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CAG2022-202 - Other - CDW Government LLC - Synology Hard Drives (One-Time Purchase) 2/4/25
FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form Dir Asst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. Originator: Department: Ikhra Mohamed IT Date Sent: Date Required: c 02/03/2025 02/10/2025 Q Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q FZ]Director or Designee 05/03/2022 Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes FI/]No T20175.63520.1800 Budget? Yes:No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: CDW Government LLLC Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = 33506 Other 0 Project Name: Synology Hard Drives (One-Time Purchase) E i Project Details:one-time purchase for Synology Hard Drives(4) for Multimedia, at a cost of$2,814.95, including any applicable Washington State Use Tax, under Director's signature per Council approval on 05/03/2022. = Purchase under Council approved cooperative agreement KCDA AEPA# 022-G, which expires 02/28/2025. C Agreement Amount: $2,814.95 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Cooperative Purchase *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Date: N/A Termination Date: N/A Q Local Business?El Yes VNo* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.700,please completeVendor Purchose-Local Exceptions"formonCityspoce. Business License Verification:YesElln-ProcessElExempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: E]YesFNo CAG2022-202 Comments: 3 3 Mike Carrington, IT Director GJ y Date: 02/04/25 �a c in Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 2/1 1/25 ad«w22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 Thank you for choosing CDW. We have received your quote. CM80 Hardware Software Services IT Solutions Brands Research Hub QUOTE CONFIRMATION PAPERLESS BILLING, Thank you for considering CDW•G for your technology needs. The details of your quote are below. If you are an eProcurement or single sign on customer, please log into your system to access the CDW site. You can search for your quote to retrieve and transfer back into your system for processing. For all other customers, click below to convert your quote to an order. Convert Quote to Order QUOTE# QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER# GRAND TOTAL PFZP714 12/18/2024 PFZP714 5022586 $2,814.95 QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE Svnologv HAT5300- hard drive- 16 TB-SATA 6Gb s 4 6475857 $638.60 $2,554.40 Mfg. Part#: HAT5300-16T Contract: KCDA Catalog Agreement-Contract# 022-G (022-G) SUBTOTAL $2,554.40 SHIPPING $0.00 SALES TAX $260.55 GRAND TOTAL $2,814.95 PURCHASER BILLING INFO DELIVER TO Billing Address: Shipping Address: CITY OF KENT CITY OF KENT ACCOUNTS PAYABL CHRIS BEAGLE 220 4TH AVE S 400 W GOWE ST STE 122 KENT,WA 98032-5895 KENT,WA 98032 Phone: (253)856-5234 Shipping Method: DROP SHIP-GROUND Payment Terms: Net 30 Days-Govt State/Local Please remit payments to: CDW Government 75 Remittance Drive Suite 1515 Chicago,IL 60675-1515 Sales Contact Info Danny Moore 1 (866) 339-7080 1 dannmoo@cdwg.com Need Help? ■ My Account ■ Support ■ Call 800.800.4239 About Us I Privacy Policy I Terms and Conditions This order is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at http://www.cdwa.com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.aspx For more information, contact a CDW account manager. ©2024 CDWG LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue,Vernon Hills, IL 60061 1 800.808.4239 Page 2 of 2 MC TO SIGN_CDW-G Synology Hard Drives for Multimedia (ONE-TIME PURCHASE) Final Audit Report 2025-02-04 Created: 2025-02-03 By: Ikhra Mohamed(imohamed@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAopCyM1DLTTIVVcpf84byzyKWySeHOrmU WC TO SIGN_CDW-G Synology Hard Drives for Multimedia (O NE-TIME PURCHASE)" History Document created by Ikhra Mohamed (imohamed@kentwa.gov) 2025-02-03-4:40:57 PM GMT Document emailed to Mike Carrington (mcarrington@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-02-03-4:41:16 PM GMT Document e-signed by Mike Carrington (mcarrington@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-02-04-8:26:08 PM GMT-Time Source:server Agreement completed. 2025-02-04-8:26:08 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign