HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-292 - Change Order - #2 - SCI Infrastructure - S 218th St - 98th Ave S (94th Pl S - S 216th St) Stage #1 - 1/14/25 Agreement Routing Form \11-7lc • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management E1V T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. W A S H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: C. Frame PW Engineering Date Sent: Date Required: > 1/15/2025 N/A 0 L. aAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval. a Director or Designee ❑Mayor 6/11/2024 Budget Account Number: Grant? 0 Yes ❑No R90110.64110.120 Budget? 0 Yes ❑No Type: Federal Vendor Name: Category: SCI Infrastructure Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C 33999 Change Order#2 0 Project Name: S 218th St- 98th Ave S (94th PI S-S 216th St) Stage #1 E L C Project Details:Construct risers for the PSE vaults on S 216th St and S 218th St using cast in place concrete to match sidewalk grade. Risers shall be constructed in accordance with applicable details in Seattle City Light 4W standards 0231.03.Change order will be paid on FA for all labor,equipment and materials C 40 Agreement Amount:$38,570.00 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid 40 i Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 209 Working Days a Local Business? ❑Yes ❑No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace.. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: []Yes EI No CAG2024-292 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: p1 C 3 3 0 a, a, 3 .a p� Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: N Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/15/25 ,d«W22373-1 zo Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements • KENT W A 9 H I N O T O N CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SCI Infrastructure, LLC. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: S 218th St-98th Ave S 94th PI S-S 216th St i ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: June 11 2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Construct risers for the PSE vaults on S 216t" St and S 218t" St using cast in place concrete to match sidewalk grade. Risers shall be constructed in accordance with applicable details in Seattle City Light standard 0231.03. Change Order will be paid on FA for all labor, equipment and materials required to construct risers. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II `Time of Completion," and Section III, `Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $6,059,881.82 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $472,530.76 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $6,532,412.58 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $35,000.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $3,570.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $6,570,982.58 Original Time for Completion 200 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 00 working days prior Change Orders CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 (insert date) Days Required (f) under Minor Change 00 working days Orders Days Required (f) for this Change Order 09 working days Revised Time for Completion 209 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: Qigl,I,signed by Chad Bieren By: By: Chad B i e ren Qat 2025.01.14 18:12:04-08'00' (sign } (signature) Print Name:��- ���5� Print Name:, Chad Bieren, P.E. Its po IWGt.rl Its Public Works Director (title) (title) DATE: /'6L,I_3'aV2t/ DATE: KP CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department C[In this field,you may enter the electronic Illepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 He No.200.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 02 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: S 218th St/ 98th Ave S from 94th PI S to S Project No: 17-3010 Project Engineer: Abdulnaser Almaroof Fed-Aid No: 9917(045) Capital Projects Sean Flint KBA Inc. Contractor: SCI Infrastructure LLC Date: 11/22/2024 I. Proposed Change Construct risers for the PSE vaults on S 216th St and S 218th St using cast-in-place concrete to match sidewalk grade. Risers shall be constructed in accordance with applicable details in Seattle City Light standard 0231.03. Change Order will be paid on Force Account for all labor, equipment and materials required to construct the risers. II. Reason and Background for Change The slope on S 218th St (16%) and 216th St (10%) exceeds PSE allowances for adjustment of vault lids. Creating risers using cast-in-place concrete was the agreed upon method for adjustment with PSE representative Katie Dierik at 11/19/24 field meeting. III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS []Notapplkable 5No' Item Description TotalQt Est. Unit Unit Price TotalEstimate Cost o Item IX Cast In Place Riser for 102, PV2, V03,104, 1 FA $35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 107 and PV4 $0.00 $ - $0.00 $ - $0.00 $ - $0.00 $ New Pay Items Total: $ 35,000.00 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 , Sch Bid Item No. Item Description 1 No. P I Qty Unit Unit Price 1 Cost of Item Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ - INCREASE DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) Sch No. Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item 0 $0.00 $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ - *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $35,000.00 *Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Page 1 Original Contract:' 200 1 Due This Change Order: 9 Previous Total: 200 Explanation/]ustification for Additional Working Aays: We anticipate G vaults will need CIP risers installed. Estimate 1 day to Form/po[rr each, and 1/2 day to strip and clean up each.Total of 9 working days to be added,and PSE vault install is shown as critial path on the current construction schedule. *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 209 This Change Order+Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Date: 11/27/2024 for can Flint ( BA, Inc) Capital Projects Supervisor: Date: Z7 Z son Barry Construction Manager: Date: / 7 ZY c 14 Connor Page 2 ROUTING FOR SIGNATURES (Please review, sign, and pass on to the next person on list ASAP) 224th Corr PH 3-LID 363: S 218th St-98th Ave S (94th PI S-S 216th St) Jason Barry Preliminary Approval: Email for Review: Abdulnaser Almaroof/Mark Madfai Carla Maloney Jason Barry Final Approval: Email for 5ianatures: X Angie Fealy .<<I,#:-'1/13/2025 Initial and date if Eric Connor EC 1/13/25 Initial and date .J6 Kelly Peterson KP 1/14/25 Initial and date ❑ Chad Bieren Initial and date Email Signed PE to: Angie Fealy Stephanie Anderson Corey Frame NOTES: 1/13- Please route for signatures-CF