P22N-4� 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR �''��''��''�• reswes .com 213 LP22N-3j RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. ELEC. LP22 CORK 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC ® — LU11N LP21N�\ EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. LU1 GENERAL NOTES LU11 -6 ACP SC P ES D 212 M2 L HM21 ELEC. dl 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE LM22 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. O O LU12N OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT LU12N-3 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. � T-LP21 A8 LU13N � O ��r 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES KE l4 T FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR WASHINGTON EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE LU12N-1 122 WEATHERPROOF. LEVEL 2 ELECTRICAL ROOM 212 LEVEL 2 ELECTRICAL ROOM 211 MDFA 3 3. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER KEHOC ROOF" LU12N-3 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS Warehouse & Office 4O LU12N-7, REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE 13N-7 INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. Building DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE (TYP) 3O U13N-8,10 U13N-11,13 (TY OF 4) DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE TELECOM LU12N-1 LU12N-12,14 LU12N-1 ,17 2 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED 12607 SE 248TH ST O DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. BACKBOARD LU13N-12,14 LU13N-1 ,17 LU12N-3 KENT, WA (TYP OF 3) U12N-16,18 LU12N-1 ,21 LP26 4. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL 98030 N-1 1 13N-1 21 WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. - - LP25 U13N-20,22 U13N-23,25 (TYP O 3) 1 PLAN NOTES LU12N-24,26 - CONSOLIDATED LU 12N-3 LU12N-1 1 LU13N-24126 LU13N-27,29 LP24 8 O 2-POST FREE STANDING EQUIPMENT RACK SET (TYP OF ) WITH TWO L6-30R RECEPTACLES. PROVIDE LU12N-28,30 LU12N-31,33 3/4"C, 2#10, #10G TO EACH RECEPTACLE. LU12N-1 LU13N-28,30 LU13N-31,33 LEVEL 2 ELECTRICAL ROOM O2 4-POST SERVER RACK WITH TWO L6-30R JOB NO. 20223 4 RECEPTACLES. PROVIDE 3/4"C, 2#10, #10G TO Revisions M SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" EACH RECEPTACLE. GROUND BAR MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED (DPROVIDE 3/4" FIRE-RATED 4'x8' PLYWOOD 7 06.05.2024-REVISION-6 1 O 1 23 MOUNTED VERTICALLY. BOTTOM EDGE OF 8 08.09.2024-REVISION 7 BACKBOARD SHALL BE 6"ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. ENLARGED MAIN ELECTRICAL & MDF ROOM 4O PROVIDE LADDER RACK CLEARANCE FF 1 MINIMUM 18"WORKING CLEARANCE ABOVE. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" LP11 N-\ O METER BASE/SOCKETS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY LABELED. PROVIDE ENGRAVED [Jf-PROVIDE DOOR PHENOLIC NAMEPLATES AT LEAST 1" HIGH WITH LISTED WITH RAISED OR CUT-OUT LETTERING THAT IS —PANIC HARDWARE A MINIMUM OF 3/4" HIGH PER PUGET SOUND Shea} Contents ENERGY(PSE)STANDARDS. ALL LETTERING 107 SHALL BE CAPITALIZED. LABEL SHALL INCLUDE ENLARGED ELECTRICAL T-LP11 ELF" SITE ADDRESS AND SYSTEM SERVED SUCH AS LP16N-22 EV CHARGERS, MAIN POWER#1, ETC. PLANS O6 PV DISCONNECT SWITCH. CO-LOCATE WITH SERVICE METER PER PSE REQUIREMENTS. HM11 O7 PROVIDE UNISTRUT RACK FOR PANELBOARD MOUNTING. OACCESS CONTROL PANEL(S)WITH POWER SUPPLY BELOW. m bob mdvm ft Wr mw and 5 LEVEL 1 ELECTRICAL ROOM 107 O SECURITY CONTROL PANEL WITH POWER SUPPLY BELOW. Sheet No. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" E8 .0 CONSTRUCTION From: X OWNER-CITY OF KENT CHANGE ARCHITECT-WAGNER ARCHITECTS PROPOSAL (CP) CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building PROPOSAL NO: CP-005 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 4/2/2024 FROM: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 PROPOSED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 Hardware Sets- Revised Set: 1.0 - Door X.102 has been revised to include an automatic opener. Attachments: Hardware Sets-Revised Set: 1.0 PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1.The proposed basis of adjustment to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price is: Lump Sum (increase)(decrease)of $ Unit Price of $ per as follows: 2.The Contract time if proposed to(be adjusted) (remain unchanged). The proposed adjustment, if any, is(an increase of days)(a decrease of days.) Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor's Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY agreement with the proposed adjustments in Contract Sum shall proceed with the change(s)described above. and Contract Time set forth in this Change Proposal (CP) ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seattle WA 98191 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 BY BY BY DATE DATE DATE KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA Hardware Sets Revised Set: 1.0 Doors: X.102 8 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 2 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 4 1 CCooncealed Vert Rod Exit,Exit Only 7220 B EO 630 YA 1 Concealed Vert Rod Exit,Nightlatch 7220 B MELR 501F 630 YA RX Latch Retraction 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 2 Door Pull DTB RM3131-24 Mtg-Type 12HD US32D RO 1 Automatic Opener 6300 series as required 689 NO r 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 2 Frame Harness QC-C1500(as required) MK 2 Touchless Actuator 673 NO o ' i i - - 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks doors. CONFIRMED. OPERATOR AND Free egress at all times. ACTUATORS ARE REQUIRED - WAGNER. Presenting a valid credential to reader unlatches door. Auto operator sequence by contractor and section 28. DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 1 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA SECTION 080671 —DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE PART 1 -PRODUCTS 1.1 SCHEDULED DOOR HARDWARE A. Refer to"PART 3—EXECUTION"for required specification sections. PART 2 - 1. MK-McKinney 2. RF -Rixson 3. SU- Securitron 4. RO-Rockwood 5. YA-ASSA ABLOY ACCENTRA 6. MC-Medeco 7. BE-BEST Locks&Closers 8.NO -Norton 9. PE-Pemko Hardware Sets Set: 1.0 Doors: X.102 8 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 2 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU I RCooncealed Vert Rod Exit,Exit Only 7220 B EO 630 YA I Concealed Vert Rod Exit,Nightlatch 7220 B MELR 501F 630 YA RX Latch Retraction 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 2 Door Pull DTB RM3131-24 Mtg-Type 12HD US32D RO o Cl ser PR7500 689 NO 1 u m ti O en r 6300 series as required 689 NO 2 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 2 Sweep 315CN PE CHANGES DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE PER CP-005 080671 - I KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 2 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK �7 QC-C_(as required) MK 4 2 Touchless Actuator 673 NO c DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU e e provided by access control. CHANGES PER CP-005 Notes: Presenting a valid credent' to reader unlocks doors. Presenting a valid credential to reader unlatches door. Auto operator sequence by contractor and section 28. Set: 2.0 Doors: X.103,X.105,X.106,X.108,X.111,X.112,X.114,X.115,X.117,X.118,X.120,X.121,X.124, X.125,X.127,X.128,X.131,X.133,X.136,X.137,X.138,X.140 X.141 REMOVED AND ADDED 1 Hardware by door mfg. TO NEW SET 28 PER RFI 155 Set: 3.0 Doors: X.104,X.107,X.110,X.113,X.116,X.119,X.122,X.123,X.126,X.129,X.132,X.13 .142 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Electrified Rim Exit,Fail Secure RX 7100 B CR691F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing S44 PE 1 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 -2 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 4.0 Doors: X.13 X.143 ADDED PER RFI 155 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Self-Latching Flush Bolt Set 2845 US32D RO 1 Fail Secure Lock RX CRR6 8891FL LC REX 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Coordinator 2600 (brackets as required) US28 RO 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing S44 PE 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E 1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 5.0 Doors: X.109,X.134 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Electrified Rim Exit,Fail Secure RX 7100 B CR691F 630 YA DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 3 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing by door mfg. 1 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 6.0 ED- X.143 REMOVED PER RFI 155 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 1 Self-Latching Flush Bolt Set 2845 US32D RO 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing S44 PE 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE Set: 7.0 Doors: D.101 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 -4 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Electrified Rim Exit,Fail Secure RX 7100 B CR691F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44 PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E 1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Set: 8.0 Doors: D.144 C�— D.210 REMOVED PER REVISION 6 3 Hinge,Full Mortise TA2714 US26D MK 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 9.0 Doors: D.103 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 2 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 2 Concealed Vert Rod Exit,Nightlatch 7220 B MELR 501F 630 YA RX Latch Retraction 2 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 2 Door Pull DTB RM3131-24 Mtg-Type 12HD US32D RO 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Astragal Gasketing S 1125D PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 2 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 2 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 2 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 5 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlatches doors. Free egress at all times. Set: 10.0 Doors: D.104,D.125,D.126,D.128 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Classroom or Office Lock CRR6 8809FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1 Threshold 272A FHSL14SS PE Set: 11.0 Doors: D.105,D.106,D.107,D.149,D.203,D.215,D.220,D.227,M.101 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Fail Secure Lock RX CRR6 8891FL LC REX 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E 1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 12.0 Doors: D.109,D.142,D.148 .210, .211, D.244 D.210 ADDED PER REVISION 6 DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 6 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 Xl.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 13.0 Doors: D.110,D.111 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Flush Bolt 2805 US26D RO 1 Classroom or Office Lock CRR6 8809FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Coordinator 2600 (brackets as required) US28 RO 2 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 14.0 Doors: D.112,D.113,D.114, D.115, D.121,D.127,D.140,D.201,D.207,D.209 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Pull Plate 107x70C US32D RO 1 Push Plate 70F US32D RO 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 15.0 Doors: D.116,D.129,D.131,D.132, D.133,D.143,D.205,D.206 3 Hinge,Full Mortise TA2714 US26D MK 1 Privacy Lock w/Occupancy Indicator CRR6 8802FL V21 626 YA 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 7 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Kick Plate K1050 Xl.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 16.0 Doors: D.117,D.118,D.119,D.124 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Passage Latch CRR6 8801FL 626 YA 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 Xl.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 17.0 Doors: D.120,D.122,D.123,D.135, D.147,D.213,D.214,D.216,D.217,D.221,D.222,D.223, D.224, D.225,D.241,D.250,D.253,D.254,D.256,D.257 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Classroom or Office Lock CRR6 8809FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 18.0 Doors: D.134,D.242,D.243,D.245 6 Hinge,Full Mortise TA2714 US26D MK 1 Flush Bolt 2805 US26D RO 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 2 Conc Overhead Hold Open 5-X26 652 RF 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 19.0 Doors: D.136,D.137,D.138,D.139, D.146,D.228,D.229,D.230, D.231, D.232,D.233, D.234, D.235, D.236,D.238,D.239,D.240,D.248,D.249,D.252,D.255 DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 8 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 3 Hinge,Full Mortise TA2714 US26D MK 1 Classroom or Office Lock CRR6 8809FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44 PE Set: 20.0 Doors: D.145 0--- D.251 REMOVED AND ADDED TO NEW SET 29 PER RFI 155 1 Fail Secure Lock RX CRR6 8891FL LC REX 626 YA 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU Balance of hardware provided by 1 door manufacture 00 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Set: 21.0 Doors: D.202 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Cone Overhead Hold Open 5-X26 652 RF 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 22.0 Doors: D.204 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 2 Concealed Vert Rod Exit,Classroom 7160 LBR CR626F 630 YA 2 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Astragal Gasketing S 1125D PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 9 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA Set: 23.0 Doors: D.212,D.226 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Rim Exit Device, Classroom 7100 CR626F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 24.0 Doors: D.218 0- D.258 REMOVED AND ADDED TO NEW SET 30 PER RFI 155 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 2 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Flush Bolt 2805 US26D RO 1 Fail Secure Lock RX CRR6 8891FL LC REX 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 2 Door Closer CPS7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E 1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 25.0 Doors: D.219 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Rim Exit Device,Passage 7100 CR628F 630 YA 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 10 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 26.0 Doors: D.102 ,D.108 ,D.150 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Fire Rated Rim Exit, Classroom 7100F CR626F 630 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 1 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Wall Stop 409 US32D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE Set: 27.0 Doors: D.141 3 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Electrified Rim Exit,Fail Secure RX 7100F B CR691 F 630 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Door Closer 7500 689 NO 1 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 1 Door Stop 441 CU/409 as required US26D RO 1 Gasketing S44_ PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. Set: 28.0 NEW SET PER RFI 155 Doors: X.141 DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 11 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 2 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 1 Concealed Vert Rod Exit,Exit Only 7220 B EO 630 YA RX 1 Mortise Exit Device, Classroom 7130-2 B MELR CR656F 630 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Coordinator 2600 (brackets as required) US28 RO 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO 2 Door Stop 463-RKW US32D RO 1 Astragal 357SS PE 1 Rain Guard 346C PE 1 Gasketing S44 PE 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Frame Harness QC-C1500 (as required) MK 1 Door Harness QC-C_(as required) MK 1 Position Switch DPS-M-GR SU 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks lever. Free egress at all times. NEW SETS PER RFI 155 Set: 29.0 Doors: D.251 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Mortise Cylinder 1E-74 626 BE 1 Balance of Hardware by door mfg. Set: 30.0 Doors: D.258 6 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3786 US26D MK 1 Flush Bolt 2805 US26D RO 1 Storeroom or Closet Lock CRR6 8805FL LC 626 YA 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 2 Door Closer PR7500 689 NO 2 Kick Plate K1050 X1.5LDW CSK BEV US32D RO DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 12 KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA 1 Astragal 357SS P 1 Gasketing S44 PE Notes: END OF SECTION 080671 NEW SET PER RFI 155 DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 13 XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R SEE1A8.12 ARCHITECTS I XXX ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S ROOM NAME &#TAG r I 1916 PIKE PLACE OX WINDOW TAG SEATTLE WA 98101 I 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 x.xx DOORTAG wagnerarchitects c o m I I WAINSCOT l — — — TYPE 1, SEE 0004003 REGISTERED 12/1A8.2 ARCHITECT WAINSCOT �,(n� I 2 — 2 — TYPE 2, SEE E T E WA NER l M 12/1A8.2 STATE OF WASHINGT N 00 O O O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 X.1 X17 X.128 X 1 Consultants: - = - = - - - - - - - - WAINSCOT I _L �, — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3, SEE Cy I 12/1 A8.2 14 I � �,,� `'' I I WAINSCOT II M w I 4 — 4 — TYPE 4, SEE 12/1A8.2 CO w 13 151CeW l ill _ 5 — 5 _ WAINSCOT O OPEN OFFICE A6 �, I A6 I TYPE 5, SEE l I 12/1 A8.2 M SEE SHEET 1A8.12 le,tv LEGEND FOR WALL TYPES °' `"' ❑ ° ❑ 3 SCALE: NTS WAREHOUSE Al PW STREET w Al l l 1 1 a I FLOORING TYPES RE l I I ��- RUBBER 11 l M w I SHEET 0 ' I jv Cy Al A15 PAINTED JANITOR UP I D.142 l I I I / / WOOD DECK 1 ch w ' I � � I I I P 10 i I EPDXY w r \ Lo A6 � Al < + a 149 WALK-OFF I I A5 A5 + + WCMAT 40 F 1w ON�� E I T l� � — — — /_(/r_ 1 — — 3 — 3 _J � — — — 3 — --3-- 3 — 3 — 3 — — — — — 3 — 3 — 3 3 — 3 — 3 — — 3 �s�„NTri D - - - - - 3LID — — — — — — — — — — X — X X � �,� IP7 �,� <,� KEHOC I Al UP + I o GENERAL NOTE: I r �153 All — F1 x Al M w l it Q THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office I I EILEC. I _ - - 24 l I l I i II I o THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building L 8 i V I 148 w M ll w AND PEMB. Al l IT I W � I II I SECONDARY 146 II 3 3 2.3 `' EVIDENCE w M I z 12607 SE 248TH ST I I DRIVE-THRU III 9-- 1 STOR. I co w 1 = KENT, WA L BAY I I� � 98030 t III A2 3 Al l l II I I l l w I I I II SEE SHEET 1A8.12 � l 1 l 1 l w CONSOLIDATED I FOR WALL TYPES A6 A4 w A4 SET 0 I F1 I I I I w 145 144 143 I l I PW STORM � I PW SEWER � w l PW WATER JOB NO. 20223 DRAINAGE I w I Date Revisions x l 1 l w Cl)l l I MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED oo 5 147 l I l EVIDENCE M x STORAGE I I 1 1 Ld w I M 014 O ' CD 4 x M I M z � ll w I a 0 z x F �l w ry o O j a Sheet Contents X L DOOR & FINISH L - - - - - - - J — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - PLAN, GROUND 0 °O O O O 0 ° O 0 ° O 0 O 0 ° O 0 O 0 I LEVEL 'A' N X X X X CD z z w Y / I H U W — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. H R c o AN / ✓ Sheet No. ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH GROUND LEVEL w r w 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" ' z�oL 1A800A �w w w p fy �a-� I O w x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R - - -0 - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -o- - - - -0 - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o- - -0 — - SEE 1A8.12 � I - - - - - - �— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[� 120 0 ARCHITECT S XXX ROOM NAME F 7t6' L — � — ___J — - I RISER ROOM ROOM NAME &#TAG PLANNER S I ° o 0 ° - - - - - - - - - - - 1 91 6 PIKE P L A C E XX WINDOW TAG SEATTLE WA 98101 X.1 I 1Q1 ILA - jLJI I 119 - - - � 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 �J TCAZ7 � r �l� II A I ESTIBUL g n X.XX DOORTAG w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m w I I I I I I .141 u I I.T. Lr — J Al CD Al `� 154 WAINSCOT 2 1 — 1 — 1 — TYPE 1, SEE 0004003 REGISTERED A4 Al — I I IF — u { _ } MECH. ROOM 12/lA8.2 ARCHITECT _2 1 A11 A11 qg WAINSCOT �,(� 15 — TYPE 2 SEE E T E WA NER I nc";7�=o IPW SIGNS& PW DRAINAGE I r I IL _ J Al T 2 2 12/1A8.2 srnrE of wnsHiNcr NO O I SOLID WASTE I I VEG. I L- — 117 Consultants: v ° ° °� I OFFICE cr CC. WAINSCOT I — J I I o l l 118 A7 — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3, SEE — I Al I I I I 2 All PARKS OPEN D.139 12/1 A8.2 A2 L WAINSCOT I 136B I A4 I I I I I 122 I I 1 OFFICE II 17 I I VEST. MDF I 2 H-2 1 III 4 4 TYPE 4, SEE ROOM IPOST� 12/1 A8.2 I — _— — — — I I SEE SHEET 1A8.12 N �I — ��� — _ -r�S� _ — — 116 III FOR WALL TYPES WAINSCOT I I L- -1 I I RAC ACK 5 — 5 — �4POS� �NPOST� 2 A11 OFFICE A7 TYPE 5, SEE RAC F2 CK I D.125 D.126 I I I — 4 POS — — 41 STd - — D.138 18 12/1 A8.2 138 I Al I �a ar LEGEND I o 0 �, N A6 I I 132 A6 I LT Al2 D.137 SCALE: NTS WAREHOUSE I 136 — —N — - - DESK_ _ _ _ SHOWER _ _ _ _ __Lj _ _ I 1-CORR. OFFICE FLOORING TYPES 95 w N I I o o Z �o Z I I I RECUMBENT 19 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 I I - I A2 Al �� �� [ —_BIKE_ A9 2 1 A7 RUBBER I D.129 L _J L _J I I F 7 ' L—J I ~czi I I ~czi I `U'J ELLIPTICAL -- -- SHEET D.128 Al I IF1 H I 134 I I Al L J L J � - - - ' Al2 I LAUNDRY 1 II , 123 / / PAINTED 137 I D.124 135 I ROOM I Al Al 5 — — / / WOOD DECK I a> 0 N A2 L- — J � 5 o WORKOUT TREADMILL WAREHOUSE iLL — — — DRYING Al 131 1 II 1 1 I ROOM _ _ R 2 1 114 20 I All OFFICE N - ROOM I 0 I z TREADMILL OFFICE EPDXY IT I-f A3 A2 I A15 �I 2 Al WOMENS Al Al I n n I YI _ _ A9 Um D.123 A2 UP I I I 12 LOCKER I A13 ?m ?m I I TREADMILL LD1640! Ll \1 u 1 R 0 U U L_ - - + A WALK-OFF I w o 0 0 0 2 + + MAT . _. —12 — — — — — — — — 2 — — — 2 —`,2 — — — — KENT A - - - - J I I 133 124 130 2 2 1 A13 111 21 ASH IN GTON A3 I I A3 A3 UNISEX CORR. A3 A3 SHOWER B3 1 I C _ _ _ _ �_— — — —_J _ _ _ — _SHOWER&WC _ _ D.110 PARKS OPEN Q A5 I 6' — — — — — 2 2 2 2 — — — 2 2 — 2 — _ OFFICE A9 KEHOC GENERAL NOTE: 1:? III L J o N 2 THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office I III I I Al I Al 126 Al 1�0 B1 I UP A3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building LU LliI III I MENS II - 22 AND PEMB. CIO — LOCKER 128 r I 105 I A2 0 z ROOM 0 109 12607 SE 248TH ST 143 A2 SHOWER Al r _ CORR. I — — KENT, WA Q I PW WATER D.132 Al _ _ � STOR. D.109 N _ _ _ � p. 112 98030 I I I SHOWER D.133 Bl A2 - _ _ PARKS II Al 108 — 2 A2 KITCHENETTE & Li 23 — 3 — — — — _ _ _ _ - - - - - — 5 JAN. I I —Lv TEAM ROOM CONSOLIDATED I I I I A2 A6 D.104 Al 102 2 A13 SET � J I Al 1 D.1 2 D.120 I — — 2 2 — JOB NO. 20223 24 Date Revisions M A2 I I 107 I — 106 Al MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED I I IN A14 ELEC. A2 III Al D.108 I A16 I I I I I i� FIRSTAID �II 6 3.26.2024 REVISION 5 I I I N III I L - J 11 D.146 I I I "'I Al I �I��, I I WC 3 AT SIDES, EXPOSED I m III N \ I I A2 STEEL AT ENDS, (TYP.) I I 103 I II I III III , I I I I J A3 WATER D.107 113 Al 25 Ce. _ _ SI TEST ELE D.10 o I I "'N I — I 1 Cy LAB L O I I I I WATER/ PARKS Q= A2 `� D — — — 71 I N I III III — J� 6 N . — 4 - -4 A2 I D.105 Y Z 2 6 Z Sheet contents Al A13O N ` z NVEST. DOOR & FINISH A o q 104 I PLAN, GROUND ° O O I A6 I A2 O M CONFERENCE I _ _ LEVEL 'B' I X M N x X I I I w ROOM CD Cy I ( CO CO I 101 1 z Cy I I I OBBY/WAITING A 2 w _ _ - - - W O o O o O All moterial appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and OfI _ _ 10`z 161 O original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, X used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z Z �I - � — ry N - - -0 - - - — — — —O— — — — — — — — — �— — — — —0— — - - — — - - — 0 — — — - - - -- - — — — - - — — 0 — Sheet No. N ENLARGED FINISH PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL — — — 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - J o° O O o O O ° O w ry w SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" 60 Z�o� 1A800B W bj 0w fy J 0-� EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 i XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R SEE1A8.12 ARCHITECTS XXX ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ROOM NAME &#TAG 1916 PIKE PLACE SEATTLE WA 98101 OX WINDOW TAG 206 . 448 . 2528 wagnerarchitects c o m X.XX DOOR TAG I WAINSCOT 0004003 REGISTERED — 1 — � — TYPE 1, SEE 12/1 A8.2 ARCHITECT WAINSCOT TYPE 2 SEE E T E WA NER I 169 59 61 170 171 63 65 172 2 2 12/1 A8.2 srnrE of wnsHiNcr N ° ° ° ° C Consultants: WAINSCOT \\ // — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3, SEE I 12/1A8.2 WAINSCOT 4 — 4 — TYPE 4, SEE 12/1 A8.2 7 11 x �� 0 1 1 / I I I 5_ _ 5 _ WAINSCOT 1 / SEE SHEET 1A8.12 OPEN TO TYPE 5, SEE 1 / x I BELOW I 12/1A8.2 1 / FOR WALL TYPES 1 I I I LEGEND 0 56 i 1 x A4 A4 237 3 SCALE: NTS � 1 OPEN TO \ I 1 I WAREHOUSE \ 11 262 BELOW I a // \ I FLOORING TYPES 1 EVIDENCE 55 i 1 STORAGE I I \\ RUBBER O � � 1 r SHEET 1 x I I \\ 1 I DN 1 \ \ PAINTED 1 x I \ \ WOOD DECK 54 i 1 Z EPDXY A5 — T3 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - A5 - - - + + WALK-OFF . 1 / /' � � �� I + + MAT KE T O53 1 1 � WASH IN G T 0 7 x i - - - - - - L� - -/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — --- — — —3--- 3 — 3 — — 3 — — — \\ / \\ // KEHOC — — — — — OPEN TO — — — _ — — — 1— — \ _ — — — /_ GENERAL NOTE: Warehouse & Office I BELOW — — — — — — - - - - - - DN \ / � � I THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY 00 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building x / 1 A5 A4 / \\ // I o AND PEMB. 11 Al M // \\ 41 I w 12607 SE 248TH ST / A2 / ,X I KENT, WA \\ // 44 I z 98030 / 1 D.251 / I / CONSOLIDATED x ` / SET TO I / I OPEN TO OPEN TO \ / OPEN/ BELOW BELOW X BELOW x / \ JOB N0. 20223 Date Revisions c Q 49 I / 1 I / / MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 0 / 1 x / w / 1 W x / 1 w ry USheet Contents z / 1 r \ // \\ I DOOR & FINISH ------- ---------------------- PLAN, SECOND ---------------------- ji- I I ° 173 45 ° 43 168 ° 167 166 ° 165 164 LEVEL 'A' N N I I z O N z Z I W I Y / I H w L O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. LLJ H R C o AN / ✓ Sheet No. ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH, SECOND LEVEL LJ� (W10SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" z0 t oE 1A801A ��w w w p fy �a-� I O x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R 1 XXX SEE1A8.12 ARCHITECTS 0 ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S I 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ROOM NAME &#TAG - 1916 PIKE PLACE I r 1 I I I OX WINDOW TAG SEATTLE WA 98101 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4 - - - - - � 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 - r- - - P I I I I I I 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 A7 A7 i+_ H A7 A7 I 70 I I I I � 217 I X.XX DOOR TAG w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s coin O I A7 I I 1 83 222 221 I 219 I I OFFICE O WAINSCOT 232 230 I 223 I I I I I �oc-�*04 I 1 1SEE SHEET 1A8.12 - - SEE o004003 REGISTERED I I I OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE I _ _ _ 1 1 - TYPE 1, PW DRAINAGE I I PW STORM I OFFICE 1 I I 'L LO 1 L _ 4- - 12/1A8.2 ARCHITECT I I &VEG DRAINAGE I I I N _ _ 4 - N I I N - 4 - _ _ I FOR WALL TYPES 0 D.256 + 2 - - - 2 -226 - - - - - i I WAINSCOT I 69 I I ;D.249. A7 84 - 2 _ 2 _ TYPE 2, SEE E T E WA NER 67 68 A7 I A9 A9 2 CORR 2 A9 215 12/1 A8.2 STATE of WASHiNCT N � 2 2 - 2 - - - � 2 - 2NCORRI Al 2 _ j 0 14I — 4 - - - 4 — 4 OPEN OFFICE — — — — — — — — — I I 1�4 4 2 11 1 0 1 I I - WAINSCOT Consultants III I I A9 2 1 I A9 3 - 3 - TYPE 3, SEE _ - N 4 12/1 A8.2 - 4 4 2 A3 I I 216 I 218 I LO 2 I 1 A9 I 85 A7 I 1 3 N I A3 H O WAINSCOT 14 I I CONF. � CONF. I - 224 1225 I I I 212 I A7 I - 4 - 4 - TYPE 4, SEE I COPY/MAIL CORR I A9 I � A7 qg 1 2 I ELEC. I 12/1 A8.2 1 _ I I ❑ N _ _ _ _ _ _ � N 1 I 1 N 1[rm N 1 1 � 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WAINSCOT I - 4 4 - - - 4 - 4 - ILIo - 4 - 4 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 I 5 5 TYPE5, SEE - - 2 22 - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 22 - 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 - I 234 D. A9 A9 228 A3 A3.1 A3.1 D.209 gg 12/1 A8.2 12 I 1 STREET 2 2 CORR A3 I LEGEND A10 MAINT. - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - - r, - - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - A3.1 N 1 �! - 4 4 - N - - - - cy �! = 1 - 211 I SCALE: NTS 1 Al I o - - - `� � 0 - I 1 - - 2 - - 2 - 2� � 227 A .1 2 � 1 1 4 D.210 ELEC. 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 0 3 A15 - N 2 1 I FLOORING TYPES CN Al i I A9 1 2 JAN. 2 1 7 I A9 I I 2 A9 I I A7 1 1 - 1 201A RUBBER � I 231 � � 229 I � I N I .-�.-�. - - STORAGE SHEET I I 1 _1 I I SCADA Jill_01SOURCE, I D.243; 207ALO 4 - 4 A9 I A7 SUPPLY& I I N A3.1 D.242 87 3 - 3 - - - 3 - - 3 - 3 1 2 1 I STOR. � > A3.1 / / PAINTED I 2 N I A9 1 I PUMPSTATIONS I I I / / WOOD DECK W A4 A9 IL I _ 5 I I EPDXY W 236 I - - 4 4 - 4 - A7 208 5 A3 ..... 2 2 2 I I UNISEX I �',, � J I WAREHOUSE I I 2 11 SMALL PARTS D•218 I N WC 12 > �, I A9 15. 11 I I I I I I + a WALK-OFF D.258\ I - 2 - 2 _2 A10 A7 0 Ln I + + MAT000.00 0 A9 - 3 - 3 - 233 2 - 2 2 i I I - - - - - - - 201 �. j T DIN A2 I I w _ _ _ 1 � cI CORR 235 - - - - I 205 I 1 202 88 3 - 4 - 4 4 4 4 cn � LUNCH I O ��'��� �" `T"'� / 14 - 4 - 4 - - - - 4 -�-.� I D.219 '' STAIR 1 4 - 4 - 4 - - 4 - 4 - - 1 D.204 A3.1 A9 CORR A3.1 y KITCHEN ROOM 2 2 2 2 - - 2 2- I `� I GENERAL NOTE: KEHOC A3 2 11 r 4 - 4 N N I I THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office Q I I I 239 H I o' I \ A3.1 2� �1 A9 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 238 1� I2 IDF 1 207 1 I \ / 1 N I L Building B2b N `� I I AND PEMB. o 41', HYDRANTS I A9 D.220 A7 CONF./ A7 I 1 \\ L 2 5 2 5 1 & METERS V- 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 1 TRAINING IB1.2 I12607 SE 248TH ST Uj I � I I 243 IROOM /CIO A3 I SEWER/TV I I DOC \ I KENT, WA lu�z 44 241 A7 I I ROOM A5b 46 I 89 IO D.221 KITCHENETTE `� I u I 1 1 1 1 O 98030 I 2 1 I I I I I I B1.2 N 203 Q A10 I� 'N L' 1 A7 I I I CORR DIN 1 1 I . I 214 1 - - - - - - - - CONSOLIDATED � 4 4 4 � N cn I � � 4 _ 4 _ 4 _ 4 _ I � 1 �I I 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 A3 1 N\' 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - N N STOR D.202 N I SET I A7 N _5 _ _ - - - - o - - IF N �• 4 - 4 = 4_ Lot' I I A7 I. I - 2 2 2 - - - - 2 245 2 - 2 2 - 2 2 � _z - 2 � qg A3 � A3 2 A3 I I JOB No. 20223 1 A3 A9 CORR qg A9 A3 A9 A7 A7 D.222 D.201 I 90 Date Revisions 2 2 - co - 2 - - - LO 2 - 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 - - 2 — 2 — 2 — - 2 — 2 — 2 — 2 2 - j MARCH 19 2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED m I - N - 4 - 4 - - N - 41 4 - 4 - 4 N 4 - 4 - 4 4 4 - 4 - 4 4 N 4 4 4 -�-- d - 4 4 4 4 06 I 240 o I o 1 f- A3 1 0 1 I 1 I !R4 A7 2 Iq�] 12 1 A10 STREETS I I I _ I 2 1 A7 w &VEG I 242 I 244 A9 ROOM 247 A9 263 I 1 I I � 253 255 N 257 I 259 I 261 N I PW WATER I PW SIGNS& 1� 1 I 2 I I CONF. CORR I IOFFICE I SOLID WASTE - CORR 1 CONFERENCE 15 1 I STOR. I OFFICE 1 1 OFFICE I 91 01 I , 4 I I A9 1 2 D.228 A9 A9 A9 1 co � 1 C � 4 — 4 — 4 — w I I _ N t4 - 4 - 4 - � 2 I - 4 1 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 2 - o I N - - 2 - —2CY It I I A7 I A7 1 A9 - 1 2 - - 2 - - - 249 - - - A9 A9 1 92 A9 A9 2 O sheet contents I I I I I 1 D.241 2 A9 CORR _ Ag 2 N - 2 - 2 - 2 C Z II I I 1 248 I N N 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 — M M — 22-2 2 M o � 4 — r4 - 4 — p DOOR & FINISH 4 4QUIET& I 1 0 1 4 41 14 4 0 0 1 41 14 1 I I PLAN, SECOND 4 I II zl I WELLNESS I 1 N 163 42 r I I 250 1 I 251 I I 252 1 I 254 I I 256 1 258 I I 260 I p LEVEL B 40 1 1 OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE II OFFICE OFFICE 93 p N O I I I I 11 II 1I II I � I j I I A7 HA7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 wI = - - - - - - - - - - - - - I L - 47 - I - 4 - - - 4 - - 4I I4 - 4 - - 4 4 - 4 - - I I4 - 4 - - 4 � 4 - 74I L- 4 - 4 - O ° All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, 1 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z w ry ry L Sheet No. N — U ENLARGED FINISH PLAN NORTH SECOND LEVEL w ry Li 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" Z0o� 1A801B W bj 0w ry J 0-� EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 CAP TYPE 2 ON ALL UNFINISHED SCREWS, SPACED 2" FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF TILE INSTALLED PER HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, AND PANEL AND A THIRD SCREW CENTERED BETWEEN MANUFACTURERS W A G N E R PREFINISHED 3/8"xl" RD THE TWO, TYP. SCREWS, SPACED 2" FROM TOP AND BOTTOM OF INSTRUCTIONS TO T-0" A.F.F. CAP TYPE 3 BUTTED FRP EDGES - SEE SS FASTENERS WITH FIR BATTENS @ PANEL AND A THIRD SCREW CENTERED BETWEEN A R C H I T E C T S 3/1A8.2 FOR CAP TYPE FINISH WASHERS, 2" APPROXIMATELY 24" O.C. AC PLYWOOD, THE TWO, TYP. P L A N N E R S FROM ALL EDGES AND CONTINUOUS EQUIDISTANT FROM 3/8" PLYWOOD, A/C DOUGLAS % 3/8" PLYWOOD, A/C DOUGLAS FIR, 1 E 1 6 PIKE PLACE FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PANELS FIR, ADHERED WITH - 3/8" RADIUS, ADHERED WITH CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE S E AT T L E W A 98101 FRP , CONTINUOUS EACH OTHER CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE FLUSH WITH N = 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 = AND CONCEALED EDGE OF � w CAP TYPE 2 OR PLUG MOLD, SEE w a g n e r a r c h t e c t s c o m w Uj CAP TYPE 1 - CAP BEYOND w = Uw = MECHANICAL FASTENERS LU � ELECTRICAL SEE 3/1A8.2 Cl) o w 1 ILL VJ 0004003 cwn U o REGISTERED Uj 3/4" MAPLE o Q ti ARCHITECT TRIM AT o co o 06 o Cl? RETURNS, o Q o o Q a, TYPICAL srnrE of wnsHiNcr N C0 O o 0 O <h c� J cn Z W =) (n Consultants: U) ? = LU LLU w 0 O = J J w U Z Z Z U) ZD �U EO o CS BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 2 1/2' BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 z BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 g�_p„ SCHEDULED BASE TYPE 2 - SEE 3/1A8.2 81-011 BASE TYPE 3 oor BASE WAINSCOT TYPE 1 WAINSCOT TYPE 2 NOTE: TYPE AND PATTERN OF WAINSCOT TYPE 3 WAINSCOT TYPE 4 WAINSCOT TYPE 5 MECHANICAL FASTENERS TO BE APPROVED BY ARCHITECTS. 12 WAINSCOT TYPES SCALE: 1/2"- 1'-0" A9 —WALL TAG — 1 — 1 — WAINSCOT TYPE 1, FLOORING TYPES SEE 12/1A8.2 SCHEDULED FINISH / \ RUBBER + WALK-OFF 4"x 1/8" RUBBER METAL EDGE PER EPDXY - � SHEET + � MAT BASE, CONT. � MANUFACTURER /4 PTD. GYP. BOARD PTD. GYP. BOARD PTD. GYP. BOARD 3/8" RADIUS WAINSCOT TYPE 2, ALUMINUM ALUMINUM .10 / XXX ROOM NUMBER & _ 2 — 2 — BACKER BOARD NAME SEE 12/1A8.2 - EXTRUSION, SEE EXTRUSION, SEE ROOM NAME PAINTED METAL BAR _ ELASTOMERIC AND PRIMER �., MAPLE WOOD CAP WOOD DECK GRATE � SEALANT, CONT. � SPEC. SPEC. WAINSCOT TYPE 3, 3/8 RABBET / / �1 / X.XX DOOR TAG FINISH FLOOR EPDXY FLOOR AND COVE, LAMINATE AS - THINSET TILE OVER 3 — 3 — SEE 12/1A8.2 APPLY AS INSTRUCTED 3/8" PLYWOOD, SCHEDULED AN APPROVED A/C DOUGLAS FIR — — 7 /A 4 _ 4 _ WAINSCOT TYPE 4, EPDXY PER MANUFACTURER SUBSTRATE WINDOW TAG — SEE 12/1A8.2 BASE TYPE 2 BASE TYPE AP TYPE 1 AP TYPE 2 AP TYPE S 3 C C C 3 40 WAINSCOT TYPE 5, SEE 12/1A8.2 E T 11 FIN. PLAN MEZZ. 7 LEGEND BASE & CAP TYPES ASH IN GTON SCALE:NTS SCALE:NTS SCALE.3"-1'-0" KEHOC Warehouse & Office I Building 147 148 149 150 151 153 154 155 157 159 160 12607 SE 248TH ST CD A4 A4 rE 2 A7 = = A8 A8 A10 2 1 KENT, WA w - ' 98030 W \/ i i z � � 88 � i � w �\ i i 0 — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED I 114 113 111 112 109 108 10 105 103 102 101 SET I JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 00 N 1 ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH MONITOR LEVEL B Q Q i SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" W w x N N ck Z a z 131 132 133 134 135 136 13 138 139 140 141 142 143 145 146 N LLJ CY U — — — — — — — — — — — - - - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q Sheet Contents LU Z - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I — w_ — Cn DOOR & FINISH _______ - - - - - - - - ____ Iz PLAN, MONITOR A3 A4 - - - - A3 - - - - - A4 _ � � � A4 = LEVEL N _ — — — — — — — — — — — Z 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 w Y H U W O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. LLJ Z � o A B Sheet No. C) N ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH MONITOR LEVEL '1fy 9 ------------ SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" z�o� 1A802 �0w w w U fy O w x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 DOOR SCHEDULE SIZE (INCHES) AREA THERMAL GLAZING FRAME HDWR RATING EXIT DETAILSREMARKS: W A G N E R TAG# NAME/ LOCATION TYPE (SCE_ MAT. FIN. GLAZ. MIN. ELEC. SIGN Verify All R.O. WIDTH HEIGHT THICK FT) MIN. U PF SHGC MIN. VT MAT. FIN. GROUP (MIN) DEVICE HEAD JAMB HRESH izes, typ. ARCHITECT S X.101 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P L A N N E R S X.102 LOBBY/WAITING #101 H 72 96 1-3/4" 112 ALUM ANO Y 0.60 1.04 0.61 0.67 ALUM ANO 1.0 - Y 3, 6/lA8.10 1, 4/1A8.102, 5/1A8.10 Y Y ADA, CR,TEMP 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE X.103 PARKS #141 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP S E AT T L E WA 98101 X.104 PARKS#141 F1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.61 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wag n era rchitects c o m AS SCHED. AS SCHED. X.105 PARKS#141 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 7" 7" 6"7„ X.106 PARKS#141 11 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP AS SCHED. X.107 WATER/STREET VEG. #142 F1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.61 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP o004003 REGISTERED X.108 WATER/STREET VEG. #142 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP ARCHITECT X.109 VESTIBULE #136A E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y 0.037 0.48 0.61 0.67 ALUM ANO. 5.0 - Y 3, 6/1A8.10 1, 4/1A8.102, 5/1A8.10 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP \ \ o o X.110 PW WATER#143 F 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP E T E WA NER N N X.111 PW WATER#143 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP srnrE of wnsHiNcr N N N X.112 PW WATER#143 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP Consultants: ti ti N X.113 PW SEWER#144 F 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP `_ X.114 PW SEWER#144 J 168 168 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 2.0 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y TEMP X.115 PW SEWER#144 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.116 PW STORM DRAINAGE#145 F 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP O © © X.117 PW STORM DRAINAGE#145 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP MAN DOOR MAN DOOR MAN DOOR X.118 PW STORM DRAINAGE#145 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP WITH GLAZING WITH SEC. GLAZING X.119 EVIDENCE STOR. BAY#147 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.120 EVIDENCE STOR. BAY#147 J2 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. - 0.031 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - - 6'-4" X.121 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.57 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 6'-4" 7" 1'-10" 7"7" 1'-10" 7" 6'-4" X.122 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.57 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP Le X.123 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.124 DRIVE-THRU BAY#146 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP ti X.125 OPEN OFFICE#151 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.126 OPEN OFFICE#151 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.127 PW STREET#152 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP `V X.128 PW STREET#152 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP CV GV CV X.129 PW STREET#152 F3 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.130 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `' X.131 WAREHOUSE#138 J 168 168 - 196 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.132 WAREHOUSE#138 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 1.15 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP A2 g2 C2 X.133 WAREHOUSE#138 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 1.15 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP X.134 VESTIBULE#136B E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y 0.037 0.95 0.61 0.67 ALUM ANO. 5.0 - Y 3, 6/1A8.10 2, 5/1A8.101, 4/1A8.10 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP . DOUBLE MAN DOOR DOUBLE MAN DOOR DOUBLE MAN DOOR W/ - _ _ ADA, TEMP WITH GLAZING SEC. GLAZING X.135 PW SGNS & SLID WSTE #139 B2 72 84 1 3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y 0.037 12.48 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 4.0 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y A CR, P 5�, N T�ri 3'-10" X.136 PW SGNS & SLID WSTE#139 J1 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 3'-6" X.137 PW SGNS & SLID WSTE#139 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP KEHOC 5'-10" VARIES X.138 PW DRAINAGE VEG. #140 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP 1'-10" 3'-6" 1'-2" AS SCHED. X.139 PW DRAINAGE VEG. #140 F1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y 0.037 0.61 0.61 0.67 HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP Warehouse & Office 5" 5" 5" 5" co X.140 PW DRAINAGE VEG. #140 A 168 108 - 126 STL PTD. Y 0.034 0.61 0.61 0.67 - - 2.0 - - 9/1A8.9 4, 5/1A8.9 6/1A1.0 Y - TEMP Building `V X.141 ELECTRICAL/I.T. #121 A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - 0.037 - - - HM PTD. 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP X.142 VESTIBULE#119 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 ALUM ANO - 0.037 - - - ALUM ANO 3.0 - Y 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP, "FACP" 12607 SE 248TH ST \ \ o \\ o X.143 RISER ROOM #120 A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - 0.037 - - - HM PTD. 6.0 - - 8/1A8.9 1, 2/1A8.9 7/1A8.9 Y Y KENT WA D.101 CONFERENCE ROOM #104 B 36 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 7.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y Y TEMP. /CARD READER ' _ _ _ _ _ KEY 98030 N N o D.102 ELECTRICAL RM. #113 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 8.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 '� 7" " ADA: ACCESSIBLE D.103 LOBBY#101 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y = _ _ ALUM ANO 9.0 = Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 = Y Y ADA, CR, TEMP ALUM: ALUMINUM `" N D.104 CORRIDOR# 102 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y HM PTD. 10.0 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 TEMP CR: CARD READER CONSOLIDATED 0 o D.105 CONFERENCE ROOM# 104 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP HM: HOLLOW METAL D.106 PARKS KIT. &TMS RM#112 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP WD: WOOD SET OE E� O D.107 WATER TEST LAB#103 B 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP P-LAM:PLASTIC LAMINATE ENTRY DOOR MAN DOOR WITH ENTRY DOOR _ _ _ - - - _ PTD: PAINTED D.108 ELECTRIC#107 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - HM PTD. 26.0 - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 ANO: ANODIZED JOB No. 20223 SIDELITE D.109 JANITOR#108 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - STN: STAINED Date Revisions D.110 CORRIDOR# 124 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 13.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP TEMP: TEMPERED MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 3'-10° 3'-10" D.111 WORKOUT ROOM #123 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 13.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP VINYL: BLACK VINYL °° 3'-6" COATED STEEL 3'-6" DA 12 MEN'S WC#125 A 42 84 1-3/4 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA "SIGN TEXT" w D.113 WOMEN'S WC#129 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA N ao _ o D.114 WOMEN'S LOCKER RM #131 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA z N N D.115 MEN'S WC#125 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA GEN. NOTE: < D.116 UNISEX SHOWER &WC#133 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - Y ADA Q OPENING DIMENSIONS D.117 LAUNDRY ROOM #134 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 16.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP FOR WINDOWS ARE TO \ �" \ D.118 DRYING ROOM #135 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 16.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - THE OUTSIDE FACE OF CY N ' D.119 MEWS LOCKER ROOM #126 A 42 84 1-314" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 16.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA THE FRAMES. ALLOW rr rr ti rr rr ti e- 7 D.120 WATER/STREET VEG. #142 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP 1/4" SPACE ON EACH sneer contents U) SIDE WHEN D.121 VESTIBULE#136A E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y - - - - ALUM ANO. 14.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA, TEMP CALCULATING RO DOOR SCHDULE & D.122 PW WATER#143 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP DIMENSIONS OPENING TYPES F� F3 D.123 WAREHOUSE OFFICE#137 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y = _ _ - HM PTD. 17.0 = - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP N D.124 DRYING ROOM #135 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - HM PTD. 16.0 - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - ADA OPENING DIMENSIONS ENTRY DOOR SINGLE MAN DOOR D.125 WAREHOUSE#138 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 10.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP FOR DOORS ARE TO N WITH GLAZING THE INSIDE FACE OF w D.126 PW SGNS & SLID WSTE#139 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 10.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP D.127 VESTIBULE#136B E 66 84 1-3/4" 38.5 ALUM ANO. Y - - - - ALUM ANO. 14.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y ADA, TEMP THE FRAME. U W 0 D.128 WAREHOUSE OFFICE#137 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 10.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP ALL DOOR LOCKSETS All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, z D.129 SHOWER#132 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - ADA AND LATCH SETS WILL used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. CN D.130 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ HAVE LEVER, PUSH Sheet No. C) CIJDOOR TYPES D. SHOWER A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - ADA DEVICES OPERABLE ER 10 SCALE: 1/4" -0" D.132 SHOWER#128 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - ADA BY WRIST OR ARM Q ry Li ooN D.133 SHOWER#127 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - ADA PRESSURE. 1A805 wwo� D.134 STORAGE #109 A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 18.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - - E O a-x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 7'-0" DOOR SCHEDULE (CONT.) ol 3'-6" EQ EQ WAG N E R SIZE (INCHES) AREA THERMAL GLAZING FRAME DETAILS EMARKS: TAG# NAME/ LOCATION TYPE (SQ. MAT. FIN. GLAZ. MIN. HDWR RATING EXIT ELEC. SIGN erify All R.O. WIDTH HEIGHT THICK FT) MIN. U PF SHGC MIN. VT MAT. FIN. GROUP (MIN) DEVICE HEAD JAMB �HRESH. izes, typ. A R C H I T E C T S D.135 PARKS OPEN OFFICE #111 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/lA8.10 - - - TEMP PLANNER S 0 C? D.136 OFFICE #114 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - - - 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/lA8.10 - - - TEMP 1 9 1 6 PIKE P L A C E ti SEATTLE WA 98101 D.137 OFFICE #115 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - - - 19.0 8/1A8.10 7AMA8.10 TEMP 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m D.138 OFFICE#116 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP D.139 OFFICE#117 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP OD.140 VESTIBULE#119 B 1 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 1 ALUM ANO Y = = = = HM PTD. 14.0 = Y 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - Y ADA, TEMP 0004003 REGISTERED G G2 D.141 ELECTRICAL/I.T. #121 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. Y ALUM ANO 27.0 Y 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 Y CR ARCHITECT CHAINLINK MAN GATE CHAINLINK MAN GATE D.142 JANITOR#150 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - W D.143 WC#149 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - E T E WA NER SECONDARY EVIDENCE STATE OF WASHINGT N D.144 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 8.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - STORAGE#148 6'-0" D.145 EVIDENCE STORAGE #147 G 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 VINYL VINYL - - - - - HM PTD. 20.0 - - SEE SHEET 1A9.7 - Y - CR Consultants: / 5" 5115" r D.146 FIRST AID #106 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - '� D.147 K KITCHENETTETEAM ROOM #112 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP 21_2" 21_2" _ D.148 MECH. ROOM #154 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. - - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y "FACP" M D.149 MDF ROOM #122 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - Y - CR q D.150 ELECTRICAL ROOM #153 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 26.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - - BO _ D.201 LUNCH ROOM #201 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" C? D.202 STORAGE#214 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 21.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - N D.203 DOC ROOM #206 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP D.204 CONF./TRAINING ROOM #207 C2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 22.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP OD.205 UNISEX WC #208 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - Y - D.206 MEN'S WC#209 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 15.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y - MAIN ENTRANCE D.207 WOMEN'S WC#210 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 14.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y - D.208 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14'-0" D.209 LUNCH ROOM #201 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" D.210 STORAGE #211 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - D.211 JANITOR#227 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - - D.212 CONF./TRAINING ROOM #207 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 23.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" D.213 SOURCE, SUPPLYå E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP PUMPSTATIOND.214 PW STORM DRAINAGE #230 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP D.215 SCADA#231 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP o D.216 PW DRAINAGE &VEG. #232 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP 40 0 D.217 STREET MAINT. #234 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP ` E T D.218 W/HOUSE SM PARTS #236 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 24.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP W A E;H 1 C.T" D.219 STAIR#235 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. - - - - - HM PTD. 25.0 - Y 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP D.220 OF#239 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR KEHOC D.221 HYDRANTS & METERS#238 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP Warehouse & Office D.222 STREETS &VEG. #240 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP Building D.223 PW WATER OFFICE #242 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP O D.224 SEWER/TV#243 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 = - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP D.225 PW SIGNS &SLD WSTE#244 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y HM PTD. 17.0 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 TEMP 12607 SE 248TH ST HIGH OVERHEAD DOOR D.226 CONF./TRAINING ROOM#207 C 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 23.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - Y TEMP, "MAX OCC" KENT, WA D.227 DOC ROOM #206 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - Y - CR, TEMP 98030 14'-0" D.228 STORAGE#257 A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - KEY D.229 OFFICE #259 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7A/1A8.10 - - - TEMP KEY D.230 OFFICE#261 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP ADA: ACCESSIBLE ALUM: ALUMINUM CONSOLIDATED D.231 OFFICE#260 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP CR: CARD READER� SET D.232 OFFICE E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1B8.10 - - - TEMP HM: HOLLOW METAL D.233 OFFICE#256 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP WD: WOOD D.234 CONFERENCE #253 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP P-LAM:PLASTIC LAMINATE JOB NO. 20223 D.235 OFFICE #254 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 713/1B8.10 - - - TEMP PTD: PAINTED Date Revisions D.236 OFFICE#252 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1 B8.10 - - - TEMP ANO: ANODIZED MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED STN: STAINED co D.237 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TEMP: TEMPERED 7 06.05.2 24-REV SION 6 Li D.238 CONFERENCE#263 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP VINYL: BLACK VINYL COATED w D.239 OFFICE#251 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP STEEL N D.240 OFFICE #250 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP "SIGN TEXT" � LOW OVERHEAD DOOR z D.241 QUIET&WELLNESS#248 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y = = = = HM PTD. 17.0 = = 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 = = = TEMP G E N . N OTE� 14'-0" D.242 STORAGE#201A A2 72 84 1 3/4" 42 STL PTD. HM PTD. 18.0 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 TEMP Z D.243 STORAGE#207A A2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 18.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - - OPENING DIMENSIONS Li CY D.244 ELECTRICAL ROOM #212 A 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 12.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - _ FOR WINDOWS ARE TO D.245 NOT USED - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OUTSIDE FACE OF N D.246 NOT USED - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - THE FRAMES. ALLOW sheet contents 1/4" SPACE ON EACH DOOR SCHEDULE D.247 NOT USED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SIDE WHEN C? D.248 OFFICE#217 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP CALCULATING RO a' D.249 OPEN OFFICE#215 E1 60 84 1-3/4" 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP DIMENSIONS C N D.250 OFFICE#219 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMPCD OPENING DIMENSIONS D.251 EVIDENCE STORAGE#262 G2 84 84 1-3/4" 49 VINYL VINYL - - - - - - - 20.0 - - SEE SHEET 1A9.7 - - - - FOR DOORS ARE TO D.252 CONFERENCE #218 B 42 84 1-3/4" 24.5 STL PTD. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/1A8.10 - - - TEMP THE INSIDE FACE OF w D.253 OFFICE#221 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP THE FRAME. O ^ n All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and OfL D.254 CONFERENCE#216 E1 60 84 1-3/4 35 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, Z LOW OVERHEAD DOOR D.255 OFFICE#222 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 19.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP ALL DOOR LOCKSETS used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. C D.256 OFFICE#223 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP AND LATCH SETS WILL Sheet No. N DOOR TYPES D.257 OFFICE#223 E1 54 84 1-3/4" 31.5 STL ANO. Y - - - - HM PTD. 17.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - - - TEMP HAVE LEVER, PUSH 0 - - - - - - - - OPERATED, OR OTHER CO SCALE: 1/4"= V-0° D.258 WAREHOUSE/SM PART#236 B2 72 84 1-3/4" 42 STL PTD. Y HM PTD. 24.0 Y 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 TEMP DEVICES OPERABLE Z fy Li o� M.101 L2 MEZZANINE A 36 84 1-3/4" 21 STL PTD. - - - - - HM PTD. 11.0 - - 8/1A8.10 7B/lA8.10 - Y - CR BY WRIST OR ARM 1A806 J bj o� PRESSURE. E O a-x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 4 16 , 15 , '1 � , ' 13 , ' 12 , ' 11 , ' 10, 8 , GENERAL NOTES 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I I E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INDICATESACONTROLLEDRECEPTACLEA DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g Ine r a r c h t e c t s . c o m I 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. 000 00 - 0 o SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY -FORKLIFT CHARGER ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT QFIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. ISTE A,6 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® v 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALLL7S-2 P17 2 $ P12 1 $ WP�LP14S-9 FORKLIFT CHARGER �o ��3813�.�'9 / - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. / 9 L_PTT g 0 • RV LP12S-15 • _ • LP14S-7 12S-2,4 9P 9 • WR • 1"C, 3#6,#10G OLL-UP OR OLL-UP DOOR LP17S-13 OLL-UP OR LP12S-9 OLL-UP OOR LP1 -1 ROLL-UP DOOR LP17S-27 S LP14S-2,4 6 Consultants; I LP12S-1 LP12S-9 LP17S-13 �P WP I 151 S I I NI I I I OPEN OFFICE LP17S-15 S WP LP14S-1 Tw�� /� 5/ _ LP17S-15 S mN� B . I I WP LP17S-3 5 E8 1 152 TRES WEST 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE ENGINEERS, INC. 301 IU LP12S-1 PW STREET LP12S-9 138 TACOMA, WA Phone: 53.4720 15 3300 III II 1 WP WP LP14S-1 WAREHOUSE www.treswest.com REF III 17S-23 T FT T II WP IIIIIIIIIII II LP17S-23 I I I I I II 150 I WP LIL L LIL I I PLAN NOTES LP17S-2� JANITt- LP12S-13 LP14S-1 O BLOCK HEATER._ � I 'I WP LLP1 75-37S-1 A2 OWP OPROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE P 2 WLe12S-11 SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS I I / LP17S-37 P14S WITH MANUFACTURER. 149 ® 2VLPPS-1 LP12S-1 LP12S-1 LP12S-9 LP14S-3 LP14S-3 LP14S-3 ® LP14S-3 KENT W WP % WP WP WP WP A,WP O PROVIDE MILBANK 125A, 120/240V MILLENNIUM W A 5 H I N G TO N '�- 6 - - - WC 12S ERIEUTETERED OWETLET WITH (1) / 0 1013S WP15SWP WP RECEPTACLE CONFIGURATIONS AND (1)50A, A'WP (��' LP13S-7 LP15S-5 % LP15S-9 LP1 S-15 LP16S-15 (% LP -13 2P, 120/240V, (1) 30A, 1 P, 120V, AND (1)20A, 1 P, /�� 153 Ii ll P17S-28 LP13S-3 LP13S-3 LP15S-5 120V CIRCUIT BREAKER CONFIGURATIONS. KEHOC ELEC. - P17�I I I I I I I 7I I I � I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 0 NOT USED. Warehouse & Office J - 1"C, 2#4, G 148 LP13S-11 1 LP16S-7 I I 5 NOT USED. Building I II WP � � LU11N-10 SECONDARY I I O � WP O 0 LP17S-1 WP II 146 III EVIDENCE I I O LP15S-13 O COORDINATE OUTLET TYPE, WIRE SIZE AND T QUANTITY WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO II III LF�111 i I I I I 12607 E 248TH T DRIVE-THRU ROUGH-IN. II BAY II II j i I I 0 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH OWNER PRIOR KENTI WA O TO ROUGH-IN. 98030 II II II I I WPLP13S-9 O O PROVIDE CHATSWORTH CUBE-iT WALL I WP I I MOUNTED 19U CABINET WITH TEMPERED LP15S-11 GLASS DOOR#11900-X36. PROVIDE CABINET CONSOLIDATED WP WITH LOW-DECIBEL DUAL-FAN AND FILTER KIT LP1 -39 LP17S-11 #40975-001, TWO VERTICAL CABLING SECTION W=ffP 144 rv��_ ® 145 W SEW[ LP15S-9 LP16S-15 143 #40970-711, CABLE PORT BRUSH KIT#25190-000, SET _ _ PW STORM � PW WATER LED LIGHT KIT#12803-701, POWER STRIP _ - LP13S-7 WP WP #12820-705, AND EATON RACKMOUNT UPS / I DRAINAGE I I I #SMART2200RMXL2U. JOB NO. 20223 WP Data Revisions 3 147 99 PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED 1-1/2"C, 3#4, #8G $ WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. P EVIDENCE 05.01.2024-REVISION 6 LP17S-2,4 STORAGE 10 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE 8 05,06.2024 RFI#34 1 LP15S-5 1 1 CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL I WP SYSTEM. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR I HARDWARE SET REQUIREMENTS. I LP 13S-3 WP LP17S-11 WP WP r � I LP13S-11 7 I LP15S-9 LP16S-15 LP17S-1 I I WP WP WP I � I I O _ LP17S-9 LP17S-6,8 1 1 Sheet Contents g ROLL-UP DOOR ORKLIF C1�Af�tGER I LP13S-13 LP15S-15 ROLL-UP DOOR OLL UP R 1"C 3#6, #10G L J ROLL-UP DOOR W 13S-7 OLL-UP 00 ROLL-UP DOOR W 15S- ROLL-UP DOOR LP16S- /�� . LP17S-7 • 9 - _ �P�3- 9 • - 9 M. - �P�'rs= -9 • - • g - - -- - • ENLARGED A OWERGROUND ® ® ® ® ® 20V BLOCK ® ® ® J 10 12®V BLOCK ® 12®V BLOCK ® J 10 128V BLOCK 120V BLOC 1 L 7S- P17 2 WP HEATER LP1 -17 P HEATER WP HEATER LP1 -17 HEATER HEATER P I 8 LP13S-1 1 P15S-3 LP15S-1 LP16S-3 LP16S-5 I C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A dA 4pea4 bff*mrIuhee the 1101 died ad art¢id cork aT to omlimt and mq nd be aced,a dbcbeed rthouk Ike rrllten ooreent al to Sheet No. ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL A POWER A B 1 SCALE: 1/8" -O" E 3. 1 A z 5 , ' 4 , ' 3 , ' 2 , RISER ROOM GENERAL NOTES 4 - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H / / E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS ° P DOOR 15N 9 ROL FITHE ° REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE PLANNER S - -_ - - - - -_- - - - - -_- AIN _ __ / INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. • 4 2 9 c LP -2 - LP15N-   A / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 PIKE P L A C E • OLL-UP DOOR 3 WP OLL-UP DOOR 1 wP 1 +++ + _ _ _ 6N-4 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 LP N-1 OWP P14N-3,b LP14N-3WP L J - + + + { - - DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE Z 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 1 LP +f6143- n CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED LP15N-2 ® +++ + LJ DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s . c o m O LP14N-7� � P LP15N-9 - 121 _ -+ ++ 6N-4 �154 + + + MECH. R00M 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE 208V WELDER 139 WP 140 wP ELECTRICAL/ = r _ (' ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE 1"C, 3#6, #10G WP I.T. of J. - � LP16N-37 { } � / SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. WP P14N-1 PW SIGNS& LP15N-2 PW DRAINAGE � - -� S S OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT in QLP14N-6, SOLID WASTE LP14N-7 � VEG. _ _ LP1 S FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON.$ FORKLIFT CHARGER Wp WP� WP LP S-19 1"C, 3#6, #10G 14N-1 WP ® ® ® LP16N-39 �o �'G g� v0 d' 813 9 nrri .� ISTE 10 ® P14N-1 1 — J LP15N-31 I S LP16N-12 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �SSIIST 11 it] _ ONAL LP14N-2 VP - _ �P15N LP15N- LP15N-9 - J 10 LP46N ''--ram - - ' �- EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. O 14S- 7 LP14N-14,16 �4+� Wp �eLP14N-2 Wp WP E8.0 I / ROLL-UP DOOR +++++ LP14N-1 WP LP15N-5 S LP16N-26 +++++ � 3 (� L P 15 N-3 p S Consultants: + + + + Wp `H'�J OWP LP16N-39 LP14S-11 + + + + LP1 N-12,e LP14N-12,e WID +++++ + LP14N-7 122 S 6 ' 2 I MDF 118 LP16N-10 138 P ++++1%C I 1 (D ROOM — S 1 116 S WAREHOUSE +++ ORR+ LP14N-1 F_ —1 LP1 QWVO � � — � � — � LP16 -0EN OFFICE s QFFICE LP16I�Vi _ + + + + WpO � � � LP16t�1-10 LP14N-7 - - WP WP wP 132 — — TttES WEST LP1 N-1 e LP14N-12,e LP15N-9 L - J 4 ENti111lEERS P14N LP15N-2 SHOWER s - LP14N3, - - � � 7 LP17N-2 3 14N-1 L�P14N-1 LP14N-7 LP14N-4 3 WP LP15N-7 LP15N-9 n n L 1— / T R E S WEST ENGINE E R S, INC. 4N-3,a S WP WP WP WP d WP P �WP P WP WP r 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 S1fi1fi L J -nn / Phone: 253.472.3300 LP14S-5 - - - - - - - - - - - � - S / www.treswest.com 6 1 134 - ® LP 1 5 LP1 N-23 P17NP17�J-31 SP16N-37 LP1 N�5 LP S E81 LAUNDRY r4131 1 17 LP17 -15 p e�6N-8 LP LP14 -13 ASHER WOMENS S 137 LP17N� LOCKER �g 123 �LP17N- TV LP16N-6 LP14S-3W gLP14 1 ® 135 I ® ® LP17N_5__ 1.1 rd 1 11 LP17N-37 WORKOUT LP17 -21 s114 IVA�REHOU PE4S-1 1 DRYING ® DRYER 1 ROOM OFFICEL 1 LP17N-1 P17N-5 LP1 S s ROOM I #10 ® 11 130 OFFI� LP16N-6 -3 LP14S-15 I LP17N-11,13 LP17N-3® 133 SHOWER11 LP17 -19 17 - LP17N-37 S LP 7 LP 7N- 17N-2 L 17N 9 SP16N-37 9/ LP1 - 11 17 - P1 -5 LP1 -5 L 171 - 7 LP17 �-l7 I 17�1 �SH• R S LP14S-1 P I 11 I LID N-10 LP17N-4 WASNINGTON LP1 N-10 LP16N33 L�17N-2 PARKS _ _ CORR. — — — TV — — - — — OPEN D / L 6S 13 WP ICE LP17N-2 -j LP17N-4 OFFICE P16S MACHINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i p�ati_�s -Lp _ - LD . 1/ KEHOC LP17N-6 P16 - L 13N- LP N- 125 11 LP17N- P17 3 / Warehouse & Office I ® 126 ® � � � 16N-31 S SLP16N-31 LP16S-11 0 MEN S WC P 105 LP16N-29 ® �/ Building MENS V. P LOCKER LP17N-34 LP17N-34 LP17AN-3 CORR. 16N-31 gP16N-31 ROOM 1 P 6N-32 1 NLP86N-2 12607 SE 248TH ST ® 128 11 11 11 11 11 11 LP17N-320YP OF SINK - RKS KENT, WA SH WEIRGIT ��86N-27 98030 127 ® 1 1 ° 1 10 09 &TEAM ROOM LP13 - LP17Nt TOR. - LP16N-27 - / PLAN NOTES WP WP �WP qWP WP ki NE LP16N-27 / O NOT USED. CONSOLIDATED LP13N-3 LP13N-5 LP13N-5 WP WP WP MACHINE LP13N-5 LP13N-5 LP12N-13 LP12N-13 LP12N-13 5 7102 LP17N-8 S 2 NOT USED. SET 143 A,W LP16N-31 / IF LP13N-7 E8.0 COI P17N-4 O PW WATER — — � — — / 3 CEILING MOUNTED SWITCHED RECEPTACLE ® 1 N-9 LP12N-11 FOR SHOP LIGHTING. COORDINATE LOCATION 106 OF RECEPTACLE AND SWITCH WITH OWNER JOB NO. 20223 Wp PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN Date Revisions wp LP1 N-9 ® I 07 FIRST° ���� 1 7 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED LP13N-7 L_ ZLEC AI ���� E8.1 4 NOT USED. w P 142 WP 208v WELD L 6N-� 05.01.2024-REVISION 6 OPROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH ONE DUPLEX g 05, LP13N-3 ® WATER/ 7 ® 3 I I - 11 06.2024-RFI#34RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX LP17N-2 STREET VEG. P12N-21,23 L J 16Ni9 RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. E8.1 I�Z J - HEV1 + + + + P12N [ ] O BLOCK HEATER. + 141 J10 � I ++ ++++ LP1 N-5 LP 2N-9 LP12N-9 LP12N-11 LP12N-11 LP12N-7 + + + PARKS ® LP12N-4 1�16N / O7 COORDINATE OUTLET TYPE, WIRE SIZE AND LP16S- + — — — — WP WP — — _ — QUANTITY WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO + + + + + I wP + + + + a ROUGH-IN. 6 WP +++++++++ WP 103 Q LP17N-4 12 4 S"LP16N-3 8 + + + + + LP13N-1 LP13N-7 208V WELDER WATER Z� NOT USED. + + + J 10 P16N-3 $ O LP16S-17 �L � r - +++ wp TEST LAB ❑ ❑ LP12N-4 LP12N-4 8 LP16N- O PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION RfSLL-UP DOOR O + + + + O LP16N-5 WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. ENLARGED GROUND • + + + + + 16 LP12N-25,27 + + LP16N- 10 P16N-5 • + III III + + F F 120V BLOCK J 10 10 J ® + + + + LP16N-3 CONFE 10 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE LEVEL B POWER + + + + LP16N-5 LP16N-5 5 LP16N-5 ® CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE ® HEATER ® LP 2N-9 LP12N-11 + � 5 ° _ _ WP LP1 -31 LP1 S-31 101 + +L DA -A ❑ ❑ AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL LP16S-1 g wP WP WP gnARYMAITING ++++++++ LP12N-4 SYSTEM. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR LP13N-3 LP16N-40 ++++++++ J 10 HARDWARE SET REQUIREMENTS. OLL-UP DOOR + + + OL U OOR OLL-UP D OR OLL-UP DOOR 13 - 9 • _ • • 9 • ++++++++ _ = LP 11 PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE LP12N-3 . . LP12N-15 - LP16N-40 +++ + + - - SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS 110120V BLOCK 120V BLOCK J 10 120V BLOCK ++++++++ WITH MANUFACTURER. p- HEATER 8 LP 2N-2 WP HEATER 8 LP N-2 p- +++++++ 10 HEATER LP16N-40 ++++++++ A malertd oar9hie ft WPAMW QW �2_ - - ad¢id 'r r adimt ad map nd n.duplooied wed,a ueclwed Mtlaut+�.�oos�ent a ub + + + Sheet No. - - - - - - - - - - ❑ ❑ - - ❑ ❑ - - - - - O ❑ ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL B POWER _ A B 1 SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" z -� 4 16 , 15 , '1 � , ' 13 , ' 12 , ' 11 , ' 10, ' 9 g , GENERAL NOTES 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I T E C I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S — _- - - - - _ — — _ _ _ _ - - - -_- - - - _- - — _ _- - - - - -_ — _ - -_- - - - _ - - - - -_- - — _ _ _ INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. A / I DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. I 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. vd d'� 53813��� o 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL ��S IIST IIRIIEXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. \ / / \ / LP24N- Consultants: LP24N-1TRMWEff \ / P� 11 / \\\ /// \\// I ENGINEERS TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 1 / j WAREHOUSE / `\ Phone: 253.472.3300 1 / www.treswest.com \ I 1 / EVIDENCE 1 / STORAGE 'C®9, _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - 1 / V� LP24N-29 �/� \\\ I LP 4N-1 WA ENS N T CD _ I LP24N-29 LP24N-29 1 / 11/ \\ // \\ 0 // \ // KEHOC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -z - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'D.2, - - - �7 - - - - - - - - - - - �- Warehouse & Office Buildin 11 x \\ /' I \\ ,/ I \\ // 12607 SE 248TH ST KENT, WA II I 1 No power supply \\ // \\ // \ / / 98030 / 1 shown for door \\ // \\ // \\ // I I 1 I D.251. I \ / CONSOLIDATED SET r/E. / I / I \ I / I \ I / \ JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions Nil MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED sheet contents / 1 LP24N-2 / \ / \ / ______________________ \ ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL A POWER 0 I I I I � � II _ I I I I I I G -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ - - -- - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - N mahstd a➢pealg hash mnbw the wrAMW ad a�deabedaTiAtl� tla�i�Mn�rad af�tlr ra�r>bed. Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL A POWER A B SCALE: 1/8"= E 3.3A z GENERAL NOTES 4 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER WAG N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I I E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / REQUIRED, "S" NEAR ARECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S _ _ _ _ _ __ � INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. P24N-25S A,S LP24N-25 S P24N-2 S A,SO S LP24N-39 �aLP22N-15 2 S 221 s / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E LP24N-39 LP24N-39 L - L - S1 S LP22N-33 LP22N-3 17 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 LP22N-27 LP22 - LP22N-27 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE N OFFICE OFFICE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 OFFI�_ )FFICE CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED s LP24N-33 S LP22N-13 S S DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g n e r a r c h t e c t s . c o m LP24N-19 S s LP24N-35 LP22N-15 LP22N-17 LP22N-19 LP22N-37 LP24N-21 1 1 1 1 223 S S S 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE LP22N-19 LP22N-33 LP22N-37 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE s OFFICE S LP22N-17 S S LP22N-33 L 24N-19 S LP24N-3 SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. �F � _ LP24N 21 P24N-33 OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY s4N-19 2, LP24N-27 4 B2 N-41 e LP22N-13 226 215 S ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT S LP22N-33 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. r,W DR k.,_ LP24N-21 P24N-33 P ORM LP24N-35 CORR PLOTTER LP22N-33 OPEN ��o��GiST3 P 4N-17 U N-27 D -41 — - LP22N-15 s — — - — — — 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �ssr s LP26W1 — OFFICE ONAL / Sx A,9r SOLP24N-9 S P24N-31 216 118 I / EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. / LP24N-7 LP24N-7 LP24N-7 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-13 LP22N- s LP26N-3 S P24N-17 LP24N-7 4O LP24N-27 P24N-31 O LP24N-41 g 2 S LP22N-21 LP22 21 LP �5 LP24N-9 F S F - NTER � F ConsulFar� 1 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-11 F cn 3 212 P24N-17 LP24N-27 P24N-31 P24N-41 S � LP22N-21 LP22N-21 4 TV _ LP �� LP22N-21 �cn LP2 2N-25 � E8.0 tLEC. LP24N-5 LP24N-2 TV LP24N-3 4 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP24N-S s COPY/MAIL TV LP22N-25 LP22N-2 S S S LP�4N- 2 P24N-25 LP2 -3 LP22N-11 LP 2N-1 213 7 -1 _ LP24N-5 LP24N-15 1 S S LP24 - 5 L 4N-24 S LP24N-3 S ef I Aj 225 �S LP22N-21 S LP22N-2 CORR I— - eA A F _ CORR , s A,s A, LP2 5 O LP26N-1 228 LP26N-3 LP23N-4 SP -6 TM vW LP24N-5 8 ICE (TYP OF 2) LP23N-6 Q��N MACHINE TV (TYP OF 2) STREW. CL -22 LP26N-5 TV ' T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. MAINT. �r- — - — — — — — — — — — — — - LP23N-26 — — �7 LP24N-3 10 J W4N-t6 - _ -9 7 LP26N-3 S (TYP OF 2) ' 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 1 S 3300 S LP24N-1U P26N-9 L 22N 7 L -1 2 1 LP23N-4 (,C TPhone: WA 98209-7315 7 www.treswest.com 24 14 LP24N-3 LP24N-15 L�24id- LAS LP24N 18 �2 - LP22N-1 XN 22N-3 E8.0 — —1 TV S S (TY ELEC. / LP24N-15 4 S 1 LP22N-1 LP22N-1 — OILETS) LP24N-13 LP24 - L 24N-1� LP24N-14 P24N-8 4 LP24N-12 P22N-39 2O1A LP24N-3 TV 231 LP24N-2 LP22N-5 LP22N-5 P22N- LP24N-13 aLP24N-13 8 F 233 s >CADA P24N-8 24N-12 S F 207 F 207A 9 LP22N 9 s - STORAGE LP22N-39 210 203 LP23N-4 L 24N 16 SOURCE, LP24N-2 4 4 LP22N-39 O L OMEN CORR LP23N 6s rnR� P2 N-1 TV LP24 -14 �CONF.i STOR. SUPPLY& LP22N- TRAININ LP22N- LP22-1 9 LP22N-39 gO 2p1 L LP26N-1 s ic PUMPSTATIONS LP24N-2 ?22N-9 n TV _ -4 LP24N-1 LP24N-1 - P24N-6 LNo power supplyLP22N-5 ROOM LP22N-5 9 O - LUNCH shown for door / LP22N-1 LP2 N-40 P22N-41 — D.258. LP2 N-2 // LP24N-4s � F F 08 I®22N- S LP23N-4 ROOM / LP24N-6 —� NISL22�1 22N-40 LP22N-39 LP 22 -41 E8.1 ��r� 202 C. 8 LP22N-5 4 LP22N L 22N- U KITCHEN / ��r LP24N-4s � - 1 I — - � KE!�!T lk 2 S LP24N-4 LP24N-4 TV ® WASNINGTON LP24N-6 S� A,S,H, S0 LP24N-4 LP25N-12 u4 N-15 s S \\ (*LP25N-12 9R5N-12 L'025N� LP26N-3 U LP25N-3 LP25N-3 1 LP25N-1 — — — s 22N-9 LP22S-3 LP26N-3 RO EVATOR ® I — — — — —- I LP25N-14 P22N— — - D, 1, KEHOC 6 S 2 LP22N-7 — — —LP22N- LP16N-38 — — — — - — — — — — �p , Warehouse & Office — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — LP25N- E8.0 P2 _ 6N-36 P25N-9 T�25N-9 S 3 n — J P25N-12 LP25N-1S F LP22N-7 F - — 23 LP25N-11 ]<D �� LP22N-7 4 4 ELEVATOR \ — - D ® �' PLAN NOTES Building Li S TV O O CAB \ LP23N-2 HYDR [ ] P25N-10 24g LP25N-141150 LP22N-3 DP -1 1�6, 8 S S S cn4�/ LP22N-7 LP22N-7 S ' I 2O6 / F O AROMIDNUM RACEWAY OR EQUIVALENT.ES DIVIDED ROVIDE LP25N-9 &MET P25N-11 LP25N-9 L — JL — JL — J 'R/T� LP25N-1 r \ 12607 SE 248TH ST 4 241 L 4 LP22N-3 F F I DOC 'll CENTER RACEWAY DIVIDER WITH 2-3/4" CHANNEL P25N-10 LP25N-18 LP22N-9 LP22N-7 LP22N-7 ROOM FOR DATA AND 2-1/4" CHANNEL FOR POWER. KENT, WA —S KITCHENETTE F PROVIDE COVER, END CAPS, AL5214 WALL BOX LP25N-9 1 8 ED LP25N-1 S ,4 4 4 214 AI CONNECTOR AND ALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED 98030 F_ P25N-10 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-7 LP25N-7 L } 1 I I LP25N-18 '� pp�9 Or) � I STnR LP23N-8s FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. I I- TV LP22N-S LP22N-S E8.1 ���� I — — LP26N 3 — — — — _ — — O2 NOT USED. P25N-16 8 / O CONSOLIDATED LP25N-23s - LP25N-18 LP26N-11 LP23N-2 3 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ELEVATOR LP25N-19 LP25N-23 LP25 -3� ® S - LP23N-26 5N-18 7P726N-1 LP26N-11 S CONTRACTOR IN MACHINE ROOM LESS SET 1 TV S ICE J 10 (TTV OF 2) — '�. / ELEVATOR. LP25N-23 LP25N-21 245 LP26N-15 LP23N-2 LP23N-8 �� F LP2dN-1 CORR MACHINE TV 4 I8 (TYP OF 2) (TYP OF 2) 4O PROVIDE 6" POKE-THRU WITH ONE DUPLEX JOB NO. 20223 LP25N-23 O - E8.1 LP26N-3 S RECEPTACLE, AONE ND DAONTROLLED TA PORTS DUPLEX Dahe Re�ons P25N-19 PRINTER � MARCH 19 2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 25 -37 L 25N 38 1 - O P25N-19 LP 5N-29 S LP25N-2 g P25NS8 S LP25N- LP23N-� LP23N_F S LP23N-29 S 255 257 O NOT USED. 246 �P23N-27 LP23N-27 s S 05.01.2024-REVISION 6 LP25N-13 LP25N-3 S LP25N- s 23N-1 LP23 - LP23N-23 LP23N-25 1 LP23N- 1 LP23N-27 CORR STOR. LP23N-23 LP23N-25 6 ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL BY ELEVATOR 24O I 1 I 942_1 35TV 244 TV S L 23N-3 4 LP23N-31 S ! S S CONTRACTOR. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS PRIOR 8 05.06.2024-RFI#34 P25N-17 LP2 L 5N-35 LP25N- ROOM S LP2 -27 LP23N-23 STRE F LP25N-13 P25N-25 F ER S " "� F NS& S 247 3 TV TO ROUGH-IN. ° LP25N-33 P25N 39 STE LP25N-4 CORR LP23N-29 EP23N-2 259 261 P25N-17 LP25N-23 O O LP25N-8 ON Q�-31 O NOT USED. 4 LP25N-13 -dtt 4 LP25N-35 4 ., �LP23N-1 LP23N-is LP26N-3 LPJ LP230CE 1 P25N-25 LP25N- 3 LP25N-4 LP23N-29 LP23N-27 s S / O REFRIGERATOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION L.P25N-1 — — 25N-39 — — — — — - — � WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. LP25N-15 LP25N-35 LP25N-8 1 S S �� �� / LP25N-27 F S F LP23N-7 LP23N-7 O PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE S LP25N- 3 LP25N-8 249 LP26N-1 �g WITH SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS LP25N-21 LP25N-35 � P25N-41 LP25N-2 LP25N-15 S P25N-27 O LP25N-31 O 248 LP26N-1 CORR cost � SS S S P25N-21 LP25N-21 10 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE LP25N-15 S A, S LP25N-21 P25N-41 LP25N-2 s QUIET& mi:::::(\ 251 s 2 254 S P1 LP2 N�gb ENLARGED SECOND 1 - 11 LP23 -15 P2 - CONNECTIONS TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE AS g WELLNESS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL LEVEL B POWER P25N-27 LP25N-3 LP23N-7 SYSTEM. SEE P25N-41 LP25N-2 S4 S S S S S-AN A%_ S HARDWARE SET RREQUIREMENTS.RAWINGS FOR LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N-15 LP23N-17 S S LP25N-31 LP25N-6 � I LP23N-19 LP23N-21 S LP25N-29 LP25N-29 S40 S LP25N 6 LP25N 6 S LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N 15 LP23N-17 LP23N-19 LP23N-21 P25N-29 So A, s LP25N-29 LP25N-6 S A, S LP25N-6 S S S S S S S S N addW 4 mikM AaWn=01ki a to MpMdod and 2 a dd�how l d m tl%Mn�a nab I m b1t Shsat No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL B POWER A B 1 E 3.3 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' z GENERAL NOTES 4 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I I E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS o REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE PLANNER S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ n�n INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. L / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. Io 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ` ' ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. � I 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL ��ssIONAL���t I n / EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. Coneultantx I I I I I I I o I eA WEST ENGINEERS \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7/ TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 / I I \ / TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 — — / — — — — — — — _ Phone: 253.472.3300 \ www.treswest.com QUIPMENT PLATFORM / WPOF \ QUIPMEf PLA�ORM \ / LP24N-28 III \ / $ (D \ / \ i P25N-22 II P24N- L28 \ / �x� 2 J L 24 -28 i \ / \\ — - - - - - - � - - - -� - - - - - - --- \\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iI iI — — — — — — — — - - 00-7 E � - K E N T SNO LP24N-28 \ / / \ I I IPMENT PLATARM /\ KEHOC CFUTPNfENTRCATFOR10f — —� \ , \ / ,I \ , Warehouse & Office Building I \X/ I / ` \` '' // \\ / \ 12607 SE 248TH ST ,X\ // \\ KENT, WA 98030 P24N-28 \\ 'E / PLAN NOTES CONSOLIDATED 7 SET \ / \ / / — O PROVIDE RECEPTACLE WITHIN 25' OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. PROVIDE ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT PLATFeRM A8 AS REQUIRED. JOB NO. 20223 O2 EREQUIR:EDFOR RE POWER SUPPLY. PROVIDE Date Reviam TO ALL AUXILIARY HARDWARE AS MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED COMPLETE OPERATIONAL05.01.2024-REVISION 6 RCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FORT REQUIREMENTS. 8 05.06.2024-RF1434 I I I I I I I I T 0 Sheet contents ENLARGED SECOND — _ — - - _— - - - _ — — LEVEL MEZZANINE LEVEL B POWER I Io N EdW 4M MiWn=01ki a to mpMdwd and i a dd�ahow la 111%m�a nab of rm4mblt Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL MEZZANINE LEVEL B POWER A B 1 SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" E 3 '3 C z -� 4 16 , 15 , 1 � , 13 , / 12 , / 11 , / 1 O, / g , / 8 , FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — ALARM DESIGN PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED A / I APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com FOLLOWING: I 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED 000 OO o O o ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT DETECTORS, 53813 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® SPRINKLER R SER MODU ES HORNS, ��s� ISTF��� — - - - - - - — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - sIONAL 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ D VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, WP P BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER i CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. 151 I l I 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED OPEN OFFICE RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE _ OW ® RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. I II /�� — 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE TR v=T / I I J ROVIDED WITH WATER BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF I GGHT OASKETS AS QI�NEERS 5 REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST E N G I N E E R S, I N C. E8 1 152 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE II I U PW STREET 138 ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. T Phone: 53.4ACOMA, WA 72.330015 II I a www.treswest.com WP WAREHOUSE 5 REFER A R ELEVATOR RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM i 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC i n T Ii TI T ri EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. IIIIIIIIIII GENERAL NOTES II IIIIIIIIIII II 150 Ow LI L LiLIL 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE i P ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE II JANITOR Z SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. 1L ® o OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT /C 9/ P FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. 4000- 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES KE N T ��1 6 WC FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR rT A S H I N G T O M — 11 a) — r- i— t EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE E8.0 WEATHERPROOF. — — — D — T— — 17 CD. KEHOC �ELEC. I — IIIIII Warehouse & Office — — —11— No electrified 148 Building r hardware shown for SECONDARY I I door D.145. I 146 I EVIDENCE II II III STOR. III I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST DRIVE-THRU � III BAY II II KENT, WA II I I 98030 ' II II II I I I PLAN NOTES I I I I I I OPOE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED CONSOLIDATED I BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. 144 � COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER SET W SEWER ® 143 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. �E. _ _ W_P PW STORM PW WATER O2 PROVIDE CHATSWORTH CUBE-iT WALL 5/ 1 I DRAINAGE I I I MOUNTED 19U CABINET WITH TEMPERED JOB NO. 20223 GLASS DOOR#11900-X36. PROVIDE CABINET Date Revisions i I 147 WITH LOW-DECIBEL DUAL-FAN AND FILTER KIT MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED i #40975-001, TWO VERTICAL CABLING SECTION EVIDENCE #40970-711, CABLE PORT BRUSH KIT#25190-000, STORAGE LED LIGHT KIT#12803-701, POWER STRIP I #12820-705, AND EATON RACKMOUNT UPS #SMART2200RMXL2U. i i i i I I � - I I I I i L _ I I 1 L P ENLARGED GROUND . 1; — - - - - - - - —_ - - - - -_ — — - - - - -_ - - - °® p ® ® U D ® ® ® CLJ D ® ® ® D I I I I CG II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — N hash mnbw the wpAMW ad a�deabedaTiAtl� tla�i�Mn�rad af�tlr ra�r>bed. Sheet No. ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL A SYSTEMS A B 1 E 5. 1 A SCALE: 1/8"= 1' z No electrified hardware shown for 4 8 , ' � / ' 6 , ' 5 , ' 4 , ' 3 , ' 2 , doorX.143. ' 1 � FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE - - - - — — — — — — — — -® — - - - — — — — — — — — -0— — —� — — — — — — — — -0 - - - — — — — — — — — —®— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN W A G N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT A R C H I T E C T S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM o — — F WP CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE PLANNER S _ _ _ _ _ ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED D = = + +++ ® Sp F � / APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE IT-11 +++++++ F z LL COMPLETE OPERATION OFMOUNTING HARDWARE AS F REUALARMIRED OR S E AT T L E W A 98101 LP16N-2 z a L � — J + + + 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 L J + + + + SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL — � ® 119 ++++ + INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com 121 — v IBU + ++ ® I `FJ I FOLLOWING: + + + - r MECH. ROOM 139 140 ELECTRICAL/ F - - 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED J. _ I T ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, PW SIGNS& PW DRAINAGE a STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND SOLID WASTE VEG. — I ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 1 117 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT F��11 ® ® — J L OFFICE DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, ��o��'G1ST3 ® 1 I SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, �s — — O sZONAL VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, D ++ +++ E8.0 I Jul �� / VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, ++++++++ 4 PRINTER BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER + + + + wP ow ow ow CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, ++++++++ ® AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: + + + + III 122 Q ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM + + + + 138 ++++� �+ IIII MDF Q 1 118 I I SYSTEM. + ROOM n - n PARKS 116 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED WAREHOUSE ++ � �+ III RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE eA A P ++++++++ �1 — — OPEN OFFICE OFFICE III RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. 8 132 — — 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE TmvmT _ a PROVIDED WITH WATER TIGHT CONDUIT, mN� L — J J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS — — — — SHOWER — — — W. � — �� 7 REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST E N G I N E E R S, I N C. u u / 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 A [ ] 8 A r n n 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE L J TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — / ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 1 134 ] ZI 8 115 D / 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR www.treswest.com RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. 6 LAUNDRY3 ® 131 FFICE E8.1 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC H4 !7 7" ROOM vLOC ER 8 129 EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. 137 ® 135 ® P ® Tv c woR our � � � GENERAL NOTES WAREHOUSE I DRYING � J I W ROOM 114 OFF ® 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE P ROOM o 130 ® OFFICE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE ® 133 SHOWER ® ® SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR HALL AUTOMATICALLY ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT ° Z. SH RLLL OL ��, _ g/ FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. 00 7 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES KENTr- - C-19 FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR N 124 — — PARKS — — ' ) EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE I r OPEN D WEATHERPROOF. C-18 ORR. 010 Tv O8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OFFICE - - - ' 1 I I I I ° I I �I, KEHOC I 125 , -� Warehouse & Office I ® 126 ® MEN'S WC ® Lx D D ® �, Building II MENS 105 LOCKER 8 D D D O O CORR ROOM 1EP I 12607 SE 248TH ST ® GHW , 12 KENT, WA ® _ 2 F WEIR 127 U1 109 5 ITCHENETTE 98030 0 ® 10� &TEAM ROOM FTTIp� 0 0 0 0 0 �Ah 1 TOR. ® PLAN NOTES — — — — E 1O PROVIDE SMOKE DETECTOR FOR ELEVATOR CONSOLIDATED RECA 143 A 5 102 SET � 2 PROVIDE FIRE ALARM CONNECTION TO E8.0 CORR. / SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT. VERIFY QUANTITY OF PW WATER g77 ® CONNECTIONS WITH SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR. I I I L _ J 106 JOB N0. 20223 8 O PROVIDE LADDER RACK AT+8'-0"AFF WITH Data Revisions ® 107 FIRST ���� 7 MINIMUM 18"WORKING CLEARANCE ABOVE. j ELEIC. AID ���� I Es.1 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 142 _ J r PROVIDE DUAL CONTACTOR HEAT DETECTOR 1 WATER/ FOR ELEVATOR SHUNT TRIP WITHIN 18" FROM (TYP) ® ® 3 I I l SPRINKLER HEAD. 0 1 II STREET VEG. 41_WPwP E8.1 L_ J I�ZJ O PROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH ONE DUPLEX +)+++ + 17 RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX 141 STOR. 1 RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. + +++++ - - - - - PARKS- - - ® — — — — ' O NOT USED. + I u + + + + + + + + + 0 ` + + + + 103 Q 7 NOT USED. +++++++++ WATER Z� I REX ES D +++++++++ D D O8 POE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED + + + + + TEST LAB L J ❑ ❑ BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. lF+ + + + EL ELCOORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER + + + + +++ 104 5 5 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. ENLARGED GROUND + + + III -20 + + + 2 F 2 2 F ® 2 F 2 LEVEL B SYSTEMS ® D 10 ++++++++ o ® O9 PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION ++++++++4 WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. + + + + L BBYIWAITING + + + + + E + + + + 10 COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF PHONE + + + + WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. WP o + + + + + + + + + — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — o D + + + I _ iout Imf _ +++++ + N maa.id n.ein oar11111 thes+ipAMW ad + + p+ + ad¢i wd d ordecbeed rak aT iht adid ad mq nd be - - - - —Q- - - - - � - - - - - - - � - - - - - -� - - - - - - - - � — + + + D Mtltlaw�ltenooms�tatheud3r>becr + + + + + F P Sheet No. - - - - - - - - - ❑ ❑ - - - - - ❑ ❑ - - - - - ❑ ❑ ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL B SYSTEMS _ _ A B 1 E 5. 1 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" z -� 4 16 , 15 , 1 � , 13 , 12 , 11 , 1 O, g , 8 , FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM — — — — — — CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S ALARM DESIGN PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED A / I APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com FOLLOWING: I 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, °,po d'� 53813��� o SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, ��S IST -tONAL VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, DEVICES, BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE eA At GHT CONDUIT, RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. 1 I WP PW/� ® 5/ 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BEI I \ / / IJ BOXES, AND WATH RPROVIDED WITH WATER I ROOF GASKETS AS REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. \ / 23� 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 1 WP P W \ I 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE / TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 WAREHOUSE / \ ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 \ 1 / / 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR www.treswest.com RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC EVIDENCE EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. 1 I /' vv � � �� GENERAL NOTES 11 � STORAGE // \\ WP WP \ I 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE / \ ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY / \ ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT C®�/ _- - - - \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. 4000- WP 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES K E N T / WASH I N GTON FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR i EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF. '� -- - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - — � - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -Z — — -1 - - - - - - - -Z_ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l KEHOC - - - - - - - - - - — — • / I 1 WP ` / ` / Warehouse & Office Building 11 x \\ /' I \\ ,/ I \\ // 12607 SE 248TH ST KENT, WA No electrified `\ \ / 98030 II I 1 hardware shown for \ / \ / \ / p I 1 door D.251. CONSOLIDATED 1 \ / SET r/E. / I / I \ I / I \ I / \ JOB NO. 20223 Cate Revisions Nil MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED I I WP WP sheet Contents / / 1 ENLARGED SECOND/ ---------------------- \ / ---------------------- \ / ---------------------- \ • 1; LEVEL A SYSTEMS o I I I � � II _ I I I I I I G -- - - - - - - - -_ - - - -_ - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N hash mnbw the wrAMW ad r��aT to r�idMn�rad af�tr ra�rtecF. Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL A SYSTEMS A B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' E 5.3A z 4 , ' 3 , ' 2 , FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 4 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. WAG N E R DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT ARCHITECT S REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / �� CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S _ _ _ _ _ __ n ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED 2 Q Q L i APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE 219 217 MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 4 4 OFFICE OFFICE COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 OFFICE OFFICE SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com ® FOLLOWING: 223 8 8 8 8 Q OFF'r'r 17 J.A A 1 1 ON�TH AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, PLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ED �Fp D STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND 4 2 &27307 8 ® j ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. _ 226 ' 4 215 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT PW 53813 & G 2 AI �NAGE PL TTER WPEN SPRINKLDETECTOER RISER MODULES HORNS,RS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, ��s�ZONAL - - - - d - - - — OFFICE — — VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, ZONAL 6 218 VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, / O4 ® ® _ BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER O J �O. CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, D 2 G�F �2 2 G�F �2 - 11RINTER a 2I�I�/,.12 ® 2©FM2 2,12 AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultar� 8 �/Ly� ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM Tv 224 4O ELEC. SYSTEM. TV LL COPY/MAIL TV1% '7 '7 0 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED 0 - 225 F -1RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE ORR LJRESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. 2 F 2 87CORD qC7 234 4 228 3 PROVIDED WIALL RTH IRE WATERT TIEVICES GHT CONDUIT,ALL BE TREE SST STRF- rnRR TV 1 / ��( J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS N� MAIN ® — � — — ��/ REQUIRED BY AHJ. T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. Es 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 7ILI 7 2 2 1 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE98409-7315 — — — 0 — — — — — — / �� ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. TACO e: 53 472.3300 8 TV TV ELEC. Phone: 253.472.3300 2 F 2 www.treswest.com 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR 4 I 8 8 — 9 RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. O Tv� I 231 2 2 Q � o 0 201A ® 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC O233 SCADA 2 F 2 2 F 2 STORAGE EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. SO CE, � 21 207A a o 21U 203 GENERAL NOTES CORR v , SU Y& R 4 F.i O STOR. OME ;ORR 4 O IN L C 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE No electrified PUMP TIONS �TV TRr„'J G o 201 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE hardware shown for p G a 11-M - — LUNCH SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. door D.258. 08 2 ���� ROOM OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY SMALL PARTS 2 2 2 F SEX ® Eg 1 ���� 202 / �� ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT EL D — —� �� KITCHEN i FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON.VFF - # — - - - - - - - - - - — - - — — I 2 1 TV 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES Nl T \ ® / FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR E \ EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE zu: WEATHERPROOF. SDO\ E EVAT O /D. 1, KEHOC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 239 — 2>W 2 2>W 2 �6N-36 - _ CD . Warehouse & Office Tv Es D DF _ � V' l=� V' l=� - Building ELEVATOR LJ 8 8 TV ® O CAB 2>M2 206 � L F_ =R/TV 1 Doc r ` ® 12607 SE 248TH ST 7 241 O 2VW2 2✓W2 ROOM KENT, WA 8 KITCHENETTEa. 2 cF �2 O O I 214 98030 V 7 r STOR ���� PLAN NOTES T / 7 r O RECALL.DE SMOKE DETECTOR FOR ELEVATOR CONSOLIDATED L — ® Es4Q O(TYP) / �� CTOR SET 8 TV �, i O FOR EROVILLEVATOR SDE DUAL OHUNTCTRIP WITTOR i 18" FROM 2> �2 TV 0 4 e SPRINKLER HEAD. I E81 I I 7 JOB N0. 20223 OO PROVIDE LADDER RACK AT+8'-0"AFF WITH Dots Revisions ® 7 I 246 7 255 257 O MINIMUM 18"WORKING CLEARANCE ABOVE. MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED PRINTED $ 1 ORR STOR. O PROVIDE 6" POKE-THRU WITH ONE DUPLEX 040 242 �TV 8 24 �TV L RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. ST2rr F 2 I 24, ,F,AT 2 P 1 ROOM 247 1 2 ® I 22 I DATA OUTLET AND POTS LINE. COORDINATE E CORR Nr . 259 261 5 4 ERENCE � O ROUTING OF CABLING IN SHAFT AND EXACT O Tv OFFICE OFFICE LOCATION OF OUTLETS WITH ELEVATOR 8 — i o � CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO WORK. O6 ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL BY ELEVATOR /� CONTRACTOR. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS PRIOR 2 I/1=y�2 2I/>M1=y�2 7 D 249 TO ROUGH-IN. CORR 7 POE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED Sheet coeterde O BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. COORDINATE a Ql & 250 /_b 2 2 25 258 260 ENLARGED SECOND — 8 EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER PRIOR TO WELLNESS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE ROUGH-IN. LEVEL B SYSTEMS ® O PROVIDE WIREMOLD AL5200 SERIES DIVIDED ALUMINUM RACEWAY OR EQUIVALENT. PROVIDE CENTER RACEWAY DIVIDER WITH 2-3/4" CHANNEL FOR DATA AND 2-1/4" CHANNEL FOR POWER. PROVIDE COVER, END CAPS, AL5214 WALL BOX CONNECTOR AND ALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. N aMtYstd OW �pealg AaWn mlli a to mp Mdod and m1k i a dd�aloraT dd m 1110 tm�a nab of t1mbIt Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL B SYSTEMS A B 1 E 5.3 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1' z W A G N E R REX MOUNT REX ABOVE DOORS A R C H I T E C T S ADA DOOR P L A N N E R S OPERATOR 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE REMOTE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 RELAY • I 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 120V, 20A ADA PUSH wagnerarchitects . com J PLATE J. ELECTRIC STRIKE R J Es (FURNISHED AND POWERED BY DOOR REMOTE HARDWARE CONTRACTOR) 53813 RELAY PROVIDE HOMERUN TO ACCESS CONTROL ° GISTE�� PROVIDE HOMERUN TO ACCESS PANEL LOCATED IN IT ROOM. REFER TO �SSZONAL ROOM. REFER TO MANUFACTURER'S CONTROL PANEL LOCATED IN IT MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION FOR CAT 6 CABLE SPECIFICATION FOR LOW VOLTAGE LOW-VOLTAGE WIRING. (TYPICAL) F-1 WIRING. (TYPICAL) DOOR SWITCH Consultants: TO MAIN IDF ROOM HAREWARE POWER OR J-BOXES C CARD READER PROVIDE CONNECTION TO eA A ADJACENT UNSWITCHED TYPICAL FOR EACH ACCESS CONTROL DOOR RECEPTACLE FOR POWER ACCESS CONNECTION. TREE vVEST TO CONTROL ENGINEERS 120V PANEL POWER TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. CIRCUIT 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 NOTES: Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com 1. PROVIDE ALL J-BOXES, CONDUIT, WIRING AND CONNECTIONS TO ALL DEVICES FOR COMPLETE OPERATIONAL SYSTEM. 2. PROVIDE COMPLETE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS PER ELECTRICAL PLANS, MECHANICAL PLANS, ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE REQUIREMENTS. 3. PROVIDE REQUIRED REMOTE RELAYS INTERFACE TO OPERATE ALL AUXILIARY DEVICES. 4. DOOR HARDWARE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND POWER ELECTRIC DOOR LOCKS. 5. PROVIDE J-BOX ABOVE THE DOOR TO CONNECT DOOR POSITION SWITCH WIRING. 7 6. PROVIDE J-BOX ABOVE THE DOOR TO CONNECT ELECTRIC DOOR LOCK WIRING. 40 2 PROVIDE CONDUIT AND WIRING 7. PROVIDE CARD READER PEDESTAL(S)AS REQUIRED. KENT W A 5 H 1 N G T O M PROVIDE CONDUIT ACCESS CONTROL SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM 1 AND WIRING SCALE: NTS KEHOC Warehouse & Office REX REx PROVIDE CABLING TO ACCESS Building CONTROL PANEL IN IT ROOM. DOOR OPENER DOOR OPENER 12607 SE 248TH ST PROVIDE CONDUIT AND WIRING KENT WA 98030 FIELD VERIFY AND COORDINATE 3 INTERIOR DOOR EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION WITH SUPPLIER. i 3 CONSOLIDATED i SET i i 1/2"C wP wP 6REx o 1/2 C JOB NO. 20223 ODOOR DOOR O O Date Revisions STRIKE STRIKE MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED 3 2 4 \ E / 1/2"C DETAIL NOTES OPROVIDE POWER TO DOOR CONTROLLER. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR CIRCUIT INFORMATION. ODOOR OPENER POWER SUPPLY/CONTROL PANEL (FURNISHED BY DOOR HARDWARE SINGLE DOOR FINISHED FLOOR CONTRACTOR). PROVIDE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM INTERFACE J-BOX. Sheet Contents O3 PROVIDE WIRING TO DOOR CONTACT& DOOR ELECTRIC STRIKE/ ELECTRIC LOCK. DETAIL NOTES 4O EQUIPMENT DETAIL DOOR OPENER INTERIOR ADA PUSH PLATE. - O ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM J-BOX. ACCESS CONTROL O DOOR OPENER EXTERIOR ADA PUSH PLATE. 2O PROVIDE CARD READER. OACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CARD READER. O3 PROVIDE CONNECTION TO ELECTRIC STRIKE/ELECTRIC LOCK COORDINATE WITH DOOR O7 PROVIDE CONTROL WIRING TO ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL. HARDWARE CONSULTANT. 4O PROVIDE DOOR CONTACT. NOTES NOTES _ N mahNtd a➢pealg W*m the n�w wpAMW ad 1. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR DOOR LOCATIONS. 1. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR DOOR LOCATIONS. deabeed rdMnaaradaftlrrar>bed 2. REFER TO DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET, ACCESS CONTROL SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL 2. REFER TO DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET, ACCESS CONTROL SINGLE -LINE DIAGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. REQUIREMENTS. Sheet No. WIRING DIAGRAM FOR ADA DOOR CONTROLS DOOR ACCESS CONTROL AND SECURITY DETAIL E6 .9 3 SCALE:NTS SCALE: NTS FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R PROVIDE DOOR DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT A R C H I T E C T S WITH LISTED REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM PANIC HARDWARE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S No electrified L ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED hardware shown for APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE door X.141. LP17S-21 MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 U — — COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL qp INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE wagnerarchitects . com (TYP) O3 LU21 N-1 LU21N-3 FOLLOWING: I�T�I O ROVIDE DOOR WITH U21N LU21N-7,9,11 2 O LP11 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASED 5 J C Tm 5 ISTED PANIC HARDWARE U21N-1 L21-30R O ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND yS � M11S ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. LU21 N-13,15,1 F L _�\ L21-30R O 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT J� 7 + IDF LU21N-19,21,2 .�� GISTE� ti LU21 N-3 DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, °�01P� 53813 �O 19+ LU21N- L21-30R O U21N-3 SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, SSIONAL � ATS01 MDP1 T- 11S VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, HL11 N �CP1 E LILE+ VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, MSB1 + + COM BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER + + GROUND BAR CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, + + I AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consultants: ® + + ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM + + SYSTEM. LP16 -14 + + 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED 121 LEVEL 2 IDF ROOM LEVEL 1 ELECTRICAL ROOM 153 RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE eA A ELECTRICAL/ UPS MBP T No electrified 2 6 RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. I, hardware shown for SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" � UPS S MBP LOAD (TYP) 3 door D.141. 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE 7'RES � ISTRIBUTION PROVIDED WITH WATER TIGHT CONDUIT, ENGINEERS LU11 N-4 J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS 84 UPS PROVIDE DOOR WIT REQUIRED BY AHJ. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. BATT LISTED PANIC HARDWARE HL21 LCP 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 4. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE There is a card reader, CAB TTERY TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 but no other electrified S ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 hardware shown for '-LU11N LL 11N 2 LP23 www.treswest.com door D.149. SokvA 211 P22N-4� 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR 213 LP22N-3j RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. LP224 ELEC. CORK 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC LU1 EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. LP21 Nam\ LP16N-14 GENERAL NOTES LU11 -6 acP scP 212 M211 HM21 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE L - ELEC. LM22 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE OO SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY LU12N 01 ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT LU12N-3 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. T-LP21 O LU12N-1 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES KENTFOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR N EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE 122 WEATHERPROOF. LEVEL 2 ELECTRICAL ROOM 212 LEVEL 2 ELECTRICAL ROOM 211 MDF 3. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER KEHOC ROOM LU12N-3 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS Warehouse & Office REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE 4 121-30 12N-2, ,6 Building -30R INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 12N-25,27,2912N-8, 0,12 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE (TYP) 33 21-30RR (TYP OF 4) DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE NTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED 12607 SE 248TH ST TELECOM LU12N-1 LU12N-31,33,352N-1416,18DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX.BACKBOARD L21-30R -30R KENT, WA OLU12N-3 (TYP OF 3) U1 OR7,39,41 3N0-R20 22,24 LP26 4. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL 98030 WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. 12N-7,9,112N-26,28,30 LP25 21-30R 21-30R PLAN NOTES CONSOLIDATED LU12N-13,15,17 U12 -- ' LU12N-3 LU12N-1 O L21-30R 1 LP24 O 2-POST FREE STANDING EQUIPMENT RACK. SET (TYP OF 3) (TYP OF 3) PROVIDE 3/4"C, 4#10, #10G TO NEMA L21-30R LU12N-19,21,23 LU12N-38,40,42 RECEPTACLE. L21-30R L21-30R LU 12N-1 O 4-POST SERVER RACK. PROVIDE 3/4"C, 4#10, JOB N0. 20223 LEVEL 2 ELECTRICAL ROOM 4 #10G TO NEMA L21-30R RECEPTACLE. Bons M SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED GROUND BAR O3 PROVIDE 3/4" FIRE-RATED 4'x8' PLYWOOD MOUNTED VERTICALLY. BOTTOM EDGE OF 7 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 • � ^^ 23 BACKBOARD SHALL BE 6"ABOVE FINISHED Li FLOOR. 4O PROVIDE LADDER RACK AT+8'-0"AFF WITH ENLARGED MAIN ELECTRICAL & MDF ROOM MINIMUM 18"WORKING CLEARANCE ABOVE. 1 LP11 O5 METER BASE/SOCKETS SHALL BE SCALE: 1/4"=1'0" PERMANENTLY LABELED. PROVIDE ENGRAVED PHENOLIC NAMEPLATES AT LEAST 1" HIGH [Jf-PROVIDE DOOR WITH RAISED OR CUT-OUT LETTERING THAT IS WITH LISTED A MINIMUM OF 3/4" HIGH PER PUGET SOUND —PANIC HARDWARE ENERGY(PSE)STANDARDS. ALL LETTERING Sheet Contents SHALL BE CAPITALIZED. LABEL SHALL INCLUDE 107 SITE ADDRESS AND SYSTEM SERVED SUCH AS ENLARGED ELECTRICAL T-LP11 ELF" EV CHARGERS, MAIN POWER#1, ETC. LP16N-22 PLANS OPV DISCONNECT SWITCH. CO-LOCATE WITH SERVICE METER PER PSE REQUIREMENTS. O7 PROVIDE UNISTRUT RACK FOR PANELBOARD HM11 MOUNTING. OACCESS CONTROL PANEL(S)WITH POWER SUPPLY BELOW. hob sak aT to dieatoamdEhiM. blred ad OSECURITY CONTROL PANEL WITH POWER ""d a a'°b�a.Ahout the rdMn aoiraR a�' r LEVEL 1 ELECTRICAL ROOM 107 SUPPLY BELOW. 5 "°. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" E8 .0 CONSTRUCTION From: X OWNER-CITY OF KENT CHANGE ARCHITECT-WAGNER ARCHITECTS PROPOSAL (CP) CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building PROPOSAL NO: CP-005 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 4/2/2024 FROM: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 PROPOSED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 Hardware Sets- Revised Set: 1.0 - Door X.102 has been revised to include an automatic opener. Attachments: Hardware Sets-Revised Set: 1.0 PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1.The proposed basis of adjustment to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price is: Lump Sum (increase)(decrease)of $ Unit Price of $ per as follows: 2.The Contract time if proposed to(be adjusted) (remain unchanged). The proposed adjustment, if any, is(an increase of days)(a decrease of days.) Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor's Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY agreement with the proposed adjustments in Contract Sum shall proceed with the change(s)described above. and Contract Time set forth in this Change Proposal (CP) ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seattle WA 98191 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 BY BY BY DATE DATE DATE KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE OFFICE BUILDING KENT,WA Hardware Sets Revised Set: 1.0 Doors: X.102 8 Hinge(heavy weight) T4A3386 x NRP US32D MK 2 Electric Power Transfer EL-CEPT 630 SU 4 1 CCooncealed Vert Rod Exit,Exit Only 7220 B EO 630 YA 1 Concealed Vert Rod Exit,Nightlatch 7220 B MELR 501F 630 YA RX Latch Retraction 1 Rim Cylinder 12E-72 626 BE 2 Door Pull DTB RM3131-24 Mtg-Type 12HD US32D RO Gmatic Opener 6300 series as required 689 NO: - 2 Sweep 315CN PE 1 Threshold 273x3AFG FHSL14SS-2 PE 1 Threshold 1842APK PE 2 Frame Harness QC-C1500(as required) MK 2 Touchless Actuator 673 NO o ' i i - - 1 Power Supply AQL4-R8E1 SU 1 Card Reader provided by access control. Notes: Presenting a valid credential to reader unlocks doors. Free egress at all times. Presenting a valid credential to reader unlatches door. Auto operator sequence by contractor and section 28. DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE 080671 - 1 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #215 - CCD-040 - Fume Hood Services Revisions Origin: Date Created: 1/22/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, Is 1.0 $615.75 $615.75 $615.75 1.0 $615.75 $615.75 $615.75 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: CO reflects pricing associated with CCD-040 and the relocation of the receptacle and added switch for the Fume Hood. 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 1/22/2025 at 10:37PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTy Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $213.00 $213.00 $213.00 1.0 $213.00 $213.00 $213.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $1,628.75 $0.00 $1,628.75 $1,628.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,628.75 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 1/22/2025 at 10:37PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 215 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-040 Work Description:CCD-040-Fume Hood Services Revisions Date: 1/15/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-CO reflects pricing associated with CCD-040 and the relocation of the receptacle and added switch for the Fume Hood. 1 LS $ $ $ $ 615.75 $ 615.75 $ 615.75 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Foreman 2 $ 95.00 $ 190.00 $ $ $ - $ 190.00 Cleanup 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ $ $ $ 100.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 4 $ 290.00 1$ $ 110.00 $ 1,015.75 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 1,415.75 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 213.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,628.75 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response F-1 We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 1/22/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-040 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 1/14/2025 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT HATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 At hood location in Water Test Lab, Room#103, relocate vacuum pump receptacle on Circuit 20 (currently on the east wall)to the south wall at the location indicated on the attached diagram. The J-box should be a double-gang box with a switch on the left and a receptacle on the right. The switch should control the receptacle. Attachments: Hood Diagram ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00-Part 7 &0126 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7 &01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Se 9 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 I G�G/��/� BY DATEV*170C)ATE 1 .15.2025 DATE 1/15/25 1`` I f' + i F rr 1 s R +�.��.} •.stir * € 4 1 ' 1 { CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 29 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 1/15/2025 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects pricing associated with CCD-040 and the relocation of the receptacle and added switch for the Fume Hood. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 1/2"CONDUIT-EMT 30 45.68 C 13.70 3.60 C 1.08 1/2"CONN SS STL- EMT 2 22.00 C 0.44 10.00 C 0.20 1/2"COUPLING SS STL-EMT 3 28.00 C 0.84 0.00 C 0.00 1/2" 1-H STRAP- EMT-STEEL 4 23.10 C 0.92 6.13 C 0.25 #12 THHN BLACK 99 174.80 M 17.31 6.44 M 0.64 WIRE CONN RED 3 28.08 C 0.84 7.50 C 0.23 4x 1 1/2"SQ BOX COMB KO 1 182.00 C 1.82 20.00 C 0.20 4"SQ BLANK COVER 1 70.58 C 0.71 3.13 C 0.03 #8 TO#10x 7/8 PLAS ANCHOR(3/16) 6 4.50 C 0.27 7.50 C 0.45 #10x 1 P/H SELF-TAP SCREW 6 6.35 C 0.38 3.75 C 0.23 15A 120-277V S/P SW -TOGGLE IVY(SG) 1 482.00 C 4.82 17.50 C 0.17 Totals 156 42.05 3.47 Summary General Materials 42.05 Material Total 42.05 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (3.47 Hrs @$121.87) 422.89 FOREMAN @ 15% (0.52 Hrs @$131.12) 68.18 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 53.31 Markup (@ 5.000%) 29.32 CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 29 Client Address: Date: 1/15/2025 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Summary(Cont'd) Subtotal 615.75 Final Amount $615.75 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 29 Final Amount: $615.75 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #217 - Consolidated Set - Rev 8.1 Origin: Date Created: 2/7/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $8,351.00 $8,351.00 $8,351.00 1.0 $8,351.00 $8,351.00 $8,351.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitments -Subcontracts Description: Rev 8.1-Wall Type 6 Change-1 st Floor Area B 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 6.0 $95.00 $570.00 $570.00 6.0 $95.00 $570.00 $570.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 6.0 $50.00 $300.00 $300.00 6.0 $50.00 $300.00 $300.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 09:27AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 1.0 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $11,651.00 $0.00 $11,651.00 $11,651.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,651.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 09:27AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 217 Project No.24507 Doc#: Rev 8.1 Work Description:Consolidated Set-Rev 8.1 Date: 1/15/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-Wall Type Changes 1 LS $ $ $ $ 8,351.00 $ 8,351.00 $ 8,351.00 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 6 $ 95.00 $ 570.00 $ $ $ - $ 570.00 Cleanup 6 $ 50.00 $ 300.00 $ $ $ $ 300.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12 $ 12,OOOJ $ 870.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 9,151.00 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 10,131.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,520.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 11,651.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/7/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Recap Report Page 1 of 3 KEHOC Project Wall Type 6 Change - 1 st Floor Area B ECP #007 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $1,783 D/W Frame Materials $1,702 D/W Misc Materials $81 Labor $4,063 5.29 Framing Labor $1,894 2.47 D/W Framing Labor $2,168 2.82 Working Foreman 15.000% $609 Safety/Small Tools 5.000% $203 Safety 2.000% $81 Total Labor $4,956 Equipment $450 D/W Equipment $450 SubTotal $7,190 Profit 15.000% $1,078 Contract Amount $8,268 State Tax 1.000% $83 Selling Price 7 $8,351 Qualifications/ Exclusions 1. Pricing is for changing out W/t 6 walls from being a single 12" stud wall to become 2-1/2" or 3-5/8" Double / Chase walls so as the wall cavity/width can be adjusted so as to bury the WF Columns in the walls so the flanges do not protrude outside of the wall plane. 1/3/2025 2:37:27 PM Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Page 2 of 3 Net Cost Condition Summary KEHOC Project Wall Type 6 Change to Chase walls -1st Floor Office Area B ECP #007 Description Quantity CU Mat'I Cost$ Lab Costs$ Equipment Cost$ Tot Net$ Lvl 1 W/t 6 changed to 1/s Chase walls W/t 14&15 Grid E Delete W/t 6 Wall framing-East Mens Locker -73.5 LF ($1,137.11; ($2,058.00) $0.00 ($3,195.11; Grid C Delete W/t 6 Wall framing-West Womens Locker -49.0 LF ($750.41) ($1,372.00) $0.00 ($2,122.41) Grid C Delete W/t 16 Wall framing-W.Womens Locker N.end -24.5 LF ($386.70) ($392.00) $0.00 ($778.70) Delete W/t 6 Wall framing-Parks room N&S Walls -38.0 LF ($611.04; ($1,064.00) $0.00 ($1,675.04) Grid E Add W/t 14 Wall framing-East Mens Locker(RRm side) 73.5 LF $882.47 $1,776.81 $0.00 $2,659.28 Grid E Add W/t 15 Wall framing-East Mens Parks Rm side 73.5 LF $948.77 $1,776.81 $0.00 $2,725.58 Grid C Add W/t 14 Wall framing-West Womens Locker(RRm side) 73.5 LF $890.51 $1,776.81 $0.00 $2,667.33 Grid C Add W/t 15 Wall framing-West Womens Locker PW side 73.5 LF $958.22 $1,776.81 $0.00 $2,735.03 Add W/t 14 Wall framing Parks room Walls N&S 38.0 LF $475.64 $920.71 $0.00 $1,396.35 Add W/t 15 Wall framing Parks room Walls N&S 38.0 LF $512.73 $920.71 $0.00 $1,433.45 Scissor Lift needed for RFI work scope 1.0 EA $0.00 $0.00 $450.00 $450.00 Lvl 1 W/t 6 changed to 1/s Chase walls W/t 14&15 $1,783.08 $4,062.68 $450.00 $6,295.76 Job Totals $1,783.08 $4,062.68 $450.00 $6,295.76 1/3/2025 2:44:56 PM Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Page 3 of 3 Drawing Report KEHOC Project ECP #007 Section:RFI?L I Wall Type 6 Revisions at Office Area B Page:Lvl I W/t 6 changed to I/s Chase walls W/t 14& 15 24-1- 24'-O 23'-7 1/2" WAGNER 23'- 1 ARCHITECTS 'I"I.A'N'N'RS t IK 11— �IATTI.I WA'9810.1 LKI IEE—E -1r —T. —1-11E LKI LEIpYZN'� ELI F 4IF Lni —qT T - --- ----- 010RD KEHOC -- W_ t Building UK] 12607 BE 248THST 0KEW,WA 98030 wou CONSOLIDATED ETI SET .7 ELI Z —Z� LKI sR R DT, 0�' ST 1100R T Lul A GROUND LEVELS' R- 10 ENLARGED 2 FLOOR PLAN 1 A2.1 B L Legend Description LF EA Grid E Delete W/t 6 Wall framing-East 73.5 Grid C Delete W/t 6 Wall framing-Wes 49.0 Grid C Delete W/t 16 Wall framing-W. 24.5 Delete W/t 6 Wall framing-Parks room 38.0 Grid E Add W/t 14 Wall framing-East 1 73.5 Grid E Add W/t 15 Wall framing-East 1 73.5 Grid C Add W/t 14 Wall framing-West 73.5 Grid C Add W/t 15 Wall framing-West 73.5 Add W/t 14 Wall framing Parks room W 38.0 Add W/t 15 Wall framing Parks room W 38.0 1/3/2025 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave.Suite 100 Snohomish, WA.98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #221 - RFI-203 - Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances Origin: RFI#203:Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances Date Created: 1/22/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $26,533.65 $26,533.65 $26,533.65 1.0 $26,533.65 $26,533.65 $26,533.65 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: CO reflects costs associated with the responses to RFI 180 and RFI 203 for the changes to the West and North Gate Card Reader Pedestals and their associated cabling scheme.This CO also reflects the deduct to remove the Intercom Systems at both gate entrances per the directive in the RFI responses. 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 1/22/2025 at 10:21 PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $4,204.00 $4,204.00 $4,204.00 1.0 $4,204.00 $4,204.00 $4,204.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $32,227.65 $0.00 $32,227.65 $32,227.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $32,227.65 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 1/22/2025 at 10:21 PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 221 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-203 Work Description: RFI-203-Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances Date: 1/15/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-CO reflects costs associated with the responses to RFI 180 and RFI 203 for the changes to the West and North Gate Card Reader Pedestals and their associated cabling scheme.This CO also reflects the deduct to remove the Intercom Systems at both gate entrances per the directive in the RFI responses. 1 LS $ $ $ 26,533.65 $ 26,5341 $ 26,534 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 580 $ $ 110 $ 27,334 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 28,024 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 4,204 GRAND TOTAL $ 32,228 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response Fx--1 We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 1/22/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #203: Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Nov 27,2024 Due Date Dec 11,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number OA1.6,E1.0 Reference VECA RFI#74 Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner,Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Dec 9,2024 04:23 PM PST RFI#203-Outdoor Enclosures at Vehicle Gate Entrances Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl (Masco Corporation),Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024 at 09:23 AM PST Based on the RFI#180 response, please confirm the proposed electrical design for the vehicle entrance gates. North Gate: With conduit being used for the fiber optic cable,it will be necessary to add an outdoor enclosure local to the vehicle gate to allow for cabling to the card readers and gate operator devices.A 42"x 36"x 8"NEMA-4 enclosure will be required to house the Verkada 4-door access control panel,batteries,and the Altronix media converter.The access control panel requires a 120V receptacle inside the enclosure.Confirm spare circuit LP15N/33 is acceptable for this receptacle. Connectivity Provide and install(1)2-strand multimode fiber optic cable Provide and install(1)Ortronics Fiber Patch Panel Provide and install(1)6 port LC to LC connector bulkhead Provide and install(2)Ortronics LC to LC multimode fiber patch cord-1 patch cord will connect fiber patch panel to Altronix media converter.Other patch cord will connect fiber patch panel in MDF to network switch via SFP module-network switch provided by others. -Provide and install(1)Ortronics Cat6 patch cord from Media Converter to Verkada access control panel Access Control: Provide and install(3)Verkada Card Readers-(1)card reader carried under base bid Provide and install(3)22/4 shielded outdoor rated cables from Verkada panel to card reader location Provide and install(1)18/6 outdoor rated cable from Verkada panel to gate operator.This cable will be for gate trigger to open,door status,and exit request if available. -Provide Verkada Licensing for readers West Gate: With conduit being used for the(2)Cat 6 cables from MDF to gate location,it will be necessary to add an outdoor enclosure local to the vehicle gate to allow for cabling to the devices-card readers and gate operator.A 24"x 20"x 8"NEMA-4 enclosure will be required to house the Verkada 4-door access control panel and batteries.The access control panel requires a 120V receptacle inside of the enclosure.Confirm spare circuit LP15N/35 is acceptable for this receptacle. Connectivity-covered under base bid Provide and install(2)Cat6 network cables terminated with Cat6 network jacks Provide and install(1)2 port surface mount box Provide and install(1)Ortronics Cat6 patch cord from network jack to Verkada access control panel Access Control: Provide and install(3)Verkada Card Readers-(1)card reader carried under base bid Provide and install(3)22/4 shielded outdoor rated cables from Verkada panel to card reader location Provide and install(1)18/6 outdoor rated cable from Verkada panel to gate operator.This cable will be for gate trigger to open,door status,and exit request if available. -Provide Verkada Licensing for readers Attachments RFI 203 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response James Chong -Tres West Engineers-2024-12-10 Proposed design for vehicle entrance gates is acceptable. IIs the network switch in the MDF room? All other highlighted access control items should be in base bid. West gate should not need exterior enclosure. Cat 6 cables should run back to main building. Need Credit for intercoms. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Dec 9,2024 04:23 PM PST 9 AREA (2) CAT 22/4 Sh ' ld q- OF W A G N E R 959' 1 1/211 CP ed - STREET A R C H I T E C T S J_ Q IMPERVIOUS 419,208 SF — — — — MDF EN P L A N N E R S _ I PAVEMENT 374,220 SF 18 cR w - 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE GRAVEL 0 SF 208 Gate Trigger U I S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 r Positionel Q 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 TOTAL 374,220SF V. Exi oop I HH - wagnerarchitects com t � - 5 N BUILDING 44,988 SF That is correct. West gate should Xun ACP —— 0004003 After doing some be run off RCP'series I I I �" - REGISTERED 419 208 SF o more conduit Absure (3) 22/4 shielded to LL . ARCHITECTTOTAL t mounted in _ ACP N — — —— — calculations we ` -__ building. 0 x 8 HH - � can fit (3) 22/4 and 1 �`� E T E WA CT _ X _ FENCE 552 LIN. FT. I I (1) 18/6 into a 1" AGP HH I STnTE of WASHiNGT N I I I conduit with 405 fill. A1.1 I = consultants: OA1. H. H. (3) 22/4 and (1) 8 ACP will b to I . 18/6 back to MDF 1 - g mounted in MDF MDF — — room room H \ I H N. 7'-0" - H COVERED I FD J 70'-0" 368-3 I 413'-10" M I 117C? 2 1 $ PROPOSED OPERATIONS CENTER I I 1 HI I H I tt - .. H A1.7 I LEGEND: 7.0 _ I I I 1 Q I 1-6 BUILDING EDGE I I 1- LL "o LIGHT POLE I - - - - - - - — COVERED - - - - - - - - 1-6 — � - - - - - - — � X_ NEW FENCE o - EDGE OF ROOF 2 I H o EXISTING FENCE - 8 LU III: _ 4 I I H Q H I OA1.7 1 LL 1 � I PROPERTY LINE - _ I 1 0 _ W iET NEW A.�i-iI VC T{a 1, PAVEMENT AREA - z I I w zm 7 I rn 0 ¢� OA1.9 I 8 sl 1 I N KEHOC . NEW CONCRETE - Li 1 OA1.9 1 - Warehouse & Office CIO H H N Building �z I 1 2 strand fiber to MDF w NEW LANDSCAPED AREA wx (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) I LU I 12607 SE 248TH ST ruP 1 1 - KENT, WA LEGEND I I i 1LL. .LL. ; ° 8 1 98030 1 NTS = I ' I LL I OA1.8 R6'-9 - H. : =LL:. . H H °LLLL ------_ - HH "-------- -- - - -X-=-- i ' CONSOLIDATED - -I _- - - - - - - - - HH - > I 41631 OWBT MAIN ENTRY 22 AWG 4 Conductor Shielded Non-Plenum Water Block o I Lf7 _ I I I Tape Black Jacket 12 H H OA1.8 I I X (3) 22/4 shielded to X- i 4 ; t 0 ®® ® p ,DUD °T p �2 New 4 Door ACP 0 - _ H 8 New Media Converter I` J 11 ACP on o I X 2 strand MM CAT6 22/4 Shielded New SFP OA1.6 PRODUCT OVERVIEW -E � T ACP MC 22 AWG 4 Conductor Bare Copper,Shielded NoriPlenum _ I New Batteries • Water Block Tape • Gauge 22 X MDF Mc ACP CR Ne60 w Fiber Patch Panel OA1.5 •ENCLOSURE Shield:O/A Foil WI O Print 3MARTWIREITM]DEVICElZONEABCDE01234567 w CR Above ground enclosure - TTT���III 2 89 Color Code.BlackMedNJhite/Green N _ 18/6— 42x36x8 CR CD:169"Nom. W-ii N 208 V 2 0 8 R acge C Ior6 Bl ck Jacket z GC Gate Trigger • R2HS CompliRC11s • 22-040A5 STR CMR Elk+WBT Q ti Door Position Fiber --------__ rl °o 101 /� ■ z �� �`� OA1.7 Exit Loop ° Patch �� 4 2� 1806SDB-WBT BLK ry o I —I 0- why 208V 18 AWG 6 Conductor Shielded Non-Plenum Quad Rated ,� z CY Black Jacket `� Why 208V Understand the need for this based ~ 0 ® ® 0 p � 0 ACP .. ,.© N off distance. If adding fiber provide w credit for cable in base bid. Provide 3 I � $68D.00 MFT Q enclosure where accessible for - I I maintenance next to operator. 2 0 8 V EQUAL PART NUMBERS - EXISTING WATER TOWER ——— — — — — —— we will be utilizing A we will be utilizing 714410VNO-500 18CESDB-BLK 714410VNQ-Si local power outlet p local power which — 71441D�NQ N 219'-01/2" is 208V 739'-91/2"� IS 208V L— PRODUCT OVERVIEW • 1 S AW G 6 Conductor Bare Copper,Shielded Non-I'll Z ULType TC,PLTC,FPL o rNPLF w ' Gange 18 BERM Y Conductor:6 EXISTING �O • Shield:D1Arot F- - — Print WINDY BlaTYWIRFABCDE01234 Brown U - w WATER TOWER • 6799 Color Cade Black/Red/BluelDrange/YellowlBrown 0 - ❑D:350°Nom. O of Weight:84 Lhs/Mft_ d • Jac et Ca or Bac Jac e1 n n n n n n n n n n n n n Suitable for Wet Locations 958'-91/2" 16-06 OAS STR DB TC Quad CY o Sheet No. SITE PLAN Do SCALE IN FEET 2 � 10 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z w 0 25 50 100 200 Z�o� OA1 ■ 0 W Lj 0w fy J 0-� E O a-X NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 PANEL LOCATION: PW DRAINAGE VEG. RM 140 208/120 VOLT 150 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 22,000 A PANEL LOCATION: ELEC RM 107 208/120 VOLT 150 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 22,000 A LP15N SERVING: 3 PHASE 150 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: LP16N SERVING: 3 PHASE 150 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: W A G N E R FED FROM: LP11 N 4 WIRE MOUNTING: SURFACE FED FROM: LP11 N 4 WIRE MOUNTING: SURFACE ARCHITECT S CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT P L A N N E R S 1 RM 140 PW DRAIN - ROLLUP DOORS M 1.176 20/1 A 20/1 0.540 R RM 140 PW DRAIN - REC 2 1 RM 101 LOBBY/WAITING - REC R 0.360 20/1 A 20/1 0.500 D FA CONTROL PANEL (NOTE 1) 2 3 RM 140 PW DRAIN - BLOCK HEATER D 1.500 20/1 B 20/1 - S SPARE 4 3 RM 104 COMF RM- REC R 1.080 20/1 B 20/1 0.360 R RM 120 OFFICE - REC 4 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E 5 RM 140 PW DRAIN - BLOCK HEATER D 1.500 20/1 C 20/1 S SPARE 6 5 RM 104 COMF RM - FLOOR BOXES R 1.080 20/1 C 20/1 0.900 R RM 114 OFFICE - REC 6 S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 2 4 4 8 2 5 2 7 RM 140 PW DRAIN - REC R 0.900 20/1 A 20/1 S SPARE 8 7 RM 104 COMF RM - COUNTERTOP R 0.720 20/1 A 20/1 0.900 R RM 115 OFFICE-REC 8 0 6 8 wagnerarchitects . com 9 RM 140 PW DRAIN - REC R 1.080 20/1 B 20/1 S SPARE 10 9 RM 106 F. AID , 113 STOR - REC R 0.720 20/1 B 20/1 0.900 R RM 116 OFFICE-REC 10 11 SPARE S - 20/1 C 20/1 S SPARE 12 11 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - MICROWAVE R 1.000 G20/1 C 20/1 0.900 R RM 117 OFFICE - REC 12 13 RM 140 PW DRAIN - ROLLUP DOORS M 1.176 20/1 A 20/1 S SPARE 14 13 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - COUNTERTOP R 0.900 20/1 A 20/1 0.360 R RM 121 MAIN ELEC RM-REC 14 �5 J. Cyr 15 EXTERIOR REC M 0.180 20/1 B 20/1 S SPARE 16 15 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - DISHWASHER K 1.500 G20/1 B G20/1 1.000 K RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - MICROWAVE 16 17 EXTERIOR CAMERAS D 0.200 20/2 C 20/1 S SPARE 18 17 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - REF D 1.000 G20/1 C 20/1 0.720 R RM 112 PARKS -FLOOR BOXES 18 19 - - - A 20/1 S SPARE 20 19 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - RANGE K 17.293 60/3 A 20/1 0.500 D NAC PANEL (NOTE 1) 20 53 rP�,53813 21 EXTERIOR CAMERAS D 0.100 20/2 B 20/1 S SPARE 22 21 - - - - B 20/1 0.180 R RM 107 MAIN ELEC RM-REC 22 0 GISTE� �rsIONAL �1 23 - - - C 20/1 S SPARE 24 23]- - - - C G20/1 1.000 D RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - REF 24 25 EXTERIOR CAMERAS D 0.300 20/2 A 20/1 S SPARE 26 25 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH -WORKSTATION R 1.080 20/1 A 20/1 1.500 D PRINTER/COPIER 26 27 - - - - B 20/1 S SPARE 28 27 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH -WORKSTATION R 1.080 20/1 B G20/1 1.085 D RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - INSTA-HOT 28 29 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY D 0.216 20/1 C 20/1 - S SPARE 30 29 RM 112 PARKS/KITCH -WORKSTATION R 0.720 20/1 C G20/1 1.176 D RM 112 PARKS/KITCH - DISPOSAL 30 Conv+ltants: 31 DOOR HARDWARE POWER SUPPLY D 1.080 20/1 A 40/2 6.656 EV FUTURE EV 32 31 RM 112 PARKS, 109 STOR - REC R 0.900 20/1 A 20/1 0.360 R ELEVATOR PIT REC 32 33 SPARE S 20/1 B - - - - 34 33 RM 111 OPEN OFF. -WORKSTATIONS R 1.080 20/1 B 20/1 0.108 L ELEVATOR SHAFT LTS 34 35 SPARE S 20/1 C 40/2 6.656 EV FUTURE EV 36 35 RM 111 OPEN OFF. -WORKSTATIONS R 1.080 20/1 C G15/1 0.500 D ELEVATOR CAB LTG AND ALARM 36 37 SPARE S 20/1 A - - - - 38 37 RM 111, 118, 119 OFFICE -REC R 0.720 20/1 A 15/1 0.500 D ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL 38 eA A 39 SPARE S 20/1 B 40/2 S SPARE 40 39 RM 118 OPEN OFF. -WORKSTATIONS R 0.720 20/1 B 20/1 0.720 RjRM 101 LOBBY/WAITING - BIKE REC 40 41 SPARE S 20/1 C - - - 42 41 RM 118 OPEN OFF.-WORKSTATIONS R 0.720 20/1 C 20/1 0.500 DEVATOR PRIMARY EQUIP BOX 42 �$ Tm V$T ElKi1mm PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 11.78 KVA PHASE B= 6.29 KVA PHASE C= 6.19 KVA PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 15.06 KVA PHASE B= 16.30 KVA PHASE C= 17.06 KVA TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 PANEL LP15N 0.00 2.52 2.53 0.00 0.00 13.31 4.90 0.00 0.00 1.18 23.26 KVA 64.56 AMP PANEL LP16N 0.11 20.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.26 0.00 19.79 0.00 48.42 KVA 134.40 AMP TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 Phone: 253.472.3300 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP www.treswest.com CONN. LOAD 1 0.00 1 2.52 1 2.53 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 13.31 1 4.90 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 1.18 1 23.26 KVA 64.56 AMP CONN. LOAD 0.11 20.26 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 8.26 1 0.00 1 19.79 1 0.00 1 48.42 KVA 134.40 AMP CALC. LOAD 0.00 2.52 2.53 0.00 0.00 16.64 4.90 0.00 0.00 0.29 26.88 KVA 74.62 AMP CALC. LOAD 0.14 15.13 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 8.26 1 0.00 1 17.81 1 0.00 1 41.34 KVA 114.75 AMP REQUIRED HINGED DOOR-IN-DOOR TRIM REQUIRED HINGED DOOR-IN-DOOR TRIM OPTIONS: NEMA-3R ENCLOSURE OPTIONS: FEED-THRU LUGS NOTES: G=GFC1 NOTES: G=GFC1 1) PROVIDE LOCK-OUT CLIP. KENT V/AS H I N GT:ti PANEL LOCATION: 208/120 VOLT 150 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 22,000 A PANEL LOCATION: ELEC RM 107 208/120 VOLT 225 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 22,000 A LP17N SERVING: 3 PHASE 150 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: LM11N SERVING: MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 3 PHASE 225 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: KEHOC FED FROM: LP11N 4 WIRE MOUNTING: SURFACE FED FROM: LP11N 4 WIRE MOUNTING: SURFACE CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT Warehouse & Office 1 RM 129-TOILETS, SINKS D 1.620 G20/1 A 20/1 1.080 R LVL 1 CORRIDOR RECEPTACLES 2 1 HRU2-4,-5 M 2.163 15/2 A 15/2 1.602 M IDU2 -1 2 Building 3 RM 129, 133-SINKS, TOILETS D 0.720 G20/1 B 20/1 1.080 R LVL 1 CORR, RM 108 REC 4 3 - - - - B - - - - 4 5 RM 129, 131 WOMANS LOCKER - REC R 0.900 20/1 C G20/1 1.000 D LVL 1 CORRIDOR ICE MACHINE 6 5 AC-5A/5B M 3.952 25/2 C 20/2 1.340 M IDU2-3, -7, -9,12,13 6 7 RM 133 UNISEX, 134 LAUNDRY- REC R 0.720 20/1 A G20/1 1.000 D LVL 1 CORRIDOR ICE MACHINE 8 7 - - - A - - - - 8 12607 SE 248TH ST 9 RM 134 LAUNDRY-WASHER D 1.500 G20/1 B 20/1 0.540 D LVL 1 CORRIDOR TV 10 9 EUH-1 M 1.500 15/2 B 20/2 2.182 M IDU2-4, -5, -6, -8, -10 10 KENT, WA 11 RM 134 LAUNDRY- DRYER D 5.000 G30/2 C 20/1 0.360 R RM 103 W. LAB- REC 12 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 98030 13 - - - - A 20/1 0.900 R RM 103 W. LAB-COUNTERTOP REC 14 13 IDU5-1 M 0.911 20/2 A 15/2 1.082 M HRU2-1 14 15 RM 123 WORKOUT-ELLIPTICAL D 1.440 20/1 B G20/1 1.000 R RM 103 W. LAB- REFRIGERATOR 16 15 - - - - B - - - - 16 17 RM 123 WORKOUT-TREADMILL D 1.920 20/1 C G20/1 1.800 D RM 103 W. LAB-GLASS WASH 18 17 GUH1-6,-7,-8 M 1.566 20/1 C 15/2 1.768 M HRU2-2, HRU-6 18 19 RM 123 WORKOUT-TREADMILL D 1.920 20/1 A 20/1 1.920 D RM 103 W. LAB-VACUUM PUMP 20 19 EUH-2 M 1.500 15/2 A - - - - 20 CONSOLIDATED 21 RM 123 WORKOUT-TREADMILL D 1.920 20/1 B 20/1 1.400 D RM 103 W. LAB- AUTOCLAVE 22 21]- - - - B 30/2 5.200 M AC-1A/1 B 22 SET 23 RM 123 WORKOUT-STAIR CLIMBER D 1.440 20/1 C 20/1 0.230 D RM 103 W. LAB- INCUBATOR 24 23 GUH1-5 M 0.810 20/1 C - - - - 24 25 RM 123 WORKOUT-BIKE D 1.440 20/1 A 20/1 1.200 D RM 103 W. LAB- DISTILLER 26 25 GWH-1 M 1.800 20/1 A 20/1 0.960 M SP-1 26 27 RM 123 WORKOUT-BIKE D 1.440 20/1 B G20/1 1.260 D RM 125 MEN'S-TOILET 28 27 CP-1, TRAP PRIMER M 0.070 20/1 B 20/1 0.078 M RH-1 28 JOB NO. 20223 29 RM 123 WORKOUT-BIKE D 1.440 20/1 C G20/1 1.080 D RM 125 MEN'S-TOILET 30 29 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER D 0.500 20/1 C 15/2 1.500 M EUH-3 30 Date Revia m 31 RM 123 WORKOUT-BIKE D 1.440 20/1 A G20/1 1.080 D RM 125 MEN'S-SINK 32 31 EF1-10, EF1-13, TRAP PRIMER, M 0.700 20/1 A - - - - 32 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 33 RM 123 WORKOUT-FUNC. TRAINER D 1.440 20/1 B 20/1 0.900 R RM 125 MENS WC - REC 34 33 MOTORIZED DAMPERS M 0.500 20/1 B 15/2 0.395 M BC2 34 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 35 RM 123 WORKOUT-FUNC. TRAINER D 1.440 20/1 C 20/1 - S SPARE 36 35 MOTORIZED DAMPERS, C. F/S DAMPE1 M 0.500 20/1 C - - - - 36 8 08.09.2024-REVISION 7 37 RM 123 WORKOUT-CONV REC &TV R 0.540 20/1 A 20/1 - S SPARE 38 37 PU-1, DEH-1 M 0.420 20/1 A 15/2 1.040 M LH-1 38 39 SPARE S - 20/1 B 20/1 - S SPARE 40 39 AC-2A/2B M 2.288 2012 B - - - - 40 41 ISPARE 1S 20/1 11 20/1 1 - S ISPARE 42 41 1- - - - C 15/2 1.660 M IDU2-2, IDU2-11 42 43 AC-3A/3B M 3.952 25/2 A - - - - 44 PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 17.36 KVA PHASE B= 14.64 KVA PHASE C= 14.11 KVA 45 - - - - B 15/2 1.500 M EUH-4 46 LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS 47 AC-6A/6B M 2.288 15/2 C - - - - 48 PANEL LP17N 0.00 7.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.11 KVA 127.99 AMP 49 - - - - A 15/2 1.500 M EUH-5 50 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 51 PF1-7 FAN CONTROLLER M 0.100 20/1 B - - - - 52 Sheet Contwde CONN. LOAD 0.00 7.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.11 KVA 127.99 AMP 53 AC-7A/7B M 2.288 15/2 C 20/1 - S SPARE 54 CALC. LOAD 0.00 7.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.11 KVA 127.99 AMP 55 - - - - A 20/1 - S SPARE 56 PANEL SCHEDULES HINGED DOOR-IN-DOOR TRIM �$ 57 FIRE SPRINKLER AIR COMPRESSOR M 1.920 20/1 B 20/1 - S SPARE 58 REQUIRED 59 SPARE S - 20/1 C 20/1 - I S SPARE 60 OPTIONS: PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 18.15 KVA PHASE B= 16.08 KVA PHASE C= 17.31 KVA NOTES: G=GFC1 1) PROVIDE LOCK-OUT CLIP. LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS PANEL LM11N 0.00 0.00 51.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 5.20 51.53 KVA 143.04 AMP CONN. LOAD 0.00 0.00 51.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 5.20 51.53 KVA 143.04 AMP CALC. LOAD 0.00 1 0.00 1 51.03 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.50 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 1.30 1 52.83 KVA 146.65 AMP A WN W6°muft to mpilm and waik III Id HINGED DOOR-IN-DOOR TRIM dYab�ed w�ln�rat�rai REQUIRED OPTIONS: PANEL SCHEDULE INDEX Sheet No. NOTES: PANEL NAME PANEL NAME LP15N LP16N E 9.6 LP17N LM11N CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 30 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 1/16/2025 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle, WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with the responses to RFI 180 and RFI 203 for the changes to the West and North Gate Card Reader Pedestals and their associated cabling scheme. This CO also reflects the deduct to remove the Intercom Systems at both gate entrances per the directive in the RFI responses. Below is the summary of changes based on the RFI responses: • Pricing based on RFI 180/RFI 203 Responses From Design Team: o North gate cable length is over 700 linear feet and is over the limit to run CAT6 cabling as shown in the project document. ■ Fiber optic cable is required for network connectivity per the directive in RFI 203 • North Gate- 0 Provide and install (1)2-strand Multi-Mode Fiber Optic cable from gate enclosure to MDF room. Ortronics LIU provided. 0 Provide and install(1)Altronix Media Converter w/battery backup in above ground NEMA 3R enclosure near gate. SFP's provided for connection to Fiber 0 Provide and install (1)Verkada 4-door access control panel in above ground NEMA 3R enclosure 0 Provide and install (2)Verkada Card Reader(1 included in base bid based on electrical drawing sheet E1.0, note 3), on pedestal at gate entrance. Pedestal provided and installed by others. 0 Provide and install (2)22/4 shielded outdoor rated cable from reader location to Verkada panel. o Provide and install (1) 18/6 outdoor rated cable from Verkada panel to gate operator for trigger, door contact, and exit circuit(if available). o Provide(2) 5 -Year Verkada Reader License • West Gate- o Provide and install (2)Verkada Card Reader(1 included in base bid based on electrical drawings sheet E1.0, note 3), on pedestal at gate entrance. Pedestal provided and installed by others. 0 Provide and install (2)22/4 shielded outdoor rated cable from reader location to Verkada panel. CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 30 Client Address: Date: 1/16/2025 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 o Provide and install(1) 18/6 outdoor rated cable from Verkada panel to gate operator for trigger, door contact, and exit circuit(if available). o Provide(2) 5 -Year Verkada Reader License We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 3/4"CONDUIT-PVC40 TRENCH 30 45.56 C 13.67 3.25 C 0.97 3/4" ELBOW 90 DEG- PVC40 4 100.62 C 4.02 23.75 C 0.95 3/4"COUPLING- PVC 8 21.21 C 1.70 0.00 C 0.00 #10 THHN BLACK 99 256.30 M 25.37 7.06 M 0.70 #12 THHN GREEN 33 242.50 M 8.00 6.44 M 0.21 Totals 174 52.77 2.84 Summary General Materials 52.77 ACCESS CONTROLS 22,802.00 INTERCOM SYSTEM DEDUCT -924.65 NEMA 4 LOCKABLE ENCLOSURE 640.24 Material Total 22,570.36 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (2.84 Hrs @$121.87) 346.11 FOREMAN @ 15% (0.43 Hrs @$131.12) 56.38 Overhead (@ 10.000 %) 2,297.29 Markup (@ 5.000 %) 1,263.51 Subtotal 26,533.65 Final Amount $26,533.65 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 30 Client Address: Date: 1/16/2025 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S Y y Page Number: 3 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 CCN # 30 Final Amount: $26,533.65 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #225 - RFI-199 - Wall Tyoe Change at Lavatory Wall Rm #125 Origin: RFI#199:Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Room 125 Date Created: 2/7/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $731.00 $731.00 $731.00 1.0 $731.00 $731.00 $731.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: RFI-199-1st floor Room 125 Lay.wall revision 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 01:50PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTy Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 1.0 $230.00 $230.00 $230.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $1,761.00 $0.00 $1,761.00 $1,761.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,761.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 01:50PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 225 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-199 Work Description:RFI-199-Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Room 125 Date: 1/23/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-RFI-199-1st floor Room 125 Lay. wall revision 1 LS $ $ $ 731.00 $ 731 $ 731 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400 $ 400 Foreman 2 95.00 $ 190 $ $ $ - $ 190 Cleanup 2 50.00 $ 100 $ $ $ $ 100 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ 2,600 $ 290 $ $ 110 $ 1,131 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 1,531 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 230 GRAND TOTAL $ 1,761 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by 7X 1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/7/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Recap Report KEHOC Project RFI #199 1 st floor Room 125 Lay. wall revision ECP #009 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $512 D/W Frame Materials $512 Labor $96 0.12 D/W Framing Labor $96 0.12 Working Foreman :15% of Direct Labor cost 15.000% $14 Small Tools : 5% of Direct Labor cost 5.000% $5 Safety: 2% of Direct Labor cost 2.000% $2 Total Labor $117 SubTotal $629 Profit 15.000% $94 Contract Amount $723 Liab. Insurance 1.000% $7 Selling Price $731 Clarification/Exclusions 1. Excludes any structural engineering fees related to this revision. 2. Excludes any Sales Tax. 3. Excludes any material fabrication Expedite Fee, if needed. 1/23/2025 5:27:59 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Condition Summary Report Cost KEHOC Project RFI #199 1 st floor Room 125 Lay. wall revision ECP #009 Description Quantity CU Material Cost$ Labor Cost$ Equip Costs$ Total Net Cost$ Lvl 1 Lav 125 W/t Al changed to W/t A2 Upgrade wall from 3-5/8 to 6"studs W/t Al to A2-Mens WC#125 17.0 LF $261.90 $96.00 $0.00 $357.90 Material Will Call/Delivery&Stock 1.0 EA $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 Lvl 1 Lav 125 W/t Al changed to W/t A2 $511.90 $96.00 $0.00 $607.90 Job Totals $511.90 $96.00 $0.00 $607.90 1/23/2025 5:34:38 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC Project RFI #199 1 st floor Room 125 Lay. wall revision ECP #009 Section:RFI 199 L1 Lav Wall change Type Al to now A2 Page:Lvl 1 Lav 125 W/t Al changed to W/t A2 8 WAGNER 121 xx�xmm P L A NI CTS NEE R 5 — I � x wus�cwrcxm � .e. i J � � n uxxEssrvah°°znExmsE eoF mnvrvc '� '.- j O °.LLLOR� CAL w xxE�rv°o°TMEx E . � su h - — 0 sEEsxEE.,.x.,,°xww,nPEs rwl - � Al i o o FBI o i LLJ ' ;' w ✓ENT --- a�a a, ® , a;��, KEHOC ( '°ca Warehouse&M. ® o or ao ® Budding � © UK] �' 12607 BE 248TH ST mrn KEM,WA 90030 CONSOLIDATED 0 x aD SET o o ® - �j/ x A ° B E�OURPU, m. — vex GROUND LEVEL'R w aE s 10 ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL v �J 1 A2.1`B' Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA Upgrade wall from 3-5/8 to 6" studs W/t A2 17.0 1/23/2025 Page 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #199: Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Room 125 Status Closed on 11/14/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Nov 12,2024 Due Date Nov 26,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A8.0B, 1A8.12, P1.1B, E3.1B Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 01:38 PM PST RFI#199-Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Room 125 Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 at 04:15 PM PST The lavatory wall in men's restroom#125 is labeled a Wall Type Al on sheet 1A8.0B,which includes 3.5"metal stud framing with 1 layer of GWB on each side.Due to there being a fairly significant amount of plumbing and electrical work inside this narrow wall,the contractors are requesting that the design of this wall changes from Al to A2,which increases the framing width of the wall from 3.5"to 5.5". Please see the attached marked up drawings and confirm if it is acceptable to change the wall type from Al to A2. Due to the existing stub up locations of the waste vents at the floor,the plumber is requesting that the additional 2"of framing width be added to the West side of the wall. Please confirm that this is also acceptable,and that there will be no ADA clearance issues on the West side of this wall. Attachments RFI 199 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday, Nov 14,2024 at 04:06 PM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024 at 04:09 PM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#199-wall_type_change_at_lavatory_wall_room_125-202411130020-RESPONSE.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 01:38 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #199: Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Room 125 Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Nov 12,2024 Due Date Nov 26,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A8.0B, 1A8.12, P1.1B, E3.1B Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner, Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Nov 12,2024 04:20 PM PST RFI#199-Wall Type Change at Lavatory Wall Room 125 Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 at 04:15 PM PST The lavatory wall in men's restroom#125 is labeled a Wall Type Al on sheet 1A8.0B,which includes 3.5"metal stud framing with 1 layer of GWB on each side.Due to there being a fairly significant amount of plumbing and electrical work inside this narrow wall,the contractors are requesting that the design of this wall changes from Al to A2,which increases the framing width of the wall from 3.5"to 5.5". Please see the attached marked up drawings and confirm if it is acceptable to change the wall type from Al to A2. Due to the existing stub up locations of the waste vents at the floor,the plumber is requesting that the additional 2"of framing width be added to the West side of the wall. Please confirm that this is also acceptable,and that there will be no ADA clearance issues on the West side of this wall. Attachments RFI 199 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response ff FIND NO CONFLICTS FOR CHANGING THE WALL TYPE FROM Al TO S NOTED IN THE RFI. MAKE THIS CHANGE AS NECESSARY FOR ITIONAL PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK - WAGNER Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Nov 12,2024 04:20 PM PST FOR CONT. F R CONT. F R CONT. I.E.=517.18 SEE CIVIL SHEETS I.E.=518.69 SEE CIVIL SHEETS CIVIL SHEETS GENERAL NOTE � � � � � � �, 6" FIRE � 1. VENT PIPING SHALL BE INSTALL IN W G N E R 4 8 / 7 4 SD UP 6 / 5 / 4 SLOPE @ 2 % 2 SPRINKLER 1 ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 9, VENT 4 TO SCO 4 4 y 4 4 SERVICE 1-1/2" GAS AND TABLE 1002.2 UPC FOR MINIMUM/ ARCHITECT S 4 SD SID 4 4 SERVICE MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL LENGTHS OF P L A N N E R S 1 7 LOPE @ 2 % O 18 13 11 TRAP ARMS. � — — — o � � c � 17 / � 1916 PIKE PLACE FFFSEATTLE WA 98101 15 � / PLAN NOTES 206 . 448 . 2528 4" SD UP 2 1 1 1 7 1 4 7 o F SEE CFOR ONT. O 4" W UP TO TRENCH DRAIN. w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s. c o m IVIL TO 4 AREA F.F. 522.75 DRAIN 7 � 6 11 4 2 4 SHEETS O 2" VUP. I 2��——— 61, � 3" DOMESTIC 1� M. 4 6 6" I 16 WATER O 4" W UP TO FCO. 4" W UP TO FCO. TYP. P0.4 3 SLOPE @ 2 % 2 3" 2„ 2" SERVICE PROVIDE CLEANOUTS EVERY 100' PER 1 4� 4" 1 I - FOR CONT. SLOPE 2 % WA STA AMENDMENTS OF UPC 707.4. o�, GISTE�' SEE CIVIL `@ OWS 4 2 2 4 2 W UP. r0 ss 43283 2 9 2 10 5-0 SHEETS O IONAL 2„ 4" O 4" -- ---- MIN. 1 14 14 14 (TYP.) O5 24"X24"X 24" SUMP. Consultants: I 4 6" �� O 2" DISCHARGE UP. FOR CONTINUATION 4„ SEE SHEET P2.1 B. 4" 7 16 4 O O7 2" W & 1-1/2" VUP. a I otjv�—= 4 II O 4" W UP. TRES WEST ww O9 3" W UP. ENGINEERS O TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. cU) 10 3" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE UP. FOR 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 CONTINUATION SEE SHEET P2.1 B. TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 Phone: 253.472.3300 1 I I 12 1 _ _ _ 1 1 8 TYP. 1 _ _ ! — _ — _ _ �� 11 6" FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE UP. FOR www.treswest.com OF 5 CONTINUATION SEE SHEET P2.1 B. � 4 4 12 4 2 � _ 4 7 12 1-1/2" VUP. 13 6" W UP TO FIRE SPRINKLER 3" SLOPE @ 2 % 3" 3" 211 3" WUP O Zrr 4 4rr Orr W TEST DRAIN. r TO FCO 4" 1 1-1/2" 3rr I 4 2" 12 4 4" g 14 4" W UP TO FLOOR DRAIN. Q 12 ♦ 4 2" OF 2rr I 15 6" FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE TO FDC. w 4 3 12 2" 12 2 12 I 16 6" W UP TO FCO. w 4" 4" � 4 — 4" O _ 4 � 4 „ z 2' 4 12 7 2 4 � 17 FOR CONTINUATION ON SEE SHEET P2.1B. J 1 Nil4" 2' 4 4 8 4 12 Ll 4 _ � UKENT Q �' _ C. 18 3 V UP. N 4 SLOPE @ 2 % 2" — _ 4" SLOPE @ 2 % [411 4" 12 3 211 T 3" 4 TYP. OF 7 ri D / KEHOC 7 �2" WUP 3 O Warehouse & Office l I 1 3" WUP 7 1 1 Building O TO WCO O 5 SP-1 \— D 2 4 TYP. 4 4" , ' 12607 SE 248TH ST o N 0 0 0 6 KENT, WA 7 ` 1 98030 3"W UP 3" 3�� g 7 2" WUP aTO WCO 2 J 411 TO WCO �—TRENCH 4 I IHO O 2" DRAIN — — — 4 — — — 1 _ - 0 O _ _ / � CONSOLIDATED 4 SET I 4" UP 4 TO CO TYP.O8 0 4 \�4" W UP 2"WUP 4 OF 6 3° 7 �I TO FS / I � TO WCO �� JOB N0. 20223 Date Revisions 2 — R 4 7 7 0- � MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED J ir 4„ 3" WUP 1 14 cn 7 06.05.2024-REVISION6 � TO FCO 3 2 4 „ 4" 4 4 --2� — 14 1 I 1 14 « SLOPE @ 2 % 1 4" — 2" — 2 OWS �— LJ I 7 � �—TRENCH 2„ 4 4 DRAIN 4 1 — — — — -- - — — — — 4„ 12 1� 2rr � / 4" 4 w u P -- - ==�t I / SLOPE @ 2 % TO WCO 21.1 2„ 4 4" JUD 4" 4" 4" W UP 7 Sheet Contents 9 TO FCO ENLARGED PLUMBING 12 2 4" 7 4 4° 4 P0.4 FOUNDATION PLAN 0 7 I I 3 Po.4 TYP. 1 1 NORTH 7 7 12 2„ 4" 4" W FOR 0 o 0 � 4" SD UP 4 FUTURE 1 TO 4" AREA 2 1 rHDRAIN ( RESTROOM DRAIN DRAIN (TYP.) 74 �� _ _ _ � � All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated / used,or disclosed without the written consent of the ardidect. 0 FOR CONT. Sheet No. SEE CIVIL I.E.=518.00 SHEETS ENLARGED PLUMBING FOUNDATION PLAN NORTH 0 00 00 0o A P1 . 1B z SCALE: 1/8"-1'-0" 4 8 , ' ] , ' 6 , ' 5 , ' 4 3 , ' 2 , RISER ROOM GENERAL NOTES — � - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER W A G N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R H I / E I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS ° P DOOR ROLvvp ° REQUIRED.45-77 F-'-\ /j "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE PLANNER S - —_ — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — WLP • / n� INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. 4 2 9 c Lp -2 • 9 • - - - +++++++ ® A / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIREDOLL-UP DOOR O WP OLL-UP DOOR wP +++++ + L 6N-4 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLESEATTLE WA 98101 O -3,b I I L � — J � J + + +to DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE LP14N-3,c WP L_J +LP+f6W-�7 CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 LP15N-2 7 ® 119 ++++ + DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s . c o m 7 LP14N-77 � P LP15N-9 _ I 121 V IE + ++ 6N-4® 15 + + + MECH. ROOM 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE 208V WELDER wP WP ELECTRICAL/ F - - r ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE J. 139 140 I.T. — _� �S SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. w 1"C, 3#6, #10G Wp — LP16N-37 OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY ��' WP P14N-1 PW SIGNS& LP15N-2 PW DRAINAGE _ S S FORKLIFT CHARGER14N-6, SOLID WASTE LP14N-7� � P VEG. - LP1 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. LWP I LP16N-39 S ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT / 1"C, 3#6, #10G 14N-1 WP ® ® WP ® — J L - nr �P v0,po d'��3813��9 ISTE ® P14N-1 1 I S LP16N-12 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �SSIONAL _ LP14N-2 �p — _ �P15N LP15N- LP15N-9 — _ LP46N 12 _ — / �_ EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. O - 7 LP14N-14,16++++++++ WP eLP14N-2 WP WP E8.0 I / ROLL-UP DOOR ++++++++ LP14N-1 WP LP15N-5 S + + + + 3 LP15N-3 p LP16N-26 + + + + wP ( 3 OWP LP16N-39 S Consultants: LP14S-11 + + + + LP1 N-12,e LP14N-12,er�/ WPO6 +++++ + � LP14N-7 122 S 6 ' 2I I MDF 118 LP16N-10nT 138 P ++++1% 1 OwP ROOM - s 1 116 S WAREHOUSE +++ ORR+ LP14N-1 F- -1 LP1 QVVV* � � - � � - � LP16 -0EN OFFICE s OFFICE LP16I�Vi _ + + + + wpo LP16t�1-10 LP14N-7 — WP WP,� `R��J wP 132 - - TREE WEST LP1 N-1 e LP14N-12,e LP15N-9 L — J ENti111lEERS IF P14N LP15N-2 SHOWER S — LP14N�, — — B.7 LP17N-2 3 1 p W14N-1 LP14N-7 LP14N-4 3 WP LP15N-7 LP15N-9 LJ LJ L 1— / T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 4N-3,a S WP WP WP WP d WP P �WP P WP WP 'w r n n 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 _ ,LiWh TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 S L J / Phone: 253.472.3300 LP14S-5 �r = = = = = = � _ _ _ _ � - L 5 LP1 N-23 P17N-37 LP16N-37 S / www.treswest.com 1 134 LP 1 LP17�J-31 S LP1 N5 6 LP - S E81 LAUNDRY 131 1 17 LP17 -15 a mN-8 LP 1611 LP14 -13 AKHER WOMENS s ELOCKER �g 123 137 ® 135 LP17Nk® ® LP17N_5__ 11 _ S LP14S-3WP LP14 1 M-117N 11 LP17N 37 WORKOUT LP17 -21 11416N-6 �IVA�REHOU PE4s-1 1 DRYING I DRYER 1 ROOM OFFICEL 1 LP17N-1 P17N-5 Pi S s ROOM I #10 130 OFFI( LP16N-6 -3 LP14S-15 LP17N-11,13 LP17N-3® 133 SHOWER11 LP17 -19 17 - LP17N-37 S LP 7 LP 7N- jl� 17N-2 L 17N 9 LP16N-37 .�/ F. - 11 17 - P1 -5 LP1 -5 L 171 - 7 LP17 -17 17�1 SH• R I I K E T S LP14S-1 P I 11 I LP1 N-10 LP17N-4 WASNINGTON LP1 N-10 LP16N33 LF17N-2 - - J - - 124 PARKS _ - CORR. - - - � - - - - - OPEN D i L 6S 13 WP ICE LP17N-2 L_ - LP1 OFFICE °� 1 P16S MACHINE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i P16 -35 �P - - LD . V, KEHOC LP1 P16 - L 13N- LP N- 125 11 LP17N- P17 3 / Warehouse & Office I � 7TM= 126 ® MEWS���' � 1 0 16N-31 S SLP16N-31 LP16S-11 P 105 LP16N-29 � ® 2/ Building aMENS V. P LOCKER LP17N-34 LP17N-34 LP17AN-3 CORR. 16N-31 LP16N-31 ROOM jFP LP16N-2 6N-32 12607 SE 248TH ST ® 128[ 1111 11 11 1111N-18LP17N-32�YP OF SINK — RKS KENT, WA NS GIT Jg86N-27 1 98030 127 ® 1 1 ° 10 109 &TEAM ROOM LP13 — — — — — —— — — — L KON-4 LP17NI 1 TOR. — LP16N-27 — / PLAN NOTES iffimWP WP �wP�wP WPE LP16N-27 NOT USED. CONSOLIDATED LP13N-3 LP13N-5 LP13N-5 wP WP WP MACHINE LP13N-5 LP13N-5 LP12N-13 LP12N-13 LP12N-13 5 102 LP17N-8 S 2 NOT USED. SET 143 A,W LP16N-31 / LP13N-7 E8.0 COIAP17N-4 O PW WATER — — � — — / 3 CEILING MOUNTED SWITCHED RECEPTACLE ® 1 N-9 LP12N-11 FOR SHOP LIGHTING. COORDINATE LOCATION — 106 OF RECEPTACLE AND SWITCH WITH OWNER JOB NO. 20223 wP 107 ff 7 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN Date RevisionsLP13N-7 LP13NwP-7 LP1 N-9 ® r FIRST° (J(, E 1 4 NOT USED. MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED wP 208V WELD ELEP.r L 6AIR 8 O WP 142 J I O5 PROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH ONE DUPLEX LP13N-3 ® WATER/ 7 ® 3 - 11 RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX LP17N-2 STREET VEG. P12N-21,23 L J 16N 19 RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. E8.1 I�Z J - HEV1 + + + + P12N I O BLOCK HEATER. + CI 1 ++ ++++ LP1 N-5 LP 2N-9 LP12N-9 141 LP12N-11 LP12N-11 LP12N-7 PARKS 7 COORDINATE OUTLET TYPE, WIRE SIZE AND LP16S- + +++ — — — — WP WP — ® 1�16N — — — — / QUANTITY WITH MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO + + + + + O 1 wP + + + + 0 ROUGH-IN. wP +++++++++ wP 103 0 LP17N-4 LP16N- S"LP16N-3 8 + + + + + 3N- O NOT USED. + + + 1 LP13N-7 208V WELDER WATER Z� LP16S-17 I*-�+++ wP TEST LAB L J ❑ ❑ LP16N- O PUSH BUTTON. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION R&L-UP DOOR 9 + + + + O LP16N-5 WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH IN. + LP16N- P16N-5 ENLARGED GROUND + + + + + LP12N-25,27 + + 120V BLOCK • + + + + + + + + l l + + + + LP16N-3 CONFE 10 NOT USED. LEVEL B POWER ® HEATER ® LP 2N-9 LP12N-11 +++ + + LP16N-5 LP16N-5 O LP16N-5 ° WP 101 + +LPD 4 09 LP16S-1 ❑ ❑ 11 PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE wP WP wP II I BBY/WAITING ++++++++ SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS LP13N-3 t . LP16N 40 ++++++++ WITH MANUFACTURER. OLL-UP DOOR + + + + OL U OOR OLL-UP D OR - DOOR + + + + 13 - 9 • _ • • 9 • - - - - - - LP12N-3 . . LP12N-15 LP16N-40 ++++++++ — — + - - — — — — — - - — — — — — — 120V BLOCK 120V BLOCK 120V BLOCK + + + + f� HEATER WP HEATER HEATER LP16N-40 ++++++++ N � maArw oarI ubwad YV- 1 LP - + + + +- + + + + wed,a ueclwed Mtlaut to.Om o:=a ub LP16N-40 + + + + + + + + 4 Sheet No. - - - - - - - - - - ❑ ❑ - - ❑ ❑ - - - - - Fool ENLARGED GROUND LEVEL B POWER _ _ A B 1 SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" z XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R - - -0 - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -o- - - - -0 - - - - - - - - -o- - - - - - -0- - - - - - - - - -o- - -0 - - - - - - - - - - - SEE 1A8.12 � I F — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�� 120 0 ARCHITECT S XXX ROOM NAME 6' L - � - _J - N I RISER ROOM ROOM NAME &#TAG PLANNER S I O o O ° - - - - - - - - - - - E 1 91 6 PIKE P L A C E I I Al O WINDOW TAG TC SEATTLE WA 98101 X.1 I I 1Q1 ILA - �� �I I I 119 E :.—[ 206 448 2528 �J r -4l7 II I n X.XX DOOR TAG w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m CO w TCATI 1 II 1 A 5 .141 VESTIBUL 8 u I I.T. - -I- -� t J Al Al `� 154 WAINSCOT 1 - 1 — 1 — 1 — TYPE 1, SEE 0004003 REGISTERED I [A4 Al - I 1 1F - _ ` � MECH. ROOM 12/lA8.2 ARCHITECT — - 19 I� 2 1 A11 A11 qg WAINSCOTff 15 ' I 1� I 2 16 - - TYPE 2 SEE E T E WA NER I nc";7�=o IPW SIGNS& PW DRAINAGE I r 1 IL J Al TO 2 2 12/lA8.2 sTATE of WASHINCT NO O I SOLID WASTE I I VEG. I L-J- - 117 Consultants: OFFICE WAINSCOT I - J I I o I I 2 118 D.139 A7 - 3 - 3 - TYPE 8 2SEE All PARKS OPEN A2 I 136B I A4 I I I I I 122 I I 1 OFFICE 11 17 _ _ _ WAINSCOT I I VEST. MDF ; I 2 A9 2 1 111 4 4 TYPE 4, SEE ROOM 1P0ST7 12/1A8.2 I - _- - - - I I SEE SHEET 1A8.12 N F_ �I - ��� - _ ��S� _ - - 116 111 FOR WALL TYPES WAINSCOT I � I L- J �� I I RAC ACK 5 — 5 — �4POS� I-4FPCK 2 A11 OFFICE A7 TYPE 5, SEE 40cs- LLI �2ACKD.126 I I I 4 41K� - D.13812/1 A8.2 Alr LEGEND A6 I A13 Al2 D.137 SCALE: NTS WAREHOUSE I 136 - -N I - - - DESK_ _ _ _ SHOWER 1 CORR. 2 OFFICE FLOORING TYPES 95 w I 0 o Z � �o Z 1 I RECUMBENT3 - 3 - 3 - 3 A2 Al � � —_BIKE A9 2 A7RUBBER D.129 L J L J' 3 I I ~ci I LW J ELLIPTICAL �--��--� SHEET D.128 I ILJ LJ Al2 LAUNDRY 1 , PAINTED ROOM 1 Al Al 5 � -1 / / WOOD DECK N L_ 5 o WORKOUT TREADMILL Al WAREHOUSE i - - - DRYING Al 131 1 II 1 1 I ROOM L -1 Ffl-2 1 114 20 I OFFICE N - ROOM I 0 I z TREADMILL OFFICE EPDXY IT I-f A3 A2 I A15 1I 2 Al WOMENS Al Al I 40 ON 1 n n I Y1 L _ _ -1 A9 I I I x 7 U m D.123 A2 UP I I I 12 LOCKER I A13 ?m ?m I I TREADMILL D.136 Ll I� 1 R p 1 U U L_ - - 1 + a WALK-OFF I w � o 0 0 0 2 + + MAT '�.. _. —\2 — — — — — — — 2 — — — 2 —',,2 — — — — � E I T A - - - - J I I 133 124 130 2 2 1 A13 111 21 ASH IN GTON A3 1 I A3 A3 UNISEX CORR. A3 A3 SHOWER B3 1 I C _ _ _ _ �_- - - -_J _ _ _ - _SHOWER&WC _ _ D.110 PARKS OPEN 2 2 — 2 — � _ � OFFICE A9 KEHOC GENERAL NOTE: Q III L J oFTTTT N 2 THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Warehouse & Office I 111 I I Al I Al 126 Al 1�0 B1 I UP A3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Building LU LliI III I MENS AND PEMB. - LOCKER 128 r I 105 I A2 0 z ROOM1-1 0 109 12607 SE 248TH ST 143 A2 SHOWER Al r CORR. I - - KENT, WA PW WATER I D.132 IEA- Li - - -1 STOR. — - - �_ = 127 � D.1o9 = _ D. 112 The current wall is shown to 98030 I I I HOWER D.133 X �' Bl A2 = - J PARKS be framed with 3.5" framing. I ql I, 108 A CHENETTE & 23 Please confirm if this wall - 3 - - - - 5 - �qN 1I I ICE TEAM RO may change from Wall Type CONSOLIDATED I1 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 — 3 — — — — 1 — — — 2 — — 2 2 1 Al to A2, allowing for more SET A2 I A6 D.1o4� 102 ql �A13 room for MEP to work within Al D.147 the small wall. D.1 2 D.120 I — — 2 2 — JOB NO. 20223 24 Date Revisions M A2 I I 107 I - 106 I�'i Al MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED ICY I IN A14 ELEC. A2 111 Al D.108 I A16 I I 11 1 i� FIRSTAID �I� 6 3.26.2024 REVISION 5 L - J D.146 1 N "'I Al IWC 3 AT SIDES, EXPOSED I m III N \, _ r I I F�lSTEEL AT ENDS, (TYP.) I I 103 I II I III III , I I I J WATER D.107 113 Al 25 Ce. _ _ A3 Q I - I ',o I 142 141 I SIT TEST ELE D.10 1 0 1 1 "'N I — I 1 LAB L I I I I WATER/ _PARKS A2 o`� D - -W - 71 I I F2 N I STREET VEG. I I I J� I -1 — 4 — 4 -I - - 6 Z I I I Efl- I I D.105 I 26 14 �'N 136A I I Z I A A13 Al2 sheet Contents N I I Al I I UTO IN ` z J MN VEST. I A6 II111 III — DOOR & FINISH III o 1 q 104 I PLAN, GROUND O I A6 I A2 ° O O M CONFERENCE I _ _ LEVEL 'B' I M N x X I I I w ROOM CD Cy cl I 0 CO M I 101 1 z I OBBY/WAITING A 2 W V) - - W o O o O All moterial appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Of II � 102 161 O original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d x X used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z z _ � - ry N - - -0 - - - — — — —O— — — — — — — — — �— — — — —0— — - - — — - - — 0 — — — - - - -- - — — — - - — — 0 — 1 Sheet No. N ENLARGED FINISH PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL — — — - 1 � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J "' o° O O O O O ° O W ry W SCALE: 1/8"= 1'-0" 60 Z�o� 1A800B W bj 0W rr J a-� WOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 Design No. U419 FIRE SIDE 1 FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING UL Design No. U419 (continued) A9 H WAG N E R December 10,2020 FRAME SIZE(TYPE SPACING STEEL 8.Joint Tape and Compound—Vinyl or casein,dry or premixed joint compound applied in two coats to joints and screw heads of outer layers. �J,J Paper toe CFS (VARIES)x6" 16"O.C. SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS ARCHITECT S Nonbearing Wall Ratings— 1, 2, 3 or 4 Hr (See Items 4 & 5 through 5J) p tape, 2 in.wide,embedded in first layer of compound over alljoints of outer layer panels.Paper tape and joint compound may be � omitted when gypsum panels are supplied with a square edge. Z INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS 1 LAYER 2"MESH * Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing W O P L A N N E R S 10.Caulking and Sealants*—(Optional,Not Shown)—A bead of acoustical sealant applied around the partition perimeter for sound control. � 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R-15 J the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. * J w Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions H a SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS _J z employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. J o 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" 1 9 1 6 PIKE P L A C E 4 4A 2 5 `'i Last Updated on 2020-12-10 J Q w SIDE MATERIAL THICKNESS SIDE 2 S E A T T L E W A 98101 Z 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" PLAN A19 sou SIDE 1 5 $ 1 ND -- wagnerarchitects com The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up PPP P P FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING Service.Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service.Always look for the Mark on the FIRE 3 product. ❑ E SIZE(rYPE SPACING L THICKNESS r SOUND SIDE 1 zo CFS (VARIES)x 5" 16" A8 � UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions:1.The Guide Information,Assemblies, FRAM SIDE 1 MATERIAL Constructions,Designs,Systems,and/or Certifications(files)must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner,without any manipulation of the data CFS (VARIES)x8" 16"O.C. a 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" 0004003 REGISTERED 8 (or drawings).2.The statement"Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL"must appear adjacent to the extracted material.In J a- SIDE 2 L&I addition,the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format:"©2021 UL LLC" INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS Q 0 SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS PLAN ARCHITECT 5 Design No.P561 LU zo 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R-15 z ~ SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS E LWASHINGT N ER 1.Floor and CeilingRunners— Not Shown —For use with Item 2—Channel shaped,fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion-protected steel, June 20,2023 Q 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" STATE O N ( ) P P I— aFIRE SIDE 1 min depth to accommodate stud size,with min 1-1/4 in.long legs,attached to floor and ceiling with fasteners 24 in.OC max. J SOUND SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS [A—] 1 2.Steel Studs—Channel shaped,fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion-protected steel,min depth as indicated under Item 5,spaced a max of Unrestrained Assembly Rating-1,1-1/2 and 2 Hr. Q w 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" SIDE 2 FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING This design was evaluated using a load design method other than the Limit States Design Method(e.g.,Working Stress Design Method).For jurisdictions employing the Limit States Design Consultants: 24 In.OC.Studs t0 be cut 3/8 t0 3/4 In.Ie55 than assembly height. Method,such as Canada,a load restriction factor shall be used—See Guide BXUV or BXUV7 Z PLAN LUzo CFS (VARIES)x2.5" 16"O.C. H 4.Batts and Blankets*—(Required as indicated under Item 5)—Mineral wool batts,friction fitted between studs and runners.Min nom Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification(such as Canada),respectively. SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS thickness as indicated under Item 5. 2 1 FIRE SOUND SIDE 1 a 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" SIDE 2 _ See Batts and Blankets(BKNV or BZJZ)Categories for names of Classified companies. A7 J Of PLAN — •3 G 5 FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING J O SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS 4A.Batts and Blankets (Optional)—Placed in stud cavities,any glass fiber or mineral wool insulation bearing the UL Classification Marking I a w *— 1, ''' ' CFS (VARIES)x6" 16"O.C' S z as to Surface Burning Characteristics and/or Fire Resistance. - See Batts and Blankets(BKNV or BZJZ)Categories for names of Classified companies. 24- INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS ' G Zp 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R-15 FIRE 5.Gypsum Board*—Gypsum panels with beveled,square or tapered edges,applied vertically or horizontally.Vertical joints centered over studs 3 LL.I SOUND SIDE 1 and staggered one stud cavity on opposite sides of studs.Vertical joints in adjacent layers(multilayer systems)staggered one stud cavity. t r - SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS 01 Horizontal joints need not be backed by steel framing.Horizontal edgejoints and horizontal buttjoints on opposite sides of studs need not be a 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" Z FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING staggered.Horizontal edgejoints and horizontal butt joints in adjacent layers(multilayer systems)staggered a min of 12 in.Horizontal edge J � SIDE 2 LU O CFS (VARIES)x6" 16"O.C. joints and horizontal butt joints in adjacent layers(multilayer systems)with Type U J O ULIX need not be staggered.The thickness and number of layers �__ _� SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS H for the 1 hr,2 hr,3 hr and 4 hr ratings are as follows: 1.Roof Covering*—Consisting of hot-mopped or cold-application materials which provide Class A,B or C coverings,directly applied to Structural Cement-Fiber Units(Item 2).See Roofing Materials and W 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" PLAN 0 SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS Systems Directory-Roof Covering Materials(TEVT). ~Z a 1 LAYER GWB 1l2" Gypsum Board Protection on Each Side of Wall 1A Roofing Membrane*—(Not Shown)—In lieu of Item 1,single-ply membrane that is either ballasted,adhered or mechanically attached to Structural Cement-Fiber Units(Item 2).See Fire Resistance J O SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS Directory-Roofing Membranes(CHCI)Category J Min No.of Min FIRE Q w SIDE 2 1 Stud Layers Thk SIDE 1 ns of Roofing System—1 or 1-1/2 Hr Rating A6 SOUND Z PLAN Depth,in. &Thkns Insulation 2.Structural Cement-Fiber Units*—Nom 3/4 in.thick,with long edges tongue and grooved.Long dimension of panels to be perpendicular tojoists with end joints staggered a min of 2 ft and centered Rating,Hr Items 2,2C,2D,2F,2G,20 of Panel (Item 4) FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING over thejoists.Panels secured to steel joists with 1-5/8 in.long No.8 self-drilling,self-countersinking steel screws spaced a max of 12 in.OC in the field with a screw located 1 in,and 2 in.from each edge, and 8 in.OC on the perimeter with a screw located 2 in.from each edge,located 1/2 in.from the side edges of the panel. CFS (VARIES)X12" 16" O.C. FIRE 1 3-1/2 1 layer,5/8 in.thick Optional As an alternate to the 1-5/8"long No.8 fastener,the following power-actuated pins may be used for min.1/8"thick,hot-rolled A36 steel sections forjoist specified in Item 31: ❑ SOUND SIDE 1 A16 Hilti pin model X-U 32MX with a min.0.157"shank diameter min.1-1/4"long,DeWalt pin model 50458-PWR with a min.0.157"shank diameter min.1-1/4"long or Aerosmith model 5324HPG with a min.0.145 shank SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS diameter min.1-1/4"long. Z 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING LU L:)1 2-1/2 1 layer,1/2 in.thick 1-1/2 in. O.C.nrestrained Assembly Rating is 1 hour when Item 3A or 3B is used.Unrestrained Assembly Rating is 1-1/2 hour when Item 3,3C,3F,3G,or 3H is used. Z US (VARIES)x5.5" 16" 1i 1 1-5/8 1 layer,3/4 in.thick Optional UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—TypesSTRUCTO-CRETE,USGSP SIDE MATERIAL THICKNESS — 1 a - 2A.Gypsum Board*(Not Shown)—Min 112 in.thick gypsum board,Classified as to Surface Burning Characteristics.Boards loosely laid,adhered or mechanically attached to Structural Cement-Fiber d 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" 1-- SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS 2 1-5/8 2 layers,1/2 in.thick Optional Units.Joints between Structural Cement Fiber Units and of Gypsum Board staggered a min of 6 in.See Gypsum Board(BWFR)Category in the Building Materials Directory or Roofing Systems(TGFU)in the J = � d 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" Roofing Material Directory or Gypsum Board(CKNX)Category in the Fire Resistance Directory. J Oof UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Type FRX-G L'Y J 2 1-5/8 2 layers,5/8 in.thick Optional Q LU SIDE 2 J O SIDE2 MATERIAL THICKNESS 3.Structural Steel Members—Channel-shaped,min 10 in.deep with min 1-5/8 in.wide flanges and 1/2 in.long stiffening flanges.Fabricated from min No.16 MSG galv steel.Min yield strength of Z PLAN Q LU SIDE 2 2 3-1/2 1 layer,3/4 in.thick 3 in. 50,000 psi.Joists spaced max 24 in.OC.Supplied with appropriate rim tracks of same size and gauge. Z PLAN 3D.Clip Angles—(Not Shown)-No.16 MSG,9-3/4 in.long steel angles with 2 in.legs.Secured to track and joist with eight No.10,3/4 in.long,self-drilling,hex head screws,located 1 in.from each end FIRE 3 1-5/8 3 layers,1/2 in.thick Optional of clip angle,with the other two screws on each leg evenly spaced.Only one clip angle perjoist end. A5b SOUND SIDE 1 FIRE SIDE 1 3 1-5/8 2 layers,3/4 in.thick Optional SOUND y p 3E.Clip Angles—(Not Shown)-As an alternate to Item 3D,for use with 6 or 8 in.deepjoists(Item 3A or 3B).No.16 MSG,5-12 in.long steel angles with 1-1/2 in.legs for 6 in.deepjoists and No.16 A15 FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING MSG,7-1/4 in.long steel angles with 1-112 in.legs for 8 in.deep joists.Secured to track and joist with six No.10,3/4 in.long,self-drilling,hex head screws,located 1 in.from each end of the clip angle and CFS (VARIES)X10" 16"O.C. FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING 3 1-5/8 3 layers,5/8 in.thick Optional at the centerline.Only one clip angle perjoist end. Z 4.Joist Bridging—(Not Shown)-For use with Item 3 and 36-Installed immediately afterjoists are erected and before construction loads are applied.The bridging consisting ofjoist sections cut to Z SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS LU o CFS (VARIES)x3.5 16 O.C. 1= 4 1-5/8 4 layers,5/8 in.thick Optional length and placed between outer supports,adjacent to openings and at mid span with 8 ft OC max spacing.Bridging channels are screw-attached at each end tojoist web using angle clips.V-bracing of 1- UJ O , 4eoo" 1/2 in.b 20- a galvanized steel is screw-attached to bottom joist flange between bridging channels. H 2 LAYERS GWB 1/2" SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS 4 1-5/8 4 layers,1/2 in.thick Optional S.Batts and Blankets- fiber insulation,min 3-1/2 in.thick,bearing the UL Classification Marking for Surface Burning Characteristics.Min density of 0.5 pcf.The insulation shall be fitted in the a 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" e concealed space,draped over the resilient channel(Item 6)or steel frame members(Item 6A)and gypsum board(Item 8)ceiling membrane.See Batts and Blankets(BKNV)category in the Building d SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS J Of 1 Materials Directory for names of manufacturers. Of 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" J SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS KENWASH IN G T o r, 4 2 1/2 2 layers,3/4 in.thick 2 in. J o Q w SIDE 2 J I- 6.Resilient Channels—Formed of No.25 MSG gals steel,1/2 in.deep,spaced max 12 in.OC,perpendicular to joists.Channel splices located beneath joists and overlapped 4 in.Channels secured to each Q w SIDE 2 Z PLAN joist with one 1/2 in.long Type S-12 low profile steel screw.Two channels,spaced 6 in.OC,oriented opposite each gypsum board end joint as shown on the illustration above.Additional channels shall I— extend min 6 in.beyond each side edge of board. CGC INC—1/2 in.thick Type C,IP-X2 or IPC-AR;WRC,5/8 in,thick Type AR,C,IP-AR,IP-X1,IP-X2,IPC-AR,SCX,SHX,ULIX,WRX or WRC;3/4 in.thick Types IP- �j z PLAN — X3 or ULTRACODE 7.Gypsum Board*—One layer of nom 5/8 in,thick by 48 in.wide gypsum panels installed with long dimension perpendicular to resilient/furring channels.Gypsum panels secured to resilient/furring KEHO C channels with 1 in.long Type S bugle-head screws spaced 8 in.OC,with screws located 4 in.from and on each side of the gypsum panel mid-span,and 1-112 in.from side edges of the board.End joints FIRE SIDE 1 secured to both resilient/furringchannels as shown in end joint detail.When Steel Framing Members Item 6B or 6C are used,the butt�oints in the sum board shall be supported b two furring FIRE SOUND J 9 ( ) J gyp PP Y 9 ❑ SOUND SIDE 1 [�� Warehouse & Office THE SIAM GYPSUM INDUSTRY(sONGKHLA)CO—1/2 in.thick Type C and 5/8 in.thick Type SCX channels.The two furring channels shall be spaced approximately 3-1/2 in.OC,and be attached to underside of thejoist with one RSIC-1,RSIC-1(2.75)or Genie clip at each end of the channel. AS CGC INC—Types C,IP-X2,IPC-AR FRAME SIZE(rYPE SPACING Z FRAME SIZE/TYPE 11 SPACING LU _o CFS (VARIES)x2.5 16 O.C. BUIICIIi1g UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—1/2 in.thick Type C,IP-X2,IPC-AR or WRC;5/8 in.thick Type SCX,SGX,SHX,ULIX,WRX,IP-X1,AR,C,WRC,FRX-G,IP-AR,IP- CGC INC—Type ULIX CFS (VARIES)X10" 16"O.C. tZ X2,IPC-AR;3/4 in.thick Types IP-X3 or ULTRACODE W SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS THE SIAM GYPSUM INDUSTRY(SONGKHLA)CO—TypeC LLJ SIDE MATERIAL THICKNESS a 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" USG BORAL DRYWALL SFZ LLC—1/2 in.Type C;5/8 in.Types C,SCX,SGX,ULTRACODE 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" J O SIDE 2 UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Types C,IP-X2,IPC-AR,ULIX Of Q w d SIDE2 MATERIAL THICKNESS SIDE2 MATERIAL THICKNESS PLAN 12607 SE 248TH ST USG MEXICO S A DE C V—1/2 in.thick Type C,IP-X2,IPC-AR or WRC;5/8 in.thick Type AR,C,IP-AR,IP-X1,IP-X2,IPC-AR,SCX,SHX,WRX,WRC or;3/4 in. USG BORAL DRYWALL SFZ LLC—Type C J O 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" T � Z thick Types IP-X3 or ULTRACODE Q LU SIDE 2 KENT1 WA USG INTERIORS LLC—Types C,IP-X2,IPC-AR 8.Finishing System—(Not Shown)—Vinyl,dry or premixed joint compound,applied in two coats tojoints and screw-heads.Nom 2 in.wide paper tape embedded in first layer of compound over all please confirm i Z PLAN FIRE SIDE 1 When Item 76,Steel Framing Members*,is used,Nonbearing Wall Rating is limited to 1 Hr.Min.stud depth is 3-1/2 in.,min.thickness of insulation(Item 4)is joints.As an alternate,nom 3/32 in.thick veneer plaster may be applied to the entire surface of gypsum panels. A13 SOUND 98030 3 in.,and two layers of gypsum board panels(1/2 in.or 5/8 in.thick)shall be attached to furring channels as described in Item 6.One layer of gypsum board lavatory wall can panels(1/2 In.or 5/8 In.thick)attached to opposite side of stud without furring channels as described in Item 6. *Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification(such as Canada),respectively. FIRE FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING Last Updated on 2023-06-20 [�] SOUND SIDE 1 CFS (VARIES)x5.5" 16"O.C. 5A.Gypsum Board*—(As an alternate to Item 5)—5/8 in.thick,24 to 54 in.wide,applied horizontally as the outer layer to one side of the change from A 1 to A2. FRAME SIZEITYPE SPACING Z INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS assembly.Secured as described in Item 6. /+ O CONSOLIDATED Y The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL Solutions'Follow-Up Service.Only those products bearing the UL CFS (VARIES)x8" 16"O.C. LU � 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R'15 CGC INC—Type SHX. Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL Solutions'Follow-Up Service.Always look for the Mark on the product. UL Solutions permits the reproduction of the material contained in Product iQ subject to the following conditions:1.The Guide Information,Assemblies,Constructions,Designs,Systems,and/or Certifications(files)must be SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS Q SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS SET presented in their entirety and in anon-misleading manner,without any manipulation of the data(or drawings).2.The statement"Reprinted from Product iQ with permission from UL Solutions"must appear adjacent to the Z 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Type FRX-G,SHX. extracted material.In addition,the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format:"02023 UL LLC." L)..I O J Ir 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" Of SIDE MATERIAL THICKNESS J Of SIDE 2 Of Q w SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS USG MEXICO S A DE C V—Type SHX. FIRE 1 HOUR-BXUVU419-SEE 10/1A8.12 a 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" z 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" PLAN SD.Gypsum Board*—(As an alternate to Item 5)—5/8 in.thick,48 in.wide,applied vertically or horizontally.Secured as described in Item 6. B3 SOUND SIDE 1 J 0O J 0 B NO. 20223 For use with Items 1 and 2 only. FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING Q U-1 SIDE 2 FIRE Date Revisions CGC INC—Type USGX CFS (VARIES)x8.5" 16"O.C. z PLAN Al2 SOUND SIDE 1 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED CV UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Type USGX SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING CFS (VARIES)x5.5" 16"O.C. 05 LLJ 1 LAYER GWB 5/8" SOUND FIRE SIDE 1 � A3 j USG BORAL DRYWALL SFZ LLC—Type USGX SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS Z INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS Q FRAME SIZE(TYPE SPACING LU 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R-15 w 1 LAYER GWB 5/8 - Lzo CFS (VARIES)x6" 16"O.C. 2 USG MEXICO S A DE C V—Type USGX J � LU F— >_ W 2 0 J O 0 d SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS SIDE MATERIAL THICKNESS I 5F.Gypsum Board*—(As an alternate to Item 5)—For use with Items 1 E and 2E and limited to 1 Hour Rating only,Gypsum panels with Q w SIDE 2 J Of 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" q P g pp g Type P g Z Q 1 LAYER GWB 1/2 0 beveled,square or tapered edges,applied vertically,and fastened to the steel studs with 1 in.Ion T e S screws spaced 8 in.OC along vertical a J PLAN SIDE 2 CD and bottom edges and 12 in.OC in the field.Vertical joints centered over studs and staggered one stud cavity on opposite sides of studs.Steel J IY Q LL SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS z stud depth shall be a minimum 3-5/8 in. J SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS z_ 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" PLAN Q FIRE 1 HOUR-BXUVU411 Q 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" SIDE 2 � THE SIAM GYPSUM INDUSTRY(SONGKHLA)CO—Type SCX wSIDE 1 E 1 B2a SOUND Z PLAN FIRE L'iUNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—5/8 in.thick Type SCX,SGX,ULIX B2b FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING Al SOUND CFS (VARIES)x10" 16"O.C. FIRE FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING SIDE 1 U USG BORAL DRYWALL SFZ LLCSIDE 1—5/8 in,thick Type SCX,SGX SIDE 1 @B2a MATERIAL THICKNESS 1�1 SOUND CFS (VARIES)x3.5" 16"O.C. I ;E1 LAYER GWB 5/8" Sheet Contents 0 51.Gypsum Board*—(As an alternate to Item 5)—Nom.5/8 in.thick gypsum panels with beveled,square or tapered edges installed as LLJ O FRAME SIZEI rYPE SPACING z INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS (j described in Item 5.Steel stud minimum depth shall be as indicated in Item 5. SIDE 1 @ B2b MATERIAL THICKNESS O CFS (VARIES)x5.5" 16"O.C. 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R-15 WALL TYPE S Z CGC INC—Type ULIX,ULX 1 LAYER GWB 5/8" i= SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS Of TQ SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS a J of 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" a 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" a " O J o 2 LAYER GWB 1/2 o UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO—Type ULIX,ULX Q w of C SIDE MATERIAL THICKNESS SIDE 2 SIDE 2 JSIDE 2 rn 1 LAYER GWB 5/8 Q w 1 LAYER GWB THICKNESS SIDE 2 N USG MEXICO S A DE C V—Type ULX Z " PLAN @B2a PLAN B2b Z SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS SIDE 2 z 1 LAYER GWB 1l2" PLAN N 6.Fasteners—(Not Shown)—For use with Items 2 and 2F-Type S or S-12 steel screws used to attach panels to studs(Item 2)or furring WALL TYPE KEY. FIRE 1 HOUR-BXUV U419 PLAN FIRE channels(Item 7).Single layer systems:1 in.long for 1/2 and 5/8 in.thick panels or 1-1/4 in,long for 3/4 in.thick panels,spaced 8 in.OC when SOUND SIDE 1 SOUND SIDE 1 LZ panels are applied horizontally,or 8 in.OC along vertical and bottom edges and 12 in.OC in the field when panels are applied vertically.Single WALL TYPE HEIGHT OF PARTITION B1 FIRE A10 Y FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING SOUND SIDE 1 FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING /n layer system with Type ULIX:1 in.long,spaced 12 in.OC in the field and perimeter,when panels are applied horizontally or vertically.Two layer XX TO BOTTOM OF DECK Al systems:First layer-1 in.Ion for 1/2 and 5/8 in.thick panels or 1-1/4 in.Ion for 3/4 in.thick panels,spaced 16 in.OC.Second layer-1-5/8 in. Z CFS (VARIES)x6" 16"O.C. CFS (VARIES)x8" 16"O.C. U y y g P g P P y �� L�..I O FRAME SIZE/TYPE SPACING LLJlong for 1/2 in.,5/8 in.thick panels or 2-1/4 in.long for 3/4 in.thick panels,spaced 16 in.OC with screws offset 8 in.from first layer.Three-layer XX.1 1 0-0 AFF O , „ I— SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS LL I ZO CFS (VARIES)x3.5" 16"O.C. INSULATION MATERIAL THICKNESS All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and systems:First layer-1 in.long for 1/2 in.,5/8 in.thick panels,spaced 24 in.OC.Second layer-1-5/8 in.long for 1/2 in.,5/8 in.thick panels,spaced XX,2 12-0 AFF Q 1 LAYER GWB 5/8" UJ 1= 1 LAYER 3.5"BATT R 15 original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, 24 in.OC.Third layer-2-1/4 in.long for 1/2 in.,5/8 in.thick panels or 2-5/8 in.long for 5/8 in.thick panels,spaced 12 in.OC.Screws offset min 6 , „ a � SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS 0 used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z in.from layer below.Four-layer systems:First layer-1 in.long for 1/2 in.,5/8 in.thick panels,spaced 24 in.OC.Second layer-1-5/8 in.long for XX•3 3-6 AFF J _O SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" SIDE 1 MATERIAL THICKNESS CIL- r 1/2 in.,5/8 in.thick panels,spaced 24 in.OC.Third layer-2-1/4 in.long for 1/2 in.thick panels or 2-5/8 in.long for 5/8 in.thick panels,spaced 24 XX,4 5'-6"AFF J 1 LAYER GWB 5/8" Q 2 LAYER GWB 1/2" ry Q w J CL_ Sheet No. o in.OC.Fourth layer-2-5/8 in.Ion for 1/2 in.thick panels or 3 in.Ion for 5/8 in.thick panels,spaced 12 in.OC.Screws offset min 6 in.from layer H SIDE 2 O SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS Y 9 P 9 P P Y � J SIDE 2 � / CV Z Q w 1 LAYER GWB 1I2" SIDE 2 MATERIAL THICKNESS below. cliPLAN z PLAN w 1 LAYER GWB 1/2" SIDE 2 z PLAN zoos FIRE BARRIERS 7 WALL TYPES1A8012 w w o r 0 NTS NTS �w_J I E0a-X NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #226 - RFI-215 - Framing Openings at Showers Origin: RFI#215: Framing Openings at Showers Date Created: 2/7/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $2,992.00 $2,992.00 $2,992.00 1.0 $2,992.00 $2,992.00 $2,992.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: RFI-215-1st Floor Shower Wall Furring 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 02:37PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $613.00 $613.00 $613.00 1.0 $613.00 $613.00 $613.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $4,695.00 $0.00 $4,695.00 $4,695.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,695.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 02:37PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 226 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-215 Work Description:RFI-215-Framing Openings at Showers Date: 2/6/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-RFI-215-1st Floor Shower Wall Furring 1 LS $ $ $ $ 2,992.00 $ 2,992.00 $ 2,992.00 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Foreman 4 F50. $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 8 $ 5,200 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 3,392.00 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 4,082.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 613.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 4,695.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/7/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Recap Report KEHOC Project RFI #215 1 st floor Shower wall Furring ECP #010 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $691 D/W Frame Materials $658 D/W Misc Materials $33 Labor $1,545 2.01 D/W Framing Labor $1,425 1.86 D/W Misc Labor $120 0.16 Working Foreman :15% of Direct Labor cost 15.000% $232 Small Tools : 5% of Direct Labor cost 5.000% $77 Safety : 2% of Direct Labor cost 2.000% $31 Total Labor $1,885 SubTotal $2,576 Profit 15.000% $386 Contract Amount $2,963 Liab. Insurance 1.000% $30 Selling Price $2, 992 Clarification/Exclusions 1. Excludes any structural engineering fees related to this revision. 2. Excludes any Sales Tax. 3. Excludes any material fabrication Expedite Fee, if needed. 1/23/2025 5:40:48 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Condition Summary Report Cost KEHOC Protect RFI #215 1st floor Shower wall Furring ECP #ono Description Quantity CLI Material Cost$ Labor Cost$ Equip Costs$ Total Net Cost$ RFI 215 L1 Shower room Wall changes Rm#133 Add 1-5/8"furring W wall of shower 10.0 LF $111.5: $394.24 $0.00 $505.79 Rm#132 Add 2-1/2"furring W wall of shower 10.0 LF $125.19 $394.24 $0.00 $519.43 Rm#127 Add 1-5/8"furring E.wall of shower 9.5 LF $102.15 $378.37 $0.00 $480.52 Rm#128 Add 1-5/8"furring W.wall of shower 9.5 LF $102.15 $378.37 $0.00 $480.52 Material Will Call/Delivery&Stock 1.0 EA $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 RFI 215 L1 Shower room Wall changes $691.05 $1,545.22 $0.00 $2,236.27 Job Totals $691.05 $1,545.22 $0.00 $2,236.27 1/23/2025 5:48:31 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 KEHOC Project RFI #215 1 st floor Shower wall Furring ECP #010 Section:RFI 215 L1 Shower room Wall changes Page:RFI 215 L1 Shower room Wall changes 41�- �J — WAGNER x a CTS PLA NI NEE RS - �IATTI.l WA x wusBcwrcxm .e. i J n m - uxxsssxaho onrExmsE eoF mnvxc '.- 7 0 o ® .IoE xxE�xn�°oTMEx E . sa h - - - 0 sEEsxEE.,�,.,,�xWw,nPEs rwl xxu r �. � a - ®®® �._ �IRDo V i oaogs 1 711 i FFF-FT-F-,�, "N" 1 ul Q .11,T � E KEHOC wu Aio / w s �oa x Ware house B Olflce o\ / ,rz ® ovcao Building � - 12607 BE 2EBTH ST m� nY -- 0 KEW,WA 90030 � 10 — a wou CONSOLIDATED 0 Y D SET ,V -a i FI_ 6 J ®<0la®® o Fla®® ® E f ELOORauN, m. xr�yx GROUND LEVELS' o.s xe ox� es wreaEwn s emcorn,eEE ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH,GROUND LEVEL v �J °"x o ®z 1 A2.1 B Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA Rm#133 Add 1-5/8"furring W wall of Shower 10.0 Rm#132 Add 2-1/2"furring W wall of Shower 10.0 Rm#127 Add 1-5/8"furring E.wall of Shower 9.5 Rm#128 Add 1-5/8"furring W.wall of Shower 9.5 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #215: Framing Openings at Showers Status Closed on 12/30/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Dec 13,2024 Due Date Dec 27,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A2.1B Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 02:39 PM PST RFI#215-Framing Openings at Showers Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Friday, Dec 13, 2024 at 10:17 AM PST It appears that sheet 1 A2.1 B calls out for framed openings for each of the showers that are larger than the actual shower openings(62").After measuring the current location of bottom track that has been placed,the contractors are proposing the following corrections: -Shower 127:Add 1 1/2"framing to the East side of the party wall that sits between shower 127&shower 128.The contractor also proposes shifting the door for shower room 127 1 1/2"East in order to allow the door to still fully swing open. -Shower 128:Add 1 1/2"framing to the West side of the party wall that sits between shower 127&shower 128.The contractor also proposes shifting the door for shower room 128 1 1/2"West in order to allow the door to still fully swing open. Shower 132:Add 2 1/2"framing to the East side of the wall separating shower 132&PW Drainage Veg. 140. Unisex WC&Shower 133:Add 1 1/2"framing to the East side of the party wall that sits between shower 132&shower 133. Attachments RFI 215 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Dec 30, 2024 at 11:35 AM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Thursday,Dec 19, 2024 at 11:05 AM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-215-F ram ing_Openings_at_Showers-2024-12-16-RESPONSE.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 02:39 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #215: Framing Openings at Showers Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Dec 13,2024 Due Date Dec 27,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A2.1B Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner,Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 16,2024 10:33 AM PST RFI#215-Framing Openings at Showers Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl (Masco Corporation),Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Friday, Dec 13, 2024 at 10:17 AM PST It appears that sheet 1 A2.1 B calls out for framed openings for each of the showers that are larger than the actual shower openings(62").After measuring the current location of bottom track that has been placed,the contractors are proposing the following corrections: -Shower 127:Add 1 1/2"framing to the East side of the party wall that sits between shower 127&shower 128.The contractor also proposes shifting the door for shower room 127 1 1/2"East in order to allow the door to still fully swing open. -Shower 128:Add 1 1/2"framing to the West side of the party wall that sits between shower 127&shower 128.The contractor also proposes shifting the door for shower room 128 1 1/2"West in order to allow the door to still fully swing open. Shower 132:Add 2 1/2"framing to the East side of the wall separating shower 132&PW Drainage Veg. 140. Unisex WC&Shower 133:Add 1 1/2"framing to the East side of the party wall that sits between shower 132&shower 133. Attachments RFI 215 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response The specified shower (1603BFSD - Aquatic) has an outside dimension of 62". The clear dimension between the studs indicated in rooms 127, 128, 130, 132, and 133 is 64". This should leave approximately 1" on either side of the shower to allow for the shower to be installed in the room before gypsum board is applied to the framing. The reason the extra width was provided is to give the contractor enough wiggle room to get the shower in place . If the contractor would rather have 1/4" on each side with no gyp board installed, and then install gyp board on the walls to butt up to the 'lip' on either side of the shower, that is acceptable. Furring out the wall is acceptable, but it is recommended that the wall opposite the door be furred out so that the door location does not move. There are clearances on the outside of the door that may need to be maintained, so moving the door could cause other issues. -sam scarmardo, architect 12.16.2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 16,2024 10:33 AM PST 2 1 3.7 13,6 1A3.2 1 3,6 2 WAG N E R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 16 H.B.B 1 18 19 20 L � [ 21 2 23 — RISER ROOM P L A N N E R S d. . a D.S. D.S - J� D. - - - - - - - - - AMR— _ 1916 PIKE PLACE _ = 10'-11/2" T SEATTLE WA 98101 I H.B. H.B. - � 119 7-- WALL GENERAL NOTE: 2 0 6 . 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 I @ CL OF GRID L _ VESTIBULE n WALLS ARE DIMENSIONED TO EDGE OF FRAMING w a g n e r a r c h it e c t s c o m 12104 � �, a UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE I FLUSH METAL SILL. SEE - C9 Q - ELECTRICAL/ �' DOORS ARE 5" TYPICAL INCLUDING JAMB FROM 0004003 S8 SILL DETAIL 13/1A1.0 I.T. 8' �� �- �� MECH. R00� � N1 � ) REGISTERED ff I 139 140F - 8-7 1/2 9 4 -E JE FACE OF WALL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ARCHITECTPW SIGNS & PW DRAINAGE - <-V-7 1/2"12 13 14 SOLID WASTE VEG. 7-0 NSEE SHEET 1A8.12 FOR WALL TYPES — ETEWANERchopSTATE OF WASHINGT ND.S. � — � o ti OFFIC Consultants: I 1 A3.36 M 1 A3.36 = ti co 4F1W I ti III � rTTRACK MOUNTED 7 1/2" I I I I NOTE: SEE SHEETS 122 I I 1A4.0 & 1A4.1 FOR RETRACTABLE 138 136 INDUSTRIAL WALL I MDF 118 III CONCRETE TILT-UP WAREHOUSE CORR. CURTAIN W/2 WALK The contractor proposes - - I ROOM I7I_ 7 - - PARKS 116 N2 PANELS XX adding 2 1/2 framing on The contractor proposes - _ _ - - OPEN OFFICE OFFICE THROUGH STRIP �� the inside of this wall adding 1 1/2" framing on I DOORS the South side of this wall -ICI IFI- '-51/2"4'-2 1/2" �� - - I 7'-1" 1'-0 1/2" HOWER I ' �r I M CN �I I� LO 7'-2" 4'-0" 1. 4'-4" 1 L J o — — - - - - - - - - — 52 61 6 M 1F � � �� � I M 1 1 D1 5'-0" 7 0 0 0 0 0 I I ti I �T 1 1 II [ — I— M ti 115 N 3 15 24 134 T� 4A 131 8 LI I� �I IJ L -1 F- — -1 [T OFFICE 62 70 AUNDRY 1A3.12 1 L 25 34 ROOM;' Sim. OMENS M 129 L 11 IL F - - I � E779. 61 79 M M9 13 � N'S WC WALL @ CL N / I 1A .1 L CK RWAREHOUSE c? 1 135 ® 1A3D13 — 36 14 17E C 11 /% _ OF GRID = 114 OFFICE -- 44 1-DRYING 80 86 — 3D 2B �h - 1 - N o ' 3'-0" ' 18 1 l'-01/2" 3'-01/2" 2'-0" 1 1A . A3.11 — — OFFICE 13.5 T -1 ROOM 87 93 ¢ ti �; — 3B / WORKOt�T III 6 N a D 1 / 31 SH E / \ — � F IF- -]L — I I up 11 1 1 47 o B 21 — 30 M M 3'-6" 1 II I� — I I 1 94 99 — 22 29 CLR L U uL _1L -1 — _((4 I ti �I-------! „ „ „ 11 I � T-6„ ,_1, 111 N4 iET I- - - � 5-3 &1/2 8'-6 1/2 16'-71/2" 1'-10" 1'-7' T-41/2" 2'-6" 5'-8" 5'-5" 5'- ' ' " 5'-8" 7'-4" z 133 124 _ _ � _ _ - PARKS en 297 -1 ti 1 D WALL @ CL OF UNISEX WC 1'-6" CORR. "'WALL @ CL a OPEN 1A3.10 Also a shower room OFFICE ® � KEHOC � � M GRID, TYP. &SHOWER ----- -� OF GRID WALL @ CL — — — — — — — — — o � 1 — — — — Warehouse & Office I OF GRID 1 4 N 54 _ 4 _ o l 1 I 1A9.0 / 15 53 _ 85 E U P 40 0 I 3'-2' T-1" 5 V-0 1/2" ® WALL @ CL / ® �, / 2D ® � I I I I Building 52 126 OF GRID 1 1 _ 86 MEN'S Wib 1A3.10 0 _ I 110 ' I - D® 2 MENS / 5'-8" 3'72" 4'-5" B M N I V. j 105 I I �, 3 1 D 1 A3.3 13.4 44 45 116 17 - "� N ¢ M I I I 1 A3.18 19 LROOM 87 1 91 2 2 N 1D Lo o 0 0 �� I I CORR. i I 12607 SE 248TH ST I 20 23 92 96 2 2 11 " 128 I I 112 KENT, WA 8'-1 1/2" 6'-61/2" LO ® — — I _ PARKS N5 98030 1A3.12 H WEIR z 4 - I � � 3D 1A9.5 _ 109 , KITCHENETTE 4 38 51 110 23 127 co ¢ MA3.9 I STOR. ti &TEAM ROOM �; I M o M 24 37 97 0 3 3 SHOWER M 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 M Q 108 N I — QD _ _ _ — — _ _ _ _ JAN. — _ CONSOLIDATED °° SET OL W CV - 102 � J U � 4'-111/2" 6'-7" 3'-1" -' W I , „ „ , „ ,- „ z 143 9-101/2 CO R. 71 1 7-01/2 4 3 J PW WATER7 ® ® JOB NO. 20223 I The contractor proposes adding 1 1/2" framing on a, „ Date Revisions , Q I each side of the wall running North/South. On the �, 106 6 1/ 21- small portion of wall running East/West, the T T 107 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED p g _ FIRST ��<� I contractor proposes shifting each door out by 1 1/2" ELEC. AID 1 43�0 �� aQ II 7 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 III 142 103 N I IIII T WATER/ ® WATER `" IIII I STREET VEG. I N � J _ � II z 2A 1A TEST LAB Z �' �_ l o A3.18 I ; 1 A3.37 z 141 M 1 A3.37 z /Q 113 oo 16 o N J a¢D 16 � 12D9 � STOR. PARKS - - - - B _ - - _ - - ry 1,_' ry ' 0 ci N Z I CASEWORK Z17 -1 J to sheet Contents I WALL @ CL SEE 8/1A4.3 4'-101/2" 104 FLOOR PLAN OF GRID, WALL @ CL OF N 0 A B ' TYP. III GRID, TYP. III - N CONFERENCE N7 GROUND LEVEL 'B' ROOM i I D.S. - LO 4D o N 16 E15 E13 FUTURE ADA � 10 D.S. N I E14 RESTROOM, SEE 3'_9„ Q 46 Y 2B/l A3.19 1 D 7 I S1 H. H.B. 1a 101 - - - - - U — — — — W11 O o LOBBYIWAITI All moterial appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and I D. D.S. original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d H.B. _ used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. 12 E11 E10 E9 E8 C - E7 E6 aQD E2 E1 Z CY — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — Sheet No. U N 1A3.1 SB o o o 0 0 0 W�w 0 ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL D S a D.S. Z o o SCALE: 1/8"- 1'o" 1A201 B E5 1 3.6 E4 1A6,3 W' W Cy J 0-� WOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #227 - RFI-220 - Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A Origin: Date Created: 2/7/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $ $0.00 $0.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: RFI-220-High Bay 1 st&2nd Floor Wall Type Revisions 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 03:02PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,928.00 $1,928.00 $1,928.00 1.0 $1,928.00 $1,928.00 $1,928.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $3,418.00 $0.00 $3,418.00 $3,418.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,418.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 03:02PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 227 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-220 Work Description:RFI-220-Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A Date: 2/6/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-RFI-220-High Bay 1st&2nd Floor Wall Type Revisions 1 LS $ $ $ $11,363.00 $ 11,363.00 $ 11,363.00 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 F50. $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 8 $ 15,000 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 12,163.00 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 12,853.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,928.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 14,781.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/7/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Recap Report KEHOC Project RFI #220 Hi-Bay 1 st and 2nd floor wall type Revisions ECP #008 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $7,559 D/W Frame Materials $7,559 Labor $1,536 2.00 D/W Framing Labor $1,248 1.63 D/W Misc Labor $288 0.38 Working Foreman :15% of Direct Labor cost 15.000% $230 Small Tools: 5% of Direct Labor cost 5.000% $77 Safety : 2% of Direct Labor cost 2.000% $31 Total Labor $1,874 Equipment $350 D/W Equipment $350 SubTota1 $9,783 Profit 15.000% $1,468 Contract Amount $11,251 Liab. Insurance 1.000% $113 Selling Price a,36:33 Clarification/Exclusions 1. Excludes any structural engineering fees related to this revision. 2. Any Sales Tax. 3. Any material fabrication Expedite Fee, if needed. 1/22/2025 4:36:20 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Net Cost Condition Summary KEHOC Project RFI #220 Hi-Bay 1 st and 2nd floor wall type Revisions ECP #008 Description Quantity CU Mat'I Cost$ Lab Costs$ Equipment Cost$ Tot Net$ AREA A Work 1 st&2nd floors L1 W/t A5 10"studs change to 12"W/t A6 wall Grid D/11-13 Slab to Rc 49.0 LF $3,311.50 $619.33 $0.00 $3,930.83 Mezz Ivl W/t A4 8" change to 10"A5 walls Grid 11 &13/A to D 14'8"t, 100.0 LF $3,248.00 $916.67 $0.00 $4,164.67 Lifts/Material Will Call/Delivery&Remove excess studs from site 1.0 EA $1,000.00 $0.00 $350.00 $1,350.00 AREA A Work 1 st&2nd floors $7,559.50 $1,536.00 $350.00 $9,445.50 Job Totals $7,559.50 $1,536.00 $350.00 $9,445.50 1/22/2025 4:49:19 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 ECP #008 K E H O C Project Section:RFI 220 Hi-Bay Wall Type Changes Page:AREA A Work 1 st&2nd floors aaz® WAGNER ® sue, ARCHITECTS Change W/t A4 to W/t I --" P L A N N E R S Change W/t A4 to W/t �N�NE a..� A5 at Mezz Level I "'°° `."".°P' above.Align w/W/t A6 A5 at Mezz Level I .� above.Align w/W/t A6 Wall below Wall below •I I I ,znbz ❑ I ® $ LEGEND � o Al 4 ��I I I FLOgtING TYPES �e Io ti I �waoorca 1;i I:I It �0,+� ,o L ✓ENT ........... r, y "O6 W Dfia emam9 0 L J I v l III I� I� u�uvEua 12607 SE 2E8TH ST K W, A fwwa.nP�s I I ry ir AlI BIDS!ET..._. I i Change W/t A5 to ,- l i A6 at Ground Level. i t Align w/W/t A5 Infill wall above Beam �! �I DOOR FINISH ° I i e , - - PLAN.GROUND ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH GROUND LEVEL _ to �.„ 1A8.0A Legend Pitch Description LF L1 W/t A5 10" studs change to 12"W/t A6 Grid D/11-13 at 29'3"tall 49.0 Mezz lvl W/t A4 8" change to 10"A5 Walls at Grid 11&13/B-D at 15'0"tall 100.0 I 1 1 13 1 1 1 XX WALL TAG, W A G N E R SEE1A8.12 ARC H I T E C T S xxx ROOM NAME P L A N N E R S :A F — — — — — — — — — — - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ROOM NAME &#TAG 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E I � I WINDOW TAG S E A T T L E WA 9 81 01 EDGE OF ROOF 11 1 1 1 O 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 1 24'-3 1/2" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" wag nerareitects . com X.XX DOOR TAG I _ _ TYPIE 1CSOEE o004003 REGISTERED N I SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN ATTACHED FOR REFERENCE 12/1 A8.2 ARCHITECT I WAINSCOT �w TYPE 2 SEELSTATE E T E WA NER I 169 59 61 170 171 63 65 172 2 2 12/1 A8.2 of wnSHiNcr N 0 0 0 I — — — — — — — — Consultants: - - - - - \ WAINSCOT // I — 3 — 3 — TYPE 3CO SEE 12/1 A8.2 �' N� Oo \ 4 — 4 — WAINSCOT 1 / / — TYPE 4, SEE 12/1 A8.2 co 11 / I I I — 5 — 5 — WAINSCOT SEE SHEET 1A8.12 OPEN TO TYPE 5, SEE FOR WALL TYPES BELOW I 12/1 A8.2 I LEGEND 3 56 i 1 x A4 I A4 237 \ SCALE: NTS % 11 I OPEN TO WAREHOUSE \ °° I 11 262 BELOW FLOORING TYPES EVIDENCE RUBBER 1 \ ZO 55 iI 1 STORAGE I / SHEET N c' I 1 RFI 220 change e 1 x g RFI 220 change I \ b 1 8" A4 walls to 10" I $�� A4 walls to pN \\ PAINTED 1 A5 wall I 1 x I 10" A5 wall \ / / WOOD DECK 1 I I 1 F1 EPDXY - - - - - - � - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - ® - 1 A5 T3 — A5 + + WALK-OFF CP o 1 / \\ I + + MAT E T "' 9 53 1 1 I / O WASH I N G T 0 7 x — - - - - - - + —/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - — — — — — — — — — - - 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — --- — — — — 3 — 3 — — 3 — — — i 1 / KEHOC "' — — — — — BELOW - - - - - -OPEN TO , — — _ — — — 1— — \ — _ — — — /_ GENERAL NOTE: Warehouse & Office ® DN \\ // \ � I m THIS PLAN INCLUDES WORK BY Building - - - - - - / 1 I THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR / 1 A5 A4 \ / `\ // I Q AND PEMB. CD 11 x Al \\ // 41 I w 12607 SE 248TH ST x A2 M / ` / `� KENT, WA / 1 / I \ / 44 I z j7 \\ // O I 98030 D.251 a 0? I \\ 11 \ I CONSOLIDATED / 1 x ` SET co i / 1 `\ // OPEN TO o / 1 I OPEN TO OPEN TO BELOW _ co / 1 BELOW BELOW X x / \ I JOB NO. 20223 ® � C? / \ Date Revisions MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED M O ; / 1 x \ / w Ld � CV / 1 ry / 1 N Ld °n / \ Sheet Contents O ch z I / 1 I r \\ // r \\ / \ / 1 / \ / \ // \\ I DOOR & FINISH 71 ------- ---------------------- PLAN, SECOND ® 1 - R ---------------------- 0 0 0 0 LEVEL 'A' I 173 45 43 168 167 166 165 164 A N I I z CD , N z o W cn I H — U W O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and ae original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. R o A/ / ✓ Sheet No. ro LO ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH, SECOND LEVEL � L,j � 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" z�o� 1A801A � W W W U W �a-� L�0 x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #220: Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A Status Closed on 01/14/25 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Dec 31,2024 Due Date Jan 13,2025 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings Received From Jon Marks(Bayley Construction, LP) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 02:55 PM PST RFI#220-Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 02:58 PM PST Please confirm that the contractor shall make the following changes to wall types in area A per the meeting held with the architect and contractor: -Change the wall running along grids A/13 to D/13 from wall type A4 to A5,changing the framing from 8"to 10"at the second floor. -Change the wall running along grids A/11 to D/11 from wall type A4 to A5 at the second floor,changing the framing from 8"to 10".The framing shall be aligned with the 12"first floor framing so that the North face of the wall shall run continuous. -At the wall that runs from D/8 to D/11,there is an X brace that is placed between D/9&D/10 that is shown to be hidden within the 10"framing. In order to hide the X brace within the wall,the contractor is proposing increasing the wall from 10" framing to 12"framing.To ensure that the entire East face of the wall planes out,the contractor is proposing shifting the wall from center of grid to the East so that the East face of the framing along the entire wall sits flush with the East face of the columns.This would allow the GWB to cover the X bracing,the columns,and the 2nd floor slab edge that also sits proud of where the current wall is designed,allowing a seamless face of wall on the East side,running from ground to the top of 2nd floor.Please confirm this is acceptable. Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday,Jan 14, 2025 at 03:07 PM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday,Jan 14, 2025 at 02:24 PM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-220-Wall_Size_Changes_at_Warehouse_in_Area_A-2025-01-02-Response V2.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 02:55 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #220: Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Dec 31,2024 Due Date Jan 13,2025 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings Received From Jon Marks(Bayley Construction, LP) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Jan 2,2025 08:10 AM PST RFI#220-Wall Size Changes at Warehouse in Area A Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 02:58 PM PST Please confirm that the contractor shall make the following changes to wall types in area A per the meeting held with the architect and contractor: -Change the wall running along grids A/13 to D/13 from wall type A4 to A5,changing the framing from 8"to 10"at the second floor. -Change the wall running along grids A/11 to D/11 from wall type A4 to A5 at the second floor,changing the framing from 8"to 10".The framing shall be aligned with the 12"first floor framing so that the North face of the wall shall run continuous. -At the wall that runs from D/8 to D/11,there is an X brace that is placed between D/9&D/10 that is shown to be hidden within the 10"framing. In order to hide the X brace within the wall,the contractor is proposing increasing the wall from 10" framing to 12"framing.To ensure that the entire East face of the wall planes out,the contractor is proposing shifting the wall from center of grid to the East so that the East face of the framing along the entire wall sits flush with the East face of the columns.This would allow the GWB to cover the X bracing,the columns,and the 2nd floor slab edge that also sits proud of where the current wall is designed,allowing a seamless face of wall on the East side,running from ground to the top of 2nd floor.Please confirm this is acceptable. Awaiting an Official Response -Change the wall running along grid B/13 to D/13 from A4 to A5, changing the framing at the second floor from 8" to 10" and aligning the north side of the wall with the face below. -Change the wall running along grids B/11 to D/11 from wall type A4 to A5, changing the framing at the second floor from 8" to 10", and aligned so that the south face of the wall shall run continuous. - Change the wall running from D/8 through D/11, from wall type A5 to A6, changing the framing at the first floor from 10" to 12". It is acceptable to shift the wall to the east by approximately 2.75" (verify in field) so that the east face of the framing aligns with the east face of the steel. Wall types at the second floor will remain type A4 (8"), and will shift to the east to align with the east face of framing at the walls below. Contractor to confirm that there will be room to encapsulate the X bracing within a 12" wall that is shifted to the east - it looks very close. -sam scarmardo, architect 1.14.2025 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Jan 2,2025 08:10 AM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #228 - RFI-223 - Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Origin: RFI#223: Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Date Created: 2/7/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $997.00 $997.00 $997.00 1.0 $997.00 $997.00 $997.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: RFI-223-1st Floor A Wall Revision 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 03:14PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTy Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $270.00 $270.00 $270.00 1.0 $270.00 $270.00 $270.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $2,067.00 $0.00 $2,067.00 $2,067.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,067.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 03:14PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 228 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-223 Work Description: RFI-223-Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Date: 2/6/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-RFI-223-1 st Floor A Wall Revision 1 LS $ $ $ $ 997.00 $ 997.00 $ 997.00 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Foreman 2 F50. $ 190.00 $ $ $ - $ 190.00 Cleanup 2 $ 100.00 $ $ $ $ 100.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ 2,900 $ 290.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 1,397.00 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 1,797.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 270.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 2,067.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by 7X 1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 2/7/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Recap Report KEHOC Project RFI #223 1 st floor A wall revision ECP #011 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $731 D/W Frame Materials $731 Labor $105 0.14 D/W Framing Labor $105 0.14 Working Foreman:15% of Direct Labor cost 15.000% $16 Small Tools: 5% of Direct Labor cost 5.000% $5 Safety: 2% of Direct Labor cost 2.000% $2 Total Labor $128 SubTotal $858 Profit 15.000% $129 Contract Amount $987 Liab. Insurance 1.000% $10 Selling Price 7$997 Clarification/Exclusions 1. Excludes any structural engineering fees related to this revision. 2. Excludes any Sales Tax. 3. Excludes any material fabrication Expedite Fee, if needed. 1/23/2025 5:10:14 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Condition Summary Report Cost KEHOC Project RFI #223 1 st floor A wall revision ECP #011 Description Quantity CU Material Cost$ Labor Cost$ Equip Costs$ Total Net Cost$ RFI 223 AREA A 1 st floor S.wall 149&150 Upgrade wall from 3-5/8 to 6"studs W/t Al to A2 24.0 LF $480.60 $104.73 $0.00 $585.33 Material Will Call/Delivery&Stock 1.0 EA $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 RFI 223 AREA A 1 st floor $730.60 $104.73 $0.00 $835.33 Job Totals $730.60 $104.73 $0.00 $835.33 1/23/2025 5:19:14 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC Project RFI #223 1 st floor A wall revision ECP #011 Section:RFI 223 Wal type change at Area A Level 1 WC 149 Page:AREA A Work 1 st&2nd floors ,e WAGNER ® ARCHITECTS aaaxtire a11°"E PLAN N E R S _______________ .. .vie r_vIAcc war __ __ __ -_ waxscor ...•... anaz \ END ,I I III wo ® I 3 LEG mawu o 4 i Al o I I I F—RING TYPES ;JJ I I I m I =__sxEcr rtEc�veo io 41 i sl KEHoc Wor¢hou 8 ORwe 1 BuiMing 12607 BE 248TH ST ear sill , I ExowcE �� �I I� K W, A o I I AlBI I m I DET mnwu.mP�s I I O I 0 I i 0 I ci o I it I ii i I iw ai 'DOOR FINISH E i W III — PLAN,GROUND i ENLARGED FINISH PLAN SOUTH GROUND LEVEL / 1 A8.OA Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA S.wall 149& 150 Upgrade wall from 3- 24.0 1/23/2025 Page 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #223: Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Status Closed on 01/14/25 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) (Response Required) Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Planners) Date Initiated Jan 6,2025 Due Date Jan 20,2025 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1A Reference Pipe RFI#50 Linked Drawings Received From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 03:07 PM PST RFI#223-Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Justus Konwent Pipe Construction,Inc.on Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024 at 02:29 PM PST In WC 149,the framing thickness of the South wall is 3 5/8".The Sanitary Tapped Tee installed to serve the P-2A Urinal does not fit within the thickness of this wall.The center to end measurement of the sanitary tapped tee is 3 1/16".Additionally,an adapter is threaded into this fitting for the urinal to attach to and is done with the face of the sanitary tee usually at least 1/2% 1"back from the finish-face of the wall.The waste line is currently installed in the center of the 3 5/8"wall and the carrier is also installed.The South wall at Janitor 150 was already changed to 6"framing;please confirm that the wall at WC 149 can continue with 6"framing,growing North into the WC. Attachments RFI 223 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday,Jan 14, 2025 at 09:35 AM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday,Jan 14, 2025 at 08:14 AM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#223-framing_width_south_wall_wc_149-202501062333-Response.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 03:07 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #223: Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) (Response Required) Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Planners) Date Initiated Jan 6,2025 Due Date Jan 20,2025 Location Plumbing Piping Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1A Reference Pipe RFI#50 Linked Drawings Received From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Jan 6,2025 03:33 PM PST RFI#223-Framing Width South Wall WC 149 Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Justus Konwent Pipe Construction,Inc.on Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024 at 02:29 PM PST In WC 149,the framing thickness of the South wall is 3 5/8".The Sanitary Tapped Tee installed to serve the P-2A Urinal does not fit within the thickness of this wall.The center to end measurement of the sanitary tapped tee is 3 1/16".Additionally,an adapter is threaded into this fitting for the urinal to attach to and is done with the face of the sanitary tee usually at least 1/2% 1"back from the finish-face of the wall.The waste line is currently installed in the center of the 3 5/8"wall and the carrier is also installed.The South wall at Janitor 150 was already changed to 6"framing;please confirm that the wall at WC 149 can continue with 6"framing,growing North into the WC. Attachments RFI 223 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response It is confirmed that the wall at WC 149 can change from 3-5/8 to 6" framing, growing north into the WC. -sam scarmardo, architect 1/13/2025 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Jan 6,2025 03:33 PM PST 3/4 21' P2.1A :1-2A i - i 211 P- 1 701 - �,- P-3A/' � 2- 1 /211 N4'IPS Supply (DN 20 mm7 0 4 N"(121 mm) I 2 114' (57 mm) Centerline of Fixture i6148'(397 rnm) � 1L�� ' r Moon#ing Hole ' ( ( mm) Center (221mrn 18' i (457 mm) 20 314' 16, (527 mm) (406 mm) (Centerline - of Gullet) 24' r (610 mm) Genlerline Gerkleriine ❑ (1T for ADA) of outlet to floor of outlet 19"(483 mm) to floor 14114" —17114' 43 mm) (12"far ADA) 19"(483 mm (362 mm) 12"for ADA Finished Wall Finished Floor E� I f � G � r SAN TAP TEE Part M-D_ Sias x Tap 6 E F 01F7968 1}4 xl A 334 24',. 5'AM 00975 110, TA 2 Ya 5'h. 0a7982 2x114 334 2"A. 5''fx 007999 2x1)% TA 2"di. 5'1" 0080Q2 2 �u 1141 .5% 009019 3x1 1S TA 31y. 5'M. Al aS a+ � F 1 • ti f f Jim y • 1 r 1 - ' F r, Ax _ y •d. 4r. F } ■ ' - I * 4 � � 7 I 9 h jpp M 06 ' ' t i f r'• r i{rF + f T 1' +,y- a , i •if/ J Aw ' 4 ti y r _ 41P *44 k r -- 7 3* op p +� . 7 All d Pp Icf +I k '• �n * ' ' ■ • ' L *+ + x tis t + i 116 i ' {x 4L p i ir CLO 31. 46, VE • , t •' - r }Y a *", �� ,~� + _ }' +—. .+' 'ram#; +.+ ■ - ' + AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #229 - RFI-232 - Wall thickness in rooms 129, 131, & 133 Origin: RFI#232:Wall thickness in rooms 129, 131,&133 Date Created: 2/7/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $1,626.00 $1,626.00 $1,626.00 1.0 $1,626.00 $1,626.00 $1,626.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: RFI-232-1st Floor Plumbing Wall Revisions 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 03:25PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $468.00 $468.00 $468.00 1.0 $468.00 $468.00 $468.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $3,584.00 $0.00 $3,584.00 $3,584.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,584.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on:2/7/2025 at 03:25PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 229 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-232 Work Description: RFI-232-Wall thickness in rooms 129,131,&133 Date: 2/6/2025 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-RFI-232-1 st Floor Plumbing Wall Revisions 1 LS $ $ $ $ 1,626.00 $ 1,626.00 $ 1,626.00 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 F50.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 3,600 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 2,426.00 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 3,116.00 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 468.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 3,584.00 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by F-1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: _ 2/7/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Recap Report KEHOC Project RFI #232 1 st floor Plumbing wall revisions ECP #012 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $554 D/W Frame Materials $541 D/W Misc Materials $13 Labor $694 0.90 D/W Framing Labor $626 0.82 D/W Misc Labor $68 0.09 Working Foreman :15% of Direct Labor cost 15.000% $104 Small Tools : 5% of Direct Labor cost 5.000% $35 Safety : 2% of Direct Labor cost 2.000% $14 Total Labor $846 SubTotal $1,400 Profit 15.000% $210 Contract Amount $1,610 Liab. Insurance 1.000% $16 Selling Price =,6 Clarification/Exclusions 1. Excludes any structural engineering fees related to this revision. 2. Excludes any Sales Tax. 3. Excludes any material fabrication Expedite Fee, if needed. 1/23/2025 4:45:21 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Condition Summary Report Cost KEHOC Project RFI #232 1st floor Plumbing wall revisions ECP #012 Description Quantity CU Material Cost$ Labor Cost$ Equip Costs$ Total Net Cost$ RFI 232 Wall changes Level 1 Rm#129 Add 2-1/2"furring at Lav wall 5.5 LF $63.55 $222.59 $0.00 $286.14 Rm#133 N.wall add 2-1/2"furring 8.5 LF $99.77 $337.02 $0.00 $436.80 Rm#130 Change wall from being Al to A2 8.0 LF $140.51 $133.95 $0.00 $274.46 Material Will Call/Delivery&Stock 1.0 EA $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 RFI 232 Wall changes Level 1 $553.84 $693.57 $0.00 $1,247.41 Job Totals $553.84 $693.57 $0.00 $1,247.41 1/23/2025 4:58:45 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC Project RFI #232 1 st floor Plumbing wall revisions ECP #012 Section:RFI 232 Plumbing Wall revs Rms 129, 131 & 133 Page:RFI 232 Wall changes Level 1 WAGNER xx�xmm P L A NI CTS NEE R 5 — I ' x wus�cwrcxm ' .e. i J � � n uxxEssrvaho oTxExmsE eoF mnvrvc '� 1 LKLOR0.1 - 3 O °.w xxE�rv°o°TMEe E I xa � — 0 xEEarv�„a,rraxww�,rP� wy� Al FBI les — I I o .12 of o Ll- I 2. L�11 Li /\ ✓eN wc KEHOC Warehouse 801fim Budding 12607 BE 248TH ST KEM.WA - —' 90030 'l CONSOLIDATED NI 0 a aD SET I . o o E-k' 'FL . Ala ® ST wx<.®e� �Lul A B E�ooR auN, m. — vex GROUND LEVEL'S' w aE s � wra, 10 ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL 1 A2.1 `p Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA Rm#129 Add 2-1/2"furring at Lav wall 5.5 Rm#13 3 N.wall add 2-1/2" furring 8.5 Rm#130 Change wall from being Al to A2 8.0 1/23/2025 Page 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 15140 NE 92nd St. Redmond, WA 98052 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #232: Wall thickness in rooms 129, 131, & 133 Status Closed on 01/14/25 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) (Response Required) Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Planners) Date Initiated Jan 14,2025 Due Date Jan 28,2025 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1B Reference Pipe RFI#52 Linked Drawings Received From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 03:20 PM PST RFI#232-Wall thickness in rooms 129, 131,&133 Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Justus Konwent Pipe Construction,Inc.on Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 02:23 PM PST To accommodate the lav plumbing in the walls of Women's WC 129,Women's Locker 131,and Unisex WC 133,the wall size needs to grow.The current walls are too thin to house the needed plumbing. Please see the attached plan pages. Attachments RFI 232 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday,Jan 14, 2025 at 04:02 PM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday,Jan 14, 2025 at 03:44 PM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#232-wall_thickness_in_rooms_129,_131,_&_133-202501142148-Response.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Feb 7,2025 03:20 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #232: Wall thickness in rooms 129, 131, & 133 Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) (Response Required) Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Planners) Date Initiated Jan 14,2025 Due Date Jan 28,2025 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P2.1B Reference Pipe RFI#52 Linked Drawings Received From Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Chris Fox(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Jan 14,2025 01:48 PM PST RFI#232-Wall thickness in rooms 129, 131,&133 Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Sean Tansy(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Charles Teitzel(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Justus Konwent Pipe Construction,Inc.on Tuesday, Dec 31, 2024 at 02:23 PM PST To accommodate the lav plumbing in the walls of Women's WC 129,Women's Locker 131,and Unisex WC 133,the wall size needs to grow.The current walls are too thin to house the needed plumbing. Please see the attached plan pages. Attachments RFI 232 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response See markups in red, indicating extent of wall growth & direction. We understand that the opening from the womens locker room will be slightly constricted, but it is still greater than 36" clear which is the minimum. -sam scarmardo, architect 1.14.2025 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Jan 14,2025 01:48 PM PST 2" WUP & �■ 0 112 CW OF G G -� G G f_. OC F F- - cc. 311 - -- -�- - - �E — —r - --- --- --- -,, r- 131 AUNDRY a= ¢_ ROAM_' MEN — ,129 m } — — — ® VS WC CK[t 1N *1L--JJ 1 — � - - 4 0 1 123 ® 5H4 E WORKOW"C� P-1 + I ® I L 1121b I, F-'Yl & 2-WUp ADO UNISEX W �112" CO . , — — — — 2" 1z 125 � I � 7 I o TFID MEN'S WC I 110 Po_4 i V. 05 ' CORR. 112" CW DN oilt -- I . s TO P-13 1-112" V UP 8 � _ SHOW ® L 1�'[_I — — 1_1/2" L'. rt - -_- ----__- „ T P �..� 10 - -G G G G G l �O u I 1-114/ 9 1r2'p CW. 9 CORR. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #132 - CCD-036 - RFI-110 - Lower Overhead Door Head Clearance Origin: RFI#110:Lower Overhead Door Head Clearance Date Created: 1/8/2025 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 08-330-230.S Overhead Innovations Is 1.0 $56,562.92 $56,562.92 $56,562.92 1.0 $56,562.92 $56,562.92 $56,562.92 $0.00 Overhead Coiling 24057-4014 Doors.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Change door manufacture to CHI doors and OHD Trolly Operators without chain hoist-12 Doors Total. 01-450-120.S hours 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 1/8/2025 at 08:24AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $8,828.00 $8,828.00 $8,828.00 1.0 $8,828.00 $8,828.00 $8,828.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $67,680.92 $0.00 $67,680.92 $67,680.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $67,680.92 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 1/8/2025 at 08:24AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 132 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-036 Work Description:RFI-110-Lower Overhead Door Head Clearance Date: 7/23/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs OHD Innovations-Change door manufacture to CHI doors and OHD Trolly Operators without chain hoist-12 Doors Total. 1 LS $ $ $ 56,562.92 $ 56,563 $ 56,563 Layout 8 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 58,000 $ 580 $ $ 110 $ 58,163 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 58,853 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 8,828 GRAND TOTAL $ 67,681 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 1/8/2025 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: �X_ OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER _ OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-036 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 11/7/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SF 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 COK has selected standard-style CHI brand overhead doors at all 9'height doors, and Overhead Door brand for all doors at 14' heights. Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). i Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seat A 981 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 B BY �e BY DATE DATE 12.12.2024 DATE 12/12/24 OVERHEAD INNOVATIONS: CONTRACT CHANGE PRICING SHE Project Name: KEHOC Contract No: Proposal No: REVS CO Description: Change door manufacture to CHI doors and OHD Trolly Operators without Labor rate this sheet: Pervailing Date: 11/21/2024 chain hoist. Labor Material Equipment Subcontract Description Qty Unit Hrs/Unit Ttl Hrs I U.C. Amount Unit Cost I Amount Unit Cost Amount Amount Total Direct Costs Cost deffrence to source bay doors X125,X133,X136,X137,X138, 11.00 X140,X111,X108,X106,X105,&X103. CHI 3242 rows 3 and 4 1/2" low E tempered glass,Factory white finish,Low headroom 2"track,100K cylcle springs ea $3,975.00 $43,725.00 $43,725.00 Cost deffrence to source bay door X120.CHI 3242,Factory white finish, Low headroom 2"track,100Kcylclesprings 1.00 ea $1,309.00 $1,309.00 $1,309.00 Shipping 1.00 $4,151.15 $4,151.15 $4,151.15 Direct Costs Subtotals 1 13.00 1 1 1 $9,435.15 $49,185.151 1 $49,185.15 Indirect Costs: Qty Unit Hrs/Unit Ttl Hrs U.C. Amount Supervision(15%of Direct Labor) Safety(3%of Direct Labor) Travel Allowance Misc.Supplies(3%of Direct Labor) Change Order Preparation Indirect Costs Subtotals Consequential Costs: Qty Unit U.C. Amount Consequential Cost Subtotals Subtotal for All NONCE $49,195.15 $49,185.15 Rase Rate: Overhead&Profit 15.00% $7,377.77 Subcontract Administration Fee Performance/Payment Bond Sub-Total $56,562.92 WSST 10.20% $5.769.42 CO Total $62 332.34 Brian Nilsson From: Brandon Bell <Brandon@ohdinnovations.com> Sent: Wednesday,January 8, 2025 8:00 AM To: Bryce Nelson Cc: Brian Nilsson;Jon Marks; brandon@ohdinnovations.com; Guy Baryo; Debbie Sullivan Subject: RE: KEHOC-submittal#1-rev-1-sectional_overhead_doors=_sd,_-202501070004 - Response 01.07.25.pdf Attachments: OHI COP-1 REV_3.pdf Bryce, We need to get the attached COP1 Rev 3 Change Order executed for the cost to change the 12 low headroom bays to CHI before I will release these into production. I don't see the mark up outlined in my *s =sent ts�-d�if�feTn�p v4ttr�ev�e-t apd-des n� ht-pwpy. FYI, Its higher than my back on 9-11, because I had only known of the issue at 10 locations,after my site walk on 11-18 it cor here was an issue at all 12-14'x9'door locations. In the meanti�ne�l vllnXi on and g s. -l:i E t any new mark ups on the submittal approval.All the markings were there returned submittal and my replies. I don't see that they took issue with any of my rebuttals. Brandon Bell, Co-Owner & Sr Commercial Manager/Technician Overhead Innovations, LLC PO Box 850 Rainier, WA 98576 Cell: 360-790-9888 From: Bryce Nelson <bryce.nelson@bayley.net> Sent:Tuesday,January 7, 2025 3:46 PM To: Brandon Bell <Brandon@ohdinnovations.com> Cc: Brian Nilsson <Brian.Nilsson@bayley.net>;Jon Marks<jonm@bayley.net> Subject: KEHOC-submittal#1-rev-1-sectional_overhead_doors=_sd,=202501070004- Response 01.07.25.pdf Importance: High Brandon, Your shop drawings were approved for KEHOC. Please confirm thatyou will be puttingthem on order ASAP. They had quite a bit of comments, and I didn't take the time to read through all them. But our superintendent Jon would like you to come onsite sometime maybe next week to look at site conditions and a few areas of concern that we have in relation to the framing adjacent to your doors. At that time, if you have any questions or issue with the submittal, we can go through them then. Do you have a day next week that you are free? Thank you, Bryce Nelson Project Manager i FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - C010 signature Pages Final Audit Report 2025-02-20 Created: 2025-02-14 By: Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAA31rt5h_8vEXNYFti_yxNPTu2TP-QK_A5 "FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - C010 si gnature Pages" History E Document created by Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-14-7:28:52 PM GMT Document emailed to tkhau@kentwa.gov for signature 2025-02-14-7:30:17 PM GMT E Email viewed by tkhau@kentwa.gov 2025-02-14-11:18:52 PM GMT o Signer tkhau@kentwa.gov entered name at signing as Tona Khau 2025-02-14-11:21:40 PM GMT o Document e-signed by Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-14-11:21:42 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to steveg@bayley.net for signature 2025-02-14-11:21:44 PM GMT Email viewed by steveg@bayley.net 2025-02-14-11:25:13 PM GMT a Signer steveg@bayley.net entered name at signing as Stephen Grasso 2025-02-14-11:25:56 PM GMT o Document e-signed by Stephen Grasso (steveg@bayley.net) Signature Date:2025-02-14-11:25:58 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-14-11:25:59 PM GMT Q Adobe Acrobat Sign s Email viewed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-18-3:01:57 PM GMT Signer Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) entered name at signing as Phung Huynh 2025-02-18-3:04:56 PM GMT Document e-signed by Phung Huynh (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-18-3:04:58 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-18-3:05:03 PM GMT �3 Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-18-5:10:47 PM GMT �} Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-20-11:09:19 PM GMT-Time Source:server b Document emailed to Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-20-11:09:21 PM GMT Email viewed by Julie Parascondola (jarascondola@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-20-11:11:22 PM GMT Document e-signed by Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-20-11:11:38 PM GMT-Time Source:server ® Agreement completed. 2025-02-20-11:11:38 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign