HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD18-012 - Other - Kent Police Officer's Association - Memorandum of Agreement - Life Insurance - 1/10/18 Management Records KENT Document WASHINGTON SCANNED CONTRACT COVER SHEET I 111I19 Ar This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: Kent Police Officers Association (KPOA) Vendor Number: JD Edwards Number Contract Number: PD 18-012 This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Memorandum of Agreement - Life Insurance Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ❑ Contract ® Other: Memorandum of Agreement Contract Effective Date: 1/10/18 Termination Date: 12/31/18 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: Leilani Jensen Department: HR Contract Amount: $0 00 Approval Authority: ❑ Director ❑ Mayor ® City Council 12/17 Meeting Date Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): The KPOA and the City have agreed to amend the collective bargaining agreement to reflect the recent provider change from Standard Life, to Cigna as our life insurance carrier. This memorandum of agreement just reflects the language changes to show the difference in coverage for life insurance. �-6+M��2 r �p\1 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT By And Between The CITY OF KENT �u Gty o and KENT POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Representing the POLICE SERGEANTS AND OFFICERS and POLICE ASSISTANT CHIEFS AND COMMANDERS Regarding Section 18.2 Life Insurance This Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") is entered into by and between the City of Kent ("the City") and the Kent Police Officers Association ("KPOA"), representing the Police Sergeants and Officers' bargaining unit and the Police Assistant Chiefs and Commanders' bargaining unit (also collectively referred to herein as "KPOA"), regarding a change in life insurance coverage provided to Union members by the City. Section 1 - Purpose and Amendment During open enrollment, the City was able to secure a new contract with Cigna Life Insurance Company of North America to provide coverage for basic life, basic accidental death and dismemberment and voluntary life. Section 2—Amendment to the CBA The parties agree that Section 18.2 of the CBAs shall be amended to read as follows: Section 18.2. Life Insurance The City shall pay the entire premium for double indemnity life insurance coverage for each eligible member of the bargaining unit. Through March 31, 2018, the amount of coverage will be equal to the employee's annual base salary to the maximum of$50,000. Effective April 1, 2018, the amount of life insurance shall be equal to one times the employee's annual base salary to a maximum of 150,000 and a minimum of$25,000. Section 3 - Signatures All other language of the CBA shall remain in full force an effect, and shall not be altered by this MOA. MOU Regarding Section 18.2 Life Insurance Page 1 of 2 This MOA was prepared and/or reviewed by both parties. In the event of an ambiguity in any term of this MOA, it shall be interpreted evenly, and not against the drafter of the MOA. The principle of contra proferentem shall not apply. By signing below, the parties agree that the above represents the parties' full and entire agreement with respect to the subject matter of this MOA. This MOA shall be deemed executed and effective as of this day of January 2018. FOR THE CITY: FOR KPOA: Dana Ralph Dat :10A Clay ate ayor President � � l SO I Martyisher&V Date Matt Kilner Date Human Resources Director KPOA Vice President eialani Jenfen ate Labor Relatn Manager APP VED TO FORM P tz atrick ate Ci y tt rney MOU Regarding Section 18.2 Life Insurance Page 2 of 2 REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE Ire KENT 4Di,. Routing Information: (ALL REQUESTS MUST FIRST BE ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT) Approved Originator: Leialani Jensen Phone (Originator): ext. 5283 Date Sent: January 8, 2018 Date Required: January 16, 2018 Return Signed Document to: Leialani Jensen Contract Termination Date: December 31, 2018 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: Kent Police Officers Association KPOA (Only required on contracts September 2017 20 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: December 2017 Date Risk Manager Notified:September 2017 (Required on Non-City Standard Contracts/A reements Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: Authorized in the Budget? • YES NO Brief Explanation of Document: The KPOA and the City have agreed to amend the collective bargaining agreement to reflect the recent provider change from Standard Life, to Cigna as our life insurance carrier. This memorandum of agreement just reflect language changes to show the difference in coverage for life insurance. AH Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department (This ar a to be c feted by the Law Department) Received: Approval of Law Dept.: Law Dept. Comments: Date Forwarded to Mayor: Shaded Areas To B Co pl ted By Administration Staff Received: Recommendations and Comments: Disposition: Date Returned: mil\orms\Document rocessingt eques[orf eyors ignature.docx