HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-084 - Change Order - #8 - Active Construction - Mill Creek 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements - 1/7/25 40 Agreement Routing Form • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. IC E N T W A 5 H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: S.Anderson PW Engineering Date Sent: Date Required: > 1/13/25 N/A 0 to CL Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: C l7 Director or Designee ❑Mayor 5/7/24 Budget Account Number: Grant? El Yes ❑No D90121.64110.330 Budget? El Yes ❑No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Active Construction Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C Change Order#8 0 Project Name: Mill Creek / 76th Avenue S Culvert Improvements E L Project Details: Emergency repair of Zayo cross bored side sewer lateral at 21620 84th C 00 Avenue S. This work includes FA sheet#38. C a, Agreement Amount: $58,858.05 Basis for Selection of Contrac or: Bid Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 400 Working Days a Local Business? ❑Yes ❑No* *Ifineets requirements per KCC3.70.700,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspoce. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes IZI No CAG2024-084 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: Im C 3 0 a, oc .0 Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: N Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/13/25 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. ##8 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Active Construction,. Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Mill Creek 1 76t1 Avenue S Culvert Improvements ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: February 26, 2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Emergency repair of Zayo cross bored side sewer lateral at 21620 84tn Avenue S. This work includes FA sheet #38. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $13,825,727.17 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $182,703.04 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $14,008,430.21 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $53,410.21 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $5,417.84 Order Revised Contract Sum $14,067,288.26 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 400 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 0 working days prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) under Minor Change 0 working days Orders Days Required (f) for this Change Order 0 working days Revised Time for Completion 400 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: �~ Chad Bieren Date 2 signed 9 Chad Bieren B Codey Ayres `_^• h+•a� ,o an o B bate 2025.01.0916:49:21-OB'00' y: y: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Codey Ayres Print Name: Chad Bieren P.E. Its Project Manager Its Public Works Director (title) (title) DATE:1/6/24 DATE: 41'EC KP CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department C[In this field,you may enter the electronic nlepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 200.2 w KENT W..Hi.aro. CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. S Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: 76th Ave Culvert Improvements Project No: 20-3028 Project Engineer: Mark Madfai TIB-Aid No: N/A Capital Projects Jason Bryant Contractor: ACI Manager: Date: 12/10/2024 I. Proposed Change Emergency repair of Zayo cross bored side sewer lateral at 21620 84th Ave S. This work includes FA sheet 38. II. Reason and Background for Change Upon discovery of Zayo's initial side sewer cross bore (ref. CO No. 7, 21719 84th Ave S), the City of Kent made the decision to check additional side sewer lines on 84th to ensure more had not been compromised. This investigation resulted in Kent Sewer crews discovering the side sewer at 21620 was also impacted by cross bore. Understanding Zayo was not capable of necessary repairs in a timely fashion, the City requested ACI crews to again remove existing asphalt and expose this damaged lateral line. Crews exposed the area, removed the cross bore pipe, repaired the sewer line, backfilled the trench and restored the asphalt trench. This change order is complete compensation for emergency side sewer repair at 21620. III, Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS ❑ Not applicable Sch. Item Description Total Est. Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of No Qty I Item Emergency Side Sewer Repair - 21620 84th Ave S 1 LS $53,410.21 $ 53,410.21 New Pay Items Total: $ 53,410.21 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 ❑� Not applicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. $ Page 1 Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ - INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) Q Notapplicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description No. Qh/ Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ - *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $53,410.21 * Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract: 400 Due This Change Order: 0 Previous Total: 400 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 400 * This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: Date: 2�— Jason a Construction Engineering Date: Supervisor: Mon Barry Construction Manager: % Date: Eric Connor Page 2 FA Sheet No.: 38 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED _T Project Name: Mill Creek R6th Avenue Culvert Improve Project No:20-3028 Item No.: Date: 1 012 8-3 112 0 24 Description of Work: 2nd sewer repair on 84th Work by Subcontractor?:no Prime Contractor. ACI Sub-Contractor: LABOR STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME DOLLAR NAME CODE OCCUPAU201 Hourty Rate Firs OT Rate AMOUNT JOSH MCCUTCHEN 4MAN OP-FOREMAN24 101.96 3 130.72 S 2.839.20 'WILL DOLPH OP2 OPERATOR-216 96.97 1.5 123.37 S 1.736.58 TYLER GADDY OP3 OPERATOR-316 91.11 2 122.29 S 1.702.34 .ANDREW AHERNS TCS TCS18 61.99 5.5 34.31 S 1.S79.53 ❑USTIN CASE ILAB2A LABORER-2A 57.92 3 7&26 S 1393.18 COREY HORN OP2 OPERATOR-21 96.97 4 1n37 S 2.045.00 S SUBTOTAL-LABOR: S 11295.83 LABOR OVERHEAD 8 PROFIT @ 31% S 3501.71 LABOR TOTAL S 14,797.54 EOE�YENT EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED STANDBY DOLLAR Equipment# Equgrnent Descivbn Mrs Hourly Rate Hrs Starry RaW AMOUNT 270 ON-HIGHWAY FLATBED TRUCK 23 40.47 S 930.81 495 04-HIGHWAY LIGHT DUTY 27 1665 - S 449.55 620 ON-HIGHWAY REAR DUMP 20 99.74 S 1994.80 532 TILT DECK TRAILER 20 11.91 S 20 487 VOLVO ECR145E EXC 17 121.98 S 2.134.65 415 CAT 420E BACK HOE 54.95 S 329.70 6" FORD TRANSIT 731 43.291 Is 562.77 S SUBTOTAL-EOUPMENT S 6.640.48 EOUPMENT OVERHEAD 3 PROFrr @ 21% 5 1,394.50 ECA)lntENT TOTAL 5 3103&n MA ALS MATERIALS i SERVICES Ouartity Una 'Unit PcE DOLLAR AMOUNT FRANKLIN DIRT DUMP 2 EA S 105.00 S 210.00 FRANKLN ASPHALT DUMP 20.01 TON S ..'M S 220.11 FRANKLN CSTC 28.37. TN 5 15.30 S 425.55 -- ICON CSTC 38.6 TN 5 '&35 S 631.11 LAKESIDE EZ STREET ASPHALT 4.0 'rN S '44.30 S 586.08 :AKESDE CLASS B MODFIED ASPHALT 14.91 TN S 54-301 S 1 25244 DEL-MAR SAW CUT 1 ILS S 'A4-.501 S 1441.50 CORE&MAN MATERIALS 1 ILS S '6924 S 16&24 PRIME OPS-OFFCIER'.RAFFIC 1 US 5 4 40(I.00 S 4 400.00 DP NICOL4 TRENCH AND STEEL PLATES 1 ILS S 3.71512 S 3 715M TUNISTA-TRUCKING 22.75!Mrs S '90.30 S 4322.50 TUNLSTA-OT TRUCKING 21 HRS S 2 S.30 S 410.00 DRAIN PRO-PORTA JOHN 1 LS S 204.50 S 204.50 HIGHWAY SPECIALTIES 1LS S 172&57 S 172857 BADGER DAYUGHTING 1 La IS 5-555.30 S 5 555.00 SUBTOTAL S 25 270.92 OVERHEAD 3 PROFrr @ 21% S 5 30&87 TOTAL. S 30.577.0 Verification of Hour-Worked: TOTAL S 53.410.21 '2%MARK:JP :for P-e w+en adlconta t work) S ,C ma Rmescmove J�Of1�p�'L= .y-'v= Doe1/212025 SHEET TOTAL: S 53,410.21 Durars gmga®�e,� r� E7/ r� 4+ paw 1/212025 Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: C, ElquipmentWatch www,eyuipmentwatCh.Coen All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 620 in All Saved Models November 5,2024 Miscellaneous 8X418YD 85KGVW On-Highway Rear Dumps Size Class: 60,001lbs&Over Weight 21021lbs IMP* Configuration for 8X418YD 85KGVW Axle Configuration 8X4 Horsepower 450.0 Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight 85000.0 Ibs Power Mode Diesel Struck Capacity 15.0-1&0 cu yd Blue Book Rates "FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly Ownership cost divided try 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate" Costs Monthly Weeldy Daily Hourly Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD$S,695.DO USD s1.595.00 USD$400.00 USD S60.00 USD S66.83 USD S99.19 A — Region(Washington: USD$102 51 USD S28.71 USD S7.20 USD S1.08 101.8%) Model Year(2020:99.9%) (USD S5.88) (USD$1.65) (USD S0.41) (USD S0.06) Adiusted Hourly Ownership - Cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Total: USD 55,79L63 USD$2,622.06 USD S406.79 USD SSLO2 usD$66M t15D S99.74 Non-Active Use Rates Hourly Standby Rate USD S23.22 Id"Rate USD S78.91 Rate Element Allocation Element Pm cendge value Deprecation(ownerstrp) 49.134 USD S2.797.93In o Overhaul(ownership) 29.45% USD sl5%r.14lmo CFC(ownership) 10.58% USD S602 36hno Indirect(ownership) 13.84% USD S617.55Inn Fuel(operaung)@ JSC 3-65 68.83-o USO S46-OGft Revised Date:4dt quarter 2024 These are the most actuate rates for the selected Revmm Date(s).However,due to more frequent Online updates.these—dies may not match Rental Raze Blue Book' Pnrtt Visit the Cost Recovery Product Gtsde an our Help page for more information. The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for(mikero@activeconstruction.com) AY matmal P,e C xX3-,02s:4waaiI-R&*y AM nghts reserved Page 1 or 1 EquipmentWatch. www.equipmentwaich.com All prices shown in US dollars(S) Adjustments for 270 in All Saved Models November 5,2024 Miscellaneous 4X2 20KGVW DSL On-Highway Flatbed Trucks Size Class: 19,501-26,000 Ibs Weigh[ fiffi8 Ibs Configuration for 4X2 20KGVW DSL Axle Configuration 4X2 Horsepower 200.0 Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight 20000.0 Ibs Power Mode Diesel Blue Book Rates FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate" costs Monthly Weeldy Daly Hourly Notary Hourly Pubished Rates USD S2.125.00 USD S595.00 USD S150.00 USD$23.00 USD S29.97 USD S42.04 Adiiustments Regan(Washington: USE)S29.75 USD S8.33 USD S2.10 USD SO 32 lOL4%) Model Year(2005:85.8%) (USD S305.98) (USD S85.67) (USD S21.60) (USD S3.31) Adµisted Hourly Ownership - - Cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) TaOt L ISD 31,94a.77 USD S517.66 USD S130 50 USD S20.01 USD S29.97 USD S40.47 Nor-Active Use Rates Hazy Standby Rate USD S4.94 Idirng Rate USE)S32.70 Rate Element Allocation Ellernent Percentage value Depreciation(ownership) 26.35% USE)S559.911mo Overhaul(ownership) 52.95ac USD S1.125.1Bhrio CFC(ownership) 9.7% USD S206.17hno Irorea(ownership) 11% USD S233.731mo =u (operawg)@ USD 3.65 74.37-c USD S22 2nnrt Revtsed Date:4th quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However.clue to more frequent online updates.these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Book" Print_Visit the Cost Recovery Product Glade on our Help cage for more information. The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for(mikero@activeconstruction.com) N maimal hw&n Z 2X3-2021 Randal-Re•*y N r,gnts rese—J. Page 1 of 1 ;� EquipmentWatch. www.equipmentwatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 495 in All Saved Models November 5,2024 Miscellaneous 4X4 314165 CREW GAS On-Highway Light Duty Trucks Size Class: 100-199hp Weight: I=W �t 5500Ibs —*fk. Configuration for 4X4 314165 CREW GAS A)de Configuration 4X4 Cab Type Crew Horsepower 165.0 Power Mode Gasoline Ton Rating 314 Blue Book Rates FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Raze" Costs Monthly Weeldy Daily Hotwy, Orly Hourly Published Rates USD S555.00 USD$155.00 USD$39.00 USD$6.00, USD$13.44 USD S16.59 Adjustments Region(Tacoma, USD S1110 USD S3.10 USD S0.78 USD 50.12 Washington: 102%) Model Year(2018:99.67%) (USD S1.86) (USD$0.52) (USD$0.13) (USD SR02) Adjusted Hourty Ownership - - - cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Total: USD 3564.24 USD S157.58 11SD S39M USD Sir`_ USD S3.3.44 USD SlSM Non-Active Use Rates Hotnty Standby Rate USD S2 04 Idling Rate USE)S3360 Rate Element Allocation Element percentage value Depreciation(ownersnp) 33.440,a ',:SD$185.6vmo Overhaul(ownershp) 36 42% USD S202.13hm CFC(ownership) 12.69-t USD S70 451mo Indnrect(ownership) 17 44% USD S9610mo cud(operating)@ USD 3.31 77.31'e USD$10.39/hr Revised Date:4th quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However due to more frequent online updates,these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Bodo' Pnrtt.Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide on our Help cage for more information. The equipment represemed-in this report has been exclusively prepared for(mikero@acdveconstrucdon.com) N ma:enal herein"2003-2024:Zwdai-4e4V N ngnrs reserved. P�I EquipmentWatch. www equipmentwatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 532 in All Saved Models November 5,2024 Miscellaneous 25 TON Tilt Deck Utility Trailers Size Class: All 46 Weght 9000 lbs At* Configuration for 25 TON Capacity 25.0 t Deck Length 16'•25' Number Of Axles 3.0 Number Of Tires 12.0 Power Mode Manual Blue Book Rates FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated operating FHWA Rate" costs Monthly Weeldy Daily Hourly Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD$1,320.00 USD S370.00 USD$93.00 USD$14.00 USD S5.24 USD S12.74 Adjustments Region(Washington: USD$13.20 USD S3.70 USD$0.93 USD S0 14 101%) Model Year(2005:98%) (USD$160.04) (USD S44-36) (USD$11.28) (USD S170) Adjusted Hourly Ownership - - - cost(10D%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Tod: USD S3,173.16 USD S32&" USD S82.6.5 USD SIZ44 um 55.24 USD S,t r on Non-Active Use Rages ►may Standby Rate USD S4 90 Idling Rate USD S6.67 Rate Element Allocation Ekffwwn PercerRage Value Deprecation;ownership) 47.54-h: USD S627.58hm Ovediaul(ownership) 26.43% USD S348.BSmo CFC(ownersh4) 1196% USD S157.a3lrtto Indirect(owrersrm) 14.77-t USD S18.4751na =uel cost ama is not"—il-`le lor these rates. Revised Doe:411 quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However.due to more frequent onkne updates.these rates may not math Rental Rate Blue Boots PnnL Vint dhe Cast Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more information. The equipment represemed in this report has been exclusively prepared for(rrtikero@acbveconstruciion.com) AY r a:enai--n_20032024 Banda/-Reify A9 nghts reserved. Page 1�'. EquipmentWatch- www.equipmen twatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 487 in All Saved Models June 27,2024 Volvo ECR145E Crawler Mounted Hydraulic Excavators - Size Class: 12-5-14.4 mt Weigh[ NIA Configuration for ECR14SE Horsepower 219.0 hp Blue Book Rates Non-current(i.e.archived)rates:Apr 1,2022-Jun 30,2022 FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate" costs MontMy Weeldy Daily Hourly HouAy Hourly Pubished Rates USD$12.470.00 USD$3,490.00 USD 5875.00 USD$130.00 USD 547.52 USD$118.37 Adjustments Region(Washington: USD 5660.91 USD$184.97 USD 546.38 USD 56.89 105.3%) Model Year(2016:99.8%) (USD$26.63) (USD$7.45) (USD s1.87) (USD$0.28) AdNsted Houry Ownership - - - Coss(100%) Hourly Operating Cos(100%) Tohl: USD S13.1 ta.28 USD 53,667.52 USD S919.51 USD 513L61 USD S47MI USD 532198 Nor}Aetive Use Rates Hourly Standby Rate USD S4L70 Idling Rate USD S65.80 Rate Element ANocation Elemem percentage value Depreciation(owner5rp) 39% USD 54.863.301mo Overhaul(ownesI 44% USD S5.486.80hno CFC(ownership) 5% USD S523.501nro Indirect(ownership) 12% USD 51496.40Imo Fuel(operating)@ USD 5.13 23.86% USD 511.34/hr Revised Date:2nd quarter 2022 These are the most accurate rarer for the selected Revision Date(s).however.due to more frequent onhne updates.these aaes may na mats!Rental Rate Blue Book' Pint Visa the Cost Recovery Prod xa Guide on ota Help oage for more mtormanon The equipment represented In this report has been exclusively prepared for Mike Rote(mlkero@activeconstrucnon.com) Ad maienal�erem a 2W,3-2024 Randal-Rey N qm reserved. Page I of 1 EquipmentWatch. www.equipmentwaich.com All prices shown in US dollars(S) Adjustments for 415 in All Saved Models June 27,2024 Caterpillar 420E(disc.2012) Tractor-Loader-Backhoes a Size Class: 13.5Weight 74.4ft k� •,Z 15474lbs w -� Configuration for 420E(disc.2012) Drive 4WD Horsepower 93.3 hp Operator Protection ROPS Power Mode Diesel Blue Book Rates FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost. Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate" costs Monthly Weeldy Daily Hourty Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD S4,530.00 USD$1,270.00 USD S320.00 USD$48.00 USE)$29.73 USD S55.47 Adrystinents Region(Washington: USD$113.25 USD$31.75 USD S8.00 USD$120 102.5%) Model Year(2008:95.6%) (USD S204.10) (USD S57 22) (USD S14.42) (USD$2.16) Adjusted Hourly Ownership cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Tolak USD S4A39.15 USD$1,244.53 [1SD S313.58 USD S47.04 USD SM731 USD S54.95 Non-Active Use Rates Hourly Srandby Rate USD$13.62 Idling Rate USD S39.84 Rate Element Allocation Bement Percentage Value Depreaanm(ownership) 25% USD S1.132.50hm Overhaul(ownership) 46% USD S2.083-SG ma CFC(ownership) 17% USD S7'0.la#"m Indnea(ownership) 12% USD S543-50 mo Fuel(operasKy @ USD 4.M 49.18% USC S14.62fir Revised Date:2nd quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revision Date(s).However cue to more frequent ovine updates.these rates may nor match Rental Rate Blue Book" Pnm Visit the Cost Recovery Product Guide 7n our Help page for more information. The equipment represented Irt this report has been exdu9trely prepared for Mike Rote(mikero@activecons[ruction.com) N ma[enal herem a 2003-2024:4—daFRc toy N r rm reserves. Page 1 of 1 EquipmentWatch. www.equipmentwatch.com All prices shown in US dollars($) Adjustments for 6"in All Saved Models November 5,2024 Ford T250 TRANSIT 4X2 GAS(disc.2019) Cargo Vans Size Class: 2 Weight NIA Configuration for T250 TRANSIT 4X2 GAS(disc.2019) Power Made Gasoline Wheelbase 130 Inches Axle Configuration 4x2 Complete/Incomplete C Gross Vehicle Weight 9000 Pounds Blue Book Rates "FHWA Rate is equal to the monthly ownership cost divided by 176 plus the hourly estimated operating cost Ownership Costs Estimated Operating FHWA Rate" Costs mointhly Weeldy, wily Hourly Hourly Hourly Published Rates USD S2,820.00 USD S790.00 USD S200.00 USD S30.00 USD S26.86 USD S42.88 Adjustments Region(Washington: USD S93.06 USD$26.07 USD S6.60 USD$0.99 103.3%) Model Year(2018:99.24%) (USD S22 70) (USD S6.22) (USD$1.57) (USD S024) Adjusted Hourly Ownership - - cost(100%) Hourly Operating Cost(100%) Total: USD W 090.86 Uso S1109.85 USD 5205M t15D S30.75 USD SMMI USD S4329 Non-Active Use Rates Orly Standby Rate USD S9 42 Idling Rate USD$33.74 Rate Mement Allocation Elenb,t PvicentWe value Deoreoauon(ownersnol 31.34% USE)S875.26Imo Overhatl(ownerstm) 42.640/a USE)S1.202.53Imo CFC(ownership) 13-02% USD S367.30htta InOrect(ownersmol 1329% USD S374.91/mo Fuel(0orraW9)3 JSC 331 6d.45% USC S17.311hr Revised Date:4th quarter 2024 These are the most accurate rates for the selected Revtson Dale(s).However aue to more frequent online updates.these rates may not match Rental Rate Blue Book' Print Vest the Cos Recovery Product Guide on our Help page for more information. The equipment represented in this report has been exclusively prepared for(mikero@activeconstruction.com) N mare al here n=20C3-2024 RW0a&Re4y AN rxje reserved. Page 1 0!1 �031 IN RI Green Section 30, LLC Invoice SAND&GRAVEL PO Box 1266 Enumclaw, WA 98022 Date Invoice# 10/29/2024 1115797 Bill To Active Construction Inc Phone# Accounts Payable (253)433-4130 PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 E-mail Franklinridgesg@gmaii.com P.O. No. Resale Expiration Terms Due Date 24003 KENT 12/31/2025 Net 30 l 1/28/2024 Ticket Number Qty Description Rate Amount 185616 1 Clean Dry Dirt Solo 105.00 105.00 185617 13.76 5/8"Crushed Screen Top Course 15.00 206.40T Subtotal $31 1.40 Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 A service charge(or delinquent charge)will be assessed on past due amounts at the Annual Percentage Rate of twenty-four percent(24%) Total $31 1.40 m jw -0 I�m -0-1 0r 0a n o C �O CD X, o3 o Wn OOo a sm D I— N C m D rn (D Z, CD 1 N Q N IQ° Q CD n • �— o w Cl) rn m � � f f cn 1 en cn —i cn C) � 0 IC Q o W CD y 3 0 a o O — 0 3 CL CD CD m xx 3 rn I� D + dM o m � -� ND a N Z3 90 CD m m co Y031 HLIN RI Green Section 30, LLC Invoice SAND&GRAVEL PO Box 1266 Enumclaw, WA 98022 Date Invoice# 10/30/2024 1115820 Bill To Phone# Active Construction Inc Accounts Payable (253)433-4130 PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 E-mail Frank]inridgesg@gmail.com P.O. No. Resale Expiration Terms Due Date 24003 KENT 12/31/2025 Net 30 1 1/29/2024 Ticket Number Qty Description Rate Amount 185669 1 Clean Dry Dirt Solo 105.00 105.00 185670 14.61 5/8"Crushed Screen Top Course 15.00 219.15T Subtotal $324.15 Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 A service charge(or delinquent charge)will be assessed on past due amounts at the Annual Percentage Rate of twenty-four percent(24%) Total $324.15 r m w m C o :3 0 --% C o 2 r 3 p 5�ri 3 x n !71 m I� O m � � 2 s N Q CD CD CO v O coo 1 i3 a rj l z90 o Q CD — v m 0o Cn O� co co m w T ° 0 a o R �' 3 0 �. co a: 5 m m X 7 1 N Q_ CD N Q N90 m y m N oo rn Q o Z.T Green Section 30,WEMIN R � Invoice SAND a GRAVEL PO Box 1266 Enumclaw,WA 98022 Date Invoice# 11/7/2024 1115980 Bill To Phone# Active Construction Inc Accounts Payable (253)433-4130 PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 E-mail Franklinridgesg@grnaii.com P.O.No. Resale Expiration Terms Due Date 24003 KENT 12/31/2025 Net 30 12/7/2024 Ticket Number Qty Description Rate Amount 186052 20.01 Asphalt(-24")Clean 13a31 11.00 220.11 Subtotal Sales Tax (0.0%) A service charge(or delinquent charge)will be assessed on past due amounts at the Annual Percentage Rate of twenty-four percent(24%) Total `�b31 186052 Customer Truck } ale Commodity�Y — rr 'per Site Location. Tons 21n) ± ----Cost Weighed by Franklin Ridge Sand & Gravel P.O. Box 1266 36000 Enumclaw Franklin Rd. SE Enumclaw, WA 98022 SSD-800 �n31 Customer No: 60020 Invoice No: 3862883 Inv Date: 10/29124 Ulm Page: Page 1 of 1 _ Customer PO: 24003 1508 Valentine Ave SE Customer Job: MILL CREEK176TH AVE Pacific,WA M7 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC ICON Materials PO Box 430 150a Valentine Ave SE Puyallup WA 98371 Pacific,WA 98047 206-575-3200 ap(MerXiveconstruction.com aECEIvED Delivered To: 76TH AVE S.KENT JACI Dale CdWe Mated Descrip QTY UM Unit Price Matl Total Tax Total Plant:01500 Auburn S&3 6 f 126.05 TON 15.50 � MW INNO 100124 2350-518•-0'CRUSHED ROCK am* � � TON 10129/24 487000-Environmental Surcharge ?�!f,�j / 241.46 EA 0.50 0.00 100124 487750-Fuel Surcharge-Ton 3 6.G T 241.46 EA 0.35 r 0.00 +� Total Invoice: 40" 0.00 Ticket nu frgm a 01500 Auburn S&G 1150107162 '15410T1B2 •150i071 `150107200 1150107232 *150107263 •15010T27 '150107298 `150107332 '150107365 We Appreciate You and Your Business! Registr for our Customer Portai at mymate0dlspartel.mygrrfatpo+tal.Cgm.Would you Gke your invoices emailed or to make a e p ayrnerlt over the phone?Please contact Amounts Receivable at 509.536.3042 Finance Charges will be applied to any late invoices at a rate of 1 5%per month Per credit agreement Or the State's Lawful Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid: Customer Name: ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC Customer No: 60020 If you have any questions about Your invoice please rail 208 575 3200 Invoke>e 3862883 Date: 10/29/24 Remit Payment To: ICON Matsriai5 Customer Job: MILL CREEK176TH AVE PO 8ox 742421 Loa Angeles,CA 90074 Customer PO: 24003 Due Date: 11126t24 PWw pmvlG Youf mna aom>n�b�lw'f you—%dd 9k.w ncvrwing Your imok"An dwll ICOW Materials OFFICE COPY Ticket: 150107182 ri5UI -Auburn S&G Date: 10/29/2024 J,.Ci {C"Sey`•Play SI Time: 7:12:30AM ri WA 98092 Vehicle: LARRY001 st_.rner ;2) Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) lust N.111e: \: Ivv Construction inc Disp 4: Pounds Tons Address&Instructions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 57,660 28.83 !bfil Av:-5,Ki `:' P.O.: 24003 'bare 41,660 20-83 Net 16,000 8.00 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Loads Total ty Ticket t UOM 35G b%ri 0' C i-<L-;Sill-D ROCK 1 800 8.00 Ton Thank you for your business! ♦ a. :IS 1:':1f':-0,A'ti A'.FXC,1':330)EGRI:S use dppruc''ate prole,: equipment wren—king with HMA See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150107182 01500-Auburn S&G Z --�`� Date: 10/29/2024 I(i•:o,Cersey Way SE 1 Time: 7:12:30AM A_iju,n,WA 98092 P, ��1 Vehicle: LARRY001 UStW) _1• :':0.0 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) _t.st R rt,e \_U e`.:onstl LIc:Unn Inc Disp d: Pounds Tons nud ,•,s&Instrr-hor,S: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 57,660 28.83 S,K=.I P.O.: 24003 Tare 41,660 20.83 Net 16,000 8.00 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz 'r-ic act Loads Total t •Ticket t UOM ' 5C!A' -0' CRUSHED ROCK 1 800 8.00 Ton Thank you for your business! • , ... ,r,I> '., .�, PI j.e ipp,p—te prptrt:r.e equipment whgh working with HNIA See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions. ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150107132 01500-Auburn S&G Date: 10/29/2024 } crsey Way SL Time: 7:12:30AM n WA98092 Vehicle: LARRY001 Custun ler: 6.X,)0 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) Cust S::me: L�c Cons: uCucn Inc Disp 4: Pounds Tons ,v-tdr,r 8 Insti ,.Ai.x­: Job: MILI CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 57,660 28 83 i= P.O.: 24003 Tare 41,660 20.93 Net 16,000 8.00 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Loads Total Qty Ticket Qty UOM ,35C _;3 -0 is i:JSHED ROCK 1 800 8.00 Ton Thank you for your business! •.i. - \- !,r,.. ..„ r: ,.t ii i �c,auprnpnan Protc•:vo—er c t wi,en.vork:•ig wah HMA See,everse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions ICON Materials OFFICE COPY Ticket: 150107184 01501)-Auburn S&G Date: 10/29/2024 �_ _•�a ) C Kersey Way S[ Time: 7:14:25AM n,WA 9809) Vehicle: TUNISTAI9 Custonlor: (;; :2,1 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) Cust. Name: roc.:vo Construction Inc Disp M Pounds Tons tWdress&Instructions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 57,420 28.71 !6T1 nVC S.Kt Ni! P.O.: 24003 Tare 27,220 13.61 Net 30,200 15.10 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz ?rlLc ct Loads Total Qty Ticket Qty UOM : 35C .-3 -0' C,!KJS�-ICED ROCK 2 2310 15.10 Ton Thank you for your business! i. ';'I%AS V M'p-4A:URi 5 CAN 1%CI I U 330 DEGREES Use appropriate protective equipment when working with HMA See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150107184 01500-Auburn S&G ��l � Date: 10/29/2024 40�10 Kersey Way SE ` Time: 7:14:25AM A.jou!n,WA98097 PC, 3 Vehicle: TUNISTAI9 ,:ust Alwr: 0.,0 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) -us,,. ` rile: AA e Construction Inc Disp 9: Pounds Tons addlcss L. Instruct�ons: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 57,420 28.71 761;i 11: S.i<_' P.O.: 24003 Tare 27,220 13.61 Net 30,200 15.10 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Loads Total Qty Ticket Qty UOM 3"CRLSHED ROCK 2 23 10 15.10 Ton Thank you for your business! ,i .Oi..i. A% i D i rJ Dl,G-(I!S 6-appropriate pro Lpct—equipment when working•.vith l NIA See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions, ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150107184 01500-Auburn S&G Date: 10/29/2024 i0 Kersey Way SF Time: 7:14:25AM Y AL'A n,WA 9809) Vehicle: TUNISTAI9 CustLntal: I.IX)0 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) st Name: _! e Construction Inc Disp H: Pounds Tons �.lai $Insr_;ct;or•,: Job: MILL CRCEK/76TH AVE Gross 57,420 28.71 P.O.: 24003 Tare 27,220 13.61 Net 30,200 15.10 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz tau ;t Loads Total Qty Ticket Civ UOM '):CSC E/9' -0 :,NJSHED ROCK 2 2310 15.10 Ton Thank you for your business! ., ,��•, . ..it: 1 1 ki r .s.•app-pr,.—pro:,Live eq—men;wrier working w th HMA See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions- ICON Materials OFFICE COPY Ticket: 150107275 01 1,00-Auburn S&G Date: 10/29/2024 i).<r sey Way�F Time: 10:04:37AM WA980g Vehicle: TUNISTAI9 Custowel 0:2;) Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) Cu St.Niinie: .k:E w%Construcdun Inc Disp 4: Pounds Tons Address&Instructions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 58,220 29,11 t,FI,,,,j: �,Kt\.I P.O.: 24003 Tare 27,220 13.61 Net 31,000 15.50 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Loads Total Qty Ticket Qty UOM 0''C •:E S:1ED ROCK 4 6732 15.50 Ton Thank you for your business! ,t\\: %AS-+!4 • v,,.ri W"RAf URI 5 CAN E%Ci i U 339 DEGREES Use appropriate protective equipmentwhen working with HMA. See reverse side For warranty and shipment delivery conditions. ICON Materials (� CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150107275 2 `—oo 01500-Auburn S&G _-5 Date: 10/29/2024 4040 Keisey Way SE Time: 10:04:37AM WA 98092 Pam- �3� Vehicle: TUNISTAI9 �7 1C 0 Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) .�..sL i•.:.irle: +..a Lo::onstruction Inc Disp# Pounds Tons Acid;e•,_8 InstrUC tions: Job: MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 58,220 29.11 /6i !.%j S, r;C P.O.: 24003 Tare 27,220 13.61 Net 31,000 15.50 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz Loads Total Gty Ticket tx UOM i' -0'' C;r;'I. EHFD ROCK 4 6732 15.50 Ton Thank you for your business! ,. 4%f J Q ON GRi!i ,.,e dpprcpnate prote,t ve equipment when workme with HMA. see reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions ICON Materials CUSTOMER COPY Ticket: 150107275 01500-Auburn S&G Date: 10/29/2024 .1�1;0<ersey Way SF Time: 10:04:37AM WA 9809;' Vehicle: TUNISTAI9 } a �r a C,stunl.,r. ;GIO Order: ACTIVE2404-MILL CREEK/76TH AVE AGG (FOB) st i\„nie )e Cunsircc,:on Inc Disp 4: Pounds Tons LL_ 1.110 t ,. Job. MILL CREEK/76TH AVE Gross 59,220 29 11 f- S- P.O.: 24003 Tare 27,220 13-61 Net 31,000 15.50 Weighmaster: Crystal Swartz oci.,,:i Loads Total Oty Ticket Qty UOM 5, a "i'..1;: i :D ROCK 4 6732 15.50 Ton Thank you for your business! .. , iLRLES _6 crowdvc eq•.,iprnent wren working N,th HMA See reverse side for warranty and shipment delivery conditions . LAKESIDE Kent Division INDUSTRIES INVOICE 295915 Remit to: LB#1086,Lakeside Industries Invoice Date: 10/31/24 PO Box 35143 Customer No: 104746 Seattle,WA 98124-5143 Job#: 23-003 Sold To: Delivered To: Active Construction Inc-WA —ap@activeconstruction.com— Puyallup.WA 98371 We welcome your EFT payment(ACH and Wire).Please contact AR@lakesideindustries.com. Tax Sale Date Tlckat zaw• Po is MATERIAL: 180-EZ STREET ASPHALT 102924 4096393 Kent Ez Street Sales 4.070 TON S 144.00 586.06 0.00 71712 0.00 586.08 Total EZ STREET ASPHALT 4 070 TON 58608 59608 0.00 586 08 Total: Curt Job: 23-003 586.08 0.00 0.00 586.08 Total Invoke: 586.08 0.00 0.00 96.08 RECEIVED NOV AU' Payment Type: On Account ❑10 Pay Terms loth Total: $686.08 Kent Division'18808 SE 267th Street-Covington WA 98042 263-631-3611 Page 1 of 1 LLAKESIDE KENT DIVISION Ticket#: 4096393 INDUSTRIES 18808 SE 256th STREET Covington, WA 98042 Date: 10/29/24 253-631-361 l Time: 12:39 pm *** Delivery *** Customer Information Job Information ID: 104746 ID: 23-003 PO#: Name: Active Construction Inc-WA Name: 0 Address: PO Box 430 Location: Puyallup, WA 98371 , Phone: 253-248-1091 Item: 0- Truck and Carrier Information Truck Weights Truck ID: TUNISTA Gross Tare Net Descript: TUNISTA 15 5 AXLE 35320 lb 27180 lb 8140 Ib Carrier ID: 1 17.66 Tn 13.59 Tn 4.07 Tn Name: 0 16.02 Mg 12.33 Mg 3.69 Mg Product and Load Totals ID: 180 JMF#: Name: EZ STREET ASPHALT Today: 1 Loads 4.07 Tn 3.69 Mg To Date: 1 Loads 4.07 Tn 3.69 Mg Seal: 307 Weighmaster: chris gross Customer Copy AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER-WA ST.CONT.REG.#LAKESI*274JD-OR CCB# 108542 For a Safety Data Sheet call 425-313-2600 or download at www,lakesideindustries.com ff LAKESIDE KENT DIVISION Ticket#: 4096393 INDUSTRIES 18808 SE 256th STREET Covington, WA 98042 Date: 10/29/24 253-631-3611 Time: 12:39 pm *** Delivery*** Customer Information Job Information ID: 104746 ID: 23-003 PO#: Name: Active Construction Inc-WA Name: 0 Address: PO Box 430 Location: Puyallup, WA 98371 , Phone: 253-248-1091 Item: 0- Truck and Carrier Information Truck Weights Truck ID: TUNISTA Gross Tare Net Descript: TUNISTA 15 5 AXLE 35320 Ib 27180 Ib 8140 Ib Carrier ID: 1 17.66 Tn 13.59 Tn 4.07 Tn Name: 0 16.02 Mg 12.33 Mg 3.69 Mg Product and Load Totals ID: 180 JMF#: Name: EZ STREET ASPHALT Today: 1 Loads 4.07 Tn 3 69 Mg To Date: 1 Loads 4.07 Tn 3.69 Mg Seal: 307 Weighmaster: chris grass Driver Copy . LAKESIDE Kent Division INDUSTRIES INVOICE 295916 Remit to: LB#1086, Lakeside Industries Invoice Data: 10/31/24 PO Box 35143 Customer No: 104746 Seattle,WA 98124-5143 Job#: 24-003 Sold To: Delivered To: Active Construction Inc-WA ..ap@activeconstruction.com"" Puyallup,WA 98371 We welcome your EFT payment(ACH and Wire).Please contact AR@Iakesideindustries.com. Tax Sale Dale Ticket UnOn t]M _ L:nitPhce Mnd Tnts1 001[vary ':�p Tat Tow PO#: MATERIAL: 106-WA CLASS B MODIFIED 1013024 4096473 Kent Asphalt Kant 14.910 TON $84.00 1,252.44 0,00 71712 0.00 1,252.44 Total: WA CLASS B MODIFIED 14.910 TON 1,25244 1,25244 0 00 1,252A4 Total: Cust Job: 24-003 1,252.44 0.00 0.00 1,252.64 Total Invoice: 1,252.44 0.00 0.00 1,252.44 RECEIVED A(''3 Payment Type: On Account D10 Pay Terms 10th Total: $1,252.44 Kent Division'18808 SE 267th Street-Covington WA 98042'263-631-3611 Page 1 of 1 LLAKESIDE KENT DIVISION Ticket#: 4096473 INDUSTRIES 18808 SE 256th STREET Covington, WA 98042 Date: 10/30/24 253-631-3611 Time: 12:21 pm *** Silo 2 Loadout*** Customer Information Job Information ID: 104746 ID: 24-003 PO#: Name: Active Construction Inc-WA Name: 24-003 Address: PO Box 430 Location: Puyallup, WA 98371 Phone: 253-248-1091 Item: 0- Truck and Carrier Information Truck Weiszhts Truck ID: TUN05 Gross Tare Net Descript: WHITE 572801b 274601b 298201b Carrier ID: 1 28.64 Tn 13.73 Tn 14.91 Tn Name: 0 25.98 Mg 12.46 Mg 13.53 Mg Product and Load Totals ID: 106 JMF Name: 1/2 HMA 50 gryo Today: 1 Loads 14.91 Tn 13.53 Mg `�G Q, 1 To Date: 2 Loads 19.94 Tn 18.09 Mg /r �"'� Seal: 307 Weighmaster: chris l;ross Customer Copy AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER-WA ST.CONT.REG.#LAKESI*274JD-OR CCB# 108542 For a Safety Data Sheet call 425-313-2600 or download at www.fakesideindustries.com LLAKESIDE KENT DIVISION Ticket#: 4096473 INDUSTRIES 18808 SE 256th STREET Covington, WA 98042 Date: 10/30/24 253-631-3611 Time: 12:21 pm ***Silo 2 Loadout*** Customer Information Job Information ID: 104746 ID: 24-003 PO#: Name: Active Construction Inc-WA Name: 24-003 Address: PO Box 430 Location: Puyallup,WA 98371 Phone: 253-248-1091 Item: 0- Truck and Carrier Information Truck Weights Truck ID: TUN05 Gross Tare Net Descript: WHITE 572801b 274601b 29820lb Carrier ID: 1 28.64 Tn 13.73 Tn 14.91 Tn Name: 0 25.98 Mg 12.46 Mg 13.53 Mg Product and Load Totals ID: 106 JMF#: Name: 1/2 HMA 50 gryo Today: 1 Loads 14.91 Tn 13.53 Mg To Date: 2 Loads 1.9.94 Tn 18.09 Mg Seal: 307 Weighmaster: Chris grog Driver Copy DEL-MAR CONCRETE Invoice CUTTING & CORING 42251 152 100th St. S. Tacoma, WA 98444 Ph #I (253) 537-0109 FAX #k (283) 835-0507 � �I�r � ; f " L�` DATE 14-2Y-2 JOB NO. y �9 C�3 TO_. ��C/ I� r CONTACT PERSON u 3 JOB LOCATION f TERMS: NET 30 DAYS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2-:! out e K n��� % C:2!�_f 13 " �+ � ' i:;oi� � /—f3,4(1;c� ' 7�� r , A : BECEIVED V 0.6 2024 ACI A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% ON THE UNPAID PREVIOUS BALANCE WILL BE i /f COMPUTED AT THE END OF EACH MONTH. IF CUSTOMER DEFAULTS OR IF SUIT �lL� PRINCIPALIS BROUGHT TO COLLECT ANY OF THE rIfING U DER THIS BIILL, DEL-MAR MAYY CHARGECUS O ER INTEREST REASONABLE ATTORNEY c FEES AND COLLECTION COSTS. DEL-MAR CONCRETE Invoice CUTTING & CORING 4 2 2 5 2 152 100th St. S. Tacoma. WA 98444 Ph # (253) 537-0109 FAX # (253) 53"507 TO �( /b°' (,{J�1}�I < DATE /0 ^rd7 _2 JOB NO. eq o c -T 3 CONTACT PERSON 7�-SSA- 6e) - o JOB LOCATION �r TERMS: ET 30 DAYS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DAT DESCRIPTION L-.4 -DUT El-1/0 - �>o dry, ! i Iv Iclva ' 'l 6 r -7 R' 3 d f A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% ON THE UNPAID PREVIOUS BALANCE WILL BE COMPUTED AT THE END OF EACH MONTH. IF CUSTOMER DEFAULTS OR IF SUIT _� f IS BROUGHT TO COLLECT ANY OF THE PRINCIPAL OR INTEREST DUE OR OWING UNDER THIS BILL, DEL-MAR MAY CHARGE CUSTOMER REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES AND COLLECTION COSTS. Invoice # V896453 ' 11VV0lC E Invoice Date 10/29/24 Account # 114482 Sales Rep JOHNNY SPENCER Phone # 253-840-8558 1830 Craig Park court Branch #302 Puyallup, WA St. Louis, No 63146 Total Amount Due $168.24 Remit To: CORE & MAIN LP PO BOX 20330 ST. LOUIS, NO 63146 Shipped To: ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 000/0000 CUSTOMER PICK-UP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 00000 PO BOX 430 PUYALLUP WA 98371 0162 CUSTOMER JOB- 24-003 !KILL CREEK/76TH 24-003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for the opportunity to serve youi we appreciate your Prompt Payment. Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO # Job Name Job A Bill of Lading Shipped Via invoice# 10/24/24 10/28/24 SEE BELOW MILL CREEK/76TH 24-003 WILL CALL V896453 _ Ouantitx Product Code Description Ordered Shipped B/O Price UN Extended Price CUSTOMER PO#- 24-003 EMR SWR RF.PR 2 281068BASR 106-88ASR 8 CONCXCl/PVC CLPG 2 2 84.12000 Z. 168.24 AMAZON SHEAR RING ORDERED BY JESSE M. 10/24/24 I r 3Q 2224 ,�01 Freight Delivery Handling Restock Misc Subtotal: 168.24 Other: .00 Tax ' 00 Torras: NET 30 Ordered By: 1SSSE 1L. EMER. SENSE REPAIR 2 Invoice Total: $168,24 This transaction is governed by and subject to Core L main'• standard terms and conditions, which are incorporated by reference and accepted. To review theme terms and conditions. please visito hetPa:J/caxaaadmaia.com/terms-of-mele/ 00000 Page: 1 Prime Ops P.O. Box 23 Allen,TX 75013 US OPS +12536779676 P R I M E *** accounts@primeops.org https:J/www.primeoperations.org 1 INVOICE BILL TO INVOICE# WA06019 Active Construction Inc DATE 10/31/2024 DUE DATE 11/30/2024 TERMS Net 30 PO NUMBER 24-003 DATE t4E OLL4141TY RATE AMOL T 10/29/2024 WA I UPO 8 150.00 1,200.00 Uniformed Police Officer with patrol car I Staffed through municipality $150/hr/Officer 10/29/2024 WA I UPO -No Car 8 125.00 1,000.00 Uniformed Police Officer without patrol car $125/hr/Officer 10/30/2024 WA UPO 8 150.00 1,200.00 Uniformed Police Officer with patrol car I Staffed through municipality $150/hr/Officer 10/30/2024 WA I UPO -No Car 8 125.00 1,000.00 Uniformed Police Officer without patrol car I $125/hr/Officer Client:Active Construction Inc BALANCE DUE $w,40O,OQ Address:84th Ave S&S 216th St, Kent, WA 98032 '* Dates: 10/29/2024& 10/30/2024 Time: 0700- 1500 Officers:2 DECEIVE(? Objective:Traffic Control POC:Jesse 253-606-6909 Ordered by Jesse Martin Ordered on 10/24/2024 at 6:57:58 f CI We appreciate your business and look forward to helping you again soon. INVOICE NO. :428730 DATE:11,11/2024 DPANiUo"'I� i BILLING TYPE:FINAL 3700 6th Ave S Seattle WA 98134 Phone: 866-695-5008 Page:1 www dpnicok oom Customer No.ACTIO043 BILL TO: SHIP TO: Active Construction Active Construction 21609 841h Ave S PO Box 430 Kent WA 98032 Puyallup WA 98371 CUST.JOB NO.:24-003 JOBSITE PHONE NO.:253.606.6909 JOBSITE CONTACT:Jesse RECEIVED OFFICE PHONE NO.: OFFICE CONTACT: ORDER DATE:10/29i2024 PROJECT:Culvert Replacement NOV d i 2024 DPN ORDER#:97931 SALESPERSON:John Winters AA��++gg TERMS:NET 30 AC7 Qty Part Description Date Out Contract# Bill From Min Day Week 4 Week Total P.O.0 Del#1Ret# BIII To 4 Steel Plate 8 x 20 x 1 10/29/2024 172881 10/29/2024 S266.22 S115 75 S266 22 $e36 62 $1,064 68 EACH (Non-skid) 24-003 458279/ 10/31/2024 458882 2 Quick Pick 10/29/2024 172881 10/29/2024 $107.23 $46 62 $107.23 $256 41 $214.46 EACH 24-003 458279/ 10131/2024 458882 1 3/8in x 121t 4-Leg Chain Sling 10/29/2024 172881 10/29/2024 $160.86 $69.94 $160.86 $384 67 S160.86 EACH Rated to 22,900 Ibs Q 60 24-003 458279/ 10131/2024 degrees(refer to tag for WLL) 458882 1 8T x 10L x 3in Thick 1029/2024 172881 10/29/2024 $629.42 $273.66 $629.42 S1,505 13 $629.42 EACH Aluminum XLAP Shield with 24-003 458279/ 10/3112024 36in-60in Static Stnrts 458882 1 8T x 10L x 3in Thick 1202� 172881 10/29/2024 S629.42 S273.66 $629.42 $1 505 13 S629 42 EACH Aluminum XLAP Shield with 24-003 458279/ 10/31/2024 36in-60in Static Struts 458882 ,items Sold I Qty Part Description Date Contract 0 Price Ext Price P.O.2 Del 01 Rat 9 1 Delivery-DPN 10/29/2024 172881 $297 00 $297.00 EACH 24-003 458279/N/A EACH 1 Pickup Charge-DPN 172881 $297 00 $297 00 EACH 24-003 WA/458882 EACH Subtotal: $3,293.04 Environmental Fee: $40 49 WA State Heavy Rental Equipment Tax: S41.67 Tax: S340 02 Totallnvoioe: $3,716 22 No additional equipmentlservice outstanding for this rental order. Please remit to:D P.NICOLL INC PO BOX 31001-3165 PASADENA CA 91110-3165 T"—'CON'Sl-RUCTION LI-C INVOICE Tunista Construction LLC Invoice No 243009-01 4425 S Orchard St Tacoma,WA 98486 Date 10/31/2024 253-517-9988 Customer ID Active Active Construction Inc PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 24-003 MILL CREEK-(AUBURN TO KENT) Due upon receipt 11/10/2024 Boo TT-SS-SD RATE 10/30/2024 TX#33124 $190 00 $1,520.00 800 TT-SS-SD RATE 10/29/2024 TX#33123 $190 00 $1,520.00 2,00 TT-SS-SD OT RATE 10129/2024 TX#33123 $205 00 $410.00 Subtotal $3,450.00 Sales Tax @ 0 00% $- TOTAL $3,450.00 Make all checks payable to Tunisia Construc!lon LLC RECEIVED NOV 2.024 AVI Delivery / Tonnage Ticket No. :, :� " 2 4co� s-rRvcT�o� t.�c Date: _aQ= Pre Trip: Post Trip: AN] Truck#: �°©o Ptut rr: Leave Yard: Back to Yard: 253-517-9988 trucking@tcicon.com Trailer#: 7p0 Ant www.tunistaconstruction.com — PM — 4425 S Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 Truck Type: Down Time: Reason: Super Solo T&T Customer: Onsite Hours: . Side Dump W Travel Hours: Job Name: Other: �• , � �. 7. 5 On the Job Injury? Yes Total Daily Hours: •�• i Job Number: ; tr- o 0 3 MATERIAL ! FROM IN/OUTS HAULED TO IN/0UT1 COST CODE TONS -D._- 41 a5 fh It eeeL< Lay Ley 6, H&l4 �K�&;We zZ Driver Signature- Authornye iyp 5+t{ ure: x x � 1 Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our intent to li n this project, if necessary. Interest at 1 -1/2 per month will be charged on all past due accounts Charges are due by the enth of the month following date of this billing Delivery / Tonnage Ticket No. a .% CONSTRUCTION LLC Date: 2 Pre Trip: Post Trip: Ann rTruck#: l GJ 1 �00 PfVt 4 3o Leave Yard: Back to Yard: 253-517-9988 trucking@tcicon.com Trailer#: C15 �,,5 AM www.tunistaconstruction.com - win PM. 4425 S Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 Truck Type: Reason:'rne: Super Solo T&T Onsite Hours: Customer: C Z _ Side Dump (!?;b S Job Name: Other: Travel Hours: �5 Wj �( G✓tom� _ __ On the Job Injury? Yes TotalDaily Hours: O Job Number: 00 3 No MATERIAL FROM IN/OUT' HAULED TO IN/OUTI COST CODE TONS T � 7y _ 7 �s I __ n e- _9y o loot to3�- GSfc IC-on- - 00 ) r'1,I Lr�4 K lea _ �S•5 0 1 ol 07 I zIts 315 Driver Signature: Auth aed Rep.Si ure X X Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our inters to lien this project, if necessary. interest at 1-1 i29'� per month will. be charged on all past due occounts Charges are due by the tenth of the month following date of this billing. 40a31 � NNS I "STCTION `. INVOICE Tunista Construction LLC. Invoice No: 243045-01 4425 S. Orchard St. Tacoma,WA 98466 Date: 12/13/2024 253-517-9988 Customer ID: Active Active Construction Inc. PO Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 P.• - Date 24-003 MILL CREEK-(KENT) Due upon receipt 12/23/2024 Quaiitily Description Unit Price Line Total 6.75 TT-SS-SD RATE 10/29/2024 TX#5620/27737 $190.00 $1,282.50 Subtotal Sales Tax @ 0.00% $- TOTAL $1,282.50 Make all checks payable to Tunista Construction LLC. Delivery / Tonnage Ticket No. 2 7 "1 CONSTRUCTION LLC r° ' A Date Pre Trip: Post Trip: QV AM Truck#: / 4o 00 PrVI PM T'U .N / Leave Yard: Back to Yard: 253-517-9988 1 trucking@tcicon.com Trailer#: �l/Jr 9PMg�-�, � pM www.tunistaconstruction.com Down Time: f 4425 S Orchard St. Tacoma, WA 98466 Truck Type: Reason: f Super Solo T&T Onsite Hours: Customer: ACC Side Dump So 0 Travel Hours: Job Name: ] ���� Other: On the Job Injury? Yes Total Daily Hours: , Job Number: l.� —aU� No MATERIAL _ FROM ;IN/OUT1 HAULED TO IN/OUT COST CODE I TONS 40-T _ --. 1 T �- i 7-7 i f Driver Signature: Authorized Rep.Signature' X X Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project, if necessary. Interest at 1-1/2% per month will be charged on all past due accounts. Charges are due by the tenth of the month following date of this billing. SOJ.1r Y Date �: 3'.o 20 Aw Truck No T&T Charge T&T Rae Type Solo Charge TRUCKING L.LC Solo Rate 1Hr. Standby Charge 253.365.3806 T&T Hours Add Charges sony@slarsentrucking.com solo Hours Tax 2706 Pioneer Way E,Tacoma,WA 98404 Standby Hours Total Customer _ TT Billing Address Job'_acatior I Soh Star f Stop Wnch Downtime Reason PP.0 MATERIAL FROM TO NO.LOADS HOURS t . r t k Remarks Driver's Signature T Auth.Ce.Rep.Signature Signature of this truck invoice will be considered your notice of our intent to lien this project,4 necessary.Interest at 11/2%per month will be charged on all past due accounts. All charges due net 30 days from date of invoice. f IMP, 7 invoice • �� `� Invoice Number: 136218 P:(253)926-5586 F:(253)926-5555 Invoice Date: Oct-31-2024 1903 17th St NW Bldg C-2 Puyallup,WA 98371 1-' tJ� Job Number: P.O.Number: Job Site ID: 20160 Job Site Address: 21609 84th Ave S BILL TO ID: 466 Kent,WA 98032-2467 Last Pa ent on Account Active Contruction Last Payment Date: Oct-29-2024 RO Box 430 RECEIVED Last Payment Amount: $5,049.00 Puyallup,WA 98371 Job Site Summary NOVQ 4 '�UN124 Late Chrgs.Adis,Pymts: $0 00 11 V Current Invoice: $204.50 AC5 Please Pay: $204.50 From To Duration Rental Item/Service Type City Price Per Tax Extension Oct-29-2024 Oct-29-2024 1 Standard Unit $129.50 O $129 50 Oct-29-2024 Oct-29-2024 1 Delivery&Pickup Charge $50.00 0 $50 00 (Per delivery trip) Oct-29-2024 Oct-29-2024 1 Hand Sanitizer $25.00 $25.00 Taxable .Tax Rate i Tax Description Non-Taxable Subtotal: $204.50 Rental: $0 00 102% $0.00 1715 RNT Kent Taxable Subtotal: $0 00 Service: $0.00 10.2% $0.00 1715-RNT Kent Tax Subtotal: $0.00 Late Charges Adjustrrtenis Payments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Current Invoice: $204.50 Our address has changed please update your records.Our mailing address is: 1903 17th St NW Ste C Puyallup,WA 98371 Please detach and return this portion with your payment. Jab Site ID Invoice No Da'0 `From: 20160 136218 Oct-31-2024 $204.50 Payment Terms: Net 30 Active Contruction P.O Box 430 Puyallup,WA 98371 To: We gladly take payment by check or credit card(Visa&Mastercard). Drain Pro, Inc Portable Restrooms You can enroll in autopay, please make sure to 1903 17th St NW have current credit card form on file and email Building C-2 for receipts Puyallup,WA 98371 1!1 Page: Invoice NNhway NEW PAYMENT ADDRESS: Invoice Date: 11/01/2024 SP CIALTIES LLC Highway Specialties LLC , Order Number: R018183 P.O.Box 9094 PO Box 76550 Brooks,OR 97305 Chicago IL 60675-WSO Order Date: 10/28t2024 ]Invoice Number: 0119472-IN Customer Number: ACTIVECONSTRUCTION Salesperson: BIII To: Ship To: Active Construction.Inc. Highway Specialties-Will Call PO BOX 430 7220 River Rd E Puyallup,WA 98371 Puyallup,WA 98371 Customer .O. Ship VIA Rep Contact Contact Phone Terms 24-M 1ANNA (###)###4t### NET 30 ltern Cade Description Shipped Returned Rate Amount Return Invoice ARROW BOARDS Arrow Board-63 1 1 150.00 150.00 Daily: 85.00 Weekly: 150.00 MonthlyA50 00 Rental Period: 10/28/2024 to 10/31/2024 Days Billed: 4 Serial Number. AB-63 ARROW BOARDS Arrow Board-154 1 1 150.00 150.00 Daily: 85.00 Weekly: 150.00 Monthly.450.00 Rental Period: 1 012 8/20 24 to 10/31/2024 Days Billed: 4 Serial Number. AB-154 PCMS/MB PCMS/MB-252 1 1 600.00 600.00 Daily: 200.00 Weekly: 600.00 Monthly:1,300.00 Rental Period: 10/2812024 to 10/31/2024 Days Billed: 4 Serial Number. MB-252 PCMSIMB PCMS/MB-269 1 1 600.00 600.00 Daily: 200.00 Weekly: 600.00 Monthly:1,300.00 Rental Period: 10/28J2024 to 10/31/2024 Days Billed 4 Serial Number. MB-269 MFG 48"X48",B/O,DG,ALUMINUM SIGN,NEW 4 4 1750 70.00 SIGNS:ALLUM:A48X4 8B/O,DG Daily: 5.00 Weekly: 17.50 Monthly 50.00 Rental Period: 10/282024 to 10/31/2024 Days Billed: 4 MOTORCYCLES USE EXTREME CAUTION RECEIV E) NOV 0110o •B24 AC Past due invoices are subject to a 2%Finance Charge per month Net Invoice: 1,570.00 WA-PIERCE-2727 158.57 c.r—Ta Invoice Totat 1 728.57 ��� Invoice i tber 2775280 +nvoice Date 10-31-2024 Payment Terms 30 Net Amount Due 11,4 tQ.00 BILL TO REMIT TO ACTIVE CONSTRUCTIONECERIVED Badger Daylighting Corp P.O.BOX 430 PO Box 95000 Puyallup,WA 98371 LB# 1627 fl L Philadelphia, PA 19195-0001 Bank Routing#:026013673 AC I Account#:03248177952 Customer Number POIWorik Order AFE/Job Badger Sales Area 10589057 24-003 24-003 ' 40100 Service Ticket# Unit# Item Description Qty Unit of Unit Price Amount Date measum 10-29-2024 TKT-102824-1354682 56937 Badger Combo 4 Hour 265,00 1,060.00 j Vac With Operator 10-29-2024 TKT-102824-1354682 56937 Supply Water / 1 Each 50.00 50.00 -Fotn1 D �U3D 1,110.00 For your convenience.Badger accepts payment in multiple forms including check,ACH,EFT,and certain credit cards.To the extent permitted by applicable law, payments made by credit card are subject to a surcharge equal to 3% of the transaction amount(or the highest percentage permitted by applicable law,if less than 3%).Please see attached tickets for additional detail. Please direct all invoicing inquiries to accountsrecefvable@badgerinc.00m or(877)322-3437 and remittances to remittance@badgerinc.com Page 1 of 1 + Invoice[Number 2775279 ' Wow oate 10-31-2024 Payment Terms 30 Net Amount Due $ 4,445.00 BILL TO RECEIVED REMIT TO ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION Badger Daylighting Corp P.O.BOX 430 NON I} PO Box 95000 Puyallup,WA 98371 `' LB#1627 Philadelphia,PA 19195-0001 Bank Routing#:026013673 Account* 03248177952 Customer Number PO/Work Order AFEIJob Badger Sales Area 10689057 24-003 24-003 40100 Service Ticket# Unit# item Description Qty Unit of Unit Price Amount Date Nleasur+e k 10-29-2024 TKT-102824-1354738 2221 Badger Hydrovac 5 Hour 265.00 1,325.00 With Operator 10-29-2024 TKT-102824-1354738 2221 Disposition t/ 1 Each 450.00 450.00 10-29-2024 TKT-102824-1354738 2.221 Supply Water ✓ 1 Each 50.00 50.00 10-30-2024 TKT-102924-1356011 2309 Badger Hydrovac 8 Hour 265.00 2,12000 With Operator 10-30-2024 TKT-102924-1356011 2309 Disposition ,i 1 Each 450.00 450.00 10-30-2024 TKT-102924-1356011 2309 Supply Water ✓ 1 Each 50.00 50.00 '-Total Due(USO) I 4,445.00 For your convenience,Badger accepts payment in multiple forms including check,ACH.EFT,and certain credit cards.To the extent permitted by applicable law, payments made by credit card are subject to a surcharge equal to 3% of the transaction amount(or the highest percentage permitted by applicable law,if less than 3%).Please see attached tickets for additional detail. Please direct all invoicing inquiries to accountsreceivableQbadgerinc.com or(877) 322-3437 and remittances to remittance Qbadgeri nc.com Page 1 of 1 Washington State Contractor's Daily Report of�,, Department of Transportation Traffic Control - Summary Page One Contract Number SR Number Day Date Sry'x QY-i5?CQ "A:> 1 /ol la Photos /Videos taken today for record? ❑Yes ❑No If Yes, note locations: Summary of TCS Activities 1-.I)V d.4^110CA I.✓ lcc,..T— RT 4 .'30 &7— A •S?3 /I-- 1.3-1 4— s o► c#0 oCA-& =1644?, AIe,...l 1'lct� .!fr AJ-3 . 3J— _ -r4 C k. r2a Ck"'kA Contractor Contract Traffic Control Supervisors Signature For WSDOT Project Office Only Ca ents 7-5 -4=1P.A r, 130 A a To be Completed by Contractor's Traffic Control Supervisor(TCS) DOT Form 421-040A EF Distribution: White-Contractor;Canary-Project Engineer Revised 4/2004 Aft Washington State Contractor's Daily Report of Traffic Department of Transportation Control - Traffic Control Log Use separate sheets for each setup. (May be altered to record Class A signs.) Page 2,�F Contract Number SR Number Day Date EMZiftEpie y—,vv 3 7x-s /VIA9'/.t Sta A Setup Sta B Legend Station — Time Station — Time (List of Signs Used) � TR�c y*aP S`b►o L G C A <4> a a - - a Work Area Z> � a - - a 8 a 0 0/� — — � Cones Piloted 6?-Yes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No a — _ a P r Approved Plan Plan Title tes ❑No a - a Sta C One Way Traffic Flagger/Spotter Sta Start End Hours Sta D(one or more lanes) Station AT Two Way Traffic Station BStation C (two or more lanes) Station D Other Traffic Control Labor Name Start End Hours ^ C Contractor Contractors Supervisor's Signature Type of Traffic Control Time Set Up Time(s) Checked Time Removed To be Completed by Contractor's Traffic Control Supervisor(TCS) DOT Form 421-040B EF Distribution: White-Contractor;Canary-Project Engineer Revised 0312008 Washington State Contractor's Daily Report of . . Department of Transportation Traffic Control - Summary Page One Contract Number SR Number Day Date _ Photos /Videos taken today for record? ❑Yes ❑No If Yes, note locations: Summary of TCS Activities Z6/c� ,P� d L T� Contractor Contractor's T Control Supervisor's Signature For WSDOT Project Office Only Comments To be Completed by Contractor's Traffic Control Supervisor(TCS) DOT Form 421-040A EF Distribution. White-Contractor;Canary-Project Engineer Revised 4/2004 MAmok Washington State Contractor's Daily Report of Traffic AW Department of Transportation Control - Traffic Control Log Use separate sheets for each setup. (May be altered to record Class A signs.) PagecPo1,2, Contract Number SR Number Day Date Sta A Setup Sta B Legend Station — Time Station — Time (List of Signs Used) S eat/— 6-ce V G� 0 IL <> 0 - - 0 Work Area 0 — -- 0 0 T 0 - - — Cones Piloted 0 <> es ❑No ❑Yes [—]No 0 — — 0 Per Approved Plan Plan Title ^ y <> 0.1es No 0 Sta C One Way Traffic Sta D Flagger/Spotter Sta Start End Hours (one or more lanes) Station A Two Way Traffic Station B (two or more lanes) Station C Station D Other Traffic Control Labor Name J Start End Hours Contractor ntractor's Tr ignature Type of Traffic Control Time Set Up Time(s) Checked Time Removed To be Completed by Contractor's Traffic Control Supervisor(TCS) DOT Form 421-040B EF Distribution: White-Contractor;Canary-Project Engineer Revised 03/2008 B ant, Jason From: Hoff, Marcus Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 12:57 PM To: Bryant,Jason Cc: Johnson, Paul Subject: East valley side sewer by Gators Hey Jason, here is the link to the crossbore on East Vally P:\Public\PROJECTS\East Valley Side Sewer (in front of Gators). Its hard to see but on 2 of the observations you can see the orange conduit on the bottom of the pipe punching through. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks much. Marcus Hoff Sewer collection& Video Inspection Supervisor Sewer utilities I Public Works Department 5821 South 24011 Street, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5635 1 Cell 253-740-5751 mhoff@kentwa.00v CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.00v Facebook YouTube 1 Bryant, Jason From: Bryant,Jason Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 10:58 AM To: Codey Ayres Cc: Barry,Jason;Jesse M. Martin;Jason Eley Subject: EVH side sewer repair#2 Codey, The City has discovered another side sewer break on East Valley Highway. We would like to ACI repair the side sewer. This work will be paid vis change order on the 76t" Ave Culvert Improvement project. We are currently gathering all of the information we have and I'll send it to you shortly. If you have any questions feel free to give me a call. Thank you, Jason Bryant, capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 1 Cell 253-261-5663 76ryantC�I-entWA.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook 77x4tte- YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 B ant, Jason From: Bryant,Jason Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 12:48 PM To: Connor, Eric Cc: Barry,Jason Subject: EVH Side sewer repair 2 Eric, I put some photos from today in the P Drive: P:\Public\PROJECTS\East Valley Side Sewer (in front of Gators) Thank you, Jason Bryant, Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 1 Cell 253-261-5663 J B_ryant@ KentW A.go.+ CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook Twitter YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 Bryant, Jason From: Barry,Jason Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 9:03 AM To: Connor, Eric Cc: Bryant,Jason; Devine, Dave; Campbell,Adam Subject: EVH Side sewer repair FYI, Paul Johnson called yesterday and let me know he was working out details to proceed with a City directed contractor to complete the Zayo cross bore damage with Christina in Legal. Sounds like we are no longer able to wait for Zayo to perform. Mr. Bryant was checking with ACI on availability in meantime. Paul will confirm with us direction in near future. Thanks, Jason Jason Barry, Capital Projects Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 o4^100. Phone 253-856-5546 1 Cell 253-797-8462 KENT ibarry(d�KentWA.gay www.KentWA.aov, 9] ® 16 PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E- MAIL 1 Bryant, Jason From: Connor, Eric Sent: Friday, October 25, 2024 8:45 AM To: Bryant,Jason Cc: Barry, Jason Subject: FW: Letter to Zayo Group 10/23/2024 Attachments: Zayo Group Letter 10_23_2024.pdf Good Morning Jason, Could you remind me when ACI planned on getting started on this work? Thank you, Eric Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 1 Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From: Bayes, Karin<KBayes@kentwa.gov> Sent: Friday,October 25, 2024 8:42 AM To:dan.bender@utiligi.com; douglas.carson@zayo.com Cc: Bieren, Chad<CBieren@kentwa.gov>; Peterson, Kelly<KPeterson@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov>; Bryant,Jason<JBryant@kentwa.gov>; Brock, David<DBrock@kentwa.gov>;Johnson, Paul <PMJohnson@kentwa.gov> Subject: Letter to Zayo Group 10/23/2024 Good Morning, Please find the attached letter to Zayo Group, LLC, dated October 23, 2024. Hard copies were mailed to Zayo Group, LLC also. Thank you, Karin Bayes, Contract Specialist Engineering Administration I Public Works Department 400 W Gowe Street, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5657 K8a es KentWA.Qov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook YouTube Instagram PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 PUBLIC WORKS Chad Bieren, P.E. Director 400. - 400 West Gowe Street Kent, WA 98032 ` K E N T Fax: 253-856-6500 W A S H I N G T O N PHONE: 253-856-5515 October 23, 2024 Zayo Group, LLC Attn: General Counsel (Fiber Solutions) 1821 30th Street, Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 Zayo Group, LLC Attn: Underlying Rights 1821 30th Street, Suite A Boulder, CO 80301 To Whom it May Concern: As you know, the City of Kent has been working with Zayo to repair the damage a contractor for Zayo caused as it deployed its infrastructure within the City's right-of- way. Zayo's authorization for the installation, repair, and maintenance of its facilities within the City's rights-of-way exists through its franchise agreement with the City. On September 17, 2024, while making repairs to a damaged side sewer serving the properties at 21702 and 21628 84th Ave S and the right-of-way, the City discovered that this side sewer had been damaged by cross boring conducted under Zayo's Permit Number CNST-2223997UTL. The City has already repaired the damage to this side sewer line and street improvements, and as stated in a letter to Zayo, the City is tracking those costs for reimbursement from Zayo pursuant to the terms of the franchise agreement, see e.g., Sections 12.2, 13, 15.1, 16.4. See Attachment A, letter from September 20, 2024. On September 27, the City discovered more cross boring into the private side sewer at 21620 84th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. The City notified Zayo and in accordance with the terms of the franchise agreement, required Zayo to promptly repair and restore any damage by its work at its sole cost and expense no later than October 9, 2024. See Attachment B, Email from Paul Johnson, September 27, 2024. Although Dan Bender of Utiligi, Zayo's contractor, informed the City it would complete the repair but needed more time, the repair has not yet been completed. d C N Y 1*Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Public Works See Attachment C Emails from Dan Bender, October 9, 2024. On October 16, 2024, Mr. Bender informed the City it could not do so on a phone call with City staff. Consequently, the City must make the repairs and Zayo will be required to reimburse the City for all its costs, including administrative costs, in accordance with the terms of the franchise. Additionally, if more damage from Zayo's deployment in this area is located or reported, Zayo will be required to make repairs or reimbursements per the terms of the franchise. The City reserves any and all rights against Zayo. Sincerely, c / &�— Chad Bieren, P.E. Public Works Director PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Chad Bieren, P.E. Public Works Director KENT 400 West Gowe street YEAS N111...11 Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6500 PHONE: 253-856-5500 September 20, 2024 Zayo Group, LLC Attn: General Counsel (Fiber Solutions) 1805 291h, Suite 2050 Boulder, CO 80301 Zayo Group, LLC Attn: Underlying Rights 1805 29th, Suite 2050 Boulder, CO 80301 To whom it may concern: As you may be aware, a contractor for Zayo Group LLC cross bored through a privately owned side sewer causing damage to the side sewer line and subsequently damaging street improvements in the city's right of way. Zayo's franchise with the city sets Forth Zayo's responsibility for damages caused by its operations. Due to the emergency nature of necessary repairs, work in the right of way was ordered and the immediate issue has been addressed. The city is keeping track of its costs and will be sending more information about reimbursement for costs associated with this damage. Sincerely, Chad Bieren, P.E. Public Works Director a 0 m a c ai Y Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Public Works Bieren, Chad From: Johnson, Paul Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 1:16 PM To: Dan Bender; douglas.carson@zayo.com Cc: Brock, David; Bieren, Chad; Schuck, Christina; Connor, Eric; Campbell,Adam Subject: RE:cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South Dan, thank you for responding to us and letting us know what's going on. I understand the situation. Please continue with the repairs that need to be completed as soon as possible.The city will need this completed by Wednesday October 16"' next week.This should give you ample time to facilitate and complete this repair. Thank you, Paul Paul Johnson, water Distribution/Sonitary Sewer Operations Manager Water Department I Public Works Department 5821 South 2401"Street,Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5614 1 Fax 253-856-6600 P AAfo h nso n @ke n twa.,av CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.eov Facebook YouTube PI,Tn SE CONSIDER[W ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS From: Dan Bender<Dan.Bender@Utiligi.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 12:55 PM To:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson@kentwa.gov>; douglas.carson@zayo.com Cc: Brock, David <DBrock@kentwa.gov>; Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa.gov>; Schuck, Christina <CSchucic@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov>; Campbell, Adam <ACampbell@kentwa.gov> Subject: Re: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South This message originated outside the City of Kent. Use caution when following links or opening attachments as they can be malicious. Please contact IT Security at ISPOKentWA.aov with any questions. All I spoke with Adam Campbell this morning about the issue we ran into and why we weren't able to do this repair today and he recommended I send an email outlining the circumstances as to why we were unable to perform this repair. I have been out sick for the last week and a half.Yesterday afternoon was the first time I had been up working since 10/1. We had this on the schedule to complete Monday 10/7 but with me out my team was unable to pull this together. Due to the excessive depth of the sewer line, we are not able to complete this without renting some specialty equipment.The equipment needed was not something my office team was familiar with,so they pushed this repair off until I was back in the office. I made an.attempt to scramble this together from home yesterday afternoon in an effort to meet the 10/9 date the city had requested. I got a trench box ordered and put in a rental for a large excavator and trailer.When the crew went to pick up the excavator this morning the rental company didn't have a trailer for it like they were supposed to, and our large trailer was down in Chehalis on a job site.We run mini excavators in the 30-35 range and haul them with appropriate size trailers. None of our minis are capable of digging to this depth, nor are their trailers suitable for hauling a large excavator. We do have (2) large equipment trailers but as I mentioned they are both down on a project in Chehalis. We rent large excavators quite often and have never run into the issue of not being able to get a trailer. At this point it was 8am and we were dead in the water. 1 Our crews are more than capable of performing this repair,they have completed multiple sewer line repairs over the years. It's not a problem for us to get a larger excavator or a trench box as that is something we do quite often.The issue we had on this repair was the timing. I understand the City gave us ample time to get this repair done and we scheduled accordingly but with me coming down sick early last week it put us up against the wall timeline wise. By the time I was back to work we had no room for any issues and unfortunately,we ran into one this morning. I completely understand this is a UtiliGi issue and not the City's problem.When I spoke with Adam this morning I mentioned it wasn't that we couldn't do the repair or didn't want to do it. It was just the fact that with me being out sick and we were unable to meet the date we were given. If you would like UtiliGi to still move forwarding with scheduling to do this repair, we are more than happy to. I could get it scheduled for early next week. If not and we have missed our window I completely understand. I just wanted to provide an explanation on why we weren't able to do this by the date requested and let it be known that we are still willing to do it if the City would like us to. Thanks, Dan Bender—Operations Manager Mobile: (253)244-1694 Office: (253) 863-3881 Fax: (253) 863-8436 dan.bendere utili i.corn www.utiligi.com tJ T I I CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 13018 Canyon Rd E,STE D Puyallup, WA 98373 Confidentiality Notice:This electronic message, along with any attachments contain confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you should permanently delete this message along with any copy thereof.Any disclosure,copying, or distribution of this message, or taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited. From: Dan Bender<Dan.Bender@Utiligi.com> Sent:Wednesday,October 9,2024 8:04 AM To:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson kentwa. ov>;douglas.carson@zay_o.com <douglas.carsonC6Dzavo.com> Cc: Brock, David <DBrock(@kentwa.pov>; Bieren, Chad<CBieren@kentwa.gov>;Schuck, Christina <CSc_huck@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric<EConnor kentwa. ov>; Campbell,Adam<ACam1)bell9kentwa.eov> Subject: Re: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South Paul, We were going to attempt to repair this today but after internal discussion we are concerned about the depth. We don't have the equipment needed to go down to this depth safely.We had set up to rent a bigger machine to complete this but ran into issues with it this morning.We will not be able to complete this repair. 2 Dan Bender—Operations Manager Mobile: (253)244-1694 Office: (253)863-3881 Fax: (253)863-8436 d an.t,ender@u ti II cti.cam www.utiliai.com UTIL1014 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 13018 Canyon Rd E, STE D Puyallup,WA 98373 Confidentiality Notice:This electronic message,along with any attachrneats contain confidential information intended fora specific individual and purpose,and is protected by lato. if you are not the intended recipient,you should permanently delete this message along with any copy thereof. Any disclosnre,copying,or distribution of this message,or taking of any action based on it,is strictly prohibited. From:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson@kentwa.gov> Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 2:39 PM To:douglas.carson_@zayo.com<dou las.carson za ❑.cam>; Dan Bender<Dan.Bender Utili i.com> Cc: Brock, David <DBrock@kentwa.go >; Bieren, Chad<CBieren@kentwa.gov>;Schuck,Christina <CSchuck@kentwa.gov>;Connor, Eric<EConnor@ ken twa.gov>; Campbell,Adam <ACam bell kentwa. ov> Subject:cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South You don't often get email from pMiohnson@kentwa.gay. Learn why this is important 3 Doug, As City staff and Zayo have already discussed,a contractor for Zayo Group LCC has damaged a side sewer and caused significant damage as it deployed its infrastructure within the City's right-of-way. Today City staff discovered more cross boring into private side sewer at 21620 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032. Per the terms of Zayo's franchise, Zayo is required to promptly repair and restore any damage to property caused by its work at it sole cost and expense.See e.g., Sections 9.6; 12.2; 15.1. The City hereby provides Zayo notice that the side sewer located at 21620 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032 must be repaired no later than Wednesday,October 9,2024. Should this repair not be made by this deadline,the City will make the repairs and Zayo will be required to reimburse the City for all its costs, including administrative costs.And reserves all of its rights against Zayo. Please coordinate this repair with----. Additionally,the City is concerned that Zayo's cross boring has damaged even more properties along its deployment route.Accordingly,the City will be inspecting all side sewers along this route to determine if they too have been damaged. If additional damage is discovered,the City will notify Zayo. Thank you, Paul Johnson cell 253-740-7125 Paul Johnson, water Distribution/Sanitary Sewer Operations Manager Water Department I Public Works Department 5821 South 240t°Street,Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5614 1 Fax 253-856-6600 PWohnSon kentwa. ov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.eov - I . VG PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 4 Bieren, Chad From: Johnson, Paul Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 2:39 PM To: douglas.carson@zayo.com; Dan Bender Cc: Brock, David; Bieren, Chad;Schuck, Christina;Connor, Eric; Campbell, Adam Subject: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South Doug, As City staff and Zayo have already discussed, a contractor for Zayo Group LCC has damaged a side sewer and caused significant damage as it deployed its infrastructure within the City's right-of-way. Today City staff discovered more cross boring into private side sewer at 21620 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032. Per the terms of Zayo's franchise,Zayo is required to promptly repair and restore any damage to property caused by its work at it sole cost and expense.See e.g.,Sections 9.6; 12.2; 15.1. The City hereby provides Zayo notice that the side sewer located at 21620 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032 must be repaired no later than Wednesday,October 9,2024. Should this repair not be made by this deadline,the City will make the repairs and Zayo will be required to reimburse the City for all its costs, including administrative costs.And reserves all of its rights against Zayo. Please coordinate this repair with----- Additionally, the City is concerned that Zayo's cross boring has damaged even more properties along its deployment route.Accordingly, the City will be inspecting all side sewers along this route to determine if they too have been damaged. If additional damage is discovered,the City will notify Zayo. Thank you, Paul Johnson cell 253-740-712 5 Paul Johnson, water Distribution/Sonitory Sewer Operations Manager Water Department I Public Works Department 5821 South 24011 Street,Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5614 1 Fax 253-856-6600 PMlohnson[]u ken[wa.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.¢ov Facebook r;, e;>.,, YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E MAIL 1 Bryant, Jason From: Connor, Eric Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 10:02 AM To: Barry,Jason Cc: Bryant,Jason; Devine, Dave;Campbell,Adam; Peterson, Kelly; Bieren, Chad Subject: RE: EVH Side sewer repair Good Morning Jason, We talked about this work earlier today during our daily check-in meeting. Please work with ACI on scheduling to proceed with the work. Thank you, Eric Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager Phone 253-856-5533 1 Cell 253-797-0693 CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From: Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov> Sent:Tuesday, October 22, 2024 9:03 AM To:Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov> Cc: Bryant,Jason<JBryant@kentwa.gov>; Devine, Dave<DDevine@kentwa.gov>; Campbell,Adam <ACampbell@kentwa.gov> Subject: EVH Side sewer repair FYI, Paul Johnson called yesterday and let me know he was working out details to proceed with a City directed contractor to complete the Zayo cross bore damage with Christina in Legal. Sounds like we are no longer able to wait for Zayo to perform. Mr. Bryant was checking with ACI on availability in meantime. Paul will confirm with us direction in near future. Thanks, Jason Jason Barry, capital Projects Supervisor 14 Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5546 I Cell 253-797-8462 KEN ` jbarry@KentWA.q www.KentWA.gov 1 PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E- MAIL Z B ant, Jason From: Barry,Jason Sent: Monday, October 14, 2024 11:08 AM To: Connor, Eric; Devine, Dave Cc: Campbell, Adam; Krier, Rick; Bryant,Jason Subject: RE: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South Anyone heard an update on this repair work? Rick did a site check this morning and no one has mobilized to date. It seems as though Dan is asking if the City still wants him to do the work in his below email? Has that loop been closed? From:Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov> Sent:Wednesday, October 9, 20241:21 PM To: Barry,Jason<JBarry@kentwa.gov>; Bryant,Jason<J Bryant@ kentwa.gov>; Peterson, Kelly <KPeterson@kentwa.gov>; Devine, Dave<DDevine@kentwa.gov> Cc:Campbell, Adam<ACampbell@kentwa.gov> Subject: Fwd: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South FYI for those of you that were not already on the original email... Get Outlook for iOS From: Dan Bender<Dan.Bender Utili i.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 12:54:40 PM To:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson@kentwa.gov>; douglas.carson@zavo.com <douRIas.carson@zavo.com> Cc: Brock, David <DBrock@kentwa.eov>; Bieren, Chad <CBieren@kentwa.gov>;Schuck, Christina <C5chuck2kentwa.ggv>; Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.eov>;Campbell, Adam <ACampbell@kentwa.gov> Subject: Re: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South This message originated outside the City of Kent. Use caution when following links or opening attachments as they can be malicious. Please contact IT Security at ISP@KentWA.4ov with any questions. All, I spoke with Adam Campbell this morning about the issue we ran into and why we weren't able to do this repair today and he recommended I send an email outlining the circumstances as to why we were unable to perform this repair. I have been out sick for the last week and a half.Yesterday afternoon was the first time I had been up working since 10/1.We had this on the schedule to complete Monday 10/7 but with me out my team was unable to pull this together. Due to the excessive depth of the sewer line,we are not able to complete this without renting some specialty equipment.The equipment needed was not something my office team was familiar with, so they pushed this repair off until I was back in the office. I made an attempt to scramble this together from home yesterday afternoon in an effort to meet the 10/9 date the city had requested. I got a trench box ordered and put in a rental for a large excavator and trailer.When the crew went to pick up the excavator this morningthe rental company didn't have a trailerfor it like they were supposed to, and our large trailer was down in Chehalis on a job site.We run mini excavators in the 30-35 range and haul them with appropriate size trailers. None of our minis are capable of digging to this depth, nor are their trailers suitable for hauling a large excavator.We do have (2) large equipment 1 trailers but as I mentioned they are both down on a project in Chehalis.We rent large excavators quite often and have never run into the issue of not being able to get a trailer.At this point it was Sam and we were dead in the water. Our crews are more than capable of performing this repair,they have completed multiple sewer line repairs over the years. It's not a problem for us to get a larger excavator or a trench box as that is something we do quite often. The issue we had on this repair was the timing. I understand the City gave us ample time to get this repair done and we scheduled accordingly but with me coming down sick early last week it put us up against the wall timeline wise. By the time I was back to work we had no room for any issues and unfortunately,we ran into one this morning. I completely understand this is a UtiliGi issue and not the City's problem.When I spoke with Adam this morning I mentioned it wasn't that we couldn't do the repair or didn't want to do it. It was just the fact that with me being out sick and we were unable to meet the date we were given. If you would like UtiliGi to still move forwarding with scheduling to do this repair,we are more than happy to. I could get it scheduled for early next week. If not and we have missed our window I completely understand. I just wanted to provide an explanation on why we weren't able to do this by the date requested and let it be known that we are still willing to do it if the City would like us to. Thanks, Dan Bender-Operations Manager Mobile: (253)244-1694 Office: (253)863-3881 Fax: (253)863-8436 dan.bend.er@uWigi_com www.utiLigi.com UTILI&I CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 13018 Canyon Rd E,STE D Puyallup,WA 98373 Confidentiality Notice: This electronic message, along with any attachments contain confidential information intended fora specific individual and purpose, and is protected bylaw. (f you are not the intended recipient,you should permanently delete this message along with any copy thereof.Any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited. From: Dan Bender<Dan.Bender@Utiligi.com> Sent:Wednesday., October 9, 2024 8:04 AM . To:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson@kentwa.go >;douglas,carson@zayo.com <douglas.carson@zayo.com> Cc:Brock, David<DBrock@kentwa.gov>, Bieren,Chad<CBieren@kentwa.eov_>;Schuck,Christina <CSchuck@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.goy>;Campbell,Adam<ACamp bell @kentwa.gov> Subject: Re: cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South Paul, 2 We were going to attempt to repair this today but after internal discussion we are concerned about the depth.We don't have the equipment needed to go down to this depth safely.We had set up to rent a bigger machine to complete this but ran into issues with it this morning.We will not be able to complete this repair. Dan Bender—Operations Manager Mobile: (253)244-1694 Office: (253)863-3881 Fax: (253) 863-8436 dan.benderC�utillgi.cam www.utiligi.com UTILI &I CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 13018 Canyon Rd E, STE D Puyallup,WA 98373 Confidentiality Notice:This electronic message,along with any attachments contain confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose,and is protected by law.If you are not the intended recipient you should permanently delete this message along with any copy thereof. Any disclosure,copying,or distribution of this message,or taking of any action based on it,is strictly prohibited. From:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson@kentwa,g_ov> Sent: Friday,September 27, 2024 2:39 PM To:douglas.carson@zaVo.com<douglas.carson@zayo.com>; Dan Bender<Dan.Bender@UtiIiigi.com> Cc: Brock, David <DBrock@kentwa.gov>; Bieren,Chad<CBieren@kentwa.gov>;Schuck, Christina <CSchuck@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa_.gov>;Campbell,Adam<ACam beil kentwa. ov> Subject:cross bore found at 21620 84th ave South 3 You don't often get email from pmiahnson@kentwa.gov. Learn why this is important Doug, As City staff and Zayo have already discussed, a contractor for Zayo Group LCC has damaged a side sewer and caused significant damage as it deployed its infrastructure within the City's right-of-way. Today City staff discovered more cross boring into private side sewer at 21620 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032. Per the terms of Zayo's franchise,Zayo is required to promptly repair and restore any damage to property caused by its work at it sole cost and expense.See e.g.,Sections 9.6; 12.2; 15.1. The City hereby provides Zayo notice that the side sewer located at 21620 84th Avenue South Kent WA 98032 must be repaired no later than Wednesday,October 9,2024. Should this repair not be made by this deadline,the City will make the repairs and Zayo will be required to reimburse the City for all its costs, including administrative costs.And reserves all of its rights against Zayo. Please coordinate this repair with----. Additionally,the City is concerned that Zayo's cross boring has damaged even more properties along its deployment route.Accordingly,the City will be inspecting all side sewers along this route to determine if they too have been damaged. If additional damage is discovered,the City will notify Zayo. Thank you, Paul Johnson cell 253-740-7125 Paul Johnson, water Distribution/Sanitory Sewer Operations Manager Water Department I Public Works Department 5821 South 2401h Street,Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5614 1 Fax 253-856-6600 PMlohnson@kentwa.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.eov Facebook YouTube 4 PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 5 Bryant, Jason From: Douglas Carson <douglas.carson@zayo.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 8:20 AM To: Bryant,Jason Cc: Dan Bender;Johnson, Paul;Connor, Eric; Devine, Dave;Campbell,Adam; Barry,Jason Subject: Re: Utiligi/Zayo 84th Ave S Sewer Cross Bore This message originated outside the City of Kent. Use caution when following links or opening attachments as they can be malicious. Please contact IT Security at ISP@KentWA.cfov with any questions. Thanks for the heads up. Someone from Utiligi will be stopping by later this morning. Thanks again. On Tue,Oct 29,2024 at 7:56 AM Bryant,Jason<JBryant@kentwa.gav>wrote: Doug/Dan, ACI crews are beginning the excavation of the second sewer this morning. It will take some time to get everything exposed, but if you would like to take a look and get some pictures you are welcome to stop by.The City will take pictures and will be happy to share them if you are not available to come out. Feel free to give me a call and I'll keep you updated on the progress. Thank you, Jason Bryant,Capital Projects Manager Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South,Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5541 1 Cell 253-261-5663 ]Bryant@KenEWA.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov Facebook 3,Af tear YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL From:Campbell,Adam<ACarn bell kentwa. ov> Sent:Wednesday,September 18,2024 8:23 AM To: Brock, David<DBrock@kentwa.gov> Cc:Johnson, Paul<PMJohnson@kentwa.gov>;Connor, Eric<EConnor@kentwa.gov>; Devine, Dave <DDevine@kentwa.gov>;douglas.carson@zavo.com; Dan Bender<Dan.Bender@Utiligi.com>; Barry,Jason <JBarry@kentwa.eov>; Bryant,Jason<JBrvant kentwa.gov> Subject: Utiligi/Zayo 84th Ave S Sewer Cross Bore Dave, Here is the contact information from the responsible parties of the Blue Origin 84th Ave S cross bore as requested. Attached above is the Zayo Group utility permit for this work. Zayo is the network provider, Utiligi is a telecommunications contractor that performs their directional drilling and installation of fiber conduit. I have copied both on this email. Doug Carson (Zayo) can be reached at(623)221-5995 and Dan Bender(Utiligi)can be reached at (253)244-1694. If you are in need of any additional information I am certain they can provide it. Feel free to reach out to me directly if needed. Thank you, Adam Campbell Sr.construction Inspector Construction Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South,Kent,WA 98032 Phone 253-856-SS42 I Cell 253-740-6530 Acam bell kentwa. OV CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.ROV Facebook `mi:-er YGUTL1h 1qktpgf18wn PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL Doug Carson Regional OSP Operations Specialist 4905 Pacific Hwy, Fife,WA 623-221'-5995 2 3 Bryant, Jason From: Campbell, Adam Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 8:23 AM To: Brock, David Cc: Johnson, Paul;Connor, Eric; Devine, Dave;douglas.carson@zayo.com; Dan Bender; Barry,Jason; Bryant,Jason Subject: Utiligi/Zayo 84th Ave S Sewer Cross Bore Attachments: Attached Image Dave, Here is the contact information from the responsible parties of the Blue Origin 84t" Ave S cross bore as requested. Attached above is the Zayo Group utility permit for this work. Zayo is the network provider, Utiligi is a telecommunications contractor that performs their directional drilling and installation of fiber conduit. I have copied both on this email. Doug Carson (Zayo) can be reached at (623) 221-5995 and Dan Bender (Utiligi) can be reached at (253) 244- 1694. If you are in need of any additional information I am certain they can provide it. Feel free to reach out to me directly if needed. Thank you, Adam Campbell Sr.construction Inspector Construction Engineering I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5542 1 Cell 253-740-6530 Aca.mybeII A kentwa.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.aov Facebook YouTube Instaaram PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 1 ' ��'• Via] -y'�a�;. tip` �=?: _y, 5 y .,. PL ti A ^-ram- + t' 7� •�, . ° r•.?