HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-292 - Change Order - #3 - SCI Infrastructure - S 218th St - 98th Ave S (94th Pl S - S 216th St) Stage #1 - 1/14/25 Agreement Routing Form 40 N'17K �•r For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management E�T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. WASHINGTON (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: C. Frame PW Engineering Date Sent: Date Required: > 1/15/2025 N/A O aAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q El Director or Designee ❑ Mayor 6/11/2024 Budget Account Number: Grant? 0 Yes ❑No R90110.64110.120 Budget? 0 Yes ❑No Type: Federal Vendor Name: Category: SCI Infrastructure Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C 33999 Change Order#3 O Project Name: S 218th St - 98th Ave S (94th PI S-S 216th St) Stage #1 E L CProject Details:Extra work for identifying location of Lumen conduit and for contractor installing storm drain with Lumen conduit in conflict with pipe.This work includes FA No. 07 and FA No. 14 C N £ Agreement Amount: $8,549.35 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid O aStart Date: N/A Termination Date: 211 Working Days Q Local Business? ❑Yes ❑ No* *Ifineets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: []Yes El No CAG2024-292 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: C 3 3 0 a, •� i N M C p� Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: IIA Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/15/25 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements • KENT W A 5 H I N G T O N CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SCI Infrastructure LLC. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: S 218th St-98th Ave S 94th PI S-S 216th St ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: June 11, 2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Extra work for identifying location of Lumen conduit and for contractor installing storm drain with Lumen conduit in conflict with pipe. This work includes FA No. 07 and FA No. 14. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $6,059,881.82 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $511,100.76 (inch applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $6,570,982.58 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $8,549.35 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $6,579,531.93 Original Time for Completion 200 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 209 working days prior Change Orders (insert date) CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Days Required (t) under Minor Change 00 working days Orders Days Required (f) for this Change Order 02 working days Revised Time for Completion 211 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR- CITY OF KENT: ❑�girally signed by Chad Bieren By By: Chad Bieren" zozs.oi.iaia:iszs-osoo sign tune) (signature) P nt ame: s dL Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. is Its Public Works Director (title) (title) DATE: DATE: EC CHANGE ORDER- 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable If Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department C[tn this field,you may enter the electronic Blepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No.200.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 03 KENT Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: S 218th St/ 98th Ave S from 94th PI S to S Project No: 17-3010 Project Engineer: Abdulnaser Almaroof Fed-Aid No: 9917(045) Capital Projects Sean Flint KBA Inc. Contractor: SCI InfrastrL1cture LLC Date: 12/6/2024 I. Proposed Change Extra work for identifying location of Lumen conduit and for contractor installing storm drain with Lumen conduit in conflict with pipe. This work includes FA No. 07 and FA No. 14. II. Reason and Background for Change FA 07: The Lumen conduit run on S 218th St between 95th PI S and 96th PI S (Sta 60+00 to 64+00) was installed 7-8' south of approved location, placing it in direct conflict with the new storm drain system. SCI was required to perform additional potholing to ascertain the extent of conflict on 10/3/2024. FA 14: On 10/24/2024, SCI was significantly delayed during installation of the new storm pipe due to Lumen conduit located within the trench excavation, requiring the suspension of Lumen conduit and alternative shoring Imethods- III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS Sch. Item Description Total Est. Unit Unit Price No oty Total Estimated Cost of Item IV Lumen Interference 1 FA $8,549.35 $ 8,549.35 $0.00 $ $0.00 $ - $0.00 $ $a.OD $ New Pay Items Total: $ 8,549.35 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEMS) per 1-09.5 w Nota kable Sch N Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) Sch I Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. f 0 $0.00 $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ - *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $8,549.35 Page 1 *Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract: 200 Due This Change Order:, 2 Previous Total:, 209 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: SCI was delayed during the extra work noted on this Change Order. Lumen's contractor was also onsite moving misplaced conduit at two locations, delaying SCI's movement of hault trucks and equipment through work zone. *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 211 *This Change Order+ Previous Total Sean Flint Capital Projects Manager: ° r``= `�,_`:;;,'E� Date: an Flint KBA, Inc) Construction Engineering Date: iZ Z6 � ] on Barry Construction Manager: Date: ZC, c Connor Page 2 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOR SCI Infrastructure LLC DATE 10/24/2024 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# Project No.: 17-3010 ITEM# 1355 Federal Aid No.:IHIPUL-CRRSAASTBGUL-HLP-9917(045) Time impact on 18"Storm Drain installation due to Lumen conduit FAN 014 DESCRIPTION OF WORK interference from—63+40 to 64+00.Lumen conduit was in conflict vertically PERFORMED:and horizontally with storm line and had to be suspended during drain pipe Contractor linstallation. FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Elmendorf,Shane (Pipe Layerrrailor 300 $ 7348 $ 9708 $220 44 McClellan,Dallas IEquipment Operator Grp 2 300 $ 99.50 S 129.14 $298 50 Liles,Lucas 'Equipment Operator Grp 2 300 $ 99.50 $ 129.14 $298 50 Clark,Ryan Equipment Operator Grp 2 300 S 9950 $ 129.14 $298 50 Jackson,Elijah (General Laborer-Appr60%ISIep1 300 $ 50.40 $ 6422 $15120 Liles,Pal Operator Foreman 3 00 S 104.68 $ 13652 $314 04 Roning.Paul-TT 'Truck Driver-Dump Trk&Trailer 3 00 $ 90.28 S 116.48 $270 84 Brown,Kenneth-TT 'Truck Driver-Dump Trk&Trailer 300 $ 9028 $ 11648 $270.84 Jackson,Harold 'Truck Driver-Dump Trk&Trailer 300 $ 9028 S 11648 $270 84 LABOR SUBTOTAL $2.393.70 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDI NG,INSURANC£AND TAX $694.17 Per WSDOTSpec 1-09.6,add an additional 2%for Conlractor Sick Leave $47.87 TOTAL LABOR 13.135.74 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE N30 STDBY RATE AMOUNT 200-157 CAT Excavator 320E 3 $ 130.92 $ 4040 $392 76 200-164 Komatsu PC138USLC-11 3 $ 10995 $ 3668 $329 85 110-151 CAT Loader Composite -938M 3 $ 70.77 $ 2057 $212 31 325-115 Misc.On-Highway Flatbed Truck 4x2 20KGVW DSL 3 $ 41.583 589 S124.74 335-157 GMCICHEVY On-Highway Light 1500(200-299 hp) 3 S 26.29 $ 1 93 $78 87 300-082 Dump Truck&Pup Composite .NIA 0 $ 96.83S 1631 $40 93 305-068 Tractor&Side Dump Composite NIA 0 $ 69.95 3.00 $ 12 116 $36.18 305-069 Tractor&Side Dump Composite NIA 0 5 69.95 3.00 $ 1206 $36,18 $ is $000 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $1,259 82 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $264.56 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $1,524,38 MATERIALS andfcr SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $0 00 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $000 TOTAL MATERIALS $0.00 SLBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORT[ VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $000 $000 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $000 Tax an Material(if applicable) $000 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORN S0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $4,660 12 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $000 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor up to$50.000=12%,$50,000-$200,000=10%Greater than$200,000=7% 12% Subcontractor Markup $000 TOTAL COST $4,660.12 f�I If checked,this work is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task.Entitlement to he determined at a later date. Owrlvr's Represerrtarive CorrtracmYs Ruproserrtathre Form Date 912024 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK Project: S 218TH ST/98TH AVE S from 94th PL S to S 216TH ST Project No.: 17-3010 Prime Contractor: SCI Infrastructure Date of Work: 10/24/2024 Subcontractor: Fed Aid No: HLP-9917(045) Description of Work Time impact on 18"Storm Drain installation due to Lumen conduit interference from—63+40 to &Reference 64+00. Lumen conduit was in conflict vertically and horizontally with storm line and had to be Documents(RFI, suspended during drain pipe installation. Field Memo,Bid Item, etc.) RECORDTIME WORKERS AND/OR OCCUPATION OF WORKERS OR HOURS WORKED EQUIPMENT HRS EQUIPMENT NUMBER EQUIPMENT SIZE REG. T OT REG. STDBY Shane Elmendorf Pipe Layer 3 Dallas McClellan Operator 3 _ Lucas Liles Operator 3 Ryan Clark Operator 3 Patrick Liles Operator Foreman 3 200-157 320 Excavator 3 200-164 138 Excavator 3 110-151 930 Loader 3 325-115 1 Ton Tool Truck 3 335-157 1/2 ton foreman truck 3 Paul Roning Teamster 3 Ken Brown Teamster 3 Harold Jackson Teamster 3 300-068 Side Dump 3 300-069 Side Dump 3 300-082 Dump Truck and Trailer 3 Eliiah Jackson Laborer Apprentice 3 MATERIALS/SERVICE QUANTITY/MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION Comments: Sean Flint Patrick Liles Inspector(printed name) Contractors Representative(printed name) Inspector Signature Date Contractors Representative Signature Date By signing this form, parties are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2023 March) Daily Cost Record 2821 SOUTH 154th ST SEATTLE,WA 98188 • (206)242-0633 • FAX:(206)242-0792 3 C ®f 63 a Project 5 T Job# 01L-foT Date ��_ —a"Lf Weather a •�►eqT. Ll•�q� Description(must be complete) •` STeRw► =,,M 1AC E 'T V� F e& i Na+ b ANbMk ,n ha "S-r DETAIL COST RECORD CODE HOURS RATE EXTENSION S.T. O.T. D.T. TOTAL e�x�` �.r~ YE sw�t�nt• �LM1�ry K,F t3.S.S _ o�tlClA oR thLL �� t o iA-co l.txtk5 L=G.�S o F,fz&k ft• R Gtr4 t _ t• 'R tL?�1hH Z.4c c`1 +a � cr+►v�-,-o o- �5 i 3 Ea X r-A u wim R - NDE Nk c: - i °mC1 3.0 Lori ttd — Ist t 55 3 t t 1 ss Sub-Total Labor Taxes&Fringe Benefits Travel Time Labor Markup Total Labor Costs SZ bt T(tvc�C.. 6 SS 3 J Sipe: v� T2�aG� �O ASS o —� �� 0 I- -rvta.cic t�axuE AQ L 7-du Cal Lu s7Ct (L 5 Sub-Total wEquipment Markup Total Equipment Costs J Q LY W Q 2 Sub-Total Sales Tax.(if applicable) Material Markup Total Material Costs tr --- W 2 H O Total Other Costs Sub-Total Bond Insurance Taxes A-4 JI-I Miscellaneous Costs Conlfeclor's Representative Sub-Total Overhead Subcontractor's Representative .kr OwnersRep esentelive Sub-Total Sales Tax No. Sheet of TOTAL DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED 4 r"V Ar CONTRACTOR SCI Infrastructure LLC DATE 10/3/2024 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# Project No.: 17-3010 ITEM# 1355 Federal Aid No.: HIPUL-CRRSAA-STBGUL-HLP-9917(045) DESCRIPTION OF WORK Extra potholing performed on Lumen conduit line relocated in conflict with FA# 007 PERFORMED:storm drain and PSE power systems(-8'S of designed relocation area)on St ntractor side of 218th between 95th PI S and 96th PI S. FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Liles,Pat Operator Foreman 200 $ 10468 $ 136-52 $209 36 $ _ $ _ $0 00 $ $ $0 00 $ $ $0 00 $ $ $0 00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $209 36 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $60 71 Per WSDOT Spec 1-09 6,add an additional 2%for Contractor Sick Leave $419 TOTAL LABOR $274,26 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENTTYPE EQUIPMENTSIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT 335-157 GMC/CHEVY On-Highway Light C 1500(200-299 hp) 2 $ 2629 $ 193 $52.58 $ $ _ $0.00 $ $ $0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $52.58 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $11.04 TOTAL EEU-IPMENTI S63.62 MATERIALS andlor SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT Northern Environmental#79145 Extra potholing for Lumen conduit placed in conflict with storm drain s $2,935 00 $0 00 $2,935 00 Total invoice is$4060-$1125 for BI 1315 potholes=$2935 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $2.935.00 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $616 35 TOTAL MATERIALS $3,551.35 SUBCONTRACTORINVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0 00 $0 00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $0 00 Tax on Material(if applicable) $0 00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK SD.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $3,889 23 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $0 00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor:up to$50,000=12%,$50,000-$200,000=10%Greater than$200,000=7% 12% Subcontractor Mark-up $0 00 TOTAL COST $3,889.23 If checked,this work is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. owner's Represerifative Contractor's Rooms enrartve Form Date 912024 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK No A91"' Project: S 218TH ST/98TH AVE S from 94th PL S to S 216TH ST Project No.: 17-3010 Prime Contractor. SCI Infrastructure Date of Work: 10/24/2024 Subcontractor: Fed Aid No: HLP-9917(045) Description of Work Time impact on 18"Storm Drain installation due to Lumen conduit interference from-63+40 to 64+00. &Reference Lumen conduit was in conflict vertically and horizontally with storm line and had to be suspended during Documents(RFI, drain pipe installation. Field Memo,Bid Item, etc.) RECORDTIME WORKERS AND/OR OCCUPATION OF WORKERS OR HOURS WORKED EQUIPMENT HRS EQUIPMENT NUMBER EQUIPMENT SIZE REG. OT REG. STDBY Shane Elmendorf Pipe Laver 3 Dallas McClellan Operator 3 Lucas Liles Operator 3 Ryan Clark Operator 3 Patrick Liles Operator Foreman 3 200-157 320 Excavator 3 200-164 138 Excavator 3 110-151 930 Loader 3 325-115 1 Ton Tool Truck 3 335-157 1/2 ton foreman truck 3 Paul Roninq Teamster 3 Ken Brown Teamster 3 Harold Jackson Teamster 3 300-068 Side Dump 3 300-069 Side Dump 3 300-082 Dump Truck and Trailer 3 Eliiah Jackson Laborer Apprentice 3 MATERIALS/SERVICE QUANTITY/MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION Comments: Sean Flint Patrick Liles Inspector(printed e) Contractors Representative(printed name) 1 pector Sign re I Date Contractor's Representative Signature Date By signing this form, parties are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2023 March) Daily Cost Record 2621 SOUTH 164th ST • SEATTLE,WA 98188 (206)242-0633 • FAX:(206)242-0792 32060 Project !�- 0 %BT —1 W S Job# at'{ d-7-' Date ao A 9- , Weather c1►EW IR Description(must be complete) T%No\ 1.+_'�o gy, g mo-r —r L 1 L 5T tA =x b0+1 1 20 O% 1 SFbCr.U+/Z, =LfN C,o c%.-M b4G-r DETAIL COST RECORD CODE HOURS RATE EXTENSION S.T. O.T. D.T. TOTAL Q.-r't�= YV Er�..l �r`1 M�uvZo4l� tarCEM,E� r4-s•�.z.c K �-'z.l_t t3 _oti 0 g r o atoo � Sub-Total Labor Taxes&Fringe Benefits Travel Time Labor Markup Total Labor Costs J 0 0 I- 06 H Z W d Sub-Total w Equipment Markup Total Equipment Costs J Q d' W Q ;E Sub-Total Sales Tax(if applicable) Material Markup Total Material Costs W _ - H 0 Tota Costs Sub-Total Bond Insurance Taxes - Miscellaneous Costs Contractor's Representative Sub-Total Overhead Subcontractor's Representative 3 ig wner's Representati a Sub-Total Sales Tax No. Sheet of TOTAL Invoice Northern ENVIRONMENTAL Date Invoice# www.northemenv.com 10/4/2024 79145 Bill To Ship To SCI Infrastructure LLC Job#2407 2821 S 154th Street 21628 98th Ave S Sea Tac,WA 98188 Kent,WA 9 Service Date Customer P.O.# Terms Sales Rep Northem W.O.# 10/3/24 Job#2407 Net 30 DAD 79539 Quantity Description Price Each Amount Vactor truck and operator to hydro excavate for utilities as directed. 8 Vactor Truck&Operator-Prevailing Wage 295.00 2,360.00 4 Vactor Truck&Operator-Prevailing Wage Over Time 325.00 1,300.00 1 Hydro Excavation Waste-NW Cascade 400.00 400.00 Please remit payment to: Sales Tax (10.2%) $0.00 Northern Environmental,LLC 2661 N Pearl St#145 Tacoma,WA 98407 Total $4,060.00 Ph. 253-503-3096 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $4,060.00 Job Ticket and Safe-Start Checklist DATE_ T WORFC ORDER# �_ TRUCK# _ . . 1Vortl�ern __ 1 T .. FnI vlRO ENTAt OPERATOR LABORER 1 CUSTOMER: 2 1 fc JOB PHONE: JOB ADDRESS: 29t TRAVEL TO SITE ON-SITE DUMP OUT COMPLETED RETURN TO SHOP START STOP IN OUT QUANTITY JOB DESCRIPTION r ! - ,r D� ❑ ON-SITE ❑ OFF-SITE LOCATI Prior to starting work, this checklist must be completed, and all identified and 20terdra1 hazards mitigated. Overhead hazards such as powerlines, and low clearances have been identified and mitigated J Locate marks are current and visible.All underground utility hazards identified and mitigated i Public and pedestrian hazards have been identified and mitigated. Including work area delineation and protection Adjacent workers,heavy equipment, vehicles, and other stuck-by hazards have been identified and mitigated Ambient noise hazards for workers and the public have been identified and mitigated Trenching and excavation hazards have been identified and mitigated. Competent Person: Confined Spaces have been evaluated and the proper entry documentation will be completed. All necessary PPE is available and will be used. Dielectric gloves and boots: o will be worn ❑will not to be worn All workers are knowledgeable and have been trained in the tasks they will be performing The nearest hospital name and address. • • • . CHECKLIST Prior to leaving the fob, this checklist must be completed. �:A post-trip walk around inspection of trucks and trailers has been completed. All loads, small equipment, devices, and tools have been properly secured All tires have been inspected for damage, punctures, and proper inflation The work area has been inspected for company property, unprotected hazards, and restored properly Northern Environmental 7517 Portland Ave. E STE B Tacoma WA 98404 253-503-3096 support@northemenv.com B.O.L. # 07ENAIDVINSHIPPING PAPER RONMENTAL E WAH000039211 flA� WO# USDOT#2133996 253.503.3096 SHIPPER/CUSTOMER COXTACT NAME ADORES PHONE / CITY,STATE,ZIP /C r'f r 1 - CONSIGNEE/FACILITY �,l CONTACT NAME A13DRFSS PHONE# CITY,STATE,ZjP Contalners Total HM US DOT Description Qncluding Proper Shipping Name,Hazard Class,and 1D Number) UOM CHLOR pH No. Type Quantity A MATERIAL NOT REGULATED BY DOT r • B C D E F Special Handling Instruction and Additional Information: A)Profile# SHIPPER'S CERTIFICATION:"I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packaged,marked ana labelled/placarded-and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulat)ons."t also cattily that all times listed above are true and correct. (SHIPPER)PRINT OR TYPE NAME SIGNATURE ' Mor,ni v YEAR (CARRIER TRANSPORTER)PRINT OR TYPE NAME SIGNATURE ' MONTH DAY YEAR (CONSIGNEEI;ACILITY)PRINT OR TYPE NAME SIGNATURE MONTH DAY YEAR x x DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOR SCI Infrastructure LLC DATE 10/25/2024 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# Protect No.:17-3010 ITEM# 1355 Federal Ald No.:HIPUL-CRRSAA-STBGUL-HLP-9917(045) SCI excavated for Comcast contractor Cannon.Conduits were extended Out FA a 015 DESCRIPTION OF WORK of curb line using split duct and hose clamps.SCI tunneled below Comcast PERFORMED:conduit taking care not to damage extended conduffs.Comcast box was re- Contractor set over sweeps and as cknllled by SCI. FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Elmendorf,Shane Pipe Layer/Tallor 4-00 $ 73 48 S 9708 5293.92 McClellan,Dallas Equipment Operator Grp 2 4-00 $ 99.50 $ 12914 S39E 00 Liles,Lucas Equipment Opefatw Grp 2 4.00 S 99.50 S 12914 5317E 00 Clarx,Ryan F_qulpmOM Opermat Gtp 2 4.00 S 03 50 5 129.14 538d.00 Jackson,Elijah General Laborer-Appr 60%/Step 1 400 $ 50-40 S 6422 $201 60 Liles-Pat Operator Foreman 4 00 $ 104-88 S 13652 $418 72 Roning,Paul 'truck Dover-Dump Trk&Trailer 4.00 $ 90-28 $ 11648 $361 12 Brown,Kenneth 'rruck Driver-Dump Trk&Trailer 400 $ 90-28 $ 11648 $361 12 Jackson,Harold Truck Driver-Dump Trk&Trailer 4.00 $ 90.28 $ 11848 $361-12 S $ $0.00 LA90RSUBTOTAL $3,191-60 29%OVERHEAT]AND PROFIT.SONDING,IN5URANCE AND TAX $925 56 Par WEOOT Spat 1.09 S.add an adddienal 2%W Conlracida Sick Leave $63 83 TOTAL LABOR S4,1WAIII EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EOUIPMENT SIZE REGHRSj REG RATE STOGY HRS STUBy RATE-AMOUNT, 200-157 CAT Excavator :320E 4 15 13092 S 40.40 $523.88 200-164 Komatsu I-CI38USLC-11 4 $ 10995 S 3666 S439 80 110-151 CAT Loader Composde 938M 4 $ 7077 S 20-57 $263 08 325-115 Mlsc On-Highway Flatbed Truclu 4x2 20KGVW DEL 4 $ 41.58 S 5.89 $166 32 335.157 GMC1CHEVv On-Highway L%rI 1 1500(200-299 hp) 4 S 26 29 S 1.93 $105 16 300-082 DUmp Truck&PUP Composde IV/A 0 S 9683 4.00 $ 1631 $65 24 305-068 Treclar&Side Dump Composite IWA 0 S 6995 400 S 12.06 S48.24 305-069 Tractor&Side Dump Composite IWA 0 S 6995 4.00 S 12.06 $41124 $ IS SO 00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL. $1,67976 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $352.75 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 52,032.51 MATERIALS andfor SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUBTOTAL TAX AMOUNT 50.00 50.00 SO 00 $000 SO.00 So.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX SO.00 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $0 00 TOTAL MATERIALS $0.00 SUBCONTRAC TOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0 00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL SO.00 Tax an Material(if applicable) $0 00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK so.00 AMDUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work S6,213.50 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcen0ac1er Invoiced Work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor:up to$50,000=12%,$50,000-3200.000=10%Greater than$200,000=7% 12% Subcontractor Mark-up SO 00 TOTAL COST $6.213.50 �IIf checked,this workls In dispute,By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the Qme and effort needed to accomplish the task.Entitlement to be determined at a later dale. Ownor-s RepresunfwNvs Cerdracfafa Rapresenfa!ve Form Dale 912024 Daily Cost Record 2821 SOUTH 1641h ST • SEATTLE,WA 98188 - (206)242-0633 • FAX:(206)242.0792 3 2 0!)6 t=R�Ltk4Y Project S, 118'T 6+ s -7 Jobtt x Date Weather.oy-A"c-ws`( L'1'0 Description(must be complete) VU rb Cori C �' t3; ZZ -C icKS DETAIL COST RECORD CODE HOURS RATE EXTENSION S.T. O.T. D.T. TOTAL z W- I-•A v E - 5 trlcbv%tc eL-AA ENaoR.F: Ibss oil cwro1C - b6,t_L_j%q, +.-LAIN %ass - — 4.>gca-loe-- �.��.�.� ,. .�..�s %ass ti b 16 ew-sorC- (;L v kw C. v- %airs 4 -�aiayatz.�•r�. - t_z 3 k rk a ae1[.ro 15155 - — -- t=aev-X4AY\1 - i�tgRZc1C t,=L L %SGS _ 3 - �xc.Mv -t o- 13 Iris M S - 9)C C 8k%j IrTo - Vb E PAC_ - ago- l b mq3o -'Louweit IIc� r,S 1 13ts5 4 g - T•,� ^cool- -rct S- %%s + -c 33 Ti - ►S 1365 5 cutuko 1CzF:'F (4.r.ir %35S r-} 8' Xa` S trlo a.�ru190 I z 4 Sub-Total Labor Taxes&Fringe Benerils Travel Time Labor Markup Total Labor Costs s iti]ea �Q.x.�e -❑ l ass Li 0 - 0- -rQ l­_ -Mve-1c 35. 0 6 -rRUQX w -9 Q- R'�.y H 3- IaSS o_ Sub-Total Lu Equipment Markup Total Equipment Costs .J Q W Q - Sub-Total Sales Tax(if applicable) - Material Markup Total Materlal Costs W _ - — F_ -- 0 Total Other Costs Sub-Total Bond Insurance Taxes -- — /� Miscellaneous Costs Contractor's Representative Sub-Total _Overhead Subcontractor's Representative Owner's Representative _Sub-Total _ Sales Tax_ _ No. Sheet of TOTAL DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK 4 r V-� Project: S 218TH ST/98TH AVE S from 94th PL S to S 216TH ST Project No.: 17-3010 prime Contractor: SCI Infrastructure Dato of Work: 10/25/2024 Subcontractor: Fed Aid No: HLP-9917(045) Description of Work SCI excavated for Comcast contractor Cannon. Conduits were extended out of curb line using split &Reference duct and hose clamps. SCI tunneled below Comcast conduit taking care not to damage extended Documents(RFI, conduits. Comcast box was re-set over sweeps and backfilled by SCI. Field Memo, Bid Item, etc.) TIME -D WORKERS AND/OR OCCUPATION OF WORKERS OR HOURS WORKED EQUIPMENT HRS EQUIPMENT NUMBER EQUIPMENT SIZE REG. OT REG. STDBY Shane Elmdorf Pipe Layer 4 Dallas McClellan Operator 4 Lucas Liles Operator 4 'Ryan Clark Operator 4 Eliiah Jackson Laborer 4 Patrick Liles _ Foreman 4 Paul Roning Teamster 4 Ken Brown Teamster 4 Harold Jackson Teamster 4 200-157 320 Excavator 4 200-164 138 Excavator 4 _ 110-151 930 Excavator 4 325-115 1 Ton tool truck 4 335-157 1/2 ton foreman truck 4 _ 300-068 Side dump truck 4 300-069 Side dump truck 4 300-082 Dump truck and trailer 4 MATERIALS SERVICE QUANTITY I MATERIALS)SERVICE DESCRIPTION Comments: Sean Flint Patrick Liles Inspector(printed name) Contractors Representative(pfintedname] lnsimtorsignalum Date ContractoYs Reprwentstive Signature Date By signing this form, parties are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2023 March)