HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-084 - Change Order - #9 - Active Construction - Mill Creek 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements - 1/9/25 Agreement Routing Form ■ For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management �N T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. W A S H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: S.Anderson PW Engineering Date Sen : Date Required: > 1/13/25 N/A 0 b. CL Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: C 0 Director or Designee ❑Mayor 5/7/24 Budget Account Number: Grant? 0 Yes ❑No D90121.64110 330 Budget? 0 Yes ❑No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Active Construction Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: c Change Order#9 0 Project Name: Mill Creek/ 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements Project Details: Supply and install additional tie bars in the concrete roadway. c 41 Agreement Amount: $12,194.56 Basis for Selection of Contractor. Bid 0 i Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 400 Working Days a Local Business? ❑Yes ❑No* *Ifineets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes 0 No CAG2024-084 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: C 30 > as ac Im Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: V1 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/13/25 .M22373 1.20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements • KEN T WASHINGTDN CHANGE ORDER NO. #9 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Active Construction. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Mill Creek 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: February 26, 2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Supply and install additional tie bars in the concrete roadway. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $13,825,727.17 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $241,561.09 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $14,067,288.26 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $12,194.56 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum �� $14,079,482.82 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 400 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 0 working days prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) under Minor Change 0 working days Orders Days Required (f) for this Change Order 0 working days Revised Time for Completion 400 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: y p Qr7 O,gitelly signed by Chad Bieren B Codey Ayres E �n�u�nrw.. B Chad lad Biere 1 Date 2025.01.0916:53:39-08'00 ii2AStA� (signature) (signature) Print Name: cinfipy Ayres Print Name: Chad Bieren P.E. Its Pro'eet Manager Its Public Works Director (title) (title) DATE: 1/6/24 DATE: EC KP CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department C[In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 200.2 .40 - f KENTS CHANGE ORDER WDRKSHEET NO. 9 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: 76th Ave Culvert Improvements Project No: 20-3028 Project Engineer: Mark Madfai TIB-Aid No: N/A Capital Projects Jason Bryant Contractor: ACI Man r: Date: 12/12/2024 I. Proposed Change Supply and install additional tie bars in the concrete roadway. II. Reason and Background for Change The City of Kent specifications were modified from the WSDOT standard plan A-40.10-04. The modification inadvertently decreased the amount and location of longitudinal joint tie bars needed and quantified during project bid. Once the error was discovered, it was agreed tie bars per the WSDOT plan were in fact required. Wilson Concrete supplied and installed the additonal epoxy tie bars to maintain consistency with WSDOT concrete road details. III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS ❑ Notapplicable Sch. Item Description Total Est. Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of No Qty Item 1 Supply and install additonal tie bars 1 LS $12,194.56 $ 12,194.56 New Pay Items Total: $ 12,194.56 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEMS) per 1-09.5 0 Not applicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description No. Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item Page 1 Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ - INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ❑� Notapplicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. $ - Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ - *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $12,194.56 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract: 400 Due This Change Order: 0 Previous Total: 400 Explanation 13ustification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 400 *This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Date: Jasor t1Bry Construction Engineering Date: Supervisor: 1 .' l on Barry Construction Manager: �� .-� Date: Eric Connor Page 2 ACTIVE AciCONSTRUCTION ADDITIONAL WORK SUMMARY INC. A.C.I. 20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culvert Improvements A.C.I. PHASE PROJECT CODE 23-004 DATE WORK PERFORMED: TBD DESCRIPTION OF WORK ADDED TIE BARS LABOR CLASS I RATES MANPOWER HOURS T @—-� RATE TOTAL EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION/RATES _ EQUIP.NO. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION HOURS @ T RATE TOTAL MATERIAL COSTS DESCRIPTION UNIT @ RATE TOTAL SERVICE COSTS DESCRIPTION UNIT @ RATE TOTAL SUB CONTRACTOR DESCRIPTION UNIT RATE TOTAL ADDED TIE-BARS(WILSON CONCRETE) 1.00 LS @ S10,898.00 S10.688.00 SUB CONTRACTOR SUBTOTAL $10AW00 MARK-UP ON COST>-=5,000(Varies) 12% S1 306.56 SUBTOTAL TOR COST $12,19L56 GRAND TOTAL $12,194.56 R a°nCRFr� »Ca CERTIFIED PERVIOUS INSTALLER Nilson Concrete Construction, Inc c° "`9 - ,A� �'` Curb &Gutter I SidewaUc I Paving I Custom Stamp I Pervious NSrRUCT10H•� P.O.Banc 225 Enumclaw,WA 98022-Phone 25.3 36341888-Fax 253-826-0389-E-1 Jerent@WCClcoaerete.eom Date: October 9, 2024 QUOTE Project WALL CREEK-76TH AVE Contractor:ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION them Esrd Unit NO Description Unit Price .-ADD TIE BARS TO PAVEMENT PER WSDOT 1 LS S10.888.00 AMU CLAFUMATIONS(to be included in contract): o PER COWMACT EXCLLtSX3W (to be included in conbacq: .PER COKTRACf Resoectfuity.. .lerer YY#son Bryant, Jason From: Bryant,Jason Sent: Wednesday,October 9, 2024 1:58 PM To: Codey Ayres;Jason Eley Cc: Barry,Jason;Jesse M. Martin; Krier, Rick Subject: RE:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts RFI#037 Codey, Please proceed with the additional tie bar installation. Thank you, 7ason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-SS6-5541 I Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant[MKentWA.nov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook ?".wti YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAT From:Codey Ayres<codeya@activeconstruction.com> Sent:Wednesday,October 9, 2024 1:39 PM To: Bryant,Jason<J Bryant@ kentwa.gov>;Jason Eley<jasone@activeconstruction.com> Cc:Barry,Jason<J Barry@ kentwa.gov>;Jesse M. Martin<jessem@activeconstruction.com>; Krier, Rick <RKrier@kentwa.gov> Subject: RE:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 This message originated outside the City of Kent. Use caution when following links or open7any attachments as they can be malicious. Please contact IT Security at with questions. Jason, Attached is the updated cost and cost breakdown that Wilson has provided. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thankyou, ACII c LtiC CODEY AYRES I Project Manager 0: 253 248-1091 1 M: 206 724-2245 1 F: 253 248-1092 1 "GET ACTIVE" 1 P.O.Box 430,Puyallup,WA 983711 ,�%N-w.activeconstruction.com I code activeconstruction.coin ACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer I FOLLOW US:91 From: Bryant,Jason<8ryantrcv kentwa.gov> Sent:Wednesday,October 9, 202411:32 AM To:Codey Ayres<c:odeyaAactiyeconiLruglon-corn>;Jason Eley<iasone@activeconstruction.cor-n> Cc:Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov>;Jesse M. Martin<l.-sse+il@activeconstruction.com>; Krier, Rick <RKrierr@kentwa.p,ov> Subject: RE:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 Codey, I will work on getting this approved but we will need a LS breakdown. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-S56-S541 I Cell 253-261-5663 JBrvant*KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook T,MI—er YouTube ,,,..z,a.v 4SIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From:Codey Ayres<codeya@activetonstriiction.com> Sent:Wednesday,October 9, 202411:29 AM To: Bryant,Jason<J BrNant@kentwa.go%>;Jason Eley<Iasone@activeconstruetion.corr> Cc: Barry,Jason< Barry@kerntwa.go >;Jesse M.Martin<iessem@activeconstruction.cotr:>; Krier, Rick <RKrier@kentwa.jgov> Subject: RE:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 This message originated outside the City of Kent. Use caution ► hen following links or opening attachments as they can he malicious. Please contact IT Security at with any questions. Jason, Following upon the below.Attached is the added costs associated with the additional tie bars due to the discrepancy in the specifications. Please let me know if any additional information is needed from Wilson Concrete at this time. Thankyou, r.C ONSTRM"(0i ACINr CODEY AYRES I Project Manager 0: 253 248-1091 1 M: 206 724-2245 1 F: 253 248-1092 "GET ACTIVE" 2 P.O.Box 430,Puyallup,WA 983711 iN�v v.activeconstruction.com I codeva @activeconstruction.com ACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer I FOLLOW U5: From:Codey Ayres Sent:Tuesday,October 8,2024 1:46 PM To: Bryant,Jason<1BrVant@kentwa.go >;Jason Eley<;asone activeconstruction.co_m> Cc: Barry,Jason<JBarrv@lcentwa.sov_>;Jesse M. Martin<iessem@activeconstruction.con,>; Krier, Rick <RKher[@kentwaoov> Subject: RE:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 Jason, If the City chooses to maintain their response to this RFI and follow WSDOT specifications,Wilson Concrete will be requesting additional compensation for the tie-bars. City of Kent special provisions state the following: SECTION 5-05.3(10)IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST AND SECOND PARAGRAPHS AND REPLACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: "Tie bars shall be placed at all longitudinal contraction and construction joints of all panels within 30 feet of HMA transition. In addition, tie bars shall be installed when concrete Shoulders are placed as a separate operation or when widening existing pavement.Tie bars shall be placed at longitudinal construction joints between lanes of all panels within 30 feet of HMA transition in a manner that the individual bars are located at the required elevation and spaced as shown in the Standard Plans and in a manner that the vertical edge of the concrete is not deformed or otherwise damaged duringplacement of the bars." WSDOT Standard specification 5-05.3(10) Paragraphs 1 &2 state the following: "Tie bars shall be placed at all longitudinal contraction and construction joints,in accordance with the requirements shown in the Standard Plans.In addition, tie bars shall be installed when concrete Shoulders are placed as a separate operation or when widening existingpavement. Tie bars shall be placed at longitudinal construction joints between lanes in a manner that the individual bars are located at the required elevation and spaced as shown in the Standard Plans and in a manner that the vertical edge of the concrete is not deformed or otherwise damaged during placement of the bars." City of Kent special provisions deleted the reference to WSDOT standard plans for Cement Concrete Pavement Joints when removing the first two paragraphs on WSDOT section 5-05.3(10).The City does however supplement 5- 05.3(10)with the following statement: "Tie bars shall also be placed in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Plan A-40.15-00." WSDOT.Standard plan A-40.15-00 will be followed when construction isolation joints. But no reference to WSDOT standard plan A-40.10 for CCP joints is referenced. I am working with Wilson to assemble the cost associated with this change. Please advise if you would still like ACl/Wilson concrete to proceed with the response provided in RFI#037. Feel free to reach out with any questions. 3 Thankyou, AC�1"C CU�STpL'CTIUV i�L CODEY AYRES I Project Manager 0: 253 248-1091 1 M: 206 724-2245 1 F: 253 248-1092 "GET ACTIVE" P.O.Box 430,Puyallup,WA 983711 www,activeconstruction.com I codeya activeconstruction.com ACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer 1 FOLLOW US:93 From: Bryant,Jason<Ji1�rvanL!L kentw?. v> Sent:Tuesday,October 8, 2024 11:11 AM To:Jason Eley<lasone@activeconstruction.com> Cc: Barry,Jason<1Barry kentwa,g- >;Codey Ayres<codeya@activeconstsuction-corr>;Jesse M. Martin <lessem@activeconstruction.com>; Krier, Rick<RKrier@kentwa.Pov> Subject: FW: 20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 Jason, Attached is the response to RFI 037. Please follow WSDOT 5-05.3(10). Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 1 Cell 253-261-5663 lBryant@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook r. ;re YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRIiNTING THIS E-MAIL From:Smith,Susanne<SPSrnith kentwa. ov> Sent:Tuesday,October 8, 2024 10:41 AM To: Bryant,Jason<JBryant@kentwa,gov> Cc: Madfai, Mark<MMadfai@kentwa.gov>; Bob Doherty<8ob.Doherty@otak.com>; Lori McFarland <l0r1.mcfarland@otakc corn>;Shailee Jain<shaiiee.iain@otak.corn>; Barry,Jason<lBarry@kenuva.g_c,:>; Krier, Rick <RKrier@kentwa.sov> Subject: RE:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 Hi Jason, Our reply to RFI 037 is attached. Please have the contractor follow WSDOT 5-05.3(10). Thank you, Susanne Susanne Provencio Smith, Design Supervisor 4 Design Engineering I Public Works Department 1 253.856.5553 From: Bryant,Jason<1Bryant@kentwa.gaa> Sent:Tuesday,October 8,2024 9:09 AM To:Smith,Susanne<SPSmith@kentwa.gov> Cc:Madfai, Mark<MMadfai@kentwa.gov>; Bob Doherty<7 .ah.Dohe -,,�Dotak.com>; Lori McFarland <loi i.,7,ciariand@otak.coFn>;Shailee Jain<shailee.laincd�otal:.corr.>; Barry,Jason<JBarrv@kentwa.goti•_>;Krier, Rick <RKrier@kentwa.eov> Subject: FW:20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 Susanne, Attached is RFI 037 for your review. We are pouring on Thursday so we need a quick response on this one. Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 1 Cell 253-261-5663 JBr an Ken WA. ov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook "`i vvi _ YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From:Jason Eley<jasone@a : veconstruction.com> Sent:Tuesday,October 8, 2024 8:46 AM To: Bryant,Jason<JBrvant@icentwa-gc_:> Cc: Barry,Jason<J_B_arry@_I4entwa.gov>;Codey Ayres<codeva@activeconstruction.com>;Jesse M. Martin <iessem @ activeconstruction.com> Subject: 20-3028 Mill Creek/76th Ave Culverts I RFI#037 Ehj5 es'Sage originated outside the City or Kent. Use caution when following links ❑r opening ments as they can be malicious. Please contact IT Security at : : with any ns. Jason, Please see attached RFI#037 for clarification on tie bars. AcCDC rx JASON ELEY I Project Engineer M: (253) 339-5164 "GET ACTIVE" P.O. Box 430, Puyallup, WA 983711 Nv%m,.activeconstruc€ion.corn I jasone cr activeconstruction.com ACI is an Equal Opportunity Employer I FOLLOW US:E1 5 IMPORTANT/CONFIDENTIAL:This e-mail message(and any attachments accompanying it)may contain confidential information.The information is intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s).Delivery of this message to anyone other than the intended recipient(s)is not intended to waive any privilege or otherwise detract from the confidentiality of the message.If you are not the intended recipient,or if this message has been addressed to you in error,do not read,disclose,reproduce,distribute,disseminate or otherwise use this transmission,rather,please promptly notify the sender by reply e-mail, and then destroy all copies of the message and its attachments,if any. 6 5-05 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION 5-05.3 IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3 Construction Requirements Curing blankets or other method approved by the Engineer shall be used to accelerate curing time where necessary or directed by the Engineer throughout the project. Any materials, labor and equipment used for accelerated curing shall be incidental to the bid item "Cement Concrete Pavement - Including Dowels" The Contractor shall submit an alternate design mix for a high-early- strength cement concrete pavement for approval by the Engineer. The alternate design mix shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi and adhere to all criteria for material submittals herein. The Engineer approved alternate mix for a high-early-strength may be for the construction of cement concrete pavement, cement concrete driveways, cement curb and gutter, cement concrete approaches, and cement concrete sidewalk. All costs associated with any cement concrete mix design development, design submittal, and revisions to the submittal design shall be incidental to bid item "Cement Concrete Pavement - Including Dowels". THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 5-05.3(l) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: The submittal for concrete mix design shall provide the following data: the amount of materials (i.e. cement, sand, aggregates, water), the type and amount of each admixture, and the designated 28-day compressive strength specific to the mix design being submitted. The design compressive strength shall be a minimum of 4,000 psi. SECTION 5-05.3(1) IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3(1)A Joints Plan Submittal The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Placing and Jointing Plan as required in Special Provision Section 5-05.3(8) Joints, for review and approval by the Engineer at least 14 working days before concrete placement, and indicating the following: a. Proposed layout of contraction, construction and isolation joints. Clearly delineate the different joint types used. b. Layout of surface finishes as indicated in the Plans. Give overall dimensions of each surface finish type. c. Concrete pour sequence. Indicated sequence of paving pour installation. d. Methods for achieving surface smoothness when placing between existing curb and gutter. No concrete paving work shall be allowed to start until the "Placing and Jointing Plan" is approved by the Engineer. Mill Creek/7611 Ave. S. Culvert Improvement/Smith 5 - 39 January 29, 2024 Project Number: 20-3028 5-05.3(4)A Acceptance of Portland Cement Concrete Pavement SECTION 5-05.3(4)A IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, AND FOURTH PARAGRAPHS SECTION 5-05.3(4)A IS SUPPLEMENTED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Acceptance of concrete will be on a non-statistical acceptance only. SECTION 5-05.3(8) IS DELETED AND REPLACED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3(8) Joints The Jointing Plan shall include jointing at intersections, driveways, around Structures including manholes, catch basins, water and gas valves, and other surface features. The Jointing Plan shall identify all types of joints. Provide the Engineer with a copy of all American Concrete Paving Association (ACPA) technical publications the Contractor used as basis for developing the jointing layout plan, such as the American Concrete Paving Association publication for Intersection Joint Layout. The Jointing Plan shall be developed in accordance with the following: a. Joint spacing shall not exceed 12 feet for transverse joints and 13 feet for longitudinal joints. b. The larger dimension of a panel shall not be greater than 150% of the smaller dimension. c. Longitudinal joints shall not be placed along the wheel path of the lanes. d. The minimum angle between two intersecting joints shall be 60 degrees. e. Joints shall intersect pavement-free edges at a 90-degree angle to the pavement edge and shall extend straight for a minimum of 1.5 feet from the pavement edge, where possible. f. Align joints of adjacent panels except where separated by isolation joints or bond break. g. Ensure joint depth, widths, and dimensions are specified. The Contractor shall provide an isolation joint around all manholes, catch basins, water valves, gas valves and other facilities located within the cement concrete pavement limits. Joint spacing and location shall be adjusted in order to pass through manholes, valves and catch basins. See WSDOT Standard Plans A 40.10-04 and A 40.15-00 for typical jointing information. No wastewater from the joint sawcut operations shall be released directly to any stream, storm sewer system, or sanitary sewer system. The City of Kent has obtained a discharge permit from King County for limited discharge of wastewater. See Section 1-07.6 and copy of the permit attached in the Appendix 10. Mill Creek/761h Ave. S. Culvert Improvement/Smith 5 - 40 January 29, 2024 Project Number: 20-3028 SECTION 5-05.3(8)D IS SUPPLEMENTED BYADDING THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3(8)D Isolation Joints Premolded joint filler in accordance with Section 9-04.1(2) shall be placed as detailed in the Plans through the full depth of the concrete pavement for existing manholes, catch basins, gas and water valves within the concrete pavement. In addition, isolation joints for water valves shall conform to the requirements of Section 7-12.3(2) and shall be at least 18 inches from the center of any valve boxes. SECTION 5-05.3(10) IS REVISED BY DELETING THE FIRST AND SECOND PARAGRAPHS AND REPACING WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3(10) Tie Bars and Corrosion Resistant Dowel Bars Tie bars shall be placed at all longitudinal contraction and construction joints of all panels within 30 feet of HMA transition. In addition, tie bars shall be installed when concrete Shoulders are placed as a separate operation or when widening existing pavement. Tie bars shall be placed at longitudinal construction joints between lanes of all panels within 30 feet of HMA transition in a manner that the individual bars are located at the required elevation and spaced as shown in the Standard Plans and in a manner that the vertical edge of the concrete is not deformed or otherwise damaged during placement of the bars. SECTION 5-05.3(10) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.300) Tie Bars and Corrosion Resistant Dowel Bars Tie bars shall also be placed in accordance with the WSDOT Standard Plan A-40.15-00. SECTION 5-05.3(11) IS SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.3(11) Finishing The surface finish shall be transverse tining. SECTION 5-05.4 IS REVISED BY DELETING THE THIRD AND FOURTH PARAGRAPH AND SUPPLEMENTED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.4 Measurement No measurement will be made for dowel bars and tie bars. SECTION 5-05.5 IS DELETED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: 5-05.5 Payment Mill Creek/761h Ave. S. Culvert Improvement/Smith 5 - 41 January 29, 2024 Project Number: 20-3028 The unit contract price per cubic yard for"Cement Concrete Pavement Including Dowels" shall include all supplies, equipment, materials, labor and tools necessary to complete the concrete paving work as shown on the plans and as specified herein. This bid item includes furnishing and installing all epoxy coated dowel bars and tie bars including those tie bars drilled into existing cement concrete pavement". Mill Creek/76th Ave. S. Culvert Improvement/Smith 5 - 42 January 29, 2024 Project Number: 20-3028 D��A u 0 !iz 6' ZS Ix z to C, IL Z a)ul AU au tlf z z dc zC 7ja gr z C ;,:,0 z z s gL IL z 0 _j Z11 C1 0 z m C'j w UE &u tr, .... .. . ... . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . 4E cc CL z C4 •41011 304y- �,Ir.w,3.0- L,,ON pdvn