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CAG2024-139 - Change Order - #9 - Bayley Construction - FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - 1/13/25
FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: TK Agreement Routing Form Dir. Assist: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover r� WASHINGTON Sheet forms. Dir/Dep Dir. BL Dr! Originator: Department: Leah Bryant for Nate Harper Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: c 01/08/2025 1/15/2025 I- 0. Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q FZ]Director or Designee 3/5/2024 Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes ZNo F20098.64110.9476 Budget?[Z]YesEl No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Bayley Construction LP Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = 2548901 Change Order 0 Project Name: FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and & Office Building E L Project D eta iIS:As described in the attached Exhibit A,CE 078 Added Footings at Columns;CE 109 Rev 7 Consolidated Plans;CE 112 Added conduits at N&W 0 entrances;CE 119 Footing Drain Removal;CE 141 CB#86 Fix and new pipe run to existing CB;CE 145 Conflicts with Storm Drain and Existing Utilities;CE 170 Rev 8 Consolidated Plans;CE 176 Ped Ramp at North Parking Area; CE 181 Dumpster Wall Elevation and Grade Clarifications;CE 183 Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall;CE 185 Rebar Reinforcement at Mechanical Trench;CE 192 Light Pole Light Fixture 4.0 Discrepancy;CE 208 Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Outlet;CE 213 Added Ethernet Drops in DOC rooms E Agreement Amount: $147,803.60 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: March 2024 Termination Date: 7/31/2026 Q Local Business?E]Yes Fl/�No* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.700,please completeVendor Purchose-Local Exceptions"formonCityspoce. Business License Verification:YesElln-ProcessElExempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: E]YesF171No CAG2024-139 Comments: Change Order 9 3 0 GJ H •� i GJ C N Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/13/25 adccw22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 • KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction LP ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: FAC2309-C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: 3/18/2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: As described in the attached Exhibit A, CE 078 Added Footings at Columns; CE 109 Rev 7 Consolidated Plans; CE 112 Added conduits at N&W entrances; CE 119 Footing Drain Removal; CE 141 CB#86 Fix and new pipe run to existing CB; CE 145 Conflicts with Storm Drain and Existing Utilities; CE 170 Rev 8 Consolidated Plans; CE 176 Ped Ramp at North Parking Area; CE 181 Dumpster Wall Elevation and Grade Clarifications; CE 183 Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall; CE 185 Rebar Reinforcement at Mechanical Trench; CE 192 Light Pole Light Fixture Discrepancy; CE 208 Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Outlet; CE 213 Added Ethernet Drops in DOC rooms 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $29,900,294.10 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $1,040,749.82 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $30,941,043.92 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $134,123.05 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $13,680.55 Order Revised Contract Sum $31,088,847.52 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under NA prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By:Stephe�10,202513:13 PST) By; ie Parascon o1a(Jan 13,202512:12 PST) Print Name: Stephen Grasso Print Name: Julie Parascondola Its CEO Its: Parks Director DATE: Jan 10, 2025 DATE: J an 13, 2025 CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) �r/ZIII.tTJV Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department [In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] Signature: Tom khau Signature: Brian 1-e✓enG7aaen Tona Khau(Jan 9,202514:46 PST) Brian Levenhagen(Jan 13,2025 OW.55 PST) Email: tkhau@kentwa.gov Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - C09 Signature Pages Final Audit Report 2025-01-13 Created: 2025-01-09 By: Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAizJTrWagRJDiZCjJcPFSs_RsehgjB60P "FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - C09 Si gnature Pages" History E Document created by Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) 2025-01-09-4:54:29 PM GMT Document emailed to tkhau@kentwa.gov for signature 2025-01-09-4:55:55 PM GMT E Email viewed by tkhau@kentwa.gov 2025-01-09-10:42:57 PM GMT o Signer tkhau@kentwa.gov entered name at signing as Tona Khau 2025-01-09-10:46:08 PM GMT o Document e-signed by Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-09-10:46:10 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to steveg@bayley.net for signature 2025-01-09-10:46:13 PM GMT Email viewed by steveg@bayley.net 2025-01-10-7:05:21 PM GMT a Signer steveg@bayley.net entered name at signing as Stephen Grasso 2025-01-10-9:13:44 PM GMT o Document e-signed by Stephen Grasso (steveg@bayley.net) Signature Date:2025-01-10-9:13:46 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-01-10-9:13:48 PM GMT Q Adobe Acrobat Sign s Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2025-01-13-5:53:17 PM GMT Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-13-5:55:27 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Julie Parascondola (jparascondola@kentwa.gov) for signature 2025-01-13-5:55:37 PM GMT `1 Email viewed by Julie Parascondola (jparascondola@kentwa.gov) 2025-01-13-8:11:13 PM GMT Document e-signed by Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-13-8:12:03 PM GMT-Time Source:server Agreement completed. 2025-01-13-8:12:03 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #078 - RFI-065 - Columns With No Footings Origin: RFI#65:Columns With No Footings Date Created: 12/4/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc. Is 1.0 $325.00 $325.00 $325.00 1.0 $325.00 $325.00 $325.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material 24057-3001 Supply.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Rebar revisions per RFI-064,RFI-065 03-205-000.S Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning,Inc. Is 1.0 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 ($200.00) Reinforcing Steel 24057-4008 Install.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Install Added Reabr 03-100-005.PO Is 1.0 $642.00 $642.00 $642.00 1.0 $642.00 $642.00 $642.00 $0.00 Concrete.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Add 2 Type-C Spread Footings(Form&Place Concrete) 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/4/2024 at 09:57PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $339.00 $339.00 $339.00 1.0 $339.00 $339.00 $339.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $2,596.00 $0.00 $2,596.00 $2,796.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,796.00 ($200.00) $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/4/2024 at 09:57PM PST Change Proposal Project Name:KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 078 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-065 Work Description:RFI-065-Columns with no footings Date: 5/28/2024 Labor Material Eqw men, Subcontractor TOTAL Description QuantityUnit Prod Hours ROM Slhour Cost $/Unit Casts $Nnii Casts $IUnil Casts Precision-Rebar revisions per RFI-064,RFI-065 1 LS $ 32500 $ 325 $ $ 5 325 Grizzly-Install Added Rebar 1 LS $ - $ S 200.00 $ 200 $ 200 Add 2 Type-C spread footings(Form&Place 1 LS $ 235 $ 360 $ 47 $ $ 642 Concrete Layout 2 HR $ 5 $ 200.00 5 400 $ 400 Foreman 4 95.00 S 3801 5 1$ S 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ - $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ $ 110.00 1$ 110 $ 5 110 5 5 $ 5 $ - 5 $ $ $ S $ 5 $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ T$ 8 $ $ 815 $ 685 $ 157 5 600 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 339 GRAND TOTAL Time Request: v We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: ;�4kzllav� 12.i 2?. G y 11/20/2024 e(s Representalive Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #65: Columns With No Footings Status Closed on 05/15/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated May 14,2024 Due Date May 28,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact Yes(Unknown) Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S2.1b,Corona Shop Drawings Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Will Moore (City of Kent), Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Sam Scarmardo (Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl (Masco Corporation),Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas (Delta Mechanical),Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday,May 14, 2024 at 11:48 AM PDT At grids G.5/3 and G.5/2.5,there are two columns shown on the PEMB drawings,but no footings are shown at those locations on sheet S2.1 b.Please provide the necessary details to include footings and plinths at these locations. Please see attached marked up drawings for reference Attachments RFI 065 Backup.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Nov 20,2024 05:39 PM PST RFI#65-Columns With No Footings Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,May 15, 2024 at 08:38 AM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824. Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 02:17 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#65-col umns_with_no_footings-202405142032.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Nov 20,2024 05:39 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #65: Columns With No Footings Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated May 14,2024 Due Date May 28,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact Yes(Unknown) Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S2.1b,Corona Shop Drawings Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta Mechanical),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP) ,Gene Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Will Moore(City of Kent), Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas (Delta Mechanical),Michael Thomas(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday,May 14, 2024 at 11:48 AM PDT At grids G.5/3 and G.5/2.5,there are two columns shown on the PEMB drawings,but no footings are shown at those locations on sheet S2.1 b.Please provide the necessary details to include footings and plinths at these locations. Please see attached marked up drawings for reference Attachments RFI 065 Backup.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: May 14,2024 01:32 PM PDT RFI#65-Columns With No Footings Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Awaiting an Official Response Provide footing Type "C" per typical footing schedule. Plinth may be sized to match base plate size with 3" minimum from anchor bolts to edge of plinth. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: May 14,2024 01:32 PM PDT aw N ANCHOR ROD TABLE M. SIZE QTY MATERIAL z 3/4" 164 F 1554-G R.36 1" 96 F 1554-G R.36 Q 1 114" 398 F1554-GR.105 n O zU d3 fu� � d o U o O 00 = W cn Q Y z a0 tmc a "T m p 04 U w 0 U. (CAF� � O ( m r- 2 00 W O- N Z2 C QNN U 0�Z a Y O Uo¢ 36T-11 Q - n 222'-0 145'-11 m �p z c6 g N Z 'q 2 V LU ¢U) m� co a WZm O NIC cZ0w Z w 2- LU 24'- Z °24'-111/2 Yu-=�Uo � i rn 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 CD CD CD ( ® 0 2.6 O2 0.9 W N N N N CED11'-0 1 T-0 Q N o N o 0 0 0 BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP18-A �' BP17-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP22-A 5"B.F.F. O 5" B.F.F. 1'4 1'� 4 4 5' B.F.F. BRACED BAY LzLI>> ---------- ------- ----- -- ---- -- --------- N N 2 0 0 0 00 BP16-B z> >> �,--» B.F.F. �a ELa oa �� I o OFFICE EAST a z 1_4 BP49-A N N O a Z BP49-A 5" B.F.F. cn F a BP05-A BP19-A 5" B.F.F. BP15-A ABP01-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP01-B w}0 0 o BP48-A BP15-A - BP22-A BP16-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. J M W o 5" B.F.F. 1'4 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. z W 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. O 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. Uj O BRACED BAY BRACED BAY BRACED BAY COMMON WALL LINE W Z Z A.9 ---------- ------- ------ -------- -- -------------- - -+ ------- ------------------- --------------------- -------- ------- ---- -------- -- A.9 Q a<0 N ;tFt O O' 0 0 Z W W W W a Jacn<n< LLI 0 I Owwz LL LL'�LL N IW> Q Qa mO�NM N } N N N m p Ui CD M M M M p N N N N BP35-A N N N N U _ B3 N N m 5" B.F.F. m BP27-E BP27-F BP27-F { B.5 11 1/2 BP26-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. r-1 v2 BP22-B l BP16-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP27-C / BP54-A BP25-B B.7 5" B.F.F. BP27-D N B.8 :. B.8 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F. BP29-A 5" B.F. 1'-1 1/2 O B.9 5" B.F.F. B.9 1,�I 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. Q BP43-A BRACED BAY BRACED BAY m 5" B.F.F. � BP25-C N w BP26-B n 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. W N N NZ m 00 00 00 � BP43-B ao LO � to N 5" B.F.F. N J N N N N J C.5 0 6.5 N BO N BP18-B BP35-A p 1' 5" B.F.F. W -6 Z} o O 15'-51/2 5"B.F.F. C.9 UQ 8.9 � ------ C.9 11 1/2 BP06-A m I� o BP44-A 11 1/2 BP23-A BP25-B BP25-B 5" B.F.F. C.95 m OI N 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F.� BP23-A 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. BP34-B BP34-B O -BP34-B BP34-B BP53-A O ' D ,' 5" B.F.F. O BRACED BAY `° 5�� B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. V-al BP34-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 7 11 1/2 I � BP24-A .,. _-_---_------ � 5" B.F.F. BP18-B 0, 5" B.F.F. BP50-A 5" B.F. p D•1 �1 D.1 0.) D.2 SHOP 5" B.F.F. w OFFICE MAIN 5" B.F.F. D 2 0 0 5" B.F.F. OBI q _BP34-A N 111/2 ---- O m B m 5" B.F.F. P35-A 5" B.F.F. Q } m l o 0 0 Q p O °' D.5 N N N m U co W M O 0 Q U N NW l 9 BP42-B m Q m 5" B.F.F. V-41 m BP25-A 5" B.F.F. BRACED BAY CDI � --- -- ------------- CT)BRACED BAY � � � BP16-E BP57-A 5" B.F.F. N a 5" B.F. BP54-A 5"B.F.F. BP25-B E.3 ' � 1'-1 1 � 5" B.F.F. BP28-A -BP29-A 5" B.F.F. 11 1/2 � 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. V-1 1/2 E.5 E.5 E.6 BP35-A BP42-A BP27-B BP42-A N C Q 5 B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. E 7 p N N m W p BP27-A o Q m U N 5" B.F.F. 1'al 1 Q N N N T T m m N N N CD CD N N O O O NN N N F.05 ---------------- {i' -------------------- -------------------- --------------------� I'+ ------------------- -------------------- ..: F.05 N COMMON WALL LINE 16'-1 1/2 BP01-C BP41 A BP21-B BP21 B BP41-A BP21-B BP01-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. N 1'-21/2 21'-11 1/4 101/4 "101/41122'-31/2 101/4 101/4 22'-31/4 101/2 o } 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP36-A eOORTAL�CgED P RT L B C D OBTAL�RA�E • $B.F.F. m m 42"A.F.F N N BP3 .. _ _ _ _ 5" B. - - - p 12'-21/2 1'-5 O _______ _ N V;cg-1 q N qqN -� U OFFICE WEST W q RACED BAY ;'-y PBP31-A PBP30-APBP32-A PBP32-B PBP32-A 111/2 Q BP16-G N BP33-A BP58-A BP16-F 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP05-B 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. m � BP16-F 5" B.F.F. F.9 BP07-A BP07-A BP07-A PBP52-A �-9BIP20-A 5" B.F.F. r-4 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. O m BP40-A 5" B.F.F. 16.1 BP51-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. G.1 ---------- ------------- -------------------------- ---------------- - CANOPY O 1 BP15-C O O BP58-A a BRACED BAY 1'-a BP40-A BP15-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 9 FOYER co O 4 BP56-A BP56-B 8 1/2 8 1/2 BP56-D $ 9 1.5 H BP56 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F - BP36-B 5" B. 1 42'A. 42'A.F.F 18'-1 18'-1 1 13'-2 13'-7 2'-6 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 ® 7.1 © 0 ® 3 2.2 2 0.9 0.6 24'-111/2 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 1 29'-01/2 1 24'-111/2 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-111/2 1 16'-11/2 T T T 222'-0 T T T T 146-11 16'-11/2 384'-0 1/2 There are no 0.5 ANCHOR ROD PLAN footings/plinths for these two columns in NOTE: the structural drawings FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ASSUMED TO BE 100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1 J. RpTy G F WAg� O ANCHOR ROD PLAN GENERANl:THE SPECIFIED ANCHOR ROD AN2: METAL BUILDINGAL NOTES SHALL BE ORIENTED WITH THE F 554 GRADE 36 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.DIAMETERASSUMES ANC OR PROJECT FOUNDATIONM EAN S�IGN. THE FOUNDAT ON DESIGN IS THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER SATIS ED YFACTURER IS NOT RPONSIBLE FOR AN5:THE ANCHOR ROD LOCATIONSID PERTINENT THEBY THE �ANCHOR RODS ARE TO BE PTHE ANCHOR ROD PLANDLACED ICATES AS WELL AS TOES"TOWARD THEOLUMNS LOW EAVE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. � 'P 1 7 � ROD MATERIAL OF EQUAL DIAMETER MEETING OR RESPONSIBILITY OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER,FAMILIAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE MATERIALS THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. IT IS AN8:ALL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT OF STEEL. IF A CONCRETE EXCEEDING THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH WITH LOCAL SITE CONDITIONS. SUPPLIED BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. ESSENTIAL THAT THESE ANCHOR ROD PATTERNS BE NOTCH IS REQUIRED THEN THE REQUIRED DIMENSION SHOULD BE �'�y GCTURgL ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE UTILIZED AT THE AN3:ANCHOR RODS,NUTS,FLAT WASHERS FOR ANCHOR RODS, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FOUNDATION FOLLOWED. IF THESE SETTINGS DIFFER FROM THE ADDED TO OBTAIN THE OUT TO OUT OF CONCRETE DIMENSIONS. lv,, DISCRETION OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. EXPANSION BOLTS,AND CONCRETE/MASONRY EMBEDMENT PLATES ARE ENGINEER TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SUFFICIENT ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLANS,THE METAL AN9: FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=100'-0"AND BOTTOM 4 S AL ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT LENGTH SHALL BE NOT BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. EDGE DISTANCE IS PROVIDED FOR ALL ANCHOR BUILDING MANUFACTURER MUST BE CONTACTED OF BASE PLATES=100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. O DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. AN4: DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.SEE DETAILS FOR COLUMN ORIENTATION. RODS IN THE DETAILS OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE CONCRETE IS PLACED. 8 6" Pre-cast conc. 7 6 5 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. 4 Concrete-filled pipe 3 2 1 panels. Typical ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. bollards by others 7/S3.1 at exterior u.n.o. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) (typ. u.n.o.) WAGNER � 12/S3.1 � �12/S3.2 typ. typ. � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , typ. A RC H I T E C T S 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ill- � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 7/S3.1 P L E R S r--------------------- r--------------------, r-------- --------------- ----I r------ ------------, r- ---------� r- ---- --- -- --- -, - - ' -- - - -- ' - - - - - -------- -- -- -- - - ,I t 1916 PIKE P L A C E - -� -r - - � - -r= =� - - - _ -�� _ - - - - _ - ;r yp• - - A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 d. J J J J L J 1 1 + _ Or r r r 1 1 + „ I wagnerarchitects. com C 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 C C 1 1 T + ' Concrete Slab On Grade I► ; ; 24'-0""x 17'-6" ; ; ; ; ; ; 1 ; 1++++ per plan note 4. 11/S3 x 5 0 dp. concrete 1 1 Floor Drains t slab elev. per Arch. typ. ; ftg. w 8 (� 12"oc ' ' 1 1 Trench Drains , L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i r Consultants: / p , 9 / # , , , , per Plumbing 1, E.W. top & bot. 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 1 , by others 1 1� 1 A. t u.n.o. � n YP• " , , , , , , , 27-0 x 15-4 I , ; Recessed r - - - - - - ' / '' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , n 7 S3.2 _ _ _ _ IN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 5-0 dp. concrete 1 1 walk-off mat r - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �� 1 1 1 I 1 w typ. ' ; ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc 1 1 Arch. 1 1 o r - - - - , ' I J E.W. top & bot. L 11 MAI1 I 1 _ 1 1 1_ _ _ 1 1_ 1 1_ - 1 1 1 1_ � ----� r-------- ------------ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T I � � 1 ' •----- -----------p 1 L J L J L J J L J ' 1 ' *J 03-22-202:4 ll 62'-0" x 15'-0" 1 1 1 1 1 I I 34'-0" x 15'-0" ' Recessed _ ; ; ; ; x 5'-0"dp. concrete " P 11 1 1 I x 5-0 d . concrete walk-off mat ; ^ ' ' ' ' ftg. w/ #8 ® 12"oc ' '� 18"w. x 8"dp. 1 1 1 1 ; I ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc per Arch. /� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' E.W. t0 & bot. ' 11/S3.2 _ 1 1 , , E.W. top & bot. , , tie beam w/ (3) , , , , I , P ' -T ; typ. , 1 1 1 1 1 #5 cont. top & 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' - FRA N 1 -CO• ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �I 1 - bot. (typ. u.n.o.) structural engineering ' 111, - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 I 1 n , 1 1 1 _ _ r _ �_ 7 1 r _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ , I I 1 4742 42nd ave98 sw,1 6 #297 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 206.5seattle, Wa 98116 1 , 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - _ , _ _ _ ' _ ' _ B.7 206.579.8150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L - ' ® 1 r - J- 7 r -L J- 7 1 I 1 L _ _ J 1 1 1 L J 1 L - 1 + 1 - 1 „J„ 1 1 1 1 I 1 ' ; 1 1 L - - - - - ' 1 _ _ J 11 1 r _ J 1 1 - r1- J L - r1- J - ' 1 11 1 1 1 1 I L - J 1 1 O 10/S3.1 ,, 01/ n , n typ. 1 1 3 O x 14-6 „ n , " I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I P I x 5-0 dp. concrete , 1 18 w. x 8 d cont. 1, 1 „ 1 1 ® , concrete ftg. w/ (2) � , � , Recessed , , ® ® 1 1 1 1 I 1, 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc 1 1 1 1 1 shower per E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' Arch. P #5 cont. bot. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) - - - _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1' 1 per plan note 4. 1 1 ; 1 Lower footing 1 Concrete Slab On Grade ® _ �� I I 12/S3.1 / P ' to atch bottom ' ' r C 9 t slab ell per Arch. ' ' ' ' ' ' Of el vator pit. 1 1 1 ,I typ. I E l T r - - - - - - - -i 1 � _ _ ` _ 11 11' Recessed L - - - - - - - -� 1 1; 1 _ 1 1 - - ' ' - shower per 1 1 rJ L - , A ; r -4J- 7 r -LJ- , r -LJ- , Arch. r -LJ- 7 r - - , ,I 1 1 1 ' -I _ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' I KEHOC 62'-0" x 15'-0" 1 'I Warehouse & Office L -1- r - J L - f ,- J L - r ,- J , „ L - r , - J _ J ; 16 _ ,_ J 11 D.2 Building , , -0 dp. concrete , , , L _ I 10/S3.1 ,1 1 O w/ #8 @ 12"OC typ. ' ' E.W. to & bot. P 1 1 1 1 � , ,, I 9/S3.2 12/s3.2 12607 SE 248TH ST 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ' 1' v I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 typ. 1 I I ' typ. - KENT, WA n , n , " - - - -� i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L. �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i -2- - - - - -LL - - - , 'I 6 Pre cast conc. 24!0 x 17-6 � - - , I l i r 1 ;; P Typical 98030 x 5 0 dp. concrete Recessed , I exterior T ical at ftg. w 8 ® 12"oc 1 , exterior u.n.o. ' r L - ' E.W. t� & bot. ' shower per r _ _ 9 HSS per S3.2 IF - _ - - - - - - - - , , P , , Arch. 1 , 1 locate p manuf. , 1 , 1 I I r I T � � � - � � - I - (:ECONSOLIDATED 1 1 I I T1 L - - - ;- J 1 ; I ' SET L -i r - J 1 1 L _r7_ a L _ J 1 ��1 I 1 - 1 1 A v J JOB NO. 20223 L - � - - 1 - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - r �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - J ' ' ' 1 '� 34'-0" x 15'-0" Date Revisions 30'-0" x 14'-6" I ' 1 I x 5'-0"dp. concrete MARCH 1.9,.2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED x 5-0 dp. concrete ; ; , , ^ 1 1 ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftg. W/ #8 ® 12 OC 1 1 1 I 1 E.W. top & bot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 E.W. t0 & bot. 1 1 1 1 11/53.2 1 ' I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1 1 typ. 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z ' IN L _ _ J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 1 � 1 1 Indicates braced A 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 �I I 1 Recessed , , , , 1 1 , , 1 1 frame by others 1 _ - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 I - - - r- - - - _ walk-off mat 1 � � (typ. u.n.o.) _ ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 O 1 1 1 O 1 I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per Arch. + 1 1 1 � rJ L � rJ � L � 1 1 rJ � � ' ; I ' F _+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T.. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ':>.;' 1 1 1 I I 1 ' ® ' Recessed ' '- + 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I L I r J L 11 r .8 ; ; walk-off ma r ; 1 ; - - - - - - - - 7 ---+�=+ r - - - - - - - 1 1 ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 per Arch. 1 1 , n , n 1 I , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -6 � 13-0 meet Contents + + , n 1 I 1 A B . . . . . ' 1 1 x 5-0 d . concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 Trench Drains by ' Trench Drains ' ' , , P OA ' others. Slope to ' ' b others ' ' 1 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc L _ _ _ _ _ _ r 1 _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1 1 y 1 ® 52.1 b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - _ r - 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 E.W. top & bot. n 1 , , , , drain per Arch. (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 ,I . . . . . . . . . . . (typ. u.n.o.) ; ; ; ; + 1 1 1; I : : bundat�On. . an. T-i _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 30'-0" X 14'-6" - ` 1 ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 1 1, P I r - - , . f�1Ot-kh . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 + + ' ' . 1 L ; _ J x 5'-0"d concrete - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 R - ftg. W/ #8 ® 12 oC 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 + + ' - - - - - - - - - - J O " 1 , 6 Pre-cast conc. 1 E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' O ' ' O ' ' +++ I , - . . . . . . . panels. Typical at ;'- - ------------ ', 1 r r--------- ----------- r --------- ' --, ; + + , ; , O L J� . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 1 1 ' ' ' ' --- Scale:1/8"=1'-0" exterior u.n.o. C _ t------------------- J ' _ a --------- ----------J ----------------- 1 11111111111 _ _ �_ _ _ _ 1 _ _ r 1JP , 1 I V All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 ' used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. ' ' ' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ■ ' 12" x 36" conc f I 1 base per Arch. w/ sheet No. vo - - - - - - - - - - - - .r - - - - - - - t...3_ � r - - � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/S3.1 n „ 7/S3.2 12/S3.2 12/S3.1 (5) #5 vert. E.F. & ; . . . ; ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . t - - - - - - - - - - - ! - - - J #3 hoops @ 3 oc. 18 w. x 8 dp. cont. conc. t t t - - - - - t�' Typical Plan Notes and ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. IN INL _ _ J L J _ Q _ J Typ. of (4). Foundation P la n - North Footing Schedule per 8/S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) Footings not shown 3, 0 O O where columns are typ. S2' ' 1 ' b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ s shown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aw N ANCHOR ROD TABLE M. SIZE QTY MATERIAL z 3/4" 164 F 1554-G R.36 1" 96 F 1554-G R.36 Q 1 114" 398 F1554-GR.105 n O zU d3 fu� � d o U o O 00 = W cn Q Y z a0 tmc a "T m p 04 U w 0 U. (CAF� � O ( m r- 2 00 W O- N Z2 C QNN U 0�Z a Y O Uo¢ 36T-11 Q - n 222'-0 145'-11 m �p z c6 g N Z 'q 2 V LU ¢U) m� co a WZm O NIC cZ0w Z w 2- LU 24'- Z °24'-111/2 Yu-=�Uo � i rn 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 CD CD CD ( ® 0 2.6 O2 0.9 W N N N N CED11'-0 1 T-0 Q N o N o 0 0 0 BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP18-A �' BP17-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP22-A 5"B.F.F. O 5" B.F.F. 1'4 1'� 4 4 5' B.F.F. BRACED BAY LzLI>> ---------- ------- ----- -- ---- -- --------- N N 2 0 0 0 00 BP16-B z> >> �,--» B.F.F. �a ELa oa �� I o OFFICE EAST a z 1_4 BP49-A N N O a Z BP49-A 5" B.F.F. cn F a BP05-A BP19-A 5" B.F.F. BP15-A ABP01-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP01-B w}0 0 o BP48-A BP15-A - BP22-A BP16-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. J M W o 5" B.F.F. 1'4 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. z W 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. O 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. Uj O BRACED BAY BRACED BAY BRACED BAY COMMON WALL LINE W Z Z A.9 ---------- ------- ------ -------- -- -------------- - -+ ------- ------------------- --------------------- -------- ------- ---- -------- -- A.9 Q a<0 N ;tFt O O' 0 0 Z W W W W a Jacn<n< LLI 0 I Owwz LL LL'�LL N IW> Q Qa mO�NM N } N N N m p Ui CD M M M M p N N N N BP35-A N N N N U _ B3 N N m 5" B.F.F. m BP27-E BP27-F BP27-F { B.5 11 1/2 BP26-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. r-1 v2 BP22-B l BP16-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP27-C / BP54-A BP25-B B.7 5" B.F.F. BP27-D N B.8 :. B.8 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F. BP29-A 5" B.F. 1'-1 1/2 O B.9 5" B.F.F. B.9 1,�I 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. Q BP43-A BRACED BAY BRACED BAY m 5" B.F.F. � BP25-C N w BP26-B n 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. W N N NZ m 00 00 00 � BP43-B ao LO � to N 5" B.F.F. N J N N N N J C.5 0 6.5 N BO N BP18-B BP35-A p 1' 5" B.F.F. W -6 Z} o O 15'-51/2 5"B.F.F. C.9 UQ 8.9 � ------ C.9 11 1/2 BP06-A m I� o BP44-A 11 1/2 BP23-A BP25-B BP25-B 5" B.F.F. C.95 m OI N 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F.� BP23-A 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. BP34-B BP34-B O -BP34-B BP34-B BP53-A O ' D ,' 5" B.F.F. O BRACED BAY `° 5�� B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. V-al BP34-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 7 11 1/2 I � BP24-A .,. _-_---_------ � 5" B.F.F. BP18-B 0, 5" B.F.F. BP50-A 5" B.F. p D•1 �1 D.1 0.) D.2 SHOP 5" B.F.F. w OFFICE MAIN 5" B.F.F. D 2 0 0 5" B.F.F. OBI q _BP34-A N 111/2 ---- O m B m 5" B.F.F. P35-A 5" B.F.F. Q } m l o 0 0 Q p O °' D.5 N N N m U co W M O 0 Q U N NW l 9 BP42-B m Q m 5" B.F.F. V-41 m BP25-A 5" B.F.F. BRACED BAY CDI � --- -- ------------- CT)BRACED BAY � � � BP16-E BP57-A 5" B.F.F. N a 5" B.F. BP54-A 5"B.F.F. BP25-B E.3 ' � 1'-1 1 � 5" B.F.F. BP28-A -BP29-A 5" B.F.F. 11 1/2 � 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. V-1 1/2 E.5 E.5 E.6 BP35-A BP42-A BP27-B BP42-A N C Q 5 B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. E 7 p N N m W p BP27-A o Q m U N 5" B.F.F. 1'al 1 Q N N N T T m m N N N CD CD N N O O O NN N N F.05 ---------------- {i' -------------------- -------------------- --------------------� I'+ ------------------- -------------------- ..: F.05 N COMMON WALL LINE 16'-1 1/2 BP01-C BP41 A BP21-B BP21 B BP41-A BP21-B BP01-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. N 1'-21/2 21'-11 1/4 101/4 "101/41122'-31/2 101/4 101/4 22'-31/4 101/2 o } 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP36-A eOORTAL�CgED P RT L B C D OBTAL�RA�E • $B.F.F. m m 42"A.F.F N N BP3 .. _ _ _ _ 5" B. - - - p 12'-21/2 1'-5 O _______ _ N V;cg-1 q N qqN -� U OFFICE WEST W q RACED BAY ;'-y PBP31-A PBP30-APBP32-A PBP32-B PBP32-A 111/2 Q BP16-G N BP33-A BP58-A BP16-F 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP05-B 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. m � BP16-F 5" B.F.F. F.9 BP07-A BP07-A BP07-A PBP52-A �-9BIP20-A 5" B.F.F. r-4 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. O m BP40-A 5" B.F.F. 16.1 BP51-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. G.1 ---------- ------------- -------------------------- ---------------- - CANOPY O 1 BP15-C O O BP58-A a BRACED BAY 1'-a BP40-A BP15-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 9 FOYER co O 4 BP56-A BP56-B 8 1/2 8 1/2 BP56-D $ 9 1.5 H BP56 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F - BP36-B 5" B. 1 42'A. 42'A.F.F 18'-1 18'-1 1 13'-2 13'-7 2'-6 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 ® 7.1 © 0 ® 3 2.2 2 0.9 0.6 24'-111/2 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 1 29'-01/2 1 24'-111/2 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-111/2 1 16'-11/2 T T T 222'-0 T T T T 146-11 16'-11/2 384'-0 1/2 There are no 0.5 ANCHOR ROD PLAN footings/plinths for these two columns in NOTE: the structural drawings FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ASSUMED TO BE 100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1 J. RpTy G F WAg� O ANCHOR ROD PLAN GENERANl:THE SPECIFIED ANCHOR ROD AN2: METAL BUILDINGAL NOTES SHALL BE ORIENTED WITH THE F 554 GRADE 36 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.DIAMETERASSUMES ANC OR PROJECT FOUNDATIONM EAN S�IGN. THE FOUNDAT ON DESIGN IS THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER SATIS ED YFACTURER IS NOT RPONSIBLE FOR AN5:THE ANCHOR ROD LOCATIONSID PERTINENT THEBY THE �ANCHOR RODS ARE TO BE PTHE ANCHOR ROD PLANDLACED ICATES AS WELL AS TOES"TOWARD THEOLUMNS LOW EAVE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. � 'P 1 7 � ROD MATERIAL OF EQUAL DIAMETER MEETING OR RESPONSIBILITY OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER,FAMILIAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE MATERIALS THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. IT IS AN8:ALL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT OF STEEL. IF A CONCRETE EXCEEDING THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH WITH LOCAL SITE CONDITIONS. SUPPLIED BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. ESSENTIAL THAT THESE ANCHOR ROD PATTERNS BE NOTCH IS REQUIRED THEN THE REQUIRED DIMENSION SHOULD BE �'�y GCTURgL ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE UTILIZED AT THE AN3:ANCHOR RODS,NUTS,FLAT WASHERS FOR ANCHOR RODS, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FOUNDATION FOLLOWED. IF THESE SETTINGS DIFFER FROM THE ADDED TO OBTAIN THE OUT TO OUT OF CONCRETE DIMENSIONS. lv,, DISCRETION OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. EXPANSION BOLTS,AND CONCRETE/MASONRY EMBEDMENT PLATES ARE ENGINEER TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SUFFICIENT ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLANS,THE METAL AN9: FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=100'-0"AND BOTTOM 4 S AL ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT LENGTH SHALL BE NOT BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. EDGE DISTANCE IS PROVIDED FOR ALL ANCHOR BUILDING MANUFACTURER MUST BE CONTACTED OF BASE PLATES=100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. O DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. AN4: DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.SEE DETAILS FOR COLUMN ORIENTATION. RODS IN THE DETAILS OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE CONCRETE IS PLACED. 8 6" Pre-cast conc. 7 6 5 18"w. x 8"dp. cont. conc. 4 Concrete-filled pipe 3 2 1 panels. Typical ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. bollards by others 7/S3.1 at exterior u.n.o. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) (typ. u.n.o.) WAGNER � 12/S3.1 � �12/S3.2 typ. typ. � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , typ. A RC H I T E C T S 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ill- � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 7/S3.1 P L E R S r--------------------- r--------------------, r-------- --------------- ----I r------ ------------, r- ---------� r- ---- --- -- --- -, - - ' -- - - -- ' - - - - - -------- -- -- -- - - ,I t 1916 PIKE P L A C E - -� -r - - � - -r= =� - - - _ -�� _ - - - - _ - ;r yp• - - A SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 d. J J J J L J 1 1 + _ Or r r r 1 1 + „ I wagnerarchitects. com C 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 C C 1 1 T + ' Concrete Slab On Grade I► ; ; 24'-0""x 17'-6" ; ; ; ; ; ; 1 ; 1++++ per plan note 4. 11/S3 x 5 0 dp. concrete 1 1 Floor Drains t slab elev. per Arch. typ. ; ftg. w 8 (� 12"oc ' ' 1 1 Trench Drains , L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i r Consultants: / p , 9 / # , , , , per Plumbing 1, E.W. top & bot. 1 1 1 1 (typ. u.n.o.) 1 , by others 1 1� 1 A. t u.n.o. � n YP• " , , , , , , , 27-0 x 15-4 I , ; Recessed r - - - - - - ' / '' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , n 7 S3.2 _ _ _ _ IN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x 5-0 dp. concrete 1 1 walk-off mat r - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �� 1 1 1 I 1 w typ. ' ; ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc 1 1 Arch. 1 1 o r - - - - , ' I J E.W. top & bot. L 11 MAI1 I 1 _ 1 1 1_ _ _ 1 1_ 1 1_ - 1 1 1 1_ � ----� r-------- ------------ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T I � � 1 ' •----- -----------p 1 L J L J L J J L J ' 1 ' *J 03-22-202:4 ll 62'-0" x 15'-0" 1 1 1 1 1 I I 34'-0" x 15'-0" ' Recessed _ ; ; ; ; x 5'-0"dp. concrete " P 11 1 1 I x 5-0 d . concrete walk-off mat ; ^ ' ' ' ' ftg. w/ #8 ® 12"oc ' '� 18"w. x 8"dp. 1 1 1 1 ; I ftg. w/ #8 0 12"oc per Arch. /� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' E.W. t0 & bot. ' 11/S3.2 _ 1 1 , , E.W. top & bot. , , tie beam w/ (3) , , , , I , P ' -T ; typ. , 1 1 1 1 1 #5 cont. top & 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' - FRA N 1 -CO• ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �I 1 - bot. (typ. u.n.o.) structural engineering ' 111, - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 I 1 n , 1 1 1 _ _ r _ �_ 7 1 r _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ , I I 1 4742 42nd ave98 sw,1 6 #297 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 206.5seattle, Wa 98116 1 , 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - _ , _ _ _ ' _ ' _ B.7 206.579.8150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L - ' ® 1 r - J- 7 r -L J- 7 1 I 1 L _ _ J 1 1 1 L J 1 L - 1 + 1 - 1 „J„ 1 1 1 1 I 1 ' ; 1 1 L - - - - - ' 1 _ _ J 11 1 r _ J 1 1 - r1- J L - r1- J - ' 1 11 1 1 1 1 I L - J 1 1 O 10/S3.1 ,, 01/ n , n typ. 1 1 3 O x 14-6 „ n , " I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I P I x 5-0 dp. concrete , 1 18 w. x 8 d cont. 1, 1 „ 1 1 ® , concrete ftg. w/ (2) � , � , Recessed , , ® ® 1 1 1 1 I 1, 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc 1 1 1 1 1 shower per E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' Arch. P #5 cont. bot. (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) - - - _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 1' 1 per plan note 4. 1 1 ; 1 Lower footing 1 Concrete Slab On Grade ® _ �� I I 12/S3.1 / P ' to atch bottom ' ' r C 9 t slab ell per Arch. ' ' ' ' ' ' Of el vator pit. 1 1 1 ,I typ. I E l T r - - - - - - - -i 1 � _ _ ` _ 11 11' Recessed L - - - - - - - -� 1 1; 1 _ 1 1 - - ' ' - shower per 1 1 rJ L - , A ; r -4J- 7 r -LJ- , r -LJ- , Arch. r -LJ- 7 r - - , ,I 1 1 1 ' -I _ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' I KEHOC 62'-0" x 15'-0" 1 'I Warehouse & Office L -1- r - J L - f ,- J L - r ,- J , „ L - r , - J _ J ; 16 _ ,_ J 11 D.2 Building , , -0 dp. concrete , , , L _ I 10/S3.1 ,1 1 O w/ #8 @ 12"OC typ. ' ' E.W. to & bot. P 1 1 1 1 � , ,, I 9/S3.2 12/s3.2 12607 SE 248TH ST 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ' 1' v I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 typ. 1 I I ' typ. - KENT, WA n , n , " - - - -� i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L. �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i -2- - - - - -LL - - - , 'I 6 Pre cast conc. 24!0 x 17-6 � - - , I l i r 1 ;; P Typical 98030 x 5 0 dp. concrete Recessed , I exterior T ical at ftg. w 8 ® 12"oc 1 , exterior u.n.o. ' r L - ' E.W. t� & bot. ' shower per r _ _ 9 HSS per S3.2 IF - _ - - - - - - - - , , P , , Arch. 1 , 1 locate p manuf. , 1 , 1 I I r I T � � � - � � - I - (:ECONSOLIDATED 1 1 I I T1 L - - - ;- J 1 ; I ' SET L -i r - J 1 1 L _r7_ a L _ J 1 ��1 I 1 - 1 1 A v J JOB NO. 20223 L - � - - 1 - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - r �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - J ' ' ' 1 '� 34'-0" x 15'-0" Date Revisions 30'-0" x 14'-6" I ' 1 I x 5'-0"dp. concrete MARCH 1.9,.2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED x 5-0 dp. concrete ; ; , , ^ 1 1 ftg. w/ #8 ® 12 oc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftg. W/ #8 ® 12 OC 1 1 1 I 1 E.W. top & bot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 E.W. t0 & bot. 1 1 1 1 11/53.2 1 ' I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1 1 typ. 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z ' IN L _ _ J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 1 � 1 1 Indicates braced A 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 �I I 1 Recessed , , , , 1 1 , , 1 1 frame by others 1 _ - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 I - - - r- - - - _ walk-off mat 1 � � (typ. u.n.o.) _ ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 O 1 1 O 1 1 1 O 1 I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per Arch. + 1 1 1 � rJ L � rJ � L � 1 1 rJ � � ' ; I ' F _+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T.. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ':>.;' 1 1 1 I I 1 ' ® ' Recessed ' '- + 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I L I r J L 11 r .8 ; ; walk-off ma r ; 1 ; - - - - - - - - 7 ---+�=+ r - - - - - - - 1 1 ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 per Arch. 1 1 , n , n 1 I , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -6 � 13-0 meet Contents + + , n 1 I 1 A B . . . . . ' 1 1 x 5-0 d . concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 Trench Drains by ' Trench Drains ' ' , , P OA ' others. Slope to ' ' b others ' ' 1 1 ftg. w/ #8 @ 12 oc L _ _ _ _ _ _ r 1 _ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1 1 y 1 ® 52.1 b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - _ r - 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 E.W. top & bot. n 1 , , , , drain per Arch. (typ. u.n.o.) 1 1 ,I . . . . . . . . . . . (typ. u.n.o.) ; ; ; ; + 1 1 1; I : : bundat�On. . an. T-i _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 30'-0" X 14'-6" - ` 1 ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 1 1, P I r - - , . f�1Ot-kh . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 + + ' ' . 1 L ; _ J x 5'-0"d concrete - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 R - ftg. W/ #8 ® 12 oC 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 + + ' - - - - - - - - - - J O " 1 , 6 Pre-cast conc. 1 E.W. top & bot. ' ' ' ' O ' ' O ' ' +++ I , - . . . . . . . panels. Typical at ;'- - ------------ ', 1 r r--------- ----------- r --------- ' --, ; + + , ; , O L J� . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 1 1 ' ' ' ' --- Scale:1/8"=1'-0" exterior u.n.o. C _ t------------------- J ' _ a --------- ----------J ----------------- 1 11111111111 _ _ �_ _ _ _ 1 _ _ r 1JP , 1 I V All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 ' used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. ' ' ' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 I ■ ' 12" x 36" conc f I 1 base per Arch. w/ sheet No. vo - - - - - - - - - - - - .r - - - - - - - t...3_ � r - - � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/S3.1 n „ 7/S3.2 12/S3.2 12/S3.1 (5) #5 vert. E.F. & ; . . . ; ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . t - - - - - - - - - - - ! - - - J #3 hoops @ 3 oc. 18 w. x 8 dp. cont. conc. t t t - - - - - t�' Typical Plan Notes and ftg. w/ (2) #5 cont. bot. IN INL _ _ J L J _ Q _ J Typ. of (4). Foundation P la n - North Footing Schedule per 8/S3.2 (typ. at perimeter u.n.o.) Footings not shown 3, 0 O O where columns are typ. S2' ' 1 ' b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ s shown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . recision Rebar® 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD5 Change Order Date: 5/21/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $0.00 Total Before this Change Order: $143,414.00 Amount of this Change Order: $325.00 Revised Contract Amount: $143,739.00 Change description: RFI #64 & RFI #65. PLINTH SIZES REVISED AT GRID F.1/13 AT GRIDS G.5/3 AND G.5/2.5 TYPE C SPREAD FOOTINGS ADDED 3 HOURS RE-DETAILING TIME Change pricing: 96 Lbs. $325.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. RFI-065-Add 2 Type-C Spread Footings SPRD FTG C Qty Unit Labor Material Equipment Sub Totals 03350.112 Finish footing concrete top surface 40.5 SF $ 0.25 $ 9.93 $ $ $ - $ 9.93 03390.011 Protect and cure vertical surfaces 63.7 SF $ 0.42 $ 26.68 $ 0.05 $ 3.18 $ $ - $ 29.86 03390.012 Protect and cure horizontal surfaces 40.5 SF $ 0.42 $ 16.97 $ 0.05 $ 2.03 $ $ - $ 18.99 03110.520 Column footing edge forms 9.3 SF $ 12.57 $117.32 $ 3.85 $ 35.93 $ $ - $ 153.25 03310.217 4000 psi direct 1.9 CY $ 34.42 $ 64.54 $ 170.00 $318.75 $ 25.00 $ 46.88 $ - $ 430.16 $235.43 $359.89 j $ 46.88 Footing Schedule Mark Size Reinforcing O5'-6"x 5'-6"x 1'-3"dp. (8) #5 E.W. Top k Bot. O4'-6"x 4'-6"x I'-3"dp. (4)#5 E.W. Bot AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #109 - Consolidated Set Rev 7 Origin: Date Created: 9/23/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 05-580-150.PO Is 1.0 $12,600.00 $12,600.00 $12,600.00 1.0 $12,600.00 $12,600.00 $12,600.00 $0.00 Bollard.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Additional Bollards 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $4,246.46 $4,246.46 $4,246.46 1.0 $4,246.46 $4,246.46 $4,246.46 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Lighting&Power Revisions 01-330-010.PO Is 1.0 $1,139.97 $1,139.97 $1,139.97 1.0 $1,139.97 $1,139.97 $1,139.97 $0.00 Plans and Specs.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Plot Plans 01-450-120.S hours 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/9/2024 at 03:07PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-100-020.1- hours 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-099.1- hours 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $3,303.00 $3,303.00 $3,303.00 1.0 $3,303.00 $3,303.00 $3,303.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $25,319.43 $0.00 $25,319.43 $25,319.43 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,319.43 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/9/2024 at 03:07PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 109 Project No.24507 Doc#: Rev 7 Work Description:Consolidated Set Rev 7 Date: 6/10/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Add(10)Bollards-Excavate,concrete,bollard material,bollard cover($250/EA Bollard Supply+ Shipping;$100/EA Bollard Cover Supply+Shipping; 10 EA 40 65.00 $ 2,600 500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 12,600.00 $150/EA Concrete Material;4 Hrs/EA Bracing, Stripping,Installation of Bollard Cover;$500/EA Excavation Veca-Lighting and Power Revisions 1 LS $ - $ - $ $ 4,246.46 $ 4,246.46 $ 4,246.46 Plot Plans 1 LS $ 1,139.97 $ 1,139.97 $ $ - $ 1,139.97 Layout 8 HR $ $ - $ $ 200.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 Foreman 16 95.00 $ 1,520 $ $ $ - $ 1,520.00 Cleanup 16 50.00 $ 800 $ $ $ $ 800.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ 1 $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 72 $ 4,920 $ 6,139.97 $ 110.00 $ 10,846.46 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 22,016.43 General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 3,303.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 25,319.43 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by F-1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: / 12/9/2024 Ow is Representative Date Bayley Construction Date KEHOC - Bollard Take-Offs Bid Set Rev 6 Rev 7 (Thru Addendum#3) OA1.0 0 0 0 OA1.6 16 16 16 OA1.7 11 11 13 OA1.8 6 6 6 Not issued w/Rev 7 OA1.9 14 14 22 OA1.10 34 36 36 Not issued w/Rev 7 1A2.1A 27 27 27 1A2.1B 0 0 0 108 11 20 Delta 10 Bollards VVECA ELECTRIC&COMMUNICATIONS CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 8 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 7/8/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887-KEHOC Seattle, WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887-KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island,WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with the Consolidated Set- Delta 7 Revisions. Summary of lighting changes are as follows: Addition of(10) R6E fixtures Summary of power changes are as follows: E7.2 (2)feeders changed from (3)#2 CU to (3)#1 CU The above changes are reflected in the CO pricing. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 1 1/2"CONDUIT-EMT 0 358.74 C 0.00 0.00 C 0.00 1 1/2" ELBOW 90 DEG- EMT 4 1,225.00 C 49.00 50.00 C 2.00 1 1/2"CONN SS STL- EMT 0 171.00 C 0.00 0.00 C 0.00 1 1/2"COUPLING SS STL-EMT 4 200.00 C 8.00 0.00 C 0.00 1 1/2" BUSHING- PLASTIC 0 95.36 C 0.00 0.00 C 0.00 1 1/2" 1-H STRAP- EMT-STEEL 0 55.61 C 0.00 0.00 C 0.00 #2 THHN BLACK -230 1,720.20 M -395.65 15.50 M -3.56 # 1 THHN BLACK 230 1,866.40 M 429.27 16.88 M 3.88 1/4-20x 1 3/4 WEDGE ANCHOR- 1 1/8" MIN DEPTH 0 0.00 C 0.00 0.00 C 0.00 Totals 8 90.63 2.32 Summary General Materials 90.63 LIGHTING FIXTURES 3,265.00 Material Total 3,355.63 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (2.32 Hrs @$119.02) 276.13 FOREMAN @ 15% (0.35 Hrs @$128.08) 44.83 CHANGE_NOTICF Date:Client Address: 7/8/2024 y Project Name: JT-628887-KEHOC VECA Electric And TechnolonipS LLC Project Number: JT-628887-KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S"'V"- Bayley Construction Page Number: 2 Seattle, WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island,WA 98040 Summary(Cont'd) Overhead (@ 10.000 %) 367.66 Markup (@ 5.000 %) 202.21 Subtotal 4,246.46 Final Amount $4,246.46 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 8 Final Amount: $4,246.46 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. — — — �q- OF STREET 9 — — — — — — 124th AVENUE SE Al 8 q- OF W A G N E R AREA 959'-1 1/2" STREET ARCHITECTS IMPERVIOUS 419,208 SF PAVEMENT 374,220 SF _ w — � _ I 1916 PIKE PLACE GRAVEL OSF U I SEATTLE WA 98101 Q 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 TOTAL 374,220SF I = wagnerarchitects c o m 5 N - -11-6 __ BUILDING 44,988 SF I - - - 1 I I I Q 1 SI o004003 REGISTERED TOTAL 419,208 SF o `" I ® �-— °�J ARCHITECT CV __ �,(�( I = ` — X ETEWANER FENCE 552 LIN. FT. i l 2 I :I STATE OF WASHINGT N OA11 10/ '• I 2 Consultants: o -- - -� �x - I LLI I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FD I I 7'-0" - FF COVERED — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � 70'-0" 368'-3" I 413'-10" 71 M I M 2 I $ - I I o I OA1.9 PROPOSED OPERATIONS CENTER I nEA1.7/1 LEGEND. o II °C I � I II1 ��Qrr II 46 - I - I BUILDING EDGE • LIGHT POLE COVERED X NEW FENCE EDGE OF ROOF 2 I I o O�i LL EXISTING FENCE L - —7 '7 _ 4 a OA1.7 PROPERTY LINE = 1 .° ��'°� � - 71 I I o - EN T I _ NEW _ U' N WASH IN C.T{a,, I I _ wPAVEMENT AREA z cn m 7� a0rn' KEHOC cn Warehouse & OfficeNEW CONCRETE zz LL I I I CIO N Building zz I w NEW LANDSCAPED AREA Xc I I - cn (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) I "'w LL I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST ruP I I = KENT, WA LEGEND I I i ; ; I 98030 1 NTS OA1.8 I I I H. f7 7 = LL ------- --------X--------- --------- --- CONSOLIDATED CD Ll Li SET o f MAIN ENTRY ti ti LO L x l I X X X X X JOB N0. 20223 OA1.8 Date Revisions 0 _ �` J 11 I MARCH 19 2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED o I - 0A1.0 o I 4CD I 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 - w I - w j CV z -- ------------ f 12 o _ I 0`A_1�7 CY CD w H �^ , z - Sheet Contents N I I W = c I I SITE PLAN a _ I o I EXISTING WATER TOWER — —— —————-- ————————— N N 219'-01/2" 739'-91/21, Y I o BERM - EXISTING O = 0 w WATER TOWER _ All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Cr original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. w 958'-91/2" � N Sheet No. o SITE PLAN CIJ 0 SCALE IN FEET _ 10SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z w 0 25 50 100 200 ZOA1�o� ■ 0 W bj 0w fy J 0-� 1 EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 w J 29'-2" o 1'-6" 11'-0" 15-2"TO CURB W A G N E R a ARCHITECTS rn� MOUNTING BOX, 20x14F7 8'-0" EDGE OF ASPHALT01 P L A N N E R S i� INTERCOM 4" 0 SCHEDULE� � 0 0 0 L 1916 PIKE PLACE CARD READER 40 STANDARD _ S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 -I � GALV. PIPE @4' 71-0" 2'-0" _ y�1, 206 . 448 . 2528 V wagnerarchitects c o m OC MAX. a oV UP a ° EDGE OF HOUSEKEEPING PAD j j� MOUNTING BOX, 20x14 � % 6" X 1 V-0" X 1 V-0" CONCRETE PAD o004003 REGISTERED o W/#4 REBAR @18" O.C. E.W. ARCHITECT INTERCOM �FF :)1.1, GENERAL NOTE 1 FOR CARD READER o 0 0 0 CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS c� b � o �o E T E WA NER rn o ASPHALT - -moo, EDGE OF TRANSFORMER- SEE ELEC. srnrE of wnsHiNcr N MOUNTING BOX, 20x14 60 811 3" SEE CIVIL TRANSFORMER ATTACHED PER Consultants: INTERCOM MANUFACTURER'S HARDWARE. �1 CARD READER ° CRUSHED MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS _ ROCKS - SEE '_ o° ° CIVIL O TO BE KEPT ON SITE. STEEL PEDESTAL ° DRIVEWAY - 2ND ACCESS o 19 STUB CONDUIT 4" ABOVE TOP OF CONCRETE d d ° ° o + �` w U CV o o " BASE. CAP CONDUIT TO KEEP WATER AND ° o z 6 CURB DIRT OUT UNTIL CARD READER INSTALLATION d ` ' ° O� BOLLARDS, SEE ° a \ � DETAIL 13/OA1.6 TYP.° X CONCRETE ISLAND aUi ASPHALT, SEE CIVIL TRANSFORMER SLAB PLAN CRUSHED ROCKS, i 5 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" SEE CIVIL d 12" x 12" x 1/4" STEEL BASE a a a ° dd 8 d ° ° PLATE W/ (4) 3/4" 0 X 7" -EMBEDDED ° d ° ° oEPDXY STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS W/_9 _________ `V d °° ' d d ° \\ ° d ° ° \ d° d d d d / ° Q ° ° d 0 d d °4 d �� X/, / El MIN. 1" SCHEDULE 40 PVC �1'-2" VARIES ° CONDUIT. VERIFY THAT d 1" CHAMFER TYP. @ CONDUIT WILL CONTAIN 1" 1" ALL RETAINING (1) CAT6, (1) ACS CABLE, 15B 15A 15C WALLS 40 '0 • AND (2) 2/22 AWG SIDE ELEVATION PLAN FRONT ELEVATION a d K E N T CARD READER DETAILS POST RAMPS DETAIL ° d d ° Q d 12d ° ° Q 15 — Q° SCALE:3/4"= 1'-0" SCALE:3/4"= 1'-0" KEHOC 4 °d Warehouse & Office Building _! 7 RETAINING WALL DETAIL /' 3/4" \� SCALE:3"=1'-0" 4 I I 12607 SE 248TH ST NOTE: 0A1.6 I I KENT, WA rr 8" " -LETTERS & LOGO PAINTED METAL AND SPACER-MOUNTED. d 4 4 -ALL LETTERS 'MYRIAD PRO' OR APPROVED SIMILAR FONT I i 98030 6" <-- - - - - - - 5-011 I d MOUND CONC. TO DRAIN F�n �� I ° i i CONSOLIDATED 6" Q1 STANDARD GALV. PIPE W/ 15B 0 id 10 _ I I OA1.6 SET 10 IMPACT RESISTANT PLASTIC COVER 12 I "'' \�———— ———— ——— / 25-0" TO BOLLARD, TYP. 165-4" TO #4 REBAR @ 10 dl SIGNAGE (1'-3"x2'-2") ON GATE 10-0 PROPLop . LINE O.C. VERTICAL °I I KENT JoB No, 20223 01 10 W A S H I N G T O N / ANODIZED ALUMINUM Date Revisions 0 o PLATE (OFCI)' SPACER 2'-0" 6'-0" 2'-0" I ° �, M MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED o e leI I MOUNTED. COLORS TO CDM d SLOPE CONCRETE 15C 1 d `}' 2 6 0 S E 4 8 t S T H ETE T BE DECIDED 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 AWAY FROM BOLLARD 20 _ ,p OA1.6 01 10 --- ---- ---� w i LIGHT b I / ° d d o - d d EAST H LL 111 I ° SEALANT04 a �� _ z LAB — 2X I ° p ; O ERATIONS CENTE I a = d S o a I 0 15A CARD READERS 1 1 6 3/4" I 6 3/4" I ° J _ a4 a a OA1.6 - SEE 15/OA1.6 d L'iI ° I RIBBED FORM LINER 2-1/2" LETTERS a ry ry \ Ii ° d /\/\ \� /7, / C-V ao 6" RAISED Ii sheet ContentsCONCRETE ISLAND / #4 \ o o 3-1/2" LETTERS REBAR 10" Z C O.C. HORIZONTAL EACH WAY SITE D ETAILS —%� 4 —= � ° °/ #4 BAR @ �� do d d o V/ ° I N \ d d ° \\' 12" LONG Qv*- - A — — ��4 — � � — — Q \ �/ �� — � — a- -Qo - - - -°—,- - - � 4 ° d d O d aO CONC. FOOTING W I 11 4-5 1/2 All material appearingherein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, V\\ \V\�V\\V\\V\� \V\/ used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. #5 REBAR @ 12" 4'-10 1/2" w 1 -611 O O.C. EACH WAY, BOTTOM r Sheet No. N Mill cN U O TYPICAL BOLLARD DRIVEWAY DETAIL ENTRANCE SIGNAGE SECTION ENTRANCE SIGNAGE co L'J f'Li13 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 1 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" OA1 Z�o� 06 W UJ 0w fy J 0-� E O a-X NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 W A G N E R ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 25'-4" ,p,, 1916 PIKE PLACE 523.67 SEATTLE WA 98101 NJ T.O. WALL 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 RETAINING WALL wagnerarchitects c o m q o 6" CONCRETE PAD W/#4 REBAR @18" O.C. E.W. 3'-3" 2'-2" 2'-4" 0004003 REGISTERED a 6 ARCHITECT 8_0D p OA1.8 D ° D W" ` p �`b ° OD% a - `� °D p D � p �� pD r T E WA NER 0 O O /a a D /D ° p ° p F WASHINGT N J C0 cn W 3 D ° ° \ J Consultants: ° O �� � `�' ° ° p O�aa p �� O ° V J// yQ / Z a oy� C 31-3" 11-6' / /'p 529.71' �°/ p� / p \ Uj \ < GRADE \ \ ° 20 YD CONTAINER Qr� / °B (7'W X 22-L X 4'H), TYP. o 1 �o,, a o� p ° D� ��p �Q �p a HEAT PUMPS - w \ ��" \ 40 YD CONTAINER SEE MECH. D �, o � `L� A1.x 6� D , (7'W X 22-L X 8'H), TYP. N 522.49' 0 \ 3So T.O. WALL w x \ (D 0 LU 35'-0" 17'-0" U 0 530.29' � U) T.O. WALL `_ 529.50' - a N RIDGE ��° EL 529.62' N o / `" SLOPE 15.4% _ N CD3'-3" 1'-6' CV RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCT. EL 521.84' BOLLARDS, P. 529.05' TYP. -SEE q NOTE: SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING '�' T.O. WALL 529.02 6 CURB - SEE CIVIL DETA LOA1.6 3'-1" 8" 18'-5" GRADE 108'-91/2" 52'-0" wit KENT EDGE OF CONC. `'' APRON z KEHOC 0 D U M PSTE R RAMP PLAN Warehouse & Office 12 SCALE:3/32"_ -0° 4 X 6' GARBAGE m AND RECYCLING 0 Building DUMPSTERS, TYP. o 0 24'-0" HEAT PUMPS (3, N.I.C.) LL' - SEE MECH. 12607 SE 248TH ST ECL-1 BOLLARDS, KENT, WA 2'-11" FOOTING x x x x x x x x x TYP. - SEE o 98030 q DETA IL 1.3/OA1.6 DIAMETERLA CV FLAG POLE PER x co CD CONSOLIDATED MANUFACTURER % a CD � o ALUMINUM x a� N � ° `� SET FLASH COLLAR CONCRETE — SLOPE SLOPE — - JOB NO. 20223 as FOOTING - 3000 PSI a a a x ED ° Date Revisions ° a ° CN, L4, / o o MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 4 X 6' 06.05.2 24-REV SIGN 6 CD HARDWOOD WEDGES AS �� a°22 ° GARBAGE AND NECESSARY %�//A//A// a ° /A//A/ // RECYCLING L'i /V�/VA/V� ° /VA/VA V� _ ° DRY SAND TIGHTLY TAMPED a / / �// o o DUMPSTERS o C*14 zo AFTER CENTERING POLE \\//\\//\\// ° /\\//\\/ \//\ N x a, CD ° Oo (3, N.I.C.) z N /\/\/\/ /\/\ \/ �, °D a a° ° \ a a o A VA /A VA a a w GALVANIZED STEEL \ \ \ a /jam// �// x a a Q �° - 4'-0" 3'-9" CLR. CY FOUNDATION SLEEVE \ \ \ \ „ ° �a , „ , o /\/\/\/\ /\/\/ / o , PER MANUFACTURER /VA//VA//VA//\ i a ° V//VA//VA VA/� 3�Oa 2-1 3-10 2-111 4-1 1 ° 4.0 ° 1L. d0 1 �A//A//A//A ° //A//A/ // x a Q a ° 10 Sheet Contents jAA/j\/jAA j�A A/j F3 ° a :01SITE DETAILS STEEL CENTERING WEDGES / / / / ° \%j\%/\\% �%j x ° a' a ° AS NECESSARY / / / / /VA/VA/VA/VA VA/VA/VA VA a ° o ��V/XV/�V/�\ a ° \V/%V/%\ V// a _ \ \ \ \ a A \ \ \ v ° Ll �„ elf „ �/�/ \/ a V�/� x _ 11 -1 / 40-0 TO CURB 1/4 STEEL BASE PLATECD ° a PER MANUFACTURER v�/ Y \\\\\\\\\ �C \\/\\ \\\j \\\ u _ 1/4�� STEEL SUPPORT PLATE \/\/\/\/\/\/\//\// o \// � x x x x x x x x EDGE OF PER MANUFACTURER % //AA /\ \V/ V /%V//\ V/% CONCRETE , All material appearing herein consrirures me unpublished and GROUNDING SPIKE PER \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M angmao work of the architect ch and may not be duplicated, arc �/ 17110 AA /\/\/\/\/\/\/ I used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. MANUFACTURER /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ \\/\\/\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ FENCE - SEE ry w 1/OA1.8 sheet Na. N O FLAG POLE FOOTING DETAIL ENLARGED HEAT PUMP AND DUMPSTERS PLAN ENLARGED HEAT PUMP AND DUMPSTERS PLAN 41 ,�,ry L 7 SCALE: 1"=V-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"Z O o SCALE: 1/4"= 1'0" Al 07 W bj0w ry J 0-� EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 TRENCH COVER W A G N E R ASPHALT OR 36"CONCRETE - VISITOR PARKING ARCHITECT S SEE CIVIL SIGNAGE, TYP. - _0" 23'-0" P L A N N E R S SEE 5A/0A1.9 i zQ 1916 PIKE PLACE SEATTLE WA 98101 N 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 REFRIGERANT ° \��� � �� � � � oo ADAPARKING � wagnerarchitects . com LINES - SEE —� �� �� SIGNAGE, TYP. - SEE MECH. I CIVIL & 5C/OA1.9 ° - 0004003 REGISTERED a a a o ALLOW SPACE ° G ARCHITECT TO DRAIN 6" ° 33" 6" W ETEWANER STATE OF WASHINGT N O 7 EXTERIOR MECHANICAL TRENCH DETAIL z Consultants: 6 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" J_ m EV CHARGER, SEE ELEC o - FINAL DIMENSIONS TO w o E VERIFIED 1 1/2" o PAINTED Uj LETTERS IN ADA VAN PARKING 9" TYP. rV I FONT 'ARIAL' SIGNAGE, TYP. - SEE ( S C CIVIL & 5C/OA1.9 0 Li I K LO ° r$:)to T U 0 P a R / o D DROPOFF PARKING o R SIGNAGE, TYP. - 0 SEE 5B/OA1.9 Po 5-0" MAX. 0 0 CL O.C., TYP. (L F _ F � � o 0 ° ° o LL 41-011 5A 5B 00 M SEE ELEC. FOR 2 1/2" X 2 1/2" X 1/4" HOT ° :, DIPPED GALVANIZED \o o 0 12'-11° 0 0 E T a M EQUIPMENT, FINAL PAINTED STEEL TUBE ASPHALT - SEE CIVIL jx a 3-2 0 9" 8'-10" � r{� DIMENSIONS TO BE VAS ° ° �� BOLLARDS, TYP. VERIFIED CRUSHED ROCK �// a �/ EDGE OF EDGE OF - SEE= 1: OA1.6 - SEE CIVIL \�/� / CANOPY CONC. SLAB KEHOC 6 ' EDGE OF �xx �� ,16rr ; �XT4>/\>/ ENLARGED PARKING PLAN Warehouse & Office HOUSEKEEPING PAD 2 %�/A \ \ scALE: 1/s°=1'0" Building o o BOLLARDS, SEE 5C DETAIL 11M1.6 TYP. PARKING SIGNAGE DETAIL 12607 SE 248TH ST 5 SCALE: 1"=1'0" TRANSFORMER SLAB PLAN KENT, WA 8 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" 98030 16" 0 OUTLET BOX- EXISTING FENCE SEE ELEC. I CONSOLIDATED SET 3/4" CHAMFER BOLLARDS, SEE CLTYP. TYP.CL DOB NO.ate Revisions 223 DETPE 1 3/OA1.6 TYP. a CD EDGE OF ° ° I o MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED HOUSEKEEPING PAD a_ 06 .05.2024-REVISION 6 CD 38'-0" TO PROP. LINE CL 5'-0" o 7EVCHARGER, SEE N ELEC - FINAL cl� DIMENSION TO BE VERIFIED ry � o� ° (7)#5 VERTICAL ~ o x o o V REBAR I z Q � I J O Y U M a J ct� c) O �������� a En0 N Sheet Contents a 16" z [if J " SITE DETAILS Cn 3'-6" �3"-T R TYP. A�/V�/V�/ ° /V�/�� -' J ° a //�// CONCRETE � O ° _ ��j/A�j/A�j/ ° //A�j/A SHAFT ,1 0 U) rn 0 0 ~ CD' o zo M N�� �� �� PVC COATED CD SEE ELEC. FOR \�\�\ a a \�\�� RIGID WITHIN EQUIPMENT, FINAL /V�/� w DIMENSIONS TO BE a ��/���j BOLLARD cn o o VERIFIED ° ° ���� CONDUIT - w o w SEE ELEC. z Q 16" 0 CONCRETE BOLLARD All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and O O PP 9 P \ \ \����� ������ ������ ����� J original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, � \ \ \ �\ \ � \ _ O WITH 120V POWER used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. w �VVV� VVV �/� /V� �/ � � m OUTLETS, TYP. (10 TOTAL) \� �'\� 2'-4" /�, /\/ , /�/ - SEE 4/OA1.9 AND ELEC. I N Sheet No. TRANSFORMER SLAB PLAN 7 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" 16 O BOLLARD DETAIL ENLARGED PLAN wow 4 1OA1 09 Q O Q Q Cn SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" � w z �� � wwo� �a-� I �O d x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 1 1 A� WALGENERAL S ARE DIMENSIONED TO 1 2 EDGE OF FRAMING UNLESS W A G N E R NOTED OTHERWISE A R C H I T E C T S EDGE OF ROOF ABOVE P L A N N E R S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOORS ARE 5" TYPICAL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — (INCLUDING JAMB) FROM FACE — 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE OF WALL UNLESS NOTED S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 I I OTHERWISE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects com NOTE: SEE SHEETS IAA&LALI'FOR CONCRETE TILT-UP 0004003 REGISTERED PANELS XX o 0 0 1 I ARCHITECT <V 1 - - - - D.S. W2 W3 W4 D.S. W5 W6 D.S. W7 W8 W9 D.S. 10 11 D.S. STATE of WASHINGT N oOo Oo 0 0 Oo c Oo H.B. H.B. H.B. 4A3 D .31 IL I S7 1 1 151 I I I I I I I I WALL @ CL OPEN OFFICE OF GRID WALL @ CL EDGE OF SLAB I ABOVE OF GRID � BOLT-DOWN COLUMN , I I I BOLT-DOWN COLUMN PROTECTION, TYP. M L — II '10I PROTECTION TYP. M 152 II W 1 PW STREET 138 T II1 1'-11" 7'-5" 1 WAREHOUSE 1 A3. STAIRS Vv I I I J _ , ————————— --, - - CN TI T IT TIT IT � II - I IIIIIIIIIII I I II C) M 4_71 \LayIIIIIIIIIII UP II 1 1 150 7 1 LILLLIL II JANIT z / rcc-, 1 A92C . 9 �— rrFENCE, SEE® D , N40 S5 M 5 1/2" ry 5'-5" T-6" STAIRS 149 2D\ e WALL @ CL 1 1 WALL @ CL ® �. j� T �3 OF GRID, TYP. OF GRID, TYP. H g � ASF-i 174 C.T{a,, N — — — WC N B ------ -- �x r r,� KEHOC 153 T IT T T - 0 �- ® ELEC. X 1 UP I 148 I Warehouse & Office 1 0 I - _� L I I I o SECONDARY 1 1 Building EVIDENCE I � - J I STOR. EDGE OF SLAB 146 I � ABOVE 12607 SE 248TH ST I I �I� I I I I I 3 � J 11 DRI BAYHRU I I I I I WALL CL WALL CL I KENT, WA o II k 1 @ @ 98030 II \ LIFT 1 1A OF GRID, 1A OF GRID, 1A9.6 1 TYP. TYP. v 6'-1" 2'-11 1/2" 0 1A3.33 o 1A3.32 � S4 FENCE, SEE 1A9 7 Q 16 <51 1B v ? /1A\ o CDo Do � � <la 1A3.34 D w CONSOLIDATED 1B � w SET II II ® —17 145 144 143 I z PW STORM PW SEWER PW WATER I JOB NO. 20223 ® � Z 77 DRAINAGE Date Revisions a x 147 I MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED N 0 WALL @ CL 7 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 EVIDENCE OF GRID S3 x STORAGE LLJ 0 04 I x 12'-0" Li CY CY Ix WALK-IN M COOLER sheet Contents U I 0 X ® 00L S2 16 I FLOOR PLAN, H. — -ILH. . H.B. H.B. _ — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GROUNDLEVEL 'A' I 0 0 0 0 I �/ 0 0 0 0 D.S. �I � e D.S. �/ D.S. D.S. N E28 E27 E26 E25 E24 E23 E22 E21 E20 E19 E18 E17 E16 0 Y C H U — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — W All material appearingherein constitutes the unpublished and OfR original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z EDGE OF ROOF ABOVE W r Sheet No. N CD CIJ _ co ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN SOUTH GROUND LEVEL WfyW1A2 z Q o o N 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" 01A zQ Ijj 0W J 0- fy WOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 7 21 W A G N E R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 121 15 16 H.B. 18 19 20 �� [ 21 2 a — RISER ROOM PLANNER S d. . aD.S. D.S — �� D.S.o _+_ —T_ _ - _ _ - - - - -_- - - - -_- - - - -s�— _ 1 91 6 PIKE P LAC E - - 0'-11/2" ,' SEATTLE WA 98101 I H.B. H'B' — � Co 9 4 5 } GENERAL NOTE: 2 0 6 . 4 4 8 . 2 5 2 8 I WALL @ CL OF GRID L_ J _ BULE _ n WALLS ARE DIMENSIONED TO EDGE OF FRAMING w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m a UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE I FLUSH METAL SILL. SEE 1 — � Q — ELECTRICAL/ 10 DOORS ARE 5" TYPICAL INCLUDING JAMB FROM 0004003 IS8 SILL DE® 11.0 I T — „ CH.]00j N1 FACE OF WALL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE REGISTERED I I 139 I 1 140 I � F — � 8 71/2 � 9 4 ARCHITECT PW SIGNS & PW DRAINAGE „ V-7 1/2" I 12 13 14 SOLID WASTE VEG. 7-0 — N SEE SHEET®FOR WALL TYPES _ 117 E T E WA NER ch op STATE OF WASHINGT N D.S. — J � — � o ti OFFICE Consultants: M 1 A3.36 ti 10 � � o 0 1 1 1 ti � CI<�� �� NOTE: SEE SHEETS TRACK MOUNTED 7 1/2" 122 1 1 1 1 1 A4 0 &1/]FOR RETRACTABLE 1 138 136 INDUSTRIAL WALL MDF 1 118 III CONCRETE TILT-UP WAREHOUSE CORR. CURTAIN W/2 WALK — — 1 ROOM 17- — — PARKS 116 N2 PANELS XX I THROUGH STRIP �� — — — T- T — — OPEN OFFICE OFFICE III DOORS —1�1 ICI— I '-5 1/2"4'-2 1/2" 132 — �� �� - - I 7'-1" 1'-0 1/2" SHOWER ' T'A�T M FI 17 LO 7'-2" 4'-0" 4'-4" L J o — — - - - - - - - - - - - — — _ — — _ — — — — 52 61 � — 1 6 I `�' 1D '-0" 0 0 0 0 0 ti ] 1� 7 �l T� �F T� L � - I 15 24 62 70 _ 16 131 8 1 I IT 11 1 L — — CO OFFICE AUNDRY 25 34 �, iM. OMENS 129 L 11 IL F- 61 79 ROOM L CK WALL @ CL L ® 1 13 / _ OF GRID � -1 = 114 I WAREHOUSE c? 1 135 ® 1A `f' — 3B 14 17 1 OFFICE —— 44 1 DRYING gp 86 N o 3'-0" ' 1 11'-01/2 3'-01/2" 2'-0" 130 123 — OFFICE 1A3.5k F T ROOM 87 93 aD ti — 3B 6 / WORKO T M 1 II 6 2D / 31 HOWE / ATM 1� T� _ I I UP II 47 ltj� 2 — 30 M II 11 — J B M M co LR L �U U uL _1L —1 — -------� 1 94 99 22 29 O° _ „ 111 .. iET I— `- — 5'-3" 1/2" 8'-61/2" 16W 1/2" 1'-10" 1'-7' T-41/2" �21-16'1 5'-8" 5'-5" 5'-4" 5'-71/2" 1'-7" 5'-8" 7'-4" 7-6 - ZN4 W A.S� 174 C.T{a 133124 _ _ _ _ _ _ PARKS _ _ _ F- -1 ti WALL @ CL OF UNISEX WC 1'-6" CORR. "'WALL @ CL a OPEN L -1 M _ Al GRID, TYP. _ &SHOWER _ _ _ _ ——————N OF GRID OFFICE KEHOC WALL @ cL _ — � — 11A�� — � — — — Warehouse & Office I OF GRID 1 4 N 54 4 i-- 5 15 53 WALL CL / Co 85 `� I v I UP I Building I 1 3-2 7'-1 1 -0 1/2 52 ® 126 I 1 ® �' 86 "' �MEN'S W� ® - I 110 ' I I I = 4�A3,) �® OF GRID / _ „ „ FB �, 105MENS — 5-8 3-2 4-5 I V. 10 I 19 44 45 LOCKE 87 > 91 116 17 2 N O O O C� I i CORR. 1A318 12607 SE 248TH ST I 20 23 ROOM 92 96 2 16 " 128 I I 112 KENT, WA 8'-11/2" 6'-61/2" "' r WEIR P1 Z — — 4 I PARKS N5 71, 4 3D 1A9.5 I — 109 �, KITCHENETTE 98030 I 127 a _ 4 38 51 110 23N ¢ �, - — — I STOR. ti &TEAM ROOM cl� o co24 37 97 0 3 SHOWER 3B • 0 • • 0 MI15 108 N ti aD _ _ _ — — _ — _ _ BAN. —I — _ CONSOLIDATED SETW CV - 4'-11 1/2" 6' 7" 3'-1" 102 � J z I , „ � „ , " ,_ „ Q 143 9-101/2 CO R. 7 1 7-01/2 4 3 J PW WATER JOB NO. 20223 CV 106 6 l/ 21- " Date Revisions < I ® 107 _ FIRST <� MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED cl� 0 0l ELEC. �IQ II 7 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 I III 142 _ 1111 N6 w - W N I 111I WATER/ ® WATER N 1111 N I 1 STREET VEG. I I II � TEST LAB Z - /2X /1X J co l o o N Q o B � 141 � Q o 16 � l /� � - 113 I II oO I I I 1B < I 1 A3.37 z 1 A3.37 z C� �o J C���o _ 1m.9 T STOR. h7� PARKS — _�ry — ry 1,_' ' 0 ci N Z I CASEWORK, Z� -1 J to sheet Contents I WALL @ CL SEI �.3 co Q 4'-101/2" OF GRID, WALL @ CL OF 1 �, N 104 A B FLOOR PLAN, TYP. III GRID, TYP. 11� - N I CONFERENCE N7 GROUND LEVEL 'B' ROOM N I D.S. 1 1 1'-511 4D o 0 N 16 E15 E13 FUTURE ADA 3'_9„ 6 1A3 g D.S. I E14 RESTROOM, SEE �c- 4g Y 2B/l A3.19 7 I S1 H. H.B. L 1B 101 U — — — W O o LOBBY/WAITI All moterial appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and O I DI. D.J. original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, H.B. _ used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. 12 E11 E10 E9 E8 C — E7 E6 �IaD E2 E1 1 Z Li ry — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — Sheet No. U N S0 00 00 00 W�w 0 ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL D s a D.S. Q o o N SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" 1 Z Q E5 E4 Ah.3 1A201 0 W rr J a-� WOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #112 - CCD-006 - Added Conduit Pathways at North Entrance Origin: Date Created: 9/23/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Open Scope: TBD Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $8,480.80 $8,480.80 $8,480.80 $8,480.80 1.0 $8,480.80 $8,480.80 $8,480.80 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Providing and install the 4"conduit infrastructure only 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC If 60.0 $30.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 60.0 $30.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 Earthwork 24057-4005 Sub.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Trenching for Conduit 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/23/2024 at 10:02AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,766.00 $1,766.00 $1,766.00 $1,766.00 1.0 $1,766.00 $1,766.00 $1,766.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $13,536.80 $13,536.80 $13,536.80 $13,536.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,536.80 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/23/2024 at 10:02AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 112 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-006 Work Description:CCD-006-Added Conduit Pathways at North Entrance Date: 7/10/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-Providing and install the 4"conduit 1 LS $ $ $ 8,480.80 $ 8,481 $ 8,481 infrastructure only SCI-Trenching for Electrical 60 LF $ $ $ 30.00 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 25,000 $ 580 $ $ 110 $ 11,081 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 11,771 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,766 GRAND TOTAL is 13,537 Time Reauest: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: ���/ 12.27.2024 12/23/2024 0w er's Representative i Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse& Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-006 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 6/27/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Install (8)4" Schedule 80 conduits as indicated in attached sheet E1.0, as marked up by Dave Brock wl City of Kent Attachments: E1.0 ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seattle 91 - Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 B BY BY DATE G� DATE DATE _7I1 /24 Revised LLL � 1 2 (4) 4" Schedule 80 conduits. 6" horizontal separation between each conduit. Conduits to have 24" cover as measured from finish grade. Al Ends of conduits to extend 3' beyond back of curb. GENERAL NOTES A3 Plug conduit ends with PVC conduit plug. Stamp 1. COORDINATE NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICES WITH W A G N E R 3" high 1/4" deep "CON" in top of concrete curb at OOg PUGET SOUND ENERGY(PSE). CONTACT center of conduit crossings. One "CON" stamp on JONATHAN PETERS AT A R C H I T E C T S each side of driveway. (2)4 c JONATHAN.PETERS@PSE.COM. P L A N N E R S PSE VAULT COMMUNICATIONS VAULT 2. COORDINATE NEW PHONE AND INTERNET 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE SERVICE WITH COMCAST. CONTACT MATTHEW S E AT T L E WA 98101 �(2) C HERRINGTON AT HH MATTHEW_HERRINGTON@COMCAST.COM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchItects. com HH 7 3. COORDINATE SHUTDOWN OF ANY SERVICE WITH RESPECTIVE PROVIDER PRIOR TO WORK. 7N�7(24" TO ELEC RM 121 NEW COMC ST J4. PROVIDE AND PULL WIRING/CABLING AS PSE U IL T SERVICE FROM TRAN F R E EXISTING UTILITY REQUIRED. PROVIDE PULL STRING IN ALL EMPTY 5 G' OPOLE CONDUITS. [� 0 A3 O I 16S-25,2 ,2 LP15N 2 5. ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUITS THAT ROUTE IN •o�o� �GISTE��' � 53813 '0 � 1( - 1q �5 DRIVEWAY AREAS SHALL BE ass HH HH 3 0 C CONCRETE-ENCASED. Ioxnt F. 01-31-2024 6. ALL CONDUIT ROUTING IS DIAGRAMMATICAL. — — — -FUTU E BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING COORDINATE FINAL ROUTING WITH CIVIL AND z L 15N-1 ,1 4 I 1 -02 I I I I .4 UTILITY PROVIDER. Consultor: Q 0 F.H. 3 0 7. COORDINATE SITE LIGHTING, HANDHOLES, AND POWER TO ELEC RM 121F1 _1 MANHOLES WITH ARCHITECTURAL, LANDSCAPE, rN 1-1/2"C FIRE ALARM TO MECH 12 I (1) P W R L4 1+Hj — AND CIVIL DRAWINGS PRIOR TO WORK. ��'-1)2"C CO M TO MDF I TO ELEC RM 121 r- it A "C ACCESS CONTR L TO MDF RM 122 4 II 1 LP 2 27 4 8. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM 1". 1 2"C SP RE TO ELEC RM 121 7 HH — — — `2' FD HH 9. ALL EXTERIOR ABOVE-GRADE CONDUITS SHALL � - - - - - - - _ 4 BE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL. C-03 1 M11 N-29 VMMMM HH I 4 10. REFER TO SHEET E6.6 FOR TRENCHING DETAILS.APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TRES WEST ENGINEERS INC. MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM 11. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUCTORS SHALL BE MINIMUM 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 APPROXIMATE I T-LE 12 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 LOCATION OF IT ROOM I V12 #10 COPPER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Phone: 253.472.3300 C-0 www.treswest.com C-0 I PROPOSED BUILDING 0 I PANEL z 7 7 HH I HEV11 ¢ HH PLAN NOTES m I 4 4 0 O IRRIGATION PEDESTAL CONTROLLER. COORDINATE LOCATION AND POWER w C-08 TYP HH°_° REQUIREMENTS WITH LANDSCAPE DESIGNER - - - 0 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 1 v 2-1/2 C C-09 360 - 2" FIRE HARM TO MECH RM 120 w " COMM T"DF 122 E8. 1 2" ACCESS 6ONTR L TO MDF R 122 O PROVIDE 1" UNDERGROUND CONDUIT WITH FIRE (1)2"C COMM TO MDF RM 122 I (1)4" SPARE T&ELEC M 121 ALARM CABLING FROM PIV TO ADDRESSABLE IT U POINT MODULE IN MECH/RISER ROOM 120. �I ,L PROVIDE LIQUID TIGHT FLEX CONDUIT ABOVE KE l�lT HH GRADE AT PIV. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION A 5 H N G T O w E.F. :7) U_ OF PIV WITH CIVIL PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. C LP12 7,3 - V1 O3 PROVIDE (2)1"C FOR POWER AND CONTROL CONNECTIONS TO GATE OPERATOR KEHOC ELEC RM 113 CONTROLLER AND CARD READER. (1)1"C WITH5 QQ z 1 3#10, 1#10G AND (1)1"C WITH TWO CAT 6 CABLES. Warehouse Officem COORDINATE WITH GATE MANUFACTURER'S J LEV13 REQUIREMENTS. COORDINATE LOCATION OF Building w -LEV13 CARD READER WITH ARCHITECT. O7 H HH 4O PROVIDE RACEWAYS TO APPROPRIATE ROOMS AS NOTED ON CONDUIT. 12607 SE 248TH ST X P1 N-33,3 7 PROVIDE NETWORK EQUIPMENT BOX AND KENT WA IIIO (1) 1-1/1 FIRE ALARM TO ME F W 120 POWER BOX FOR CAMERAS. COORDINATE BOX 1 1 (1) 3"C SPARE TO I A(1)2" MDF R MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH OWNER PRIOR TO 98030 ( )2"C COMM TO MDF RM 122 ELEC RM 113 (1)2"C ZESS CONTROL TO I A I RM 122 WORK. SEE SHEET E6.1 DETAIL 1 FOR 7 (3)2" O ELE C ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. z 5 m O TO PSE UTILITY VAULT. COORDINATE ROUTING ADDENDUM 2 :LP:12:1729. 1 -1 HH WITH CIVIL AND PSE. PROVIDE PRIMARY TRENCH 0 4 ( ) "C P R T E E R 1 3 S 1 1) "C C M P12N 29 31 A -A3 1 AND RACEWAY PER PSE REQUIREMENTS. SEE 2,15.2024 0 - - - HH MSB1 O D M 2 SHEET E1.4 FOR PRIMARY VAULT LOCATION. LU 12 1 I (2) "C PARE j LP15N�27 O 4 O7 PROVIDE NETWORK EQUIPMENT BOX AND POWER BOX FOR FUTURE EQUIPMENT. JOB NO. 20223 14 13 COORDINATE BOX MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH Date Revisions _ 1 HH Al HH HH XFMR HH - - - - - - - A OWNER PRIOR TO WORK. SEE SHEET E6.1 DETAIL 01.16.2024-REVISION 1 (1) IRE ALARM Tn MEGH T-GB1 2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 3 01.30.2024-BID SET 36 (1) "CCOMM TO MDF RM 122 co 4 (1) "C ACCESS CONTROL TO MDF RM 122 ,� z O8 TO PSE COMMUNICATIONS VAULT. COORDINATE 4 02.16.2024-ADDENDUM 2 FUTURE FUEL/WASH (1) 1-1/2"C FIRE ALPRM O MECH RM 120 LP 2 - / (1) VC SPARE TO ELEC RM 121 I (1)2"C COMM TO MRjF R M 122 (2)2"C SPARE TO ELEC RM 121 ROUTING WITH CIVIL AND PSE. PROVIDE TRENCH FUTURE FLEET (1)2"C ACCESS O ffTR L TO MDF RM 122 AND RACEWAY PER PSE REQUIREMENTS. SEE MAINTENANCE BUILDING (1)2"C SPARE T EL-EC RM 121 UTILITY POLE SHEET E1.4 FOR COMMUNICATIONS VAULT LOCATION. 0 (4) 4" Schedule 80 conduits. 6" horizontal O9 NOT USED. 16 > separation between each conduit. Conduits to XFMR GB1 m have 24" cover as measured from finish grade. 10 NOT USED. T-WT1 / LU End of conduits on west side of driveway to H 12 extend 3' beyond back of sidewalk. End of 11 NOT USED. . ' te U_ conduits on east side of driveway to extend 3' she �0"t°" beyond back of concrete curb. Plug conduit 12 EXISTING HANDHOLE WITH POWER TO WATER TANK. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL 16 " EXISTING ends with PVC conduit plug. Stamp 3" high O WT1 GREEN 1/4" deep "CON" in top of concrete curb at O 13 EXISTING POWER METER ON POWER POLE TO BE POWER 4 BUILDING center of conduit crossings. One "CON" stamp REMOVED. COORDINATE REMOVAL OF POWER Al LP12N-29.31 On each side of driveway. POLE AND METER WITH OWNER AND SERVING HH 5 UTILITY. 360 C :XISTING WATER TOWER -16 3 14 EXISTING WOOD UTILITY POLE WITH SECURITY CAMERA. COORDINATE REMOVAL OF POLE AND CAMERA WITH OWNER AND SERVING UTILITY. 15 EXISTING POWER POLE WITH OVERHEAD N na�Id hreli aon0 1 the moth"ad SERVICES TO OFFICE TRAILERS AND GREEN 1tlK or d1 and STORAGE BUILDING. COORDINATE POLE REMOVAL WITH OWNER AND SERVING UTILITY. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL POWER A g 16 FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING SERVICE 1 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" PANEL. E1 .0 z CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 9 R1 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 12/23/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with CCD-006. This CO includes providing and installing the 4" conduit infrastructure only as shown on the CCD-006 drawings. This CO excludes all earthwork, concrete, paving, curbing and stamping. This CO was based on time and material. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. LABOR HOURS 1 0.00 E 0.00 32.00 E 32.00 Totals 1 0.00 32.00 Summary PVC 4" MATERIAL 2,850.00 Material Total 2,850.00 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (32.00 Hrs @$119.02) 3,808.64 FOREMAN @ 15% (4.80 Hrs @$128.08) 614.78 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 727.34 Markup (@ 5.000%) 400.04 Subtotal 8,400.80 Final Amount $8,400.80 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 9 R1 Client Address: Date: 12/23/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S Y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 9 R1 Final Amount: $8,400.80 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #119 - CCD-007 - RFI-096 - Footing Drain and Storm System Connections Origin: RFI#96:Footing Drain and Storm System Connections Date Created: 12/4/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest Price QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Cost Over/ Budget Under Mod. 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, Is 1.0 $10,639.00 $10,639.00 $10,639.00 1.0 $10,639.00 $10,639.00 $10,639.00 $0.00 Earthwork LLC Sub.Commitments- 24057-4005 Subcontracts Description: Modifications to Downspout Piping Drain 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, Is 1.0 ($23,287.50) ($23,287.50) ($23,287.50) 1.0 ($23,287.50) ($23,287.50) ($23,287.50) $0.00 Earthwork LLC Sub.Commitments- 24057-4005 Subcontracts Description: Eliminate Footing Drains 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Comm itmen is-Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/4/2024 at 10:22PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest Price QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Cost Over/ Budget Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster Grand Totals ($11,158.50) $0.00 ($11,158.50) ($11,158.50) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($11,158.50) $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/4/2024 at 10:22PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 119 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-007 Work Description:CCD-007-RFI-096-Footing Drain and Storm System Connections Date: 7/10/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs SCI-Modifications to Downspout Piping/Footing Drain 1 LS $ $ $ 10,639.00 $ 10,639 $ 10,639 SCI-Modifications to Downspout Piping/Footing Drain eliminating footing drains. 1 LS -23,287.50 $ (23,288) $ (23,288) Layout 4 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ (12,000) $ 580 $ $ 110 $ (11,849) Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ (11,159) Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 0.00% $ GRAND TOTAL is (11,159) Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12.27.2024 12/4/2024 Ow rsRepresentative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-007 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 7/8/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Per RFI response#96a, remove all footing drains,except at conditions in which earth is being retained/retaining walls. Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s) described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects _ City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Seattle 98191 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 BY BY BY DATE 7 DATE . _ .8.6-2-024 DATE 8/6/24 SO Infrastructure, COP Summary ■ f(ep nW13u4,d.the,Northwedt Project Name: Kent East Hill Operations Center(KEHOC) # Project No. Document Reference: Date: 7/22/2024 To Gen Contractor: Bayley Construction,Inc. Contractor Ref.No. Description: RFI#97 Modifications to Downspout Piping and Elimination of Footing Drain. 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. Crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ 2,564.48 b. Direct Supervision(Not to exceed 15%of labor) $ 384.67 c. Safety allowance on direct labor at 2% $ 51.29 d. Small tool allowance on direct labor at 3% $ 76.93 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 3,077.38 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. Material costs $ 4,228.66 Use Tax on Materials(When applicable) 2.MATERIAL COSTS $ 4,228.66 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. SCI owned equipment $ 1,945.08 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ 1,945.08 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 3 $ 9,251.12 4. SCI's FEE ON OWN WORK a. 15.00% $ 1,387.67 4.GC PERFORMED WORK TOTAL $ 10,639.00 Sub's Fee, Subcontractor Insurance Subcontractor 5. TIER SUBCONTRACTORS subtotal and Bond total a. $ $ b. $ $ $ C. $ $ $ d. $ $ $ e. $ $ $ f. $ $ $ g. $ $ $ h. $ $ $ i. $ $ $ j. $ $ $ 5.SUBCONTRACTORS $ 6. SCI's FEE ON TIER WORK a. 5.00% $ 6.TIER PERFOM RED WORK TOTAL $ TOTAL FEE $ 1,388.00 7. INSURANCE a. liability insurance 0.000%of 1-6 $ 7.INSURANCE $ 8. BOND a. bond 0.000%of 1-7 $ 8.BOND $ - TOTAL COST(4,5,6, 8,9) $ 10,639.00 KEHOC CO Template_Downspout Changes Page of Issued 7/22/2024 COP Cost Breakdown Project Name: Kent East Hill Operations Center PCO# Project No. 2405 Revised Downspout Piping per RFI#97 Date: 7/22/2023 Contractor: SCI Infrastructure,LLC Contractor Ref.No. Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Quantity Type Unit$ Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost Project Manager 1 hrs $150.00 $ 150.00 $ $ $ 150.00 Field Engineer hrs $125.00 $ - $ $ $ - Foreman 1 hrs $100.05 $ 100.05 $ $ $ 100.05 Pipelayer 8 hrs $70.41 $ 563.28 $ $ $ 563.28 Flagging Supervisor hrs $66.42 $ - $ $ $ - Flagger hrs $58.64 $ - $ $ $ - Operator 8 hrs $95.96 $ 767.68 $ $ $ 767.68 Teamster hrs $87.55 $ - $ $ $ - Grade Engineer hrs $95.10 $ - $ $ $ - Laborer 8 hrs $69.15 $ 553.20 $ $ $ 553.20 Overtime Rate Foreman OT hrs $135.22 $ - $ $ $ - Pipelayer OT hrs $96.47 $ $ $ $ Flagger OT hrs $78.94 $ $ $ $ Operator OT hrs $129.13 $ $ $ $ Teamster OT hrs $116.48 $ $ $ $ Grade Engineer OT hrs $127.84 $ $ $ $ Laborer OT I I hrs 11 $94.59 $ $ 1$ $ Equipment Air Compressor/Jackhammer hrs $ $ $38.92 $ $ 160 Grader hrs $ $ $179.56 $ $ PC39OLC hrs $ $ $164.32 $ $ D51 Dozer hrs $ $ $111.17 $ $ 950 Loader 8 hrs $ $ $74.29 $ 594.32 $ 594.32 Foreman Pick-up 1 hrs $ $ $35.70 $ 35.70 $ 35.70 Vibratory Roller hrs $ $ $101.21 $ - $ - JD Articulated Truck hrs $ $ $350.91 $ $ 330 Excavator w/gear hrs $ $ $110.21 $ $ - JD 245 Excavator 8 hrs $ $ $145.81 $ 1,166.48 $ 1,166.48 Water Truck hrs $ $ $59.68 $ - $ - Skid Steer hrs $ $ $96.62 $ $ Mini-Excavator hrs $ $ $62.24 $ $ 450 dozer I hrs $ $ $68.66 $ $ 650 dozer hrs $ $ $120.61 $ $ 700 dozer hrs $ $ $138.57 $ $ 850 dozer hrs $ $ $226.59 $ $ Plate Compactor hrs $ $ $14.23 $ $ 84"Roller hrs $ $ $111.20 $ $ 60"to 66"Roller hrs $ $ $93.59 $ $ Articulate Dump hrs $ $ $194.23 $ $ 930 Loader hrs $ $ $80.92 $ $ Side Dump hrs $ $ $117.45 $ $ Generator and Pump hrs $ $ $32.55 $ $ Motor Grader hrs $ $ $136.01 $ $ Materials/Services/Rentals HD Fowler-Invoice for New Mtls. $ $ $ $ - With Credit and Restock Fee 1 $ $8,469.98 $ 8,469.98 $ $ 8,469.98 $ $ $ $ $ 2,134.21 1 $ 8,469.98 $ 1,796.50 11$ 12,250.69 KE HOC COTemp I ate-Down spout Ch a nges Page of Issued 7/22/2024 COP Cost Breakdown Project Name: Kent East Hill Operations Center PCO# 0 Project No. 2405 Footing Drain Elimination Credit per RFI#97 Date: 7/22/2024 Contractor: SCI Infrastructure,LLC Contractor Ref.No. Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Quantity Type Unit$ Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost Project Manager hrs $150.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Field Engineer hrs $125.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Foreman 1 hrs $100.05 $ 100.05 $ - $ - $ 100.05 Pipelayer hrs $70.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagging Supervisor hrs $66.42 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagger hrs $58.64 Operator 2 hrs $95.961$ 191.92 $ - $ - $ 191.92 Teamster hrs $87.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - Grade Engineer hrs $95.10 $ - $ - $ - $ - Laborer 2 hrsJ $69.151$ 138.30 $ - $ - $ 138.30 Overtime Rate Foreman OT hrs $135.22 $ - $ - $ - $ - Pipelayer OT hrs $96.47 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagger OT hrs $78.94 $ - $ - $ - $ - Operator OT hrs $129.13 $ - $ - $ - $ - Teamster OT hrs $116.48 $ - $ - $ - $ - Grade Engineer OT hrs $127.84 $ - $ - $ - $ - Laborer OT hrs $94.59 $ - $ - $ - $ - Equipment Air Compressor/Jackhammer hrs $ - $ - $38.92 $ - $ - 160 Grader hrs $ - $ - $179.56 $ - $ - PC390LC hrs $ - $ - $164.32 $ - $ - D51 Dozer hrs $ - $ - $111.17 $ - $ - 950 Loader 2 hrs $ - $ - $74.29 $ 148.58 $ 148.58 Foreman Pick-up hrs $ - $ - $35.70 $ - $ - Vibratory Roller hrs $ - $ - $101.21 $ - $ - JD Articulated Truck hrs $ - $ - $350.91 $ - $ - 330 Excavator w/gear hrs $ - $ - $110.21 $ - $ - JD 245 Excavator hrs $ - $ - $145.81 $ - $ - Water Truck hrs $ - $ - $59.68 $ - $ - Skid Steer hrs $ - $ - $96.62 $ - $ - Mini-Excavator hrs $ - $ - $62.24 $ - $ - 450 dozer hrs $ - $ - $68.66 $ - $ - 650 dozer hrs $ - $ - $120.61 $ - $ - 700 dozer hrs $ - $ - $138.57 $ - $ - 850 dozer hrs $ - $ - $226.59 $ - $ - Plate Compactor hrs $ - $ - $14.23 $ - $ - 84"Roller hrs $ - $ - $111.20 $ - $ - hrs $ - $ - $ - $ - hrs $ - $ - $ - $ - hrs $ - $ - $ - $ - Side Dump hrs $ - $ - 1 $90.69 $ - $ - Generator and Pump hrs 1$ - $ - 1 $32.55 $ - $ - Bedding Box hrs 1$ - 1 $ - 1 $7.86 $ - $ - Material HD Fowler-Invoice for New Mtls. $ - $ - $ - $With Credit and Restock Fee 1 $ - -$4,241.32 $ (4,241.32) $ - $ (4,241.32) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 430.27 1$ (4,241.32)1 1$ 148.58 $ (3,662.47) Bid No:E560776 Page 1 of 1 ICI H.D. FOWLER COMPANY Customer: BIDDING CONTRACTORS Estimate: E560776 Estimator: Morgan Ritter Bid Date: 7/19/2024 Job Name: KEHOC-STORM CHANGE Location: KENT NEW DOWNSPOUT PIPE MATERIALS Line City UoM Item Description Unit Price Extended Price 1 800 FT PP20OL2B 6"CL200 SDR21 IPS SOLVENT WELD PVC PIPE 20'LENGTH 9.24 7,392.00 2 19 EA MCPVC22PSM 6"PSM PVC SANDED MANHOLE COUPLING&GASKET FOR PVC SEWER PIPE 62.80 1,193.20 3 3 EA PFTL2L2L2SS 6"SCH 40 PVC TEE SXSXS 77.62 232.86 4 40 EA PFKL2L2SS 6"SCH 40 PVC 45 ELBOW SXS 50.00 2,000.00 5 20 EA PFDL2S 6"SCH 40 PVC CAP S 23.25 465.00 6 200 FT PP2000B 4"CL200 SDR21 IPS SOLVENT WELD PVC PIPE 20'LENGTH 4.17 834.00 7 20 EA PFLOOSS 4"SCH 40 PVC 90 ELBOW SXS 15.53 310.60 8 40 EA PFKOOSS 4"SCH 40 PVC 45 ELBOW SXS 20.24 809.60 9 20 EA PFBL20SS 6"X 4"SCH 40 PVC BUSHING SXS 23.36 467.20 Approximate Total 13,704.46 RETURNED DOWNSPOUT PIPE MATERIALS 10 840 FT PP3034L214 6"SDR35 3034 GASKETED PVC SEWER PIPE 14'LENGTH 5.45 4,578.00 11 4 EA SFT552GGG 12"X 6"PSM TEE GASKETED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 333.97 1,335.88 12 1 EA SFT222GGG 6"PSM TEE GASKETED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 52.80 52.80 13 20 EA SFD2G 6"PSM CAP GASKETED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 18.40 368.00 Approximate Total from Original Invoice 6,334.68 14 1 EA Restock Fee -15% -950.202 15 1 EA Freight Fee -150.00 -150.00 Approximate Credit 5,234.48 NEW PIPE MATERIALS LESS RETURNED PIPE MATERIALS 8,469.98 RETURNED FOOTING PIPE MATERIALS FOOTING DRAIN 16 1040 FT PP3034L1P 4"SDR35 3034 WHITE PERF SOLVENT WELD PVC SEWER PIPE 20'LENGTH 2.29 2,381.60 17 2 RL M1140N15 15'X 360'-600 SQYDS NONWOVEN DRAINAGE FABRIC 4.8 OZ 582.60 1,165.20 18 8 EA SFL11GG 4"PSM 90 ELBOW GASKETED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 19.16 153.28 19 2 EA PFTOOOSSS 4"SCH 40 PVC TEE SXSXS 20.08 40.16 20 MSBOLD 4"FD CLEANOUT 21 MSQUOTE ASSUMING(1)FD CLEANOUT IN EVERY 100 FT OF DRAIN PIPE LENGTH. Note 22 10 EA SFY111GGG 4"PSM WYE GASKETED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 26.22 262.20 23 10 EA SFKIIGG 4"PSM 45 ELBOW GASKETED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 15.23 152.30 24 42 FT PP3034L114 4"SDR35 3034 GASKETED PVC SEWER PIPE 14'LENGTH 2.36 99.12 25 10 EA SFA11HT 4"PSM CLEAN OUT ADAPTER FIPT X SW FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 7.30 73.00 26 10 EA SFP1T 4"PSM PLUG THREADED FOR SEWER OR DRAIN 4.44 44.40 27 10 EA H145LCO 4"X 8"CI CLEANOUT RING AND COVER MARKED"CLEANOUT"LOCKING 79.50 795.00 Section Subtotal: 5,166.26 28 1 EA Restock Fee -15% -774.939 29 1 EA Freight Fee -150.00 -150.00 Approximate Credit 4,241.32 RETURNED FOOTING PIPE MATERIALS CREDIT 4,241.32 Brian Nilsson From: Chris Hansen <Chris.Hansen@scibuilds.com> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2024 12:27 PM To: Brian Nilsson Cc: Savanna Delgado;Taylor Cobaugh;Jon Marks; Bryce Nelson;Jennifer Scoccolo;Jason Craig Subject: RE: KEHOC - CCD-007 - RFI-096 & RFI-097 - Footing Drains Brian, Going back to our notes,take 1035 LF x$22.50 per L =$23,287.50 edit for this eliminated work. Chris Hansen � �swuaAc�w kit 253160613008 Mobile 2061242 10633 Office From: Brian Nilsson <Brian.Nilsson@bayley.net> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2024 11:14 AM To: Chris Hansen <Chris.Hansen @scibuilds.com> Cc:Savanna Delgado<Savanna.Delgado@scibuilds.com>;Taylor Cobaugh <Taylor.Cobaugh@scibuilds.com>; Ken Brumley<ken.brumley@scibuilds.com>;Jon Marks<jonm@bayley.net>; Bryce Nelson <bryce.nelson@bayley.net> Subject: RE: KEHOC-CCD-007 - RFI-096 & RFI-097- Footing Drains Hi Chris, Have you been able to finalize these costs? I need to get them in to the owner this week if possible. Thanks, Brian Nilsson, LEED AP Senior PM I Director— Mixed-Use Division KYLE www.barley.net P:(206) 621-8884 C: (206)549-8342 F: (206)343-7728 8005 SE 28t" Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 From: Brian Nilsson Sent:Thursday, September 5, 2024 11:27 AM To: Chris Hansen <Chris.Hansen@scibuilds.com> Cc:Savanna Delgado<Savanna.Delgado@scibuilds.com>;Taylor Cobaugh <Taylor.Cobaugh@scibuilds.com>; Ken Brumley<ken.brumley@scibuilds.com>;Jon Marks<ionm@bayley.net>; Bryce Nelson <bryce.nelson@bayley.net>; Angel Nunez<Angel.Nunez@bayley.net> Subject: KEHOC-CCD-007- RFI-096 & RFI-097- Footing Drains 1 Hi Chris, See attached CCD I forgot to distribute. Please forward pricing at your earliest convenience. Thanks, Brian Nilsson, LEED AP Senior PM I Director— Mixed-Use Division BAYL Elf www.bayley.net P:(206) 621-8884 C: (206)549-8342 F: (206)343-7728 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 2 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #141 - RFI-115 - CB #86 & Pipe Run to Existing CB Origin: RFI#115:CB#86&Pipe Run to Existing CB Date Created: 12/10/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC Is 1.0 $972.22 $972.22 $972.22 $972.22 1.0 $972.22 $972.22 $972.22 $0.00 Earthwork Sub.Commitments 24057-4005 -Subcontracts Description: Fix Manhole on Existing MH#1 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 11:41AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTy Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 1.0 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $2,832.22 $2,832.22 $2,832.22 $2,832.22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,832.22 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 11:41AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 141 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-115 Work Description: RFI-115-CB#86&Pipe Run to Existing CB Date: 9/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs SCI-Fix Manhole on Existing MH#1 1 LS 0.00 0.00 0.00 972.22 972.22 972.22 Layout 4 HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 800.00 800.00 Foreman 4 95.00 380.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 380.00 Cleanup 4 50.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS 0.00 0.00 110.00 110.00 0.00 110.00 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ji 8 1$ 3,000 1 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 1,772.22 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 2,462.22 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 370.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 2,832.22 Time Reauest: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: _ 12/10/2024 Own 's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date - ---- - c0 ":4 S C I Infrastructure, L L C Drily Cost Record 32827 Project: Kent East Hill Operations Ctr Job#2405 Date: 08/12/24 Description: Dig down all the way around on existing MH#1 30462;take it apart, clean it out, re-stack it and complete mud work. HOURS DETAIL COST RECORD CODE RT OT I DT Total RATE EXTENSION Ken Brumley FM 0 104.68 0.00 Ken Brumley FM OT 0 136.52 0.00 Jim Landers OP 0 100.40 0.00 Jim Landers OP OT 0 130.43 0.00 Dennis McKoon OP 1 2 21 100A0 200.80 Dennis McKoon OP OT D 130.43 0.00 Ken Brendel TM 0 90.28 0.00 w Ken Brendel TM OT 0 116.48 0.00 O Devin Riley PL 2 2 73.48 146.96 m Devin Riley PL OT 0 97.08 0.00 Q Mi uel Martinez LA 2 2 72.16 144.32 Mi uel Martinez LA OT 0 95.20 0.00 Sub-Total 492.08 Travel Time 0.00 Total Labor Costs 3492.08 w 390 Excavator 200-167 0 189.08 0.00 PC210 Excavator 200-166 2 2 111.53 223.06 O Side Dump 0 73.68 0.00 O Yanmar Mini-Ex wlHoe Pack 202-109 1 1 64.41 64.41 s- 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 >- 0 0.00 z 0 0.00 w 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 D Sub-Total 287.47 Cf [Equipment Markup 0.00 w ITotal Equipment&Tools Costs $287.47 Fast Patch bags 3 3 15.08 45.24 0 0.00 0 0.00 cn 0 0.00 0 0.00 w 0 0.00 z Sub-Total 45.24 O Sale Tax if applicable) 0.00 Markup 0.00 Other Costs $45.24 Contractor's Representative Sub-Total 824.79 Sales Tax on Rented Equipment Sub-Total 824.79 Subcontractor's Representative Mark-Up 15% 123.72 Ins& B& O 23.71 Owner's Representative No. Sheet 1 of 1 1TOTAL $972.22 i BAYLEY Work Verification Form PCO NUMBER: 14 This form is to be used to verify actual time and material spent and in no way constitutes JOB NUMBER: 24057 authorization for change order. DATE: 8/14/20224 ❑Copy of PCO attached ` C Name of Subcontractor: I Infrastructure SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION: Fix man hole#30462 Subcontractor Estimate of Man-hour, Materials& Equipment Required to Perform Described Scope of work: Field Work Ticket attached ❑ 210 excavator, hoe pac,3 bags feast patch Subcontractor Superintendent Signature: Bayley Superintendent Signature: PU LOG OF ACTUAL SUBCONTRACTOR MAN-HOURS MAN- Supt. DATE DESCRIPTION of WORK HOURS TYPE OF EQUIPMENT USED Initials 8/12/24 Fix Man hole 6.00 File: SCI Infrastructure , LLC • NEE I1MMEM MN MIMEE —__—_EME IMEMEME EMEMIN INE MONE MONE IN MONE ME El MONE ME IN WMa... , . - __ _ME Ml --____-ESINEEMIN OEM -� • _—_MOSEEN __—��-� MOMINE MEMI Equipment Markup Total Equipment Costs Sales Tax(if applicable) Material Markup Total Material Costs s �l_�✓ • ��� How doers ge ,mdre.done. . STORE JAAMES9AOOTEREIT. 425-2267-0337 SALE CASHOM IER 3U403 - 06/06/24 07:39 AN DEBORAH 7646611006US 600 SAXRETE -A- 6600LLBISAKRETE CONCRETE.HIX 13.65 - .. • SUBTOTAL 13.65 1 TOTAES L'TAX $1 .08 5 - XXHXXXIO OlXXB763 HOME-DEPOT USDS'-15.08 — AUTH CODE 00626S/90650171_. TA r SOT IN RRCTURE LLC { IN�PIIINS ROBEOBERT V Chop Reed AI A00000000499990&100305 THD PLCC PROX ,- PRO XTRA MEMBER STATEMENT- PRO "'A qqN-qNq-2825,S1A91MY THIS RECEIPT PO/JOB NAME: 2209 2024 PRO XTTtA SPEND.06%05:, • $44,594.81 INCLUDES: 2024 PROXTRA SAVINGS 06/05: $1,737.00 Get ths'CREDIT LINE yyour.business needs PLUS earn Perle'pX'FABIER %%yhen you join i CCreditrCard�lAsppl Y-send SAY UP TOA$100 .. -.. i Learn woe at F edopot.com/credit 471 3 lllll0 lll6 l/l0IIIIIINIIII4IIIIIIIIIIIIINI AN Month J Vendor "Trans Jofiq---- .F4uipp' 4713 06 38403 06/06/2024 0703 PHASE /p �luoa ONRET POLY - EFINITIONS POLICY65YS POL0Y /IRES6/0625p 3 L.AcsoDNi tiitltiiitMMttiiaiiiiittttfitttiiiYttti ieYJI A'' DID WE%NAIL IT? Take A short$$s oao.HOKEY•DEP T G�CARD NIN - Opine an espapol www.homadopot-CW/Survey User Id;'HOD 81808 77101 PASSMORD:.a4306 777095 Entries wustttie,cZi6ted w`jthi� 19 days ! of purchase-Entrants-must he 18 or older to enter. See complete rules on wrebsite. No purchase mcessoy. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #115: CB # 86 & Pipe Run to Existing CB Status Closed on 07/31/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Jul 29,2024 Due Date Aug 12,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number C3.01 Reference SCI RFI#10 Linked Drawings Received From Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar& Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects), Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Dec 10,2024 11:33 AM PST RFI#115-CB#86&Pipe Run to Existing CB Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Monday,Jul 29, 2024 at 02:21 PM PDT The pipe run from CB#86 to Existing CB to the East(No identification shown)details using PVC Pipe. CB#86 Rim 522.55, IE 520.02—2.53'—8"pipe so 1.75'of cover SDCO Rim 522.45, IE 519.88—2.57'—8"pipe so 1.79 of cover Connect to Existing Rim 522.25, IE 518.50—3.75'—8"pipe so 3'of cover Does this piping need to be changed to SDR21 or Ductile Iron? Official Response Response from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Jul 31, 2024 at 01:48 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday,Jul 31, 2024 at 08:24 AM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-115-CB_86_amp_Pipe_Run_to_Existing_CB-2024-07-29 CPL.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Dec 10,2024 11:33 AM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #115: CB # 86 & Pipe Run to Existing CB Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Jul 29,2024 Due Date Aug 12,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number C3.01 Reference SCI RFI#10 Linked Drawings Received From Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Jul 29,2024 02:39 PM PDT RFI#115-CB#86&Pipe Run to Existing CB Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Monday,Jul 29, 2024 at 02:21 PM PDT The pipe run from CB#86 to Existing CB to the East(No identification shown)details using PVC Pipe. CB#86 Rim 522.55, IE 520.02—2.53'—8"pipe so 1.75'of cover SDCO Rim 522.45, IE 519.88—2.57'—8"pipe so 1.79 of cover Connect to Existing Rim 522.25, IE 518.50—3.75'—8"pipe so 3'of cover Does this piping need to be changed to SDR21 or Ductile Iron? Awaiting an Official Response Pipe for this run should be changed to SDR21 due to cover. Confirm with City of Kent inspector that Ductile is only required for cover less than 18". Naomi Medley, CPL 7/30/2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Jul 29,2024 02:39 PM PDT 0 0 O O O W A G N E R ARCHITECTS 0 1 01 20' 40' P L A N N E R S GAS I GAS GA i I 1916 PIKE PLACE- SCALE 1 tf=20t S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 124THAVENUESE I 206 . 448 . 2528 wagnerarchitects . com Legend � I N 79°33'06"E - 46.81' PROPERTY LINE 8'SD SD SD @ xx% STORM DRAINAGE PIPE of - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / / / �- / / I ❑o •®OOC YD/CO/CB/CB 2/MHO _ o SS @ xx% SANITARY SEWER t + Q 39871 C SSW o SANITARY MH/CO Consult SSjG1STER Gt ONAL 12"DlW W DIW WATER MAIN FDC�PIV WV FD� WV _ ° D4 � PIVN FH/FDC/PIV/VALVE ®WM COUGHLIN � WATER VAULT/METER - - -_ _ - - -__ -.� P O R T E R NOTE: INSTALL STORM DRAIN MARKER PER COK ST L V N D E E N D PLAN 537 ON ALL NEW AND EXISTING CB'S. 801 SECOND AVENUE,SUITE 900 SEE SHEET C5.10 SEATTLE,,WA 98104 (206)343-0460 www.cplinc.com I O I I O Cn _ - � _5�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #114 CB TYPE I \ \ - - - - - _ _ _ - I RIM=521.00 _ - ' - � � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #B�CBfi - - - - = -- I IE=519.358"(OUT)NE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RI-IN 32�.55 - - - - \ - - - 52� - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - IE=520.028(IN)E- - - - - - - - - - - - - - N - - - - - - - - - EX-CB-X300810-TYPE/ CONNECTDST$ - - - - - v7 - - - - - - - - - EXCBX�097VB7YPET- - €�`CB-X-JOW90TWE+ - - - - - - - - - - C cn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8"SDW/6" --W524.8-V EXMC8�120CB7YPEl M 1E=518..7512"�C(IN)S- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - R7 = . -1- 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -522- - - - - - - - - -/E=5-18�2"-PVC(OUTfN - - - - - - -1�5178 1.rP-W(QUI)dL - - - - - E=517.621 )S -l�3lB3a--12�VC(OUT)N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7E-5T7.52-12"Pi�C(BUT'W �.L� - - _� SDR 21 KENT / r/ \ 5�t I \ I LU CONNECT TO (n WASH IN G T O 9 CON 0 EX CB X 30120 CB TYPE 8"SD W/6"X8" I ADJUST I w WYE Q I RIM TO ELEVATION=522.25 LU CONNECT TO EXI TING PIPE I // I - L 6'sDCO 7 I IE=518.00 6"(IN)NE N OC RIM=522.45 I / IE=519.00 W/12"P C COUPLIN / I IE=518.888' SDR 21 8y IE=519.88 8'� SDR 211 � I W Warehouse & Office 1 Building CON ECT TO 1,B I I I I Z 1 ADJU TRIM T LE�E = 521.80 SDR 21 I O 12607 SE 248TH ST // I IE=51 .00 6"IN(W) I CONNE T TO EX CB 38 L 8"•P-Ve @ 1.0% 6" 6"TEE IL - _ ADJUST RIM TO ELEV= 21.15 CONNECT TO CB I V SS I - - S - - SI - - - - IE=518.8 6"(IN)E ADJUST RIM TO EL =522.2� IE 518.38 I I KENT, WA // - - - - - -I 5�t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SS 118.366"(I IE_518.506 (INSE S I I IE=518.50 8+`(II W I 98030 / 83 LF 1 "PVC 0.39 IE=519.72 6"(IN)E 87 LF 121 PVC 0 0.39 86 LF 12"�VC ® 0.230' - / S� S 12°PVC 00.4% 2 LF 12"PVC ® 0. �L- - I // � - // - - - - �Jz'� - - - - - - - - - - - -r - - - - A - - - - - - 27LF6"SDR21@2.9% S� - W W 1 W cg0 - - 48LF6"SDR 21@3.5a/o - - - - PERMIT SET / / o n I �`�'W`° ROOF 7 gyp_<� CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Q I 52 LF 6"SDR 21 @ 3.8% o 7 OVERHANG 6 0 / - - - - - - � 1 15 14 N 17 13 12 11 10 g $ I Nlti 2' 1 0 #115CB TYPE I Qj Q - 3 RIM=521.40 / �"J�. iD - - s �, .- _��S • 7 - - • JOB N0. 20223 IE=519.04 8"(IN)SW • '• -p - - - '. - • • a - _• _'.� Dote _ �� � • - - '- .-6" •E. I -•2Q:6(f--•-., •.� � e �` : Revisions IE=519.04 12 (OUT)N / 5 .b°l° - '• > - - / ROOF OVERHANG -'I 6"�pR 1 G • p • - e _ - y 14 LF 12"SDR 21 @ 0.3% / o o - 6"9DCO Q I 6"sDCO L b RIM=522.7 RIM=522.75 / - - - 'SDg21 IE=520.50 "SDR 21 - - - - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - - - - 6"SDCO 6"SDCO 7 6"SDCO 6"SDCO - / RIM=522.75 RIM=522.75 RIM=522.75 6"SDCO 6"SDCO RIM=522.75 / IE=520.50 6"SDR 2 Q IE=520.50 6"SDR 1 IE=520.50 6"SDR 21 RIM=522.75 Q RIM 20.50 5 Q IE=520.50 6"SDR 21 I 6.05.2024-REVISION 6 IE=520.50 6"SDR 21 7 IE=520.50 6"SDR 21 I I 17 1 I ®7.16.2024-REVISION 3 8 Sheet Contents � 8"SD AND TYPE1CB i • � � I I I I I STORM INSTALLED AS PART OF C.9 CP-006, INSTALLED BY _ I DRAINAGE o CLUDED IN - - FFE=522.75 I PLAN BID SET TYPE 1 CB NOT � � - - - SHOWN OUTSIDE OF SD#H1 CB TYPE I - PROJE T LIMITS. FOR IM=521 95 b R CE ONLY IE=519.1412"09DNE I I I I I All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and nay not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. I / Sheet No. N \ / \ I ri ri ri ri ri ri ri i ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri r� ri r� ri ri ri r� ri r� ri ri ri ri ri ri ri � j CONTINUED - SEE SHEET C3.03 Call Before You Dig. 8-1-1 or 1-800-424-5555 Underground Service (USA)0 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #145 - RFI-120 - Conflicts between Entrance Storm Drainage Elements & Existing Utilities Origin: RFI#120:Conflicts Between North Entrance Storm Drainage Elements& Existing Utilites Date Created: 12/10/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC Is 1.0 $2,383.64 $2,383.64 $2,383.64 1.0 $2,383.64 $2,383.64 $2,383.64 $0.00 Earthwork 24057-4005 Sub.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Vactruck to Pothole Utilities at North Entry 32-120-160.S 5.4 $103.50 $558.90 $558.90 5.4 $103.50 $558.90 $558.90 $0.00 Asphalt Paving.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Additional Paving and Wedge Curb(54 LF,4"Depth,3 Ft Wide+1ft Wedge Curb=(544)/40)=5.4 Tons) 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 01:48PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $665.00 $665.00 $665.00 1.0 $665.00 $665.00 $665.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $5,097.54 $0.00 $5,097.54 $5,097.54 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,097.54 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 01:48PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 145 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-120 Work Description: RFI-120-Conflicts Between North Entrance Storm Drainage Elements&Existing Utilites Date: 9/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs SCI-Vactruck to Pothole Utilities at North Entry 1 LS $ - $ - $ - 2,383.64 $ 2,384 $ 2,384 Additional Paving and Wedge Curb(54 LF,4"Depth,3 5.4 Tons 0.00 103.50 558.90 0.00 0.00 558.90 Ft Wide+1ft Wedge Curb=(54x4)/40)=5.4 Tons) Layout 4 HR 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 800.00 800.00 Foreman 4 95.00 380.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 380.00 Cleanup 1 4 50.00 1 200.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS 0.00 0.00 110.00 110.00 0.00 110.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 $ 4,500JI 1$ 558.90 1$ 110.00 $ 3,183.64 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 4,432.54 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 665.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 5,097.54 Time Reauest: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12.27.2024 12/10/2024 O er's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date SCI Infrastructure, L L C Daffy Cost Record 32826 Project: Kent East Hill Operations Ctr Job#2405 Date: 07/29/24 Description: Utilize a vac-truck to pothole existing utilities at entrance off 248th to verify conflicts with new storm system. HOURS DETAIL COST RECORD CODE RT OT DT Total RATE EXTENSION Ken Brumley FM 1 1 104.68 104.68 Ken Brumley FM OT 0 136.52 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 w 01 0.00 O 0 0.00 m 0 0.00 a 0 0.00 J Sub-Total 104.68 Travel Time 0.00 Total Labor Costs $104.68 rn 0 0.00 J 0 0.00 O 0 0.00 O 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 F 0 0.00 z 01 0.00 w 0 0.00 2 0 0.00 a 0 0.00 :D Sub-Total 0.00 O E ui ment Markup0.00 w Total E ui ment&Tools Costs $0.00 Northern Environmental#78424 1 1 1,917.50 1,917.60 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 w 0 0.00 F- Sub-Total 1917.50 O Sale Tax if applicable) 0.00 Markup 0.00 Other Costs $1,917.50 Contractor's Representative Sub-Total 2,022.18 Sales Tax on Rented Equipment Sub-Total 2 022.18 Subcontractor's Representative Mark-Up 15% 303.33 Ins& B& O 58.14 Owner's Representative No. Sheet 1 of 1 TOTAL $2,383.64 93AYLEY Work Verification Form PCO NUMBER: 12 This form is to be used to verify actual time and material spent and in no way constitutes JOB NUMBER: 24057 authorization for a change order. DATE: 8/14/2024 ❑ Copy of PCO attached Name of Subcontractor: SCE Infrastructure SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION: Vac truck to find utilities at entry on 248th Subcontractor Estimate of Man-hour, Materials& Equipment Required to Perform Described Scope of work: Field Work Ticket attached ❑ Subcontractor Superintendent Signature: Bayley Superintendent Signature: LOG OF ACTUAL SUBCONTRACTOR MAN-HOURS MAN- Supt. DATE DESCRIPTION of WORK HOURS TYPE OF EQUIPMENT USED Initials 7/29/24 Superintendent 4.00 7/29/24 Northern Environmental Vac truck 4.00 File: SCI Infrastructure , L L C • � -/ I K S LTIs DETAIL COST RECORD INEEMINIMMEN INN■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ Equipment Markup INNIMEMEMINE MEN ME NEMNIMMENNEM MEN INNIMEMEMINE IN INNIMEMEMINE IN Sales Tax(if applicable) ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ Material Markup Tatallviaterial Costs : . _: ■■■ invoice Northern Date Invoice# ENVIRONMENTAL wiwv.norpteme°v.c°in 7/30!2024 78424 Ship To rS�rI541h Job 112405 LLC 12525 SF 248th St et Kent,WA 8 Service Date Customer P.O.# Terms Sales Rep Northern W.O.# 7/29/24 Job N2405 Net 30 DAD 78358 Quantity Description Price Each Amount Vactor truck and operator to hydro excavate to expose utilities as diructcd. e.5 Vactor'Cruck fi Operator-Prevailing Wage 295.00 1,917.50 »ww Disposal Onsitewsw Please remit Payment to: Sales Tax (10.2%) $0 00 Northern Environmental, LLC 2661 N Pearl St#145 Total 64917.50 Tacoma,WA 98407 Ph. 253-503-3096 payments, $0.00 Balance Due $1,917,50 Job Ticket and Safe-Start Checklist 41,927 DATE- WORK ORDER# TRUCK# E MON ENrAt OPERATOR LABORER CUSTOMER: ( - U43 JOB PHONE: =e470 JOB ADDRESS: " } C,S, Z ✓[?rl r% ' TRAVEL TO SITE ON-SITE DUMP OUT COMPLETED RETURN TO SHOP QUANTITYmow • : DESCRIPTION 1 a .(i7F' ri'E DISPOSAL: X ON-SITE ❑ OFF-SITE LOCATION: X-V7 Prior to starting work, this checklist must be completed,and all identified and potential hazards mitigated. y; Overhead hazards such as powerlines, and low clearances have been Identified and mitigated v Locate marks are current and visible,All underground utility hazards identified and mitigated Public and pedestrian hazards have been identified and mitigated. Including work area delineation and protection Adjacent workers, heavy equipment,vehicles,and other stuck-by hazards have been identified and mitigated }f Ambient noise hazards for workers and the public have been identified and mitigated Trenching and excavation hazards have been identified and mitigated.Competent Person: Confined Spaces have been evaluated and the proper entry documentation will be completed. x! All necessary PPE is available and will be used. Dielectric gloves and boots: c will be worn o will not to be worn All workers are knowledgeable and have been trained in the tasks they will be performing X The nearest hospital name and address: Prior to leaving the job, this checkllsf must be completed. x' A post-trip walk around inspection of trucks and trailers has been completed. All loads,small equipment, devices,and tools have been properly secured All tires have been Inspected for damage, punctures, and proper inflation The work area has been inspected for company property,unprotected hazards, and restored properly J �i • i Northern Environmental 75f7 Portland Ave. E STE B Tacoma WA 98404 253-503-3096 support@northemenv.com t �� II 16 i ' I I yl� IweNlnsNoi Illllllr I� I � : —� §al uT I�i�l�ill �, I" i�II�III��dIP� I � �" I'IiI���I�r� Kil 6siNtiiNsihlllfllllll,V� �� , q 'tay��_ — � I�iulsi �i�I�S T��9iIBCf dB8118W�s��d�iJ�i�au�lt�i I�" — ='.,,.°•.R��;`_- I a_, _., — - ', Ili ilWmin a�l� 15 �'.��I '�°a ��" [Nil , PR o _.,�.... ,.�.. ,_.. ,...,_..h.., .t,,..,.....� ...c, ✓.wa -s -... -.��ifec.yF 1•C ....}f>.....:.."N. T.. _. 'v.?.. . .'n- ,. - k � y � R aJ a - c� AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #120: Conflicts Between North Entrance Storm Drainage Elements & Existing Utilites Status Closed on 08/05/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Aug 1,2024 Due Date Aug 15,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number C3.04 Reference SCI RFI#12&Bayley RFI#113 Linked Drawings C3.04 Received From Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar& Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects), Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring (Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 10,2024 12:01 PM PST RFI#120-Conflicts Between North Entrance Storm Drainage Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Elements&Existing Utilites Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday,Aug 1, 2024 at 12:50 PM PDT As a follow up to RFI#113,SCI provided the attached marked up sheet C3.04 with their proposed solution to correct the outstanding conflicts between the North entrance storm drainage elements and existing utilities.Please confirm that the contractors shall proceed with the proposed plan. Attachments SCI RFI#12-Follow Up to RFI#113.pdf Official Response Response from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Monday,Aug 5, 2024 at 09:44 AM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission. Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Monday,Aug 5, 2024 at 08:38 AM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#120-conflicts_between_north_entrance_storm_drainage_elements_existing_utilites-202408012040 CPL.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 10,2024 12:01 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #120: Conflicts Between North Entrance Storm Drainage Elements & Existing Utilites Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Aug 1,2024 Due Date Aug 15,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number C3.04 Reference SCI RFI#12&Bayley RFI#113 Linked Drawings Received From Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Aug 1,2024 01:39 PM PDT RFI#120-Conflicts Between North Entrance Storm Drainage Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Elements&Existing Utilites TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday,Aug 1, 2024 at 12:50 PM PDT As a follow up to RFI#113,SCI provided the attached marked up sheet C3.04 with their proposed solution to correct the outstanding conflicts between the North entrance storm drainage elements and existing utilities.Please confirm that the contractors shall proceed with the proposed plan. Attachments SCI RFI#12-Follow Up to RFI#113.pdf Awaiting an Official Response Confirmed the changes shown on the attached sketch are acceptable pending inspector approval. Naomi Medley, CPL 8/1/2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Aug 1,2024 01:39 PM PDT Li 516 - I KEHOC — 5J¢! I 7 M051.5318"(IN)SV CB TYPE II-'48" I I I r I ( I ( I I I �514� - - - I 50.97Warehouse & Office 51�T Fi I 1 I Building — — — IE�505.53 18"(OUT)k I I I I No Gas Conflict %107 TOP 2" Gas N = 504.33 Gas stops short of n11 12 7 E 24 TH T CB#77 at valve �11 60 S 8 S I I III KENT, WA �a ' ► � 11 V8 CB TYPE 11-48" /�I I f INLET 1 I 98030 _ ` _ _ J I I l I I IE=508.00 12"(OUT)E ' I ( 11 IE=506.0018"(OUT)NE — I I J INSTALL TRASH SCREEN PER COK STD. ) > PLAN 5-20 I CONSOLIDATED SET + * �+ . . + + + . , + JOB N0. 20223 + + + Gate Revisions 0 ++++++'+'+ +++�+++� .++++++++++++ +',�+ +' +•++ +++++++++++ +' + • + Cf) MARCH 19, 2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED _ Communication Line has been moved �� � -- 98 LF 12" DI @ 4.46% outside of CB# 76 77EL= 505.37 I o —1 p Sheet Contents ` - -/ —� -' - - ' � \ `� — 6 Move CB #80 STORM — -�_ 10' to the East to IF 18" VC @ 3.27% CDI avoid conflict with DRAINAGE i — ) o — Power pole. PLAN #1 80I CB TYPE II-48" F 1M=5698 507.08 / 1 �#76 E 48' I I I I IE=564.28 12"(IN)W 503.63' I RIM=510. I I I I I I I I 1t=$0+H 18"(IN)SW 503!63 IE=505.20 18"(N)W I I I I INSITA L NEW TYPE 11 C6 IE=505.20 8" UT)t E I l u l l ING 18"CMP �VIERJEXIS N AINOMPACTEU CRUSHED — — All material appearing herein oonstitutes the unpublished and We will have to modify CB#80 '� I 1 " I original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, Y D used,or disclosed without the written consent of the archite& that was delivered to the site to rW�R'KING SURFACE OUTS EX CB down steam accommodate the changes. We 0HOURS . ASP E E IE= 502.58 EX. 18" CMP E Sheet No. will have to raise the cores up IE= 503.63 EX.18 CMP E .67, we will do this by saw cutting up the structure at all 3 cores. �I C3004 Li 516 - I KEHOC — 5J¢! I 7 M051.5318"(IN)SV CB TYPE II-'48" I I I r I ( I ( I I I �514� - - - I 50.97Warehouse & Office 51�T Fi I 1 I Building — — — IE�505.53 18"(OUT)k I I I I No Gas Conflict %107 TOP 2" Gas N = 504.33 Gas stops short of n11 12 7 E 24 TH T CB#77 at valve �11 60 S 8 S I I III KENT, WA �a ' ► � 11 V8 CB TYPE 11-48" /�I I f INLET 1 I 98030 _ ` _ _ J I I l I I IE=508.00 12"(OUT)E ' I ( 11 IE=506.0018"(OUT)NE — I I J INSTALL TRASH SCREEN PER COK STD. ) > PLAN 5-20 I CONSOLIDATED SET + * �+ . . + + + . , + JOB N0. 20223 + + + Gate Revisions 0 ++++++'+'+ +++�+++� .++++++++++++ +',�+ +' +•++ +++++++++++ +' + • + Cf) MARCH 19, 2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED _ Communication Line has been moved �� � -- 98 LF 12" DI @ 4.46% outside of CB# 76 77EL= 505.37 I o —1 p Sheet Contents ` - -/ —� -' - - ' � \ `� — 6 Move CB #80 STORM — -�_ 10' to the East to IF 18" VC @ 3.27% CDI avoid conflict with DRAINAGE i — ) o — Power pole. PLAN #1 80I CB TYPE II-48" F 1M=5698 507.08 / 1 �#76 E 48' I I I I IE=564.28 12"(IN)W 503.63' I RIM=510. I I I I I I I I 1t=$0+H 18"(IN)SW 503!63 IE=505.20 18"(N)W I I I I INSITA L NEW TYPE 11 C6 IE=505.20 8" UT)t E I l u l l ING 18"CMP �VIERJEXIS N AINOMPACTEU CRUSHED — — All material appearing herein oonstitutes the unpublished and We will have to modify CB#80 '� I 1 " I original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, Y D used,or disclosed without the written consent of the archite& that was delivered to the site to rW�R'KING SURFACE OUTS EX CB down steam accommodate the changes. We 0HOURS . ASP E E IE= 502.58 EX. 18" CMP E Sheet No. will have to raise the cores up IE= 503.63 EX.18 CMP E .67, we will do this by saw cutting up the structure at all 3 cores. �I C3004 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #170 - Consolidated Set - Rev 8 Origin: Date Created: 12/19/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 32-160-000.S Caliber Concrete Construction, sf 111.0 $22.95 $2,547.45 $2,547.45 111.0 $22.95 $2,547.45 $2,547.45 $0.00 Curbs,Gutters, Inc. Sidewalks,and 24057-4016 D riveways.Com m itments -Subcontracts Description: 8 32-160-000.S Caliber Concrete Construction, sf 116.0 $12.85 $1,490.60 $1,490.60 116.0 $12.85 $1,490.60 $1,490.60 $0.00 Curbs,Gutters, Inc. Sidewalks,and 24057-4016 D riveways.Comm itments -Subcontracts Description: Housekeeping Pads increased from 415 SF to 531 SF,Adding 116 SF. 32-160-000.S Caliber Concrete Construction, If 9.0 $26.24 $236.16 $236.16 9.0 $26.24 $236.16 $236.16 $0.00 Curbs,Gutters, Inc. Sidewalks,and 24057-4016 D riveways.Comm itments -Subcontracts Description: Add 9 LF Curb and Gutter Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/19/2024 at 09:17AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-0003 VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $39,968.54 $39,968.54 $39,968.54 1.0 $39,968.54 $39,968.54 $39,968.54 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Low Voltage Revisions at MDF 122,IDF 239,Storage 147.Line Voltage revisions for Elevator Primary Equipment Box. 01-450-120.S hours 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-020.1- hours 8.0 $95.00 $760.00 $760.00 8.0 $95.00 $760.00 $760.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-099.1- hours 8.0 $50.00 $400.00 $400.00 8.0 $50.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $7,244.00 $7,244.00 $7,244.00 1.0 $7,244.00 $7,244.00 $7,244.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee 01-330-010.PO Is 1.0 $1,177.21 $1,177.21 $1,177.21 1.0 $1,177.21 $1,177.21 $1,177.21 $0.00 Plans and Specs.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Plot Plans Grand Totals $55,533.96 $0.00 $55,533.96 $55,533.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55,533.96 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/19/2024 at 09:17AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 170 Project No.24507 Doc#: Rev 8 Work Description:Consolidated Set-Rev 8 Date: 9/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Generator Pad-12"Generator/Fuel Pad increased from 790 SF to 901 SF,Adding 111 SF 111 SF $ $ $ 22.95 $ 2,547 $ 2,547 Housekeeping Pads increased from 415 SF to 531 SF, 116 SF $ $ $ 12.85 $ 1,491 $ 1,491 Adding 116 SF. Add 9 LF Curb and Gutter 9 LF $ $ $ 26.24 $ 236 $ 236 Plot Plans 1 LS $ 1,177.21 $ 1,177 $ $ - $ 1,177 Veca-Low Voltage Revisions at MDF 122,IDF 239, Storage 147.Line Voltage revisions for Elevator Primary Equipment Box. 1 LS $ $ - $ 39,968.54 $ 39,969 $ 39,969 Layout 8 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Foreman 8 95.00 $ 760 $ $ $ - $ 760 Cleanup 8 50.00 $ 400 $ $ $ $ 400 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ 16 $ 1,160 $ 1,177 $ 110 $ 45,843 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 48,290 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 7,244 GRAND TOTAL $ 55,534 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by 7X 1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12.30.2024 _ 12/19/2024 O ner's Representativef Date Bayley Construction Date < C2.0L GRADING.PAVING.AND HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN Rev.4 1. 1 ANon-Current Drawing l V cn BEGIN CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 5 SEE DETAIL ( " ) cv TC 521.50 BC 521.00 TC 523,17 522.51 BC 522.67 1.7% / 40' 1 / 1 ■ . HORIZONTAL CONTROL18 1' n BEGIN CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SEE DETAIL 8 SEE SHEET C2.12=)R C21•, MODULAR BLOCK WALL DETAIL PLAN $ TC52t50 C 521. 0 — TC 523.17 522.43 i3C 522,67 Na 40' 1.8' / ffI // 1 ' C2.02:GRADING,PAVING,AND •. .. , .- on-Current Drawing LU I UKAUINU LIMITS NORTH GAT !!3I ARCHITECT L LU PLAN LU C/) 1 523.50 523.47 0 NORTH AND SOUT ¢ - . BC 522. W EDGES OF ACCESS • 0 DRIVE:CURB AND Z GUTTER. (7,1) # 1 • C211 Z 523 }0 e' •' t: ' • • h p 1 p r 522 d. w 41 �INSTALL FINAL ASPHALT LIFT ,OVER ATB-PAVEMENT I,SEE DETAIL T„1 �1 t � I C2.02:GRADING,PAVING,AND HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN Rev.4(00109/241-Delta 8 LU DING LIMITS GAT Cn I ARCHITECTURAL LU PLAN Ly 523.50 TC. 0 NORTH AND SOUTH 1 - BC r LU I EDGES OF ACCESS 1 DRIVE:CURB AND . Z GUTTER, F_ C2 11 Z oI 25 3' a.- 9 001 Fe , 522.78 L- W I 522.E �IN9TAK RNAL ASPHALT FT SEE DETAIL/—, ARC"" INVOICE NO. 12581329 1850 130th Avenue NE Bellevue,WA 98005 INVOICE DATE 08/30/24 425-883-1110 WORK ORDER# P5478711 Cust#33248 o Cust#33248 o ATTN: Bryce Nelson o ATTN: Bayley Construction a BAYLEY CONSTRUCTION o BAYLEY CONSTRUCTION o 8005 SE 28TH STREET co 8005 SE 28TH STREET MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040-9004 MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040-9004 JOB DUE: 08/21/24 at 01:27PM Delivery/Shipping CONTACT PHONE PURCHASE ORDER# SALES REP Bryce Nelson 206)621-8884 #24057 Steve Soames JOB# JOB NAME BILLER LOC #24057 KEHOC Mason Spencer 130056 OP CODE DESCRIPTION ORIGINALS COME UNITS UM P TOTAL RICE AMOUNT 6121 DIGITAL PRINT SETUP-LF PER SHEET 330 1 22x34 330 EA 0.2500 82.50 1600 BW PPC BOND-FIRST SET 307 1 22x34 1842 SF 0.45 00 828.90 1634 SMART COLOR-BOND-FIRST SET 23 1 22x34 138 SF 0.8000 110.40 1627.06 SCREW POST BINDING-PER SET(OVER 150 SHEETS) 1 1 1 EA 12.5000 12.50 520121 DELIVERY ZONE 1 1 1 z1 1 EA 25.9500 25.95 98040-MERCER ISLAND 5205 FUEL SURCHARGE 1 1 1 EA 8.0000 8.00 ----------------------------ORDER NOTES--------------------------- 22x34, bound and printed in color screw post deliver Please mail payments to our NEW remit address: PO Box 511580 Los Angeles, CA 90051-8135 Thank you For Billing Inquiries, please contact your local branch at 425-883-1110 For Account Inquiries and Payment Information, please call Annette Conzo at 626-541-9967 SUB TOTAL DISCOUNT SALES TAX TOTAL DEPOSIT BALANCE DU 1068.25 108.96 1177.21 1177.21 Invoices undisputed for 4 s e f al. TERMS: Net 30 Days 5478711 Remit To: ARC Document Solutions, LLC PO Box 511580 Los Angeles, CA 90051-8135 AC CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 24 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 10/22/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with the changes within the Delta 8 Consolidated Set. CO includes the following on the LV side: MDF 122: (7)APC AP8641 Vertical PDU's, (14) Ortronics OR-OFP-LCD12AC IDF 239: (3)APC AP8641 Vertical PDU's Storage 147: (1) CUBE-IT 12419-748. Costs include providing and instlaling the new equipment. CO includes the following on the power side: (1) 120V 20A dedicated circuit for the Elevator Primary Equipment Box out of Panel LP16N. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 3/4"CONDUIT-EMT 75 85.30 C 63.98 4.40 C 3.30 3/4"CONN SS STL- EMT 4 36.00 C 1.44 12.50 C 0.50 3/4"COUPLING SS STL-EMT 8 44.00 C 3.52 0.00 C 0.00 3/4" 1-H STRAP- EMT-STEEL 10 30.88 C 3.09 6.75 C 0.68 #12 THHN BLACK 248 179.60 M 44.54 6.44 M 1.60 WIRE CONN RED 6 27.84 C 1.67 7.50 C 0.45 4x 1 1/2"SQ BOX COMB KO 2 177.69 C 3.55 20.00 C 0.40 4"SQ BLANK COVER 2 72.33 C 1.45 3.13 C 0.06 #8 TO#10x 7/8 PLAS ANCHOR(3/16) 14 4.59 C 0.64 7.50 C 1.05 #10x 1 P/H SELF-TAP SCREW 14 6.31 C 0.88 3.75 C 0.53 Totals 383 124.76 8.56 Summary General Materials 124.76 LV COMMUNICATIONS 33,269.00 CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 24 Client Address: Date: 10/22/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Summary(Cont'd) Material Total 33,393.76 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (8.56 Hrs @$121.87) 1,043.21 FOREMAN @ 15% (1.28 Hrs @$131.12) 167.83 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 3,460.48 Markup (@ 5.000%) 1,903.26 Subtotal 39,968.54 Final Amount $39,968.54 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 24 Final Amount: $39,968.54 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #176 - CCD-024 - Pedestrian Ram pat North Parking Area Origin: Date Created: 10/14/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 32-160-000.S Caliber Concrete If 22.0 $24.61 $541.42 $541.42 22.0 $24.61 $541.42 $541.42 $0.00 Curbs,Gutters,Sidewalks, 24057-4016 and Driveways.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Cement Concrete Traffic Curb(5.5"x16") 02-300-001.S SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC Is 1.0 $3,407.00 $3,407.00 $3,407.00 1.0 $3,407.00 $3,407.00 $3,407.00 $0.00 Earthwork 24057-4005 Sub.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Prep for revised curb and sidewalk 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 1/1/2025 at 05:55PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $870.00 $870.00 $870.00 1.0 $870.00 $870.00 $870.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee 32-120-160.S Puget Paving&Construction ton 3.47 $103.50 $359.15 $359.15 3.47 $103.50 $359.15 $359.15 $0.00 Asphalt 24057-4031 Paving.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: 5"AC Pavement Ramp(104 SF) Grand Totals $6,667.57 $0.00 $6,667.57 $6,667.57 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,667.57 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 1/1/2025 at 05:55PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 176 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-024 Work Description:CCD-024-Pedestrian Ramp at North Parking Area Date: 9/25/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Caliber -Cement Concrete Traffic Curb(5.5x16") 22 LF $ $ $ $ 24.61 $ 541.42 $ 541.42 SCI-Prep for revised curb and sidewalk 1 LS $ $ $ $ 3,407.00 $ 3,407.00 $ 3,407.00 5"AC Pavement Ramp(104 SF) 3.47 Tons $ $ 103.50 $ 359.15 $ $ - $ 359.15 Layout 4 HR $ $ - $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 $ 95.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 7,500 $ 580.00 $ 359.15 $ 110.00 $ 4,748.42 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 5,797.57 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 870.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 6,667.57 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response 7X I We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 1 .2.2025 1/1/2025 Own rsRepresentative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse& Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-024 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 9/24/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Per attached marked up sheet C2.02, change make changes to pedestrian ramp in north parking as indicated Attachments: Sheet C2.02 ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistent with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s) described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Sea 9819 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 BY BY — - DATE _ +.-�.�� DATE ' 2024 DATE 9/25/24 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ • WAGNER ................ ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 0 10' 20' 40' GAS �, 1916 PIKE PLACE GA5 - GAS - GAS GA _.Gas- _ -- - - - _ _ _ - - __- ��_ S EATT L E WA 98101 h GAS - SCALE 1 =20 GAS GAS GAS GAS _-- 2 0 6 4 4 $ 2 5 8 w a g n e r a r c h Itects . c o m 124TH A VENUE SE - T Legend 1 , m -j N 79'33'06°E 46.81' PROPERTY LINE OV ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT - ----- - - y - - - - - �_ ,�� - - GRAVEL _ ... 18 �- 39871 7 516.33 �� ------ --519 51$ Consult V-GI STIFS zfiy� 520 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL S�p,VAI, Er' _ 16A0 1 516.3 �_ , CONCRETE CURB _ I HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE r NORTH AND SOUTH - _ PAVEMENT ■f - EDGES OF ACCESS - M ' ti HYQROSEED PER PROJECT H�'N DRIVE:CURB AND 7 M ^^ - P R T E R UTTER. TC 522.31 SPECIFICATIONS 01 57 00, Q BC 521.81 TC 522.48 l "EROSION CONTROL" C21, BC 521.98 - - L U N D E E N 1 , - -- - -- --- --.--- -, - - - - - ATB PAVEMENT - -. REUSE ti + I I l L _ _ _ _ 801 SECOND AVENUE,SUITE 900 _ r! •� _ - .j .I .+}++'+ +++�+-+++++++++++*+++++++' ` y ',y it _ _ - '� 801 SE E,WA 98104 AVENUE. ry 518 EXISTING TC 522.10 HP 521,91 + I i I (206)343-0460 www.cplinc.com - � FENCE TC 522.09 TC 5z2.26 f _ BC 521.60 I BC 521.59 BC 521,76 + TC 522.57 - 1 I y �I - - + BC 522.07 _ � i I I n NOTE: SEE SHEET C1.00 *' + + ` ' FOR LIMITS OF ATB FLUSH CURB � � I __ -- - -- - _- I _+-,,, ,,+_+. ,+-�,. � ..� ,� ❑ SEE DETAIL + ' ❑ I 51 40 * �. , r L. ' - - PAVING. } 5 ,9. 5 ' I - - _ _ _ --- I + .. + � - - I .,+. 8C 521.74 + TC 521.74 1 TC 521.90 TC 522.23 `� + w 0 t«+ BC 521.24 I I BC 521.40 BC 521.73 J _ 7 1 TC 20.21 n - I 521.00 521.26 +t* 519.71 TC 5 .43 + - ` ! �r NOTE: SEE ARCHT`L TC5 .39 BC51 . 3 *+ I} � \\� f f �. PLANS FOR WHEEL STOP w �Iw TC 522.05 �u . 1 I' v8C 51 .89 52d BC 521.55 r LOCATIONS N C 5 .97 TC 5 1.fl1 521-35 V I C 52 .47 6C 5 .51 .++' TC 522.09 ' 521.27 y+ 8C 521.59 a' r•' I f +� W I B 520.77 I + TC 522.05 + + + J + I li 5 W GRADING LIMITS NORTH GAT +' �� •;+" BC521-55 TC521.89 +**' LU - - I + BC 521.39 J ❑ L/3I ARCHITECTU I� o I C 522.66 I CONCRETE PAVING W PLAN 523.06 \ TC 522.45 0 + + B 52z.,6 BC 521,95 SEE DETAI 2 1 T NOTE: UNLESS NOTED ON PLAN, CURBS SHALL W � TC 522.9a � '' BE VERTICAL CURB PER DETAIL i ti TC 522.29 TC 522.64 TC 522.59 C�� $ 3C 522.44 BC 521.79 J I ;i j I 7 523-50 co TC 523. BC 522.14 BC 522.09 TC 522,42 I TC 523.06 I ! 1 1 r BC 522. f lJ C 523.47 f I + C2.1U NORTH AND SO TH --- - BC 522. TC 52 4 BC 521.92 TC 522,39 BC 522.56 �`� J J 1 f + 1 f 1 I I , 4�' � BC 522.39 � 1 ! 1 1 1 1 i 1�3'" I � � � � � I W EDGES OF ACCESS BC 52 .64 I + f r ! 1 1 + + RIDGE RIDGE TC 522,89 TC 522.40 DRIVE:CURB AND 1 :.z i I TC 522.97 8C 522.39 BC 521.90 �22 I TC 52 8C 521.99 I I l 1 Z GUTTER. 5 BC 522.47 1 i I f1 I C� r �i r ti wfi 2221 I ++:' J I I I i 11 I l l KEHOC 1 L++�;{�- ! i t I I I I I I t + � 1 I! f � I + � 11 + ��� 'A, n{�' Z 523 + TC 522.37 + l 2.11 a I ++#'`* III I I 1 l i I + + 1 f + + I t Warehouse & Office o • TC 521.46 BC 521.87 *J+ - BUiia�ir� o e TC522.23 ++*�+` + I + 1 + ++ + I + J f+ f1 1 1 [� a ■ BC 521.95 TC 522,13 + TC 522.03 :`+'.:. 1 I + I 1 t + 1 1 f 11 t .7 I 0 h" b ? ■ TC 522.51 BC 521.fi3 TC 522.05 + BC 521.53 I BC 521.73 TC 522.02 I TC 522.10 TC 522.40 BC 522.01 BC 521.55 _ BC 521.52 BC 521,60 BC 521.90 •+++++ \' l I �� + f I ,•,+r};+*+,. m + �.� + .-. * I 521.40 o ? TC 52 + + . +. - +*+ + . + TC 12�07SE248THST 522.70 J +TC521.93 + * + - +•+�+s+ _ I • BC 521.48 BG 521.43 A BC 521.40 `. + +. 1 1 1 f j j TC 522,26 T TC522.17 I ` I + t ! KENT `ILIA • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BC 521.76 i BC 521.67 BC 521,43 TC 522,30 r r + i TC 522.05I f � INSTALL FINAL ASPHALT LIFT BC 521 55 ec 521.ao +++++, ' 1 1 I ' I I ' �� L I 1 r r f I �'' J803� I �, -COVER ATB PAVEV1ENT-i ��f RIM ELEV=520.$2 e TC 522.16 i I I ' ' I l� i SEE DETAIL 10 11 hti� r 522.00 i BC 521,66 522.43. .. C2.10`Cam{ - B:521.50 ALL4~ � - ram I ' - - _ I TC521.76 _- _- BID SET I ,RIM ELEV-521.52 521.88 -_- .-- `27 - --- - BC 521.26 I +*, ` , - - - - , ` 1,30,2024 LLJ ❑ I _ BC 52?.87 TC 522.22 -�� -- '_ - - - ? - ' ❑ I I. BC 521.72 M JOB No. 20223 TC 522.8 22' �_ _ _ Date Revisions -- _ _ 22.75 $C 522.3� ,, �' 26' 6' TC 522,20 8 20' 25' 14' RIDGE T�52 . fl 8C 521.70 �2•$' B 5 .00 52134 - - - � l � +�- - - - - T - - � g 10-31.2023-PERMIT INTAKE Area shown in �'i k� Is 5.5 inch thick s . + 01.16,2024-REVISION 1 TC122,76 concrete ramp with, medium broom I + BC g22.26 Exposed faces of curb +++° I ©1.16.2024•REVISION 2 7.T finish. #4 rebar at 3 feet on center + II CONCR EC 522,00 both ways. Contr 10 tSliletif 82 to have broom finish; RIM ELEV 519.87 *" OD2.20.2024-ADDENDUM 3 PAVE NT I SEE ETAIL��.0 521,50 8 Sheet C2.11 `' TC 520.68 CONCRETE SIDEWALK , ( "1 ac 52a.1a C21 - 1.5 �V EY - - -- 1.5% VALLEY 0• ° - - TC 521.12 SEE DETAIL 22.5 ° ti �- - - - - � - BC 520.62 C2.11 J r� TC 521.85 J TC 520.96 BC 521.35 BC 520.46 I + SAWCUT AND REMOVE 4 ` ASPH TICQN f RETE TC 521.23 .*+" PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED TRANSI N� P} I., p:: ATS PAVEMENT TO BC 520.73 ELEV to concrete *,{ SEE DETA 1 TC 522.15 0 32: INSTALL CONCRETE - BC 521,65 TC 521.97 TC 522.17 TC 5 . 7 rampG5 G,92 TC 521.01 TC 521.32 +++ TC B22.73 .11 TC 521.97 BC 521,67 B 20.57 ' Sheet Contents a WORK - BC 52223 � BC 521.47 BC 521.47 BC 520.42 I BC 520.51 BC 520.82 "+++ 522,74 . 521.40 + GRADING, � d- + + .'+ .++'. TC 521.56 hl 'r++'+'+++' *+' 8C 521.46 I -- M� I� � TC521.18 TC521.01 c� *+*+*f•*:+ +++ SS _ hou be 4 y BC 520,51 TC 522.23 --- ---_.. _ TC 522. BC 520.68 + ,*, PAVING, AND BC 521.73 TC 522.03��C, 5 3 BC 521.74 I TC 521.18 TC 521,49 ++• - - + BC 521.5 BC 1.53 TC 521.31 BC 520.68 I a ..�•. BC 520.81 BC 52 ,', HORIZONTAL ELEV top of concrete TC 522.03 22 LF vertical Concrete +++ 522 4 522.92 ramp 521.53 curb (shown inlgreen) ++ CONTROL 8 522.42 BC 521.53 ;•, - - - - - ----I - INSTALL FINAL ASPHALT LIFT I er Detail 8 Sheet C2.10. ++ PLAN OVER ATB PAVEMENT +', \ 0} SEE DETAIL 10 11 I 1 522\74" C2.10 C2.10 - 5 2.43 `� M ngteid appavirg hw n�the enpr odwd W4 a . -3) i� . t not,,., Sheet No. a II � 111 II TC 522.08 fl I ++ BC 521.58 J C2mO2 ' CONTINUED - SEE SHEET C2.04 -0 0 0 Cal! Before You Dig. 8-1-1 or 1-800-424-5555 Underground Service (USA)❑ ' PA TTERNED CONCRETE CONSTRUCT/ON INC. OF SEA TTLE Date Due : September 26,2024 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION FOR INTENDED RECIPIENT ONLY-DO NOT DISCLOSE Att. Estimator or Bid Coordinator Proposal# 1 Re. Kent East Hill Operations Center-CCD 24 Authored by Weston Loc. Kent,WA Approved by Matt ITEM# BID ITEM&DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT e n o e i w i w ar 114 .4 Cement Concrete Traffic Curb(5.5"x16") 22 LF $24.61 $541.42 Project Total: $1,963.82 SECTION 1.0-NOTES The pricing contained herein is dependant on all work items listed being performed by Caliber Concrete Construction Inc. Any addition/deletion of work items or quantities could result in amended pricing.All above quantities are approximated based on information given at time of bid. All final payments will be based on field measurements. Due to current backlog Caliber Concrete Construction Inc.cannot guarantee meeting the exact schedule. The insurance coverage included in this proposal is the Master Pak Endorsement"CG 84 12 03". Any additional endorsements will be provided at$1,000.00 per project. SECTION 1.1 -EXCLUDED Pumping, night work, sub grade, survey, embeds, joint seal & sealant, saw cutting, concrete washout (eco pan), sand blasting, traffic control, flagging, barricades, scaffolding, fall protection,extruded curbing,pipe bollards,job water,bonds costs,permits,material testing, pretreat,design fees,inspection fees,engineering,exterior site,retaining,or masonry walls or footings,precast concrete,hardeners and sealers,water proofing, shade sand,demolition and removal of any existing(including asphalt),utility adjustments,assessed penalty clauses. SECTION 1.2-EXPIRATION Caliber Concrete Construction Inc.reserves the right to withdraw this proposal if not accepted in writing via signed letter of internet or proposal within 30 days of bid due date. Acceptance of the prices contained herein constitutes agreement of all the terms and conditions in the above sections. Caliber Concrete Authorized Signature Acceptance of Proposal The above prices,specifications,and conditions are satisfactory and are 1/� we4a hereby accepted. Caliber Concrete is authorized to do the work as specified. �/�/ Hul Payment will be made as outlined above. Acceptance: P.O.Box 1881 •Milton,WA.98354•Office(253)927-0707•Fax(253)927-0706•CALIBCC115CA SO Infrastructure, COP Summary ■ f(e2p6re13u,61&the,N e4t Project Name: Kent East Hill Operations Center(KEHOC) # Project No. Document Reference: Date: TBD To Gen Contractor: Bayley Construction,Inc. Contractor Ref.No. CCD-024 Description: Revised Pedstrian Ramp in North Parking Lot 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. Crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ 1,953.28 b. Direct Supervision(Not to exceed 15%of labor) $ 292.99 c. Safety allowance on direct labor at 2% $ 39.07 d. Small tool allowance on direct labor at 3% $ 58.60 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 2,343.94 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. Material costs $ Use Tax on Materials(When applicable) 2.MATERIAL COSTS $ - 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. SCI owned equipment $ 617.52 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ 617.52 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 3 $ 2,961.46 4. SCI's FEE ON OWN WORK a. 15.00% $ 444.22 4.GC PERFORMED WORK TOTAL $ 3,406.00 Sub's Fee, Subcontractor Insurance Subcontractor 5. TIER SUBCONTRACTORS subtotal and Bond total a. $ $ b. $ $ C. $ $ d. $ $ $ e. $ $ $ f. $ $ $ 9. $ $ $ h. $ $ $ I. $ $ $ j. $ $ $ 5.SUBCONTRACTORS $ 6. SCI's FEE ON TIER WORK a. 5.00% $ 6.TIER PERFOM RED WORK TOTAL $ TOTAL FEE $ 444.00 7. INSURANCE a. liability insurance 0.025%of 1-6 $ 0.85 7.INSURANCE $ 1.00 8. BOND a. bond 0.000%of 1-7 $ - 8.BOND $ - TOTAL COST(4,5,6,7,819) $ 3,407.00 KEHOC CO Template_CCD-024 Pedestrian Ramp Page of Issued 10/7/2024 COP Cost Breakdown Project Name: Kent East Hill Operations Center PCO# Project No. 2405 Excavation and Curb Prep Date: TBD Contractor: SCI Infrastructure,LLC Contractor Ref.No. CCD-024 Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Quantity Type Unit$ Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost Project Manager hrs $150.00 $ $ $ $ Field Engineer hrs $125.00 $ - $ $ $ - Foreman 1 hrs $100.05 $ 100.05 $ $ $ 100.05 Pipelayer hrs $70.41 $ - $ $ $ - Flagging Supervisor hrs $69.30 $ $ $ $ Flagger(3 each) hrs $58.64 $ - $ $ $ - Operator 4 hrs $95.96 $ 383.84 $ $ $ 383.84 Teamster hrs $87.55 $ - $ $ $ - Grade Engineer 4 hrs $95.10 $ 380.40 $ $ $ 380.40 Laborer 4 hrs $69.15 $ 276.60 $ $ $ 276.60 Overtime Rate Foreman OT hrs $135.22 $ - $ $ $ - Pipelayer OT hrs $96.47 $ $ $ $ Flagging Supervisor OT hrs $91.13 $ $ $ $ Flagger OT hrs $78.94 $ $ $ $ Operator OT hrs $129.13 $ $ $ $ Teamster OT hrs $116.48 $ $ $ $ Grade Engineer OT I I hrs $127.84 $ $ $ $ Laborer OT hrs $94.59 $ $ $ $ Equipment Air Compressor/Jackhammer hrs $ $ $38.92 $ $ 160 Grader hrs $ $ $179.56 $ $ PC39OLC hrs $ $ $164.32 $ $ D51 Dozer hrs $ $ $111.17 $ $ 950 Loader 2 hrs $ $ $74.29 $ 148.58 $ 148.58 Foreman Pick-up 1 hrs $ $ $35.70 $ 35.70 $ 35.70 Vibratory Roller I hrs $ $ $101.21 $ - $ - JD Articulated Truck(2 each) hrs $ $ $350.91 $ $ 330 Excavator w/gear hrs $ $ $110.21 $ $ JD 245 Excavator hrs $ $ $145.81 $ $ Water Truck hrs $ $ $59.68 $ $ Skid Steer hrs $ $ $96.62 $ $ - Mini-Excavator 2 hrs $ $ $62.24 $ 124.48 $ 124.48 450 dozer hrs $ $ $68.66 $ - $ - 650 dozer hrs $ $ $120.61 $ $ 700 dozer hrs $ $ $138.57 $ $ 850 dozer hrs $ $ $226.59 $ $ Plate Compactor hrs $ $ $14.23 $ $ 84"Roller hrs $ $ $111.20 $ $ 60"to 66"Roller hrs $ $ $93.59 $ $ Articulate Dump hrs $ $ $363.43 $ $ 844 Loader hrs $ $ $139.00 $ $ Side Dump hrs $ $ $117.45 $ $ Generator and Pump hrs $ $ $32.55 $ $ Motor Grader hrs $ 1 $ $136.01 $ $ Materials/Services/Rentals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,140.89 1 1$ 308.7611$ 1,449.65 RE HOC CO Temp I ate_CCD-024 Pedestrian Ramp Page of Issued 10/7/2024 COP Cost Breakdown Project Name: Kent East Hill Operations Center PCO# 0 Project No. 2405 Backfill and SG Prep Date: TBD Contractor: SCI Infrastructure,LLC Contractor Ref.No. CCD-024 Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Quantity Type Unit$ Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost Project Manager hrs $150.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Field Engineer hrs $125.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Foreman 1 hrs $100.05 $ 100.05 $ - $ - $ 100.05 Pipelayer hrs $70.41 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagging Supervisor hrs $69.30 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagger hrs $58.64 $ - $ - $ - $ - Operator 4 hrs $95.961$ 383.84 1$ - $ - $ 383.84 Teamster hrs $87.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - Grade Engineer 2 hrs $95.101$ 190.20 $ - $ - $ 190.20 Laborer 2 hrsJ $69.151$ 138.30 $ - $ - $ 138.30 Overtime Rate Foreman OT hrs $135.22 $ - $ - $ - $ - Pipelayer OT hrs $96.47 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagger OT hrs $78.94 $ - $ - $ - $ - Flagging Supervisor OT hrs $91.13 $ - $ - $ - $ - Operator OT hrs $129.13 $ - $ - $ - $ - Teamster OT hrs $116.48 $ - $ - $ - $ - Grade Engineer OT hrs $127.84 $ - $ - $ - $ - Laborer OT I hrs 11 $94.59 $ - 1 1$ - $ 11$ - Equipment Air Compressor/Jackhammer hrs $ - $ - $38.92 $ - $ - 160 Grader hrs $ - $ - $179.56 $ - $ - PC390LC hrs $ - $ - $164.32 $ - $ - D51 Dozer hrs $ - $ - $111.17 $ - $ - 950 Loader 2 hrs $ - $ - $74.29 $ 148.58 $ 148.58 Foreman Pick-up 1 hrs $ - $ - $35.70 $ 35.70 $ 35.70 Vibratory Roller hrs $ - $ - $101.21 $ - $ - JD Articulated Truck hrs $ - $ - $350.91 $ - $ - 330 Excavator w/gear hrs $ - $ - $110.21 $ - $ - JD 245 Excavator hrs $ - $ - $145.81 $ - $ - Water Truck hrs $ - $ - $59.68 $ - $ - Skid Steer hrs $ - $ - $96.62 $ - $ - Mini-Excavator 2 hrs $ - $ - $62.24 $ 124.48 $ 124.48 450 dozer hrs $ - $ - $68.66 $ - $ - 650 dozer hrs $ - $ - $120.61 $ - $ - 700 dozer hrs $ - $ - $138.57 $ - $ - 850 dozer hrs $ - $ - $226.59 $ - $ - Plate Compactor hrs $ - $ - $14.23 $ - $ - 84"Roller hrs $ - $ - $111.20 $ - $ - 972M Loader hrs $ - $ - $69.95 $ - $ - hrs $ - $ - $ - $ - Truck&Trailer hrs $ - $ - 1 $114.45 $ - $ - Side Dump hrs r $ 125.60 $ - $ $ 35Generator and Pump hrs $ 5 $ $ Bedding Box h - - $ - $ - $7.86 $ - $ - Material $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 812.39 $ - $ 308.76 $ 1,121.15 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #181 - RFI-156 - Dumpster Wall Elevations & Grade Clarifications Origin: RFI#156: Dumpster Wall Elevations and Grade Clarifications Date Created: 12/10/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 32-160-000.S Caliber Concrete Construction, If 210.0 $26.24 $5,510.40 $5,510.40 210.0 $26.24 $5,510.40 $5,510.40 $0.00 Curbs,Gutters, Inc. Sidewalks,and 24057-4016 Driveways.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Add 210 LF Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter(18"x12") 32-160-000.S Caliber Concrete Construction, If -159.0 $24.61 ($3,912.99) ($3,912.99) -159.0 $24.61 ($3,912.99) ($3,912.99) $0.00 Curbs,Gutters, Inc. Sidewalks,and 24057-4016 Driveways.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Delete 159 LF Cement Concrete Traffic Curb(5.5"x16") 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories, Is 1.0 $4,715.00 $4,715.00 $4,715.00 1.0 $4,715.00 $4,715.00 $4,715.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material Inc. Supply.Commitments- 24057-3001 Subcontracts Description: Reinforcing steel revisions(4,776 Lbs) Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 03:31 PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories, Is 1.0 $1,485.00 $1,485.00 $1,485.00 1.0 $1,485.00 $1,485.00 $1,485.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material Inc. Supply.Commitments- 24057-3001 Subcontracts I Description: Reinforcing steel revisions(396 Lbs) 03-205-000.S Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning, ton 2.586 $949.00 $2,454.11 $2,454.11 2.586 $949.00 $2,454.11 $2,454.11 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Inc. Install.Commitments- 24057-4008 Subcontracts Description: Install added rebar(4,776 Lbs+396 Lbs) 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax I Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,762.00 $1,762.00 $1,762.00 1.0 $1,762.00 $1,762.00 $1,762.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $13,503.52 $0.00 $13,503.52 $13,503.52 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,503.52 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 03:31 PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 181 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-156 Work Description:RFI-156-Dumpster Wall Elevations and Grade Clarifications Date: 10/9/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Caliber-Add 210 LF Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter 18"x12" 210 LF $ $ $ $ 26.24 $ 5,510.40 $ 5,510.40 Caliber-Delete 159 LF Cement Concrete Traffic Curb -159 LF $ $ $ $ 24.61 $ (3,912.99) $ (3,912.99) 5.5"x16" Precision-Reinforcing steel revisions(4,776 Lbs) 1 LS $ $ $ $ 4,715.00 $ 4,715.00 $ 4,715.00 Precision-Reinforcing steel revisions(396 Lbs) 1 LS $ $ $ $ 1,485.00 $ 1,485.00 $ 1,485.00 Grizzly-Install added rebar(4,776 Lbs+396 Lbs) 2.586 T $ $ $ $ 949.00 $ 2,454.11 $ 2,454.11 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 $ 95.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 12,000 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 11,051.52 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 11,741.52 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,762.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 13,503.52 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12.27.2024 12/10/2024 0w is Representative Date Bayley Construction Date ' PA TTERNED CONCRETE CONSTRUCT/ON INC. OF SEA TTLE Date Due : September 30,2024 CONFIDENTIAL Prospective Project Contractor INFORMATION FOR INTENDED RECIPIENT ONLY-DO NOT DISCLOSE Att. Estimator or Bid Coordinator @ Bayley Proposal# 1 Re. Kent East Hill Operations Center-RFI 156 Authored by Weston Loc. Kent,WA Approved by Matt ITEM# BID ITEM&DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Added Scope L,510 Cement Concrete Traffic Curb and Gutter(18"x12") 210 LF $26.24 L .40 Credit Cement Concrete Traffic Curb(5.5"x16") -159 LF $24.61 -$3,912.99 Project Total: $1,597.41 SECTION 1.0-NOTES The pricing contained herein is dependant on all work items listed being performed by Caliber Concrete Construction Inc. Any addition/deletion of work items or quantities could result in amended pricing.All above quantities are approximated based on information given at time of bid. All final payments will be based on field measurements. Due to current backlog Caliber Concrete Construction Inc.cannot guarantee meeting the exact schedule. The insurance coverage included in this proposal is the Master Pak Endorsement"CG 84 12 03". Any additional endorsements will be provided at$1,000.00 per project. SECTION 1.1 -EXCLUDED Pumping,night work,sub grade,layout,embeds, joint seal&sealant,saw cutting,concrete washout(eco pan),sand blasting,traffic control,flagging,barricades,scaffolding,fall protection, extruded curbing,pipe bollards,job water,bonds costs,permits,material testing, pretreat,design fees,inspection fees,engineering,exterior site,retaining,or masonry walls or footings, precast concrete,hardeners and sealers,water proofing, shade sand,demolition and removal of any existing(including asphalt),utility adjustments,assessed penalty clauses. SECTION 1.2-EXPIRATION Caliber Concrete Construction Inc.reserves the right to withdraw this proposal if not accepted in writing via signed letter of internet or proposal within 30 days of bid due date. Acceptance of the prices contained herein constitutes agreement of all the terms and conditions in the above sections. Caliber Concrete Authorized Signature Acceptance of Proposal The above prices,specifications,and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Caliber Concrete is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Acceptance: P.O.Box 1881 •Milton,WA.98354•Office(253)927-0707•Fax(253)927-0706•CALIBCC115CA recision Rebm, 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 X. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD13 Change Order Date: 11/6/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $15,905.95 Total Before this Change Order: $159,319.95 Amount of this Change Order: $4,715.00 Revised Contract Amount: $164,034.95 Change description: RFI 156.1 REVISED DRAWINGS PER RFI 156.1, ADDED REINFORCING @ DUMPSTER WALL: DUMPSTER RETAINING WALL ELEVATIONS REVISED AND ABOVE 9-00 HEIGHT WALL SCHEDULE ADDED DETAILS DETAILING/PM TIME Change pricing: 4,776 Lbs. F$!4,715.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. recision Rebm, 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 X. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: C09 Change Order Date: 9/11/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $14,430.00 Total Before this Change Order: $157,844.00 Amount of this Change Order: $1,485.00 Revised Contract Amount: $159,329.00 Change description: C2.03 UPDATES PER MARKED UP C2.03 AND PROVIDED SKETCH SENT ON 09/05/2024 SITE RETAINING WALL & FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE REVISED. DETAILING TIME DELIVERY Change pricing: 396 Lbs. $1,485.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #156: Dumpster Wall Elevations and Grade Clarifications Status Closed on 09/25/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 10,2024 Due Date Sep 24,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number C2.05 Reference Linked Drawings C2.05 Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 10,2024 03:12 PM PST RFI#156-Dumpster Wall Elevations and Grade Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 at 09:32 AM PDT When attempting to review the structural steel shop drawings for the retaining walls at the Southeast corner of the property near the dumpsters,the contractors noticed that there are a number of discrepancies on sheet C2.05. Please see the attached marked up sheet and provide direction for the noted questions/comments. Additionally,there seems to be a low point on grade in a valley on the East side of the dumpster locations with no way of diverting or removing water.Please advise how the location shall be addressed to remove any ponding water. There are also minor discrepancies between the elevations shown in sheet C2.05 and OA1.7 Attachments RFI 156 Backup[1].pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Sep 23, 2024 at 01:29 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 at 04:20 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#156-dumpster_wall_elevations_and_grade_clarifications-202409101640 CPL.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 10,2024 03:12 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #156: Dumpster Wall Elevations and Grade Clarifications Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 10,2024 Due Date Sep 24,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact TBD Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number C2.05 Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction,LP), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Sep 10,2024 09:40 AM PDT RFI#156-Dumpster Wall Elevations and Grade Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 at 09:32 AM PDT When attempting to review the structural steel shop drawings for the retaining walls at the Southeast corner of the property near the dumpsters,the contractors noticed that there are a number of discrepancies on sheet C2.05. Please see the attached marked up sheet and provide direction for the noted questions/comments. Additionally,there seems to be a low point on grade in a valley on the East side of the dumpster locations with no way of diverting or removing water.Please advise how the location shall be addressed to remove any ponding water. There are also minor discrepancies between the elevations shown in sheet C2.05 and OA1.7 Attachments RFI 156 Backup[l].pdf Awaiting an Official Response On civil sheet C2.05, TW and BW callouts refer to finished grade. TW is the finished grade elevation for the top of the retained soil and does not take into account any wall reveal. Structural to update retaining wall schedule to take into account tallest retained soil height as shown on civil grading plan. Structural to address question regarding footing depth below BW grade and impact on wall height. the curb centered on each into swale I. Ing nIan. Naomi Medley, CPL 9/11/2024 Per detail 1/S3.2, H is the dimension from top of footing to top of grade (not top of wall). Worst case occurs at finished grade at top of wall = 529.62', finished grade at bottom of wall = 522.04' and top of footing 6" below= 521.54'. H = 529.62' - 521.54' = 8.08'. Design for H = 8'-0" is acceptable for this condition. EAF/Frank Co. 09-13-2024 Per City of Kent, on page C2.05, see comments in pink boxes related to installation of integrated curb & gutter & revised elevations. Omit scupper cuts in curb as indicated. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Sep 10,2024 09:40 AM PDT O O O O O WAGNER ARCHITECTS 0 10' 20' 40' P L A N N E R S iii 1916 PIKE PLACE SCALE 1 11=20' S E AT T L E WA 98101 2 0 6 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com Legend N 79°33'06"E - 46.81' PROPERTY LINE F SAS ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT GRAVEL Q 39871 GrsTV, ti CONCRETE RETAINING WALL Consult SSjONAL qqJI jA CONCRETE CURB OSI v HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT C O U G H L I N I HYDROSEED PER PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 0157 00, PORT E R I "EROSION CONTROL" L U N D E E N I 0 I , ATB PAVEMENT L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 801 SECOND AVENUE,SUITE 900 0 SEATTLE,WA 98104 II Z (206)343-0460 www.cplinc.com Z NOTE: SEE SHEET 01.00 FOR O I - I I With a requirement for the top of footing to PAVING. LIMITS OF ATB o be 6" lower than bottom of wall, there are points where top of wall is over 8' higher than top of footing. Please confirm how NOTE: SEE ARCHT'L I this wall shall be addressed structurally PLANS FOR WHEEL STOP I LOCATIONS II II Tallest Point of Retaining wall will be I 9'-6". Per detail 1/S3.2, the tallest wall RELOCATE I included in the retaining wall schedule is EXISTING GATE. I 523.30 I 8'-0". Please provide a schedule for a NOTE: UNLESS NOTED ON PLAN, CURBS SHALL40 COORDINATE WITH TW 523.64 9'-6" wall. BE VERTICAL CURB PER DETAIL COK WATER 522.60 FG 522.97 $ DEPARTMENT FOR ADJUST RIM TO BW 523.00 � � {� LOCATION I ELEV=522.91 ' `J CO INUED SEE SHEET EXISTING - C2.031 TW 523.84 RI EXISTING w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� �/ w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� w� NMI FG 523.17 7 1 �I KEHOC BW 523.17 24 SEE ARCT'L PLANS F WALL \ 1 iTW�H523007 YA PROFILES AND STRUC RAL ADJUST RIM TOE Warehouse & Office Finish Grade w523.00 PLANS FOR WALL DESIG ELEV-522.09 _ - � T/Footing 521.32 For I 52282 523� (TYP.) TW 530.84 EXISTING o Entire Wall I Building I 522.63 LID=522.72 W 530.84 _ _ _ _ _ o.sio rw5z3.00 FG 530.34 521.95 - - E - - - - - - - - - � Revise grading BW 523.001 TW 526. 4 1.41�ADJUST RIM TO g g Same TW&BW as FIG 525. 7 BW 522.44 Fini ade FG 530. ELEV-521.13 I 521.92 contours (fill) in this I South wall = I i 15240 i BW 523 inish Gra e T 530.17 BW 5 6 \ ASPHALT/CONCRETE red highlighted area. 12607 SE 248TH ST Begin combined curbLul 529.50 TW 526.04 I r '� >_ �� I TW 526. B 522.44 TRANSITION(TYP) ( I KENT WA and gutter per Detail FG 525.37 j 5 3.00 �5r' TW 30. \\ SEE DETAIL ' 5 on Sheet C2.11 52 W 53 .8 �Ar52 0 1.90 o v I . � 522.42 530.84 Bw511. 53�1� \ , `"211 / I 98030 I 1 6 G Q' 17 / I 0.1 T/Footing 522.50 I 523.36 I FG 530.17 ��� �ti FG 522.04 2.0 For Entire South Wall I W 529.50 I \\ 8 / I I CONSOLIDATED 8.94 I ' 5 0. \ TW 522.49 I SET D TW 530.1 m Finis ra e Finish I Red line is to show i 7 W 4 \ T-W 521.82 D m I h�� TW 530.84 I �� add 529.50 Finish Grade ��� BW 521.82 O O r p O I i�/d530.17 Finish Grade \ extents of vertical curb I o BW 523.36 }I w HEAVY DUTY >- w - - 1 - J - - per Detail 8 on Sheet nj w I o CONCRETE 1� 01 ^ 1 I 522.11 C2.11 V JOB N0. 20223 Of Q N CV N co � �' M N ` 529.1 TC 529.50 I PAVEMENT i u0 � L & iN I ■ Date Revisions Q TC 522.61 TW 529.05 I o BC 529.00 SEE DETAIL.,- 529.95 0 1 W MARCH 19.2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED TC 53015 528.38 . TC 530.00 1 �� BC 529.45 1} 1 I W BW 523.14 - BC 529.65 BC 529.50 I F _ TC 529.50 TC 521.84 I FG 522.11 = Finish Grade 528.3 �,„ _ - - - - �� BC 529.00 I BC 521.34 ----_ W 521.03WATER TOWER 000 f W Cn TC53 - � UT W RUNN FLow _ \\ \ �' - I 7 6.05.2024- REVISION 6 TW and BW shall i I ( I I - \\ \ match \1� j i ! - - - �ER��ME E` TI \ -53 WAL C 530.34 1r, ; �s s �r �� TC 522.52 Yellow highlight is w y\TC 530.67 `� FG 529.84 ���' �� FG 522.02 I - -- \ �, to show extents of Z vertical curb. Do not pave this green � �� -- - 5,? I highlight area. Soil -- - Z N I _ x \ -----� z and grass seed. - - ---=----- --- x 0 Sheet Contents N I ��------- �� Begin combined curb O Water will pool at - _�-�' and gutter per Detail 5 GRADING, Blue highlight is to on Sheet C2.11 PAVING, AND bottom of this valley. Need a CB or to show extents of divert water combined curb and HORIZONTAL I gutter. I I CONTROL PLAN - - - - - - - - All material appearing herein consUbdes the unpubrehed and S010 original work of the architect and may not be duMkated. 01� 02.1 TW used or disclosed rdhad the written emsent of the architect z I Sheet No. C2005 N I N i I a Call Before You Dig. 8-1-1 or 1-800-424-5555 Underground Service (USA)° Elevations do not WAGNER match civil drawings, typ. ARC H I T E C T S PLANNERS 25'-4" gyp. gyp.,T.O. WALL 1916 PIKE PLACE 523.67 ��.p"" SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 A GWALL wag nerarchitects . com 0 0 6" CONCRETE PAD W/#4 REBAR @18" O.C. E.W. 3'-3" 2'-2" 2'-4" 0004003 REGISTERED 6 ARCHITECT o D D ° ,O OA1.8 ww a _ "� °D D /°\ ° D D D \ p�, E T E WA N E R O O O a / a ° STATE OF WASHINGT N (� U) D / ° 4 ` / a ° \ Consultants: /ti O \ J ° \ c 7 ° a D 3'-3" 1'-6' Eb Q ° / 529.71' a ° D \ 20 YD CONTAINER � °\ / GRADE \ �� ' °g 7'W X 22-L X 4'H , TYP. o N p a ( ) HEAT PUMPS - w 1 °� 5 ��" D� `�' V, , 40 YD CONTAINER SEE MECH. o x ,0 FAI �3 (7 W X 22 L X 8 H), TYP. C? C(\ 522.49' p \ < `ti \ S° T N T.O. WALL w \ 0 0 a 35'-0" 17'-0" L 0 530.29' 0 N T.O. WALL `_ 529.50' - 11 `V RIDGE o ��° EL 529.62' � N o � `" SLOPE 15.4% _ ED rn cv O {J 3'-3" 1'-6' r RETAINING WALL, fV SEE STRUCT. EL 521.84' BOLLARDS, 529.05' TYP. - SEE q 529.02' 6" CURB - SEE CIVIL NOTE: SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING DETP IL 1.3/0A1.6 "' T.O. WALL 8" 18'-5" GRADE 108'-9 1/2" 52'-0" 3'Ilk -1" • Ilk iET / W ASN I N G TC}N cc EDGE OF CONC. `'' APRON o KEHOC D U M PSTE R RAMP PLAN Warehouse & Office 12 SCALE:3/32"=1'-0" 4 X 6' GARBAGE Building AND RECYCLING o DUMPSTERS, TYP. o 0 24'-0" HEAT PUMPS (3, N.I.C.) `o LL' - SEE MECH. 12607 SE 248TH ST ECL-1 BOLLARDS, KENT, WA 2'-11" FOOTING x x x x x x x x x TYP. - SEE o 98030 o DIAMETER DETP IL 13/OA1.6 _ a � � a " - - - CV = v FLAG POLE PER x `�' CONSOLIDATED MANUFACTURER zi o ALUMINUM x zn a `�' ° `o SET , CD FLASH COLLAR CN , D ~CONCRETE — SLOPE SLOPE — - - a a JOB NO. 20223 FOOTING - 3000 PSI a a x , Zi - / Date Revisions 4 4 , a a a a a CN, �, ° o ° MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED HARDWOOD WEDGES AS x `V 4 X 6' VA VA VA a, GARBAGE AND 06.05.2 24-REV SIO 6 NECESSARY VA//A//A// a a /A//A/ // -' RECYCLING L'iAA AAA AAA � � � � � � DRY SAND TIGHTLY TAMPED // // // o o DUMPSTERS o AFTER CENTERING POLE VAAVAA\/AA\ a / zo A\AV A\ x a O° (3, N.I.C.) Cn a \\\\\\ \\\\ \� a D /////////// a a / \/ a a GALVANIZED STEEL \ \ \ \LLJa //j/// \\ x a a �° 4'-0" 3'-9" CLR. FOUNDATION SLEEVE VAAVAA]/AAVA a VAAVA`% A\ 3'-10" 2'-1" 3'-10" 2'-1" 4'=1" ° ' 1" 4'-0" 1'-0' 141 PER MANUFACTURER /VA/VA\\/\ i a x yA VAS01 a \/ x a Q N a Sheet Contents Cn VAAVAA\/AAVAA a \VAAVAAV A\ F3 a -a STEEL CENTERING WEDGES / / / / � \ \\ \\ \ � , SITE DETAILS AS NECESSARY y/VA//VA//VA//VA \//\//\ \// x a' a a ° o _ a s a a 43 \/\/\/ /x a L11 -1 N 1/4" STEEL BASE PLATE a / // // // a a 40-0TO CURB CD PER MANUFACTURER \ \ \ \� x o w 1/4" STEEL SUPPORT PLATE /\/\/\/\/\/V/\V/\ \V\o V// x x x x x x x x w PER MANUFACTURER /\\\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ \\\/\\\\/\\/\\/� \/� EDGE OF // // // // // // / / // // // // // // // CONCRETE All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and GROUNDING SPIKE PER \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ M ari final work of the architect and ma not be du licated, used,or disclosed without the writtenYconsent of Phe architect. MANUFACTURER /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ / [r�ALd FENCE - SEE ry 1/OA1.8 U (D Sheet No. LO 71 FLAG POLE FOOTING DETAIL 4 ENLARGED HEAT PUMP AND DUMPSTERS PLAN ENLARGED HEAT PUMP AND DUMPSTERS PLAN w r,LJ SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" OA1 z�o� 07 0w w w o cc �a� l �oa_x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 O O O O O WAGNER ARCHITECTS 0 10' 20' 40' P L A N N E R S iii 1916 PIKE PLACE SCALE 1 11=20t S E AT T L E WA 98101 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 wag nerarchitects. com Legend N 79°33'06"E - 46.81' PROPERTY LINE F SAS ASPHALT PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT GRAVEL Q 39871 Consult CONCRETE RETAINING WALL SSjONAL T�� 5 jA CONCRETE CURB OSI vI HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT C O U G H L I N I HYDROSEED PER PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 0157 00, PORT E R I I "EROSION CONTROL" L U N D E E N I 0 1 , ATB PAVEMENT L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � 801 SECOND AVENUE,SUITE 900 O SEATTLE,WA 98104 II Z (206)343-0460 www.cplinc.com Z NOTE: SEE SHEET 01.00 FOR O - I I With a requirement for the top of footing to PAVING. LIMITS OF ATB o -J be 6" lower than bottom of wall, there are points where top of wall is over 8' higher than top of footing. Please confirm how NOTE: SEE ARCHT'L I this wall shall be addressed structurally PLANS FOR WHEEL STOP LOCATIONS I� I� Tallest Point of Retaining wall will be 9'-6". Per detail 1/S3.2, the tallest wall RELOCATE I included in the retaining wall schedule is EXISTING GATE. I 8'-0". Please provide a schedule for a NOTE: UNLESS NOTED ON PLAN, CURBS SHALL40 COORDINATE WITH 9'-6" wall. BE VERTICAL CURB PER DETAIL COK WATER 522.60 �8 E T DEPARTMENT FOR ADJUST RIM TO W?.�ri III {i T{7 ^ LOCATION ELEV=522.91 `J EXISTING CONTINUED - SEE SHEET C2.03 RIM=521.73 �� w� iw� w� �/� i'� NMI KEHOC 24' SEE ARCT'L PLANS F WALL \ I , 7 TW 523.67 PROFILES AND STRUC RAL ADJUST RIM TO - �� TW 523.00 Warehouse & Office Finish Grade w523.00 PLANS FOR WALL DESIG ELEV=522.09 T/Footing 521.32 For I 52 (TYP.) EXISTING Entire Wall I Building 522.82 LID=522.72 / - - - - - __ Eo.B% I TW 523.00 522.63 521.95 �� - - - - - Same TW&BW as BW 523.00 521.41 ADJUST RIM TO Finl ade ELEV=521.13 i 521.92 12607 SE 248TH ST South wall I i o 1524. I Fire Gra a TW 530.17 ASPHALT/CONCRETE I `�� >_ �� I TW 526.2 529.50 p D. TRANSITION TYP I KENT WA Lu 2 BW 522.44 ( ) I ¢ 52 . 7 S'' T 30. \ \ SEE DETAIL >I 525 i B 3.00 - 52 0 521.90 "��' I ' 522.42 BW 521. C`� 98030 521.62 \ T/Footing 522.50 I I ,� 1 I �ti �\ I For Entire South Wall 1 1 II I CONSOLIDATED I T I 8.94 1 \ / 5 0 \\ TW 522.49 SET > \ i \ TW530.17 I W52� 5inis ra �A/521.82 Finish de > m I I h�� TW 530.84 1 �� 529.50 Finish Grade ��� \ BW 521.82 O p O 530.17 Finish Grade O ' I / BW 523.36 }1 w HEAVY DUTY > w - I w (I w 0I 522.11 JOB NO. 20223 9 I CONCRETE 1 Q M1 M � ,� co Lo co I I 11 V PAVEMENT > LO LO LO � {� N N N I I Date Revisions 529.1 TC 529.50 1 u� Q TW 529.05 I BC 529.00 SEE DETAIL. TC 529.95 1 ° I 4 I W MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED �528.38 TC 530.15 TC 530.00 I �� BC 529.45 15 I W Finish Grade 528.3 BW 523.14 l BC 529.65 _ BC 529.50 1 F _ TC 529.50 TC 521.84 BC 529.00 BC 521.34 I u) __ - - - - � I 1 i � G WATER TOWER _ _- = - - - _ -__� 9\521.03W ��-- _� ��� � ,% % I W 6.05.2024 REVISION 6 TW and BW shall match 5 I Q 7 \ \ \� L L1 - - - ems, � s�� s� \�S\ - - - - \ \ `� \ - - - - - - - - - I Z_ 10, 0) N - y Z - � % 10, -- / g �1 - ----- x Sheet Contents 1 U N�� --i' ° - - - - - - - - =z� - Water will pool at � 5 -- - _,� - - - - - - - - - - - GRADING, - - - - - - - - - - - - N - - - - - - - bottomofthisvalley. -_- ------_____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAVING,- - _ - ___- I PAVING, AND a CB or to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Need - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - � I HORIZONTAL divert water - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONTROL PLAN - - - - - - 9 8.7 5 El All material appearing herein constlhAes the unpubrshed and original work of the architect and may not be duokated. S01' 01' 02.1 7"W used or disclosed withal the written a sent of the architect z N I Sheet No. C2005 N I _0 0 0 N i I m Call Before You Dig. 8-1-1 or 1-800-424-5555 Underground Service (USA)° Elevations do not WAGNER match civil drawings, typ. ARC H I T E C T S PLANNERS 25'-4" gyp. gyp.,T.O. WALL 1916 PIKE PLACE 523.67 ��.p"" SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 A GWALL wag nerarchitects . com 0 0 6" CONCRETE PAD W/#4 REBAR @18" O.C. E.W. 3'-3" 2'-2" 2'-4" 0004003 REGISTERED 6 ARCHITECT o D D ° ,O OA1.8 ww a _ "� °D D /°\ ° D D D \ p�, E T E WA N E R O O O a / a ° STATE OF WASHINGT N (� U) D / ° 4 ` / a ° \ Consultants: /ti O \ J ° \ c 7 ° a D 3'-3" 1'-6' Eb Q ° / 529.71' a ° D \ 20 YD CONTAINER � °\ / GRADE \ �� ' °g 7'W X 22-L X 4'H , TYP. o N p a ( ) HEAT PUMPS - w 1 °� 5 ��" D� `�' V, , 40 YD CONTAINER SEE MECH. o x ,0 FAI �3 (7 W X 22 L X 8 H), TYP. C? C(\ 522.49' p \ < `ti \ S° T N T.O. WALL w \ 0 0 a 35'-0" 17'-0" L 0 530.29' 0 N T.O. WALL `_ 529.50' - 11 `V RIDGE o ��° EL 529.62' � N o � `" SLOPE 15.4% _ ED rn cv O {J 3'-3" 1'-6' r RETAINING WALL, fV SEE STRUCT. EL 521.84' BOLLARDS, 529.05' TYP. - SEE q 529.02' 6" CURB - SEE CIVIL NOTE: SEE CIVIL FOR GRADING DETP IL 1.3/0A1.6 "' T.O. WALL 8" 18'-5" GRADE 108'-9 1/2" 52'-0" 3'Ilk -1" • Ilk iET / W ASN I N G TC}N cc EDGE OF CONC. `'' APRON o KEHOC D U M PSTE R RAMP PLAN Warehouse & Office 12 SCALE:3/32"=1'-0" 4 X 6' GARBAGE Building AND RECYCLING o DUMPSTERS, TYP. o 0 24'-0" HEAT PUMPS (3, N.I.C.) `o LL' - SEE MECH. 12607 SE 248TH ST ECL-1 BOLLARDS, KENT, WA 2'-11" FOOTING x x x x x x x x x TYP. - SEE o 98030 o DIAMETER DETP IL 13/OA1.6 _ a � � a " - - - CV = v FLAG POLE PER x `�' CONSOLIDATED MANUFACTURER zi o ALUMINUM x zn a `�' ° `o SET , CD FLASH COLLAR CN , D ~CONCRETE — SLOPE SLOPE — - - a a JOB NO. 20223 FOOTING - 3000 PSI a a x , Zi - / Date Revisions 4 4 , a a a a a CN, �, ° o ° MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED HARDWOOD WEDGES AS x `V 4 X 6' VA VA VA a, GARBAGE AND 06.05.2 24-REV SIO 6 NECESSARY VA//A//A// a a /A//A/ // -' RECYCLING L'iAA AAA AAA � � � � � � DRY SAND TIGHTLY TAMPED // // // o o DUMPSTERS o AFTER CENTERING POLE VAAVAA\/AA\ a / zo A\AV A\ x a O° (3, N.I.C.) Cn a \\\\\\ \\\\ \� a D /////////// a a / \/ a a GALVANIZED STEEL \ \ \ \LLJa //j/// \\ x a a �° 4'-0" 3'-9" CLR. FOUNDATION SLEEVE VAAVAA]/AAVA a VAAVA`% A\ 3'-10" 2'-1" 3'-10" 2'-1" 4'=1" ° ' 1" 4'-0" 1'-0' 141 PER MANUFACTURER /VA/VA\\/\ i a x yA VAS01 a \/ x a Q N a Sheet Contents Cn VAAVAA\/AAVAA a \VAAVAAV A\ F3 a -a STEEL CENTERING WEDGES / / / / � \ \\ \\ \ � , SITE DETAILS AS NECESSARY y/VA//VA//VA//VA \//\//\ \// x a' a a ° o _ a s a a 43 \/\/\/ /x a L11 -1 N 1/4" STEEL BASE PLATE a / // // // a a 40-0TO CURB CD PER MANUFACTURER \ \ \ \� x o w 1/4" STEEL SUPPORT PLATE /\/\/\/\/\/V/\V/\ \V\o V// x x x x x x x x w PER MANUFACTURER /\\\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ \\\/\\\\/\\/\\/� \/� EDGE OF // // // // // // / / // // // // // // // CONCRETE All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and GROUNDING SPIKE PER \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ M ari final work of the architect and ma not be du licated, used,or disclosed without the writtenYconsent of Phe architect. MANUFACTURER /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ / [r�ALd FENCE - SEE ry 1/OA1.8 U (D Sheet No. LO 71 FLAG POLE FOOTING DETAIL 4 ENLARGED HEAT PUMP AND DUMPSTERS PLAN ENLARGED HEAT PUMP AND DUMPSTERS PLAN w r,LJ SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" OA1 z�o� 07 0w w w o cc �a� l �oa_x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #183 - RFI-159 - Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Origin: RFI#183:1 Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Date Created: 12/10/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc. Is 1.0 $560.00 $560.00 $560.00 1.0 $560.00 $560.00 $560.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material 24057-3001 Supply.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Added Reinforcing due to Wall Thickness Increase(393 Lbs) 03-205-000.S Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning,Inc. ton 0.1965 $949.00 $186.48 $186.48 0.1965 $949.00 $186.48 $186.48 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel 24057-4008 Install.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Install Additional Rebar(393 Lbs) 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 03:54PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTy Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $336.00 $336.00 $336.00 1.0 $336.00 $336.00 $336.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $2,572.48 $0.00 $2,572.48 $2,572.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,572.48 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/10/2024 at 03:54PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 183 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-159 Work Description:RFI-159-Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Date: 10/9/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Precision-Added Reinforcing due to Wall Thickness Increase 393 Lbs 1 LS $ $ $ $ 560.00 $ 560.00 $ 560.00 Grizzly-Install additional rebar(393 Ibs) 0.1965 Ton $ $ $ $ 949.00 $ 186.48 $ 186.48 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 F$ 50.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 3,000.00 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 1,546.48 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 2,236.48 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 336.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 2,572.48 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by F-1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: � 1 12.27.2024 12/10/2024 O er's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date recision Rebm, 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 X. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD11 Change Order Date: 10/1/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $14,595.95 Total Before this Change Order: $158,009.95 Amount of this Change Order: $560.00 Revised Contract Amount: $158,569.95 Change description: RFI #159. PER RFI #159 DATED 09/16/2024 RETAINING WALL THICKNESS HAS BEEN INCREASED TO 12" AND SINGLE FACE WALL REINFORCING CHANGES TO EACH FACE WALL REINFORCING REVISED TO ONLY INCLUDE EACH FACE REINF. @ EAST DOCK WALL DETAILING Change pricing: 393 Lbs. 7$560-001 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #159: Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Status Closed on 09/18/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 16,2024 Due Date Sep 30,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S3.2 Reference Linked Drawings S3.2 Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 10,2024 03:47 PM PST RFI#159-Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Sep 16, 2024 at 01:16 PM PDT The ramp wall appears to be 12"thick and only has one mat of rebar for reinforcement. Per OAC meeting dated 9/12/24,the Owner's representative noted that they would like to have a double mat of reinforcement bar,considering large trucks will be using this wall as a wheel stop when loading material.Please provide direction as to how the contractor shall proceed.See attached detail 1/S3.2. Attachments RFI#159 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 at 01:56 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 at 09:54 AM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#159-rebar reinforcement_at_ramp_wall-202409162026.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 10,2024 03:47 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #159: Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 16,2024 Due Date Sep 30,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S3.2 Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction,LP), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Sep 16,2024 01:25 PM PDT RFI#159-Rebar Reinforcement at Ramp Wall Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Sep 16, 2024 at 01:16 PM PDT The ramp wall appears to be 12"thick and only has one mat of rebar for reinforcement. Per OAC meeting dated 9/12/24,the Owner's representative noted that they would like to have a double mat of reinforcement bar,considering large trucks will be using this wall as a wheel stop when loading material.Please provide direction as to how the contractor shall proceed.See attached detail 1/S3.2. Attachments RFI#159 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response The reinforcing as indicated for 8"think retaining walls is acceptable structurally. At owner's request, the wall thickness can be increased to 12" and a second mat of wall reinforcing added on the opposite face of the wall with the same required cover. The required height at the ramp is a maximum of H = 6-0". Provide#4 @ 16"oc Horizontal each face  @ 12"oc vertical each face. Dowels are not required for the added inside face vertical reinforcing. EAF/Frank Co. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Sep 16,2024 01:25 PM PDT �r— ' ' CHAIN LINK FENCING tt PER ARCH. (where occurs) W A G N E R PAVEMENT BY OTHERS ARCHITECT S CHAMFER PER ARCH. PLANNERS " HSS 6x4x1 4 1 9 1 PIKE P L A E (Provide chamfer at , , L 3x3x3/�s (x 1 -0 ) i i � / exposed vertical edges) ' ' TYP. 2 PLACES 6 C w X w/ (4) 1/4 0 TITEN TURBO i S E A T T L E W A 9 8101 Retaining Wall Schedule o 0 @ 3"oc & 13/4" EMBED. i , E 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 \ \\ \\ H (ft. Stem Reinforcing Footing Reinforcing Q wagnerarchitects , com \/ .) B 1 is B2 tf .� i\\\i\\\i\\\i� ¢ Vert. i Horiz. Top Longit. PROVIDE FREE—DRAINING , , \�/i\�! a Foundation Plan Notes Consultants MATERIAL AS REQUIRED ' ' /\/ " " " '\//\� 3—0 6 8 1 -2 12 #4 � 12 oc #4 ® 12 oc #5 @ 12 oc I (3)#4 2nd BY SOILS ENGINEER. ; ; ��/\� floor _ __ 1. FOR GENERAL STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL NOTES REFER TO S1.1 AND S1.2. 4—0 6 8 1 -10 12 #4 @ 12 oc #4 ® 12 oc #5 @ 12 oc (4)#4 FOOTING DRAIN PAVEMENT d 2. DIMENSIONS: VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL ys • - /\\j = , BY OTHERS PER CIVIL \/\\� " r " » » " rr DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. O 5—0 6 I 8 12—4 I 12 #4 12 oc #4 12 oc #5 ® 12 oc (5)#4 3. THIS BUILDING IS A BIDDER—DESIGNED PRE—ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING. \� 40db (24"min.) 6�_0" 6" 8" 3'-1" 12" 4 (� 9"oc 4 ® 12"oc 5 (� 12"oc 4 5 2 REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES FOR BIDDER RESPONSIBILITIES. — 4. TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION IS ASSUMED AS NOTED ON PLAN. FOR ACTUAL TOP OF #4/#5 bars 1�/2"clr. 7'_0' 6" 8" 3'-7" 12" #5 @ 10"oc #4 0 12"oc #5 @ 12"oc (4)#5 #6 bars: 2 clr. I I I I SLAB ELEVATION REFER TO CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. FOR REQUIRED 03-22-2024 (typ. u.n.o.) 8'_0" 6" 8" 4'-1" 12" 5 9"oc 4 ® 12"oc 5 10"oc 5 5 3/161/2 SLAB THICKNESSES, REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. AT 6 SLAB ON GRADE, E \�� / # # # ( )# 3 PL. /2"x 6 x 10 W/ REINFORCE SLAB WITH #4 @ 18 OC E.W. AT SLAB CENTER IN ADDITION TO ANY /\\�/\ /16 (4) 3/4 TITEN TURBO OTHER REINFORCING SHOWN. AT 4" SLAB ON GRADE, REINFORCE SLAB WITH & 13/4" EMBED. #3 @ 15"OC E.W. AT SLAB CENTER IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER REINFORCING SHOWN. PROVIDE 10MIL. VAPOR BARRIER BELOW SLAB AT INTERIOR SPACES. ° ° — PROVIDE FREE—DRAINING GRANULAR FILL PER SOILS REPORT. ° ° FRANK-CO n 5. PROVIDE CONTROL OR CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN SLABS ON GRADE TO DIVIDE — g SLAB INTO RECTANGULAR AREAS OF 400 SQUARE FEET OR LESS. AREAS SHALL BE structural engineering B1 is 62 APPROXIMATELY SQUARE AND HAVE NO ACUTE ANGLES. JOINT LOCATIONS MUST 4" 1" edge 4742 42nd ave sw, #297 BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. REFER TO DETAIL 3/S3.1 seattle, wa 98116 typ, 206.579.8160 1 Site Retaining Walls 6. TOP OF ALL FOOTINGS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE 12" BELOW TOP OF SLAB ON GRADE, U.N.O. THE CORRESPONDING FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE FOR CONTRACTOR CONVENIENCE AND BIDDING ONLY. FINAL ELEVATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ON—SITE VERIFICATION BY SOILS ENGINEER. REFER TO DETAIL 5/S3.1 FOR FOOTING STEP WHERE REQUIRED. 7. FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND FILL REQUIREMENTS AT SLABS AND FOOTINGS Begin slope per Arch. > REFER TO SOILS REPORT AS NOTED IN THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES. 8. FOR ALL DUCTS, CHASES, AND PIPES REFER TO MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TRENCH DRAIN #3 CONT. EACH SLAB ON GRADE DRAWINGS. FOOTINGS MAY BE LOWERED TO AVOID CONFLICTS. REFER TO 6/S3.1. BY OTHERS SIDE OF DRAIN PER PLAN 9. PROVIDE CORNER BARS PER 1/S3.1 i I I� FACE OF HSS FLUSH Footing Schedule ,�� W/ FACE OF STUDS Y E T HSS 6x6x5/16 I - - FACE OF PLATE TO � Mark Size Reinforcing 5'`'A � ' " G T" " BE FLUSH WITH FACE %\j\j\\j\%\j\j\ O ' " ' " P• ( ) # P OF SHAFT. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A 5 -6 x5 -6 x1 -3d 8 SE.W. To & Bot. KEHOC //\//\//\//\//\//\// PL. 5/8 (min.) x 10 x 30 \//\//�' \//\//�`/�`//`//`//`//`//`//`//`//`//` Warehouse & Office [Adjust thickness for /�\�/�\� _ . �// /�\�/�\�/��� OB 6'-0" x 6'-0" x 1'-10"dp. (8) #5 E.W. Top & Bot. Building flush face] / /\//\//\//�// /%/%/\ O 4'-6» x 4'-6» x 1'-3»dP (4) #5 E.W. Bot. '/4 � 12607 SE 248TH ST 1/4 Op 12'-0" x 12'-0" x 4'-0"dp. (10) #7 E.W. Top & Bot. KENT, WA L FOR CALLOUTS IN #3 @ 18"oc 98030 COMMON REFER 11/S3.1 n.t.s. CONSOLIDATED 5 Trench Drain $ foundation flan Notes footing Schedule SET JOB NO. 20223 6" PRE—CAST CONC. Date Revisions PANEL W/ #4 ® 16"oc METAL GIRT BY MARCH19,2024.-NOTICE.TO:PROCEED 11, 11/2„ E.W. CTRD. " OTHERS t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . blockout 24 t.o. conc. "' ( � ) -------------- — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ®416"oc 9r.40 per Arch. — ----1 t 209 PLF (ULT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1" REVEAL PER ARCH. i . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIMPSON TITEN TURBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONC. SCREW 1/4 x 13/4" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \/\/\/\/\/ i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELEVATOR PIT �\'�\'�\'�\'�\'� OUTLINE OF COLUMN FOOTING i EMBED @ 18"oc. E VERIFY SIZE AND �Q\5\�/\\i SLAB ON GRADE BEYOND. TOP OF FOOTINGS i o \/\x/ '5 ' PER PLAN TO ALIGN AS REQUIRED FOR » i SLAB ON GRADE sheet contents �/\/\ DEPTH W/ ARCH. //\55\// i 3 PER PLAN t �\/\\\/ DRAWINGS \/\\/\\/� " PLACEMENT OF PRECAST ( yP ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #4 (� 12 oc HORIZ. CTRD. t 209 PLF ULT t.o. slab PANELS . \% \/\/\/� J on rode el. ( ) \ \,� --- \, #4 x (� 10 oc VERT. CTRD. grade Foundatlon. . embed 7" into it slab Per Arch. a . . . . . ( P ) d ° . . . . . . . Details . . . . . . . . . . //\\//� \ • • •IkN N IN i\\/ " 3/4 LEVELING / / (3) #5 CONT. TOP GROUT I /%/% %/%/%� I INSULATION PER All material rchitect`and`Im°ay note be duplicated, I ��\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I used, or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. NOTE: PROVIDE MISC. METALS " & BOTTOM (stagger I / // // // //\//\//� \//\//\//�- ARCH. FOR CALLOUTS /\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/IN I 8" as required to AS REQUIRED BY ELEVATOR MFR. 1 _6 splices and cont. IN COMMON REFER i ��`///`///`///`///`///`///` �\ �\/�\/� INCLUDING INSERT FOR RAIL reinf. thru column CONC. FOOTING Sheet Na. \�J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #5 @ 16"oc facilitate wall forms ATTACHMENT. footings). 11/S3.1 L__________________ PER PLAN . ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.t.s. EACH WAY . . . . . 9 Elevator Pit Section at Typical Tie Seam LL2 JSection at Exterior Pre-Cast Concrete Panel . . . . . S.3.192 . . . : : : . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �r— ' ' CHAIN LINK FENCING tt PER ARCH. (where occurs) W A G N E R PAVEMENT BY OTHERS ARCHITECT S CHAMFER PER ARCH. PLANNERS " HSS 6x4x1 4 1 9 1 PIKE P L A E (Provide chamfer at , , L 3x3x3/�s (x 1 -0 ) i i � / exposed vertical edges) ' ' TYP. 2 PLACES 6 C w X w/ (4) 1/4 0 TITEN TURBO i S E A T T L E W A 9 8101 Retaining Wall Schedule o 0 @ 3"oc & 13/4" EMBED. i , E 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 \ \\ \\ H (ft. Stem Reinforcing Footing Reinforcing Q wagnerarchitects , com \/ .) B 1 is B2 tf .� i\\\i\\\i\\\i� ¢ Vert. i Horiz. Top Longit. PROVIDE FREE—DRAINING , , \�/i\�! a Foundation Plan Notes Consultants MATERIAL AS REQUIRED ' ' /\/ " " " '\//\� 3—0 6 8 1 -2 12 #4 � 12 oc #4 ® 12 oc #5 @ 12 oc I (3)#4 2nd BY SOILS ENGINEER. ; ; ��/\� floor _ __ 1. FOR GENERAL STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL NOTES REFER TO S1.1 AND S1.2. 4—0 6 8 1 -10 12 #4 @ 12 oc #4 ® 12 oc #5 @ 12 oc (4)#4 FOOTING DRAIN PAVEMENT d 2. DIMENSIONS: VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL ys • - /\\j = , BY OTHERS PER CIVIL \/\\� " r " » » " rr DRAWINGS. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. O 5—0 6 I 8 12—4 I 12 #4 12 oc #4 12 oc #5 ® 12 oc (5)#4 3. THIS BUILDING IS A BIDDER—DESIGNED PRE—ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING. \� 40db (24"min.) 6�_0" 6" 8" 3'-1" 12" 4 (� 9"oc 4 ® 12"oc 5 (� 12"oc 4 5 2 REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES FOR BIDDER RESPONSIBILITIES. — 4. TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION IS ASSUMED AS NOTED ON PLAN. FOR ACTUAL TOP OF #4/#5 bars 1�/2"clr. 7'_0' 6" 8" 3'-7" 12" #5 @ 10"oc #4 0 12"oc #5 @ 12"oc (4)#5 #6 bars: 2 clr. I I I I SLAB ELEVATION REFER TO CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. FOR REQUIRED 03-22-2024 (typ. u.n.o.) 8'_0" 6" 8" 4'-1" 12" 5 9"oc 4 ® 12"oc 5 10"oc 5 5 3/161/2 SLAB THICKNESSES, REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. AT 6 SLAB ON GRADE, E \�� / # # # ( )# 3 PL. /2"x 6 x 10 W/ REINFORCE SLAB WITH #4 @ 18 OC E.W. AT SLAB CENTER IN ADDITION TO ANY /\\�/\ /16 (4) 3/4 TITEN TURBO OTHER REINFORCING SHOWN. AT 4" SLAB ON GRADE, REINFORCE SLAB WITH & 13/4" EMBED. #3 @ 15"OC E.W. AT SLAB CENTER IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER REINFORCING SHOWN. PROVIDE 10MIL. VAPOR BARRIER BELOW SLAB AT INTERIOR SPACES. ° ° — PROVIDE FREE—DRAINING GRANULAR FILL PER SOILS REPORT. ° ° FRANK-CO n 5. PROVIDE CONTROL OR CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN SLABS ON GRADE TO DIVIDE — g SLAB INTO RECTANGULAR AREAS OF 400 SQUARE FEET OR LESS. AREAS SHALL BE structural engineering B1 is 62 APPROXIMATELY SQUARE AND HAVE NO ACUTE ANGLES. JOINT LOCATIONS MUST 4" 1" edge 4742 42nd ave sw, #297 BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. REFER TO DETAIL 3/S3.1 seattle, wa 98116 typ, 206.579.8160 1 Site Retaining Walls 6. TOP OF ALL FOOTINGS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SHALL BE 12" BELOW TOP OF SLAB ON GRADE, U.N.O. THE CORRESPONDING FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE FOR CONTRACTOR CONVENIENCE AND BIDDING ONLY. FINAL ELEVATIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY ON—SITE VERIFICATION BY SOILS ENGINEER. REFER TO DETAIL 5/S3.1 FOR FOOTING STEP WHERE REQUIRED. 7. FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND FILL REQUIREMENTS AT SLABS AND FOOTINGS Begin slope per Arch. > REFER TO SOILS REPORT AS NOTED IN THE GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES. 8. FOR ALL DUCTS, CHASES, AND PIPES REFER TO MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL TRENCH DRAIN #3 CONT. EACH SLAB ON GRADE DRAWINGS. FOOTINGS MAY BE LOWERED TO AVOID CONFLICTS. REFER TO 6/S3.1. BY OTHERS SIDE OF DRAIN PER PLAN 9. PROVIDE CORNER BARS PER 1/S3.1 i I I� FACE OF HSS FLUSH Footing Schedule ,�� W/ FACE OF STUDS Y E T HSS 6x6x5/16 I - - FACE OF PLATE TO � Mark Size Reinforcing 5'`'A � ' " G T" " BE FLUSH WITH FACE %\j\j\\j\%\j\j\ O ' " ' " P• ( ) # P OF SHAFT. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A 5 -6 x5 -6 x1 -3d 8 SE.W. To & Bot. KEHOC //\//\//\//\//\//\// PL. 5/8 (min.) x 10 x 30 \//\//�' \//\//�`/�`//`//`//`//`//`//`//`//`//` Warehouse & Office [Adjust thickness for /�\�/�\� _ . �// /�\�/�\�/��� OB 6'-0" x 6'-0" x 1'-10"dp. (8) #5 E.W. Top & Bot. Building flush face] / /\//\//\//�// /%/%/\ O 4'-6» x 4'-6» x 1'-3»dP (4) #5 E.W. Bot. '/4 � 12607 SE 248TH ST 1/4 Op 12'-0" x 12'-0" x 4'-0"dp. (10) #7 E.W. Top & Bot. KENT, WA L FOR CALLOUTS IN #3 @ 18"oc 98030 COMMON REFER 11/S3.1 n.t.s. CONSOLIDATED 5 Trench Drain $ foundation flan Notes footing Schedule SET JOB NO. 20223 6" PRE—CAST CONC. Date Revisions PANEL W/ #4 ® 16"oc METAL GIRT BY MARCH19,2024.-NOTICE.TO:PROCEED 11, 11/2„ E.W. CTRD. " OTHERS t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . blockout 24 t.o. conc. "' ( � ) -------------- — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ®416"oc 9r.40 per Arch. — ----1 t 209 PLF (ULT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1" REVEAL PER ARCH. i . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIMPSON TITEN TURBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONC. SCREW 1/4 x 13/4" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \/\/\/\/\/ i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELEVATOR PIT �\'�\'�\'�\'�\'� OUTLINE OF COLUMN FOOTING i EMBED @ 18"oc. E VERIFY SIZE AND �Q\5\�/\\i SLAB ON GRADE BEYOND. TOP OF FOOTINGS i o \/\x/ '5 ' PER PLAN TO ALIGN AS REQUIRED FOR » i SLAB ON GRADE sheet contents �/\/\ DEPTH W/ ARCH. //\55\// i 3 PER PLAN t �\/\\\/ DRAWINGS \/\\/\\/� " PLACEMENT OF PRECAST ( yP ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #4 (� 12 oc HORIZ. CTRD. t 209 PLF ULT t.o. slab PANELS . \% \/\/\/� J on rode el. ( ) \ \,� --- \, #4 x (� 10 oc VERT. CTRD. grade Foundatlon. . embed 7" into it slab Per Arch. a . . . . . ( P ) d ° . . . . . . . Details . . . . . . . . . . //\\//� \ • • •IkN N IN i\\/ " 3/4 LEVELING / / (3) #5 CONT. TOP GROUT I /%/% %/%/%� I INSULATION PER All material rchitect`and`Im°ay note be duplicated, I ��\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I used, or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. NOTE: PROVIDE MISC. METALS " & BOTTOM (stagger I / // // // //\//\//� \//\//\//�- ARCH. FOR CALLOUTS /\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/IN I 8" as required to AS REQUIRED BY ELEVATOR MFR. 1 _6 splices and cont. IN COMMON REFER i ��`///`///`///`///`///`///` �\ �\/�\/� INCLUDING INSERT FOR RAIL reinf. thru column CONC. FOOTING Sheet Na. \�J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #5 @ 16"oc facilitate wall forms ATTACHMENT. footings). 11/S3.1 L__________________ PER PLAN . ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.t.s. EACH WAY . . . . . 9 Elevator Pit Section at Typical Tie Seam LL2 JSection at Exterior Pre-Cast Concrete Panel . . . . . S.3.192 . . . : : : . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #185 - RFI-165 - Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Origin: RFI#165: Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Date Created: 12/23/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc. Is 1.0 $750.00 $750.00 $750.00 1.0 $750.00 $750.00 $750.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material 24057-3001 Supply.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Added mechanical trench reinforcing w/continuous#4 and u-bars @ 18"o.c.,plus 2 hours detailing time.(740 Ibs) 03-205-000.S Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning,Inc. ton 0.37 $949.00 $351.13 $351.13 0.37 $949.00 $351.13 $351.13 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel 24057-4008 Install.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Install 740 Ibs reinforcing at mechanical trench. 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/23/2024 at 02:37PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTy Unit ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Cost Price Cost Cost Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $329.00 $329.00 $329.00 1.0 $329.00 $329.00 $329.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $2,520.13 $0.00 $2,520.13 $2,520.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,520.13 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/23/2024 at 02:37PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 185 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-165 Work Description: RFI-165-Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Date: 10/9/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Precision -Added mechanical trench reinforcing w/ continuous#4 and u-bars @ 18"o.c.,plus 2 hours 1 $ $ $ $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 detailing time. 740lbs Grizzly-Install 740 Ibs reinforcing at mechanical 0.37 $ $ $ $ 949.00 $ 351.13 $ 351.13 trench. Layout 2 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Foreman 4 F$ 9 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 1,501.13 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 2,191.13 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 329.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 2,520.13 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12/23/2024 Ow er's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #165: Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Status Closed on 09/24/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 23,2024 Due Date Oct 7,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings Received From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 23,2024 02:31 PM PST RFI#165-Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Sep 23, 2024 at 08:39 AM PDT The contractors see no design or requirements in the contract documents to provide rebar in the mechanical trench going to to the heat pump.The contractor believes it would be necessary to add rebar to the trench,and propose adding U-bar that is 39"wide with 19"legs. If this is acceptable,please provide the necessary spacing,bar#,and any other information needed for reinforcing the trench.Please also confirm whether a mat of rebar shall be added to the bottom of the trench. Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Monday, Sep 23, 2024 at 12:56 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-165-Rebar_Reinforcing_at_Mechanical_Trench-2024-09-23_response FCo.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 23,2024 02:31 PM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #165: Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 23,2024 Due Date Oct 7,2024 Location Cost Impact Schedule Impact Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings Received From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction,LP), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Sep 23,2024 08:44 AM PDT RFI#165-Rebar Reinforcing at Mechanical Trench Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Monday, Sep 23, 2024 at 08:39 AM PDT The contractors see no design or requirements in the contract documents to provide rebar in the mechanical trench going to to the heat pump.The contractor believes it would be necessary to add rebar to the trench,and propose adding U-bar that is 39"wide with 19"legs. If this is acceptable,please provide the necessary spacing,bar#,and any other information needed for reinforcing the trench.Please also confirm whether a mat of rebar shall be added to the bottom of the trench. Awaiting an Official Response Reference SSK-3 attached. EAF/Frank Co. 09-23-2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Sep 23,2024 08:44 AM PDT TRENCH COVER ASPHALT OR 36" CONCRETE - SEE CIVIL z Q N a / _ 0 0 REFRIGERANTui LINES - SEE _ ����� �� _ 0 MECH. m a a a ALLOW SPACE a a #4 @ 18"oc ctrd TO DRAIN 6„ 3311 6„ #4 cont ctrd -typ 6 EXTERIOR MECHANICAL TRENCH DETAIL SSK-3 : Mechanical Trench Reinforcinq (RFI #165) EAF/Frank Co. 09-23-2024 recision Rebar® 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: C12 Change Order Date: 10/1/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $14,595.95 Total Before this Change Order: $158,009.95 Amount of this Change Order: $750.00 Revised Contract Amount: $158,759.95 Change description: RFI #165. PER RFI #165 ADDED MECHANICAL TRENCH WITH CONTINUOUS #4 AND U-BARS @ 18" OC 2 HOURS DETAILING TIME Change pricing: 740 Lbs. $750.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #192 - RFI-177 - Lightpole Light Fixture Discrepancy Origin: RFI#177: Light Pole Light Fixture Discrepancy Date Created: 12/9/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: TBD Type: Allowance Change Reason: Allowance Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $3,737.69 $3,737.69 $3,737.69 $3,737.69 1.0 $3,737.69 $3,737.69 $3,737.69 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Add 2 heads to 2 existing light pole 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/9/2024 at 11:46AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.130 Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $785.00 $785.00 $785.00 $785.00 1.0 $785.00 $785.00 $785.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $6,012.69 $6,012.69 $6,012.69 $6,012.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,012.69 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/9/2024 at 11:46AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 192 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-177 Work Description: RFI-177-Lightpole Light Fixture Discrepancy Date: 10/22/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-Add 2 Heads to 2 Existing Light Poles 1 LS $ $ $ $ 3,737.69 $ 3,737.69 $ 3,737.69 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 6,000 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 4,537.69 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 5,227.69 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 785.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 6,012.69 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by F-1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: aAoeY/ 12.27.2024 12/9/2024 O(vner's Representativ Date Bayley Construction Date CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 25 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 10/22/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with the response to RFI #177 and the request to add (2) ES1 fixtures heads to (2) existing light poles. CO includes cost of the (2) additional ES1 fixtureS, labor for the install and (1) boom lift rental for(1) day. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 70OW STREET LTG FIXTURE- MAST ARM MOUNT 2 0.00 E 0.00 2.13 E 4.26 Totals 2 0.00 4.26 Summary LIGHTING FIXTURES 1,974.00 BOOM LIFT RENTAL 659.00 Material Total 2,633.00 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (4.26 Hrs @$121.87) 519.17 FOREMAN @ 15% (0.64 Hrs @$131.12) 83.92 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 323.61 Markup (@ 5.000%) 177.99 Subtotal 3,737.69 Final Amount �$3,737.69� CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 25 Client Address: Date: 10/22/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S Y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 25 Final Amount: $3,737.69 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #177: Light Pole Light Fixture Discrepancy Status Closed on 10/22/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 16,2024 Due Date Oct 30,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings Received From Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah (SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra (Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 9,2024 11:48 AM PST RFI#177-Light Pole Light Fixture Discrepancy Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Nils Brian Nilsson Bayley Construction, LP on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at 08:49 AM PDT Sheet E1.1_Rev 6 depicts the two pole-mounted fixtures just north of the building as type ES1.These fixtures have one head on this sheet.The revision 7 version of sheet E1.1 still depicts these two fixtures as ES1, but now appear to have a second head.Sheets OA1.0, OA1.1,and OA1.3 depict these fixtures as two-headed. Please confirm if these fixtures are to be ES1(single head)or ES2(two heads). Attachments RFI 60 Form.pdf, Pole mounted light fixture discrepancy.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 22, 2024 at 07:55 AM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Monday, Oct 21, 2024 at 10:11 AM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#177-light_pole_camera_and_nema-4_box_mounting_height-202410161552_TWE.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 9,2024 11:48 AM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #177: Light Pole Camera and NEMA-4 Box Mounting Height Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 16,2024 Due Date Oct 30,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number Reference Linked Drawings Received From Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 16,2024 08:51 AM PDT RFI#177-Light Pole Camera and NEMA-4 Box Mounting Height Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Nils Brian Nilsson Bayley Construction, LP on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at 08:49 AM PDT Sheet E1.1_Rev 6 depicts the two pole-mounted fixtures just north of the building as type ES1.These fixtures have one head on this sheet.The revision 7 version of sheet E1.1 still depicts these two fixtures as ES1, but now appear to have a second head.Sheets OA1.0, OA1.1,and OA1.3 depict these fixtures as two-headed. Please confirm if these fixtures are to be ES1(single head)or ES2(two heads). Attachments RFI 60 Form.pdf, Pole mounted light fixture discrepancy.pdf Awaiting an Official Response James Chong -Tres West Engineers-2024-10-16 Replace fixture type ES1 with ES2 in two locations as noted to match Architectural layout. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 16,2024 08:51 AM PDT GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL LIGHTING CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH W A G N E R THE 2018 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE. A R C H I I E C I S 2. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM PLANNER S 1"C UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1916 PIKE PLACE 1"C SPARE TO 3. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUCTORS SHALL BE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 HHEft RIM 121 MINIMUM #6 COPPER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com HH ES5 4. COORDINATE PLACEMENTS OF EXTERIOR , HL11 N- ,R .5 LIGHTS WITH LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PLANS T7 � � :®: 0 v0 d' 9 ES1 (TYP OF 2) GISTE�' HL11N-1,R1.5 HL11N-2,R1. 53813 v ES4 �SSIONAL 1N-11,R . .F• � HL11N- CIRCUITING NOTES FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING - 1. SEE MATCHLINE ON SHEET FOR PANEL DESIGNATION FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS UNLESS Consultants: E 2 E 3 2 ES2 -_- NOTED OTHERWISE. FTT w HL11 1.5 H �,Rl.5 � 7 11rv. 2. LIGHTING CIRCUIT IS AS FOLLOWS: xx[,R#][,d#] eA A WHERE THE "xx" IS THE CIRCUIT NUMBER, R"#" 11 IS THE RELAY NUMBER(WHERE APPLICABLE), AND d"#" IS THE DAYLIGHT ZONE (WHERE ES1 APPLICABLE). F IL11 N-3,R1.6 HH HL11 N-13,R1.12 0 0• WHERE FIXTURES ARE FED FROM THE 2L� L11N-1,R1.5 EMERGENCY LIGHTING INVERTER, CIRCUITING HH IS AS FOLLOWS: TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. VA,- INV1-xx 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 3. SEE LIGHTING RELAY CONTROL SCHEDULE, Phone: 253.472.3300 1N-11,R SHEET E0.5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. www.treswest.com PROPOSED BUILDING I Cle ES1 PLAN NOTES Q HH 1 N-3,R1.6 HH HL11 N-13,R1. 2 S1 O PROVIDE ADDITIONAL (2) 3" SPARE PVC 5 z CONDUITS FROM THIS HANDHOLE TO 00 ELECTRICAL ROOM 121. � 1 m w o O2 MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURES ON LIGHT POLE TO U cn ILLUMINATE FLAG POLE. COORDINATE w V HL11N-11,R1.11 o MOUNTING HEIGHT AND ORIENTATION WITH > > ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. Uj K [T 3 'It�:'. HH WAS H I N GT0N ES ES2°: ES1 HL11N-3,R1.6 HL11ht 13,R1. 2 1 N- ,R1. 1 N- ,R1. - 7 KEHOC z Warehouse & Office m 1N-11,R Building of LIGHT POLE, SEE LIGHTING LU Z LES� ��E 2 E 2 FIXTURE SCHEDULE z HL 1N 7, 1.8 HL11 -71 1. HL11 -7, 1. HH ES1 GROUND WIRE TO HANDHOLE/COVER WITH 12607 SE 248TH ST C0 HL11 N-3,R1.6 HL11 N-13,R1. 2 LIGHT FIXTURE TAMPER w HARDWARESISTANT KENT, WA POLE BASE COVER, GROUND LUG TO POLE SECURE TO BASE 98030 CONDUIT BUSHING z ES CAULK ALL AROUND m 2" GROUT 2#3 TIE AT TOP oLl L1N , 9 H11 -9, .9 24"ROUND CAST-IN-PLACE CONSOLIDATED, . , . HH CONCRETE LIGHT POLE BASE 0 ( "C SPARE TO _ SET w S6 L C RM 121 CONDUIT(S) PER o M HL11N-3,R1. C HL11N-3,R1.6 HL11N-3,R1. CIRCUIT FINISHED GRADE co JOB NO. 20223 10 7 ES3 ES2 n ES2 ES2 \/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/ Data Revisions HH HH HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N-4 R1.14 SEE LANDSCAPE FOR MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED HH HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N-4,R1.14 \/i\\/\\/\\ /\//\//\\/ RESTORATION L11 N-9,R1 9 cn /\\%�\�/\\i \ REQUIREMENTS 7 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 FUTURE FUEL/WASH ¢ \ / 4#5 VERTICAL w FUTURE FLEET C? TYPICAL LIGHTING MAINTENANCE BUILDING 48"L. 3/4"DIA. CIRCUIT CONDUIT. O PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ANCHOR BOLTS(TYP. OF 4) CONDUITS AS REQUIRED. w p #3 TIE BAR AROUND Q BOLTS AT 12"O.C. LU (TYP. OF 3 PLACES) Nz =3 Sheet Contents I U_ SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING 2 POLE BASE DETAIL HH HH E1.1 SCALE: NTS :XISTING WATER TOWER HL11 N-9,R1.9 N nwiertd pea%Aaetn mrI l the WpAMW ad �drioeeaaTMtlplAe�wIMen� of ure�00u°3�hecr. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING A B 1 E 1 . 1 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL LIGHTING CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH W A G N E R THE 2018 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE. A R C H I I E C I S 2. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM PLANNER S 1"C UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1916 PIKE PLACE 1"C SPARE TO 3. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUCTORS SHALL BE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 ELEC RM 121 MINIMUM #6 COPPER UNLESS NOTED HH OTHERWISE. 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com " ES5 4. COORDINATE PLACEMENTS OF EXTERIOR HL11N R1.5 LIGHTS WITH LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PLANS ES1 F=F (TYP OF2 HL11N-1,R1.5 � HL11N-2,R1. ES4 SSIoSTE 1N-11,R NAL F. HL11 N- a CIRCUITING NOTES FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING 1. SEE MATCHLINE ON SHEET FOR PANEL El 171 --- HH ES2 DESIGNATION FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS UNLESS Consultants. z HL1 L11N-1,R1.5 NOTED OTHERWISE. H. w • • • • ' ' •• 2. LIGHTING CIRCUIT IS AS FOLLOWS: xx[,R#][,d#] eA A WHERE THE "xx" IS THE CIRCUIT NUMBER, R"#" 11 9, I IS THE RELAY NUMBER(WHERE APPLICABLE), _ ----- 8 3 3 2 ' HL11 N-3,R1.6 I ES1 AND d"#" IS THE DAYLIGHT ZONE (WHERE : I t+H HL11 -13,R1. 2 APPLICABLE). TREE WEfT ESI e el I e oo •o• I I I WHERE FIXTURES ARE FED FROM THE mNIII= HL11 -1,R1.5 I EMERGENCY LIGHTING INVERTER, CIRCUITING IS AS FOLLOWS: TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. INV1-xx 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 — ° TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 3. SEE LIGHTING RELAY CONTROL SCHEDULE, Phone: 253.472.3300 1N-11,R SHEET E0.5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. www.treswest.com - r-- I PROPOSED BUILDING 1N-3,R1.6 y I HJ� HL11 -13,R1. 2 PLAN NOTES HH ES1 I ¢ O PROVIDE ADDITIONAL (2) 3" SPARE PVC .5 I I I CONDUITS FROM THIS HANDHOLE TO m . ELECTRICAL ROOM 121. LU - - - - J - - - - = - - = - - - - - - - w z O2 MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURES ON LIGHT POLE TO U ILLUMINATE FLAG POLE. COORDINATE w I I HL11N-11,R1.11 m MOUNTING HEIGHT AND ORIENTATION WITH LU ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. I I U_ U_ K E T `•, I H,H WAS H I N GT0N ES S2 .�$2•' ES1 L11 N-3,R1.6 I HL11 -13,R1. 2 1 N- -5, 7 .7 KEHOC U) ° Warehouse & Office I LIGHT POLE, SEE LIGHTING Building z I I FIXTURE SCHEDULE E 2 S2 S2 z H 1 - 1. L11N-7 R1. �11_1 1 -7 1. I HH ES1 GROUND WIRE TO HANDHOLE/COVER WITH 26�7 SE 248TH ST I-IL11 N-3,R1.6 I HL11 -13,R1. 2 LIGHT FIXTURE TAMPER RESISTANT w I I �. � HARDWARE KENT, WA ° POLE BASE COVER, GROUND LUG TO POLE SECURE TO BASE 98030 ° CONDUIT BUSHING CAULK ALL AROUND z �S4 S2 2" GROUT m E 2 E 2 ° ° 2#3 TIE AT TOP - - 1 9 ° ° 24" OUND CAST-IN-PLACE CONSOLIDATED w "" CONCRETE LIGHT POLE BASE _ _ _ ° SET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IICSARETO � HS61 N-3,R1 HL11 N-3,R1 6 HL11 N-3,R1.6 L C R 121 CONDUIT(S) PER o O FINISHED GRADE CIRCUIT M JOB N0. 20223 7 77 ES3 0 ES2 ES2 n ES2 \/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/ Data Revisions HH HH $ HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N- 1.14 \�/��/j\�/j\�/j\\ \/�\/\\/\\\/ SEE LANDSCAPE FOR MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N-4,R1.14 i\/\/\ i\//\/// z / \ RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS 7 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 1 " S3 w ¢ \� i/�/ 8 08,09.2024 REVISION 7 HL11 N-9,R1.9 FUTURE FUEL/WASH o w 4#5 VERTICAL FUTURE FLEET w 0 o MAINTENANCE BUILDING � "' TYPICAL LIGHTING O CIRCUIT CONDUIT. Of 48"L. 3/4"DIA. `_ CD ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL (TYP. OF 4) CONDUITS AS REQUIRED. #3 TIE BAR AROUND BOLTS AT 12"O.C. (TYP. OF 3 PLACES) Sheet Contents SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL •,. LIGHTING 2 POLE BASE DETAIL E1.1 IHHI SCALE: NTS :XISTING WATER TOWER E 1 HL11 N-9 R1.9 N nwlertd pea%Aaetn mrI l the sepAMW ad �drioeeaaTMtlplAe�wIMen� of ure�00u°3�hecr. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING A B 1 El . 1 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z — — — �q- OF STREET 9 — — — — 124th AVENUE SE OA1.8 q- OF W A G N E R AREA 959'-1 1/2" STREET ARCHITECTS IMPERVIOUS 419,208 SF — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — P L A N N E R S PAVEMENT 374,220 SF _ w — � _ I 1916 PIKE PLACE GRAVEL OSF U I SEATTLE WA 98101 Q 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 TOTAL 374,220SF I - wagnerarchitects c o m 5 N - OA1.6 — — — BUILDING 44,988 SF - 1 I I I Q 1 DONo004003 REGISTERED TOTAL 419,208 SF o OA1.9 N ARCHITECT ff CV I, — — —— — --- - --- X ETEWANER FENCE 552 LIN. FT. i I I — I STATE of wASHINCT N 8 2 A1.1 : I 2 consultants: OA1.5 J H. H. 8 . . . . . . . . . .. - 8 I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7'-0" - COVERED I F — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70'-0" 368'-3" I 413'-10" M I M 2 I ` 8 -- I OA1.9 PROPOSED OPERATIONS CENTER - . I 1 I - _ LEGEND: 7'_p'>- I I IQ BUILDING EDGE LL "o LIGHT POLE I - - - - - - - — COVERED - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - T - - - X NEW FENCE EDGE OF ROOF 2 I I z EXISTING FENCE - g OA1.9 H. / ( ., l 4 I I LU Q PROPERTY LINE - — I OA1.7 I LL _ I I o - .. ET NEW I I I I I I , WA.SH1 �T{a,, PAVEMENT AREA - z I I w L, 7 I LL I I KEHOC ¢� OA1.9 �7 I� 8 SI I I N NEW CONCRETE - zz I OA1.9CIO 00 I - Warehouse & Office LL I I I N Building zz I I w NEW LANDSCAPED AREA Xc I I - cn (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) I "'w LL I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST ruP I I - KENT, WA LEGEND I I iLLLL LLLL i LL LL 8 I 98030 1 NTS = I ' I LL I OA1.8 Lj I I I H. =�w = LLLL ------=X--------X--------- --------- --- - CONSOLIDATED - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CD LSET o `�' I I I o f MAIN ENTRY ,` 1 ti I X "' � I 12 OA1.8 I X X X X X JOB NO. 20223 8 I Date Revisions 0 _ I;J4 J 11 I MARCH 19 2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED X OA1.6 _ �— 0 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 X , OA1.5 8 08.09.2024-REVISION 7 w I - w N I j CV z CP � -- ------------ 12 � o w - I OA1.7 0 CY o LU Sheet Contents IN SITE PLAN JL a _ o I EXISTING WATER TOWER - -- ---------- - - - - - N N F 219'-01/2" 739'-91/2"� Y I o BERM - EXISTING O O _ w WATER TOWER _ All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Cr original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� � NEWS SEEM w 958'-91/2" � o Sheet No. SITE PLAN 0 SCALE IN FEET _ 10 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" zOA1 w 0 25 50 100 200 Z�o� ■ 0 W bj 0w ry J 0-� 1 EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 SITE SIGN 124th AVENUE SE MAN GATE TYPE G4 W A G N E R WITH KNOXBOX ARCHITECTS — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I I � � — � � — � — — � � — � � — � � — � � — � � — � � — � � —� PLANNERS 20'-0" 110'-0" 25'-0" - 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE 01 GATE CARD READER W - S E A T T L E WA 9 81 01 SLIDING VEHICLE GATE ' 30'-0" = 2 5 2 8 I 2 0 6 4 4 8 O wagnerarchitects c o m TYPE G2 WITH KNOXBOX ti - 16" 0 CONCRETE BOLLARD, TRANSFORMER- SEE ELEC. . 5' SOUTH FROM CURB, TYP. PREP FOR OUTDOOR o004003 REGISTERED (10 TOTAL) - SEE OA1.9 SHELTER PAD ARCHITECT EXISTING FENCE (2) GEN SET 8 291'-9" 64'-0" 177'-10" I 7STA TEWANER F WASHINGT N — Consulta M � " FLAG POLE ON CONC. . . . . . . . PAD, SEE 7/OA1.7 8 I I 8 U TANK I I - 8'-0" I o I WHEEL STOP TYP. @ ASPHALT WALKWAYS e e I I (85 TOTAL) - `4 I I I I I I H AT PUMPS I I WASTE a ❑ COLLEC ION AREA - Q ' zo iET o _ - - Z - p o HEAT PUMPS I I KEHOC I I w co REFRIGERANT LINES - SEE I I Q = Warehouse & Office C]l TRENCH I I Building DETAIL 6/OA1.9 - I - 12607 SE 248TH ST I I x KENT, WA w 98030 z HEAT PUMPS I l y F— � I WASTE COLLECTION AREA oc CONSOLIDATED z SET M 0 I I CV I I O Z N LEGEND: JOB NO. 20223 wI I BUILDING EXIT Date Revisions I LANDING (CONCRETE) MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED 20'-4" 149'-5 1/2"CD 8 08.09.2024 REVISION 7 / ACCESSIBLE ROUTES w MAN GATE TYPE G3 I I I NN I I WITH KNOXBOX SITE SIGN C:180 LIGHT POLE ILL 0 I I X NEW FENCE z - - � I �. -x - x -X-- - - X- --- -- ------- - ------- - - - - - - ------- . . . o -- -------------------------------------- ----- - --- w - - - - - - _ EXISTING FENCE CY _ o v 9O zo zo U I PROPERTY LINE sheet Contents o M 8 0 x x x x x ENLARGED SITE z o - I NEW 38'-0" PLAN PAVEMENT AREA N GATE CARD x � - N o N READER I NEW w Y x CONCRETE SLIDING VEHICLE GATE TYPE G1 WITH KNOXBOX O w - - - ' NEW LANDSCAPED AREA O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and I W • W W • W (SEE LANSCAPE PLANS) original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z Z W r N Sheet No. _ � ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCALE IN FEET LEGEND 0 z w fy SCALE: 1"=40'-0" NTS Z LE OA1 1 0 20 40 80 160 ■ w J bj d 0 fy EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 POWER FROM VAULT 124th AVENUE SE AT NEIGHBORING SITE W A G N E R ARCHITECTS AEI _ E — = = = _ E _ E _ E_ = PLANNERS e + I 1916 PIKE PLACE m W W W W W W W - SEATTLE WA 98101 � 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 M h> �» wagnerarchitects c o m PREP FOR OUTDOOR m * I 0004003 REGISTERED SHELTER PAD D ARCHITECT EXTEND EXISTING INSTALL CATCH 8 SANITARY LINE FOR FUTURE BASIN FOR FUTURE E T E WA NER y OUTDOOR SHELTER OUTDOOR SHELTER I STATE of WASHINCT N m - Consultants: I z I W � IH. VV w I I $ 8 N AN S N SAN SAN SAN �'-�YA SAN SAN SAN SAN* — Sw S SW w S SW S W SW �T S S� I SW W W W W W W W W W I I /. 8 E cn � I - .EI E G S I I I E E E E° E E E, cn U) I - I � 7 Cn :*i PROPOSED OPERATIONS CENTER mm I � I mm I sw KEHOC m A I Q Warehouse & Office t� cn o z C W W I I Cn - 12607 SE 248TH ST z I I `� w KENT WA s sw sw w w S Sw w w s w I ' - ; 98030 Q z I I - cv w I - W CONSOLIDATED I I (nSET z I U) I LEGEND: cj z I I - JOB NO. 20223 w LIGHT POLE Date Revisions SAN — MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED WATER LINE TO BE I EXIST. SANITARY LINE g 08.09.2024 REVISION 7 REROUTED z CD SW EXIST. STORMWATER LINE w EXIST. WATER LINE N I I - z z I I �, SW STORMWATER LINE - - - - H. w w w w w w �, W X X XX w w w w w SAN SANITARY LINE Ld r W SAN SA SAN SAN AN SAN cCn U SW SW Sw SW S SW S SW SW s SW Sw / S o w WATER LINE S S X I GAS Sheet Contents m NATURAL GAS LINE 8 COMBINED UTILITY X X X X X E ELECTRICAL LINE o L E E E E E E E E E E E SITE PLAN I F.H. N X = FIRE HYDRANT (F.H.) O Z X I X NEW FENCE w Y - EXISTING FENCE w O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z PROPERTY LINE w r" N Sheet No. COMBINED UTILITY PLAN SCALE IN FEET LEGEND 0 z w fy SCALE: 1"=40'-0" NTS Z � 0 20 40 80 160 OA1 ■ 3 J d-i OdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION VE7CA lir RFI NUMBER 60 ELECTRIC & TECHNOLOGIES PROJECT NAME KEHOC JOB NUMBER 628887 RFI DATE 10/15/2024 RESPONSE NEEDED DATE 10/29/2024 TO FROM NAME Bryce Nelson NAME Justin Taylor COMPANY Bayley Construction COMPANY VECA TITLE PM TITLE PX PHONE 509.969.2824 PHONE 206.919.0850 FAX - FAX - EMAIL bryce.nelson@bayley.net EMAIL jtaylor@veca.com SPEC SECTION DRAWING SHEET OA1.0, OA1.1, OA1.3, E1.1(revision 6 and 7) REVISION or DETAIL RFI CATEGORY Electrical TRADE IMPACTED Electrical SUBJECT I Light Pole Camera and NEMA-4 Box Mounting Height REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Sheet E1.1_Rev 6 depicts the two pole-mounted fixtures just north of the building as type ES1. These fixtures have one head on this sheet. The revision 7 version of sheet E1.1 still depicts these two fixtures as ES1, but now appear to have a second head. Sheets OA1.0, OA1.1, and OA1.3 depict these fixtures as two-headed. Please confirm if these fixtures are to be ES1(single head) or ES2(two heads). PROPOSED SOLUTION IMPACTS NO SCHEDULE COST z 0 m m 0 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL LIGHTING CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH W A G N E R THE 2018 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE. A R C H I I E C I S 2. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM PLANNER S 1"C UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1916 PIKE PLACE 1"C SPARE TO 3. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUCTORS SHALL BE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 HHEft RIM 121 MINIMUM #6 COPPER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com HH ES5 4. COORDINATE PLACEMENTS OF EXTERIOR , HL11 N- ,R .5 LIGHTS WITH LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PLANS T7 � � :®: 0 v0 d' 9 ES1 (TYP OF 2) GISTE�' HL11N-1,R1.5 HL11N-2,R1. 53813 v ES4 �SSIONAL 1N-11,R . .F• � HL11N- CIRCUITING NOTES FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING - 1. SEE MATCHLINE ON SHEET FOR PANEL DESIGNATION FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS UNLESS Consultants: E 2 E 3 2 ES2 -_- NOTED OTHERWISE. FTT w HL11 1.5 H �,Rl.5 � 7 11rv. 2. LIGHTING CIRCUIT IS AS FOLLOWS: xx[,R#][,d#] eA A WHERE THE "xx" IS THE CIRCUIT NUMBER, R"#" 11 IS THE RELAY NUMBER(WHERE APPLICABLE), AND d"#" IS THE DAYLIGHT ZONE (WHERE ES1 APPLICABLE). F IL11 N-3,R1.6 HH HL11 N-13,R1.12 0 0• WHERE FIXTURES ARE FED FROM THE 2L� L11N-1,R1.5 EMERGENCY LIGHTING INVERTER, CIRCUITING HH IS AS FOLLOWS: TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. VA,- INV1-xx 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 3. SEE LIGHTING RELAY CONTROL SCHEDULE, Phone: 253.472.3300 1N-11,R SHEET E0.5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. www.treswest.com PROPOSED BUILDING I Cle ES1 PLAN NOTES Q HH 1 N-3,R1.6 HH HL11 N-13,R1. 2 S1 O PROVIDE ADDITIONAL (2) 3" SPARE PVC 5 z CONDUITS FROM THIS HANDHOLE TO 00 ELECTRICAL ROOM 121. � 1 m w o O2 MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURES ON LIGHT POLE TO U cn ILLUMINATE FLAG POLE. COORDINATE w V HL11N-11,R1.11 o MOUNTING HEIGHT AND ORIENTATION WITH > > ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. Uj K [T 3 'It�:'. HH WAS H I N GT0N ES ES2°: ES1 HL11N-3,R1.6 HL11ht 13,R1. 2 1 N- ,R1. 1 N- ,R1. - 7 KEHOC z Warehouse & Office m 1N-11,R Building of LIGHT POLE, SEE LIGHTING LU Z LES� ��E 2 E 2 FIXTURE SCHEDULE z HL 1N 7, 1.8 HL11 -71 1. HL11 -7, 1. HH ES1 GROUND WIRE TO HANDHOLE/COVER WITH 12607 SE 248TH ST C0 HL11 N-3,R1.6 HL11 N-13,R1. 2 LIGHT FIXTURE TAMPER w HARDWARESISTANT KENT, WA POLE BASE COVER, GROUND LUG TO POLE SECURE TO BASE 98030 CONDUIT BUSHING z ES CAULK ALL AROUND m 2" GROUT 2#3 TIE AT TOP oLl L1N , 9 H11 -9, .9 24"ROUND CAST-IN-PLACE CONSOLIDATED, . , . HH CONCRETE LIGHT POLE BASE 0 ( "C SPARE TO _ SET w S6 L C RM 121 CONDUIT(S) PER o M HL11N-3,R1. C HL11N-3,R1.6 HL11N-3,R1. CIRCUIT FINISHED GRADE co JOB NO. 20223 10 7 ES3 ES2 n ES2 ES2 \/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/ Data Revisions HH HH HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N-4 R1.14 SEE LANDSCAPE FOR MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED HH HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N-4,R1.14 \/i\\/\\/\\ /\//\//\\/ RESTORATION L11 N-9,R1 9 cn /\\%�\�/\\i \ REQUIREMENTS 7 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 FUTURE FUEL/WASH ¢ \ / 4#5 VERTICAL w FUTURE FLEET C? TYPICAL LIGHTING MAINTENANCE BUILDING 48"L. 3/4"DIA. CIRCUIT CONDUIT. O PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ANCHOR BOLTS(TYP. OF 4) CONDUITS AS REQUIRED. w p #3 TIE BAR AROUND Q BOLTS AT 12"O.C. LU (TYP. OF 3 PLACES) Nz =3 Sheet Contents I U_ SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING 2 POLE BASE DETAIL HH HH E1.1 SCALE: NTS :XISTING WATER TOWER HL11 N-9,R1.9 N nwiertd pea%Aaetn mrI l the WpAMW ad �drioeeaaTMtlplAe�wIMen� of ure�00u°3�hecr. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING A B 1 E 1 . 1 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL LIGHTING CONTROLS SHALL COMPLY WITH W A G N E R THE 2018 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE. A R C H I I E C I S 2. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM PLANNER S 1"C UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 1916 PIKE PLACE 1"C SPARE TO 3. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUCTORS SHALL BE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 ELEC RM 121 MINIMUM #6 COPPER UNLESS NOTED HH OTHERWISE. 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com " ES5 4. COORDINATE PLACEMENTS OF EXTERIOR HL11N R1.5 LIGHTS WITH LANDSCAPE AND CIVIL PLANS ES1 F=F (TYP OF2 HL11N-1,R1.5 � HL11N-2,R1. ES4 SSIoSTE 1N-11,R NAL F. HL11 N- a CIRCUITING NOTES FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING 1. SEE MATCHLINE ON SHEET FOR PANEL El 171 --- HH ES2 DESIGNATION FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS UNLESS Consultants. z HL1 L11N-1,R1.5 NOTED OTHERWISE. H. w • • • • ' ' •• 2. LIGHTING CIRCUIT IS AS FOLLOWS: xx[,R#][,d#] eA A WHERE THE "xx" IS THE CIRCUIT NUMBER, R"#" 11 9, I IS THE RELAY NUMBER(WHERE APPLICABLE), _ ----- 8 3 3 2 ' HL11 N-3,R1.6 I ES1 AND d"#" IS THE DAYLIGHT ZONE (WHERE : I t+H HL11 -13,R1. 2 APPLICABLE). TREE WEfT ESI e el I e oo •o• I I I WHERE FIXTURES ARE FED FROM THE mNIII= HL11 -1,R1.5 I EMERGENCY LIGHTING INVERTER, CIRCUITING IS AS FOLLOWS: TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. INV1-xx 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 — ° TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 3. SEE LIGHTING RELAY CONTROL SCHEDULE, Phone: 253.472.3300 1N-11,R SHEET E0.5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. www.treswest.com - r-- I PROPOSED BUILDING 1N-3,R1.6 y I HJ� HL11 -13,R1. 2 PLAN NOTES HH ES1 I ¢ O PROVIDE ADDITIONAL (2) 3" SPARE PVC .5 I I I CONDUITS FROM THIS HANDHOLE TO m . ELECTRICAL ROOM 121. LU - - - - J - - - - = - - = - - - - - - - w z O2 MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURES ON LIGHT POLE TO U ILLUMINATE FLAG POLE. COORDINATE w I I HL11N-11,R1.11 m MOUNTING HEIGHT AND ORIENTATION WITH LU ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. I I U_ U_ K E T `•, I H,H WAS H I N GT0N ES S2 .�$2•' ES1 L11 N-3,R1.6 I HL11 -13,R1. 2 1 N- -5, 7 .7 KEHOC U) ° Warehouse & Office I LIGHT POLE, SEE LIGHTING Building z I I FIXTURE SCHEDULE E 2 S2 S2 z H 1 - 1. L11N-7 R1. �11_1 1 -7 1. I HH ES1 GROUND WIRE TO HANDHOLE/COVER WITH 26�7 SE 248TH ST I-IL11 N-3,R1.6 I HL11 -13,R1. 2 LIGHT FIXTURE TAMPER RESISTANT w I I �. � HARDWARE KENT, WA ° POLE BASE COVER, GROUND LUG TO POLE SECURE TO BASE 98030 ° CONDUIT BUSHING CAULK ALL AROUND z �S4 S2 2" GROUT m E 2 E 2 ° ° 2#3 TIE AT TOP - - 1 9 ° ° 24" OUND CAST-IN-PLACE CONSOLIDATED w "" CONCRETE LIGHT POLE BASE _ _ _ ° SET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IICSARETO � HS61 N-3,R1 HL11 N-3,R1 6 HL11 N-3,R1.6 L C R 121 CONDUIT(S) PER o O FINISHED GRADE CIRCUIT M JOB N0. 20223 7 77 ES3 0 ES2 ES2 n ES2 \/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/ Data Revisions HH HH $ HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N- 1.14 \�/��/j\�/j\�/j\\ \/�\/\\/\\\/ SEE LANDSCAPE FOR MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED HL11 N-4,R1.14 HL11 N-4,R1.14 i\/\/\ i\//\/// z / \ RESTORATION REQUIREMENTS 7 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 1 " S3 w ¢ \� i/�/ 8 08,09.2024 REVISION 7 HL11 N-9,R1.9 FUTURE FUEL/WASH o w 4#5 VERTICAL FUTURE FLEET w 0 o MAINTENANCE BUILDING � "' TYPICAL LIGHTING O CIRCUIT CONDUIT. Of 48"L. 3/4"DIA. `_ CD ANCHOR BOLTS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL (TYP. OF 4) CONDUITS AS REQUIRED. #3 TIE BAR AROUND BOLTS AT 12"O.C. (TYP. OF 3 PLACES) Sheet Contents SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL •,. LIGHTING 2 POLE BASE DETAIL E1.1 IHHI SCALE: NTS :XISTING WATER TOWER E 1 HL11 N-9 R1.9 N nwlertd pea%Aaetn mrI l the sepAMW ad �drioeeaaTMtlplAe�wIMen� of ure�00u°3�hecr. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING A B 1 El . 1 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z — — — �q- OF STREET 9 — — — — 124th AVENUE SE OA1.8 q- OF W A G N E R AREA 959'-1 1/2" STREET ARCHITECTS IMPERVIOUS 419,208 SF — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — P L A N N E R S PAVEMENT 374,220 SF _ w — � _ I 1916 PIKE PLACE GRAVEL OSF U I SEATTLE WA 98101 Q 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 TOTAL 374,220SF I - wagnerarchitects c o m 5 N - OA1.6 — — — BUILDING 44,988 SF - 1 I I I Q 1 DONo004003 REGISTERED TOTAL 419,208 SF o OA1.9 N ARCHITECT ff CV I, — — —— — --- - --- X ETEWANER FENCE 552 LIN. FT. i I I — I STATE of wASHINCT N 8 2 A1.1 : I 2 consultants: OA1.5 J H. H. 8 . . . . . . . . . .. - 8 I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7'-0" - COVERED I F — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70'-0" 368'-3" I 413'-10" M I M 2 I ` 8 -- I OA1.9 PROPOSED OPERATIONS CENTER - . I 1 I - _ LEGEND: 7'_p'>- I I IQ BUILDING EDGE LL "o LIGHT POLE I - - - - - - - — COVERED - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - T - - - X NEW FENCE EDGE OF ROOF 2 I I z EXISTING FENCE - g OA1.9 H. / ( ., l 4 I I LU Q PROPERTY LINE - — I OA1.7 I LL _ I I o - .. ET NEW I I I I I I , WA.SH1 �T{a,, PAVEMENT AREA - z I I w L, 7 I LL I I KEHOC ¢� OA1.9 �7 I� 8 SI I I N NEW CONCRETE - zz I OA1.9CIO 00 I - Warehouse & Office LL I I I N Building zz I I w NEW LANDSCAPED AREA Xc I I - cn (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS) I "'w LL I I I 12607 SE 248TH ST ruP I I - KENT, WA LEGEND I I iLLLL LLLL i LL LL 8 I 98030 1 NTS = I ' I LL I OA1.8 Lj I I I H. =�w = LLLL ------=X--------X--------- --------- --- - CONSOLIDATED - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CD LSET o `�' I I I o f MAIN ENTRY ,` 1 ti I X "' � I 12 OA1.8 I X X X X X JOB NO. 20223 8 I Date Revisions 0 _ I;J4 J 11 I MARCH 19 2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED X OA1.6 _ �— 0 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 X , OA1.5 8 08.09.2024-REVISION 7 w I - w N I j CV z CP � -- ------------ 12 � o w - I OA1.7 0 CY o LU Sheet Contents IN SITE PLAN JL a _ o I EXISTING WATER TOWER - -- ---------- - - - - - N N F 219'-01/2" 739'-91/2"� Y I o BERM - EXISTING O O _ w WATER TOWER _ All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and Cr original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� � NEWS SEEM w 958'-91/2" � o Sheet No. SITE PLAN 0 SCALE IN FEET _ 10 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" zOA1 w 0 25 50 100 200 Z�o� ■ 0 W bj 0w ry J 0-� 1 EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 SITE SIGN 124th AVENUE SE MAN GATE TYPE G4 W A G N E R WITH KNOXBOX ARCHITECTS — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I I � � — � � — � — — � � — � � — � � — � � — � � — � � — � � —� PLANNERS 20'-0" 110'-0" 25'-0" - 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE 01 GATE CARD READER W - S E A T T L E WA 9 81 01 SLIDING VEHICLE GATE ' 30'-0" = 2 5 2 8 I 2 0 6 4 4 8 O wagnerarchitects c o m TYPE G2 WITH KNOXBOX ti - 16" 0 CONCRETE BOLLARD, TRANSFORMER- SEE ELEC. . 5' SOUTH FROM CURB, TYP. PREP FOR OUTDOOR o004003 REGISTERED (10 TOTAL) - SEE OA1.9 SHELTER PAD ARCHITECT EXISTING FENCE (2) GEN SET 8 291'-9" 64'-0" 177'-10" I 7STA TEWANER F WASHINGT N — Consulta M � " FLAG POLE ON CONC. . . . . . . . PAD, SEE 7/OA1.7 8 I I 8 U TANK I I - 8'-0" I o I WHEEL STOP TYP. @ ASPHALT WALKWAYS e e I I (85 TOTAL) - `4 I I I I I I H AT PUMPS I I WASTE a ❑ COLLEC ION AREA - Q ' zo iET o _ - - Z - p o HEAT PUMPS I I KEHOC I I w co REFRIGERANT LINES - SEE I I Q = Warehouse & Office C]l TRENCH I I Building DETAIL 6/OA1.9 - I - 12607 SE 248TH ST I I x KENT, WA w 98030 z HEAT PUMPS I l y F— � I WASTE COLLECTION AREA oc CONSOLIDATED z SET M 0 I I CV I I O Z N LEGEND: JOB NO. 20223 wI I BUILDING EXIT Date Revisions I LANDING (CONCRETE) MARCH 19,2024 NOTICE TO PROCEED 20'-4" 149'-5 1/2"CD 8 08.09.2024 REVISION 7 / ACCESSIBLE ROUTES w MAN GATE TYPE G3 I I I NN I I WITH KNOXBOX SITE SIGN C:180 LIGHT POLE ILL 0 I I X NEW FENCE z - - � I �. -x - x -X-- - - X- --- -- ------- - ------- - - - - - - ------- . . . o -- -------------------------------------- ----- - --- w - - - - - - _ EXISTING FENCE CY _ o v 9O zo zo U I PROPERTY LINE sheet Contents o M 8 0 x x x x x ENLARGED SITE z o - I NEW 38'-0" PLAN PAVEMENT AREA N GATE CARD x � - N o N READER I NEW w Y x CONCRETE SLIDING VEHICLE GATE TYPE G1 WITH KNOXBOX O w - - - ' NEW LANDSCAPED AREA O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and I W • W W • W (SEE LANSCAPE PLANS) original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z Z W r N Sheet No. _ � ENLARGED SITE PLAN SCALE IN FEET LEGEND 0 z w fy SCALE: 1"=40'-0" NTS Z LE OA1 1 0 20 40 80 160 ■ w J bj d 0 fy EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 POWER FROM VAULT 124th AVENUE SE AT NEIGHBORING SITE W A G N E R ARCHITECTS AEI _ E — = = = _ E _ E _ E_ = PLANNERS e + I 1916 PIKE PLACE m W W W W W W W - SEATTLE WA 98101 � 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 M h> �» wagnerarchitects c o m PREP FOR OUTDOOR m * I 0004003 REGISTERED SHELTER PAD D ARCHITECT EXTEND EXISTING INSTALL CATCH 8 SANITARY LINE FOR FUTURE BASIN FOR FUTURE E T E WA NER y OUTDOOR SHELTER OUTDOOR SHELTER I STATE of WASHINCT N m - Consultants: I z I W � IH. VV w I I $ 8 N AN S N SAN SAN SAN �'-�YA SAN SAN SAN SAN* — Sw S SW w S SW S W SW �T S S� I SW W W W W W W W W W I I /. 8 E cn � I - .EI E G S I I I E E E E° E E E, cn U) I - I � 7 Cn :*i PROPOSED OPERATIONS CENTER mm I � I mm I sw KEHOC m A I Q Warehouse & Office t� cn o z C W W I I Cn - 12607 SE 248TH ST z I I `� w KENT WA s sw sw w w S Sw w w s w I ' - ; 98030 Q z I I - cv w I - W CONSOLIDATED I I (nSET z I U) I LEGEND: cj z I I - JOB NO. 20223 w LIGHT POLE Date Revisions SAN — MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED WATER LINE TO BE I EXIST. SANITARY LINE g 08.09.2024 REVISION 7 REROUTED z CD SW EXIST. STORMWATER LINE w EXIST. WATER LINE N I I - z z I I �, SW STORMWATER LINE - - - - H. w w w w w w �, W X X XX w w w w w SAN SANITARY LINE Ld r W SAN SA SAN SAN AN SAN cCn U SW SW Sw SW S SW S SW SW s SW Sw / S o w WATER LINE S S X I GAS Sheet Contents m NATURAL GAS LINE 8 COMBINED UTILITY X X X X X E ELECTRICAL LINE o L E E E E E E E E E E E SITE PLAN I F.H. N X = FIRE HYDRANT (F.H.) O Z X I X NEW FENCE w Y - EXISTING FENCE w O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z PROPERTY LINE w r" N Sheet No. COMBINED UTILITY PLAN SCALE IN FEET LEGEND 0 z w fy SCALE: 1"=40'-0" NTS Z � 0 20 40 80 160 OA1 ■ 3 J d-i OdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION VE7CA lir RFI NUMBER 60 ELECTRIC & TECHNOLOGIES PROJECT NAME KEHOC JOB NUMBER 628887 RFI DATE 10/15/2024 RESPONSE NEEDED DATE 10/29/2024 TO FROM NAME Bryce Nelson NAME Justin Taylor COMPANY Bayley Construction COMPANY VECA TITLE PM TITLE PX PHONE 509.969.2824 PHONE 206.919.0850 FAX - FAX - EMAIL bryce.nelson@bayley.net EMAIL jtaylor@veca.com SPEC SECTION DRAWING SHEET OA1.0, OA1.1, OA1.3, E1.1(revision 6 and 7) REVISION or DETAIL RFI CATEGORY Electrical TRADE IMPACTED Electrical SUBJECT I Light Pole Camera and NEMA-4 Box Mounting Height REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Sheet E1.1_Rev 6 depicts the two pole-mounted fixtures just north of the building as type ES1. These fixtures have one head on this sheet. The revision 7 version of sheet E1.1 still depicts these two fixtures as ES1, but now appear to have a second head. Sheets OA1.0, OA1.1, and OA1.3 depict these fixtures as two-headed. Please confirm if these fixtures are to be ES1(single head) or ES2(two heads). PROPOSED SOLUTION IMPACTS NO SCHEDULE COST z 0 m m 0 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #208 - RFI-191 - Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Origin: RFI#191:Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Date Created: 12/23/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $1,455.80 $1,455.80 $1,455.80 1.0 $1,455.80 $1,455.80 $1,455.80 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Add circuit and outdoor receptacle near Outdoor units 3A,3B,4A,and 4B as required by NEC 210.63. 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/23/2024 at 10:22AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.130 Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $442.00 $442.00 $442.00 1.0 $442.00 $442.00 $442.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $3,387.80 $0.00 $3,387.80 $3,387.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,387.80 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/23/2024 at 10:22AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 208 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-191 Work Description:RFI-191-Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Date: 12/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-Add circuit and outdoor receptacle near Outdoor units 3A,3B,4A,and 4B as required by NEC 210.63. 1 LS $ $ $ $ 1,455.80 $ 1,455.80 $ 1,455.80 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Foreman 4 $ 95.00 $ 380.00 $ $ $ - $ 380.00 Cleanup 4 $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ 200.00 Dumpster 1 1 LS $ $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 580.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 2,255.80 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 2,945.80 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 442.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 3,387.80 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12.27.2024 12/23/2024 Ow is Representative Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #191 : Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Status Closed on 11/12/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Nov 8,2024 Due Date Nov 22,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number E1.0, E1.2 Reference VECA RFI#67 Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc), Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent), Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner(Expert Drywall Inc),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 23,2024 10:08 AM PST RFI#191 -Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Friday, Nov 8, 2024 at 09:06 AM PST Outdoor Units 3A,3B,4A,and 4B are located approximately 45'East of the building.There isn't a receptacle shown on sheet E1.0 near these heat pumps. Per NEC 210.63,an accessible receptacle is required,and if spare circuit 37,in panel LP11 N,is acceptable to feed the receptacle. Attachments RFI 191 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 at 03:45 PM PST Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 at 11:19 AM PST See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#191-outdoor_serviceable_equipment_receptacle-202411081823_TWE.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Dec 23,2024 10:08 AM PST AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #191 : Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Nov 8,2024 Due Date Nov 22,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number E1.0, E1.2 Reference VECA RFI#67 Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Zach Brown(Expert Drywall Inc), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell (City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware), Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)),Jason Horner, Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE),Matt Laukala (Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt (Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Lenny Richards(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Alfredo Saavedra(Insulpro Projects), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO), Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Nov 8,2024 10:22 AM PST RFI#191 -Outdoor Serviceable Equipment Receptacle Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Friday, Nov 8, 2024 at 09:06 AM PST Outdoor Units 3A,3B,4A,and 4B are located approximately 45'East of the building.There isn't a receptacle shown on sheet E1.0 near these heat pumps. Per NEC 210.63,an accessible receptacle is required,and if spare circuit 37,in panel LP11 N,is acceptable to feed the receptacle. Attachments RFI 191 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response James Chong -Tres West Engineers-2024-11-12 Proposed circuit is acceptable. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Nov 8,2024 10:22 AM PST GENERAL NOTES 1. COORDINATE ALL HVAC AND PLUMBING W A G N E R EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS WITH MECHANICAL AND ARCHITECT S PLUMBING CONTRACTORS. REFER TO ELECTRICAL-MECHANICAL SCHEDULES ON P L A N N E R S SHEETS E0.2-E0.4 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE SEATTLE WA 98101 2. COORDINATE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 WITH MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING CONTRACTORS PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s . c o m 3. PROVIDE MAINTENANCE RECEPTACLE LOCATED MAXIMUM OF 25-0" FROM MECHANICAL UNITS. 53813 -Dye w GISTE�� �SSIONAL �1 E.F.H FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING Consultants: H. F.H. LU o � . eA A FID TttES WEST • ENQINEERS TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com PROPOSED BUILDING 05 m o � m w o w w V 0 HM11N-32,34,36 HM11N-38,40,42 D WP D WP LU F F w KENT YVASNINGTON *F 7 E.F. 3 4 Ilk 1�1_X�' 26,28,30 01 KEHOC z Warehouse & Office m Building of w z z 12607 SE 248TH ST co X KENT, WA w 98030 Cn z m CONSOLIDATED w SET U LLJ o JOB NO. 20223 Data Revisions MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED U) Y Z FUTURE FUEL/WASH J w FUTURE FLEET MAINTENANCE BUILDING 0 c� w 0 m Q w w Sheet Contents w .•o a. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL :XISTING WATER T:7 OWER N nwlertd�pealg Aaetn mrfwuhee the uipibldied ad �drioeeaaTMtlplAe�wIMen� of ure�00u°3�hecr. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL A B 1 E 1 .2 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z GENERAL NOTES A1. COORDINATE NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICES WITH W A G N E R PUGET SOUND ENERGY (PSE). CONTACT ARCHITECT S JONATHAN PETERS AT JONATHAN.PETERS@PSE.COM. P L A N N E R S 264-TA COMMUNICATIONS 2. COORDINATE NEW PHONE AND INTERNET 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE VAULT SERVICE WITH COMCAST. CONTACT MATTHEW S E AT T L E W A 98101 6 e (1)4"C HERRINGTON AT HH MATTHEW_HERRINGTON@COMCAST.COM 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com HH 7 - - - - - 3. COORDINATE SHUTDOWN OF ANY SERVICE WITH RESPECTIVE PROVIDER PRIOR TO WORK. I (2 4"''TO-E-LEC RM 121 8 - 4. PROVIDE AND PULL WIRING/CABLING AS J. O PSE U IL T of fjr TRAN F R E EXISTING U ILITY REQUIRED. PROVIDE PULL STRING IN ALL EMPTY OPOLE CONDUITS. 0 e ,p O d'� �9 7 5. ALL UNDERGROUND CONDUITS THAT ROUTE IN .o 813 16S-2512 ,29 LP15N DRIVEWAY AREAS SHALL BE °�� GISTE� ti HH HH I C CONCRETE-ENCASED. SSIONnL �' E.F. _ a 6. ALL CONDUIT ROUTING IS DIAGRAMMATICAL. TLI E BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING COORDINATE FINAL ROUTING WITH CIVIL AND LP15N-17,Y9 z 5 C-01 HH I HH I I 4 UTILITY PROVIDER. Consultants. 60 ILI 3130 7. COORDINATE SITE LIGHTING, HANDHOLES, AND "C POWER TO ELEC RM 121MANH= 0 0 1-1/2"C FIRE ALARM TO MECH RM I (1)2" P W R —1,19 0 0 AND CIO IL DRAWINGS PLES WITH I IOR TO WORKNDSCAPE, �1)2"C COMM TO MDF HIM-122 I TO ELEC RM 121eA A "C ACCESS CONTROL TO MDF RM 122 I� I LP15N-2 0 C-04 8. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE MINIMUM 1". 1 2"C SPARE TO ELEC RM 121 d 0 IB IS U 1I 11 IB 9 B 7 8 B 1 3 2 1 - 9. ALL EXTERIOR ABOVE-GRADE CONDUITS SHALL -4. I _ Z 4 FDC 0 h+i BE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL. t s e e e e 77 C-03 1O IM 11 N-29&f 0 0 10. REFER TO SHEET E6.6 FOR TRENCHING DETAILS. T R E S WEST ENGINEERS INC. H APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 7 MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 APPROXIMATE - E 12 0 11. ALL EXTERIOR CONDUCTORS SHALL BE MINIMUM TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 V12 #10 COPPER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I - I LOCATION OF IT ROOM Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com C-06 I PROPOSED BUILDING I :17, 0 PANEL 7 0 ✓HH I HEV11 PLAN NOTES IRRIGATION PEDESTAL CONTROLLER. 4 O O COORDINATE LOCATION AND POWER w TYP I 0 w — — — — — — J - - _ _ _ - HH�_ REQUIREMENTS WITH LANDSCAPE DESIGNER Ov C-09 360 - 2" FIRE/FARM MECH RM 120 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. 1 2-1/2" C 0+ w .0 MM T(2MDF 122 2O PROVIDE 1" UNDERGROUND CONDUIT WITH FIRE Eg. � 0 I 1 2" -: CESS �ONTR L TO MDF R 122 (1)2"C COMM TO MDF RM 122 0 (1)4" ARE T(YELEC RM 121 ALARM CABLING FROM PIV TO ADDRESSABLE POINT MODULE IN MECH/RISER ROOM 120. �/ r PROVIDE LIQUID TIGHT FLEX CONDUIT ABOVE KE i�l T 0 5 0 "" GRADE AT PIV. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION .T��1 A S H I N G TO N - E.F C-1 0 O OF PIV WITH CIVIL PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. E - 5,27 L -37, EV I 0 0 3O PROVIDE (2)1"C FOR POWER AND CONTROL CONNECTIONS TO GATE OPERATOR KEHOC ELEC RM 113 LJ CONTROLLER AND CARD READER. (1)1"C WITH z I 0 0 3#10, 1#10G AND (1)1"C WITH TWO CAT 6 CABLES. WaI'2f1OUS2 & Office m COORDINATE WITH GATE MANUFACTURER'S LEV13 REQUIREMENTS. COORDINATE LOCATION OF Building 0 T-LEV13 I CARD READER WITH ARCHITECT. zL L-, n7 L 4O PROVIDE RACEWAYS TO APPROPRIATE ROOMS 12607 SE 248TH ST Lm AS NOTED ON CONDUIT. U) -11 w 3 P1 N-3 , 0 5 PROVIDE NETWORK EQUIPMENT BOX AND KENT, WA (1) 1-1/2"C,-FtRE-ALARM O POWER BOX FOR CAMERAS. COORDINATE BOX 1 2"C COMM TO MDF RM 122 (1) 3"C SPARE TO (1)2"C COMM-TO MDF R 98030 O ELEC RM 113 (1)2" LESS CONTROL TO I2M 122 MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH OWNER PRIOR TO WORK. SEE SHEET E6.1 DETAIL 1 FOR 7 (3)2" O ELEC 0 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. m HH�HHL — H HH 5 0 Q o O TO PSE UTILITY VAULT. COORDINATE ROUTING CONSOLIDATED LP12 -29, 1 -1 -1 0 0 o .H. ( )t1c P R T E E R 1 3 S 1 (1) "C C M P12N 29 31 .'.' HH WITH CIVIL AND PSE. PROVIDE PRIMARY TRENCH U HH M B1 O D M 22 -- ________ ____ _ _ ___ ____ 0 SET 12 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (2) I I CSPARE 8 olf LP15N-25,27 7 PROVIDE NETWORK EQUIPMENT BOX AND o ♦ JOB NO. 20223 LL 14 13 POWER BOX FOR FUTURE EQUIPMENT. COORDINATE BOX MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH Date Revisions 7t Ot:�, HH HH HH HH XFMR "" "" - - OWNER PRIOR TO WORK. SEE SHEET E6.1 DETAIL MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 8 (1) T-GB1 Y 2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. (1) "CCOMM TO MDF RM 122 Q 06.05.2024 REVISION 6 " (1) "C ACCESS CONTROL TO MDF RM 122 �, A 8O NOT USED. 360 (1) "C PARE TO ELEC RM 121 FUTURE FUEL/WASH (1) 1-1/2"C FIRE I" PLV O MECH RM 120 8 08,09.2024 REVISION 7 (1)2"C COMM TO RDF RIM 122 (2) 2"C SPARE TO ELEC RM 121 C-17 FUTURE FLEET (1)2"C ACCESS R L TO MDF RM 122 UTILI Y POLE 12N-29,31 — MAINTENANCE BUILDING (1)2"C SPARE T L0 RM 121 O TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS VAULT. COORDINATE LL CD ROUTING AND VAULT LOCATION AND ORIENTATION WITH CIVIL AND LUMEN. XFMR GB1 10 NOT USED. T-WT1 / HH 12 11 NOT USED. Sheet Contents EXISTING HANDHOLE WITH POWER TO WATER TANK. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL 16 EXISTING WT1 : ' . ' GREEN 13 POWER BUILDING O REMOVED. COORDINATE REMOVAL OF POWER LP12N-29,310 POLE AND METER WITH OWNER AND SERVING 5 :XISTING WATER TOWER "" 360 UTILITY. C-16 14 EXISTING WOOD UTILITY POLE WITH SECURITY CAMERA. COORDINATE REMOVAL OF POLE AND CAMERA WITH OWNER AND SERVING UTILITY. 15 EXISTING POWER POLE WITH OVERHEAD m WrAmw°1d ""d SERVICES TO OFFICE TRAILERS AND GREEN aa'°m"dau' "'�° ra.11ta�' L STORAGE BUILDING. COORDINATE POLE REMOVAL WITH OWNER AND SERVING UTILITY. Sheet No. SITE PLAN ELECTRICAL POWER A g 16 FIELD VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING SERVICE 1 SCALE: 1"=50'-0" z PANEL. E1 .0 CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 26 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 11/21/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs asssociated with RFI #191 and the response to add circuitry and service receptacles to the east exterior side of the building near outdoor units 3A, 3B, 4A and 413. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 3/4"CONDUIT-PVC40 TRENCH 100 53.00 C 53.00 3.25 C 3.25 3/4" ELBOW 90 DEG- PVC40 4 100.92 C 4.04 23.75 C 0.95 3/4"COUPLING- PVC 8 21.33 C 1.71 0.00 C 0.00 #12 THHN BLACK 330 179.60 M 59.27 6.44 M 2.13 #14 THHN GREEN 110 114.50 M 12.60 5.38 M 0.59 1G UNIV WP-IN-USE PLATE- DEVICE MNT VERT/H 1 2,970.37 C 29.70 7.50 C 0.07 20A 125V DUP REC-GFCI IVY(SG) 1 6,625.00 C 66.25 31.25 C 0.31 Totals 554 226.56 7.30 Summary General Materials 226.56 Material Total 226.56 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (7.30 Hrs @$121.87) 889.65 FOREMAN @ 15% (1.10 Hrs @$131.12) 144.23 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 126.04 Markup (@ 5.000%) 69.32 Subtotal 1,455.80 CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 26 Client Address: Date: 11/21/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Summary(Cont'd) Final Amount �5.8 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 26 Final Amount: $1,455.80 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #213 - CCD-038 - Add 10 Ethernet Drops to DOC Room # 206 Origin: Date Created: 12/27/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $4,157.67 $4,157.67 $4,157.67 1.0 $4,157.67 $4,157.67 $4,157.67 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Add 10 Ethernet Drops to DOC Room#206 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 2.0 $95.00 $190.00 $190.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 2.0 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 12/27/2024 at 09:11AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.130 Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 1.0 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $5,701.67 $0.00 $5,701.67 $5,701.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,701.67 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 12/27/2024 at 09:11AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 213 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-038 Work Description:CCD-038-Add 10 ethernet drops to DOC Room#206 Date: 12/26/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-Add 10 Ethernet drops to DOC Room#206 1 LS $ $ $ $ 4,157.67 $ 4,157.67 $ 4,157.67 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Foreman 2 $ 95.00 $ 190.00 $ $ $ - $ 190.00 Cleanup 2 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ $ $ $ 100.00 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ $110.00 $ 110.00 $ $ 110.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4 $ 290.00 $ $ 110.00 $ 4,557.67 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 4,957.67 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 744.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 5,701.67 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 12.27.2024 12/27/2024 O er's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KIEHOC Warehouse& Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-038 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 12/23/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Add 10 ethernet drops to the DOC Room#206 at the location indicated. Attachments: E8.1 ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD, 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction i ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Sea Kent, WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 BY DATE DATE 12.26.2024 DATE 12/27/24 LP22 1 A A LP22 1 RATOR FIRE ALARM NARRATIVE LP22N- 2 1. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE BIDDER DESIGN. W A G N E R LP22N-12 A� I I DEVICES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS DO NOT A R H I T E T 4 REFLECT COMPLETE SYSTEM. FIRE ALARM S L -2,4,6 F CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPLETE FIRE P L A N N E R S J LP17N-12 ALARM DESIGN. PROVIDE ALL REQUIRED NGE REFRIGERATOR APPURTENANCES, RACEWAY, CABLING AND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE MICRQWAX/FU ���� �L 17N-16 LP2 N- 4 MOUNTING HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR S E AT T L E WA 98101 IC OWAVE _ COMPLETE OPERATION OF FIRE ALARM 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 LP26 -32 A� L 2 N-8 �Z� '-,FUME HOOD SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE SHALL w a n e r a r c h i t e c t s. c o m 7RIZEFRICEI�AT LP 6N 32 (REFER TO LP17N-12 INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO THE 9 NSTA-HOT DISTILLE ELEC-MECH FOLLOWING: R ICROW VE LP22N-35 LP17N- 6 PLANS) 1.1. COMPLETE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM BASEDJREFRIGERATOR L 26N-36 ° ISPN-23 ON THE AVAILABLE ARCHITECTURAL, �'o�. 0 LP26N-24 LP26 -3 LP22N-23 STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND S DISPOSAL LASS WASH ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. LP26N-16 L 17N-18 1.2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS, HEAT �� !722N-10 OWAVE r0 �INSTA-HOT � DETECTORS, MANUAL PULL STATIONS, '0 53813 GISTE�' LP26N-18 SPRINKLER RISER MODULES, HORNS, LP26N- 0 A LP26N-4A q NSTA-HOT o ° VISUAL EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, SIGNAL 01-31-2024 LP22N29 � VOICE EVACUATION ALARM DEVICES, - LP26N-40 A MICROW VE BELLS, DOOR RELEASE AND HOLDER � , � 26N-38 -DISPOSAL LP17 A (��L�26N-10,12,14 2 (7 CONTROLS, PANELS, POWER SUPPLIES, RANGE Z� AND CONTROL GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR AS Consult Ar. )( r I P2SHER — — 17N-14 ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRE ALARM NSTA-HOT A P2 -16 LP17 A SYSTEM. 9;4 LP26N-28 _ LP26N- 0 A DI HWASHER ISPOSAL L 26 -32 LP1 A A "AA _ 2. ALL FIRE ALARM J-BOXES SHALL BE PAINTED LP26N-30 LP26N-26 LP22N-12 AJ RED. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE r- A r N LP26N-4 q LP17N 22 + + RESPONSIBLE TO SATISFY THIS REQUIREMENT. 4A — L L &LP2 _ LP22N-12 LP22N-12 REFRIG TOR LP17N-20 + 3. ALL EXTERIOR FIRE ALARM DEVICES SHALL BE TRES WEST LP2 -1 INCUBATOR + PROVIDED WITH WATER TIGHT CONDUIT, EI�IGImm LP17N-24 + + J-BOXES, AND WEATHERPROOF GASKETS AS III REQUIRED BYAHJ. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. LEVEL 2 KITCHENETTE RM 241 2 LEVEL 2 KITCHENETTE 202A 3 LEVEL 1 WATER TEST LAB 4 2702SOUTH42NDS TACOMA, WA 8409-98409- SUITE301 . REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 1 FOR FIRE 7315 SCALE: 1/4"- 1'-0" TREET SCALE: 1/4"-1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"- 1'-0" ALARM RISER DIAGRAM. Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com 5. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 2 FOR ELEVATOR RECALL AND SHUNT TRIP DIAGRAM. 6. REFER TO SHEET E6.0 DETAIL 3 FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT SHUT-DOWN WIRING DIAGRAM. GENERAL NOTES 1. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. LP17S-35 00 OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY DISPOSAL ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT LP17S-33 ° A LP16N-2 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. '� . INSTA-HOT I P16 -13 2. PROVIDE 4" SQUARE MOUNT JUNCTION BOXES �K.y� E t�T LP17S-31 FOR CAMERAS. JUNCTION BOXES FOR Y.A 5 H I N G T O H MICROWAVE- (j�J I EXTERIOR CAMERAS SHALL BE A ANGE WEATHERPROOF. S -) P16N-19,21,23 LP16N-18 I P2aN-L4 5 LP1 S-1 3. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER KEHOC A 2 F 2 O LP16N-25 TVs (TYP) WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. d'dd`` LP23N-14 TVs (TYP}- A LP1 N-13 LP16N-18 PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS Warehouse & Office O LP23N-12 ® REQUIRED. "S" NEAR A RECEPTACLE OLP1 S-1� INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. Building REF OR A DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED TVs (TYPE--� LP23N-12 7 -29� J F_ WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE O LP23N-18 J EFRI TOR 12607 SE 248TH ST C7L& A LP17S- 9 LP -24 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED � LP23N 16) O 4 F P 4 LP169-2 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. KENT, WA QLP23N-18 O FRIGERATOR 4. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL 98030 LP23 -24 L 16N-17 WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. co TVs (TYP) LEVEL 1 KITCHENETTE OPEN OFFICE 151 INS1A�HO ISPOP16N-30 ICROWAVE O LP23N-10 �� LP16N-16 O ® SCALE: 1/4"=1'0" SHER ICROWA E LP 6N-15 L 16N-1LP PLAN NOTES PLAN NOTES ADDENDUM 2 TVs (TYP) 0 6 BOOT DRYER. 1 PROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH TWO DUPLEX �,qJ 2,15.2024 LP23N-16 _ RECEPTACLES, FOUR DATA PORTS, AND ONE LP23 -24 O O 1 3 PROVIDE FLOOR BOX WITH ONE DUPLEX ANALOG POTS LINE. C/' LEVEL 1 TEAM ROOM & KITCHENETTE 112 RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX PROVIDE (8) 12G HD SDI 4K-BNC CABLES TO TVs (TYPE RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. ROOM RACK LOCATION. PROVIDE (1) 800MHz JOB NO. 20223 LP23N-10 7 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" ANTENNA CABLE AND (1)VHF ANTENNA CABLE Date Revisions TERMINATED AS A BNC FEMALE BULKHEAD 0 01.16.2024-REVISION 1 v CONNECTOR. 3N-15 1 5 03 01.30.2024 BID SET 10 ethernet drops from 6 LP13N-17 LP13N-19 `H' `H' `H' O2 PROVIDE TWO RECEPTACLES AND TWO SDI switch to or near rack O O CABLES FOR TWO 75"TVS. BASE OF LOWER TV 4 02.16.2024-ADDENDUM 2 LP13N-21 LP13N-23 SHALL BE 50"AFF WITH SECOND TV DIRECTLY ON in 3N-15 O O TOP OF LOWER TV. ALL TVS SHALL BE TIPPED CCD-038 65 O O FORWARD 5 DEGREES AND IN LINE FORMING A l� O LP23N-18 5 23N-18 I -8 L 13N-10 O O VIDEO WALL. RECEPTACLE AND CABLE BOX L � S 3 3N - SHALL BE LOCATED BETWEEN ROWS OF TVS. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER 5 3 PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. SDI CABLES SHALL BE ROUTED TO UNDERCOUNTER RACK SDI CABLE SWITCHER. SDI CABLE SHALL BE 12G HD SDI 6 6 3 _16 4K-BNC. THIRD RECEPTACLE AND DATA OUTLET O O SHALL BE MOUNTED AT STANDARD HEIGHT IN Sheet Co"te"ts LINE WITH TV RECEPTACLES ABOVE. LEVEL 2 DOC RM 206 0 O O O ENLARGED ELECTRICAL O PROVIDE EATON TRIPP LITE UNDER COUNTER 9U PLANS 4 - - RACK #SRW9UDP WITH SMARTRACK 1U SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" HORIZONTAL CABLE MANAGER #SRCABLERING1U, RACKMOUNT UPS T LP13N-41 #SMART2200RMXL2U, AND BLACKMAGIC VIDEOHUB 20X20 12G FOR SDI CABLE SWITCHING OO O O O PROVIDE 2 DOCKING STATIONS AND 1 - - WORKSTATION. COORDINATION SPECIFICATIONS WITH OWNER. ur� wp&W ad A 6 O PROVIDE (8) 12G HD SDI 4K-BNC CABLES TO N*d:ka1tw albG n�root LP1 -39 ROOM RACK LOCATION. PROVIDE (1) 800MHz . out s�aa.s�t d . . . . . . i LP13N 1 ANTENNA CABLE AND (1)VHF ANTENNA CABLE TERMINATED AS A BNC FEMALE BULKHEAD Sheet No. CONNECTOR. Al LEVEL 1 DRYING ROOM 135 O POE CLOCK. DATA OUTLET SHALL BE LOCATED E8 . 1 6 BEHIND CLOCK HIGH ON THE WALL. COORDINATE SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 28 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 12/27/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with CCD-038 and the addition of(10) ethernet drops in DOC room #206 at the rack in the corner of the room. CO includes pricing for the pathway in the wall and into the room from the cable tray to accommodate the additional drops. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 2" CONDUIT- EMT 15 319.41 C 47.91 9.50 C 1.43 Totals 15 47.91 1.43 Summary General Materials 47.91 COMMS 3,350.00 Material Total 3,397.91 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (1.43 Hrs @$121.87) 174.27 FOREMAN @ 15% (0.21 Hrs @$131.12) 27.54 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 359.97 Markup (@ 5.000%) 197.98 Subtotal 4,157.67 Final Amount $4,157.67 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 28 Client Address: Date: 12/27/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S Y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 28 Final Amount: $4,157.67 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work.