HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Bicycle Advisory Board - 12/30/2024 (2) 1 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting December 30, 2024 2 Minutes Held In-Person 3 4 APPROVED - January 27, 2025 5 6 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (7) Julie Dunn, Maria Castro (online), Erik Jacobs, Prem 7 Subedi (online), Gordon Dona (online), Allison Hopstad (online), Wendy Graves. 8 9 BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: (4) Tim Irwin (excused), Connie Stolpp (excused), Baron You, 10 Thom Bader. 11 12 CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: (2) Erik Preston, Rob Brown. 13 14 Guests• None 15 16 1. Call-to-Order - Graves 17 The meeting was called to order at 5:46 pm with Chair Graves presiding. 18 19 2. Roll Call - Preston 20 7 of 11 members present. Two staff present. 21 22 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves 23 No changes 24 25 4. November 2024 Meetinq - Minutes Approval - Graves 26 Erik J makes motion to approve minutes, Julie seconds, Vote 7-0 in favor, approved. 27 28 S. Youth Board Member Code Language - Preston 29 Erik Preston shared the proposed language added to section A. 30 . Allison asked if we can do both language in section A and B. 31 0 Erik P - yes we can, but recommends picking one, ultimately up to LAW 32 department, but we need to have a recommendation. 33 . Allison and Prem like the language in section A. 34 0 Erik P - Baron approved of section A text earlier in the day by email. 35 • Julie makes a motion to accept additional language to section A as presented. 36 0 Erik J seconds. Vote 7-0 in favor. Approved. 37 38 6. Community Spark Grant - Graves 39 Julie shared that the Sparks subcommittee met, Wendy tasked them with getting money 40 for helmets. The grant is meant for more than just helmets. She emailed elementary 41 schools. Julie and Team (ERIK P to help). Money for bike rodeo improvements or 42 upgrades AND get helmets. Could update or create bike garden 43 0 Martin Sortun and Crestwood Schools 44 0 Erik P - Is Crestwood in Kent school district? 45 • Julie - Yes, in district, but in City of Covington. 46 • Allison - Are the schools interested in rodeos or something else? 47 . Julie met with Kent Elementary Principal, they're very interested, including gardens. 48 0 Maria - Are the schools pulling our attention from making the rodeo more 49 successful? 50 . Julie - I feel like we're limited in getting attendance at the rodeo 51 • Allison - Community connection is important to get attendance at the Rodeo, 52 creating more outreach would. Page 1 of 3 53 0 Maria - Feels like purpose of approaching schools about grant distracts or takes time 54 from rodeo efforts and funding. 55 0 Wendy - We should submit the application 56 0 Rob - When is it due? 57 • Julie - due the 21St 58 0 Rob - running out of time for internal approval before submittal. Need at least 2-3 59 days. 60 0 Wendy - Julie should keep approaching the schools separately. 61 . Allison - include other information about schools in the grant if it will help us. 62 0 Prem - It's a good idea to make as many connections in the community as possible 63 to spread biking and improve Rodeo attendance 64 0 Maria - felt emphasis was too big on schools, but we could include it in the grant if it 65 doesn't hold us up in the application process. 66 • Julie - Erik P will start his own application and add Julie (and others) as 67 collaborators. 68 • Julie and Maria will work together later this week. 69 70 7. 2025 Swaa Order - Stolpp 71 Rob shared screen on current inventory. 72 Rob - Work on ordering more branded items and give a list to Erik well ahead of the 73 bike rodeo, such as bike bells. 74 75 S. KC Metro South Link Connection - Subedi 76 Prem emailed KC Metro, but they were not able to attend todays meeting. They are 77 willing to attending the next meeting. 78 0 Erik - Is it bike related information they'd present? 79 0 Prem - not specifically bike related, but adjacent 80 0 Rob - up to the board. 81 0 Wendy - I think it's a good idea to ask them to come. 82 0 Erik P - The board can ask them bike-related questions. 83 84 9. Youth Board Member Committee Report - Hopstad 85 Allison - nothing to add to what was already discussed in item #5. What is the next step 86 in approval of the code change? 87 0 Erik/Rob - Must go through Public Works Director and Mayor and be approved by 88 Council. 89 • Allison - We will meet to develop recommendations on advertising for a youth 90 position. 91 92 10.Speed Limits Committee Report - Hopstad 93 Allison - no progress, but will schedule a meeting with Erik to discuss. 94 95 11.Festival & Events Sub-Committee Report- Graves 96 Wendy asked Rob about progress with submitting the application to use the YMCA 97 parking lot for the Bike Rodeo. 98 0 Rob has meeting on his calendar for next week to resolve. 99 0 Wendy - get materials designed and ordered with plenty of lead time. 100 • Julie - Yan is gone, but made contact with his replacement at REI to support the 101 bike giveaway. 102 0 Wendy - will schedule a Rodeo meeting in January 103 0 Maria - Made contact with Officer Danny, we are good to go to have their 104 support. Wants to make it more relevant that kids are using the hand signals, get 105 parents more involved. Page 2 of 3 106 107 12.Bicvcle Infrastructure Sub-Committee Report - Jacobs 108 Erik J was approached by Kent downtown association lady that wants to develop 109 standards with bike racks, or find a way to encourage businesses to install more racks. 110 Perhaps we could use the MMOM has standards. 111 0 Erik P - Yes, MMOM has standards, but not comprehensive. 112 0 Rob - yes, the City has standards, but no funding to install more racks. Gale 113 from DT Partnership (DTP) has approached him before. 114 0 Erik J - Is the permit process to install a rack easy or hard? What is the expense? 115 0 Rob - Concerns like ADA in areas like 15Y Ave historic district, etc. We need to 116 hear more about what they (DTP) are trying to do. 117 0 Wendy - it seems like we're missing an opportunity and it should be easy to do. 118 0 Erik J - He asked her what they want to do, how can we help you. He can reach 119 out to them and see if they'd like to attend. 120 121 13.Communications - Preston 122 0 Wendy - wants to thank Connie and Julie for helping put it on. 123 0 Prem - America Walks has grants available (added to chat). 124 . Julie - West side of 116 just south of SE 251 St - walkway is torn up, not passable. 125 Staff will talk to construction. 126 127 14.Notice of upcoming meetings - Preston 128 January 27, February 24, and March 31, 2025. All are regularly scheduled meetings. 129 130 15.Items for the next meeting - Graves 131 . Youth member recruiting recommendations from subcommittee. 132 0 KC Metro South Link Connection (Prem) 133 • Julie - Speed enforcement cameras, red light, schools? Clarifying questions on where 134 funding goes. Rob - all goes to "public safety fund" per City Code. 135 136 16.Adiournment - Graves 137 Chair Graves adjourned the meeting at 6:49 pm. 138 139 Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3