HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2025-065 - Other - Miracle Playsystems - KVLT-Kiosks - 2/13/25 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: . - Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: BL BL KEN T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: KateLynn Jennings for Kerry O'Connor Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: y 02/12/2025 2/19/2025 O N.a Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: O' W1Mayor or Designee N/A Q Budclet Account Number: Grant? Yes NOW] P21024 Budget?W]Yes E:]No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Miracle Playsystems Purchase/Sale Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = 2581460 Other O w Project Name: KVLT-KiSOkS N. Project Details: Kiosks for the Kent Valley Loop Trail O C via Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Agreement 40 C E40 Basis for Selection of Contractor: � Agreement Amount: $94,013.56 Direct Negotiation *Memo to Mayor must be attached Go Start Date: Upon Signature Termination Date: cm Q Local Business? Yes Who*If meets requirements perKCC3.70.100,pleasecomplete"VendorPurchase-LocalExceptions"formonCityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-ProcessEl Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) 91 Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: F_1YesW1No CAG2025-065 Comments: Mayors Signature on Pink ARF only. rA M cm M C C 3 0 a, a, oc Date Received:City Attorney: 2/12/25 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 2/13/25 City Clerk's Office 2/13/25 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 2/6/2025 Job Number:24-4636 Job:City of Kent- Kiosks }+ Quote Name: Quote-24-4636-City of Kent-Kiosks Quote Number: Q-08433 M1RAf-.F. systems Prepared by: DESIGNING PLAY Cameron Rosenberg cameron@miracleplaygroup.com Terms: Net 30 Sub Total: $85,311.76 Remit to: Miracle Playsystems Estimated Tax: $8,701.80 1037 NE 65th St#82431 Total: $94,013.56 Seattle,WA,98115 Classic Recreation Sourcewell discount applied per contract ` #010521-LTS Product Code Description Qty Rate Total Estimated Tax ( if applicable) EQUIP20 6X8 ORLANDO KIOSK (COLOR: 4 $8,911.25 $33,862.76 $3,454.00 STONE GREY FOR COLUMNS; REGAL BLUE FOR ROOF) ""CUSTOM BRACKETS FOR SIGN PER CUSTOMER DESIGN"" 3' FROM GROUND " SIGN & FASTENERS BY OTHERS" Width: 6 Length: 8 Kiosk: Yes Tiers: 1 Roof Type: Mega-Rib Fascia: 24 Ga. Trim Roof Pitch: 6:12 Number of Columns: 2 Column Mounting Type: Sub- surface mount Eave Height: 77' Frame Finish: Zinc rich primer w/TGIC powder coat City of Kent-Kiosks MIRACLE PLAYSYSTEMS — 1037 NE 65th St#82431,SEATTLE,WA 98115 — (800) 879-7730 Page of 0 2/6/2025 EQUIP20 6X12 ORLANDO KIOSK (COLOR: 4 $11,855.00 $45,049.00 $4,595.00 STONE GREY FOR COLUMNS; REGAL BLUE FOR ROOF) "CUSTOM BRACKETS FOR SIGN PER CUSTOMER DESIGN"" T FROM GROUND "SIGN & FASTENERS BY OTHERS" Width: 6 Length: 12 Kiosk: Yes Tiers: 1 Roof Type: Mega-Rib Fascia: 24 Ga. Trim Roof Pitch: 6:12 Number of Columns: 2 Column Mounting Type: Sub- surface mount Eave Height: 77' Frame Finish: Zinc rich primer w/TGIC powder coat Freight Freight 1 $6,400.00 $6,400.00 $652.80 Sub Total:$85,311.76 Total Estimated Tax: $8,701.80 Grand Total: $94,013.56 Company: Signature: Name: Date: City of Kent-Kiosks MIRACLE PLAYSYSTEMS — 1037 NE 6Sth St#82431,SEATTLE,WA 98115 — (800) 879-7730 Page of 0 2/6/2025 Please confirm or edit order information below. End User Company: Bill To Email: City of Kent,WA End User Contact: Bill To: End User Email: Customer Reference#: Delivery Contact: Kerry O'Connor Delivery Email: koconnor@kentwa.gov Delivery Phone: Delivery Address: Site Address: 525 4th Ave N Kent INDEMNITY Client/Owner shall defend,Indemnify and hold harmless Miracle Playsystems,its officers,directors,board of trustees,agents,or employees and each of them,from any and all claims, demands,causes of action In law or in equity,damages,penalties,costs,expenses,reasonable attorneys'fees,reasonable experts'fees,reasonable consultants'fees,judgments,losses or liabilities,of every kind and nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with or Incidental to,the performance of the services under this Agreement or any of the obligations contained in this Agreement('Claims').Without limitation,"damages"Include personal Injury,Including,but not limited to bodily Injury,emotional Injury,sickness or disease,or death to persons,Including,but not limited to,any employees or agents of Miracle Playsystems,or any other person;or other damages of any kind to anyone including,without limitation,economic loss,property damage and loss of use thereof.It Is expressly acknowledged and agreed that each of the foregoing Indemnities Is Independent,that each shall be given effect,and that each shall apply despite any acts or omissions,misconduct or negligent conduct,whether active or passive,on the part of,or other contractor(s);provided,however,Miracle Playsystems duty to Indemnify shall be limited to the percentage or the degree Miracle Playsystems comparative negligence caused any damages. STANDARD NOTES • Price quotation is good for 30 days.Accurate color selections must be made In writing prior to equipment going into production.Colors to be confirmed with your local sales representative. • Please email/fax quotation with your signature to accept this quote and place order.Fax 510-893-2163 or email Info@MiraclePlayGroup.com • Unless otherwise specified,Miracle Playsystems DOES NOT include the following in this proposal: • Engineered drawings • Installation of equipment or other site amenities • Specialty trades,equipment,power supply required to Install equipment • Any insurance requiring in excess of$1M/$2M per occurrence,special insurance coverage or wording,Prevailing/Certified wage rates,local permitting,bid/performance bonds,temp fencing,geo tech surveys,playground safety Inspection,equipment offload,and testing services. • Inspect equipment upon delivery.Color discrepancy must be reported at time of delivery.Installation constitutes acceptance of colors. • Warranty does not cover labor for reinstallation. City of Kent-Kiosks MIRACLE PLAYSYSTEMS — 1037 NE 65th St#82431,SEATTLE,WA 98115 — (800) 879-7730 Page of 0 2/6/2025 TEDIVIS O. GE)NEWFIE)NS Payment terms!Standard terms(an appreved ered t), Ase are Equipment!S916 due upen erder,50%due net 39 days after ship date,subjeet te Lead to Fnes Fnay eWeFltly be extended due te Feasens sueh as supply ehain issues,shipping delays,raw rnateFial sheFtages,and etheF GOV'D 19 Felated a Fnpaets. i i i CONSTRUCTION SERVICES (if applicable) Unless otherwise noted,we exclude responsibility for material delivery&offloading equipment,removal&disposal of packaging accumulated by equipment packaging,project security, landscape&hardscape repair based on access route to site,delays or returns due to layout conflicts or delay of other trades,removal of spoils from job site,locating underground:utilities, pipes,obstructions In work area,conditions unforeseen and/or not disclosed at time of estimate,permits,engineering,material testing,soil samples,CPSI.Conditions:Grades;stable, compacted&workable with 95%compaction and less than 1%grade,adequate access to site for labor,materials,tools and equipment.Estimate good for 30 days from quote or Dec.31 of current calendar year,whichever comes first.Terms:Upon completion. GENERAL TERMS • THIS QUOTE IS LIMITED TO AND GOVERNED BY THE TERMS CONTAINED HEREIN:Miracle Playsystems objects to any other terms proposed by client,In writing or otherwise, as material alterations,and all such proposed terms shall be void.Client authorizes Miracle Playsystems to ship equipment and agrees to pay the total specified.Shipping terms are FOB the place of shipment via common carrier. • Client and owner/operator agree to Indemnify and hold Miracle Playsystems,harmless from and against all liabilities,losses,penalties,damages and expenses,including costs and attorney fees,resulting from any and all claims,liens,damages,actions,suits,judgments or settlements,Injuries arising or alleged to arise out of their failure,or failure of architect,contractors,subcontractors,Installers,employees,agents and assigns to assemble,Install,Inspect and/or maintain the play equipment and impact absorbing surfacing In full compliance with each manufacturers installation instructions and safety requirements and their misuse and/or alteration of the play equipment. MIRACLE DESIGNING ING PLK City of Kent-Kiosks MIRACLE PLAYSYSTEMS — 1037 NE 65th St#82431,SEATTLE,WA 98115 — (800) 879-7730 Page of 0 0�0�0 ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL 6'X 8' 2 POST w/CUSTOM BRACKETS SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Roof Dimensions 6'-0"x 8'-0" Column Dimensions (center to center) 3'-019x 4'-7" Minimum Clearance 7'-2" Roof Height @ Ridge f9'-1" Gable Roof 6:12 pitch Square Feet Under Roof ±48 Date of drawing March 20, 2024 Columns shall be 5"x 5" steel tube, minimum .120"wall thickness. All beams shall be structural steel tube sized according to engineering. All bolts shall be A-307 or A-325 and hidden at all connections. Roofing shall be 24 gauge Mega-Rib steel pre-cut, pre-finished with ribs running with the slope of the roof. Trim shall be 24 gauge pre-finished to match roofing. Fascia shall be tube steel. Custom brackets for sign per customer. Open or welded"C" channel, "I"beams, "S" or"Z"purlins or angle iron shall not be allowed. 11875 E.Berry Dr. -Dewey,AZ 86327 Phone: (928)775-3307 Fax: (928)772-0858 info(&classicrecreation.corn www.classicrecreation.com STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS w/ TRUZINC RICH PRIMER& SUPER DURABLE POWDER COAT PAINT GENERAL: 1. All structures shall be designed and fabricated to the IBC (Latest Edition) or current local building code with standard load designs of the greater value of 20# per S.F. minimum live load and 115 mph sustained wind load or site specific conditions and the applicable zone for seismic loads. 2. All members shall be designed according to the"American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) specifications and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) specifications for cold-formed members. 3. All fabrication welds shall be in strict accordance with the structural welding code of the American Welding Society (AWS) specifications. All structural welds shall be in compliance with the requirements of"Pre-qualified"welded joints. All welding shall conform to ASTM A-233 series E-70XX electrodes- low hydrogen. Field welding shall not be required. 4. When required, after award of bid, the shade structure manufacturer shall submit structural calculations, sealed by a registered engineer in the state in which the structure is to be erected for review and approval by the approving agency. 5. Manufacturer qualifications: All manufacturers shall have a minimum of(20)twenty years experience in the fabrication of tubular steel shade structures. Shade structure and kiosk fabrication shall be the manufacturer's Primary business. Manufacturer shall have fabricated similar structures to that which is specified. All non-specified manufacturers shall submit complete shop drawings indicating type, size &gauge of material used, with detailed connections to the specifying agency or design firm at least 10 days prior to bid opening for review and written pre-approval. All bids submitted without prior approval will be reiected. FOOTINGS & COLUMNS: 1. Footings shall be structurally engineered by the structure manufacturer to meet local codes and site conditions. (Sample footing drawings shall be made available to the contractor or owner from the manufacturer). When required for structure installation, anchor bolts shall be supplied by the owner/contractor. Columns shall be ASTM 500 grade B. Concrete footing rebar(if required) shall be ASTM A-615 grade 40#4 bars & smaller, grade 60#5 bars & larger. Concrete shall be 5 sack mix"Portland" cement. Maximum slump shall not exceed 4". Concrete compressive strength shall be a minimum of 2500 psi @ 28 days. _95W. FRAME MEMBERS AND COMPRESSION RING: 1. 90% of all steel shall be American (domestic) made. Mill certification shall be made available upon request. All frame members shall be one piece structural steel tube with a minimum .120 (1/8")wall thickness, sized according to engineering. All frame members shall be bolted together with bolts totally concealed. All tubing for frame members shall be ASTM 500 grade B. Beam end plates shall be ASTM A36 fy=36,000 psi UNO. Bolts shall be A 307's, or 325's unless noted otherwise. 'T'beams, Angle iron, "C", "Z"or"S"purlins or beams, open or closed, shall not be allowed. ROOFING: 1. All roofing shall be 24 gauge Zincalume/Galvalume coated steel panels. "Mega-Rib" panels shall be 36"wide with 1'/2" high ribs @ 7.2". All roofing shall be pre-finished with Duratech 5000 or equal, 30 year paint finish. All roof panels shall be pre-cut with ribs running with the slope of the roof. Screws & rivets shall match roof color. Fascia shall be tube steel. POWDER COATING: 1. All frame members shall be media blasted to a white finish removing all rust, scale, oil and grease. Powder coating for all frame members shall be provisionally warranted for (10)ten years with TRUZINC 7520-70138 primer with a Dry Film Thickness of(2.0-6.0 mils) & hardness of 2H-3H with a Salt Spray Resistance of 6000 hours and Super Durable Gloss Polyester 9000 series finish paint (2.5-3.5 mils)with a hardness of H-H2 & has 1000 hour salt spray resistance. Total of primer&finish paint shall be 4.5-9.5 mils of paint. Finish shall be a smooth uniform surface with no pits, runs or sags. For additional information, please visit http://www.tcipowder.com/for a complete list of specifications. ERECTION: 1. Manufacturer shall supply complete layout and detail plans with installation instructions for the structure. The structure shall be erected in a work-man-like manner with framing, roofing and trim installed according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. Care shall be taken to avoid damaging the structure during installation. Touch up powder coat paint with paint provided to prevent rusting. Components of the structure shall be covered and kept dry prior to erection. WARRANTEE: 1. Manufacturer shall warranty the structure to be free from defects in material and work- man-ship for a period of(10)ten years from date of acceptance by owner. Warranty does not include damage from theft, fire, vandalism or acts of God. Manufacturer shall repair or replace structure components of like kind at his option, to match existing material and workmanship. Steel roof finish shall be warranted for(30)thirty years under a separate roof manufacturer's warranty. Powder coat paint shall be warranted for(10) ten years after acceptance from owner against peeling, flaking and rusting. Warranty does not cover damage caused from shipping, erection of structure, lack of touchup and maintenance, overspray from lawn sprinklers or vandalism. Bolt threads are not powder coated and therefore are not covered under the powder coat warranty. NOTE: Engineering specifications take precedence over drawings if differences occur. 0�0�0 �� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o 6' 24 GA MEGA-RIB STEEL ROOF 24 GA"J" CHANNEL FASCIA BEAM RIDGE BEAM CUSTOM BRACKETS FOR SIGN PER CUSTOMER 5"X 5" COLUMN BARGE BEAM PLAN VIEW 6' X 8' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS (oh NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 8' 24 GA MEGA—RIB STEEL ROOF FASCIA BEAM 6' CUSTOM BRACKETS FOR SIGN PER CUSTOMER N 4'-14" M 5"X 5" COLUMN ELEVATION 6' X 8' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 6' 24 GA MEGA-RIB STEEL ROOF 12 6� BARGE r BEAM 1 1/2"X 1 1/2"X 3/16"ANGLE BOLTED TO COLUMN WITH 1 1/2"X 3/16" FLAT BAR TO SECURE CUSTOMER SIGN. v iv 14" INSIDE ti 1" INSIDE "C" CHANNEL 18" 1 4' ID X 1" ID X 3/16"THK. BOLTED TO COLUMN M 5"X 5" COLUMN END ELEVATION 6' X 8' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 6' 3' 3' + + ROOF LINE 60 CTR OF FTG,A-BOLT LAYOUT, COLUMN & ELEC. CONDUIT IF REQ'D + + + -IN L� LAYOUT PLAN 6' X 8' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY!! oa0�o FOOTING SIZE MAY CHANGE W/ ohSTRUCTRURAL ENGINEERING ADJUST FTG. DEPTH FOR LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS SIN (4)A-BOLTS 5"X 5" COLUMN ELEC CONDUIT IF REQ'D. BASEPLATE SIN `O 5"X 5" COLUMN G HAND HOLE w/COVER FINISH GRADE SLAB HEX NUT BY CONTRACTOR WASHER & BASE PLATE ° - N 00 n e N e e n a a OPTIONAL ABC 1 l a o f _ 2500 PSI CONCRETE JL 4-41 BY CONTRACTOR (4)-%"X 14"A-36 ALL ° ° , ° ° ° STUB ELEC CONDUIT THREAD A-BOLTS °a PER LOCAL CODE EMBEDDED 12" 4° ° SEE COL DTL PLAN w/(2) HEX NUTS °< FOR LOCATION IF REQ'D. BY CONTRACTOR — a L11- 7Ll -1 1I— (4)#5 REBAR EACH } 3"TYP WAY TOP & BTM co 3'-0" SQ NON-EXPANSIVE, UNDISTURBED OR 95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4—BOLT SUB—SURFACE SPREAD FOOTING DETAIL 6' X 8' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY!! FOOTING SIZE MAY CHANGE W/ 17 001 STRUCTRURAL ENGINEERING SIN ADJUST FTG. DEPTH FOR 12 LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS ® (4) A-BOLTS BASE PLATE CONDUIT HOLE IF REQ'D. 104 5"X 5" COLUMN 5"X 5" COLUMN HAND HOLE w/COVER HEX NUT BY CONTRACTOR FINISH GRADE SLABCj WASHER & BASE PLATE d � > ° °00 c III a �, _ �a rl _ #3HORIZ REBAR TIES 6" OC. (3) IN TOP 5" 2500 PSI CONCRETE (4)-%" X 14"A-36 ALL BY CONTRACTOR THREAD A-BOLTS I I — o EMBEDDED 12" I r STUB ELEC CONDUIT w/(2) HEX NUTS 4 PER LOCAL CODE BY CONTRACTOR 4 I SEE COL DTL PLAN a a FOR LOCATION IF REQ'D. -` (6)#5 VERTICAL REBAR 3"TYP NON-EXPANSIVE, } UNDISTURBED OR 95% 2'-0" DIA COMPACTED SUBGRADE M 4-BOLT SUB-SURFACE SPREAD FOOTING DETAIL 6' X 8' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS 0�0�0 ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL 6'X 12' 2 POST w/CUSTOM BRACKETS SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Roof Dimensions 6'-0"x 12'-0" Column Dimensions (center to center) 3'-019x 8'-7" Minimum Clearance 7'-2" Roof Height @ Ridge ±9'-1 " Gable Roof 6:12 pitch Square Feet Under Roof ±72 Date of drawing March 20, 2024 Columns shall be 5"x 5" steel tube, minimum .120"wall thickness. All beams shall be structural steel tube sized according to engineering. All bolts shall be A-307 or A-325 and hidden at all connections. Roofing shall be 24 gauge Mega-Rib steel pre-cut, pre-finished with ribs running with the slope of the roof. Trim shall be 24 gauge pre-finished to match roofing. Fascia shall be tube steel. Custom brackets for sign per customer. Open or welded"C" channel, "I"beams, "S" or"Z"purlins or angle iron shall not be allowed. 11875 E.Berry Dr. -Dewey,AZ 86327 Phone: (928)775-3307 Fax: (928)772-0858 info(aa-Mas sicrecreation.corn www.classicrecreation.com STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS w/ TRUZINC RICH PRIMER& SUPER DURABLE POWDER COAT PAINT GENERAL: 1. All structures shall be designed and fabricated to the IBC (Latest Edition) or current local building code with standard load designs of the greater value of 20# per S.F. minimum live load and 115 mph sustained wind load or site specific conditions and the applicable zone for seismic loads. 2. All members shall be designed according to the"American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) specifications and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) specifications for cold-formed members. 3. All fabrication welds shall be in strict accordance with the structural welding code of the American Welding Society (AWS) specifications. All structural welds shall be in compliance with the requirements of"Pre-qualified"welded joints. All welding shall conform to ASTM A-233 series E-70XX electrodes- low hydrogen. Field welding shall not be required. 4. When required, after award of bid, the shade structure manufacturer shall submit structural calculations, sealed by a registered engineer in the state in which the structure is to be erected for review and approval by the approving agency. 5. Manufacturer qualifications: All manufacturers shall have a minimum of(20)twenty years experience in the fabrication of tubular steel shade structures. Shade structure and kiosk fabrication shall be the manufacturer's Primary business. Manufacturer shall have fabricated similar structures to that which is specified. All non-specified manufacturers shall submit complete shop drawings indicating type, size &gauge of material used, with detailed connections to the specifying agency or design firm at least 10 days prior to bid opening for review and written pre-approval. All bids submitted without prior approval will be reiected. FOOTINGS & COLUMNS: 1. Footings shall be structurally engineered by the structure manufacturer to meet local codes and site conditions. (Sample footing drawings shall be made available to the contractor or owner from the manufacturer). When required for structure installation, anchor bolts shall be supplied by the owner/contractor. Columns shall be ASTM 500 grade B. Concrete footing rebar(if required) shall be ASTM A-615 grade 40#4 bars & smaller, grade 60#5 bars & larger. Concrete shall be 5 sack mix"Portland" cement. Maximum slump shall not exceed 4". Concrete compressive strength shall be a minimum of 2500 psi @ 28 days. _95W. FRAME MEMBERS AND COMPRESSION RING: 1. 90% of all steel shall be American (domestic) made. Mill certification shall be made available upon request. All frame members shall be one piece structural steel tube with a minimum .120 (1/8")wall thickness, sized according to engineering. All frame members shall be bolted together with bolts totally concealed. All tubing for frame members shall be ASTM 500 grade B. Beam end plates shall be ASTM A36 fy=36,000 psi UNO. Bolts shall be A 307's, or 325's unless noted otherwise. 'T'beams, Angle iron, "C", "Z"or"S"purlins or beams, open or closed, shall not be allowed. ROOFING: 1. All roofing shall be 24 gauge Zincalume/Galvalume coated steel panels. "Mega-Rib" panels shall be 36"wide with 1'/2" high ribs @ 7.2". All roofing shall be pre-finished with Duratech 5000 or equal, 30 year paint finish. All roof panels shall be pre-cut with ribs running with the slope of the roof. Screws & rivets shall match roof color. Fascia shall be tube steel. POWDER COATING: 1. All frame members shall be media blasted to a white finish removing all rust, scale, oil and grease. Powder coating for all frame members shall be provisionally warranted for (10)ten years with TRUZINC 7520-70138 primer with a Dry Film Thickness of(2.0-6.0 mils) & hardness of 2H-3H with a Salt Spray Resistance of 6000 hours and Super Durable Gloss Polyester 9000 series finish paint (2.5-3.5 mils)with a hardness of H-H2 & has 1000 hour salt spray resistance. Total of primer&finish paint shall be 4.5-9.5 mils of paint. Finish shall be a smooth uniform surface with no pits, runs or sags. For additional information, please visit http://www.tcipowder.com/for a complete list of specifications. ERECTION: 1. Manufacturer shall supply complete layout and detail plans with installation instructions for the structure. The structure shall be erected in a work-man-like manner with framing, roofing and trim installed according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. Care shall be taken to avoid damaging the structure during installation. Touch up powder coat paint with paint provided to prevent rusting. Components of the structure shall be covered and kept dry prior to erection. WARRANTEE: 1. Manufacturer shall warranty the structure to be free from defects in material and work- man-ship for a period of(10)ten years from date of acceptance by owner. Warranty does not include damage from theft, fire, vandalism or acts of God. Manufacturer shall repair or replace structure components of like kind at his option, to match existing material and workmanship. Steel roof finish shall be warranted for(30)thirty years under a separate roof manufacturer's warranty. Powder coat paint shall be warranted for(10) ten years after acceptance from owner against peeling, flaking and rusting. Warranty does not cover damage caused from shipping, erection of structure, lack of touchup and maintenance, overspray from lawn sprinklers or vandalism. Bolt threads are not powder coated and therefore are not covered under the powder coat warranty. NOTE: Engineering specifications take precedence over drawings if differences occur. 0�0�0 �� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o 6' 24 GA MEGA-RIB STEEL ROOF 24 GA"J" CHANNEL FASCIA BEAM RIDGE BEAM CUSTOM BRACKETS FOR SIGN PER CUSTOMER 5"X 5" COLUMN BARGE BEAM PLAN VIEW 6' X 12' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS 0�0�0 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 12' 24 GA MEGA-RIB STEEL ROOF FASCIA BEAM -v CUSTOM BRACKETS FOR SIGN PER CUSTOMER N i 5"X 5" COLUMN ELEVATION 6' X 12' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 6' 24 GA MEGA-RIB STEEL ROOF 12 6� BARGE r BEAM 1 1/2"X 1 1/2"X 3/16"ANGLE BOLTED TO COLUMN WITH 1 1/2"X 3/16" FLAT BAR TO SECURE CUSTOMER SIGN. v iv 14" INSIDE ti 1" INSIDE "C" CHANNEL 18" 1 4' ID X 1" ID X 3/16"THK. BOLTED TO COLUMN ih 5"X 5" COLUMN END ELEVATION 6' X 12' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 6' 3' - 3' SIN ROOF LINE N � 00 CTR OF FTG, A-BOLT LAYOUT, COLUMN & ELEC. CONDUIT IF REQ'D +1-+ + + SIN LAYOUT PLAN 6' X 12' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY!! oa0�o FOOTING SIZE MAY CHANGE W/ ohSTRUCTRURAL ENGINEERING ADJUST FTG. DEPTH FOR LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS SIN (4)A-BOLTS 5"X 5" COLUMN ELEC CONDUIT IF REQ'D. BASEPLATE SIN `O 5"X 5" COLUMN G HAND HOLE w/COVER FINISH GRADE SLAB HEX NUT BY CONTRACTOR WASHER & BASE PLATE ° - N 00 n e N e e n a a OPTIONAL ABC 1 l a o f _ 2500 PSI CONCRETE JL 4-41 BY CONTRACTOR (4)-%"X 14"A-36 ALL ° ° , ° ° ° STUB ELEC CONDUIT THREAD A-BOLTS °a PER LOCAL CODE EMBEDDED 12" 4° ° SEE COL DTL PLAN w/(2) HEX NUTS °< FOR LOCATION IF REQ'D. BY CONTRACTOR — a L11- 7Ll -1 1I— (4)#5 REBAR EACH } 3"TYP WAY TOP & BTM co 3'-0" SQ NON-EXPANSIVE, UNDISTURBED OR 95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4—BOLT SUB—SURFACE SPREAD FOOTING DETAIL 6' X 12' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS NOTE: FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY!! oa��o FOOTING SIZE MAY CHANGE W/ STRUCTRURAL ENGINEERING —IN ADJUST FTG. DEPTH FOR � 12 LOCAL FROST CONDITIONS ® 0- (4)A-BOLTS BASE PLATE CONDUIT HOLE IF REQ'D. 5"X 5" COLUMN -iN 5"X 5"COLUMN HAND HOLE w/COVER HEX NUT BY CONTRACTOR FINISH GRADE SLABCj WASHER & BASE PLATE OR— G ° . to G � N a a $ ° °d SIN o a v ° a 00 a G Lo _ �d �I—J _ #3HORIZ REBAR TIES 6" OC. (3) IN TOP 5" hi � I d q d 2500 PSI CONCRETE (4)THREAD A-BOLTS L — BY CONTRACTOR o EMBEDDED 12" r STUB ELEC CONDUIT w/(2) HEX NUTS d PER LOCAL CODE BY CONTRACTOR 4 I SEE COL DTL PLAN d 4 FOR LOCATION IF REQ'D. d d = (6)#5 VERTICAL REBAR L L - i- - a 3"TYP NON-EXPANSIVE, UNDISTURBED OR 95% 2-0 DIA COMPACTED SUBGRADE M 4-BOLT SUB-SURFACE SPREAD FOOTING DETAIL 6' X 12' ORLANDO KIOSK MODEL NTS DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS Sourcewell it Solicitation Number: RFP #010521 CONTRACT This Contract is between Sourcewell, 202 12th Street Northeast, P.O. Box 219, Staples, MN 56479 (Sourcewell) and PlayPower, Inc., 11515 Vanstory Drive#100, Huntersville, NC 28078 (Vendor). Sourcewell is a State of Minnesota local government agency and service cooperative created under the laws of the State of Minnesota (Minnesota Statutes Section 123A.21)that offers cooperative procurement solutions to government entities. Participation is open to federal, state/province, and municipal governmental entities, higher education, K-12 education, nonprofit, tribal government, and other public entities located in the United States and Canada. Sourcewell issued a public solicitation for Playground and Water Play Equipment with Related Accessories and Services from which Vendor was awarded a contract. Vendor desires to contract with Sourcewell to provide equipment, products, or services to Sourcewell and the entities that access Sourcewell's cooperative purchasing contracts (Participating Entities). 1. TERM OF CONTRACT A. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Contract is effective upon the date of the final signature below. B. EXPIRATION DATE AND EXTENSION. This Contract expires February 17, 2025, unless it is cancelled sooner pursuant to Article 22.This Contract may be extended up to one additional one-year period upon request of Sourcewell and with written agreement by Vendor. C. SURVIVAL OF TERMS. Articles 11 through 14 survive the expiration or cancellation of this Contract. 2. EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES A. EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES. Vendor will provide the Equipment, Products, or Services as stated in its Proposal submitted under the Solicitation Number listed above. Vendor's Equipment, Products, or Services Proposal (Proposal) is attached and incorporated into this Contract. Rev. 10/2020 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS All Equipment and Products provided under this Contract must be new/current model. Vendor may offer close-out or refurbished Equipment or Products if they are clearly indicated in Vendor's product and pricing list. Unless agreed to by the Participating Entities in advance, Equipment or Products must be delivered as operational to the Participating Entity's site. This Contract offers an indefinite quantity of sales, and while substantial volume is anticipated, sales and sales volume are not guaranteed. B. WARRANTY. Vendor warrants that all Equipment, Products, and Services furnished are free from liens and encumbrances, and are free from defects in design, materials, and workmanship. In addition, Vendor warrants the Equipment, Products, and Services are suitable for and will perform in accordance with the ordinary use for which they are intended. Vendor's dealers and distributors must agree to assist the Participating Entity in reaching a resolution in any dispute over warranty terms with the manufacturer. Any manufacturer's warranty that is effective past the expiration of the Vendor's warranty will be passed on to the Participating Entity. C. DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AND/OR RESELLERS. Upon Contract execution, Vendor will make available to Sourcewell a means to validate or authenticate Vendor's authorized dealers, distributors, and/or resellers relative to the Equipment, Products, and Services related to this Contract. This list may be updated from time-to-time and is incorporated into this Contract by reference. It is the Vendor's responsibility to ensure Sourcewell receives the most current version of this list. 3. PRICING All Equipment, Products, or Services under this Contract will be priced as stated in Vendor's Proposal. When providing pricing quotes to Participating Entities, all pricing quoted must reflect a Participating Entity's total cost of acquisition. This means that the quoted cost is for delivered Equipment, Products, and Services that are operational for their intended purpose, and includes all costs to the Participating Entity's requested delivery location. Regardless of the payment method chosen by the Participating Entity, the total cost associated with any purchase option of the Equipment, Products, or Services must always be disclosed in the pricing quote to the applicable Participating Entity at the time of purchase. A. SHIPPING AND SHIPPING COSTS. All delivered Equipment and Products must be properly packaged. Damaged Equipment and Products may be rejected. If the damage is not readily apparent at the time of delivery, Vendor must permit the Equipment and Products to be returned within a reasonable time at no cost to Sourcewell or its Participating Entities. Participating Entities reserve the right to inspect the Equipment and Products at a reasonable Rev. 10/2020 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS time after delivery where circumstances or conditions prevent effective inspection of the Equipment and Products at the time of delivery. Vendor must arrange for and pay for the return shipment on Equipment and Products that arrive in a defective or inoperable condition. Sourcewell may declare the Vendor in breach of this Contract if the Vendor intentionally delivers substandard or inferior Equipment or Products. In the event of the delivery of nonconforming Equipment and Products, the Participating Entity will notify the Vendor as soon as possible and the Vendor will replace nonconforming Equipment and Products with conforming Equipment and Products that are acceptable to the Participating Entity. B. SALES TAX. Each Participating Entity is responsible for supplying the Vendor with valid tax- exemption certification(s). When ordering, a Participating Entity must indicate if it is a tax- exempt entity. C. HOT LIST PRICING. At anytime during this Contract, Vendor may offer a specific selection of Equipment, Products, or Services at discounts greater than those listed in the Contract. When Vendor determines it will offer Hot List Pricing, it must be submitted electronically to Sourcewell in a line-item format. Equipment, Products, or Services may be added or removed from the Hot List at any time through a Sourcewell Price and Product Change Form as defined in Article 4 below. Hot List program and pricing may also be used to discount and liquidate close-out and discontinued Equipment and Products as long as those close-out and discontinued items are clearly identified as such. Current ordering process and administrative fees apply. Hot List Pricing must be published and made available to all Participating Entities. 4. PRODUCT AND PRICING CHANGE REQUESTS Vendor may request Equipment, Product, or Service changes, additions, or deletions at any time. All requests must be made in writing by submitting a signed Sourcewell Price and Product Change Request Form to the assigned Sourcewell Contract Administrator.This form is available from the assigned Sourcewell Contract Administrator. At a minimum,the request must: • Identify the applicable Sourcewell contract number; • Clearly specify the requested change; • Provide sufficient detail to justify the requested change; • Individually list all Equipment, Products, or Services affected by the requested change, along with the requested change (e.g., addition, deletion, price change); and • Include a complete restatement of pricing documentation in Microsoft Excel with the effective date of the modified pricing, or product addition or deletion. The new pricing Rev. 10/2020 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS restatement must include all Equipment, Products, and Services offered, even for those items where pricing remains unchanged. A fully executed Sourcewell Price and Product Request Form will become an amendment to this Contract and be incorporated by reference. S. PARTICIPATION, CONTRACT ACCESS,AND PARTICIPATING ENTITY REQUIREMENTS A. PARTICIPATION. Sourcewell's cooperative contracts are available and open to public and nonprofit entities across the United States and Canada; such as federal, state/province, municipal, K-12 and higher education, tribal government, and other public entities. The benefits of this Contract should be available to all Participating Entities that can legally access the Equipment, Products, or Services under this Contract. A Participating Entity's authority to access this Contract is determined through its cooperative purchasing, interlocal, or joint powers laws. Any entity accessing benefits of this Contract will be considered a Service Member of Sourcewell during such time of access. Vendor understands that a Participating Entity's use of this Contract is at the Participating Entity's sole convenience and Participating Entities reserve the right to obtain like Equipment, Products, or Services from any other source. Vendor is responsible for familiarizing its sales and service forces with Sourcewell contract use eligibility requirements and documentation and will encourage potential participating entities to join Sourcewell. Sourcewell reserves the right to add and remove Participating Entities to its roster during the term of this Contract. B. PUBLIC FACILITIES. Vendor's employees maybe required to perform work at government- owned facilities, including schools. Vendor's employees and agents must conduct themselves in a professional manner while on the premises, and in accordance with Participating Entity policies and procedures, and all applicable laws. 6. PARTICIPATING ENTITY USE AND PURCHASING A. ORDERS AND PAYMENT. To access the contracted Equipment, Products, or Services under this Contract, a Participating Entity must clearly indicate to Vendor that it intends to access this Contract; however, order flow and procedure will be developed jointly between Sourcewell and Vendor. Typically, a Participating Entity will issue an order directly to Vendor. If a Participating Entity issues a purchase order, it may use its own forms, but the purchase order should clearly note the applicable Sourcewell contract number. All Participating Entity orders under this Contract must be issued prior to expiration of this Contract; however, Vendor performance, Participating Entity payment, and any applicable warranty periods or other Vendor or Participating Entity obligations may extend beyond the term of this Contract. Rev. 10/2020 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS Vendor's acceptable forms of payment are included in Attachment A. Participating Entities will be solely responsible for payment and Sourcewell will have no liability for any unpaid invoice of any Participating Entity. B. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS/PARTICIPATING ADDENDUM. Additional terms and conditions to a purchase order, or other required transaction documentation, may be negotiated between a Participating Entity and Vendor, such as job or industry-specific requirements, legal requirements (e.g., affirmative action or immigration status requirements), or specific local policy requirements. Some Participating Entitles may require the use of a Participating Addendum;the terms of which will be worked out directly between the Participating Entity and the Vendor. Any negotiated additional terms and conditions must never be less favorable to the Participating Entity than what is contained in this Contract. C. SPECIALIZED SERVICE REQUIREMENTS. In the event that the Participating Entity requires service or specialized performance requirements (such as e-commerce specifications, specialized delivery requirements, or other specifications and requirements) not addressed in this Contract, the Participating Entity and the Vendor may enter into a separate, standalone agreement, apart from this Contract. Sourcewell, including its agents and employees, will not be made a party to a claim for breach of such agreement. D. TERMINATION OF ORDERS. Participating Entities may terminate an order, in whole or in part, immediately upon notice to Vendor in the event of any of the following events: 1. The Participating Entity fails to receive funding or appropriation from its governing body at levels sufficient to pay for the goods to be purchased; 2. Federal, state, or provincial laws or regulations prohibit the purchase or change the Participating Entity's requirements; or 3. Vendor commits any material breach of this Contract or the additional terms agreed to between the Vendor and a Participating Entity. E. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. The governing law and venue for any action related to a Participating Entity's order will be determined by the Participating Entity making the purchase. 7. CUSTOMER SERVICE A. PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE. Vendor will assign an Account Representative to Sourcewell for this Contract and must provide prompt notice to Sourcewell if that person is changed. The Account Representative will be responsible for: • Maintenance and management of this Contract; • Timely response to all Sourcewell and Participating Entity inquiries; and • Business reviews to Sourcewell and Participating Entities, if applicable. Rev. 10/2020 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS B. BUSINESS REVIEWS. Vendor must perform a minimum of one business review with Sourcewell per contract year. The business review will cover sales to Participating Entities, pricing and contract terms, administrative fees, supply issues, customer issues, and any other necessary information. 8. REPORT ON CONTRACT SALES ACTIVITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEE PAYMENT A. CONTRACT SALES ACTIVITY REPORT. Each calendar quarter, Vendor must provide a contract sales activity report (Report)to the Sourcewell Contract Administrator assigned to this Contract. A Report must be provided regardless of the number or amount of sales during that quarter (i.e., if there are no sales, Vendor must submit a report indicating no sales were made). The Report must contain the following fields: • Customer Name (e.g., City of Staples Highway Department); • Customer Physical Street Address; • Customer City; • Customer State/Province; • Customer Zip Code; • Customer Contact Name; • Customer Contact Email Address; • Customer Contact Telephone Number; • Sourcewell Assigned Entity/Participating Entity Number; • Item Purchased Description; • Item Purchased Price; • Sourcewell Administrative Fee Applied; and • Date Purchase was invoiced/sale was recognized as revenue by Vendor. B. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE. In consideration for the support and services provided by Sourcewell, the Vendor will pay an administrative fee to Sourcewell on all Equipment, Products, and Services provided to Participating Entities. The Administrative Fee must be included in, and not added to, the pricing. Vendor may not charge Participating Entities more than the contracted price to offset the Administrative Fee. The Vendor will submit payment to Sourcewell for the percentage of administrative fee stated in the Proposal multiplied by the total sales of all Equipment, Products, and Services purchased by Participating Entities under this Contract during each calendar quarter. Payments should note the Vendor's name and Sourcewell-assigned contract number in the memo; and must be mailed to the address above "Attn: Accounts Receivable" or remitted electronically to Sourcewell's banking institution per Sourcewell's Finance department instructions. Payments must be received no later than 45 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter. Rev. 10/2020 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS Vendor agrees to cooperate with Sourcewell in auditing transactions under this Contract to ensure that the administrative fee is paid on all items purchased under this Contract. In the event the Vendor is delinquent in any undisputed administrative fees, Sourcewell reserves the right to cancel this Contract and reject any proposal submitted by the Vendor in any subsequent solicitation. In the event this Contract is cancelled by either party prior to the Contract's expiration date, the administrative fee payment will be due no more than 30 days from the cancellation date. 9. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sourcewell's Authorized Representative is its Chief Procurement Officer. Vendor's Authorized Representative is the person named in the Vendor's Proposal. If Vendor's Authorized Representative changes at any time during this Contract, Vendor must promptly notify Sourcewell in writing. 10. AUDIT, ASSIGNMENT, AMENDMENTS, WAIVER, AND CONTRACT COMPLETE A. AUDIT. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 5,the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices relevant this Agreement are subject to examination by Sourcewell or the Minnesota State Auditor for a minimum of six years from the end of this Contract. This clause extends to Participating Entities as it relates to business conducted by that Participating Entity under this Contract. B. ASSIGNMENT. Neither the Vendor nor Sourcewell may assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Contract without the prior consent of the parties and a fully executed assignment agreement. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld. C. AMENDMENTS. Any amendment to this Contract must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been fully executed by the parties. D. WAIVER. If either party fails to enforce any provision of this Contract, that failure does not waive the provision or the right to enforce it. E. CONTRACT COMPLETE. This Contract contains all negotiations and agreements between Sourcewell and Vendor. No other understanding regarding this Contract, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. For any conflict between the attached Proposal and the terms set out in Articles 1-22,the terms of Articles 1-22 will govern. F. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. The relationship of the parties is one of independent contractors, each free to exercise judgment and discretion with regard to the conduct of their Rev. 10/2020 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS respective businesses. This Contract does not create a partnership,joint venture, or any other relationship such as master-servant, or principal-agent. 11. LIABILITY Vendor must indemnify, save, and hold Sourcewell and its Participating Entities, including their agents and employees, harmless from any claims or causes of action, including attorneys' fees, arising out of the performance of this Contract by the Vendor or its agents or employees; this indemnification includes injury or death to person(s) or property alleged to have been caused by some defect in the Equipment, Products, or Services under this Contract to the extent the Equipment, Product, or Service has been used according to its specifications. 12. GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES Vendor and Sourcewell must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to all data provided by or provided to Sourcewell under this Contract and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Vendor under this Contract. If the Vendor receives a request to release the data referred to in this article, the Vendor must immediately notify Sourcewell and Sourcewell will assist with how the Vendor should respond to the request. 13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, PUBLICITY, MARKETING, AND ENDORSEMENT A. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 1. Grant of License. During the term of this Contract: a. Sourcewell grants to Vendor a royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license to use theTrademark(s) provided to Vendor by Sourcewell in advertising and promotional materials for the purpose of marketing Sourcewell's relationship with Vendor. b. Vendor grants to Sourcewell a royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license to use Vendor's Trademarks in advertising and promotional materials for the purpose of marketing Vendor's relationship with Sourcewell. 2. Limited Right of Sublicense. The right and license granted herein includes a limited right of each party to grant sublicenses to its and their respective distributors, marketing representatives, and agents (collectively "Permitted Sublicensees") in advertising and promotional materials for the purpose of marketing the Parties' relationship to Participating Entities. Any sublicense granted will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Article. Each party will be responsible for any breach of this Article by any of their respective sublicensees. 3. Use; Quality Control. Rev. 10/2020 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS a. Sourcewell must not alter Vendor's Trademarks from the form provided by Vendor and must comply with Vendor's removal requests as to specific uses of its trademarks or logos. b. Vendor must not alter Sourcewell's Trademarks from the form provided by Sourcewell and must comply with Sourcewell's removal requests as to specific uses of its trademarks or logos. c. Each party agrees to use, and to cause its Permitted Sublicensees to use, the other party's Trademarks only in good faith and in a dignified manner consistent with such party's use of the Trademarks. Upon written notice to the breaching party, the breaching party has 30 days of the date of the written notice to cure the breach or the license will be terminated. 4. As applicable, Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Sourcewell and its Participating Entities against any and all suits, claims,judgments, and costs instituted or recovered against Sourcewell or Participating Entities by any person on account of the use of any Equipment or Products by Sourcewell or its Participating Entities supplied by Vendor in violation of applicable patent or copyright laws. 5. Termination. Upon the termination of this Contract for any reason, each party, including Permitted Sublicensees, will have 30 days to remove all Trademarks from signage, websites, and the like bearing the other party's name or logo (excepting Sourcewell's pre-printed catalog of vendors which may be used until the next printing). Vendor must return all marketing and promotional materials, including signage, provided by Sourcewell, or dispose of it according to Sourcewell's written directions. B. PUBLICITY. Any publicity regarding the subject matter of this Contract must not be released without prior written approval from the Authorized Representatives. Publicity includes notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Vendor individually or jointly with others, or any subcontractors, with respect to the program, publications, or services provided resulting from this Contract. C. MARKETING. Any direct advertising, marketing, or offers with Participating Entities must be approved by Sourcewell. Materials should be sent to the Sourcewell Contract Administrator assigned to this Contract. D. ENDORSEMENT. The Vendor must not claim that Sourcewell endorses its Equipment, Products, or Services. 14. GOVERNING LAW,JURISDICTION, AND VENUE Minnesota law governs this Contract. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this Contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state court in Todd County or federal court in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Rev. 10/2020 9 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS 15. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party to this Contract will be held responsible for delay or default caused by acts of God or other conditions that are beyond that party's reasonable control. A party defaulting under this provision must provide the other party prompt written notice of the default. 16. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Contract is found to be illegal, unenforceable, or void then both Sourcewell and Vendor will be relieved of all obligations arising under such provisions. If the remainder of this Contract is capable of performance, it will not be affected by such declaration or finding and must be fully performed. 17. PERFORMANCE, DEFAULT, AND REMEDIES A. PERFORMANCE. During the term of this Contract,the parties will monitor performance and address unresolved contract issues as follows: 1. Notification. The parties must promptly notify each other of any known dispute and work in good faith to resolve such dispute within a reasonable period of time. If necessary, Sourcewell and the Vendor will jointly develop a short briefing document that describes the issue(s), relevant impact, and positions of both parties. 2. Escalation. If parties are unable to resolve the issue in a timely manner, as specified above, either Sourcewell or Vendor may escalate the resolution of the issue to a higher level of management. The Vendor will have 30 calendar days to cure an outstanding issue. 3. Performance while Dispute is Pending. Notwithstanding the existence of a dispute,the Vendor must continue without delay to carry out all of its responsibilities under the Contract that are not affected by the dispute. If the Vendor fails to continue without delay to perform its responsibilities under the Contract, in the accomplishment of all undisputed work, any additional costs incurred by Sourcewell and/or its Participating Entities as a result of such failure to proceed will be borne by the Vendor. B. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. Either of the following constitutes cause to declare this Contract, or any Participating Entity order under this Contract, in default: 1. Nonperformance of contractual requirements, or 2. A material breach of any term or condition of this Contract. Written notice of default and a reasonable opportunity to cure must be issued by the party claiming default. Time allowed for cure will not diminish or eliminate any liability for liquidated or other damages. If the default remains after the opportunity for cure, the non-defaulting party may: Rev. 10/2020 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS • Exercise any remedy provided by law or equity, or • Terminate the Contract or any portion thereof, including any orders issued against the Contract. 18. INSURANCE A. REQUIREMENTS. At its own expense, Vendor must maintain insurance policy(ies) in effect at all times during the performance of this Contract with insurance company(ies) licensed or authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota having an "AM BEST" rating of A- or better, with coverage and limits of insurance not less than the following: 1. Workers'Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation: As required by any applicable law or regulation. Employer's Liability Insurance: must be provided in amounts not less than listed below: Minimum limits: $500,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident $500,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease $500,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease 2. Commercial General Liability Insurance. Vendor will maintain insurance covering its operations, with coverage on an occurrence basis, and must be subject to terms no less broad than the Insurance Services Office ("ISO") Commercial General Liability Form CG0001 (2001 or newer edition), or equivalent. At a minimum, coverage must include liability arising from premises, operations, bodily injury and property damage, independent contractors, products-completed operations including construction defect, contractual liability, blanket contractual liability, and personal injury and advertising injury. All required limits, terms and conditions of coverage must be maintained during the term of this Contract. Minimum Limits: $1,000,000 each occurrence Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury $2,000,000 aggregate for Products-Completed operations $2,000,000 general aggregate 3. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance. During the term of this Contract, Vendor will maintain insurance covering all owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles in limits of liability not less than indicated below. The coverage must be subject to terms no less broad than ISO Business Auto Coverage Form CA 0001 (2010 edition or newer), or equivalent. Minimum Limits: $1,000,000 each accident, combined single limit Rev. 10/2020 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS 4. Umbrella Insurance. During the term of this Contract, Vendor will maintain umbrella coverage over Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and Commercial Automobile. Minimum Limits: $2,000,000 5. Professional/Technical, Errors and Omissions, and/or Miscellaneous Professional Liability. During the term of this Contract, Vendor will maintain coverage for all claims the Vendor may become legally obligated to pay resulting from any actual or alleged negligent act, error, or omission related to Vendor's professional services required under this Contract. Minimum Limits: $2,000,000 per claim or event $2,000,000—annual aggregate Failure of Vendor to maintain the required insurance will constitute a material breach entitling Sourcewell to immediately terminate this Contract for default. B. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE. Prior to commencing under this Contract, Vendor must furnish to Sourcewell a certificate of insurance, as evidence of the insurance required under this Contract. Prior to expiration of the policy(ies), renewal certificates must be mailed to Sourcewell, 202 12th Street Northeast, P.O. Box 219, Staples, MN 56479 or sent to the Sourcewell Contract Administrator assigned to this Contract. The certificates must be signed by a person authorized by the insurer(s)to bind coverage on their behalf. Failure to request certificates of insurance by Sourcewell, or failure of Vendor to provide certificates of insurance, in no way limits or relieves Vendor of its duties and responsibilities in this Contract. C. ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT AND PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY INSURANCE CLAUSE. Vendor agrees to list Sourcewell and its Participating Entities, including their officers, agents, and employees, as an additional insured under the Vendor's commercial general liability insurance policy with respect to liability arising out of activities, "operations," or "work" performed by or on behalf of Vendor, and products and completed operations of Vendor. The policy provision(s) or endorsements) must further provide that coverage is primary and not excess over or contributory with any other valid, applicable, and collectible insurance or self-insurance in force for the additional insureds. D. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION. Vendor waives and must require (by endorsement or otherwise) all its insurers to waive subrogation rights against Sourcewell and other additional insureds for losses paid under the insurance policies required by this Contract or other insurance applicable to the Vendor or its subcontractors. The waiver must apply to all deductibles and/or self-insured retentions applicable to the required or any other insurance Rev. 10/2020 12 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS maintained by the Vendor or its subcontractors. Where permitted by law, Vendor must require similar written express waivers of subrogation and insurance clauses from each of its subcontractors. E. UMBRELLA/EXCESS LIABILITY/SELF-INSURED RETENTION. The limits required by this Contract can be met by either providing a primary policy or in combination with umbrella/excess liability policy(ies), or self-insured retention. 19. COMPLIANCE A. LAWS AND REGULATIONS. All Equipment, Products, or Services provided under this Contract must comply fully with applicable federal laws and regulations, and with the laws in the states and provinces in which the Equipment, Products, or Services are sold. B. LICENSES. Vendor must maintain a valid and current status on all required federal, state/provincial, and local licenses, bonds, and permits required for the operation of the business that the Vendor conducts with Sourcewell and Participating Entities. 20. BANKRUPTCY, DEBARMENT, OR SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION Vendor certifies and warrants that it is not in bankruptcy or that it has previously disclosed in writing certain information to Sourcewell related to bankruptcy actions. If at any time during this Contract Vendor declares bankruptcy, Vendor must immediately notify Sourcewell in writing. Vendor certifies and warrants that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from programs operated by the State of Minnesota; the United States federal government or the Canadian government, as applicable; or any Participating Entity. Vendor certifies and warrants that neither it nor its principals have been convicted of a criminal offense related to the subject matter of this Contract. Vendor further warrants that it will provide immediate written notice to Sourcewell if this certification changes at anytime. 21. PROVISIONS FOR NON-UNITED STATES FEDERAL ENTITY PROCUREMENTS UNDER UNITED STATES FEDERAL AWARDS OR OTHER AWARDS Participating Entities that use United States federal grant or FEMA funds to purchase goods or services from this Contract may be subject to additional requirements including the procurement standards of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 C.F.R. § 200. Participating Entities may also require additional requirements based on specific funding specifications. Within this Article, all references to "federal" should be interpreted to mean the United States federal government. Rev. 10/2020 13 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS The following list only applies when a Participating Entity accesses Vendor's Equipment, Products, or Services with United States federal funds. A. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. Except as otherwise provided under 41 C.F.R. § 60, all contracts that meet the definition of"federally assisted construction contract" in 41 C.F.R. § 60- 1.3 must include the equal opportunity clause provided under 41 C.F.R. §60-1.4(b), in accordance with Executive Order 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity" (30 FR 12319, 12935, 3 C.F.R. §, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), as amended by Executive Order 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," and implementing regulations at 41 C.F.R. § 60, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor."The equal opportunity clause is incorporated herein by reference. B. DAVIS-BACON ACT, AS AMENDED (40 U.S.C. § 3141-3148). When required by federal program legislation, all prime construction contracts in excess of$2,000 awarded by non- federal entities must include a provision for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. § 3141-3144, and 3146-3148) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. § 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Construction"). In accordance with the statute, contractors must be required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the prevailing wages specified in a wage determination made by the Secretary of Labor. In addition, contractors must be required to pay wages not less than once a week. The non-federal entity must place a copy of the current prevailing wage determination issued by the Department of Labor in each solicitation. The decision to award a contract or subcontract must be conditioned upon the acceptance of the wage determination. The non-federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the federal awarding agency. The contracts must also include a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (40 U.S.C. § 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. § 3, "Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States"). The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient must be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work,to give up any part of the compensation to which he or she is otherwise entitled. The non-federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the federal awarding agency. Vendor must be in compliance with all applicable Davis-Bacon Act provisions. C. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT (40 U.S.C. § 3701-3708). Where applicable, all contracts awarded by the non-federal entity in excess of$100,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with 40 U.S.C. §§ 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 C.F.R. § 5). Under 40 U.S.C. § 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 Rev. 10/2020 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS hours in the work week.The requirements of 40 U.S.C. § 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. This provision is hereby incorporated by reference into this Contract. Vendor certifies that during the term of an award for all contracts by Sourcewell resulting from this procurement process, Vendor must comply with applicable requirements as referenced above. D. RIGHTS TO INVENTIONS MADE UNDER A CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT. If the federal award meets the definition of"funding agreement" under 37 C.F.R. § 401.2(a) and the recipient or subrecipient wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties, assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that "funding agreement," the recipient or subrecipient must comply with the requirements of 37 C.F.R. § 401, "Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements," and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. Vendor certifies that during the term of an award for all contracts by Sourcewell resulting from this procurement process, Vendor must comply with applicable requirements as referenced above. E. CLEAN AIR ACT (42 U.S.C. § 7401-7671Q.) AND THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT (33 U.S.C. § 1251-1387). Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of$150,000 require the non-federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7401- 7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. § 1251- 1387). Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Vendor certifies that during the term of this Contract will comply with applicable requirements as referenced above. F. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (EXECUTIVE ORDERS 12549 AND 12689). A contract award (see 2 C.F.R. § 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government wide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM), in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 C.F.R. §180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 C.F.R. § 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 C.F.R. § 1989 Comp., p. 235), "Debarment and Suspension." SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor certifies that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation by any federal department or agency. G. BYRD ANTI-LOBBYING AMENDMENT, AS AMENDED (31 U.S.C. § 1352). Vendors must file any required certifications. Vendors must not have used federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Rev. 10/2020 15 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any federal contract, grant, or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. § 1352. Vendors must disclose any lobbying with non-federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-federal award. Vendors must file all certifications and disclosures required by, and otherwise comply with,the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. § 1352). H. RECORD RETENTION REQUIREMENTS. To the extent applicable, Vendor must comply with the record retention requirements detailed in 2 C.F.R. § 200.333. The Vendor further certifies that it will retain all records as required by 2 C.F.R. § 200.333 for a period of 3 years after grantees or subgrantees submit final expenditure reports or quarterly or annual financial reports, as applicable, and all other pending matters are closed. I. ENERGY POLICY AND CONSERVATION ACT COMPLIANCE. To the extent applicable, Vendor must comply with the mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. J. BUY AMERICAN PROVISIONS COMPLIANCE. To the extent applicable, Vendor must comply with all applicable provisions of the Buy American Act. Purchases made in accordance with the Buy American Act must follow the applicable procurement rules calling for free and open competition. K. ACCESS TO RECORDS (2 C.F.R. § 200.336). Vendor agrees that duly authorized representatives of a federal agency must have access to any books, documents, papers and records of Vendor that are directly pertinent to Vendor's discharge of its obligations under this Contract for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. The right also includes timely and reasonable access to Vendor's personnel for the purpose of interview and discussion relating to such documents. L. PROCUREMENT OF RECOVERED MATERIALS (2 C.F.R. § 200.322). A non-federal entity that is a state agency or agency of a political subdivision of a state and its contractors must comply with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 C.F.R. § 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; procuring solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery; and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. Rev. 10/2020 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 010521-LTS 22. CANCELLATION Sourcewell or Vendor may cancel this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon 60 days' written notice to the other party. However, Sourcewell may cancel this Contract immediately upon discovery of a material defect in any certification made in Vendor's Proposal. Cancellation of this Contract does not relieve either party of financial, product, or service obligations incurred or accrued prior to cancellation. Sourcewell PlayPower, Inc. DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: By: CDFD2A139DD6489... By: IB286C633F68749C Jeremy Schwartz W. Todd Brinker Title: Director of Operations & Title: Senior Vice President Global Sales & Procurement/CPO Marketing Outdoor Play Date: 2/15/2021 1 10:36 PM CST Date: 2/15/2021 1 2:23 PM CST Approved: I DoccuSigned by: �""Vt� I h By: 7E42B8F817A64CC... Chad Coauette Title: Executive Director/CEO 2/15/2021 1 10:46 PM CST Date: Rev. 10/2020 17 DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 RFP 010521 - Playground and Water Play Equipment with Related Accessories and Services Vendor Details Company Name: PlayPower 11515 Vanstory Drive Address: Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Contact: Christine Stepp Email: christine.stepp@playpower.com Phone: 570-259-5466 HST#: 431681424 Submission Details Created On: Tuesday November 17,2020 12:27:42 Submitted On: Tuesday January 05,2021 16:13:14 Submitted By: Christine Stepp Email: christine.stepp@playpower.com Transaction#: 21 ef8062-9c3f-45fb-8ccb-e615e3baf910 Submitter's IP Address: Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Specifications Table 1: Proposer Identity &Authorized Representatives General Instructions (applies to all Tables) Sourcewell prefers a brief but thorough response to each question. Please do not merely attach additional documents to your response without also providing a substantive response. Do not leave answers blank; mark"NA" if the question does not apply to you (preferably with an explanation). Line Item Question Response* 1 Proposer Legal Name (and PlayPower, Inc. applicable d/b/a, if any): 2 Proposer Address: 11515 Vanstory Drive #100, Huntersville, NC 28078 3 Proposer website address: www.PlayPower.com 4 Proposer's Authorized W. Todd Brinker Representative (name, title, Senior Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing Outdoor Play address, email address & phone) 11515 Vanstory Drive, Suite 100 (The representative must have Huntersville, NC 28078 authority to sign the "Proposer's 704-576-7928 Assurance of Compliance" on behalf of the Proposer and, in the event of award, will be expected to execute the resulting contract): 5 Proposer's primary contact for this Christine Stepp proposal (name, title, address, Sales, Marketing and Contract Administrator email address & phone): 1000 Buffalo Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 570-522-5441 6 Proposer's other contacts for this Bill Wilhite — EZ Dock proposal, if any (name, title, Phone: 417 -737-2110 address, email address & phone): Email: Bill.Wilhite@playpower.com Brett Kidd - Little Tikes Commercial Phone: 678-432-0077 Cell: 573-701-2236 Email: Brett.Kidd@playpower.com Mike Sutton — Miracle Recreation Phone: 724-458-4986 Cell: 715-922-8707 Email: Mike.Sutton@playpower.com Jennifer Smith Phone: 225-907-4749 Cell: 225-424-8843 Email: Jennifer@nofault.com David Sheedy — Playworld Phone: 573-366-6337 Email: David.Sheedy@playpower.com Christine Stepp — PlayPower Phone: 527-259-5466 Email: Christine.Stepp@playpower.com Brock Hodge - Soft Play Phone: 704-948-3430 Mobile:704-904-4067 Email: Brock.Hodge@playpower.com Kevin Spence — USA Shade Phone: 214-269-4112 Mobile: 214-587-9397 Email: kevin.spence@USA-Shade.com Dan Sullivan — Wabash Valley Phone: 813-760-0382 Email: daniel.sullivan@playpower.com Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 2: Company Information and Financial Strength Line Question Response Item 7 Provide a brief history of your company, PlayPower, Inc. is the WORLD'S LARGEST, fully integrated manufacturer of including your company's core values, commercial playground equipment, park & site amenities, fabric shade structures, business philosophy, and industry longevity floating dock systems, lifts for boats and personal water craft, innovative surfacing related to the requested equipment, products products and indoor contained play structures. PlayPower is headquartered in or services. Huntersville NC, with marketing, sales and manufacturing facilities in Baton Rouge, LA, Englewood, CO, Monett MO, Dallas TX, Lewisburg PA, Huntersville NC, United Kingdom, Poland and Scotland. PlayPower's VISION is to be the leader in creating legendary play and recreation experiences around the world. PlayPower's MISSION is to design and manufacture fun and safe play and recreation equipment for all ages and abilities. We will be recognized as the leader for inspiring and creating innovative products and providing superior customer service. We will leverage our brands globally to the benefit of those who use our products and to our customers, employees, and shareholders. PlayPower VALUES honesty and integrity, respect and caring for others, openness and collaboration, individual and team accountability, passion and purpose. PlayPower began in 1927 with Miracle Recreation and is now comprised of multiple companies (brands) focused on playgrounds, commercial recreation and leisure. PlayPower's impressive portfolio of companies include: o Miracle Recreation Equipment Company o Little Tikes Commercial o Playworld o Wabash Valley o EZ Dock o USA Shade & Fabric Structures o Soft Play o Playtime o No Fault o Tayplay o HAGS (international only) PlayPower's companies are leaders in the markets in which they serve and in combination, have HUNDREDS of years of experience bringing play and recreation to life. 8 What are your company's expectations in the • We will launch our contract heavily by targeting Sourcewell members with all of our event of an award? North American brands: Little Tikes Commercial, Miracle Recreation, Playworld, EZ Dock, Soft Play, USA Shade, Wabash Valley and No Fault • We will continue to lead Sourcewell as our North American and Canadian cooperative contract solution, marketing through our corporate websites, dealer/rep websites, catalogs, brochures, mailings, social media, and trade shows • Our expectation, with having multiple brands in our portfolio, and as a turnkey solution, PlayPower's Sourcewell contract sales would exceed $100M over the term of the contract. 9 Demonstrate your financial strength and Please refer to the PlayPower Holdings Inc. and Subsidiaries 2019 Final pdf stability with meaningful data. This could attached to this response. include such items as financial statements, SEC filings, credit and bond ratings, letters of credit, and detailed reference letters. Upload supporting documents (as applicable) in the document upload section of your response. 10 What is your US market share for the According to the 02 2020 IPEMA Report (latest report), PlayPower's Outdoor solutions that you are proposing? Playground equipment market share is approximately 33.0% in the United States. 11 What is your Canadian market share for the According to the Q2 2020 IPEMA Report (latest report), PlayPower's market share solutions that you are proposing? is 26.0% in Canada. 12 Has your business ever petitioned for No bankruptcy protection? If so, explain in detail. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 13 How is your organization best described: is it PlayPower, Inc. Is a manufacturer of Recreation and Playground Equipment, a manufacturer, a distributor/dealer/reseller, or Accessories and Supplies. PlayPower Inc., with a few exceptions of direct sales a service provider? Answer whichever representatives, operates with independent representatives/dealers that cover all areas question (either a) or b) just below) best of North America and Internationally. All representatives, as contractually responsible, applies to your organization. sell, deliver and coordinate installation of all products proposed within this RFP. In a) If your company is best described as a addition, PlayPower's installers are factory certified to repair and service distributor/dealer/reseller (or similar entity), PlayPower's recreation and playground equipment, accessories, and supplies. provide your written authorization to act as a distributor/dealer/reseller for the manufacturer of the products proposed in this RFP. If applicable, is your dealer network independent or company owned? b) If your company is best described as a manufacturer or service provider, describe your relationship with your sales and service force and with your dealer network in delivering the products and services proposed in this RFP. Are these individuals your employees, or the employees of a third party? 14 If applicable, provide a detailed explanation PlayPower is licensed to sell in all 50 states, 10 provinces and globally. We are outlining the licenses and certifications that committed to provide Sourcewell and their members a safe, enjoyable, positive are both required to be held, and actually environment to play and grow. Our commitment to provide such an environment held, by your organization (including third begins with meeting and/or exceeding safety performance specifications established parties and subcontractors that you use) in by organizations and regulatory bodies such as ASTM International, CPSC, CSA and pursuit of the business contemplated by this EN. We not only comply with these standards and guidelines, we also actively RFP. participate in ASTM and CPSC development, and are active members of IPEMA. Our employees, sales representatives, distributors, dealers and trained installers take great pride in the commitment of safety in every aspect of designing, manufacturing and installing recreation and playground equipment, accessories and supplies. They have the knowledge and experience to provide positive recreation and play environments that offer challenge and maximum play value for children of all ages and abilities. In the interest of safety, IPEMA provides a third-party Certification Service whereby a designated independent laboratory validates a participant's certification of conformance to ASTM F1487 & ASTM F2373, Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use. The use of the corresponding logos in all of PlayPower's outdoor brand catalogs signifies PlayPower has received written validation from the independent laboratory that the product(s) associated with the use of the logo conforms with the requirements of the indicated standard. Please refer to IPEMA's web site to confirm product certification. 15 Provide all "Suspension or Debarment" None information that has applied to your organization during the past ten years. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 3: Industry Recognition &Marketplace Success Line Item Question Response* 16 Describe any relevant industry awards or • PlayForm 7 — Playworld — 2016 IDEA Silver Award. Recognized by Architect's recognition that your company has received newspaper best products of 2016 award in the past five years • PlayCubes — Playworld — Winner of Architectrual Records 2016 Product of the Year • The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design awarded Playworld with The Good Design Award for PlayCubes, published in the Good Design Yearbook for 2019-2020. • NRPA Best Booth — Miracle - 2018 17 What percentage of your sales are to the PlayPower percentage of sales to the government sector as as follows: governmental sector in the past three years 2020 - 62% 2019 - 66% 2018 - 71% 18 What percentage of your sales are to the PlayPower percentage of sales to the education sector are as follows: education sector in the past three years 2020 - 29% 2019 - 25% 2018 - 22% 19 List any state, provincial, or cooperative 2018 2019 2020 purchasing contracts that you hold. What is CMAS $429,901.58 -the annual sales volume for each of these COA - $205,565.74 $55,895.35 contracts over the past three years? COSTARS $102,812.68 $376,404.54 $351,116.88 DE USAGE $5,690.00 $17,322.82 $10,690.00 NJ STATE $295,687.34 $442,753.06 $239,850.35 PREP - $237,565.00 $561,812.00 SOURCEWEL $38,840,671.82 $29,092,389.51 $26,043,818.71 HGAC $1,192,953 $236,858 $87,436 NASPO $2,256,692 $946,192 $288,288 KPN $212,068 $15,496 $2,703 20 List any GSA contracts or Standing Offers 2019 2018 2017 and Supply Arrangements (SOSA) that you GS-03F-072GA Miracle Recreation $14,061 $94,426 $157,563 hold. What is the annual sales volume for GS-03F-055AA Little Tikes Commercial $41,812 $12,788 $74,698 each of these contracts over the past three GS-03F-0071T Playworld $8,680 $78,008 $84,356 years? GS-03F-0001U USA Shade $75,248 $183,919 $246,227 Table 4: References/Testimonials Line Item 21. Supply reference information from three customers who are eligible to be Sourcewell participating entities. Entity Name* Contact Name* Phone Number* Saugus Union School District Lori Rubenstein — Director of Project Maintenance 661-294-5300 (ext. 5154) Houston County BOE Bill Dollar — Director of Maintenance 478-447-9301 Northside ISD Linda Seewald — Coordinator Physical Education and 210-397-8630 Health Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 5: Top Five Government or Education Customers Line Item 22. Provide a list of your top five government, education, or non-profit customers (entity name is optional), including entity type,the state or province the entity is located in,scope of the project(s), size of transaction(s), and dollar volumes from the past three years. Entity Name Entity Type* State/ Scope of Work* Size of Transactions* Dollar Volume Past Three Province* Years* ABC Unified Education California-CA Surfacing $580,000 $580,000 School District School Northside ISD Education Texas-TX Playground Equipment $25,000 $1,200,000 Fulton County Education Georgia-GA Playground Equipment $16,666 $1,200,000 School District MS/FEMA Government Mississippi-MS Playground Equipment $15,833 $3,800,000 CDC Grant NASA I Government Florida-FL Indoor Play Equipment 1$2,200,000 #2,300,000 Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 6: Ability to Sell and Deliver Service Describe your company's capability to meet the needs of Sourcewell participating entities across the US and Canada, as applicable.Your response should address in detail at least the following areas: locations of your network of sales and service providers,the number of workers(full-time equivalents) involved in each sector,whether these workers are your direct employees(or employees of a third party), and any overlap between the sales and service functions. Line Item Question Response* 23 Sales force. PlayPower's 700+ professional sales representatives/distributors/dealers are eager to provide service to Sourcewell members. Our large portfolio and sales network provides a significant advantage for Sourcewell members in being able to find almost all of their recreation and playground needs with PlayPower. 24 Dealer network or other distribution methods. The majority of PlayPower's representatives, dealers and distributors are independent agencies, with a few exceptions where territories are covered with direct employees. 25 Service force. All representatives, distributors, dealers and installers are factory trained and certified to either sell and/or service our products. Included is a listing of our comprehensive global list of representatives for each brand. 26 Describe in detail the process and All inquiries regarding Customer service, warranty and repair of PlayPower recreation procedure of your customer service and playground equipment and accessories should be coordinated with our program, if applicable. Include your independent representative network. In addition, Sourcewell members can contact each response-time capabilities and PlayPower division directly. commitments, as well as any incentives that • Little Tikes - Claims can be submitted via email to help your providers meet your stated Itc—customer care@playpower.com where they are reviewed by our Technical Support service goals or promises. Team. Customers can also call 800- 497-5246 and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist during normal business hours (7:00 to 5:00 CST). After hours or on weekends our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline is available by calling 866-LTC- 4FUN (866-582-4386) • Miracle - Technical support line (888) 458-2752 seven days a week, 24 hours a day • Playworld —Technical support line (800) 233-8404 is available 24/7 but all calls will be handled during normal business hours 8:00am to 4:30pm EST. We have info@playworld.com for requests and we also have online chat available 8:00am- 4:30pm EST on our website. • Wabash Valley — Technical support line (800) 253-8619 during the business hours of 8:00 to 5:00 EST M-F • USA Shade — Technical support line (800) 966-5005 during the business hours of 8:00 to 5:00 CST M-F • EZ Dock -(800) 654-8168, our Technical Support and Sales Administration Team will assist during normal business hours 7:00 to 5:00 CST M-F. • Soft Play- (800) 782-7529 Ext. 3429, any of our Technical Support or Sales Administration Team will assist during normal business hours 7:00 to 5:00 CST M-F. • No Fault - Main Office 1-800-232-7766 M-F during normal business hours of 8:00am- 5:00pm 27 Describe your ability and willingness to All products and services proposed by PlayPower in this RFP are available to provide your products and services to Sourcewell members in all 50 US states. Sourcewell participating entities in the United States. 28 Describe your ability and willingness to All products and services proposed by PlayPower in this RFP are available to provide your products and services to Sourcewell members in the 10 provinces of Canada. Sourcewell participating entities in Canada. 29 Identify any geographic areas of the United PlayPower covers ALL geographic areas of the United States and Canada. States or Canada that you will NOT be fully serving through the proposed contract. 30 Identify any Sourcewell participating entity PlayPower serves all participating entity sectors and does not have any limitations to sectors (i.e., government, education, not-for- do so. profit) that you will NOT be fully serving through the proposed contract. Explain in detail. For example, does your company have only a regional presence, or do other cooperative purchasing contracts limit your ability to promote another contract? 31 Define any specific contract requirements or There are not any contract restrictions that would apply to members in Hawaii, Alaska restrictions that would apply to our and in the US territories. participating entities in Hawaii and Alaska and in US Territories. Table 7: Marketing Plan Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Line Item Question Response* 32 Describe your marketing strategy for General Marketing Program Strategy: promoting this contract opportunity. The marketing plan objective is to increase the sales closure rate of SOURCEWELL Upload representative samples of your projects by providing high-quality leads and effective sales tools to our sales marketing materials (if applicable) in representatives. We will promote the program nationally, including a multi-program the document upload section of your approach that overlays with our current marketing strategy and plans. Details of those response. programs are as follows: Catalogs/Brochures • SOURCEWELL Brochures • We have created brochures (one per brand) detailing the benefits of our SOURCEWELL contract that is utilized during sales presentations and trade shows. • Full Line Catalogs • Our full line product catalog is produced and distributed annually and is available in January. • We include information regarding the SOURCEWELL program within the catalogs. Websites: • Features SOURCEWELL in our partner and funding pages on each of our brand websites • https://www.miracle-recreation.com/planning/our-partners/sourcewell/ • https://Iittletikescommercial.com/sourcewell/ • https://playwodd.com/sourcewell • https://www.softplay.com/capabilities/njpa/ • https://www.ez-dock.com/resources/njpa/ Email/PR: • Email Campaigns • SOURCEWELL will be featured in email campaigns to those individuals that have opted-in to that brand e-communications. Social: • Social Media Campaigns -Posts on various social platforms, including Facebook and Linkedln, per brand Trade Shows • We have a trade show plan in place and shall include representation of the program at each trade show including product brochures. • The 3 outdoor play brands have large booths at the annual NRPA & ASLA tradeshows. Sales Tools/Training • PowerPoint sales presentation was created to discuss selling features and benefits of our Sourcewell contract for PlayPower's representatives. • Regular email newsletter to PlayPower sales representatives from sales VPs, promoting the Sourcewell contract and our sales tools for promoting our Sourcewell contract. • Sales representative communication portal provides training/sales tools/resources for our sales representatives to help promote our Sourcewell contract, programs and services. Examples of our marketing materials as they relate to SOURCEWELL are included separately in the PowerPoint which has been included with this RFP submittal. 33 Describe your use of technology and Our current marketing strategy includes programs to promote our Sourcewell contract, digital data (e.g., social media, products and services through multiple digital media channels including: metadata usage) to enhance Brand websites, on partner and funding pages marketing effectiveness. Email marketing campaigns • Social media, including Facebook and Linkedln 34 In your view, what is Sourcewell's role We would expect Sourcewell to market this partnership on Sourcewell's website, at trade in promoting contracts arising out of shows, in publications and directly to its members. We would expect on rare occasions, a this RFP? How will you integrate a representative of Sourcewell to potentially help with customer calls & visits when needed, Sourcewell-awarded contract into your and also to attend our annual sales meetings for our outdoor equipment brands. In sales process? understanding of this, PlayPower Inc. understands that the success of this program is most contingent upon our marketing of this partnership in the marketplace through publication, trade shows, our websites and direct-to-customer marketing through our vast network of representatives. PlayPower takes great pride in its brands and looks forward to continuing to work with Sourcewell and marketing a partnership that includes sales training for all of our rep partners/distributors/dealers, catalogs and digital marketing. Our commitment and message to Sourcewell and its members will always remain clear and constant: we are 100% committed to Sourcewell from our executive level through our rep network. 35 Are your products or services Products and services are not available through an e-procurement ordering process. available through an e-procurement Playgrounds and recreation related products are often very custom driven project by ordering process? If so, describe your project. Because of this, an e-procurement solution is not feasible with PlayPower's e-procurement system and how offering of products and services. governmental and educational customers have used it. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 8: Value-Added Attributes Line Question Response* Item 36 Describe any product, equipment, PlayPower is committed to providing safe, reliable products. There is not a need to train maintenance, or operator training Sourcewell members since all of our representatives, dealers, distributors and installers go programs that you offer to through extensive product training. Sourcewell members have been invited to visit our Sourcewell participating entities. factories, however formal training is not required. Include details, such as whether training is standard or optional, who provides training, and any costs that apply. 37 Describe any technological Pride in Engineering and Design: advances that your proposed Whatever Sourcewell members' level of recreation and/or playground expertise is, PlayPower products or services offer. will provide as much help as needed. Members can virtually design their own playground equipment, or our network of design consultants will assist every step of the way. Our advanced computer-assisted design (CAD) capabilities provide customers with the most versatile, accurate commercial playground equipment design service available. Our designers use advanced solid modeling (3D) design software to develop new and exciting products. Direct electronic access to accurate, up-to-date product information is available to all PlayPower personnel, which includes PlayPower sales representatives, who can do on-the- spot CAD designs for customers. The design(s) then transmits to our internal system for production. Our consultants have access to all product documentation at all times and can produce instant two-dimensional top views or hidden-line three-dimensional proposal drawings of any custom design. They can also send information to PlayPower for rapid production of high-resolution color views of the design in a variety of sizes. Quality Products, Manufacturing, and Installation: PlayPower's commercial playground equipment, play structures, dock systems etc. are manufactured utilizing proven processes that have been honed over our over combined 200+ years in business. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing processes include, but are not limited to: • Powder-coating paint system • Computer Numeric Controlled pipe/tube bending and plasma cutting for precise and fun designs • Rotational molding machines, including the largest in the industry— which provide the capacity for more innovative and fun products • Compounded Resin — First in the industry to make/mix our own compounded resins. This is virtually a 99.9999% recycled process with minimal waste. • Laser Tube Cutting — The first manufacturer in the industry to offer this precision method of cutting and creating intricate designs • MIG/TIG weld stations • Robotic welding • Fiberglass fabrication • Custom manufacturing — one of only a few playground manufacturers in the world to offer this • In-house CAD design team to help create your dream playground • All PlayPower representatives and installers are factory trained and certified • PlayPower has a custom design group and custom design facility enabling us to meet every need of Sourcewell members • PlayPower has the engineering, design and manufacturing capability to custom build a greater breadth of equipment than any other source, i.e. outdoor (steel & wood), contained play, early childhood themed, etc. Materials and Innovation: PlayPower creates state-of-the-art recreation, playground equipment, outdoor fitness, dock systems, contained play systems, shade, benches, tables, etc. utilizing the best in materials and processes. Just a few of our state-of-the-art innovations and features are: • Versalok® II clamping system makes installation of components a snap. The clamp is made from up to 100% recycled aluminum alloy, and all fastening hardware is stainless steel and tamper-resistant. • GatorGrip® - Miracle's handrails and rungs feature GatorGrip, with a texture that is friendly and reassuring to small hands. • Flo-Coat® - Our state-of-the-art Flo-Coat® steel tubing was developed specifically for children's playground equipment, and is zinc galvanized coated inside and out for superior resistance to abrasions, scratches, salt, and the elements. • Mira-Cote® - All metal components are finished with Mira-Cote- a durable, electrostatically applied, non-toxic, lead-free, polyester powder coating that's available in almost 30 colors. • Mira-Therm® - All decks, steps, ramps, and bridges, as well as a variety of complementary items, are coated with Mira-Therm®, our proprietary brand of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) containing UV stabilizers, color pigments, and flame retardants. Mira-Therm® coated punched steel with folded edges provides quick drainage, with holes too small for fingers. • Naturtek - Our exclusive material is the most realistic natural imitation in the marketplace. It not only looks real, but feels real. That's because we've been able to replicate the actual Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 look and feel of real rocks, trees and stumps. This product is unlike any other. • Gelefish - We've transformed the playground by fusing trend-setting designs with traditional play events that kids love. Gelefish offers a customizable design with countless possibilities of play component configurations delivering more fun-per-foot. • EZ Dock Flotation Chambers - Simply put, our patented flotation design creates stability. When you walk on an EZ Dock, you will immediately notice the difference when compared to other floating docks. Our docks don't just float, they actually enhance steadiness thanks to the compression and suction of the hollow chambers on the underside. • EZ Dock Connection Couplers - EZ Dock's patented connection couplers allow sections to move independently under high-stress conditions, while still providing unified firmness. Plus, our polyethylene construction provides outstanding modularity, buoyancy, functionality and safety. • NEOS outdoor electronic playgrounds were the first of its kind introduced in the marketplace. Our fun electronic games inspire kids of all ages to go out and play. • PlayArmorTM is the first antimicrobial coating specifically introduced in the recreation industry that protects playground equipment and site amenities. It was created by biochemists and has been registered for use by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We are currently working and expect to have EPA approval on having PlayArmor approved in each of the 50 US states and similar approvals in all provinces in Canada. Product Testing & Conformance: PlayPower has developed and maintained one the most strenuous product testing programs in the industry. Product safety starts before the concept phase of the development process. Our staff plays a very active role in the development and maintenance of safety and performance guidelines and standards, not only here in the U.S., but also internationally. Injury trends and market changes are tracked and we proactively implement this knowledge to our current and future products. During the design phase of development, we use sophisticated software to check and validate designs prior to prototyping. We test for safety conditions, such as entrapment or protrusions, as well as structural performance using finite element analysis. Once a concept is approved, a prototype product is developed and all testing is repeated using the physical model. The most severe testing requirements gleaned from standards worldwide are applied to prototypes. Components are subjected to loading requirement of various standards and the product is re-analyzed after the test to make sure any permanent deformation does not affect product safety. These loading requirements have large factors of safety built in, which cover situations of misuse and abuse. In addition to the normal static loading requirements that define structural performance in playground standards like ASTM FI487, PlayPower takes testing to a higher level. All moving and selected stationary products are subjected to dynamic testing which simulates usage over the life of the product. Components are loaded with the weight of the maximum user and cycled through their normal motion range for at least one million cycles. This process identifies material stresses or component wear that are missed in static load testing. We do not stop testing when a product is introduced to the market. We maintain a company policy that no test may exceed a 5-year span, which equates to retesting more than 20% of our released product annually. We also participate in the IPEMA (International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association) Equipment Certification Program which is a 3rd party validation process of our ASTM required testing. All playground products can be found on the IPEMA certification program website and a certificate of compliance can be generated and printed. PlayPower also conducts ongoing testing of our materials via UV and salt spray testing. Daily tests are conducted of production systems including paint/coatings cure and adhesion testing, impact testing, and color verification and cure testing on plastic components. • PlayPower has the most diversified line of products & services in the industry with well over 300 combined years of business experience. • PlayPower is the world's largest fully integrated manufacturer of commercial playground equipment and recreation equipment accessories and supplies. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 38 Describe any "green" initiatives Environmentally friendly playgrounds aren't a passing fad, they're here for good. Playing is that relate to your company or to serious business, especially when you consider that playtime helps promote creativity, problem- your products or services, and solving, ability and intellectual development. That's precisely why we pay extra-special include a list of the certifying attention to our playgrounds and site furnishings. Simple design changes go a long way agency for each. towards improving how children play, learn and interact with nature. PlayPower creates playgrounds that are fantastic for your budget, Mother Nature, and most importantly, the kids. We recycle unused powder coat paint in certain colors, after it is properly reclaimed during the painting process. Imagine piles of crumpled steel and truckloads of aluminum cans transformed into state-of-the-art playground equipment. That's essentially what happens when PlayPower puts recycling to work. We produce our playground equipment using as much recycled and recyclable material as we can use, while still maintaining the safety, durability and structural integrity you have come to expect from PlayPower. PlayPower's steel posts, handrails, and guardrails are sturdy, durable, and economical, and are made from at least 50% recycled steel. Post clamps and caps are made from as much as 100% post-consumer aluminum. And our roto-molded plastic slides are made from 100% recyclable resins. Simply put, nearly all of PlayPower's playground equipment is produced from at least 50% recyclable materials. • PlayPower meets ISO 9001, ISO 14001Standards • Other environmental initiatives: • All packing and shipping materials are 100% recyclable. • Recycling 95%+ of our waste. • Many of our raw materials contain 25% to 100% recycled content. • Reduced energy usage through conservation and lean manufacturing implementation. • Audits material content and operations for safety and environmental concerns 39 Identify any third-party issued eco- PlayPower meets ISO 9001, ISO 14001 Standards labels, ratings or certifications that your company has received for the equipment or products included in your Proposal related to energy efficiency or conservation, life-cycle design (cradle-to-cradle), or other green/sustainability factors. 40 Describe any Women or Minority While the majority of our representative agencies are classified as Small Businesses, we Business Entity (WMBE), Small have created a list, below, to showcase our WMBE and VOSB agencies: Business Entity (SBE), or veteran Happy Playgrounds WBE AR, OK owned business certifications that Imagine Nation WBE IL your company or hub partners Jefcoat Recreation WBE MS have obtained. Upload Metro Recreation VOSB MD, WV documentation of certification (as Miracle of KY & TN WBE KY, TN applicable) in the document upload Playworx VOSB FL, GA section of your response. Recreation Plus DBE, SBE, WMBE CO, WY Site Specifics WBE MA Hahn Enterprises WMBE LA, AR MTS Recreation WBE VA Pelican Playground WMBE LA, MS Hasley Recreation WBE Al, GA Miller Recreation VOSB C. FL Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 41 What unique attributes does your • PlayPower has a large, 700+ group of professional sales representatives/distributors/dealers company, your products, or your to provide service to Sourcewell members. No one else in the industry even comes close services offer to Sourcewell to this! This provides a significant advantage for Sourcewell members in being able to find participating entities? What makes all of their recreation and playground equipment needs in one place with PlayPower. your proposed solutions unique in • PlayCreator - Proprietary Software with Safety & ADA your industry as it applies to Accessibility in mind Sourcewell participating entities? • PlayCreator, our proprietary playground design, rules-based software systems only allow ADA compliancy design. Our commitment is to provide accessible playground equipment in order to promote a positive play environment for children of all abilities. We believe play must be inclusive, and by removing barriers for all children, we provide play and learning opportunities which we are excited and proud of. Providing accessibility to the play space entails more than just complying with minimum accessibility requirements, standards and laws. It means providing a place where children of all abilities can experience play together. PlayPower's play equipment allows customers to configure play areas that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Play Areas. • Design for Safety • Nothing is more important than providing a safe, positive environment for children to play. Our commitment to providing such an environment begins with meeting and/or exceeding safety performance specifications established by organizations and regulatory bodies such as ASTM International, CPSC, CSA and EN. We not only comply with these standards and guidelines we also actively participate with ASTM and CPSC in their development, and we are active members of IPEMA. Our employees, sales representatives, and trained installers take great pride in this commitment to safety in every aspect of designing, manufacturing and installing playground equipment, and they have the knowledge and experience to provide positive play environments that offer challenge and maximum play value for children of all ages and abilities. In the interest of playground safety, IPEMA provides a third-party Certification Service whereby a designated independent laboratory validates a participant's certification of conformance to ASTM FI487, Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use. The use of the corresponding logo in our catalogs signifies that we have received written validation from the independent laboratory that product(s) conform to the requirements of the indicated standard. SOURCEWELL members can also check the IPEMA web site to confirm product certification. • Financing • Financing - PlayPower has a business relationship and partnership with NCL Government Capital as our financing option for our public & non-profit markets • World's Largest, Fully Integrated Manufacturer • Rotational Molding — not all manufacturers do this in-house • Soft Goods Assembly • PlayPower is 100% committed to Sourcewell and its members as we have already proven during our previous contract periods • David Sheedy has had proven success in launching, promoting, selling and scaling our Sourcewell contract to its current level of success. David is anxious and excited to do this again with all of our new brands and our entire sales network. • PlayPower is already familiar inside and out with Sourcewell and the needs of Sourcewell members. • We have a proven track record from selling our previous Sourcewell contracts. More importantly, we help sell the benefits of Sourcewell and ALL of its contracts — we have proven that we make Sourcewell stronger and this is to the benefit of Sourcewell, its members and other Sourcewell vendors. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 9: Warranty Describe in detail your manufacturer warranty program, including conditions and requirements to qualify, claims procedure, and overall structure.You may upload representative samples of your warranty materials (if applicable) in the document upload section of your response in addition to responding to the questions below. Line Question Response* Item 42 Do your warranties cover all products, parts, and As a manufacturer of recreation and playground equipment, accessories and labor? supplies, we warranty our materials and workmanship only. All labor, including installation and repairs can be coordinated and quoted on a case by case basis with our Representative/Distributor/ Dealer Network. A complete listing of our Representative/Distributor/ Dealer Network has been provided. 43 Do your warranties impose usage restrictions or There are no usage limit restrictions with our warranty. Warranty statements other limitations that adversely affect coverage? for all of our brands have been supplied with this RFP submittal. 44 Do your warranties cover the expense of Industry standards dictate that travel time is not covered under warranty. While technicians' travel time and mileage to perform there are some exceptions, PlayPower typically adheres to this standard. warranty repairs? 45 Are there any geographic regions of the United All PlayPower brands can provide warranty repairs in all regions of the States or Canada (as applicable) for which you United States and Canada. cannot provide a certified technician to perform warranty repairs? How will Sourcewell participating entities in these regions be provided service for warranty repair? 46 Will you cover warranty service for items made by PlayPower does not warranty products and services from other other manufacturers that are part of your proposal, manufacturers. Any products sold from other manufacturers as a turn-key or are these warranties issues typically passed on solution carry a warranty provided by the original manufacturer. to the original equipment manufacturer? 47 What are your proposed exchange and return While the product is standard, the design of Recreation and Playground programs and policies? Equipment accessories and supplies is very customized. Due to this, PlayPower requires a 30% restocking fee for returns and exchanges. 48 Describe any service contract options for the items All of PlayPower's Representatives, Distributors, Dealers and Installers are included in your proposal. factory trained and certified to sell and/or service and repair our products. All warranty and service work will be coordinated between the SOURCEWELL member and our representatives. Table 10: Payment Terms and Financing Options Line Item Question Response* 49 What are your payment terms (e.g., net 10, net 30)? Net 30 days upon invoicing 50 Describe any leasing or financing options available for use PlayPower has partnered with NCL Government Capital to offer by educational or governmental entities. Sourcewell members a complete suite of finance solutions. NCL is a current Sourcewell financing contract holder and is an industry expert in municipal financing solutions. NCL will offer leasing terms from 12-120 months on transactions from $5,000.00 and up. Traditional leasing and financing programs will be offered along with programs specifically designed for schools and governmental entities including Tax-Exempt Municipal Leases and a Purchase Order Only program. There is no ownership, common ownership, or control between PlayPower and NCL. 51 Briefly describe your proposed order process. Include PlayPower often will invoice Sourcewell members directly which enough detail to support your ability to report quarterly makes gathering of sales data very straightforward. Reps/dealers sales to Sourcewell as described in the Contract template. when billing directly are required to provide copies of purchase For example, indicate whether your dealer network is orders from members which will include PlayPower's Sourcewell included in your response and whether each dealer (or contract number and the Sourcewell Member number. The proposed some other entity) will process the Sourcewell participating process will follow our current Sourcewell process that requires entities' purchase orders. orders to be coded as an Sourcewell order at the time of submission. 52 Do you accept the P-card procurement and payment No. The benefits of P-card procurement is most beneficial for process? If so, is there any additional cost to Sourcewell smaller transactions. PlayPower's average playground sold exceeds participating entities for using this process? $35,000 so the real benefits of P-card would not be recognized. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 11: Pricing and Delivery Provide detailed pricing information in the questions that follow below. Keep in mind that reasonable price and product adjustments can be made during the term of an awarded Contract as desribed in the RFP,the template Contract, and the Sourcewell Price and Product Change Request Form. Line Question Response' Item 53 Describe your pricing model (e.g., line-item discounts or Due to the size and scope of our product offering along with eight product-category discounts). Provide detailed pricing data separate brands (companies) offered in this proposal and the (including standard or list pricing and the Sourcewell discount structures varying by brand, a separate pricing discount file discounted price) on all of the items that you want has been provided with this RFP submittal. Please refer to the Sourcewell to consider as part of your RFP response. If uploaded Sourcewell RFP 010521 Pricing-Discount File. applicable, provide a SKU for each item in your proposal. Upload your pricing materials (if applicable) in the document upload section of your response. 54 Quantify the pricing discount represented by the pricing As stated previously, due to the size and scope of our product proposal in this response. For example, if the pricing in offering along with eight separate brands (companies) offered in this your response represents a percentage discount from MSRP proposal and the discount structures varying by brand, a separate or list, state the percentage or percentage range. pricing discount file has been provided with this RFP submittal. Please refer to (list document name) 55 Describe any quantity or volume discounts or rebate Volume Rebates (per calendar year): programs that you offer. 1. $500,000 - $999,999 1% rebate 2. $1,000,000 - $1,499,99 2% rebate 3. $1,500,000+ 3% rebate 56 Propose a method of facilitating "sourced" products or This service is coordinated by our independent related services, which may be referred to as 'open market' representative/distributor/dealer networks. In the event PlayPower is items or "nonstandard options". For example, you may doing the billing, we simply do a pass through with no markup on supply such items "at cost' or "at cost plus a percentage," these services. Each service can vary due to location, size and or you may supply a quote for each such request. scope of work. 57 Identify any element of the total cost of acquisition that is Some projects related to our recreation and playground equipment NOT included in the pricing submitted with your response. products, accessories and supplies can be material-only procured or This includes all additional charges associated with a more often, a turn-key solution. In the event of a turnkey solution purchase that are not directly identified as freight or project, sourced work such as installation, curbing, sidewalks, shipping charges. For example, list costs for items like pre- landscaping, and any other types of non-equipment related work delivery inspection, installation, set up, mandatory training, or could be involved. This service can be coordinated by our initial inspection. Identify any parties that impose such costs independent representative/distributor/dealer networks. In the event and their relationship to the Proposer. PlayPower is doing the billing, we simply do a pass-through with no markup on these services. Each service can vary due to location, size and scope of work. Installation is specifically addressed in the pricing discount schedule which is provided with this RFP submittal. 58 If freight, delivery, or shipping is an additional cost to the Any additional freight cost will be evaluated by PlayPower's shipping Sourcewell participating entity, describe in detail the department. The best available rate and service will be passed on complete freight, shipping, and delivery program. to Sourcewell members during the quote process. 59 Specifically describe freight, shipping, and delivery terms or As is the case in the 48 contiguous United States, freight is the programs available for Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, or any responsibility of the SOURCEWELL member. Additional freight offshore delivery. charges will be evaluated by PlayPower's shipping department and the best available rate and service will be passed on to the Sourcewell member during the quote process. 60 Describe any unique distribution and/or delivery methods or Where it makes sense, we use Intermodal freight transport which options offered in your proposal. involves the transportation of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (rail, truck, ship), without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes. The method reduces cargo handling, and so improves security, reduces damage and loss, and allows freight to be transported faster. Reduced costs over road trucking is the key benefit. Table 12: Pricing Offered Line The Pricing Offered in this Proposal is: Comments Item 61 c.better than the Proposer typically offers to GPOs,cooperative procurement organizations,or state purchasing departments. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 13: Audit and Administrative Fee Line Item Question Response* 62 Specifically describe any self-audit process or program that you • PlayPower's order entry system has required point and click plan to employ to verify compliance with your proposed Contract requirements as it relates to contracts. When an order is with Sourcewell. This process includes ensuring that Sourcewell entered, the system literally prompts the user with the participating entities obtain the proper pricing, that the Vendor question "Is this a Sourcewell project?" and the user is reports all sales under the Contract each quarter, and that the required to answer YES or NO to proceed. The order entry Vendor remits the proper administrative fee to Sourcewell. system also checks for minimum discount compliance. • All Sourcewell orders are also reviewed manually for compliance to ensure minimum Sourcewell pricing discounts and are entered with a Sourcewell code to ensure proper reporting and administrative fee. • In addition, management reviews total amount of Sourcewell sales for accuracy and evaluates representatives' performance selling the Sourcewell contract on an annual basis. • Sourcewell sales tracking is included in PlayPower's corporate budgeting process. 63 Identify a proposed administrative fee that you will pay to We propose a 1% administrative fee for all PlayPower Sourcewell for facilitating, managing, and promoting the Sourcewell Equipment sold. This is calculated at LIST PRICES and not Contract in the event that you are awarded a Contract. This fee is discounted net sales. In addition, we propose a 1% typically calculated as a percentage of Vendor's sales under the administrative fee for all open market/turnkey solution Contract or as a per-unit fee; it is not a line-item addition to the products, work and services billed and provided to Member's cost of goods. (See the RFP and template Contract for SOURCEWELL members directly from PlayPower or through additional details.) our independent representative/distributor/dealer network. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 14A: Depth and Breadth of Offered Equipment Products and Services Line Item Question Response* 64 Provide a detailed description of the Playground Equipment equipment, products, and services that you Shade — freestanding and playground equipment integrated are offering in your proposal. Surfacing — unitary, loose fill, tile • Docking Systems — boat & PWC lifts, swim platforms • Indoor contained play systems 65 Within this RFP category there may be Custom Play Equipment subcategories of solutions. List subcategory ADA/inclusive Playground Equipment titles that best describe your products and Rope Play services. Nature Play • Play Sculptures • Musical Play • Early Childhood Play Equipment • Park Benches • Tables • Litter Receptacles • Bollards • Planters • Grills • Adult & Youth Outdoor Fitness Equipment • Sports Equipment • Surfacing — unitary, loose fill, tile • Slides • Sports Courts • Modular Docking Systems • Boat Lifts • PWC Lifts • Kayak & Canoe ADA Accessible Launches • Access Walkways & Floats • Habitat Observation Platforms • Waterway Work Platforms • Mining Platforms Wetlands Walking Trails • Fishing Piers • Swimming Platforms • Campsite Platforms • Specialty Equipment • ADA Accessible Ramps • Concrete Curbing • Sidewalks • Site Inspections • Equipment Installation & All Corresponding Site Work Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 14B: Depth and Breadth of Offered Equipment Products and Services Indicate below if the listed types or classes of equipment, products, and services are offered within your proposal. Provide additional comments in the text box provided, as necessary. Line Item Category or Type Offered* Comments 66 Playground equipment, site furnishings, site r. Yes Little Tikes, Miracle Recreation and amenities, and accessories. r No Playworld deliver innovative outdoor playground solutions for all ages and abilities. Wabash Valley offers site amenities that add functional and beautiful accessories to any outdoor space, while USA Shade provides fabric shade structures which is used over playground equipment or independently. Wabash Valley provides solutions for outdoor furniture. 67 Water play and aquatic recreational structures and r. Yes EZ Dock is a premium waterfront life equipment. r No solutions provider with easy to configure floating docks, ports, launches walkways and accessories 68 Playground surfacing and fall protection, and water r. Yes No Fault is the premiere supplier of play and aquatic recreational surfacing. r No poured-in-place, rubber safety surfaces for playgrounds, splash pads, pool decks, sports fields, walking/jogging tracks and much more. 69 Services related to the solutions above. r. Yes Our independent rep agencies offer a r No wide variety of services which include, installation, site prep, removal of old equipment, planning and design services, plus much more. These related services offer a turn-key solution to all Sourcewell customers Table 15: Industry Specific Questions Line Item Question Response* 70 If you are awarded a contract, provide a Quarterly reporting will offer a precise measure of our success with the Sourcewell few examples of internal metrics that will contract be tracked to measure whether you are having success with the contract. 71 Describe how your offering addresses the Our employees, sales representatives, and trained installers take great pride in our needs of user's safety, well-being, and commitment to safety in every aspect of designing, manufacturing and installing range or level of accessibility? playground equipment. In the interest of playground safety, IPEMA provides a third- party Certification Service whereby a designated independent laboratory validates a participant's certification of conformance to ASTM FI487, Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public Use. 72 Describe how your offering addresses the All of PlayPower's brands have the option for customization. Our playground user's desire to customize the offering engineers are able to design and customize to just about any imagination. (e.g. themes, etc.). 73 Identify any certification(s) that your PlayPower meets ISO 9001, ISO 14001 standards. In addition, we are committed to business or the products included in your provide products that meet or exceed safety performance specifications established proposal have attained or received. by ASTM International, CPSC, CSA and EN standards. Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Table 16: Exceptions to Terms, Conditions, or Specifications Form Line Item 74.NOTICE:To identify any exception,or to request any modification,to the Sourcewell template Contract terms,conditions,or specifications,a Proposer must submit the exception or requested modification on the Exceptions to Terms,Conditions,or Specifications Form immediately below.The contract section,the specific text addressed by the exception or requested modification,and the proposed modification must be identified in detail. Proposer's exceptions and proposed modifications are subject to review and approval of Sourcewell and will not automatically be included in the contract. Contract Section Term,Condition,or Specification Exception or Proposed Modification Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID: F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 Proposer's Affidavit PROPOSER AFFIDAVIT AND ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE certify that I am the authorized representative of the Proposer submitting the foregoing Proposal with the legal authority to bind the Proposer to this Affidavit and Assurance of Compliance: 1. The Proposer is submitting this Proposal under its full and complete legal name, and the Proposer legally exists in good standing in the jurisdiction of its residence. 2. The Proposer warrants that the information provided in this Proposal is true, correct, and reliable for purposes of evaluation for contract award. 3. The Proposer, including any person assisting with the creation of this Proposal, has arrived at this Proposal independently and the Proposal has been created without colluding with any other person, company, or parties that have or will submit a proposal under this solicitation; and the Proposal has in all respects been created fairly without any fraud or dishonesty.The Proposer has not directly or indirectly entered into any agreement or arrangement with any person or business in an effort to influence any part of this solicitation or operations of a resulting contract; and the Proposer has not taken any action in restraint of free trade or competitiveness in connection with this solicitation.Additionally, if Proposer has worked with a consultant on the Proposal,the consultant(an individual or a company) has not assisted any other entity that has submitted or will submit a proposal for this solicitation. 4. To the best of its knowledge and belief, and except as otherwise disclosed in the Proposal,there are no relevant facts or circumstances which could give rise to an organizational conflict of interest.An organizational conflict of interest exists when a vendor has an unfair competitive advantage or the vendor's objectivity in performing the contract is, or might be, impaired. 5. The contents of the Proposal have not been communicated by the Proposer or its employees or agents to any person not an employee or legally authorized agent of the Proposer and will not be communicated to any such persons prior to Due Date of this solicitation. 6. If awarded a contract,the Proposer will provide to Sourcewell Participating Entities the equipment, products, and services in accordance with the terms, conditions, and scope of a resulting contract. 7. The Proposer possesses, or will possess before delivering any equipment, products, or services, all applicable licenses or certifications necessary to deliver such equipment, products, or services under any resulting contract. 8. The Proposer agrees to deliver equipment, products, and services through valid contracts, purchase orders, or means that are acceptable to Sourcewell Members. Unless otherwise agreed to,the Proposer must provide only new and first-quality products and related services to Sourcewell Members under an awarded Contract. 9. The Proposer will comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules, and orders. 10. The Proposer understands that Sourcewell will reject RFP proposals that are marked"confidential"(or"nonpublic,"etc.), either substantially or in their entirety. Under Minnesota Statutes Section 13.591, subdivision 4, all proposals are considered nonpublic data until the evaluation is complete and a Contract is awarded.At that point, proposals become public data. Minnesota Statutes Section 13.37 permits only certain narrowly defined data to be considered a"trade secret,"and thus nonpublic data under Minnesota's Data Practices Act. 11. Proposer its employees, agents, and subcontractors are not: a. Included on the"Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons"list maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury found at: https://www.treasury.gov/ofac/downloads/sdniist.pdf; b. Included on the government-wide exclusions lists in the United States System for Award Management found at: https://sam.gov/SAM/; or c. Presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from programs operated Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID:F416D837-E545-4A9D-8F62-28D5E4268B24 by the State of Minnesota;the United States federal government or the Canadian government, as applicable; or any Participating Entity.Vendor certifies and warrants that neither it nor its principals have been convicted of a criminal offense related to the subject matter of this solicitation. r By checking this box I acknowledge that I am bound by the terms of the Proposer's Affidavit, have the legal authority to submit this Proposal on behalf of the Proposer, and that this electronic acknowledgment has the same legal effect,validity, and enforceability as if had hand signed the Proposal. This signature will not be denied such legal effect,validity, or enforceability solely because an electronic signature or electronic record was used in its formation. - Christine Stepp, Sales, Marketing and Contract Administrator, PlayPower, Inc. The Proposer declares that there is an actual or potential Conflict of Interest relating to the preparation of its submission, and/or the Proposer foresees an actual or potential Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the bid. r Yes r. No The Bidder acknowledges and agrees that the addendum/addenda below form part of the Bid Document. Check the box in the column "I have reviewed this addendum" below to acknowledge each of the addenda. I have reviewed the File Name below addendum and pages attachments(if applicable) Addendum 6_Playground_Water_Play_Equipment_RFP_010521 1 Tue December 22 2020 03:29 PM Addendum 5_Playground_Water_Play_Equipment_RFP_010521 1 Fri December 18 2020 04:15 PM Addendum 4_Playground_Water_Play_Equipment_RFP_010521 1 Mon December 7 2020 07:55 AM Addendum 3_Playground_Water_Play_Equipment_RFP_010521 1 Thu November 19 2020 08:52 AM Addendum 2_Playground_Water_Play_Equipment_RFP_010521 2 Fri November 13 2020 09:09 AM Addendum 1_Playground_Water_Play_Equipment_RFP_010521 2 Thu November 12 2020 10:53 AM Bid Number: RFP 010521 Vendor Name: PlayPower DocuSign Envelope ID:B2032579-9E24-4B50-BB1 E-851252C5A9CD Sourcewell . , CONTRACT EXTENSION Contract Number: #010521-LTS Sourcewell, 202 12th Street Northeast, P.O. Box 219, Staples, MN 56479 (Sourcewell) and PlayPower, Inc. (Vendor) 11515 Vanstory Drive, Huntersville, NC 28078 have entered into Contract#010521-LTS for the procurement of Playground and Water Play Equipment with Related Accessories and Services. The Contract has an expiration date of February 17, 2025, but the parties may extend the Contract by mutual consent. Sourcewell and Vendor acknowledge that extending the Contract benefits the Vendor, Sourcewell and Sourcewell's Members. Vendor and Sourcewell agree to extend the Contract listed above for an additional period, with a new Contract expiration date of February 17, 2026. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain in full force and effect. Sourcewell .PuL4KPgywer, Inc. DocuSigned by: �t S"a f'� E�286C633F68749C • -�W �Kttr By. COFD2A139D06489._ By: _. Jeremy Schwartz W. Todd Brinker Title: Chief Procurement Officer Title: 9/23/2023 1 10:52 AM CDT 9/25/2023 1 4:14 PM CDT Date: Date: Rev. 7/2022 1 Signature: Signature: Pn�Thpng mQ f�g z oGoOPST) Email: bhiggins@kentwa.gov Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov Signature: 8rc��es2 Brian Levenhagen(Feb 12,202 12:41 PST) Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov PPD-MiraclePlay-Kiosks_021225 Final Audit Report 2025-02-12 Created: 2025-02-12 By: KateLynn Jennings(kjennings@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAgo-16TE9QVIa5EG4aj6fHGIHp11FET-A "PPD-MiraclePlay-Kiosks_021225" History Document created by KateLynn Jennings (kjennings@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-12-3:02:38 PM GMT Document emailed to Bryan Higgins (bhiggins@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-12-3:21:33 PM GMT Email viewed by Bryan Higgins (bhiggins@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-12-3:29:33 PM GMT Document e-signed by Bryan Higgins (bhiggins@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-12-3:49:18 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-12-3:49:23 PM GMT Email viewed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-12-3:57:16 PM GMT E= Signer Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) entered name at signing as Phung Huynh 2025-02-12-4:00:40 PM GMT Document e-signed by Phung Huynh (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-12-4:00:42 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-12-4:00:47 PM GMT Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-12-8:41:11 PM GMT EY Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-12-8:41:59 PM GMT-Time Source:server Q Adobe Acrobat Sign Agreement completed. 2025-02-12-8:41:59 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign