HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-403 - Amendment - #2 - MIG, Inc. - Comprehensive Plan Update Consultant Services - 1/30/25 .. _. . . ... .._ _. _ Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: ■ For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KE N T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Kristen Holdsworth ECD Date Sent: Date Required: 0 01/23/2025 1/31/2025 L. Mayor or Designee to Sign.p, Y 9 9 Date of Council Approval: G. Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NoWl M00037zz Budget? Yes ONo Type:, N/A Vendor Name: Category: MIG Inc Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = Amendment Project Name: Comprehensive Plan Update Consultant Services GProject Details: 2nd amendment to existing Comp Plan Contract for an additional $100,000 to Complete the EIS and Comprehensive Plan. Amend end date of full contract (including Downtown Plan update) to Dec 31 2025 C Basis for Selection of Contractor:Agreement Amount: 1,054,090 Bid *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: 10/13/22 Termination Date: 12/31/2025 Q Local Business? Yes WINo* If meets requirements per KCC 3/0.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace Business License Verification: Yes In Process0Exempt(KCC 5.01.045i Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: F—]YesONo CAG2022-403 Comments: Original Contract Amount: $544,090, - Approved by Council on 9/20/22 3 Amendment 1: $410,000, - Approved by Council on 2/6/24 Amendment 2: $100,000; c c NEW Contract Total = $1,054,090. z 3 0 Amendment 2 does not require Council approval per KCC 3.70.230(B). a� 3 a� &, Received:City WAttorney.: 1/29/25 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 1/29/25 City Clerk's Office 1/31/25 adccw22373.1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 KENT W A S H I N G T G N AMENDMENT Na, 2 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: MIG, Inc. CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Comp Plan Update Consultant Services CAG2022- 403 ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: October 13, 2022 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: Provide additional work to complete the 2044 Comprehensive Plan and EIS,. an aceardance with Exhibit A of Amendment No. l- and create an updated Downtown Subarea Plan (DSAP) in accordance with all o of Amendments No. 2. The contract time for performance provision of Section II "Time of Completion," is modified as follows: II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. The Consultant shall complete the work r 2024. The in all amendments b December 31 �25. 3. The contract amount for performance provision Section III, "Compensation," is modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $544,090.00 (not to exceed) including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $410,000 including applicable WSST _ Current Contract Amount $954,090.00(not to exceed) including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $100,000.00 (not to exceed) AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Applicable WSST Tax on this 1 $N/A Amendment Revised Contract Sum $1,054,090.00(not to exceed) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONSULT /VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: Print Name: lw�31 J �V)tDnPrint Name: Dana Ralph Its U 1t � Its: Mayor DATE: DATE: 01/30/2025 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) L Kent City Clerk Kent 3w Departr.-nt [In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 January 23, 2025 Kristen Holdsworth, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager Planning Services I Economic&Community Development 400 West Gowe Kent, WA 98032 Subject: 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update Supplemental Budget Request#2 Dear Kristen: MIG is honored to have been working with you and the City of Kent on updating the City of Kent's 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update as required by Washington State's Growth Management Act. With the City Council's approval and adoption on December 10th, we would like to close out the Comprehensive Plan portion of the project with a supplemental budget request of$100,000. We will continue working with you and the City to complete the ReDiscover Downtown Kent Plan through 2025. To date,the entire authorized contract amount for the project is$954,090 (for completion of the Comprehensive Plan per Exhibit A and ReDiscover Downtown per Exhibit B, authorized through Amendment 1 of Contract CAG 2022-403). In September 2024, additional costs to complete the Comprehensive Plan were required and funds intended for the ReDiscover Downtown portion were repurposed to cover this work.This memo formalizes that change. Additionally, as of December 2024,we have expended approximately 133%of the budget for the Comprehensive Plan portion of the project and are requesting a $100,000 amendment to cover additional work completed as part of the Comprehensive Plan development and approval process (Exhibit Q.This second amendment will pay for finishing the ReDiscover Downtown plan as detailed in Exhibit B. The attached table details the current status of tasks.The additional budget request would be applied to tasks exceeding our currently approved budget. Our request for this second amendment includes additional budget for the following tasks: d Project Management and Coordination (Task 1): MIG organized, attended, and facilitated additional coordination meetings with City departments and discussions around the Plan narrative, goals and policies. ($6,181) • Community Engagement(Task 3): MIG supported the City with additional community engagement support, including final public review and summary of comments for the Administrative Draft Plan.While budget from the Draft Future Land Use Map Open House task was reallocated,there was additional work necessary to support the final engagement tasks, including virtual platform coordination (Konveio), revisions based on review, and data management and review. ($4,069) PLANNING DESIGN COMMUNICATIONS M A N A G E M E N T I SCIENCEI TECHNOLOGY , � Piny �r ., i. �r ,_ -lh:i _. �•'� r�:Ul .��;�, 7�If «; !��cb :�,-... .. :. ;lt!.• n _�lil i., • :i^i_.;l i..,ti4 v •re • ,i _, • ',+V 9tl �h.. • Draft and Final Comprehensive Plan (Task 4): Sub-tasks under Task 4 included development of each of the element's goals, policies and narrative.Additionally,this phase included the plan design and layout for each element. This also included the necessary revisions following City staff review and public comments. Some elements required more focused revisions, including additional housing and land use analysis, responses to agency comments and resulting changes to the plan, and other revisions necessary to satisfy State and local requirements. ($46,661) • Draft/Final Environmental Impact Statement(Task 5): Previously, MIG assumed the existing Comprehensive Plan DEIS (City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action EIS 2010) would have significant information that would be pulled into the DEIS. However, substantial new information was required to complete the DEIS/FEIS,which required more time than was anticipated. While some work was covered using budget from the FEIS subtask, we are requesting an additional budget to cover the overages. Under this task, additional transportation modeling was needed for full EIS alternatives analysis and the City asked to repurpose $20,000 of funds in transportation analysis funds for the ReDiscover Downtown Plan. This request will restore the$20,000 to Task 7.5 Downtown Development and Design Concept. ($51,068) • Supplemental Staff Support(Task 6):This task absorbed additional meetings, the development of the executive summary and the stand-alone Comprehensive Plan document. Intake and comment review calls requested by PSRC and King County was also included in the expended budget for this task. ($10,535.00) We look forward to continuing the ReDiscover Downtown Kent Subarea Plan for 2025. Sincerely, :5 ?�94� Southisone S. Garner MIG Project Manager and Planner Exhibits: • Exhibit A—Amendment 1 Scope of Work for Comprehensive Plan portion of project. • Exhibit B—Amendment 1 Scope of Work for ReDiscover Downtown portion of project • Exhibit C—Amendment 2 Scope of Work for Comprehensive Plan Exhibit A - Comprehensive Plan Tasks (Contract CAG 2022-403 Amendment#1) Kent Comprehensive Plan Update Amendment 2023 Budget Status Original Budget Spent to Date Remaining Budget Request I Project Management 1 1.1 Project Management/Team Oversight $ 21.320 $18,955.00 2,365 1.2 Team Meetings/Coordination Calls(80) $ 26,400 $19,427,50 6,973 $ 8,000 Subtotal $ 47,720 53�382.50 $ 9,338I $ 8,000 2 Project Initiation and Information Gathering 2.1 Project Kickoff $ 4,400 $5.153,59 (754) 2.2 ,Plans Review $ 4,520 $4,425.00 95 2.3 'Comprehensive Plan Regulatory and Equity Assessments S 15,410 $15,A82.50 (73) 2.4 'Baseline Conditions Analysis $ 14,070 $12,285.99 1,784 2.5 'Land Use and Planning Board/City Council Work Session $• 4,180 $7,644-02 (3,464) $ 3,464 Subtotal 3 42,5W E44,991.09 $ (2,411) $ 3.464 3 Baseline Analysis 31 Public Engagement Plan $ 4,930 $5,365.00 (435) 3.2 Stakeholder Meetings and Focus Groups $ 6,780 $10.149,70 (3,370) $ 3.370 3-3 Community Advisory Committee Meetings(6) $ 24,420 24.420 $ 12,166 3A Public Engagement Toolkit $ 7,170 $7.627.50 (458) 3-6 Community IQckotf and Scoping $ 24,560 $24,412.92 147 3-7 Community Priorities and Values Workshop $ 19,800 19.800 3.8 Draft future Land Use Map Open House $ 19,800 19,800 3:8 Project Webslte and Lop $ 21,220 $20,311-25 909 f Subtotal $ 128,680 $67,666.37 $ 60,814I $ 15,536 4.1 !Chapter 1:Profile and Vision $ 4,460 $1,815-00 2,645 4.2 !Chapter 2:Land Use Element $ 28,000 $33,093,94 (5,094).$ 10,000 4.3 !Chapter 3:Housing Element $ 12,930 $14.290.00 (1,360) $ 15.000 4.4 {Chapter 4:Transportation Element S 59,480 $6.073.32 53.407 4.5 !Chapter 5:Parks&Recreation Element S 5,720 $1.915,00 3,805 4.6 Chapter 6:Utilities Element S 4.980 4,980 $ 10,000 4.7 jChapter 7:Human Services Element S 3,390 3,390 4.8 fChapter 8:Economic Development Element $ 3,390 $2,375-00 1,015 4.9 Chapter 9:Capital Facilities Element $ 4.110 4,110 4.1 !Chapter 10:Shoreline S 2,380 $480.00 1.900 t - - 4.11 !Chapter 11:Climate Element S 7,910 $9,197,50 (1,288) $ 3.000 4.12 Land Use and Planning Board Meetings(2) S 5,900 $1,740,00 4,160 4.13 ;Board,Committtee and Council Presentations(8) $ 23,600 $4,350.00 19.250 ( Subtotal 166,250.00 $75,329,76 S 90,92t7 3400aw Draft Final Plan 5 1 Scaping ' $ 5,500 $4,985-00 515 5-2 DEIS Outline $ 8,660 $5,517.50 3,143 5.3 �PreliminaryDEIS $ 35,600 $38,648,75 (3,049) $ 21,500 r 5.4 ;Draft EIS with 30-Day Review Period $ 74,030 74,030 $ 8,500 5.5 :Final EIS $ 22.180 22.180 $ 4,000 5-6 }SEPA Ordinance and Implementation Memorandum $ 6,840 6,040 $ 1,000 Subtotal $ 152,810 549.151.25 S 103,659 $ 35,OW 6.1 :Supplemental Staff Support, $ - $ 30,000 r.r 130,000 'Contract Total Including Administrative Fees:$544,090 Exhibit B - ReDiscover Downtown Tasks (Contract CAG 2022-403 Amendment #1 ) e s t i m a t e d p r o j e c t c o s t All tasks are numbered starting at 7.X.X $280,000 Costs 11 'Phvalenaps.neMMeetings 32 S5,J00 $0 9, $0 S,S:x115 1 2 Land Use and Planning Board/City Council Meetings(4) 32 S5.840 $0 91 SO 5,2,18111 57,1,Mq 13 Pml@O Kickoff 21 S4_450 $2.860 $1.11711 _ _$3.930 S731p W-1]o Snbroral, 4; $1619P S-,8E0'1 51,070 53.9.9 52730 92-1976 21 O5nP Working Gmup(4) f W 810.860 Sn S0 s0 S3A1(111 $13,160 7.7 Dlmvnmle4-..ed ra1-0 11 32 _ _,55,020 511 $5.320 $5,320 5500 §10,840 2 3 Engagement(Comprehensive Plan Community Priorities Workshop) 7 34 14,890 Sol §[I SO 54,890 P, OonnlewnFmscd Open House IIII 66 58,980 sip S11 SG 51,000 59,980 25 PcpllpE aml. 36 54,620 $0 % $0 $4,620 Submral? 228 SA4370 EO{ 55,320 yl:j7p SJ,30p• $44,190 3 Existing Conditions 31 Pdffl% m✓11sP'boek TO 7S25,340 $0 Sip SO 59,660 32 Gnpnldar Asscssrhislil HC• $5.920 Sol $5920 $20,540 3 3 S10rksl AO,ly1M1 :i $0 $26.980 52fi,980 $28,040 ,AJnga,l� Id6• 3LSy1If1f 526,980 832900y $0 558,240 4 Vision and Goals I d 1 Orfill44 0.F"Vision"Clovis 26 53,860 $0 $0 SO §3,160. UhOsal� 26 53.860 ,SO 30 so SO' 53.86O 5 Downtown Development and Design 61 'Gfo,61h Targets Analysis 70 $8,940 sip So $0 $8,940 52 Uryan Design Concept 711 524,780 Sip so s0 524,780 53 'Transportation Analysis 531 7r,nspon,lkm Assessment 51,320 531,S.Ss A $32,870 Sip 531,550 532 nocun•rntstien 4 ,5660 S(s.3110 SIP 512,810 513,470 533 O➢rnn,l Task Transportation Visioning r 0 so Sn $({ $0 s0 54 I.h amf t # S2,610 511 SO so $2,610 55 Pro•FP M1noyMs 1 5990 $ll 5103,.s11 $16,050 517,040 ,Slrbnrnl 324 $39.300 .54,,3fN1 516,050 1%410. .,Sf7 599,710 6 1 Preliminary Plan Outline 2 8400 $0 1 91 $5 5400 62 AdnsnnoalWe Draft Plan ull 524,300 $0 So s0 $24,300 6 3 Re-v,Approval and Adoption Process 32 55,840 ,r1 S» s0 $2,000 $7.840 64 Final Plan 1 W 58,334 SI, Sep s0 58,334 s.br..i,r 274 538,874 SO SA 3R 52.000 540,874 Pr.f.ssloniil Time and Costs Subtotal 1 1055'AJmanduNfl:FeeTotal Project Cost SI(CIJR :1 111 Exhibit C- Comprehensive Plan Tasks (Contract CAG 2022-403 Amendment#2 Kent Comprehensive Plan Update Amendment 1 2024 Budget Status Original Budget Request Spent to Date Ramaining Budget I Project Management I 1.1 Projeel Management/Team Oversight $ 21,320 $24,995.00 $3,675 1.2 Team Meetings/Coordination Calls(80) $ 26,400 $ 8,000 $36,906.25 -$2,506 Submw 8 47. $ 8,000 $61.SQ1.25� 21 Projvl Kk;k06 $ 4.400 S5.T53,58 -$754 22 Plans Review S 4.520 $4.302,50 $218 23 Comprehensive Plan Regulatory and Equity Assessments $ 15,4t0 $15A05.00 -$395 2.4 iBaseline Conditions Analysis $ 14,070 $14,249.74 -$180 2.5 Land Use and Planning Board/City Council Work Session $ 4.180 $ 3,464 87,334.02 $310 Subtotal S. 42, $ 3,464 $45,84484 Slfp1' 3 Baseline Analysis 31 'Public Engagement Plan $ 4,930 $5,452.50 $523 32 Stakeholder Meetings and Focus Groups $ 5.780 $ 3,370 $11,094.70 -$945 33 Community Advisory Committee Meetings(6) $ 24,420 $ 12,166 $38,115.42 -$1,529 34 Public Engagement Toolkit $ 7.170 $8,045.00 -$875 36 Community Kickoff and Scoping S 24,560 $24,167.50 $393 37 Community Priorities and Values Workshop S 39,600 $40,778.80 -$1,179 38 Draft Future Land Use Map Open House 39 ;Project Website and Logo $ 21,220 $20,631.25 $589 Subtotal $ 128.88 S f5,53 $148,285.171 $4,(k� 4 1 :Chapter 1:Profile and Vision S 4.461) $9,215-00 -$4,755 42 Chapter 2:Land Use Element $ 28,000 S 10,000 $57,549-19 -$19,549 4 3 Chapter 3:Housing Element S 12,930 $ i5.000 $46,478-75 -$18,549 44 Chapter 4:Transportation Element(F&P) S 50,480 $74,593.33 -$15,113 45 Chapter 5:Parks&Recreation Element $ 5,720 $9,100.00 -$3,380 46 :Chapter 6:Utilities Element S 4.980 $ 10,000 $18,925.00 -$3,945 47 Chapter 7:Human Services Element S 3.390 $3,655,00 -$265 ll 48 Chapter 8:Economic Development Element 5 3,390 $5,971.25 _$2,581 49 :Chapter 9:Capital Facilities Element S 4,110 $7,191.25 -$3,081 41 'Chapter 10:Shoreline S 2,300 $3,86100 -$1,480 4.11 Chapter 11:Climate Element $ 7,910 $ 3,000 $12,132-50 $1.223 4.12 !Land Use and Planning Board Meetings(2) $ 5.900 $5,983.75 •S84 413 Board,Committee and Council Presentations(8) S 23,600 $23,894.32 -S294 Subtotal 1W..2WX 38V0..00 $278,549.34 tiS74.2S� 51 Scoping S 5.500 85,497.50 $3 52 DEISOulllm 5 9.660 $8,642-50 $18 53 Prelirnini"DElS S 35.600 S 21,500 $57.097.50 $3 54 Draft EIS vMh 30-Day Review Perlod S 74,030 $ 8,500 S111 421.04 -$28.891 5.5 Final CIS S 22.180 S 4,000 $42.131.25 -$15,951 5.6 S EPA Ordinance and implementation Memorandum S 6.840 S 1,000 $7.840 Subtotal S ►5 8to S 35,000; $224,789.79 1345Wt6 Supplemental Staff Support 6.1 Supplemental Staff Support $ 30,000 $35,035,00 ($5,035 00) 10% $ 21.315