HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR18-102 - Original - AFSCME Local 2617 - 3/13/18 KEWAS-N,- Records Management Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to the City Clerk's Office. All portions are to be completed. If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725. ❑ Blue/Motion Sheet Attached ® Pink Sheet Attached Vendor Name: AFSCME Local 2617 Vendor Number (7DE): Contract Number (City Clerk): (QZ Category: Contract Agreement Sub-Category (if applicable): Choose an item. Project Name: MOU - Limited Term Positions in ECD Contract Execution Date: 3/13/2018 Termination Date: Indef. Contract Manager: L. Jensen Department: HR Contract Amount: Approval Authority: ❑ Director ❑ Mayor ® City Council Other Details: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND WASHINGTON STATE COUNCIL OF COUNTY AND CITY EMPLOYEES AFSCME, AFL-CIO, LOCAL #2617 REGARDING LIMITED-TERM POSITIONS IN ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by and between the City of Kent ("City") and the Washington State Council of County and City Employees, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Local #2617 ('Union") to memorialize an agreement reached between the City and the Union regarding three (3) approved 1.0 FTE limited-term positions (#10959, #10960, #10961) assigned to the Economic and Community Development Department ("Department"). The City and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement, effective January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2019 (hereinafter "CBA"), which provides in Section 1.4 that limited-term positions are those that are grant funded or project based and do not exceed three years in duration. A limited term position is considered a regular position that is entitled to recognition by the bargaining unit and all aspects of the CBA. Once created, the CBA requires that limited-term positions be filled under the provisions of Section 3.7 of the CBA, and that the recruitment clearly state the expected duration of the position. The City Council has approved three (3) limited term positions, each to be filled as a 1.0 FTE, to assist with the backlog the Department is currently experiencing in plan review and permit inspections. In addition, an additional Plans Examiner, a regular 1.0 FTE position, was awarded to the Department through the budget and the City is currently recruiting for that position. The City and the Union have agreed that the following provisions will apply to these three new limited-term positions (#10959, #10960, #10961) throughout the duration of their term: 1. Each limited-term position is currently expected to last for the entire three (3) year term, unless an extension is mutually agreed upon by the parties in accordance with Section 1.4 of the CBA. Currently, the limited-term positions are expected to end on or before April 1, 2021. 2. The limited-term positions will be established as one (1) Combo Building Inspector, with a salary range of AF35, and two (2) Plans Examiners, with a salary range of AF37. 3. Any new FTE position that Council may award to the Department after incumbents are placed in their limited term positions will be filled in accordance with Section 3.7 of the CBA. The incumbents in the limited term positions shall have the same opportunity to apply for the new FTE position as any other Union member. If, however, the new FTE position converts the REQUEST FOR MAYOR'S SIGNATURE N--.7KENT va _ } s Routing Information: (ALL MUST FIRST B REQUESTS E ROUTED THROUGH THE LAW DEPARTMENT)" Q Approved by Directo Originator: Leialani Jensen Phone (Originator): ext. 5283 Date Sent: March 8, 2018 Date Required: March 15, 2018 Return Signed Document to: Leialani Jensen Contract Termination Date: December 31, 2019 VENDOR NAME: Date Finance Notified: Washington State Council of County and City Employees,AFSCME (Only required on contracts December 2017 $20 000 and over or on any Grant DATE OF COUNCIL APPROVAL: January 1, 2018 Date Risk Manager Notified:December 2017 (Required on Non-City standard Contracts/Agreements) Has this Document been Specificall Account Number: Authorized in the Budget? • YES(5 NO Brief Explanation of Document: The City and the AFSCME Union have agreed to the use of three (3) limited term positions to handle a backlog of work within the Economic and Community Development Department that is expected to last for a three (3) years. This MOU establishes the terms and conditions that apply to these three (3) limited term positions which are classified as one (1) Combination Building Inspector and two (2) Plans Examiners. All Contracts Must Be Routed Through The Law Department rea e'co let y the Law Department) Received: % Approval of Law Dept. i Law De t, Comments: Date Forwarded to Mayor: la 1 Shaded Areas To Be Completed By Administration Staff Received: .CAI— Recommendations and Comments: Al Mayor Disposition: Date Returned: ' Pi MA arms\ ocument ProCossingMoquest for,ayor's tgnature,ocx i