HomeMy WebLinkAboutLI15-059 - Amendment - Notice to Renew - Verizon - Cell Tower at 400 W. Gowe - 12/27/24 05cl
■ Network Real Estate
180 Washington Valley Road
verizon Bedminster, NJ 07921
Via FedEx: 771060068313
DEC 3 0 21D24
December 27,2024 CITY of KENT
City of Kent, Washington
Attn: City Clerk
220 Fourth Avenue South
Kent, Washington 98032
Re:NOTICE TO RENEW:Agreement dated April 16,2015,by and between City of Kent,
WA and Verizon Wireless (or the parties' predecessors-in-interest) for the use of the
property identified below(the"Agreement").
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves as notification that Verizon Wireless is exercising its right to extend the
Agreement for an additional term, which term shall commence on April 16, 2025 and
continue through April 15,2030.
Should you have any questions regarding this notice please call Network Real Estate at
Sarah Sztuk
Real Estate Specialist-Network Real Estate
VZW Site Name:Ramasay
Contract#: 142503
Property Address: 400 W Gowe St,Kent, WA