HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR18-297 - Other - Kent Police Officer's Association - MOU Benefits - 7/1/18 KENT Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET l$"p ,� This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. Vendor Name: Kent Police Officer's Association (KPOA) Vendor Number (7DE): Contract Number (City Clerk): Category: Labor Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Other Project Name: MOU - Benefits Contract Execution Date: 7/1/2018 Termination Date: Indef Contract Manager: B. Ashbaugh Department: HR Date Notice of Contract Email Sent: Contract Amount: $0.00 Approval Authority: ❑ Director ® Mayor ❑ City Council Other Details: Memorandum of Understanding regarding benefits after the death of an officer Agreement between the City of Kent and the Kent Police Officers Association This Agreement is entered by and between the City of Kent ("City") and the Kent Police Officers Association representing the Police Sergeants and Officers bargaining unit and the Police Assistant Chiefs and Commanders bargaining unit (also collectively referred to herein as "KPOA") regarding continuing medical, dental and vision benefits for police officer eligible dependents when a police officer's death occurs while on duty. This Agreement supersedes the agreement executed on July 23, 2018, and the agreement executed on July 23, 2018, shall be null and void upon the execution of this Agreement. Purpose: The City recognizes the dangers inherent in the job of policing, and that commissioned police officers are exposed to significant risk in the performance of their daily duties. The City also recognizes the impact an on-duty death of an officer has on dependents of the officer, one of which includes financial impacts that have life-altering consequences and causes instant infirmity in financial stability. Providing a limited benefit of 12 months of medical, dental, and vision coverage for dependents of officers who are killed in the line of duty will alleviate some of the infirmity caused by such a tragedy. The City agrees that when the death of a police officer occurs while on duty, the City will provide medical, dental and vision benefits to the eligible dependents of the police officer. The following limitations shall apply: • The benefits provided by this Agreement shall be provided for twelve (12) calendar months following the month in which the death occurs. • Only eligible dependents of the police officer who are covered on the City's medical, dental and vision plans at the time of the police officer's death are eligible for the benefits provided herein; provided, that a child born to or adopted by the spouse of a police officer after the death of the officer but prior to the expiration of the period in which the benefits are provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be eligible for the benefits provided for herein. • In the event medical, dental and vision benefits are available at no cost to the dependents by operation of federal law, state law, separate contract provision, or through an established KPOA program, the benefits set forth in this Agreement shall not be available. • In lieu of providing the medical, dental and vision benefits required herein, the City may, at its discretion, provide funds in an amount equivalent to the cost of coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) for the twelve (12) month period. In consideration for the provision of benefits provided above, the KPOA agrees to amend Step 1 and Step 2 of Section 15.5 of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and the Sergeants and Police Officers to provide the supervisor at Step 1 and the Division Commander at Step 2 ten (10) days to answer a grievance; and further to amend Step 1 and Step 2 of Section 14.5 of the current collective bargaining agreement between the City and Assistant Chiefs and Commanders to provide the supervisor at Step 1 and the Chief at Step 2 ten`(10) days to answer a grievance. Kent and KPOA - Continuity of Medical Benefits For Surviving Dependent/Beneficiaries Page 2of2 This Agreement shall be retroactive in application to July 1, 2018, and shall expire upon the ratification of a new collective bargaining agreement between the City and the KPOA. This Agreement shall have no precedential value when negotiating a new contract, and for the purposes of negotiating the contract, the benefits contained within this Agreement shall not be considered a right or benefit previously held by the KPOA or the City. By signature below, the parties agree that the above represents the parties' full and entire Agreement with regard to these matters. FOR THE CITY: FOR KPOA: r o7'2v w� a e�-- - — a t Ra ael a d i I I a Date Ke Clay 9VDa e Police Chief KPOA President 1 ± I A. A Q (-I i il Derek Matheson Date Chief Admi istrative Officer B shbaugh Date Labor Relations Manager W S FORM tzpatrick Date City Attorney z VED Kim Komoto 6ate City Clerk 3 Agreement between the City of Kent and the Kent Police Officers Association This Agreement is entered by and between the City of Kent ("City") and the Kent Police Officers Association representing the Police Sergeants and Officers bargaining unit and the Police Assistant Chiefs and Commanders bargaining unit (also collectively referred to herein as "KPOA") regarding continuing medical, dental and vision benefits for police officer eligible dependents when a police officer's death occurs while on duty. The City agrees that when the death of a police officer occurs while on duty, the City will provide medical, dental and vision benefits to the eligible dependents of the police officer. The following limitations shall apply: • The benefits provided by this Agreement shall be provided for three (3) calendar months following the month in which the death occurs. • Only eligible dependents of the police officer who are covered on the City's medical, dental and vision plans at the time of the police officer's death are eligible for the benefits provided herein; provided, that a child born to or adopted by the spouse of a police officer after the death of the officer but prior to the expiration of the period in which the benefits are provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be eligible for the benefits provided for herein. • In the event medical, dental and vision benefits are available at no cost to the dependents by operation of federal law, state law, separate contract provision, or through an established KPOA program, the benefits set forth in this Agreement shall not be available. • In lieu of providing the medical, dental and vision benefits required herein, the City may, at its discretion, provide funds in an amount equivalent to the cost of coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) for the three (3) month period. This Agreement shall be retroactive in application to July 1, 2018, and shall expire upon the ratification of a new collective bargaining agreement between the City and the KPOA. By signature:ibelow, the parties agree that the above represents the parties' full and entire Agreement with regard to these matters. FOR THE CITY: ` ' FOR KPOA: Rafael P6dilla Date Ke V161ay D to Police Chief KP A President Derek Matheson Dat )) Chief Administrative Officer -q-� Its Kent and KPOA - Continuity of Medical Benefits For Surviving Dependent/Beneficiaries Page 2 of 2 %B ' *Ashbaugh Date Labor Relations Manager APPROVED AS TO ORM 7 S' rthur "Pat" Fitzpatrick Date City Attorney RECEYVED BY (Z� Kim Komoto D to City Clerk