HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2025-039 - Original - Environmental Protection Agency - EPA Brownfields Grant - 1/30/25 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Agreement Routing Form DirAsst:
• For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep:
KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional)
WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)
Originator: Department:
Kristen Holdsworth ECD
Date Sent: Date Required:
> 01/23/2025 1/31/2025
Q Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval:
Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website 12/10/2024
Budclet Account Number: Grant? Yes ✓ NoE]
TBD- Project number coming
Budget? Yes Type: Federal
Vendor Name: Category:
Environmental Protection Agency00L Grant: Non-Real Property
Vendor Number: Sub-Category:
Project Name: EPA Brownfields Grant
CProject Details: Grant funds will be used for inventory, assessment, planning, and community
outreach related to brownfield properties within the City of Kent.
(11.111 Basis for Selection of Contractor:
AgreementAmount• 500,000 Other
i *Memo to Mayormustbeattached El
A- Start Date: 10/1/2024 Termination Date: 9/30/2028
a Local Business? Yes PINo*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace.
Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process F1 Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) FlAuthorized Signer Verified
Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number:
Yes❑No CAG2025-039
y Per EPA contract (attached), Mayor signature of contract is not required.
i This routing form is to ensure grant is on file, City Attorney's Office
recommends the Mayor sign this pink sheet.
� C
i\ c Federal grant number: BF-02392301
9= Can start billing for pre-award costs as of 10/1/2024.
No costshare required, grant is 100% EPA federal grant.
Date Received:City Attorney: 1/29/25 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 1/29/25 ty Clerk's Office 1/31/25
adccW22373_7_20 Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements
1/2/25, 11:58 AM 2024 Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Grants—Accept-City of Kent,Washington
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�� KENT Action Item
Department: City Clerk Sponsors:
Category: Agreement
BUDGET IMPACT: No impact to the general fund.
MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to accept grant funds from the Environmental
Protection Agency in the amount of $500,000 for brownfield assessments, amend the
budget, authorize expenditure of the grant funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign all
necessary documents subject to the approval of final terms and conditions acceptable
to the Economic and Community Development Director and City Attorney.
SUMMARY: These grant funds will be used for inventory, assessment, planning, and community
outreach related to brownfield properties within the City of Kent. A brownfield is a property, the
expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential
presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in
these properties increases local tax bases, facilitates job growth, utilizes existing infrastructure,
relieves development pressure from pristine spaces or green spaces, thereby improving and
protecting the environment.
The last brownfields assessment within City of Kent was undertaken in 2012. Since that time,
new areas have come under City jurisdiction, and the arrival of light rail transit and its
accompanying mandates for higher density-adjacent development (also known as Transit-
Oriented Development) bring new incentives to reclaim brownfields for high impact development
which may provide housing, jobs, and space for new business, with multiple economic benefits
to the City and community enhancements for its residents. Bringing this into sharper focus is the
recent update of the City's Comprehensive Plan with its target growth metrics of 32,000 new
jobs and 10,200
Redevelopment spurred by completing light rail and road projects in Midway neighborhoods will
encourage demand for commercial real estate and multifamily housing. Funds from the federal
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for environmental characterization and assessment
administered by the City will further support the reuse of long dormant brownfield properties.
orting role for community
n of
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1/2/25, 11:58 AM 2024 Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Grants—Accept-City of Kent,Washington
Department to verify that final terms and conditions are acceptable prior to
Council City Council Regular Meeting
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BF-02J92301 -0 Page 1
,,,,1ED S7:4, GRANT NUMBER(FAIN): 02J92301
2 PROTECTION AGENCY New 12/16/2024
Cooperative Agreement PAYMENT METHOD: ACH#
RECIPIENT TYPE: Send Payment Request to:
Municipal rtpfc-grants@epa.gov
KENT,WA 98032-5895 KENT,WA 98032-5895
EIN: 91-6001254
Kristen Holdsworth Meredith Lightbody Kathryn Perrone
220 4TH AVENUE S 1200 Sixth Avenue,Suite 155 GIAB, 14-D12
KENT,WA 98032-5895 Seattle,WA 98101-3123 1200 Sixth Avenue,Suite 155
Email: kholdsworth@kentwa.gov Email: Lightbody.Meredith@epa.gov Seattle,WA 98101-3123
Phone: 253-856-5441 Phone:206-553-6910 Email: Perrone.Kathryn@epa.gov
City of Kent FY2024 Brownfields Community-Wide Assessment Cooperative Agreement
See Attachment 1 for project description.
10/01/2024-09/30/2028 10/01/2024-09/30/2028 $500,000.00 $500,000.00
Based on your Application dated 11/08/2023 including all modifications and amendments,the United States acting by and through the US Environmental
Protection Agency(EPA)hereby awards$500,000.00. EPA agrees to cost-share 100.00%of all approved budget period costs incurred,up to and not
exceeding total federal funding of$500,000.00.Recipient's signature is not required on this agreement.The recipient demonstrates its commitment to carry
out this award by either: 1)drawing down funds within 21 days after the EPA award or amendment mailing date;or 2)not filing a notice of disagreement with
the award terms and conditions within 21 days after the EPA award or amendment mailing date. If the recipient disagrees with the terms and conditions
specified in this award,the authorized representative of the recipient must furnish a notice of disagreement to the EPA Award Official within 21 days after the
EPA award or amendment mailing date. In case of disagreement,and until the disagreement is resolved,the recipient should not draw down on the funds
provided by this award/amendment,and any costs incurred by the recipient are at its own risk.This agreement is subject to applicable EPA regulatory and
statutory provisions,all terms and conditions of this agreement and any attachments.
U.S.EPA,Region 10, EPA Region 10 U.S. EPA, Region 10,Land,Chemicals,and Redevelopment Division
Mail Code: 17-004, 1200 Sixth Avenue,Suite 155 R10-Region 10
Seattle,WA 98101 1200 Sixth Avenue,Suite 155
Seattle,WA 98101-3123
Digital signature applied by EPA Award Official Andrea Manion-Grants Management Officer DATE
BF-02J92301-0 Page 2
EPA Funding Information
EPA Amount This Action $0 $500,000 $500,000
EPA In-Kind Amount $0 $0 $0
Unexpended Prior Year Balance $0 $0 $0
Other Federal Funds $0 $0 $0
Recipient Contribution $0 $0 $0
State Contribution $0 $0 $0
Local Contribution $0 $0 $0
Other Contribution $0 $0 $0
Allowable Project Cost $0 $500,000 $500,000
Assistance Program(CFDA) Statutory Authority Regulatory Authority
66.818-Brownfields Multipurpose,Assessment, CERCLA:Secs. 104(k)(2)&104(k)(5)(E) 2 CFR 200,2 CFR 1500 and 40 CFR 33
Revolving Loan Fund,and Cleanup Cooperative
Site Name Req No FY Code Organization PRC OClass Site/Project Organi Obligation
Deobl gat on
2510LDG005 24 E4 10L4AG7 OOOD79 4114 $500,000
BF-02J92301-0 Page 3
Budget Summary Page
Table A-Object Class Category Total Approved Allowable
(Non-Construction) Budget Period Cost
1.Personnel $49,000
2.Fringe Benefits $0
3.Travel $3,000
4.Equipment $0
5.Supplies $ 1,500
6.Contractual $438,500
7.Construction $0
8.Other $8,000
9.Total Direct Charges $500,000
10.Indirect Costs:0.00%Base $0
11.Total(Share:Recipient 0.00%Federal 100.00%) $500,000
12.Total Approved Assistance Amount $500,000
13.Program Income $0
14.Total EPA Amount Awarded This Action $500,000
15.Total EPA Amount Awarded To Date $500,000
BF-02J92301-0 Page 4
Attachment 1 - Project Description
Brownfields are real property, the expansion, development or reuse of which may be complicated by the
presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. This agreement will
provide funding for the City of Kent (Kent) to conduct eligible assessment-related activities as authorized
by CERLCA 104(k)(2) in Kent, Washington.Specifically, this agreement will provide funding to the
recipient to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct cleanup planning and community involvement
related activities. Additionally, the recipient will competitively procure (as needed) and direct a Qualified
Environmental Professional to conduct environmental site activities. Also, the recipient will report on
interim progress and final accomplishments by completing and submitting relevant portions of the
Property Profile Form using EPA's Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System
Further, the recipient anticipates conducting 14 Phase I and 6 Phase II environmental site assessments,
holding 7 community meetings, developing 4 site-specific cleanup plans/Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup
Alternatives, developing 2 planning documents to initiate brownfields revitalization, and submitting 16
quarterly reports. Work conducted under this agreement will benefit the residents, business owners, and
stakeholders in and near Kent, WA.The City plans to subaward to one or more community-based
organization(s) to act as a community liaison during outreach, to ensure community members' goals and
interests are reflected in the sites planned for assessment and reuse
BF-02J92301-0 Page 5
Administrative Conditions
The recipient agrees to comply with the current EPA general terms and conditions available at: https://www.epa.
gov/system/files/documents/2024-10/fy_2025_epa_general_terms_and_cond itions_effective_october 1_2024_or later.pdf
These terms and conditions are in addition to the assurances and certifications made as a part of the award and the terms,
conditions, or restrictions cited throughout the award.
The EPA repository for the general terms and conditions by year can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/grants/grant-terms-
The terms and conditions of this agreement require the submittal of reports, specific requests for approval, or notifications to
EPA. Unless otherwise noted, all such correspondence should be sent to the following email addresses:
Federal Financial Reports (SF-425): rtafc-grants&epa.gov
MBE/WBE reports (EPA Form 5700-52A): R10grants&epa.gov
All other forms/certifications/assurances, Indirect Cost Rate Agreements, updates to recipient information (including email
addresses, changes in contact information or changes in authorized representatives) and other notifications: R10grants&epa.
Requests for Extensions of the Budget and Project Period, Quality Assurance documents, workplan revisions, equipment lists,
programmatic reports and deliverables, Amendment Requests, Requests for other Prior Approvals: Liahtbody.Meredithaepa.
Administrative questions and issues: Perrone.Kathryn&epa.gov
In accordance with 2 CFR 1500.9, the recipient may charge otherwise allowable pre-award costs (both Federal and non-
Federal matching shares) incurred from 1010112024 to the actual award date provided that such costs were contained in the
approved application and all costs are incurred within the approved budget period.
The recipient agrees to complete the EPA Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients and the How to
Develop a Budget training within 90 calendar days of the date of award of this agreement. The recipient must notify the Grant
Specialist via email when the required training is complete. For additional information on this training requirement, the
recipient should refer to RAIN-2024-G01.
BF-02J92301-0 Page 6
Programmatic Conditions
FY2024 Brownfields Community-wide Assessment
Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions
US EPA Region 10
Please note that these Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)apply to Brownfield Assessment Cooperative Agreements
awarded under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) § 104
NOTE: For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the term "assessment" includes eligible
activities under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) § 104(k)(2)(A)(1) such as activities involving the inventory, characterization,
assessment, and planning relating to brownfield sites as described in the EPA-approved
A. Federal Policy and Guidance
1. Cooperative Agreement Recipients: By awarding this cooperative agreement, the Environmental
Protection Agency(EPA) has approved the application for the Cooperative Agreement Recipient (CAR)
submitted in the Fiscal Year 2024 competition for Brownfield Assessment cooperative agreements.
2. In implementing this agreement, the CAR shall ensure that work done with cooperative agreement funds
complies with the requirements of CERCLA§ 104(k). The CAR shall also ensure that assessment activities
supported with cooperative agreement funding comply with all applicable federal and state laws and
3. A term and condition or other legally binding provision shall be included in all subawards entered into with
the funds awarded under this agreement, or when funds awarded under this agreement are used in
combination with non-federal sources of funds, to ensure that the CAR complies with all applicable federal and
state laws and requirements. In addition to CERCLA§ 104(k), applicable federal laws and requirements include
2 CFR Part 200.
4. The CAR must comply with federal cross-cutting requirements. These requirements include, but are not
limited to, DBE requirements found at 40 CFR Part 33; OSHA Worker Health & Safety Standard 29 CFR§
1910.120; Uniform Relocation Act(40 USC § 61); National Historic Preservation Act (16 USC §470);
Endangered Species Act (P.L. 93-205); Permits required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act; Executive
Order 11246, Equal Employment Opportunity, and implementing regulations at 41 CFR§ 60-4; Contract Work
Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended (40 USC §§ 327-333); the Anti-Kickback Act(40 USC § 3145); and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as implemented by Executive Orders 11914 and 11250. For
additional information on cross-cutting requirements visit https://www.epa.gov/grants/epa-subaward-cross-
5. The CAR must comply with Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage requirements and associated U.S. Department
of Labor(DOL) regulations for all construction, alteration, and repair contracts and subcontracts awarded with
funds provided under this agreement by operation of CERCLA§ 104(g). Assessment activities generally do not
involve construction, alteration, and repair within the meaning of the Davis-Bacon Act. However, the recipient
must contact the EPA Project Officer if there are unique circumstances (e.g., removal of an underground
storage tank or another structure and restoration of the site)that indicate that the Davis-Bacon Act applies to
an activity the CAR intends to carry out with funds provided under this agreement. EPA will provide guidance
on Davis-Bacon Act compliance if necessary.
BF-02J92301-0 Page 7
All brownfield sites that will be addressed using funds from the cooperative agreement must be
located within the geographic boundary described in the scope of work for this cooperative
agreement (i.e., the EPA-approved workplan).
A. Eligible Brownfield Site Determinations
1. Prior to performing site work, the CAR must provide information to the EPA Project Officer about each site
that will be addressed under this cooperative agreement. The CAR may use cooperative agreement funds to
prepare information that is provided to the EPA Project Officer. The information that must be provided includes
whether the site meets the definition of a brownfield site as defined in CERCLA§ 101(39), and whether the
CAR is the potentially responsible party under CERCLA§ 107, is exempt from CERCLA liability, and/or has
defenses to CERCLA liability.
2. If the site is excluded from the general definition of a brownfield, but is eligible for a property-specific
funding determination, then the CAR may request a property-specific funding determination from the EPA
Project Officer. In its request, the CAR must provide information sufficient for EPA to make a property-specific
funding determination on how financial assistance will protect human health and the environment, and either
promote economic development or enable the creation of, preservation of, or addition to parks, greenways,
undeveloped property, other recreational property, or other property used for nonprofit purposes. The CAR
must not incur costs for assessing sites requiring a property-specific funding determination by EPA until the
EPA Project Officer has advised the CAR that EPA has determined that the property is eligible.
3. Brownfield Sites Contaminated with Petroleum
a. For any petroleum-contaminated brownfield site that is not included in the CAR's EPA-approved workplan,
the CAR shall provide sufficient documentation to EPA prior to incurring costs under this cooperative
agreement which documents that:
i. the State determines there is"no viable responsible party"for the site;
ii. the State determines that the person assessing or investigating the site is a person who is not potentially
liable for cleaning up the site; and
iii. the site is not subject to any order issued under Section 9003(h) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
This documentation must be prepared by the CAR or the State, following contact and discussion with the
appropriate state petroleum program official. Please contact the EPA Project Officer for additional information.
b. Documentation must include:
i. the identity of the State program official contacted;
ii. the State official's telephone number;
iii. the date of the contact; and
iv. a summary of the discussion relating to the State's determination that there is no viable responsible party
and that the person assessing or investigating the site is not potentially liable for cleaning up the site.
Other documentation provided by a State to the recipient relevant to any of the determinations by the State
must also be provided to the EPA Project Officer.
c. If the State chooses not to make the determinations described in Section II.A.3. above, the CAR must
BF-02J92301-0 Page 8
contact the EPA Project Officer and provide the necessary information for EPA to make the requisite
d. EPA will make all determinations on the eligibility of petroleum-contaminated brownfield sites located on
tribal lands (i.e., reservation lands or lands otherwise in Indian country, as defined at 18 U.S.C. § 1151). Before
incurring costs for these sites, the CAR must contact the EPA Project Officer and provide the necessary
information for EPA to make the determinations.
A. Sufficient
1. This condition supplements the requirements of the Termination and Sufficient Progress Conditions in the
General Terms and Conditions.
The EPA Project Officer will assess whether the recipient is making sufficient progress in implementing its
cooperative agreement 18 months and 30 months from the date of award. If EPA determines that the CAR has
not made sufficient progress in implementing its cooperative agreement, the CAR, if directed to do so, must
implement a corrective action plan concurred on by the EPA Project Officer and approved by the Grants
Management Officer or Award Official. Alternatively, EPA may terminate this agreement under 2 CFR§
200.340 for material non-compliance with its terms, or with the consent of the CAR as provided at 2 CFR §
200.340, depending on the circumstances.
Sufficient progress at 18 months is indicated when:
• at least 25% of funds have been drawn down and disbursed for eligible activities;
• a Qualified Environmental Professional(s) has been procured;
• sites are prioritized or an inventory has been initiated (unless site prioritization or an inventory was
completed prior to award);
• community engagement activities have been initiated; and/or
• other documented activities have occurred that demonstrate to EPA's satisfaction that the CAR will
successfully perform the cooperative agreement.
Sufficient progress at 30 months is indicated when:
• at least 45% of funds have been drawn down and disbursed for eligible activities;
• assessments on at least two sites have been initiated; and/or
• other documented activities have occurred that demonstrate to EPA's satisfaction that the CAR will
successfully perform the cooperative agreement.
B. Substantial Involvement
1. The EPA Project Officer will be substantially involved in overseeing and monitoring this cooperative
agreement. Substantial involvement, includes, but is not limited to:
a. Close monitoring of the CAR's performance to verify compliance with the EPA-approved workplan and
achievement of environmental results.
b. Participation in periodic telephone conference calls to share ideas, project successes and challenges, etc.,
with EPA.
BF-02J92301-0 Page 9
c. Reviewing and commenting on quarterly and annual reports prepared under the cooperative agreement
(the final decision on the content of reports rests with the recipient or subrecipients receiving pass-through
d. Verifying sites meet applicable site eligibility criteria (including property-specific funding determinations
described in Section II.A.2.) and when the CAR awards a subaward for site assessment. The CAR must obtain
technical assistance from the EPA Project Officer, or his/her designee, on which sites qualify as a brownfield
site and determine whether the statutory prohibitions found in CERCLA§ 104(k)(5)(B)(i)-(iv)apply. (Note, the
prohibition does not allow a subrecipient to use EPA cooperative agreement funds to assess a site for which
the subrecipient is potentially liable under CERCLA§ 107.)
e. Reviewing and approving Quality Assurance Project Plans and related documents or verifying that
appropriate Quality Assurance requirements have been met where quality assurance activities are being
conducted pursuant to an EPA-approved Quality Assurance Management Plan.
Substantial involvement may also include, depending on the direction of the EPA Project Officer:
f. Collaboration during the performance of the scope of work including participation in project activities, to
the extent permissible under EPA policies. Examples of collaboration include:
i. Consultation between EPA staff and the CAR on effective methods of carrying out the scope of work
provided the CAR makes the final decision on how to perform authorized activities.
ii. Advice from EPA staff on how to access publicly available information on EPA or other federal agency
iii. With the consent of the CAR, EPA staff may provide technical advice to the CAR's contractors or
subrecipients provided the CAR approves any expenditures of funds necessary to follow advice from EPA staff.
(The CAR remains accountable for performing contract and subaward management as specified in 2 CFR§
200.318 and 2 CFR§ 200.332 as well as the terms of the EPA cooperative agreement.)
iv. EPA staff participation in meetings, webinars, and similar events upon the request of the CAR or in
connection with a co-sponsorship agreement.
g. Reviewing and approving that the Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA), or equivalent state
Brownfields program document, meets the Brownfields Program's requirements for an ABCA.
h. Reviewing proposed procurements in accordance with 2 CFR§ 200.325, as well as the substantive terms of
proposed contracts or subawards as appropriate. This may include reviewing requests for proposals,
invitations for bid, scopes of work and/or plans and specifications for contracts over$250,000 prior to
advertising for bids.
i. Reviewing the qualifications of key personnel. (EPA does not have the authority to select employees or
contractors, including consultants, employed by the CAR or subrecipients receiving pass-through awards.)
j. Reviewing information in performance reports to ensure all costs incurred by the CAR and/or its contractor
(s) if needed to ensure appropriate expenditure of grant funds.
EPA may waive any of the provisions in Section III.13.1., except for property-specific funding determinations.
The EPA Project Officer will provide waivers to provisions a. —e. in Section II I.B.1 in writing.
2. Effects of EPA's substantial involvement include:
a. EPA's review of any project phase, document, or cost incurred under this cooperative agreement will not
have any effect upon CERCLA§ 128 Eligible Response Site determinations or rights, authorities, and actions
under CERCLA or any federal statute.
BF-02J92301-0 Page 10
b. The CAR remains responsible for ensuring that all assessments are protective of human health and the
environment and comply with all applicable federal and state laws.
c. The CAR and its subrecipients remain responsible for ensuring costs are allowable under 2 CFR Part 200,
Subpart E.
C. Cooperative Agreement Recipient Roles and Responsibilities
1. All additional sites selected for eligible activities throughout the period of performance (i.e., sites that were
not identified in the workplan) must be located within the geographic boundary(ies) identified by the CAR in
the workplan.
Consistent with the FY24 Community-wide Assessment Grant Guidelines, criteria for selecting additional sites
must at least consider whether the site is located within an underserved communityM or disadvantaged
census tract, as identified through the Climate and Environmental Justice Screening Tool (CEJST), in addition to
considering the prioritization criteria identified in the FY24 application, the workplan, or developed during
implementation of the workplan. Note, criteria developed during the implementation of the workplan must
lead to the CAR addressing sites in areas with similar characteristics as the areas discussed in the FY24
[1] When EPA uses the term "underserved communities" it has the meaning defined in Executive Order
13985: Advancing Racial Equity And Support For Underserved Communities Through The Federal
Government,which defines "underserved communities" as"populations sharing a particular characteristic, as
well as geographic communities, that have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in
aspects of economic, social, and civic life as exemplified in the preceding definition of equity."As described in
the Executive Order, the term "equity" means the consistent and systematic fair,just, and impartial
treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities that have been
denied such treatment, which may include Black, Latino, and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian
Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color; members of religious minorities; lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and queer(LGBTQ+) persons; persons with disabilities; persons who live in rural areas;
and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality. It also includes "communities
environmentally overburdened,"that is, a community adversely and disproportionately affected by
environmental and human health harms or risks, and "disadvantaged, communities" as referenced in
Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, and defined in Office of Management
and Budget's Memo M-21-28: Interim Implementation Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative.
2. The CAR is responsible for ensuring that funding received under this cooperative agreement does not
exceed the statutory $200,000 funding limitation for an individual brownfield site. The CAR may request a
waiver of the $200,000 funding limitation based on the anticipated level of contamination, size, or status of
ownership of the site. Waiver of this funding limit for a brownfield site must be submitted to and approved by
the EPA Project Officer prior to the expenditure of funding exceeding $200,000. In no case may funding for
site-specific assessment activities exceed $350,000 on a site receiving a waiver.
CARs expending funding from an Assessment Coalition cooperative agreement must include this amount in
any total funding expended on the site.
3. If the CAR's workplan includes eligible planning activities to prepare a brownfield site for reuse (see
https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/information-eligible-planning-activities for eligible planning activities), the
CAR must demonstrate meaningful community engagement in the reuse planning of brownfields assessed
under the grant. Meaningful community engagement is demonstrated by actively including local nonprofit
organizations, citizen leaders, or similar local groups/entities in brownfield reuse planning.
4. CARs, other than state entities, that procure a contractor(s) (including consultants)where the contract
will be more than the micro-purchase threshold in 2 CFR§ 200.320(a)(1) ($10,000 for most CARs) must select
the contractor(s) in compliance with the fair and open competition requirements in 2 CFR Part 200 and 2 CFR
Part 1500. This requirement also applies to procurement processes that were completed before the award of
this cooperative agreement. See the Brownfie/ds Grants: Guidance on Competitively Procuring a Contractor for
BF-02J92301-0 Page 11
additional information.
CARs may procure multiple contractors to ensure the appropriate expertise is in place to perform work under
the agreement (e.g., expertise to conduct site assessment activities vs. planning activities) and to allow the
ability for work be performed concurrently at multiple sites within the defined and approved geographic
5. The CAR must acquire the services of a Qualified Environmental Professional(s) as defined in 40 CFR§
312.10, if it does not have such a professional on staff to coordinate, direct, and oversee the brownfield site
assessment activities at a given site.
6. [If subawards are approved for this agreement] Subawards are defined at 2 CFR § 200.1. The CAR
shall not subaward to for-profit organizations or individual consultants. The CAR must obtain commercial
services and products necessary to carry out this agreement under competitive procurement procedures as
described in 2 CFR§§ 200.317 through 200.327. The CAR must obtain written approval from the EPA Award
Official for any subawards that are not described in the approved work plan in accordance with 2 CFR §
In addition, EPA policy encourages awarding subawards competitively and the CAR must consider awarding
subawards through competition. Recipients may consult EPA's Subaward Policy and Best Practice Guide for
Procuring Services. Supplies. and Equipment Under EPA Assistance Agreements for additional guidance. The
Best Practice Guide provides information on distinguishing between subawards and procurement contracts.
7. [If the application includes leveraged resources that will materialize during the period of
performance] Leveraged Resources—The CAR agrees to provide the proposed leveraged funding,
including any voluntary cost-share contribution or overmatch, that is described in its workplan. If the proposed
leveraging does not materialize during the period of award performance, and the CAR does not provide a
satisfactory explanation, EPA may consider this factor in evaluating future applications from the CAR. In
addition, if the proposed leveraging does not materialize during the period of award performance, then EPA
may reconsider the legitimacy of the award. If EPA determines that the CAR knowingly or recklessly provided
inaccurate information regarding the leveraged funding in its FY24 application, EPA may take action as
authorized by 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500, and/or 2 CFR Part 180 as applicable.
8. Cybersecurity—The recipient agrees that when collecting and managing environmental data under this
cooperative agreement, it will protect the data by following all applicable State or Tribal law and policy
cybersecurity requirements.
a. EPA must ensure that any connections between the recipient's network or information system and EPA
networks used by the recipient to transfer data under this agreement are secure. For purposes of this section,
a connection is defined as a dedicated persistent interface between an Agency IT system and an external IT
system for the purpose of transferring information. Transitory, user-controlled connections such as website
browsing are excluded from this definition.
If the recipient's connections as defined above do not go through the Environmental Information Exchange
Network or EPA's Central Data Exchange, the recipient agrees to contact the EPA Project Officer no later than
90 days after the date of this award and work with the designated Regional/ Headquarters Information
Security Officer to ensure that the connections meet EPA security requirements, including entering into
Interconnection Service Agreements as appropriate. This condition does not apply to manual entry of data by
the recipient into systems operated and used by EPA's regulatory programs for the submission of reporting
and/or compliance data.
b. The recipient agrees that any subawards it makes under this agreement will require the subrecipient to
comply with the requirements in Cybersecurity Section a. above if the subrecipient's network or information
system is connected to EPA networks to transfer data to the Agency using systems other than the
Environmental Information Exchange Network or EPA's Central Data Exchange. The recipient will be in
compliance with this condition: by including this requirement in subaward agreements; and during
subrecipient monitoring deemed necessary by the recipient under 2 CFR§ 200.332(d), by inquiring whether
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the subrecipient has contacted the EPA Project Officer. Nothing in this condition requires the recipient to
contact the EPA Project Officer on behalf of a subrecipient or to be involved in the negotiation of an
Interconnection Service Agreement between the subrecipient and EPA.
9. Geospatial Data—All geospatial data created must be consistent with Federal Geographic Data
Committee (FGDC) endorsed standards. Information on these standards may be found at www.fgdc.gov.
D. Quarterly Performance Reports
1. In accordance with EPA regulations 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500 (specifically, § 200.329, Monitoring and
Reporting Program Performance), the CAR agrees to submit quarterly performance reports to the EPA Project
Officer within 30 days after each reporting period. Initially, quarterly reports will be submitted via email or via
the optional Quarterly Reporting function tool within the Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange
System (ACRES). However, once EPA has developed and incorporated the updated Quarterly Performance
Reporting tool into ACRES, the CAR agrees to use this tool to input quarterly performance reports directly into
ACRES within 30 days after each reporting period. The EPA Project Officer will notify the CAR when the use of
this tool in ACRES is required. The reporting periods are October 1 — December 31 (15t quarter); January 1 —
March 31 (2"d quarter); April 1 —June 30 (31 quarter); and July 1 —September 30 (41" quarter). If a due date
falls on a weekend or holiday, the report will be due on the next business day.
These reports shall cover work status, work progress, difficulties encountered, preliminary data results and a
statement of activity anticipated during the subsequent reporting period, including a description of
equipment, techniques, and materials to be used or evaluated. A discussion of expenditures and financial
status for each workplan task, along with a comparison of the percentage of the project completed to the
project schedule and an explanation of significant discrepancies from the EPA-approved workplan and budget
shall be included in the report. The report shall also include any changes of key personnel concerned with the
project that were approved by the EPA Grants Management Officer or Award Official. (Note, as provided at 2
CFR§ 200.308, Revision of budget and program, the CAR must seek prior approval from the EPA Grants
Management Officer or Award Official for a change in a key person.)
2. The CAR must submit performance reports on a quarterly basis in ACRES using the Assessment Quarterly
Report function or to the EPA Project Officer. Quarterly performance reports must include:
a. A summary that clearly differentiates between activities completed with EPA funds provided under the
Brownfield Assessment cooperative agreement and related activities completed with other sources of
leveraged funding.
b. A summary and status of approved activities performed during the reporting quarter; a summary of the
performance outputs/outcomes achieved during the reporting quarter; and a description of problems
encountered during the reporting quarter that may affect the project schedule.
c. A comparison of actual accomplishments to the anticipated outputs/outcomes specified in the EPA-
approved workplan and reasons why anticipated outputs/outcomes were not met.
d. An update on the project schedule and milestones, including an explanation of any discrepancies from the
EPA-approved workplan.
e. A list of the properties where assessment and/or planning activities were performed and/or completed
during the reporting quarter.
f. A budget summary table with the following information: current approved project budget; EPA funds drawn
down during the reporting quarter; costs drawn down to date (cumulative expenditures); program income
generated and used (if applicable) (i.e., program income received and disbursed during the reporting quarter
and during the entire cooperative agreement, and the amount of program income remaining); and total
remaining funds. The budget summary table must include costs that are charged to the "other" budget object
class category (e.g., participant support costs, subawards, etc.).
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The CAR shall include an explanation of any discrepancies in the budget from the EPA-approved workplan,
cost overruns or high unit costs, and other pertinent information. The CAR shall include a statement on
funding transferso among direct budget categories or programs, functions and activities that occurred during
the quarter and cumulatively during the period of performance.
2 Per EPA's General Term and Condition, the CAR must obtain prior approval from the EPA Grants
Management Officer or Award Official for cumulative transfers of funds in excess of 10% of the total budget.
Note: ACRES reporting requirements can change overtime, based on expansion of EPA's information
collection authority, and the CAR is responsible for complying with the latest ACRES reporting requirements at
the time of each quarterly performance report. The EPA Project Officer will notify the CAR when ACRES
reporting requirements, specific to Brownfields Assessment, change.
g. [Local governments only]— For local governments that are using cooperative agreement funds for health
monitoring, the quarterly report must also include the specific budget, the quarterly expenditure, and
cumulative expenditures to demonstrate that 10% of federal funding is not exceeded.
Note: Each property where assessment activities were performed and/or completed must have its
corresponding information updated in ACRES (or via the Property Profile Form with prior approval from the EPA
Project Officer) prior to submitting the quarterly performance report (see Section III.E. below).
3. [If subawards are approved as a part of this agreement]—Because the workplan and budget for this
agreement include subawards, the CAR is a pass-through entity under the "Establishing and Managing
Subaward" General Term and Condition of this agreement. As the pass-through entity, the CAR must report to
EPA on its subaward monitoring activities under 2 CFR § 200.332(d), including the following information on
subawards as part of the CAR's quarterly performance reporting:
a. Summaries of results of reviews of financial and programmatic reports;
b. Summaries of findings from site visits and/or desk reviews to ensure effective subrecipient performance;
c. Environmental results the subrecipient achieved;
d. Summaries of audit findings and related pass-through entity management decisions, if any; and
e. Actions the pass-through entity has taken to correct any deficiencies such as those specified at 2 CFR
200.332(e), 2 CFR§ 200.208, Specific conditions. and 2 CFR§ 200.339, Remedies for Noncompliance.
4. The CAR must maintain records that will enable it to report to EPA on the amount of funds disbursed by the
CAR to assess the specific properties under this cooperative agreement.
5. In accordance with 2 CFR§ 200.329(e)(1), the CAR agrees to inform the EPA Project Officer as soon as
problems, delays, or adverse conditions become known which will materially impair the ability to meet the
outputs/outcomes specified in the EPA-approved workplan.
E. Property Profile Submission
1. The CAR must report on interim progress (e.g., assessments started, reuse planning activities started)and
any final accomplishments (e.g., assessments completed, clean up required, contaminants found, institutional
controls required, engineering controls required) by completing and submitting relevant portions of the
electronic Property Profile Form using the Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System
(ACRES). The CAR must enter the data in ACRES as soon as the interim action or final accomplishment has
occurred, or within 30 days after the end of each reporting quarter. The CAR must enter any new data into
ACRES prior to submitting the quarterly performance report to the EPA Project Officer. The CAR must utilize
the electronic version of the Property Profile Form in ACRES unless approval is obtained from the EPA Project
Officer to use the hardcopy version of the Property Profile Form or its use is included in the approved
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F. Final Cooperative Agreement Performance Report with Environmental Results
1. In accordance with EPA regulations 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500 (specifically, § 200.329, Monitoring and
Reporting Program Performance and 2 CFR§ 200.344(a), Closeout), the CAR agrees to submit to the EPA
Project Officer within 120 days after the expiration or termination of the approved project period a final
performance report on the cooperative agreement via email; unless the EPA Project Officer agrees to accept a
paper copy of the report. The final performance report shall document and summarize the elements listed in
Section III.D.2., as appropriate, for activities that occurred over the entire project period.
A. Eligible Uses of the Funds for the Cooperative Agreement Recipient
1. To the extent allowable under the EPA-approved workplan, cooperative agreement funds may be used for
eligible programmatic expenses to inventory, characterize, assess sites; conduct site-specific planning,
general brownfield-related planning activities around one or more brownfield sites; conduct outreach and
community engagement; and for reasonable participant support costs associated with one community liaison
per target area identified in the selected FY24 application. Eligible programmatic expenses include activities
described in Section V. of these Terms and Conditions. In addition, eligible programmatic expenses may
a. Determining whether assessment activities at a particular site are authorized by CERCLA§ 104(k).
b. Ensuring that an assessment complies with applicable requirements under federal and state laws, as
required by CERCLA§ 104(k).
c. Preparing and updating an Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA)which will include
information about the site and contamination issues, cleanup standards, applicable laws, alternatives
considered, and the proposed cleanup.
d. Preparing a Community Involvement Plan which includes reasonable notice, opportunity for public
involvement and comment on the proposed cleanup, and response to comments.
e. Developing a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) as required by 2 CFR§ 1500.12. The specific
requirement for a QAPP is outlined in Implementation of Quality Assurance Requirements for Organizations
Receiving EPA Financial Assistance available at https://www.epa.gov/grants/implementation-qualit --
f. Using a portion of the cooperative agreement funds to purchase environmental insurance for the
characterization or assessment of the site. [Funds shall not be used to purchase insurance intended to provide
coverage for any of the ineligible uses under Section IV., Ineligible Uses of the Funds for the Cooperative
Agreement Recipient.]
g. Any other eligible programmatic costs, including direct costs incurred by the recipient in reporting to EPA;
procuring and managing contracts; awarding, monitoring, and managing subawards to the extent required to
comply with 2 CFR§ 200.332 and the "Establishing and Managing Subawards" General Term and Condition;
and carrying out community engagement pertaining to the assessment activities.
2. [Local Governments Only] — If authorized in the EPA-approved workplan and budget narrative, up to 10%
of the funds awarded by this agreement may be used by the CAR itself as a programmatic cost for Brownfield
Program development and implementation of monitoring health conditions and institutional controls. The
health monitoring activities must be associated with brownfield sites at which at least a Phase II
environmental site assessment is conducted and is contaminated with hazardous substances. The CAR must
maintain records on funds that will be used to carry out this task to ensure compliance with this requirement.
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3. [Administrative Costs]— Under CERCLA§ 104(k)(5)(E), CARs and subrecipients may use up to 5% of the
amount of federal funding for this cooperative agreement for administrative costs, including indirect costs
under 2 CFR§ 200.414. The limit on administrative costs for the CAR under this agreement is
$25,000. The total amount of indirect costs and any direct costs for cooperative agreement administration by
the CAR paid for by EPA under the cooperative agreement shall not exceed this amount. Subrecipients may
use up to 5% of the amount of Federal funds in their subawards for administrative costs. As required by 2 CFR
§ 200.403(d), the CAR and subrecipients must classify administrative costs as direct or indirect consistently
and shall not classify the same types of costs in both categories. The term "administrative costs" does not
a. Investigation and identification of the extent of contamination of a brownfield site;
b. design and performance of a response action; or
c. monitoring of a natural resource.
Eligible cooperative agreement and subaward administrative costs subject to the 5% limitation include direct
costs for:
a. Costs incurred to comply with the following provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Cost
Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards at 2 CFR Parts 200 and 1500 other than those identified
as programmatic.
i. Record-keeping associated with equipment purchases required under 2 CFR§ 200.313;
ii. Preparing revisions and changes in the budgets, scopes of work, program plans and other activities
required under 2 CFR§ 200.308;
iii. Maintaining and operating financial management systems required under 2 CFR § 200.302;
iv. Preparing payment requests and handling payments under 2 CFR§ 200.305;
v. Financial reporting under 2 CFR§ 200.328;
vi. Non-federal audits required under 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart F; and
vii. Closeout under 2 CFR§ 200.344 with the exception of preparing the recipient's final performance report.
Costs for preparing this report are programmatic and are not subject to the 5% limitation on direct
administrative costs.
b. Pre-award costs for preparation of the proposal and application for this cooperative agreement (including
the final workplan)or applications for subawards are not allowable as direct costs but may be included in the
CAR's or subrecipient's indirect cost pool to the extent authorized by 2 CFR § 200.460.
4. [Participant support costs associated with a community liaison] — If authorized in the EPA approved
scope of work and budget narrative, the CAR may use a portion of the Assessment Grant for eligible
participant support costs associated with one community liaison per target area who is not an employee of the
CAR or the CAR's contractor(s) or subrecipient(s). Additional target areas cannot be added to the project for
the purpose of using participant support costs to fund additional community liaisons. Eligible participant
support costs may include reasonable stipends to compensate an individual community member's time and
travel costs for participating in project-related meetings (e.g., meetings with the community, meetings held by
a brownfields advisory board, etc.) and time associated with other specific tasks that are directly tied to
related community engagement efforts. Stipends may only be paid for actual time spent working on tasks
associated with the project and must not duplicate support provided through other Federal, state, tribal, or
local programs.
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A CAR that uses participant support costs must follow the process described in their EPA-approved workplan
(or in a separate process approved by EPA post-award)for determining the amounts of allowable stipend(s),
procedures for accounting for participant support cost payments (including receipts), and documenting that
the costs are allowable and do not duplicate other support for the individual(s). Additional information on
these requirements for the use of participant support costs is available in EPA's Guidance on Participant
Support Costs.
B. Ineligible Uses of the Funds for the Cooperative Agreement Recipient
1. Cooperative agreement funds shall not be used by the CAR for any of the following activities:
a. Cleanup activities;
b. Site development activities that are not brownfield site assessment activities (e.g., marketing of property
(activities or products created specifically to attract buyers or investors)or construction of a new facility);
c. General community visioning, area-wide zoning updates, design guideline development, master planning,
green infrastructure, infrastructure service delivery, and city-wide or comprehensive planning/plan updates—
these activities are all ineligible uses of grant funds if unrelated to advancing cleanup and reuse of brownfield
sites or sites to be assessed. Note: for these types of activities to be an eligible use of grant funds, there must
be a specific nexus between the activity and how it will help further cleanup and reuse of the priority
brownfield site(s). This nexus must be clearly described in the workplan for the project;
d. Job training activities unrelated to performing a specific assessment at a site covered by the cooperative
e. To pay for a penalty or fine;
f. To pay a federal cost share requirement (e.g., a cost share required by another federal grant) unless there
is specific statutory authority;
g. To pay for a response cost at a brownfield site for which the CAR or subaward recipient is potentially liable
under CERCLA§ 107;
h. To pay a cost of compliance with any federal law, excluding the cost of compliance with laws applicable to
the assessment; and
i. Unallowable costs (e.g., lobbying and purchases of alcoholic beverages) under 2 CFR Part 200, Subpart E.
2. Cooperative agreement funds shall not be used for any of the following properties:
a. Facilities listed, or proposed for listing, on the National Priorities List(NPL);
b. Facilities subject to unilateral administrative orders, court orders, and administrative orders on consent or
judicial consent decree issued to or entered by parties under CERCLA;
c. Facilities that are subject to the jurisdiction, custody or control of the United States government except for
land held in trust by the United States government for an Indian tribe; or
d. A site excluded from the definition of a brownfield site for which EPA has not made a property-specific
funding determination.
C. Interest-Bearing Accounts and Program Income
1. In accordance with 2 CFR§ 1500.8(b), during the performance period of the cooperative agreement, the
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CAR is authorized to add program income to the funds awarded by EPA and use the program income under
the same terms and conditions of this agreement.
2. Program income for the CAR shall be defined as the gross income received by the recipient, directly
generated by the cooperative agreement award or earned during the period of the award. Program income
includes, but is not limited to, fees charged for conducting assessment, site characterizations, cleanup
planning, or other activities when the costs for the activities are charged to this agreement.
3. The CAR must deposit advances of cooperative agreement funds and program income (i.e., fees) in an
interest-bearing account.
a. For interest earned on advances, CARs are subject to the provisions of 2 CFR§ 200.305(b)(7)(ii)
relating to remitting interest on advances to EPA on a quarterly basis.
b. Any program income earned by the CAR will be added to the funds EPA has committed to this
agreement and used only for eligible and allowable costs under the agreement as provided in 2 CFR§
200.307 and 2 CFR § 1500.8, as applicable.
c. Interest earned on program income is considered additional program income.
d. The CAR must disburse program income (including interest earned on program income) before
requesting additional payments from EPA as required by 2 CFR§ 200.305(b)(5).
4. As required by 2 CFR§ 200.302, the CAR must maintain accounting records documenting the receipt and
disbursement of program income.
5. The recipient must provide as part of its quarterly performance report and final technical report a
description of how program income is being used. Further, a report on the amount of program income earned
during the award period must be submitted with the quarterly performance report, final technical report, and
Federal Financial Report(Standard Form 425).
A. Authorized Assessment Activities
1. Prior to conducting or engaging in any on-site activity with the potential to impact historic properties (such
as invasive sampling), the CAR shall consult with the EPA Project Officer regarding potential applicability of the
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 USC §470) and, if applicable, shall assist EPA in complying with
any requirements of the NHPA and implementing regulations.
2. If funds from this cooperative agreement are used to prepare an Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup
Alternatives (ABCA), or equivalent state Brownfields program document, the CAR must include information
about the site and contamination issues (i.e., exposure pathways, identification of contaminant sources, etc.);
cleanup standards; applicable laws; alternatives considered; and the proposed cleanup. The evaluation of
alternatives must include effectiveness, ability to implement, and the cost of the response proposed. The
evaluation of alternatives must also consider the resilience of the remedial options to address potential
adverse impacts caused by extreme weather events and changing climate conditions (e.g., sea level rise,
drought, increased frequency and intensity of flooding, etc.). The alternatives may additionally consider the
degree to which they reduce greenhouse gas discharges, reduce energy use or employ alternative energy
sources, reduce volume of wastewater generated/disposed of, reduce volume of materials taken to landfills,
and recycle and re-use materials generated during the cleanup process to the maximum extent practicable.
The evaluation will include an analysis of reasonable alternatives including no action. The cleanup method
chosen must be based on this analysis.
B. Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements
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Authority: Quality Assurance applies to all assistance agreements involving environmental information as
defined in 2 C.F.R. § 1500.12 Quality Assurance.
When environmental data are collected as part of the brownfield assessment, the CAR shall comply with 2 CFR
§ 1500.12 requirements to develop and implement quality assurance practices sufficient to produce data
adequate to meet project objectives and to minimize data loss. State law may impose additional QA
The recipient shall ensure that subawards involving environmental information issued under this agreement
include appropriate quality requirements for the work. The recipient shall ensure sub-award recipients develop
and implement the Quality Assurance (QA) planning documents in accordance with this term and condition;
and/or ensure sub-award recipients implement all applicable approved QA planning documents.
1. Quality Management Plan (QMP) (as applicable to project)
a. Prior to beginning environmental information operations, the recipient must:
Option 1: If the recipient is preparing or implementing a QMP that is not already approved.
i. Develop a QMP,
ii. Prepare the QMP in accordance with the current version of EPA's Quality Management Plan (QMP)
Standard. Submit the document for EPA review, and
iii. Obtain EPA Quality Assurance Manager or designee (hereafter referred to as QAM) approval.
Option 2: If the recipient already has an approved QMP
i. Submit a previously EPA-approved and current QMP,
ii. The QAM will notify the recipient and the EPA Project Officer in writing if the QMP is acceptable for this
b. The QMP must be submitted to the PO within 60 days after grant award, or another date as negotiated with
the PO.
c. The recipient must review their approved QMP at least annually. These documented reviews shall be made
available to the sponsoring EPA organization if requested. When necessary, the recipient shall revise its QMP
to incorporate minor changes and notify the EPA Project Officer and QAM of the changes. If significant changes
have been made to the Quality Program that affect the performance of environmental information operations,
it may be necessary to re-submit the entire QMP for re-approval. In general, a copy of any QMP revision(s)
made during the year should be submitted to the EPA Project Officer and QAM in writing when such changes
occur. Conditions requiring the revision and resubmittal of an approved QMP can be found in section 6 of EPA's
Quality Management Plan (QMP) Standard. EPA approved QMPs shall be valid for no more than the lesser of
five years or shorter duration as may be defined in the cooperative agreement.
d. The recipient may submit a QMP crosswalk with the QMP to assist with EPA review and approval. Example
crosswalk can be obtained upon request from QAM.
2. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (as applicable to project)
a. Prior to beginning environmental information operations, the recipient must:
Option 1 —If the recipient is preparing a QAPP that is not already approved
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i. Develop a QAPP (The QAPP is the document that provides comprehensive details about the quality
assurance, quality control, and technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that project objectives
are met. Environmental programs include direct measurements or data generation, environmental modeling,
compilation of data from literature or electronic media, and data supporting the design, construction, and
operation of environmental technology.),
ii. Prepare QAPP in accordance with the current version of EPA's Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
iii. Submit the document for EPA review, and
iv. Obtain QAM approval.
Option 2 - If the recipient already has an approved and current QAPP
i. Submit a previously EPA-approved QAPP proposed to ensure the collected, produced, evaluated, or used
environmental information is of known and documented quality for the intended use(s).
ii. The QAM will notify the recipient and the EPA Project Officer in writing if the previously EPA-approved QAPP
is acceptable for this agreement.
Option 3—If the recipient has a QMP, delegated authority from EPA and a recipient-approved
i. Provide EPA a copy of the recipient-approved QAPP if the recipient has an EPA-approved Quality
Management Plan and a current EPA delegation to review and approve QAPPs.
b. The recipient must submit the QAPP 60 days after grant award, or another date as negotiated with the PO.
c. The recipient shall notify the EPA Project Officer and the QAM when substantive changes are needed to the
QAPP. EPA may require the QAPP be updated and re-submitted for approval.
d. The recipient must review their approved QAPP at least annually. The results of the QAPP review and any
revisions must be submitted to the EPA Project Officer and the QAM at least annually and may also be
submitted when changes occur. EPA approved QAPPs shall be valid for no more than the lesser of five years or
shorter duration as may be defined in the cooperative agreement.
e. The recipient may submit a QAPP crosswalk/checklist with the QAPP. Example crosswalk can be obtained
upon request from QAM.
For Reference:
• Quality Management Plan (QMP) Standard and EPA's Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Standard;
contain quality specifications for EPA and non-EPA organizations and definitions applicable to these terms and
• EPA QA/G-5: Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans.
• EPA's Quality Program website has a list of QA managers. and Non-EPA Organizations Quality
• The Office of Grants and Debarment Implementation of Quality Assurance Requirements for Organizations
Receiving EPA Financial Assistance.
3. Competency of Organizations Generating Environmental Measurement Data: In accordance with
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Agency Policy Directive Number FEM-2012-02, Policy to Assure the Competency of Organizations Generating
Environmental Measurement Data under Agency-Funded Assistance Agreements, the CAR agrees, by entering
into this agreement, that it has demonstrated competency prior to award, or alternatively, where a pre-award
demonstration of competency is not practicable, the CAR agrees to demonstrate competency prior to carrying
out any activities under the award involving the generation or use of environmental data. The CAR shall
maintain competency for the duration of the project period of this agreement and this will be documented
during the annual reporting process. A copy of the Policy is available online at https://www.epa.
gov/measurements-modeling/documents-about-measurement-competency-under-assistance-agreements or a
copy may also be requested by contacting the EPA Project Officer for this award.
C. Public Awareness
1. The CAR agrees to clearly reference EPA investments in the project during all phases of community
outreach outlined in the EPA-approved workplan which may include the development of any post-project
summary or success materials that highlight achievements to which this project contributed.
a. If any documents, fact sheets, and/or web materials are developed as part of this cooperative agreement,
then they shall comply with the Acknowledgement Requirements for Non-ORD Assistance Agreements in the
General Terms and Conditions of this agreement.
b. If the EPA logo is displayed along with logos from other participating entities on websites, outreach
materials, or reports, it must not be prominently displayed to imply that any of the recipient or subrecipient's
activities are being conducted by the EPA. Instead, the EPA logo should be accompanied with a statement
indicating that the recipient or subrecipient received financial support from the EPA under an Assistance
Agreement per the term and condition described in Section V.C.1.a. above. More information is available
at https://www.epa.gov/stylebook/using-epa-seal-and-logo.
c. If a sign is developed as part of a project funded by this cooperative agreement, then the sign shall include
either a statement (e.g., this project has been funded, wholly or in part, by EPA)and/or EPA's logo
acknowledging that EPA is a source of funding for the project. The EPA logo may be used on project signage
when the sign can be placed in a visible location with a direct linkage to site activities. Use of the EPA logo
must follow the sign specifications available at https://www.epa.gov/grants/epa-logo-seal-specifications-
signage-produced-epa-assistance-agreement-recipients. To obtain the appropriate EPA logo or seal graphic
file, the CAR should send a request directly to EPA's Office of Public Affairs (OPA) and include the EPA Project
Officer in the communication. Instructions for contacting OPA are available at https://www.epa.
2. The CAR agrees to notify the EPA Project Officer listed in this award document of public or media events
publicizing the accomplishment of significant events related to construction and/or site reuse projects as a
result of this agreement, and provide the opportunity for attendance and participation by federal
representatives with at least ten (10)working days' notice.
3. To increase public awareness of projects serving communities where English is not the predominant
language, CARs are encouraged to include in their outreach strategies communication in non-English
languages. Translation costs for this purpose are allowable, provided the costs are reasonable.
4. All public awareness activities conducted with EPA funding are subject to the provisions in the General
Terms and Conditions on compliance with section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
D. All Appropriate Inquiry
1. As required by CERCLA§ 104(k)(2)(B)(ii) and CERCLA§ 101(35)(B), the CAR shall ensure that a Phase I site
characterization and assessment carried out under this agreement will be performed in accordance with EPA's
all appropriate inquiries regulation (AAI). The CAR shall utilize the practices in ASTM standard El527-21
"Standard Practices for Environmental Site Assessment:Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Process" (or
the latest recognized ASTM standard at the time the assessment is performed), or EPA's All Appropriate
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Inquiries Final Rule (40 CFR Part 312). A suggested outline for an AAI final report is provided in All
Appropriate Inquiries Rule:Reporting Requirements and Suggestions on Report Content"(Publication Number:
EPA 560-F-23-004 (or the latest available publication)). This does not preclude the use of cooperative
agreement funds for additional site characterization and assessment activities that may be necessary to
characterize the environmental impacts at the site or to comply with applicable state standards.
2. AAI final reports produced with funding from this agreement must comply with 40 CFR Part 312 and must,
at a minimum, include the information below. All AAI reports submitted to the EPA Project Officer as
deliverables under this agreement must be accompanied by a completed All Appropriate Inquiries:Reporting
Requirements Checklist for Assessment and Multipurpose Grant Recipients"(Publication Number: EPA 560-F-
23-017 (or the latest available publication))that the EPA Project Officer will provide to the recipient. The
checklist is available to CARs on EPA's website at https://www.epa.gov/brownfields/all-appropriate-inquiries-
reporting-requirements-checklist-assessment-grant-recipients. The completed checklist must include:
a. An opinion as to whether the inquiry has identified conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases
of hazardous substances, and as applicable, pollutants and contaminants, petroleum or petroleum products,
or controlled substances, on, at, in, or to the subject property.
b. An identification of "significant"data gaps (as defined in 40 CFR § 312.10), if any, in the information
collected for the inquiry. Significant data gaps include missing or unattainable information that affects the
ability of the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases of
hazardous substances, and as applicable, pollutants and contaminants, petroleum or petroleum products, or
controlled substances, on, at, in, or to the subject property. The documentation of significant data gaps must
include information regarding the significance of these data gaps.
c. Qualifications and signature of the environmental professional(s). The environmental professional must
place the following statements in the document and sign the document:
• "[l, We]declare that, to the best of[my, our]professional knowledge and belief, fl, we]meet the
definition of Environmental Professional as defined in 40 CFR§312.10 of this part."
• "(l, We]have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a
property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. fl, We]have developed and
performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40
CFR Part 312."
Note: Please use either"I/my" or"We/our."
d. In compliance with 40 CFR § 312.31(b), the environmental professional must include in the final report an
opinion regarding additional appropriate investigation, if the environmental professional has such an
3. EPA may review checklists and AAI final reports for compliance with the AAI regulation documentation
requirements at 40 CFR Part 312 (or comparable requirements for those using ASTM Standard 1527-21 or the
latest recognized ASTM standard at the time the assessment is performed). Any deficiencies identified during
an EPA review of these documents must be corrected by the recipient within 30 days of notification. Failure to
correct any identified deficiencies may result in EPA disallowing the costs for the entire AAI report as
authorized by 2 CFR§ 200.339. If a recipient willfully fails to correct the deficiencies EPA may consider other
available remedies under 2 CFR § 200.339 and 2 CFR § 200.340.
E. Completion of Assessment Activities
1. The CAR shall properly document the completion of all activities described in the EPA- approved workplan.
This must be done through a final report or letter from a Qualified Environmental Professional, or other
documentation provided by a State or Tribe that shows assessments are complete.
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F. Inclusion of Additional Terms and Conditions
1. In accordance with 2 CFR§ 200.334, the CAR shall maintain records pertaining to the cooperative
agreement for a minimum of three (3)years following submission of the final financial report unless one or
more of the conditions described in the regulation applies. The CAR shall provide access to records relating to
assessments supported with Assessment cooperative agreement funds to authorized representatives of the
Federal government as required by 2 CFR§ 200.337.
2. The CAR has an ongoing obligation to advise EPA if it assessed any penalties resulting from environmental
non-compliance at sites subject to this agreement.
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the following definitions apply: "payment" is EPA's transfer of
funds to the CAR; "closeout" refers to the process EPA follows to ensure that all administrative actions and
work required under the cooperative agreement have been completed.
A. Payment Schedule
1. The CAR may request advance payment from EPA pursuant to 2 CFR§ 200.305(b)(1) and the prompt
disbursement requirements of the General Terms and Conditions of this agreement.
This requirement does not apply to states which are subject to 2 CFR§ 200.305(a).
B. Schedule for Closeout
1. Closeout will be conducted in accordance with 2 CFR§ 200.344. EPA will close out the award when it
determines that all applicable administrative actions and all required work under the cooperative agreement
have been completed.
2. The CAR, within 120 days after the expiration or termination of the cooperative agreement, must submit all
financial, performance, and other reports required as a condition of the cooperative agreement.
a. The CAR must submit the following documentation:
i. The Final Cooperative Agreement Performance Report as described in Section III.F. of these Terms and
ii. Administrative and Financial Reports as described in the General Terms and Conditions of this
b. The CAR must ensure that all appropriate data have been entered into ACRES or all hardcopy Property
Profile Forms are submitted to the EPA Project Officer.
c. As required by 2 CFR§ 200.344, the CAR must immediately refund to EPA any balance of unobligated
(unencumbered) advanced cash or accrued program income that is not authorized to be retained for use on
other cooperative agreements.