HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2025-052 - Original - SUT 565 LP - The Suton Multifamily Tax Exemption - 2/11/25 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Sam Alcorn, Senior Planner ECD Q Date Sent: Date Required: > 02/10/2025 2/14/2025 0 y Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: fl. a Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website 1/21/2025 Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes NOD Budget? Yes❑No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: SUT 565, LP Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = Original Project Name: The Suton Multifamily Tax Exemption CProject Details: A contract with SUT 565, LP granting an 8-year Multifamily Tax Exemption for w- The Suton 565 unit apartment complex to be constructed in the Midway area = of Kent. C Agreement Amount: Basis for Selection of Contractor: E *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Date: Termination Date: C1 Q Local Business?❑Yes❑No*If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form onCityspace. Business License Verification: Yes❑In-Process❑Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) ❑Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes❑No CAG2025-052 Comments: Mayor, please sign on electronic page 8 OK to sign, 2/10/25,TW. please, and then have page 11 Im notarized. 0 f,. 0 Thank you. ! 3 cc s a, a, Date Received:City Attorney: Date Routed:Mayor's Office 2/11/25 City Clerk's Office Z 11 r adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION AGREEMENT (The Suton) THIS MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROPERTY TAX AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement") is entered into on the last date signed below, by and between SUT 565, LP (hereinafter "Applicant"), and the CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation (hereinafter "City"), and related to Applicant's development of The Suton, a multifamily residential housing complex within a targeted residential area of the City. I. Recitals 1.1 Applicant has applied to the City for an eight year property tax exemption as provided for in Chapter 84.14 of the Revised Code of Washington ("RCW") and Chapter 3.25 of the Kent City Code ("KCC") to construct multifamily residential housing within the City's residential targeted area, as defined in KCC 3.25.020. Applicant's proposed project meets the requirements of state and local law to qualify for the temporary property tax exemption and the Administrator of the program, the City's Director of Economic and Community Development (hereinafter "Administrator"), has approved the application as meeting those eligibility requirements. 1.2 Applicant has submitted to the City an application and preliminary site plans and floor plans to construct 565 new market-rate multifamily housing units as part of a mixed-use project known as The Suton (hereinafter "Project") on property owned by the Applicant and located at 3101 S 2401" Street in the City of Kent, Washington, also referred to by King County Property Tax Parcel Numbers 7790000005 and 22220499113, and more fully described in Exhibit 1 attached and incorporated by this reference (hereinafter"Property"). 1.3 The City has determined that the Project will, if developed as proposed, satisfy the requirements for issuance of a final certificate of tax exemption, which provides a temporary exemption from property taxes consistent with the program as provided for under Ch. 3.24 KCC for a period of eight years beginning January 1 of the year immediately following the calendar year after issuance of the final certificate of tax exemption. 1.4 Once developed, the Project will also contribute and assist Kent in achieving its housing growth targets under the 2044 Comprehensive Plan adopted by the City Council on December 10, 2024, and serving as a new property tax revenue source after the temporary exemption expires. Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 1 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein, City and Applicant do mutually agree as follows: II. Agreement 2.1 Conditional Certificate of Acceptance of Tax Exemption. The City agrees, upon execution of this Agreement, and subject to approval by the City Council, to issue a conditional certificate of acceptance of tax exemption (hereinafter "Conditional Certificate"), which shall expire three (3) years from the date of approval of this Agreement by the City Council, unless extended by the Administrator or their designee, as provided in KCC 3.25.090. 2.2 Agreement to Construct Multifamily Housing. a. Applicant agrees to construct the Project on the Property substantially as described in the site plans and floor plans on file with the City's Economic and Community Development Department as of the date of the City Council's approval of this Agreement, subject to such modifications thereto as may be required to comply with applicable codes and ordinances; provided, that in no event shall such construction provide fewer than four (4) new multifamily housing dwelling units designed for permanent residential occupancy and at least fifty percent (50%) of the space within the Project shall be intended for permanent residential occupancy. b. Applicant agrees to comply with all applicable zoning requirements, land use regulations, and building and housing code requirements, including but not limited to the City's comprehensive plan, building, fire, housing, and zoning codes, downtown design review guidelines, multifamily design review, and Midway design review if applicable (hereinafter, collectively, "Development Regulations"). The Project must comply with any other standards and guidelines adopted by the City Council for the residential targeted area. Applicant further agrees that approval of this Agreement by the City Council, its execution by the Mayor, or issuance of a Conditional Certificate by the City pursuant to KCC 3.25.080 in no way constitutes approval of proposed improvements on the Property with respect to applicable provisions of the City's Development Regulations or obligates the City to approve proposed improvements to the Property. C. Applicant agrees that the Project will be completed within three (3) years from the date of approval of this Agreement by the City Council, unless extended by the Administrator for cause as provided in KCC 3.25.090. 2.3 Requirements for Final Certificate of Tax Exemption. Applicant may, upon completion of the Project and upon issuance by City of a temporary or Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 2 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) permanent certificate of occupancy, request a final certificate of tax exemption (hereinafter 'Final Certificate"). The request shall be filed with the Administrator, and be accompanied by the following: a. A statement of expenditures made with respect to each multifamily housing unit and the total expenditures made with respect to the entire Project and Property; and b. A description of the completed work and a statement of qualification for the multifamily housing property tax exemption; and C. The total monthly rent, or total sale amount of each multifamily housing unit rented or sold to date; and d. A statement that the Project was completed within the required three-(3) year period or any authorized extension, and documentation that the Project was completed in compliance with the terms of this Agreement; and e. Any further information that the Administrator deems necessary or useful, pursuant to Chapter 84.14 RCW or Chapter 3.25 KCC, to evaluate the Project's eligibility for the Final Certificate. 2.4 Agreement to Issue Final Certificate of Tax Exemption. The City agrees to file a Final Certificate with the King County Assessor within forty (40) days of submission by the Applicant of all materials required by paragraph 2.3 above, if Applicant has: a. Successfully completed the Project in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and Chapter 3.25 KCC; and b. Filed a request for a Final Certificate with the Administrator and submitted the materials described in paragraph 2.3 above; and C. Paid to the City a fee in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000); and d. Met all other requirements provided in Chapter 3.25 KCC for issuance of the Final Certificate. 2.5 Annual Certification and Report. Within thirty (30) days after the first one-year anniversary of the date the City issued the Final Certificate and each year thereafter for a total period of eight (8) years, Applicant agrees to file a notarized declaration and annual report with the Administrator. The report shall contain such Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 3 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) information as required by Chapter 84.14 RCW and as the Administrator may deem necessary or useful, and shall at a minimum include the following; a. A statement of the occupancy and vacancy of the multifamily housing units during the twelve (12) months ending with the anniversary date; and b. A certification that the multifamily housing units, Project, and Property have not changed use since the date the City issued the Final Certificate; and C. A statement that the multifamily housing units, Project, and Property continue to be in compliance with this Agreement and the requirements of Chapter 84.14 RCW and Chapter 3.25 KCC; and d. A description of any improvements or changes to the Project made after the City issued the Final Certificate; and e. The total monthly rent of each multifamily housing unit rented, or the total sale amount of each multifamily housing unit sold to an initial purchaser during the twelve (12) months ending with the anniversary date; and f. A breakdown of the number, type, and specific multifamily housing units rented or sold during the twelve (12) months ending with the anniversary date; and g. Any additional information requested by the Administrator pursuant to meeting any reporting requirements under Chapter 84.14 RCW. 2.6 No Violations for Duration of Exemption. For the duration of the property tax exemption granted under Chapter 3.25 KCC, Applicant agrees that the Project and the Property will have no violations of applicable zoning requirements, land use regulations, building code requirements or fire code requirements, for which the applicable code enforcement officer, pursuant to Chapter 1.04 KCC, shall have issued a correction notice, a notice of violation, or other notification that is not resolved by a voluntary correction agreement, certificate of compliance, certificate of release, withdrawal or other method that proves either compliance or that no violation existed, within the time period for compliance, if any, provided in such notice of violation, citation or other notification or any extension of the time period for compliance granted by the code enforcement officer. 2.7 Notification of Transfer of Interest or Change in Use. Applicant agrees to notify the Administrator within thirty (30) days of any transfer of Applicant's ownership interest in the Project, the Property, or any improvements made to the Property. Applicant further agrees to notify the Administrator and the King County Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 4 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) Assessor in writing within sixty (60) days of any change of use of any or all of the multifamily housing units on the Property to another use. Applicant acknowledges that such a change in use may result in cancellation of the property tax exemption and imposition of additional taxes, interest, and penalty pursuant to state law. 2.8 Cancellation of Exemption - Appeal. a. The City reserves the right to cancel the tax exemption and revoke the Final Certificate if at any time the Administrator determines that the multifamily housing units, the Project, or the Property no longer complies with the terms of this Agreement or with the requirements of Chapter 3.25 KCC, or for any other reason no longer qualifies for a property tax exemption. b. If the property tax exemption is canceled for non-compliance, Applicant acknowledges that state law requires that an additional real property tax is to be imposed in the amount of: [1] the difference between the property tax paid and the property tax that would have been paid if it had included the value of the nonqualifying improvements, dated back to the date that the improvements became nonqualifying; [2] a penalty of twenty percent (20%) of the difference calculated under [1] of this subsection b; and [3] interest at the statutory rate charged on delinquent property taxes, calculated from the last date the tax could have been paid without penalty if the improvements had been assessed without regard to the exemptions provided by Chapter 84.14 RCW. Applicant acknowledges that, pursuant to RCW 84.14.110, any additional tax owed, together with interest and penalty, shall become a lien on the Property and attach at the time the Property or portion of the Property is removed from multifamily housing use, and that the lien has priority to and must be fully paid and satisfied before a recognizance, mortgage, judgment, debt, obligation, or responsibility to or with which the Property may become charged or liable. Applicant further acknowledges that RCW 84.14.110 provides that any such lien may be foreclosed in the manner provided by law for foreclosure of liens for delinquent real property taxes. C. Upon determining that the tax exemption is to be canceled, the Administrator shall notify the Applicant, along with any other owner of record, by certified mail, return receipt requested. The Applicant may appeal the determination in accordance with RCW 84.14.110 and KCC 3.25.130.B. 2.9 Amendments. No modification of this Agreement shall be made unless mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing and unless in compliance with the provisions of KCC 3.25.080.E, including but not limited to Applicant's payment of a five hundred dollars ($500) contract amendment fee. 2.10 Binding Effect. The provisions, covenants, and conditions contained in this Agreement are binding upon the parties hereto and their legal heirs, Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 5 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) Docusign Envelope ID: E9E8B9D5-OE6A-4E06-AEE1-ED9595117262 representatives, successors, assigns, and subsidiaries, and are intended to run with the land. 2.11 Recording of Agreement. The Administrator shall cause this Agreement to be recorded, at Applicant's expense, in the real property records of the King County Department of Records and Elections, along with any other documents as will identify such terms and conditions of eligibility for exemption as the Administrator deems appropriate for recording. 2.12 Audits and Inspection of Records. Applicant understands and agrees that City has the right to audit or review appropriate records to assure compliance with this Agreement and to perform evaluations of the effectiveness of the multifamily housing property tax exemption program. Applicant agrees to make appropriate records available for review or audit upon seven (7) days' written notice by City. 2.13 Notices. All notices to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when hand-delivered within normal business hours, when actually received by facsimile transmission, or two business days after having been mailed, postage prepaid, to the parties hereto at the addresses set forth below, or to such other place as a party may from time to time designate in writing. APPLICANT: Inrtia I Initial Initial SUT 565, LP 210 SW Wilson Ave., Suite 100 Bend, OR 97702 Phone:(503) 975-2250 Fax: Attention: Kathryn Joseph CITY: City of Kent Economic and Community Development 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Phone: (253) 856-5454 Fax: (253) 856-6454 Attention: Planning Department 2.14 Severability. In the event that any term or clause of this Agreement conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other terms of this Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 6 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) Agreement that can be given effect without the conflicting terms or clause, and to this end, the terms of the Agreement are declared to be severable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. CITY OF KENT APPLICANT: By: D Ralph By: Its: Ma or Its: Date: Date: APPROY D AS TO FORM: Cif y At--ornE y Ta y Whi e Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 7 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) CITY OF KENT APPLICANT: SUT 565, LP a Washington limited partnership By: -"" -� "- By: SUT PC[, LLC, Its: - - a Washington limited liability company, Date: — --- -"-- Its: General Partner By: Corry Bittn , Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Cedar Coast General LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, City Attorney Its: General Partner By: Mighty River Holdings, Inc., a Nevada corporation Its: Member By: Ender I ay, President By: Autumn Creek Ltd., a Nevada corporation Its: Member By: William Fisher, President Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 7 of 12 Exemption Agreement CITY OF KENT APPLICANT: SUT 565, LP a Washington limited partnership By: -- - - By: SLIT PCI, LLC, Its: _ -- - ---- a Washington limited liability company, Date: _ _______ _-_ Its: General Partner By: Corry Bittn , Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Cedar Coast General LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, City Attorney Its: General Partner By: Mighty River Holdings, Inc., a Nevada corporation Its: Member By: Ender Ilkay, President By: Autumn Creek Ltd., a Nevada corporation Its: Member By: Willia er, President r Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 7 of 12 Exemption Agreement STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dana Ralph is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mayor of the City of Kent to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 1�t,k.� << < W15 -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. LEYq ��;`��ssioN�i,,� �iX ° 0o (Signature) . 120137 y= NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for Staite i L\�+ = of Washington, residing at <` '111*08-26. ;F�' My appointment expires //,III VV\ NG!$S Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 8 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton) Oc an STATE OF iPo�,4s�D1al ) } ss. COUNTY I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 0 1-"C-U is the person who appeared before me, and said Pe Hon acknowledged that ( /she) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: -Notary Seal Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. AMANDA ElIZABEYH NEINI.ES NOTARY RUBuC-ORF-QON COMMISSION NO,1053284 (Signature) nature) MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBER 11,2M NOTA Y PUBLIC, in and for the State of "r` residing at My appointment expires Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 9 of 12 Exemption Agreement STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ec = is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledge that (he/she) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: q_, --- -Notary Sea!Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. r KlERAN MORRIS um"r -�- 104.975 Water Street VAncouver,BC V6B 5C6(Si g n a u re i 778-819-8553 NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington, residing at Vc,,Atinuyer My appointment expires 01 A Multifamily Housing Property Tax Pagel 1of 12 Exemption Agreement h,Q,r tc,, rr STATE OF WA-9 PIS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF��� ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that � 1 Fm is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that (he/she) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:_ -Notary Seat Must Appear Within This Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. BRADFQRD HARTWELL Pubic,State of Arizona Notary County A MaricoPa638028 mission# Com Expire My Commission 0 mber�2. 26 pece (Signature) 2 NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State 4jU_2,onA of VV-ash, residing at 5'4a7DCNL �9 My appointment expires Multifamily Housing Property Tax PagelOof 12 Exemption Agreement MULTIFAMILY HOUSING PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION AGREEMENT (THE SUTON) EXHIBIT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SIERRA HOMES ADD # 3 VAC BLKS 1-2 & VAC STS & ALLEY PORTION OF NW QTR NW QTR AND OF N QTR SW QTR NW QTR STR 22-22- 04 LYING WLY OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO 1 AS CONDEMNED IN KING CO SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NO 535009 BY DECREE ENTERED 22 JULY 1959; EXC N 30 FT OF SAID NW QTR NW QTR FOR COUNTY ROAD (LESS POR TO CPSRTA PER SCC #20- 2-04848-8 KNT DATED 5-29-20) Multifamily Housing Property Tax Page 10 of 10 Exemption Agreement (The Suton)