HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT17-441 - Original - CDW-G - Palo Alto Threat Prevention - 7/7/18 KENT WASHINGT N Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET '5IIL4KA, This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. ❑ Blue/Motion Sheet Attached ❑ Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: CDW-G Vendor Number (JDE): 33506 Contract Number (City Clerk): ��"1'1 " LN i Category: License Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Choose an item. Project Name: Palo Alto Threat Prevention Contract Execution Date: 07/07/18 Termination Date: 07/07/19 Contract Manager: James Endicott Department: IT Contract Amount: $3r449.16 Approval Authority: ® Director ❑ Mayor ❑ City Council Other Details: Ties with IT17-441 ACH INFORMATION: E-mail Remittance To:gmhremtttance@cdw.com o-� REMIT PAYMENT TO: INVOICE THE NORTHERN TRUST ROUnNG NO.: 071000152 111111, II�II I II 11 11 50 SOUTH LASALLE STREET ACCOUNT NAME:CDW GOVERNMENT CHICAGO,IL 60675 ACCOUNT NO.:91067 CDW Government i IkVOiCE!NUMBfRt 411- 4kolco DATE> �i CUSTOMER NUlNBEti;,. 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 1515 NNM8353 07/27/18 5022586 Chicago,IL 60675_1615 ��� SCANNED , ��'�!; 1SHIP',P'IRETURN SERVICE REQUESTED $3,135.60 $0.00 $313.56 t1� f�1)UEOATE ! tkr F,fl".!il.lw '',4_MpUNTwDUEa $ AUG 0 2 2018 08/26/18 $3,"9.16 ! iFTNANCF- A IP 45 1 SP DA70 E0045X 10078 D3866483736 S2 P5572492 0001:0002 1111 Jill 11 �1.11111 Jim- 1111111 I'll 11 IN III-11.111111111 III'I11111111111 CDW Government CITY OF KENT 75 Remittance Drive ACCOUNTS PAYABLE V1 Suite 1515 220 4TH AVE S ;, / Chicago, IL 60675-1515 KENT WA 98032-5895 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;,y; ., �{ { r:!;:r ' {s^=a`ii#!I t .e+hi z'� S11i'iiil`- II' � #9DUEiDATEIII���I.F t;INVOICE_DATE T, s` :!iINVOICE,NUMBER; In i t.,- I ;_t. :. i1....,....t...�EI'IPAYMENT"T . . ' 07/27/18 NNM8353 Net 30 D _ 08/26/18 jr,11ORDER,DA1'E�i6&i�1# � ' jIESHIPxVllliE #' jll�€ I}I # '_2PUFiGH ORDEl2'NUMB RFjmi,$ Gt1STOMERR�NUMBERei 07/24/18 DROP SHIP-GROUND' 146821 OP 5022586 t° ;11 -"x Rt'9 4', .<1W€lE :ia� 4Y"; t� ix i..#? fir .;a , r, = sc ,.r"='x., Q Q TY a UNITrPRICE r:= �; '"TOTALa #3Ja �GT�EM,NUMBERtit� � N� �C DESCRIPTiOti':sr�s _ t €'� � x t ;h' uMt ,: :�4., es�z : . xORD; HIPS• ":BIOF i ,,ttas stt °F �rr,� k 4r: 2968833 PALO ALTO PANDB URL FILTR SUB 1Y 1 - 1 0 459,90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2 10006C101417 Service Start Date:07107/2018 Service End Date:07/07/2019 Electronic distribution-NO MED64'I"°, 2599468 PALO ALTO PREM SUP RNW PA-500 1 1 0 648.00 648.00 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R '0006C101417 Service Start Date:07/07/2018 Service End Date:07/07/2019 2968078 PALO ALTO THREAT PREY SUB HA 1 1 0 459.90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R '0006C101417 Service Start Date:07/07/2018 Service End Date:07/07/2019 Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA 2968078 PALO ALTO THREAT PREV SUB HA 1 1 0 459.90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R '0006C101394 Service Start Date:07/07/2018 Service Eno Date:07/07/2019 Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA 2988833 PALO ALTO PANDB URL FILTR SUB 1Y 1 1 0 459.90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2 '0006C101394 Service Start Date:07/07/2018 Service End Date:07/07/2019 Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA p`:a:�'�"'�.�'„°'.�` /�CCOUNT.=MAN}1GER� it:"}Y� `�':'�'�!i°�r?:,���,,•=„=,a1iT�SHIPPING�ADDRESS �s#�r��'��� �� DAN FERNER CITY OF KENT 312-705-6257 MARTA GONZALEZ danfem@cdw.com KENT WA 9 032-5895 t$ALE$YQRDER•'NiJIVIBER;il ' : f JXTM405 Cage Code Number 1KH72 HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT? DUNS Number 02-616-7235 PLEASE EMAIL US AT credit@cdw.com ISO 90D1 and ISO 14001 Certified VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT www.cdwg.com 0001:0002 CDW GOVERNMENT FEIN 36-4230110 Page 1 of 2 ACH INFORMATION: E-mail Remittance To:gachromittance@cdw.com f;7�wrx �-7l REMIT PAYMENT TO: INVOICE THE ROUTING NO.: 071000152 "NUIPILMISPREET ACCOUNT NAME:L;1JVVUUVt:RNMhN1 60 W CHICAGO,IL 60675 ACCOUNT NO.:91067 CDW Governmeht jWk(ov EA 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 1515 NNM8353 07/27/18 5022586 Chicago, IL 60675-1515 IIRTUJWBTQfAL I;'?k 01110111WOR IN - J-1111,0111 Wo :TA' RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED $3,135.60 $0.00 $313.56 08/26/18 1301901A "N -4 'CTy Y UNIT kJU 'TOWM , i V. WSHIO ' 2599488 PALO ALTO PREM SUP RNW PA-500 1 1 0 648.00 648.00 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R '0006C101394 Service Start Date:07/0712018 Service End Date:07/0712019 P.I.PROVED APPROVED DATE: By. DATE: 'I 7 GO GREEN! F CDW is happy to announce that paperless billing is now available! If you would like to start receiving your invoices as an emailed PIDF,please email CDW at paperlessbilling@cdw.com. Please include your Customer number or an Invoice number in your email for faster processing. REDUCE PROCESSING COSTS AND ELIMINATE THE HASSLE OF PAPER CHECKSI Begin transmitting your payments electronically via ACH using CDWs bank and remittance information located at the top of the attached payment coupon. Email credit@cdw.com with any questions, OWT.- INK" SUBTOTAL, 110,914, t $3,1136.60 t'* DAN FERNER CITY OF KENT 312-705-6257 MARTA GONZALEZ H IPP I N G:Lxl,.t $0.00 danfem@cdw.com 220 4TH AVE S $313.66 KENT WA 98032-5895 SALES TAX JXTM405 Tn1ijM.tAMOUNT DUE',1'31111 1 $3,449.16, Cage Code Number 1 KH7 2 HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT? DUNS Number 02-616-7235 PLEASE EMAIL US AT credit@cdw.com ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT www.cdwg.com 45 1 SP 0.470 E0045X 10079 03866483736 S2 P5572492 0002:0002 CDW GOVERNMENT FEIN 36-4230110 Page 2 of 2 O 6 N 6 6 6 N LC') M 6O — CDO O V In ti In 0 In r c•M It ca M M O H NX rn o rn rn rn o U Fes- � ao rn rn rn aD L6 4 6 L6 L6 .4 U) In C U O ++ m o m m m o X m Q O U- U > r O 7 m O C o M w N N H o m � I c Z rn o rn rn rn o o U ca J cn O m w m m M _ v c4 Nt Nt 1* co N c m CM > _ k L ��0�1 c L L L O V O C O d d ( Z 0 E +'+ p a) (6 (a r O O O > UN > a a� CD O o � m �C U o � o 0 COo r� C1 O p Q Q 5, ao pop r w d a-. o o 0 ,A ti o V/ Uj M pCY) r ti r- m co U LO O o = 0 0 0 = Q _ E Y U N L °' n- � a a 0- � E V � • C o) M °o 0 z E o cv >, 5O -� N a 0 ° o L = � o ,?� � arn � p d — c� c� C) o > — co a ( (D C L J N J J J N L y O Q N > ,ImOQ O (D + O - c � cA N cn O > Q N U 04 a) � p o o p >, Z U U m QNY � ,o ° cv fail Q a Q Q Q a Q to d O O CO QL E d d i O U N L L � N U Lo a) D a. F- F- Z) cu 73 O O O O O O C ia70i •� of6. Fo 75 n 7a d c0 ■ a aai L) V O -0 o a) m �' 1 O L (D O Q C M d00 U ICI U U' w m w w w m U N >a m Ln m m m � > y o E Q cu a) > N N N N N N 0L M 00 + O_ a H O (n Y -� N M a (Dti w Q LA3A -b� `5z'jS 1 FS A-P-Vrt" V 14-- PEOPLE WHO QUOTEGET IT CONFIRMATION DEAR MARTA GONZALEZ, Thank you for considering CDW•G for your computing needs. The details of your quote are below. Glick here to convert your quote to an order. QUOTE# QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER# GRAND TOTAL J)WPHO97 6/26/2018 PALO ALTO RNW 5022586 $3,449.16 QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE -" EXT.PRICE Palo PANDb URL Filtering for PA-500-subscriotion license(1 1 2968833 $459.90 $459.90 yearj_- 1 dev Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2 It'0006C101417 Service Start Date: 07/07/201841, Service End Date: 07/07/2019✓ Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications (AR626 01114) alo Premium Support Prooram-extended service agreement 1 2599468 $648.00 $648.00 (renewal] - 1 yea Mfg. Part#: PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R UNSPSC: 81111812 '0006C101417 Service Start Date: 07/07/2018 ✓ Service End Date: 07/07/2019✓ Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications (AR626 01114) alo Threat Prevention for PA-500 for High Availability_. 1 2968078 $459.90 $459.90 SUbSCni P-tionL A rc Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R UNSPSC: 43233204 006C101417 Service Start Date: 07/07/2018 ✓ Service End Date: 07/07/2019✓ Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114) alo Threat Prev r�tipn for PA-500 for_H�h Availabili#y,.._ 1 2968078 $459.90 $459.90 subscription lice Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R UNSPSC: 43233204 ' 006C101394 ervice Start Date: 07/07/2018 ✓ Service End Date: 07/07/2019 ✓ Electronic distribution -NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications (AR626 01114) alo PANDb URL Filtering for PA-500-subscription license(1 1 2968833 $459.90 $459.90 year)- 1 dev Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2 411'0006C101394 Service Start Date: 07/07/2018✓ Service End Date: 07/07/2019 Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications (AR626 01114 Page 1 of 2 QUOTE DETAILS(CONT.) Palo Premium Support Program extended Cervice agreement 1 2599468 $648.00 $648.00 (renewal)- 1 yea Mfg. Part#: PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R UNSPSC: 81111812 '0006C101394 Service Start Date: 07/07/2018 ✓ Service End Date: 07/07/2019 Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114 PURCHASER BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL $3,135.60 Billing Address: CITY OF KENT SHIPPING $0.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SALES TAX $313.56 220 4TH AVE S KENT,WA 98032-5895 GRAND TOTAL, $3,449.16 Phone:(253)856-5234 Payment Terms: Net 30 Days-Govt State/Local DELIVER TO Please remit payments to: Shipping Address: CDW Government CITY OF KENT 75 Remittance Drive MARTA GONZALEZ Suite 1515 220 4TH AVE S Chicago,IL 60675-1515 KENT, WA 98032-5895 Phone: (253)856-5234 Shipping Method:DROP SHIP-GROUND Need Assistance?CDW*G SALES CONTACT INFORMATION Dan Ferner (866)465-9919 danfern@cdw.com This quote is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at r;ttr.;f11� '�.w.ccJtF� =1,r71 on.erCt�erni�_cdrncl�tio�is[�}f For more information,contact a CDW account manager @ 2018 CDW•G LLC,200 N. Milwaukee Avenue,Vernon Hills,IL 60061 1 800.808.4239 Page 2 of 2 Records Management KENT Document WASHINGTON SCANNED CONTRACT COVER SHEET mlv- ,�AA This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact City Clerk's Office. Vendor Name: CDW-G Vendor Number: 33506 JD Edwards-Number Contract Number: IT 1 I ` u t-( I This is assigned by City Clerk's Office Project Name: Palo Alto Threat Prevention Description: ❑ Interlocal Agreement ❑ Change Order ❑ Amendment ® Contract ❑ Other: Contract Effective Date: 06/26/17 Termination Date: 06/25/18 Contract Renewal Notice (Days): 30 Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: James Endicott Department: Information Technology Contract Amount: $3,449 16 Approval Authority: ® Department Director ❑ Mayor ❑ City Council Detail: (i.e. address, location, parcel number, tax id, etc.): As of: 08/27/14 ACH INFORMATION: Eqnall Remittance To.gachremittance0edw-com REMIT PAYMENT TO: INVOICE THE NORTHERN TRUST ROUTING NO.: 071000162 1111, 10 SOUTH LASALLE STREET ACCOUNT NAM CDW GOVERNMENT CDW GovernmentII N CHICAGO,IL 00675 ACCOUNT NO.:91057 -:;INVOICE DATE i; :OoTORER 4 75 Remittance Drive,Suite 1515 JKS4139 07/07/17 5022586 Chicago,IL 60675-1515 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED $3,135.60 $0.00 $313.56 f AMOUNTDUE 08/06/17 120,1 SP OAA60 E0120X 10198 0 29274112 S2 P4427730 0001�6:00011 111111111 Jill CDW Government 75 Remittance Drive CITY OF KENT Suite 1515 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Chicago, IL 60675-1515 220 4TH AVE S KENT WA 98032-5895 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT -------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 'PAYMENTTERMS:.. . VMEIPR';!:: . DATE INVOICE N 08106/17 Net 30 Days 07/07117 13 M& 72 OP H .. .. R ;.CUST MERNUMBEK: kilpt A::: MM 07106/17 DROP SHIP-GROUND 139072 OP 5022586 T�,__UNIIT ..... ....;1!IDESCRip pi S H�;JftikNUMBER 2968078 PALO ALTO THREAT PREV SUB HA 1 0 459.90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA 2968078 PALO ALTO THREAT PREV SUB HA 0 -TP %jI 459.90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500 -HA2-R S" ANNE" Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA JUL 12 1 2017 1 0 459.90 459.90 3252129 PALO ALTO PANDB URL rILTR PA-500 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2-R Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA FWA 'Alp Cu- 2599468 PALO ALTO PREM SUP RNW PA-500 1 1 0 648.00 648.00 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R 11 3252129 PALO ALTO PANDB URL FILTR PA-500 RE IV6IT 1 0 459.90 459.90 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2-R Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA 2599468 PALO ALTO PREM SUP RNW PA-500 1 1 0 648.00 648.00 Manufacturer Part Number:PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R GO GREENI— CDW is happy to announce that paperless billing is now available! if you would like to start receiving your invoices as an emailed PDF,please email CDW at paperlessbilling@cdw.com. Please include your Customer number or an Invoice number in your email for faster processing. REDUCE PROCESSING COSTS AND ELIMINATE THE HASSLE OF PAPER CHECKSI Begin transmitting your payments electronically via ACH using CDW's bank and remittance information located at the top of the attached payment coupon. Email credit@cdw.com with any questions. ;SH $3,135.60 _IP PORES$: AN' DAN FERNER CITY OF KENT $0.00 INFORMATION TEC 312-705-6257 400 W GOWE ST STE 122 danfern@cdw.com KENT WA 98032-6019 ;SAP F�4 TAX; $313.56 $3,449.161 JBXB786 ✓ Cage Code Number IKH72 HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT? DUNS Number 02-615.7235 PLEASE EMAIL US AT credit@cdw.com ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT www.cdwg.com CDW GOVERNMENT FEIN 36-4230110 Page 1 of 1 0001:0001 rn rn rn o rn o O (O (fl 00 00 o (O Ln r Ln Ln L6 N Ln N Ln M m U LLo Lon t 0 ti M � r M C•M O F- rn rn a) o rn o U FM- 0) rn am co 0) 00 Ln Ln Ln v Ln 14 •L U) V• 'C• (O t CO ^, W Wr v' x C mmo0U O m m O o LoLo "tLo FR- O Ln p N I� ~ N rn U v d v ca a o ON o (a cU co X cn N F- tiC\l L ~ O 00 "' W M C O O� 1� CO — 0 Z 0 rn rn rn o rn o M G1 M J to O 00000 � 00 n c E Ln Ln Lvn o v m = M ui N m M > - ~ is O = O CD o O 0 d z c E w 'a r Q O >, R O O O > c� N > a ' a L a� w E W L L. R ca co YV V w co O Q N nO N L w 0e (o (a N � N � d• Q r CO N (fl N 0 O N N (0 r- Cfl N PM (0 co N N r- (a (V W (D C9 M L a) Ln N C co � � 00 N U U U ( o O 00 L "a 30 �+ N � 00 M d CO m m 0 m 0 U O a. O m Y r_ d > N 0 0 * m �* m m 60, N U cn Q Q �- _ — Cl C'1 L _ Q C U v > O a O �" O cl d a o }� 4 0 O 0 C 0 y N E E z Q N — L) ON N = o o u, ca � o w cu cu m Q N Y d Lon Lon 0 0 0 o Q � a aaaa. a < Qa o U 7 . 7 L d O = o o LL E " E r o,Q �-' O O J O J d •• 3 N > U Q Q d a- m "a O O O o O O = a) s `6 0 a a 0- 0-76 a L) U) 4' >, oQ m O °' *k 0 •z= U) M Q O a Q OU ;= F- Q d7 N (a N (O O O V oU 3 N Q (co D � Lo m LO m > i (B L 'Z- fn > M M N Lf) N Ln o E Q (0 Q > N N M N M N E > Q. S Q L Q. L > Q : C Q C� � N •C 0p N J N M Ln CO I- W Q G F- 0 ° '�tMY TG w r PEOPLE • • • - • 1 m! WHO GET IT DEAR MARTA GONZALEZ, Thank you for considering CDW®G for your computing needs. The details of your quote are below. Click here to convert your quote to an order. QUOTE# QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER# GRAND TOTAL JBCG042 6/16/2017 PALO ALTO RNW 5022586 $3,449.16- -- - - --- QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE EXT PRICE Palo Threat Prevention for PA-500 for High Availability- 1 2968078 $459.90 $459.90 subscription lice Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R UNSPSC: 43233204 Electronic distribution-NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114) Palo Threat Prevention for PA-500 for High Availability- 1 2968078 $459.90 $459.90 subscription lice Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-TP-HA2-R UNSPSC: 43233204 Electronic distribution- NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114) Palo URL Filtering for PA-500 for High Availability= 1 3252129 $459.90 $459.90 subscription license Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2-R UNSPSC: 43233204 Electronic distribution- NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114) Palo Premium Support Program- extended service agreement 1 2599468 $648.00 $648.00 (renewal) 1 yea Mfg. Part#: PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R UNSPSC: 81111812 Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114) Palo URL Filtering for PA-500 for High Availability- 1 3252129 $459.90 $459.90 subscription license Mfg. Part#: PAN-PA-500-URL4-HA2-R UNSPSC: 43233204 Electronic distribution - NO MEDIA Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications (AR626 01114) Palo Premium Support Program extended service agreement 1 2599468 $648.00 $648.00 (renewal) - 1 yea Mfg. Part#: PAN-SVC-PREM-500-R UNSPSC: 81111812 Contract: Washington Palo Alto NVP Data Communications(AR626 01114 1 PURCHASER BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL i $3,135.60 Page 1 of 2 Billing Address: j v SHIPPING CITY OF KENT ! ACCOUNTS PAYABLE { SALES TAX $313.56 220 4TH AVE S KENT,WA 98032-5895 GRAND TOTAL $3,449.16 Phone:(253)856-5234 -- Payment Terms: Net 30 Days-Govt State/Local DELIVER TO P Please remit payments to: Shipping Address: Y Y CDW Government CITY OF KENT 75 Remittance Drive 400 W GOWE ST Suite 1515 KENT,WA 98032-6019 Chicago, IL 60675-1515 Shipping Method: DROP SHIP-GROUND Need Assistance? ® CONTACT Dan Ferner (866) 465-9919 danfern@cdw.com This quote is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at e_p_ % ',n= r_ a_'_c r; cntenc,t=rms Condit onsLgroq�cc"-sales.as x For more information,contact a CDW account manager O 2017 CDWG LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue,Vernon Hills, IL 60061 ( 800.808.4239 Page 2 of 2