HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2025-014 - Original - Kenton Ridge, LLC et al - Phoenix Court Litigation Settlement Agreement - 1/9/25 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: T. Reyes-Selden for V. Robben Law Date Sent: Date Required: � 01/08/2025 ASAP 0 CL Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: CL Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NoF71 N/A Budget? Yes W]No Type: N/A EL Vendor Name: Category: Kenton Ridge, LLC, et al Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C N/A Original 0 W Project Name: Phoenix Court Litigation - Settlement Agreement a- Project Details: Settlement Agreement between the City of Kent, Kenton Ridge, LLC, Michael C.K. Kwan and Margaret 4- K.M. Kwan,and Allied Residential resolving all issues related to the Complaint for Injunction, Declaration C of Nuisance and Issuance of Warrant of Abatement in King County Superior Court, Cause NO. 23-2-15285-9 KNT. C Agreement Amount N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: N/A E *Memo to Mayor must be attached a1 Start Date: Upon execution Termination Date: N/A Q Local Business? Yes F—]No*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.7 00,please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process❑Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) ❑Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes❑No CAG2025-014 Comments: H N i 3 a-+ C C 1171 a:, iz 0 a, a, oc Date Received:City Attorney: 1/8/2 5 Date Routed:Mayor's Officl 1/9/25 City Clerk's Office 1/9/25 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation ("City'), Kenton Ridge, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company ("Kenton Ridge"); Michael C.K. Kwan and Margaret K.M. Kwan, husband and wife ("Kwans"); and Allied Residential, Inc., a Washington corporation ("Allied Residential"); collectively "the Parties," enter into this Settlement Agreement ("Agreement"). RECITALS A. Kenton Ridge is the owner of real property located at 23913 111th Place Southeast in Kent, Washington, legally described as follows (the "Property"): Lot 3 of City of Kent Short Plat No. SPC 77-38, as recorded under recording No. 7801170784, being a short plat of the south 916.11 feet of the east 570 feet of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; Except the south 341.14 feet of the east 160 feet thereof;And Except portions thereof conveyed for roads by deeds recorded under Auditor's File No. 2523794, 6100093, and 8903170110; situated in the City of Kent, County of King, state of Washington. Kenton Ridge operates the Property as a multifamily residential apartment complex, currently known as Phoenix Court Apartments ("Phoenix Court"). Michael C.K. Kwan is the governing member of Kenton Ridge, and Allied Residential is the property management company for Phoenix Court. B. On August 15, 2023, the City filed a Complaint for Injunction, Declaration of Nuisance and Issuance of Warrant of Abatement in King County Superior Court, Cause No.23-2-15285-9 KNT(the"Complaint")against Kenton Ridge,Kwans,and Allied Residential (collectively "Defendants"). C. Defendants maintain that prior to the filing of the Complaint, Defendants endeavored to improve security at the Property. Subsequent to the Complaint being filed, Defendants installed security features and underwent other positive changes to the Property resulting in significantly reduced criminal and nuisance activities. D. The Parties desire to resolve all issues related to the Complaint on the terms set forth herein. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT- 1 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 AGREEMENT NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the obligations and exchange of promises set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The Recitals are incorporated herein. 2. Security Measures. The following security measures shall remain in place, or be installed, and continue to perform their intended, regular function at the Property so long as the Property is used for a multifamily residential apartment complex: a. The front entrance at Southeast 240th Street must continue to operate with a secured access only gate, twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Ingress through the gate shall be by access code or other similar restricted means. Any repairs that affect the gate's operation shall be completed within two (2) weeks. b. The entrance at 112th Avenue Southeast shall continue to be accessible only by emergency vehicles and to residents if the front gate in 2.a. above is closed and not operable due to needed repairs. C. The perimeter fencing around the Property shall be inspected, maintained, and repaired in a timely manner to prevent unauthorized access to the Property. For purposes of this agreement, a "timely manner" means a period of time no greater than five (5) business days. d. Security cameras sufficient to monitor the public spaces of the Property, including the entrance on Southeast 240th Street shall remain active and fully operational. Security cameras shall include Flock safety cameras, or similar automatic license plate reader cameras that are tied into national and state databases. Defendants maintain that there is currently a nationwide backorder of automatic license plate readers (four to six weeks) and Pan Tilt Zoom cameras (three to five months). Both of these products have been ordered for the Property. Until these products arrive for installation at the Property and are installed in a timely manner, their absence is not a breach of this Agreement. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT-2 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 The security cameras shall record twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week and the recordings saved for no less than thirty (30) days. Cameras that are damaged or destroyed shall be repaired or replaced, within five (5)business days. e. A parking management program with community rules, assigned spaces for residents, assigned spaces for guests, and towing of unauthorized vehicles must remain in place and be enforced. f. Private courtesy patrols on the Property who regularly, but at random times, visit and inspect the Property in highly visible and marked private patrol vehicles. g. Operate and staff the management office at the Southeast 240t''entrance of the Property at least six days (6) a week, excluding holidays, during hours typical for the property management industry. Temporary staff absences due to illness,inclement weather, or similar circumstance shall not constitute a violation of this Agreement. h. Notices, pursuant to rental agreements and in accordance with Washington state law, must be properly issued to tenants when legally appropriate for nuisance behaviors known to Kenton Ridge or to Kenton Ridge agents such as the property management firm hired to manage the Property, such as the following: (i) injuring and physically endangering other residents at the Property; (ii) engaging in drug-related activity (see chapters 69.41, 69.50, or 69.52 RCW) at the Property; allowing subtenants, residents, or anyone else to engage in drug-related activity at the Property with the knowledge or consent of the tenant; (iii) engaging in any gang-related activity at the Property, as defined in RCW 59.18.030, or allowing another to engage in such activity at the Property; or SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT-3 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 (iv) maintaining, conducting, promoting, facilitating, permitting, or allowing a nuisance in violation Kent City Code section 8.01.030. i. Pursue unlawful detainer causes of action in accordance with chapter 59.18 RCW for nuisance behaviors described herein known to Kenton Ridge or to Kenton Ridge agents such as the property management firm hired to manage the Property, and to the extent reasonable under the law. 3. Public Nuisance. Kenton Ridge and its agents shall take all reasonable actions necessary to not permit, maintain, or otherwise allow a public nuisance as provided for by KCC 8.01.030 or Chs. 7.48 and 9.66 RCW to occur on the Property, or if such nuisance should occur and be known to Kenton Ridge or to Kenton Ridge agents such as the property management firm hired to manage the Property, they agree to take immediate action to abate such nuisance as appropriate and reasonable under the circumstances. The Parties agree that nothing in this Agreement shall require Kenton Ridge, Allied Residential, their employees, and/or their agents to expose themselves to danger or physical harm ("Dangerous Conditions."). In the event of Dangerous Conditions, Kenton Ridge and its agents must seek remedies to abate the nuisance that meet the standard of care in the industry and do not expose employees and-/or agents to the Dangerous Conditions. 4. Dismissal. Within seven (7) business days of mutual acceptance of this Agreement, the City shall file a motion to dismiss the Complaint with prejudice and without an award of fees or costs to any party. 5. Release. Except for the right to enforce the terms of this Agreement,the City hereby releases and forever discharges Kenton Ridge, Kwans, and Allied Residential (including each of their past and present officers, officials,directors, shareholders, agents, consultants, employees, insurers, and successors in interest) from all claims, demands, liabilities, and causes of action of any nature related in any way to the events alleged in the Complaint, whether the basis of such claims, demands, liabilities, and/or causes of action are currently known or unknown and whether such claims, demands, liabilities, and/or causes of action have accrued in the past or will first accrue in the future. Excluded from this release and discharge are criminal charges against Dawn Hefley ("Hefley"), the former Community Manager at the Property, for actions taken by Hefley at Phoenix Court. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT-4 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 Except for the right to enforce the terms of this Agreement, Kenton Ridge, Kwans, and Allied Residential hereby release and forever discharge the City (including each of the City's past and present officers, officials, directors, shareholders, agents, consultants, employees, insurers, and successors in interest) from all claims, demands, liabilities, and causes of action of any nature related in any way to the events alleged in the Complaint, whether the basis of such claims, demands, liabilities, and/or causes of action are currently known or unknown and whether such claims, demands, liabilities, and/or causes of action have accrued in the past or will first accrue in the future. 6. Mutual Drafting/Attorneys' Fees. The Parties agree that they participated fully in the negotiating and drafting of this Agreement and the rules of construction of ambiguities against the drafter shall not apply. In the event of litigation, the Party that substantially prevails shall be entitled to attorney's fees and all necessary litigation expenses incurred in obtaining relief, including any appeal arising out of litigation. 7. Term. Section 2, Security Measures, and Section 3, Public Nuisance, shall be binding as follows: a. Kenton Ridge and/or Kwans shall be bound by Sections 2 &3 of this Agreement for so long as Kenton Ridge and/or Kwans have any interest in the Property such as owner, governor, member, shareholder,or officer, and the Property is used as a multifamily apartment complex; or b. If the Property is sold before two years have elapsed from Mutual Acceptance, the successors and assigns of Kenton Ridge shall be bound by Sections 2 &3 of this Agreement until two years have elapsed from Mutual Acceptance. C. If the Property is sold while this Agreement is still effective, and Kenton Ridge and the Kwans have no interest in the Property such as owner, governor, member, shareholder, or officer, Kenton Ridge and the Kwans shall no longer be liable or responsible for any of the terms of this Agreement, and all liability and responsibility shall fall upon the new owner. 8. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended in writing and signed by the Parties. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT-5 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 9. No Admissions. This Settlement Agreement does not constitute an admission of liability by any of the Parties and may not be represented or construed as such. 10. Authori , To Sign. Each individual executing this Settlement Agreement on behalf of the Parties warrants that he or she is authorized to bind such Party to this Settlement Agreement and its terms. 11. Counterparts. This Settlement Agreement may be executed in duplicate counterparts, in which case each executed counterpart shall be deemed to be an original and all counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Signed versions of this Settlement Agreement transmitted by facsimile copy or electronic mail shall be the equivalent of original signatures on original versions. 12. Entire Agreement. This Settlement Agreement contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Settlement Agreement. 13. Mutual Acceptance. The date of Mutual Acceptance is the last date signed by the Parties. 14. Breach And Cure. Kenton Ridge shall be responsible for compliance with the terms of this Agreement and cure of any breach of this Agreement. Kwans shall be responsible for compliance and cure of any material breach under Section 2(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) and under Section 3 of the Agreement. A material breach being a breach that substantially defeats the primary purpose of this Agreement, which is to abate nuisance on the Property using the measures in Sections 2 and 3. For a material breach, the City must give Kenton Ridge and Kwans written notice of the material breach and seven (7) days to cure such breach. If Kenton Ridge and/or Kwans exercise reasonable diligence to cure such breach within seven (7) days and continue to exercise reasonable diligence until such breach is cured, Kenton Ridge and Kwans shall not be in material breach. Notice shall be deemed given within two business days after being emailed and mailed to the following: Email to: weaver@carneylaw.com and mmkwan168@msn.com Mail to: Scott Weaver, Carney Badley, 7015th Ave, Suite 3600, Seattle WA 98104 and Kenton Ridge LLC, 9830 SE 35th PI, Mercer Island, WA 98040. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT-6 Docusign Envelope ID:A888534D-A059-49EC-866C-7A9CC6E31AF4 CITY OF KENT KENTON RIDGE, LLC �}Signed by: ��i 6.k 6a, By aX� By' Al ael"E.K. Kwan Name: Dana Ralph Name: Title: Mayor Title: Manager Date: 1/9/2025 Date 1 7 202 5 Michael C.K. Kwan ALLIED RESIDENTIAL, INC. �}5igned by: DocuSigned by: �7 YW4��6A 6-k 6ait By' 1442923810.4941B... By ?�j11kVCgFhS Title: N/A Name: Date: 1/7/2025 Title: President Date: 1 8 2025 Margaret K.M. Kwan 5igned by: By: / E8237B91 Br�774FA... Title: N/A Date: 1/8/202 5 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT-7