HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-084 - Change Order - #7 - Active Construction - Mill Creek 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements - 1/10/25 140 Agreement Routing Farm For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management \L KF N T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. W A S H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: S.Anderson PW Engineering Date Sent: Date Required: 1/13/25 N/A 0 L QAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: a 0 Director or Designee ❑Mayor 5/7/24 Budget Account Number: Grant? 0 Yes ❑No D90121 64110 330 Budget? 0 Yes ❑ No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Active Construction Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C Change Order#7 0 Project Name: Mill Creek/ 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements to Project Details: Emergency repair of Zayo cross bored side sewer lateral of 21719 84th c Avenue S. Cost include work tracked on FA sheet#32. C 0 Agreement Amount: $47,102.57 Basis for Selection of Contractor Bid d i Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 400 Working Days a Local Business? ❑Yes ❑No* *Ifineets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes 17 No CAG2024-084 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: ✓m C 7 30 a, � 3 f+ R CCn Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: V! Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/13/25 ad«W22373 1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements • KENT W A 5 H I N O T O N CHANGE ORDER NO. #7 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Active Construction Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Mill Creek 761h Avenue S Culvert Improvements ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: February 26, 2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Emergency repair of 84th Avenue side sewer for 21719 property. Cost include work tracked on FA sheet #32. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $13,825,727.17 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $135,600.47 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $13,961,327.64 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $42,742.80 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $4,359.77 Order Revised Contract Sum $14,008,430.21 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 400 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 0 working days prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) under Minor Change 0 working days Orders Days Required (f) for this Change Order 0 working days Revised Time for Completion 400 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: ❑i&Wly signed by Chad Sieren B Codey Ayres °�" `�""°�'" """"o-"" 13 Chad lad BledGr en Vale 2025.01.1009:33:a&08'00' (signature) (signature) Print Name:Codev Ayres Print Name: Chad Bieren P.E. Its Project Manager Its Public Works Director (title) (title) DATE: 116/24, _ DATE: EC CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department 1 C[In this field,you may enter the electronic nlepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 / File No. 200.2 KENT CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 7 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: 76th Ave Culvert Improvements Project No: 20-3028 Project Engineer: Mark Madfai TIB-Aid No: N/A Capital Projects Jason Bryant Contractor: ACI Manager: Date: 12/10/2024 I. Proposed Change Emergency repair of 84th Ave side sewer for 21719 property. Costs include work tracked on the following FA sheets: #32 II. Reason and Background for Change During installation of a private power conduit on 84th Avenue, crews discovered a sink hole in front of the 21719 property while potholing other utilties. Power crews notified the City of their discovery. Kent Sewer crews Wed the adjacent side sewer and found a broken pipe. Due to location and potential depths of excavation, the City requested ACI crews provide emergency support and repair. Existing asphalt was removed and the side sewer pipe exposed. At this time, it was discovered the side sewer had actually been cross bored during installation of a Zayo fiber line. ACI crews repaired the pipe and backfilled the trench. CDF was used to ensure the sink hole was completely filled while reducing overall surface impacts. ACI then restored the trench line with hot mix asphalt. This change order is complete compensation for the 21719 emergency repair. III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS ❑ Notapplicable Sch. Item Description Total Est. Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of No Qty Item 84th Ave Emergency side sewer repair at 1 LS $42,742.80 $ 42,742.80 21719 New Pay Items Total: $ 42,742.80 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 ❑� Notapplicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. Page 1 $ Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ - INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ❑✓ Notapplicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description No. QtY Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ _ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $42,742.80 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract: 400 Due This Change Order: 0 Previous Total: 400 Explanation/justification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 400 *This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Date: Z"/-Y- X- Jason ant Construction Engineering Date: Supervisor: 1Z i7 Z ] on Barry Construction Manager: Date: ric Connor Page 2 FA Sheet No.: 32 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED � KEr Project Name: Mill Creekl76th Avenue Culvert Improve Project No: 20-3028 Item No.: Date: 9/16-20/2024 Description of Work: 84th Street setup traffic control,sawcut,equipment.remove asphalt,dug to break,vac truck,repair pipe. back fill.Cleaned and tv sewer line.Dug back through backfill for COK to jet and TV line.Backfill to elevationfor install of power condults.Backfilled rest with CDF.Prepped for pave back.Place CSTC then pave.Load out steel sheets,boxes,equipmentand traffic control,removed road signage Work by Subcontractor?: no Prime Contractor: ACI Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHTTIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPATION Hrs 1 Hourly Rate Hrs OT Rate AMOUNT BRETT VANHOOF 4MAN OP-FOREMAN 19 101.96 0.5 137.55 $ 2.006.02 JOSHUA TEODORO OP2 OPERATOR-2 25 96.97 1 130.13 $ 2.554.38 ANDREW STARKS OP4 OPERATOR-4 22 91.93 0.5 122.62 $ 2.083.77 DYLAN SLATER OP-APP -OPERATOR-APP 70% 76.05 $ - SAM BOGERT OP2 OPERATOR-2 96.97 $ - EASTON WESTLING LAB3 'LABORER-3 31 73.421 0.5 100.631$ 270.58 JEFFREY MILLER I OP2 I OPERATOR-2 1 15.51 96.971 0.5 130.13 $ 1,568.10 SUBTOTAL-LABOR: $ 8,482,85 LABOR OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 31% $ 2.629.68 LABOR TOTAL S 11,112.53 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equipment Description Hrs Hourly Rate Hrs Standby Rate AMOUNT 511 ON-HWYTRUCK 19.5 25.33 $ 493.94 415 CAT BACKHOE 3 54.95 $ 164.85 534 JD 85 EX 71.25 $ - 566 JD 245 EX 99.09 $ - 512 VOLVO LOADER 91 100.72 IS 906.48 SUBTOTAL-EQUIPMENT $ 1,565.27 EQUIPMENT OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ 328.71 EQUIPMENT TOTAL S 1.893.98 MATERIA LWSERVIC EWRENTALS MATERIALS/SERVICES Quantity Units Unit Price DOLLAR AMOUNT Lakeside-Asphalt 5.03 ton $ 84.00 S 422.52 Core&Main-Dive and fittings 1 Is $ 464.48 $ 464.48 Del-Mar-Sawc�ut 1 Is $ 525.00 S 525.00 Miles-CDF I Is $ 11855.00 $ 1,855.00 Icon-cstc 15.0 'ton $ 16.35 S 246.72 Highway Specialties-rental boards Is $ 3.192.90 $ 3,192.90 Highway specialties-tubeEfand base 50 Be $ 24.50 $ 1.225.00 united rentals-trench boxes.gear 1 Is $ 3.776.33 $ 3,776.33 Tunista trucking 47.75 Hrs $ 190.00 $ 9.072.50 Tunista trucking OT 2 Hrs $ 205.00 1 S 410.00 Badger Vac Truck 1 's $ 3,385.00 1$ 3,385.00 SUBTOTAL $ 24,575.45 OVERHEAD&PROFIT @ 21% $ 5;160.84 TOTAL $ 29,736.29 Verification of Hours Worked TOTAL: $ 42,742.80 12%MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) $ - CentractorsRepresentD4ve Jason Eleyp=r,=,-�7:rw�- Date 12/16/24 SHEET TOTAL: $ 42,742.80 owne�s Re Drprosent0ve aim r/y, t Date 12116/202 Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: ACTIVE ACI-, CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONALWORK-AUTHORIZATiON INC. A.C.I. AN: I PHASE FOREM AWA# PAGE# PROJECT re- T �A H I CODE: DATE# 2 Y1 ' UG I PE FORMED: �. c tWOR , I G L` Z C) C k 3G 2--r OF DESCRIPTION OF WORK r -;++r,:�, f-C i c c n fro t (A, I u Gt 4 /c, n c In �)c c s cJ. LABOR CLASS& HOURS QTY STRAIGHT OVERTIME DOUBLE TOTAL HOURS FOREMAN ! 6 -: 6 . -:) OPERATOR 1 =f J, -� LABORER d J TCS FLAGGER EQUIP.NO. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL HOURS i cry CrJ Cc 245 MATERIALS DELIVERED/USED UNITS TICKET# SERVICES PERFORMED UNITS TICKET-# SUBCONTRACTORS UNITS TICKET# *Notes: ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR ABOVE WORK IS.- $ Payment will be made as follows: Above additional w rk to be performed under same conditions as specified in original contract unless otherwise stipulated Date: � � /Z � Authorizing Signature: (OWNER SIGNS HER We agree to furnish labor and materials-complete in accordance with the above spec} :a#' a ove stated price. = Date: Authorizing Signature: f ONTRACT R SI N ERE NOTE:This revision becomes part of,and in conformance with,the existing contract ACTIVE ACI CONSTRUCTION ADDITIONAL WORK'AUTKORIZATION INC. A.C.I. FOREMAN: ! r { PHASE AWA# PAGE# PROJECT CODE: DATE WORK OF PERFORMED• C,r� r 27 DESCRIPTION OF WORK -- %s 12 t f- .1 �J �,; c "i Ve �.a LK C�rJ �: r U 1C...—. � � T � :a x _ V �� -I- V C �u.cl[ �, f a f i 7L (1 —'Cr Y LABOR CLASS&HOURS QTY STRAIGHT OVERTIME DOUBLE TOTAL HOURS FOREMAN ' OPERATOR 2 LABORER t i TCS FLAGGER EQUIP.NO. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL HOURS _j Y c. �_ t ? iJ C,! D MATERIALS DELIVERED/USED UNITS TICKET# SERVICES PERFORMED UNITS I TICKET# SUBCONTRACTORS UNITS TICKET# Notes: ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR ABOVE WORK IS: Payment will be made as follows: Above additional work to be performed under same conditions as specified in original contract unless otherwise stipulated Date: /I r Authorizing Signature: ! &W-SMS HERE We agree to fu(nigh labor and materials-complete in accordance with the above specirlcativrrs, d above stated prie Date: Authorizing Signature: NTRA TOR Z ERE NOTE:This revision becomes part of,and in conformance with,the existing contract ACTIVE ACICONSTRUCTION ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION- INC. A.C.I. FOREMAN. l 1 PHASE AWA# PAGE# PROJECT G�Va rfc�G?� CODE: DATE WORK ' p ,';-� f PERFORMED:I i f- c. -a�' I �� F,'o 2 � OF rr + DESCRIPTION OF WORK fC� ❑[ Trot G1Vt~ �G�,� f-:,-P-cA CST .. +kfV``1 IJGr�Ar� -a4 <° r 1f +1 - c, LJ -L,<- O� Y fC��� �0Ae S l-� �GCrdG Qt�. C = CGIUCs4vr` LABOR CLASS& HOURS QTY STRAIGHT OVERTIME DOUBLE TOTAL HOURS FOREMAN OPERATOR '.c., -� ! LABORER TCS FLAGGER EQUIP.NO. .EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL HOURS f 1 o rG L r ; e_ r:.,k, E U r MATERIALS DELIVERED/USED UNITS TICKET# SERVICES PERFORMED UNITS TICKET# SUBCONTRACTORS UNITS TICKET# Notes: ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR ABOVE WORK IS: $ Payment will be made as follows: Above additional::rods to be performed under same conditions as specified in original contract unless otherwise stipulated Date: Authorizing Signature: OWNER SIGNS HER We agree to furnish labor and materials-complete in accordance wEth the above speci r Wvns;'at above stated p iCe. Date: Authorizing Signature, } � (CONTIR6UPIG HERE NOTE:This revision becomes part of,and in conformance with,the existing contract ACTIVE ACICONSTRUCTION ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION INC. A.C.I. FOREMAN: f <. 4- 1 PHASE AWA# PAGE# PROJECT fir, I CODE: DATE WORK I # -Z;�;� PERFORMED: c =? %C�' 2 U � L� I OF DESCRIPTION OF WORK + f' .a rCxGtC� 17 Lct C— J LABOR CLASS&HOURS QTY STRAIGHT OVERTIME DOUBLE TOTAL HOURS FOREMAN l OPERATOR LABORER TCS ` FLAGGER EQUIP.NO. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL HOURS rLA MATERIALS DELIVERED/USED UNITS TICKET# SERVICES PERFORMED UNITS TICKET# SUBCONTRACTORS UNITS TICKET# *Notes: ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR ABOVE WORK IS: $ Payment will be made as follows: _ Above additional work to be performed under same conditions as specified in original contract unless otherwise stipulated Date: Authorizing Signature: �- (OWNER SIGNS HEREr We agree to furnish labor and materials-complete in accordance with the above specificatlons.,at andGe stated price. Date: Authorizin Signature: �--- CONTRACTOR VMS HERE) NOTE:This revision becomes part of,and in conformance with,the existing contract v EquipmentWatch_ www.equipment6vatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 511 in All Saved Models June 27,2024 Miscellaneous 4X2 15KGVW DSL On-Highway Flatbed Trucks Size Class: 14,001.16,000 Ibs Weight: 52141bs Configuration for 4X215KGVW DSL Axle Configuration 4X2 Horsepower 200.0 Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight 15000.0 Ibs Power Mode Diesel Blue Book Rates Non-current(i.e.archived)rates:Jan 1,2022-Mar 31,2022 '*FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operaling FHWA Rate" Costs Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD:1.055.00 USD$295.00 USD$74.00 USD SILD0 USD$19.13 USD$25.12 Adjustments Region(Washington: USD$43.26 USD$12.10 USD$3.03 USO 50.45 104.1%) Model Year(2017:99.4%) (USD$6.62) (USD$1.85) (USD$0.46) (USD 5Q.07) Adjusted Hourly Ownership Cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Total: USD$1,091.63 USD$305.24 USD 576.57 USD$11.38 USD$19.13 USD$25.33 Non-Active Use Rates Hourly Standby Rate USD$4.53 Idling Rate USD$20.50 Rate Element Allocation Element Percentage Value Depreciation(ownership) 55% USD$580.251mo Overhaul(ownership) 27% USD$284.85/mo CFC(ownership) 4% USD$42.20/mo Indirect(ownership) 14% USD$147.70/mo Fuel(operating)@ USD 3.65 74.75% USD$14.30/hr Revised Date:1st quarter 2022 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However,due to more frequent online updates,these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Book® Print.Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more information. The equipment represented in-this report has been exclusively prepared for Mike Rote(mikero@activeconstruction.com) All material herein®2003-2024 Randall-Reilly All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 2"1" EquipmentWatch_ www.equ ipm entwatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 415 in All Saved Models June 27,2024 Caterpillar 420E(disc.2012) Tractor-Load er-Backh oes Size Class: - 13.5-14.4ft t I� Weight: 15474lbs e— Configuration for 420E(disc.2012) Drive 4WD Horsepower 93.3 hp Operator Protection ROPS Power Mode Diesel Blue Book Rates "*FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate- Costs , Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD$4,530.00 USD$1,270.00 USD$320.00 USD$48.00 USD$29.73 USD S55.47 Adjustments Region(Washington: USD$113.25 USD$31.75 USD$8.00 USD$1.20 102.5%) Model Year(2008:95.6%) (USD$204.10) (USD$57.22) (USD$14.42) (USD$2:16) Adjusted Hourly Ownership - - Cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Total: USD$4,439.15 USD$1,244.53 USD$313.58 USD$47.04 USD$29.731 USD$54.95 Non-Active Use Rates Hourly Standby Rate USD$13.62 Idling Rate USD$39.B4 Rate Element Allocation Element Percentage Value Depreciation(ownership) 25% USD$1,132.50/mo Overhaul(ownership) 46% USD$2,083.80/mo CFC(ownership) 17% USD$770.30/mo Indirect(ownership) 12% USD$543.60/mo Fuel(operating)@ USD 4.03 49.18% USD$14.62/hr Revised Date:2nd quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However,due to more frequent online updates,these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Booke Print.Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more information. The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for Mike Rote(mikero@activeconstruction.com) All material herein O 2003-2024 Randall-Reilly All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 EquipmentWatch. www.equipmentwatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 512 in All Saved Models July 2,2024 Volvo L110H 4-Wd Articulated Wheel Loaders Size class: 250-274 hp Weight: NIA Configuration for L110H Horsepower 258.0 hp Operator Protection ROPSIFOPS Power Mode Diesel Blue Book Rates '*FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate" Costs Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD$10.355.00 USD$2,900.00 USD$725.00 USD$110.00 USD$41.08 USD$99.92 Adjustments Region(Washington: USD$196.74 USD$55.10 USD$13.77 USD$2.09 101.9%) Model Year(2017:99.48%) (USD$54.77) (USD$15.34) (USD$3.83) (USD$0.58) Adjusted Hourly Ownership Cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) - Total: USD$10,496.98 USD$2,939.76 USD$734.94 USD$111.51 USD$41.08 USD$100.72 Non-Active Use Rates Hourly Standby Rate USD$41.15 Idling Rate USD$73.53 Rate Element Allocation Element Percentage Value Depreciation(ownership) 40% USD$4,142.001mo Overhaul(ownership) 31% USD$3,210.05/mo CFC(ownership) 18% USD$1,863.90/mo Indirect(ownership) 11% USD$1,139.05/mo Fuel(operating)@ USD 3.66 33.81% USD$13.89/hr Revised Date:3rd quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However,due to more frequent online updates,these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Booke Print.Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more information. The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for Mike Rote(mikero@activeconstruction.com) All material herein 0 2003-2024 Randall-Reilly All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 IfLffLAKESIDE Kent Division INDUSTRIES INVOICE 290010 Remit to: LB# 1086, Lakeside Industries Invoice Date: OW2124 PO Box 35143 Customer No: 104746 Seattle, WA 98124-5143 Job#: 24.003 Sold To: Delivered To: Active Construction Inc-WA ""'apOactiveconstruction.com"" Puyallup, WA 98371 We welcome your EFT payment IACH and Wire).Please contact AROIakesldeindustries.com. Tax &Ile Oak Ticket f i ('nrlw lax Tj*1 PO A: MATERIAL: 106-WA CLASS B MODIFIED 0911924 4094753 Kent Asphalt Plant 5.030 TON $ 84.00 422.52 0.00 71712 0.00 422.52 Total: WA CLASS B MODIFIED 5.D30 TON 422.52 422.52 0.00 422.52 Total: Cuat Job: 244M3 422.52 0.00 0.00 422.52 Total Invoice: 422.52 0.00 0.00 422.52 RECEIVED SIP 2 5 2324 ACI Payment Type: On Account ❑10 Pay Terms 10th Total: $ 422.52 Kent Division'18808 SE 257th street-Covington WA 98042`253.631.3611 Page 1 of 1 Lr LAKESIDE KENT DIVISION Ticket#: 4094753 INDUSTRIES 18808 SE 256th STREET Covington, WA 98042 Date: 9/19/24 253-631-3611 Time: 9:51 am *** Silo 2 Loadout*** Customer Information Job Information ID: 104746 ID: 24-003 PO#: Name: Active Construction Inc-WA Name: 24-003 Address: PO Box 430 Location: Puyallup,WA 98371 Phone: 253-248-1091 Item: 0- Truck and Carrier Information Truck Wei hts Truck ID: TUNISTA Gross Tare Net Descript: TUNISTA 15 5 AXLE 35560 lb 25500 Ib 10060 Ib Carrier ID: 1 17.78 Tn 12.75 Tn 5.03 Tn Name: 0 16.13 Mg 11.57 Mg 4.56 Mg Product and Load Totals ID: 106 JMF#: Name: 1/2 HMA 50 gryo Today: 1 Loads 5.03 Tn 4.56 Mg To Date: 1 Loads 5.03 Tn 4.56 Mg Seal: 307 Weighmaster: chris gross Customer Copy AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER-WA ST.CONT.REG.#LAKESI*274JD-OR CCB# 108542 For a Safety Data Sheet call 425-313-2600 or download at www.lakesideindustries.com LLAKESIDE KENT DIVISION Ticket#: 4094753 INDUSTRIES 18808 SE 256th STREET Covington, WA 98042 Date: 9/19/24 253-631-3611 Time: 9:51 am *** Silo 2 Loadout*** Customer Information Job Information ID: 104746 ID: 24-003 PO#: Name: Active Construction Inc-WA Name: 24-003 Address: PO Box 430 Location: Puyallup, WA 98371 Phone: 253-248-1091 Item: 0- Truck and Carrier Information Truck Weights Truck ID: TUNISTA Gross Tare Net Descript: TUNISTA 15 5 AXLE 35560 lb 25500 lb 10060 Ib Carrier ID: 1 17.78 Tn 12.75 Tn 5.03 Tn Name: 0 16.13 Mg 11.57 Mg 4.56 Mg Product and Load Totals ID: 106 JMF#: Name: 1/2 HMA 50 gryo Today: 1 Loads 5,03 Tn 4.56 Mg To Date: 1 Loads 5.03 Tn 4.56 Mg Seal: 307 Weighmaster: chris gross Driver Copy Invoice # V634655 a INVOICE Invoice Date 9/16/24 Account # 114482 Sales Rep JOHNNY SPENCER Phone # 253-840-8558 1830 Craig Park Court Branch #302 Puyallup, NA at. Loafs, no 63us Total Amount Due Remit To s CORE a MAIN LP PO BOX 26330 ST. LOWS, NO 63146 Shipped To: ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 000/0000 22114 76TH AVE S ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 00000 KENT, WA PO BOX 430 PUYALLUP WA 98371 0162 CUSTOMER JOB-, 24-003 MILL CREEK/76TH 24-003 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------- ------_------ Thank you for the opportunity to serve your We appreciate your prompt Payment. Date Ordered Data Shipped Customer PO # Job Name Job # Bill of Lading Shipped Via Invoice# 9/12/24 9/13/24 SEE BELOW MILL CREEK/76TH 24-003 CORE & MAIN LP V634655 anaatity Product Code Description Ordered Shipped B/O Price UM Extended Price CUSTOMER PO#- 24-003 EM. SWR REPAIR 04083514 8 PVC SDR35 SWR PIPE (G) 14' 28 28 10.58000 FT 296.24 ✓ 281068BASR 106-88ASR 8 CONCXCl/PVC CLPG 2 2 64.12000 EA 168.24 AMAZON SHEAR RING 29APLQ LUBE 1 QT F/WATER/SWR PIPE 1 1 N/C EA FOR EMERGENCY SEWER REPAIR PER JESSE M. 09/12/24 RECEIVED SEP 17 202� A ",i Freight Delivery Handling Restock Misc Subtotals Other: Tax: Teraas N=T 30 Ordered e=ays Jis M. ZS=G. SNMM R=PAXR Invoice Total: rsaa This taction is governed by and subject to core t Main's standard terns and conditions, which an incorporated by reference and accepted. To review these tss and condition, pleas visit: http://taadc.coreaadsain.coe/ 00000 Page: 1 i ! ] �o Z tfTr 24 M-1&4 AVIn" .DEL-NEAR CONCRETE ]Invoice CUTTING & CORING 42151 iaz tooth St. S. RECEIVED Tacoma. WA 98444 Ph # (253) 537-0109 SEP 2 3 2024 FAX # (253) 535-0507 ACI TO V� _ DATE j2y� JOB NO. ` CONTACT PERSON JOB LOCATION TERMS: 30 DAYS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9s� sas 7 A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% ON THE UNPAID PREVIOUS BALANCE WILL BE f COMPUTED AT THE END OF EACH MONTH. IF CUSTOMER DEFAULTS OR IF SUIT IS BROUGHT TO COLLECT ANY OF THE PRINCIPAL OR INTEREST DUE OR OWING UNDER THIS BILL, DEL-MAR MAY CHARGE CUSTOMER REASONABLE ATTORNEY` FEES AND COLLECTION COSTS. i•' . Date: ; �� t- i,,� WORK ORDER DEL-IIAR CONCRETE CUTTING A CORIIIU i 152 100th�.S Job# Tacoma,WA 98444 Contact j (253)537-0109 Fax(253)535-0507 Phone# + r 3 t j 1I A i I Any co West one.brick paving,sand cushion,dirtig rave I layers,railroad ties,rails or other miscellaneous materials.or objects encfluntered during sawingldrilling operations will result in additfonal charges Signature of this worts order will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project if necessary. Interest at 1.5%per month will be charged on all past due accounts. 400 Valley Ave.N.E■ Puyallup,WA,M72 2538333705 http!/miles.rocks MILES SAND A GRAVEL Invoice#:10047585 Customer#:001700 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC PROJEcr 84th AVE S&S 216TH ST PO BOX 430, -KENT(2402831) PUYALLUP,WA,98371 PURCHASE ORDER NUMB 24003 TmETS 2 RECEIVED nws 3 BLOQVLOT / SEP 19 2024 TAXvrAXcom 0.00%/ 21609 84th Avenue 40 DEUVERYADOREss South,Kent,WA,98032 INvOICE DATE 18 Sep 2024 Product Recap PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE PRE-TAX TAX TOTAL 11 CDADUN 5.32SK CDF AIR 13.00 CY S132.00 $1,716.00 $0.00 $1,716.00 RMC100 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE-RM 13.00 CY $8.00 $104.00 $0.00 $104.00 RMC101 FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MIX 2.00 LD $17.50 $35.00 $0.00 $35.00 TOTAL $1A55.00 $0.00 $1,855.00 Ticket details PLANT TICKET PRODUCT QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE PRE-TAX TAX TOTAL 202 1149693 11 CDADUN(5.32SK CDF AIR) 10.00 CY $132.00 $1,320.00 $0.00 $1,320.00 RMC100(ENVIRONMENTAL 1.00 CY $8.00 $80.00 $0.00 $80.00 COMPLIANCE-RM) RMC101(FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MIX) 1.00 LD $17.50 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 TICKET TOTAL $1,417.50 $0.00 $1,417.50 202 1149755 11 CDADUN(5.32SK CDF AIR) 3.00 CY $132.00 $396.00 $0.00 $396.00 RMC100(ENVIRONMENTAL 1.00 CY $8.00 $24.00 $0.00 $24.00 COMPLIANCE-RM) RMC101(FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MIX) 1.00 LD $17.50 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 TICKET TOTAL $437.50 $0.00 $437.50 • r Page 1/1 . DELIVERY RECEIPT CUSTOMER COPY OFFICE:253.833.3705 FAX:253.833.3746 MILES 400 Valley Ave ICE SAND&GRAVEL Puyallup,WA 98372-2.516 DATE CUSTOMER# ORDER# CUSTOMER P.0 JOB# PLANT# TICKET# 9/18/24 001700 1074515 24003 223471 202 1149693 LOAD# CY ORDERED ICY OLVRD SLUMP LOAD TIME TAX CODE OYL TAKEN iPLT TIME OUT 1 10.00 10.00 7 12:55 PM FULL UGALSAD CUSTOMER NAME AIR% JOB TIME IN 2/3 LOAD ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION GALS JOB ADDRESS 1l3 LOAD SLUMP PLCD JOB TIME OUT 21609 84th Avenue South GALS CITY I' WORK TYPE REV COUNT HATER ADDED AUTHORIZED BY: PLT TIME IN Kent, WA UTILITY TRENCH QUANTITY UNITS I PRODUCT CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10.00 yd 11CDADUN 5.32SK CDF AIR 10.00 CY RMC100 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE - RM 1.00 LD RMC101 FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MIX DRIVER# TRUCK# PREVTRUCK DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS SUB TOTAL 11663 1192 Trench in the middle of 84th.They will be just South of 84thAve S 8r, DRIVER NAME S 216th St SALES TAX Scott Shaw SUPERP ADDED SUBGRADE I-OAD TOTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GRAND TOTAL 1.HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Concrete contains cement which may cause skin irritation.Avoid contact with skin and eyes.if you should come in contact with fresh concrete,rinse/flush skin and eyes immediately. Seek prompt medical attention if required. Do not use without proper personal protective equipment(PPE). 2.DELIVERY CONDITIONS. All concrete deliveries will be made in concrete transit mixer trucks unless otherwise noted. The Customer agrees to provide suitable roadways or approaches to the point of delivery. If unsuitable roadways or approaches are provided,Mlles Sand&Gravel Company(Niles)reserves the right to stop deliveries until the conditions are remedied. In the event the Customer orders the delivery beyond the curb line,Customer will hold Miles harmless against all liability resulting from damage to sidewalks,driveways or to the premises. In addition,if a mixer truck gets stunk and needs a tow of is damaged during delivery.the expenses of that service and repairs to the truck associated with this incident shall be the responsibility of the Customer. 3.WASH OUT AREA. It will be the Customer's responsibility to provide a suitable area for the trucks to rinse and clean before leaving the job site.Additional charges may apply it a wash out area Is not provided. 4.ADDITION OF WATER AND/OR FOREIGN MATERIAL. If water and/or foreign material is added to the concrete by or at the request of the Customer,its employees,agents,contractors or subcontractors,Customer accepts the concrete as delivered and waives all right to reject,revoke acceptance or assert any claim for breach of any warranty and Miles is not responsible for strength or properties of the Concrete. 5.See additional TERMS AND CONDITIONS on reverse. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions on the delivery ticket. X Material Description Design Qty Required Batched %Var%Moisture Actual Wat AGG001 SAND CLASS 2 2420 lb 25229 lb 25100 lb -0.51% 4.25%E 123 gI CEM102 ASH GROVE SEATTLE I 150 lb 1500 lb 1505 lb 0.33% CEM400 LAF 09-23 CLASS F 350 lb 3500 lb 3480 lb -0.57% WAT001 WATER 1 350 lb 2055 lb 2025 to -1.45% 243 gl ADX001 MAIR AE90 10.0 oz 100.0 oz 100.0 oz 0.00% Actual Num Batches: 1 Load 32116 lb Design W/C: 0.700 Water/Cement: • 0.612 A Design 420.0-gl Actual 365.8 gl To Add: 54.4 gl Slump: 7 00 in # Water in Truck: 0.0 gl Adjust Water: 0.0 gI /Load Trim Water: -5.0 gl / CY Actual W/C Ratio:0.611 Actual Water: 366 gI Batched Cement: 4985 lb W W W.MILE5.ROCKS ■ DELIVERY RECEIPT CUSTOMER COPY OFFICE:253.833,3705 FAX:253.833.3746 SAND i GRAVEL 400 Valley Ave NE Puyallup,WA 98372-2516 'DATE CUSTOMER# ORDER# CUSTOMER P 0 JOB# IPLA202 NT# 1"'1149756 9/18/24 1 001700 1074615 24003 223471 LOAD# 2 CY ORDERED100 ICY DLVRID 13.00 SLUM 7 LOA TIME P M TAX CODE GALS 'CYL TAKEN PLT TIME OUT . FULL LOAD CUSTOMER NAME AIR% JOB TIME IN ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC uGALSD JOB ADDRESS SLUMP PLCD JOB TIME OUT 21609 84th Avenue South 11GALSD CITY 'WORK TYPE REV COUNT 'WATER ADDED AUTHORIZED BY: PLT TIME IN Kent, WA UTILITY TRENCH QUANTITY UNITS PRODUCT CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 3.00 yd 11CDADUN 5.32SK CDF AIR 3.00 CY RMC100 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE - RM 1.00 LD RMC101 FUEL SURCHARGE-READY MIX DRIVER# TRUCK# PREV TRUCK DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS SUB TOTAL 13386 1149 1192 Trench in the middle of 84th.They will be just South of 84thAve S & DRIVER NAME aS' 216th St SALES TAX Mark Van Beek SUPERPADDED SUBGRADE LOAD TOTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS iGRANDTOTAL 1.HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Concrete contains cement which may cause skin Irritation.Avoid Contact with skin and eyes.If you should come in contact with fresh concrete,rinse/flush skin and eyes immediately. Seek prompl medical attention if required. Do not use without proper personal protective equipment(PPE), 2.DELIVERY CONDITIONS. All concrete deliveries will be made in concrete transit mixer trucks unless otherwise rented. The Customer agrees to provide suitable roadways cr approaches to the point of delivery. If unsuitable roadwaysAr approaches are provided,Miles Sand&Gravel Cam pany(Miles)reserves the right to stop deliveries until the condilions are remedied. In the event the Customer orders the delivery beyond the curb line.Customer will hold Miles harmless against all liability resulting from damage to sidewalks,driveways or to the premises. In addition,if a mixer truck gets stuck and needs a tow or is damaged during delivery,the expenses of that service and repairs to the truck associated with this incident shall be the responsibility of the Customer. 3.WASH OUT AREA. It will be the Customer's responsibility to provide a suitable area for the trucks to rinse and clean before leaving the job site.Additional charges may apply if a wash out area is not provided. 4.ADDITION OF WATER ANDIOR FOREIGN MATERIAL. If water andlor foreign material is added to the concrete by or at the request of the Customer,its employees,agents,contractors or subcontractors.Customer accepts the concrete as delivered and waives all right to reject,revoke acceptance or assert any claim for breach of any warranty and Miles is not responsible for simngth or properties of the concrete. 5.See additional TERMS AND CONDITIONS on reverse. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions on the delivery ticket. X Material Description Design Qty Required Batched %Var%Moisture Actual Wat AGG001 SAND CLASS 2 2420 Ib 7673 lb 7560 lb -1.47% 5.69%A 49 gl CEM102 ASH GROVE SEATTLE 1 150 lb 450 lb 435 lb -3.33% CEM400 LAF 09-23 CLASS F 360 lb 1050 lb 1035 lb -1.43% WAT001 WATER 1 300 lb # 362 lb 365 lb 0.77% 44 gl ADX001 MAIR AE90 10.0 0z 30.0 oz 31.0 oz 3.33% Actual Num Batches: 1 oad 9397 lb Design W/C 0.600 Water/Cement 0.525. A Design 108.0 gl Actual 92.6 gl To Add: 15.5 gl Slump 7.00 in # Water in Truck: 0.0 gl Adjust Water 0.0 gl /Load Trim Water: -5.0 gl / CY Actual W/C Ratio 0.525 Actual Water 93 gl Batched Cement: 1470 lb Miles Sand&Gravel Company W W W.MILES.ROCKS Ciss-tomer No: 600::D Irvaice No: 31341)2'16 Irx Date: 091'.8,124 F1,111313: S1 Cusbomer PO: 241:�3 I U Wimi'lire Ave SE Customer Job: MILL.("REEH'.176THAVE P;iclft ffil 99:147 ACC .0,CTlYl::::ONSTRUCT'.()N INC ICDN h4a,miEds PO Hex,1130 1508 MaltinlineAve SE Puyallup WA 98371 Ya Pecific.V.A 98047 208-57&::.200 aplamrineconallniction.corn Dolhieredl;D., 76'rH AVE S.K;:NIT Date Gtode -IM"Descrip QTY Um Unit Price Mad Tcillal Tax Total Plant 011500 Aaburn SlLG 0911624 23S-5lIV-0'CRUSHED ROOK 15-D9 TON 15.50 23:..60 0.00 M.90 09118V 411TOCC-Em4owerdalSurcharge 46,14 E4 0.50 2:A'14 0.00 23.08 (1911824 4677!i0-I:uel Surctspe-Ton 46.14 Eh 0.35 1.".15 0.00 16.15 Tobil Irmate: 1:38.412 52:1.53 0.00 MI-53 Ticket number(s)shipped front plant 01500-Auburn-SAG 1 5013<0 191 *1150099W12 We Aplyaaaee You and Your f Wmeost I?egisto.tribt*crux Customer Portal stri-,joniah!irioilsportai.myarr.ostpi)rtigl.4;orr.- llibuld you thila;tour immicin ilimailed or to make a ;mymeot om,the phone?Please imilsel Axcounts Receivable rat 59,41.536 31042 Finance,Chargas will:is apptiml to any late irvokes at it rate of 1 !:%per monti par cr,,di,:agniefmirit:or the States I-MAlful arnouni IrivolmAinourit AntountIF-iii1d: Customer NgW11111: ACTIVE C014,1- ,rRUCTION INC Curstooner No: 1141020 If you have um!t questions about your vvok*091DIrse call 206-575-3200 Involcallf: :84021 13 Data: (4/1812-4 Remit lNument To: ICON M;uWftIrl Customer John IMIJ.CREEK/76TH AVE PO Bal 7424121 CUSU)'Iner PG: 24003 Los ArlIvIn.CA, 90074 Due Data: 10110.02.4 Pus-im-diii.rac M adchom beim-it yuu1119-Uld 11111 W 81M—41*4 it wi.-OK'm'w W-1a .............. ICON Materials OFFICE COPY Ticket: 150099212 01500-Auburn S&G Date: 9/18/2024 4040 Kersey Way SE Time: 7:17:20AM 1 Auburn,WA 98092 Vehicle: REVENANTI3 Customer: 60020 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) Cust.Name: Active Construction Inc Disp#: Pounds Tons Address&Instructions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 54,780 27.39 76TH AVE 5,KENT P.O.: 24003 Tare 24,600 12.30 Net 30,180 15.09 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Product Loads Total Qty Ticket UOM 2350 5/8"-0"CRUSHED ROCK 1 1509 15.09 Ton Thank you for your business! WARNING:NOT MIN ASPHALT(HMA)TEMPERATURES CAN EXCEED 330 DEGREES.Use appropriate protective equipment when working with HMA. See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions. ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150099212 01500-Auburn S&G Date: 9/18/2024 4040 Kersey Way SE Time: 7:17:20AM Auburn,WA 98092 Vehicle: REVENANTI3 Customer: 60020 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) Cust.Name: Active Construction Inc Disp#: Pounds Tons Address&Instructions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 54,780 27.39 76TH AVE S,KENT P.O.: 24003 Tare 24,600 12.30 Net 30,180 15.09 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Product Loads Total Qty Ticket Qty UOM 2350 5/8"-0"CRUSHED ROCK 1 15.09 1509 Ton Thank you for your business! WARNING:HOT MIX ASPHALT(HMA)TEMPERATURES CAN EXCEED 330 DEGREES Use appropriate protective equipment when working with HMA. See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions. ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150099212 01500-Auburn S&G Date: 9/18/2024 4040 Kersey Way SE Time: 7:17:20AM Auburn,WA 98092 Vehicle: REVENANTI3 Customer: 60020 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) Cust.Name: Active Construction Inc Disp#: Pounds Tons Address&Instructions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 54,780 27.39 76TH AVE 5,KENT P.O.: 24003 Tare 24,600 12.30 Net 30,180 15.09 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Product Loads Total Qjy Ticket Qy UOM 2350 5/8"-0"CRUSHED ROCK 1 15.09 15.09 Ton Thank you for your business! WARNING H01 MIX ASPHALT(HMA)TEMPERATURES CAN EXCEED 330 DEGREES Use appropriate protective equipment when working with HMA. See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions. Page: Invoice S P�Cv I A L T I E S L L C NEW PAYMENT ADDRESS: Invoice Date: 09/24/2024 Highway Specialties LLC P.O.Box 9094 PO Box 76660 Order Number: R017805 Brooks,OR 97305 Chicago IL 60675-6560 Order Date: 09/12/2024 Invoice Number: 0117514-IN Customer Number: ACTIVECONSTRUCTION Salesperson: BIII To: Ship To: Active Construction,Inc. Highway Specialties-Will Call PO BOX 430 7220 River Rd E Puyallup,WA 98371 Puyallup,WA 98371 Customer .0. ship VIA Rep Contact Contact Phone Teens 24-003 Cody-206-724-2245 ( ;;� NET 30 Item Cady Description Shipped Returned Rate Amount Return Invoice PCAAS/MB PCMS/MB-150 1 1 1,100.00 1,100.00 Daily: 200.00 Weekly 600.00 Monthty:1,100.00 Reri Penad: 09/13/2024 to 09/23/2024 a s Billed: 11 9/17/24-MB-150 SWAPPED TO MB-187, CUSTOMER NEEDED A MINI FOR THIS JOB SITE Serial MB-187 Number. PCMS/AAB PCMS/MB-170 1 1 600.00 1,200.00 Daily: 200.00 Weekly; 600.00 Monthty:1,30C.00 Rental Period 0911312024 to D9/2312024 Days Billed 11 'MB-170 Serial MB-1170 Number: ARROW BOARDS Arrow Board-154 1 1 150.00 300.00 Daily: 85.00 Weekly 150.00 MonthlyA50.00 Rental Period 09/132024 to 0923/2024 Days Billed 11 AB-154 Serial AB-1 Number. ARROW BOARDS Arrow Board-152 1 1 150.00 300.00 Daily: 85.00 Weekly: 150.00 Monthly:450.00 Rental Period: 09/1312024 to 09232024 Days Billed: 11 AB-152 Serial / AB-152 Nun* CEI Y C ED SEP 2 4 2024 AN Past due invoices and subject to a 2%Finance Charge per month Net Invoice: 2,900.00 - WA-PIERCE-2727 292.90 Cnl...Tn.. Invoice Totat 3,192.90 f C �ro 2-7 wInvoice I�r��y s - c C I Al ' i E S L L C NEW PAYMENT ADDRESS: Date Invoice# P.O.Box 9094 PO Box 75550 Brooks,OR 97305 Chicago IL 606764MO 9/17/2024 0014479-IN Bill To Ship To Active Construction,Inc. HIGHWAY SPECIALTIES PO BOX 430 7220 RIVER ROAD E Puyallup,WA 98371 Puyallup,WA 98371 S O No. P O No. Terms Rep Ship Date Contact Phone Reseller Permit Contact Name 0015751 24-003 NET 30 mschulty 9J172024 A16039625 CODY 206-724-2245 ftem 90Lption Ordered Invoiced Rate Amount CONES:42133-TSO Tube,42-Grabber Tube w/refl.bands and no 50.00 50.00 13.50 675.00 base CONES:4200-TB12 Base,12 lb.Rubber for Grabber or Looper tubes 50.00 50.00 11.00 550.00 SEP 17 2024 Past due invoices are subject to a 2%Finance Charge per month Subtotal 1,225.00 A-PIERCE-2727 Sales 0.00 Total 1,225.00 Payments/Credits 0.00 Balance Due 1,225.00 V02-7— 1 11Igg 0 United Rentals �II� ���������������II���I�I��II�� RENTAL RETURN TRENCH SAFETY INVOICE BiLt"M H52 7135 SzA7 9TS AVE s # 238913321-001 ssATTLa pa 9e10e-3431 _ —_--_-_._ 206-767-3121 - - - Customer $ : 227217 Invoice Date 09/19/24 9MERGENCY SINKHOLE REPAIR Rental Out : 09/16/24 02:00 PM Rental In 09/18/24 01:56 PM 21609 8 4 TH AVE S UR Job Loc - AVE S, WA 98032-2467 t7R Job S 76 customer Job ID O Ordered By BILLIARD h Office: 253-248-1091 Reserved By AARON Salesperson TvLER rKAN ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC V Invoice Amount: $3,776.33 PO BOX 430 rem,s: Ccn DuoUponReceiPt PUYALLUP WA 9 8 3 71-016 2 Payment options: onbcl our reedit o1Fee 980304-8925 REMIT TO: UN[TED RENTALS(NORTH AMERICA),INC. P O.BOX 051122 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-1122 RENTAL ITEMS: Qty Equipment Description N.inlmllm .. Dav __ Week - - Month Amount 1 10230155 TRENCH BOX 8' X 20' (4" FB) 351.00 351.00 1,109.00 2,681.00 702.00 Make: SPEEDSHORE Model: TS-0820UR4 Serial: U-13-7361-S 1 11476688 TRENCH BOX 8' X 20, (4" FB) 351.00 351.00 1,109.00 2,681.00 702.00 Make: GME Model: 8X20 NKE Serial: UM22041182G 8 940/5504 SPREADER BAR (KIT) 8" X 3' 4 941/9103 STACKING PINS FOR STEEL BOXES N!C 4 944/9946 ROAD PLATE 8' X 20' 101.00 101-00 298.00 613.00 808.00 2 330/7050 LIFTING BRIDLE 2 LEG X 8' 52-00 52.00 142.00 402.00 208.00 Rental Subtotal: 2,420.00 SALES/MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Qty Item Price Unit of Measure Extended Amt. 8 NON-SKID PAINT ORANGE ;X-7102-5/FRWSTI 45.000 GALLON 360.00 1 WA HEAVY EQUIP. RENTAL TAX iDRSURWA/MCI] 37.905 EACH 37.91 1 DELIVERY CHARGE 306.200 EACH 306.20 1 PICKUP CHARGE 306.200 EACH 306.20 Sales/Misc Subtotal: 1,010.31 � V��V�� Agreement Subcotal: 3,430.31 Tax: 346.02 Total: 3,776.33 1 COMMENTS/NOTES: S E P 2_ 3 2024 CONTACT: JESSIE MARTIN ��� CELLO: 253-606-6909 Effective February 1, 2024 and where permitted by law, United Rentaln may impose a surcharge of 2.0% for credit card payments on charge accounts. This lurch, go is not greater than our merchant discount rate for credit card transactions and is subject to sales tax. NOTICE: This invoice is subject to the tarns and conditions of the Rental and Service Agreement, which are available a.t httpe://www-unitedrentals.com/legal/rental-service-tares-US and which are incorporated herein by reference. A COPY OF TEM RENTAL A>® SERVICE AGREE MT TERKS ARE AVAILABLE LV PAPER FORK UPON REQUEST- Page: - TLON RUs ITA C INVOICE Tuniste Construction,LLC invoice No: 242907-01 4425 S.Orchard St. Date:9/24/2024 Tacoma,WA 98466 253-517-9988 Customer ID:Active Active Construction Inc. PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 24-003 MILL CREEK(AUBURN-KENT) Due upon receipt 101412024 -�-.00 5•*Sby TT-SS-SD RATE 9/17/2024 TX#:27832 gOZ"� $190.00 $1,520.00 Y6.00 G h/j TT-SS-SD RATE 9/1912024 TX#:28049 90?' $190 00 $1,140.00 Delivery / Tonnage Ticket No. 2°� �3? CONSTRUCTION , LLC JUNIST. A Date: Pre Trip: Post Trip: J AM AM Truck#: i PM PM Leave Yard: Back to Yard. 253-517-9988 1 trucking@tcicon.com Trailer#: 1 V AM www.tunistaconstruction.com I— --- Down Time:Truck Type: PM_ PM 4425 S Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 Reason: Super Solo T&T Onsite Hours: Customer: Side Dump Solo Travel Hours: Job Name: Other: r aily On the Job Injury? Yes Total D Hours: Job Number: � / "� � �fV9" MATERIAL FROM IN/OUT HAULED TO IN/OUT COST CODE TONS 'V Ile i i i Driver Signature: / Authorized Rep.Signature Signature of this truck invoice will b6 considered your notice of our intent to lien this project, if necessary. Interest at 1-1/2% per month will be charged on all past due accounts. Charges are due by the tenth of the month following date of this billing. Delivery / Tonnage Ticket No. a` CONSTRUCTION LLC TiUNISTA Date: Pre Trip: Post Trip: ff AM AM Truck#: f PM PM Leave Yard: Back to Yard: 253-517-9988 1 trucking@tcicon.com Trailer#: AM AM www.tunistaconstruction.com —" — Down Time: -- 4425 S Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 Truck Type: PM PM Reason: T Super Solo T&T Onsite Hours: Customer: Side Dump Solo Job Name: Other: Travel Hours: On the Job Injury? Yes Total Daily Hours: S f� Job Number: i, No MATERIAL FROM IN/OUT HAULED TO IN/OUT COST CODE TONS �-,5-Vel Driver Signature: Authorized Rep.Signature. x X Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project, if necessary. Interest at 1-1/2% per month will be charged on all past due accounts. Charges are due by the tenth of& month following date of this billing �'STA"Cr;°"�`IC INVOICE TUNISTA Tunista Construction,LLC Invoice No: 242999-01 4425 S.Orchard St. T Date: 10/29/2024 Tacoma,WA 98466 253-517-9988 Customer ID: Active Active Construction Inc. PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 o • 24-003 MILL CREEK(AUBURN-KENT) Due upon receipt 11/8/2024 2.00 TT-SS-SD OT RATE 9/18/2024 TX#:5164 CCC $205.00 $410.00 WWI f � ;' NO 5164 R�ON CAN TWFIM OONSTRUCTI tw Svc, + r 7 M1Y SteewW CMq OAIa 259�47 0730.mwAT - _ JaffKwakD to 259•A4?D Tox • PO G"I"89 EdDnYAe,WA 9M • CeD:253•649'9474 c�a�a+rr � --- ----— --__ gs+Mor+u�,.a •�_ w '+wa+ •�ti~ , � .. ed �9+ep • Lw+ah�^� C'"-4Aa �`�prmn �.... P0.■ -- -- fuwMiW fi---_— X..--4 � N6.Latdr I ►iour= 04 4RY BSpn�r• •.^ _ Mrsn.Co fteD S!fnar�ra -.'-`_._... �....�.— &iDnasurrr d s vl�ch orac•sixraicivxspNers town dour 7i,Mr+w prove+.u srac•ssery�ny�.,i w svrsCow momWN be ena+ow 80 paesdu•ao wms ��0�duv au D4 drys tram d•ts a ry+ok• TCONSTRUCTION I.LC INVOICE UNISTA Tunista Construction,LLC Invoice No: 242999-01 4425 S.Orchard St. Date: 10/29/2024 Tacoma,WA 98466 253-517-9988 Customer ID: Active Active Construction Inc. PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 •■ Payment Terms Due Date 24-003 MILL CREEK(AUBURN-KENT) Due upon receipt 11/8/2024 • Descvin!ion Uri-Price Line Total TT-SS-SD RATE 9/17/2024 TX#:0580 RT $190.00 $475.00 6.50 TT-SS-SD RATE 9/17/2024 TX#: 01601 PNW $190 00 $1,235.00 7.00 TT-SS-SD RATE 9/18/2024 TX#: 0936 RT $190.00 $1,330.00,V-** 8.00 TT-SS-SD RATE 9/18/2024 TX#: 5164 CCC $190.00 $1,520.00 FA 0sv z7 Revenant Trucking LLC Truck Rental Ticket 718 Griffin Ave #911 Date: Truck No: Enumclaw, WA 98022 Name: (360)932-2666 Truck Type: Solo T&T Transfer Sde revenanttrucking@gmail.com Start Time: '.La End Time: . Total Hours: Job No: Customer: �.;�, c�'�C_.. .Job Location: Material From Arrive To Arrive Ticket# T C7 r r`, i `tJ 77 Z .5 PNW Ground Works LLC DELIVERY TICKET DATE: 4227 S Meridian #C282 Puyallup WA 98373 253-448-1675 Truck No: aIex@pnwgroundworks.com NO. y TruokType: T&T GROUND WORKS Customer: Truck Rate: Truck He Job Location: Job Number: Billing Address: Stag: AM PM Stop: AM PM Lunch: Downtime: Reason: Material From To TonNard Load Time Remarks: Driver Signature: Auth.Co.Prop.Signature: ; NOTES: 1.PNW GROUND WORKS LLC will not be tpSpOn&Ve for damage caused by delivery inside curb line and/or property line 2.Any towing lees far vehicle inside oropeny is Ihi responsibility of customer 3.Interest of 1.5%will be charged per month foroulslanding invoices. 4.Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project,if necessary. 5.Changes due by the tenth of the rnonlh following date of this billing. Revenant Trucking LLC 'Truck Rental Ticket 718 Griffin Ave #911 Date: ITruck No: Enumclaw, WA 98022 Name: -� (360)932-2666 Truck Type: ;rSa6 ` T&T Transfer Super revenanttrucking@gmail:com Start Time: �-. � End Time: •.d0 Total Hours: --IJob No: Customer. Job Location: o r Material From Arrive To Arrive Ticket# Tons/Yds c 5 Cl 2759569 invoice DateNumber 30-2024 ktvoit�pate 09-30-2024 Payment Terms 30 Net r Amount Due $ 3,385.00 o� BILL TO hh V 1 REMIT TO ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION 1"� Badger Daylighting Corp P.O.BOX 430 PO Box 95000 Puyallup,WA 98371 LB# 1627 Philadelphia, PA 19195-0001 Bank Routing#:026013673 Account#: 03248177952 Customer Number PO/Work Order AFE/Job Badger Sales Area 10589057 24-003 24-003 40100 Service Ticket# Unit Item Description Qty Unit of Unit Price Amount Date Measure 09-17-2024 TKT-091624-1312329 2238 Badger Hydrovac 5 Hour 265.00 1,325.00 With Operator 09-17-2024 TKT-091624-1312329 2238 Disposition 1 Each 450.00 450.00 09-17-2024 TKT-091624-1312329 2238 Supply Water 1 Each 50.00 50.00 09-17-2024 TKT-091624-1312330 2490 Badger Hydrovac 4 Hour 265.00 1,060.00 With Operator 09-17-2024 TKT-091624-1312330 2490 Disposition 1 Each 450.00 450.00 { 09-17-2024 TKT-091624-1312330 2490 Supply Water 1 Each 50.00 50.00 Total Due USD 3,385-00 For your convenience,Badger accepts payment in multiple forms including check,ACH,EFT,and certain credit cards To the extent permitted by applicable law, payments made by credit card are subject to a surcharge equal to 3% of the transaction amount(or the highest percentage permitted by applicable law,if less than 3%) Please see attached tickets for additional detail. Please direct all invoicing inquiries to accountsreceivable@badgerinc.com or(877) 322-3437 and remittances to remittance@badgerinc.com Page 1 of 1 Delivery / Tonnage Ticket No. 29','e'"'�i CONSTRUCTION I LLC Date: Pre Trip: Post Trip: TA AM AM T-UNISTruck#: PM PM Leave Yard: Back to Yard: 253-517-9988 1 trucking@tcicon.com Trailer#: AM AM PM PM www.tunistaconstruction.com Down Time: Truck Type: 4425 S Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 Reason: Super Solo T&T Onsite Hours: Comer: Side Dump Solo Travel Hours: Job Name: Other: On the Job Injury? Yes Total Daily Hours: Job Number: No MATERIAL FROM 1IN/OUTI HAULED TO IN/OUT COST CODE TONS I Driver Signature. Authorized Rep.Signature: X x Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project, if necessary. Interest at 1-1/2% Baer month will be charged on all past due accounts. Charges are due by the tenth of the month following date of this billing. No. LR TRUCKING Truck No.: 3 Truck Charges: PO BOX 851 -tuck T : fit' Dnver Chu - Buckley,WA98321 Tnrdcpate; Y '(� subtotal: Phone 253-218-7743 Truck Hours: r -Add. Ddm Hours Tali - 'f3111fng Customer _ Job .lob Location: Number, Stag I ♦1 tJ Lunch: Downtlmc: Reason: MATERIAL mom t NO LOADS Fuel: ofk Tole)!rifles: Totes Wes QY-Htway. 'Remarks Diners signalura. Ruth.Co. nature: SFgnatum of this truck molce will he considered your notice of our Intent to lien this project,If necessary. Interest at 1%per month will be charged on all past due accounts.Changes due by the tenth of the month following date of this bllgng. I DiBella Enterprises Inc. i CLIENT I 718 Griffin Ave. DATE No. PUB 410 Enumclaw WA,98022 206-423-5980 LOT JBLK roBLocAnON JJOB# TONNAGE HOURLY DRIVER'S COMPANY DRIVER'S NAME i START STOP TOTAL HAULED FROM HAULED TO I EQUIP# MATERIALTYPE S�O TNT X-FER S DUMP BELLY j EXCAV I DOZER I ROLLER I BOBCAT I LOADER LOAD COUNT TIME TICKET NET T9,1E I TIME 11CKET NET TBAE (LOAD) NO WT (DUMP) (LOAD) NO WE (DUMP) 1 13 2 14 9 15 4 18 6 117 fi 18 7 19 B 20 3 21 10 22 11 23 12 24 TOTAL LOp0.S IMPORT TOTAL HOURS / FOREMAH'SSIGNATURE DATE TOTAL LOADS EXPORT INVOICElI (' WHITE-OFFICE YELLOW-DRIVER PINK-CONTRACTOR Signature of dus Muck trwolee WWI be considered W police of our etterlt to men this project 4 necessary. Maenset at I%per month will be charged on all past due accamt`Charges due by the lerah of go month fcAowmg dste Of ttds b0ft DiBella Enterprises Inc.Is not responsible for Any Damage to any property,personal or real. Customer is Allowed 10 minutes to unload truck,After that Standby time is$120.00 Der hour.