HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-579 - Insurance Certificate - Perfect Image, Inc. - 1/6/25 (2) THE
VW:ous Prowisioi7s in Lris Policy roslric 1. coverNtr . Hoad Lhc onve Policy caxofully to do-orrnlnc fIgIlLs_ OulJos aril what Is
and is nol cL]YG1' d.
t;7roughcu: lhi�-, vori�ge Part the wom '-y0u" ;and -cfer to 1.170 NaMOd ln:�urod shown in Lho Dean-alior-�. TI7i:�
words 'w '_'us"Mid 'our+'ri�for Lo Lhs insurariCri?uO rlparry shtwn i11 Nu Doclai-�L fir:-.
"Policy period'_ as used i-i this Coverage Part, irleark,: iN3 period frorrl the eifecf,re data o= this Cc.rweraw ParL to J1e
expiration data of the Gm erage Part as sited in the Dedarations or the dale of aar1c.ella-ion. whichEVEF is ea.rlie•.
Tne kvorxi"insured' nwa is any person or organ ization cyaliiyririg as! cLcli cinder 5ec.!ic n C. 'JUlxa N Ar• Insured.
Cithr.• words arid plrrases that appear in c uotatiion marks have special mearl np. Rule, to Secion F. Liability And Wedica.
Expenr}es Definitiane.
1_ Business Liabiiifyr Coverage (Bodily Injury{, Rraperty Damage_ P�erSonsl And AdverSising IrrjUryr) Insuring
a. INP will pay these sums thsi the insuraci biLcor"ac; legally nhligsted to pay act dgmsges becslrse M 'IbDdly
inj,rry', "property damage' or"persnr..91 ono ach�p.rising injrlr/' 10 which rhis insll,.gnre ;qppliea. Olga will have
the right and duty to defend tree irrojred apuinst "''suit` seeking lhose oam# e& However, we w 11 have no
duly to defend ne Insured against any 'suit~ seeking damages for 'boo IV irijur�' "property damage' or
'personal cod ar yNi.ising inj ury+' Lc %which Mls Insucancc mos nol.apoly.
We may, at our d1sof8tlon, 6wesNa* any 'o urrence" or OenDe and selile any clawl or "rmft' that may
rocu:l_ out:
(1) The amount we will pay for damages is lirfirted as described in Section D. Liabiliiyr Ard Medial Expenses
Limits 01 1-isuranca;anc
(2} Our right and duty io deferd ends w-isr.we have used up t-is applicebla limit of insuranca in the payrms-d
cf judgments, setllemems or msdf�al expenses to which t -is i-isurance applies.
Nn other-obligation or Iintx:iry ro reay M.rr.;or perform acts or serviceq is onvered unless explk:i ,provi&-d for
under C clverarle Extension-Suppip-mentary PA%1rnsnts.
h_ This nsurancP applies:
(1} To 'hodi hi injury"and '�3raperly dEimoL1dF.L'only 'rf:
(a) ThB 'bodily injury' or 'p-operty darrage' N caused by er. `oc=refics' INA takes place it the
: 'Braude#4�rr.Vfy4-
(b) ThR 'bndily injury` c•"nrpppirly da-nags"rccum diMnq rhia ppliry pe inc; and
(a) Pdor to `he poliry period. no inslrr�m.d Iisied undiar Paragraph Y. rA Seciir~n C_ Who is An Insured find
~7n "P.m�}�1yP.P' flllr 7 II'2E� by 7nu iC girvp or rk?oaivF. rrvicR Gf an "onrurrance." or-:suns knew ther rho
"bodily injuxy' or "property damage" had -occurred, in whole or in part. If such a listed insured or
authorized 'employee" knew, prior to the policy period, that the "bcdlly -nji_try' or 'property &mago'
oozvfrcd. -lion any conlInuallon. change or rosixrnotior of such di y injury" of 'properly ohmage'
duOiV or a1Lcr Lliq policy pudod will LK�doaned Lo Ilavirt boun known prior Lo Lhe pfil Cy poried.
(2) To "pu-tuna and wvcfti:�irlg i nju o/' caused fir an offwnsc nrlslN out Of ycL1r busln , b.A only It trio
uif@r:sq ,gas currmil.ur�ir1 Ih�?"Covoraigo WriiLory'during Lho palsy period.
C. 'Beadily i;5jury"or "prolordr.y+ darluge' will bs desrrled Lo Have been renown Lo Have oLxL;irred a. Lhs riarliesL Lirriu
when any irlsu•ed listea L.ilcer Paragraph 1, of Section G. Mo Is An Insured or ar,� 'employee"authorized by
you Lo dike or reveive rio!J4:e of an"oucumoric e'ear clairrl:
(1) Rspur'.s all. or any part, of it:e 'bodily irl.iryr' or"proosriyr dainage' Lo us or any-other insurer-
f2) Receives a vrrit:er or verbal derrand or caim for damages because o' tha 'bodily injury" or "property
FGFm SL Opp OD 10 19 Page d Ed 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
fMay in luc*ropyrigtrtd male'al of h'.3ur# �3ff i e$Office, Inc.,with 45 pprmit%-Onl.
} BeDom aware by any G1har mfmans thal 'toodily injury' of 'property}damage" has C07knred or Kas begun
to 4CCUr.
d. Damages beoaUse of 'bodihy injury' i-�GIUde damarl-�s-pIaimed bar any p nzon or organi7.a ipn for�-,arfv, If)5�of
wrvices or death re�suitinp pit any time from the 'Wi;y Irtiury".
e, Ineldental Medleal Malpreacllce
M ''Bu^ injury' a*i�rig aA of the mrlcerinq of or failure to rendef orofe3siQnal '1eal�h rare !3ervice5 as a
p yocian, denlist, nurse, emergency medical technician or pc-ramed;c shall be deemed * be� caused by
an"oecuri-once. but only If;
(a) f h5o physlciar, dershl.. nufse. ii% rgencyr mcdlcal tcchnldan or paramo0:c Is omployr.�d by you to
provide such mylees;and
(b) ',roe aro not er�agoa Ir. -ho business of oaeupauon of prc'widing SU& svvws.
(2) For .ho purposa of dalwmining Liio lirni?s or insurance Lir inddurLal rn ica: -nalpraLka wiy 4 1. or
orni4,sion [o!�ethvwith all tt L-od acLs at ofY51 ions in Lilo lueniGhing of LNse sorvices to any one porsor
will W wnoidered onri"cacL�urrenuu".
2. Madioall`xpioises
Insuring Agroormmint
ia, Ws will pap rrisdical exp,3nsb,*i as desr r•bed balmr,'or"oadily inju-f Caused by an accident:
�1} On Oren-LEas you own or rent:
(2) Gii Trays noxi.to promisas you uwrk or rani;Or
(3) Because of you r operaLions;
prov.ded thal.:
tij i ne acaaer.•1 Tamil&place in irra 'covwage Eerrmory- eno oufing -ne policy perioc:
(2) The expenses are incurred and reported to pus widhin three yream of the date cF the accident; and
(3) The injured person srubmiis 1a axam inaiion. at our experse, by ohysicians of our choice 96 orteJl as wa
reasonably require.
b_ W-9 will make these p2ymJenis algal-dless of fault. These psymerts will not exceed 1he applicable limi- of
insurance. W2 Will pay reasonetAe axpe-ises for:
(1) First Rid administenad at the fi-ne M s n ac:irJarrt;
(2) Nsce4saryr medical, surgical, x-rgy and danlAl ssnr ces, including prosihetic dawices: and
(3) Necessary ambuksnce, hcupiral. proiessionni nr_rsing and funeral seneiop.s.
3_ Coverage ExtenadCin-Supplementary Payments.
a. W2 Will pay.-Nrtb rezpPv1 to any n aim .we. inwe=ligate or setta, or any 'auit"agAinst en insured we deiend:
(1) A I expenses we incur.
(2) Up to S1,000 for the cis; of hart bonds r-equired because of eociJerfb ar Traffic law wiclations ans ng CgA of
the t15e Qffsnyr v&6s t-D which Biusinens LiabrlryCov%eragp. icr 'bodi�r inju^l' applies. We do not have 1a
furnish ifie.se bonds.
(3) The cost of appeE l bonds or bonds to release aimchments, bull only icr bond amounts within tha
applica�)Ie limil of ir:wrenDp. We fo not have to furnish, fin#gnce, arrange lar, gUarairftee, or coIlmeralize
thesis t)ontd%whfslher the coil ater awn is nnam rl?'eo n[remium or inot.
(4) .tl rea;3anable expenses incurred by the insured at our regUEV to assiSt Us In the irivee igWion or defense
of the claim or".uil",including adkiall loss 4fi earnings Up to Q a day because of time off frc n vfofk.
(5) AEI-court costs t?yed against the insured ir.the "suit Hcweyer, such costs do not induce air meys' tees,
altotr:cys'expos, witness or c�xper.foes, of any other oVeimer,of a pa ny mxed agasnst the Iesjmd.
M Prejudgment interesl awarded against the Irnsured on that part of th& judgmen- we pay. hf we make an
oifcr to pay the appllcablo Kraft -of Irtisurancc, tic will not pair any proju4mont In-orest �)ascA on :hat
poriod of time after Lhe offer.
FGFm SL 00 0010 19 P'sge 2 ad 22
t 2018. The Hartford
rMay inplucle ropyriq#rtd maier'al of Insur# ;3er4-,es Qffice, Inc.,with 45 pprmis%-pn
(7) All intemst on T)e. full #err-puryr of any juc�gmerrr that awruPs aft-gr entfy of the judgment and b f re vie
hay.e paid, ofleied to pay. or depwlied it court tie park all the judgment tnat is wilhf:n the applicable limit
of Insurance.
Aany amou nt3 paid tinder(1)tnro h M above will not reduce the I i g pf Ir man .
b. I' we defend an irsired against a 'su:1" and an ir'dernnitee of the InsurM Is also named as a parry to 'he
'cult'',we wIII defcnd that IndemriAc,3 If all of the]ollowing conddons am mot:
{1} The 'toit" against the Indemnitee seek3 damages for which the Ir—sured his ass-imed the liabllily of `hc�
Indcmritoo In a contract or an,�mvmcnt that Is an 'iniwmd contract';
(2� 1 his Insurar appiies to such iiat)!lit� assu ned by tiro Insuroci;
(3) The collgatlori to deiertd, or thv coot of the mf�%,ntie of phut Inden7r we. ryas also been assumed b} tho
Insured:n 11W samo 'insumd 17tra,et';
(4) The allogalions in Elie'sui r anu V-o in la(mWor: vwi� Know aL ouL LW 'OmArivii,,,r are sudl Lnat no conrlicl.
appears Lo eA4,1 biatwwn tho irJefosL al the Insi,:fed and the InWesl.01 the Iredem'ltoo;
(b) Tho indoriinilw and LI)G :nsur;pd ask us 10 condwi. and cc-Aral iho diAi�nsu 01 Mal. irldgiiitiiL&� �gain5L
such "suit'Arid agr&e that vr,a Gan assign to sarve c:ourisel to dafgnd the insured and ito indemni-*9: a!id
(a} Tho ir,dli tiNiliLao:
(a) Agrees in writing ia:
(i) Cooper{.te-eAth us ir.the-rivastigaii6n. settlement or deionse of ihg'suit';
(Ii) krin-ediaLelyr sand us uupff�b of &)y dernaids_ noiic&s, sumrronrms ol Ibga1 ptipU•s r0ceived ir,
oormoct-on with the '1suit':
(lil) NoLily wiy oft)r insurigr whom covor`Qu is avaiiaLle .o LIIQ indurriiii6m; aInd
{iv� Cuopersl.s vhih "5 wilh neupeul !a onesr-dirmHrig t+'Irrer appliear+le iriuurrHrNx quyi.r_hl-. 'o the
(b) Prcwides pis vrih written authorization tfl:
(i) Obtsin rpearcIR end otner information rplaied to the".r�-iir';and
(ii) 17,nnduct Rnd nr trol tits rlpfi-nse of the ndemnhee in o,,�"sui;".
So long es the abDve conditio is are met, ett,Qrnep fees incurred by us in :he deienEe-of tat indemni-ee,
my INalion p.xpensp.e incurred b3+ tiS and new%-5.zry .i galian exprsn5e_s nourfed tyo the
indemritee at otir request will be paid a%Supplemehrytarw P,,1y.,nents.
Natwithgtandinq the pr&i:3ions of Paragraph 1_b.{#) ct Sp.oipn B. Exclusion% %xh p$ymarta will not be
deemed to be damages for "bodily iri;ury" and "pmperty dam e" and will not ed the Limh.0 of
Our obllgLaklon to def,,rid are Insureds Indcfloltnc and to pay for a1'orneys' iecs and nocessar? ll;lgartron
i,,xponscs as upiplo nontary Paymnls one s whon;
(1) WC�hay, used U-p the applicable IlmI' of Insurance In the payrreni of audgmcnis or sommeM;or
[2) I I7i:� conditions &et for.I7 abov, , or tic terms of 1ho a�roomerl doscribod In ParagrapP fib) about, are no
I01`19er fvot.
1. Applicaare To Busirress Liability ueraga
ribs inwranDg door r1oL appxy to:
is, EqWM Or llft�na!M Mjury
(1) "Bad-IV irrjuryr' or 'properLy durri{.ge" expeuted or :-Aeridsd from the FIaiidpoirrl or the insured_ Thy
uxclu*iori dins !iu. upply%":.auu Iy injuryr"or 'prop rLy durnage"rosul.ing Iroili No-usa of wasoiiable for'co
to pruWd peryowi or properly: or
(2) 'Persona] aria i�dveriisir-g iri..jryr' arieing out a. are of ri!Es carnmi-teC by, a- the direction of or with the
car sent or ecqu isscerce of the imured-wih the expectmior. of kilic',ina"perEnnal and a,dverdisintg injury'_
Faun Sb DO 01)10 18 Page 9 i122
Q�2018. The Hartford
rMay inwlu oopyrig#rtd maiFy—al of Ir.30r �3et4-,e$Office, Inc.,with 45 pprmi�%-Onl.
b_ Contractual Lial�ilityf
(I} "Bodily injury{'or'prap!�rbr damage": or
(2) "Pemonal and advertising irtjiirV'
for which. 1ha insured is oblige:er' to aayr damegas by rea.srn of the assumption cf liJoilityr in a conlram or
This exoluSion doe,not apply to ligbilily for oarnage.R laecau5,-_of:
($) "Bodily ;,ijur ', 'prnpert}damqgii�' Qr r�P12mQns 9nd a r•_i5:ing in tiry"tit the in5Ur.9d WQUId hme it
the-absenw.of the contrat or aqI.qe nent, or
(b) "Bodily inI urn+' or-property damape"awumed in a con;raa or agreement thal is an "insured coroaor',
providDd the "bodlly i-.gjuq' oy 'properly damage' occurs si-Vasealuent to the execullon of the contract
or agx-ocrncnt, logy for Lho purposo of Ilabili Ly assumed in an 'hnsumd contrar-l', rc-ownaEblo
al.lofneys' ryes aiid fiocessi ry IiG�aliail GxpOiISGS iOCurrOd by Or [or a paxLy oMr ihail wi inWrPO @M
daof+r d to ba barnagos becavw oI "bodlly+ injufyr' or"proporry damage"pfovlwd,
(I) Liabililyr Lo such parlyr ica, or for Lhi� cost ol. Lha, OarLy's di�iGgw has also boHa aSsunvd in lho
mrna insured wn!lrao ; and
(Ii) Sue'i a�rr.oyg I 4Nd liligalorl kVgrx �jM Ior CWOrlslg 61 LNiL pilfLyr ikgair:sL .21 uivil ur
al-arna;ive dispute resoluiicai prateeding in whibh damages io which this insurance applies are
c. Liquor Liebil ilk+
'Dodil�y irlury"or"properLy dar;age' for Which any insured riayr be held liable Ly reasrxn al:
(1} Causing a,contributing to tha intuxicmion of any person;
(2) The fiimicNng a AnDhnlir. na•,rerapar. to A pRmrn iinriar iha lRgR- drinking ac)a Clr iinriarthfi infliianm fir
(3) Providirtp or lFilinp to provide Vansportation wilh respect 1T)�;ny person that may be uncter the inftr#ance of
alcoho; or
(4} Ain-1 Statute,ordlinanD�-or ne9tikiton relVinp to the sale, piit: c.,,1ril�uticn or use of alcoh.Dlio beverapeC4.
This exclusion applies even if the claims al$ege negligence or other Yronocmg hn the hiring,
emp4oyment,training or rnonhoring of others by an insured. d tho 'tr ddyr,njur{'or 'property cam e"Irvoh d
tNit which is dcscritod In Paragraph (1), (2), (3)or(4)aboac.
Ho%vewar, this exclusion arpp!Ies only If yoj are in the buslrloss of manutavuring, dlsulbuting, selling, swing
or fum-oiing alcor.olic i0ovof@goo. For tho purposcs of Lf7is oxclus on. pffmittirg a parson to bring alcohol c
bcwC�{'Jyos-on your PrernisGS, [or colsunipGoil or) your prwi",O:o. whULlly or nol.�j fal •"a e`1arubd or a lioonsa
is required Icr&uc!h aclivily, is not by L-ell'consicered the vusir-ass o! selling, serving, or furnishing alcohol c
d. Work,�lrt'ColYf"ruatiork AM Similar L8W41i
Any obi galion Di -he insured under a vjork-sm' compensation. disability benefrts or unemployrma+rt
Compensation law or env similar dew.
a. EWIayar's Liability
'Elodily irjuryrr tC:
(1) An"ernployree' of ih-a insured ar si rig cut of and n the,oaume of:
(a) Employanent by the insured;or
(b) Perlcmring duLiss related bD ,he csorldw;l.el the irlsu�,sd's Lxss=ness:or
(2} The spouse,chilil, parent,brolhor-or sister-of 1hat"empoysa'as ,consscuer-;Y of(1) above-
This .�xclusiUn app;ias=
(1) Whether the insured may be liable as ar7 rim-Rlayrer or in arTy 0ter Ly;�inu
(2) To any cbligaton is =_•tare damages with Cr mpay someone else who must parr darnages because of tha
Fcifrn SL 00 0010 19 Page 4 al 22
t 2018. The Hartford
rNlay in lu ropVrip#ttd maler-al of ln3ur# �3er4oes Office, Inc.,with 4S pprmic�%-pn
THE 14
Thie-qxplu-;icr7 dneLs.not apply-to liability assumed t;y+the ingvred under-an 'insured oongraot".
f. Pollution
(1) "Bodily inl-.rry', 'property dsmF,ge' r~r 'p-monal anc advF rtamg injury" Arising our of the w-,ftL,I, allLQ-gM. ❑r
threatened-Jisch;arge. dispersal, seepage, in:gralion: relaa5,--c)r escape rrf"pollutantgF:
(1i) At or from any premi!3e!D: or Ir ton which i!D or vial.at any time c'ned-Dr cccupied by: -or rente(I
or loaned-o arV insured. Hcwyer,IIND para�ragli does not apply-G;
(I) 'i3odily injtiq' if sus-ainea ws hin a t)-uilOng and ca-i d ty�' smoke, fume3,gaper or sit produced
by or or-pinait<ng from egulpmenl that is used to �eai, moI or dehum-dlfyf `he bullding, or
eG:AIpticnt that Is users 10 rpoat water for pi`,so fall use, by the bullding's occupants or triclr guests;
(II) 'E OOly injury{' of -pi oporLy damapo" for which you in@yr be I16d 10hlc, I you arc a coill.ractor vino
the cwncf of lo-ssoo cf&Uch prernls&, S-te eY location teas been adOCd le this Covcr4-e Furl.as
ar, additional incur-gd with rpsp�. to y oui oiigoing opfira Loris perlormed kv ". L additi0riai
irisu,od aL that prerriiset, site or locution grid-�uuii premises. siLe or Iocatiori is riot and !.ever W3S
owned or occupied by, or rented or Ioarad Lfl_any insured,other than that add:tional insured,-or
(iif) 'adily injury"or-property damage' arising out a1 heart, emoke or`umes from a"hostile firms':
(b) At o• irom any premises. site or location which is or was a- any time used by or for any insured a
others for the handl.ng, stmege. Disposal, processing or treetmert o�waste:
(c) Wnich afe cr were. at any titri-e trEinspored. handled, stored: trasted, cisoased of: or proosssed as
waste b�' or!or:
(i) Ary imiured; cr
(ii) Ary person or organisation for whom you may to IBgally responsiHkm-
(d) At a• =rein any premises, site or Iocatson on wh Fc1i any nsured cir any ooniractors or suboonlraclars
working directly or Irdlrec"Iy+ on any insured's behal are perforning operations it the 'pollutants' are
broulh1 or or to to promises, slto or ocatlor, in conr-oct-,on wl.h such ooerawns b}' such Irsured,
coilLfacLcr far sulawntracior. Howc-vCr, ibis prag rash dogs riot p;y LO:
(I) 'Boolly In,ury" 0r "propetlyl darna�c adsIng 01.11 01 the OscLIpc Of fLlels, .Libron-z or enter
-Dporaiir-g fluids wwhi-2h JrS: it tl(l .0 perform Ifii) inDr MN OflcMCi il_ hydfi ulil-- or m c:haiiied
funutbrks rieivrmry Ior D%i3 uporalion of"nwbild squipivorii' uF iW paxLs_ it such fur��, Iubricdr,Ls or
other opara-ir:g fluids ezaape from a vehicle part des.gned to h6d. smrs or reusiva them. Th s
exoaplion does riot apply if 1he "bodily injury' or 'property damage!' arises out cif the {nten-ional
-discharge, -disparsel or rakma% of 1he fuels. IL,9d17s a, otr.2r operating fluids, or if aurk. =uels,
Iubrirar`i,� of nrhLa• oparstinq flilids are hir om -in or rn rha premises: �1e rr lnnwinn %0-1 rho
intent that 1Meyr be discharged, di gpersed or released as part of 1he oper#Pion; being performed
by vxh insured,contractor Gr subwnimoor;
(II) 'Bodity injury' or 'Lprop&Tj damage" sustained vrilt in a build-ng and caused loy the release of
gases, fumes or vapors from ma~terla?s bra 111 into fat building ir, connection wish operations
bG ng pcfforrllod byr you or on your bo?lali by a contractor ar sU'oconlracLo(,o,,
(III) 5odi-h{injury"or"property damage' arising out ci heat. snake or fumes from a'"-iostile fire"; or
(e) At or from any promises. sl-c or lowtion or, whin any insurod or any conlraclors o� suboon-rac--ors
worKing dlmcdly or indlreA on anyr Insufed's behalf are perrorrning operations Ir To operallons arc 10
lest ror, monitor, cic�,&rr up. rWnOvil . oon'a-ii. L+oia1. debxaly or neutra!PY-e, Or i,11 arlyr way resparid Lc. or
Lilo GlfecLs oI_ 'poIlulanls",
(2) Any loss, uosl.of oxpersa arising cul or aq:
(a) ReyurasL, danu x1. urder or sLatu:ory or raguldtary foyuirwrierd LhdL any insured or uMns L-9SL IG',
Monitor, c d up, rbMvO, u n%Lin. LroilL COLOxily Or ii19ulr.11z$, Or i� My way ri�spcnd IG, or As—�
1he ofiec.:is of, 'pallularil:C:or
(b) Claim or 'Isu if' by or ion b&alf of a governmental auihori%yr for damages because of testing ior,
monitoring, cleaning up, removing, oontainirg: creating, detoxifying a neuiralizino. or in any way
responding to: of as=A-sgi ng the aifec15 cf. "prA1.1terIE".
FGFm Sb 00 00 10 19 Page 5 al 22
+iv 2018. The Hartford
rMay inplu iropyriptrted male'al of h'.3urar �3er4-,es Q fice, Inc.,with 45 perrnic�%-pni
However, 1h;:� paragnaph does nGt .9pply w lianility for damage-9 fuze of 'prop--r.y damage" that the
Insured++could haa6L in ilMe absence o` such requezi,demand. order of slatuTNo- or regulatory requirement:
oe such cla ion or'sut by or on benali of a governmerital aulilorlty,
g- Alr fi,Auto Or Watercraft
(1) Unmanned Alrcratt
'i3od,ly in€uric or "propel damage" ing out of ;he ov phi-o: maintenance: use -Dr entrus;rnerq to
others of any aircrat that is an"ur manred ai rvrafr% Use irndudes operat on and 'load&ng or L�nlmding"
Tills EXCI zioi7 g.(1)-applies WCn If the claims agalnst a-ny insured a-logo ncgllgence or otilcr wroNdoing
In she supervision, hlri ng--ornW rmonl,tralni-ng o monitoring c1 othcfs bV lhat Irs,rod, it tho 'loocili ty i njury'
or -Property damaoc- arises OVrt of 11-^ ohvnccfsnlp, rrainlenartr.c, use o, cmustmnl to others of any
aktrWL Mal.is :)in 'ui mafinod Nrcral!"
(2k Aircrait(0I1119r Than Uinma ni9d Ai mraL9),Auto Or Walaror tit
"Sod:ly Injury' or "property d@mago" ar-sirlg out o1 .h-� owrvrship. m@Jnbnanco. use -or - rntrusmiorl. Lc
aLhrars Of any aircraft lath*r IN:iri 'c:inixinad aircraIL'), 'auto' or wet afl. amieu err cep*r-@L-0d LV cr
renteo 4,Ioar%od t;D any insu red. Lea includes operation and"laadir-Q or uri;oadirrg'.
This 1—Exclusion g.(2)applies even if the claims against any insured a:lsge negligence or other wrongdoing
in -he si-perxeision, hiring,amploymeni. training or monitoring Di others by that ir;=A:red, i`tha 'Nadi y injury"
cr 'nrnper.yr fiamege" flrisp5 out of ME nwriership, maintensnDF, use or enrru3rmPnt to others of any
nircra't ;other Than 'unmanned aircraft , "auto" or wa;era�3fr chat is owned cr operated by or rented of
lo+gned to any insiired.
This Exclusion 942) does nal apply 10:
(a) A watercraft while-ashnre on pmmisps you nwn or;and;
(b) A waicrcratk you do not oYon iliai Is:
(I) I.ew nan$1 feet long; Lv-0(II) blot being used-o carry persons or property for a cliarge,
(c) PaMng ar, "auto" -on, or e-n Tie ways next 1c, plemisos you own :)i rcnt, provided the 'auto' Is not
owned byf or fenled or loaned 1c you,or tte Insured;
(d) Liability assumed undef any 'Ins:Aiiad -�ontrac.' for the ownership. minlcnar or use of alrefaft
t0lhw than"un franned ai fcfarl. )ct kvatercrart;
lei "fadlly Injur/' or'propony daniage"arising out of:
(I) The oporaLion of ar%y 01 Lhr1 madhlnefV or oculp"nont Iislod in Ptgragrapli LM or t(3} 01 Lhc
d*liniLlon uI 'mowo Gquipindr!f; or
(II) The operolior. of inachinorg at cqulpnvni thal.is at.ached `o, of pafl.of. a lard wohicQ llial would
qual fyr ciideir Rio duliniG4rl ul 'mobile equipmunl"if L w6ce IIQ. SubjoGL to a :villpu6ury -jr finailGiu1
responsibility aw ew outer motor vehicle insurance ur rrotor YEfiicle registraii4n law Ywfisre K '-s
licensed-or principally garaged;or
(f) An aircraft (other then '1;nmanned aircrait') tat is not armed by any nsured and is h gyred, "ner.erad
or :oared with a paid crew- Howawer, this exception does not spoly ii t e insiired has any other
--isurance for such "bodily injury" or 'propany damage', whether the fsiher in=_Urerce is primary,
excx-aF, -=-ingEni or con any ,the,basis.
h- Bile Equipment
'Bodily irjiiry' or"properK- damage' arising cut oi_
(1) The rranaporiation of 'mobile equipment" by ar. "auro" rwinpa or cpp.rsted lh r f rented or Ir-9nM. af; any
inured; or
(2} The usim of 'inohile F.Lquipmpni" in. or while in pesctjna or p pparalicn for, 9 pr-pfl,ranged rac,,ng, gpe-ad nr
dernDlition cantast or in ary atunting;aGdvilyr.
FGFm St-Opp Ob 10 19 Page 6 al 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
rMay in luc*copyrig#rtd maii:y.al of Ir.30r# �3er4-,e$Office, Inc.,with 45 pprmic�%-pn
r. War
'Iodil�e 1�7itlr�'. ypropertyr Mma je" or 'lpergonal inn('-' ;I'�P,'�I I?l II"j�lf5f�, I". '.X'P.L�P.' n�I P.{j: �;rl ln{ : direcily or
incrirectlyr, otA of;
(1} Wa,, it o Jdi`19 Undeclared or civil Wad.-
(2) W,,vIlke action by a mllitar� ipr : including action in -iinderifq or de'er•dlngi against an adual or exoectec�
attack, by any govemmerit QovorNil or otP-er autivrlly using nil Wy Iaersonnel or othef agmm;or
(a) InsurrecWn, r-eFelllon: r&mltriop, usufped pi)wer, Or adon liken by gcuernmenzal atllliorityr In hindering
or clefendln!�a-gainst any of throe,
�. Proi lonak Services
'Bodily injury', -property damage"or"joersonal and adver i&ng injury' arising ou of the rendering of-or iail Lire
to ronclor any professional s:DMcc. This includes but Is MI. emit;d to-
(1) L ogal. accounting or�Idwu%f BiN soryICos;
(2) Preparing, approving, or 'aliing to props{e or approve claps, shop drawings, opinions, roports, surveys.
rield ofdofs, change ordofs, deslgn!s or dfawIngs{end specir0l.ons;
(3) Supgry soryr. impr.0fin, a!C'iiLeuLurdl Or OngilleoriN c]l:Lkx[U";
(4) Nledical..sirgi-ml, Wrl'al, x rah' or nursing=vices. tr$M0017.al'ricc or Irslru-,lion.
(5) A!1y hoe Lh of lWrapeullc servlo�Lra,?ilment, adwioa or Ins1.rUoion_
(a) A:nV sorvice, trcatmont, advice of InsEn,o1Iw for the purpose of appearance or skin onhancemc- lt. %fir
romoval Cr roplaoOnleriL or porswol groomi19,
(7} OpLini rrr hoarirg and kiwv s inc;luding Lha Prescribing. prepdralion, riLGrg. demorlsiralioi I vi dititribuLiur
cl ophl.N.1%c.Ii�nses and si-ni.@r pro&*a !s or hearir,� 'Sid de'rices=
(a] Loprometry or optomeme sertrt:*s ncivaing nut not Iwirrea to exemineticn or the eyL-s ano -ne ors{cnnmc,
prepsrsria-i, f"*.g—demonst•arinrr or disrfibUtion of ophtf",,Imic Isms and similar prcril legs:
(9) Any:
(a) Bocly piercing fnal including aer piercing);
(b) Tsttcoing, inclkAirrg hilt nci Iimired!o the inserrinn f~t pinmentg into or i mdar the skirt a:,d
(o) Similar ser'ADEE-,
(1G)Phermacaulical seneices inQ:uding bur not Iimiied to:
(a) The administerirg: prescribing, prepwing, distributing or compoLtnding o'. pharmeceubeal drugs.
Y=ingtiors, immunizations ar any of theircampanerft parts;
(b) The prt}xeiding of r,isilure m ffnvide hnm�heal-h care. or home inhigion product%r.,servir�,-s; arrd
(c) Advising and co isulrincg cua?amers;
(11)Compur-Er cor lting,deqicgn or programming aerVices: includ nq web sire cosign.
This exclusion appfrea ewer} if tha claims allege negligence or of -sr wong•dctng :n the rupeniEion, hiring,
-emp;oyment gaining or mcni orinq cf olhers by an insu fad, if the 'booily injury', ''property damage'_ or
'pef5Unp,I and ad rk#inq injtlr�' Sri.9N o;rt of the re.nderinq of or tnF- f$ilure. to render ary prale:35iOnel
Pa,agraphq (4) and(5) of;hid exo:URion do not apply t4)the Incide.nia: Allen oil Malpractice cGveregj�. afforded
Under paragraph I-e-'n gK-lon A. Coverages.
k, Da"ge TQ PropeiTy
'Property darrla! 8e"to:
(1} Pvopertyr you own: rer+t or=u pw: including any co.!qs of expenses it--erred by YOU: -or any oilier person.
or�anlzzition or efftrty- for reoaiv, eep aminmt, erlhancenlmt, rostorarlon or malmcn-ance of such property
tor are r roason, Includir g pro,vcntlon of Irjurp to a person or d^mago to mothac-s propmy;
(2} PeornIses you sell, give avray of alomdor.. Id the "oroperly+ damage arlms oul of arV part o' those
Forr'a 3t_00-00 10 19 Page 7 of 22
�2918. The Hartford
May inplu roOYrigtftd miller:al of IrbsoraaJrP�3er4-,e$Cfffice, Inc.,with 45 pprrnit%-onl.
} P;operty loaned to VOU:
(4} Persoral property in the care, custoc�- or conrrol al the insured;
(5) That parici i.ar part ci real prapw-mr nn which yrxr ar any r.rnt;r.,ctors or %jbr.a rr,aMnm kucrxi ng direr,Iy or
indir llw on y our behalf are performirg operations: f The 'property damage" arises out of those
(6) That parlicu-,gr park of any prorrert that must tv rez;Qred, repaired or replawd because 'Your vmrk' wrap
incorreolly performed on it.
Paragraphs (1). (:1) and (4) of -hls exclusion do not appV to 'property+ dan7agc" fothae than da go by
tired to prornisr , Ir•clAing tho contonts or such prcfr s, ranted to you for a pkrlod of 7 or low r
cor CL1t1VC dais. A soparnto 11mi-. of Insurance ajrllc-. Lo Damage To Prolillscs Rcriwd To Ycu as
dosaibod it Scdioi i D. Urn Is Or Ir saurariw.
Paragraph (2) oI Lhis exolusibil dons rviL aWlyr ii the prumifies a-to 'fur whurk' {'grid wsro novor OCuoi*d.
rentso 4,field for renLal by you.
Paragrapho{3) and (4)of this sxulusiun du riot apply LQ tt-e use of elGvELLOrs.
Paragraphs (3), (4). (5) arxi (8) o' this eLmClusjan do not apply Lo liability assuwed under a sidetrack
Paragraphs �3} and (4) of iris exclusion do riot apply to "properly ddMage" B borruwed equiprhetit while
not being:used to aerform operatiCME at a job s=1e.
Paragraph (6) ci this exclusion does not app y io 'property damage' irrc'.uded in the "products-completer
operations hazrrd".
I_ Ch3rrwge To Your Product
'lropert} damage" n 'vcx arocluct' arising c.rt a1 it or any part of it.
m. damage To Your Work
'Property clam,,Te` .o '• ojr wore` -arisirg otil of it or any part of it anct ir7riuoed in the "products-compl-eked
or,llons ha?.ard'
This exvIL:s ion doez not appy if the dim ged work or the woks otil of which Jh5 dameAe arises w as
pe,tormeci on yotir behalf h' a stit ntrvtor.
n. Iarnag:e To Impalreci Nopedy Or Property Not Physloal Iy Injured
'Property c na 8e"to 'impaired propel"or properly has nol been physica V injured. arising out of:
(1) A defect,deficiency, liiadegua or dangerois condillon In 'year praJuck' or'LrMir worFc'r or
(2) A delay or failure by yoi or anyone aCaing on your behalf to nerii,�rm a cony,,IV or ugreame" in
accordaroe wilt'~its terms.
Thls �mvuslon door not apply to the loss of me of other property a;s ng okt 01 suCbdon and aCciclental
physlcal injury Lo'you r product"or'ya,Ar r xW'alkor it has boon puL Lo L ir,Londod use.
o. Recall Of Pmdlucts,Work Or Impmlred property
L amapes clalmod for any Ion. cost or orrso Incufrod by you or olhers ror tl7o loss or use. WItcIrawai.
reca: , IrLepoebor:, mpalr, replacamont. adjustmeriL, romoval or disposal G1-
(1) "Your piaduct'.
(2) "Your work';or
(3) "Impalrod proportyr';
it such product, worn or propotty Is wl-hdrawn or meallod born the market or rrortr use by any porsor or
organizal.ion b use al a Know or swpocl.od delocL,-deilcioncy, ioAequacy or CLmg-Profs condilion in It.
p. Personal And,4dvartlsing Injury
'FV:rsor`,,I and adyulising ini.Ary+':
(1} Axlsing out of oral, wrlmn. elcctronio, or any vlhor mannor of publication of matcrlw. If dodo by or at thom
dirccLion al L-no insured with knor HMCo of -Is lalsiLy;
Feem3li_00t0b1g19 Page-aiA22
t 2018. The Hartford
rMay inplu oopyrigtftd male--al of lnsuran�-,e.;3er4oes Office, Inc.,with 45 permis%-pn
(2) AYi5inq out of -Dral, wrier, esegtrpnk--, or any other man ne.r of pjlali-!�at~;pn of material who-4e firyt
publicaton took plate before the-oegipr ing of the policy period;
(a) AfiSing out cff q criminal vt corr.mitred;oy or at the direoiGn of-he ryetired;
(4} Aii5ing oti, al any hrp;t.h of Gontr&W, except an implied -,on;raci to ti3e -anMers "advertising ides{ ii,
(% Axlsing out of the ial-ure of goods, produces or services to ooniorm, wish any 31alement of gtlalo or
porf-ormance maw, In V-ou r"adaoftwnlont':
W prising out of the .vrong dew ptior.of the price of pads, pr-odum or services;
(7) prising out of;
(a) Any actual of all eo i-leingemerYt o, violation of any irull lual propel' rights, such Lis copyright:
patent �Igfxt of publ i.�- lradcm.ark, trade fJixcss- 1r c- name- trado socret. sc rwlee mark or other
dosig na'lon or origin Of tIulh-21111city: or
(b) Any injury or damage allrjged in aiiy+claim ur `suit"Mal.aso alli�gas an ir'Ir ngoniunL fir vio:-diorr of any
inLallo lual WFI-M� righL whether such allegailor.or Intrirpgement or vlol-3tlon 6 irado against you, or
by y"ur by any Wier parLy i-malwed in Ll:v-olairn r.rr"*vAL', regardless ul MieLh or this insu�aricu woull:�
otnervrise app;y.
However, -his exclusion does rat apply f the only a5l3gation in t -9 claim or 'suit' irvolving any irlellectua
properly right is limited in:
(i) Ir7fringemerrt, in your"adwe tisemew.",uf:
e- Ccpyrighl;
b, Slogan; unless-he slogan is also a t:rademert,trade dress. trade rame, service ma,k or other
dgsionaWn a1 orinin rw authent�ty:nr
4,.. Title of any literary or at7isti+G%P�ork; or
(It) or�i, in ,cur ,:adw 3ernen1`. a person's GF organization'% 'adverlising idea' or 15W- of
Paragraphs (7)(b)II above sh3:i not appl} to claims or 'sulk` alheg-rig Intr-ngemenl or vlolatior of trademark,
Lrade dress. ,rado nam o, sc-rvco mark or otllof desig nalIG 1 of Oflglrl Or-aulhonticlty,
(a) Airlsing M of an offense oommlM-d by an Insured whose bras ness is;
(a) Aduoitlsing-broadcasting, pi;bllsh ng of telecasting;
fib) Des�ning or oetennining cc"ent of weo sites for c1hers; or
(c) An I nten,et search.Foss, oonle'rt ae servioe provider.
However: this e%rlu!�ion dG�e.s nM apply to PartgraohG a., b- and c- Under the definillf)n of 'per!3pnal and
advertising injur+" n-Section F. LIMIIIJV Arid Medlcai ETemes DOnitions,
For the purloosos of this ox-duslon. the olaelrlg of framc*, borders, of Ilnks, or adwe4sing, for you or
clhors aaywhem on Lho Ilk',I lot, Is r0L oyr iLS011, considafed flv bu�incss oI advertising, br dcasting.
publishing 00 i ua�Liilg;
(E� Axlsing ouL of an c�xvonk,char room of bul%,,tln board LW insueccF owrs, or over which Lho insured
i9x0r.0"S Gai*ul;
(1 O) rising out of Leis unaulhorized use of anolhur's riarne or prudi.&A in your a-mail adds-+ss, dornaaii nanho or
mu Wags, or airy ogidr similar La;Gcs Lo mislead ailuther's pot-oriGa3 cu;}I0rrlors:
(11)kising rruL of the violation ul a pervon's right al pdvacy ureaLed by anyr sL-Le or federal oul..
However. this sxclu;s on does riot apply to IiaWky !fir darnag&!E that the insured wci-.ld ha-re i n Lhe
abs-snue ul suuh sL-Le or lede•:jI act:
(12)Afising o.jt o+l:
(a) Advertising oonlent Far whers on your weo rile:
(h) Plauirvg a link Lo a web sito oaf off--om on your wob situ:
FGFm St-g$ OD 10 19 Page 9 a!22
Q�2018. The Hartford
rMay in lu Gopyrigtftd ma1FL.•.al of Ir.3or# ;}ffi-,e$Office, Inc.,with 45 pprmic�%-pni
(0) Content f.,Dm a web !3 i)f alher!3 displayed ►vitiiin a frame ar torder on yrpt.t, wrb site. C�Onlent
�,olrtdes�nf-,) o nnation, de, "Und% Rext, gYapblC--%or,rrages; or
(d) ComptiW Code.Spftwara Ur pr0g�amming UgPC to enable:
(I) YoUrweb site;or
(li) The p eserftst on nr funciionalityr of Ftn ';gdvRrisemenr' nr c?her c;onzerft on your web sire;
(1 a)Afising c)A of a viokF60n of any anti-t(ust la%v;
(14)Ari5ing i:)iit of the flUilualiQn in prime orvalue of a-iV stpgk5, None or Q*—.r 5ecurti�5;
(15)Aricing our of .9ny scre!3s to Dr dicAncaire of FLny persnn's nr orgF.nizsIipn`& con fidewfrial G• persona:
infofmatic—i, including patents, 'wade secrets, arccessing tnet'iod3. cur-omer lists, financial Informajori,
credit card Inlormtion, health Inforradon of any other type of nonpubllc in'ormation.
This exclusion applies eves r damages are claimed for noVicalio�i costs, eredii monilor ng expenses.
forensic expenses, oublic relations expenses or any other loss. cost or expense incurred by you of othf;fs
afasing out of and c%m to & disclosufo of arry person's or vganizatlonls corifidonkil or oomonal
(16)Afioirtg out -ur Lhe o-Nr,ership, rradrilertanue. use ur rrnil•ukrterd :u ol.hu,s of any atrcraiL LhaL u& ar-
'JrtrrtM106d airu-2,IL". use inci,duA Uporabon and 'Iuaidir�p or urllfiadirlg'.
This rrxclusion applies even if Lh-P clairns against any insured allege iiegligimue or other wrongdoi-V in the
supervision, hiring, employrmerfl, training or moriitbrirq of others b3' tha- nsured. ii ilia 'permnal and
ad-mrtieing injury" erFses out of the awr-amh?p. meirdenance, use or antrustrnent m others o= any aircraft
that is an 'unmanned aircraft'.
However, this exdusion does not spulyr F the cnly+ el legation in the claim or'suii" invakees en irrtellectua
properry right which is bimited tu:
(a) Inirinxlament, In your'adverllsernont',of;
(I) apyr-ht;
(Il) Slogan; od
(111)Trtie of any lk*rgy of artistic work;or
W Copying, in Your "adverkemert", a permn's or orpan�zat�on's 'adverlisit'� idea' of si}le of
�. Access Or DfSclOfure Of COntlden&d Or Perwal Infornratlon And Data•Fielated I-lsblllty
(1) Damages because ot'Iodliy Injury"of-properLy damge'arislN out of any access to or disclosure of ary
parsons or organi tion's 0017rloolltlaj or pcfsonal Infonnallon. Ircludlrtg palents_ trade secrets,
processing meLhocls, custof'.>,er lisls, linandal Inormailon, cradit cwd Inlormakn, health Irlotmatlon or
any olhor L�pa of nor-public nformilUon:or
(2) pampas axlsing out or tho loss off. loss 01 ttse ol. darna- fe go. corrup,ian-or. irlab.11t -o aao~s, or in@b.11ty
to mari1pulaLe 'elq::lrunic&LW.
This Oxcluslor) Applies -Dyer) it such d-afli age are ClalMod ror noVicail" its. cr&dit moo Iofint ; xVamt os,
Forerisic extaerisas, pub c relaGorts expanses or arty oltier Imo, cusl. or expense incurlod by you or Lath
arising fluff of Ihat whiom is dascribed in Paragrapdis(1) cr(2) above.
However, un-ess Paragraph (1) above apples. this excluEAon doer, not ap�31yr la daynapea because of 'b odi'}
r. Employment-Ftslaleod Practices
'Bodily injury"ar"pe,Eonal anb advariising injury'to:
(1} A persor: arising out of any:
(a) ReL-Eal to employ that person.:
(h) Termination c=tnat peraGn's employment: w
Fartm St_00 0010 19 Range 10 a!22
t 2018. The Hartford
rMay inplu rCipyrrifl#rtd maiFy-al of lnsur# �3et4-,e$Office, Iric.,with 45 Rprmis%-pn
(c) Employfrq--m-ruled prar tirP-3, pr lic ids, srla nr nmis5ign%, -,RIC—1 as merrinn, damrAon, eVAIUS-on,
,eassignmert, discipline, deafama-icn, -iaramrnent, humkai or, 6scr�r*inalion, malicious pro&eWior
or false arrest a fected at thLv person:or
(2} The spouse, chid. parent: tvother or si r of tht loerson as aL consequence of'bo6ly injrr�' or"oersona.
wd advertising irjury' to t)at person at whom tangy of the -employrf5enl-related practices described it
Paragfaphs (n). (b), or(c) above is dlrcelod,
1 his ox-cluslon applies:
(1) Whethor -lie tnjury-causlng evorvt d=rlood -n Pa,agxapihs (a)- (1)), of (c) aboue occurs beraro
employment, during einployf ont cr actor employ rnom o I that person_
lwhother ilia insured may be Ilable�as an orrploy or or In any otwr capac4: and
(3) To -ally obligabon Lo share dafnapos xfo-or fcpay sonicont�else w iho musE pay damagcs because 6 t11c
�, �h,sbc�tos
(1) "Bod:ly irljur�" 'proper'y damage" or "personal and advertising irijury" arising cut W Lhe "asbosles
(2) Aily ciamagee.J udg vwws. su iuemoftits. Icss_cows or experlsas that,
(a) May fie wrdvJW or iricurred by Orion Of any olairn or "Suit' alloging aulual ur '.hraale-:uc i-ijury ur
damage of any nature or kind m perEnns or property which would not have uccurred iri whale cr it
perl hui for the 'aabestns hazard';
(h) Arise out al' arr •aqusst, remand. -order or statitoryr or egulatory requirsrnent that an insured or
others test fur, monitor. mean up. %move. enceps-ila:e, contain, treat, detoxify or neutral ze or ;n any
way respond to or assess 1 h e sffem.9 of an 'asbest-ns hazard';nr
(c) Arise out of any cialm ow"salt'for dayrrages because of to-sling for. fnonlloring, cleanIN up, ref�rowhig,
oncaps Iw.Irg, conlal nInp. 1raatinl . dotoxiry!ng or rreulrallzing or 1.9 ary way ro-sponcling to or
ossirig the oifcct! of afl "asumlos hazard",
t, F;bocording And plstrlburllon Of Matorlal Or inroretallon In Vlolatlon Or Law
'E300y injufy'. "urupur.y uNlliigv', or "pia—wrial ar)d adyorGsing Mjury" aeis-ny dircclly or iindirocuy ouLol ar-y
Tact-on or omisSion that wiolatCL or i-s a;�ogcd to 5Aola:
(1) The Tolcplorbc Oonsumor ProLa:.Gcn Act?YOPAI, ilicludir-g any arric-ndrl oill.01 ar addi lion Lo sue)�atw_
(2) The CAN-SPAM Act of 204a. Includlry any amendment of of add-ton to such 4 w;
(3) 1 he I'air-1�focla kapofting Act (FCFAJ. and any amcrci nerYt of or addltpon to such .aw. includirrg the wtair
and Accum 4:redit Trar",ael.ion Acl. fFACTAJ; or
(4) Any loderal_ Mtc or local sty uNt, ofdlnanca or regulation, othor than tho rCPA_ CAN-SPAM Act or 2r 3
or FORA and Muir mmeridmeWs and add•,Gons. Lr)L eodressoy_ prohlbits of Iimils Itio printi%
dissewinalion. di-sfosal, wllec;.JnU, rwmrdinp_ sanding- trar-,sni hir}g. corrimunicaling or distriouiian of
mal.erial or information.
Dama-ge To P ramisss Rent-ed To You—Exception Far Damage By Fire, Lightning Cr Explosion
Exr.usiors c, ih uugh h. and k. through .0, do not apply to dafiage oV f•e.. lightning or explosion to premises
r$nted to you cr temporarily occupied by you with permission of tt-e cwne•. A separate limit of insw snce applies
to rhis COVErage as degcrihed n.5erricr, D. Liabiliiyr And Medics Exoer;es _imir.r,CA;nsirrance.
2_ Appliceble To Ifle+dioal Ex"nse9 Ciuerege
We will not pay expenses for 'bodily injury':
s. Any in!!IUFE4d
To any insui-ad, except 'vol untaer workers".
h_ Flired Person
To a person hired to do work for or on behalf of any insured or a tanant of any insured_
FGFm SL 00-00 10 19 Paige 11 ad 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
rMay inwlu ropVrigtft d ma1FL.'al of Ir.30r ;3er4-,es Mice, Inc.,with 45 pprmi�%-Onl.
0. Injtir-yr On ronmQll+y 00pupi Premige.9
To a-)er.=.on inj;jrM on thst pAri o-prc rr ises you own cr r�n:1f-gr the pprse-i -iar nally-Dc:ijp.-s.
d_ Wnrkers' Compensation And Similar Laws
To a pef��n, i0e.1Fer cr r-nt an 'employee" cif any insured, if t-nefiig for me 'bnc.-I{ rjL1-r' gre pSyMbIP. cr
rr:ugr b8 nmxrdec,c.nner a-.vnrkers' rx mFx-nsation nr disa Mlily her afire Isw c r,z A n :sr Isvr.
A4thlelivs Activities
To a persc to ir.ured while pragtipinq, inetrjctirg or pL=,rti-,ipeling ir- pi-y phyRicsl eyercises pr gar-eg, Tnrig or,
athlelic c.pn1P-3;e.
f, Produel - plelred O r$Il0rrs FEaxard
lnoluded with the 'prndumT -cif'—olmed opersriew-%h zard'_
g_ Ru:sIness Lliablilily Excir,�Wone
Excluded under,RusinesS LiabiiilY Cotieefage,
1, If you arc Msignatod In tho Doc-arallons as;
a. An individual, y-ou and your wouw are nsureds: but only with respect Jo the conduct of a bLjs•ness. other
thxan that 4escnbed in 1}.througf e. below_of whIn you aw the solo owner
b. A pailncfnip or JoI4A wrilwo. you arc an In vArc-d. Ye ii rncmbc�rs, our parin-ors. and 1holr spousos are also
insu"Otly_but only with mspacl.Lo IN�,,orrducl.of}'uc.• businoo s.
C. A lifrrlod I;abllrt� ocflpany, yG.A afo an Insured. Your mi�Tlbors afo also Ir sumds, bul Orly with resooct to the
wndLiCL cI your busirri�.ss_ Your rannaclers ar%� .nsun@dG. bul. only x-dtei respect Lo thoir duliC�2 as your
d_ An orgsr.&Ht'•nn nther -.hrn g psr;nership. jcirr wp.rtL:ra or Iimiren Iiabiliiyr Corr-ps-q, y ii rare sn irrsured. Your
'exealve oifioam' end directors ate ins.ireds. on- only with raspec. to -heir duties as your offices or
direplipr5. Your%opkhgldarg are al5p insrr'Rog nr r :-in y with r"pept tp trF,.i r L=hil ity eq rt thold-�re.
e. k vurl.lroti ere an inured. Yourtrusre.n Bra :jIgr ir-s.r;red�, but Only vii-h reqpect rn their dutie3 a!3
2. =srh r=t'-a follrwii rg ig ,Igo sr 1 r:umd.
a. Employees And VOkunleer WorkEFS
Yojr 'VQIkirteer wQrker3" on y wrile rip-N?rmincj duties related lc) the ggndergt gi yqur ty,*in e, or yoerr
'emplgti'eLe5', other than ether your 'eveputi -- officers' ('rf yrgrr afe 4�n organ.2at-Dn glher -hen a per inership,
jpirrr ventire or Iimiteid Iiabilily Company) of ynur manag T�qyu are. a I rr ted Iiahilily Company), but only for
acts wlthlrn tMc scope of their emp+oymet't ter you or while loeric-rming deities related to the candw of your
Howcvcf, nono of thCsia"ernocyccs"of"ualunti,,cr wofkvrs'afc inGurcds for;
(1) 'Bod•Iy i njury'or 'persoral anti admtsl ng Injury':
(a) I o you, to ��r padnors or mem rs (ft you arc a partnofshlp or joint %-omurc}, to }ojr rn mbois ,.r
you aro {n IinilLe0 Iiabi:il.' company), or 10 a co 'ernployG-2' whilo in thin cj�vrs@ of his o, hor
employment u- perlormirra rjuLies rola-ed eta the i�ariduol of your busirie s, oT Lo your cmhear 'VolunL-+er
vworWN"wh Iw pi�rlcirrrrirg duiiexs riAaLkirs Lo Lha umducL oI y cur businosd ,;
(h) To Me spouse, child. pysunl., brolfier u, sister of Nal w-'employee" or Rul. 'VolunLear wwwr' aS a
consaquerce of Paragraph (1)(e)above;
(0) For xvhiuh Lhere iv, any ob:paiion Lo share darnages with or repay Furrrriorre ells who rrrU-yi pay
darnages because of the injury described in Paragraphs(1)(a) or(b)above;ur
(d) Arising ou-of I-is or her prowirjing or failing to provda prcfessioral health care serwioes.
It you F.re roil rn tha buariess of providing pra=eesional rvalih care rrervices. Paragraph(d)dae*�not appy
to ary nu rae.emeraeroyr medical technician or paramedic emp'fly ad by you to provide sucl- sera ces.
(2) Tropsrlyr dsma€e'to property:
Eorr'a SL 00 OD 10 19 Page 12 of 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
iMay in lur*ropVrigtftd malt:,--al of Ir.30r# �3er4-,e$Mice, Inc.,with 45 RermiR%-0n
(a) Owned, OWLipied or USed b}:
(b) Rented io, in the care, custQdyr or r.ontrol of, or agar w'iich phpscal coniml is being ex-ercised for any
purpose by you, any of yrpUF "f�MPQYReZ 'VO.uni r wprker.3", ar-y Iartne' rx member of yQu ere a
parine.r5hip or joint venture),-or ary memoer 'If nu are. a limited Iiabi Iky Company).
b. Real Estate Manager
Array person ;other t`ian '�olir 'enUlo "or Nolunteer xworker"I. Qr any o�-Wi7atiori while ac`in-� as your rea,
estate manager.
c, Temporary Custodians 01 Your ptvperty
Any person oy organl?atlon havir- j proper temporary Custody of your propery if you dre,but only
(1) 'A di respect;o Ilablllty adslr� out of the ri alrilerlarKe or use o'that propery; and
(2) Un-JI your �epkl r8rasertELtve has loee:n appointed.
d. Legal Represe<nta"Ve iII You Dle
Voir Ie.pal wresentrilive -f you die, but only with respea to duties as smh. That representative will have al
your rl�hts and cLit-es inderthls knsurance.
e, Unnamed Swl;sldlary
Any subsidkary and sibsicliary thereof, of yours which .-s a ( ally incorporated entry of Y1'llch you uyn a
finandal Interost o' more Than 50-'0 of the voting stock on the cffoetivc date of this Covcjagc Part.
NO in:;uranco aifordeci loroln for my subsdlary not slicmn In tMo Doclaratloms as a namoc Insurod Wos rot
apply Lo ir'jury of darrogo wiLI1 r%aSpOol to which an insured undar this insurance is �nlso ail insured undar
anoNer pcliuy or wouki be an insured under such pUily burl for its lelmination ur upon itie exhaustion of its
IirrliLS cal ir-a.rdrzo.
3- ML-wlyr Acquired Or rurerie-d Organixetian
Any nrgenzrtion VOL. newly ar'n-Jrs or form, ether rhan a pannersh p, jnini WP-niLlQQ or Iir9mri liability mmpsny+.
and aver which weu ma.ntsin t.narcisl interest o'. more -han 50% of the voting Stuck, will qualify as a Named
In�iir-rd V tl�.n=io no othar 5imila-r nsuranpe ewe.lel :a 1hLqt Crgenizatior). However_
a. Govem.0Lm under 1hi!3 prnwigii)n i!�efiorded only urFfil ;he I f NII dial+after'�OU arQDire 0,turrn the erg$nizafipn or
tte end of the policy per.od,whichever is earlier;and
b- Wer,,ge under the p,ovieion duet ngt apply to:
(1) ''god I}i njtir�'or 'property damage'that oCCUrred;�)r
(2) "Parsonel a-nd Eulverti5ing injury"arming out of are offenRa t )mmitrari
beio.e ynii ac:gtrired or formed if e oM.-;nizalon.
& operator Of Mobile Erb-ripment
Wit r-95pec:'tc amgbile 1-7qt1ipmp11t"rnyr per5on is an inc,jred while driaing h e ipment along a p,jbliC highway
with your oer-i.lion- Any .0the• person or r p4neible for the candurt of suYh person is also an
Irzured. but only with respect 1e I,abllrty w s ng oit of the operatlor of the egudDment, ar�d only Ii no other
Insurance of an K-rid Is avallable zo than pc-,son or oqanntior ror this liability. Noworrol. no peron or
or�anizxion .S an Insured wlLll fospe;.L Lo:
a. 'Bodll� Ir-Iury-to a co-"vlllWE cc of the person drlwlN nc equIprrli�nt; of
b. 'pf-operLy daillago' 10 prolxr;y owned by, rem d Io, in Lhe cnargc of 01 =L;picd by you of the ofrplayor of
any person who is ati ii1surod undor Lhis provjOon.
5. Operator of Nonwned Watemraft
Xis respecl to waWrcra!L you do nos owns thail is -foss I!h@n 51 teel on!�and is iiol.t9ing used to carry pomons or
proparr.y for a diargs, any psrswi is an iriswea while oparaLing such watercrafi with yu-jr Peru! pion. Any oL;ier
pfarsori ur orgarii. alien r xansibld for IN uunduoL Of such per�ior: is also ail irxSurud, but partly -rriLh rbsp9LlL Ic
liability arising oui cd the operation of the watarcratt. and only it no ocher insurance of any kind is ava.ilable sa :hat
person or cirganixabon for WE Jat�lity.
Hoyeiswer, nG peni?orr or organixaiion is an inau°-sd with respect to:
FGFm SL 00 0010 19 Rage 19 of 22
(r,2018. The Hartford
rMsy in lud*Copyrriptrtd maier:al of Insor# �3er4-,e$Mice, Inc.,with 45 pprmit%-onl.
a. Sodily,iriuryp to a cp-"empipyee' Df She person operating the watercraft;or
b- 'Pr-ppem damega' to properly owned by, rerled to, in t1ne charge of or ooa.jpied by y cu or 1he employer of
any per n who i:s an n9ured under this provi!�i,)n.
No person or orgarkatiort is an insured M11, respW to tie conduc.- of any cLirrent ow past parMrship: joint wenlure or
Ilmi,ed iial�10 cornpariyr that is rmk shown as a Named Irwred 9 thte Declarations,
1. The Most We Will Pay
The Limits Of 11surance sl'otur1 n the Declarations and the miles be4ow fix the most we -Nils pay reordless o' [he
number of:
a. Irzarods:
b. Clalmc maole or'su its"br-ought;or
c, Pvscns or orgariz�tior s n7akJrig claims or t�rif7gdf7g ' u ',
2. Aggmqlate Limits
The rest wee vJ1 pay try,
a• Damages oerause of todlly Injury~ and 'propery d;rna�e" Included In the 'py-oducts-cornpleled operation-%
hazaf-d"Is the P-roducts-Compieled Operwims Adgrogat-o Llml`srtiow11 In 4hc declarations,
b. Damages because o1 al: ctricr "bodily injury', 'VopGfty &i n c' of 'personal and advertising injufr.
includirn�nodical er , is ft Gi inera;l ApgrugLao LirniI shown hi It'o Nc:lartaLiiris.
This Goncrai -�fogate limit dons noi. applyr to 'proporyy oamagc' lo promises wFLilo ren'm to yoj or
lampw@Oty ucc;upiud by you Y4 V.permission?or ;h-q ownae, ar.Siny oul o'1 I iria- iighlning di erploGion-
3- F30h UBoUrrbndc Lirnit
SulApct to 2.a. or 2-b above, whichever apples. the most we will pay for the sum of all damages because of all
"bodily injury{': "prcperyr damage" and med:xl expenses arieing aft of any one "occurrence" is t-is Liabili]y and
Medical Expenses Limit shown in the Dedarp4ia:is.
Th- mrrs- l4e will pay for :all medical expenses bP-rquse of 'bodjhyf iniUry' sL ained by any one pprsan iR the
[Medical Expenses Limit shmyn in the DedaratiQn5.
& Per9ane1 And Advartl!sing Injury Limit
Subiect#o 2.b- above, the rno%l wee -Auill pay for the sum of all damapes becawe of all "personal and adverti5inp
injury' suatginx-d Ipy any one per3Qn or organization is the Personal and A,dueriiging Fnjiiry Limi. shown in the
5- damage To PremL3es Rented To You Limit
The Damage To Premnse!� Rented To You Limit is tie mUq we Will paw Urder 6U!3ineM Liability CQveMge for
dam es becmme of 'pr-operty damage' to aqn one orem4es. while rented to y w: or Ir the use of damage b'�
IIre. Ilghtnlrg or explosion,whilo fcroj%_d to you ortomporarlcu occupied by you with permission of-he owner.
In ilic ctisc ct cu nago by Ilrc. Opining or uxploslorn, tic Da:magc to prcmims Rortod To You Llrnil applies to tall
damage proximalOy u!ocd Ly .fie emir ovonL wheftr suer dan iay.y r ulLs Irom tire, lightnlirg of ax*sion or
any comblrahon o'1 those.
5. how Limns Apply T-0 Additional Insureds
Thi3 rnmit vw will pay or) lasl4l' of a pE�rsuri or argw:izaki i wl-u is an ciddil.oria1 irivutbd under Lllis Curer]go PiUL.
is Me lossl�f ol:
a. The limias or insuraiwe rriyuired in a wrilLeri curdrarl.,wriLlern ugfi3amera or pumiil.: or
b. The Limits-or Insurar-ce*fxawri ir -.he Ce araiions.
Such annowil. she] W a uarL oI Lind roL in addikn Lo the LimiLs of InGufanco shorn ir- ilia QocUraLions wid
described in this 5l�c:ticn.
If more than one limit 4f insuraric,e under this Policy and any enw-irssmente altached -herslo applies 1a anyr claim or
'su'V. the most we will pay under thi8 Policy and the i9ndorsernents is lho Single higher{ limit of liabilil7 a' all
Feem SL 00100 10 18 Page 14 ad 22
(r,2018. The Hartford
May inplu ropyrigtftd maler:al of Insor# �3et4-,e$Mice, Inc.,with 4s permis%-pn
t nvp.rage� applicaol s t-o h Haim or 'suil". H-Dwpver: this paragraph qaei not apply tQ the Me l Expr)�-es limit
set sort-) n Paragraph$. above.
The Limits of Insurance (yf this Coverage Parr apply separately to a -pn:3 K* annual Wriod and to any
main ng period of less than 121 mpnf . rting twith the beginrung of the policy period shown in the Duration;,
unless the pollcy period Is extendod ab,,f Issuance tof an adddlonal period of Less than 12 months, In 1hat case, the
addltIGgi3l pof lad will be dc-omod per•-or Jho test pfoccding podod tof-ourposcs of doletmInIN ft Llmlls of Insu rand.
1. Bankruptcy
banKwp-cy or Insorvoncy of T.-C I:lsflr&J 01 of Lf o inSdrod's os-xa will not rollevo us Oft our obllgabans ender tt is
Cuverage Pu:L.
2. Qulift In Tho EworrL 01 OcturrQhCO. Offvnso. Cltirn Opt Suit
im, Native Of OcC�UFFIMCG Or 0Ilense
Yo,j or any -adoi Goi is nuur,-J urydar Ih S Covora�c Parl. rr1 LaL 9e9 Lo I Mal we arc nolificd as soor-
prac:livable ul any"ucuur-ance' :rr aii ufrerisu wh c-i m-3y rssu:I in a cl-im. To the sxbow possible. nulice should
(1) How,wham and where the"occurrence"or offense book place;
(2} The names and addresses of any injured persona and -ni'.nesses: ar•d
(3) The nature and Iocakn ni any injury or darnage arising our of 1he"occur•ance' or a=rense.
h. Native Of Claim
I= a claim is made or"suit' is broughi against any ir.sired. you or any additional irsired ur•der If-is Goverage
Past must:
(I} I mmrsr. at-Rly rarcyd the .per.idics M the cla rr or"eui ' and the date-ereivM. : and
(2) Nn-F-j i.F,ss upon 4a5 practiCabla-
Yui of F3r.y acditional i nsiired under this Part rrnist see to it that vie rer:eivia a wri-ten nolice of the
o�aIm or''si.i ' ak boon a:3 pra, ' caolp.
c. A willMnue And Cooperation Of The Insured
Ymi and a ny ether irvolvprl inMuraci n,iq:
1) tmmegately send us espies cff any r=x. nd , notces: stim nonseq a'f>Yt) kl paparz r ived in 1-,Qnne.gtion
with the claim ckf'�uik':
(2) AArthor 7a-js to qt in recofds and other irfofmation;
($) Cooperate with us i-n ti,.e investigation,seMlerrenl of the cL�im or dense againgl the 'suit-; and
(4) A-ssisr iis, iipnn nur request, in Thee Fnfr;rcPmenr of err} right againsr any pi-u3on or orgardzatinntha- may
Iv--teal-,--to;he insured bK,,jse :)f injury or damage to which this instir-ance ma: ajso ap*.
d- CbII�$#Ion!s Al The Insured'%Own C W
No ir--!�jred will, ewcept at t�7at in:sured':3 Qiyn cot: volki-ftrilyr make a payment, a:3:3Uri4� any ¢l�l igaiioc: or
inctir any ev-oenc�e: otherth�n!or°Irst aid,'h'rthou1 ouf wnsent-
e. A ddlilonal Insureds Other Itnsurance
I= vie wver a cleirr or"std-.' under this garage Part t w may aim be cmerea by aver insurance availalole
to an additional Insu fed inner this Covefage Part, such additional insured must submi- such claim or"sulk' Jo.
dw othof Insurcf fof dofonse and Ir'Aa nnitp,
Iloweacf, MIG pro,rs;on 6ocs nol apply to 1ho oMnt that you ?patio agrcod In a wdltca contract, wrkten
:i3 �t rrlc ill Or piMY i. L-iut Biis inuufanC* :,S prirnary �-md -ion zoiitribuL-ark' wiLI1 such addilioila: incur I's Own
ii isu-E.ncs.
f, Knuivi6dg-9 Of An Occurriance,Glfam% Claim Or Suit
Pa,aye--3pf•-,s a. arwJ Is. apply LD you -or :u any+ a,ddiliunal insur-od under this Cox-era�p Part oily when such
I=u±rerce'-offense,claim-or'su T'ae kncfbvn to:
Fairm SL DO 0010 18 Range IS ad 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
ihft inwlu roOYrigtftd ma1FL.•-al of Ir.30r �3et4,es Cfifice, Inc.,with 4s pprmic�%-pn
(1} You or any adMon#d in5Ured undar this average Part tat i:3 en i-diwidual
(21 Amy partner, ii you or an addrtonal insured under this Coverage Part is a pannership;
(9) Any msnegar, if yrrau Qr nn addilionpl iMrrrer:.inder thin CQvmr.qqIP. PFkrt ii p limited iphlity fiompnny:
(4) An-1"executive officer'-or in-.9ti f ance manager, if y4U or Eir addilional insured jnderthis verge Par;s a
corporrat on
(5) A rill.n_L-,1ee: ii you or an adclibanal instire-d under this Coverage Part ic%a 1rU:3 i;or
(6) An-1 elected or appanteo vffciai, li you or an additicinal insweor under this Coverage Pal is a polilica.
subdlvlsIm or publlc on'ityr,
This pa:rVraph f.aEpplws separat-eIy to you and any additional nsured ursder this Coverage Parl.
3. Legal ectllon Against Us
No person or-aTani2 n has-,I e.ght Under this Coverage Part:
a. To join us as a party or othervise brink us i do a'suit' askir�for clwa�es from an insured:or
b. To&je Us Dn this Coverage Par.vnle93 a:I of its teimg Lave been fully oomp-ed with.
A person, or organi7 ;Ion may We us to remver on ai afire ed setdemerrl or on a f inag judgment alai r)st ar
igsured: but we YAI no'. be Ilable for darnages tha' aro nc1 pe,yabo urde~,*e l-arms of thls Insurance-or that a,e Ir
Oxca2s of 1ho appl blo limit or insuranco. All agrlod soltlomcnt =,nns to s0lIernont and M-easa 01 liability
sigiligd fly us, I.;% inyurod and 1.I1a clairilk-in'Or Lhe u1i ieriaws Iogal roprowrr.a~ivu.
4. Sepamflon Of Insureds
Fx pl. with i ospc -L L b Me% Limi Lb of leisurrai iuo- Ord any rightiLs or duties 6pocil icallyr {'iss grlod i it this Poli-I LO tilt
first Named Insu•srt, Lhis insurance implies:
a. AS it ttif,:1iil%d In8urOd Ka li�ic L1ic ugly Na i:�d hisur-il; )nd
b. Separately is ea:h insured agairsi who n a cla:rn is made or"au it" is thought.
5. Rapreaentartions
a, When You Accept This Policy
By acospting ih-!s policy. y mi agree:
(1) The stetsmerim ir• -he Dec,araiions are a-ixurate entd complete:
(2} Those statements are based upDn mere=_entarior=_ ;rcc made to us;and
(3) Ws have issied this Policy-7 •vli�:.nca upon yor.r rap-sseriafions.
b. Unintentional Failure Ta Disckma Naxards
K unirrer.fiona Iy you should fail to bkk:cJosa a;l hazards reiating Lo ilia uorxiuci of your business at the
inception dale of this Coverage Part, ws s-�all not deny any overage under this C-Dwerage Part because of
such failure.
5. Other Insurance
If ocher xralid and co1ectible insurance is eva ahla -a, a loss vo-- ccwer under ihi.=. Q:iYerage Part. our ooligatiors
are liMhOd R4 inl-cnws:
B. Primary IneurenOe
This inaLrarLe is primary L-xcept xvher b. belcw applies_ If other nsurance ss also primary, v� vY;ll share vMh
nil thpi nther insure ncp. by tf a mp.`hixl dp.srribad it c.
b_ Exaesa Insurance
This insuranceL is excess over a-Ty of the rO—r inaro-rarce, 1AuhFther primary, exr:eas. continge.nt or nn sny cAher
(1) YcUF W-Drk
That is Fwa: Evenced Cnver{ge, BkOlder'5 Risk, lnstallRtion frisk, Oarer Cortmiled Inar.rancm Program
or OGIP, Coniractor Controlled Insurance P"i-am or CCJP, INfap Up I-ic�Uranc-_ jr %rriiar c4yefafle for
FGFm 3t_Opp t50 10 19 Barge IS ad 22
t 2018. The Hartford
rMay in lu ropyriSl d ma1e-.al of ln3ur# �3e 4-,e$Office, Inc.,with 45 pprmit%-Onl.
THE 11
(2) P remises Rented To YDu
Thrt is f re, lightening or axplrsian insum rime for premises rented to you or Iemporarilyr -nompisd by you
kuirh permissiar}of the awrer;
�} Tenant Lishil ity
That is insurQni-,e PH rchased ter yQll 10£YWEI'your Iiahiliry as a t-Rnsnr for"property damage" to premises
renCeO t-D YOU or temporarily ocr:up+e.d hw }oti with permission of the owner;
(4) AiMral� Auto or WpterMft
If the Ion ark-s ou`of the rmintensrrR or use ri sir�:-aft, 'Ailto.R' or insumn.fart rn the ex'arrt rim stihiect in
E�xcl0,%ion g_of Section R-Exclusbns,
(S} Property damage To Borrowmd Equipment Or Use 01 ElrW0F9
tf she Ios%ariczes OL11 of 'P'0171erty dam# ' to t;orrcwd equipm-ent or the u3je of elevalor5;0 the exte.M rot
subject to Exclus%on k.-of Section �_ Fxcluslons.
(6} When You Are Xdde(f A%An A¢d itilo"I Insured To 01her Insurance
That is otner insu rance available to �,ou coverin-� ial�ility for damages aris ng out of the premises or
operations. or produVis avd oamploted 0pera1lons, icf vMlch y-ou have boon added as Lip addiliona:
insured by MOLL Mufa'o:�; or
JT) When You Add Others As An Addillonal Insured To This Insurance
I hat Is otha,r i9surance aura.auo to an addltr)nal Insured.
However.me following orovisioiis apply to other Irrsurar+ce avaliab e to LvV person or organlzallon who Is
an adcrt oral i nsurod uncier this Goyerago Parl.
(a) Primary Irksuranco Mon 111"uIrod 8y Cwtrwll
Ths insuranus is primary : you f:aws ag•sed in u written ooniracL writlen ag-aernOnt or permit -hal.
this imurar�ce be primary- li Other insurance is also primary,we will share with all the: other insurance
by the melhoo described in c below.
(h) Primary And Ivan-Contributflry To Other Insurance When RequiFEd By i untracl
If you have agre�qd in a wrtien contract, written agreemerld or permi-that this insurance is primary and
non-con-ributcry with the addtionaZ insured'B own insurance,this insuvgnce is primary anc we will not
seek contritx�tan frnm rho-Other irisuranp-_.
Paragraphs(p) and M do riot apply 10 other inslirer-;E�lf,W-Li-,h#-� agditional inskired has been :jddec'
an&dofional insured.
Where this insurance ii,:� expels, v-m- -.uilf have no dub' jnd5r thL3 i7over,ne Fart to defend the -nsured against
anv "suit' V arry othef insurer -1as a duty to defend The insured against the `su n If no 0thef insurer defer:ds.
wo w,ll underlahc to do so. but wo will be entitled to the Insured's rights a-�alnst all those other Insurers,
When .his insurance is excess over other irsjrar : we will pay only our share of the amount of to Ios3. I
any.ihat cxcoeds the sum of:
(1) I hi:� -0,a. arroucrt that al sutir7 otelor Imuranco would oay for the less In the obsor or this Insurance'.
(2] T Ito-0-a 01 all Mdr.r-Ublo and.Solf-Insuxeo ai:iounls under a I Mal:o=r lnsu ftrin=
We will Sha-14 1.17c rf:ma.nlnQ loss, if any. Willi any Mar gnsurailca -hal. is -101 doseriued in .his Lm=
tnsuraimi provision find was rot.bought.s,p uificdllyr Lo apply ill EIXS:NbS 01 MG Limits oI Insu�anco shown in
the DWareidi0ns of Lhis voragc�Rar'.
Mlliod-Of Shating
I: all LIis other insurance psrmib. cwikibuGcn LTy aq--jal shures, we will fallow Lhis rneifxad also- Under ih s
upprue,Ji. Hach insur-or CuflNbubgS qual 3muu-iLs until iLf}-�b mid iL. applicable Iirnil. r2 insuranbe or none of
Lf-,� loss remains. wh.cnevu cornea first.
FarFFL SL DO OD iD 18 Page 17 ad 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
May inplu copyrigtftd maier'al of lnsorarx-e�3er4-,es Office, Inc.,with 45 pprmit%-onl.
14 any al the other in:3tLran-�,,m dogs not permit oontri"ion by equa %hgre5: &q will c*ntrib,rt-q by iimit3. Ijrdrrr•
this melhoda each Irzurer'� -%h I; bases on tie mtio of its appr& hle Ilmh of insurance 1z the
applicable Ilinl-s of Irsuranoe of all insurers,
7_ Tran%fer Of Rbp h13-Of Recpvwy Ageinsfi Others To Us
a. Transler Of Rlghtw Of Recovery
I' th-e insured -ias fights W recover all or part ci any payrrlerTt. indvdin�) Supfalerri-i?ntara' r'ayfirie-nts. we have
made under this Cwerap part. those righN are transferved W us, The insured fr ust do nolh ing after loss W
Impa:e t-hoar, At wr requc-.l, bho 1mr umd will bfing "cull" or trarsiar vwsc� righ,s to us aid help us oWorco
Ltbm. this cwdi lion dam r�oL aoply l-o klacl-;�ail �x i1�;es C-bvbr c.
b. WaMwer Of Alghta Of Recowery intwer Of Submgatlon)
I' 1ho it-Aired has kvaivod my rights cr recoMor� against anV person or organizallon for aI or pafl. or any
payrnenL, iricAuding Suppleir.urriary Flay msrrLs_ we have hialra under Ulis ,'Ovi agg Part, wu also waivo Ih al.
rig-il, pruvded the ir•sured -�raWd their dghLs of recovery against Koh person or organization in a Wntract.
agreement or permit that awes sa;ecuied prior to the injury ar damage-
1_ "Afhvert:semerfr' means a naiice that is broadnnst or published tin the genefel public or specific ms'i$t segments
a�W your gtaadc;: prodii(y,5 nr sarvit;fis =nr t R p:irpnc;R of aHr.=iryg ctrTt}ners far supp4rers. Fa,the ourpnsfa of
this defie7itior.:
a. Notices ths; are p4rlpli!5h,�d it rie mated-91 plated on the Iniernel fvf an zim:lar elf?r.trnnip rrwan of
-�ommtinic.atior; and
b. Regarding web sites. only that part of a web site that ig about your goods, products or !3ervces for the
pirrrinsrr raf'irtfaf:ring rrrslnrrifirs cr Aupperrnm Is c r7sln .ri-A an ative:rrIrd,.mnM.
2. "?.r�rOrLs ng io6m" rioarm any idoa For an"arv�rListamcr,l".
3. "AsbeslL�s IiEuard" rni ?arcs an expasu ra or Iti rep. 01 exposure Lu the ac:.:ual or alleged oroperGe's e' -Y'SbustJS and
i;�uludes:Fie -riere prmser•c:$or asbsabz in any form.
4. "Au La' ii aaris:
a, A land. mu:rar vihide. trailer rr serni-trailer debign-W ige- Lravel -an public roacs, i-iu uUng any aLiacl:ud
machinery or equiprreni;or
lb. Ariv oltrfar land vet)iule that is subout io a compulsory or firiaricia rasFonsihi;iLw Iayr or caher motor -vehicle
insurance er motor vehicle regisrration lain where it is lice-&ed cr principally garaged.
However, 'auto' does not include 'mooile equ pmeff'.
S. "BWilyr injury' means physical:
ia. Injury;
h. Sickness;or
C. Disease
su:�taineo txy a persort and, if arising out or Lhe above, rnerrial anguish or death at any Lntia.
S. "Coverage territory' means:
2k, The Uniii�d SUL-gs Or Aivorica(hicluding its 16rrrilorios and pOm�ns), PuorL-a RiW and riadu;
h. Ir•LerriaGonai kw dam or airspace, oul only ill the injury or barrage occurs iri Lhu L-oume of Lravel or
Lrarisportation behwen any ala es inc uded in a.agave;
C. All uiher parts of the world ii iris injury or da•rrage arises Maui of:
(1) Goods 4•products made or sold by ycu ,n Ew territory desoribed'n El.above:
J2) The a-�Gwitiea a a person whOS4a Iweno is in :he lu-riLuryr IJe66ribad iri a.abi�ve, blul is away for a short Lime
c,7 your busi riess;or
F(3FM SL 00 OD 10 18 Rage 19 ad 22
Q�2018. The Hartford
rMay inplu copyriq d mallfy.al of ln3ur# �3et4oe$Mice, Inc.,with 45 pt?rmic�%-pn
THO 11
(3) "Per3onsl and arlvp isi ng injury"4fenReq that take plaCp through the In;Ftfna1 cr si miler eleriranic r-P.an%
ci communicatiot},
prnvioed th-P incur ' reLspnnsibiliry to pay dampgeR is determined in the bnir.�d SMtas & Amaxinn f rinhtdintg irk
territories and pos3essionsl, Puerto Rica or Canada, in a 'suit'' on the merits acccrdiN to tM,-- substantive law it
sLKb lerrltory, or in a seMement we agree lo,
T. "Elcctronlc data" means information 'acts or computer programs stcroc as or on. crcal:W or used on, or
transmitted io or room cr}mpLftr so'Lwaro (including systems eind appllcaUons soltwarc). on hard or Ibppyr disks.
CD ROMs, tapes-driao-t, colts, craLa processing dcVlccs or ar-y oLltiar r; s+tarlcs of cctiputer sof:warc which arc
usod with -eleclronicaRy wri.rdlou aquipm-giA. The Ii�ri1% curnpalor progtarns. rlall�rriad Lo in Uiu jai-�yoing
description of 'ale.-Ironic dafa", nears a set of r§Iatbd ele�konic nrVuchons which dir�l ih§ operaEorts ana
iur7ciions of a computer or device connected io it,%which enable the comou:er or device to r-aceiwe, process. smnq.
rstrieve of send data.
EL "Employee' includes a 'leased work-9r". 'Employee"does not irc ude a"temporsr,r %worker'.
9_ "Execuiiwe cificer" means a pe son holding any of the off Der ncsi-Jons createo by your nha•rer. ccnsii,.u:ion. by-
Iaw5 or any-othef aimilRr govern ng do-numera.
10. "Hostile F-re"means one which becomea uncon;rol Inb.e or br3aks out from w7ere it was ime Ar=d is Le.
11. "Impaired property' maanr. :Argib+e property. other than "your product" or 'yrv.ir work', :hrt fi3n,nat be Wsad nr is
Iess t isefiJl hi:MM FA:
n. I: ircxxporeles '�mur product" ar 'your ivark"that is known-or lhougM io be defectiv-9. deflcipra, inadequate cr
riff qqi-st is;or
b_ Yoj )Fire failed to fu lfrll'lhe termc4 of a ran rapt rr reemF<.-q;
ii Ruch propr-t{-can by reMrrd to L_Re.0y:
a. The rcpali, roplacorro ;, adjusirncA or •0mcvaal Of'�aLlr product"or"pour wank';or
b. Ywrfulfllling irc Wfms ct tho contract o,agmonmont.
12. "Insured contract' means_
a. A contract for a Icaw c1 promises. Howyer, that porilon of the cortract for a 4case of premisos `h,t
inooniniliCzs arty pursen oa or�ar, Ior d<ma!1 o by kc_ IigKniN or oxplosion to pfemisos wr1iIG ranLod Io
y ou or 1ciaorarllp cccuplcd -oyr you with perm h slcn or thr� owncr is S.Abj= to tho Damago t o F ferrilses
Rented To You lim:l d rihed its 8eai" a Liahil lyr And Modical LgiensOs Linilts 01 Insurance.
b. A SidiAr`mx Hgmonvni;
C. Any L.asoillcrtiL cpr Iiccn8i: r i t11 f1L, indudirg an somoni. of licor= agroemc:nl. ii1 ninecLion wilh
WMArucLiurr or durnoliLibrt OpaeraG-brt!G un Or wiglin 50 feoL all a rikiho d:
d. Any obligation, as t&quired by ordinanoa. to indemrMy a municipaliLy, except in oorinuctior wr If- xiYjrk FDr a
0, An a 9vatar mat nL-ortarnce ag reenord;or
f. Thai part of a-ty other co-tract or as reerten: pe-laining I)CI yflur busir:ess including an indamr-iFoati-on of a
municipality in oonnaction wth work performed for a municipality! under w -iich yrcu assume the -.art Iiabi'.ity of
nnotier party to pay 'o, "bodily injury" or "pro eryr ds.Rge' to a third person or orga:iiznrion. Tort Iinb,Iity
mac qs a Iiab hty that would be imposed by law in the aoserr-e of any contract or agreement.
Pa•agrmph f_ includes than part of enp onntraN ar Fig rearnent that indemn'rfms a railroad Fir 'bodily injury' or
'prnperry da nage F.riRing i�.rt of conRir.jriipn or r-mrAition nperalinn5 wirhir 90 fee- of any rail�ead prnpe.rry
and aflWing any rai road oridge cr tr ile.tracks, road-be&,tunnel: underpass or cr i-n-
Hotuewar, Paragraph 1_does not inct.xiin rhat part of any cantrncrr or arlreemFint:
(1) That indpmnifi8!3 an arCh+KmEj,e_n�ineer or sttrw r for injt,try or damage ari5inq GA i:)f:
(a) Preparing, apprnwirg r)r faili-in r) pn�paT!a r)r apprqv-!? maps, -,hop draWr-g3: Qpininn:�, rpprrtR,
our-_Y% fielc.orders, chafige orders, desj�ns or orr&yin► s and speN.,fications;or
(b) GIwing dlrailcns or Insimcdons. or falling to give ahem, it thal is the primary cause of vie Inlur'i or
Form St-00 OD 10 18 Rage 19 a!22
Q�2318. The Hartford
{May inplucle ropyrin#rted ma1FL.'-al of Ir.30r# �3er4-,es Office, Inc.,with 45 Rprmiss-pnl
(2) Under which the imu red, if ac archilect, eggineer m !ski. ynr, &3%umes .lability for an irjury -or damage
,vi,,�ing out of the insrired's rerder nfl of failtire to f-ender professional servic , inclu lira nose Iigted in (1
at)ove and superwlsorry. nspevIon, afchitectura'or-englneerirg Lqctfw s.
13. "1 en d wprkee' means a per%on le,qsed to you by a labor leasing firm rirrder an ,igreemen't b err�'Qu and the
labor leasing Frm, to perform duller related to the condo--i of your business. 'I-cased wor f' does not Include a
' mpofary workkr'-
14, "Loading or unloading' means*e har*dllr+g-of properly,
3. After ii Is moved from tho place Where It is ticwp4cd for rwuoment Into or onto err alroraft, watircratt or
b. Whllc;t Is In-or on an aircraft,watercraft or'auto"; or
c, Whilo.t Is oeing moved lrom an ajrersr watorcrali or'aut-o"to the plwt where it Is P nail y dolluorod;
bul. 'I dirk or unluading' mom nol incAuda the novwnGiA o1 pyoporLy 4 moans t,f a iliachailica: dauicu- 01.I iv
Man a hand Lfuck, that Is:no'attac'iod to Lhe aj fcfarl, awatererarl.or"auto".
16. "Mob-b uquipi--mn:' moans urtip o1 Llii� id-Dwing Lypos o1 land wiAiidas, including Orly a-.L LJ%%d iitiuchkifiry or
& Pu Idozors, ferai nia&:iiu,y, IorhliIS il,U 016:r v6dk n d"%gr)&J Ior u�ib peiild[141lyr 011 public r0:kd5-
h. tr'enicles nii iritained Ior iye�,aleEy oil or nex9 to prerni yruu uwvi i ur rent:
a. Veliiules that travel-on crawler treads:
d. Vuniulus-vrhdthor 6*11-propal-W ur rOL, an whioll aria pert anonlly rriounLed:
(1) Pokwer cranes-stuawels-Iowiors. digg-ors or drills-or
(2) Road Donstruction or resurlac ng i�qulpinanl such as graders,scrapers or fa11ors=
e. ve iicles not aescriDea In: a., n , c,, or a- etmvs insi ars not sea-propeuea arm are meirfraineo primsn;v is
pm-t,,da mabili;y-c permenenlly arts:herl egUMmera at the f-nIIrA Ong rypes-
(1) Ar oompreeeors, pumps and generators. including epraying, vigiding, building cleening, tigewhysical
exploration, ighting. and v.�e11 s,erwidneg equ ipme-V' nr
(2) c;herryr pickpm and similar deuira.9!usen rn ra se or Intuer wrk�rg;
f. VE-rdiles nct desor bed to a-, h-, c-,or d. above maintained pdinadly for purpases oftert-har 1he transportat on
of pp.Non&or Cf1rgo.
Hotuever, 3eff-prQpe;pd vehicles xvrkh the follo'Adng lyfpe!� jf pe-rmanenlly ,ztecl ad egUipme-M $re not 'mcbile
-egoipment' hui will he cnn5ide-rP.d ",quka'':
(1) Equipn-enl: of at le.-ist 11.000 pounds grass venirle weiqIht, cresigr-'d primady for:
(a) know removg1;
M) Road maintenance, but nal pen:3trlictio-n or re:3L f nq--pr
M Srge -,leanin0:
(2) Cherry pickers and similar devjcaLs mminted can aUbi-rr NIP. nr Inick ohs-"is and need to raiRe ar lmwer
tuorkers; a,�d
(3) A,f compressors, pumps ana generators, including sprayrinp, welding, builij,ng ce,,1ning, -�eophwslc,9l
expEoraton.-IghtIng and well serulcing equLp7l".
However, 'mobile Ebqriipmerf' comes not irKilude any land v8hicle that z subject to a compu.wry or financial
nmonsibll-tp law oe other motor velucle Insurance or motor vehicle re-�lstfatlon my %whe}v they are licensed or
principally gar agod. La.-7d weh-c os -nubjc . Lo a zompulsory or fInanclal respo-is b111ty+ law or other melor aohiclo
imurance law or moLor weliidi�r6gISLration iaw are comiderpa',autos'.
16. "Cccur'onco' ineans an Lwiniciont Including continuous or r-c�ntc6 oxposvo to -ubst<'i1111a11y T-c wine gonwal
h-arrri'ul cordiLion s.
17. "Perronai and advar lisirg injury' meaub i Jury. i-i::-uui I ig coi isequaril al "bodily injury", arising out Gt 01 ie or more
of the following oflerysas:
F(3FM St-00 0010 18 Rage 20 a!22
Q�2018. The Hartford
rFQlay in luc*ropyrrigtrted ma1FL.•.al of Ir.30r# �3er-4e$Qf lice, Inc.,with 45 pprmi�%-Onl.
a. FaIc;e arrest, dertentiCm or:mprixornmim:
b- Malicious oresei-,utian;
e. The wrrmgh ijl evirAicah from, klurongfii enrry nra: or invasion x3f 1he J9" al private cxxxipan.-. ref a rr m,
dwe: inp or premises that a person -or organi7a-ion occupies: -uommltted by or on t)ehm of its pwner, Iandaord
-or lessor;
d- Oral: written. F,4eWopic. or ar~y -other manner of puolicatiorl of material tha4 slanders or lit#s a person or
-organization or 0sparages a persor-'s or orb agitation's goods, products or zeMces;
e, Ciral, written, eloctrenlc,or any olhor marl Sher of publlca.lon of materlali'hat wloiates a person's rjgh- of prluacy.
f. Copying}in dour"adverliserf*n1', a persons or Ofg,tni7atIG0'S"advertising Idea"or style of'adve ills efh�,.n-';or
p. INfingement oa copyright, slogan, or title of any lit-eraryr or arils-c xork, In youf" rti met rr',
18, "Pollutants' means any solid, liquid, gaseous o, thermal irri and or contaminant, including smote, vaper, soo':
fumes, acldls, alka:ls, cheivimmIs and wade. Waste inelL des ma-erials to be rocycled, re-onditioned-or re-dalmod,
19, "ProducAs-cornplo=operat.ons hazard":
a. Includes all 'bodily injutV' and "pvopertyr damage:' occurrin� away from premises Wu mwn or rent arLd wising
out of"your prod.Act'or 'your work-except:
(1) Noduas Mat-fo Mill in your physime-31 p e icil;or
(2) Wcmfk that has not yet been coenolotcd or abandoned. I-Lawewor, 'you, work" will be -doemod to be
cornpleLco al Lhe conies--of the lollo-Nirig Gar a:
(a) %n all or oho work Called Ior irti your con Lrac.L has teen eornpla%cl.
(b) W'lork all oa the worK to done w th(�Job Site 'gas boor complotod If you f cor tract calls 'or worK at
'nora hart one job Silk.
(c) Marian tnat part or the -boric done at a loo site nos teen put to rrs imenaen use Dy any person or
orris niza?ion r rher rhs n gnother contra=r or sutcr-ftrar.tr r worki�flr-the gsme. prL.art.
Work -hat may need ser,f-ce. mainienar , oornecliarn. repair or repiac.emeni. tit vrlhich is aiherwise
rx;mple e. will by treared FIX complprerr.
The "bndiiy inj<<ry' cr "prQperry clameqe' m jW motif away from premises yrou own or rent, ur-lags your
husiness includes the =K-Iling: handling cr digiritscfion of"your prodix-V for c*nsurnoon on premises yrnci rwn
r)r reL-d.
b- Does not include"oodiiy iiniun/'or'pfoperty damage'aricJnq out of:
(1} The lrrngportWinn of prnpartyf, unlegs the injury or damage arise9 out of a Dondit�on in or on a vehi-,le not
owneo or operaled by you, and that nolit,on was cre#e-d tyy the"loading or unlmdi rig"of that vehirle tyy
arfy Insured, of
(2) The cxalence of loots, unlnstalled oqulpfrenll or abandoned or Unused mattarla.s,
20, ''Property damage' means:
a. Physlcai l:hjur, to tangs ale property, Including-a11 resulting less ei Use of tnint pIx>aerly. All such less of use stall
be doomod to occof-at tl7e tithe et the p"Ica l PnJury that causo d it; or
b. I oss o' use of tanglbrc property that Is i,ot physically Injured. All such lass of use shall be Me ed to occur at
Lf n, L""u of".occurronce"that Caused It.
As used in Lllis doilaiticn,"olcclrcnic daw is noL Iangiblo prcpefLy.
21. ,Suir, means a c1u11 pfoccadln in wrilch dames bo-CaLiso of"bodily IrJUry". "larcvorly damago' of 'porsohcl and
adweriisirg injufy' Lo wlbicll mis insurance applios aie allcj�ed, "Suit"irizludcs:
a. An -'1rbiLr,1Li)n pr eding in which such-darfv1g"ark claimed and 10 which LW inwr�l must Submit or dohs
sibrnii wiLli our cov-sauE-or
b. Any cal.,ior alternative dispuli� resoluLlor, pr eding In Y�tilcli such damgos aN elaifnod Ind Lea whi%,ri u74
insured sub-i Lv with-our uwisanl.-
FGFm St_Opp Ob 10 18 Rage 21 a!22
02018. The Hartford
May inplude copyrigtftd ma1i:,'.al of Insur# �3et4-,e$Mice, Inc.,with 45 pprmit%-onl.
22. "Tpmporar� loaner"mans A person who m furnished to YOU tQ Mehatmitm for a pprrranpnr"pmp -ype' ran Ie2ve. cr
;o meet sea!Bona'or &horl--erm wforkload c-pncitorls,
23. 'Unms gnedi sirr.rF ih' means an s imraft 1het is nal-.
�. L3�signad;
b_ Man-jfpMred: or
c. Wd:fied after man-ufa re;
Jo be ci)ntrplled direct y by a pqrson from 1.ui;hin or-on the aircraft.
24. "Volunleermrke'' rres'is;q person wrin:
a. Is not Nuf"e.mp nyee',
h_ Dnnrtes r i,of Ter via,k;
c. ArM al tqe dieg"'on Gi and vr�hin the. v�ope of des determl reed b�you; and
d_ Is not paid A fge, MIarY qr athnr aampenselion by you-or amine FIse fQr their work pert-Dn•ne;l for you.
25. "Your pro6.1cr':
a. wea ns:
(1) &W goads or products, other than real proper.y, manufgotrjred, %old, handled, distrib.ired nr dispo.=k--d ref
Other.3 trading iinder your nF4mp;or
(c) A person nr orgsn:zwinn whom hl lslness or agars yrxi here srquired;and
(2} Containers ygther thar vehipleR), mate-riF4;s, psrts nr equipm,�nt iurnighed in (-,Qnne-gfiQn -with a4rn good$
or pro6ucLs_
b. Ir�mudes;
(1) Warfor'tlos -or reprosonia91ans ma0c at ar*y Arno Win respect to toe fPLnoss, cluugty, d�arabllltyr,
110riOrMaOCR or use of 'your produd'; -md
(2) TI7o proyla=ng ci or fallum to prov;do * rnings of inafLicth-ons.
c, Does not Include vaeVIN MchlrWs or otimf property vnied W of IacaLco nor the Use or Mors out no: sal0.
26. "Your vk%orW':
(1) Wow or operations porrormod oy you or on your bOW:ano!
(2) Malcrlals,pails or ecplpmont iumished In connectlon A* such wc?fk of opcfatlor)�,
b. Ir-ciudos;
(1) W&rLvbes or reproseniallcns made at YV 11me wtm respect W t -e f ness, qua!Ity. Oearablllty+,
performance or use of-YcUr work": ar'd
(2) I ho proYie ng of or I allure to provide warnings or instxuckris_
FGFm St_Opp-00 10 19 Rage 22 a!22
02018. The Hartford
rMay in lu co0yrigtftd majer!al of Ii•3ora �3ff -,es Office, Inc.,with 45 permis%-pn