HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD18-292 - Supplement - Kent Police Officer's Association - Recruiting Incentive MOU - 7/17/18 KEN Wn T Records Management Document 'Nsnir crow CONTRACT COVER SHEET LISJF6,r,�,� This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submissi n to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: Kent Police Officers Association Vendor Number (JDE): 3570 r.8 Contract Number (City Clerk): ?171$ -Z01 Z Category: Labor Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Suppleme nt _ ______ Project Name: Recruiting Incentive MOU__,__ _ Contract Execution Date: 07/17/2018 Termination Date: Indefinite Contract Manager: Chief Rafael Padilla Department: Police _ Date Notice of Contract Email Sent: 07/17/2018 Contract Amount: Dependent on number of hires recruited by staff Approval Authority: X Director ❑ Mayor ❑ city council Other Details: Recruitment Incentive MOU between KPOA and the city for 1000 for a hired entry level officer and2000 for a hired lateral police officer. See MOU for more details MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING By and Between The CITY OF KENT and KENT POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Representing the POLICE SERGEANTS AND OFFICERS This agreement is entered by and between the City of Kent ("City") and the Kent Police Officers Association representing the Police Sergeants and Officers' bargaining unit and the Police Assistant Chiefs and Commanders' bargaining unit (also collectively referred to herein as "KPOA") to memorialize an agreement reached between the City and the KPOA regarding a Recruiting Incentive that will be paid to any sworn police officer of the Kent Police Department ("Department") who recruits a candidate to apply for a police officer position with the Department, and that candidate is successfully hired by the Department. Police officers are in high demand, with several agencies often competing over the same small candidate pool. The City and KPOA hope that the Recruiting Incentive will incentivize the Department's sworn police officers to assist the City's efforts by actively referring and recruiting police officer candidates to the Department. The following provisions will apply to the Recruiting Incentive Program: • The purpose of this monetary incentive is to assist in the recruitment and hiring of entry level and experienced police officers (i.e. lateral officers) into the Department. Recruitment of current City of Kent Corrections Officers into the Corrections Officer-to-Police Officer program are excluded from this Recruiting Incentive. • The Recruiting Incentive is $1,000 for an entry level police officer, and $2,000 for a qualified lateral police officer, less all applicable payroll taxes and deductions. • To qualify sworn personnel for the Recruiting Incentive, the police officer candidate referred must be successful in the Civil Service hiring process and must have received a final offer of employment. A conditional offer of employment does not qualify the referring police officer for the Recruiting Incentive. • Upon receipt of a completed and timely Personnel Change Request form (PCR), the effective date of which will be the date of hire for the recruited officer, the Recruiting Incentive will be processed for payment on the next regular pay date. If the PCR is received after the PCR cut-off date, the Recruiting Incentive will be processed for payment on the next following pay date. The following sworn personnel are not eligible to receive the Recruiting Incentive: police officers assigned as Recruiting Officers (including the Recruiting Officer, Background Investigators and the first line supervisor for the recruitment unit); and police officers who recruit a candidate from a Department sanctioned event (i.e., job fair or PST testing event). • Department Administration shall routinely examine the effectiveness of this incentive program. MOU. Kent and KPOA Recruiting Incentive Page 2 of 3 While the parties agree to this Recruiting Incentive Program, the KPOA also specifically agrees that the incentive program may be terminated or altered at any time in the sole discretion of the Police Chief, and such termination or alteration is considered a management right. Furthermore, the above shall not set a precedent with regard to the amount, qualifications, and structure of payout of this incentive, which is within the Police Chief's management right to determine. The KPOA also agrees that this incentive program is for the sole purpose of incentivizing sworn personnel to recruit entry level and experienced police officers to the Kent Police Department, and shall not be utilized as a basis for seeking additional salary for its members. By signature below, the parties agree that the above represents the parties' full and entire agreement with regard to these matters. This MOU shall be deemed executed and effective as of this day of July, 2018. FOR THE CITY: FOR KPOA: M4 Rafa I Padilla Date Kin' Clay D to Police Chief KPOA President Marty Fisher ate Matt Stans ate Human Resou ces Director KPOA Vice President Brent Ashbaugh Date Labor Relations Manager MOU Kent and KPOA Recruiting Incentive Page 3of3 Zap ,, AS TO FORM te Date pu yCity Attorney i Kim Komoto Date City Clerk